?X3S h t f' H i- lii ' 5 P:i x JU lis ADVERTISER.. Offleial I'tiiKir of Citr, County, and the United States. 2I AWTJFACT UR12VG. THE TKAKSII-RODRr TTtUIGA- ti, ti...i.i :i ..i i.t .i i ' coavicvTiow. i hi., riiuiiMi ur, an iiii-nii'iiij; ni-?jj ... m uome- mauitfiictorie.-1, is receiving; practical attention ill our Mter city, ... . . . ., , t, ,. , ,. '.Mimiri Irrigation C'osiVHMti lVru. The proceeding of n meeting ... ... . ;, , ... .,,,,., , . . . thai irlly-mnl presided over Thursday. nnoMF.ji2-t. !-. & llillll lllllllll I Ml II IIBBWB1 ! tt PltESSDEXTIAL I'ROCliAJIATiO.V. EJie S7fh X:igt. Zrnli;ititrcl n a. Day of i Nnltoual 1'jianlttfglvlng. WASinxoTo, O-'tiibnr II. By tlio Presi tVnl r.i" tho Untied P. '( "s of America A Prapi.-tinnti'in. Thonppr Mohlngrloso of an other venr brhir iv;i!i it Hi ooi'iislon for re urweil tiiin'isrflvtnu anil uplcnrvletlempiil to ihr Al.nJjnty llitier or tlie Universe for tile unnuinbcreil mftrcie wlifph he Im be mnv7s.I upon ns. A;uni.nt. harvests linve been immns ibp-nnvinl-: of imlustry. which, with local except. ons, lias been among tlie blessing tnjye'l Tranquility at. bomo and rnce Willi ot'.er nations prevailed. Frugal nibi-.trv Is reiirti'iinir lb merited rerouni ilon mil ils marked reward gradually, Itut under Hit providence of O id, surety as wo tunt, tin nation l-i recovering from the lln jrerlng resiilt-ofn. dreadful jrvll trie. For tlieo and other mercie voucliwired. If. bp o im-rt us us si peop'o to return heartfelt and gratified n'kniv.vli'dum'oit.s, and with nnr thankssitvins; we may unite pniyern for the cessation of local and temporary suffering. 2 therefore recommend that on Thursday, the 27th day of November next, the people -mpet in their respective places of worship to mike their acknowledgments tn Almighty GvlforHlR bounties and protection, and to offer to Him pravers for their continuance. In witness whereof, I have hereunto pet ray band, and caused the seal of the United States to ho affixed. Dine at the city of "Washington, tbi Hihdav of" October. In the yearofo:ir Tjord 1S73. ind of the Independ ence of tho United states the ninety-seventh. - (Signed) U. S. Grant. Itr the President : Hamilton Fwii. Secre'a'y of State. ThG third trial of E Iwnnl S. Stokes, for the murder of James Fisk, Is going on. The United States received $25,0fl0 from 400 conscience-stricken individ uals during thf pnt fiscal, yean,. Connectietit has finally decided to make Hartford the-sole capital of the State by a majority of two or three thousand. The place for women with drunken husbands is in Iowa. The man gets .drunk for ten cents and the woman collects $3,000 in damaijoK. A proposition to place a recognition of the Deity in the preamble of the constitution of Michigan has been re jected by the commission now in ses sion. me m 1 Somebody has noticed that while railroads are compelled to pay from ten to twenty thousand for the loss of a leg, the United States only pays eight dollars a month, o - Tiie St. Louts banks have agreed to resnme their usual routine of business nmT currency payments, on the 27th inst. Light begins to break and the panic will prove a failure. New York state can boat of the first snow of the season. Delaware county, in that state, reportd-an un reasonably premature fall of eight inches on Tuesday of lat week. After all that has been said in re gard to the unfortionate condition of "Louisiana, it uow develops that it irf the only gulf state tliat i paying ' its coupon interest due October 1. Ml Tho end of the J-umel will cae is not yet. the counsel of George Wash ington Bowen having filed bonds pre paratory tonn appeal to the U. S. su . prems court from the recent decision. . o ' A'spccial l:-jpUi:li fro in t'aris to the IjoiuIdu Observer states that 3-50 oepu ties of the Frentth assembly have pledged themselves tr support a mo tion for the restoration of the mon archy. " The President has requested the sr "cretary of w?jr to direct tlie comtnissa- ry. general to send ten thousunl ra tions to Memphis. Tenn-.s-ee. for ti e i-e of the yellow fever sufferers in .that eltv. Tl ssi'cmi to be uureeil all around that as Minn as cougres meets innume rable measures undenting the finances will bo brought forward, including the project for free banking, which Came near geing through last winter. Tho Chicago Tribune ways "the scare is over." The Inter-Ocraa saj.s "business ts rapidly resuming its old stable condition." The Times says "the worst is over.though there is still some stringency in the money mar ket." A scared depositor in a Missouri bank drew $1,000 the other day, ami was paid in a single bill. He traveled all that day trying to tret that bill changed, and sat up all night, armed with a double barreled watching his treasure. shot gun i toesiablhsti ji,tr toster factories in timt placp were published iti our lat ij-sue. and has the appearance of business. We have learned sinco that little doubt exhts in tlie minds of the orig inators of the project that the peti tion for n proposition for precinct aid will be so" numerously signed as to bring i to a voteivrtd leave no doti bt of its ultimate triumph. All honor to the public spirit that originated it, and the reverse to a few we wot of, so bigotetl and prejudiced as not to see its great benefits. "Comparisons are odious." 'tis Said. yetnotruth.no proposition, or idea can be so well conveyed a bv the ve hicle of comparison ; all things are good, better or hesT, onlv by compari son. Thh Is too aptly illustrated ev ery day lobe doubted. Comparative merit is the standard of nil rewards, be they as to individuals or communities.- Thus we speak of the great and unprecedented growth nnd de velopment of Chicago as compared to St. Louis nnd other cities; as to Its enterprise in overcoming obstacles, etc.; here is comparison. The new city competes with nnd outstrips the old. And this fact of young and en terprising communities passing their older, ami ought-to-be more enterpris ing, competitors in tho race for wealth and population, is illustrated in thousands of instances, to the odi um of the latter. Rquarelv, then. Is our city, by pres ent apathy, willing to abide the odi um that a tow years hence will attach to her position comparatively; is its spine already so curved with age, its nose so bestraddled witli the sppeks of old fogyism, its limlis so shaky with paralysis, as to concede, without inward contempt, tho raco ere it is begun? We have repeatedlv called attention to facts of a manufacturing kind established in numerous neigh boring cities; fostered and aided by those cities until able to go alone ; and have also called attention to sev eral home institutions, which less aid would develop to first-class munufuc tories than it would cost to coax and foster others from a distance. True we have some natural advan tages, which may make us in spile of ourselves; yet in this age of team ami lightning these count little as against the energy and pluck thai builds cities in the most improbable places, and makes the natural desert to blo-som n" the roe. Oh! that our citizens could but see our city as others see it. beautiful, healthful, well bleated, yet droning upon hope, while all about is activity to outstrip in the race for population and wealth. The picture is not over drawn ; for history, so far back that the memory of man runneth not toj the contrary, establishes life fact that ei tie- depend more upon the energy of its citizens for success than upon natural advantage; and that where both are combined most happy and prosperous is the result. We have the last, and will close our apnea! for an active demopstnitinti ' "of the first by the truism that "there is danger in delay." Afterthought has suggested (heap pal to our citizens to do something tangible. Let our business men meet and fomi a company ami subscribe stock to furl Tier home tnanuracture; on the strength of such a move we feel assured the precinct will double its capital by voting aid. We make I hi propo-ition because we know of persons already in our city, ftruggling agatn-t fearful odds to -'nbl sh them-clves as m-iuufactu-rers of articles of ever3'-day-need, who could and would branch out if they had the means, and for the- use of which they could amply secure the company in manufactured stock. We need but particularize one establish ment, that of Abbott, Eniorj' & Lem- e are in po-si-ssion of Denver pn-j pers giving derails uf tle recent tnu.j.- ou, hclit I nreslileil tu'er bv (lnv. Furnas, oi this State. x The Convention was largely attend-fj ed by delegates from IheHtates of Ne braska, Kansas, California, Nevada, and the Territories of Colorado, Utah. Wyoming, Dacotah, New Mexico, -Montana and Idaho, and h vast amount of valuable information was imparted and derived upon the sub ject of irrigating that portion of the National domain unsurpasahly rich in all save water. Ftom the address es, essays, and discussions before us. we see that many interesting -factsl were presented relative to the .fertil izing properties of water when appli ed to the soil, and the feasible a ud fa vorable surroundings tending to the irrigation of that portion of our own State, and those f other States and Territories named and only known ns arid plains. Practical experiments have shown the soil and other sur roundings of the arid portions of our country to be even superior when aid ed by irrigation r to many of our pres ent famous agricultural regions. Dal ly developments only confirm the opiuiou of those who have given thought and attention to the subject, that the "Great Americuu Desert"'is4 fast approaching the&time when it shall all "bloom and -blossom us the rose.' 'dgt"'-A" Gov. Furnas, in keeping wifh his life-long devotion to the agricultural interests of the Great West, has done himself honor, and the State he rep resents an incalculable benefit, by bis attendance and participation in this all important Convention, of which we will have more to say hereafter. FB0M 0UE EXCHANGE?. track of the fire, and- altogether it aecnirri to Iraw been the moi-t fearfu. jHtnt terrible tornado of Maine this ; State ha-' ever been vi-ited bv The fhl lowing-, which Wg"1 PVeciuet OnlccrB. The follow ng are the precinct olli- ! the ....-., i..t.il i ii TtieMiiiv of la.-t week, tra ...- t.v.-v . - ?- . .i.L JLTnTTm?r,,-.. - -... ti. vrl nrecilicl: ate of the Democrat, exp.e.-ses n'- IW ."?? Sw. t MlIt ----- - T IM III 1 W T m T .u !-. 'Franklin County Ouara jllopi q'efr, ,. ting the feelings of J. D. Callinunjr fe -ll!5fe 2.oiice. "TMff Mt1TJBi" f1-" - ."- -vrArrjajgvj OTOI5 COl'MY. w, .. ... :Kt;iri llnnvuli !...... ...;...l l.f I u rntty 'ii a x . .... ..,..- - ..... ..u ,v. i .icr,i. vtiic'i. ,.. birire ...... .-., ...ir . ,.,! t ihm-stbiy ar(erno.m u rite -start-, f ,A:.?eilsnr 0t.. Mulone and ! sentiments of many in this luMrude. tmhccin hCliyof fi,;7.7;,rr -': sHiiir.!v urMf.in.r fo . 'J:.1 .IU,lllTll'l,l,Hlll',lfl ofthcPeave Charles W ilkl.-oii m ...., ,., f, ,, Tllir.i llow pa.r the .side wauiUtn iJH : ".""' , V f. -hu.. " , "" iiitiiau ureeK. anil preaonig u, , ,.,..,.. Coustatdes, N. P. J """ ,v "b ' ' d-M-riot-triois". tr wn:. - '.. ir. bet in do u regard to nnr iir,ii.iised tl.c.iwr m..i iin. .Vr.....,i.t .iorinif ' l,nt oUI"u." ......'... .. .; to:ti Ti,Htk!,,,,fi.. ... ' usual abd threw down the scabs to Mr. Wam.er Mr f!r..m,. Mr. Mar- Lleciion. V,,:0a.r.er'b- -?.. r., ".! ,.-. .' blA.fr... .". .1.?,".. "V'Pi"n'v",,e ': H ?; '. l.lL- tlio U,'lll.uL nf ..rn-.roo. T Wl- t; i .1 t f I lM?rS ttD iM . Xl. 1 IIOIII p.-"ll J VICIR JJIg t VOIP HIP If MIIIHrillt llinrv. UIIIKirUl UUCKIIPSS, nn.l lllll U, . " "'( block the wheels of progress. J. Str- tin and ither settlers on the creek tip- ,iL.n X nmlvuiid M 11 "So T nm imt I'll iust exiduin that Iiu-Ihk In thhkners nor m.,rP ,V l" ' ling Morton was al-o (of cours ) for- prehended no trouble in taking care ?' Uio": ' i.'iJ'v ' "J p c' fo Vo ' "t mCK vv u """ V1 T1",u,'a,"u"J"5 ? ' ' ninsfthe- proportion. -Tlie .Stirn- of the tire when it first started, hut it '"""iT0' , ; ,?u..,ror i1 ." V.- """1 '"L V ,", ?.i m! L"J Sorter 'l!1'!.""1 - !., ' :.. 1 1 .1 I .1 . tJOiC. iM. Z. J-- XJiiaiJ, X't". ", i-.e,- O'l-nn ' invt-lll. UK! lie... w.v..v - T,,ukci m .i iiii'll nj'itri. j. - a- DO NOT STOP THE SCHOOL. I A Pica for Winter Suiiday Schools. tinnf. "was pretty ;fully -ilfccumtbd bv Maj Newsomantl Mr C'roxto.p... And after the usual turmoil of ant"iid nieiits. substitutes, points of order. Aw., the original resolution' witlime sliaht amendmetit wan unuuimoii-iy ndopted. And .Maj. New.som. Judge Arcbbold and in. Tate were ap pointed n commlttelo lay the action of the mpeting'before the City Coun cil. It seems to be settled that the couniy bonds of $o.000 per milp vo ted this line of road are not available, by reason of the limiting condition stipulated In the proposition. Hence the city iH called upon to make up the amount alone. PAWNEE COUNTY. From the Pawnee Republican. The result of yesterdayHeleotion returns WyA. Butler to flieTreasnr ers iffiepLon-. C: DeCoudres, to the -Clef k otricp. ant J. M Osborn to the coumy.supt'8 timce. v. u. uiininn succeeds sheriff Manning as 'high sheriff of Pawnee Countv. Jtihn Kindt law pucceeds J. B. Pepoon us County Commissioner. W. F. Wright re-elected robate Judge. O. D. Howe re-elected County Surveyor. U During last week there arrive I in New York 2.953,122 bushels of wheat, the largest amount by nearly 1.000,00.') bushels ever received iu a single week There also arrived 90.208 barrels of flour. This would look as though' the crops were moving in spite of the money stringency. The affairs of the Union National Bitik of Chicago, which has gone in to liquidation, are likely to wind up much more favorably than has been anticipate'!. A statement of its ores' ent condition, published, shows that tllis!lle a surplus of over- mil-lio.lrif-fi'illnr4 afc-ra!l its liabilities shall hayjBteen ptd. A pretty good showing for an "exploded" institution. The secretary of wur h-i- given or ders to have all the remain der of the Modoc Indians brought to Fort Dick Russell, in Wiscogin. The order excepts no one. They will be detained there for the present, subject to the president's further orders. The design is to scatter the members men, Wagon aiwl Carriage makers. We ku'ow tbat hod they had the cap ital necessary to put up two bundled wagons this seat-on they could have sold them, and have kept in this com munity the cost of labor and much of the material, and the profit on nearly $20 000. T ii- would have aided much in the extra cnusuunrs. and again it would have increased our taxablepro perty enough to really make it h pay ing investment to city and precinct giving the aid. It is useless to ay the limber is not here, as this is flatly refuted by .tlie fact tha t they have many thousand feet of excellent tim ber seasoning iu their shops now for repairing ami building wagons. Wo give this as but one of tteveral instances of pluck working against fearful o Ids to make our city the home of manufacturing industry, which call loudly upon this, community for all necedsiry aid and encouragement to make them creditabfe. and profitable to both individ. i.rf-and community. There is no time to wait; now is the .'time lor action. The above article w.is written fo- Iaitvjiekt-. irtut, bum ii crowded out by election news. Since it was pen tied the tax-payers of Peru have been granted by the County Couimi-.-iou-ers a i election to, subscribe slock for the enterprise .-pokeu of, and we very much uiiss our guess if the propo-i tion does uot carry by a large majority. My Dear Friends : It is a fact, though a fact ban! to be accounted for, that many Sunday Schools, esppciall' in country distr eta. close in the fall, .sometimes remain clo.-ed far into the spriug. Why ? Is Bible instruction less valuable or lees needed in winterthuu inr.uminer? Are souls lew precious, or is labor for their conversion less a duty ? Do the world, the flesh, and the devil, cease to alluie and destroy? Do sickness und dtath cease their work? Are all sure of renewed oppor tunity next year ? To ttsdt these qtie liotiH sugge.-ts the answer. Why should the work rente f You ;ivu e.-pecial care to y- ur eounuoh bchool in winter ; get the besL teacti er, and expect the iaigesl attendance and the bet mlere.-l. Literary Societies.. Lyceums. Lee- tuie.s, all literary and educational movement u?e in full and sucee.-.ful operation in winter. Ii social life it in the Mime. Social gat tilings for put'.poes of amusement or profit, or holh, are multiplied and better uns tained during this purl of the year. fltririiaii inul iply'their meetings and etlbrtb for their own. mitl others good. We look tor revivals nntly too many f u- only in winter. It is the neiixou of uctivity. And when ail else is active, why liouhl the Mon day School thebe.-l, in many ln-taii- ce the only, means -of religious in struction for the children and .oiith go into witfter (juafter u'Vni.- dor mant ; rather die. ami await a feeble and uncertain resurrect Wm- next -piing ? I know the excusf, I dare Hot call i hem rea-oiis, t r this course I only ask. Are they Valid ? Will the Mu-u-r accept thorn ? Can you meet them and the dear o,es who are fo die this winter, at the Judgement ? I entieat you to pray over this matter. A-k Je-us A-k your conscience. Ask thr. Ghihlrrn. If the. -ay. Keep uu. let it not b -aid, a-a little girl once exclaimed. "Our Sunday School stop. ped yesteruay." "Why was that ?: she Was asked. "Because there were no tjacber.s : they did uot conn- any iiinri'.M'i Mr "topped i heschool;" anil her grieved and troubled look, and her ipiivering lip, told iow-orely .-he felt the lo-s of her -Sunday Stdio.il. No J the school should not clone Rather replenish the library Get new papers ! Renew old subscrip 'ioiis! Redouble, your efforts to lead lln children to Je-us ! Call in new scholars ! Let us have a glorious win ter campaign for Jesus and the child ren ! T will do all I can to aid you. Writp me about It. By all means, hold on. Do not slop the school I Yours iu love. J. Wayne Snowdk.v, Mis. A. S. S. U. LANCASTER COUNTY. From tlie Lincoln Slate Journal. A man named Wm. J. Austin, a resident of Htimboldt, Richardson county, Neb., attempted to put a j.e riod to his existence btnt niubt at In o'clock, at the Commercial House. The following particular-, we gleutn fioui Mr. Geo. Ballentiije : He says the man came to the house about lu o'clock nnd requested a room and to be awakened at 8 o'clock in the morn ing. At that hour the uatchnmn went to bis room and tried to arouse him, but without success, Mr Ball-jwas licked up by the devouring ele entine then sent for Drs. Carter and nient. she feels the loss keenly. swept toward the timber w th great velocity, and -the most strenuous-'efforts could n.ot kep it back. A small barn on Milton Zimmerman-' place was burnt, together with' 100 bushels of oats in the stack near by. Mr. Z. is not at home at present, but bis neighbors did all they could to save his property. At Geo. Dorsey's place, which was untenanted at the time. Win. Arm strong had four tons of hay stacked, which was lost. Further up the creek, Jos. Martin ami J no Jakes to gether bail 150 bushels of wheat and oats stacked on the bunk, and ultho( Mr. M. plowed und burnt- around the stuck, the flame-leaped across all bar riers and licked it up. There was al so a stack of 16 tons of liny burnt at the same place, a pnrt of which be longed to Mr. Martin nnd n part to Isruel Reed, of this town. The loss of nearly all his grain and hay ,is nj serious one for the former. ,, ,,-ws. -We do uot hear-that the fire did any; lurtuer uamage in tne aoove locuuiy. or up the creek, in which duoctibti it extended for several miles. Those who stood In danger of loss by the angry flames fought them nil night. The creek proved an effectual harrier to the fire, but much timber on the west side was destroyed. k Up the Blue the fire was much more destructive Chas. Bu-s lost all Ids hay nnd grain, but we do not learn how much a large qttantrtj Jas. Grant Inst six slacks of hay. ami he was also so unfortunate as to lose his bou-e. This is a severe blow to Mr G.. ami much sympathy ib ex pressed for him by his friends and neighbors. Tn the same locality the fire burnt, the grain stacks on Mrs. Carre's place. She i- a widow wo- ' man. nnd all the grain raised by tier English, who immediately pro nounced it a c se of overdosing of laudanum. The man had taken two ounces He left a le'ierto bis wife, -tatiug tbat be loved her and if there was anything iu Spiritualism, he woub. meet her in the other world By the u-e if ihe proper Hiitidote the physicians finally .succeeded in bring jnir the would-be suicide hack to life, and yesierda afternoon he was tie r lv entirelj' recovered. The Lincoln Lender give the Col's letter to his wife and fuller particu lars a- follows : Lincoln. Nc3., Oct. It5, 1ST:?. A N N I E P A VA VI N. UuiiilmMt. Htcntirilsnn C.. SeU.Deur Wife ; Yon kimw timi I aiiireoti itiiU Uu oliititreii. YuU are without duuht tt.c uob'el iViMiiuuin lie woi'M. You hiive never uiwii' ine inniMe nil Hie sunshine ot my hie ha been witli vnii Forgive me it I tkt-my own lile, but love tlie the Aw callilren. lor Gl L-n.iiPK I Iuve vnii all. I thlnif 1 have Ih-ph halt crazy Tor a year. I wilt atnm! t Die uaiesof eit-riilty and wait ytnir cointiiK. II . 1I ill pun come back. I will alwa.vit fe ::va you. Ifr I ihtnk yo.i iciter tli.m all ila" world, inn are too tn xl tor iu. on, lovt t.,e i:ldldr-n. and tell them mil tit hate mi ci. I si:. ill ako laudanum to UisM. M tiol liltiss you mid Addle und Llziie. Mj love tu :i!l, laii'Well. Your agcotlonate hush lid, Wm .1. AL'stin. Kiss the children good-bye. -, When the fire reached Thus. Wheel er's it found fencps, hay stacks, cow sheds, stables. xc. to feed upon, all of which were consumed. His loss was severe. The reports brought iu ye.-terday of tlie destruction on Mud and Cedar Cieeks, and between these two streams, are alarming and show that the fires have been more ruinous than auv that h.i W ever occurred iu this couiitr.i. Wegive below a pretty full statement of the losses, for which we are chiefly indebled to V. J. Dobbs und J R Nelitnn : I. H Mrrisoii lost 500 bushels of. wheat. 20 tons of hay, and bis sta bics. J W. l'hen-ter. on Mud Creek. I i-t 500 bushels of wheat. The Fry biotbers. on the snuie creek, lo-l all their hay and stables nnd a little grain. W. W. Lyuiaii, who lives on ( G Dorsey'.s farm, lost about 10 tons of hay and hi.-stables He Was not at home, and it was only by the iii'int laborious exertions that Mr Dofd's saved tiN wheat stacks and hu-e. (o. Millard losf tiis horn, woith about $-'M : 7o bushels of wheat; and 75 tut-bels of com. J tin. McClay. who lives on Millard's place, lo-t 150 bushels of wiieat ; 525 bushel- of oats ; and al' his hay. straw, ittd shedding, besides four of five b -o $75 worth of furniture, which Chf"xuth :i at trie headingof-the lei-'i, i,Hd " taken out of his house and ter. alt ofuhich waswrilt.mdn.ii.eond ( t ,MO ,,j field-. B WRir,, Ji -, On the envelope the addrrss wn-1 n-'naiiii ii al trie heading'of'the lei-11 bu-itie-s baud. Above the .address a- wniien in a scrau Mug hand, M. lather in-luw is five mites ffriiu'lluii boidt," and on the tmrk of the envel ope was scrawled. "Doll t O nlid tl-fr cluldreu go crazy I love you, W, J. xXustin." Tbe-e "addition.-Wt re obvi niisly made after the opium had lakin ii ect. GRAXD EXCl'BSIOX TO CHICAGO. Via the "Old Re.lanlt-" Hnuiiibnl Jt Si. Jokepli Sliort Line. For the benefit of all those wishing to visit Chicago and n't ml the great Exposition and view the wonderful rebuilding of the city, the Old Relia ble Hannibal & SL. Joseph Short Line will sell round tiip ticket- from. Kan sas City. Leavenworth. Atchi.-on or St. Joseph, to Chicago and return, 'or $22.50, which includes an admission ticket to the Great Exposition. Tickets will lie good to go on the evening train of Oct. 21st, and on any train of 0't 22nd, and to return on any train up to and including Oct. 20th. Now, is th'p-tlrae. to.make,thf. trip delightful? weather ,to travel ; ji The Washington Slur states that the name of John A. Iva-soti. of Town, is mentioned as likely to he ..brought forward for the speakership of the among the various resprvntions. son bou-e of representatives by those dis to destroy the tribal nrgauiz-ilions.nnd affected with Speaker Bl.tine. or who. anyfrilnl association of the Modoc thereafter. The Beecher-Bown quarrel has broken out in an.odd m-mner j Bow en having applied UvJiidge Foucher f'r nn injunction restraining the Chrbtirtin Unifin frorn pubfiely adver tising 'that it has a larger oirculatiou than the Independent, the motion wns denied on the ground that if an injury is done the remedy is by an ac tion of damages. In other words therp is no law against lying, but if the lie injures apy one, the liar caa be made to pay all expenses. to quench his suppose"! aspirations for the presidential chair, would be glad to see him redueed to theratiks iu the house. " A man who can marry anil do-s not ought to be damned," is what the Rev J. L. Dicks, of Sail Diego. Col . is reported to have fn a sermon :n l.t-i ; decant cars ;. shbrt Iine-'cbeHp flue ; no change of .cars, omnibus rides o transfer. The Exposition is immense Hold-M-iguificetit finest in the world room for everybody. Nemaha Comity Vote. The total vote poll -d in Nemaha county last week was 1.4'JG. which was divided am mg the several pre cincts as follows: itrownville M . &y) Lifayette ... r.r London 122 Asphuvall . ,;.-. ..;. m no N'em Um -"Jity r III Olen Rock . ., . 93 uoinjiaK .., si Benton : 74 Washtnston ..-. 72 Bedford .V) SL Drotn 1 49 Total vote i.i&J Wc learn from the clerk at Mar ley's -tore t at Mr. Austin came ber at about 7 o'clock last evening per fectly sober and purchased a quarter of an ounce of laudanum representing himself to be a phvsieian. and accus tomed to u-itig it ; he tl.ien Wrul to the Merchant V Hank and sat till about 11 o'clock with every M pear atice of iiitoXic:itioir.--nL which lime the b ok clo-ed As-Mr Eaton sta' ted for home Mr. Austin nd In wed bun and re(iiested him tocoiijjjHp toMar ket ipiare this morning, as h (Aus tin) was going to rdinof -hinnelf. He then weni to Brock 'a .Drug aiori. la boring under the infiueuce of the Laudanum already tskeo tnl Bppcftr to be very drunk, and askid'for a iptarter of an ounce of I audanum for his, wife after some hesltiititi the clerk let him ItHveir. takinir bHnntne and address; from there he w-tnt ! the CommerMal ami wnnteihedprk to write a letter for him to.hi' vife, but was unable to dictate auv l1ltc, inteMig.'ilde and pt n bed Tin clerk -np!io-ed b" was drunk nd i'id no further attention to Ijim til 1 late jo the morning as v,hiivp .state!. Mr Eaton, of the Merchant's Hank and several tber prominent ireutle. men of this cltv have known Mr Austin and state that bis character and family eonneciinn" -re eood. and that his onlv "fault is the uufortiii?'e habit of d'lnking Tlie cause of rbi rash act i attributed to mel-uic lot and d Mippofntmpoi ililch the phvsieian--think liave afP-cted his mind This :iferrioon M- Au-Mn is out of danger and the opiate o eel- t have, completely 'eft him Tie converses, on tti.p SM'ywct of bis.'ittpmnted xiiieiilo without reserve but In. clear? vi mnniitti'iniin on tb "iil-ject - The thvtciansall agr-e t'nit h'"t e'can- "rnl mt'd:e.ll4.tre;ttnMlt We h'ii)e to -p him foJIy curcit and restored 'o his ,fnmily.. 'sir-f Samuel H. Petprs, who was return- marriage. The reverend gent leaes ! e ' the Hawktns (reuuldicin) dec UH-whnlfy iu the tlark though ns to in board as elected to congress from the deserts of the man-who can't af ford to-marry but does. GAGK roitlVTV. F.-nm the Beatrice Exprc. On Tuesday news reached ..,iricc that seven school children had been caught in a pratne fire oii Turkey Creek, iu the Brownvilte seftlemetit Saline Co. This story seemed so ter rible that it was not generally credit ed, but l.-i-t night .MfDraper. a com mercial traveler, confirmed it. and brought the news also that 10 children ill-tend ol seven had died from the ef fects of the tire. He brought down also a copy of and extra of the Saline Co I'ot. which gives-ouie particulars of the heart-rending afl'a'rr The ten children were on their way fFom -chool. when the fiatues. supposed bv them to be miles away advanced up on and enveloped lhem-hcfore the could escape. They we.re'chnkeil apd oiiiiueii win) ine smoke in an in stant after the fire reached them, and the line of fire being over 11 iniledti width it held them in a grasp from which escape was impos-ible. MrsJ Morey. the mo' her of three of the children, undertook to rescue them but she was so bnd'y burned tha.t her heies ot corn iu the iiel'i. rraiiK uudgc lost 4(H) bu-bel4ir wheat and -oine hay. Andiew Moore lot a har ness, wagon and saddle. Philip Cof fee lost 15 tons of hay. L. P. Mrown I. st 100 tons of hay C. S. Corweti lost 7-i bushels nf wheat. 12 bu-hels of oats. 10 tons of' hay. his straw ami s'aldes. G'orge Stark lost all the wheat, rye and oaf- he bad in slack, about $300 worth Andiew Higby lost 15tousofhay. F. II. Dobbs iost seven or eight tons of hay. two of his Siorses were bdly burnt. Wm Wan gle lost about 150 bushels of wheat tnd oats all he had ; and 15 head of hogs. John E Murphev lost Wi bushels of wheat, eight hogs, all hi hrt,. and bis hou-e and furniture. Stephen Hayden lost nil his wheat. atsand hay. There were al out 300 bushels of the former. He also lo-t his HtKbles. a set of harne-s. a wagon, and one or two plows. David Miller had about .100 bushels f wheat, which went with the rest. Henry SheIIe.u burger's stack of wheat would have threshed 150 bushels, and nil was burnt. The above farmers all live on Mud Creek. On Cdor Creek, a quan tity of bay and the stables on Boyd !k "Limb's1 farm weredfurut. hut no grain. Wm. Armstrong lost 200 bush els of wheat. L. B B'uys had eon--iderable irraiu and hay. which were destroyed, and he nl-o lost a pnrt of bis 'uiiiifurp Isaac Hetidley bwt his grain and hav. nl-o. It was reported 'that ('has Sloeutii's house had been iiurul'bul this proves to be untrue p Inst nothing but an obi stabl. Dti'hl Fuller. 011 Cedar Creek. b..t all hi ha and grain but bow much, we ca.not learn. A-lo-r Von Bus kirk. n the es-t branch of M'd Creek. I w all his h'l.v and bis-tibls. Marvin Freeman on t ed ir lost a horse-piwer saw-will, worth nb ot S30U, H-nry Walker who is nn E. M Hill' farm on Cedar. lout 3!0bu-h-els of wieat in stack. A hous" m Benight's place. hIo rented by Mr Walker Vus burnt. A school hmisp in district 'lumber H culled F wmn 'listrict w-is burnt. Hiram Ritchie i&hCedar. bst six or eight tons of hav '."tlbe wind "vejit up the--e creks from rtipsouin ill nay 1 ueuny. ami niaiie if'iiiipiisille in stay thp proirrcs- of be fl-ini'S. The fa oits were obliged Ilk fl.fl.V It imottififtlf tn u...... 11.:? - UGlll ! - 1. ..-.... 1 . -- I ' lila bouie-. aridin mnnv cas- bou-es amy oarns ueresavcii as nv a miracle. Tli" rimhi nti thp two prei-ks is ruin Pd for tpilM "d partiea rirr that the si-enc i desolate beyond deserip-t.on. VVW.v, ClarK.- tn GJen Rock Ai-arsKor, T. Burress ; Justices of the Peace, T. Burress add Thus. Self; Constables, Monroe Bur "red und FIfyd Higgiiis ; Judges of Election. J Ashley, J B Epler and Go Tate; Clerks of Election, S. WagstulT and C. C. Meader; Super visor, No. 1. A. Nineehdser, No. 2. J. E. Neal. No. 3, Perry Crippen, No. 4, John Ashley. Lafayette Assessor, J. S. Bobbins; Justices of the Peace, Jacob Coflhian and J. G. Ewnu ; Constables, David Kinnisou and W. Graver; Judges of Election, J. Higgins, Win. Jewell and J. Edmiston ; Clerks of r lection, Chas. Blodgett and J. La-di ; Super visor, No. 1, D. Kinnisou, No. 2. W. Jewell, No. 3, Peter White, No. 4, H. Leek. Wnahinerton Assessor. C'.Sch.wan:- j r- , r -f, C Justices or the feace, j j. Wrlgn and David ICay; Constables:, Wm Craw lord and B. C.Grover; Judges ofJ31eetion, J- F. Gjizner, F Moes ef aiid C. B. Lee; Clerks of Elec tion, J. B. Johnson and Jolui Bor land; Supervisor, No. 1. O. It. Pick ens. No. 2, H Snyder. No. 3, Chris tian Sch wan. No. 4, F. Aloeser Douglus Assessor, J. H. Dnudas; Justices ol the Peace. Wesley Dun-ila- and II. Harmon; Constables. J. O. lied fern and C. Dutidas; Judges of Election, Crowell WilMin, G. Kcid er and S. Cochran; Clerks of Elec tion. J. B. Piper and A. C Leeper ; Supervisor. No. 1. E. Snyder, No. 2, D. Coulthard. Loudon Assessor, B. F. Mcln inch ; Justices of the Peace, J H Peery anil Geo. Crow ; Constables. John Harding and A. J. Skeen ; Judges of Election, J. S. Young. J. Strain and II. O Miuick; ("Jerk- of Election, II Cole-man ami II. Curtis; Supervisor. No. 1, E- H. Burches. No 2. A. J. Skeen. Brownville Assessor, W. H Small; Ju-ticps of the Peace. T. L Schick and H. D. Snyder; Constables. J B McCain and D. amphcll ; Judges of Election, J. Medfoi-d and E S. Wib ley ; Clerks of Election, A- W. Furn as and S. P. Tunle: Supervisor, N. 2 J. Marlutt. No 3. J. L CuJson. Nemaha Cit.V Assessor. Levi John son ; Ju-tlces of the Peace. J P. Crother and A. Gunnison ; Consta bles. J K. Smith and O. P. Wiles; Judges of Election, J U. Drain. J Henderson mid J. A Titus ; Clerks of Election. P Crother and J. P Crother; Supervisor. No. I, S. Howe No 2. A. II. Scoville. No 3. A Gt.n-ni-on. A-pinwall Assessor. J M Paulin; Justices of the Peace. H. M. J on ex, and J. laulin ; Con-tabI s. Jhhh p Cardy and M. J Woodward ; Judges of Election, (J. Fo H A Brand nnd J Hoke; Clerks 'of Election. N. B. Catlin and A. M Forbes; Supervis or, No. 1. M. J. Woodward. No. 2. A. B. Kentner, No. 3 G Fdlev St. Deroin A'"wwir. J F Cross; Jntir" of the Pence. J. F C-oss and cupy of drinkable. A waiter a-ked if he d have it filled. He snl he would. "Ij'Tea or eofiee ? asked the waiter. "I don't know,' replied the guest, 'if that was tea I had before, I want co flee ; if it was coffee, I want tea ; I want a change.' "Now." continued Cal, "that's the way I am about Peery, Simmons & Co. I want a change." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S: 4p mW r rrry 2 A"atrr. ffc Tiy y The- Marshal rcsarws th 1 1 any or all piopo-wl. l ' IAVIDCiVi..T Etraj- Ztotle-. rjtAICEN up by the uiid-rKa:n,,) on , . J day or ui-tnlier. 1ST t. one-id X n ? .indy spots, niarkiil wtihaonin.i(rt7,B,,J ear; haxtWepls pirt wnio-ui.! , ted. No other luuihs notlit-d. ? U1-3W zy-KEsi-. Wood Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given thir hfls niv recriveii at the County cP,j.',,IV to twelve oVl.jck.M.. of the l,tft' vomber. lST.l.fir the furnNt.n Sft. five cords of good mercluintiljle woii 1 r" er hard or soft. Hoard reserve tha . ,e'' reject any and all bids. ine r,Sto to Hy order of the Board. Dlw2 f-JIABKER. nk. KOTICE OP 1S3 JUST OPENED XXD BEFITTED. lOOD STABbrXG connected with the JT IIin-e. Stage Oflico to all point , Eos', Siiuth. West and Norlh. OmnlbUise to con nect wllh all trains. S. J?. TUTTLE, Prop. Eeport of the Condition OF TIIE no! sidlUila AT DHOWSTItLE, In the Simp of Wbrnika, al clone of bnlnr, Seyt. 12, IS73. SPEOIAI, SLTmr 'I VnflTrrmnmTTir Tir.rE &tY.i- rf- (ill Ppm tJi-eplilPtln Xptnuhfe i m.. t5n Vl hnvlnf.iireentpil a pptltloi: t!tteihr? U111 lioard deems It iuIvImiI.I? nt.d pnir ,, the following propoMtlnn hp siihr,,.!;..1 ' he vote or the etc clors of said Pi m ,,iiZ Now therefore, we. the (oiuitv 1. , nr slonerxor Nemaha Cmintv, St.it?nr m t:n. do heroby order that a .-ppp(H pj'"tr' f u-iii 111 1 -i ii 4 iiuuici. ul cr of voting therein usual pstt On Saturday, November 22, a. D. is-. For the purpose of suiunhthig u ti.e on 1 e qtwj. iimi viiiurf 111 N21111 1 rFfiiii-i ii. ..... voll:i tionils to tho amount of 1 fnti V thousand dohars In aid to the lrL y, T :actiii I me Company, said liond. iu,.i.:.3 percedt Interest, per annum, fr-an UiiT.il f said bonrtR c u1. The interotof said bonds to he mm , aliy. One tenth ot the prlnt-lp-.! u, f in the year 1RSI, and i.na te ti anrn thereafter, and to continue from y, '' vear. until alll bends are paid. Ami ,7 1 mx ui" levitii jnr me pn vim tit r pavment of the principal nnd (nti-nncJ, ' nona. in audition to the usual ra- -r , , tleient to meet tho payment of ti - ct ,ml and Interest of said In nd nii.liiU ie from year to year until .such Undw ItEsOUllCES. I.onns and DLcount3.... $5'.6f9 f. live ilr.tfts . ii'lJK U. S. Biiift-i to iecure 1'lrctilaiion nxioii o Other Slocfe1- SiiiiiUanil Mortgnm IivAl :5 Uae froai K-deeinhigaiid Reserve Agents it.! 5 4. bue from Nu'.ioiml B-inkt .. . . . 7.T9 Zr Due from t?btte lia!; and Bankers IKs W Fnralmre and Fixtures . . . 41 Current Bveaes T8i R5 T-i.ie piiM........ ...... 'tfa 2; rreailuras I2.su) ti ilit-cks nad c wh Ueuis. including stuniiM. 'J.iUl 1 Cosh ua hand, 15 -1:1 S The conditions or the dellve-yorihparnnL aid bonds to the IVrn ilaiinf.a-tunri'i , Vrn. Nemaha County. Ntt.rns n are ' u.it when said company hnlt fl'e Wih .V, County Coniml.isloners of Ni-mn'ii (IHi"tr .ruiiiMiii, iiii-ii ijiiiiiin Willi SunirHHt ff oy 111 iiieaiununi t.i in tibic the n.m.ort j E -aid sum. to I'eru precinct, Nein-dm ojibt I Nehruskn. that they will lis the pJ' . I i.iid lHnds. excluslvety f.r the- j.-i-i,. I nrrv.iiiroii a mrinniueinrv oi.t. ... .. t K LtABrLTTrES. Capital Stock pa'd iu Sa vlus fu .d ..... D -4-niint . j i'cminKe I iii;crr-tl Prtillt and Diss Circulation . .... ... liividends unpaid DeiMKtts . liuetu Stale Ranks and Bankers.. fitiWl -l- ;i).oiX) a 7.HK1 ll 2.V.T 519 i 2,'-' 3- isi r . 9o.ei s o T7.ii a 3-fr9 .1- tSiMl -3 STATK O? NKbTiASKA.l flll'ITYtlK SKMAir. J ' I. A. it. Ifcvvtson. Ca-shJ. r ofthe Flrt Natlonnl Bunk. Urowuvlile N-br.ifc.. do solemnly swear that the above Is true, to the hetni'mv kn..nlli. ami M. Brarmali; t 'on-table.. .laeol. 1 a,'L .,, f A'rV.i.r.'-l,:. J "T "" -.. .......u..l ...b. .IMMI.IJ J October, taTM. Uornsn Attest: JOHN h. CARSON W. t. IJEN 1L A. HANI'LX T t)liiL T. I)avi ; Jiuiges of Eleellon, J Ij Overman. A E Carlton ami I, Rnin: C'nrks or KliMMinn J. F Cro- anil J. P. Welty; Supervisor, Ni. 1. L. Klee. Heilfonl -A.sscjinr, A. L. Fry; Ju tieeM nf the Peaee. David Morfi.- and A. Kerns; Countable. John Clnek ner ami L. Ingall-; JmiueH of Elec tion, C. Ttteker. Divnl Huntington and R Arm.-triig ; (lerkx of Klee linii. John Teiine- and D.ivid .Morris; Surrvi-or, No 1,'H. Smilie, No. 2, A. Campbell. Henton A.sej!f.or. Wm, W ind hlllle; JutieeH of the Peaee. H. Steinmati hltd 1) W Shurtleil': Coti stableu, Wm. William- and .1. A. (tHI ; Judge of Fleetiou T. (iper. A. Hillui Mini J A (Jill: CI-rk- of ICleeiion. J. H. Ko-ter ami II M Stover; Sopervi-nr. No 1, II. Hoi ken, No. 2. J A. (MI. " " "- - Jlcvenue. sumps'., . ' M. nrf. MOW KIKH P imSTJl'V WIVKii II .1 It "-' A U l.N.N Kit. Till ixlmjUiuHl lell.- the folio u in y ! l"i.-from tmnk aik. bankers dEJkj. -1 i I.MHt&iid Iiss s lory about a winner at a lamoua r.od J II BiniAOY. NiryPUniic. )N. ) ST. j rector Statoment of the Condiuon or the maiaifflE8fa;sci?j HilUUi S5LU.sfii5iii at nrownvllle. Neb., at the c!oe of hnslnek OCTOI3EK l.t., 1873. LT ABILITIES. (iinifHl Stock Due Deislt(rs... liisc und Kxcu., .. AS-sETTS. ItHnklnKOfllceiind I-'lxture Notes and bills di .... I' -It. --Rr p.nrt Exieaf Areimrit ri uionerv. tTsJI7 05 .Uj.3lB S o.72 -V . S fi.374 Tfc ."R.VBI . M.7U "-. csr s W "71 II 3.9; - .its i- O.Ks P- 6". 4s . i... ; ..,- ti -v . -.." .. " " ur luniiiu i eru. .xenriisKii. nut ur"i -S ex'eusbui if nforet-ald 1 ont'i I y tie p-r-Mumifaciimnir Comp-in " ntleaf. ' County Commissioners of Ne'ir crn Jhnli deliver to said IVrt, Mi.mf, n..r oinpan tlieaforenId bond toM.eam u f Iwenty-Hve Thousand Dollar?. The ballots to he oted al la flpfilm lerein provided for, shall have wt! m printed thereon, the words f I' wInK.tiT Those In favor of the proposition ht-. submitted, the words Fi r Uonds nnd Tax." Those opposed to tho piopoRltloa Iiw nbmlttcit. the words "Auamst Ponds and Tux." Tlie p.-lls of vaid election slm'l be op f H o'clock a m. of sab) dy. hihI s' Bl, r, tinneop'n until (IoVIkk. p.m. of tliet.r av. It order or the County Corr.mtvInt' aid County .if Nemaha, store of Nrf,ru tils the Mb day ot Ue'ider.A.D I-rt II. o. Mixre-K. a. j. ltT. II. HOfKFMIYFR. , ,, Count.) (iu.rs. James M. IlAt'irrit. l-tl Connty Clerk, HUls fr Forngt. OrriCK.Cn. Qit Jin Jujt TrATr,) Omaha. Nr-.r.. Oeiohei l IfcTt. j 'EAI.KD PROPOSALS. ti ciir'i'. w " O Salbfae' ry puaranb-e s.sned Ii fx r -ponslii.v part esho: bhlder. ib." ' t ffsitnf Iiundsjii n on nwnl ti'ir'pi'i will he received.nl tbl ,QUv iw f-wii ' eiocK n. in, i.n J luir'd v .Niivih'Ur t is.,, mr tne iliverv m f i. 'h ! u " MiantltieKe rnp Ir. u, du. Ii.k .vi"uirt! i- renioer, 7.d l.lOl)fil pound; Onf : -V-WHrxiiMiund!, Corn. ' tN to he emlor- d on enve'r.srs "" ' Fo ao." Unk hldi f(trnl;lid nnd fnl' c made known on :ippbeatl.n at t'i - " The right to rtjeet any or all t.iU i.r" el. Al FX. J. PFRRY. ChloiQr. Mr..I)et. r ' f. t'vt l T . Ilrl.-.. 1. t.er V - l 8f P i: R ra VOIR P iUysl ILL r ynnyf 1 Ik Alton ton restaurant : "Sueb a fume a.-. Taft' make.- din ner purlieu a.s itinuiiieiatde aa t!ie are ltiviuiigjfniitl it would be uiiau oouutableuijptiie doeirine of ebatii-r alone, if there nui not now and then befuii u lunny ineideut to uive nitiu- auuy tif Well n .sub.slantial delight to i lie Point Shirely eiiiertaiumentri. Tatt telli- one that ilir JU."l iieeurred L ul tiist ei'Zy quarieri, but a hI- wink given alter the Wliispering wan over enjoined the prejerntiih uf the xtriuient incognito ui all the parti- c'oin-erned. It hnppebed on the biightt-si and niu.t lelieiou cool day of tiie week, when Ibe atulo.ipbere and the akiea themselves seemed at tuned ti the event which was celebra ted Eiht tnairii d i;eiitleuien ofem iueUtl etitcure.tu taste.- eatnetimeth er aiot set their tniiol- uptuiTiaviiig a " I'niier Thete were fmn Ko--i-ii - " men and four Amerie in-, allot who.u I " ud ti.-led t ir .-Kill of cixik.-s t hi-world ' 5- "Vi r Tlle Wli-lit-d to luiVe e ef - I $-. ming ei.mpit'te, ami going n lalt i CQ liia: llieui up .-ili-h a fea?t as they wanted. I'repuratiniin beuun furtti- , 0s 97 ti - We. the uiiitf rIrned nfTTcers cr ttia Stare'lUalc u NebrnJca Hnm-.iville. d'i filennlv sr-r thnt tin iibrtve t.i.pment is true to tlie bet ofourknowl id'e und belief. W U. ilOOVKR.P t. TtIKO UILL. VIce-Prest. It. K.QArKS,UiAli. .Snh'eribfsl In tnypresence.aud sworn to befor int- this nth dav or Oct. ur.t K. E. EBRIGItT, Notary Public Correct A l test : TITFO irti.r. w-.W. II AKNKV.f Directors. it. . :uun;. fl YOU VIH HA1E HE A TE mft &y -if 31 3-3 g. s. Duzra. J-EVFJT.EE., 'U 2-T I li -" .h 'ffisiS- itXjJ ,; -v " -i. :-- -.-& -m-a 'v " . i$ It'JUr .fcn.- -. & gym iMf vn rs MVl i '-i Broivi.,iie .Vcb. witli, ami all tn.- re-.mrn h .m. ap,,lj- r.TnrKs. wiTftrwc ttt-t r-.-an.eof Toifa euiaiue were hrnught ' HIjS' JEU ELR1 Repaired. and.Tewctry2rannractnred to order. The fnllm'ing di-p teb from John Flora to Mk J. 0- A. Smith, of this place. Kjve!i te following li-t, nf fa miliar nanus u iitnong the victim of the late praHe fire in Saline couniy : VlLBKK. Nkb. Oct IS. ITt. Mnre linth Morev. Minnie Morey. AiuniBeiklev. liichard Hert ity. Charley 0rkatid Eva Neelv are dead. Stilln,an Mnrev. John Neelv nnd Benny' uvo laVwill die. inm fmi t me lowa Honestead hits the sijuare truth when it says: "No luuiking concern UiaL tloes other than h lejtiniate baukinr business, leav ing speculating Wnihers. is wnrthv the confidence of i.wllorh.- All nf recovery iv.ii thought yeterdav to be .... ' P'Witi tmpostiible. The names of but three i w'" " ' iri" " lw nrp dep nitors ofthe phildren are given it little' to know what "banking concern" t fowa has given her usual 4,off-year' iAepuDUcan roajoriti3 I t ii7iiiLrnipr fir .-i 1 1 rvitt ii Ainriii n iinnirn. ' f a ... i ... . 4 ,. theShreveport (La ) district for the iter of Jacob IWklev. nnd" litil. Jnii . ....o " coming two years, died ui Shrevenort f C'. C. Clark. Thepp nerished oih! the 25th ult.. of yellow fever. He was nrairie The 'her-seyen linger; Pennsylvania has oueliiQi. ..F t, -CJ t O-..: "" i"i. U1 none in i . Q... wi iuo xitrtronmii a oaviugs j thin m.riMv.,1 bQ ,iQ ft.u.: i iteiuiiniuan tbi v .-..... ..... .,.,., t,v; n ilIFHIHK, .' or ??SSilU busi" i bauii at tbe time of JUis death. f I11K t jMucli property was destroy ed la thsjatcdgr promised, s. " cone stronger artlhui was atitici- intn reqiii-itiou. i '"But nieniiwbile the wives of the eiuhi geiitieiiicu koi wind ofthe af lair Thev learned to their just m dlliailoli liial their ilUihaoiix Ueir ptepariiiK tor a grand tea-t tor then nettiucalioii. and thai eight plates onl 'were to belaid on I heir table With out waiting for an explanation, they di.-palchcd a un-.s-eng-r to Tuft's ami dtipl culeil their hu-haitd.' order, to 'e.-eived in a r-eparate dining room. The hi 1 1 uf far were to be ideiiijeal with the exception of cigars, and the Mtrtcteat alienee was enjoined. Noi even a hint or whimper wa to pa-s be tween the husbands ami the landlord. I'he hour appointed fo- the two dm tlet C ittie, ami tile hlKbatid.M at down to their dinner, and theii wives to theirs. The table- bore the icsultsnr Taft's unrival-d tate and skill, and nothing was omitted to make it enm plete iu every detail. Fish, bird and all yielded their delicious mouthfuls. while the shining plan and excellent service was tickling to every -eitse "Not a word picked between the two ripic-and-spati-diiiing rnnms. All unsuspecting . the husbands drank a hum per to their wive at home, while the wives sipped the health of their hubauds who neverdreamed of their pre-enee under the same hospital!" roof. Dinner over, the wives ordered their IuIIh added to that of their ttn- Huspeetiiitf husbands, mid so the rue was discovered. There is a pretty moral in nil this. Taft thinks, and pif-l laps one hasn't for to search for it either." ALL WORK WARRANTED uiOiIl Wuoiuiii 1 lf ;'.-gSL T sf,?f' . e bm SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLBS. C0GSVKI.L'S OLD SEAJf D, Cor. Main & IatSta., BEOWOTILLE, NEBEASKA. lSrIlV STOCK, i0' .. - ", Vith Patent Foot Res!. IS U-xIVERS LLY AC!CNA '. E The CHEAPEST and BEST HEATING STOVE EVEli MADt:, YERY EASILY 3IA5AGED, EC0-0jIICAL IN FUEL, WITH AS EXCELLENT BEAFT AND OUAUANTKED Tt Give SATISFACTION Everjv.h : -SOLD BY EXCELSI0E 3UIUFACrriI(--t ST. LOUIS. .MO , AND BY STSVENSOjB" & CRC UROWNVILLE, tW5- CC "- r&?.?trzL3BEi Ml HOFFFfiAN- .. t rt i up piu5. Iff ss?rnini 121 ll l IkUii a ft a a h Remember the New England up per Piiday night ifm a p ft i ns wJ.U HUM 3Hnitik LA TJEST STYLES. . tuttle; Propri at.' -, Tlase Pills. lo not coutab Qn i:"i' .Jl er.iN. rbt-y areMUiir-cnatwJ. J,rfiJ frr It ox, , r - Tliey Mre Fever nml Ag'"'. !"r Ague ami Acne Fevers sjienb . . x-impie. Imrin less, ami :iiwar- - . m ...f. t.. r I ... ..,!, I.. ' H---I 1,111 III lliur ;I2UHU' ' , - ".M.-Ijiln' Cnii'lliil (i.vtor Oi' c- , ' ami McLilif't CatMleil Vermi'.'-.' rr ' are perfee'ly eleirtint. Ciiii'lren ait lufce tllem." Salt Lnke IJermd. For Niite b -A. I.. -ELTZTi.-& &: C ' 41ni sr. DEKtUN. NKB. S. "P . rtGi- . i.r...v:;"?rn"rt M.nrt Dee.u, n,r t . -. .vi visi- V,OUCUHS ilWOBO, JB: PEIMTIK& OF AXL K1NI?. r KoaUy BiProptXv Sxecat0' jv . , AT'TUUS OFI'IUS.