-2C51. THE ADVERTISER. THE ADVERTISER Published every Thursday by CAEEJIEY& HACKEE, "Proprietors. AnVEltTISINU XATJJiJ. I ! -. i f if i t " ?S ?1j533h.? i: i : I : lx-.ai 13 SPACE. :r; I: u M N n ti i-i i t)fflce N.T4 IcPlierson's Block, up Stairs, BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA. Terms, in Advance : f(1r copy, one year - S4- 00 Ocev)iy.sbc montns .-..... 1 00 One copy, three cionrlis 50 REAPING MATTER OX EVERY PAGE :socia:l directory. LODtiES. iltniip nml L.ilv Conclave. No. 03.- rs' Kntirhts of the Red Cross of Home md ivins'antiue. meets nt Miisonic Hall ca the liltli Holidays. T. A.yniiimi.bov. & Vilah Chapter No. Orderot the Kastern JS s,,.ir. M..,-ts In Masonic Hall on the third M nidavs i'i each month. Jilts. Louisa Moore, W. jl" MHS. KlIMA Haki:, Sec'y. l&O tut-.l Communications fourtli Monday In .1- nkl.'i.itn. rnnnii1 .1. :. It. S. 31. n r.-'r. iroutu. Jso.lluKi: .1 t'-'i. Recorder. T. I. CJ. M. T. A Mt.Cariniro.ii..iaii.!er ul.tTe.n- Iar No. f.-,-:!:1,V(1'' ',,, 1 ... ."! l.. -.-ill in e.vh mouth. It. V. p. " -- I !.UJ . otn". . A. I ri:i;ii. Recorder. J5F . :iln r'?...r ll. '1. It. A. 3I zMsrCoiiirnunicationsiirst M-onday nishl ..!i in..uth. J- lure Meetings ejierj Monday n i; vis ,.. -- .... - i- it ii i lulls iiI.Ai-;, Ji. J- " - A 11. X)a- J2? 7 Vl.-Itesular Comniunicatioiis held on V rlT'.uYsrtvevemnc.s ol each month. Lodecol ""'-,Atlou every Saturday night. Jolts I.i-.-n, - ;f." ,. c.--Jtt-RTS.r-cy. && V Ilroiynvilic . l.oii w fjo. o, i . - T d g I? !: 'ilar m""iiii- ia-uii ........... ... A j.McrAi.i..N.O.K.V.BENNETT.aocy. CIIVUCllES. -,-?( :riNf Church (Epi.scopal.i i? t..i,.. ,.! sM'iiiid streew. !lv Corner At- Ine servico , rvs u day eveiunB-.tT',o clock: Sunday school I" ",,,.. i.-x. u. m. fe;aLs Ireu. ltcv. J. E. Itoii- j TS K i lol . ifeF j'1-p-.lijtcrl.in Church. -Services each i.Uiuh at lo:!o a. in., and 7:3u p. m Prayer - V.iiindav eveniiiRs. Sabbath School 7 k p. in. J.T. llAlun. Pastor. Mi .. llrthniliit K. Church. -Services each yJ -jdiHtii u.l":.ia. in., and 7;30 p. m. sun c -. 'i.-jlat-', p. in. Prayer Meothig Thuriday f-.n" V. 15 M.Al BHTEK. Pastor zaJ llapli-l Church.-Corner fourth and At-aiiiicstr.-et!.. services every Sabbath. Ht . U a m .and 7', ocbwk r. v. Sunday 1 at 1 a. m. Prayer Meeting Weduatday : ? T. J. Mok'Iaj:. Pastor. CITY OFFICVLS. r-CitrCoiiiicil.-Meets the First Mondayln . ii-h nvintli. Mayor. A. ". Cornell. . Al- t '. -I'irst Ward JaniP-tevwisun and C has. ' .-at- eond Ward F. K. Johnson and I.ew- , ' Urslinl. 1). Capmbell Clerk. J. It. Ijoc- Tra-urer. J. W. Mlddlcton. Police Judge, -i i , COV.XTY OFFICIALS. I 1 Il'I J - f.-VfountyConsiisi-'ioncrH-C. llrvrme. H. - Minick, A. J- Kttter. Coui.ty Clork, -i r r s r i) l'lasters. Prooate Judpe, Ii. M. IcCo lrensurer.C. V.. Bmtton. Surveyor, C. M. it ir. -.-.,- linJr.-in(rK. w.ll. uuuvu; Arrlial null Depart lire of Iall. .l-tLerIl-Uily.by Itn.Ilro.id Arrives 11a. m. I . i -. 1 1 1 a. til. " ".intbcrn-Daily. y Puillroad Ariiv 2:up.ni. "Sorthcrii-Vja Peru. Iially Arrive. 12 in; De- ! -outfierii -Via Nemaha City, Daily-Arrives 5 f ..rls 7a. in. . , c .tei-i Via Teu-nh to lJeatrico Dally? i " - t7aui. Arrives at 5 p.m. - . ,.iv..vi..i-n Via lwble Kock i PPiily Ar- . i - !s V l I IP I'J1UII-S .ioiii n. ... teti-rii-lo llil-na. Sci-Weekly Ar rsda,. ...id --' lrday at C p. m. Departs ' .- i.iid Fr.day at 7 a.iu. :ice Hciri tr.m 7 a. m.. toTS p. xw. Siuj n luto 1" a. in. XT. A. POLOO. P. M- .irth ! -t i-- . t- BUSINESS CARDS. ATTOItNEll?. SIDNEY FRENCH, ni;y a:.d --oun.-ii-vnt at lav. over P -si ' ,!'",i. Uro . :.'. l.(s, N-'b. 1 Jv ST I'LL -V. SCIIICIC, " K s AN: i Ji. N-KL ili AT LAW, v.v ciiisj;;.s1 in lue hiiK.isb and tJer :iacs. Oiboe, I"o. o Mum irtrest,tup . wnv:lle, N. t-l A r.. bit V,' 1 VH;EK3.Jisy and CounstOcat Law. wiu ctvo a isfiitrttrttedt ntiti.li to any 1 :.! vajoltieilu Court Uuse' M, itron'HVltl iAl'1 J. N. LUCAS, AKIy andOMiW-lor ftt ,n a:id So.ic.tor in Chancery. Brownville, Nc 7tr II1 IMP .l r A NKWMAN. Attorneys and Coun- ,is cl Law, ISrownvlt.e.Neb. uflice No. 70, , sm 15nck, nphlair.'. M S .t imOAPY, Attorneys at Law and t..rs m'lia!i'-pry. Oilicc m D.stntt Court i:rriivlUe. Nb. 1TM 11 MeLKNNAS, Attorney and Counselor I I a: .J liw. Nebraska City. Neb. I- .. IR'Ml'HKEY, Attorneys and Counselors i IV I. !-. Pawnee tr. Paw nee County. Neb. . Kl. Jt ;s. AUiiru -y at Iw and Land Aeht, i ic,s)rp County. Nebraska. .1. I PHYSICIANS. A 1 5 L . li t : LLAIY, M I).. Physician. Surgeon. .i .b-t-tricir.il. ;.'! timed in lljil. I.oca r.nuville :v5. o.li'ie, Lett c Cre!i;h'a .a r... f.-iiiersnn '. .k. Special attention . . . ... .'... n, .....-, i i .is;etnc3 ami snase3 i inuu and iret. le-Cin ( i j siKWAKT.M. IX. PhvsU-lan and Surgeon, V . Ilrow .ivuie, eli. Otlice hours from 7 toys;.m. a .- 1 1 , a:iil '. to 7". p. m. OiliLO in II. C Lett a v.'r ;; i e. HI M VTUKWs. Physician and Surgeon. Office . In u v Drug Store. No. :5 Main htreet, Brown- VI .e. N.s,.' Hurur.isTS. Lett &. Crclph, T'U .ISTS. and dealers In Paints. Oils. Wall if Piv-r. etc. Mrl'iierson iUock, No. C3 Main 'reet i.r.iwnvllle. Neb. M'i .: i UY .t N1CKFJ.L. Dealers In Dru-s, ..i-innerv. lie- No. ii Main str-ot. Itrown V I.. Fall assortment of Drap), Paints, oils. Lj! s -t.titMiary, etc .on h.vud. and sold at wholo- s h4,ti :ail. COUNTY Sl'UVEYOR. C. 31. IIAY'DEN, A'UNTY SURVEYOR. lost oillco address, 25mS V !..nl. ion. Nemaha County. Neb. LAND AfSENTS. K : i .j,;sWKLL. Real Kstateand TaxPayinK - V . -.-,.t. Oilice In Cogswell Clock, corner r Irbt a- A- .aatic streets. Will give prompt attention to t -vi- .: He.iI Estate and the Payment ol -taxes mr i, ,i:the Nemaha Iind District. .tt I ) I HARD V. HIHSIIE-S. Real Estate Agent and I N .mrv iMIilic Oilice In northeast corner Mc V .- sjllock. upstairs. Ijrownvlll..?b. W'H.1.1 M II. HOOVER. Real llate uwlT.it 'V ! . i.k AKenU Olllte in District Court Room. U - prompt attention to the sale of Real l-s- t-- , t iMvnieutof faxes throughout the Nemaha - 'i . i.i' net. CHAIN DEALERS. OEOUUB L TART, (-n DEALER IN GRAIN AND AGRICUI- V . -.u liiiplem.TJ. and Storage. or warding a 3 . i iuiiisi..n Merchant, Aspiimall. Net). MERCHANDISE. f." .. .-MiiNSON .t CO.. Dealers in General MorcU 1 . r .'-e. No. 7- Maui strovt. Urownvllie, Neb. ' 1 LLl a:,L T. DEN, Dealer In .eneral Mcrchan- f . s.- :md Forwarling and Coniintssiou Merch-a-t, NA Maui street. Browiix ille, Su. corn P..i" -rs. Plows, Stoves. Furniture, etc., always on La:u. Highest market price paid for Hidcs.Ieits, Fjrsjn;! Country Pr.iduce. NOTARIES. -ilUiulIT. Nt.tarr Publb and Conveyancer, 7- Mam Mnot. s-oihl (loor. UrjuuviUa, . .-. at Mr th i-.-i-itartle ud American aOH- . li;urance.co:npa:itC!i. JUSTICES. .1. mtUSII. Justlc' of the Peace and Tax ivinc Aaent. Will at'.nd Jpromplly to all t stFs.ec to hi:n. Oilice .t his relden-e i 1 .a, London Precinct, Nemalia County. N e- s-ly SADDLERY. vUIIir. Hani..s. Hr.dles. Collars. Etc.. No. tiu siret. Uro.vr. .i.e.Neb. Mcudingdone . Sat:sr.:!.n iMaranteed. ;ntirca kcildin. WHEELER, Bridge Rui'derand Contractor, a nville. Neb. Sole a;eii for R. W. "siith s Trass Bridge. Tlie-troitKCsl and best wooden i jk ua use. .. ('. HOTELS. s IK.:m.VN HOUSE. CM. Kauflman. Proprje- ' No. i Miin MToet. IJrownvillr. Nebraska. 7 " :-;i!v remodeled and refurnished. Feedsta i nctHn with the bouse. Stages for all !. ' v-t and oninibu.sses for all trains. ' I'.ICAN HOUSE I- D. ltoblon. Proprieter. i. -r. .ti ct.d l.i..i S.I rtln alii! Colleze. GO'u -ifi Livery fctablo in conuoctiun with tins GUN SMITH. A d F. fit A DDOCK. Gun Smith A Lock Smith. '.op at No. Si, Main street, Rro.vnvllle, 'i-u Guns made to orderand repairii.-,"u I r jai, My at cheap rtes. 35-iy BLACICSMITIJSj "t T "Tt m-Tis' iiar.i.-iTitlis and Horse 7 w. a -n.Virst strHHtfhetween Mam and Atlantic. ' vue. Neb. Work doae to orderaud saiisiao- ". :aru ' . BOOTS AND SHOES. Ll.V iin!sjiisr iin.o Hnil Shoe Maker. No. -i 5s Main street. Hrowuville. Neb. Has constant ly r hand a cood VKorlmenl of Gent s. Jjuly s, Misse and Children' Hoots and Shoe. Custom workdon- with ueatneo- and dispatch. Ilepa.nns g one on short notice. SALOONS. aOSLPII HUDD.VP.T & ( .. Pe.-ce and Quiet Sa I on. N. .'.l Main street, lirowa ville, Neb. The st W .r. j 3 Litr-'ors ki rA oa hun-4. ESTABLISHED 185 6. i Oldest Paper in the State. 3 ESSS! PERU BUSINESS CARDS. LOCATION OP PERU. Peru Is situated on the west bank or the Missouri river, in Nemaha County, about five mile., south of tlie Otoe County line, and nine miles northwest of Ilrowirrille. Hasn remarkably plesant location, and b 'Unfair to become a town of no little iinport anre. It has a population of about BOO. The State Normal school Is located here, and some branches of business are well rep relented, but the trade carried on here 's not up to the demand: of the country. It contains many fine residences, and someKOod business bouses. There are here two line churches -Episcopal and Methodist: cood District SV-hnol Houe.one Steam Flouring Mill, two Ho tels, one Llveiy Stable, five general Stones, two two'Vum -r ".. ", , ' n.LV,. Y " " "l Fn -' Carriage Shop, two M.oe Shobs.ni o T.aT.. t ...aTIa..... ..!. . . ... ... ii.ihti,Mir u.iwiiv .-simp, two i-aini suops. two Meat Markets.twoAcrIr-ultur.il Implement Houses, one Rarber shop, one Heal Kstate and Insurance Aeency. t wo Brick Yards, lots or Clenrvmcn, Phv sic.:uis,liiitlfiaus, Ac. but no Lawyer's Ofneo nor Saloon in t'iwn. PIONEER DRUG STORE I rCUU, NEBRASKA. JOHN PATTERS OjST, I'l-OrUlKTOR. n,III.S Old and Reliable House U fullv prepared to 1 furnish any and everything usuaily found in a first class Drug Store, nt hm-fr tricat than anvJlouse inthcStale. fft.VJ'KTJOX DKFTKD. V.yt TIIOXAS IIUTCIIIXSO.V, VAGON AND CARRIAGE MAJftUPACTURER, PERU,- - NEBRASKA. REPAIRING ! VI.L. 1CINDS of Repairing dona on. short notice. Also Cabinet Work and Colliusmade toorder. Terms reasonable, and all work warranted. 4i-ly CIT1T MSAT MARKET. By CIIAR-ES 1VEY. PERU, NEBRASKA. CONSTANTLY on hand a cood supply of Fresh and Salted Meats. Highest market price paid lor FAT CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS. H. P. MORTON, 'El PEREJ, NEBRASKA. CCKTHACT3 TAKE1 FHOM FOUNDATION, AND FINISHED THROUGHOUT, OH REASONABLE TERMS. tS All work warranted to pi vo satisfaction. 4lyl sL i ws-a .CHARIiES GAEDE, .; JPROI'BIETOH ' PERU, - - - - IVEBRASKA. 'lHLS Ilonye is new, nd newly fitted and fur JL nishcd in every dejiartment. Guests ill find herens good fare as can be found at any Hotel in Nebraska. Hacks lo connect with R. R. trains leave this House every iiiurnin; at v o'clock. LIVERY STBLJZ in connection with this House. Teams furnished KiiOal.s mi the most liberal terms. 45j 1 J. W. BLISS, fcssi? 55TES. 35. I K-lJ " tfO K) l 3 rzsrrn . a kWi tfi 5 AND insurance mm, PERU, -VEBRASELA. Estate Bousrlit ami Sold on Commission. Real Collectlons made ni'dTaxe paid for Non-Resldants TT Gi OOD ACCOMMODATION'S for crossing Teams f Lt e "stock. Freight, ifce., at all time. Nodelaj on account of ueather. .11. II.TSBO.HFSO.T. Proprietor. "PERU AUD " WATSON" U,S and Transfer Line, ii "VV -I. Thompson, Prop. HACKS leave Peru every moriiinc. in time to connect uith trams uiittiand North on the St. Joseph .t Council Itlufls Railroad, rcturr.inKto Peru every evuug. -J-'-yi P. L. PR0UTY, T p? AND S II E J'Z T IR O IN" WORKISR, AND DEADER IN HAEEWAE STOVES, Agricultural Implements, WOODEX WAKE. Ac. PEIlir, - - - - VEBRAS2.A. TAKES this method of informing the citizens t L Nemaha county, and the balance of the world, thnt he Is prepare! with a ftill stock, and wod workmen, to lurnisii any and evervthiiiK In his line, at asiowprlcv-.isthp same can be bought at any iioiut on the Missouri river. Special Attention paid to SPOUTING, ROOFING.&c. Constantly on band, a full stock of HEATING & COOKiNG STOVES, of the most approved patterns. Also Agrieultuial Implements, of all kinds. Blacksmith's Iron and SupplieSi ZNTAIES, WOODEN WARE, PENCE WISE, cc, &e. &c. A:ct Highest Price paid for old Iron, Copper, Bra-s, Hags, tc. t All coods warranted, and satisfaction Rnar anieed in reference to price and quality of goods. Aqent for the Celebrated Charter - Oak Cook Stoves. ITsP anbnuL.! e.iLU P2TU F PERU BUSINESS CARDS. C. C. AVIIEELER, PHISICM AND SUKGEON, Corner 5th A: 3Iain Sts., PERU, 2WARASKA. Special Attention paid to Dissasss of lh. Eje and Ear. Itr.KEnKXcns-Pror. ii. i. Cleaner. Keokuk. la.; Prof.J. C.bhrader. Iowa State University. JOY &. DAILY, Dealers In I'EUGS.MEDICIXES. PAINTS, OILS, Glass, Putty, School Books, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, Ac PostOfHcenuililinsr, - Porn, Nebraska. Physician's Prescriptions carefully nnd scientifi cally compounded. j;,yi "WILLIS CARTER, PAINTER, GLAZIER AND Paper Hanger, PERU, NEBRASKA. WISHES to Inform the citizens or Peru and sur roundlufj country, that he is prepared to do all ivork in his line with Neatness and dispatch, and on terms that will be (satisfactory. 45-ly JACOB MAR0H1nt, MERCHANT!' TAILOR, M. .K I rsi ru5 CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Repaired, and Juwelry Manufactured to order. ALL WORK WARRANTED. HUE, FOBWABDi AND COMMISSION ISOUSS OF SMITIT& WILCOX. ' Dealers In all kinds of Grain, for which they pay the highest market price In Cash. jSiJ-OIHceatStoreof P. E. Johnson Co. lS-6m Also, on hand a choice stock of READY MADE GOODS! which newill Sell Very low for Casli ! He would call the attention of the public to the fact that he has an extensive experience In the manufacture of Custom Work of the first imalUy; and those who v?aut Roots and SUojs in Fit Well, Look Well ami Wear Well, Will not be disappointed. Boots nml Shoes Neatly and Promptly Repaired. 25-tf THA'NZ HSLMSR, f AGON &lACI(SM!T!iSHOP ONE DOOR WEST OF COURT HOUSE. WAGOX LEAKING, Repairinc, Plows, and all work limip in thebe&i manner and on short notice. Satisfaction cuanin teed. Givebimacall. (Jl-ly. PPNEIar&YER Manufacturers of CIGARS, And AVhoICHalc Dealer. In Tobacco, Pipes, A-c. No. II North Third St. 4str St. Joseph, ?iIo J. W. APPLEGATE, BCIITECI t BOlLDEFi! Brown ville, IVebraska. ILL DO ALL KINDS OF REIT. PINO. PRE pare Plans. Dr.iw Des'sns.and I urnlsliiec w fTcultous. at:inetiin guaranteed. Job Work of rery descni'ti.ti at short not.ee. Shop on First Mreet, between Main and Atlantic. G-;r lr'-jr-i:..: -vsrv 5iiSi5;SSf',,:a All Operations Vcr- V ! Y,irrw3 formed in thelie.t c, 1 manner. Okficv: At residence on Main street. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry JOSEPH SI-IUTZ- No. 59 Main Streot, Brownville. AiAi doiiM on short notice, at rcasonahle rates. ALL K'ORX: WAURA'TjEO Corn Siielled AT- PER BTJSHEIi. Shell from 500 to 2 Bxislxels per 3ay B. Ho ELLIS & SON LONDON, NEB. 2-2ift k3 P- a Hi's "i iHl .3:2 MVJ 1. b3tT-i .- ErT - . tTi -r - . fcl 5 jfwl?S, ? tD 7 ?Paj.v L S -TN &$ wSiUw SIM Wm'm s v&i z: f try' rl5l : . jV" "33 "wV? hWII BROWNVILLE, KEBBASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1872. 'Hh I J OPFICIAL, Laws of the United States PASSED AT THE SECOXD SESSION OF THE FORTT SECOXD COA'GliESS. GkneralXaturk No. 7.Q. AN ACT makinB npproprlatlonato stipplr dollcli-nrles In nppioprlntlon.s for the ser vice of the government for th e fiscal year eliding June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for othei purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress As sembled, That the following sums or so much thereof as may he necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appro priated for the service of the year end n ir June thirtieth, eighteen Jiundr-il and seventy-two, or for the period and purpose hereinafter expressed name ly : HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. For cartage for the House of Repre sentatives, three thousand dollars ; and constructive cartage shall not hereafter be paid for, but all articles delivered on the trip shall be paid for, as one load. And for a denVney in in the appropriation for folding docu ments, including pay of folders and material. therefor, thirty thousand dol lars. To pay the official reporters of the Globe in each house the amount which the Comptroller of the Tieasu ry mav find severally due them for services during the sessions of the for ty second Congress, under the eigh teenth section of the act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and sixty-seven, and for other purposes," approved July twenty-eighth, eighteen bundled and six ty -six. That the Speaker is hereby authori zed to employ a clerk, at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per an num, and no appointment on the doorkeeper's rolls shall be made to tako the place of the person hitherto detailed as clerk to the Speaker, and from JNlarch first to the close of this fiscal year, six hundred dollars are hereby appropriated for his salary. SENATE. That the payment of milage of Sena tors for actual attendance at the ses sion of the Senate convened on the tenth day of Mav, eighteen hundred and seventy-ane, by yioclamBtiou of the President, is hereby authorized. For miscellaneous items, lifteeu thousand dollars. For labor, seven thousand five hun dred dollars. For expenses of heating and venti lating apparatus for fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, four hundred dollars. . For compensation of John C. Knowltoa, for service as messenger in the Senate during the month of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, one hundred and twenty dolIarsvj To pay Rives and Bailey for com plete sets of Uongrssional Globe' arid appendix, furnished to Senators . who. had noi previously received tkem.un der the act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thou sand and live dollars. For clerks tocominittees, pa'os hor ses, and carryalls, ten thousand dol lars. CAPITOL POLICE. For captain of the police, two hun dred and eighty-eight dollars ; for two lieutenants, atthrce hundred dollars each ; and twenty-eight privates, at three hundred and eighty-four dollars each ; in all, eleven thousand six hun dred and forty dollars. LIPRARY OF CONGRESS. For contingent exxpenses of the Library of Congress, rendered neces sary bv the copyright business of .aid libraryf five hundred dollars. To en able the disbursing agent of the Joint Committee on the Library to balance sundry fractional overdrafts in the fol lowing funds : For the fiscal years of eighteen hundred and seventy-one and eighteen hundred and seventy two, two hundred and fifty-pcvendol-. lars and eigiit cents, the same to be placed to the credit of the funds nam ed in the amount specified to each. Fund for purchase of books, twelve dollars and ninety-eight cents ; fund for purchae of periodicals, two dol lars and sixty-five cents ; fund for ex change of public documents, six dol and seventy cents ; fund for repairs, etc.. of buildings in botanic garden. seventy-five dollars and seventeen cents ; fund for improving batonic garden, one hundred and twenty-Jive dollars ; fund for contingent expenses of library, eight dollars and seveuty- nine cents. To pay Rives and Bailey for the re porting and publication of the debates and proceedings of the Forty-first Congress, under the joint resolution approved March three, eighteen hun dred and sixty-nine, and eontraot of April fourteenth, eigkteen hundred and sixty-nine, so far as may have been provided for by law, two thou sand seven hundred and seventy-six dollars and ninety eight cents,. or so much thereof as may be necessaiy. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. For extra clerk-hire necessitated by mi usual labor in preparing for the session of the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, five thousand dollars. For publishing the laws of the third session of the Forty-first Congress and of the first sesion of the Forty second Congress in pamphlet form, five thousand dollars. For publishing the laws of the first session of the Forty-first Congress in newspapers, two thousand one hun dred dollars. For publishing the laws of the sec ond session of the Forty-first Con gress in newspapers, six thousand one hundred and twelve dollars. Fov.ki'tX intercourse. For sala ries of envoys extraordinary, and min isters plenipoteiuiarv, and minister resident, for the fiscal Year ending 1 June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, fortv-two thousand dol lars ; and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, fifty thousand dollars : and in settling the accounts of John P. Hale, late minister to Spain, the accounting officers of the treasury shall allow him salary to the first of January, eighteen hundred and sev enty, at which time his health was so far restored as to bo able to travel, and 1 the sum necessary to pay the same is ' hereby appropriated. And theSecre ' tary of State is hereby authorized to anow me payment ol sucii "inns a? the President shall annrove to the ' consuls of the United State at Algiers, . Boulagne, Lyons, Marseilles, Nantes, Nice, and Rhemis, as compensation fnrovtMnino,.,..,;.,.;,, .!.,-;., tha latcwarin Europe- Provided That tho total sum so expended shall not exceed the unexpended balance of the aaujm-t appropriated by the fourth . flV '""".BJUBUg-t'-' '- and fifth-paragraphs of the act enti tled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the gov ernment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hun- urcu auu seventy-one. For contingent expenses of theUni Ied States consulate for blank-books and stationery, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, fifteen thousand dollars; and for the fiscal veur niulino- Jim. thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, fifteen thousand dollars. For pay of dragoman at the consul ate at Constantinople from April first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, to March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four hundred dollars. For improvements and a'toration of the Protestant cemetery in Malaga, Spain, five hundred dollars. To reimburse tho consul of the Uni ted States in the city of Mexico for the care of the Protestant American cemetery during the past year, for the current fiscal year, and to pay salary of keeper, five hundred dollars, one thousand one hundred and five dol lars. For the annual proportion of the I'imeu Miaies oi me exnenses ot uane Spartel Light, on the coast of Moroc co, two hundred and eighty-five dol lars. For additional expenses of the Uni ted States legation in France, conse quent upon the removal of the seat of government from Paris to Versailles, eight hundred dollars. To defray the extraordinary expen ses of the Amcicau minister to the kingdom of Italy occasioned by the removal of its capital from Turin to Florence and from Florence to Rome, six thousand dollars. To enable Robert C. Schenck, min ister to Great Britiau, lo my his pri vate nmanueiia!., as provided for by joint resolution approved January eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, from the date of the approv al of said joint resolution to July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. For repairs to the consular building at Tangier., three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretaiy of State, to tie available until the end of the next fiscal year. For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign count r.es, one hundred thousand dollars. INQUIRY RESPECTING FOOD-FISRES. For continuing the inquiry into the cause of tho decrease of the food-fishes of the coast and of the lakes, three thousand five hundred dollars. For preparation of the illustrations, tables, and so forth, of the report of tho United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, five hundred dol lars. U.NITED STATES MINTS AND BRANCHES. J2rnA MtftSan Francisco Cali fornia. For wages of workmen and adjusters, twenty-one thousand live hundred dollars. Branch Mint, Carson City, Nevada. For salaries and expenses, (deficien cy during fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sev enty,) threo thousand dollars. For wages of workmen and adjust ers, for fiscal year ending June thir tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, six thousand dollars. For contingent expenses, to wit, for sundry miscellaneous it.Miia, includ ing wood, charcoal, and freight, for tho fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twelve thousand four hundred dollars For contingent expenses of the name character, for the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy, and Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, three thousand dollars. For this amount deficiency in the co:i-stroM,'r of the assay-office, Boie city, Idaho Territory, two thousand ninety-two dollars ami live cents. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. Contingent expenses under the act of August sixth, eighteen hundred ami forty-six : For the collection, safe-keeping, transferring, and dis bursement of public moneys, one hundred thousand dollars. To pay deficiencies in the salaries of ofiici'is.cierks, and others in the oilice of tiio assistant treasurer in New York cit3" for the present fiscal year, nine thousand thiee bundled and four dollars. TEUIHTORIAL GOVERNMENT. District of Columbia. To pay the governor, secretary, and three mem bers of the board of public works of the District of Columbia such sum- as mav be due them for salaries from the date of their commissions to the first of July, eighteen hundred and sev-entv-oT.e, three thousand eight hun dred and forty-one dollars and four teen cents, or iso much thereof as may be necessary. To pay the members af the board of health from the date of their appoint ment to the first of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, at two thousand dollars each per annum, twelve thousand one hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty-six cents, or as much thereof as may be neces sary. For compensation to the president and members of the council of the District of Columbia, for the session commencing on tho eighth of No vember, eighteen hundred and sev- enty-ono, two thousand eight hun dred and eighty dollars. For deficiency in appropriotion for legislative expenses oi" Montana Ter ritory, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, the sum to be expended in publishing the laws and journals of the last session of tiio legislature of said Territory, the sun. of live thou - inn. ilnllnr -- ViVHI -. For rent of office, salary of messen- ger, inrniture. carpet, peerage, nnd other incidental expenses of the sec- aetarv of the Territory of New Mexi- j co, for the fiscal vear ending June 1 niiri!..ti, ,.;i.(.,,'i.,,.irPM ni.d spv- i.,.iv.nn rT,. .hn.K.n.1 thrpo huo- dred nid'fif'v HnllirVind ei"hty-two cenis. For expenses of the secretary's office of the Territory of Arizona, rent of office, fuel lights printing, post-1 ' -rra ,n,r, f f,, r.. ;t ro nnd so forth, ' three thou-and dollars. i For expenses of the secretary'-' 'office of the Territory of Wyoming. ... ... fuel, lights, , stationery, postage, ram For printin"-and binding house and turo for puolic- tnul:iiug uiuitr me council journals of the fifth sessi. :. jf ' control of the Treasury Department the legialative assembly of Montana J for tho fiscal years prior to the year Territory, two thousand four huu- i ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred dollars. ' dred and seventy, three thousand two For s'onijiensotion of members of j hundred and fifty-three dollars and the fifth legislature of Montana Ter-t eighty-live cents. ritnry.eig.it hundred and seventeen For repairs and preservation of pub dolbirs He buildings under the control of the so forth, one thousand, two. huudred dollars. For miscellaneous printing, printing journals of council house of tho nineteenth annual sion of the legislature assent bl and r.ud ses- of the Territory of Utah, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars and forty cents. For deficiency of appropriation for legislative expenses of the Teiritory of Dakota, for the fiscal years ending June thirty, eighteen hundred ind seventy-oue, aud June thirty, eight een hundred and seventy-two, viz: For printing and binding. four thou sand three hundred and seventy-five dollars; for office rent, four hundred and twenty-live dollars ; for incident al expenses, twelve hundred dollars; in all, six thousand dollars. INTERNAL REVENUE. For stamps, paper, and dies for the use of the otlice of Internal Revenue, two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars. CAPTURED AND ABANDONED PROPERTY. For payment of necessary exnenses incurred in defending suits against tllO SpOrpffirv rif Din 'I'mijiirv n- lii agents, and for defence of thVunited States in respect to such property, and in me recovery ol nronertv claimed to have accrued or belonged to the United States through thy suppress ion of the rebellion, and for settling the accounts of agents employed in recovering such property, to "be ex pended under tlie direction, of the Secretary i f the Treasury, thirty thousand dollars. UNITED STATES COAST SUR VEY. For Repairs and malntua-),e of the complement ot vessels used in the Coast Survey', per act of March sec ond, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, thirty thousand dollars. For pay and rations of tho engin eers for the steamers used in the Coast Survey, no longer supplied by the Navy Department, ten thousand dol lars. PUPLIC BUILDINGS THROUGH OUT THE UNITED STATES. For the completion of tho building for custom-house at Astoria, Oregon, twenty thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents, and for fencing, grading, sidewalks, sew erage, and other matters indispensa ble to its completion, five thousand six hundred aud eighty-six dollars and forty cents; in ail, twenty-six thousand one hundred and twenty eight dollar- and ninety cents. For continuing the work on the new State Department building du ring the balance of the present fiscal year, two hundred thousaud dollars. For extension and repair of tho building for custom-house and post office at Baltimore, Maryland, fifty thousand dollars. For completion of the building for marine hospital at Chicago, Illinois, sevonty-sevon thousand three hun dred and eighty-three dollars and eighty-nine cents; and for grading and fencing, thirteen thousand nine hundred aud eighty-seven dollar- aud live cents ; and to make good the damage done to the building and loss by fire, fourteen thousand and sixty dollars and fifty cents; In nil, one hundred and five thousand four huu dred and thirty-.oue dollars and. forty four cents. For continuation of the construct ion of the building for custom-house at Knox ville, Tennessee, one hun dred thousand dollars. For completing the building for custom-house at Portland, ?,Iaine, ten thousand eight hundred and, fifty one dollars. For completing the building for post-office aud court-house at Port land, Maine, fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety-eight dollars. For putting a hew roof on the cus tom and post-office building at New port, iu tlie State of Rhode Island, to bo so arranged as to afibrd an addi tioL.il story, and for remodelling the interior of said building, and such other repairs as may be necessary, the sum of eleven thousand two hun dred and forty-one dollars and st?ven-ty-five cents. ' or additional machinery for tho appraisers' stoics in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, five thousand live hun dred ami fifty-nine dollars and fifty five cents. For grading, paving, sidewalks, and fence-j of the approaches: to the build ing for custosn-hou'-'e at Saint Paul, Minnesota, fifteen thousand nine hundred and eleven dollars and fifty cents. For rent of the office of assistant treasurer of the United States at Saint Loui-. Mi-souri, one thousand five hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary for the remainder of the present liscul year, and for fitting up the office, onethcu--and dollars. To reimburse the city of Detroit, Michigan, tiio amount expended in laying a wood pavement in front of the marine hospital property wi said city, eighteen hundred dollars. To supply furniture for the new ous-tom-houseat Machias, Maine, threo thousand seven hundred iti.d sixty six dol ar. TREASURY, MISCELLANEOUS. For rebuilding the light-stations at Manistee, Michigan, which were de stroyed by fire on the eighth of Octo ber eighteen hundred and seventy one, ten thousand dollars. For repairs and preservation of pub lic buildings under the control of th. Treasury Department, fifty thousand dollars. For re-arranging tho heating appa-1 r.tus of the Treasury building, ac cording to pious to be approved by j the Secretary of the Treasury, nine teen thousand eight hundred and forty dollais, which shall be available to the close of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eev- renty - three. FoT furilitlire ailfi repairs of furni- ...-. T I Treasury Department lor nscai year prior to the year ending June thir- tieth, eighteen hundred andseventy, seven thousand six hundred and titty dollars and ninety-two cents. For ro-e-tablishing lights and other aids to navigation on tho southern coat for the fiscal. years prior to the year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventv, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and ninety cents: Provided, That l this and the two immediate proceeu- j ing paragraphs do not involve any , appropriation from tlie treasury, but, ; are merely an authorization to the, ; proper onicersio maKeupoi-i,u .oh,s I -r -l l . 1 1 .-. VOL. 16 NO. 09: of tho treasury transier entries to set tle certain accounts. To euablo the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the accounts of col lectors of customs acting as superin tendents of lights, outside tho dis tricts for which they were appointed, for expenditures already made in pur suance of law, and which will not involve any actual expenditure, a. transfer of the books of tho troasurv of such sums as may be necessary is hereby authorized. For vaults, safes, and locks for pub lic buildings under tlie control of the Treasury Department for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy two, fifty thousand dollars. That the salary of the Second Comp troller of the Treasury shall, after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hun dred and seventy-two, be five thou sand dollars. To pay John P. Bruce tho amount appropriated to bo paid him by tho act of July fifteenth, eighteen hun dred and seventy, for printing for the third session of the legislature of tlie Territory of Montana, but which has not been paid but is now directed to be paid to him, and his receipt shall be deemed a suinVient voucher for payment of the same by the account- ing officers of the treasnrv. seven hundred and niuety-:x dollars and ninety cents. To pay John Gordon, messenger In the Post Oilice Department, for extra service from March fourth, eighteen hundred and fiity-three, to March third, eighteen hundred and fifty seven, five hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay certain gangers em ployed in the thirty-second district of the State of New Yoik, under tholate collector ot internal revenue, J. F. Bailey, fees earned by them, during part of the month of March, eighteen hundred and seventy, seven huudred ami four dollars aud twenty cents. t'or the payment of the salary of the secretary ol tho territory New Mexico, as superintendent of public buildings and grounds for the years ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, two thousand dollars; and so much of the second section of the act of July twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, (Statutes at Large, chapter CCLXXII,) as grants a salary to the secretary of said Territory as superintendent of public buildings and grounds, is iiereby repealed, the repeal to tako efl'ect at tho end of the current i'rc.l yer. To enable tho Secretary of the Treaury to pay the annual" salary of the United States marshal of Nebras ka from the date of tho admission of the State, at tho rate of two bundled dollars per annum, ono thousand ono hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be nces-ary. To pay O. P. Rockwell, Jato mail contractor in Utah Territory, balance due him, one thousand three hundred and ten dollars and sixty-three cents. WAR DEPARTMENT. Military Establishment. -Yar the pay department, for the allowance to the officers of the army for transportation of themselves and their baggage, when travelling on duty, without troops, escorts, or supplies, ninety thousand dollars. Quartermaster's Department. For regular supplies, consisting of fuel for officers, enlisted men, guards, hos pipils, storediQiises and offices, and tor forago in kind for the hcrse3, mules, and oxen of the Quartermas ter's department at the several posts and stations, and with the armies iu tlie field ; for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of ariiilery, and such companies ol in fantry as may b mounted, and for the authorized number of officers' horses when serving in the field and at the outposts, including bedding for the animals; of straw for soldiers' bed ding; and of stationery, including blank books for the Quartermaster's department, certificates for discharg ed soldiers, blank forms for tho Pay and Quartermaster's department, and for printing of division and depart ment orders and reports, three hun dred thousand dollars. For the general and incidental ex penses of the Quartermaster's depait ment, consisting of postage on letters, and telegrams, or dispatches, received and sent on public service ; extra pay to soldiers employed under the direc tion of the Quartermaster's depart ment, in the erection o'f barracks, quarters, store-houses, and hospital.-, in the construction of roads, and oth er constant labor, for periods of not less than ten days, under the act of ?Tpirch second, eighteen hundred and nineteen, aud August fourth, eighteen hundred and fifry-four, including those employed as el.rks at division and department headquarters and hospital Stewarts on clerical duty ; expenses of expresses to and from the frontier posts aud armies in the field ; of escorts to paymasters and other dis bursing officers, and to trains where military escorts cannot be furnished ; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the field, or at posts on the I frontiers and other places, vhen or-1 dered by the Secretary of War, and of i non-coinmiss.oned othcers and sol-, dier.-: authorized otwoe furniture; , hire of laborers in the Quartermaster's dejiartment, mciiuiing tne lure oi in - terpreters, spies, auu gumus lor me army ; compensation or clerKs to of ficers of tho Quarterma-ter's depart ment: compensation ot lorzige ant a agon masters, authorized by the act j of July fifth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight ; meius oi cavalry, the oatteries of light artillery, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, viz: The nurchae of travelling forages,! blacksmiths' aud hoeing tools, horse anu mule shoes and nails, iron and steel for shoeing, hire of veterinary surgeon, medicines for hordes and mules, picket-ropes, and for shoeing the horses of the corp3 named ; also, generally, the proper and authorised expenses for movement and opera tions of an army not expressly as signed to any other department, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Barracks and quarters: For rent or hire of onarters for troops, and for of ficers on military duty ; of store-hous es for safe-keeping of military storo- of offices: ot grounos for camps and cantonments, and for temporary fron-1 tier stations ; for construction and re-; pairs of temporary huts; ol stables, and other military buildings, at estab- fished pota ; for construction and re- : pair oi nospnais; aim lor repairs oi buildings occupied by the army, ix hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter bar- j ravus auu nun. uu an nuauirs. I -. .!-.-. wf st .--- ro I- -4 nit t-l -. - lui ..iu u,miuijiiou, j 'j'K reimburse tne t,ommis?ry depp.rt- -. - iiiiriai.liniMiiiM. I secunng, auu ueu.eru.g oi uescriers, ment for supplies furn shed the Frsed- nnd the expen-.-. w; -ident to their i rat.n'3 bureau prior to June thirtieth, pursuit; and for the toilowing e::pe:.- , t.is:i,teen hundred and seven ty-two. (lilure- required for the several regi- thirtv-fnur thousand dnlWi HalflHch Onetnoh Tivolnchw Three inches.. Six inches JI.C01 i80M.(l 8.ro. 2.ai 3.00! a.30! 1 5.WI 7.WI ir.n 91 lc.ta ol I." I o II7 ftv 50 VH) m -loo. o.nof r.o!io.0Oj r.oo 10.001 4.00' 5.W '".10 IP.GO'IS.C"! " 00 s.oo fo.po i.'io isno s' iu-o Tweiveincnes. 8.00 I,on 15.(X) l.tws.00 -hKftl 6P o t)ncolnnin... 'MM -iW) 25.00 Jo.OO 4,s.P0 60100 If P .1 Lea! advertisements at leiraT rates: One squnrif. (elclitlliiof Asate.spucp.or less first Insertion . List; eachsnbjequect -isertIon. Or irS-All'transcieut advertisement. meat be psl forln advance. OFFICIAL IMPFK OK TilK ('OUKTY. ti rTw. 1J2'r'ri-''1'1-t-'"''SfirrrTr and structures whatever of a perma nent nature, shall Deconstructed upon special authority, to bo given by act ot Congress, except when constiucted bv the troops; anil no such structures whose cost shall exceed twenty thou sand dollars shall be erected or con tinued in erection unless by such au thority so specially granted. Clothing and equipage: For pur chaso and manufacture of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and for preserving and repacking stock of clothing, canipand garrison equipage, and materials on hand at the Schuyl kill arsenal and other depots, ono hundred thousand dollars. For tho preservation of nrmv clo thing and equipage, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That there shall be no claim upontho United States for the use of any patent for tho man ner of or material tor doing the same. Ordnanc" and ordnance stores : For purchase of ordnance and ordnance 3tores, to continue the armament of certain southern forts, one hundred thousand dollars'. For establishing and maintaining national military cemeteries, fifty thousand dollars; r.nd tho appropria tions for collet-tins", drilling, and or ganising volunteers, heretofore con sidered as permanent appropriations, are hereby continued and made avail able for the service of the present fis cal year only, so far as the same may be necessary to pay the usual clerical service heretofore "paid out of said ap propriations in the War Department. M ISCJ-L L ANEO US. For payment of any balance due, or to bo found due, during tho present fiscal year, to ::nv State, for costs. charges, and expenses contemplated' aud provided for in and by tho act approved July twenty-seventh, eigh teen hundred and sixty-one, boing an act to indemnify certain States for ex penses incurred by them in enrolling, equipping, and transporting troops for tho defense of the United States during the late rebellion, one million dollars. Signal Of)ice. Observation nud ro portof storms : For manufacture, pur chase, or repair of meteorological aud other necessary instruments; for tel egraphing reports; for expenses of storm-signals, announcing probablo approach and force of storms : for instrument-shelters; for hire, furni ture, and expense of offices maintain ed for public use in cities or posts re ceiving reports; for maps, bulletins, and so forth, to be displayed in cham bers of commerce and board of trado rooms, and for distribution ; for books and stationary; and for incidental expense- not otherwise provided for, sixty-one thousand and fifty dollars : Provided, That no part of this appro priation, nor of any appropriation for the several departments of tho gov ernment, shall bo paid to any tolu graphie company, which hall neg lect or refuse to transmit telegraphfo communications between said depart ments, their officers, agents, or em ployees, under the provisions of tho second section of chapter two hun dred and Unity of tho statutes of tho United States for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and at rates of compensation therefor to be estab lished by the Postmaster General. To furnish transportation to insane volunteer soldiers at any time enti tled to be admitted into tho govern ment hospital at "Washington, ono thousand dollars. For expenses of tho board of visi tors at the Military Academy at West Point. to thousand dollars. Public buildings and grounds in and around Washington, under tho Chief of Engineers of the War De partment: For repairs and improve ment1', viz: For survey and map In accordance with the provisions of tho joint resolution of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and 'seventy, one thousand five hundred dollars. For grading and paving circle at the intersection of Vermont and Mas sachusetts avenues for fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy, and June thirtieth, eighteon hundred aud seventy-one, five thousand seven, huudred and eighty-uino dollars and eighty-two. cents. For stationery for the office, ono hundred and twenty-four dollars s::d thirty-two ceits. For repairs on the Executlvo Man sion, ten thousand threo hundred and forty-five dollars. For additional compensation to tho assistant door-keeper at the Execu tive Mansion, for the fiscal year end ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, throe hundred and sixty dollars. For the Kxecntive avenue and ad jacent grounds, recently inclosed, for grading, paving, and otherwise com pleting the work during the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen j hundred and sixty-nine, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sev enty, twenty-five thousand two hun dred and nineteen dollars and twenty five cents. Contingencies of the army prior to July fir-t, eighteen huudred and sov entv: For feefi of attornevn at law employed by the War Department: e!-:tietisf nf aiilf, iiieurred nrviiui tr aet of junc twenty-second, eighteen, hundred and seventy, creating tho Department of Justice : the costs and .hr"es of State npnitentinriAK for th i - ---.-.--, --- v-.v pen i care and maintenance of United t.;te3 niilitary convicts confined in. them the pay ot detectives aud scouts; and for compensation of provost-marshals employed by tiie Secre tary ot ar, hi eighteen hundred an,j eixty-two', fifty thousand doilurs Freedmen? hospital and asylum r Military convicts at State penitenti aries i For payment of costs and charges of Stato penitentiaries for tho care, clothing, maintenance, and med ical attendance of United States mili tary convicts confined in them, ten thousand dollars. To euablo the Secretary of War tc pay for additional clerical services heretofore employed by him in tho investigation and settlement of ac-r counts for abandoned nnd captured, property, one thousand dollars. NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVAIi I-sTAELIaHilKNT. Marine Corps : For tent of quarters? for officers, where there are no public quarters, one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine dollars and thirteen cents. Fr forage for horsc.H belonging to field and stall othcers of tho marines. ; one tnoupand four hundred nnd forty- seven dollars and thirty-four cents, For indispensable miscellaneous ar ticies lor me use oi mo marine uar- , racks at Brooklyn, New York, and. for other posts, seven hundred and" J thirty-on.e doIh?rs and siy cents. f --.. . . -,- n.o-u'nnrjonior.rirtFa2-.f