frl fc !' J . r 17 i ' ' i" ..WM.ibJMfc i I i..m - - i - - - ip m ii . i i i . i i i...i ""' ' ' "' '' ii n "' .. ii "" i - ' - -i "' THE ADVERTISER. PiulishedeveryTbursdayby GAJb'JTJUBY & HACKER, - Propriotoi's. Office No. 74 McPhcrson's Block, ux Stairs BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Terms, in Advance : one copy, one year. .. . One copy, six months One copy, three months sa oo io 50 READING XATTEK OX ETERY PAGE sssssesssass. THE ADVERTISER ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE. 3-ISh'? t . b - JT. 3 IgSJSlSsiSS'sf'gaiSg s a o .j? 5OI1.00'J1.5O2.CO ?.50f5.00 ?8 f 0 Hnlllnch.. Unelnch 1.00' LW 2.00 2.50' 5.00! T.OO 10.(0 Tv.olnchs 2.00, 2.75, S.50! 4.00 7.001 lO-OOi 15.C0 Threelnchcs i 1.00' 4.60, 5.001 fi.OO 10.00 15.00 20 to Sixinches , 5.001 7.W 9.00' laOO l.00 M.OO SS.C0 Twelveinches. 2.00 10JD0 12.00 15.00 20.0C S6.00 CO.Cft Onecolnmn is.CO 13.00 20.00 25.00 3g.OOT-0.00 100.CO ..saladvertljements at legal rates; One square (lOUne or Nonpareil space, or lesgjflrat Insertion $1,00; cachTOb.etflientlnsprtIon.50c 3rAlltranscient advertisements mnlr ht ra.lZ iuri ji wvivanctf. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. ttoiine J. II. nronrty, AND COTTNSELOr. AT LAW.- 1 omce over State Bank. Brownville.Neb E. W. Thomas, i TTORNEY AT LAW. Office-front oomflver , J1- SMirenson ,1: Cross's Hardware Store, Brown- vine. :reo. Sidney TrcnclJ, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. 0S two doors east ot Post Office. Brown impXe?Wlll give careful and diligent -tten-Tfffcn S'nll 1 bnslnWntrusted to him. 13yl Stull fc SchlcU, TTOUNEVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, A HWv be consulted In the English and Ger- W- Office. No. 70 Main street. (Up twiilrg.) UrowuviHe.Neb. i IV. T. Ilogcrs, j TTORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT I.AW. & l W.T:5.. m.r.tit ntti.iition to any leial - ",,.hi.:...ii.iw.r nmctf. in Court lleuse buMn-entrusteJ to hUcnre. ItelMiBg. Krownville.Ncb. . TTOUNEYS AND A 1itow!mrtUe.Ncb. Hcivctt to Newman, COUNSELORS AT LAW ESTABLISHED 1856. Oldest Paper in tlio State. J r.j PERU ADVERTISEMENTS. Insurance not a Privilege liut a Duty. BROWNVTLLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY JULY 24, 1873. Continental Insurance Company OE NEW YOKE. Assets orcr ..... Lomhcs paid in Chicasc. ItOHHCH paid in Itoston, , . . $2,000,000 . . 1,500,000 . . 500,000 T7nwiyvi mode a specialty, upon the Instal r d.1 111 mentor Annual Premium plan, n;,.- for Ave years; less than five years, rLlbiib stock plan. Insure npalnst loss or damage by Fire and Lightning buildings end contents, liny, grain and stock. GEO. T. HOPE. Pres. Cyrus Peck. Sec. C. J. Barber, General Agent, Omaha. P. M. MARTIN, ' AGENT FOR NEMAHA COUNTY. PERU ADVERTISEMENTS. a. W. PETEESON will make to order BOOTS AND SHOES. BSPiiBINS DOME PROMPTLY, Call and see Samples. 3"0 FIT 3STO SALE. ALL WORK WASSAyTHn. o H CO as H CO P3 JOHN BRUXSDQIV, Fashionable Boot and Shoe CDST0M TV0BK ALWAYS ON HAXD. RepalrB executed AvitU neatness. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK M W CO VrlToHreGS. Attomoyat .Law and Land Agent, Cf.BttStrtee.GaKe County, Nebraska. PIIVSIC1A7JS. . t, . v -5X r 1hV3lelHll. Surseon X ;, dObTtotrVci:u. Graduated in ls',1. Loca '.a nlvilffl . iSs. Office. Lett i Creieh's 81" "-ShSn-niocfe. Special attention n. jea ib uwii"; -.n.r-t, SmcM XV&3Zi.i na"tllsoase3 ot Women paw io """"- 10-cin (Ktiiorttn. ,-r t WTIIEWS. Phvirfclan and Surceon. omce H. Vn CwJdwk Storo,-No. 32 Main street.Brown- ville. : KOTAU1E3 & COLLECTION AGENTS J. ,V. nrusU, XTI3TICE OF THE PEACE AND COLLECTION Tu . . tHMk.ii Precinct. SpociJ.1 ntwntwn ,J Ant. Ifmrtou l rewiiu , unts for lo wmj "". v; "7i; n,v.nvHle.Xema- Auurewiiiu""'" 33'y lHvtl iMMi-reHKiwU ha Cb-, Neb. L. A. Borgmann, 'nmasfffias.'ffis.,s5s: WWSSB: ir me jiuu-wv. Wati & MtlX I tlBe Life lnscrance companies. DIVUGOISTS. TMtUGGI3TS. XJ I'VW.ctc ex-lie Etreet, HroA-nvIUe, Neb. Lrtt &v Crelgli, in Taints. Oil. au BlOCi. 0. 05 -ii" and dealers llcl'lier-ion LAND AGENTS. i p COGSWELL. Ileal Estate and Tax raying A 1 t Office In Oo;swell lUoct, corner t irst tkruwUutJLliNeuiahaJ.a:ul D.stncl! - t 1C1IARI) V. lICQItES. Boal Estate Agent Mid PaaS Bloc, upstuirs. lirownviHe. N-. V llimw Aipnl nn Estate and Tax ---- . ,fc Ortioe in DiunctCoun noaai. ATflLLIAM 1L liwvwi, IY i'uniur A'jvm """i" r "---v.. ,.rm...l v- WH1 Rlvpromp. J.M. t... Ttha Nomaha BARNES Sc ajcoozEsr, DAVID RARNES. jf 8JS. 3I00DEY. DEALERS IN :GENEKAL s BOOTS, Queensware, CIOT HATS, LA3EFS of the in great A FULL IvXcml for Picture b GROCERIES SHOES, Glassware, HZNO, CAPS, Latest Styles, variety. LINE OF dings3 for Frames, lute and Hayiueiil of Taw throushout t Land DWna QIIAXN DEALERS. I1IGX1EST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR C3rXB.jfii.3E For Present or Spring Dcll-rvy. We are constantly Ailing up -r-IIU new goods, which wo Geo. t.-.rt. nAsn i)ata:u in grain and agu-ictl- d C-aintiilit'JU aiercnaai., ..' SADliLSilY. J-1L BAUER. IlHrnew. Bridle. Collars. Etc., No. . MalVirk.t.r.rowuviUe.Neb. MenJlnK done toorder SaUfictjyu uaranteea. ri..?-r llllIDGE UUILDINGV 'V?V V iX.Jl JtliJ '"KT WE w V1T VSiTTTTS JLiUW KUWIH to fcult purchasers. REFER TO OUR CUSTOMERS. r w.WHBBLEn.SndBeltaWe I ,. nn.u-nviiip. Neb. .-oieami ILtnuLTravi Uride. 1 he U.u:esi a bridK- now in u-w. t3P najpae(i - "a? fc -?w ,r,mn i'- TV ii. B. S3I1TO, Justice of thePeace & Collection AGENT. Special attention given to collection of notes and accounts for non-recldeuts. AddreKB Box 50, PERU, Nemaha Co., Neb. " O. UP BarberShop & Restaurant w. c. .cmaaiia'o. All work done In tho neatest and latest style. The choicest brands of Cigars con stantly on hand. Delicious Confectionery. Ice Cream In seuson. Oysters stews on short notice. Soda Fonntnin in ul! blast. Fifth St. opposite Hiricfc Churcb, TT BOEINa. WE A. TV. ELLIS SOLE PROPRIETOR. I i j ilias tiio exclusive right I 1 I iof puttiug In BORED COUNTY. Calls by letter receive prompt attention. Parties may make choice ofPINE, UAtiVijiii IRON OR CEMENT TUBING. We make wells through ROCK, as wo are provided with a thousand pound horso-powor drill. Drill same size as Auger. Guarantee water or no pay. Postnffloe address, PERU, 3ib Boring done In Winter at well as Summer. acsEMiWTWtarwwliw'rrrgK BANKS. '. o il o gas K2l 3 r 3' 3 J L S25 3 o HOTELS. 4 MERICAN TlOcPE. L P. Rf bison. rropr clor A Kro..t-trfet.liweeii Main nnJCulltge. tloi Kel anJ Llverv tetable m conu0Mn with tins House. rvnoev. GUN S3IITII. CRADDOCK;, Onn SnutU A LocU Smith vM, TOtai-n-lca. .promptly "t-le.ip rAt-h. . .- n iitii uirtHH. HOP ..t .w. -.-. -" ..-.' .1,n.,d,. mini tiJAe iwuM,.uii"";'-"" itrovvnvllle. 35-ly HLACKSMITilS. T W A J. C. (HR-H)X. Hlacksraiths and Horse t . .Starrs, nrststr-I.t.etween Main ana Aiianuc. tlou 5Bttrntf(l. Work done to orderand snti-:ac- BOOTS AND SHOES. ALEX ROP.IN:ON. Root and Klioe fVer, No. 5-.fiiiiivtreet.Rro.-:i-iilH.X-b. JInconstant lyea hand a Vo.Jd aortnient of Of ill's. Lady h, JHH' mid Children' Hoots tnd Slioes. Custom nark done with -leatness and dispatch. Ite).iriug done on -short "lotice. SALOONS. JOSEPH HimDART & CO.. Peace and Quiet Pa-lo-r.. No. 31 Mala .tr.-et, Rro -n ville. Neb. The bMtWlniiind Liquors lcpt on hand. I.. A. Barginau.21 & Co., Manufacturers of Cigars, and Wholesale Dealers In Chewing and Smoking Tobaco. Orders from tli country proTiptly fllled. and SAUsfictlonJ.Kunranti-t. Main St., BKOIV.WILLE, XEB. Ciocks, Walches, Jevelry JOSEPH SHUTZ, No. 59 Main Stxt, BroTsrnvllle. S. H. DAILY, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FIN. TOILET SOAPS, Fsner Hair Jtffoata liVasUM, , j rf9hsafsBM!!S TUUSSES, SHOnUDUn 3RACE3, ?ra anti Pardon ,, . PURE 1VXXKS AND LIQUORS 'FOIfc SrBIilCINAL 1'1'JIPOSES, Patuts, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Letter 1'nper, lV;t, Iukh, Eiivelopua, OLASsS, PUTTV, Carbon Oil Ttmpw and Chimneys. rhyIcien'K Preserlutlons Carefully t'omponaded Jv Ei tJ X i. iiJ.j.tJ-i U. S, Mail and Transfer Hacks, MAKE REG ULARTRIPSDAILYFROM PERU, NEBRASKA, TO "Nolir-aska making connection with trains City, on the Midland Pacific K. K, Tlrn-n-nTillo al return dally, maklntrcon mction with tiie Hussew to Phelps Station, M., on the K. C. St. Jo. & C. R. Ii. R. Also with Imcks to Arasjo via Nemaha City, Asp'nwall, Hillsdale and St. Heroin. FREIGHT AND EXPRSS of A 1 ! V m rlc traiisferrotl on tliw.o routes All rvlllUo at reasonable rales. 3 Past-enizers comfortably provided for. Ciurcs moderate. OFFICE at Hatty Rros.'s Drug ftoro, Pern. All orderi. will rnoelve prompt HttonUon. 51. II. TII03IP30X, Prop't. 3"S S -s K O i .j . SsS-trJ IK 3 H C2 E W -? 5?? 01 t2 555 3 c s Ss5 3, r Cj 0 a H M H U U H CT5f; . 'w:iwuk v h S' ; d S aW -21 a-- o v '3 U-t i "3 b 3 .!-.3 " " " . e iM,m 525 Cta p 'rj - P S g ir1 g Written for tho Advertiser. THE RAIN. bt witch hazil. the flne silk or tho set of jewelry that has teken her fancy. And when she eetfe It aha keeps tight hold of it, too. ijhe Ia nover given me even a cuff- 'w.."i-( mt i :.. UUilUN. J.UU3C UlWiiyB YU3 SLIU. And f he Is so stuck up because she hgoR son. Just as If It were goinibi;ng wonderful. Why, Ira. laundress has eight of thern, besides one that was drowned a fiacre scalded, and she Isn'i a bit Bsfc vp ; bi t Thuse says "my boy!" sEtlcbes, ttie maternal all to pieces. ttyb:hk'j Alexis is made out nicer tubUt als than most babies, and I k'iltrt she doesn't believe the cate olilai where it says ho wa3 made out oj(l$f ,' vulgar dust of the earth. I sOpie'sna thinks Tose-leaves and corn taroh were used to make up his dTU te organization. It would re iiV ray feelings to see a speck of dirt oV ?,ia; ouild's face ; It makes me t&l to se him so painfully clean. 'Jj&UirtAh hi nil the Hmo feeliug his .bun ps, because sue thinks he is go 'inJtobo a little Solomon, ox some 'hui bug or other. tA w, Aiue, l nave got a secret mac a living soul, it Jo I will never forgive you. I Dromised Monsieur Fontaine to Be tiarried in three weeks, on my ui eonth birthday, and If mother ijifieM likely to objeot, we are going ' La ol inn tnut liba tho crirla ill tlio nnv. " Is dear you're a bachelor, careless and ) vouk t bo splendid? Just No woman to pester you'ra head about VfiW of what a sensation it will bonnets; jjiaiiii The Chicago papers will be No baby, with colic to trot on your knee, UWfifc "Elouemeut in hich life. When your soul is adrift on tha ocoon of tl-l 1C: &opeiutunu uiu me. soniiots. ,,TUlovoly daughter of the rich aud alo-it Mrs. E h eloped with her "Love Is enough" when the May sun lsshln- .oayr.M poor Thuse would do high It win' do rery well in the meadows of Tragedy, wring hr hands, aud talk of oiover, flitt tisgraoe to the noble house of Or wheu tho Jnna roses our trossoaaro twin- pit ortU, I should think her dei- Andnhummlng birds murmur tho sveot StelUquIders would ache from oar- borders over, .rvwz out noble house so long. Aow, UoO'J you Out on the willow hedges, Down on the'growlng grain, Oe'r the early flowers, Falloth the trarm spring rain. Cheering the full June roses, Bending the ripenlngjtraln. Pelting tho new-mown hay fields, Falletu the summer xaln. Dripping from laden orchards, Flooding the desolate plain. Plashing against the windows, Falloth the autumn rain. Blinding the eyes of tho mourner, Chilling our hearts with pain, Beating the graves of loved ones, Falieth the pitiless rain. Teaching ns not to murmur, Making oar duty plain. On thejust and tho unjnsi, Falleth God's merciful rain. LOtTB ISIC'T EKOtTOH. Ah, Morris, dear Morrh?, it's tru you're afyoUj nusu't tell to A diamond, no doubt, though qaitejin the roujjh; Your poem ls"proof that you haven't been polished, J write such a seatence aa "Loyo Is enonah." It is sweet, without doubt, to love in a cot tage, Where the ceilings are only as high as your hoad ; Where yon sleep In an attic so dreadfully sloping That you can't make a move without bumping your head. But houses like this ara apt to bo boggy, With roaches and ants In the oupboard beside, And I wouldn't advise any bridegroom I know of To hint ouch a home as a cage for a bride. Love won't buy carpets, nor foathora, anor satin ; Love isn't happy on codfish and bones; Love won't pay ga bills, nor fill up the coal bin; It doesn't know mnch of what honsekoop-. lug means. Love Is n beautiful snare and delnsion. Changing aa often aa movers In May ; Always inconstant, and fickle, and foolish, Never survives but a year and a day.; Thcas thonghts wuro "borne In" on my splr- WhilnmahiKzacahon a youas! marrlodlj friend, , . Who married for lore "just tho handsom est fellow," U'W- linrln'f u .Inllar to SQVB Or lO CDOUti. .. - Bubv wan sucking a fifteen c;nt monhey, i a ni iimiiiiiiL? tlm Dalnt in his ;ves and lilt' - - m - j. And mmn was "beating" a pair of old! breeches, with hor Inn full of Patches, and eves ful ., .... - . T . , frjirt. . , . .. ffl &3rr iO-wirrvtw stuirjb mmk&zJgr' riZZImVhtLtih a quarter of !T(HMrCMrari(.a baok'ottthat IS-fc-V-IW, nrkuawiu veitsauii5Uiv-."afltr: 2,Z-.'-jrIrsd21 . . - wf 'ittotitttin a uneir tbb' nr Try to touch, in an age like therpresont, BucU,olt fognotions as 'Lovo Is enough.' HOW ATOUHO LADT FEELS 1VJ1SX SHU IS JAGAUK1. The following "intercepted letter," from the Home Journal, tells funnily how a j'oung iniss feolswhen surrep tilioiiHly encaged : Dear Allie I have got a real, Ilw. irrowu up beau: and isn't it jol ly? He's peifectly splendid; just breathe a word about it, 'audi, will stand by you if you run awXyj with a shoeblack. TMrrried at fourteen! Just think, I shall jeatThuso out aud out. Ti.oa. too, something might happen to IIon flieur Fontaine. Of course I wouldn't 'haw anything happen to him for the Lt.ia . Ki.f hun snmfthmsr misrlit. K-'ou kullw the railroads are always Wsanins? ud : and if there should, why then I would be a young and in teresting widow; and blaok crape wlh my iair complexion would be eo swt, and O, Allie, do you think thatlitua too young to wear a wid- ,owa dip f vnat a iuuw mm aWWIll US w ainuu.. - 7&Tfer-ieeive a whole papsr of uee 4Uc?!ji her side that Is, gold-headed 'onil, nbu of your common steel tUmgs.r .Now, AIlio wynuuara, n ,!lt V. inof no monn na. vnil Wnibei WX- Your loving frtoud, cr UEHA JjLLSWUKTu, f (For a little while.) ' DKLIXG IN SEW OULKAN3. llaw n('7onns ICentncIciaa Wcat to 5UU i)atU Twenty-live Vur Ao. i ,! 7 . ... . ,(?.-om the Now YorK Times, lotn.j a contur' A i i: SK .. t j. are viviaiv- recanea oy tne lea4i events" of the recently-per-fore1firgady. At the date alluded. to,jmg man, hailing from the State oKontucky, made liia appear ancffiE' the city, who attracted atten tion fipni his remarkable pergonal beauty, great intelligence aud win ning inannera. He was tall, faircom plexioiied, with a bright, smiliug face, setoff vith a profusion of gold en hair, Tho era was oue of hoapital it. eaoeciallv for the sou3 of the -'.,.j- ..,- SOHOOI o o o 0 0 H a.v fry iilT H fc n iswi ih i H fA If H s o. VA C3 O e Sa a 1 -2 3 a 3 VM v tz r HI fcg -? M . S5 s J x -rrw :J U t ;. 4 a r v ' sis TZ - j r 4 Ke'? constantly en hand a larce and "veil yv hiorled stoct of genuine article in hiwline. KA Tn..nlH.. .. F 1 11 n. 1 - . r..h.l.Aj n.. Imi-Alt",' "-doue on short notice, at reasonable rates. I7.L WOtfiT WARRANTED. WiM G&3 Ca 'of US fee G.RUSSEIjIj, Dealer In ru S P fiBHitii "akii WIKS,liQUOBS k WHOLES ILE 1KB RIITIIL. IS UrIu Street, IBIK.O'W'ISr-VT.X.IilE, 3STEBJ L CIGARS i3 feH B 4 FSMZ HELKER, f AOQN fcgLACKSMITHSHOP' ONE DOOK WEST OF COX7P.T EOUSE. 'VST'AGOX MAKING, Kepairing, Plows, and all work done In the best manner and on short notice. Satisfaction Knarau teed. Givehlmacall. f34-lr. W. T. MOOSE & CO., Commission Merchants, SHIPPERS, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN AND COAL, 72 3tn Street, Broivxiviile, ATiibraslia. syl -Ve invite your attention to the superiority of the P1S? DESK k SETTEE COMBINED. IT HAS THE FOLDING DESK AND SEAT. IT IS TREE ntOir NOISE. IT IS STRONG. BEAUTIFUL. CONVENIENT. DUKAULE. The castincs are onp-fonrth heavier than those of any other dpsk. and so Haneced a to secure the greatest pos.slble streiicth. Tlie wood Is selected cherry, walnut or uh!i. thoioucjily seasoned and klln-drlod. and handoraely UnNIied in shellac. m,.LU..i arm ami i.artr nr( ha&utifull v carved and . - -. ------- -;- . . ... slatted. We Ruarantee aRaint un-:ik.iii;- m usaue. It lita the school house for school or church P Veal80 manufacture "T II E G E ?f ," m Its name indicates, an elegant stationary Top Desk. The "I'COMnilC" absoiuiely deliw cmniwtl tion in priccH ior furniture WHICH IS OOOD. We arc also maUn full line of Tlecitatlon So tees Teacher's Desks, Chairs, and all SCHOOL FURNITURE. Our list of apparatus Includes Clocks, Hell. Globes, Mapn. Charts. Slated Paper. Liquid Slating. Chalk. Philosophical and Chemical Apiuraiu;. Dictionaries, and evrrytliluc aeslrahie In auv jrade of schools, all ot whicli wo will sell for cish. or on fiiinicient tloAe to enablo a district to ln- oTi.1 villArt u. tnv. Biude's ReadinK Case is rapidly sapercedlr.R the crdinarj-reudingTableU. 2fi.0tt) groups, phrases ami sentences, based upon tne word-inethod, adiuiraui adapted to primary lessons in Drawing, Numbers, Reading, and Orammar. Address our nearest agent, who will call upon you without ueiay. s T-Z -32S a I Cj $ i ZTrrra a u ' y -. a- pi p s sSH-tiga? S3 H i4 H tc l c t m m m e u h u a Li 5 5 1. a v s 2 la . o ;Ss5 ;6 and'ynving Burt, in furtherance of his pursuit tne stuuy oi taw muugu withoat- the possession ot noerai and he always smells so sweet meanfioon found au anchorage in md lillies! 1 don't have any- the office of one of the best lawyers, whouDitrucceu mm in me aij-awim of bischoscu profession, such suocesa-that, between the careful teachings o' the master aud the nat uralajIlity of the pupil, ere a year f.lanseU the young adventurer found out in a i O t sE o 25 X. 3 K P KSr1 B? M&Of! 5 J like those lovely wax-tigures in the' sons of tb 'dark and bloody ground,' windows, only they cuu't use tut-ir lips. It's my Freuch teacher, and he says "tuu petite" just like a cooiug dove ot no thing to do with trie boys now ; those1 little boys ot seventeen anu oiguiuen do very well when there are no men around, if they can get money enough from their pa3 to buy us Guuther'a candies, but they oau't amuse us girls nf fnnrtfion : thev seem lust use hies, and when they try to make love j posse; O, my! arn't they mushy iNow, Monsieur Fontaine acts as if he had been engaged twenty times, although I'm hislirst love; but we dou't let on, before ma, and Thuse. It makes Ar thusa awful mad to have me call her, Thuse, and that's the reason I do it. I heard her ask ma the other day if that Frenchman's manners were not too familiar toward that child. Child! cvio .r,,Hv nfmiil of iiiv beiutf a youn' lady ! What need she care, now "she's married? Wasn't bhe spoouey, though, about Fred ! When he uned to come anu see uer, x um drag Tommy into tho room and put my arm around his waist and squeeze hh hand until her face would be as red as a beet. Such fuu ! I caught her kinsiuK him once BUch a littJJ nippi'hg Uiss. just as if she wero task ing pepper-sauce. Now, if I protend ed to kiss a man, I'd do it in right n ant mv ieni. tlo simply aa a business man, politely signified to young Burt that he had intruded, and pointed to his lady part ner as an evidence of his assertion. The fiend triumphed ; his noble rep resentative of natural courtesy forgot himself, and taking from his right hand hl3 unsoiled glove, he graceful ly dashed it across the face of the as tonished stranger ; then handing him his card, he turned to receive the proud glances of approval shot from the eyes of his resplendent partner. The deeply wronged man, to the surprise of all who noticed the trans action, displayed no excitement ; without looking around to see the ef fect of what had occurred, without eveu looking at the superscription, he put the card, as if it were valuable, carefully in his pocket-book, and of fering his arm to the lady in his charge, quietly moved away" and was in a moment more lost in tha crowd. The professed duelists at the ball and there were many who noticed tho affront and the manner of its recep tionshrugged thoir shoulders aud passed telfgraph signals ; something had evidently occurred which met their approval. Meanwhile the mus ic struck up, and Burt and his beau tiful partner were more thau hereto fore the center of admiration Burt prouder than ever that he had so gal lantly achieved a place on the iloor, and the lady more radiant because hor escort had possibly imperiled his life that she might not be disappointed in a polka. The expected challenge came the day following the insult, and the meeting was secretly arranged for the afternoon of the following day. "The morning proceeding, Burt surpassed himself in a splendid argument be fore on of the district courts. At its conclusion, his admirers all uncon scious of the peuding meetiug, con gratulated him on his success. An hour later, with a few friends, he was on hli way to the "Aleterie Jtidirp-" There they discovered the Englishman and hio friunUa tUrcauy on the ground. The story is now quickly ended. The Cooley and Rhett duel repeated moat strangely the cereraouy the wehpon3, the distance, and the orders were exactly followed. On the first fire both parties esoaped. Aa Burt and his antagonist wore absolutely strangers to each other, one of the seconds suggested that there might be explanations. The Englishman, in reply, without showing auy feeling, remarked that he was not desirous of continuing the duel. An instant more and the meeting would have amicably ended, when one of the ad vising friend- of young Burt, and his friend par excellence, and the friend of his mother and slaters (!) demand ed "another shot." The Englishman's face suffused with blood and then turned deadly pale ; then his eye flashed with un wonted iudignatiou. Taking his weapon with ru e grasp, at the word "lire" he shot Burt instantly dead satisfying those who witnessed the terrible performance that ho had at tho tlrst lire cmvRirouiy spareu me vol. rr.-isTo. 4i. allowed to do without opposition, but some of our "Old Guard" watohed their every movement. The chairman, in a few remarks, introduced the distinguished guest and then Mr. Lincoln arose. Old Abe was not graceful, and it was some moments before he had planted his tall figure solidly on his feet. To me the hush was painful, but we could only wait ; it was never our oue to be gin an affray. Lincoln began to speak with a power I have never heard equaled except by Mr. Web ster, though I have listened to many a more eloquent speaker. He did not declaim, nor gesticulate much, but he made every point tell, and clinched every proposition. He was very qui et, his voice raised but little above the ton? of ordinary conversation, but ther.9 was such an air of sincerity, of kindness, and such a downright charm in what he said, that for my own part, I declare to you, Mr. Edit or, I forgot all about the expected out break, and thought Mr. Lincoln a handsome man which you know he was net. What were the adverse faction about? At first they fidgeted a little and exebonged glances. Now aud then one would interject an insolent remark or donial of some statement mad by the speaker. But Lincoln met these attempts to carry out their programme with such perfeot bon hommie and self-possessiou, that they gave up the game and allowed him to proceed without further interruption. Mr. Lincoln was the first rami before whom thesa ruffians had quailsd. They had laughed at Greeley, sneer ed at Seward, and m for Burlingame, why, with one of his cartridge-box speeches, he had set the whole swarm' buzzing about our ears, and had seen knives drawn, aye, and used, too, at no great distauce from his own apart- 'Trot w--.r end I. do not think I ever knew a more quiet polit ical meeting- The mob element bo oime attentive, and were respectful, and at length withdrew in an orderly manner. I say nothing of Mr. Lin coln's magnetism over his friends, for thai was quickly established ; but to have successfully exerted it upon his euemies was equally a source of aa tonishment to them and to us. Let not the reader suppose that there was any fear ou their part; they were, as I have said, in the majority, aud a desperate, lawless gang. o SINGLE 11LESSEDXS;.S. OFFICIAL PAIO) OF THE COUNTY. Report of a Man vno Kpt Hows Willie nU Wife was off for the Sua-msr. My wife has gone away for the sum mer, aud left me in full charge of the house. I like it ; havo'nt had such a ruu of liberty siuce we were married. I hope she's having a gocd time, fori can now exercise my right as the head of the family. Can't do it when she Is ai koiuc ; she'll not stand it. fcjho ha3 rule3 and makes everybody about her toe the mark. But I've got her oiid am havimr,.tuin$2s-my own I u:MUsMMiaciiM nowj way: r-jM. morninsr rz ' vr . o ,m- .(TM A - -- w- -Vml. - ' ' 4-1 U r I- b .. j !&.. AI-:aW opinion tisSt had driven him Into a Ulb-antl 20tcau4ht ouliutffcUt? duel. : - .. Vnr hnlf an. hour I atdaHwftifoth'!-? From- the -stricken home -or the tey-hole, whioh musf1-taY.e got niu i umblo widow and faithful aisters h.u t feit for it everywhere, and there came no wail tnat evor reacneu the buuy world. Death scon relieved the hoart-broken parent of a life that insanity had mercifully rescued from agony too groat to bo borne. The rest is involvad in the unwritten history of thoeb homes desolated by the duel. MR. LINCOLN. A Bemlulsccnee or Ulna. even got down into the yard and ex amined every brick, but couldn't find T V.-RA in the act oi cullinsr one oi it Mi ;f' ipd the pots aro me crop of white mould, which I name of, but sho she comes. Tho KlRe as bright and but the files aro I were to wash beautiful red t bringing forth loosing vegeta haven't learned will know It ve dishes don't loo clean as they m bad this year, a them every two weeks they wouldn't present n respectable appearance. Notice to the Editor. Please sup press that article I sent you about my Spell of Single Blessedness. The old woman has got back. AnscrsoTs oir palhikrston. Lord Palmerston's wit was in such unmistakable Saxon that the edge was of ton too sharp for very free use. Few persons have earned themselves a greater reputation for philauthro phy than Lord Shaftesbury, who, by the way, married Lady Palmerston's oldest daughter by Earl Cowper, her" first husbaud. Lord Paimerston was never weary of telling stories about his son-in-law, whoso religious zeal he did not much believe in dr care for; and Lord Shaftesbury, it was said, al ways took them in good part. It must be nearly twenty years ago that I overheard the then Ho sue Secretary call across the table to Lord John Russell, who sat reading a newspaper at the Garrick i "Russell, havd yoti read Tony's (the nickname by which he always designated the Earl of Shaftesbury, whosa name was Anthony Ashley Cooper) speech last night before the parsons and pariah paupora6Sxeret Hail?" 7 "I have not, hri JGor." repffed Lord John, wbofgi'shnesa sifter permits him to treat or adtlruss any person ftuuL'iarly. . - - "Well, read it. It's devlish good, and the examination of tho children aif jiiasB. I jsm.taliL2iv fctt" "Howso? "Tony was asking tho children rt variety "of questions of a Scriptural nature, to which ho had received very satisfactory answers. Just as he was concluding, he addressed a girl some what older than the rest, and, among other things. Inquired 'who raado your vile body?' 'Please, my Lord,' responded the unsophisticated girl, 'Betsey Jones made my body, but I made tho skirt myself.' " 1 m ' PHUN MD PHANOI, Rather contradictory Gay's grave. "Weight for the wagon," sang thd fat lady. Spot3 on the sun Freckles on your boy's face. A woman who tells fortunes from iv tea cup is a sauceresa. Captain Jack ia said to have asked to b tried by a jury of Indiana. People who r always wanting jomathiag new, should try neuralgia. The drossiag-gown is the most last ing of all garments : it is seldom worn out. A Lancaster, ?., -undertaker ad vertises :""'Get yAgqifoififey coffins !A-3CentuekvTnanhae named bia tftxteenth eon. recently bora to hUn Coiega, ho-jd ugtt win be the last. What wasjtbe; proverb that King Lear heard from the lips of his two daughter ? Go father and fare worse. " Where ore the'men-of 76?" gbout- my neighbors, and aakmg him who ed a btump orator. "Dead!" respoireu had carried on ray irout uuor, wuou a sad-loottiug man in mo mwuu I happened to hud it anu got in.o the The Bucces3 Gf the balloon expert- house. ,.,-,., ; Went now on the carpet, will proye lu the dark I kicked over a spit- whtther or not it l3 Viae to croes the toon, but lucmiy aiunt get any ui mo tobacco iuice on my boots, l nnng TUP-NITURE. 0". Ii. IRO-Z", Dealer In National School Furniture Oo, 113 and 115 State Sti-ee, CHICAGO. P. M. MARTIN. Exclusive Agent for Otoe. Ne malm. Richardson and Pawnee countioa, solicits corre-pondBcce. Will vUltyoawhh simples. Vive or ten-year building bonds negotiated without charge to patrons. Address Sox 101, Pom, Konvaska. CHARLES GAEDE PROPRIETOR. GuestK received at all hours, DAY and NIGHT. Connects with H.ivoi-3- Stable under same management. 43-Careful attention given to the wautH of guests. "Ve refer to the traveling public. (Successors to J. L. Crooks & Co.,) iBUTOT-ITll-R.S ! O RUN TWO SHOPS. One opposite Sherman House, on 3ialn street, the jier next aoor to urauon ?, ou cuui sutcu Hood, sn-eet, frrsh meat always on hand, and sat factlon guaranteed to customers. 17-22-ly MNWU j Undertaking a Specialty. & m&zrffis ba-lhimself, not only a lawyer. uve possession of a paying practice. His course was a continued success. Everr one hailed his good fortune. He wemed to be exempt from creat ing tvie hostility of envy. Flattered by scalety, he was the central point r,f th fashionable carty. Acknowl edged as rising star in his profession, he t is a favorite with the elder mem bers of the Bar and Bench. High spirfM, ambitious, and desiriug to exctl iu all honorable ambitions, he uniU-d himself with one of the two gre?t political organizations of tho I day, aud was soon the acKnowieugeu leader or tne young men oi m uumul ed ome ; the head and front of the t l L 1.1 .1 n m A Inlnnf f,mvi oil verr Dest oiouu mu whdui .iulu .... palUfof the United States, that supo ribfenterprisB and prospects of auc ce.B Jiad at the time attracted to the "Crescent City." :jut young Burt, in all this triumph, bed a source of constant uneasiness nrd approhension. He was emiuent- WaJself-made man. Left an orphan Iri Mm tonrloroat VP: arl to thesaoriflces of a devoted moth erand two accomplished sisters for the means that carried him through tfjg Studies, and placed him on his feel ; anu mis ftacruu ms'j .... him ; he had no proud title of family precedence; no social distinction of nsffatMi lights: no natent. he fearod. of acknowledged station, and overes timating the value of what he did not Wsess, lie evidently conceived the ilea that in a high spirited sooiety of ftho great Southern metropolis, us miHt be the hero of a duel to maite unquestioned the place his personal and intellectual merits were rapidly Resigning him. In short, the fioud of th dunlin was weaving ft net about hi feet; the "brilliant reputation" of the great (!) duelist we have descnb- jt-" r ,j ix . - .. n . n mi i rv niia ii;i and held tight hold oi nia wv-- 7 '-"," V;rM rn hi. rasn-the IliliUSV w wfcj .- - t-, nnd nariiPKt : iust uiant my O .. , , , It tn xr.Broati'Tp"K. Allie, poor Thuse would go off on a dead faint at my low-bred expres sions, and inform me, for the uinel hundred and ninth timo, that my name is Ellsworth. Just as if I 'dd. not know my own name, and w tat does It matter, any way, when I ex pect to change it so soou ? I do aot iMipni! in hnncon to it till I an. a horrid old maid, like poor Mrs. Tra- w nnnnailA HllO miPllt DO a WM" ing to tlio tronget mindod. nervous, and how I do lovo to hr T nromised Tommy the day five cents worth of pea lot me hold him out of our ry window. He'd lot for o nmipr of Dea-llUts. out, and knelt down under tho v?ln-i dow ledge, where I couldn't be SSj- Sie's sjare o hor nuti to third sto- m t.t m me sKin "". So loot liim A correspondent of the Boston 2YciVclcr writes as follows of the lato President: I assert that Mr. Lincoln was a fair representative of his section, as much ao as Mr. Douglas or Mr. Beuton. We never hear Mr. Douglas anoth er unsuccessful Presidential candi date deprecated. And yet, if the In tellectual contest between Douglas and Lincoln did not prove the supe-i-ioritv of the latter, the Republican partyat tho Weat was strangely in fatuated, and is to this day. There were few men in the Senate who car- i 1 ill, t.n mHn rrl. eu io oreaK a iauw "" "" . & ant." On the stump he was in his el ement. An obacure country lawyer attacks the champion of Democracy and literally shreds squatter sover eignty into pulp. This was the isaue before the country. With all his per sonal popularity and you have only to recall Mr. Webster's hold ou the people of Massachusetts to find a par allelDouglas was near losing his election. Mr. Lincoln's fame in this contest, accumulating as it rolled on, at last reached us on the banks of the Mis souri. iuucu io our auiijuao uo ac cepted an invitation to make some speeches in Kansas. On the day he was to arrive a gentleman sent in nuest of him found him tranquilly seated on the bank of theBig Muddy, a carpet-bag in his huud, and his own genial smile on his angular counten ance. Mr. Lincoln wore no gloves, and I have forgotten the color of hia coat, but he stretched out a big braw ny hand, and appeared, as he said. rithr. to see ub. There was no formality. Some of our party had en dured imprinonment and privation in the cause of i ree lvansas, Thuse thinks my strength is inir. Prettv soon there was an "T" elder-jtemptatiou of a fiend posseasoa nun. iHpHv form, ut all tno niagnniceut gaiuciiua- lyshnek.andthen an eiuet, . , . diatiniru,Kld tho St. Charles rushed acroBS tne street V' "Vl,ra:-f Jkotol that winter we allude to. none hut bv the time tney got "f ": ..,, .r7,. i.i. M.;av . ...'.. .. A.nnnPL irtJ2Li3iit:ii liiu huiciiuiu RC I11V iiiu--I---- tr was seated quietly achieved the the BDILDEB C. W. CUI.BERTSOIU, FEHTER CONTRACTS TAKEN. Material Furnished when Desired, tldrcss, or call at Shop, corner Filth and Park streets, Peru, Neb. I jV. Ii. lilljiifciiA, 111 SI. WILES. Kefers to Syi I '-ft rrriTl XrmtsvTtrl .inriv-sof'''1'''':': " ,, .niiir all the time t-n t mituJus T) LANKS of allkinds, forsaleatthe-Adyertlse Keep a full line of ATV.rrATTC AND 'WOOD SUKIAL GASES. 5 Main Street, BR0WXTILLE, EB. J. BLAKE, DEHTIST All Operations Per formed In the best manner. Officx: At residence on Slain street. still edgod belle of tho evening. The la- 4,a dies looked with unconceaieti envy upon the lovely representative of their so'sex: the gentlemen leu was semeii qu.cwj . -y - inh-ht whAn vmmtr Burt od into work' ,ndZmLa" i " ; loveiv center of the ball-room tho.aofcnowl w-ta- nri! t iiiki nil i i !-. x" . n..f miinTr.DUQac. And ma thinks It is poor Miss Tracy that is little wild at tunes. , iav m,q nVlnmpn fAlt without JA0rSlT" how bTWl of Jjl, .hat they weraonce u,ulu "--- - - - .. onii- ritlv renresented. The lain was over- Because she is so' whelming, the sets wero always ln tnnnnoe but she 'stantly made up, and it appeared that If Burt and his lovely partner, for wans Indecent haste, would tinu no ace when an opening presented it- and without apparently noticing that a ladv. for the moment unaccom- real pretty panied by a gentleman, was Intruded in artist uuuu, uie icsiiichucih ku.w, . j pairm to fancv Hiich a men as our Thuse. ....,ii.r Tirnrtv T sunnose inof turns him round her thumD. j"v . . . .. !. ..onto Kflfi OI he refuses to gee wiiataue 7 ;""- nl :.,f inni-a libn n martvr in the flames, pi - ; ;.. j 11 i,..-Kont hnlr like self, ana lets unwn an nci. uw - fdO Ui. 1. . t.. .-- - the Macdalens in tne picture K"c- And. although they nre SST2 want ,0 .1 'at the "table three right of royal precedence, toot pos- i:,oa o o nnKir 51 live one. Wltnesaiuu BDu watieu L"" .-niinyn knd hr hair down begin her back. So poor Fred always gives in, and she smiles a forgiving hiuub,. puts up her hair, and goes off to Duy for the music to A moment moro and a most quiet, unpretentious Englishman, but little known la New Orleans, and that Ut- and Mr. Lincoln greeted them with especial v;annrnPBa Tt was arranged that he should speak at the principal hall in L.. the next nrternoon. Wo had still among us the old leav en of the Border Ruffian Democracy. Thia element was in an insignificant minority in the State, but in a raajor ly in L. by amalgamation with its old enemies, the Douglas men. They were Kentuckians aud Missounans. with a fair sprinkling of the hottest blood in the Union. The3e men said Mr. Lincoln should not speak, and that they would prevent it. I will do them the justice to say that they were vicious enough to attempt to do any thing that thoy threatened. s the time or tne meeting ap proached our friends began to bo fe- . .1 ...-V. nnt- r1.limnt.'rirl Wf had already passed through many similar experiences, but always with inis-'iviugs ns to the final result. I am not sure that Mr. Lincoln was in formed of the storm gathering around him ; but I think at a late hour ho was offered the alternative or wnn drawing from hi3 engagement, and declined to do so. The hall was crowded, both parties appearing in force. Every man was armed, and there were many palo, res olute faces. In the whole assembly Mr. Lincoln appeared to be the only person unconscious of any unusual lagitation. The pro-slavery gang posted tnemseives ai me neau 01 inw stairs in a body, thus taking possess ion of tho entrance, This they were my overcoat and umbrella on a prong of the chandelier, let them drip on the parlor carpet, went up staira and turned in with my boots on. I tho t it wasn't worth while to pull thorn off", as I would have to get up in eight or ten hours anyhow. If my wife had been at homo she'd have had me looking an hour for the boot-jack, and I would have lost that amount of reat, which my system so much needed. Besides, she'd have made me give a full account of myself, which I don't like to do I never did believe in praising myself. It's better to let others speak of one's virtuss. I can now wear a shirt a week and it's no body's buaine?3. I don't see how I ever did get along with that woman. The idea of having to put on a clean nhirt, black my boots, aud brush up mv clothes every morning, ia simply ridiculous. It is a miracle to me how T pvar Hid it and attend to rny other affairs. I now read the morning pa per without being forcad to see an im patient woman standing with her dress in one hand, looking very mis erable, and finally telling me she i going down town and wants that pa per. Any erne, to look at the house now, would know there's no women about, everything is so quiet anu com fortable and handy. If I want to do a little figuring I don't have to hunt up a pencil, or pen and ink, but I just ait down to one of the tables and do it with my finger, and there's no body to be eternuily wielding a dust ing brush around my bed and telling me to get out of tho way until the house is cleaned up. These are con siderations that every married man should ponder over. But when we do ponder and resolve, what good does it do ? That's the question which is now agitating tha American people. What good does it do? Not a bit. If these women can't have everything just their own way, they swoon off into hysterics. As a consequence, we have to pay a fifty dollar doctor's hill, and stay In the house all day, fan ning them and promising in cne enu that "wo may bo happy yet," before they show any disposition to compro m!s3. Our wives are petted too much. And this reminds me that mine won't yield to any other treatment. I un dertook to prescribe a more stringent remedy for her one day, but it throw her into a fit more like Jim jams than anvthinL' I knew of. Sho brok ev ery plate in the house over my head and then I had to kiss her before she would promise not to do it azain. That's what makes me say that she Is set in her waya. There, too, are tho piano ana guit ar, which she kept going from morn ing until midnight, filling tho whole neighborhood with discordant sounds which sho called music. Both are as mute as tho bird csjre which was va cated last week by a stragetio move ment of the cat. Tho 200 pots of flowers she left mo to cultivate I don't think will pro duce much of a crop. They're nearly all ripe now and there's no sign of a flower vet. I havo watered them twice since she left, but it did no good. I reckon they miss her and are pining away because she ain't here. In this respect they do not resemble me to any alarming extent. - Our kitchen never looked better. The stove and pipo have assumed n Atlanta. A Japanese paper thinks that tho paper manufacturers of that country will soon be able to pupply the Amer can market. A Scran ton household la enjoying an era of peace. The lady of th house put her tongue to a flat-iron to see if it waa hot. When Shake3peores mother wished him to coufesra a theft, what distin guished character did she hold up before him ? William Tell. Mrs. J. A. Dunniway wants to be Mayor of Portland. Oregon. She Pays it Is high timo the prejudices of the past were Dunniway with. It is stated that the "late John Car penter, of Marquette, Mich., knocked the ashes out of his pipe on the heal of a keg of blasting powder." The Loudon papors not having anj revolutionary heroes to fall back upon are nuuting out um uviuio.o ,. ..v fought with Sir John Moore of Cor unna The old gentleman whopufc his pos tal card in a stamped envelope i matched by an Omaha man who had his money-order sent by registered letter. Moat of the arrests made in Duluth on the Fourth of July were for not complying with the ordnance that re quires ashes to De sprinKieu uu wj sidewalks before 10 o'clock a. m. It is a remarkable fact that the mo ment a woman writea a letter eh i frantic to put it in the poat office, al though she may have been putting off tho writing for six months. In a recent article on a fair in hi1 locality, the editor of a western parr va n hrnthftr editor took a valuable premium, but an unkind policeman made him put it right back where ha took it from. It Is suggeited that persons who pa about with their Ct3hrnere shav.- turned inside out to shw that tbb are genuine. ' h.ul '. adopt the custom of walking on their i.t . to ho that their boou an- eoied. Boston ladles put on cb?Hnsloc..i A when they have their photograph taken. A phiiosopner is trying ' study out tho reason. Bus the ml interesting point of inquiry is, how did the reporter lenrn the fact? To the telegraphic announcement' a railroad accident near Schuect1 .. recently, in which one man wask, ie I and several wounded, is added tL important statement: "Tho expr d was delayed only one hour!" The St. Louis Journal is goirc to publish a list of itemizers who?.e credit when they clip anything, and will enritle it "The Laurel Wreath," "The String of Pearls," "The Chief eat Among Ten Thousand," or soiiw- thing of the kind. A Portland man, caught fishing fo? trout on another mau's laud the othvi day, completely silenced the cvntr, remonstrated, with tho maje t;f at- swer, " Who wauls to steal your t. .' ' I am only trying to drown this v. vsu. An erudite Insurance agent sent the following dispatch to a western ofJic just after the boston fire : "Our com panies all sound as a nut. Loss will not exceed $100,000. Advance rates 2-5 per cent, and go abend. Our motto i&ztUl'Socetiuem.1 " !S r-rticwaijfrce, Zi4te3a.Stln3oaiC.,l"tlai,iUIn, I XJ Counting Rooms. -