ii 5tH!aLKaMlBLi! t f J H la V l! t i! U pi I UE ADVERTISER. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 28. 1S72. Official Paper of City, County, and the United States. RATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT. OFFICIAL. Laws of (he United Slates PAS.SKI) AT Til E SECOND SESSION OF THE FOUTY SECONIJ CONGRESS. BANKS. General. Katuue No. 115. AX ACT to iimeuil an act entitled "An act lo regulate tlie diplomatic and cou-ti!ar systtin ot tlie Uiiltml iStatea," npprovetl August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and lift -hlX. Be il enacted by the Senate and House of licpreseniatives of the United Stales of America in Congress asse)n blcd, That Srhedule C of section three j ot an act entitled "An aot to regulate the diplomatic and and consular ys lems of the II oiled Start's," approved August i'ivrhteeuth, eighteen hundrd and nfty-six, be amended so a.s to add lo the consuls iu i nail a consul at Snniurem. Approved, June 8, 1S72. b mw ULYSSES S. GlfcINT. FOR ncE-PJIESIDENT, IIENTfcY WILSON. I'ltSSIIlEXIIAL ELIXTOllS, OTTO- FUNIC of Lancaster. SILAS A. STRICKLAND or Douslm (JEOIMJK W. HKIaT of Chejenrie. mil KKlMtKSENTATIVK IN" W.VCkWs, L. CROUNSE Of Washington. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor ROREItT W. FCRNAs ofXenial.a. KorChiet Justice. ttFOltlJJJ It I- KK. u D..uia. Associate Juotice.1, BAM 1.1 (.A NTT. of Ulor. S VMCLL MAXWELL. ofC.ns. Secretary of Mate. JOHN J. . tj-.Ffc.lt, of Lancaster. Slate Auditor. J. il. WtXro.V, of tJi.. State Treasurer HKSHY A. KOKNK!. of Hall. Attortifj General, J. It. WK1MTK. oj ulinw. Prison Inspector. W. W. AltllKY. of Kiciiardsuu. District Attorw'vs IstDNt-AHCH'D .T. WE VVKK.oritioliard.son. 2n D;st WILLIAM J. COXXKLi., of Duucius. 3d Dial -MELVILLE ii. HOXIE. ofCoil-s. REPUBLICAN COUNTY" TICKET. For State Seiirttor-GKO. R. SHOOK;. For Repiesentatives 22 L. MATTHEWS, OIIAS. 11LODGETT. For Co. Commissioner C. HAK-MES. PUBLIC MEETISGS. 31. C. Lett, Liberal, and R. W. Furnas, Republican candidates for Governor, will meet the people as fol lows: at Rlair, Friday. Sept. 27. at 3 o'clock. D.icotah, Saturday, .Sept. '. at s o'clock. West Point. Monday , sept. . at '2 o'clock. Omaha, Monday, Sept. 3K, at s o'clock. rJiUtm-!U!i, Tuesday. Ot. 1, at2 o'clock. Nebraska City, Tuesday, Oct. 1, at i o'clock. 13 Jl General Nature No. 116. AN ACT to iimotiJ an net entitled "An act roRitiiitfiffj ,irK.et!lRy in ci.uilnal OH'.n., at.il for otti.-r piirpos. s," uj.provtd Mnrch thlfd, eighteen hundred nufintxty-Uv. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Ktpresentativt-a of the Uni ted States of America in Congress Ax sembltd, That section two of tbt act eolitUil "Au ui'l isolating proceed in it in criminal cums, and for other purpofeos," be, and the same is here by, amended to read as follows : ""Sec. 2. That when the offence charged be treuiim or u capital oHence, the uefonilunt .huil be entitled to twenty and the United States to five peremptory challenges On the trial of any other felony, this defendant nhtiil bo entitled to ten and the Lulled Staiux to three peremptory ehallenj;; and in all other u.uei, civil mid ciiiu inal, each party shall be entitieil to three peiempiory challenges ; mid in till cute wheie there are several tle fendnnto or several plaintiils, the par ties on each .side shall be deemed a single parts for the purposes of all clmHenueB under this section. All challenges, whether to the array or panel, or to individual jurors, for cause or favor, .shall be tried by the court without the aid of triers." Approved, June 8, 1S72. a i o o P w K fl w N H PI 0 S - -r g o O " - n, O 6S i Sr-fl r. . m- . rz J. . ,J3 I -1 gs " 5 s t j I & I O n u "3X & tx"T wWX - 0 rS r - r I?2 . F- t X !- 'ti. T 3f XT2- -sg -vir-sps r4i 4. "a, X o a; 1 JVC E g 5 O l Thresher of the Period. tm AULTMAN & TAYLOR" 0 D " r r J'-- : "i.- c. - r- -. .- -i -1 ' 1 -, - r5 i i i.. LJ :-'-! '- ""O 2 " National Eepublicaa Platform. Tlie Reinl)lcan jiarty of tl-e United States as seinlilftl hi National Convention, in tL- citv of rhiladelnliia. on the Ah and fcth d.tj , oi June lc aL-ain f lectures its laith, ajj eals to fti In-lorv i.tid aiiuomiciis its poaiiion ijmjii the iiuebtioni before IIk- country. J-"ir During eleven years of sapremncv, it has aecvi:ed. wiih rand courage, the oJeuui" l'-sur of the time: It Mipprevcd a tciifantie re bellson. emancipated four millions of jluvr, decreed the equal citizen ship of all.and established universal suttrase ExMbltlnKunparalled iHi;naiiau:-, it criminal ly punished ..o man loi political otTeiiofs. nd warmly welcomed all vhunrnrwi thoir inviv ..- obeyimr the lawi and dtalln-- Sjaitly with their neighbor : It has steadily decreased, with Hrm hand the re hultaut disorders of the Kreaiuar and luitiuled a wine pol.cy tiward the Indians ; The I'.icilic Hailroadaud MiniUr vast enterprise-, havelieen generally aided and successfully con ducted; Tlie public lauds have bevn Treelv given to actual settlers, immigration has ben protect d and en couiaced. and full nrl.-;.i.v.r.;-i.i-Mt t m.inrM ciliz'i o- their riflm, have been soured from Eu rtHJenu jmivera; 1V,illj.Vr"1rUu:io"sl p""ency has been provided, repudiation frowned down, ihe national credit 1ms ijeeiiailutluel uiK'pr thu r- . ......... , dens, and ueiv bonds neo:ited at Iover rates; The revenues hava peen carefully collected and honestly applied; Despite annual lurge reductions of the rate.s of taxation, the public debt has been reduced during tien. (irant's Presidency, at the rale of one hun dred million dollars yearly : A ereat linancinl crisis h b-en aToided and peace and plenty prevail throughout ; Menacing foreliru dithcultlrs have been pence fullyaud honorabl compromiwl, and the honor and power of the nation have ben kept in hLjh re spect throughout the world. This gionous record of the past is the party's best pledge for the iuture. We believe the people u ill not entrust the Government to any party or combination of men composed of those who chief ly have resisted e ery step of tills beuelicial pro gress. .Vrro.irf Complete liberty and etact equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political and public rights r-hould be established and elK-ctuallv main tained throughout the Union by ellicieut and ap iiropriate Slate and Feder.d legislation. Neither Law nor its administration should admit of anv dis crimination m respect to citizens bj reason of "race, creed, color or previous condition of servitude. Third The recent amendments to the National Constitution sliuuld he cordKllj Mitatned because they are riht. not nierelv t.-leraiHl l'causf th are law; and should, be carried out arcordmg t tiieir spirit by appropriate legislation, the enforce ment ot which can be salelv trusted to the eartv that seouretl these aiiit'inJ.iiVnls. ibttrth Tlie National Oovernment should seek to maintain an honorable pace with all nations, protecting its citizens ever where and svmpatblz lngwith all people who slr: e tor greater liberty. tifUt Any system or civil xerv.ee under which thesubnrdinate positions of the tiovernu.eul re considered rewards Tor mere part- zeai is tmallj demoralizing and we tiiere ore lavor a re.'orm of me sv siem ty laws w hicii shall abolish the evils of patronage and make Iionetv .ethcieiicv aud fide'i lycssenli.il qualifications for public position, with out practically cr-"ating a life tenure or oirice. Mxth We are opposed to further grants of piiblic lauds to corporations and monopolies, and d maiid that the national domain be set apart lor free homes Tor the people. StxrnUi Tlie annual revenue, after paying the current debt, should ftirnih a moderate baluuce for the reduction ol the prmcpal, and the revenue, wif pt mi much a. may bederivinl from a ta m tobacco and lujuoi-s.shomtibe n-wed v duties on importations, the duties of winch should be so ad justed as to aid ill securing remunerative wages to laborers, promote the industries, growth ami pros perity of the whole country. EigMh We In.Id in undviag honor the soldiers aud sailors whose lor sav.-d the Union. Their pensions are a sacred dht fin. nuino. m,.! n .. widows and orphans ot iliose who 1 .si for the-r country are enniledtu the care ot . geuenais and grateful j-ople. We favor such additit ual legist v tion as will extend tliebountv of the goverunieut to II our soldiers ndsHiiorsvvh.i were honor.iblv dlscharged and who m time of dutv became disa bled, without regard to the length of service or cause ot such discharge. A"uifA The doctrine of (Jreat Britain and other European powers concerning allegiance "once a suhjo-t. always a subject." h-iv nig .it last, through theellorts of the Republican partv. been atmi.d li ed, and tlie Amuncau idea of an individual s right to transfer his allegiance having been accepted lij European nations, it Is the duty of our t.overn ment to guard with jealous care tlie rlgtitsof adopt &.I c.tizens against tlie assumtion of unauthorized claims by their former government, and we ure continual and careful encouragement and protec tion to voluntary immigration. JCIllfl The fr:mkltiu tiHvilnin. imt.tit li hn ;iiil- tslied.aud the way prepared for a speed v reduction in the rates of postage. JClnftith Among the questions which press h.r attention is that which concerns tlie relation of capital and labor, and the Republican partv recog nize the duty ot so shaping legislation as to secure protection and th amplest field Tor capita! and for labor, the creator of capital, the largest opportuni ty and a Joint share or mutual profits of civilization- Ttvrifth We hold that C'ongros and the Presi dent have only fulfilled an iiuparalive duty in their measures tor ihesuiinrexsi.mur vin'ont .....i t,-... unable organizations in certain i.ttelv rebellions re jnons and lor the protect-on of the bullot bov. and tioli" rt?" y are trUllth'u to U:C tbanks of the na ni1 '"""'''"""'-We denounce repudiation of the pub llcdebt m anv form or disguise .isanat'otialcrlnie. ..? yV.i.1? Vlil i,,1' t1"" reIiictioii of the prlnci-P-t or the debt and or the rates of interest upon the balance and confidently expect that our excellent n,,"Jol,laU'urre"l' w,u he pn.Ilted bv a speedv re sumption orspecieniivnifiit. siJ'!"Xrt"aiThe Republican party mindful of Us Soh.w,,.t0 ,I,e 'V-'"1 women or America fortlieir noble devotion to the cause of freedom; their ml lulssiou to Wider Iie!il nr nUri..o i - i. ., W .h "''"-"A"20" "1 tlie honit demands or anv fiJJr..?.l.V7e,,s for, -"hlitional rights should be i" ;" es.eciiui consmeratloii. Iiflmith-Ve heartily approve or the reimi,Ti,?Hn-1l,lV'an,,u,!'t-v to those lately in fraternal feeling th7oughout the iand.1 l """ ' r7'!,e IU't,uhlican I"y propose to re spect the rights reserved bv the ihj.U- to theui- .i ..r":"i"J asiupponersaeiegutedby them tothesstatoaiKl to the Federal Government It U e!,V,Vr,V a "S1 to ""Constitutional laws f" ri -joi 'T, of rnw,v,nK evils by interference w ith js-ateor .National Government lo'r'rTI". " !s.lhe du,J" of the General Govern- SounJe TptiSUCl1 meares as will tend to eu- J35)me ?4,IKC5,.nmercc' ""i S,,IP building. ..-"f'WwiA-We believe tlie modest patriotism caf wKdom lZ-C' V& S?UI,d J"gemeut. "VSS -' svicTiai,t,,b.leln:fKntJ' "nd "lustrums to the1feV f &' J,rnS havecmiinendtHl hm him k.'A s I lhe American people, and witli vlSory d WPSta" to-lay on a new march to In a recent debate, a member of the .. rp, V a -L-fgisIature exclaimed : Hie honorable Rentleman from Chi meras County Is smart, undoubtedlv a person ofjrreat ability, a man of ial i',:,a nnturalbornBeniiH; but there Ilia !1l'"K J defy him to do. and that is to bite the bottom out of a frv-ing-pan without smutting his nose Jkh1 a.r you dW"G there for ?" .i llllicror rvt l i..n ... (Jexekai. Nature No. 117. AN At'T to piuvlile lor lioliiin; n eirctti' court of tlie Uiilttsl :s!ntes in ami lor lia western district ol Missouri. Be it enacttd by the Senate and House of lieprexcntativtti of the Uniltd Stales of America in Coturts.1 assem bled, That a circuit court of the Uni ted Slates in and for the western di trict of Missouri shall hereafter be held at the city of Jetlerson, at the place of holding the district court ol the United States for the said western district of Missouri, on the third Mondays of April and November in every year. Sec, 2. That the said circuit court of the United Stute in ami for the western district of Mis?ouii shall in all things have and retain jurisdiction of all matters arising theivin; that a circuit court of the United States in and for the eastern district of Mis souri shall be held at the name time and place xat the city of St. Louis) a now provided bv law for holding the circuit court of the United States in and for lolh the districts of Missouri: that the said circuit court of the Uni ted States in and for the eastern dis trict of Missouri shall in all things have aud retain jurisdiction of all matters arising therein ; and tha: the said circuit courts of the United States hereby established in and for the east ern and western districts of Missouri hall, respectively, have and exercise tlie same original jurisdiction in the said districts, respectively, as is vest ed in the several circuit courts of the United States as organized under ex isting laws, aud shall also respective ly have and exercise the same appel late jurisdiction over the district courts of the United States for said eastern and western district-, respect ively, a5? by existing laws is vested in the said several circuit courts of the United States over the district courts of tlie United States in their respect ive circuits. Said circuit courts shall oe caueu, re-pectively, ttie circuit court of the United S'ates in and for the western district of Mis-otiri, and the circuit court of rhe Unit"- St tes in aud fi.r the eastern district ot Mis souri, and shall be composed, respect ively, of the justice of the Supreme Court of the United States allotted to the eighth judicial circuit, the judge of the eighth judicial circuit, ami the judge of the district court for the western district of Missouri, in the s..id wesni district, and of the said rwo first-named iiulire. and the iuike 1 tlie district court for the eastern ' uistrict ot Missouri, in the said ea t eru district, but may be held bv anv one of said three jud'ges in the absence of the remainder. The clerk of the eiicuit court for the present districts of Mis-ouri shall remain the clerk of the circuit court of he United Stte in and for the eastern district of Mis souri ; and the aitrict attorney ami marshal for said eastern district o Missouri shall act as such district at torney and marshal in s.n'nl cirpulr court in and for the eastern district of Missouri as now provided b- law. 1 lie circi.it cniut in anil for the vve-t JL ern district of Misouri shall appoin a cierK ot soul court, who shall keep his office in the city of Jetlerson afore said, perform its duties, and receive its fees and emoluments, subject and in conformity to existing laws regula tinsf the duties, fees, and emolument iM other clerks of circuit courts of the United States. And the district at torney and marshal for said western district of Missouri shall act as such district attorney and marshal in said circuit court in and for the western district ot Missouri. Sec. 3. That the United States cir cuit court for said eus ernaud western districts of Missouri shall have power sit any time to order adjourned terms of s,nj,i circuit courts, respectivelv at which adjourned terms anv business may be transacted which could be transacted at an regular terms there of. A copy of srtid order in the east ern district of Missouri shall be port ed on she door of the court-room, and advertised in some newspaper printed in the city of St. Louis, and a copy of sanl order, in the western district oi Missouri, shall be pos'edon the court room door ami advertised in some newspaper printed in the city of Jef ler.son, twenty days at least before said adjourned terms shal be holden. Approved, June S, 1S72. - - . rs ? p j 3 a. 2 I o 33 r. O C V. - o -I I 2: - i 'ir i 2 n 3 ri J i Z' -r - -i r tat H a TrJ 0 & 0 "S; 'S . W i 52 r- - o -: c R. R. TIME TABLES. -t. -fc". . s wiri, MIDLAND PACIFIC HALLWAY. e;t IIKDULE iNo. , Ta-es effect Sunday. Septemberl. IsTi Trains daily except binulay. XL VTESTWAKD.i I EASTWARD No. ;J. No. !, : STATIONS. !2T. 1. M. A. M. I:tl S:lO 4:'JS S:J2 4:47 S::H 5:10 s:,y; 5:ai :lo tv; 9: W CUM I StW W 10: HI. 7:W lK3i yZ WtZ S:I0 11:31 . Nebraska Pity.... Talbot.. ....-nii"l''ir- " Arlington..... , s,vraruse .. Unadilla " Palmyra .- Ilennot .....Cheney's Slate Prison Lincoln i A. M. : P M. 7 10 3 r. 7 13 I 3.-.0 7 no :r r. 22 ! l : (5 07 ' 1 IS , a 4S 12 51 .", 2"i ' 12 22 ," CO 1 1 53 4 2S 11 20 4 : II 3) 4 - S a; z. c SOS 2. - a: 59 - S5 r-vs Z3Z3 5a C5-B 11 JJ ,T " J-.CX: i-J i- V ta s.j i : '-2 " O a i ess -: - 1-4 V- -Z 5s xnc p a ? r w 2 s ?2 iFS'?' KJI- a Z-4 . r' - - -i.i - 7 . . L J n - if-f.-sj s 0S M r U S br c 3 o c 71 w' c z: -! :-J s. m s? o m 2. r. sr a sM Sis V-s "1 ..'" M3 5H 5 c 2 E o - 0 i 4 I H " O " "S lr SV x tX. . 1- r: s c IIM !l?,S,!f?T' S2 JLa lli Lp ;&&;&, X iic cr. Xj. iRoir $ i: tt o T i i- o t r-5 Threshing Machine WITH 8 AND 10 HORSE 3kKoxuoLcl and Uo-evn. Powr. XAB1 Br IH TXLL XXOTTS AXniTMAN TATLOE M'P'Q CO., TMTn 1 1 w fl eld, Ohio. Vhm 1rllllamt auceeas of that Improved Chain-Saving, Time-Sating and Money-Earning Threshing Eitablishments is unparalleled in the annals f Film Machinery. Largely increased earnings are reported by Threshtrmen who have purchased A great saving of grain by Farmers who hare employed 'Three years introduced and proven Fully Es tablished 2fb experiment In use in 400 Chunties in 10 States by 1700 purchasers Endorsed by forty thousand farmers xuho have employed tliem Grata Saving Matchless "separating" principle They shake thegrain out of ihe straw Xo Beaters, Pickers, Saddles or Endless JpronsXb clogging or " wrap ping" in Flax or Wet Straw "Overllast" Fan Sieves have over eleven square feet of surface Many kinds ot Worlc Great "capacity" in Wheat, Bye, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Peas, Beans, Millet, Hungarian, etc. Unapproachable, in Flax Cnri valed in Wet Straw and Grain Vnsurp-issed in Timothy Time-Saving A'o litterings to clean up A'o ditentionfrom wet straw, high winds, putter ing, clogging or bad weather Quickly set and moved Simply cOAttrxictoil-Edsilymanaged-Itenark-ably light draft Very durable Clieaply kept in order only about oxi-uklj as many Belts, Gear Wheels," Boxes, Journals, Shafts and Pulleys to clog, wear out, add to draft, or to keep in repair as in Endless Apron Machines More conveniences and less to annoy AU the latest improvements Money-Malting Faster ihrahingLess detention Choice of jobs Extra Prices for work Farmers wait for weeks and monVu Elegant Finely Finished Salable. Inveatlgate t Call on the undersigned, (or send your name and post office address), and get a Factory Prlco Ust and Descriptive Pamphlet (free) con taining 60 illustrations and letters from hundreds of purchasers. "Complete Threshing Es tablishments," as well as Horse-Fovrera "alone," and Separators "alone." Pi I H ITi -A I Jj Js,. 1 n 5 i I j, -sv,.g srMs 'isr r-3 Tlio time ivei: nbove K I tut or Lincoln, be.ng ."57 ,-.it- !ner than tint o' t'tiicmro. sfirTvV-'lt. , J- N I'l'NVFItSE. '-.' - V.:-ter. superinteiulent TTn 4 jfeouri Eiver R. R. 1' XKItRAslCA. --: MiY.V. XSlTjllXrJ) TKAIXS. liUXX i X. J UK IWKKN 'iaUs;r?ou:hjnd Lincoln i"'kf l.Ki.";t WViliit'iiinj, l)t.c. -i. P-U- WKSTWARD. :i lllljUiJ A 1 22seesasErrxs2 "sUCSBiW!- -A TTTT T a "5 i w IT 0 nn I HaIIU IX is j I WHOLESALE B PA-r ATTONS Trnin o. Ml-tKll. Trrtln No.l. I'ASSKXSXK. ! iittsmonth '3SW p. m. leave. 10:00 a.m. leave. iian.iJiiuetioti.. ,131 ,nr25.. S Z& Liiiii-Vule ... s ith iSeillt Vshl.md , rwmvool .. W'hv rtv - vt"ti MIS.1,1 ... . 1. IfQ'lV. ... 1 It-. 'I .. .. 1 i .' net i i"'"r . .. ;r tiohs 1 -.tin ...!i5:lD. .lTa. . r-23. .. -' 7:C ... ' ldiio. Ila6 . ....ii::w ii::-5 Z I.SP0. 12:12 ii. m s:I.i.m arrive Z::u ii.m.arrive 1 MIXKl). s-eoa.ni. Ieuve2:niip.m. leave s; - i3 H:'. :n5 i -,i :t2 . iil-MIOitll. ... lit Junction.. il i it -oL V-'iia-uL Sr-en'v-.oI V iverty . .. C. VtoIl '. slu .. ... i -.in utii ... . 1..1. e' T-ni:i No. '2. i Trnin No.l. l'AaslJCI.EK. 15IXta. I:5.i p.m. arrive O-.Poa.m. arrive !:2. 8:20 .. i.tfi '7:45 12M.1. '7.--1J lisai fcio... .i 12:15 iifcio B5 ssssaa J 4 1 rz IJ-x-. s- - IF SS3SIE3ZSSC3tE3 i-t j-5.fci f J".' vm "2ir&l t. lSr?t iSi'tS-KBJ' K.'jtSiLa&aj-jw " L' 5j" Sal m IZKV3 u g. "" Issj DO E A.11, i: U i I : - ..'-"-"- 'sS5ia4IBti' nm if 5 5:50. 5i. 5:00 a. ai. leave liw. II:ls ll:i p. m.leave MIXKI. HrtSiium. arrive4:4" p.m. arrive. I(r,-.....-.j3:'i J-.SI jfc:i Sfc.ji. um.k;av'e.l'! p. m leave. . t 'ii-- .riven alio eis that o' ooiaha. beinj; S3 .utes slower tliun that o' Ciiiea . TitOs. OO.IXE, Chief Emihifer ami .i)-rintiMltRt. 4 . V - . - "ti -s JiKJ fa m &&&& A B7t 5 - vi Ki., w - .s 5 I 1.3EiESKrs: OLL GLOXEQ9L k, FOR SALE BY R Mo City, St.JosepIi & 0. Bluffs, T21ITA!jI:No. m. ToUiAerJtfCt bumlHy, July Mh, IS71. irT c-sab I1L, 1 s 'Is GOING STATIONS. Ivani.s City. .... . i Le i en'.vortli' .., s Jls0!l. ..., .-'riXPs; ! .:nburR ; .iiricil iiiu;Is. ........ C3- O I INT C3- STATIONS. TCansas City Kast Leaveiiwortli sf. Jo-eili. . PIIKI.ps: llanibur Coiim'H Hlutts NOHTH. j: iia mail .mi KXV. EIK 11:13 P.M. 7:HA.M. !-":. A.. .1. J:13 2SS3 ,11:40 3::t5 I -Z-Z7 P. M. ifctft i :i.-20 1 :3 , SrJSi sT. I.OCIS MAIL A.Vn j yvs.1: hi-, 11:15 P.M. 4:l(tp.M Hfclup.M. :t--2S 1:05 5::n 10:13 4: l J:40 2::?1. ' 7:13 ZMT.A yii www Can and tt5I sell yon all kinda of I2nplft2iieiit3 cli, ziiaii any otiier Iiotiss m T ebi'&sa.. esTip Tickets for sale at all the ( ieneral Ticket Oflices. A. C. DAWES, A. L. HOPK1XN, llen'l Pass. tnt, (Jen'lsuperintenilent, fct.Josejli .Mo fct. Joseph. Mo. lull StocI 3 irs.AJL,Oii lURNITURE i3cvI-i?2:o oom 9F"tswis,- S Js-is:4t-a Ti jvZT'yj ? i?-wse -, 3t STSS ili',J. sp; j LX CI V ic iTIlniiinfinT? DiilnTin r ri m i rs k n fakratT3aF4w . s v s, - ii tJ S FUR8ITURE STOBE ' I Z " U ? W 1 i j" pi.a t - -:--r w ia - . I s r ? 5 ? - " 3. s H'l 8 fcM- - s r. 2 - v i " e hH Y n . . I ' 5 o 1 . I I f ?? S ti " y n I sr J s ? . ??&? I i rv .rs mra mi mi '". i i Sf ..x 'isViftS'ftr'.';' ;. uiJ . ,fi 1 fl. N 'r- ls r-U:s8i' si S i , I 'fUilV .!,'" ...1j5K? SSsSSSsSyVW r,ii -r ; 5 iui irmM?:'3Mv : M' n k ;.'"! ' i . , -ii?. .?iR.sjt-jfi.v' "i?s-ya k iiiin m.i r i r i f i i-s --,- - - ;-, r - s-3k-iii f a " ."j. . r.TN n ri? a ,i i& .1 a rw ill V TLT " ftl s i &4 8 w s I su &i sSik F--N jvj K 1 St352S 1 Having dcternrlni'd to iIm-o our stock of Diy Goods, Notions, &c. and having on hand a wy large and extensive stock, we will commence on Monday, the 15th of August, and will sell our en tire stock at sue prices as will insure a speed' sale. Our only object is to get mon ey, therefore we v, ill sell for cash only. To secure great bargains, call early, with the cash, and be as tonished at the low prices. r-fl & k&T y 4 m-zr w I'ltui i raasgea -J3 rmts.i, 12 ROUTS EAST. Oiily L"ne Running Through Cars FKOM ST. LOUIS wJjitlfctuiiiibiSlOihayjJikt 1 THE LOWEST P-SICES. TO KevYoA, Chlczgo, Cinc:2naisciLccis7il!ef WITHOUT CJIAZVtJE. SUMMER SCHEDULE. 1872. far J! T z.s?rs jpiinL' and 7:30 A. M.-Day Express. 'Ihro-u-h Ni-.v i-rk. f'.:rast C'uicli.natl s Louisiii-e waoy fxctj.t s.nnJay. 4:45 P. M. Acconiiaodatioii. For all Way stations Daily e.-cept -Sunday. 6:15 ?. M.-Fast Line. Mli Pullman's Paiat e sleeping Car tliroucli to :sew o.-k. C'liicninati and Louisville 1M II, V. 6:45 P. M.-Ohicago Express. With through .SIeepi:ii.-Car Daily ex Saturday :kE! C!u:s ICG N. Fourth 2t , csr.Cliesfaot. Si Lea.s. PROPRIETOR TTZLsrxoisr 88 3w 90 JMLJTlSr -SO -L JzLJ-j TESET, BBOWITVILLS. S25? llrf"rilf-MrH.iTIl'l"MMI I II fcsn W II I ' 1 1 If C!'llPIl(l Bprljliifrf!.nf(!i:llpi.i 1 I UiuiliiliiV uiiUi ill iiUllLflu 0 U U UiJlib liiiU -' ksb s?P JVrJvis.. tlfe- W42aa afas r.as" .558 5 s- S, I. , II I . ' .. 1,1. " - I -I j,TSi-s-Kr T .1 IKjC T'laari-.l l III i 3 V M- .V b -. (j -;Jl . - If . V1 2 J la t . Hi "-'.'.ii i sye5 si y si, v . . j.1 ;5?: &-r CI Bbtfeoa !l d iS AiiZ2iZt&2ia fLL3l S. T.-1880-X. r?Hlorat3vesslh'M2j'ft anclior f ihe 1'4I3 :ss5 debiiilulcd 4s a toaaic anJ cort3i;uJ for th ayed am! Saa?uit2 5t 8i::s 20 equal uimijjs.st stouiacliifs. ft.s a reaicdj- for Use uenous weaJi nessj to vh5rti oiuen are zs ael cSituates, tc-apicHl. tvuiM r ate or ilVaiij. i: at- :w a .-6ii Jic iu evi-ry set-i. os" tiUurd t h!cb atitleriuSsjc.- Jiio nuf 'iis'4'iittili iiml 5?rt:iks thiK : ie :m:u5al spiriis. MEXICAN MUSTAMGUKIMET 1 ?-, 5J 'ISSfrSir. S8tfSB4 X s r i. 1 . -11 - 1 i-is-s.s T-fc rw -ar-r-" .r i. - v - jvji cttj i a i r ill f f, ii t- i - . f -j 1 r tr arm: rr .. i rfr -r ' 'v i r- - - - . V. M f'Or-BUItN. I icfcet Ast'lit. St. Loots. JOA' K SI.MP0-. i.en fs,ijit. Intiianapolis, 9fartcnMCrsif W. K..IONKS, We-it'fi Pass Ac't, sr. r.onis. C. K. FOLI.KTT. (eri'l '.ss. Ai;'t t Louis ." S-. i- .. ,j ., -nr Vo m C J K H S WK lsaf , .j It Is assert ft! that a fresh hoi led loh.ster eaten hy an inehriate is a jm tent ageut iu rtisto.'ing him to sober ness. - - tuTl,etm?ther's ,,eart gives 4th jov at the huhy's 1st 2th. BULBS! BULBS!! FOE THE FALL TKADE OF 72. Woru -: - ""rf illll WHO 'Mot? :R,r';rS'1' the street. Tl. ... tlie answer canif i jXVJVSr1 ",ie ,Ie-or"until faHirJand t ' .r?"cl) th oota of hi. Tlie finest collection or liarilj. nut-iloor liulbs rrom our imported stock, eter offereil in the Tnited States. Uememher that lljarinths. Tu lips, Crocut, etc.. must he planted in the Tall to secure sprinc bloom. Sent lj mail. FUU.VAS Jfc SONS, 4(Mf Brownville. Xt-b. TOR NAN AND BEAST. Probably few articlos have ever had so extensive a sale, while none have been more universale beneficial thau tlie celebrated Mevicuu .UusUini; Liniment. Children, Adults, llorsts.aud Domes tic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is ssife to say, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient beinif necesjarv. It becomes a matter of importanoe then to .secure the best Over three hundred livery stcbles- in the citv of tacno".eUt' '" aU f WhiCl' ,l BlvCi '"?rtaw"",t- "lsj Mm g y M Steel Rail ! Uotible Track ! Baltimore and Ohr. E. E. Tlie firit short Line from C1XCI.NXATI or COLUJUKUS 12 v s rr : savins,' s, to 110 miles, mid arriving one Tain in Advance at hnt:e:"w tore. siivintrS'j miles, arriving , hours in advance at jbl.ltjijveojFwje:. -...... ...... ,. ...nvurs s-j nours in juivance al "vV?L.sia:iirG-jU02sr. lieaehiin; One Train the fjuickest. Tho Great Ircn Hailtray 2rid?es orer the Ohio ltlvir.nl Parki-r,l.iir); mid milulre, are Compleiril. MOP.XIX.; AND Xii,HT LINRs, qf Gain's Pal.ce ErATg Rc h acJ deeper Csrr No, 70 Main Street, - - Brown?ilIe, Nebra: Lai'gest Stock in thi Market. Great Inducements Offers?. fT T 3 3" a $ ? gj 1- iiilj BOTTOM ppl F CI'.. SOLI). ; brfpt:fsi rz . -. ? T-T MJV.lf S t Jff fr -tttO' iJ W&oscfwle i?;d Siiiuii v.-v-.v i?," ; n n Hi ! i A U J 4 No. 30 MAIN STSSiST. . w r.-Bscarj5aa . -r i-raar-: -- . i aiwtSUin1? ., 'SiAiJ tl,iT. S3 3 Tin ft A"SV o n 'Tawi'ia'a naa'Taij'j rs m , - j v s. at ss'-S' . -v. i t ifi fiiV 1 fiVI.Hfii.SAT ifiinHll.MrVr. r WJ.Uai.SJ J tAil Li II 11 IJ If ILL b? 4 r,t iVQal Through Passeacier Zvi' THK LD KPXlAliLt: I? j KWini J n ,r. P ( X . "..- " .". - s. . -, w-gw r z - j- j - i a " '. A -&-&: -a-tn -v. - v nfti"iahi. ts. .!, ; i a. r..n..n.i.t. t r. ..,... . .jargrT-tiit- I jk. y - - . i nj "nbiistollaltiiii..r..aiiilW.isl.ii,!:ti,i titv. : . '783' J . V '!r iarf j g ' -, - - - p -mi.ii-miA.N(lE. M-- TrS? -'I Col BlTlifs R, T ,' ay this l:tey..n avoid Al.tOVVU!fSTKVs - c&&ftt'&' OriD V v '' " '... It, Tickets r.irsale at ...I 1h-k otlK In the Sth I i A?i ' Vn TW . U XAoI iLriiESo 1.. 1 '1 L.MCOLK. ,n,1Wrti , wrisov i ' . 1W j.r..sS,alhH, ,.,.,,.. lfcJ , .. .u CO .., ("JHAsrat. .V.v...-rTraiis;,ra i.all'ini.ri. Jlii. I5.t.n".'e Md 'ID.M-.Y 15. JO.VK .ceiii P.iss. K'i fmetiin iti'o inHnafc r, .iin ai ..: .. .trM. ...... .. i inn.ini wr.iiiiii n. lifjaM.. ( inriiiajii. O. T'.m ..ait Kelnb.ei.oi iLstr ban.-r m the ..onM iTi -V T.V e?H ri? ... We sell tiio STUDEBAKER AND WHITE WATEB 11' fe-i Kansas Pacific Railway. Short, Pavorite and Only ALL KAIL Tf ? i?f 2 . fi .3 il - s.5A-vT.IO:VT.ue,:enu'lne Is wrapped in a tine V;.rV7f encravislKwith". '. UYtfrrorJ;. f7,y. 'rtiV,'A.Z2ra,i' -V"r.k MKXiCAX Jll'STAXO "-. viii:r i-ti ai'riKs u fnoo ,.. ud then moved FLOWERING SHRUBS. A line varie shrubs for sale wrapper. The whole bears the pr prietor's privVto United states Revenue tamp. ana not acoinnjon stamp. as used bv druscists '-oiuiuoii LYON MAXL'FACTL'RIXc; to M Park Place, '. Y. PERPETUAL BLOOMING ROSES. Orer two humlreii different llnest varieties prepetual blooming and rlimliine- roses, of our A line variety of hardy flmr0r?,, onn "'"'" hanlj -for out-door cnltiration and , I ne for winter bloom in the parlor. Cm be sent asaF It UTK : TO liKEELKV. CIlEYrfNE, ItKNO. (JOLDKX CITY, XKW M KM PHIS. II)IIO s,iitrxC5, t.KKKX CITY, KI.KO. MAKYSVILLE. UEOItuEToWX Ll).'H.MO.T. COLOKADO SPI And ail points, jn ICaiisa, Colornilo, tlieTerritori tlie I'nclCc Coast IN VALUABLE OlFTS to be distributed in l. n. six 30tl SEJJI-AXJfUAI. SIFT CKXTUALCITY, VILLA LA rO.NT. EVA.Vs. SALT LA KK CITY SACRAMENTO. '.INCS. sax FKANCIftCO. f I ! ! S'S eijanU -ssJ UBWU1. fuhxas fc sexs, J3rcnvnvllletv'eb. by inail. -tt FCRSAS SOXS, Brownville, cb. WAGON8, AND BUfiGIES OF ALL KINDS. Passeneers by this route hav e an opportn-iitr nr L'"j-: ui Ine Agricultural Districts of K,LS,' . ; " " lu ,"v'r al Denver and visit thi " i 30IninB- aKrcuItural and grazins distrits of Co jlx vll aiib ciul Liuusi. come ann fisk- rnr it 'tras, 3 "r,?jt"l4i!:."yihan V vj s.-j.. .VXJ. J-J , ENTERPRISE ! lo be dran 0M)A,0CT.7t!i, IS 72. O.VK CKASD f AP1TAL PLIZX CP 810,000 IN GO B? yiriut;S3l,UOU n a 1 88 g1,.1 L,,ie frosn K : o Prizes ?00 f re2nDaCKS ! Ico and Arizona. ln, silver Jiounte.1 Harness worth 5l,yo each IlemembHr that thistl,e,;reatThrouh Line.and Harness, wortbeh"'111 h'Uer B,ou,,,"d io Othv All Hail HoiitG i-T.,'!v.'r'ni:.MrtCll,r,uurt,''-'ci.. . . . buuiu i leo (.old and s,ilvfrr vr n,,.,.i.....-.k,,. loany of tlie above iMjnLs fn,m;.,...k;. V.. "" ""-".t.i There Isnotwllous omnibus or f.-rrv transfer bv this route, as U.eOreat Uivt-rs are all r"ded J PULI.MA.V PALACE CARS, ' run through fromKA, CITY to DENVER iuk . xiam;". I,fl,L.UA. NI.EXNXU Fil-AtS-'' -KRliM StltOWSVJI.E TO Q"nO". Wit host Clittne of Cars. THIS IS THK BtXrwilORT L!M TO 0ULVCY, ST. LOn.S. CA.'K". M fin phis. New Orleans, Jartsonv ill- -; ' rleid. Decatur Totituo. Iji Kayett". In ajiolLs. Ciaciiinatt I.uisvil.V ,.shvil. Cliattaiiooa, Lexington. Cu.uiabu Wheeliiw;. P.krsburjs. Balti more. V. H.shmtoM. itu-tiiuonu. To Ft. Wayno. Toielo Crestline PiK-lw.''-HarrisJ.-jrx. PhihwMpMa New York. Hi. ion. and all iiit-. SOUTH -A-IDsTD SLA.ST- Pas.senjterstakinit .thr Ira- est r w-sf -' ty all menus tafc- this in reinrnmx.aiMi -section of splendid itmiilrv Buy Your Throak Ticket Viti 4t. Joe JUKI tsi3tf' t .!J " t'l For sale af Ticket Offlcw st J. st-pii " Itlntfs It K.. at the star H'.te: Br-vJivnie eion t . r.. Ticket Agent, and at Ptefps r . ...ii. aim iHaersiui.oiis on iiwbf num. j: to ." ' from sotos.Mi fir-l. 1 bv anvothfr roiitv. Ladies" ;.ld Leontme I'hains. tlent's fJold Vest ! Bairx.ienwketl firoinch o-U!x nt -; t hums. Solid and double plated silver Table and ' coim-etions via Uniitev arc three! aih! r rt': ro-spoons. riiotoicraph Albums. Jew elrv etc etc u-iowui. ueo. u. sin u i"-' ' -- t'A11Mmrit..,, IVIiole -iimlifr fJlftsi, 10,000. Tickets Limited to S50. A ffontj ... ,. . ... ..ht..io nuieu loseu iicke. to whom liberal Pre miums win oe paid. 000. tJen'l Ticket A s't. N fl ii WE KEEP NOTHING BtJT FIRST CLASS GOODS, AND GUR-V TEE ALL OVR GOODS TO BE AS BEOOMIUESDED. of Kansas. m. "T"" ".Y'-,,t "if-'.h SINGLE TIPk-RT.. -rrr.,-.-.,. . do. " ""' "ssoiLOiora- ETs fi.7 ?. Trf'-iVi,'"''' - 'L- 7" - ladHt Pan... m.. t.x. .. ' PIrollnr .......( -.... ,..'-. L J trains to and tr..m th.. v . -' T.'.',.'" " V .'." an -;r-":;,r""""u,uK jun ilsi 01 prizes, a lies- 5 -... ,I4(U .-.UU.I1. "s- -i ... nK ior TlcktU via. Kaasa w ,?,, i",,,"i'' OLstrtbution. will be City ami il,e Ivanafc Pacific Hall wV-! u?. ?norderlnb-Uiem. AH letters must be ! to any part of theelty. fe ft3 orth andouth. cnptloti of the manner or drawing. anl utlier nv et- via. Kansas I"rrm" ?" ,ri'f';rV"C.P,0.t,IP M-iribiitlon. vv.ll be c I flc Hall wa v! addred "U orUw,n? S1"- All letters must be BEVERLY R. ISnl1- i D' SIWE- B 86. GE.VKRAL OFOBSK.n.. CltK,Xo 0W. lOi V. ,fcsJt. C,WlmU-' ws IlmitlsrT Jr Co. L - r j HUBDAST& Cv. j J tel i u. if