f ADVERTISER. Hitfeer' aouccs. ssor 22E Advektishb for sale by a. rr 'ufce-Uer, Eationsr oni 2 ews De&I- - TitAte . M" doorto tfcePoKofflce. -29. -t as ordinary reading Tnarttt, :;-- - j-nsa cestsper line, each Insertion. 'Vspjay type, twenty-five P" eca aidttl- u above rsas- rjrcsTS nnier the bead sf - Waated." cw i " i-chwd tweaty-Sve cents fer each adver ..0faTeUns,orle58jeeaiii!sertion. AJ-ea-nts 3tc Sacs, at lUe rate of 2xe .T7 -.- NUC .M"", . 1 a Fr -aw. " " - Autliorlxecl Ageati. T- es. at Si. Deroln.ls ear asthorized agent r'jrt.MnCHTeJUvru.r"- i -. c-i.na ftn.1 lyftcT- Jsa-T krlto collect and receipt for xaeaeya ane X' sIBEB- JL SirxrcK Is obt MitfcGrfcsi asent at Aspln rt . xeivesabscriptiaadadvcrtlsins.and 5y& awl receipt Uk monies doe as. Bfi-rr at Peru. JS erel wu.-..! uraEs aadcouectaadrece-.p for the aaae. " tairbkotser &. "SACKEH. : inibUshersAGveruser. . CJTT A3Z C0TJ3TTT. -A. geatle rain -e-ron. all of Thursday anty Association;?, of H. meets t .rani Prairie, Tuesday, Junelmd I - eting ' tFrf-i 7;ei;ad the pleasure ot m T. J Majors in the city last '. a. ry Hacker ha3 been making - improvements oa his residence remember the sale of lots at .-er.JiC aest Monday. Be ready to , : free ride says the Judge. ", 1 Berger was initiated into . ' -. wnville Division of S. of T A i:Fr.l3y evening - T-. Teeumseh Herald has heard - trv cirl in that county who ..- v harrowed eleven aeres of j j r " one dav. i x Robinson has workmen ex- rforifa-new business house, .--edtely en Ft of Lawman's It' te a fine brick building. Bowman. whohss been 1 - llr B. t . ., TT-cL3.t- 5 Too fTfitfinp un " re::,rr for that city, came up to ; j family in this city, last Satur- j ji j - rimers from the northwest part ' of Peru, has secured several new sub , ...,. ti- nrrisrv-t for s. scribers for us at that place. The ATUIZV n V vr- I w- .. .cat e.-p wits uever better. zl fr-! trees of bearing age are young fruit. ; - Wt- understand that T. J. Mr- Tr.-cjpalof the Normal School, IX ini La gjne in West Point as one; JL? " minittee of Examinaiion a i.jrc:I.la-y ehol. j is - Wj sv-pre mistaken In saying that U-: - p .ock was sentenced to five! ?tk "-f ruoompnt ""for "roUbIn'Tthet - ... , - I " ff ,ii .n .xownviie. ie vsraa - " -" ports from some twenty-five coun ..; . nniv one vear. isr . . .. . -..mn-inmAntM Ft Madison j eo.imprnmenti3Ft.Main. " . - To- B-atrice Express thiuks the 7.Ile eatrie are herded in town j r,T... itti lmt nto. We ! k- . ... j K-.ii.Ti ; d Ut too many hills and orun ircooi pasturage, and have to drive; - s mile or two before gra?s i L.er creeii thincs are rounu , vt a5 luxuriantly asm Beatrice- 9T. :nitv of the Scorese office. I' -VV see by the Liaaoln papers -ii.t..a been determined to hold a r : Ta.r at Lincoln on the 2fnd, -'- -itL. and 25th days of Sepleni ' I: is to be regretted that the 532-?r- in tke materhave selected j '-It -e for the Fair oTthis county, ! -ra.Lg to present appointment. i - . w- mree yv , , Jsj ami many ot our Ci""a ! many Granges to buv directly from - W--.5 like to attend both their , thg mQnufacture. Frk:es, however, -F.r and the District j? air, ean- , arg much reduced from those of form--3so unless the time for one tr er owing, of course, tothepres--sather is changed. We suggest to.surebro' ntto bear by the Grange Agricultural Board of this conn-. ::atae time for holding our i?air --a week or two later, or earlier, as j be thought best, and that will "-!:.: as little as -possible with shboring Fairs. A. - " 1 i i iry canvassed the city the other j j .u -ee vraat aavertieuicii " -JgEtto insert in the premium Iisia -"-sajproacning vjooaty x-aii, auu -.3 not meet with good success. -"tUsinsss men do not desire to ad- i -- is. that way. As the advertise- ; farmer de3troyers of insects. Some J-J" J -ave heretofore usually paid for Qf Ms neighbors in the vicinity of Pr-Gilng, itcoat the agricultural so- thg couutyfarm hope he will discon octhlns. This year if the society ' . . . , ,Hta.riminate slaushter of -1 hire its pamphlet printed, the J c W3." ! w-.r. niu niiA Htr tho .J nave tone paia oy iue Jsa: lrJ jf the society which it is ymtoodenleted Circumstances 3, essefiifillv offr the rounds ! tmudingE are put in proper shape J paired as should be. The fail- t. rrncnro oifi.arfialncr however. e e Advertiser have determin-; r- -- w au . t; bj.Mp.. -- '-araake nn rfiffcrence with the Association, for we have offered to s- e premium list in nice pam ioRn withont anv charire free, K. f .1- . . . . J:-..r- n i. lie Association ueuee u " 6 printing, and no advertise ftsgha;: go Into it excepting those if,.... 6 ""xau. ..- "- i rfl rc..n ii..i ., 1 Hirrol -"Muus uiai iuc pcwjic -. QTeiy friendly towards us, giving Qath tm,. i ..i,mii 11 monr 1 1. ''s urn w--. 4 - n caa rrm nuir-i J881!, and are willing to contribute J4 ?anerous!y towards its success. &0Pea?hf hAlid-c-n the neoDle of --1 ziau oeiieve tne peup.o j i town aud country have such a t ftnd are ready, every one, to do 0rh6rhic fn. ;fo nnnnmmsticn. f j tftor j x .,k . "- ucsi lor its coiiauLLiLLia.i. ieu i . .. :r. i au . .. . r year. tw ,- vrr r-on for! Jg, wHl be one of the most pro- i,ia 7Te tbe people have ever seen, .-v certainly wm not permit , G . ui nn n n . ormn-jr tjt itg a mi Mr .. -. ii . uteoranvthnr- nr !r. fc'OORMIGK Three more prisoners recently caped from the Nebraska City jail. J eS- f The Missouri river has been ris ing gradually since last Thursday. Pred August deserves to be brag ged on, as a street sprinkler. TTr rtn j his wort well. The population of this cctJnty is 8.202. In 1870 It was 7,694. Increase of 709 within four veara. A fashion critic says that the new bonnets ,are the o'ld ones sat down on for half an hour or so. The Star Hotel is about to have a new landlord, but we have not heard who the lucky man will be. Mrs. Berkley will receive to-day May 2Sth, another invoice of hats. Something entirely new and novel, never before seen in this market. m. x7,j , -,, lor one day Lincoln is to have a 5130,000 government building and the crusaders are busted. Wo ain-o thought they were -terribly cracked. All ourmercantile establishments are well stocked up with goods for the spring and summer trade ; and so far as we are able to judge goods are be ing sold at thelowest possible living rates. i j.uuuwsxivcru,u larmer on. ine fo!ah-- ?an'y Grangers have- Muddy, and Mrs. Helbert, residing a formed a""joint stock, company and'r m i. r ... ,. . subscribed the necessary Spftal to i feWmieaJVe3t of Brownnlle. died start business. TfebrnxkrT cmj, a, ! What kind of business ? We have- n't heard about that before. f Inflation or otherwise, there one thing certain, and that is, when! anv Of Otir furmprs rT cfnnL-m!;r;' any of our farmers or stockraisers have grain, cattle, hogs, etc., to sell there is plenty of money to pay cash down with. -S.P. Tuttle and Frank Afnrri? Good for Ueub4ha.:egoId heir nterest in the Stflr Hotel to Alf. W. Morgan and are go- ! ing to engage in the well auger busi- 1 A TTT. l "esa- . ve oeeve tney nave aone well, for the Morgan auger is a sue- cesg. A j gkeen lagfc hBftrintinn. w ,, i It's no use to try to.get along without rthe ADVERTISER. A man can cer- Set aIon and Pron better wiin nis county paper tnan ne can woatit. We hae nejrlected to acknowl- edge the fact that the Rev. Mr. Britt, Rev. gentleman called at our office last week but we not being in did not have the pleasure of meeting him. George Garrison has been re-in-j stated in his old position as superm tendent of the Great Western Liverv Stable, by Sperry & Morrow. George a master at that business and the , proprietors of that popular institution realized that they could not well get along without him. . .. - We have observed the oron re- f "ie ite and from all par.s or it, j amUnnolocalIty arethey5a.d to olher than excellent. Of course, it j g o ear m uoU s.- fe geaerally made to the wheat and j frHit crI- Corn is coming up splen - idly and promises well j - .Vth h , OD3 that are promised for the rapidly , . .j t,....i.i ,inondent. If the 1 , tr. .... ......, t I anticipations of the people in this one ( respect is nearly met with, times, i with the merchant and farmer, labor- with, times, i er and mechanic, and all cluses of business men will be good. The Teeumseh Herald says more orrriitnrnl imnlements have been soM th.g yeftr by lhe deaIers in that citv than ever before, uotwitbstand- ins the expressed determiuation of .AW . W...W.- .. What in the name of common sense does a man mean by spending bis time shooting birds this time of vear we unuersujuu Lueto is a . tain school teacher iuthls county, u JMt . ' . q, cflafiniug .him,eIf to training the young idea how to shoot, con3tantly when out of school,! wandering about o-.-er the neics i (-. .'shooting all kinds of inoffensive birds, which are a real benefit to the the innoeente, and suggest that it .. ...', t ... ,. ., tn rin co. .tw nntpn-or on mr list f friends, Thouzh graced -K-lth polished manaers and flnesense. Yet wanting ;sibHity, the man W he needlessly sets foot apoa a worm." Qewper. Mr. Tnomas Bobbins, a lone old I man, living away up North Avenue. and who raises garuen iruc. auu sweet potatoes, was brought before Judsze Stull on Wednesday last oy Marshal Campbell, for the offense off purported to be some items of news using vulgar, obscene and profane jfrom Republican City, one of which language in a loud and offensive man- wa3 a scandalous story about J.N. npr in The uresence of ladies, and for j Lucas, Esq., in connection with an- f"llinr a certain IadV bad names. The f --- - testimony was asainsc ttonuiu, uu tr. r u t - .., - jnr,fn ,-f nri oniH hp" had not been - mi i w mmo r tmi nnii v -u vmws hia.rtht hothered hTm. that he Ufll III! ?UUiU blk- blackguarded the cat and called the f ci.Harnn! names, and that hel ;.i..,. wnrd intended for the! t.. .tMr.foi1 nil his- talki and" aou-e to his cat. The Judge fin- "'""-"" --.-. nr-ui.L.ukWM , . . .c j-ii n.r nnsta nnn ' . T - l. msfs nniT' ntlv mniiMtPd him not to talk to -uiLa nve uuuo. to talk to ' is eat in that way and manner any j fellow that wrote thatlettertb'Brbwn mre, and if he was brought before ; vilfe, if he finds him out. rnore offense be nin agam Ior sucn au u- : irnn n nnit trrnrisoiiiiieiit iu iiuw. --- -.. ... ? M. ttna fSTic it is a pity about that cat. NEW LISHTBEAFf REA'PEB MOW - Mr. Tirtrrr of A i Ti - a call Tuesday. We understand that Phil. Deuser has been sick for several days past We notice that our "grain buyere have been busy receiving wheafthis week. See advertisement for Eealed pro posals to build a school house, in dis trict No. 23. Birl Hoover is buying immense quantities of wheat and corn, at Ne- maha City. ,-. -Lost, one-heavy gold sleeve but ton. The finder's price will -Be paid Lby leaving it at this office. Monday adn Tuesday of this week McCoy received about four car loads of hogs. He ships to Chicago. Since farmers have got their com about all planted, business ap pears more lively on our streets.. "We understand that our telegraph office is to have a new operator. Miss Mullet arrived Tuesday to take charge of same. Joe Hudart has ice to supply the city, and commenced delivering. Leave ypur orders with him if you want hice. Thomas Evers, a farmer oa the on the 2otfa Inst Hetzel and Huf. Leach we un derstand, have purchased the right of Morgan's well auger for Is emaha Jv ,. e 'C county ana propose to maee wells for We have two Interesting com munications from J. S. Church, one From Oshsosh, and the other . from l Chicago, which will appear in our next issue. We say again that -our railroad news is good. Everything said aud done tend toward confirming us in the belief that a brighter day awaits this people and is close at hand. James W. Dje called on us this week. He Is agent For a patent churn, said to be an excellent one ; and he is alo agent for the Easterly l Reaper, the best one made, -we guess. BrownvlHe is the most orderly, peaceable, quiet city of our acquaint- ' nrifP. Pn apMnm vre : 0 flntnlr min or have a street riot, as of old. We never before saw such a Brownviile. Downie Muir, of the Merchant's I Bank, Lincoln, came down last Mon-' day to see his parents and friends at Brownviile. and will remain dtrrln the week. He favored the Adver tiser with a call and a friendly chat. Read the advertisement of John a Bell's lumber yard. He wants it distinctly understood that he has the most extensive lumber yard in the country and can sell so cheap aa to please every bod v that can be pleased " " at all. Friend Henry Hart, ofAspin-. . lnfoPrin. ed ug h3t h cros3ed on the uew !ron I bd!gs at Nemaha CitT a3 be came to towrK Wednesday, 27th, we believe wasthe firat day it wa3 rendy for crossing teams. TI tAlthwin ntiemBn called ap-lthis week and renewed their sub - W.r . .1.- , , .. . -r w. Prnn M.nArinipniiflnt Pnhlio Iastruetion ; F. Studheit, of Feblng ; ' -'-. ,... w. Hawxby, J. K. Smith, Nemaha City ; Thos. Higgins, Aspinwall ; A. T. Hutchinson, Peru; J. L. Crook. R?d Oak, Iowa; J. P. Price, John sou, Neb. They all say they like the Advertiser better than ever before. Overcoats are getting to be bur densome these days along about now, and in fact we saw a man-in town the other day in his shirt sleeves and another with a summer coat on.' Ice cream signs are to be seen. and to-diy we heard what we to&k to be the pop of a soda bottle. From the array of whiteness we are led to believe that warm weather is near at hand. Our worthy fellow-oitizen, L. A. Bergmau, has been appointed an agent for the American Line of steam- era between rmiaueipnia auu .uier . ...... j-r; pool. From him you can get a ticket to any of the interior points of Europe. Persons may visit the "old country now at very low iravenng raies, iur . A 1 I 4. -. . instance, about $40. would take Gus. back to Hamburg, his old home in Germany. Just as we go to press we learn that Stowarc Black, a young man about 23 years old, son of Isaac Black, Pom tcas rirnwned on Tuesday of Peru, was drowned on Tuesday cthis week while bathing in the Mfs Csouri Biver. His body was Immedi- iatelv recovered but could notbe.resus- citated. He could not swim and was floating on a log when he fell of with the result stated. A similar case to the drovra,-ug 0f Frank Paxton a year "ago. A few weeks ago we published, our readers'here will remember, what other man's wife ve lasc wees re- ceived a letter from Judge x.ucas ae nyiug the accusation, and stating that the man who wrote the private - - letter containing the slander to a cit izen of this city, is a "contemptible. cowardly liar."" We are glad r Wo .ire triad Judse Lucas is innocent of the charge of "TOttinor nwav" with another W;fe, and take pleasure in-setting him !-. --- r!n .f hfltnrp nitmanv irc.u j ;nKf iiafnro hittmanv menus OIlOls - ..s -. n W O . IV . city. Lucas will put i city. Lucas will put a head on the aud ton batten, by Stevenson- fe Cross-. ....w- . - - PiTEOSS OF HUSBANDRY. Regular quarterly meeting of the County Association at -Grand Prairie first Tuesday in June, (2nd in3t.) 10 o'clock A. 2L. CHUP.CH HOWE, Pres't. T. J. Majoks, Sec'y. f Grand prize given to McCormick's new light draft reaper and mower at the World's Fair over all other ma chines. Sold by Stevenson & Cross. TaE "EASTERLY" REA5EB. James W. Dye is selling theEaster - iy .rteaper. Tnls reaper is acknowl- fl,Ua, . ., . . , . . ""-""i edged by all to be the lightest draft rano. most aur&nle machine now In use. Farmers will do well to send for circulars or call on me at Urown ville, and examine the machine for themselves. SwS JA3TES W. Dye. FAR3IERS If you want to purchase a Header give your order by the 1st of June, so you will be ablo to hate it in time. TlSDEL & P.ICHABDS. H. H. Dolen has received a splen did line of summer hats which he will sell very low, also a full line of linen suits. McCormick's new light draft reap er, the best in down grain, sold by Stevenson s Cross. FARJIERS. We call your attention to the fact that the Headers are in great demand this season, and those who intend getting one will call by the 1st of I June and give their order. Bv so do ing will be able to get a machine. TlSDEL & ElCHARDS. A new stock of neck wear aud Ecarf rings at Dolen's. ciiOCics : clocks : The undersigned has just received a Ianre lot of clocks of variouf styles and nrices. If you want a clock cive b him a call he can suit you. His pri- ees are right down to suit the times. Joseph Shutz. Car load of Buckeye Reapers at Tiadel fc Richards. A new stock of piece goods at Dol- Farmers, In buying a reaper get one that will do good work in down grain, for from present prospects wheat is going to be so rank that if we have a rain storm it will he badly lodged, and the McCormick beats all others in down grain. Sold by Ste venson & Cross. TISDEL &. RICHARDS Dealers in ail the best harvesting ., . Buckev. Woods. 'Kirby and Cavuga Chief Eeapers Haines III. Headers. Give your or- I ,lnK In tima jr c rk !A enra r? rrot"- a machine. For a nice, light, nobby coat call on j Dolen. I FAR01ERS Are bovine machinery of Tisdel & rRfcbards. They k-eep the-befei antlf .... 1 ell the cheapest. CULTIVATORS 1 CULTIVATORS 1 We have a few more of "those fine cultivators which we offer down at a bargain, all warranted in every par ticular or no sale. Tisdel & Richards. MeCorrniekJ5 new light draft reap er and mower was awarded the only medal at the World's Exposition in 1S73, and sold by Stevenson & Cross. The nobbiest hats in town can only be had at Dolen's. THE FOURTH OF JULY Nor the 1st of August have come yet, but Craddock & Son have the best and most complete stock of guns, ammunition, etc., ever in this mar ket. They call attention of those wanting a good but cheap fowling piece to their large stock of muskets. They IraTe two hundred, ranging in prices from $2.50 to 55.00. Call on ('raddock & Son. TISDEL fc IilCHAROS Are daily receiving machinery by the car load and are able to give you lower prlce3 than elsewhere. RAILROAD IS TO BE BUILT. A. W. Nickell, late of McCreery &. Niekell, has concluded not to move from Brownviile, but has bought Loa. ThurmanJs Drug store, next door to State Bank, and he will be-glad to see all of his old friends and patrons at his new Drug Emporium. 47tf New Bed Steads, Carpets, Bureaus, and Wash Stands, cheap for cash, at Roy's Furniture Store. Call soon. SHOE PACKS. If you want a pair go to Alex.PkOb ison's. For fair dealing'and the lowest fig ures go to Stevenson & Cross. To tUe Granger of.Vemaha County. I take pleasure in recommending Messrs. Stevenson & Cross to transact your business until I receive instuc tioas from the State agent, and I au thorize them to take orders for you. S. W. Kfeiy, County Agent. RECEIVED. A ner snpplv- of spring Coilco as L. LOViIA2TS. Spring "and Summer Goods. Will open a large stock of funcy. dress goods at L. Lowman's. Teas. A full assortment at Swan & Bro.'s, at prices to suit all. Booss and Shoes for men, ladies and i 1 nfiiMron ifrT. T.rkTrtwn ? L A I A IUI t A A - . &U J -. I X S M III '1 II r teas: teas:: The cheapest.and .best at Gilmore & Co's. The best corn planters in Nemaha i county, sold by Stevenson & Cross. TBjS COTHxTY. XTE3IS "11031 SHERIBAE. A. C. Half., of Kalaniiz. Mich. spent last weefcin this vicinity He intends to locate in Nebraska. Those improved Weir Corn Plows are nearly all gone. Persons wishing to buy had best call soon. People -visit Sheridan daily for the purpose of selecting lots before I the sale which will be the 1st day of ' june. T u , We,are to have a picture car in h ,ua , nrL, au a Sheridan the last of this week and the first of nexL. Let all come that want pictures. Prospects for fruit were never better, and how we shall ever get through those awful 'hedges i3 now the great question. Every week more copies of the Advertiser come to Sheridan than did the week before. So we judge its circulation is increasing. Some people are complaining of two young men who left town be tween two days. Some small things are missing and no one knows when they will return. Mr. Is . Bishop, of Geneva, Ohio, is visiting relations in Sheridan. He spent the winter in California and re turns home with his health greatly improve!!. We have noticed several pieces of corn up in the vicinity, and several farmers have already begun cultivat ing. There is a fair promise for an abundant crop cf wheat this fall. Our County Superintendent vis ited the district school recently. Miss Locke, the teacher, feels highly hon- ored and hopes he will come sgain soon. Wouldn't we like to be Coun ty Superintendent. What's the matter with Hr. H. of the Granger? He appears to fear t rivals among the female graduates of Mrs. Brice. Never mind Doctor. you can train fast horses ladles will not lecture on that subject. Wesley Duudas is selling lets of goods. Everybody who examines stock and prices since he .quit .the credit system ami reauceu prices, is f satisfied that it is no use to send away for goods when they can buy cheaper at home. - We heartily commend the letter of Mr. Bridge, in the last Advertis er, to the consideration of all classes. If all Grangers would talk aud write as he does, and practice the same, there would be no cause for opposi tion to the Grange movement. -The school teacher at Grand J Prairie, Miss Anna Bali, makes use of the blackboard and goes for the j Grangers who spit tobaoco juice and 1 rolls of tobacco oa the school house floor. That's right, Anna, give 'em ... nu .t . r 41..H .u.t i:ls. icii uiuui iu;ciuiui, iunt i uai they're for. During a ride through the south-j western Dart of the county last week ...... . 1 i we saw several breaking teams at,PCtrs. work, and also .several houses in pro- We think there is ' "- . - more impTOven mpTOvement beins: made in the countv the present season thaniraa"S- ' for several years past. i We notice in a paper an account of the skedaddling of the arent of!fo the Grangers in Mitchell County, Iowa, with the money received byi ' him for sales of wheat and corn be longing to the farmers ojihis vicinity. Another instance of the folly of trust ins such affairs to middlemen. QlaTtKri line hn acrarol tails . ,..,,.. , -,,, A maue by lightning rod peddlers of f late. Conner scroll. Conner atrin. cor-1 ruated-iron, round iron and other ... .-,ii u k j ii. varieties of rods, have each had their 1 advocate, who, of course, are each ' ; .... .i i stronir in recommending nis own rod ., ".i : n .u. Tir i. uu i-'uutKiiuiuic .... o,..c.. c u.e j become so mixed on the subject that f to be safe we think we will do as the contributor to the Rural JS sw Yorker) advUw. "huv one of each kind and kind T I twist them all together and theu we couldn't help being right. SS DESOIX ITEMS. The farmers are generally busy and business is rather dull. A. J. Bitter surely means busi ness this time. He Is out n the trail at least five nights during every week. Sam, step into W. T. Durett's I with me a moment. They have an article which they will produce that will take effect Immediately. Dr. and Auntie Rice enjoyed a good ride behind the colts a few ev enings since. Dr. Holds a cteady rein and the grays perform quite well. Judge Ritter has just received a Iaige and well assorted stoek of Agri cultural Implements. te proposes i to sell low down for cash. Come and examine for yourselves. State Deputy McCdsland deliver- f ed us a"temperance lecture on Thurs- ua nifiui iai,. ne gae us uire. hi- , formation from the frout, and express- ed himself highly pleased at the suc- i cess of the cause all over the State. County Superintendent Pearson was in town last week looking after the educational interests of our com munity. He thinks it will be possi ble.for him to superintend an Insti tute for us during the coming fall or winter. Rome was once tiie most power ful nation in the world, so she galued H , "".,,. .... f ey ' ' , , . -f well. Jeroin on last Saturday dream ed sbe mhrbt become rrotorious. Ai kjicah; party and ageneral good time. Were the order of exercises. The t ipriucipai ooject of ail was .to bid adieu for a 3hort time to the olaee! " where we actively carry on our differ- a full line of smoker's articles con sent vocations in other" words we de- ' stantlv on hand atBerirman & Co's.. sired to forges wno we were, and where we came from. The Nemaha suggested itself as a place which would" afford" the necessary accommo-t nations for pleasure-seekers, and ER THE BEST thitherward we journeyed. Hillsdale did not-assume a very business-like asoecfc. The mill was silent and.. the villsers anneared silent, toa. When we arrived jt piuwaJl what a hap-' j nv cnause. In front of and in Cant. Minick's stare were crowds of people exchanging produce for goods. At Ed. Wiesenreider's we noticed our former townsman Prank: Pother. When we ascertained that he was employed as clerk in the establish - 1 merit we at dnce predicted for the house a big business. We noticed several other houses doing business i on a smaller scale. Aspinwall ships larger quantities of grain and sells t more goods than any other town of its size on the Missouri. Soon after quitting the above named place we congregated under those beautiful shade trees which adorn the Nemaha river, and realized for once, and at the same time enjoyed our freedom. Different amusements were resorted to. Some fished and hunted, while others converted skiffs Into pleasure boats and took pleasure thus wise. About the time I usually alleviate the pain in my stomach dinner was an nounced. The good ladies- in our company had provided a bountiful re past. Alexander Selkirk in his lone- ly retreat would have prayed for such a feast. Our table was graeed with all eatables including pickles, these Miss. Ellie Smoot and Messrs. Lean der Cooley and E. A. Welty devour ed without mercy. Peter Welty amused himself aud othera by taking care of one gentleman, named Sam Sloat. We all thank Mr. Durrett for his thooghtfulness in preparing re freshments. After dinner the new bridge was Inspected and eocn we dla- f persed and cauie home, J ' llt'SIC I.E5SONS. BY 3IRS. C. B. BOWJUX, At her residence on Nebraska street, first door east of Mr. H. C Lett's. Young ladies of the city desiring in- fstructions in organ music are invited to call and see her and learn her terms of tuition &.C. Herjexperlence, long practice and perfect knowledge of the theory of musfc enables her to ad vance her scholars very rapifaly. For nnrHfMilnrs with reeard to hours of in- stpJcU , th of te - ri et call at her residence. Arrangments for schools can be made satisfactory to pupils and parents. Mrs. Bowman also teaches vocal music in connection with instrument al, if desired, or separately. Terjis. S10 per term of 24 lessons; or $11 if instruction in vocal music is given. KE1V JIHiliXXERY GOODS. Mrs. Johnson is constantly in re- j ceipt of new supplies of millinery j goods. This week she will receive a 1 large invoice from St. Louis, of the i 1 1. j . j-.-i-s v.i i nueal ueL auu Uiuv laauiwtiatjff ( styles. Ladies of Brownviile and vi- einity, before purchasing will.do well i to call and examine her goods and Received, a full stock of Ladles' Linen and Peroale-suits, at L. Lbwc - iTTDATlOK, GRANGERS. Send for oar price list wHh special teems Granges. FURIS"A5.S03ir A SfceOORMIOK,. vm.ii.i3.oovsrf-nirHB:cewis and Conveveneer. Court Room. A choice selection of nlnin and fun- cv vibbon at LouiR Lonwm'. 250 pieces choice Prints jst re-: . . .. , J ' " T , . , Hardware, Tinware-, aed (j,ciic- StefViQn & Cro " " I irAJfTEu: rv. ;n fh -. w uJ.--imi " ? . Ara. WTOirHfliWlertlBUteAi ha Mlddle-Ws fctore. Sweeaey Collmr is the twst colter ande Jbr o and iroQ bv ate-l5'' i."n 1 Spring and summer ekrthiag'ai 'L. Lowman's. S-jirinj audjSnamer (inodi. I intend to sell my gooda&t thelow - est figures, actual cost, with frekrh i added, and feel eonfideofc to please my customers and the public. Ex traordinary inducements oCened to all. Ai baiis! but good, substantial i goods for old time prtoes. Loins Lw.3f jln", S7 Mai a s treat-. Farmers will not have cheap, infe rior wagons, but buy the Bain. Our Governor's Choiee is the &ror4TOBAOca ACHi3rEity fok. S6LE. ite clear; manufactured by L. A. Bergman Co., No. 46 Main Street. xQ.UEEjSWAIiE. Large stoek at Stevenson t. Cree'. H. C. T.ett Has just received a large ami fresh supply of letter paper, pens, including the celebrated stab pen, "envelopes,! n- itiul naner, etc., etc., sellim: at lerwerf?9 pices tbaQ U3C3, Large stock of clothing for men, f vonths aud children, at L. Lw- Paper Floor Carpet, 25 cents, aj-ard; at Roy's. Toilet soap? at Swan & Bro's. stizt;ps i For s gcod'aml cheap ynip go to I 3n-.. - Tr. Uruu J J4 Grangergbuv vourPIw QtfitAva tors and corn-planters of teve&sft &J Cross. For the best implements of-aay kind, stoves, hardware, groceries or wagons, so to Stevenson & Cross. very low for cash , w 'W Columbia River Salmon, Mackerel, Codfish and smoked Halibut atSwan &. Bro's. ' f 1 XilBS- TEAFOE r M at X A. H. GILM0RE & CD'S. SI JIARSE HARVESTER. MR. TV. I. CQ2IBS WII1 canvass Nemaha County thi3 'season forthB purpose of takln Q"- ders for the old and reliable Marsh . mLxed, on North Missouri traok,5SS). Harvester. This machine has beenJaSf.. ra 5 mixed remrfar. 55&oSc : greatly Improved for the 'harfesl of 1S74, and to-day is the finest and best built machine ever offered to tho pub- 5 f lie The machines will be delivered i at Browuville or Nebraska City, as; . best suits the purchaser. Send for cir jcularand term3ofsu!e. SeotheMarah Harvester, buy it, use it, and by so; Going you win live long acti nappy. Address Wheeler & Tcoeer, Nebraska City, Neb Hepcirs for the Harvester wIH be kept s heretofore by Tiadel : Biefa - ards, of Brownviile. GRAXSERS READ AC BtJY. We have Grange corn pkmterscul - tivators, &c, setn to us bv the State Agent lor vour oenent. Tnese lin - Iplements are warranted to do good work and are sold at actual cost. Stbveksqk & Cross. The ''National Currency Tobacco made by Colhap of this city, when we ! consider its quality, and cheapness. and the peeuiiar style in which it is put np, is the best thing in the tobac co Kne we have seett. It is put up with a view to small wholesale customers, Farmer. Grausera ami others who fwaat to buv direetlv from the manu facturer should see Colhapp 'before supplying themselves. FARJiERS I It yon rtsfe to tmy groceries hy th paek ae. e&H a us, and we will seU.yoaat.St. L-Joe. er CtUoassprlcts. with freight addel F.E.JOKNS02I & CO. Alton lime at Swan & Bro's. WE GO 1 "WE go : 1 all around the city of Brownsville, and where do we stop? Why, at McCoi- flums. There we can get the bestot . .w.u., .n. -u, .u.ui, ti-t rc nam.. to drink, and ean while away a pleas - ant hour readimr the new in hi - ! splendidly arranged rooms. At Mc's is the place of peace and quietness. GRAKGES, When you come to town, come and hsee me. aud get what you want to eat. T will hliY vnnr nriuliw moat Kittfur- ... ' ' anil eggs, and sell you your groceries as ehap as any end man dare do it, without he steals them. W. H. 3XALL Nace's old stand. ATJTR AGTI VE . Go to W. H. Small's old stand and I see tiie most splendid Bar-ceom in the j oily of BrownYilie. It has just been refitted aad refurnished in tine best of 1 style, and the bar afibrtle the best of' liquors andeignrs. MCflumn gives ! his oucteruers satisfaetion. New styles of Straw Hats, .at L. Lowman's. Vacuum Of! by the glH, pint, juert i.or - galio, at Baaaefei?? .:,. isrtag yoar bottle, can, or ms, to J. H. Bers, ami get some Vacuum OH. - . I i ICE CKEAH! ICS CXEAX I I At W. H. SmaU's. Nee' old stand. , T. M..f , . . . tl.'ZS. I A- t U..VU lif a UIK iUUUl 1UI LUC i accomodation of ladies and man gentle- i " Farmers, don't throw away 30 or90 , dollars on a wagon U)6ae 10 dollars, Tnft: HY- iKd HMD tHv &m fkAttluKtn- 3a4 bey the Baia ther ais tfcehao - , " " f L. Lowmba le received' a spleu-' sifrrtTOAN n m tii rnirr ofmhiv .. . ..... . , iuomtew ouueweatk?eor the Uttte Km.- aid selection x fmacy gofe and i-rTa?7 jSmTU m tfc Jtewn- ftjooe, at S7 jniu street. tjnv? Ft. ifwrnrrnv MttienwfcaRiyw - Katirenic ritrti ml wd of.awMirl. j fj n wcu ofNebrska Cl:-, 20 miles Yocaaay laAic. momx,ymT Viac-ar BiUcrs.iegt n7cMKb.J6aBHivTta-ms. f T- niva im sink m riiaawi .IBrai' ' .farmers, in buying vaeuues Utif TfDpwcn ..rwn. tw non m nn . InanUi. with who mm4 NHHel -seorft . jjotiwau ae uw napou ui a iw i i j rra cnu tmc kw j.paic;e ui n u . can by ealiieg on Bener, with , your? bottle ean or juz. I 1'X.iSTBRI.VC KAI?. For sale by the poo Mi er bv ttte bushel by J. H. Bauer. Roaeived. Spring and Soner Par iasis, at L. LowmeV. The best and cheapest reapers wHH:r .erUUr. hu- aiu roD- w. be sold this year by Staveasoa 4-4 Croce. I will ell, low down for cash, my screw press, raesliis&ad other appara tus for the manumetBre of tewaeeo. Apply in persa at the factory, mr by Mettefte i J. L. Colkapp. ; , . . uUUn . ...-. "' '' ' Beiac inlbcned thM. Mrerel Gokmk1M WetakTauwO; dhZ offtejsM, I wish to my to too, thm: ifjoawtn allow zaeUtefesmeproafry oil I will tt saUsHcd M tekc LOCKS LO WMA5. 4jracrorass. Sew SitzTxar Cared Haan' jus oui ot tne raor.e a. swan & isroa. . . t j.: .1 ... i 1 i i-. V " iiwjrea uu oium aurrin: uai zt L. LewajKn1!. The celebrated' Boooe Coj Moj Flour at Gilmore Co's. Ce.iaet work of ait klaa order at J. L. Roy's. Maei to (Coslort laatersy end mcs bzalQBAIIP&OIiALio4fia5rwai u.. c... - c tkJ rec t-: r.S i.t unulele.u"eJok. by Stevenson & Gr- . Z wteMi ,T, An. ,o. so, fm too ciTKi;sa. If you wish eb'mp uh, eafl && onr clock of clothing. F. S- Jo'txsox & Co. rfE'W goodh. F. H. Joaaso & Co. are anw re - I eeivki'- their swin'ctflefc -uul -u,, j?ron. or fr .iaiy aoUmrtvd igemor atior eeHia weir sprisg sieeit wtofieit -ese Zerm thnetnrrw mo, m ai tboesht a:retlyreloced.rloesw Call i1 lorerr1 " hwto,t ftir- 1 . , ttu sw iwt jwir ei ve3. ITfATTikT 0?L on ta& f&j. jZn , Stevenson & Crues. Fish poles, 5s"H hooks and 5eh lines t - by tevenon : Cros. 'THE 3L&&1LB31S. ST. LOK2 MAKTCnTS. May 25. Wheat- Aiav 5. wheat .nz .ffnrln" dull I and lower; sample lots 3Td. 2 sold at j S1.19! .20 ; fall, dutiand unehamred ; t sample lots No. 3 red sold at$ls356l.- , 3c . x"n 147&1 -3. Cork Dull and unsettled; No. 3 offered May at 58 le; oSJc bid., . , - - ,p , -v m I OATS-Dhll aad unsettled" fcr. 2 j cjh ofiered atac ; 46o- bfu j car lot ( in loTirr anTi! nt n5r t ... ..W ....W. k ... w- Barlby Nominal. ItYE Dull at 95fe5r.'flO Hogs Dull and lower at 350g 590. Cattls In fair demand and I stead v : nriine ami choice native , steers Sa.00ft9.0ff; cows and heifers j 3 goSOO ; Texan &L50&S.00. " 1 , . ! ciixcago jslxrkets. 1 xaj - "-"- -"", "ckkw and lower' "e-1 P"og Sl.221 i ; - 2;18 -h SL1 Inaeol 3 Mm. : ThrirmUn.ll nair)w4 1" - CoRr Fair demand at lower rates, 1 and unsettled ; No. 2 mixed oSJoiCaah. OATi Fair detaaatiand advanced j U-. .-U .4 . ' o -, -tdeeasu. , Kte Dull aud a sfiace lower: io. e f$lj 00. . Barley- -Quiet anfi unchanged ; U- No. 2 quoted at $1.60. Cattle Shipping steers active firm and 15$20o higher ; fair to .choice steers 35.3550 ; prime to extra.S5.00 (6.50. outside for lots averagingl.GQOj some ehoice Texaas brought 3&C&. Hoos Active and firm, with the range at 5.00, 8.C0 for common to ex tra ; most of the sales were good". to choice at 5.404.50. " f'Brovmvilie Grain end Stock: DlsrStt. Whhat Besfrspritig. SOSic '' Cork Firm at40c. " Oats 45c 'n Ho36 44J. Cattle $5.0ttr Choice 23. SPSCZfl.1, NOTICES. ! jfjls T-a i "V7ir-w ,SL J-tSCLUiC LU iUUlli; Hittll fCS Just Pftr. fti af$0e ai- Pricaitacatfa. A Lecture oa the Katnrr. Treatment,, and Radjc&l tar of seminal WeakMes . or Spzmiot rhe. mlncl by 5etf-Abwe. InvolaMArj- Bb- JM.impoieBCJ', tervocs waf, acaiapw j "sfESS32r: ncr.. bj-tiowbht j ctn.vEKWXLE.3C.ix, MUwroftlw"OTemi.W. . The worM-ro-jwij aUor. Im Ibis aOMknMe xm eiariy iw ftwm fe ir aasl that Uk iwd iwmiwji ml SU-Xjts! mr b fectuily naatrrttritiutat aaadlctiMS. aa ?fc ootdaaenasM?Kria pnrntltwi, boarfea. tea ;2MS.rtegr ecrdiaJK. ptotac ot a tnede T rare at om certain ia4 feciua.! Mr whte& oery saStKT.BawkUe.- -ccbat ! comMh uxxj be. ssaj- cer Mrwrtf staapty. prtvatjr, aad xad- tm- S3 Utmlictwrt taiUpcimaeeatlh0uvauU tout SMltaacter seol.&e ar address. tat a yfaiaoMi leTrtayg.e receiefcefsix ceate, er Kve pt- p sucapK. Also. TK. 'mhfc'a HgWTTOY gS PILES. sewlhrcJrfrtila- AderesftUt TabMiliec. OK" AS- J. C lEiUfE . CO lit Bovrerr. Nevr York,Pwt-0iewBc.i,5$6- SE1AT sale op T WN LOTS -IN-- f gg Neziaha. County, NoB. i mM s t ot- j , A ASsasST-Sifill 'ZiO uS ! 3 S C 3 ... . . .k. - r- i I X 1 3 iatoimvm uw .vwmic .. iwiihi-. J a:.d -n -M -"d tit toMtallfu! ' invKiT t-twem tb5 Mjura J bte Rork, d a. mzzamUaX by bwjUMI T'- jyZSZJSL HfZZZ Jl7' pitycJ ajtoa. I TERMS OF SALE. wltb 10 per wul IsttffsL LSale.OenmisicetlC) o'cleok, AJI. frcwlirsrvavli. ,ectanl bai &al A FEES Z.U2?CH: n. Mes, "W. Morgan. wf AUCTION SAIE ff COSD&HXEU eiTBRIlKfT PR0P- lma QfAicnuutAsc?ss.03ies. ' (nuBA. Neb. . 3 1. WC i Ou WvdiMMtoy. tiif 3rd My Jt&w. l!. I tiWWiU Ul it tKU.U. MBCtMm. 3C llta omrtcnmiur l)f r I Umrtei anmier Pypot. r t!x tntewtctim Ci liw. 2C SWtewTf WTraoMHW . i 7 bohm'2.vmte,l&zsmTlm&)m.&mam- laaee.S.Tr.eIIrie 'ankJHt ttJTttSjTL TLfcfti i "T"-". ."" . " -TT" -"T "i.. " ""- awo v rttdo. itoate&c. ,-OBn ldr: sfNMtas: W inauu.Rt. TMe we Ot rmwazra f Is;li. t s. Tertu-CA.SU , . . By order of rlIir-rnerl OWr J. H. JHELCMSKi 45wl Asclstoni taartermaterU. b. A. BHS JOE FOEAS2-- , .T. Hka'ss IVAaJ4iJiM or xnxJPx-1-rr. f ifrr Qri nirrthTts' Ol'iJt, i seuv-?r :i ' 'fck iyA, ... qoKStiUM as t ftKumMlax iltliQrKGSr, jasad of Oat. ).? MIIfiftTIir-i Hundred bhL eW Se;Tl.oT2aanrStS38v pottBJ'rWOerB. h Fad ffrtfffcai.irwaaHeawinuHQ hyUm rppn!- art t. 'nt bfeldenr. UwS tke- fwl teeatne boodatea so awsfd mt flwtefi- I KfSCkV. 1B KU fYf M.-t ...i - wmmIui. i.A ! fwwwte.ii a.'wlwiw ifc? tWIr J& iwocn in 'mami firry mz ui contract tour U mstfl tt bin. i Bl. Riat b emJored oa rjor Hants." " TbTfc:httorHtxa-rrnhhIilrenrT? tank oriviwrat'-. ni iafl i aMMto KBoacR oa sttc&Uon H Bj-onler oC the jPftmrrmtat ALKS. J. rBfcKY 4w Brert BrtarfKr-5i. Y. . A ??1S? H Itl fi&fiiuad nsniv m i mi Ui!U35 timlL s? luit jFBj&i! HIDE