Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 14, 1874, Image 3

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    jjpFWm r.T---- ' ks ..t ,- 7S!rTnBin!ijE' 'iLil A JTT1 ifl iMSiffiiTrw- if
'"" THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1S74.
PublUUer' Notices.
niPIES OF THE Advkrtiseb forile by G.
ET . . RoofcsellPr, Stationer and 2evs)eal-
?-" gi'jliln street, next doorU) thcostpglce.
NoiicKs.fetw ordinary reading matter,
Lm charged tea cents per line, each insertion,
jjdfepter type, twenty-five per cent, a.lditi-.toah-iverates.
vTirrvTS under the tiead of" Wanted;'
STllciit "For sale." "Lost," '-Found . &.,
11 be chsrged twenty-ivc cents for each adver-
mejit of five lines, or le.each Insertion. Ad-
' ISlseinte -- avc lines, at the rate or five
ttiits er line. each Insertion.
Authorized Agents
JiITTEK. at St. Deroin. is our authorized agent
-i st place. to receive subscriptions and adver
.ai, an,i to collect and receipt for moneys due
.- jf jiiKicK is our authorized agent at Asplu"
ycia to receive subscription and advertising, and
jolleet and receipt for monies due us.
J,. Britt. at Peru, Is hereby authorized to re
ceive subTipilon and adverttsinK for the Aiv
crtisek. and collect and receipt for the same.
iubiishcrs Advertiser, j
rrm,T . . v . i-va
r - " "--- : - -vj
Fred. August uegan street ;
. . t.1. ... ...I....
Measles and whooping cough in
jyj around Nemaha C?ty.
Itov received a large lot of fine
.U . furniture at his store, this j
tfPtt. "
(w herding commenced in j
Br..w:ivme uy u uuu,ub tern Bonnets. Her stock of millin
MfJay morning. i ery and fine goods is large and varied
, ,.
1 .1:. iit..nfhn. Tur iilnnf inrv
corn, and plowing, and farmers are
miking goml use tf it.
Ve learn that the wife of the
Hon O. P. Mason is very sick and
not expected to recover.
Oil river men inform us that
hit week the Missouri river at this
jilaee was lower by eighteen inches
tbsn ever before with in their memory.
The Kansas Chief would like to
know, "If Henry Clay Dean should
die, an.l be subject to cremation,
vou!S the result be allies, lard or
The Sons of Temperance of this
!y hobl their regular meetings on
Friday evenings of each week. The
Division here is in a very nourishing
etnilHion. )
-A female lerturer during the lal
week hi been delivering n series of
fectuiv u; the Presbyterian Church
of this city. Hr lectures nre gene-j
rally directed to the ladies, on thub
jectf health, ami well received.
. 'at the election over the question of
-Kev. L. F. Britr. of Peru, will , Temperance and Uvo tickets Were
jreachintbe M- K. Church in tlusjruu The ub(JVO ja the anlKemper.
rity nest Sunday evening. Mr. B-jiuice ticl.el which wa3eiecled i,y eIht
ha; the .reputation of being an able I ,.,:oritv
ocjiounder of the gospel, and the;
church kH undoubtedly he well mi-1
rti t.i.u. i...tT. !
f- a j
There h:":ve been several
list-1 for moetit.g.s of the Cemetery
Association, but at each .finie there
Association, out at eaco .inuc ineiui
, . . , ,
wa- no bui:iess transacted on account
ofatui-aUeiidancH of any body interest
tw. .-v- mere is iMiporiuui iiumums i." i
, .. . , , , . ., ,1
annul to. it is hoped that the people
- , , . . m
will not foret the meelimr next iioii- j
4." As there is "mi Dor hint business to 1
fiV evening at the State bank.
u ai.
Batter last week was Sou par lb.
Oj the j-or granger! P t:ttops $2. a
lj?!iel. D.-ar, dear, what will become p.Mr f-irmers such prices for
r.iJnce! Dog nanti the middle men
y how if we couid ilrive 'em all
otoftown, and on to farms, then
'"We w'11j'i lu onTMiuilhw) ffcoII nor
butrr t o-... t -..,-., ,vi7 i,,vn
he fan of ealin it ourselves. ' and
mdl men could make their own
Hitter r
-Mm Bowman, iesidimr in the
m building with the widow Hack- j
', is teaching a cla?s of young ladies
"u'n-i imj.-ic. ane is an aniiuxc .
i. unuer.-jmcld well her business,
ad-ives si'irtinn to ?, vvho '
ton..'...., r., . tT.f.,1
luU-onize her. Our two little cirls
"winking lessons from her and are
eli'5le,wed and progressing finely.
We recommend Mrs. Bowman to the
j'o'iug ladies of tho city who want
instructions in thescienceof music.
"Times are dull," says the saloon
bet." "Money!
the merchant
' Ws, vory." 4,Not much rush on our
Mreets, they are nearly deserted."
that's what's the matter but peo
pleareat work farmer? are putting
J their crr.p. and doing their spring
Hufk, and we would rather see our
U:,trv boys preparing for a big
irvevt unn to?ee them loafing about
wn. although their appearance on
a,',I,'Hs and in our places of busi
UNKjVe? tjJe cJt a mon, lively look.
:t'i jr.j cropS the propperity of
tos'nand country is insured.
- Wp notice that the OmahA pa-It-
hiv talking Trunk Rail Road
a,,'iu. The Jif publican says it ought
t0 1 built this summer, shows that it
hi pay from the beginning, and
,,sn the (otmnercial men of St.
uis to encourage the enterprise of
nuking r4 direct thoroughfare between
I'ruh agricultural regions of Ne
ku and that city. The people of
ir'wnviUe and Nemaha county nre
?,C'vard lireilof hearing the promis- but to bo bndcen, of those
w,k have been assuming to operate
jn ttMNtnicling theTrunkrnnd. They
"are lost all confidence in these men.
au1 ill hope of receiving the road
through their management, and are
e-y to l'llP(i!!Mrn in' MOW WllllDa-
"J" who will take hold of the matter j
1 'i way that will imbue them with
liope of fa speedy construction.
Ve ho!e the city of Omaha will agi-
ale the mat for miftl comoflifiif fnn-
.... - " - .-..--0
See Advertisement School Land
for sale.
The weather - during the past
week has beep very nice.
AfnTySupplfes Corn "and Oats
wantedsee advertisement.
"Report of the condition of the
isu nauonai -Bank," in another col
Dolen just received Granger hats
call andrgetdne, only oents
Steamer Wolff iR expected to ar
rive at this place on this(Wed'nesday)
Bauer, the Harness maker, has a
new advertisement a nice cut repre
senting his business.
Judge Ritter declares he will not
be a candidate for re-election as Coun
ty Commissioner this fall.
The Walnut Rrnv PumJ. a -
soeiation will meet at the Stato Bank
in this city next Monday evening.
A boy Vi.hing" in the Missouri
river at this place last week caught
" ee, me nrst one we have ever
Uloll llla .-.,. .. I1 . 1
seen that came out of the Missouri.
-Trul. Stevens, of Nemaha City,
intends to sta'rt with his family for
Silver City. New Mexico, next Mon
day to make that country his future
place of abode.
-Mrs. Johnson will rnei!vp iMa
- ... . , u..j
suit the tastes of all.
On Tuesday we had the pleasure
of meeting Wia. Dawson nnd S. Sum
mers Dawson & Summers proprie
tors of the well known "Dawson's
Mill" on the Big Nemaha in Richard
son county. Dawson promised to send
us in some nice flour if he does we'll
test its quality and puff it with print-
i er's yeast.
And now comes many-of the
independent Grangers of Nemaha
county and declare puhlidlyjhat they
'will purchase goods, or anythiug else
they want, where ami of whom they
please, regardless of the recommen
dation or orders of the "county
agent" or anybody else. The main
point being "where can T buy my
goods, my groceiies or iny imple
ments the cheapest?"
1 iik luiiuw 011; iiiwu luiiucm naii;
been elected, in Aspinwall :
Trustees: Samuel Slier?, W. J.
Thurmau, Joseph Watton, F. Rother
ti... rii : . rt;..,.-. 1 ,.
and Win. West. M. J. Woodward
1 was elected Marshall and Street Cotn-
; mK-inuer. Theresas quite a contest
Wm H gnjall h urchased the j
well known business establishment
Grocery and Bakery of Mr. Nace, in
I this eil v. William can't keep out of
0111c kind of live business, and he has
. ... , .
certainly jot at sometiung now that
J . .-,1 1 . n 1 ,.,
will pay him, for with his well known
enenrv lie will run it for all it is
. , . ,.
worth. He is making some altera
. . ,,.,. u:,
riotis in the business part of hn
., .
r -
house, so as to provide an ice cream
.....v -v tmt-i viir 1111 iitii i-iairi
room and another in which :t square
meal can bedakeu. That's business,
and we wish the new proprietor suc
cess. We have heard a few persons
speuk contemptuously of the tem
nnriince organization in this place.
Such remarks arc made without duel
consideration we think ; for we sub
niit that it has done good to a number ;
! of gentleman of tho city who , have
j joined it. They have ceased to drink
j whisky and to indulge in even peri-
lodical drunks, and by so doing are,
and should be. more respecteJ by
I their friends. If you do not desire 10
unite with a temperance society do
innic ini c i....r
just as you wish nobody would or
enuld force you to the saving measure
unless the ligut 01 youruu icusuu,
or the moial force of the tears and
sorrows of your family might impel
you to be just to them and to
youself; but whatever .you uo, ior
the sake of the unfortunate, uo
not attempt to turn their feet'from the
paths of sobriety.
In the year 1S70 the people of this
city voted $00,000 in bond's to aid the
Quincy and Missouri River Railroad
company to construct said road from
the east bank of the Missouri river
eastward to a connection with the K.
C. St. Joe & C. B. road at Phelps. Of
this $00,003, nineteen thousand five
hundred have been delivered and the
interest has to bo paid, and is paid an
nually. To this our citizens would
not object had that company gone on
and finished the road to Phelps, as it
a-reed to; but thev now see they
were cheated out of $19,300 in bonds
upon which they are compelled to pay
interest, for the work stopped after the
bonds had passed out of their hands,
and the prospects of ever getting the
benefit of that for which they pay so
dearly is in no wise flattering. At
least this is the general belief of the
people, and' their temper towards
those gentlemen of Quincy who came
with smooth speech and made seduc
tive promises only to violate them, is
far from amiable. But we cannot see
any way of escape from the oppression
of the taxes' ami of paying extrava
gantly for something we never receive
any benefit of, unless they who re
ceived the bonds may sometime con
clude to finish the short piece of road
through selfish motives if not through
honest ones. . .
The lesson taught our city by pay
ing for a railroad before it is made has
been expensivonnd weliope it has
" I III II I IIH I llll i in I IH " w Una ir mm iiii I ii - i 'ni'JIfm- "' '-" ??'!' -raeggggra mi
Choice lard at the Red Market.
The Brownville herd of cows.
numbers 100.
This locality was visited by a re
freshing rain shower on Monday
niglrtr ? f -. ?
V '''" ' -. t -
Grangerbals cost onlyocents at
Dolan's, and the editor of the Adver
tiser wears a copy.
Farmers from various parts of the
country report the wheat crop as in
most promising condition.
--See Alex. Robinsons card. He
comes out with a nice electrotype cut
illustrative of his business.
Billy Polock, for robbing Tfao
Post Office in this oiy, was found
guilty at the present term of the U. S.
Court at Omaha, and sentenced for a
term of five years. He will locate at
We learn by the Mining Life,
published at Silver City, New Mext
ico, that Mr. John F. Murphy, late of
this place recently arrived in that
ciiy. We believe Mr. Murphy is in
terested in some silver mines in. that
Married, on Thursday, May 7th,
1S74, at the residence of the bride's
parents, at Tonica, Illinois, by Rev.
J.' C. My res, T. L. Schick, Esq., of
Brownville, Neb.- to Miss Ella A.
Taggart, of Tonica, 111.
Mr. Schick will be at home Satur
day next, and then we'll congratu
late him.
In our issue of April 30th we
published a communication by G. A.
Brown, of Peru, headed "Country
Merchants and Farmers." Mr. B.
stirred up a nest of hornets in the
shape of grangers, by his pungent ar
ticle. We have received threearticles
within the last few days in answer to
Mr. B. The first one may be found on
the outside of this issue. One of the
other two, received since, from Mr.
Bridges will appear next week. They
are both very well written, but we
will give the preference to the one hav
ing the real name of the author sign
ed to it, and that we hope will be con
sidered entirely satisfactory with our
grange correspondents.
A meeting of the members of the
Walnut Grove Cemetery Association
will be held at the " oihce of William
H. Hoover, in Brownville, at 8 o'
clock on Monday evening May 18th
1S74, for the purpose of electing offi
cers. A full attendance is desired.
By order of Board of Trustees.
E. W. Thomas. Seo'y.
John Strain was in town last
Our old friend S. II. Claton gave
us a friendly call this week.
James M. Hacker called on Mon
day. Ho says his .family has the
Our respected fellow-citizen Rob- j
ert Chatfield became a Son of Tem
perance last Friday evening.
We had the pleaaure of meeting
our old friend W. G. Glasgow in the
city last week. ,
George Marion went below last
Monday to lay in a-"large stock of
spring and summer goods.
J. P. Crother, Esq., of Nemaha
City, called on Tuesday, renewed his
subscription, and gave us a pleasant
Mr. Henry Cecil, who during the
winter sojourned ajt Tippecanoe, Ohio,
his former home, arrived in this city
one day last week.
Rabe Elliott was in town last
Saturday wtth his race mare. He
has tile fastest three-year-old in this
country, so he says.
Mr. B. F. Ferguson, of Hum
boldt, called on us on Wednesday.
He was on his way to Omaha to at
tend the U. S. District Court."
Dr. Stewart, Superintedent of
of the Insane Asylum, Lincoln, visit
ed his friends in this city last Satur
day, aud remained over Sunday.
Dr. Holladay. who has been
spending a few days at St. Joe, Wes
ton and Kausas City, informs us that
times are as dull in those cities, as
Mrs. J. T. Clark, of Omaha, wife
of Mr. Clark, a liveryman of that city,
arrived in this city last Saturday, on
a visit to her mother Mrs. Johnson,
Mr. Peter Ault of Plum Creek,
Neb., arrived in the city last Thurs
day. We were pleased to meet him.
He visited his friends at Nemaha
A. F. Peabody of the firm of
of Spears & Peabody, keepers of a
first-class livery stable, Tecumseh,
was in the city last Wednesday aud
gave us a friendly call. He brought
through some commercial travelers.
Mr. Henry M. Jones of this
county, now of the U. S. Grand Jury,
Omaha, came down last Thursday on
business for the U. S. Marshal, and
returned to Omaha again on Friday,
accompanied by Mr. Samuel Stiers of
Aspinwall, who was wanted at the
Court as a witness.
Col. Sam. Rich, who cpent the
winter in thisoity loft for Republi
can City last week. We believe he
intends to remove his. family to that
place at an early day.' We hope the
pure atmosphere of the western prai
ries will so effect the health of our old
friend as to evanish that horrible
rheumatism from bim forever.
A. P. Cogswell returned from
Quincy, Illinois, this week, where he
had been attending a meeting of the
stockholders of the Quincy & Mo.
River rail road. What news he
brought back we do not know. He
has not honored us with a call. He
may have forgotten that there are
newspapers In town and that the peo
ple are Interested in railroad news.
Xeraaha City Aspirnvall-HUlsdale
St. Deroin.
Last Thursday we concluded to ride
out and see the beauties of nature, and
visit some of our friends. We pro
cured one of Morrpyv & Sperry's com-
.w..w.0 iuiuuuih ana went delow,
visiting Nemaha City, Aspinwall and
St. Deroin. There appeared to be
very little business 'doing in any of
the towns, owing to the busy season of
the year. When there is any busi
ness any where these towns get their
share all on the river and backed by
agricultural regions unexcelled. At
Nemaha City we found Birl Hoover
engaged in what he seems to be al
ways doing men and teams hard at
work removing grain from his ware
house down to the river to be iu readi
ness for the next boat down. Birl
buys immense quantities of wheat and
At Aspinwall we remained over
night uud was hospitably entertained
at the house of Dr. Crim. We met
many old acquaintances'and spent an
agreeable evening. We called at the
business houses of Capt. Minick, Mr.
Weiseurider and Mr. Tidrow, The
mammoth stocks of Minick and Weis
eurider indicate that many goods are
sold in Aspinwall. We had the pleas
ure of an agreeable chat with Mr. G.
G. Start, He informed us that he
would be engaged during the season
iu purchasing grain at that point for
Birl Hoover.
Wo parsed through Hillsdale with
out stopping, but just below we dis
covered the hard-fisted Hon. G. R.
Shook in a field by the roadside
planting corn, and we interrupted his
work for about ten minutes in a pleas
ant chat about things in general.
George is one of our ipnst intelligen t
and substantial citizens, and the
trusts reposed in him from time to
time by the people have never been
betrayed by him.
At St. Deroin we spent several
hours very agreeably with Judge Rit
ter, generally thought to be one of the
best Commissi! ners that ever Nema
ha county ever had. Like the other
places, here we found business rather
dull, but Ritter has the goods to sup
ply the people, and his long establish
ed business and his well established
reputation a3 a business man and a
clever and accomodating gentle
inn, usvira to him the big end
of the business of that town. He has
a general assortment and variety of
all kinds and sorts of goods which a
country merchant must keep to sup
ply the needs of the peopiew His
warehouse is filled, besides his store
room, aud then in another building
he keepsa general assortment of ag
ricultural implements. .He exhibit
ed to us the photograph of a grange
plow and seeder which there is no
doubt excellsany machine of the kind
ever invented for the use intended.
We also called at tiie store of W. T.
Durret who has a good looking store
room and a large stock of gooos. Mr.
Durrelt was not in, anil we had not
the pleasure of meeting him, but his
accomodating clerk was agreeable,
and subscribed for his "county pa
per." At noon we took dinner at the
table of Dr. Rice or rather Mrs. Rice
as the Dr. was not at homo, he being
at Omaha on the jury and it was an
excellent dinner. We cannot repress
a compliment to that good old lady,
for we do believe she can tret un the
best "snuare meal" we ever attacked.
Persons going. to Deroin will have no
oeeasion to go away hungry if they
will call on Dr. Rice.
After smoking several scgars at
Judge Ritters expense, we started on
our return. The weather being de
lightful, the time of year cheering
the trees and shrubbery just dressing
in their ornaments of green leaves and
flowers, our trip was an exceedingly
pleasant one, and we felt better for
having indulged in it.
To the Editor of the Advertiser.
Sir Please insert iu your worthy
paper the following :
BETHEL MOORE At tho Mt. ZIon Baptist
Church, May 3, 1S71, by Rev. E. D. Thomas,
:tfr. L. A. Bethel or
J. Moore of Brownville.
The above marriage was consum
mated in the presence of a large audi
ence. The appearance of the bride
groom was highly attractive, and ap
preciated by all present. The bride
was richly adorned, and every eye
was concentrated and fixed on the il
lustrious beauty of the loved one.
Miss Mollie, the beauty of our coun
ty, has left us; gone! gone! but Mr.
Lark ha3 taken her under his wing to
Beatrice, in the Piidst of her useful
ness. We miss her greatly in the
Sabbath School.
When the ceremony was, ended we
retired to Eld. Moore's residence to
enjoy "The Grand Marriage Supper,"
over which many a heart was made to
rejoice. May the blessings of High
Heaven follow our beloved brother
and sister to their new home ; may
Providence watch their steps, guide
and protect them; may God shield,
aud give them success and prosperity
through life; aud finally, an abund
ant entrance to his everlasting king
dom. Eye Witness.
We have Grange corn planters, cul
tivators, &c, sent to us by the State
Agent for your benefit. These im
plements are warranted to do good
work and arc sold at actual cost.
Stevenson' & Cross.
He has just received themostsplen
did assortment of piece goods, cloths,
cassimeres aud vestings, aud those
who want a suit, Dolan can make
them in tho most substantial and
fashionable style. He makes'.all tho
wedding suits. He keeps ' gloves,
neckties, hats, collars, underwear,
canes, gentlemen's jewelry, and all
kinds of the best dress goods for gen
tlemen. His prices are such as to
suit the times. Call and see him and
examine his Ktock. He keeps a corps
of the best workmen iu his shop, aud
warrants satisfaction iu fitting and
making up suits.
Mr. N. Whitfield keeps the town
herd arid renders .good satisfaction.
Plenty of Plows and Corn PI wit
ers gone but7fotu F. Ii. Prouty's Ibis
Spring. -
Quite a number of our citizens
were up to Omaha last week 'attend
ing court. ;-
S. P. Majors sold his house and
lots in (town to Win. Clary, who has
moved into town.
Peter Careys' mother has come on
from Illinois. Peter and his mother
are now keeping house.
Some cows are running loose
around town over the gardens; look
out we have a herd law.
Good Templar Lodge In Peru" is in
a flourishing condition, about forty
members and more coming.
Mr. John Knott, who has been
absent for some time at Grand Island
and N( rth Platte is home again.
Gen. T. J. Morgan has gone east as
one of the Committee of Examina
tion, at West Point, will be absent
about six weeks.
Town Board was elected on the
4th inst., consisting of Mr. Winkle
man, F. L. Prouty, J. P. Burdiok, J.
Petit and R.Stanly.
Peru sports three soda fountains
at the following places: John Patter
son's, Mr. Cumings and the Brick
Drug Store, all good.
Those who are behind in their
subscriptions to the Advertiser at
Peru will pleaso call on L. F. Eritt
who will take their cash and receipt
for the same.
P. C. Richards and Miss Sarah C.
Wiles, 11 of the town of Peru, were
joined together as husband and wife
at the residence of Mr. Coys, on the
7th inst.. Rev. L. F. Britt officiating.
Went to Brownville on the wedding
Editor Advertiser:
Sir: I am not a subscriber of your
paper, but I like to read it when , I
come across it, and seeing your re
'quest, I will send you the news
from Bratton. Bratton Grange is in
a flourish ing'cohdition. It has thirty
four members and does almost all of
its trading at St. Joseph Mo.
The wheat bids fair for a good crop.
The farmers are busy planting their
corn. There i3 going to be several
new farms opened up this summer
around here.
Prairie firas in every- direction, but
their has not been much damage done
yet. O.
Kratlon. Keb., Mui 11, 1S74.
BY MKS. C. II. UOWlrA3i,
At her residence on Nebraska street,
first door east of Mr. H. C Lett's.
Young ladies of the city desiring in
structions in organ music are invited
to call and see her and learn her terms
of tuition &c. Her experience, long
practice nnd perfect knowledge of the
theory of music enables her to ad
vance her scholars very rapidly. For
particulars with regard to hours of in
struction, length of tei'ni, price, etc.,
call at her residence. Arrangmonts
for schools can be made satisfactory
to pupils and parents.
! Mrs. Bowman also teaches vocal
j ,,u,flc i connection with instrumeut-
al, if desired, or separately-,
One case of those tlno 50c hats will
be in on Friday loth inst. Also one
case of superfine hats at 10 per cent,
above cost freight added.
Received a full Stock of Parasols, at
L. Low man's
Farmers, in buying Vacuum Oil
you can save the expense of a new
can bypalling on Bauer, with your
bottle can or jug.
Go to W. H. Small's ohl stand aud
see the most splendid Bar-room in the
city of Urownville. It has jut been
refitted and refurnished in the best of
style, and the bar affords the best of
liquors and cigars. McCollumu gives
his customers satisfaction.
New stvles of Straw Hats, at
Vacuum Oil by the gill, pint, quart
or gal Jo::, at Bauer's.
Bring your bottle, can, or jug, to J.
n. Bauer's, and get some Vacuum
Oil. "
At W. H. Small's, Nace's old stand.
I have fitted up a nice room for the
accomodation of ladies and gentle
men. WE GO J AVE GO :
all around the city of Brownville,-and
where do we stop? Why., at.;McCol-
hims. Therelwe can get the best of
lemonade, or anything else we want
to drink, and can while away a pleas
ant hour reading the news in his
splendidly arraugod rooms. At Mc's
is the place of pence ami quietness.
When you come to townrcome and
, see me. and get what you want to eat
I will buy your produce, meat,, butter
and eggs, and sell you your groceries
as cheap as any end man dare do it,
without he steals them.
W. H. Small,
Nace's old stand.
The "National Currency Tobacco'
made by Colhap of this city, when we
consider its: quality, and cheapness,
aud the peculiar style in which it is, is the best thing in the tobac
co line we have seeu. It is put up with
a view to small wholesale customers.
Farmers, Grangers and others who
want to buy directly from the manu
facturer should see Col hupp before
supplying themselves.
Alton lime at Swan & Bro's.
Butler Mills Flour the best made
i.i Nehrasfcn'for sale at Sheridar.
Geo. ianmewood has repaired the
break in his ddttc, and is hard at work
grinding again.
Several persons hive' renewed
their insurance the past week. Wes
ley Dundas is agent for the old relia
ble Phoenix, of Hartford.
Farmers will do well to examine
the New Weir Corn Plow at Sheri
dan before purchasing ; they are war
ranted to be better and do better work
than any other.
E. E. Savage has gone into the
real estate, collection, &c, business.
He has several choice pieces of land
for sale, as well as some finely located
lots in Sheridan.
John Sage.John Dundas and John
Redfern have all gone to Nebraska
City to convey a lot of fat cattle thith
er. '-When Johnuy comes marching
home again, won't we all be gay?
Wesley Dundas is selling goods
lively at present, his prioes are so low
that people come from all parts of the
county and go away satisfied that they
can do better here than they can by
sending to St. Jo or Chicago.
We had a friendly call from Mr.
A. W. Nickell, also from A. H. Gil
more, of Brownville, last week, they
were looking at their land adjoining
Sheridan ; both propose making ex
tensive improvements this summer.
The District Lodge of the I. O. of
G. T. has been divided. Nemaha co.,
is now constituted a district. District
Lodges are held once a quarter. Sher
idan being the centre of the county
will probably be chosen as the place
of meeting.
We noticed a load of goods for
Grain! Prairie Grange going through
town on Saturday, which were or
dered from St. Jo. When the coat of
ordering registering a letter ex
change on draft postal money order,
&c, is ndded, as well as the freight
and tho time of two men going to
Brownvilleafter them aud spending
a day, worth $4.00, including team
hire, we wonder how much better
they do in ordering goods from St. Jo
than they would to buy at home.
Mr. Sage has sold his fat cattle to a
dealer from NeUraska City and has to
deliver them there. It seems that the
effort made to break up all middle
men has succeeded so far as to drive
the last cattle and hog buyer out of
the county, now farmers have the
privilege of driving stock to Nebraska
City aud taking a less price than
would otherwise have been paid at
home. When they succeed in driving
all merchants and middlemen away
and push Browuville into the river
as we have heard many express a wish
to do, everything will be lovely, wont
For sale by the pound or by the
bushel by J. H. Bauer.
Received. Spring and Summer Par
asols, at L. Lowman's.
The best and cheapest reapers will
be sold this year by Stevensou &
Received, a full stock of Ladies'
Linen and Percale suits, at L. Low
man's. Hardware, Tinware and Queens
ware by Stevenson & Cross.
wasted :
Corn in the ear for goods at the.Red
Stoves, groceries aud iron by Ste
venson & Cross.
Stoves down at the bottom figures
bv Tisdel & Richards.
Spring aiid summer clothing at L.
Spring nod Summer Goods.
I intend to sell-my goods aLthe low
est figures, actual cost, with fi eight
added, ami feel confident to please
my ftiMomers and tbn public. Ex
traordinary inducements oi.ered to
all. Aro baits hut good, substantial
goods for old time prices.
Louis Lawman,
87 Maiu street.
Farmers will not have cheap, infe
rior wagons, but buy the Bain.
Our Governors Choice is the favor
ite cigar; manufactured by L. A.
Bergman & Co., No. 4G Main Street.
Large stock at Stevenson & Cross'.
II. C. J.clt
Has just received a large aud fresh
supply of letter paper, pens, including
the celebrated stub pen, envelopes. in
itial paper, etc., etc., selling at lower
prices than unual.
Large stock of 'clothing for men,
youths aud children, at L. Low
mans's. Paper Floor Carpet, 25 cents ayard,
at Roy's.
. Toiletsoaps at S'an.&. Bro's. - -
Hardware .and tinware at prices
that defy competion, at Tisdel &
Richaids. - -
For a good and cheap syrup go' to
Swan & Bry".
" GrYlfrSers buy your Plow;?, Cultiva-'
r .-. ' ' '
tors and com planters of Stevenson &
Cro-e, J
For the best Implements of any
kind", stoves, hardware, groceries or
wagons, go to Stevenson & Cross. '
A full-line of smoker's articles-con-stautly
on hand at Bergman & CVs.,
very low for caslu
Columbia River Salmon, .Mackerel,
I Codfish and smoked-Halibut at Swan
, & Bro's.
Mrs. Johnson is constantly in re
ceipt of new supplies of millinery
goods. This week she will receive a
large invoice from St. Louis, of the
finest best and. moat fashionable
styles. Ladies of Brownville and vi-
Icinity, before purchasing will do well
to call aud examine her goods and
F. E. Johnson & Co. are now re
ceiving their spring stock which were
bought at greatly-reduced prices. Call
and see for yottr Selves.
Flower stands and pots for sale by
Stevenson & Cross.
Go to Tisdel & Richards for hard
ware and agricultural implements.
They are selling cheap.
Fish poles, fish hooks and fish lines
by Stevenson & Cross.
At the Red Store you will find the
largest and best stock of staple dry
goods, consisting of prints, brown and
bleached muslins, denims, duckings,
sheetings in great variety, tickiugs.
jeans, cassimeres, iiotionsof all kinds,
boots and shoes, besides the best and
cheapest line of men's and boys'
clothing in town, also plenty of fresh
groceries. I have already laid in a
new stock and if you wish to buy any
goods call and see me, aud I will sell
you new and fresh goods at bottom
prices. Farmers, if you have butter,
eggs, or corn in the ear, to sell, I will
give you a bargain.
George Marion.
TOBACCO machinery for sale.
I will sell, low down for cash, my
screw press, mouldsand otherappara
tus for the manufacture of tobacco.
AppMy in person at the factory, or by
letter to
J. L. Coehapp.
To tiie Grangers of Ncmalia Comity.
Being Informed that several Grnnposare
sondla? off for goods, I wish to say to you,
that if you will allow me thesamo profit you
pay olsewhere, I will be sutislled to take
your orders. EOUIS L.OWMAN.
New Sugar Cnrcd Hums
just out of the smoke at Swan & Bros.
Ladlcx !
That room where the paper has be- j
come soiled and torn, which your
husband said could be patched to 3o
another year put your foot right
down, and as-sert your rights; and
say- to him that H. C. Lett has his
new stock of wall paper, and so cheap
you cannot afford to patch, and ifhe
expects you to make his home cheer
ful let him go at once and buy enough
to paper every room ju the house.
Every good wife will make this de
niaud aud uo loving husband will re
fuse the request.
250 pieces choice Prints just re
ceived at F. E. Johnson & Co's.
Boys' expres-i wagons and toy carts
at Roy's. .
You nviy talk about your Vinegar Bitters,
or your llostetter's Bittors, but Mid.lleton's
Sweeney Collar is tho best collar made for a
sore necked liorsa.
Sand for our price listwltli special tormb
for Granges.
Wm. H. Hoover, Real Estate Agent
and Conveyencer. Court Room.
A choice selection of plain and fan
cy ribbon at Louis Lowman's.
teas: teas::
The cheapest and best at Gilmore &.
L. Lowman has received a splen-
rdid selection of faucv goods and no
lions, at 87 Main street.
Spring and Hummer Goods.
Will open a large .-dock- of fancy
dress goods at L. Lowman's.
Teas A full assortment at Swat:
fc Brn.'fs, nt prices to .-nit till.
Boots aud Shoes for men, ladies ami
children, atL.- Lowman's.
Peachblow potatoes at Swan &
A few more of tho?e fine cultiva
tors by Tisdel A Richards.
For fair dealing and the lowest fig
ures go to Stevenson & Cross.
Corn' planters cheaper than any
where, by Tidel & Richards.
Totlie Grander of SemahaCKtnty.
I take pleasure in recommending
Messrs. Stevenson & Cro?s to transact
your business until" I receive instuc -
tions from the State agent, and I au-
thorise them t take order? for you.
8. W. K-x-buy.
County Agent.
A nw suppb of spring Colfco at
L. hOVHA"5.
Farmers, don't throw away SO or 00
f dollars on :t wagon to .save 10 dollar.
But buj' the Buiu they are the cheap
est. . Ladies' aud misses' spring hats at )
L. Lowmau's.
New bureaus and wa-h-.Aiands at
The celebrated Boone County Mo.,'
Flour at Gilmore & Go's.
Cabinet work of all kinda- made Uvj
order at J. L. RnyV.
Farmers call and see the bitot rjjap
lers at Tisdel &. Richards.
Coal oil lanterns and
ratftP ho-:;
ratue noAe
rnyteve:fcon " Cross.
i ' ' CLOTHISG. ' . ' '
. tT ryou wish cheapsnits.calrnnd see SS-XndfmTwaw-
our clock of clothing. in ? SHn 'jvi rif :
F. E. Johnson & Ct. bi ."jrii A : A."im5fSi..i'ais.Ko.i f. ')
2 A. H. GiLMORE a CO'S.
Give your orders to Tisdel & Rich
ards for the bsst renpera ami harvest
ers. "
Carpet chain, cotton yarn'1 ami cot
ton batten by Stevenspn &. Cross".
rRMEns :
If yoa wish to buy groceries by the pncS
age. call on ns. and wo wifl sail yon at St.
Joe. or Chicago prices, with freight added.
The best corn planters in Nemaha
county, sold" by Stevonson & Cross.
Urownville Markets.
W1ibat Best spring, 95c.
Corn Firm at 45(3to0e.
Potatois Peach EloNv and Early'
Rose, $2 per bushel.
( Hoes Fat. $4.25 ; stock, $8.50.
CATTiiK Extra, o.oU ; common,
Butter Choici?, 80c.-; common
Eggs S 10c.
St. I.ouls Markets.,
May 11th. Wheat Spring,No. Lr.
$1 .20 ( $1.27 : fall'. No. : Ted' offered
at $1.SS, No. , at $1.43. No bids fov
Corn firmer No. 2 mixed 07c.
Oats No. 2' mixed. o253et&
KYK 97S.0Se.
Hoo firm at $4.2.j(?$o.G5.
Chicago Live Stoclc Slnrknt.
Chicago, May 11. CATTiiK very
quiet, with a tendency to lower prides;
fair light steers, $5.0sl5 So ; choice;
$o.45(f?6 00; extra, $.j.l(l6.25.
Hogs Dull for all hut choice grades;
sales of poor to medium at $4.50(5.35?
good to choice, $4 4H" .3 75 ; a few ex
tra. $6 00.
joiin cHAnrocK. W. r. ckapdock .
Ireen-Loa Jng Shot Guns, Rifles,
Main aAU J!rownville. Xeb.
Gun made to order. Repairing nenlly doie.
j. KLAiti:,
1-- 'All Oncratioim ier
3jSm3j formed iu thetiett
' 'j? vv. manner.
Atrftsldenceon Xtli
At Rock Port, Mo., from 1st to Tlh of dncli
o. s. Dtrinsr.
ESroivnviHe, Sl'eO.
Itt'imlivd. and Jewelry Manufactured toenler.
ra F1 Your Ci-ocsex- tx.'
ttkSkk ShaflVx-'a IFloitr.
WGdi w
k LJ?. JI. -r-JiaJE. -rS-LU .So
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z?&2?C-.:J. -
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Ja V &M& b s& 5
Cor. ?fla A. IstStrf..
j ' Proprietors.
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5 1 .llulrf
tit el,
onims VT,'I5 P ?? '3?5l
j WJ7.? JW""' A -
&&& '.w
We hare flttl P Hit style a WlMurd Pari,
and put v.u U.ereia luo ipblftJ lrh from Die niki
fcer7. m fHy HfMHi wSteb we InvMe KeHttfiw.i
&ari of Ue e.rrfce. The 3Minl l"ah.r fe kaut
In thesKryorrrhw!io. tf
;y tJiKHuthm-of ,2C.slts-enta.niheLd.I.'''
! "Our r.if'ici's llotise." if wtalrti nir y
. l-avc rOl.slu. "Home Life iswB-
me!dwl,.- i.,Uife!ersof le'.mr:i.t 'l
f:ntbor's "fc- look." "full of pWoit!
Liliootibrs." "iruim. pteeious s gems.
r..'.0!-- NiIi f. rfv.rv family." S. steel 1 1-
$;mviicj. ww ii!if-n pip . ""; It
.-iftaf f'
b-3 fV 'I Sa cat Zfit
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