Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 23, 1874, Image 3

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    i G
Puljli&licrs' Notices.
Corns or the AimnrnsKis for sale by G.
- tto-n-x, Bestseller, StsUoner and Nw leal
""" jfo.pril&In street, next door to the Postofilce.
-bu, Notices, set as ordinary reading matter,
'trtabe eUarscdten cents vct line, each Insertion.
sit tn dispiar type, twenty-five per cent, addltl--i
to abave rates.
nndcr the head of "Wanted." Rent " "For Is&ie. "Xrfjsi, x oaau, aw.,
11V IT aaT.u.d W a
&U1 be charged twenty-five cents for each adver
tisement of five lines, or less, each insertion. Ad
vertisements " five lines, s.t the rsts of five
etna per Hue. each Insertion.
, fE&hlisiiers Advertiser.
The weather continues dlsagree
ably ocl-
The County Clerk invites bids
for medical attendance at the Poor
Many of our merchants end'gro
cers have received lots of new goods
this week.
The communication of Geo. A.
jkown will appear in our columns
E5xt week.
Ted. Huddart chanced his place
of residence this week to the St. Johns
p-rsoaage building.
WiMey has & new spring wagon
which he run in the interest of his
grocery aad meat market.
Mrs. Berkley, Milliner, has a
splendid illustrated advertisement
this week. Find it and read it.
Last Friday there were two or
tbree horse races and & fight on the
lair Grounds, so we arc informed.
The Director of School district
w tdvertises for sealed proposals to
build a schoolhouse. See "Notice."
The County Clerk issues his proc
lamation this week announcing the
vote of Peru on Trunk railroad bond
The farmers are sowing wheat
extensively. The spring haa been
backward, but the ground is in excel
lent condition.
The last snow this locality had
this winter fell on the 19th of April.
It melted, however, about as fast as it
fell and did no damage.
-? L. Swan, who has had very
poorh&alth for some time past, has
gaaedn visit to his old home and
friends at Hartford, Ct.
Mj CalTrey announces thro1 the
State Journal, that his paper the
Etenmg Blade will make its appear
ance on Wednesday the 22nd inst.
Pete, the popular colored boy
srho runs a ten aent express wagon,
hisx splendid new wagon, a good
hoTte and a Ulattk plug hat with
white baud around it. He is trust
worthy and prompt in the discharge
ui -bur ine.
Conrad F. Harms and Miss W.
Vaikman were ru-srried at the resi
dence of the bridegrnwn, in Wash
ington precinct, on the 31th inst.
JiT Peisner wat the officiating cler
eysiati. Conrad we wish you niuoh
hfippiueR with your fair, young wife
We ci!p the following from the Cer
r tl'irjo Iowa) Republican:
0 a Vmix. Hon. J. ? Church, of
BroKiivillf. Neb., one of the early
$r-Urs of Cerro Gordo county, is now
lure on si visit to relatives and frienda,
vtuch consists of everv old settler.
of whom are glad to meet him
iu r. A-- h.! tnf hiu!tlr- lorfpp.t
J-.- tuntir of our old-time county j
Jidce He will find genial welcome
f ?rm a!
The Board of County Commis--.
'Sitt tret on M nday at the County
'ler.1; efnea 3l& Board of Equaliza
tion t-i equalize the assessments of the
us is in the different preeinois. The
Board is still at work as we go to pres,
and pe cannot speak of the matter
aj.d understanding this week
earn that many complaints are
I t.
niadeor the gro53 inequality of as
smenig. Tho ideas of the vaiua
;3n of lands entertained by different
s-efforg are most wonderfully inhar
Tonious. it would seem.
W. H. Small, the Assessor for
wnvilje precinot, furnishes us
itt the following fisrure? : Nu mber
''oiiiidren under five years old, 232.
-'r of males under 21 years, 446 ;
" or female, 416. 2s umber of males
"r-I years, 443: No. of females,
" Total number of souls in pre' l 727. Xo. of school children,
1,1 YV.uittion of real estate in the
'"v $j2.b9. Real ettate outside off
' f- $113,333. Total realty In pre
" ' "' $4tG.27. Total of personal
r'Ser'v ?lilTin TntH.1 valiiHtlnji
Personalty and real estate in pre-
'it, $5Go.6G7.
Oar co-respondents are becoming
- nuciprous that we have to caution
''rf'frj to study brevity. Long-wind-ei
wtirigj, aoout matters of minor lo
l' Merest do not suit our readers.
l mjst Ue a subject of very general tl,Rt will justify us, hereafter,
r lriar:;a articles that will make
"tbai, one-half columu. Longer
rua', when we think we can
K i'ar the space, and keep up the gen-
1 'e
vriety of interesting reading.
- " - place in our columns, but short
vti'-iMj! stand much the best chance
Cfctting into print. Short, pointed i
.? . . ... . I
upon local or other subjects of
importance and Interest are
5. what we want, and we seldom
00 many of them, but long.
rV POmniniiiMtinnc Tho rrlt of
i could be told in a dozen lines,
-Nst what we do not want, and
j bores us and our readers when-
e jrratlfv the vanitv of shallow
-I r by printing their spiritless,
v-ciiujr euusmns.
Everybody -is glad to see Jake
Rogers in town.
Marshal Campbell has been ap
pointed Supervisor for theBrownvil'le
road district.
The proceedings the Peru Sab
bath School Institute will be printed
in our next issue.
W. T. Rogers, Esq., of this city,
left for Warsaw, Ky., on Monday, to
see a sister who he heard was at the
point of death.
Gov. Furnas, who has been
spending several days at his fruit
farm and nurseries near this city,
went to Lincoln last Monday. He
will return in a short time.
The wife of Gerhart Williams,
who resides on the Muddy, died April
Mrs. Baker, of Richardson county,
aged 74 years, died on the 11th inst.
A child of Wm. Stoddard, near
Sheridan, died on the 15th inst.
At the residence of Dr. Blake on
last Thursday evening our respected
fellow citizen, John B. McCabe was
married to Mrs. Prescott. Rev. Baird
perlormed the ceremony. John
treated to the cigars &c, and all his
friendB congratulate him.
We insert in the Advep.tiskr
this week the Grange Directory, of
National, State and Nemaha County
Granges. Secretaries of Granges will
please notify us of any changes that
may take place, and furnish us with
the names to fill blanks Which occur
in the directory.
The "Royal Yeddo, Japanese
Troupe" perform in McPhersou Hall
this evening (Wednesday 22nd). i his
troupe performed here once before
and everybody was'delighted with it.
It is considered one of the moat entertaining-shows
ever in Brownville,
and we look for a crowded hall to
night. The I. O. of O. F. at Nemaha
City will have a banquet at their
lodge hail on next Saturday evening
in honor of the anniversary of
Oddfellowahip in the United States,
which occurs on the 26th of April.
The Odd Fellows of Brownville will
celebrate the same event in like man
ner on Tuesday evening next.
Johny Smith, tho popular city
barber has just added an other useful
and pretty ornament to his splendid
ly furnished shop, in the shape of a
uew chair. We are not an expert in
describing a barber's chair, but this
one has a revolving seat, and when
Johnny is through rubbing you down
and sleeking you up, he touches a
spring with his toe, the seat revolves
throwing his delighted customer out
on the pavement. Call on Johnny
and try it. He makes everybody feel
stood who takes a seat in that new
In the city of Brownville at 4 o'
clock on the morning of April ISth
1S74, Earnest, infant son of T. C. and
Sarah A. Hacker, aired 23 days. The
little one was buried in the Nemaha
City cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. H. tender their heart
felt thankfa to Mrs. R. C. Berger, Mrs.
Abbott, Mrs. Lett and other ladies
for their kind and sympathetic atten
tinnsduring thesickuess of their babe,
and aiso to friends at Nemaha City
for their kind preparations for the
If 3ou want any article, from a fine
cambric needle to o crow-bar, you can
gwtitatthe store of J. B. jjoover,
Nemaha City ; for he keeps a gener
al assortment of merchandise con
stantly on hand. BootB, shoes, hats.
caps, groceries dry goods, hardware,
nails, of all kinds, and a genera! va
riety of all kinds of goods to numer
ous to enumerate, and sells cheap for
cash. He buj's wheat and corn and
produce of nil kinds; butter, eggs, &c.
At J. B Hoover's is the place to get
your goods at the very .lowest figures
for caBh. Call .and tee him.
Grand Display
Mr3. Johnson left for St Louis on
last Monday to .buy her springand
summer Btoekof millinery and fancy
Opening days, 1st and 2nd of May,
Friday -and Saturday of next week.
All are invited to call and examine
goods and prices.
H. H. Dolen has received his spring
and summer furnishing goods. A
full line of white and cheviot shirts
on hand, alio a beautiful line of neck
wear for gentlemen's use.
For fair dealing and the lowest fig
ures go to Stevenson & Cross.
Bu3your bureaus and furniture at
H. H. Dolen has received the hand
somest'stock of hats that ever came
to this market.
Received. Spring and Summer Par
asols, at L. Lowmau's.
Seed barley and potatoes at Den's.
The best corn planters in Nemaha
county, sold by Stevenson & Cross.
Den sells the Brown Illinois corn
Paper Floor Carpet, 25 cents ajard.
at Roy's.
For boys' suits go to Dente.
If you wish cheap suits, call and see
our ctock of clothing.
F. E. JonssoN & Co.
Call and examine Den's stock, and
you will be-satisfied thaMie is selling
goods low down for cash.
Received, a full stock of Ladies'
Linen and Pecade suits,, at L. Low-man's.
Board of County Commissioners
met Tuesday April 7, 1874.
Present, A. J. Ritter, Henry Hock
meyer, Alex. McKinney, Commis
sioners; W. E. Majors, Co. Clerk;
Davidson Plasters, Sheriff.
The following business was had and
done, to-wit:
Voters of Road District No. 2 pre
sented a petition signed by J. B.
Streekler, Fredric Mager and others,
and ask the Hon. Board of Commis
sioners to appoint Mr. Alex. Kerns
Supervisor of said Rod District No. 2.
Appointment so ordered by the
Wesly Dundas, Wm. Haunaford
Thos. Burras, Justices of the Peace
presented tbelr reports for annual
settlements which were approved.
Wesley Dundas submitted hi3 re
port as Supervisor Road Dist. No. 2
for settlement, which was approved.
Tho official Bonds of E. H. Buck,
Shel. Cochran, Deputy Sheriffs, Wm.
Jewvll, Supervisor Road District No.
2Lafayette precinct, Henry Stein man,
Assessor Benton precinct; Matthew
McArthur, Assessor Island precinct;
R. A. Hawley, Justice of the Peace
Lafayett precinct, were submitted
and approved by the Board.
Ordered by the Board that the N.
W. qr. of theS. W. qr. ofS. 36 T. 5
R. 1240 acres and lot No. 2 S. W. qr.
of S. W. qr..T5 acres same Sec.; T. &
R., be let to Margaret Htilet.
Ordered by the Board on petition of
the lease holder that N E of NE
of S 2C T 6 R 12, School lands he ad
vertised and sold at next sale of
school lands.
Upon the favorable report of Eli
liightfoot, E. M. Entis and A. F.
Slagle, committee appointed for the
purpose of examiuing and ascertain
ing if expedient & no damage would
accrue to individuals or the public,
the Co. Commissioners ordered the
vacation of all the streets-, and alleys
mentioned in said report on file in the
Co. Clerks office.
A petition for the location of a Co.
road commencing at S E corner of S
20 To R 14, and running due east as
nearly as possible of the Sec. line be
tween Sees 21 & 23, 22 & 27, 23 & 20,
24 a 2-5 and 19 & 30 to intersect the
road from thence east.
County Surveyor was appointed a
committer to view the said location
and report if in his opinion it. is prac
ticable, and public good so :requires.
Board adjourned.
Ordered by the Board that A. W.
Shook be appointed Supervisor Road
District No. 1, St Deroin preciuct.
Alex Kearns and Edmund Money
submitted their reports as Supervisors
which were approved by the hoard.
Ordered that the interest on taxes
of James W. Wright for years 1S63,
1SG9 and 1S7I, be recinded by his pay
ing the principal.
Ordered by the Board that C. W.
Wheeler be authorized to repair the
bridge at Bennetts mill.
Ordered by the Board that the Sup
ervisors of the Road Districts in the
several precincts examine all the
bridges in their respective districts,
tighten (he bolts and make ail neces
sary repairs, and that the expense of
the same be paid by their Road Dis
tricts. Ordered by the Board that Island
precinot be established as Road Dis
trict No. 1. and A. W. Welsh be op
pointed Supervisor, also, that David
Campbell b"e appointed -supervisor
Brow nville City Road District.
Ordered by the Board that taxes of
Mrs. Scott be stricken from tax-list
for 1S73.
John Maxwell's report for 1st quar
ter ending April 1, '74 of Poor Farm
was approved. J
Bond of Alex Kearns. Supervi-or ;
Road district No. 2 Bedford preflnet.
was approved by the Board.
In matter of vote of Prni precinct
on issue of $23,000. see notice publish
ed elsewhere, this isue.
Ordered by the Board that penalty j
and interest on taxes of Effee Knop- j
pie be refunded by her payim: priori- SteajijPEBi)lr aurastgejient
paland advertising. Foa SALE.
Ordered bv the Board of County Grindinir mill, with two hore pow-Commis-ioners
that Co. Clerk adver jr: Reamer with steam chest and
Prrioe for hiils for medical ! tank all appurteimnce.- complete, tor
at Poor Farm by the year or the visit.
Alto set an established rate for otter,
dance elsewhere.
Ordered by the Board that A. W
Shock be authorized to' issue all Ro:id
Receipts in Di-trict No. 1 in St. De
roin precinct, when he is satisfied the
same are just nnd work has been per
formed according to. law.
Ordered by the Board that R Opelt
be authorized to establish a ferry on
the Nemaha river at a point where
old toll bridge cros-ed said River,
while iron bridge is being built and
to chaige for 4 horse- and wagon 40c;
1 span horses. 2octs ; 1 horse, lofts;
Footman, octs. Said Opelt to forfeit
boat and charter if heneglectsdik fer
ry. Ordered by board that Mr. C. W.
Wheeler repair Longs Bridge across
Nemaha River.
Ordered by the Board that the ap
pointment of D. B. Corryell as Con
stable of Lafayette precinct be revoked
as two duly qualified officers are act
ing in said precinct.
Bond of D. Campbell as Supervisor
Brownville City, was approved by
A petition for building bridge at a
point on Muddy known as Hannas
Bridge , refused for want of funds.
Petition asking for vacation of road
on south line of Sees. 19 and 20 in
BedfordjOreciuct. Accepted fc vaca
tion order-id.
(Signed) A. J. Ritter, d?res"t.
W. E. Majors, Co. Clerk.
F. E. Johnson & Co. are now, re
ceiving their spring stock which we,re
bought at greatly reduced prices. Call
and see for your selves.
wasted :
Com in the ear for goods at the Red
J. B. H. is making large ship
ments of grain on the steamer Wolff.
Dr. Crim and lady, of Aspinwall,
were in town the other day, getting
photographs taken at the picture car.
Our new city officers say they in
tend to enforce the laws strictly here
after. That is what the people here
want to see.
A most singular orange was re
cently to be seen at the store of J. B.
Hoover. The juice of which was
very nearly as red aB blood.
Every thing quiet in town. Farm
ers in the vicinity are busy putting in
crops, and a large yield of wheat Is
expected the coming harvest.
A horse race came off on our race
track last Saturday. The boys had
fun but everything was quiet and ev
erybody sober and good humored.
J. B. Hoover was planting pota
toes early last week. He is in his
glory when making garden. Birl al
ways has the earliest truck in town.
We still have hope9 of getting
the Trunk R R. before Ions. Then
look out for Nemaba City she will
surely hold her head upproudly then.
J. B. Hoover went hunting be
tween Suturdav and Mon'dovand kill
ed a fine lot of ducks and other came.
He met Tm and Alex Robison at
the same business.
J. B. Hoover's song now is "let
me the far distant west, to eha&e
the antelope o'er the plain," and he
says hew going, "by George." and
we think he will for he has told it so
ofteb. If tho Indians scalp him it
will not hurt him, as he wears a wig.
We have been blest with but one
crusader. A woman went to ti galnon
wbere one of her sous was playing
card? and driukitig, and prayed so
loud she could be heard all over town,
While she was praying for nnt of her
boys, the other one was in a saloon
on the other side of the street, play
ing cards. He is, or was, a Good
Te.mpIar, too. We say bully for mi eh
members. Somebody wants to know
which is the Worst, to play cards for
the drinks and do the drinking your
Eelf, oi pay for somebody else's drink?
The best plows in Nemaha county
sold and warranted by Stevenson &
25 pieces choice Prints just re
ceived at F. E. Johnson & Go's.
Walking canes at Dolen's.
Buy your dry goods at Deu's and
enve inonev.
The best cultivators in Nemaha
county, for less than $23.00, sold by
Stevenson & Cross.
H. H Dolen has just received a
beautiful lineof piece goods, some of
the very latest patterns In the mar
ket, which he is prepared to make up
In the very latest style and at prices
that will suit these dull times.
Buy your stoves of W- T. Den, at
reduced prices.
New bureaus and wash stands at
The largest variety of boots and
shoes, ladies' galter3 and slippers you
will find at Den's, for lowest prices.
Boys' express wagons and toy carts
at Rov's.
Ready money
cheap at Dun's;
will bu3T -clothing
For fine teas, best coffees, swnett-st
suirars go to Den?s.
Hr the be-t implements of any
kind itove-. hardware. creern: r
wnjron-.. iro t.i Stcvti-i:i & Cros.
Den tfll the b-t uoods for the low
est prices in Brownville.
A full lin of smoker's articles con
stantly on hand at Bergman & Co's.,
very low for rash.
preparing and feeding strain food, lor
sale rrasom'MIy cheap Apply tn Robt.
W. Furnas or F. A. Tiadol, Brown-
Neb. 42-4i
Go to Berirmau & Co., for Golden
Thread fine cut. They St'll it very
rapidly anil always have it fresh and
ladlea I
That -room -where the papr has. be
come soiled and torn, which ymir
husband aid could be patched to do
another year put your foot right
down, and a-sert your riuhts; and
r-ay to h'im that H. C. Lett has his
uew stock of wall paper, and so cheap
you cannot afford to patch, and if he
expects you to make hishome cheer
ful let him go at once and buy enough
to paper every room in the hon-e.
Every good wife will make this de
mand and no loviug husband will re
fuse the request.
Swan & Bito. have received a lot of
celebrated Hannibal fall wheat Flour.
Purchasers of fine flour cannot fail to
be suited with this article.
Removed to
Main street.
my new building S7
Louis Lowaian.
S'ew Sugar Cured ilaxne
just out of the smoke at Swan & Bros.
To the Grangers of Nemaha County.
Being informed that several Granges are
sending off for goods. I irlsh to say to you.
that If yon will allow me the same profltyon
pay elsewhere, I will be satisfied to take
your orders. LOUIS LOWMAN.
Granger Cigars at L A. Bergmann
& Co's., two for five cents. If you
can't smoke 'em, chew 'em.
Cox's Gelatine at Swan & Bro's.
Croquet is all the go now in Peru.
School commenced in the Norm
al building again last week.
Mr. Burdiok has on a ne'w Sup
ply of goods that he will sell cheap.
Seed potatoes, butter and eggs
are scarce in Peru. Come in with the
above articles.
We noticed quite a number of
the Brownville friends up at the Sun
day School Institute.
Samuel Moody and wife went to
St. Louis last week. Sam will lay in
a stock of spring goods.
Quite a number of families have
moved this week, Into other houses,
and everybody is-fixing to make gar
den. J. H. Miller has moved his store
into the Sanders & Randal building,
where he is ready to accommodate
Peru last week enjoyed a Sunday
School Institute, which was a very
profitable meeting. Quite a number
of ministers and delegates were pres
eut from the district.
Rev H. P. Burdick, M. D , gave
an excellent temperance lecture in the
M. E. Church last Thursday itight.
Mr. Burdick has the happy faculty of
keeping theoo"ngregation awake.
If -the Glen Rock "Itemizer"
dn't keep hi9 scurrilous, slanderous
tongue quiet, he will have something
published that will open his eyes,
and the ej'es of the public, too. The
moral-- of Peru will get along very
well without a man whose fingers
stick to things.
Bishop I". G. tAudrew? preached
in the M E. Cnureh last Sahimth,
morning and evening. The Church
was in debt about one thooand dol-
j ., mor:-njz at,out pnjM hundred and
ar- run utfr tne oiiip- mtiihhi hi
fifty Io!lar- were -ub-iTi,td and in
the eveuUcr the mibahriplion wi
swelled to over one thoti-and dollar
Bishop Andrews. will long be remem
ltvd in Peru as an aid expounder of
the word, and a very pleasant chris
tian man.
Mary Clemmer Ames' Neir Boole.
Ten Yeaks xs Washington'. Life and
Scenes in the National Capital, as a
Woman Sees Them. A new iLLCSTitATED
lished by a. d. woktuington &. co.,
Haktfoud, Conn.
The name of Mary Clemmer Ames
ha? become a familiar and honored
household word. She has enjoyed
rare facilities for observation and for
obtaining reliable information con
cerning the "inner life" at Wahini
ton, its mysteries, wonders, marvels
secret doings, ect., such as no other
person of either sex has ever before
been a able to command. Ht-r keen
eye has been watchful of every person
cognizant of every fact. In this
volume she takes us with her and
points out to us not only what an or
dinar3r observer micht see and des
cribe, hut what (with a woman's wit
and a patriot's devotion) she herself
has seen nnd felt.
It is a book of National interest. a
book for everyone It is actually
overflowing with good things for ev
ery man, woman and child full of
amusements and instruction for all
Mrs. Ames shows us the wonderp and
workings of the elaborate machiner
of the Government, and tells us all
about the men and womn whoe
words and deeds are making up to
day's history of our country. She
explains what they do and how they
do it; and in a charming manner she
giVes ii" the Ten years experience of
a, clever aod wideawake Wo
man. She tells us every incident and
tact which can inrtrnct or :imue.
Everywhere we witness Wonders.
At every stpp the Author prturs forth
a Fund of information and anecdote,
which Is as charmiilg n it is unex
pected. No other book ever published,
has appealed to po large a cons' ituen
cy a does this one It is a book for
no one rlas. condition, sect or party;
It Na work for all It is indispensable
to every wide-awake and progressive
person every where, tt is a book for
American homes find hearthstones,
and wherever then 5 nn American
family, there is a waiting customer
for thi- charming wrk.
Itl tto'ht uF oriilthig binding gild-
ing ornamentation mul nbove
ij j
-" t
beautiful and co-tlv iibnr-Ued
work i- iiMxee!!rd : while the -n-perb
te-l plate portrait of Mary
Clemmer Ames, engraved from a pho
tograph taken expressly for purpose,
and the firt and only portrait of any
kind ever engraved of her will be
bigly prized by the ten5 of thousands
in all ections of our country who loVe
and admire her geniu.
This work will be sold only to those
who order of the Agent, who will
soon introduce it to our citizen1". We
bespeak for it a most cordial reception
for it is worthy of it.
Louis E. Snurr. of Brownville i
the appointed agent to -ell tin- hook,
for the following precinct in thi
county: Brownville. D tI is, Gleu
Rock and Peru.
Cranberries Dried Cherries. Raspber
ries. Blaekberrie-. Salt Lake Peache.-.
choice Beans and Hominy at
Swan & Bno's.
To the Granger ofNemahcCounty.
I take pleasure in recommending
Messrs. Stevenson & Cro?s to .transact
your business until I receive instuc
tious.from the State agent, and I au
thorize them to take orders for you.
County Agent.
A-nevr-snpply offspring Golleo at
Farmers, don't throw away SO or 90
dollars on a wagon to save 10 dollars.
But buy the Bain they are the cheap-
The total value of personal prop
erty in Douglas preciuctis 855,670.
Prospects are favorable for the
j erection of a school house lu Sbe?idan
at no distant period.
Samuel Simpson and his sister
Mary Simpson left last week for their
homestead in Jewell Co. Kansas.
Mr. Geo. D. Snurr informs us
that he IS going to herd a drnve of
cattle in the Grand Prairie neighbor
hood this summer.
A child of Wm. Stoddard's died
very suddenly on Wednesdn' of last
week. The cause of its death is not
fully understood. It was about 14
months old.
Saturday last was a warm, pleas
ant daj ; but Sunday was quite dif
ferent" The wind blew, nnd the rain
fell, and a position near a good cheer
ful fire, was the moat pleaaent place
to be found.
Forty acred of land just north of,
and adjoining the present site of
Sheridan, will be surveyed Into town
lots the coming week This is done
to supply the increasing demand for
Sheridan town property.
Sheridan has two mails a day,
Sundny excepted, which are deliver
ed with astonishing regularity by the
K. & N. Stage Co. They have not
missed a mail in the last ten months.
This is more than some R. R. towns
can boast of.
Fred Parker of Brownville passed
through town astride art animal of the
equine species a few days ago. His
position on the beast, nnd his skill in
managing it, reminded us of the
murine on shore who thought to
amu-ehimself whilroffdHtj'by indulg
ing in a equestrian exercise.
Seated pretty well astern iie was urg
ing hi-, horse along, who ?eetned dis-po-ed
to o'jfct to the location of his, when be met his cominading
officer. ."Sit a little more umidship,
Jck, and you'd ride easier." said the
captain. "No,"aus.wered Jack, "this
is the first craft I ever commanded,
and I'll be blqwed if I don't ride on
the quarter deck."
oodi Arrive Dally
For Ste enson fc Cross.
.Ladies' and misses' spring hats at
L. Dowman's.
Spring and. Summer Goods.
I intend to sell my goods at the low
est figures, actual eoat, with freight
added, and feel confident to please
my customers and the public. Ex
traordinary inducements oliered to
all. jVb bait I but good, substantial
goodh for old time prices.
Louis Lowmax,
87 Main street.
Retnovad to my new building 87
Main street. Louis LowaiAX.
You may talk Rbout your Vinegar Bitters,
or your Hostetter's Bitters, lint Mitldleton's
Sweoncy Collar is tho best collar mnde for a
sore necked horso.
ftnlinnl TMrtvnrQ ninnVe ttijit- hn ltnii lir
culling at the County Clerk's offlce.
Send for our price list wltb special torras
for Granjjes.
Lamps of ever stj'Ie-at W. H. Mc
Greery's. 13-3m
Wm. H. Hoover, Real Estate Agent
.lud Conve3eucer. Court Room.
A choice selection of plain and fan
cy ribbon at Louis Lowman's.
Salt by barrel or pound at Swan &
The celebrated Boone County Mo.,
Flour at Gilmore & Co'.
teas: teas::
The cheapest and best at Gilniore &
L. Lowman has received a splen
did selection of fanci' goods and no
tions, at S7 Main street.
. Spriugnnd Summer Goods.
Will opn ii large ftock of fancj
rire-s goods at L. Lowman's.
Stevenson ct Cross solicits the farm
ers to give tlirin a chance to sell them
irnpku.eij'.- h irdwaro. stoves, grocer-
ie.- jnd a g- m-ial variety of goods
"ij-i-umi; ijut-fii- v in c, nun, ntiuuu
r. ........ ... :., .....
timber, shoemaker findings, wag"
mi-, tinware, paints, oils & glass,
pumps, bacon, lime, and seeds, and a
good young horse at low figures.
Teas A full assortment at Swan
& Bro.'s, at prices ' suit all.
Tap'oiia, Vermicelli, Pearl
"Kominv and Rice at Swan S
Brtots and Shoes forraeu, ladiesaud
children, atL. LoHnmn's
School books, all kinds, at W. H
McUreery's 133m;
Dupnn'tn Premium PotTder.
Stevenson Cror General agents
will duplicate any list.
Farmers will not htfve cheap, infe
rior wagons, hut buy the Bnlit.
Our Goveruo. 's Choice is the favwr
ite cigar; manufactured hy L. A.
Bergman & (Jo.. No. 4tS MaiJt Street.
Large stock at Stevenson &
Scrap tobacco, for smoking, -10 cents
per pound, at Bergman & Co's.
H. C. Xiett
Has just received a large and fresh-supply-of
letter paper, pens, iuoluding
the celebrated s-tub pen,
itial paper, etc.. etc., seiliug at lower;
prices than usual. j
Large stock of clothing for men, :
youths aud children, at L. Low
For good liquors, cigars &s. go to
Wall' on thP. corner of Main and
Second streets.
I will sell, low down for cash, my '
scrdw press, mouldsaud otherappara-
tus for the manufacture of tobacco.
Apply in person at the factory, or by
latter to
J. L. Coisapp.
Grangers buy your Plows, Cultiva
tors and corn planters of Stevenson: &
Cross. I
The "National Currency Tobacco" j
made by Colhap of this city, when wv i
consider its qu'al and cheapness, '
and the peculiar style in which it id '
put np, is the best thing in the tobac
co line we have seen. It in put up with I
a view to small wholesale customers. J
Farmers, Grangers and others who
wnnt to buy directly from the manu
facturer should see Colhapp before
supplyiug themselves.
1a. A. BEUGaiAXX & CO.
At the Red Store you will find the
largest and best stock of staple dry
goods, consisting of prints, brown and
bleached mublins, denims, duckings,
sheetings in great variety, tickings,
jeans, cassimeres, notions of all kinds,
boots and shoes, besides the best and
cheapest line of men's and boys'
clothing in town, also plenty of fresh
groceries. I have already laid in a
new stock and if you wish to buy any
goods call and see me, and I will sell
you new and fresh goods at hoUom ,
prices. Farmers, if you have butler, .
eggs, or com in the ear, to sli, I will
give you a bargain.
Georgk Marion.
Removed to
Main street.
my new building 87
Louis Lowmax.
Spring and sum'mer clothing at L.
Cabinet work-of albkinds made to
order at J. L. Roy's.
If you vrlsh to buy procorjfts ly the puok
age. call on us, and we will soli you at St.
Joe. or Chicago prices, with freight added.
Why is it that Stevenson & Cross
are doing such a wholesale trade in
groceries nnd hardware? Because
they were the first to put down the
'o . a
Alannfucturer and Dealer in
Ziuli Pads, Brashes, BIas.iccts.
. H
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' Johx exuaocx. -cr. s. okabsoce.
7 7t3a S 55 y
Guns made to order. - Repairing ncRr tkno .
0 U NT! P. F E I
AJl brands of WoarbarlnsShittRr's
Tihino. tuul not mtule at Nemaba VaV
iej Mills, aro counterfoils.
- "a
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"Repaired. RcdJawelrr Mancractnrfd toorr.
Qchool "Doo-r;
For -ale by G.3. TKTNN1
Xeatiy fund Presaptiy Uratpatttd.
Uioai !
sssz v S&S3EK a s a'
Car. aiarn A. si S.
JL. itO"BIfc?tI,
ftaiwiiin? neatly don. No. WXtitRMrMk. Brawn -vttte.Xete.
gtt 2y i. our ji-ooeir J,or
--i 7JsiL.vr tn j& -aw-.
.1. JT7TjyAJElT Atf.,
No. HI Xnlif Strt-tt,
"W-bSirv ftttctl tu la Ho- Mylf a BUHaflt rsrinr.
and ;nr up tt.crt-:n .7. t.JiU-s irmh froai Ue mn
MMMfr. War nmmm wijirti w tavMB
UiDfi tt the f n.-rrii'.-. T.e Ril.Hut Parte iMloe
In Uht mrv jtw thm tmm. mf
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B. SOGERS. Proprietor.
By t;uthrof "N t 4mmtmvn lim-ir''
j .-ilul "Our KaU.t. y.u-. il i:i.-k Deal r
. lutrc been ! -E r. " U m-
me-TtirtH,y ttttU.JMfce-i all t-.,-sr'i - ,4th
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s--id f..i rii. mai. ZIKUi.SK b 3PCtK
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