t-wmr -i sajj"W3L3u..-iir ' .A- a. THE ADVERTISER.! g4DTERTISER. ADVERTISING RATJ5S. i I H - fcS-eiT Xiiursday hy lm 1 a txa a ? 2 00 13 4,00 4 00 T $6 00 50 00 Zi00 60 00 110 00 30 00 otToo 100.00 proprietors. 6 00 6 001 IQOl lSelvnches- SWJt 10PO 00 - i.Pfccrsen'R iro" "" ', . - i. amlw. at w i " u" -" rr YCTRASKA. Y, u.it -" Iiegaladvertisements aUcgal rates: One sqnara. flWlneof Sonpareil space. or leas.,) first lnsertio I 41,00; each sab3eiuent Insertion, WC ferxzs. 2X wvanso - " T - ...... . - .--. -. . fl'i. ---.- . SLtsrmm. - - -- i i ' J f55VfcS"A SSS & fr- -sWl au JM 4- -' . S7mBM 1M . . IB . . ' r S AM W v ...'' fr?B fc3 & CejJ Jk. ku A a . X 4Bi JM A. A &. I Y IB BB1 fe. A .A fc, A rmfla. Jfev . V!i JM .-A. &. . : v &&sk Psl v IS ' Ma Y V mm mL Am, m Yr V Hi Hfc IS m bM KS n' IsJ y H li. S )yx m -Y - oneincb i$ij t?iTl ' !5 Kbf El c??3 Is 7 rhE VvvVHI HtfM & BC '""n Bu HB tHE' Bal ffB & 2BrBB BB Ml 'kit-ttictm, -5- -" ePl rfsm J ISa Ka 1 EI a Hi 7 IEV 3Picti p IrJ -' wA. i SI mk mk mImImI.bM , k , mrmwW-&&l&Wv?w -AfywAAyAyir-A'. I CS? I VrfSSS I WZA J tvl Pj EK Wl KB KB I M i M VI n ri fiBBktf M H MK HK MM I MB I ! I MHfc. V &. A One Column 1 lo W cv.- nn w -" m i . . X S " ' t , 02Alltran5clentadvertlsei3eiitnin.b pall foiln advance. '' . lit' l- K1 f. j-1.1-: te .fOF .Xlifc5 10 - . ilj . - - .. .10 znzzzzzzzrzzzmrTTTr"- - - "" tt l TTrit o" eyerJtage ESTAUIilSHZD 1S5C..J Ciaost Pa-oer in tlie State. ) BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NWEMBER 20, 1873. BUSINESS CAKBS. ATTORNEYS J. II rf' v llroaity, jT-x-XLiOR -AT tuVVT. iiinfc. Brown vlli - t- V. T!sas ' - . -w oanr. front ram vr ctui: &. Scilek r-V .a - . -w.. vah and GT- i.-:ii. ui in . xwm jhvbvbwh 1 ' j,, : ,, . c." xo.70 aH ttPeeHop f !." ir !" Veb 4-ly Aw. ?vr' V. . T. Hosert., . Vt oUVJKMR ATT.AW. . ". i - "M. Office ib Court nw ., Neb". .. .,,11 ti. S"W-inrtn, . ' at cocssnxas at lAr 1 -' .-'U. ri. r PHVSIC1AXS. " -V, Once. X.t A Cretans vs p'm-sl-iais4w?i Office T PERU ADVERTISSKEIiTS. Insiiraracc not a Privilege ljut aXHity. Continental Insurance Company ,if or ifsv -iroHiK. - HOW THE BAKT CA3IE. J ThelA'iv Moon ciimetiown last night- She did yon iieedirmojujui A lovely lady dressed In white: T'U t.!l vnll nil lllKlUt it. Tioy hurrlel Lrfn and me to bed, : Atnl Aumy tald. "No"', miiy be ' mt pretty moon up overncuu 111 bring us uovru h uu.it. Asset over ..... Loseh vnttl iaXJbi'-nso. Losses pniil in Iotoii, "Tou lie as qalet--avcaii be; ; peibMi.yon li alien nerjwuiiiHs r.'oan:HnO Urtweeii Ute wiikw-liui. toaee ,a,oo,uij , And then lf hoVtl or ywi keej still, nuv,uiw And all Mtt'TOOtn issniiuy. 'Ct-trr mde a spt.'Cialtv. upon tbeln-rl jsie H floni uiross Ue window-sill, f aril mnt or AhwihI Premium pian, j a tiouuie white moonIady. mlr inr five vears; lesfe than five years, j b'KS stock plan. "Across the rdH.ftJongthe floor. Insure itcln8t loss or dnmKe hy Fire sn.l You'll ,,r,s!:J"1"..r'!,lK' (.-1ttn.lH.tMtni.il nAnlotitK Uv irrsin , LIJlll &lieim. ju "'!- . "-. -"""-"-"--r -.. ..Dw -- - ,--"jrjr----- j i HUd SIOCU. EO T. iiOt'K. f res. Ovkus PncK. Sec. C. J. Barber, General Agent, Omaha. P. M. MAETIN, ACENT FOR NEMAHA. GODKTY. p-, BAR!NSS &, 3ilb5D3EY, DAVID BAXSES. S. S. XOODEl.. .DEALEP.S I8f GENERA" T L 'Si'- tv-O- .. nrrEAXnOOI.'RKCTIOX '- "4.Z &pecHU ..., n of ??,"li Boa ix: iw"" iajp . rts -j.1. A,- ;ai4tf 1. A. Brgmr., .,-.- AVD OONVETASO.- ;.i i floor. Browirrille. ' ..,.EVah'(,,J!dAme,KM" rnj":!:"- r ""-: " pnrfiGJSTS nSPVJi-n; i,ptt .S- Crcipti, Rn, dde LS ,& Sfe t'jomon oiw---. "' LKO AO-STS. - ' i:l Eas--Ts 7teP " . ve;i:om;'ttt"ti-,Uo ,51ia .fcW- T .Oifcli" BinfWS:g:EIIIES i Oaeensware, CLOT HATS. La?H'S of the HI o. v. r-r--: a.-l Vjrt-f AKllttnd . '? .'.,'. Ti.u-tuo-: c:niCT He- i .rm.fieoi-vit?- -"? i-lLMA-i 51 M L-LS2f2S! rA",'IA "- :-fcn 0rtRB- 1MU IT- v- ' Rjja. (,KV15 EAtKK. HASH T)T l,r. a . .c h v- &- . G. Starr, -i v OEAIX AND OKICtJI Mr 'a. d Statue, l-oi wurdiag -I recant, A-puwli,5e)- SAi3D7EK.T. 3 fs ! b ii EI" i j j ! rn i i f 'r' ' wS. . I SHOES, Glassware, HING, CAPS, Latest Styles variety. LIXE OF Ccirm's. lor iiicthkst ;;arket price PAII FOH j P ,fA K fcT ". n JHU -& . PorPrtsector Spring Deliver v U. Uli - - .- .s 3rid.es. Co!'rs.Btc.j.iC. tj. 3r aied. URIISK SClL.EX3fO. ( Brown . . f St. .? Sat r -u.iUi 3 n3 i I10T1Z1.S. Z. 1- I. il.i-an.rroprttor. hie ..... . i ITf 1 w A vr'.l, ..;.' :.'.. : -o: !?- ial rvi i T. .i.tt ?i .- la cj iat.-ut .. . li HuJ1 CVS 3HTS3C- ' 'UiiK;'S cUmS2UUl4t UTiBn.iii. . .na t.- rler,-anfta.rte a one j pfjxr' r i'r rite. We are constantly iiMjss n;Tiithn-ari;oods vli.ti we ai.! then KheMl vanish llshily. Bnt tn the inoniins you "ivill llud, If nctiilng happen-, nniylie, Sbc. left tb bomethlni; ulce behind A beautiful siar-buby." WV didn't Jne5 believe her then, For Aunij s always cuafTnif:; The tales sheirlls to me and l.en Would make you die n-lauehlng; And -wben s-heent-out pretly soon, ieii .said, "That's Aunty's humming; There alnM a bit of hrrty-moon, " r any baby coming." I thonstit myself It wn a lib; And yet I wasn't certain ! &n I Kept Quiet in the crib. And peeped liehind the curtain. I didn't mean to t-j-ep u wink, Hnt all w.tbnuta-w.Trniiif;. ., . I dropped rleht ott a-nd don't yon think, 1 never waked till morning! Then trere"wa; Auntv hj rnv bed. Ami wlwrn I climbed anil kissed her. . She. laughed and snld. "You sleepy-head I Yo;i'v-got a littie-Mster! Whit :nte you shut yonr eyes so soon? I've ii.t'.i" a "mind to scold you Fr down fJie came that lady-moon. Exactly vsl told yon!" Aid trslj H wp not a Joke. In spite f Ieirs denying. For insi t he verv time she spolre "We heard the baby cryinc. The wv we jumped and made a rash For mother's room that minute! But Ann'- stopped ns crvtnq, "Hush! Or ele yeu shan't a In it." And so we had to tlp-to in, And keep ax awful quiet, A15 if it wh mi awful dn To iHkc a bit of riot. But ther- was )w.bv. njuyhow Thefnmi -t little mlduet! T just wsh von eoll mp in now, And see it squirm and Hdget. Len ssv be don't iwlievelfs true' (He ln'i sneh a bhv.) The mHn bad aiivt-ainsr to do frhli!ni;lm; us fiat baby. But seems tn me Its verv near. A" flen-ss running waer JKt niKbt there wa' " b-i'.iy herp. So oomcthinc imi bavebr.rtit;ht her. t - 4. purposes seemed to be hraoke. Tholted upon this rock by the hostile Iro- between men jis men and not as poll Ghawles" makes conpiderable smoke quois, if we remember aright at any we venture to guess that he does some destruction of tobacco "und such rate we won't Bpoil the etnry for a name, and were there kept until the tings." The notorious old pedagogue, "last of "the Illinois" died of star va Eastman, was perambulating the i tion. A pulife Aleraonstration was given on thiggwin September lat. CUE niSJ OIS EETTES. Oinab: S:crlIn,T, n:-m.Ctlcago and ' l.n Jsaile Gof1. -IT BL, IC S7II. .1. Yi l.iVfcJ. TiTir-trcf'Trr T) KOCSZ SEOKR. First Jj ..-". i "':n n.-." A:lnHc. rowivWie. 1 3H- ROOTS ASO SH035. S5&I 1GW 23D vV to sufe FHhasr3. TE RSFER TO OUlt CUSTOjLIvRS. DRUGS, ?JSSICIK;ES, CI1EKTICAL.S, riNr. to:l"kt soaps. k Faacy Hair. T&tk BraeK, Psrfniii cry , Toilet Ai'ticles- TMlJSSES, SJIOIH.WEB BftiCES, Ora and Sgrclen ScmM, "UX.K v:ks atTx liquors for 3:bd:cisal rcujeosEs, Paiatr-, Oris, 7aris:i5 and Ii'e Stffij Lbtter I'crc-' PfWi, Ia!i EHrelap;s "oLA'-SS FUTTY, Ofbnn Oil i.imps mid Chlmnev. rkTsw'sFrrttrtnBAref!:r Ca(a5c W&r-5 I ZSZ1 !'h:-.. tv t;-o- m.1 '-toe Mckfr, J.o. .litJaiuilhti U.-aviile.Krt. ilibeyE-tant-if..-. nan' v .-rie:r. ofea:v lAay . 'irirx :, ,anes aA ilspatcfa. Ktttnnr j ee ir .j-. .1 . rm -t mi in MWim ' " - ' " S.VI.OOK. :r r:VUT Oi..i--tc--a4Qjiea-.Mi: 'r(.. t.BfJ r, ::e. K. The s i"!I -)Tvr4cept on 'nH. rase; scrsrooz jk'r tti rtE' U spas y rim Vr iavlte year attention to tlrt supertority pMhe ied prc P, OCT j IE i i?r?i n 1H iM. Ifi l7IVv yiK 4W lfc llEalfV PERU ADVHRZI3EKESXS. . G. Y PETEKSON p4 wil' inak- f. or.'.er j F4 0C BOOTS AXD SHOES. HJ Q t i "nt Kee Sample. Prt 2fO FIT 2STO 3-x.:. Z-. AZI. Wj2K KARZAXTZB. m at - JOISS SRCKSDOS, 1 Fashionabis Baot and Shos nTOJl WWtX ALWAYS 8K IIJLXD. It- ....:- exvcuttit with n-.: mess, ii CALL AND EXAMINE 31 Y STOCK COMBINED it HAS THE FOLDING ESK AI)EAT. IT IS FKDE FltOM: NOISK. IT IS STRONG, BBAtTir Vh. CONVENIENT. . JURABL- Tie caVtinw are one-fourth wter th ! o( ST'T" 'rM-h- rnoihfr wed ad4 Taeseat. arm. and back. arebeal'ftiliy carvedam aUttd. We Kuaran; fn.J'r,JL zr. R. B. S3StTQ, JiWM&ace& Collection '9..uft5Wre THK K KT.I.'' as Us name indicates, an etecan ifT T -fl tion :i -. ... n i.im. .va tut: iiii rLrii .'.''i . . JIItlL ll.-lilti- . ." . ii.ii. !-.w, lt., f-harte. tMHIO i. iock'.. rriia. v.-. "-'"'-----; r.w.-.,, LteuMSIati-c "ha:K. wwri""";.. Palmyra. Ike Co.. Tle.. K'-vi'mber 7, 1S73. J Editor Nebraska Advertiier. j You exacted bof re we left a prom ise to write for the ApvEr.Tisnu wl.ilf. nVse:it. and thoiiKh' we have nothing new, strange or startling to communicate, our scrupulous regard fbnte obligation of a contract will norpermit us to violate it, though you miphtjie willing to release us in v:w of thetss circtimstauces. J3ut there is one other circumstance tht asauiJUice of ".rhich, acquired by a long course of experience within th- tn.nur. cukUMil.n-1. ItTIUUntS US H10I1' Btronely to write than a promise, a request, 2 brilic or r. threut, the as surance that wlien you have slanced over Ibis letter you will ijlve it to ifa? devil. - ..- OtV'otir wsy 'frnm -Brownville wc foiuid hfpw minntes tinfe tonin over to Omaha. We sought out T)r. Ij. 35. .ArnSld's n'cc, and, AlthniiRh that i profession! ws imt in, we stepped inside and U?afl.H uurseli wnii u- i only nev,-cpHpr to lie found. It prov ed to be Hti AYEUTlSERof an aneient date, and the'mosi prominent m.d only artiele we nw reaiember there in was the editor's Messing upon the Dr. when he passed through the Hy menial ordeal. Our waiting proved unavailing, and a kind hearted indi vidaal finally volunteered to direct us to the Doctoi's rfsidene'e. We will wager that to tills day he flatters him self that he did c favor for the Doc tor, however much our adipose, 3Co pounds., argued to tiie contrary. We found the, professional gentleman at home, or course. What right had we to expect that he would be in his of fice? What newly married man doe "WeareiHOBiatiBsa fi'i: line o. n& o -r-u.i-r-v tWMtm. Qbmrs. anc ai HKXm-KE.. Oiu- list or apjra .n.,.v , . ? go we reaSOn XlOW . jes. ia?rs. v'"": "";;.. C-.i . I and so we ought to AGENT. Special atlentlongiven tocollection of notes and accounts for non-reeWentg. Address Bo 68. 1ERX, V amahs, Co.. iNfib. BarberShsp J Restaurant KV. -a-:--.: o ,n jn the weatest and latest K,yle I ue c..'iceiit brand-, of Clears eon- Matithr on t and. Del!el Confectionery, j Team in season. Oye$ Ktows on st.ori aou. . , ia Fountain in full blast. Kitt, t. opposite Brick Chnreh, ATV4btarte ailSverytl.inR dh e in ;v -ri.de . . spt.o..la. all -r wh'ch we i.,n for wlior on uBichi time t enable a district to ordUaduTrablelrrPbj.jd adatrird to priuiarv lew'; lu IrawnnK. .wmers. BfdailGramaiar. .ddre-souraearestasent, wuo win cull i.ioa yoa luiit ce.sj . NatioDal SoLool Purniture Oo. , iia and U5 State Strcc, CHICAHO. ? "ST MARTIN. Exehislre Asent for Otts Ne mate luehardaon aud Pawnet! counUs. ? 5P- fl5iTj-ir!!4frniirt bsciainVw. Five ST?n-?a7 taildiK bonds utteti vrtthout ciiarge to patrons. Aodrests Eos 101, Porn, Mohraska. WEI I F9LE rZOFRrKTOR, ' i Iiof intt'ne in ImIKFD WKIil.S in rst.ilAiiA Bftz.a& COUNTY. tixlls Ui IlKJIVl- ltttr receive prompt C4eBlHi attention. Parties ma aak rr. n' PIKE. GAliVEXIZED IKOX OR CE5iET TTJUINR. We make vi i tiirii-j'i ROOK, wesre provided ith a tsinsanl pound horse-jKiwer drill dl same ze a. Auger. Guarantee water ropay pcxtorace address. PERU, Xel) CHARLES-GAEDE PKOPRIETOR. Guets received at all hours, DAY and NIGHT. Connects with under same management. 3aJCareful iittention given to the wants of guests. We rofar to the traveling public. C. W. CUL,EEEtTSOK IttBPFITFBandnRV sEll LIS I LS2 isas CONTRACTS TAESxf. Mat-eriairurnislied when Desired, at terms and rates -which dFfy competition. Ad.ire-s, or eill at Shrp, corner Mrth and Fark streets, rem. Nei. i TT nil 7.TTT Refers to -r -vrLE. U. S. Mail and Transfer -Hacks. Make reu clap, trips daily fom - PERU, NEBRASKA, to eraska makine conned ion -with trains City, on the Midland Pacific K. It, fyi 3TS J&& S. ?4i&.d, m II r h 1 1 P I AHOswralioRSiPer rnrmetl ia thobfcbtj manner. Offick: At residence on Slain have reasoned . J a Kn rif then. We are giau i .-uy ... w. friend Bruee that he is doing a good business iu the metropolis, and the polden egg of success will be his in due time.if.he doesn't kill the goose. The hour spent with the Doctor's family was pleasant and will haunt our dreams pleasantly for many day. In due course of time we were un loaded at Sterling and at once run the round of our acquaintance and enjoy ed ourself as much as most mortals can under similar circumstances. We found everybody rnd everybody's si?--ter so far as-our observation has ex- tended,-to he in a good state of prefer- there vation. Sterling shows evidence oi continued substantial growth. In the matter of manufactories, particularly, it is growing rapidly, and will In a few years be the most prominent, manufacturing town iu the We. . is :. t Mm nvlonl f R There is scarcely a niui- w ...-..-hQ . :..... r rho nrtieles manufac- anu vuriir " - turcd. Sterling has the largest dis tillery, but one, in the United States. Immense quantities of corn and bar ley are here Hquified and shipped to almost every part of the world. Farm ers are paid- at the distillery about . .. i 1..1 mnro for tllfir five cents per u" .... com than current market prices, nd while thev entertain mixeu uouous concerning the legitimacy of the use to which their cereals are put, they are induced by the handsome margin thev receive, to say, "Oh, love the 1 still." In close .proximity tu .. -.-- ! mense distillery, whether-trom a wu- in LUL-it At Rock Port, ilo., from 1st to Tth oteacb cied propriety in the association, or as month. ,.nmnlirnent to the former, we do not know, a.large ana cxteu. Brc-cmville nd return daily, makinpeon- -etlon w:th the llues to Pheips Station, -jr a "RA-PO-m.'.aTl au Co., ' . on tne K. C. St. Jo. & C. B. R. IL I -1' J' ergHiail-l C m CisarSj Alvi TT-I4. W-v.1 . . n.A.n .-. tin ilf-T- Asp.nwr.:!, IHUsdale and St. Deroin. Mirrei on these routes All ivIOOS a' re.soaab)e rate. p Paen:ers comibrtablv provided for. nwsies moderate. itiiCE Rt I)aU Eros.'s Drugstore, Penu "iorders will receive prompt attention. 31. II. THOMPSON- Prop't. Samifacturers of and Wiciosaie Desders in Chewing and Smoking Tobaco, Orders from th" country tiroiaptiv filled, and s.usfiotien guaraniedL rial case manufactory has recently J streets, to n casual observer, without any apparent motive, but to the more practised -eye he-would-be set'down.at bnceas a gatherer of lo.als. How lie ever came to lay down the baton for the.quill is a mystery .to us. We have been about two weeks.out here in the country just rolling in ".hay-seed." Some good friends have Ulone us proud" by volunteering .to have us culled as an honorary mem her.of the Grange in this neighbor hood. We suppose .the compliment was tendered us for the distinguished mnnher in which we used to despatch a.cooil square""meal, or for the untir ingper:sistency with which we could sit on the fence.and watch the weeds grow, or for some other notorious con duct of that character. Granges, by the way, are fast becoming things of the past in this locality, judging from the In frequency of the meetings and the .apathy of the worthy Patrons. The-Ciicuit Court, in and for Lee. county is now in session. at Dixon. A murder trial is now in progress which is creating considerable public inter est. A week has already been con sumed in it3 hearing. O'Brien, of Peoria, is assisting in the prosecution, and -the defense is conducted by Eus tace, J5arge, Dixon, ofDixou. A spec tator of court proceedings in this cir cuit would have no cause to complain that Judge Gantt's court is too slow, for time here seems to be no object. Everything proceeds deliberately, and with moderation On the site of the bridge which fell last summer a new wooden structure id being erected and will soon ne com pleted. Its cost is le? than one-sixth of the one destroyed. Dixon is not notorious for anything unless it be as the home of the inim itable Shaw, of tlie tribe of B 'nja min, who presides over and pre pares the spice as well as substantial for the Telcyraph. He could send the Banbury Hews man 'under the ropes,' if lie could be prevailed upon to make the effort. But then Ben is modest and does not seek the glittering hau ile of fame. It is said that he is so excessively modest that he never changes his shirt, but then we have never heard that called modesty in n individual before. We have circilsted around -some since we have been -here. Last week wa went to Cbicago.and divided our f.me between Oak Park, a suburban villase, where a brother .resides, and the city. We spent several uours m the Exposition, during which time we could do no more than walk thfo' fhn immense huiidinj?. lUwonld be idle to attempt a description of tho exhibition, so vast and multifarious is its character. Tho department f rSebrasbu'VProdu"!?" Uas. of espec ial ititeresl'to us. The If. 1 In road Co. have succeeded in procuring ior exhibition many fine specimen of the productions of our State, whhh it did us good to witness. Aninmr otheis is a section of earth showing the quality of the soil, six feet in depth, tlie prairie sod being on tlie top. We were very much interested in the process of type making, which we had never witnessed before. One mould wjlt turn the'ni'out faster than even "Gib" could -'stick" them. Tlie Art Gallery is very fine and contains a collection of beautiful and rare painting- and statuary. Many have been sent from England for exhibi .... -- ..:.... :., .i iiiir tliim tion. Tiiei.xpohiu"" ia "d on ice," and is worthy the patronage it has received. While in the city we called on Frank Kilbourn, a Brownville boy, at the Singer Sewing Machiue establish ment, on State street. Frank had hi quill behind his ear and bore every evidence of being at work. Wo had no time to stay -with him, so "left him alone in his glory" among his ledgers aud "ich." Xewt. McCoy, he said ua ..iwi rm.eiitlv. and together they had 'done the city,' all of which we verily believe to be true -and so tstate. We had not seen Chicago since the fire and were pleased to see it more beautiful than it then was. If a first lus fire will help Chicago so. are not some other cities which we ... .....j ii..i nl.tif tn PhlTP- may can to miuu luui vuq". - nix it a little? We have also rusticated a few da3s in the vicinity of La- Salle, Ills., on the banks of the Vermillion river. This, you know, is in the coal coun try, and the place from which the cel ebrated Vermillion third vein of coal ia obtained. The larger number of the mines are drifts in the bluff along this stream, although in some places the anthracite is brought up from a considerable depth. In' some places the vein is exposed iu the bed of the river and at a low stage of water may be moved in iarge quantities. The vein is from three to four feet in thickness, and is of the fiuest quality r Cr.fY eol in nae. It is worth at the. mines 7 and Scents per bushel, or S2 per ton. Think of that ye dwellers in the "treeless State !" Near La Salle, ou the Illinois river, i the lintural curiosity known as "Starved Rock" or "Point." It "is a ledge of rock perpendicular at the side, aud only approachable iy c nar- V0L.18.-JST0..6. -'I of our great city. After ascending flights 01 ricueiy stairs 0TFICIAL PAPER OP THE eOUKOTv-i .-! tj .i.it i;;oi thirty-one llCiaus. iiiuee.1 wt: i.u8 i..-. . d we fil)d ? w1iIo.Ii waSmxeTided by many of the dicnatnries of the State. Chief Jus tice Breese was to deliver the oration, he having given considerable atten tion to the" study of the early history of tlie State, but for -some reason we understand he was unable to be pres-1 entf It is a famous pic nic resorl, and' lovelorn swains and their inamoratas from La Salie. OttoVa, 'Mendota and the eountrjT round about resort there annually In shoals, to sip tea and Took at babies in each othei's eyes. We think that 'some ''disappointed and reckless loyer"Viwes It to himself and the country to throw himself frorri- the bristling heights to the rocks be low, and thus give'the place, as the "Louis Leap"." a tinge of romance it never has enjoyed as tlie "Starved Rock," and at the same his uurequiting maid feel the ugly grease spots he litis left on thoMe nioe white stones. Near Starv ed Bock" is another curiosity known as "Deer Park," being a level piece of ground surrounded on three sides by perpendicular walla. Jt is, like the former, a fashionable resort for parties of young people, and from the tender recollections and experiences there had it doubtless derived the name, "Dear Park," which may easily hftve heen corrupted into Deer Park, or tlie rustics thereabouts may have a pecul iar manner of spelling the word 'indi cative of tender feelings and thus-varied the orthography so as to loose sight of the significance of the term. We saw here, too, the unusual phe nomenon, in a prairie State, of the clearing off of timber, so that the land might be made tillable. Latvdle is the terminus of the Illi nnia f"t!tl ami we saw many boats laden' with products of the sail for Eastern markets. Two or three of the coal farms near La Salle planted in- the interior of Nebraska would give their proprie tors an opportunity for d.oing a "land office business.". . Well, we have told nearly every thing, and spoken of nearly every body we hove soen, so we may as well -ubshlo. We shall be at home in the course of n few days where you or any-other of 'the "villians" may inter view us at length. We might send special regards to our modest "Dora," but to the unin formed it might seem rather too dem onstrative, while "Dora" would have cause to regret the decidedly femin ine nature of his name, t. l. s: speakers never opened their mouths. So it was neither a Democratic or He publican victory. In almostevery county in the State two or more tick'ets were run on pre Cely the same plan. The contest, with but a very few .exceptions, was local atid personal, and not jiolifical. When a square fight was made thel Republicans, as.usual, were success ful, with increased majorities. But, as intimated, there were but three or four counties in which a square fight was made. The restwere all eon ducted similarly to-those in this city. Hence, the late election was really no political test, at least so far as this State is concerned. Truly yours, Particulaii D. Stoke, Jr. 2LE.S. SEIXSBR ON THE HIGETS OF 'AV03IEN: Miss President, "feller wimmen, and mule tr.ish generally I am here to duv for the purpose of dieussing wo- titne make men's rights recusslng her wrongs, , and cursing the men. sad to see j ijjyyy sexes werecreated perfect- (jblt'CIlICAOO'LETTER. bu been hunted sends the n-anafnc , row wagon -va, Tne roeK . m- ed by evergreens, jnuc mm .,., is very picturesque. The' historical event which gives the rock more tharr en num.,--""" . .. i. i-milil enrn .ifore- tured casKers, as i ! said is sent, to almost very part of the world. We found "Chawles," of tMG'castic! behind his meerschaum .... j ..nT,- tn nis eieuKui, -u.v. amuj ..-." . n onnnnnw and all intents ana .Tllinois u.uo Zl aaift5i .- s...,.,,,,. 5 eoii io hp this-: nrninarv iuit a -- - - . .'i.mnn whinh -iT.r, t-Mm mm the remnant of the antt apparent i" " .... -l- , tn.t THia.-ne wsr besieg- CincAGO, Iov. 11, 1S73. Deer Major : On the 4th of this month we had a cityelecliou aa was an election. It was the most fearfully mixed up race ever witnessed in the State of Illinois, and so far us old political issues Re publican and Democratic are con cerned, the oldest inhabitant cannot tell which is ahead. In tho first place a self constituted committee of seventy very respecta nble citizens of all church denomina tions aud political proclivities, held a meeting of their, own. They talked of nothing, worked for nothing, and prajed for nothing but tho total ab--tiuence from beverages of all kinds, and particularly the enforcement of theao-called "Sunday law." By the "Sunday law" is meant the closing of nil saloons or drinking places on the Sabbath, which is right and proper in all Christian communities. This was the only issue made by this com mittee of seventy, and every one of them expected to be Mayor or City Treasurer, or, at least, Alderman. A second organization sprung up, headed by Hon. A. C. Hewing, a leading German, and Dan O'Harra, a leading Irish Catholic. This crowd advocated free beer, free whiskey and freedom generally in everything, promising all things to all men. This was called the People s party. And still a third party was organ ized by leading members of the Re publican and Democratic parties, .-tyling themselyes the "Union Law and Order" party. This latter party made their nominations, placing on their ticket very near an equal num ber of Republicans and Democrats, with mau'y strictly temperate persons and others not quite so much aver.-e to a little toddy, particularly on the sly. The committee of seventy did not follv endorse this ticket, but finally came to the conclusion that it was the best they could do, and reluctantly went into the fight some of them oc casionally taking a wee drop on the dv to keen up appearances :but a rreat majority did not touch a drop pf p.nvthiug. f omitted to mention that a majori ry of this fusion finally agreed that it was not so wiuiwcu as.. -. wine on Sunday as the original com mittee of seventy had proclaimed. But the fusion was-a little like oil and water, it would not mix very readily. The Hessing-O'Harra or People's ticket made' their nominations last, and. as did the other party, they pla ced persons on their ticket of both political persuasions, as well as on both sides of the temperance ques tion. Thus the tickets were made np and a vigorous personal campaign was prosecuted. Old political issues' were entirely Ignored,- and the fight was lv enual. with the woman ft mile. more than the'inan, I aiso believe that the world would to-day be happier, if mau had never existed. As a success, man is a tailure, and I bless. my stars that my mother was a woman! Applause. , I not only maintain these princi ples, but ma ntaiu a thiftless hus band besides. They say man was created first. Sposin' he was? Ain't first experi ments always failures? If I was a betting man, I would bet two dollars and a half that they lire The on iy decent thing about him was a rib, and that went to make something better. Applause. And then they throw it into our face about Eve taking an apple. I'll bet five dollars that. Adam boos ted her up the tree and only gave her the core. And what did he do when he was found out? .... i. True tri Ills masculine instincts he . . .-...I-T71 1 . SI-....;.... TJoiwl sneaKeil Oeuinulve a uictiii .U....V.. and said, "twau't me, 'twas ner; nnd woman has had to father every thing mean since, and motnerit too W'lint we want is the ballot, and the ballot we're bound to haw, if we let down our back hair and swim in a sea of sanguinary gore. Sensation. Bring up your little daughters to love and caress the ballot, and when they are old and scrawny they will not depart from it. Teach Vhsm tnat man occupies uu poittoQ which ix woman cannot, fiiJ, even to a pair of pan is. Teach the.-n that without tho ballot woman is simply a cooking and wash ing machine, that with it she can just rule her little roost. G:ve 'em little ballots to play with. We have plenty of ballot girls, but what we want is ballot wrtnien. Thrmdle creature now silting -on this platform, whom the law compels me to call huslmtid, says I have got ballot on the brain. . Hi- s.ivs I .-deep witn a tmiiot unoer m VilloW, d dreaul'thrit I am commander-in-chief of a large army of ballots, and am cleaning out every thing that lo.iks like the male sex, while t hel -mil plays "See the con quering shero eometh-.' Stteh remarks show that man was created Ovver than the hearts of the sea. the carrion of the air, or the rhi noceros of the pr.iiries. And what can be expected of tills mau Skinner, whose intellect is low tr than that of a common quahaug . T Applause , My soul is filled with poetry and sentiment, and his vulgar remarks Tate on my ear, and when I hear persons use expressions that are not reuiitMi auii ueincei.j. .-. r- 'em like brimstone aud molasses. rHear, hear. A miserable basement. Tn one corner sits a wretched wo- man, once the belle of the city. f She makes vests. Thirty-four vests for one cent. ICot a morsel of food has passed her lips since last fall. ' Around her are fourteen children crj lng for bread. But, alas, she am .t got no bread, and with tears in her eves, she mournfully divides among them the lat half of a tallow candle Have I overdrawn this picture? No tr. And if any mau dares to say that I have I'll send him home on a ciinttor in 1ms than ten minutes. Emotion in the audience.j iBut, ray dearisisters. I am not here simply to touch your haarts, but your pockets also. A thing of this kind can't go on without monev, and I hereby call up on .four of the most able-bodipd sis ters, who feel 'tis sweet to be ou their mucle. to pass around the hat. Think of the greatness of our cause and its effect on thousands of ances tors still unborn. Thiiik-ofyouraltered firesides where widowed mothers with dissipated husbands to press their orphan child ren to their bosoms. Think, oh, think, of George Washington at Mr. Valley's forge, barefooted, and shell out . .i' (This appeal was so moving that a majority of the audience moved to ward the door. About seven dollar, and a half was collected, howevers which went for Mrs. Skinner's new pet of corkscrew curls. After putting fit in her reticule, and planting her foot upon it she proceeded.) My dear friends, I must now bid you adieu, bnt I will be with yon aTain when times are better, fori in tend to agitate this question until we get our rights, and whatever we can sponge besides. I will agitate it till my breath gives out and ray wig turns gray. We the undersigned testify that this account Is true in a'.1 therfetails. The Editor's Wife. The School Ma'Crc The Dog. " P. S. When the edtior write3 up another rat story, and reads it to a sympathising friend. Jet hirn see that the trap door is closed. You bet, and we hereby close this one, by asserting that our rat story' is' " the true one. and that-we -could easrijr stop this lit tlejoke here In the' proof hut as the women have made a pretty good thing of it, we shall leave thelx trap open. Ed. 31XSCELL.AXEDUS. From the Platlsmonth Herald. ItATS. Did you ever see two women and a dog kill a rat? If you never have yon should have been at our house the oth er night. We have beeu pestered with rats abominably , andsoset a common wire trap, with small door, which caught a number. We then turned them loose in the kitchen to ee the ring-kill them. Lust Friday night.ye editor having an immense cold, retir ed verv early. About 9 o'clock we heard a rat squeal in the trap down stairs. Pretty soon the-women heard it, and the dog began to jelp. "Let's catch it," says cue woman. " Well, let's," aaya the other. " Who will let it out?" suggested one. " I'll bring it up -stairs," says the school mam " if vou'll hold the dog and let it out of the trap.,' "All right," says Mrs. Mac, as bravo as a sheen, " x can let a rat out, I guess." Down "wtent the schfiolmnm. while nlrs. M. tried to hold the dog with one hand and a candle in the other." Wher'd you take hold?" says S. Mrs. M. " Git the haudle of the c M. " Won't it bite ?" Dog Yelp yelp yelp. Mrt M. " What, the handle ?" S- M. -:No, the rat." Dog-. Yvln yelp ylp. . Mrs..M.-" Bring it along who is afraid of a rat?" Cnorus by the dorg. The S. M. finally g"t tho 'rap by the handle and parted up Starrs Just then the dog gave a double insido and out twiat slipped the collar and made a drive down cellar between S. M s teet The onset landed ri. .1. m tlie apple box, at the foot ot ie amn. while both women screamed, "" the rat! the nasty rat !' ju.L asloud a-, thev could. Once more s. M. gath ered the trap, and they got to the kitchen. ,, , . , " Now," savs Mrs. iuao, "yon nolcl the dog nnd'l'll open the trap, and then we'll both run into the other room while the dog kills it." " Yes, all riglit." from Mrs. M. The next instant we heurd the dog ' nore was an uu- Long division A divorce. Visionary fruit The apple of tha eye. A trial trip From the cell to-the docje. Is a turkey a ghost when shoVa goblin'. Indian Chief, Antelope, 'the. deer fellow, is iu Washington. . . .. Conteu tment is natural wealth luxury, artificial poverty. " Home. sw et home," as the- bee . said wbeu he entered his hive. When a buttrher puts on his'blouse ami overalls he dresses to kllh The obituary notice of a Kentucky ladv. includes the fact that her b'aiF T was six feet eight inches long. The difference between a truant-boy and a fisherman, is, the latter baits his hooks, and the former hates- his books. The Wall street bulls may have? been " cowed," as a New York pc-, ' per says,- but they dou'.t " give down" wo?th a cent. When money is tight get tight j-our- self, and then money will be no tight er than anything else. To the tight all things are tight. . - "I hate to die I wanted tcwear my blue redingote to Mrs. George's party," were the dying words of the belle of Kansas City. A young lady, of Elmira, 2v. Y. spent four years in learning Greek, Latin, French and Spanish, and then married a vegetable peddlar. A medical writer says the healthiest position to lay in is with the head- to' the north. People who own liens,-, should bear this fact in mind. ADanbury man awoke in the mill dloof the night to comment npon-thef' extraordinary fact that the heaviest end of the match is its light eud. The flavor of the popular chestnut worm this season is said by an epicut to be a cross between a custard-pie and r croton bug. So eays the Dau- berrv "News. AScranton paper, In giving an , count of a shooting affray, says the wounded man Is expected to recover, as the pistol ball lodged in his dinnen pail. I ...l... .. Lnrtiiff . . .. . ,. I ILIUliC " rj , - , l.-.ll-k.n'taSTallTlIIIltllI .. V ... .-a-.ftkn9 YI1T1IIIIYII I'm asionisneu uwuun"""' " " . cartlUy clatter o uisw, "-" interest manifested in the absorbing velLs yaups. screams, barks ami topic. This hall ought to be packed tf . ,niJt,ajs for mercy, with joml f.m damp, to ceiling, and a couple of l,,nra ,-(iruc. Pulling on our Infiir- 1 ZZt.J --- -- - - hundred climbing up the lightning rod outside. A short ttme ago x addressed an Immense throng on Boston Common: at least thirty-seven persons. Includ ing men and wonteu .of both sexes, who stood packed together for at letist tiTteen minutes hanging on my words, the enthusiasm finally reached such a pitch that they insisted on burning my effigy to slow music. And we are bound to succeed. Our speakers don't lack brains or influence, but ttiere is one thing I wi-.h they did lack ; and that is their desire for a husband. No matter how rabid a woman is on this question, or how much she talks against the men on tne pini.w..... she'll grab tne lust man "" " himself, and turn right straight round and Uiat is where we are weak. Most women seem to trunk that we were made for one purpose, and that was to have Mrs. on our tombstones. They'd be missed ail their lives, and when they die they're missed the better. , , , From the creation of the world we have had all the great men cm our There's Pharach. What did Pha- rnrili lit! ? Recognizing the fact that women ..,.. itiHvitablv rule.! issued an or der" to .strangle'all the male children. If this thing hadn't slipped up. itj would be money in our pocKets. .uf. Pharaoh is dead now, aud hadn t forethought enough to leave the bu- Lsiness to some good man. Among tbo.-e who escnp"ujust; thu time was a youth called Moses, of bull rush fame,. and since then-every Mose has been a want apon the .ace of nature, including tne wreicueu t iect whoso rear name lam encumber ed with. Cries of "Chat's so," and cateri garments, westarieu un uicwi tie field. On opening the dining room d.ior the following scene present ed itself: The end of the dog s tail violentl-v excited, sticks out from un der the iee-fihest where he is frantic ally trying to reach the rat. School- mam croue of the iuK- . - r e ,.. l.-flMft jaw Done oi a piemr ui juust wi... - from dinner in one hand and the tin cover of an iron pet held over her face with the other, screaming rat, nasty rat,' as hard as she can. Mrs. M. is up on the tahle. a broken lamp chimney in one liaiidJ and the tnu- tard cruet in meowier, iioucus "-. naty rat it run up my clothes Just then the dog chased the rat from under the ice-chest, and both women "tive a scream that scared theiat so he turned grey at once, aud gave up the hoat. The dog tried in vaiu to shake vome life into him, but failed that last scream did the business for Mr. Rat. it ia pctimnted thatcover a hundred young ladies are at 'present stuflyingj law in the country. Probably they will all become mothers-in-law oiie'of these days. The N. Y. Herald heads its report of the recent Woman's Congress. irT that citv, ' Powerful Petttcoats A' Brilliant Blaze of Beauty aud Bifur cated Benevolence." "lam like Balaam," said a dandy, on meeting a pretty girl in a nanw unssaKi.. -im"" hv nil Mlcel." "Sp am I," returned she, "tor 2 am atf .jtoil li !in ftsfi." The man who wanted to take an other person apart when he had some, thing to say to him, lately asked for the private ear of a friend and was told that privateering was illegal. A man out west brags that ail tho flooring and furniture of his house is made rr live oak, but his wife, who does the hard work of the house, says it is nothing but scrub oak. 1 1 is pleasant to remember that iiot an hour passes in the increasing " ..i. .., .t.o hut there is a half dressed man somewhere on the earth, calling for aslwrt. A man in blwusS scene Paris, of course-presents a bottle of perfunio to his bJloved, saying-" When yorf mell this you will regret that your Creator did not make you all nose. irwasanltish Coronorwho, when asked how lie accounted for an extra ordinary mortality in Limerick, re plied sadly-" I cannot tell. Thero are people dying this year that never died before." Mr Smith is bound to have his joke hU wife walked in front of a ratW way train the other day, jlnd he said that if she had gone a step farther his children would have had a step-mo- A plumber had an Irish lad in his' ..t..i.... a..fin!ii.(lnvhavine occasion iuehed down on the flat top k e"a piece of zinc, ordered him to cook-stove all her clothes I t jie t wejve inches square. " Yes, in around- her feet and the ", .r Srt-ta patj twelve inches square but how long .' "John,' said a stingy old hunk to his hired man. as he was taking din ner -do you know how many pan cakes votl have eaten?" "No." " Vt tit.' you've eaten fourteen." " Weil," said John, " You count.andr I'll eat." The publisher r.f the Saint Lonis Journal gives this bit of eminently sensible advice" If your minister is of the kind who sayH ' Chewsday,' Instead of ' Tuesday,' don't let your wife go to a church pic-nie with him." The'difierent-e between havinga tooth. properlv drawn bv a professional sur geon, and uaving'it knocked out mis cellaneously by a fall upon the pave ment. Is only a slight verbal distinc tion cine Is dental, and the other ac cidental. . The Boston Traveler remarks that for real, unadulterated sensation, for tragic and blood-curdling reading, tb a person fifty miles from the locality, there is nothing that compares with-a .. it. .-i.i ...!, TT-t.un .. t liat rf Tirpmiiirfis nt a. countv fair. CQueaking below testified that a rat Some men delight in wanton dea-wa-in the trap. We the undersigned, tructiorl. An exenttnge says that two nroceeded to the spot and carried the men were lately aeon tearing up the Iran to the dining room carefully clos- street in a neighboring city, and on, m" the doors that the dog might the trie same day several persons wer&sb mnre readilv catch it. In endeavor-1 served in the Tery act of pullKJg p .- tn nnpn tlie door in the bottom ot the rlve.i. "& vr wr , Tnir Truth of the Rat Story. To show how an editor can make a very big storv out of a little one, we tell our readers the rat story as it is not as he tells it. . The editor was calmly jeposmg in his downy conch, dreamily thinking of. what he should nu tne louiii uui mp trnn the rat esonped unexpectedly running over our feet, at which as was very natural, we sprang to one side. Our rat then igok reiuge un der tho ice chest and we took the broom stick to cisiouge mm, anu in few moments. A Cninaman came down one of the mam streets of Mlllerton, California, on eleriion clay, in a state of intoxi cation, and thus delivered himself "Hoopla! me all same as Melican r. . ... 1 .!.... t litre man. iiairentsnon auuuiuuu.ao r....inlcwl l.v lha . lr lh TTnOn la !" nueaking of the rat and the barkingl a? Geur s vaDt m a hotel In Lud antic of the dog the rat was kill- St. Joseph, attempted" to throw her cd with. C "put him out." No vou shall not put him out. Neither shall he go out of his own accord. . . . . When we get home I will show liim what one solitary woman can accom plish for this great ause with her coori right arm. "Applause. Herod was aiso a woman s rights man. . . , , ., , . He ordered all tne soaie oi - i - -- " """",. .rSl i arw n.mner of ladies in Snrlmr. we have that tierou s ueu f --- .-.. """-"'- T "X ,",.-; I mi,pr;nw forest leaves thi? fer. Ono rv rlpar isters, we can't an ub mesvirj srusuHinmi cuuUf, ..a juo. , 0-. -.n : ' t Rods but we can wear his tintype, attributed their actions tons; very I physician has twent? cases of poison rierous, uui-" 1.i..' i i. .....:... .,;, tnifntho. line nv nlfTr iprvm. A warn nir to tioi-t nn r hearts, ana -press ou u tuc cieeny puuu i,u wn w....,--. -t.- - --- , ,. ..i.""-5 next our Hearts, au y v thing was done. gifls now they go fog'mg amoog tha- a s auuauuoui uU&.v.. .,t-f . - -----, .r. i vsni:A ed. Could anything nave been more I existence out oi par w":- "--ouietlv done ' ford Chllders, head pitch-forkr?T In a Now when the editor kills a rat he I livery stable, got too tipsy t marry and the Devil tof the printing offlce)1 her. The poison was pumped, antf- and the dog do avast quantity oi sne siiu uw. b01n in and whatsweeter proof could jumping around an make the air re- A iare numoer t iau.es ... oprinp 5?s,ll": fn? Wprod'H head was level? l.-fiund with their cries. So to render field, Mai-s., have been poisoned wh.Tr b . - J-.n f-fin -nroconfc rTsV. t;oming uun tu u j--. j, wheTe do we find weenan ? We don't find her; In ten cases out of nine she Unds herself. -... Come with me to Ijhe worst portion That he came to our assistance at all, that we occupied any such.-positions as he described, or that any such, screaming was doneJs a base fabrica tion of his'brain. and a slandetUDon 1 our fair fame as rat kUIers; elders. The courts of Dlinoi3 are reported: to Ira've alreadyover S.OtlO divorce cas es an their dockets, with accessions i of new-applications at the rate-oi w -( f H m f y0.- ?Iain St.,BKOTTXTIIJ-X,i;iM IV t4& t.wuw.....-.-' --" I