;sr?rgyEgilER tvmiaite- -..-n jji iff jnt? "2 I u-. ,. '..vmjblim.Wt, ,wi-Wr'V t!mJ3!: THE ADVERTISER. THURSDAY, MAY .10. 1S72. REPCBLICA.V STATE PLATFORM. J2&JmJ, TLatlhe Republicans of Nebraska In Convention avembled, hpartlly endorse the ad ministration of President Gsajtt. and pledge their support to the nominees of the Philadelphia Con vention. Ettolxxd. That onr delegates to the National Re publican Omi enlloa, be and are hereby Instructed to offer the following resolution, and to use all hon orable means to secure Its incorpo.atlon into the National Republican Platform : "That we are In favor of a 16th amendment to the Federal Constitution, requiring United .States Senator. Jtud all other civil olllcers of the Govern ment, except heads and clerks of department's, for eign ministers and c-nvals. with their attache. Rnd Judges, attorney and clerts of Federal Courts to be elected bv the people of the State. Territory. District. r Coiintv which they represent, or where in they di-ciiarge tbe:r official duties, provision be ing mad; by law fir the lining of vacancies by :einiortiry i-npointment." Etsolral. That we :.re In favor of the dedication of the public land? to actual settlers under the Home stead and Pre-enrption Laws, and for educational mid school purposes. GREELEY-BROWX PliATFORJI. We the liberal republicans of the United States In natluHHi convention u-v-embled, at Cincinnati. proclaim the following principles as essential to a Just -ovuruuif nt- , First-We recog-iize the equality of all men be fore the law. and we hold it to be the duly of the Koveninient m fti dealings with the people to mete out eq.ia:;nd exact Ji-tice to nil. ol whatever na tiv.tv. rue . coior or per.-ua-iou, religious or po litical. . ... Second We pledge ourselves to maintain the 1jv and union of the States, emancipation and eu franciittmen. nd to p;oe any reoen!tig of qu;--lniis eltletl by the thirteenth, fourteenth and lilteeutu aiii'-Mdm-iit-s to the constitution Th.rd Wod'-ii.niid Immediate and nblute re move., of ail l..-abiilt!es iiii-ed by the rebellion, which wa-i fii.aliy sJtiSaed scen year- aro. be lieving that universal amnesty will result in coai nWt i!' it;,'A.t,?i in All ,vriiis of the country. inrr. I.ivii ui ivimmpiit. with umiartial ' MiiTraxe, will guard the rbjhl-of all cit ens more , securcivtliuiianv centralized iwer. I'ubli-- wel- fare requ-re-tne"s.:premacy of civil over military nathomy and fredom of iK-rson under protection i nf hmi'Mi ffiriui-. We di-niand fur tbe individual the larKt liberty c-fii-l'teiit with public order, inr ti-nitn tin- tuc-iliods of ueace. and constitutional 1 limli-'jii"". ,..er. has becoAlW ,r!mem of iSr.V..u nuy ' (Here thecorouer put the corset on ap reUuTan ! side down ) "Now, you see pointing hthutions and trades, demoralization dangerous to to the hole 111 the garment, WlllCll rest the iierpetu:iy of a republican overnment. , ,i:r1.tlv OV(?r J,j.s hiD "the ball Sixth We demand a system of ledtral taxation whlcii shall net unnecessarily interlere with the in dustry of the iit-ople and which hall provide meavTs necessary to pay the expen'-e-. or tne rov ernniwit. econoiiiicilly administered the pen sions, interest on the iuol;c Ubt, and a moderate annual r--d'icllnu of tne principal thereof: a':d rec- Rii.zins that thfre are 111 our midst iiciiett out ir- j Totntxitc.'t'v niifcreiicas ol opinion m regard to the resiKctive .y-tern-- of protection and free tnide. we rmt the discussion of the siibjjct to the people 1 In their congressional districts, and the dec.sion of Consres-s thereon, wholly tree ot executive inter ference or dictation. ;--. eiith We therefore regard a thorough reform ot civii "rv ice as one of the most pressing neoes-fities-f thebjur; that honesty, capacity and fidel ity, constitute the only valid ciamis to public em jio'ment; that offices of the cuveniment ceae ;o lie i matter of arbitrary favoritism and patronage, and thai a ji.iblic station sjn!l bee jiue ai;ain a jmst of honor. To this x-nd it is imperatively rfvjuired that 110 president shall be a candidate lor re-elec-tltwi. K:hth Tublic credit must be acn-dly iiirIii trtims!. and we denounce repudiation of every form and muse. iint!i sjMfdy return to specie payment Is de mundefl, alike iiy the highest conM-lerations of cemmert-.al morality and honest giivernmeiit. TenUi Werememoer with gratitude the liero lm and s.-. -nlices of soldiers and bailors of the re jHiblie. and no act of ours shall ever detract lrom llieir justly earned fame or full rewards of their patriotism. Kte ealh We are opposed to a!l further grants of land to railnmds or other corporations. 1'ublic domain should be held sacred to actual settlers. Twelfth We hold it Is the duty ol the govern ment, in its intercour-e with 1:11 eign nations, to cultivate friendship and peace, by treating witli all on fa:r and eiual terms, regarding it alike dishon orable to either demand what ts not right, or to Stllmilt tO W lUll IS U rotlS- . J Thirteenth lor the promotion and sncce-,s or i iiii:iiiuics.iiiua ..i.-j.. mon .wi-n..-thfwv.r:il irincid-s ai'd s-u;iort of candidates 1 on v sitle. File liale-laCCll VOUlltl jtoiainHtfd !.-this'-onvi ntion. v. inv.ieand ctitdi- 1 -1.1: :... . ,,....1.. .. - ;r i... uiivweic..iii.-,-..s.enitioiioi an i.atn..:t-c.u-... ' man said this very lnuocently.as if he -1vitnout.1eg.1rJ to previous ;,iitici aimiauuu.s. wished to convey the inijiressiou that 3E11 Perkins lie V.'IH Support Horace Greeley. Fifth Avenue Hotel, May 4. I am for Greeley I We have nominated Mr. Greeley on the g-1-or-i-o U-rf democratic re publican pl.ittorm, ami now, my fnt-nds, e ?nnst elect him. Our cv.n- j dhlate is a man of a great many prin ciples. Jle has bt-en on both bides of almost every political question, and there is such a good chance for our orator.sl .Listen to me, ami I'll tell you how we can elect Mr. Greeley : 1. For the IS'ew .England .States we must instruct our orators to talk tlio higli tarifl dodge. Thej' must show Lr. Greeley's reconl, tuid point out how he has always stood for the high est protective tax on eloih, hoop skirts and oroide watclres, and favor ed keeping foreign cheap articles out of market. Then how the Yankee manufacturer will go for hi;n, but Out wet 3"ou must lay low on the tariif. You must say that Horace has gone back on protection, and that he don't care a darn about it, for the western fellows hate the New Eng land shoemakers like the devil. They Wouldn't vote for u President who would protect manufacturers, for they are sharp a lightning out there, and they know when they wear the boots that if they didn't have to pay for tho protection whistle they would come a good-deal cheaper. Our west ern orators must say thai Horace will leave the tarill" question to Congress, for you know well enough that he is head and ears for the present high tariti", and that when he is President he can veto any act of Congress to re peal it. The western fellows will catch at this ambiguous dodge, and they will all go for Harace like polit ical sheep. '1. To the respectable old slaveown ers of the south, read Greeley's old 1S152 editorials about "Compensation to owners for emancipated slaves," but- That national slave-buying idea would kill us with the old New Eng land abolitionists. To them, rea 1 Greeley's defense of John Brown, his editorials on Sharpe's rilles for Kan- .., !. 1-1.1 1 kus Mavir-iiiMuurs. aim say now ne a.' I itlil j tmmt.m T ...?.. f I I . I , will biuuu iui vt;u ijuvc iiv, i. Ills take such men as Gerritt Smith, Fred j Douglas and Mr. Heecher. : o. Eorthnold southern secession-! ists like Alex Stevens, Jell' Davis and I Wade Hampton, republish Horace's editorial, "Let the Wayward Sisters go in Teace." If this don't ,...: r.. " SilllSl , them that our candidate is sound in I secession, read them the sentiment which Mr. Greeley wrote in lSo) : "If anj' respectable number of the citizens of a State desire to secede from thegoverimeut, I know of no power which can or ought to restrain them." That will satisfy any reaso:. able secessionist that in cae Mr. Greeley becomes President he can walk straight out of the Union with out being troubled by such men as Gen. Grant. 4. To the lovers of peace say that our calculate went to Niagara Falls to treat with Jake Thompson and C. C. Clay in regard to acknowledging the independence of the south, and that he came back and wrote advising Lincoln to "make peace on the best attainable terms," but To the war men talk about Mr. Greeley's "On to .Richmond." o. l'ooi tne editors into believing that Horace is a great farmer, and AiaKe me larmers believe, no is a i great editor. Keither will suspect T no iir:ifTo i 0. Prove to rhc Mormons and the i 'Jiiu Ismail-pox, meas-ies, ant! un people of the Oneida Community ld erstaluIs tending children, can 11ml how our candidate was once a Zoh?- I u "tomer for lite by ritten a small ; .-mil i.liMt bo lonnori tm,..,r.i .,... wi'li'iin dw?:s luUi reused X. . Z.,and Vw..v, ., w w ..v ......w,. ..V'.f.l.W tilIU 1 wrnfo fnr Prpi-lnvficm fn qp l,t ' ' -- w v'-ui,swKLa. w llllCT. To sensible married people say that ilr. Greeley is regularly married and i that he can show his certihaite ofi marriage any time in the Tribune of- fice. J 7. To the cold-water people tell the j story how our candidate lived fori years on vegetables, such as cabbage, i turnips, and squashes, without a' mouthful of meat, but To the high livers sav that every- body, from Dean Richmond down to Lord Gordon, have bought him with a tree lunch, and that a good bee steak would buy a foreign appoint- K. To nrlhmW rollinicf. . .. Su'rch1; bu1-nss lo ",c B,Tri-" To the world fellows sny that he i swears like a trooper, and damns ev erybody in common conversation like n irinndcrs soldier. 9. To the office holders say firlnim- iipvnr lpilined an office. he hns'rim for office eleven times, and has always been defeated, and that he split off i'rom his best friends, Weed and Seward, because they did not Five their "junior partner" the ew York postoffice, hut To the "outs" say why Horace never held an office iii his life that he wouldn't; but don't draw this dodpe too stroii jt, for they might look up his old letter to Seward and Don't say a word about Jay Gould s presenting Horace with a farm, nr tell how he was in the tobacco busi ness witli Tweed, but let his enemies briiiF that out. Vlways flourish Mr. Greeley's quo tations. You will find they cover both sides of every question. If they doubt your words, say "You lie, you villain, you lie." To the specie pay ment fellows read thi-: "The way to resume is to resume. II. Greeley. . If they contradict you brine: up his favorite saying, which will quiet them at once: "When a fool speak?, keep snence.' Horace Greeley. iU IIo-v to I'ut on n Corset. From the San Francisco Chronicle. At this juncture the coroner desired to show to the jury the course taken bv the ball, and for this purpose pro duced the cornet worn by Mrs. Uurk hart at the time of the tragedy. "You ,,, " c.iiil Iia iimi 1 tort ho drew the said ' .,r.,M,l i,s u...ist W:t'l the lslffs Corset aroilllU Ills .tlbt w.l.i nil. i.iti-a jn front "the li-tll lUUSt have ITOtie 111 ,j,i.l Xn flint, ,-nn't ho. UC1U AVJ4I . a . -v, .... ,....- . t ejjler for the doctor eitj'S the l:wi Confound it, I've went 111 111 iroill got it on wrong. All ! this way, ( 1 -v 1 mnqr h:ivi jfono 111 nere. no. mai gone can't be it either, for" Here Mr. Mattier, the handsomest man on the jury, broke in. "Dr. Still man.'.said he, "you've got that corset on wrong." Here Dr. Stiilmaii blush ed like a puppy. "Well," said Mr. Mather, "I've been married twice, anil I ought to know how to rig a corset." "Ye.-," said Mr. Mather, "but you don't. You had it right in the tir.-t place. The strings go in front and the ladies clasp them together in the back. Don't I know? I think I ought to ; I have been married. If you doubt it. look here (pointing to the fullness in the topj. How do you suppose that's goinn. to be filled unless vou put it on as I suggest V" "That," ir s-iid Dr. Stillman : "why that goes over the hips."' "No it don't," said Mr. Math er ; "that fullness goe.s somewhere else this way," and here Mr. Mather in dicated where he thought the fullness ought to go. At this a pale-faced young man with a voice like a robin, and a note book under his arm, said he thought ,1. I,l;, l..v ,.1n.nn,l tl,n;,.nr.,.t. he knew nothing whatever ot the j matter. The jury laughed the pale i faced young man to scorn, and one of them intimated that lie thought the young man was not half so green about women's dress as he tried to appear. Tho young man was a reporter, and it is therefore exceedingly probable that his knowledge was fully a limiteu.a Wjs .l)p:irenf frotn his Miestion, the juryman to tne contrary notwiui standing. Here another juryman discovered that Dr. Stillman had the corset on bottom side up. "Doctor," said he, put it on the other way." Then the doctor put it on in reverse order, with the faces in front. ThN brought the bullet holes directly over the tail of his coat. rdon't think," said Mr. Mather, "that the bullet went in there, doc tor." "No, I don't think it did," was the reply "Confound it, it's mighty fun ny six married men in this room and not one that know.s how to put on a woman's corset." Here the Chronicle reporter, who had several sisters, and always beeps his eyes open, advanced and convinc ed Dr. Stillman'aiid Mr. Mather, alter much argument, that the laoes of a corset go behind, and that the gar ment is clasped in front. After this explanation tho course of the bullet was readily traced, and found to bear out the explanation afforded bv the twn phisiciaiis The Danbury VcK-5ay-: ,4M"nny of our readers will lit- glad to learn that baegage-mater Simpson i? r-"over-ing from his late injury. He was so much better this morning as to be able to put his foot through several band boxes, and the doctor thinks that in a few days he can try a few light va-1 Uses, and perhaps one or two dre-s- j ing cases that have bt-en started a lit- tie with an axe. Hut it will be some- I time before he can hope to face a full-' grown trunk. Snooks was assured by his genial father-in-law that his bride was worth her weight in gold. At the end f the first week of the honeymoon he enticed her on a hay-scale, figured u out that she should bring $20,9!i0 "n. and sent the old man word that ho would discount the first live figures ui the price if they "missed her at home badly." . , . ,"T" TiT" . i . A. laly w.ho Ioved ulwer entered a .uu".' """': J'T1' as unv "' n u cieius had killed a large rut. "I wish to see iM.., v:li 1 i.. r With It?" iiiii- in lie Mil '" said counter. " "' a bov behind the "Well," said the boy, "if you will step to the window, you will probably see him sling it into'the back lot." A beautiful young lady who had al lowed the tendrils of her heart to twine fondly around a strapping con ductor on a horse car, had her aflec tionate nature crushed by the discov ery that he was taking fare from her and dead-heading another girl who lived on the same street. She did not eat pickles and pine away, but wrote him an affecting epistle, which read : "You want to nok down enull'stamps to get me a pait-ler shawl & a dolly vardeu before Sunday, or I will put an awning over that girl's eve the next time I meet her in society. You hear me." Unknown yart-pajwr. This is the way a Florida man ex pects to get a partner to his bosom. Pie advertises as follows: "Any gal what's got a cow, a good feather bed with comfortable linens, $500 in good, genuine slap up greenbacks, that has . , , - -. y , ,,.,, , .., , sitcK-iu a ciaeK oi unicie jm AUiiiii s , . barn, linin Hie pig-pen where Har- rison 1.ued ,,ow I'IaI""S for operations. future Corn Shelled f M PSR BUSHEL, Will Shell fkom 500 io 2. Blislsols JC1- Day. I J). H. ELLIS & SON j tyUOX, XEB. 32-2m 5S3Tcsir;rat5fW i fii v &H.KHA& B S3 ..m,, jtrj;i-jjtirVi.LV,'tiaita'i:',J iTTJ! Mr. ss rJs ? that r-ir3 5-i w !? t--c r-J. - G3 ! I 2 r sn q is 23 A ?r op H 0 H N H 0 W 3 C 3 5 C3 S M w 03 0 0 l K a S "3 " L M c v ."-. KT T- 5 -1 r: r 55 53 F - w - w . r-2 3 , z - Q . -.2 , m ezuKtw c M 75 ni-"tM pJ.-Kti Z - 12 rOA:: - r 2 z l UH e 5 Z ? 12 ? Q 62 f- s?s s? 3 lf . ? S -- ir ' 5i ? ' s J WM 1 2" :r 2 w V S M - c Bp W 2. w v" f 3 r d H 0 niiTf B 5 a rJSi! i Miam !S 3S iha 11 S. T.-1880-X. Tills VTnndoriil Vegetable restorative sslhsiieetmiclior of t5so S'eeblc and debilatfeicd. 4s a Jciiicam! cortliaS Tor tsse aged asiI iaEf;:I'J it lias no efjcsaJ iiiijojjg stomachics. Asa J remedy Tor llie nes'vous weaR ; ii ess to ivisk'ci women are es pecialiy subject, it is sapcrsed s::gr every oitaer limulitnt. "sr l climates, tropica!, lesMiicr :!e or frigid, it acts as a Hpeci sic in every species of disorder ivIjIcSj asides asssies tbe bodilj slreagtii and breaks down tiic Beautiful Woman! IIACSAX'S MAR.VOIil.'i K VI..?-1 sflven Jo lite Complexion l:ie IrcM'niCbH of Yonlk. Haoan's Maonoi.h IIai.m overcomes the flushed apiiearar.ee caus-ed by heat, fatigue and excitement It makes the lady of forty r.;ipcar but C.venty. and so naturally and perfect that no jieron can detect its application. Iiy its use the roughest skin i made to rival the pure radiant te.tturo of youthful beauty. It remove-j redness, blotches. and p!mpie. It contains nothing that will Injure the skin In the leait. Iaokolia Bai.m is used by all fashionable ladic.i In New York, London and Paris. It ccstd only 75 cant per Hattle, and i-j sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. i tyl tjitvexezjIT, ft smr Mh fiDLt ! B8H.EOGESS, PROPRIETOR. HEW BUGGIES and CftBRiAGES, CASS?UI DRIVERS. j.JAVIXJ PUItCIIAi:!) THE COr.SWKLL i l- Block, ai.il litleil it no .is a stub'.e. I am now I t'.it-r li: m ever prepared to give complete satisfac- it n . i :v.i pairnns. Iieuler in nil kinds or Stoek : Horse bought sold er evcliansfd: stock boanied by the day or week. My s.iock is all fre.ii.:iinl my Vehicles new. The p.iblic can be accommodated at all hours, day or tiiBht. Stock Corrall, witli Good Water, attached to the stable. 39-ly IvNOX FRUIT FAPtM- AND Fruits, Flowers, Seeds. 0"Jl CVTM.nnrn of small Fruits, contain ing a. . .1 valuable information on Small Fruit ...i :r". and f-vo Colored Chromoj, with 1'rice I a.ii, fiit iur iu ri'uis. OI'K r.TAM)(;iTE of Vegetable and Flower J-K-eos, contaimus in-stnictioiis lor cultivation, hent on receipt ot stamp. OU!t CVTMIGl'E of r.oes. Shrubs Ever nreeii'5. Ornamental, Flowering. BeiMins and tireen-houe PlanL-,cnn:aiiiiiis descriptions of many new and rare Plants, sent on receipt of stamp. One each of the above cataloae. which, com bined, contain over 100 pases S3nt for 15 cents. lis" We offer Rreat inducements to purchasers, and by our liberal oilers "by mail," place our es tablishment at every man's door. j:. ru.uiN: & ro.. Successors to J. Knpx. l'ittsbure, Pru Seed Store, 99 SmiHiGeld J i9-3m. 5- c- lJ : w 17- -n s -2 JJ s - r:-s j m i r- - - ? r- - 7 H i sf?3 a S - r f .- " - LJ H - - - : . s M 1 1 ? H 5 n TTJ l"5" : fi ilS iM E 5 h M c .J iV w i V7 p- ILLgJ ) Uil Si -3-S2KCSZKS52ES:nS3H5affC II. H. TIHS TJLBJ.T1S. MIDLAND PACIFIC RAILWAY. Tikes effect Sunday. March 17th. 13TZ. Trains daily eicept Sunday. irTvru'AHTl 1 EASTWARD. Sigg STATIONS, in W T:9 ...Nebraska City.... 2 00 12 45 I:." f: Talbot 1 43 I3)fM 4-15 s!o3 Dunbar. 1 27 11 53 .Vi 7 i i:20 Arlington I 1 13 11 30 5.:?. ! g-o Svracusc ' 12 53 1100 i- ivA tfnadilla 1 12 3S 10 40 !:; i 9:17 ' Palmyra ;llSrit 10 OS fc.li ' It: ' Hennot 1153 9 33 7-JJ 10:0) I Cheney's 1132 9 00 7:10 I.c22 (.....Estate Prison 11 03 8 27 s.-tK) liKW I Lincoln ...' 11 00 ' S 15 The time given above Is that or Lincoln, being 37 minutes slower than that of Chicago. M. A. SHOWERS. J- COXVER5E. Train Master. Superintendent. Burlington & Missouri River R. R. IX KBBRASICA. PASSENGER A3fD3IIXED TRAINS, RrXXIXG BET-EEX Piatismouthnd Lincoln. To take Eflect Wcdnenilny, Dec. 20,JS"1. ,' WESTWARD. STATIONS 1 . Train No. ;. Train No.l. MIXED. I l'A!ENGEIt. 1 3:30 p. m. leave. ' 10:00 a.m. leave. 4.-J0 lfti") .'::o : 10:50 ": 10 1 1 :ur C xti 7:l 'll:15.. '7:25 lUrit) ..... 7:45 1 rj:fj ji. in. ;&:15p.m. arrive' 12:30 ji.m.arrive Platt-suiouth Omaha Junction.. Ixrnis vi 1 1 e South Ileiid. Ashland Greenwood Waverly Newton Lincoln .. . .. !! Lincoln.. S:0rta.m. leave- Denton s:"-". IliKhland. ..i 9-.li". Crete 9:20... Dorclister I 10:t0:i.in.arri ve. MIXEP. 2:00 J.1.1U. leave.- :tu"i 20 4:i0i.m.arrive I' EASTWARD, STATIONS'' Train No. M. Trniii No. -1. mixi:i. l'ANNKNGKB. Plattsmouth i lmaha Junction.. l.iii.isville south l!end Ashland Jreeiiu ood Waverly Nevvton .. Lincoln . I:5)i.ui. arrive 8:(ii)a.ui. arrive 1. s;i) i:' 7:4i 12AX. 7:."0 .. li: ti: lu 12-15 0:10 120). '5:5i) 11:13 .-i:i ll:)p. m.leave 5:00 a. in. leave MIXKIl. ' ll:fl5'.in. arrive 1:41 p.m. arrive. :0:S5 -1:15. I0:-o. 3H5 D:20 ia:i l):50a.ni. leave. 3::ip. m. leave. L'ncoln ! t nton Highland I'rete Dorchester... Tliet!:ne piven nhoveis that of Omaha, UeiuRSS minutes slower than lhat of Chicago. Til OS. tOANE. Chiff Engine r ami Sitjit rintenttrnt. Kansas City, St. Joseph &0. Bluffs. TlHi: TAHLKNo. I. To take rj.ct tun!t.j, Jul'j li, ls71. GOING NOETH. STATIONS. OMA1H JMA1I. AND irx i'. n. p. Kansas City hast Leavenworth.. t. Joseph PIIilLP-: Iloi-.inur? I'fiincil Hluils Ibni'.M. ":inA.iI liaA..i!. !!:ls iij ii:4r s:." ' -j is p. ;.r ' IKK ; ":-0 Siw 5:) GOING S'OTJTH. STATIONS. ST. WiriS MAIl.A.NT. KXl". X1', Kansas City lftlO P. if. :40 P. M. Iiis' Lenveir.vortli ' :W P. y. .til t.J.sejli 10 ': 1'IIKI.IN 3:5S !":12 Ilainburu' 2 '' C.iuru-il Ji:ufF 1:13 7:lo Ti-kits for sale at all theCeneral Ticket Odices. A. C. IJA V.'ES, A. Ii. IIOPKIXS, tien'l P.m. Ag'-nt, Cen'l siiperintendent St. Joseph. Mo. St. Ji'seph.Mo. Steol Kail ! Bobble Track ! Baltimore and Ohw E. R. ThefJr' i' Iiort Line from CIXCI.VXATI or COLfJIUCS X'Z V r : SrvIiib 87 to 113 m;!p-. a i! i.rrlvlnB ono TaU In zsrs'V7" roiR-is:. Saving 50 mllos, nrrilns; lmiirs In advance at 3ALTIMOKB. Saving 77 inilt-i, arriving i lioura in advnnce at -w-SjHunsr'oTOosr- One Train tne Qu'.ckot. Tho Great Irca Sailwtj Bridge: cvsr the 0!:i Klvcr, at Inrkrvliir and Kfllairc, arc Comptet cct. MOKNINfi AND X'':lir LINES OF FrUasa s Fahcs Cfivri'g ?.3 a ad Se:p".:g Cars Are run on this P.oute from fincinnatl or Col umbus to Ilaif.m-jreanil Wasliinctuui City, WITHOUT CIIAXrtE. IJv this r.oute von nr..!l A I.L OJINIIU'S TUANS i'KKS and FKUP.IES. Tickets for -ale nt all Ticket otficts in the South atia wot. L. M. CO LK. J. I- WI i.-'n.V, Genl 'licket Aent, Master Transpor i It.illimore. Mil. Ualtlliinre. Mil. SIDXKY It. JONI'.N.cen'l Pas. A't Cineii.iiHii.O Kansas Pacific Railway. Short, Favorite and Only AJLJL RAIL ROUTE! TO ' CiliEKLKY. CIir.YKNNK, ni::.o. CHLIlKN CITY. CKN'Tl'.ALCiT". VILLA LA KO.N'T. I : VANS. SALT LUCKCITY, DKNVEIt, Kit IK. NKW M KM PIUS, I1JAHO sPIUNGs, rMtKKN'CITY, ELKO. MAIiYSVILLE. 5EOK.:KTOWX. LONf:MO.NT. sAci:.;iKN'rn. COLOItAUO r-'Pr.IXr:, SAN FISA'CIftCO. And all points in Ivr.:i-a., Colcrntto, tlJcTervlJorlcs, atitl tile Pacilic Ct.it.f. " QQ MILKS the Shortest Lino from Kansas Ci j OO tv to llenxer. ' ) I f M ' 1-1'- tiie sliortost L'ne to Pueblo, Trln- iU id.id.Smta Fe.anU all points in Ni-wJIex ico and Arizona. Iteaieniber that this Is theOreatThroush Linc,and there is ITo Otlier All Rail Rc-ate to any of the above points. There is no tedious oimiibus or ferry transfer by this route. a- the 'ireat Itivers are all I'rulged, VULIIAX PALACE CAIW, run throtigli from KANSAS CITY to Hi:XVi:i: Without Cliaut'. Passeneers bv tin--route ha an opportunity ol viewing th" line Agricultural liNtr.ct- or Kniisas. andean Mop over at Denver and vi-it the rich minium, agnciiltiiral and grazing ditril of Colora do. Close connections made at Kansas Citv with all trains to and from the Kast. North and south, lie Biirc lo r.slc for TlclfcJs via. Kansas City nutl tiic Iansan Prscillr llnllwrty. nnsri) s. p.ow:x.(.n"isupt. P.F.VF.ULY V.. KElM. Cenl Ticket Ac.cnt. GEXEUA!, OPFICBS.Kiiiw" CIty,?Io Great Throuqh Dasscnger Route Till: OLD I'.KLIAP.i.K HANNIBAL & ST. JOE, AND Council BlxaSs 51. B. liine, VIA ST. JOSEPH AND QUINCY. TWO FAST EXPBESS TBADIS Crowing the MN-issippiut Qiiincy .in lhidce with PULIiJIAX SI-EEPirVG PALACES, -FitOM k;igwxtiel2,s to quia'Ci. Vt'itlinnt Change of Cms. THIS IS THE I!IT SHOUT LINE TO 0UI3CY, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, Mempliis.New Orleans, Ja"k-'inville. Spring lieid, DevHtur. Toiouo, La Fayette, Indian apolis. Ciiici,iiiati.Loii..ville. N.'hville, Ciiattanoo-i, Lexington, colmrous. Wheeling. P.irterbur. IJaltl 111 arc. Washington, Itichmoiid, .?.v .2 .host iir:in.2ni.jj 'jzovtj-: Toi-t. Wayne, Toledo. Crestline. Pittsburg, HarrWiurp.. Philadelphia. New York, Bj-lon, and ail point1-. SOUTH: .3ST3D east. Pasegtr.takinc other lines east or -vt.shon. b:- all laean- tak- this in returning, and see a nev section of splendid country. Buy Your Tlirougli Tickets T'iji ?t. .Toe and Quinej's For sale at Ticket Offices St. Joseph & Council Muffs K. II.. -t tlie Star Hotel. Drowtiviilp. Sttv enon A Cros. Ticket Agents, and at Phelivs station and other tat'on on line of road, at as low ratesas ov an v other route. "Hiffijace checked thmuirh to all points east. AH connectMMs via Quincy arc direct and perfect. B. V. GltOAT. GEO. II. NETTLETON. Geu'l Ticket As't. lieu. supt. J. J. GOSPEE, STATE AGENT FOE THE BEST Combined Shelter and Grinder. Wind JTill and Steamer. Also Breeder and Shipper of the celebrated 730T ATJ71 fTnnVTA X7fCL And grower of Iledse Plants and Oeneral Xur- sery Stock. 3 Write for circulars and particu- lars. Address J.J.OQiPEK. Siy iwicokh yeh. 'Vha- TrlnroiiPA A lily Jl' 1V1JU.JJ IS A LOCK STITCK Family Sewing Machine. IT MAKES A TRUIS ELASTIC LOCK STITCK. It never Puckers the "IVorlt, nor Draws after being "Washed. IT SKLF-PASTENS ALL THE ENDS OF THE SEAMS, BEING THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE HAYING THE Celebrated "Keversible Feed." It Is the most simple and eayto learn to use, and the least liable to get out or order, having no "Wire Springs, Wire Coils. Levers or Brush Pads To Get Out of Order. No Cog Wheels to Mako a Racket, AND NO CAMS TO MAKE IT RUN HARD. Warranted to last a Life-Time! ALL OUtt MACHINES KEPT IN ORDER FREE OF CHARGE. Runs Light and Comparatively Over 90,000 isi Use, Wm. E. PLANT, Gon'l Agent, ?21.A oXortli JTiftli. Street, ST, LOUIS, MO. DUNN & HAYS, Agents, nROWXVIhLE, rEIJKASICA. I2-Iy IE. S. WIBLBY DEALER IN CAHPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. METALIC AND WOOD BUR IAL CA COHSTAKTIilT OH EAHD. SALES ROO.1I, gVXZEZiXSc "VnT. jl. 3 fi i pnppp jnl IE1 IT. I p ulUuul. u fiiifpnljnppp ot yiiiuuLiuiiui tun Post Gfaee Buiiding, :i-r.m C3-H30. ZD-TJO-SISTT", JPttOJPttTlTOTt. tjxntioit 88 Sc 90 IMCjA-TlSr STEEET, BEOWlsTYILLB. iTg'W3 :1 I E ei ;i9 tni ezB-i- I! 9 IU I. ill tji: w. b - S3 SB Wa 7A?7-: w treet, i1U. j V Biiiii t Largest Stock in Great 11? ThcoiilyKolIablfGlft.UistnbuUunin the County! IN VALUABLE OIFTS be distributed In T . Ti V T TV XP.5 Q SStli SB31I-A5.MAL 1FT ENTERPRISE ! PB3 lo bediaim TIIUSTDAY, JULY 4th, 1S72. OXE GISAXD CAPITAL PI.IZE OF $10,000 IHT GOLD One Prize, $o,000 in Silver, S Bi a'8$t Greenbacks! 10 Prizes 100 g I Two Fonilly CarrieRC and Matched Horses, with silver Mounted Harness, uorth Jl.jou each. Two I'crsen anil Uu?cie, with silver-mounted j tarings, worm ;w eacn. Two Hm-tuneI Ilosewood Piano, worth "00 each. Ten Family sewinz Machines, worth H0each. too Gold and Silver I-ver Hunting Watches, worth trom J.O to $300 each. Ladies" (Sold I.eontine I'hains. fienfsGold Vest Chains. Solid and double plated stiver Table and Tfaijioons, Photograph Albums, Jewelry, etc., etc Whole Xumlier Gifts, lO,O00. Tickets limited to 950,000. Agent;, wanted to sell tickets, to whom liberal Pre miums will be paid. SINGLE TICKETS 5J: fi TICK FTS 512; 12 TICK Krs$M: 25 TICKETS iV). Circulars containing a fall Ii: or prizes, a des cription of the manner of drawing, and other in formation in reierenceio ine iiiriouiiiin. win ue sent to any one ordering them. All letters, must be ,, jyt SINE, Box 86. ri-irinniti Oliln Clucinnatt. unio. Office, 101 Vf. 5th St. -ly 4 ISI C uu Q (ESsifisa OIST ALL AKTICLES .SOLO. j U jlMwk'S &hiffiS'a el liuul luo. il 0 li MUila (x mmbhh !? 01 u5 : g WiM"Kl liM : uc. so main street. uj imr uJ i i mX BBOYITYLLIB, J5TSB. S ( iWWj " I rjS05FTfi?p I G5 First Prize Medals Awarded. Also tlie ifi-'&&&&?! .r'ArHV.' Oi fe, fT tt.l A 5 .' ALt S. -v i7 nui.(uii-i' JS& 5Nl gfflsynsi : tu vi bz 9 - -V3-V. 'r,Z $ ? sa5n.-6i $t C wk&im ' r32 mi g 'm$ rftk " J vji "i'J"lvflgfe''-i!sn'S 3fcPHERSON BLOCK, No. 76 MA.I3ST ST., BEOWNVILLE, KEE. We have tlie Lars-est Stock, and make the Lowest Prices. Kvn SES BROWNVILLE, NEB. polock, BROWIVIIiliS, HS3. hotb: Z3as53asx3r 2 M OTnville, Nebraska. c jj,' tiic Market. Inducements Offered. & WatirnidP L ULllLiUliUlB i m.nw -iir-r i-TTT"TFTTif l"'f """",'"'-"w"' BSi vssytt sfesa SS? c: i? 2S1 cfe zav&zf F 111 lildlillijllTU U till III! liOb BOTTOM PEICE GBA1TD, SQUABS AND UPSI5HT Piano Fortes. BALTIMORE, MO THHSE IN.-riSUMENTS liac been before the T Iiiblic for nearly ly Ttitrtv Yfar-. and upon their excellence almto attained an UNI't'ltC'lI rl-iJ lrT-' LMflVIV'P ..-I.I.1. ...nnrvllMfOC tlllll UnP- . nualed in I TONE, I'rkTTr-tt WORMM.WSHIP. A.VI) DURABILITY. KiT All our sQUAIJE PIANO have our New Improved OvKUsTKrNo scali. and the Asralle Treble. Uf would call -tpecia! atteatinn to our late Patented Improvement- in JJC Alt IJ I'l ll nml (H'AI1K CltANf)-. f"iinl in no other Piano, winch bring the Piano nearer periection than ha.- yet been attained. Sverr ?:aro Full" Warrastsi f:r Five Year-. Illustrated Catalogue and Price Liatspromptlj furnished, on applicition to 1V21. KNABE & CO.. lialtiinore, Md. Or an r of our regular established agencies, l-tim (Sii -SH0TGI i 7,. x CNBEST ih the WORLD. 1 Nr.A.TTTTDC .ttCST X - i' asPB Kew York Office, 27 BEEKMA2T STi fssij T Wholesale and IR, I3 El JEa 1866. 1871 OPEN to THE WORLD m 7 3 &? ivil 'fiffia !fi I 'I Is fl 2 'a 3 H YZZ,Wi&iWhT&lr Wh ca lh h h -52 n w n a v&z ii a T4a & &&?&&&& iPfi Can and wil sell yon all kinds of Implements cliecrr tliaii any otlier lionse in Nebraska. W& sell tlie STTJDEBAKER AND WHITE WATEt SsSt&Sj :i AND BUGGIES "We Eimncr Ciiltivator,Gardoii Cit Clipper 1 P2KICT TWO AND ruri-riiiA o in i m i m t sMllH'S Last bast-steel rLUwi, hALtLiutf ana hARo P1UXCETON IRON-BEAM PLOWS, ALL KINDS OF CONE PLOWr-. "We keep for sale THE li'rz'jr-,, r- s?VX- .-2T3 &&&2--$ -- SgZ-lf& -- J&4 --l&!ks&mi ivsi. M TJf. v &r?zs&Z a3F:1??e Sa & 3 ii Tiriri ii - -iw K-J-i TB -:-- r--; & - l&rss3 z ;fc . gmmp&& &mmmmpm?zA7&. 'vtt sfcP2 gpa 3pl& IlVLKvO'VEID FOB 1S71; Most jDurable and Lightest Machines J''"ie If you want anything, come and ask l"' WE KEEP XOTHIG TEE ALL OU A foil Supply of Extras always on H- HILL US) Ee1 ail T S FOR ?i h3 OF ALL KINDS. sell tlie TI - IESS - HCHSi: PLGTTb nmn. runn mn n mum F.'f c Ll. .- -.-J- .--. - '- - .V5 ."' .'- XSJfsT-T xi,f:7El;, I jlva ty s&s-- 'XCUJ"J -TjJO. T1JT'V ZBTTOZECZerv --ie?p- - Bit IB, tt. "-.:.k j,ir " , . ?4ft i- T SrrV3"3fgt -J k.- -T - BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS, A0; II GOODfc: 'jo LE AS EEC C3' 3I1;M h " i VA (i "?t f)