..aLrrtrrLir' wli'ganrv.ry-j--J ... BUSINESS NOTICES. ochool "qooks. School Books. Forsalf rheap by G.B.DUMS. BANK NOTICE. Tiic Awxiua.1 Jneetliig 01 tne t,f-iviholdere of Uie State Bank of Ne- aste, ill be lield on Tuesday, 21st Octo- cr ij-, jit the Bank, at 7 o'clock, 1. 1L. for c t'f tiau-of a Jttnni n uireciorr. Iwt H. E. GATES, Cashier. 'I'VE AT L. A. SSUGJIAXN - CIGAR MAKERS'5- itT. (,ovEL-or.s choicb. w AH 1 E.L1 ilv first class v:nrkinen need apply. TOP. SAILS vf '. 'sunder tills head will be charged 2 jits earl. .nert.on, for live lines or less. t-. Cottage Residence on TLicltnrd St-3 jo, i tj aminos pari 01 iowm. uooa hwmw. timci. iii' l:rnbber . irult trees, Daru. ana 101 anu u rU. fenced. Ternib reasonable. Apply 10 W. T. ROGfiltS. J- Cloy' Patent Weather Strip. The - - - udln s ma, uusi or jta.ni nuiu umuu 1 rsh- I SWAN & 11RO. iMi,al nud Departure orIails. orthern-Dai:y. by Railroad-Arrives 11 a. m. KaBtnern-Ia"y- by IiaUroad-Arrives 2:39p.m. hortberu ,Ti-- Via rem, uziiy arrives i m; ire- ,r: - r - Nemuha City, Daily Arrives 5 Ht ert "vi-1" TVcumseli to Beatrice DaUy : r nr T"n "' Arrives iy.m. mRaT.,...,..'i Table Koek Weekly Ar- "-V..M1 nl Imparts Monday at 7 a.m. Kto.tft -""r ,.a .tunlav at 6 i. m. Departs re Fed' nia. a , t Tiaay ai . s-ni. , ,.rV. ii .r- from T. m..io it, p.m 3-- . . " fo-: Sun '-"- " . -.- . iwt nr.x i-q.- : : i 'a. m .A.POLOi 2K.P.3i. RAILROAD TIKE TABLES. orllugton & 3ribi.ourl River Railroad in Nelirnslia. MAIN LI2TE. .ritts:HWtx: . .Lincoln Kearney June- 5 p.m. arrive ll:lu.m. leave &iJa.m. leave a-rlv um.vha bka:;ch. ix leav i. arrivt- i'lHltinuth.. 1 115 u.m. arrive j MG8 u.Hi. leave BhJlTWCE RRANCH. r e. js arrive ..Crete I 7:45 a.m. arrive .....Beatrice.- 4:J4a.m. leave feansafi City, St. Joe. & C. E. Railroad. m j- lcs. PlielH Station as. fellows : -t '..'i'L. in. fJoiapoo:h....l'tWa.m. ',u.. r ;. ci. , Goinc Sooth, .KJi p. m. oi u- 'Oiu. Sltllnud I'aolfic Railway. . r, n ' N ibraska City liTOpm 7.30 p m -t'tm' Mnooln. I ll:ani 3pm 1 , zr -ward . I .15 a m leave J X COXVKRS1U, Sup't. fci. MAHKxiT KEPORTS. Biounlllf Orocerj- ilurUet. rk A.7Va for SI. .'iin. Sll for ;1. i .--,1 astotlieSl. .- Bta- ' , . r.s to tlie IM. . rr-ri,5ft. r lea. $l,'iSl,. -.' ?I45. , Ji.iperJb. FKar. ' h 1 SSaja: Tt-n 3jiej 1 tia-Mies. iu:ets. 3ll" lo I-' ets. fC:iv- S . Vuctory.acte. ilai Rivi r salt. $3,25. jPj-r.; o' iinon, t(MiCS. frui . gi'Ulen, Sl.W. it ra; -i" Mf, SL.V3. iu "'.!, . el. WJv. r. . Nu. 1. i-LSi. K8. 2. 11.75 9 kit. b Lit' "!,:,. No. 1. S1.75 ? kit. Family 15. Ei'urt "iJ r VinerHr, 8et. Produce and Provlbloii-Mnrllet. fa f,it-! all 0?-Si; sjwJag 7c. r i-ls. plart , 1 ci.lj. Sijf i"i l"CtH. i'ur Tj,t iunHSy Fall, $1,59. X loar. spring. 53,00. tioft- n-. live. Sl.itS per aoan. BI-k n- d 'zt-n, s eU. -tt- :o!ee. 3U25 cts. 1' t - 7o.;l 00. Ihl'a. ' -t .'. Main-. lfri$l& ct&. BBi l'.i- '.:.t'j. lV"t-K. lie- L. t glLa- rs "? F J u .!.. . ...r i and Dealer m COILjH JLjO. . f sM:- C5 I 9fe- ay?w xMzmS Vi .! ra V aZ. s urn ,fK s J s. r- -JL E v jTi I .Jt S. - rSzzk-r I s m 3: 3B, -' in IVHIPS, C ANT AS COLLARS, 110BES, N'' PAI-..i;ttU!-UEs.BrMVS'KETS. !Ii )WNVILLE, NEB. JEWELEE, C2 t I :irds fi ; Cros 3 Srownvillc. Vcb. A LOCKs., WATCHES, JEWELRY, Vra-red aaU Jewe.rj ilannfaLtured to order. r- -I- WORK WARRJLXTKI) :fl 5 JP SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES. COGSWELL'S OLD STAND. i Cor. ninln d; 1st Sts., NOWTOLLE, HEBBASKA. MDW stock, immim LATEST STtttJSS. L'ii'J IS UIMUP WUttL V? U D 1 0 i II i c IIKtlE the advertiser: THURSDAY, OCTOBER IG. 1S73. Publishers' Xoticec. Extra Copies of the Ajjvertiskb far sale by G. S-DtTNr, Bookseller, Stationer and 2fews Deal er, No. 97 Slain street, next door to the Postofllce. Local Notices, set as ordinaryreadins matter, will be charged ten cents per line, each Insertion. Sot in display type, twenty-fire per cent, additi onal to above rates. ADVEKTJSEiTEXTS nnder the nead of "Wanted." "For Itent," "For Sale," "Lost," "Fonnd," &a will bechared twenty-five cents for each adver tisement of fire lines, or less, each insertion. Ad vertisements over five lines, at the rate of fire cents per line, each insertion. CAFFREY fc HACKER, Publishers Advertiser. C1TYAJTJD COZTJSTTJZ LUCAL 2IELAXGE. Election is over. Wounded and slain of last Thurs day have beeu recovered. The Democratic ticket was beat en in Omnhaon Tuesday. The "Anti-Monopolists" carried their entire ticket in Johnson Countj last Tuesdaj-. Col. I. 2S". White spent a couple of days in the citj' last week. He re ports Phelps lively. Geo. Berkley bought GOO dozen of fine teeth combs when at St. Louis last week. Poor chauoe for lice. Carrol Bros, have the best liquor in town, and claim that no better ex tract of rye or corn was ever sold than can be had at their store. Mlirphy has sold his pork house, fixtures, etc., to Lewis & Marsh, and the whole establishment was shipped to the capital this week. Charley Whitman informs us that his billiard parlor is completely fitted up and in readiness for the ta bles which he is hourly expecting. Some of our people are discussing for the tenth time the peculiar fact that they can't put up a stove in the same place with the same pipes as last year. Joe Huddart wants to sell his ice house. There is money in it, but Joe says it ought to be run by some one who has nothing else to do. He offers it at a bargain. At the election in this preoiuct on Tuesday, W. H. Small was elect ed Assessor, T. L. Schick and H. D. Snyder. Justiees of the Peace, Jno. B. McCabe and David Cnmpbell, Con stables, mid Jno. L. Carson, Hoad Supervisor. We have been requested to noti fy the citizens of Peru and those in that neighborhood favorable to the establishment nttbat point, of a steam ferry, that a meeting will bo held at the District School heuse in Peru, Friday evening next, at 7 o'clock, to make arrangements to the end indicated. A general turnout Is solicited and expected. The fact the road leading -from seventh street north west by the ceui etry is being fenced in beyond the cemetery n:;iy and ought to be matter for the consideration of our council. This road ias beeu of much import ance heretofore, making access to our oity easy from that direction, and may bo kept open now much cheaper than after awhile. Besides the settling up of that portion of ths city will be greatly facilitated if the ridge 'road can be kept 'jpen. seen too. We hope1 it will be Hats and cups, full assortment, at L. Lowmau's. The Elkhart, Indiana, Wagon, beats them all. Sold and warranted bv Tidel & Richards. Fresh Troit autl irystera. Stevenson &, Cross. Do not buy a cheap, inferior Wag on or Stove, but buy one of those sold by Tisdel & Richards. Toy cart's Tip carts, Bo;'3 Express wagons, Wheel barrows, Toy gig's, Perambulator, &c. &c, all for sale by J. L. Roy verycheap. Wagons! Wagons!! Wagons!!! The best in the ;wcrld, for sale Tiadel and Richards by Iron And wagon timber, the largest stock b3r Stevenson & Cross. Fashion! Fashion!! Fashion Stoves told by Tisdel and Rich- Paints, oils and glass best brands t$ I and lowest figures, by Stevenson & J For hardware, tinware, Iron, steel, nails, &c, cheaper than anywhere else, go to Tisdel & Richards. At Hetzel's, 5 mackerel for 25 cts. Fine samples of Coal Stoves sale bv Tisdel & Richards. for At Hetzel's, 15 pounds dried apples for Si. Tisdel & Richards invites the at tention of the people to the fact that they are selling the best Wagon ever manufactured, and on the most rea sonable teifnS. Lard wanted at Gilmore & Co's. Who sells those fine Wagons? Tis del & Richards. For nice traveling baskets go to McCreery & Nickell's. 39-am Full stock of the celebrated Cham pion and Fashion stoves the best by Tisdel & Richarfls. FARMERS. Stevenson & Cross, have the largest stock of goods in Nemaha County, and sell on a smaller profit than any house in the State. Elkhart Wagon the best sold, and warranted by Tisdel & Richards. Den is agent for the Oriental Pow der Co., and keeps a full supply, by the keg, pound or ounce. Den uses no other powder but the Oriental, I and this is the reason he kills more Proprietor. game than any of his competitors. "The election on Tuesday passed offij quietly. Wanted A Jew loads of bay, on subscription, at this office. Wecegretto learn that the Kansas Magazine has suspended. Apple3 are plenty upon our streets at from $1.25 to $1.50 per bushel. The Public Well on is being walled, and ready for use. Second street will soon be A dwelling house containing three rooms, for rent. Enquire of T. C. Hacker, at this office. Married at Brownville, Oot. 8th '73, by Rev. W. B. Slaughter, S. H. Ma son, Esq., of Illinois, and Miss Anna Jenkins, of PefU.eb. 7 J Political Hefokjiers. David Butler and Jarvis S.. Church. These are the fellows who propose to reform the politics of this State, aided by Miller of the Omaha ITerald, T. C. Hacker, our 'Dorr:' of this office, returned from his visit to In diana, on Monday evening last. Dora sn3-s Indiana will do first rate to visit but to live there, excuse him. . Messrs. Dye, Sykes, Lippett and Church and Miss Fannie Arnold, Mrs. Docker, and Miss Decie Johnson attended the musical convention at Salem, last week. It was conducted by Professor Perkins and was a deci ded success. E. S. Wibley sold this week to L. Lowman, his new store building; which Mr. L. will now finish and arrange to his liking. Mr. Wibley put in a great many hard working hours in getting thisbuildiug'so far advanc ed and we were in hopes when com pleted he might be able to fill it with goods and make money. Geo. Berkley jgot back last week, bringing withhim five boxes of Mil lieerj gdods, and he does not over shoot the mark when he'avers that a prettier stock never greeted the op tics of .Nemaha County ladies. And George wishes it distinctly under stood that the goods are all fresh and new, not remnants of old or old-fashioned stock. Tlie Home Graugb. The fourth number of this month ly is at hand, filled to overflowing with articles of sterling value. This is decidedly the Magazine for the peo ple, It is entertaining, highly instruc tive and labors to secure wealth to its creators, the Producer, Mechanic ancZ Laborer. It should find a place in every family. Subscription price $1,50 per year In advance. Address The Home Grange, So 4, South 5th street, St. Louis, Mo. Love oomes unawares frequently we verily believe. At least our latest reports from Snleni show that some thing of that sort happened to Ed. Lippitt while attending the musical convention there last week. Now, Ed is a very modest boy as it were, and to be suddenly aillicted in that way, very rationally might be ex pected to destroy temporarily, his equilibrium. On no other principle oould his friends account for the reckless manner in which he talked of "home made musio" when they were congratulating him on the pe culiar fortune in which he so sudden ly found himself. An exehange has made an Im portant discovery, by means of which every man can be his own "Old Prob abilities" or Heliograph. This is1 how it is done : "If you wish to know whether it is going to storm or not, all you have to do is to find the storm vortex and see which side of it is the most moist. Multiply this by the square of the latent heat, subtract the time of day, and divide by the weather-cock. The result will be the rati fication, plus the thermometric evo lution of the north pole and then a wayfairing man though a natural know-nothing, can tell what will fol low." How wonderful, and yet how simple, is the economy of nature ! A cottage on Main street to rent. Containing six sooms, with good well of water at the door. AppljT to W. T. Den. Den has just received a large assort ment of double barrelled shot guns and rifles, which he will sell at reduc ed prices. Call and examine Den's guns before purchasing and be con vinced that Den keeps only first class guns at low pri'Jes. Try Middleton's sweeney collar. Large stock of clothing for youths ftud children, at L. men, Low- mans's. Who sells the best wagon in Brown ville ? Why, W. T. Den sells the Harrison wagon, which took the gold medal at Kansas City Exposition. Only $S5,00. Boots and Shoes for nien, ladies and children, at L. Lowman's. Buy clothing, dry goods, groceries, at ten per cent, reduction, at Den's. Two rooms to T. Den. rent. Apply to W. Buffalo overshoes, arctic overshoes, for men, ladies and children, at L. Lowman's. Buy your boots and shoes at reduc ed prices, at Den's Remember Den sells shot at 12i cts. per pound, powder 25 cents and up wards. Snpouti Premium Powder. Stevenson & Cross) General agents will duplicate any list. Cassimeres, Jeans, Beaver, Chin chillas and flannels, atL. Lowman's. Fur Bctts, in .Mink, Seberian Squirles, Alaska Mink, and Prusian Sable, for ladies, misses and children, from $5 up to $40, at L. Lowman's Clothing and Groceries, at Hetzel's. Burned to Deatli. The following telegram was receiv ed to-day by Geo. P. Berkley, and handed io us for publication : Dewitt, Neb., Oct. 15, 73. To Geo. P. Berkley: Annie Berk ley, Mrs. Morey and children were burned to death yesterday, by prai rie re. Morey. Annie Berkley was a daughter of J. B. Berkley, formerly of Brown ville, and Mrs. Morey was a sister of Mrs. Berkley and Mrs. J.Q.A. Smith, who alBo, with her husband, for merly resided in this vicinity. Jj Proceedings of the Bonrd.of Commit alonerx at Ulelr Oct. Term 1873. Present, H. O. Minick, A. J. Ritter and H. Hockemeyer, Commissioners. J. M. Hacker Clerk D. Plasters Sher iff, when the following busines was had and done, to wit ; A petition was presented a3king.the location of a County Road at Hills dale, which was continued so as to come up in connection with the vaca tion of a portion of the town site of Hillsdale. It was ordered by the Board that an appropriation be made for building a oulvert in Road Dist. No. 3 in Wash ington Precinct, and that H. Hocke meyer examine the work ?hen done and report. It was ordered by the Board that an appropriation, of an amount sufficient to pay for 500 feet of soft wood lumber, out of the General Road fund for the benefit of Road District No. 1 in Ben ton Precinct to be expended by the Supervisor of said District. There was a petition presented to the Board of County Commissioners from Peru Precinct asking the Board to order an Election to be held in said Precinct for the purpose of voting Bonds in aid of the Peru Manufactur ing Company which Eleotion was ordered by the Board to be held on the 22d day of November 1873. The Superintendent of the poor farm reported two paupers on the poor farm, which report was received by the Board. The Commissioner appointed to view the location of a Road Petitioned for by Trobridge and then reported n. oomendiug the Road be located. C. M. Hayden was appointed Commis sioner to make said location. The CommissiorJe'r appointed to view the location of a road petitioned for by J. P. Price and others reported recomendiug that the road be so loca ted. C. M. Hayden was appointed a Commissioner to make said location. The Commissioner appointed to view the location of a road pe tltioned for by H. Steinman and others, re ported recommending that the road be 30 located. C. M. Hayden was ap pointed a Commissioner to locate said proposed road. The contract for the erection of a Bridge near W. G. Swan's in Lafay ette Precinct was awarded to Geo. Crow and A. L. Waltz, for the sum of $310 out of oak timber. The contract for the erection of a Bridge on the section line between seotions 12 and 13-on the Muddy In town 5 range 12 east, in Washington Precinct, was awarded to Geo. Crow and A. L. Waltz, for the sum of $290 out of oak timber. The contract for the erection of a Bridge i mile south of Thompson's Mill on Indiana creek on section line between section 31 and 32 T 5R 15 east In Loudon Precinct was awarded to Geo. Crow and A. L. Waltz, for the sum of $300 out of oak timber. The contract for the erection of a Bridge on the Muddy near A Kearus in Bedford Precinct, was awarded to C. W. Wheeler, for the sum of $640 as per plan and specifications furnished by bidder. The contract for the erection of a Bridge on Rock Creek on section line between sec. 8 and 17 T G R 14 east in Glen Rock Precinct, was awarded to C. W. Wheeler for the sum of $464.56 as per plan furnished by bidder. It was ordered by the Board that tho County Surveyor survey the line of the Road on tho east line of the north east $ of sectiou 24 town 4 range 15 east, particularly on the east line of C. M. Kauffmau'c land, on said sec tion line. It was ordered by the Board that A. J. Ritter proceed to let a con tract such grading as he may deem most neces sary to repair approaches to Iron Bridge near Nemaha City. It was ordered by the Board that D. W. ShurtliiTand J. K. Smith be noti fied to appear before the County Com missioners at their next session and pejfect their settlement. It was ordered by the Board that the County Clerk advertiso for bids for furnishing twenty-live cords of wood, either hard or soft. It warf ordered that the clerk con tract with parties for the erection of a wall under the county safe, with stone foundation and completed with brick. M. Braunon und J. Bausfield were selected to examine the brick on the poor farm. Allowances made out of the General County Fund to tho amount of S2213 6S General Rond Fund 234 48 District Road Fund 24 00 Estrny Fund . 1S1 35 J. M. HACKER, Clerk. fn KEU' GOODAT LOW PRICES. I have received one of the best stocks of goods in town, consisting of prints, muslins, flannels of all kinds, jeans, casaimers, and uotionsof all kinds, hats, clothing for men and boys, in great varity, shoes and boots for everybody, Queensware and Gro ceries. Cheap for cash is the Motto. Call and see me. Geo. Marion. Buck, Sheep, Cassimeres, and fur lined Gloves, for men, ladies and dhil den, at L. Lowman's. Fresh. Trout and Oystera. Stevenson & Cross. Joe Shutz has a fine assortment of watches, all grades, and jewelry of every description, for sale at a very small advance on cost. Give him a call. The heaviest stock of goods ever brought to Brownville. Stevenson & Cros3. Plastering Hair at Bauer's Harness hop. r SSOERTDAJST ITEMS. J. B. Piper is teaching school-in Tenny's school House. TMgging potatoes Is the order of the day. The average yield is about two buEhels per acre. E. E. Savage is blacksmi thing in Sheridan. Can do all kinds of work "with neatness and dispatoh." For simplicity and durability, the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine takes the lead, and they are sold for les3 money than any other first class machine. Sold by J. H. Dundas. We have heard the Nebraska Legislature accused of every thing that was mean but the last oharge caps all. "It has put a postage of twenty cts., on news papers not sent out of the county." The Texas cattle belonging to Grigsby & McKenzie were stampeed ed the night of the fifth, some jump ed down a steep bank into the creek, and others jumping in on top of them "trampled them under their unhal lowed feet" formed a bridge on which to oro33, fled, leavingthlrteen dead and two badly crippled. We have seen all the candidates that are out except Jack. They are ail very pleasant, agreeable men and we would like to vote for all of them, just to see how happy they would be in office. We learn that P. M. Mar tin by marriage is a cousin to Mr. Jack, so think we can support him him with no further recomend. We visited Johnson County the 4th of this month. As we returned home we passed the residence of Mr. Shroff, saw people gathering there and learned that Mr.SShroff had commit ted suicide by hanging. Mr. S,. has been a man of considerable means aud stood high in the estimation of all who knew him, but for the past few years financial embarrassment and domes tic trouble have preyed upon his mind aud caused the commission of this sad crime. Dupouts Premium Powder. Stevenson & Cross General ugents wilrduplicate auy list. J. L. Roy has just received a fine assortment of willow work stands, children's rocking chairs, table chairs, &c. &c. Farmers, don't throw away SO or 90 dollars on a wagon to save 10 dollars. But buy tho Bain they are" the cheap est. Sportsmen, farmers and others you will save money by buying your pow der, shot and amunition at Den's. Rope, Cross. all sizes, by Stevenson & Now style" in Fancy Dress Trim mings, Belts, Ribbons add Ladles Hats, at L. Lowman's. The heaviest stock of goods ever brought to Brownville. Stevenson & Cross. Having received a stook of goods, larger than you can find -in auy other country store, I would respectfully request tho public to examine my stock full in every branch. I will try to suit my numerous, regular custom ers and all those who favor me with their calls, and take pleasure in show ing my goods. Having beeu rushed with business, since my return from the East, I have only now got my stock full- arranged and am prepared to exhibit everything to the best ad vantage. L. Lowmax. u cm Boy's Look Out Cold weather is coming aud J. L. Roy lias the best assortment of Sleds, Sleigh's, &, Clippers ever offered in this Market, and at the lowest prices Way Down for Caali. 5,000 Pounds Smoking Tobacco, by J. L. Colhapp. Must be sold in thirty days. Largo assortment of Shawls and soarfs, received at L. Lowman's. WATER PROOFS. We have just received from Boston, the following Hew colors : Navy Blue, Vermont Grey, Cadet Grey, Sage, Orange, Snow Flake. Treo. Hill &. Co. Dre33 goods, French Merenoa, Cash meres, Poplins, a full assortment, at L. Lowman's. PU3IPS. Large stock cheap by Stevenson & Cross. 1000 pjeces of Calicoes, from lOcts a yd upwards, at L. Lowman's. 7aE The best and cheapest stoves sold by Stevenson &. Cross. are GROCERIES, Cheaper than ever at F. E. John sou & Co.'s. New styles of Shawls, Ladies Tal mas, and Cloaks received, at L. Low man's. atJEEJSJSAVARE. Large stock at Stevenson & Cross'. Alton. Lime andLouIville Cement, Constantly on hand at Swan & Brother's. Clothing, tor men, youths and chil dren, at L. Lowman's. Another car load Stevenson & Cross'. of B. W.'s at Clothiug and Groceries, at Hetzel's. Large stock of Overcoat3 from $5 to $25, at L. Lowroan'fl. Bacon, sides, hams and shoulders, at Swan & Bro's. K. C. Lett Has just received a large and fresh supply of letter paper, pens, including the celebrated stub pen, envelopes, in itial paper, etc., etc., selling at lower prices than usual. ORAXGERS. , Stevenson & Cross want to do your business. We will do wbat is rJsfat. GERMS OF POETRY, 3e. 5. Editor Advertiser: What is the. matter with friend "Shsridan"? He exhibits a decided tendency to "drift." That is bad! We must try andget him moored in some pleasant "poetical harbor" be, yond the reach of "unpleasant sur roundings, he seems easily discour aged. He stud he believed he had caught the "inspiration,'-' when, sad to say, the "fate and luck of Prof. J. W. Bailyand Hiram Plattro" bro't himiustanttyto pigs and potatoes" again. He must be deficient in hope; he loses faith in humanity. That will never do! "Where sin abounds grace will much more abound." I am of the phrenological school of Messieurs Fowler and Wells, and be lieve mind manifests Itqelf through physical organism, the brain being the organ of the mind, and no one can rise above his organization. The reformers, benefactors aud educators should study human organisms so they can understand their varied ca pacity for developing mind. Now if "Sheridan" is deficient in hope, I would advise him not to have anything to do with politics, for the unsightly thing will settle 'him' in the gloomy doctrine of "total deprav ity." Perhaps it is because election day drrweth nigh, and.men's char acters are going through such a sear ching ordeal, that my friend Items is so despondent. Be not deceived, my friend, the perfecting of humanity does not de pend so much on Apolitical action as some people imagine. It is an educa tional power, to be sure, but it is a re straining force, not a reformatory meosure. It is to restrain evil-doers until moral influences may have time to work a change. Another bit of advice I would give him. I take it for graded "Sheri d!in" is a republican. When you see anything wrong in the party, do not run from it, like a mad man, crying corruption, calling names aud making faces like a fool. Stand firm, and be true to the dear old republican party which has carried the nation safely through so many perils, and is now blessing it with such marvelous pros perity, considering the fiery ordeal the nation has passed through, on its way to the highest eminence among the nations of the earth. Who are they who ara upbraiding mj- friend "Sheridan" for "his igno rance" in his "efforts to improve"? Let me know who they are and I will.be after them with d sharp pen. Those who are continually crying ig norance to others, are more or less af flicted with the disease themselves. Like those persons who cau scent im moral conduct in others so keenly, have no virtue to boast of themselves. The amount of wisdom and moral at tainment individuals possess, is mere ly comparative. If one man knows more than some, ho may know less than others. While we should be very thankful for our gifts of mind, and the opportunities to cultivate them, and while we should work hard to improve the talents given us so as to present them w'th interest, when the Master calls, we should not boast of our superior gifts' us a taunt to others with less attainment. There is a great future in which all may work, and wonderful changes may take place In these "ignorant oues." This should keep us all very modest. Most of all I want my friend to re member not to sttip and quarrel with those who cry 'ignorance,' and "call all manner of names falsely." If he does he will rrever be a "poetio farm er." TImo is preoious, and life too serious a matter to be always defend ing oue3 self against the evil thoughts and words of "dark, undeveloped minds." Press onward and upward, into the region of truth, right, of light aud of beauty, of glory and excellence, and all will be well. But to live the poet ical, the spiritual, the heavenly life for all amount to the same thing re quires work ; severe discipline; con stant vigilance, and perseverance td the end. It will require a warfare between the flesh and the spirit, and all.wbo would riBe up out of the beg garly elements of tho world, and sit in "heavenly places,' must exert this; warfare. But tie" joys of the higher life richly rewards one for the labor. And remember, the reward is for the one who "overcomes." Respectfully, London Correspondent. London, Neb. Building Nickell. Paper, at McCreery & 49m3. Q,UEENS1VARE. Large stook at Stevenson & Cross'. Den sells dry goods cheaper than the cheapest. MRS. PItESCOTT, 45 Main street, opposite Sherman House, invites patronage of ladies in the dress-making line. Satisfaction guaranteed. QUEENSWARE. Large &tock at Stevenson & Cso'ss' Low prices on teas at Gilmore & Co's. A CARD. To lovers of good tea Saving re cently purchased and received a large invoice of choice Gunpoioder, Imperi al, Yovng Hyson, Oolong, Souchang and Japan Teas, we are offering the same at a lower price Hian they have ever been sold in Brownville. The teas arc all new and fresh, and 25 per cenL less th an recent prices. Call and Satis fy yoursilvcs and oblige, Yours respectfully, S1VA2T & BRO. DRESS GO'ODS. Japanese Silk, Irish" Poplins, Periales, Lawns, Ginghams, cc, atF.E. John son & Co.Sj TOBACCO MACHINERY FOR SALE. I will sell, low down for cash, my screw press, mouldsand other appara tus for the manufacture of tobacco. Apply in person at the factory, or by letter to J. ti, COLHApf. GROCERIES AND BED STOSE. A H. GILMOHH ids-ajeiSs. xnsr 1 A Tf fl Til m MXrHmmMPHVlW I ! ikl t II I! 3991 1 HUB BII1I4 I lllll V KIIIIIIII Queensward and G-lassrai'-e. $9 TrfA TW STREET, EHOWJSTTELE; GOODS STTT-IVBREI) FSEE. GIVE SEE A HAT.Y.r GEO. ID-U-GKSIEjIEvOT" PROPRIETOS TJTIOlsr &s s so nuEA-irsar street BiowisrviLriB. Clothing and Groceries, at Hetzel's. TAX PATERS. County orders for sale at F. E. Johnson & Co.'s. oods Arrive Dally For Stevenson & Cross. GROCERIES GIVEN AWAY At Gilmore & Co's, for less money than anywhere else. Grangers and all others will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchas ing. Produce and vegetables wanted by Stevenson & Cross. H. S. Carter's spatent bed lounges at J. L. Roy's. atJEEXSWARE. Large stock at Stevenson & Cross'. Tariff Off. Fee for weighing both ways on Middleton's hay scales reduced to 10 cents from and after this date. Sept. 11.1S73. 4Sw4 Boots and Shoes. Call and see Pat Kline in his new shop, first door west of Tisdel & Rich ards', and get a nice fitting boot or shoe. Good fit warranted. Can sell, will sell and do sell cheap er than any other house. Stevenson & Cross. FARMERS. F. E. Johnson &. Co. have the larg est stock of Groceries in town, and are selling them low down. Call and see. Groceries and Clothing, at Hetzel's. NEW BRAND SJIUJgLER. L. A. BERGMANN &. CO. . CIGARS. L. A. BERG2IAN3T & CO. 1VE1V BRAND SMUGGLER. Groceries and Clothing, at Hetzel's. FARMERS. If you want to buy Groceries cheap call at F. E. Johnson & Co's. It cost you but little to look around. dUEEXSVARE. Large stock at Stevenson & Cross'. Machine oils of all kinds and at low prices by McCreery & Nickell .39-3m Groceries and Clothing, at Hetzel's Come one, come all, for prices at Hetzels, for groceries and clothiug. Fish of all kind3 by Stevenson" & Cross. Grain ! Grain ! Theo. Hill & Co. will pay the high est cash price for grain. A big stock of stoves of all kinds just received by Stevenson & Cross. Shoemaker's findings by Stevenson & Cros3. Clothing and Groceries, at Hetzel's. Fall and Winter stock, full in all its branches, received at L. Lowman's School books, all kinds used In the city and county, at McCreery & 2s ick- ell's. 48-3m , dUEEXSWAKE. Large stock by Stevenson & Cross'. Groceries and Clothing, at Hetzel's. Hoofing, guttering and repairing done promptlj and the cheapest by Stevenson &. Cross. Clothing and Groceries, at Hetzel's. CLOTHING. Now stdck just received at F. E. Johnson 5s Co's. FLOUR I FLOUR! FLOTJlit Go to Gilmore & Co.'s whore the best brands, for the least money, are always on hand. Machine oils and belting by Ste venson &. Cross. Corn shellers and fanning mills, the best by Stevenson & Cross. Wm. H. Hoover, Eeal Estate Agent and Convcj'encer. Court Room. Who are the Farmers Best Friends ? Stevenson & Cross. A full stocky of Gents Shifts and drawers, also Buck and Sheep gloves, atL. Lowman's. Why Is it that Stevenson & Cross are selling all the stoves ? Because they have the largest stock and the latest Improved patterns. For Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, &c. call at the gun shop ofCraddock & Son Why are Stevenson & Cross selling so many goods ? Salt, lime, hair and bacon by Ste-L venson & Cross.- Grocenes and Clothing, at Hetzel's. PROVISIOJfS. NEW STOO f S3. Farmers will not have cheap, infeJ rior wagons, but buy the Bain. "Way Down Tor Cmh. 5.odo Pounds Smoking Tobacco, by J. L. Colhapp. Mast be sold in thirty days. Butter and eggs wanted at Gilmorff & Co's. Why is it that Stevenson & Crossr are doing such u wholesale trade in groceries and hardware? Because they were the first to put down the prices. mrs. e. jhnson' Has opened out her millinery store at tho Bazar, where all the fall and winter styles of hats and bonnets mav be found in endless variety, from the superb bridal wreath and hat to the latest style of street hats ; all of which, with great variety of no tious will be found very cheap, sucti as a full line of ladies' underwear, corsets from ?1 up toSSlSO ; kid gloves for one dollar and upwards ; hoop skirts, dress lining, drillings, and braids. Grand opening Wednesdays October 1st. SPECIAL NOTICES. On Marriage-. 3 appy relief far Young men from the efleet of :BrorsandAbuseslnEarlyUre. Manhood restored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments to marriage removed. New method of treatment. New aal remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars seat. free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HO WARD ASSbcf A'aION.No, ZSemth. Ninth St., rfilladelphia an Institution bavins high reputation for honorable contest and profes sional skin. vl7nl2yt Manhood: HowLost,HowEeatored 'Mfftt Just published, a new edition ofDr, -IIU1J.UI.J. j. uu.L.Y.Eui r.i.i.e? im ebrated Essay on the radical can: (without meaicine) of Spermathor, oc Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Rxalsslen. Sex ual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage Gen erally; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Tits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuser, OTSexudlRxtraYftffuncs. ., t3T Price, in a sealed envelope. Only 6 tfents,' The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own oxperlenc that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may bo effectually removed without medicines, aaa with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, InstrtH ments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a made of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and rad ically. ZS his Lecture should be Inthehaads of eve ry youth and every num in tne land. Sent under seal, tc any address. In a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps. Also, Dr. CulverwdTs "2afruttfo Guide," priced cents. Address- tn Publisher, CHAS. J. C. KT.TNK it CO., 127 Bowery, New York,Post-OfflceBox4,5bff' S-ly JOB PBINTIWS, OF ALL KINDS. Neatly and Promptly Executed. AT THIS OFFICE. CRAInTCE SAL002sT. CARROL BROTHERS, Proprietors) 47 Main Street. Best of Liquors provided at Grange PrtceH. DOWN WITH MONOPOLY. Liquor by the quart or gallon at reduced rates. 17-dly BIILIASD, JENNY 2LXIST jz3ST' I'IGBOJS' HOLM a? Of eyery variety mannfaetnred. Old Tables, Balls, c, bought or takea In exchange for new. TABLES OUT DOWS AND i a rieDairea on bnort notice. All kinds of BIHLIARD STOCK Kept constantly on ttaffc, at tbe Paotoryf M '2d bt., St. Joseph, Mo. GEORGB HILLYKR, Prlrietr L. Box Him. IM-ly Louis Lowman, . Dealer in 4 DRY GOODS'.- FANCT2" GOODS,' KXBBONS, IMAGES, CLOTHIlSrGf? GSKT'S FTJRNISSS?(3S, SATS & CAPS, BOOTS &SHOSS "No. 81 Main Street Srenamville, "Neb, ""V T.' .r . -. ! tL.fl . at at thin NR W J. !- ;it Y l 31 l M S5-