i '- I . J ' M h i 1 lrs t ' liil w IT ?1 Fi2 i nsr ertt?;?. R ' ' ? ----- --- J- - - -- ------------ 3-rS-r Ms aeSB -TTS 5CXT- j eatsse? iaesmes&bs mi k 3i-c aiw, C v. -t - r ... LHKS -55-H- Of FL T-irzs- cf ! Dfecrae: Ccn ri iiiiC j..-r ZEfeirfg" M Zjaag ts ibijufce F eC 5egT!r, J .y-a;?' 21 reeeET rr cc2- j. ikx. Fece-assere: ? Eeiy- i5!i:al- isscKcjd . - X , -- " . Ki aair - tViiaB - . . -- . -. -.- r- " . T5 S-B i. - ca , ,. -"- r - -- - - :C2SeeS: C L- 3Te . S JES5rfSr C J8- --- - - -- f fWak SsrdL amz.s&i fM fTrffttSs- r dfe asBarasBrffcwiij5firaU a-? - la scrr-ae. dprrp-, feggubaB. 3-fn"r g ii iH.--.y. T 5 aEsas J " -a3 r sL Je-- QFITXC. VE. TOTS Cr 33 '. TT COiiJ- x- tike owcsrf at! -: .36 sonar. a&iiiar a-tee;, if is. VtMHfettMmBSh,. : for OTsr fact y ssjnb-S tie ., ixfr'TMrrr ss-Smeauzn. C j Jisfeasst f rsrric ss t'saref jftss- -SiBS SfeSr- 12 a3 kA&2- Via Passes; X: 32& -! i site a. s3fe ask a e6aa-.--f fcar a3KI GeKss: we t? 3 .ssiaJm t. -si-fe -be -fee IjeJfei-lUe 5acrs irast feaaa r v ias ta 5 "5TC1H . Jj7V73 A-;j 2&-2S .-ri as.'ae a ia?r -. feawt?4wraf .: f9r 6 TCB05 iaiiJ, aatfeid . S . mm3 mm - : mmmmZl mlmZw rm9V (Vl -i I ! W widboei zJeHBe aAr' - ;fr fLiWi1fi"ir -rr::TTi essesBifcS sse snsnecs. Gtse y. S iftwjr -gfe; yj. jgssee -3se imc ifcas SHEss&nr ferrsCBcasd'sJBfe 5Bje56esacs- af siacrsrs. Trsss' efl Tia SiggaSasPS rfji ofez-ef gsfe. "VTj2.3 ? iss&iE-iss&34T'-5r ASJoes,? 3l. jreeaiesei as aszzi-. rc- H3fcr2, eS saace 2 edr e safe zzzezag. isi. jrcc5ie:e ef 3trifire 3i rt li" icacs -ss . j. artfrr riei et err, rise se cascr'3aSs- 3S32T USTS .fjwa l03ll-i lillil 11 I1! II fi jjj Jsakss G"S3 x It KS? A-l -?2K!. c. F. ab, ,-wwr. . r.sii 34141 m3va r m l " J- vKS araMj iFJ salsrid ca&rr aaaiiscC- iiTCJ Omr fcrnde a2 Tiit -w- o c -iJL iiia J r D 'Rakiar-i pcie5aK: f 3ss3- ijjss el aL aK3F j Cias rfecra5 Eeas: 2 W 2 jss3t?s-, Csaasees- jfc ! 3L A- Hlrrt- F 2. -i5iifcs "STa-Gsy C. 3L. Stfc 9 S ti ai sr -.-,. fVCe. i u 11a -rrc 1 . ?r SCSe5: -,n iw. Tjni. ai--. -s- afc 3L Pit:s3 m 4 Imtsl m sty m. mm a te-jtur, s. nmfmm tes. JEM P-i- wi liti iT rir ip;m f ' m Itt'ir m KTwectEesKs k v- - j Hhr-r Ai ii i) m ji ITai if ' mTmmTWl. J'Z&Zi s- 3e " Ylte Oumiii. a :fe lw Bb"bb s" faWii-- irk -wesg: eAlfefesss iae Sk tfe 9 .Taar nrf-t -fV yyf g" psd 5- eSs7 saer fas ee ?yrfH6rgi- s ia eseexsse i fesSs --fes GfHr as ausntc-ft gE sa?2 assae ejcs . fAc J&zp-IL. -l - i - t- - r tra n a" i E "O SBTtSsr 20B3E5 3T2Z. J5S!srr IS W rc- T5 rss ar .-sa ii ittsseeezz. 'aefec?- ggieas ? J-gy' "?T P fsS, wr: si kjC T3f ;Sse I 5KrCBP36C 5L i- JHC32C. S X -L - . .- ST3CX ? c-rxcr lx. :,- .- J 2. J!Kec- f S3f 2oi 2SSS :FG ! WSS. a.lC25Sr. Fer 5SS k d X iutyaiTT ;;atz. 2. Z T-S'U. - ) Asse ir 3ec. J SeiiefeSsr Passr 3ss TslFxa-1 rrissai iSS & jrrrtite-l C2iS?iDcj T5-.Z ifcs- 4 i 3 -wi) at ss si a -al s it a s s fe B 23 fe T 5 T 5 2 -a s 3Ew . - Cann - ia mm eomg- mtmj.- rt. TaJ.v -iif ruVr? "PSrs-iPicscwIStaE": -im.' -"" "" f r- T- IfKMT t , TH JtKA. Iterevea -sfee nre ir? s6: efesse mi. sXmr ymsme ikA: ?";" ae a rssrfr i:zir seis 'l Wmc i Ger. T2CZ- 5V ft. c tf sac - ir GjMEBfcilSi T iaJL r. jr"ecsi&er- a 6k sfe. Sbs r "5: , Mg-.-jfc.jK-t. -ca .!-? af ;1. c-r-r&gasS ?ear sag t't res- ) ii.u Oe- Cfcfcs 3? t T XjaH'- 2 M vafec si i? Ciz-!rs3.i 2jaeai ise ranas er , 33,55, p-irfe As ej3 lr acaezfes rHc . 5 ii- !SS: of 3t ere 5i- Stell&SAIc&is "H -a3seerS2.j Kansas Pacefht is. Jwfe3 f esf f Tres Ifer ec"te5s ggy.fe j 8meaa ParssK iy 5fe jacfieKM f saesrsr- rfharf Js dseiftaet5 liXaa SeJj jtii-ts:ti aar jssr&cL i&zsx&rr? c0sm& sssa . Feesdes sec322. Cheej5t OaMAstfefe-ffate-sssfcdiSSes is s&sie ife sersr icsioe t its, jjBSag fe aaac aasPs; aecrrBe, ise ewKrx. t t rfw t "V J nigV kxs rrsr2. rai ifci Joea H Bkskb -ss 3risitaj ' visze a2jri. IVrr a '-pse2S3e fmxv.m.mC. -HE2si5 rtr- ass ZH Osse r-acefess -af 40- g rser of sfe. Vasem sfeeri feta ir essj J5srr sr- 9iaS9S rfers i&iiss s9 ie ifcfci jjj fes&c i hiaer iueil iaod. tades-tiesi' tssAsag. a&ezz&mZZmf53baiieeiaci." ZiS j agciai-tiaiTr-Jc-ggaargfii-fc a ikr . is.asen 236 ea? aoe- fcuvir . 1 ttT2Vifeaa3C33ee TMkjrSa&ua isaacr safe- lefe, csfer ffi dec iaiefe fea. i osr er 2 Bajesafe SeaKSs. Ai ssa&fita fe is ' ?B8 iBttsj.aa! be. es2SefiLl so x e i Jsffi Mfifslf t 3e,i G vTi&ae. ' -. -r-- s -fc i s. w- ri -HdiKfi. - i m i, ti m wmrm- r &. lb b.ek i -- i - - I. Fair J "7 5 S ST 34 AST CI Oz 5j ry : CXLTgnK IITT. r tii! Capita 2-ller- to Cayn it Ifrrfa- l3SCS2i. 5 3 W Pasafcts us 5A Ovg s Pj.g?3cB-&zi.is-jlt. 1 r "-C- Oe- 4, 1S53L J : iOr TT IfiSls-1 era s 3stseF sae aiec st CraSteL Xs-Selr - - ximmmm If C?5K2-a lit-1 I -ri.. . -. rWws Il?r5vfc dS r z. zj? z-- p. a i lasabar ssi, Tseld asx- fJnia sr i i. a T n -.- tkia 11 T1IV B J -S SUC7 SOEC -3-U T J -- - - S 7fcj. xscs je eehar fesisr of lie is. sad , siwelr? aiT isid : ijc3s as - r lit fees ; aeaersissri of nr aiaas- y 9s 1& "s sira psiz- , t XV- All JOB i J 23 pser CET- .l- -f Tw. 3r is ?-t?C I - gHaj-.ia srsiss secUes. eafer tsi ' Kvawf.4 is."." SC "IS i9r-tfraT- sris asTe se rar" so spiciisrt- jNK X JS ---- t -!.--&: 1 , imxm.i IA U --3tfeC S 22 CTT -, - .5. . --b "-- --A s-. svjcr- SO guMTJW; rn"4E . j--y TeKT- e3Kfe-" -2J 3K se xsarr " -1 -t acr f ' m&&.m QM&r-1 TifcMin r,n CfriJEfe- sr "Trr'' rT lif - m y ; bK4 Ijt . (CBWfii '- knc r Crf D 1- 2 ea SrOHit ZZhmi s , aae sfeisa see 1 3fTsi ie tet " sm6c iiiwii ifirT"r jrr ia-lr sTr acasr.Tfi aftei&cy pccaeaStfcf !s&i rs&d- i - riG ti3, Jeeses 5t liH a . SjaeMtea Seec . Cfe t ZiMcCfetT-f Ji-Ots jjMtrsc jsk 2St fldE3AQtS aipi i !sXj&a:a- r'ee-asfeeBse 22s. Iteisk f 3i G 152 sa gFS-we- le-1 1 fceif k-ia a ia Rsssfe. t? EaTif, al ts r irsak BaBei. J .s; ? tgg r stesseaa s-risaos I 31, is if ?ai. - . GeH gfeaa-', atl rggga;aatte f Esa. pgj fe fas -ifr of atcrs. lei iL Poosiitere 04.TM. 3JU tStlS -gf - .4 J-c r I tr - . a V T If TX i . T-i-ir''i j rryii.-il - mrwimr.. .- I - J TXZTiLm. . m J JSt ZCCD. -iJ'i-- wt je- SiflESci Bsesszsa t Wssk Ijc- , wfe 3.2T- fHead. : 5iTe. 3&CSd : srsaic. ry, -fws. as s. 2itd k 2-i lseT- -rftaatJer. Aaan e pne3aKy a ( rvs a, be beeni as csrE. "Hse Vacioeii Stafe Bsat af 3ses ; ai, swe ceJy snr Gr. jr &, fctix rj q& ccksafi pltse- y Wwfcr be laasb. iti msas aase ici uer:2 i5e: i iwtai ny. - ; fcfc ztt feiea4. t 5saK2lJffcatriiiBXt-lAtsi9eioriS eceessa-112 isseds , i2 ii zn- iau -g - - n m ?--. -rscw?r- mm v ! e roe arr rBi3L S 5SS -- I -: . - ..- -.t -. No oaf iiwtrscaasc-- ai isis-c ---- -rr.7r - Ti. ril -vHas -.z.-- lfe 2?E5-"?!,r' 1 --- -- t es 2 sgif r -- r . 1 11 1 - - "X ' - " C - - -- T -. 1J . fc. - - IV- . SOi. iiatEfcHeWTVi . -,-..-Ifi -vmw ISaOSZ.ti. Jj-i - K. i-KWi. , 11 M lll IllfWHi 1 -.- gn Lti- S----r- sxj- -.- x' . . - - -1 T - s i . 1 p-s- -rW 5 ' - st..-. -- JT, NlTiOOB sae - aeTi-KS tr . j. nwir -r- iss - , -aoB- mi - J rT. . .i t u, ,- ,;' wn ftn. Vtr, J -rw feffaadzzltiasjisedi- "w . r ---M-go 'r .r' ; --v -f i -!,. - 1 -. 1 111 imi 11 1 r a-- i-t -'. ; . . , . , it ., Jf I. II--1 Klhr X ---- TV m- g 1 ll -1 - - " - T 3 ---------. 1 I ii 1 1 " i 1M w i ;- - - . ; -catty. -fe& i -s- aae3 b erafec ml aaJr . r i ife &r ass eoBeeL -ElSii -sill air--5 U&-pfc-J5ur argr ! a." -iBr oe Wrra pe5srfe e BCf-i -rlt jads ae J-feda- tbzE. 10 caii-Tsdos, sad Aess&y ae- ar : 'J ii sreHCUT zs aac r- t -i T rK Mrr5.irr " 5 TC at T5 - 1-i - .-" t Sm'i m ,- j bei wriw r-.-PPg--- T -- -- --'- 5 fcTf -fc-TT-g- t rtr - " wssr" - Hat "Tai - - - - .4 fM.nl MI k , ,- - - aw . - 1 a jw s aaap ! . - irjr J M Pi.IoW3lIfe. .J.; JtS-kX4S: oIs4erifefcfcfS ' Tb3-, rsc ttC-J4-. J - c-j,r -Ke ri.3s--ioa oi tise set, tMe f-r a -. s wr;wi-j -lMr- -,,- - -L !C- ?,- ia ra. Cafeajfe. J I C3 Cto t Joaa Hferrias ife, ie n,eif sgs so oefe a- yaai j-aa-j-po- -a - mhiii i-Jfj- ...- 1 - x. . "" :.-. i f.rr rni . iai ea-- Tcer cja. 2fe I xm- rT - . - " IaJ C JP'lbrtt-t PB-- Tr-T1 - feP t - III tiM .- -. . . . . - , 1 t r - - 1 iece dse jsrtsSd ssse. tie nsc. , r o.3E3 s.5 "nscs-iy an F afeae. A -K-3t T'ijSEiSMei seB-- c-x 3-rer br 3 V Bssr-cfeK- -rraoce. J9dresai ! alC s i ass--? wp -JK- fisassas 5E aasi jsss Zxzesi- --' fcfe seri fme tsmk1 Saes: Waa 0as4ll t L ? Cb-3vfl t tfc JtEry. ifc-s tfcar- , zae f, ' ?aje f 3bs- afc.ti- da-;iL P-iiioe ia. 'enr. Gseee 9 e!-L Fwraefceej. aioEtssss. Dse-ea V1 3nG-- s-'to h f pi r'r-- &k ad ksre! ia s a8Ltnr eror cidoa ibc ie j an, forty aerof dm- eesT. s ei etci: sst rak-iu- lioa aKK-sry. II yo -; ca tle rocrer. . x sse 2fcd !: L m tli-rfar mtC m&cd ti-Bt tZZmilrt- ' TlRfer 35?K:-fe :f sfse PzfcMCrf Jez- -. flK sg ary-es t UBfe- I if i mi -S ri rl. jii - ? v- ? extri&a Ie a.7c f SrJe s iaaa6S Psr. ca-c' T -C aaeev7E sac &- J iht: : tswi: i e-sr 7. 4fid, li &f . 3 1 1 E3: t ry S3iezEX y - PE3 er ?S Lie; .. orasr t ir c-j r t tu-.- .. Tiwrwuii. -- w ja. fcwa, -g7 ? t iii i ! i9r - -" - --' T- -- -v.--9 Hjsder lie bj sasrsr f I -Jeli-. L Ser ec sL ? Of J -.J.,-I fikawar. fT?f Er. GeEr Wise Ceri -H --- - r? jSC-- s t ais fcc - i tB ""-.AiT Grw " J r -ezve. Tfae -sriMfer fe-B- xr?r"f M5b is tfe Ce-cife tls, trial K tLr- ibe refe2-jhjmljIo-- : ae f die r--4fe rf-rea kir fcf 2. " . fo-ac- f Ter . se ac? a! clr- seci-P. &&kste?smi2'msmi0 A -- ea 30. 3. -iUei3tfcfec-- jm ia eirse-fcties Tra '-fee a:t Kr-gei- tss-e, gae-g fi-- i. bK rf .-. AH era- fe---1- SiS e-t ie tt3czr-5. --. --- r -- tj ac s- -. c6pK cwsoe sL AeOoe oe irouHT asofe Ibje--- Aetioe t rI s- j x6cy Ast Bee-- th W . o? ete--3te eeir i Bees-. 0 -- eae --fcy J -0Ai aw. Ie esctt-kL 3fe of lots vo. 13 b-. ifee nxs tLereoa bos ca? i i 1 Oeh- , . - a&55 eoBiia-eL D-j ia eas br -Srecesr. .-- --,.- f etc; iccc. i T 5 -i ; ?lte iXteTdar-r. A- r dfToeee is-i3BL Gi!:eMa 5le - Peeaeeci: S s frrasier fe: tas !& aK 1 so a.e j - -.. r4, r-r ! oeeraooe. Toe --oi- ?- -.-r -ia f ! bi- jocr"os nii- srs agedmi . - OHOBW. C K , : -, , . ---., .--.- A-lt l rj-rr- C r -. AMI. TO- SiKr - m ai-ed m a p.i- of the -r5ole of S3??apr tsi ss jiso aa e :.r -. .. L-i .r .fc, --furw ?: 2ie: rek 10 tir iroa.- M2 flB-W l - - r j - -r -ii .,, -., - m-i rts. a-r -- -r Bl .so i o i-te ej--- -'-7--' - "T.JT V -, f ti -r ! H-t -w .-- I r?-- KT .;-- - w - -- -7 f - -,-- ., -o ! -? -K-s-: ii-vor of 1? pror -.i in or -roe so licsi. toe -i-MK" -ae s of Coarfe-- to ke? - 4 -. j- rw c-i -T rf . t ik r r r - - n. a rs" ii tk rrj ; Aar-'5r Tyt .f3il at, 23 io s ir eelr !. BS5 .fee -et -s-ho aT e sy. the au!ar- c&lBf bx ioebJ? ioc - s.tb. of Joe xefj i.r. the ." ror ft bo Jtfe ?mmK rat -Mg 1 gi- imtza&zai. y9te sar-er 4 fe of sfc. yn--r ler. Tfee O&el-0-t Ifc2-r iij- : st a z-- s.periiT6r!y M-r - -ia rsagei tb iris! . ! etfctr pctecxy isid ys . 3id se as h opttiou Ajial0& ag! oer. .; s iSc-g-c te gl fcei s-- -asde r:osd - ior efe.za ot . se bcfoy rsT-d, e. Tecase, r--rJCiig iwse. a. gar-1 ferzl nr--b-t rf CroIie uaeee. ' io uoe "o ise ac. rwiv -- - x---i. t? iit-i tj. it. '. M . . - - . .. . - -- .-'. fr- to aMr 11 & o T . ;----- ; - -jiya-a . -. -p ,o.. ,-, i .--- ixr, o, . - 53ij-tka j.., , -e. se -; ar. xrt sat. . 5iflfHBaM.J.P. 0-trod. ; Q-oo. K t J G Sey- es.JT v, -tT rii vac .- ' - hy f-tpir cecata-e. ia 2cri5e-4 ioiei Bech, , J2BC Ue, t. It, .. 2! Poc-esr&" of 3ot Dfeer ' aooclade ihao: u'c-is tae" i.eiiio of Ro:fceiB,-d 2 I-ir!-d d-e-feocd-!,,--,..- , ! .'- r- A. mf .-ar i rA- I ftr J3" 2st aer- so ie f - a?y pnTM- r j.!U : ;-r.iwri -F?-n. ---,--.-."- -r i P ? rrt t t lStls. ar 1 ? MK thaJl One O -:- HCUOI, eS. ?- T- TiT .- tti lusa iLL CT WI TC -. 1"E 4 r GOOD HEA'.IE -. Fopeeterctre sra. Deese ? ?w-- ih - or otscr cof-tT. use m&c 1 " - . .-. -- -rM. - --- l4aah- mF bessae t irKia s -oiry o !- j i-j-t -- ---. w lal !en!-.ica .r-!stiea to tle - :--sociveod. 0 ieroi p-"sriar-ttTBGrrfe, e;iie dai-i-'' ! ifafe job to pJ--iaae icd caldvjktiiie -bcty-iiei-- cr !, tbe -rfe4S is z aear - Lraes. aor si wao v- ascoc-j Ou6 UN ea. u&Jmz: sith zferfa.? !- rj5i, Jafea H- l-f-a. KAJflj zr--el e 7bie-eeerra-l .;ar Slaa. J H "lfqw zasd Johs'coe;ss&d S il otee-Tasute 9"aa & tbe 9ec- v ?Jia. te-ii- of 5Kr Mamie? lrias, jBdzsaest of pria.iei to Gcrr. Pe-s CSss:s of ts erezt Bracer H tisese eireees- ' , "2"as SS dllI- I Froes tbc s is this Stsse ' tber a 3 5sk:t rgg2egt Mfo? Bye h&z f lea Zagfc ita ZS - --er of e2p ir , fc ss saerE3oa of the jtufcr, 2d tJfeeas- fc3y deok ?tb. Aa eespSoy-e f -Kr2i-r P-iti-C iroe tfKSfesij, -rio retort u tfei oer 2 .e.s jd A 1 sr trisl la OeJ2., ecder sees sca- Waft. 3f Bye fe mrtazi&z &a&. sfn Esatrr. Old t 2ei'r CJt---j.ofh.' :rislisg5 2irssafls feiT. a , j &eea a-irr&t&d, -roei-d oaly be the ts are 5:797.i pr5.cs is tbe ' zre ridieeJoe.iy 2.b .haafel!y fireicaJ, 2a:. iro Jwesre ac ,r4-e -dj 1 DS Iexi.r vs Crotie Kitefceja, e. &L Aeoe for parti!os- 2aoert of ea-aci-ioee-s. i.-.ifcd 35-aie- -dozzzrA la Kae---Cc- i2-reieJ, -ijtt so eartaiy fi-r e- w KeasIy et si v B V Hagbs rfK, s&-aikal .. Tzlslmz aMe- -ttrisr joeciee, Got. Ft or- -. a T D Hezb. Actios oa Prw- .taife- J&k- ra s.. tse Sfth 5iste ie?- tfee e dmssd. ; ictd. -re gT defi to sa- ia tbe Cam: is tov of peek We re felly r&.d --ith Gof. . r&r to ath eoea -.hin )dr fcoea tfoer, sajfeeriag osg ber people Fensie' 7iaHestioe frosa te teti-S ex-cSCf 1 a. -.a.jrs art .tbkt oe tig! Sf-va se e-k 1 4-5a -fe- I) C CWe .: 5 Ws Tite. fes'ti. j Gea Grder e: al t - - -S-l Pf r9 -rr -i "- "O Kr rs 3rr Aaa i.ie. -sTew-r, e- e: s - ---- --... . " rr" " TU. uui- ! a ijst ec . tfl bt srU-T dx.- tfc- B- rr"rl i BflIOe. iW! CM2B. r JT- .- -.TJ- .- -!- -r--lb- Ttifr-l ? -- - a s j Ii a acc sasst'r tn-ie o !-. - - i-r-iue.i- 3-t--ri ei.- Sbc !. ) ---acrs- iTBa t. .; s roafn-ia . nx .M iUn.re pes-eaaKJo.. asur to . -iers asie th-e -rto -fl- saoc -rofrwf Am -or itB.i t rr t .. -. -t ---.. Iurefc! of sir3i- fori- i T-.mi. i. t .- kv.- .it .-t- it--wr foe- xjtr ?- awe 5.e JmproT. IBrrir partid-- D ..! ., ?i,iw,4i'M.35:!'J'i- " iltefcys. .; -ew- ? " .-..-?.?? !-?S JfTr; ! WS.3.S.1--. c. fer. ,.- rf -! .3-l-Jc-i J-baS-Tfc. Ae-2S. 1SS.-! A- -JS-Ti-.- i-i--.- . aa Coci.oie- to rU-ag.. ; sjtnrsr-c. aoE Pohe7 :.. ree of; . iaJL .,,. --..l arfnMr!' i -fe I- eifc -.taco.-w ixsS-! ! I r - r - 1 - ... --. . . r . i - s .- x i--. , A e i .(!-- sbc ae j g -rl-ifi s. ea afe-S. i- ate. : -"-- 3 "!- - u-- - , -ik-at 0 ?eK-.c. v J Q A of iixeh 3, ISTJ. aoth-S-r 0 . V. I- yoar rtl-tr yoc riifj ' 1 . . . . - . ' &, i- - . j . v - in 11 . -jr - -r- - r.-i . - 1 --.-:: :niii r s "i : :a i -m- .c-- -ww l na mi .. . --- 4-r& ife o,caoe. 2iai ccee-.-3ei j ecooarajrfe the r-yac.f tued-r. ied i -H-i by Um honte-sf etSon-1 TiJccjaiaezii-e, MC SEfe.jj--- sa2-t aeeL j.. fe (j ge tmt ---! z -e tt to b-rrde,-- by Geocre W iiBfee, Ib Hesfaet., ? 5 M Scear-er.., siH..- t H-' v-I 2 Fieraas t A W 3SIH? &t 3L rsli. I: ha a dtutlatt oiet. Jif-: - -asen -..o - -' i ir-- tt .-- - !!,.-. rr --. -" 1 r? 1 - - t - r,. . --.j ; -.. -. mt.7 tra.-f- T &: !: vl -,Ji--' --.- .- --. -- -c-: 7r-j Pi-rBoes- 1 sI---s ai-i rcBi: o -we. sate eon-: -o .- --'------ -- j-.-- -7 - - --j- .--. - : 1 Tt-j- ti , . . . , isi --oca oc-tre-. ot . ja Ji-eC4MS-, ---'- I w,kiw . o. tb- tro e3.-. it -ai -th.-k- .2.- ESCcf T.i.. Tlu --- -!. J TV- . .i ticr -i, CX.-WI i. 1 j pu zr feate.at to ale aaaeaed arwer KitiaiE a -. I Bofcert Hs--rfc. et ai th Jeiia CfH- s- ; ir-X- e Foclfe'. af aortra? ' . . --.1 3 t&; " , -n- - r T . r .! ooblie Ga;i a aa a:cI.SBsa t AL'ew 3ie. T- -- ! i oi 7 .I 1 r warKM-0l K -f---r .ide 5 TBmSi eozsced ss-d. r--i K Asaeai--- Whsi a ssrikias -r-6ae of the -sr&teee&r-. of .1! we Prorfcieaee over this nnh&ppj ---Trldr tita: iee two aea are aot pidr-eft-ed to reia 02 the ae side nf the cfcean. riria? of eocrt. e-Te jrirea ?! s ia ibe 2dre--' ssoay ia U trial h&d, aad feefiere 3is ;ie aeerr racr.te Tetitisi ibr esefa pevrty ej3e!y iaeaded 2& P-, kaoo: ooi Joha H.-llif.n -. na by 3ry2Ci-rk r Vici--l Bkrrdia. Caie eoetia eed. JBPeiiTrTI- Wfe-rsJL Aesos P. T Binm-a hi. efJed 56: St Geoze Fr3ei xria jeet re- eeat of i ! aay botsoctoie, !a&ar.ti per.3 I 's'i-o beerd, or read tfee eeare e-j- Berope. , so.y 12 e eae, belieTes biea iaao-, tbe eiasrres S5.de by tlie ZrJsjt Kot -.p&rii&at t A a He&esIBj2, e!iee. Apperi froes tbe doefce ufv ifeCoesfe, ?GK.e 1 Tt Joefee sad ex-o2co j p. 2-taaHr G. Ceofc, pi-Tia erroir t ae City of Brcr-rarilte. deft 12 error. Pe- titioa ia error. C-ae -c b3i-.ee ae tJe aa der &dri-eeea. Jjta lATizise. -pfellee ts Feter ao ec: oe of tti set Btet aisp-e :ae Jctin: of fair Jorty ser ia tbe Br4 15 LVl-fcJLT ?5 CIiErSI r Sir. BezTO-sr.-, a rr-da bcyer of Dei- tr, lo'sra, receatly pcrceia ked of bc-b4 Jta 21 clsi a Eraser vba had beeoae corrapted v-fch ibeoetation of bay-eed po!i-t-afaas. li ipm Oeetiha HerekL jEtat let aoce Le liere tu :be ead is yet. Lixcou, Neb.. 0. Ia, 73. BS4C X-03-- .7cdr. Voce oa 34rtia 2ad Ghozi. efcee. All t&e reat of regular B-cblSe-.a tiefee. rely elected. G. P. Z. "-. tv. -j r .- 1 2radey, ap&efiaat. A sjea! froe tbe ad pl -! dce.es rf E M jwi, Profe&te . ;aear aeit fnaad -r.. . .., . Jedze d ez-ieso j p. Caere a- :isc-d. ai. Ooa-iaeed. Eaeca Babaett r Aoticc for d&aaage-. faror of p!T for tbe Wa ?h!!i:? J-dret ia - A sargeat i Go, appeSees, IT T-!rT --. - !! . nl tfr- i UBA-fWBL -- - -r S -..- :;J.y--- - w. - ..- froE3 deeke: H M MeaKB& - Z T.L . X - ver. -iii.e--BO-sc M.2c.a Otl-m : - .! ..S -.. -- - (-. irir giTtrr -ii-u . .. tIm which to mt- tfeat be fear d -EJ-rtiao-O-r, I.e- s Go. TrJQA! Ssaita et ai. a' or eeGBrsssataoa B.Ve e eosSresed. s 31 sc.am.r. vs C ? Pollock, er al. , Jbrtr jscrts tea vr iHsnted.- "Xo rO-eecre of E2eeie.e -a Je ! -rUiieace rhall be rirea or pctea. a eoesra '!Kr -b-f'r vacil a -. tea y ers j -- t rt f oei n-5. r sg 11 f . . ,.-X . .: . ' a- P- a -- -& VK B M--- 4 .! 1 I. ri3ire tea, sat aessoa '-- , ' .v" "' J. : ers a trx aadcr tbe first s- j J "Ewr PiJ "-;- -- -- ! m -e- lc t- . rc---cw iii -jae ;.;. . So Icoune ibe Grovt-. of ilmi-rr . . . . ry-ix-.' " "" oa Western P.-irifc." Co?rr- u H KA J KJ 1 saH bo siber ? caa eatJ-tr! tbeae?y- to O-rfsia e-aacc-riimsi. by !; v iK 3IA): Gxa: eerisia iaa. arsere a ros H Kiaefcly - F M To-aJe--ilrT lAarfty to Ibe rattler;" Kbete it aao rift j TEST JnU-T. a- l to tbe aa aooy ia tee at 3-f0--lCi.l- Iv - Coacr; sisajdy ooers a trade g'ilt XS ZXCXLLZl - ! at tbe esDira-ioa of .oek ase. ur a? 'aoe. laad forH aeeb -.""--,.-;- !.-.---- fkciLia6. tlte ec- of tise se ; i ? n --.. -.; . .... i . - . I.---- . TrM. rrVin- r-- . QO-e -SO -Vu B-tOsT !, OO. ur. ! ':. ps..--t. .-. .-.-.y, , . - -i . k-l Vl - - T - ijijsr'Ti- -j-ti --- j-.--, -o -.. .t-- :y -- r x - -r- v . - --. j - . 7beat aaaoaz -rbith eiht or ten7, trso. .. .ier :ae utaaffla U- --a cw- -" rsv :,-, rr ivit n a iftlrl :t..-n.- TTT . 34. Tl -. ny-.i t,-.!- ,s- tv:- . ---,----'- - &.--"- nwwiwn. . ris3u:c.i xrx ; VI S-OU -LSitl-UTiil iJJiCTi. - . .K. Jcr.I. .,! U. -. I.-.. - w irp.- ijv.i ij IW- !- tjctl f-acri ?.- mmzihtzsz e ia tbe way of sna- inz a dcarr -rcrth ia hb o-a aaxse. : 1 . ' aed 7-a erideaUv the -s-orfc of It i fco: tbe s debt tbe brast n i P- shirked ia that -sray. ,S-iefe to itbdra as 1 Tba. rpeskr tbe PSatnethip2 MoticH cbcitted I )7f &--. a detaceratle paper edi-' ruled. j ted by a geattegaaa kcg ia tbe em-1 Jceepbiae 'Kagbe. Areceat po-t-ofSce deebfon - tbat'pfey of the Hsratd. If a $1 eoeld Hogbes, e: aL Action If a potaater kao-s- that a letter : -sot be eoUeeted frota bia, ho eoeid Jadzmeat oa report of r jSds-e- to his office i tateaded for Fnraas get $10,-. froa him? If W Neriaaa, gaardiaa ad a perssa Hvlajr Ts-itbia tre delivery of. IHierT frieadr aad tbe Goreraor'r H A Ffehbara v T1ioaia another office, it I. fair datv to forward eaeasie rill hold their breath a little ! Actioa for damage?. Judzmeat each letters ilf it has beea properly nUe, they vrili be ps-orided -scith a prepaid -srithoat s'altia'for a reqaet ( olctka to tbfc probieea. The ead 1 t doBOJknd without additional oharse -0- 7- 01 portage. j r. ,v ,r -.,. ,,- T- v. - 1 . ,--. .. . -.-., vn -.-. t ,-rm;, J Baaaett, gaardiaa cc, apie- Isn V-- 1 W f r enrJIu i t. eaj of $OvS?l , ,. " --"!-- ------- --- J ptai froa doe:. of EZ Bbrfcbtjp ! rair t C V,' Wbeefer. i ' " 7" ' . doekt of E v ii 5 Aaors- -auaaa, appeliaatrs je '', Boot, aacelke. Ar5al frmn d-afi-. eae gjvea pii L , , . ."" -s ,, v "- -.-. -.- .f , j y. .vU!C,n iJ e&eaf. ----! T , ei. :orne se-sr-ge. Sale ec ande. Tr. T-rjit.. -x- -.- 1 -. -1 or a Jel rtri tj "L -" " , , " "- . I piorfc thai he or tbey "hsre la.edf For eafia-aataoQ of -ale. 3tJe - fa fo. j -3 :e yea- have aroed. ea!uvti. etc. he or tbey si! es Lerasert. aseeilee r . i-seeire 5. ieot for oca qaarter ee- r clJer, aiHjetlaat. Aape.. fraca tb o G-2---, Itlrl tO &. to hare FJ, S I?R??Pf, - uiic aai3tfcii - ?srt? of J PaeHa, j p eoatia- dcke- aed. Faeld Bro. t Jaeeb 3Iaroaa ii3 of Land." If Ui 9rovion ke rr i?lnr ihrifi tt- ia rlh tas: "a eoesJete the oiaauae. I eaaaot bd-''6 sei " Mareb 5, 1S73. o. tee coeatrr- Ibe botsesxead ret-1 o. . - tier, ia aa v eveat, is ar a pea-o-' oa tbe paUie boeaty ; be as ortb to ' ZXCBLSI Xi-STlfv tbe c-Hi'atrr all be ret irues tbe ab- ST. Ia'C-: lie doaai3. So it 'Kill be -j. lib tbe "' -ho alas; eader tbe Srre see- S derstAad -arbac it does . It caa Ae--aot surely have beea iateaded oolv v - STilV &. -SOS" fc EKW 1" " eH eoeasei aad tioa j proeiis-srr ac.e. Jadraaect to aaord tiaae ir focraal proof, after - a( fbrais: pjaja-. er Tray. Here fe aa iane--e experts. . Jjj r ?-- "imf ' tfee cootlneat e-tstate of firesc ocj I tbe tea years abocld expire, b&eaase I -tv? raf.r- T-T- -. ? bHfIH -r- 1 TT-, TT - . : !--. --- i-t jau: -f-uu K.C. -- -op- myy . . e- j jj- -q.-. It-d of rea-diaar " t J 5cn K ifT SissEr, appeilaat. Appeal frees tbe J the Sf- se.Bd aad third seetioos 6i m error- J doekei of a iTeOo, Prebate i she set reiatia2 to persons Jodse eon daaed. f ibrty-aere traets ., as virtasJly oae aet, Lather Hoadley e: al vs W F "Wil- i tsoa. ; Geo P Ual vs J I Hitt et cl. to the fbarth seetioa Sot a" costrie-! a. t-I-e--. best be extead- j .n-. ee over ie ireeiess pit. . xa isa ea. $ ks laeresse o. p-Kis.ja-i ja oar cat-: ----try tels as thit tbas qaestioa iH, ?2l 5"? BM for Tararr Os-r: - "? J-t Kb. " -Lr- . I. From tbe ee-veral tenor of. your ragalatioas aad eirwalar. oi.-1 -roo.d sappoee that it ir a rreat Sivor , to 'say persoa to peratlt biat o( l. . &a i xr J -.- -izaoer -re,- oa pao-e xn- i -2AIE PBn.vl If such as yoar vie'sr, tb are. I taak. ! 1) fderT rs-- - or as rather tbe oti-: i ami ra-- ? - - . tflM. III I ! . - fc- TVCM-Vd Jt- dMfe nI-. a-- l-k- as- aliv -n. j - - - r- - ! sa5 tnl 7 eoaceramz tne Bern- The deiaooratie party ia Mianesota , ., . . . r .. .. t ocracy aad monopolies : raav be set dr5ra anoa: the thiaes .- ." . -.-: . , - tt , " t;uic.i ioe steorai ii party eos- -; -"J ---. , ille w aoaopofies w taaportat:on. favor of pif for $103. eepts. Zs.Bseo v Geo Pattersoa and Morris Kiag. Aetion ia acLaehmea. For coaSrtaaUoa of sale. Sale ooe firraed. Aoltasea, ililler & Co vs A P Bard and W P Xeaaf-oa- Actioa oa poa- to i. ...rf . II., f- T. ".. :rf a--:' - ". Pollv Y.'ebbT ex c at&ll v T- tK of the preceding three. vs ilaaia CTrSr t ?? ' Baaett. appellaat. A?J fatna ,-- g f "fix a . l.--t ; K A T L--rr 1 r t1 jj--- . i mw?p--j.-s1 4lAnu nai.r tlsi-. inn-'Yt fer deer.i TT r,- ..-.,.;' Vti-.u.. docket of E 31 MeCoraas, Profete see-ion sad a no tie V7 ard ibr eferee. J. . .., "w.l ." , , 6 ''Bdge coatlhaed. D.rtir; nsakinc eatries anoer tbe 1st Iitea- L"?TrrKl2ri n-ir ! a & - PP-Haat5 vs Polly xS' joa -adopted the tiaae of tth- -" ---..-:--, j i-. v.3c - . . -. , . mr.year. xoo co ao. seeaa xore:. --""--V, -- b.I,-1 J " - - -.t----- i.l ' ? " : r-rr ? ra-i-ct rT "t- r -.- Joha unftn . j-.--..-.-.. j - ,.- . ssra-5-ra. i&e-irooer a&- t.2v -- - u .-. .-n ji-i ; uiv AIWIIT T- .? C J ..... - . - -, es. aad eaterpretiasr their aravis-. l-ss iiae Jnu ot ie p-e.-voe.taei Lw: ir. -!- r ' tKs.ii T-i , , rMK!S t 500 USe Q-fcr-Uoa 1 BjM Br " . . .. . - . .v-.s . . :m . Owrr year by yaar. caia t oairress,- ia ealiea ia i-aaortaaee- ic.si c;T-ii3ai;. X ra te nrr r - 9ore ooaprhe-ive aad beaearfsi ' eves thsa was believed by those wb .ttx." : LU Befeadaat ex- tbat f ere bat are not as e5tenaiiei as to its aisnanent. The ehairxnaa of the aatioaal com- f Jssory note. .etoa cisn-issed as If iriH c A-rAeA fvr a T5ri:s1 nf K. mitten. AfTitO- r-hs-l! .- WtnfJSsrf ! A P P.r?-- faHVuria? Lavjgae, appellee v Peter; Appeal froca the ) Probete Jade eoatinced. i P. -.. r- . tv .-ln .-.....-.j,,,. ..ci. aavxsi . t 4 TJ--. ---., II-. -r- -- ! dodkret rf-E M IeCoaas. Probata . ..-'-- .?b aa .-Tk. en.Ui'-. a --.ri r -.t i Trt --. -?,; . -u-.. -.--., -. -.i-.--cT:. pifeaj. inja iae 1 .- -- -.. .- -..-e.-w , ... ;-i. ji fcs eorkiiderfcd Chareh that vrbile tbe iateatioa of the Ieris- lator is nl -srsys to be eoasidered ia coastrciaz aa set, it is In tea tioa re garding Uae cbjcet aatter of the act. aad not lis to soceethiaz else. As tbe first aad second sectsoas of tbe act eaetsi i: partial iv retried to tais qaesUoe arst ia ciajr railroads to traverse the plains. ad ao ia tbe act toeaeoerare tbe pro----tb of :iaber. xais leri-iatica, -sill have fer reachiae resclts. even exteoia- rajri aio'sre, appellee vs Gergaas, appellant. Appealfro dAf nf v -vr --r;,T, dispelled by a teresal of tbe -aittee, Ausustar Schell, is ideatiSed ; A resoletioa whfch vras ado-p- -wiih the Vaaderbilt railroad inter- I r c-JtT .rr1 !th -.. L- T). ri--... . ! IN ted by tas ceaveatioa of September s est, and rltb banks. Jleiobted, That the liberal republi can and democratic parties, ia State cdnveatioa assembled.irilliae to Are- EO T r.I T5".-Tf a TK. T,t-J?"l1i The Democrat- ' . r r -!Naph!aeHQghes, deft ia error. ic orzanization in Penn.Tlvsnfe. ,r,rf . -""-"'" - "c. iyt..-t&w t Ohio" beloas- to Seott and tbe Peaa- j aE5"r "tais 39 days from rising of syivaaia Coispaay, in ilaryland. to . eocrt. va-siiCi. -au i&sr ilIIKre d: llhio T nil nartr nrii!Ir a- tk ro& nne t IB "f.nril wlfftre. and ?n inln is-tf h r-. tral jfaeiftc aad the Baa trlotic eitizeas of parties to rescne the ! mtL' To a!l? thst 80n a J-aJ or " state and nation from their ereat peril, eTef caa Jfae representative of the deem it not best, is. tbe present emer- ?o-i-BKQPy ree ia this eocatry, gencr to make nominations of astriet-iJ icapacent a it wocld be to ex Jy party character, but recommend all j t' i1 to lead colored vo democrats and all liberal repebiicsas i ler5 toposn a movement for the restc to yield a cordial -ODoort to tbe nom-i ratiorfofrlavery. Gov. Fara&s goes West to Denver to attend tbe Convention of Trans- j tissoen ctate and Territories on tbe inees of the O?vatonna convention. setv 3Eiica critazxcT. Bead y money is not very plentiful sobject of irrigation. "tbe settlers of Teatas and Xev f stive in Congres, Jc Oar Bep resent among tne settlers 01 iexa ana sewt--Te in iongres, J edge Uroanse will 3Iexico, and many are the shifts and ' likely airo attend. This is important "dickers T resorted to for the procure- tne S est, aad we are glad to know xnent of desired articles. For instance, the Governor has his eye on all mat on old bedstead, "with no cload upon ters tending to develop tbe '-Great the title," was advertised for sale in a ' American Desert." Lincoln Stale recent issue of the Elpaso -Tex.) Sen tinel, sad the editor soon received a letter from a man in Los Cuscio, s. L, statnff voked, bet tbe injury scstained was slight. skin for a saddle-cloth ; one bridle which cost 5 and Is put in at 53 ; and one sack coat which lias been worn onlv ihirtv-nine times. Tbe writer w:T.l- .?. o f-ir- fnmnartsr.tifin far &J pecoiid-band bedstead, in whieb opin- custodian 01 tbe interests and feelings ion he is ua Jcubtedlv correct. ; oruov. r areas' friends. " 1 f i . fcjl-njvri c 4ju JiXJ i -r TT- T.,- - -v - -!,. I in VirgiBia, to Mhoneand his raU- J w asnss, sppeuee, vs u . His.i Califbmta, to the Cea- aPPS"ant- Appeal irom coeset or is j of Califor- i ii ilcComas. Probate Jadze. Con tinued. II Switzer et al appellant3 vs A P Cogswell, appellee. Appeal from the docket of E E Ebrigbt.jp. Lesve given plff to plead to answer within 30 days. A Tynan, appellee vs Geo Tate, ap pellant. Appeal from Docket of E it IcCom-, j p. Judgment oa ver dict ia favor of deft and ezalast niT for costs. G P Uhl vs W T ilorris, et al. Ac tion for the recovery of real estate. Continued. W B Davis vs C J Brown. Fore- J closure of ilortgage. Order of aale John Williams vs J W Williams. Action on attachment. Judgment In favor of plfF and against deft fori deezet of E MT Coma-PrnJ, Judge and ex-c5io"jT"3fc-w a- med. 4r . B V Kurbes, et al. aT2 In error, vs Pe tttioa ia error. taken under ad Edward Schaeider vs 3 G Schnei der, et ex. Foreclosure of mortgage. Defi to aaswer ia 30 day. S B Daily, by his aext friend. P. T Daily, piff ia error vs W adnsr ce, defts in error, error. Caase submitted under advisement. WatsoaEmpsoa, plff In error vs W W Hackney, deft ia error. Prfi- preasi CRIIIr AL CJlirES. State of Xebraska v Bobs Diiiv. Fiaed Selling liqaor witboetlieease. Caasr. submitted and I $5 aDd co5l?- visement. state of Nebraska vs Wm Bichard- soaand Bebeea Bicbardsoa. Forai caiioa. Entered aollie. ct-Lte of ebrassa vs Jack 3f.ri doeks and Joseph iaddo2ks. Besis ting aa ofaeer. Xollied. State of Zsebraska vs John Pattl son. Seiliag liqaer wltbeet licease. Discharzed. State of Nebraska vs Fraak Cam-ll B Stevens, Petitioa ia aad taken k rofr'- ' -Or-o.- '. -K-fafc. -td .V! A- seetioas of tlie set of ifarch 3. 1573 x aaaeeiarea pcrpsse, as well as r were la aa set bv tbeaaselves. voc . TP 1&e ' -It5 pcwrislaas- lr-n weeld never think cfcoostrcin-soeh v er7 respeetrJuy. yoor oieiwaJf -3iu cal c - c-r -. - a. rh .-" 'm m . m LiJ m h.. r. : .. x A.-- .act bv a separate act coataiaiasr tbe "JBir . - -- -cjo-tt. r-Cni3!r! A -- - . I mm w m m I - - h -. --. H T'-' . JP "- --lSmL Vi-HbM. A. --sc-Hie y. te ko -Saish- JS - Fjc5ale-V. 5C cSicIir: CJI 1L2 CSilii JimrmiL ff Ez-Seaator Pomeroy was shot at tba he wanted the led- w-&iogton the other day by a man stead, but having no cash to invest he (named Conway, who like Pomeroy, ofFeied as an equivalent three pairs of s a broken down rolitieian. TbP ! . r " i cavalry pantspartly worn; onesDeep-fchootin cowardlv and nnnr-1 ;,. ,V" -t.-j .- . .. . . - . - : .-..-J luu UU3 (YYho constituted Jarvis S. Char ca ine People of the state of -Nebras-CABaymond and George ivsGeo Marmon, et al. Informa-j mond. Foreclosure of ka tion In the nature of a quo warranto. Continued. tioa In error. Cease submitted and taken under advisement. H Closterman vsxLS Wibly, et ax. Foredosare of ifort-ar-p- Tit?v of foreelosare and sale ordered. J C Boosfield vs Jos Dysart, et aL Foreclosure of ilong&ze. Decree of foreclosure and ale ordered. 3ary Xi Eastman vs J J Boberts. Action oa promissory note. Cause continued. W B Hail vs I X 3reCoy, et al. Ac tion on promissory note. FL AHainssier as trustee, and Fred erick W Torwegge as beneficiary vs j d Georre J Bar- raeosr-, later- fTJT E UnOFIEBUSH 5 -vte.CeL,&:cjn of ieaas-i 7..-r. T - provisions ot seetioa ar ; or at least. -----" a.---soefa is not the nsual mode of gettiasr t g' at the intentions of a lecisla-or. Yoar . raling is not secb as terpds "to eaeoar-! are the growth of timber oa the west-! i em Ira:rtes.," If voc woe id "eaeosr-, I aze' tree plaatins voa shoald pre: libecailv, and not aarrowi ... r ac. oj ooasress. i w III. Ifoa limit the first section of ja.3r- tioa." The art ases the term "qcar- OCTOBEElst. ter ?ecoa," aad year construction is la harmoay with its Isacaasre, Bat j tiers is a. case waere otaer Jaws aad Cii.i sm. actioa under them mfebt well be re- 3 i.S5 r j - - .. . . I -b--. !.."?- IP T fT mS .t Tfl . T 1 irarch 3. 1S73 The sst of Sept- 4. -- I rrr - Tfirtir tnri in ir ri?r I -fI- Z...t-s-.- .i, mi t i '-: OSe-i-i -.vruu, auiuviitc cri-nrca i Kwai f c 4 ruoaivisioas, aac acmoerot acres not ,2si exceeaiaz one hundred and sixty, or a quarter section of land :" aad ia i-s seconn seetioa ases tae tersi r "qaarter seetioa" as eqnivaleat to 1 Fimi acres, ia arovidinc ibr ario-ity of J S-- ?T !-" .' A.T. CTJI2& Decree of foreclosure Hale granted. and Geo Keadrieh r W P. Iea5h, et al j Geo TTaiuseller, trustee &c, vs Geo Ijireeny. and Amos Carro-l. Seeping a -ani- JliT.r- J- ras "rJ JltI uitu .uuct. J.aFi-tiJi, Stale of Zsebraska vs W H Small. Keeping a exmblinsr house. XoIKd State of Nebraska Vs John PatUs&n. Appeal from docket of E E Ebrisrhtj j p. Discharged. D ELFarabrm vs the State of "Ne braska. Petition la error. Taken under advisement. Ira D Pratt vs the State of Nebras ka petition in error. Taken under advisement. State of iebr-ssa bound over by E EEbri tne peace- isona to seep peace ana ;aiv ,- .,..--, Mr ta r -.-;- - pas;r -- t . .r 1 1S52- J b!"E Jo"J -oaid have been' nri-rKS Zh?, dKX J J"115"'2 "-ria-. to these acts. and Josepn 3Iaddox assault and bat- hn rrn, ah. t-rm nCrta. ?Pf fT'' a - - --- 5t- rnk fimKa r f Tindolph r--.. o tc-o" rkr-.-- fK !; Sff ? Kt7l- T...fc I t shoild-'be confined to legal sab- -"' " .-t:i-. 1 .-u.t.-x Au"'(1lrTin! .t( nl. .- -.J ,-..vu. JUHJ-ilii - .ti... aire claim parts oi two diner en t To have siven a liberal , consir notion to the term "ouartersec- i as used in tbe 2rst settror: ef laim - Tn K& tsj- tT fa-b WT- - tyi x I -, .. LU k & i jr ---k V 1 ' . Bleat .s. !... . ..-..-- .t gatjpto.ep a:aia cs in the same sense aad 10'm z ikBBfQc v?fo. r aPXiS-- '- . - - l.LL. !" 2rr. r. 1 ijJBn?M- i - . s-tk - TaB"e sua a f l WB SS?. . & - mW . v Sy r ? j v p?iRf y - ASSET-S- ' - 3 SaEr -- -. -: ' . - s '1 Jl !' : - f 53. Tv 5- -F 7 z ,- - .:: -tFr : -: T- -- . - ? T PlL. Vi -'-'-- -niTT lrr.M ' 'T!Sf rrVflV ,-. -r ""S! 5 - ? S fe-K-tw J - --- s;in iWf 4 X . 4 ,aa ' - i.afc? . '--. r csra.-t.cf " -tr 1 f i3 -- lliWillay sot& " V'T-k . ,Sr" - T S-3 1JPs. -- 93S . t - -L - ue? 4 We. te i-7y r . c-st. ' aw4 -5-- fijrrs. v ; -9-Cf - - X f w. . BooTaL- praQL jq se-.2:si. gj-xjv;, t .. . -5 2a S at i5C mt tery. Coatinued. State of Nebraska vs Jas V- w ', ! e I TTIAT IrP-nT- prifp-lvr trTaT.TfoT order of a'rv tp l a" coum not i ciic w .-):!: ua .2 i, rn n rrifii -Sf,.!!: i.-i-3BI,S-T-lk Cb-T-es-wsc: 2- V. J w !e. 9uaSUBS0WTII r -.rrBL"vi3-ASe--b-- J P-5-T fc si -! tioa1 -3 vrarr-iBie aad 3Irtsaure Se. far W"A-ro'!i , for e-?i5:r - . -: iwvao x - V? .41 Sick--. '- : --rtj - r i ..(K Haj t ii 5-.- iI CEOSS 0 V : III 'III CO V1