. ysbMEHBH bbbbbbbbbbbBh KBCvSSt IBb ijmmWmm i.ij "" '- 'E'BBy ta(CTi as- I Tdl ADVERTISER, THE ADVERTISER. CAFFREY &JHAC2CER. PrsprietiWB. ADVERTISING HATB8. lw lm )o Sn 12m. One Inch. fin on 3)OJ XiOU oiou Ml) 00 Three Inches six Incbe ftee-No.i 3IaPkcriiVBJckt hp Stair, Twelve Inches. BROWNSVILLE. KZB Use Cetuma Term, is A&raaee: Iiepaladvertlsesienta atlesal rates: Oaeiqcare O0Une of Nonpareil space, or less.) first isiertlon J 1 ,00: each subsequent Insertion . 80c 43-AlItran3Clenl&drerUaeiaeats nutbt jaia for' n advance. ioosr 1 o aeccpy tnree mont&s- 50 1 juST.fli'KTirfcH MTfr BRQWffVILLE. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o,-1873. RBlDiyft3EATTERQyBYEBYPACE t OHt?pg in liie BtatoJ VOL. 17. OFFICIAL TAPER OF THE C0UXTT. fion 2C0 $4C0pJ8Cn 3 m 4 ft) O) W CO SO BfO MO) 3ra it Ul M ft) S (W 3S CO 15 CO 3)00 SCO WOO MK 1KME. v- MB! 50 fc I IP i t. ft M Wf' ir t t BUSINESS CAKDS. ATTOaXETS. J. n. Brtmily;. .-..? i vn firxfcuun AT LAW.- ATTJ 02 llIV,6.fo.,., t,r RsbWa-E-ill . -X eb. . OV' K-- IV. Thomas, , top VET VT LAW-OBce.lnt room over Awrv.a 4,W. Hardware Stare. Brotrn rllle. Ne . St ull & Scnlck. i TTORNirVS AXD COUNSELORS , AT LAW. ' "".- . ... nMliah - - y-vi-. -v -m xrn.ta 5treet.an 3 . k. --" &n xsfw.-.. Oflee. itlra. - Brfrwar.Ke.Neb . -, . .. IB k I " -,V. rm -. 45-ly V. T- Hoser, A -" icc attfliioaa t nay lesal :.J;Wriitn uteare. 0ceta Court U.u-e TTOUVKT- AD COCXSELOE3 AT LAW f SmTIV ,'p.w PIITSIC1AX5. , , ,riv WT). "Wli.n. Sarseen I i-VTTw. OSS "4 CreliA K " . . ,. ....o. nr WoiBn ass . ' --' llM5m H. v " tyms. PhvstelaB and Sarrwm JfHce i rU OWiC. 4--. ila.in street. Browa- . e XOTARIEi & COLLECTION AGENTS J. "VV. Brut.li, TIT T OF THE PEACE AND COLLBTTIOV Af !....rt.n Ireinct. SCli fcMeiin .-.-...r, nf num &nd neentMrt" r f re ! re t- Adfiress Box lt;BrB1le.Nea'- 9ny l.. A Btrgmann, RT.I- AND 0)NVETA-ai . li n F-tre -t. Hrownv. lie. Neb. EV ,IIT NiA-trv Publ'oaii,il'oveyait-r, Mv Mtrei '-cood or. Brawnvi!. AJ tlS' :. - ixuc" eompHOies. j. i i i in ii DltrCGISTg. Lett &. Creii. in-1 d-'-W'r i Pla. 0. - Mrl'urson Steele. N. sS -ill-. Net) SUM LAND AGENTS. ,XLL Keal Ei ai Tax I'yl iSlv in Cc"i Bteclc. orir F.rst -trwH. WlUsiTepromplaaentfciailu ,ti iUii ad the f&ymeat o. lait .2t ViMtatt la.d Detret. tt A, A- ., !--- Ettre-;- - Eni . HrcHEa.Kl Estate Agent uik! ",iiik. Oftww Bflrtt cerer Mr , f. -f"-i up aif8. BrowBViUe. Neb. EiTii'' w "IM.: M H H'f'VKK. Be.: 4te sa iai . Aeni 3f m utstrtri iw !r- ' Tt ' v . - t ,n- a-enliua to ue -e oi " - ft us xu i-.. '-iiii or laiwi tnruKBw."- - ;3MiB! GRAIN DEALERS. G. Start, KnLU IE.Li:i: IX URA1N ASDABRKLL- nc iira M raaDt. ApinwtH.Nefc. SADDLERY. 1 T E Jllli. U-nrae" Bndi-v Co!lir. Etc. Nt s. i-'t-?; B-nwn'-ilie.Ne. iieanif aoii- Wb.-uc- -..-.L-n.o Uainanieec. BRIDGE BC1LDING. 4 v " t-r-ir-lt. Bndre Ba'.'derAiKl "oasrarto , .. NeU leient fur K. W..-ai': HOTELS. A OrSE. 1- . R.fii Prrie'oT - I ". IT. AV . K.. : iv x-Jth A ijefc-"ni!f - !. . -:et. .wnilif vtestirter avwmmtzlmztnt S-ly u- 3 1 VCXfXITH Be - J "W. tlMWt i '- t ' .V IAXTV ifMair j orj- -HOST. Irr- Et-- t raacai K'ltli - A5TU iHCES. .1 .-rfN B)t nd -Awe Matter No. - rr"-. Mntwnville. Xtt. Hetaat- . t n. vurtiaent a: im'. Lady ., J-eti lUxrf aud ae3. Crtoai :.)fu nod OttiMMib. Kepauiar BA It. -. AUIOi'S. ?"'"' T" "XUT " Pk and Untet "r N 4.- T i. Rrwn vl'e. Nh The i ,-- i jor keit 'r nnd "' - ' A. 3p.rg-nn.7i d C i. r,nuac:urars ox w?rs feioz and Mil loba:Q o .er5 '- t cfB9Si r' ip!! ftlleO a : Ati-6ction -rir-iii.-e Efo. lain NUBROTt'XVti.'- I.. NCI. ICiooks, A'aiches, Jeweirj To -i:iH SIIl'TZ. Ko. a9 Main Str t. Bre-mvill&. F v- . ncsatrr n had a Uirs &Mt wel i iff- ". ' l'' f eenahie rtlel tn ht Hae. ( - nc or (lcfcK. Whki and Jvrelry 7juunu.i:.u re3voiie rxies. 1 ' 7 WORK VTARHAXTED MIM BUSS'S" J. G. JirSELL. Se&ler te VISES, L'QllQliS& SEMIS WHOLESALE AXP RETAIL. 35 Matu Street, U! i E as to J L Caox-i ,t On..) PGIIERS ! ."" TTO SHOPS. - ae-nan H'e.mi Mi street. Ji w to Brtbta'-. m xtk (cvtX. resh mA' ahuft an haa4 nd !tt t iteed ta ooitimir. 11-it-lv IB L3xZ HIL5CSE. i aric Kvrr 'U j R wb--. ,r rRT HOUSE. - N MAlvINti. Repairing. and !i rk doHc In tfielierf t shert oottee. -attstacrtien saaran "-maeall fW-iy. r "?. moo'rt: & CO.. IL ? n n cr;,r, rf.-. -- i orjii ercnan s SHTPPF.RS. D DEALERS IV GUAIV ANO OO IL. 72 Jlafn Street, rovravilie. XebrasUa. Syl ; EIW HEADS. BILL HE4DI C -- 1 I LIS AiiU hill! IVMJ PERU ADVERTISEKEJrjS. iBturaace not a Privilege but a. DTttr. innnlnl Innnronnn Pnmnnnii', BOOTS ATfD SHOES. iiibiiiai iiidusailbc bUllipaitj.Q 2z?Asn7& mot peohptly.: OF 1Z1W YQES. AsMerii oier 8,000,000 i Loei paid in Chlrnjro. ... 1,."00.000 f Lowe paid In ICoton, .... 500,(H)0 !Trrm ,n,t' apeclaltv, npon thIiitl i A Cll til Tiienr or A nun hi Premium plan D!rrr fur live years; le tunn live year? HiOrvo stork pi in. Insure n:Mint loi or dnmazo lv Fire and Lizhtnins twillmzs'Hnleonten!'.hH.v.?raln and Mock. GEO T. HOPE. Pre. Ctkcp Pece, fec. C. J. Baiujee, General Asent, Omaha. P. M MARTIN. AGENT FOR NE3IAI1A COUNTY. I3.VliIVItI?-: & 3IOODEY, ..DAVID 3AEXES. s. a. JtooDcr. ""ErTERSrs- GENERAL MOBS' 300TS. Oiieensrrare, CLOT HAT-, LASrSofthe SHOES, Glassware, HING, CAPS. Latest Styles, L J in are' HIGHEST 31ARKET PRICE PAID FUR 3- $. .A. X 2KT For Prncut r Spring Delivery. V-' are conntantij fllMnc up tritb neT. goodx wtiieh we tonit purrha.ers. E REFER TO QUE CUSTOMERS. DRUGS, 3iEDICLVES, CKEXICAW, FINE TOILKT 'MAP?. Fncj Hair Jt Tooth Ersfc;s, Perltiiaery, Toiler Aiticles-, TKKSES. SIIOULDEH B1UCES, (rms.i and Garden, .sciti , PURE WI1KS AND LIQUORS FOR J1EDICIAAL PURPOSES, Points, (Mis, Varuishos and Dye Stuffs, Letter Parr. I'rue, Jnlta, Enrclopem, 1 ULA;. PITTY, r"arNn OH I.imp-.ni Oilnineya. Ph jslciac's Presersptloni Carefullr ConjoandeJ T3.VTS iircs. II. S, Mail and Transfer Hals, MAKE RErt tLA R TRIP. DAILY FROM P iC HIT. X E B RASKA, TO Xbrak4i maklne 'nanectlon with tralni Citr. on the Mid. and Pacific K. K, 3rovra-rill and return dllv. makinecon nertMHi with the Murine to PJielp rtiatlon, M ., on ttie K. C St. Jo. A C. B. R. R. Al-o ic:h hiirka to Aracnvla NemahaCity, ,p!ttwall. HillxilHleand St. Deroin. ''REIGHT AND EXPR. of All Kinds Tnierrel ki thee rout eh -t reaoonebie rte. 3" Pa-Nen-zer- comfortably provided for. OFFICE at Dally Bros.'? Drue Store. Peru. 'l order" will reretvf prompt attention. X.. Ji. THOMPSON, Prop't scs: : ol JrnLtB5 a We inv-tte yoer attention to the superiority of the Sri DESK & SETTEE 43 A-Tf COMBINED. IT IIAB THE FOLDIVG DK6K AND SEAT. It la FREE FKOlt NOISE IT IS STSONG. BELVUTrFXTL. UUEABLf. CONVENIENT, The CA"tinus are one-foarth heavier thaa tfaofi of iit taher desk, and so tianeed to secure the crentest possible strength. The wood is lertel caerT. walnut or ash. thoroafhiy easoawl uml ktin-dried. and hand-mmelj Hntshed in shellac. The seit. arm. ami back, are baattfaMr carved an-I slatted. We tmarsntee against breakage in fair a-aee. It litis the school house for sriiool or church pano--e3. We alo inanufartare "THE R K "!, as Its name indKaite. an eleeant statlcaarr Top lesk. The "KfONOHIC" absolutely leaes caipetl tloa in prices lor furaltare WIItt'H lo WOOD. Wereal-omacinea full liae of Recitation Set tees Teariiers DeJc. Chairs, and all SCHOOL FUUNITURE. Our list o" apfiarstRs Inclnrt-s Ciflcks. B11ii. Globe. .Vp Chnns. uted Paper. LkjukI Ifcilnc chalk, Pitiiosophicil aad Chemcal AiparHtn. Dictionaries, and evt-r-tluns de-lrahle ia Kay jrrade of schools, ai; -sr rh)oh we TlllselI for exsh. or on sufficient time to euable a district to levy and collect a t-i-r Baj.de' RpHdmr Caie Is rapidly tanercedinr the ordtoary readmcTablets. --SUWyrocps. phrn.. aial senten-. baed upon tne word-method, admirablv adapted to primary lessons In Drawms. Number. t "IK-n. GnunM, Address our nearwt agent, who will call npon yon without delay. National School ?Ernitnre Co., 113 aad 115 State Stree, CHICAGO. P 2. if A RTIN. ExcIbkiv Arent tor Otoe. ' inah. IlichardsOR aad Pwbw reantl. solicits ' CTe"pondence. Will risit you w! hiaHipleJ. V,v nr tD-vear baiidias bands nejfjtiaied wlth.Hit ( Box I0L, Pare, Jfebraalia. CHARI ES GAEDE PKOPltI3!n"OE. GnetB received at nil hours, DAY and NIGHT Connect with Lively itlle under same management. 3-Careful attention Klven to the wanta ot ciie-ts. We refer to the traveling puhllc c. w. criJtERTfin g GROCERIES N variety. I u h r. I I u ii I I A FULL ii nit LINE OF M"oiil clino-s. .- i CD for T f i for I J ! Picture; rj Frames. i id men .CBlEITa and BOIL COTrRACTS T&HT.K. Material Fnrnislied when Desired, I nt terms and rate which defv competition. Address or call at Shop, corner Fittii and ram streets, pern. ch. Refers to 1ft TI OILLETT. M. WILES. Syl TILANKS of alltindn.forsale at the-AdTerUe tTCWWc JrwOCfSSBtt i PSHT7 ASV3E.TI5E2ISm: ..'SIIl-W'l'"S'W'N,rf G. W. PETEKSOl'SS will make to orrfr P& M ' Call and nee .Sample. i pel OH nnd ne Sampler. J&O FIT 35TO Til r-r. YTUEJZ VTJLRRjLSTJSJ. JOII?? BRrXSUOiY, t!Zri Lini J0L a'- ' 5 reblllUlidUluDjUldllliOiiUG I t J IVCATISR. i - CrSTOM TT0EK ALWAYS OX HAXD. ! ! ll-palrrt executed with uesitneBS. S3 ti CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK H. B. g.1I5TS, Justice of thePeace & Collectidn afaso-ggr- Special attention given to collection of note and accounts fur non-residents. AddresK Box 50, PERU, Nemaha Co.. Neb. BarberShop & Restaurant TF. C. CL'323IaXG. All wnrk done In the neatest and latent ntyle. The oholceat lirand of CiEar con stantly on hand. Delirious Confectloneiy. Ice Cream In reHvon. Oysters tews on short notice. Soda Fountain in fa I! b!a;t. Fifth St. opposite Urich. Church, V'ELI: in NEMAHA J! COUNTY. i alU by 1 u49Vii1Wi attention lir?!e msv mskc r'inip of PINE. GALVENIZED IRON OR CE3IEXT TUBING, v. e tn ik wel through ROCK., n we are provldetl with a thouKantl joimd hor- power ilrUl Drill isame size a Auirer. Giiir-in'ee wittr ornopny. Pot-fHre sd-lre- PERU, Neb Soring done in Wintrrnx irrll nt Xutmnrr. cjtjaw,MiwjjgjJj.j",j.ima.- vjjiif BANKS. JL i ? -v i i -. ? ! S - i O - i ;2 d rj ?! o H N b & b3 Hj hi rf. H q E Q 0 M - T -- 'r C 'J.' tji ; --3 a. 5 "" s rC "5- o H 2 X?. xLV2 - - - X ; c f n ; i. 5 r i J: fi i 3 iff a. Exr -, j S "" 2 a X fe5 as S-iJ - r - -r - Ei "" L. '- . ' - 3C2 s IS ca Srn! zi Si.- H 3 3 Bfl i. 2. " r; w e o 2 f" i - s-93 9 s Q 3 i ! 5 z SS W S 4. 11 S- I i SOLE PROPRIETOR. I E 1 . I i'ihs iheexrniMve riht t T I J 8 J i J f putting In lOKKI - H 2z s - ' rn s. -:i: x 1 -J tf t 3 : ? S" r-r W 5 Sji i a e Z C3 2 - Z Ml T y1, - 2 r y-i - s r J k. -i dI:H H:?: - ? si I XT-. r.i rw ssn kl '-' i s-rr? s? s c ac :x - . - : ii I 1 1 1 im- I i irr FtriITUHS. j". Xj. .UjOiz: Dealer In I "h AS KMlBditt Undertaking a Specialty. Seeps a fell line ef "MET ALIO AND WOOD BUBIAL CASES. 5G Main Street, BROWyTILLE, 7TEB. J. HHKE. DENTIST III Operations Per formed in the best taanner. At residence on ilaln 'street. from 1st to Tth of each At P.ock Fort, Mo, FU "P?!?? 8c mt ki ap&H& fe XRlSn COftUETEY. Sa7K Patrick to Biddy "Good morula' ilenr! me It's tilt of a acretIvisrotforyer fnr It's yoarnel tiiat i looiiin o charmlu' dar the That the bean In my breast is Zast slippln' awHj-." "Tis you that can flatther," llias Biddy replies, ., And throws him a glance from her mrry blue eyei. "Arrah. thin," cxles Patrick, "'tU thlnkln' uv yon That' makln me heart-nick, me darlint. k"jSare I've called a long while to tell ye this iiiiil r rurue And Blrttly Malnney'Il be slch a folne name. Cries Bid.ly, Dray : 'Have done wld yer talkln I Sure me heart's not me ovrn for thla many a day I "I cave it awny to a good -look Ins? boy. Who !htnk there Is no oue like Bhldy M!l)-: So don't bother me, Pat ; Jl-tlbe aNy." saya JtttlQeudeVir yeMtlitrne?lTwil that'." wj he. xi 3 m iiiLiit h urfc i:ik ye Jre on tue siy ; I'll not tb rouble ye mora, but I'll bid ye good-bye. 'Arrah, Patrick." cries Biddy, "an -where itreyeRom? Sure It i-n't. the beotavgood manners ye'te !iowln'. To lave bo -iMMint !" "Ocb. Biddy" ores Pat. "Y'eu vc knocketl the cock feather Just out hv tne at !" Carne Ixtek. Pat." ays he. "What for tlila ?" hay he. "Bekase I meant you ull the time, Sir !" nay she CURIOSITIES OP WEDLOCK. Six Veddlug and bat baudk. Tlircf Hu In I&53, the owner of h thrifty lit tle farm in the luxuriant region uf Kentucky, known an the blue jfra.-, fouutry. v;t a comely widow whose bereaved condition had tempted more than one matrimonial pretender to. f ier furtile Hint for the eiicueamn. It wa. belirvtfd. indeed by the neihborr thathe had determined to accept no -econd heue lord ; but one day in The autumn of the year mentioned, a dtinty vkayfarer on the public hiirh u.u leadmu through the farm thought He delectetl m le-e Melfi?h dl-ponitio:i in tue ItogpKalile lady of the grange A trMliiier in the place, pautuu at ner doorway to a-k tor a drink of Hater, tin-' rtatute individual wa- ;el to rntt-r and take temporary re! ; and -o inxraiiaied him-eif l In- ileferen'ial liiaiiuer that'the hind liearied wniow did not he.-ntate to jnv an aiurmi ive ali-wer to tii! re quest for permi-iou to call aain. tie wrts a re-peciably educated lrjb nian of the better clas-, traveling in ijoe-t of joint farm uprinteiideuu . nd resolveo al once to remain in the 'tiriiiMirhood for a while, ili ec ond call was followed by a third, and it. ul ty ;, other. In -birt. Irefore f h .eitliiV.r. had fairly exhausted their -lock f wonder at the ftraliye ac piaiiilaio'e they were informed that rtie widow and the late wayfarer were -njfsiKed to he married When the Weiid'Htr took place it was a further - andal to the go in that, a the fi" 'le Ks a Baptist anil the bride- Si'Hain 10 JL LioiiiJiti C'-tJloite. Ulttt each firm in their re; eotive taiths fie.-e were !(i cerenionies. one in a Prote-tent and one in a (.alhwM'' church. TJn popular a wan the nwtcli In any light. I hi- douiilinj of the bond wh resardetl a? ominous ;" not more than hslfth" iihiuiI cerfain ieof mtrttnoniiil union and puidir -entinient prediete'l that no uood would onie of it. Sure enough, af ter Hwliile tlie Irihsiian -nddenh H-nppeared from Kentucky, wrote briefly to hi wife from New York Imt be had hpn al ruptly Miniumti ed to Europe on hu in retjuirim.' immetliie attention, nnil -et -ail o he day ujon whicii fii; trat'e let ter w;iv dated The next news for t ilserted ladv wa- a rejKirt of th Ioo-j of hip ve. el at sen with all on board ; arid a- five or -ix year- piss ed .iwrv without contrary intelli irence troni linn or anvhoiiy ei". in widow di-carded her robe- of mourn ing and rave her ntill de-irable bam' to a third hn-hand. But, a the rend er hft prohth!y lecfed, th" Celfi'' rover wa- not dead. Two or thre year- aft-r the rettuirriatie of Use ldy flbe irraujre. the latter learned to Iierdi-iriay. that he -urvivetl the pr iU of th ea omewhere abroad, would not disturb her by returning to tlii- country and counselled her to make her present social tatu pond hy obtainintr a divorc for him. A nce wi h drawing from wedlock, the horrifievi woman did procure n di vorce ; after which be and her laat hUfliHnd were remarried. Thin twice wedded to two uece--ive lc.rd the la dy -hoold liave been matrimonially settled in lif-.tt le.t. It ?eeiiiel, how ever, tint the -lory ws not yot end ed. In ISfil she was once more a widow, ami the eccentric gentlemat. in Ireland, hearing of t. croed the h once more upon another vi-it to Kentucky. Once more he appeared at the door of the farm houe a dtitv. tliir-ty wnyfarer. w re-ov.-nized Vv the -arne foi-pitable ho-te-and. in vey i-nint fashion retiew--tl hs old uit. Unsppakable wa- the freih M'fttidAl of ihe neighbor- wien thev heard that rhe pair wn to be married for the third time! but for all that, the vveddintr took place ; 'hough only in the Protectant fnm on this oeea-ion. h the bridegroom had renouneed hi Catholicism : and the union ha leeii exemplary in il harmnv and happine-i ever inee Th ctnrv 1- given tn the Cbirk-ville fM'i.) Sentinel by former eldpr ofthe Banti-t congregation in which the thrice hu-hand and wife are now zeal on- communicant. and he think- it illustration of tb pluralittea of mafri nmny pnR.lc within th ststufe and canon law l more curiou. if nnf moro romantic, than the nverage in vention of the novelist. Mr. Colfax meet a Stranger. The arrival of Hon Schuyler Col fax and party in the city is. of cour-e. the evnt of the week. Apropos of his visit, he tell-n story which occur red at the Nicollet yesterday morn ing. He has. at times, a bad habit of rising eariy in the morning, and tak ing a walk hefnre hreakfa-t. Yester day mornfng. on appearing in the of fice of the Nicollet about six o'clock, lie was accosted by a gentleman about as follow : Stranger "Good morning. Mr. Colfax I used to meet you often in Indiana." Mr Colfax. "Good I am glad to see vou." morning, sir. Stranger "Nice morning Mr. Colfax : have a cigar Mr. Colfhx "No. . Ol) thank vou I quit moki g two vearsago. Stranger "Sorry to hear it ! But have yon had your momngs morn ing this morning ? Come to my room and I'll give you an 'eve opener' thatMl mafc vour hair stand." flnfj j,jj cjve vntt ai, .pve npeiier l"al' '"" . ' ""u. Mr. Colfax "Kxcuse me T don't drink In fact I'm one of these var- fnrtmyrw ccrU teetctslltTe," you say you Mr. Colfax "No. I don't smoke. StranEer "And vou don't drink ?" Mr. C!fax 'No, I don't drink." StrMtiBer "Then what the devil are you doing up in this country f " Mr. Cdfx not having an immedi ate reply ready, tiie trancer abrupt ly left him in disgust. Minneapoivi Tribune. A LAUGHABLE LOVE 8TOK.T. A rich old centleman had an only daughter, po-sessed of the highest at traction, moral. peronal and pecu niary, oiie was engaged and devot edly uttushew to a young man in ev ery respect worthy of her choice All the marriage preliminaries were ar ranged, and I he wedding was fixed to take place on a certain Thurnday. On the Monriuy proceeding the weiiding-daythe-lrjideHnd groftm elect fwho was to have received SoO.DOu down on his wetldiug day, and a further sum of SltXHHTO on his father-in-law' death, (an event which would proba bly MKin occur, had a little jealous squabble with hi" intended at the evening party. The ,,tifl" arose in con-equetice of his paying more at tention than she thought justifiable to a lady with -parkling eyes and in imitable ringlets. The gentleman retorted, and spoke tauntingly of a certain cousin whoe waistcoat was the admiration of the company, and hinted that it had been embroidered by the fair heiress her self. He added that it would he soon enough for him to be scolded after they were married and that she adopted the "breeches" a little too soon. After supper they became rec onciled apparently, and the bride groom elect, in taking leave, was kind and affectionate. On the next morning the wain regreitetl tna an gry feeling he had exhibited and the cutting sarcasm with which he had given it vent : and. as a part of the amende honorable, packed up a mag nificent satin dress which he had previously bo poke for his beloved f which he had sent home in the In terval) and sent it to the ludy with the following note : "Deakfst Jank : I have been un able to close my eyes all night, in thinking of our misunderstanding last evening. Pray pardon me : and. in token of your forgivene, design to accept theneoompanying dress, ami wear It for th sake of your moat af fectionate Henrv." Having written the nofe. he gave it to his servant to deliver wiih the parcel. Rut. as a pair of pautuinon happeiied to need repairing he -availed himself of the opportunity r;heer vant having to pa- hy the tailor's -bop) to send them in another pack age to i he tailor. The man made the fa al with blunder! left the satin ore. Ptiip. and took the note and the damaged trowsers to the lady, .o esa-perated wa -he at what she considered a determined and deliber ate affront, that when her admirer called sh ordered I he door to be doaed in fiice, refu-e! to listen to resolutely mv exohtnafion. broke off thr iimtch. a i k) GETTING OUT OV UEI1. Dr. Hull doe- not approve of the old dwtrine which wn lormerly instill ed into the minds of children thai i hey should spring out of bed the in -taut they awake in the morning He says that up to eighteen years ev ,-ry child .-hould be allowed to re-t in d. afler the -I-ep i- over, until they leel a- if they had rather get up than not. It is a very great miinke for jMr.-o!t-. oldoryoung e-pcially ehil Iren a:iI feeble r edentary per-rn-- to houuee out of bed the moment i hey wnke up; all our io-tiru-r--brink from it. and fiercely kick again-t ii Fifteen or twentv mii uie- spent in gradually waking up ft or the eye- nie opened and h' iiiriiing over and stretching the limb-, do a- much good a -oimd -leep. hecail-e the operations -et i hbio'i in motion by degree-, t tidinc toefjimlize the circulation : for dur ing -ieep the blood lends to -tagna-iofi. the heart beat- feebly anl sjnw lv. ami to -hock thesy-tem b- IwHmc ng up in an in-tant and -ending th blood in overwhelming quantity f rhe heartciiu-ing it tosune a cal lop where the instant heforp it WM-'in creep, i- the irreatest l-iirditv Tiiis instantaneoup louncing out of hed a- oon jis the ys nr- open wip he followed b3 wearh es lng before noon. Bnrrow'i Eoy Made Unefnl. filar Adler n Saturday EvnltK Pe.t.i Hurrows wa- an inveterate tnletcco hewer, but as hi- wife ilete-!e! Ihf. practice ami made home tenp tn ios and -ormy for him when he ii hllged in the practice there be al ways chew d when away during the day. ami declared to hi- wife that h had stopped permanently. But one evening, upon entering the front door ittil drawing out hi- handkerchief he hccbleiitly pulb-d our his paper of tobacco, and without noticing it. left ii lyingon the floor. When Burrows -at down to tea. hi- wife wulktil in with tJie tobacco in her hand, ami looking Burrow- firmlv in the eye. -aid. "Do von know who that be longs to?" With great nre-onoe of mind Burrows turned -colding o hi- ldesr Ikiv and said with a severe voice : "Immortal Mars ! I- it pos--il.Je that yon have Iwgun to hew tobacco. you young reprobate? Where'd you get th t natv stuff? What d'yon mean-hy such conduct, you v Hian ! Haven't I told you of ten enoiigii to let tnhacoo alone Cnni'ti erear tne or I'll tear the JMck et off of you." And as he spoke the stern father made a grab at the hoy Mini tlraged him out in the enlry where he chastised him with'a cane. Then Burrows threw the tobacco over the fence. hre he went out and got in the morning and enjoyed it during the daw "Merciful Vnc!" he exclaimed whn h fold us ahotir it, "what would I bavo done if mv children had all feen girls ? It makes an old father's heart glad wfien be feel- that he has a boy he can depend on In such emergencies. SAVING SEED COH.1. A corre-pondent of More's Rural New Yorker i-ays the time to pick seed corn I- in the fall, as soon as thehuk in about half ripe Pull off all the husk but leave enough to tie with an other one; then hang them up in a dr3 airy place, leaving them thu un til wanted for planting By following the above for -eve'ral jvnrs I have snecepded in Imj roving my corn tar bevond mv expectations, at d I felt amply repaid for all my exertions when T f e my corn Is now about two weeks earlier thannnvofmv neigh hn s who en it on a slip-shod plan of weeks earlier thannnvofmv neigh- mi.- Mint . .u .i .-.ij-h..w ji.-.u ... picking seed from fhe crib While they are re-planting Tarn plowing mv Btranger "Whew ! don't ftn&!xe ?" Innrrn cctr?e ?ecl j-rreatn tbe ratm-thrg. -w. ner described sefdom fails to grow. But tonif havfr seen th fmJfs nf wiy lahor, and I am perfectly wil iimk tney annuiu.:i.-.re tnth me, I dt-1 vide mv &-!. -civiner thm enimli chance for eurly crnpM with myself. the full-si-own. Let them 1W freshly , Hopine the almve Jnay be of use toKutbe ed ; pull offtlie blownms, but; W. M.B., and many oUbera who read ! n nt rob them ; pour nvefthem u theBural. I am GEN. TATLOR IS AIllSTOMAX. General Taylor, although on eseI lent (ohlitrr, and a man of struuggiMd scne in the every-dy a&airof life. - j had bven edut-ated in the camp, and knew no tnoreoftttateacaanshiporthe operations of govern mem than u Com anche Indian nor was .ie distin- uiucu iui vuiimjuaii ntouijjusii- J t ull 4"a iVWa .Mm 11..II n.u.n a.ti.l. I menu nr unrtatiYtr vfr.u.'catiripuYt; lat ent. Then he had a habit of hesita tion in conversation that amounted and wn-tetl no words upon anybody. Judge liutier, a colleague in the Senate of Mr Calhoun, calling to pav ..- ......-. ... .i... o .:.! &t -, his respects to the President, begged him ta describe the manner in which the battle of Buetia Vista was fought. His brother. Pierce BtiUer. command ing the Palmetto regiment, and a very gallant officer, fell in the battle, and thejudge was naturally anxious to learn the particulars of that desper ate contest. "Well, judge, you want to know how the thing was done. Come and dine with me to-day. and I'll tell you all I know about it." Judge Butler was a ha-ty, ituqetu mix man, and the words flowed from his mouth in a torrent whenever he had occa-ioh to speak. He was. all impatience during the dinner, and the moment they were alone he brought up the subject of the battle. xes, yc, juuge, yor orotner wa- a brave man, and tehaved like a true pohlier. But aiiout the battle you want to know how it was fought ? "Yes, general, if you will be so kind. I wish to lea n how your troop were disponed uii the field, and how you ponted them to re-ist a force so over whelming. Santa Anna mut have outnumbered you four or five to one " "The difference w- greater than that. I think, but we didn't stop to count the Mexicans. I knew there wa- a heavy force, ami longed for a collide of regiments more of regulars." "Undoubtedly." said the judge ; 'but what was your order of battle?" "Why, why, you see. judge, we went ta fighting early in the morning the first tlay. and we fit all day long ioo.Mug a good many men. anil at night it looked prettv had." "Well what next ?"' w nen ii got nark j rode over to -al iiio to look after our store- and to provide agniiiht a urpri-e." "Why did you goynur-elf? why not send one of your aids ?'. "You see juifee, every thing depen ded on nothnvjilg our sunjdiea.cutoff aod I .watitedKqy.ettaftejhinc'airuVe' "How wasidt 'tjhe nejctJkmornIng' wb.-n von cameluntthe'flwhl.eimuTr ed Jndge Bfftle J3' "Not much change -luce the night het'ore " "Who wa- the first man you met ?" "(Jeheral Wool." "And what did hesay ?" " All i- lost.'" What war- your reply ?" "Maybe so. general we II see " And upon that we went to fighting -gain, and fit all that day. ami to- a.-d- night if looked belter." The Judge, looking rather blank as ked. "What nexi ?. "Well the next morning it wa- re ported to me that Santa Anna and all i- men had di-appeared in the night and I wa devili-b glad to be rid . them -o." Fiom "Rneol!ectir of an Old Stager." in .Harper' Mafazinr for Siptembf r HO'.VB TOUR FW.IIILV. FFriHn the Clyde (Ohl) Iadepottt.l It i- well known that ome men when awaj from borne will go by a- iimed name-, and that sonietime ihey are caught at their tricks. A iviii- of thi- kino occurred while the Methodist- wer.- holding their fair u 'Sii- place A Clcve and runner was 'ak-n up the church ami introduced to the young ladie-a-n Mr. Shepwird who wa raising through the village out had to stay all night op account of the . r- not m-iking con nections livery thing pa-sing off live !y. Mr. Soejipnrd wa making him .-elf v-ry agreeable to the young ladte--sind they iu torn brocht iheirswcet stnil"- winning way to try ami -form the citadel of hi heart when -uddelily thereeame aeliiiiigerw'er the ir-am-of their happiness A gentle man walked up to Mr Sheppnrd and said ; "How do vou do. Mr. Owen- ? Your wffe ami family are well?" I? is ad that Mr Sheppard alia Owen wilted, and took the next train out of town. Tr young Indie- think thev will keep their smile hereafter or those with whom thev are acquaint ed. n t Canse of Wtaknckd after Bathtnsr. The Journal ol health -as the t-aii-e of wenkiie after bathing i-rattiing nt the wrong time; too great fatigue at the time of bathing; too much bath ing; too long continued itathiug When one i- made w-iiR by a bath, he sitiitiid cea-e tottike that bath Theie l- a grat deal tai much bathing car ried on The u-te of waler in th country has come to be with people who-e atientin htty Ifcen call-d there to only Ies dangeroH than the uenf medicine God ha nt made the human body to be immer-ed in water all the time. If person would live rightly, th-y would need to bath but verv little. Xature'snlaii of but being if all of the ordinary condition of life are right, i through theweat of the! lndy; andoneof the best wav-ofbath-ing'we hvcter found wiLh feeble patient-. i to have them drink very verv largely ofthe water ofour-priitg always drunk, however, in verv small quantities at a time Inif very frequently, and o hath their -kiiss from the in-ide. Th5.- is one kind of bathing that i not anng-rnu if rightly adni'tiiteren. i itehe-t time for taking n bath l.-ntthat period of tiie dav when the sun is in it projrre to the highest point In the heaven Along in the forenoon is the best time to bathe, other thing being equal. Whooping Codcih Rkjirdy Take plaintain leaves; wa-h ami bruise j them well; now strain through cloth, and sweeten with honey: for, an adult one tablespoon fed J- 'n doe. The above remedy is what T ue-1 thirty years ago. and it acted like a charm il a e. thirty vears ago. and It acted liken cunrm 21 A E. .. . - A Western settler The unnt even- ulmnal tn at--V-v4art sr"-. ,;.Vi. i.: .!k .i.;k i. -,- r..ti u: . PiWe three or mur minutes. Put auggestiona espectallv on military the,m ,n 8 r w,,th the ho.ld vinecBr. ! mailer-, iwere niarked' by quick per ""J 5- Wl CO,d' P"1 l.nJ u..t,., t... ........i ;...i..:.? ... I aapng ofdill. the seetl downward, if hewn- iiprnr rfltT,. ..r.u.,,.,,,,.,,1 -Vo lke .Made in thi- way. thev SELECTED RJKX1FE5. - ! Cucumber Ptcfclea. The small, long "1UU re lf " r picKirnjr. aim those hut half-gmwn areaiicer than j Htrunu brine, boiling hnttf cover close, ' and let them stand all iimiht. The j next day put y ur hand in. the jar or uhHtid stir gcntl v. to removeau sand drain on a sieve, and then dry in a cloth. Make n pickle withrthe best cider vinegar, adding spice in the fol- lnwlnir tirnimrinna Tn okfri mto.t ,f vinegar put haifaii ounce; of whole black pepper the same of ginger and and allspice.and one ounce- of mutard B i If the flavor is agreeable add four ahalotK. and two clore of garlic, to a gallon of vinegar. When thia ; pickle bnlK-np. throw ln5- cucttm- win he tender, crisp, ami green. If the color is not quite clear enough. "' r. h ",PKHr ",e next "a-v 'mil "p. and pour over the cucumbers? cover perfectly tight. Melon Preserves Tn make an ex cellent preserve from unripe melons, the gren part of watermelons and cit rons, in imitation of preserved ginger, boil in alum water a tahlespoonful to about two gall!!? pare, cut in pieces and lay in waler for one or two day 3. to take out the alum tate. The piec es should not be quite soft, hut like sweet cucumber pickle. Dr.in well, make a sirup of sugar a pound to each pound of melon a pretty strong flavoring of ginge , a- hot as may la liked, remembering that when boiled it will tatr hotter, a little mace, nnd some lemon peel ore-enue of lemon tate. Boil the pieces in this till clear. TJnripe melons are soaked fr some days in brine, cut up and freshened in cold water before boiling in alum. This preserve requires watching, be ingvery apt to mold. Houseftoid. Pickled CauUfi'HPer Take good while heads, break them into small pieces and boil for ten minutes in -trong salt and water. Skim out the pieces, which should be so tender that a splint of broom corn can be "run through the stems. L,uy them on a towel to drain off the water, and when thoroughly cold put them in'o a pick el jar, with a lew whole cloves, all spice, pepper, and stick of cinnamon tied up in aelnth. Boil and skim the vineyar ; then pour it directly over the cauliflowers. If a few beets are -hoed up in the vinegar while boiling, they will color the cauliflower stalks a bright coral red, and make thm more attractive to the eye. Country UVM-eman. E.emoiHn$ Grease Spots. Make a pa-te of quicklime, wa-hing soda and as little water a possible, put it on the grease spots, when .you have to, do with h ope tvpjvHi It may. howe or -colnrthitAwofLorpnke it darker. ?it'&tfrrt?VWtmnttiuh'i Ills, tkver the wood oifvp3er"with drroMrhonate j magpies i a, powiierei o.hHlK.or even rrv" Htnrch powder, rdace orr ton a thick blotting-paper, and then a hot tlntiron. Thi will draw out the gren-e. If not fully drawn out scrape 'fTthe powder and repeat the opera ti' u Sooie liquid ammonia may fin ish the job if tiie heat does not fully clean It all up. dream Beer. It is an effervescing drink but ftsr plea.-anter timn soda wa ter, inasmuch as you do not ha v.- to irink your life to get vour money' worth, tiie efferve-cence being much -lower. Ti mince- tartaric acid. two fHHitid- white sugar, the juice of one -euiou. three piutn of water. Boil to gether five minutes; when nearly old ndti the white.-of three eggs well eaten, with half a cup ,f flour and naif an ounce of essence of winter .rreen Bottle and keep ju R cool place. Take two tnhlepooii..fuIs of i his sirup for a tumbler of water, and nUl one quurter of a teasrjwinful of -od a. Prunes a Ui Jiuase. Stew 1 pound of prune with a little sugar and wa ter lili they are quite soft ; take out 'he -tone-, crack them, and put back the kernel- ; then line the inside of a mold (fir-t decorated with plit al momls) with the prunes, and keep on pouring in a littlejelly M. -until" coflee ciipful of j Hy ordi olved galaMne) to make the whole turn out. It may-lw made in a mold with a h!e. which -hould be filled with whipped cream. The Beat Way of Roaming Chestnuts In the south ot France chestuu-ta nre first pu into a pun of cold water, placed on the fire, and loiled until early -oft They are then taken nit. -ach che-tnut receiving a small -lit on the rind with a knife, after wnieii they are put into a large flat pan (an ordinary frying pan would would do; and to ed over u glowing fire until they lieeome tiry and mealy Irteiettc Reformer. Ottawa Beer Sa-safra, allspice, yellow dock, wintergreen, 1 ounce euch ; wild cherry lark and coriand er. I ounce; liotis. $onc: moJa e. 3 quarts. Put boiling watei on the in-giedteiit.-. ami let them stand for 24 hMir- Filler, ami add i pint brewer'-vea-t Leuve again -4 hour, then lulit iu an ice cooler, ami it is ready f"r si-e. It is a wholesome drink, if it i ued in moderation. Blackberry Cordial is made a fol low?: Tooiieqiiurt ol blakberry juice, ailo one K)unl of while sugar, one ta Mep-oiiful of cloves, one of all-pice. ne of cinnamon and one of nutmeg. Boil ull together fifteen minutes; itdd n wmegla-- full of brandy or gad whi-fcey ; laittle while hot" . tid c rk tight and -en ;one d-e i- a winealn--full for an adult ; half for a child. Pa xi thtt trill Stifk. Take 4 pounds of fine wheat flour and make a batter wjin cold water; take out all lump-, then add boiling water till you have almost a pailful. This g faper-ha tig er's laisfe. To make it flick to txiinted wall, add 1 ounce ol finely pulverized re-m r- r each gfti bin of paste, and boil it, when too thick add more water. "louhave pHyed the deuce with my heart." aaid a gentleman tn a la dy. who wa his partner, in a scsal game of whist, at an evening unrtv. "Well .val it wa. because you phtved the! trirh r;.... -"..i;i . . . i. ... : knave with mine," replietl tin? htdy wnn an arch mile. Mother, can I go and have my ph- j tograpft taken ? "No ; I gue-a U isn't 1 worth while" "Well. then, vim might let me go and have- s fwuh ' pulled out: I never go anvwhere." "Bridget, go over and w hnw nV - .. - ., i.,.un i- im- in mm:; i: a fw m:nu's Bri !: t r! i--ied v h thenews thtt Mr- Bj ';-wm- 5 --- 8 yri, 4 month and 11 d ;! SPAEKS AXD SPLI5TERS. A Maiden Speech Ask papa. Ill-gottoo gains Doctor's fees. Always going; to the dogs Bones. County fairs will be the next affairs. A Criminal Court Flirting with married men.. Wha rcdntionjia a dor to a mat? A step-father. . Can a butcher's he said tobeajint Btock business. i Croquet has heen defined a3 ! pone to P18- bllliarda When is a thief like a reporter? i When he takes notes. How to make a tall man short Ask him to lend you $S. On which Sude of a donkey would! you look for the most hair? "The out-. aide. As snon as hl$ victim threw Btones at him an Ittdianiau quit playing ghot. An exchange alludes to an editors goose quill "cackling notes of warn-, ing." We are told that nothing is made In vain. But how about a pretty girl Isn't ahe maiden vain? Somebody advertises for "a good girl to cook." We have seen some that looked good enough to eat raw. Our you! g ladies are never behind the fashion; but the fash ions are very muuh behind the young ladies. A dandy asked a barbel's boy If he had evershaved a monkey "No, sir." answered the lad, "butlfyoq will take a seat, I'll try." A Missouri lady advertises for the person who is iu the habit of serenad ing her, to stand nearer the hout-e.au that blie can scald him. A Terre Haute girl thinks It about time some young fellow proposed, as she has been bridesmaid eight times, and has been tantalized enough. A prudent match making mama gave the following "candid adviee to. her daughter "Oh. marry the man you love, .girl, if he is as rich as Cro esus." A wag in what he knows of farming gives a plan to remove widow's weeds; he say- a god looking man has only to say, 'wilt thou" and they wilt. "How does that look, eh?" said a blg-fited Wall street man to a friend, holding up line of his brawny hands. "That," said the friend, "looks a; though you'd gone short on your soap." The girl of thin age is unfit to wed who dont tindertund how to make nice, sweet bread. And the mat Is s dunce who a partner will take whq don't understand cooking coffer and steak.- 'ATsforyii told of one aakinganother wjipthgrjric would advise him to lend a cecta'itsfrtend money. Wlia. 1; htm mnneA You might give him an. eme"lie, tiiufir he wouldn't return H." A country girl, coming from ft nri ing walk, wa told she looked as fresh a n daisy ki-sed hy dew. to which she innocently replied. "Yon have got my name right Daisy; but his isn't Dew." The latest advocate tit Darwinism; points out thut the bird-nesting pro pensity in boys 1 a relie of the dis position shoxvn by the aiicetral mon key to plunder the homes of the feath ered trilie. Snxe -av that Vermont Is famous four staple- men. women, maple -ugar and hor-es. The flrt are Strang the la-t fleet, the second and third are exceedingly sweet, and alt are uncom monly hard to beat. "What is that children?" asked t. voting pastor, exhibiting tn hl Sun dnvcol a mngic-lantern picture of a poor sinner clinging to a cross tow ering out of stormy waves in mld-t ocean. "Robinson Crusoe" was the instant reply, "Sir," aid a little blti-tering man to hi reljgou- opponent. "I ny. air, to what fh-ct do you think I belte?" '"Well I don't exactly know," replied the other. Imt to judge from your make, size and appearance I sokl phv you belonged to a class called'ini tents. Fl.hy 'From the Rorhesler Uat.J The Penn Yan Democrat tell a flh -tory which we are inclined tn treat a- fieh and pass it by. lut for the faact that we have seen a private let ter from a reliable -wirce fully con-: firming all that wa tated in the po-p-r. The story was -uh-tantinily as. follows : Mrs. Myron Mr-e, of Penn Yan. her eon, pe-reii years oW and her ulster w-refi-hing in a host n Keukalake on Wedne-day last- Thp boy leaned over the side of the boat, when a large trout jumped from the water ami caught hold of the child's no-e. The hoy prang back, ad In o doing pulled the fi-h into the b.at. The fi-h tbu- caught weighed eight pound. The Peon Yan Democrat offer- to watierSlO.uoo that it wtil ver ify thi strtement, ptange as it na -eem. The letter r cvi veil In thl-cit state that the child - no? wa con--iderably muiilated. and it mother, ha caued It photograph to le taken that It may In hown to friend-. EXt lert anglers are compelled to r?sTrt toingeniou- devices to allure the sal mon trout to their hooka, and that one of those warv fish should leave the water to reach for the noe of a juvenile angler ia indeed remarkable, and quite beyond the understanding of tho-e acquainted with the habits of fl-he. A Man Cnn?hi Up a Oold XJolI&r and lUcoTfr. His Health. Prom toe Evasvthe JeomAl. For some time p. ed a young gen tleman mpio el ?it the K'S'svIHe jnd Chicago Bailroad hbeen troub letl with n cHigh. for which he has lieeti taking medicine from Dr. Newe-U. init witkMt auy good efl&set ie-ing apparent. A few days ago ha wa- taken with s -evere fit of couch ing, in the murse f . li-h he cough ed up a xtd o4iar. il sioce that time he Js eHliPfly mveied from .u.. .. ;.. . : ... ...! iu.. ti. ing nawh. Wbifr woitVrig how i tlA. csn.ll ..lri 4mmld l.rftiri. wrw,mt into 1 is Rtonths iungs lie rec ago he had tv iettietrtnfrr tm wo or tttree gold dollars and when gdntr lo bed one .right ha remember- to have had one of them in his mouth. When h came to iHk forhe m"ipv the r.exr dav or per h"ifs later be foul'-, t? if ' e had one less tha ie ' fij-o ' n i'T ion row i-l':' I 'r the go' I ' , I i