jgmJiu.Vi. i'...,A..iuiais...ir & itfAmf.klAd ; trf jt2J2aSij.jitJrtaii&iS 'fUE ADVERTISER. - - - - - - - i CAEH'JrEY HACKER, Fropriators. pCl-c -No.7! "U"rlMiron Itlock, up Stair, UltOVVlLLi:. NEBRASKA. 4A , r IT-IE ADVERTISER v AVH:tT!SIN; KATIC!-. SPACE. r hrc iJj .-c i-a !-k I I l! I: i: ' : I5- 5 I - Hah loch ;U$u-ir!ii--:. Hi itch J-"! --'. :' '' " I - . f .tfu 4 aHl1 I lfa C I t fc, 'Alt 2 ji. if e met i t f Two s Tares laWw. W4W Si .t ,'. ... sit'iich ." ?." :e.rn iret .. ..-ij Twelve Inches. S. li isao !&. -S. -.; m.tu f? Terms, in Advanco owotBBin in.. .. k. 3 . f.w wt tr Lur-1T ....'- S'-i 00 1 00 30 (inbtlitif of Acatr iRe. r lo first itsrtfn i tcoi'ttis.... w - .... t reeraomin I f7"AirrmiirltHt alvertiiHJs nit li pall --" -- - ESTABLISHED 1856 .! BROWNVTLLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1872. VOL. Ifi-XO. 20 gEUHNK M VTTEU ON LTEK Y '''E t P1 Papor in the State oynriAi smtfr oFTiirrorxTY. -JU-USLKKStCWX3aM: CCOQOfirY2G4SSCCrAnJUrVCsJ Vff ; rr"7cr-ft-"?rr'n''r',nmr-i r 'tn-'ryx-M-wrnrm.-rtjTwTTrnT:-:LJUUfm ggqgTBtfc'jWMMt g:l.'W I . Wl ETS j I im a. . , k . c V ' IA5 k I StSl Al5 VsV - ?-, . Sjii .,. i.A Oca -. iR y iJI ill ' I t IP 8 'S4 i'llT fu i m If P !! viS ft J .! f . 1 SOCIAi SOtECTOflir. 'jr'i . i "iiiicil No. ! t. At HI. - i . . ilium. '-m t-.r-,t M.'itla m ii . -m-i i'-li :' u'" ' aitr J s.,. ,W.AKl . I . !-'. . T. A.CltEIUH. ! .trJ-lCtiKiMi:iiiilTj-Ka!lijTfm-f .J. 3J. t-.ia Mtnic Uallon the .". ii ffhtlii'-ach nf-i.:H. It-W. ruit i. t. A. KymH.ltiC4jrdT. hi.Hp CliKflfr No. !. " A. .11. -' '. imui.icat,irstMi'ilaviii5lit iJLAKK, M. 1 II. P. l'.fFi s T. .'ia VbIIpj' lioiljn No. X.A. I . A; ;. i:fi;j::.r jnti.tauirtwrtjs ln'.U in . o. 'Ciiry-ol -rli ntontli. If0rtir-i1 r -jilo-'lny night, Jons UtAitE, i n-IUe .OJJ;l Ni. !i, I. O. O. F. ir m.-tntf TiM-la.- vnJmt l ?'! .yAt-t..y.i.It. V.BK-.SKTT,Swy. ClICltCHES. .:! Ckurcli I'V'mci! CoraorAt ...at.1 -wii1 iro?.. I.mjip scrvlcf . . ta. valt. fre. JJvv. J. Ii. Uoa- Prt tSyUTln.n C!itirrlu st-rvices efwh ;ii at Hi a. uj.. Mild 7;S p. m. I'rajr ...-liKxluv vunix- satibnUt icuiril u. J. 1 Kiki. J'juOor. ftiiioHi- 11. flnirrli. t-n-lces 'a-h , .Hi t lc3U. ai.. and T;Ji p. m. suh . j',l. in. lru;.T Muiig Thurlay V. M utTis. l'aator. t i-.u.-t 1'Iiurrh. "orur Tiwrtb anl At- -;ri"-. "Sjtx'Iw t-ry a.l.. at u.iiihI ; iel-k p. it. Siiiiday i. j. Pri-r Mtu5 Vdnltiy i J. M'Iimjas. Pastor. -:ian riiiirol!, l.iiK!liii!.-I''ns-. . . r. a.tIU at It n. ui.. awi in ttie t". JluirrJi. Pira.-Vviserydab-lit'V. i- v. i.ixnikk Pnstor. CITV OH-PICAI.!?. -' rtoiirll. Mcv tf First Vondnylr f...iCi. M.ror. A.TiwIfl.Jr. Al . Ia- . I". K. j"l.iMa.r. Nwldhardt. -. Mar'l.-.i. l. fiiinMH l-rk. J It . hot." J. V'. MMIIt-tra. PoliceJud?-. inl rviii Otpart tire of 31b lli. h Usiiy, by Railroad Arrives II n. at. i -ni. !iai!,by Rai'ro&d Arri iSftp.iu. in. .i l ivrn. Daily ArrH-cj 12 ni; Ic- t Via X-oiBUa tlty, Itally Arrives 5 . Txn. t v j i T-'"t'is'a to Beatrice IRlly: . u. Arn.al ji ni. 4, . .rn -Y'a Tall- llm-k VHkIy Ar- -tt-i:u. l"iwirt-Mtinl:iyl r a. in. v - . I I'' ' "' iai Wwlrly-Ar- i .1 -aturU.n hi o i. tti. liuimrl-! .. "In Ihv .n 7am '! . ir- ir-.tn 7 a. in.. ti 7a p.m. un 'i .a. m. . Pitl.Oi'K.P. M. - 12CAZl&.'81to6St' BUSINJCSS CAP.D3. ATTORNEYS. ' Ai i !1'V-KIK AT LAW. ..nlwt'iii-' . !!r-niJle, Meb. I.j-I "TUl.Ii A. ijCIIICK, . KVS A Vr.V--ELiIl3 AT LAW, . v-uti;iui;l in u.? taiisb ud .-- .iiuw. iSi , j. ". ilaia trwt. va-i a.imIh". N-ft. t-:y .Kits. At.rBy andlmn--i'iral liw. .- ti'w-it attiij. u t i i-a! . !.. llIii-t'arf. Oiltoe in C'uari Ilau--iA-n.-ill'. Neil. ' Ll"'A, AlUrny and '.t:u'Iira.t i.il iJj"i r in c. iic?rv. jjrunruville, 37li ! 1 .t KI'.tt'HAS. Attorneys nd .un- . Imw. itro-vn. ille. Xctj. OJBce No. 7. - a. BRUADY. AtUrnoy at law and r j jn Ctmrnomr. Vtltoe t lMhtoci Court PERU BUSINESS CARDS. LOCATION OK PERI'. Poru Is-,luiat-ili-n tlip st t'.mk r tin- Missouri riAT, in N-niftii.t fnaiity. :i!.ut tir mli imi i of t!i'ijtoc 'oiiiil li:i-.:nnl nine miloi nortliwt oi Jtrtnvuvilli-. Iln" Kri-inar:uilyiiI-'AtitifK-Atiii:ia and tut JuirSo ii--.iiri- .tloun ! mi litti- liiijxirt aiif'. It lia-a iiitniiatlnn i n'lMiit iici. 'I in -tutr formal sctioo! ft hK-atcil ) r-, and imc liriiiiclich of bn-in"-!. arc utll n-pre-t: nti tl I ut tin- trndf carri-'l n l: rt- s not up to tli domands oi tlif country. It contains man;, tnn- r"ulin--.. :tnl s'.mi- Kod husim-i lmuv- "TiKTran-lnTctwoliw fliur-li- HpiTopal and Mi-tiiodi t: koimI iiiitrir-: S'-!iml llouv.finc Ntoari rioiinn Mill, ".vo IIo tois, jiif Livcrv ln!ii'-. live 'npral storci. two Ilruc Stoifw. onp IIardar- Store mid Tin Simp, two Luuifir Yard, ihroe l.I.'u-kvmltli Shops, one Wnson and CarriaKe siiop. tvi liop shops, one llaker.me H.-.rtieo. Iiop. two Paint simps, two MHt Marki'ts.two rxiiltural Implement IIou.i-s. one It irlHTJiop. one Iti-al Ivitate anil Innran-e Airemj two Itrick ard-. lots of C'.ersymen. l'liy v.riaii I'olitiemn'i. Ac.liut no Lawyer sOlllce nor hSimih In town. PIONEER DRUG STORE"! PEIir, NEBUASKA. J O I-I X P ATT i" I IS OX, !'!t;)l'Kli:T(!l!. 'PHIS Old and tt-HabV IIon.o fullv prepared to 1 furnish an and V'-rtl.!n- ii-nallj foniid in a flrlcla IlniK tore. ' wr firing Ikon any House inthr Vdl, . i r; Vl'h TJO.V JtKh'IKl). Hyll Tiio.irAs iiutciiixsox, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MA3ffTTFACTTTRER, PERU,- - NEBItASKA. K LI. KINDS of Leialrinc done on liort notice t Alui'ahinet Work and Cuiliits made to,. nli-r '! mi-rejisoiii.tilv. and a!i work viarranted. I-l CITY MEAT MARKET. Hy CHARLES 1VEV. PEK!. NKHHASKA. fiOXhTAXTLV on ha 'id ic.iod -upply of Kn --h and Sailed Meats. lll!ie-,t market prii-e paid for FAT CATTLE, SKEE? AND H0GS. H. F. Morion & Brother, PERU BUSINESS CARDS. A. K. GILL13TT, LDMBER MERCHANT, And Di-fcler in all k"ids of Building Material, Sasli, Ixirn.Naili, OIa.. Lime PlsMterins Hair, Ac. Corner 1th and Park streets, PERU, X hi HRASKA. i a..bti..Lbld Gl BbSLU C0NT2AOTS 7AS21T 7S0S FOUNDATION, and nxisiir.D Tiiirou;inUT, OK REASONABLE TERMS. 5"J-A11 work warranted to k e .itHractinn. Ilyl sZ?zb i 6y feiWcsi & CHARLES GASDS, rKoriin-rroR. MWtN"Jfi.AUr3M;y and Counselor! . Nm-ti taty. ;.. , ' ruTOMKY. AtUtmtgps tini CwiR'-rtors . 'Aorii&i llty. r iiit twtty. Xt. .. . .-. Attorney at I-t'v a id Land Agent, i.utei oiritj. Nrl ra-U. 1II1SIC1A5S. PERU, - - ' - IVF.I5RASK.A. l.l.tHAV, M. !.. PLjalcisn. Surgeon. ittrii4n. 4.ra(iuat-J in ImI. Iich j.-ill lv. :.. , l.-tt & fre.Rh's Mclter-ii ItlofK. Spt-ial atu-nl.on t.tjci m.d Uix-isc ol W.rtiien and l'm a VKT. M. I. Pl.y-iclan and Surcon. i . .uv Net. Olllct' hours iroiu 7 to a in. . 1t7i1 p. m. Oflk-em li. C Lett's '-.. Pti;-M.-ia aad arcn. Oflice i '..n . St, -tl Main street. Crow u- rI'niS House is hw, and newly fitted and fur I b11mmI In vry department. Guests will Hurt liercic. cood ftirf tMCatt be fonwl nt any Hotel lc Neoraka. Hiipkh io connect with It II. trains leave tnh House every uiormnKal U clo.-k. Contraetors and all others that contemplate hiiildiin; will do well to mil on me tteluropurctiav in elsewhere. Cumiietitain dolled. --.:m C. C. WHEELER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, orticr ."iih A- Main -'ts.. 2?Ea?lTJ", 3STSa3aRVS321. tpect'J Atttui.:a piu lc E fuse.' of ihs Eye rA Ear ItKl-CBKNi-i-.s Prof. II. I). Cleaner, Keokuk, la.; Prof. J. V blinder, low a Mate li.ier-it. JOY A. DAILY, Dealers In DRUGS, 3Ii:i!CI MIS, PAINTS, OILS, Glass, Putty Sokool Books, STATIONERY, I'ERl'U.MERY, Ac, Ac. EDUCATIONAL. McCrew, Pierson hu1 O. H. McOrcw. J This was followed hv HiniriiiK hv the E' &"a Kolinnl loil rv ilio t. wlie Thl co'iimn of the AdvfktpsFr 1b tinier, - ' - ..,..,...... the.E-litori.il control of the Etlucators of, We had a pleasant time. The chil- Nemftlin County. SPELLING. Taxation nnil Exemption. I tor Nehrr.ska, .vilvcrtler. Ill ynurlaat i.-tjtie ajijifar an article headed "Taxation and A.-M-'-.-nient, ' dren, parent-, and all present enjoy- in which the writer very fairly allow ed the occasion to the utmost extent, , that onecan-e of jti-t coir.jdaint on and we lefi feelini; that it w.- v'od j the part of a lar;e rla-s of our eiti- How ihall we teach ppelling? is a i to he there. How rejoitrinj: it is to zen in regard to tiie inequaMty of question that is heing agitated now anion g tSie teafhern generally, and a que.-tion to which there has been no definite conclusion arrived at. 'Ihe plans for teaching this hrnncii are varied, like those for teai-hing all quently other hranches. It is strongly advo cated by pome, and we believe the fee parents and friends meet to en- ' tues, is oec'a.-ioneil by the method n- courage the children. It has a ten- dopfed by the a es-ors fur determin- dency to buoy them up and eneour ag' a them in their efforts to learn Parent" should vbit tisu school fre- S. ii. Polltenena In the Mthnol Uro:n. theory to be a true one, that any ir.n- i l ne '"'"''J' i' P'vein a win ol 1 to certain eh.-.-ei, but is al.-o .contrary auaire ha? a nerfect alohabet. when nne of the most dillienlt of ail the l to both the Mi-irit and letter of the every character of that alphabet rep- quaiiticatlons of the teacher. More! inw, even yupposlmr the standard of ing the value of property for taxable purpo-es. It is also very clearly sltown, in that article, that the method of a sesaing property upon arbitrary valu ation, uin-t he not only verv unjust resents only one sound. Therefore, if we would have a perfect alphabet, we must in consequence have a character to represent every sound. Oil r alpha- teachers fail in this than in anything value fixetl high enough to equal tht ti-e. . Is this because it i so very .lit- average valuation. It lisat been shown i ?kfc tti - . I uciuitogoern cmitsren. or is is oe- . that the met hoi! adotited bv th - cai:-e the proper course in not tkin "Board f A"se.-.-ors," U a fraud, hi th bet fails in these particulars. There-! ",vltn t,,(?l'-- "t'l o thece causpM UI,U the law and the people. It is a three months, was taken with the 7JOTI compos mentis. If the gentleman ! h'lM "HIV rprtiTie.li) ill. ii. i i fine tt fto meeting of Assessors prior to a . ment let i hear them ; and if he knows any way by whlel a more equail ase smeii tciii be mad. I, for one, would like to have it presented. AsKSsm. A ."Ui-ilsjippl RoninnceA lrntinl rcf f Aaron Itnrt. "Nta Bine," Jtl. John F. II Olaioorne.) contributes to the Natch ez Democrat the following roniam-e in whicti the eloquent, otvompi:hed, ami taseinatmi: Aaron Burr placed u contpn-uou." j-rt: Tne arrest oi Aaron Burr, at the mouth of Cole's eteek, by the order ol fiiwirs Meatle, Aetiri;-i JoVenior of .Mis.!.sippi lrntory, and hi-arrain-ment in liieold town of Washington on the th ti'- of trtaon, th's?lf-pos-s -ioxi. ability, and tact he exhibited, and the l.v.r:ith- iiuprtioii h made n the coinmunity. are all well reineiitbeieti historical incith nt-. H beauty never ceased until the evening tell.- sntmdet the Angelvs. Without surrrnth rimr her heart, rr being carried away by universal al m.r.stii n. -he returnt d to the ctttae on t e Half-Way Hill. She mbs fa lowetl there by Mr K.. an Englieh Keiitbitiaii, the had of the I rge-S e ui:ne!ciil hoo-e in IiHVana. and t lnui, on hi.- second vi-it, she gave her ha'u!. The vine covered cottage, its trel ie and bi-nier- have crumbled iuU lo-t. Tbecoutil. lover ami the in nocent maiden are ln'r since denL But the obi hill still Iitl.- its aged brow, wrtukied nil over with traditions. A favorite lookout of the Xatchis in time of war the scene of a daring eonspitaey agKiic-t the fcjpttnish au thority the reudeKvoits of lovers the hio":nc p-.e of brignnds and a depot f'r the r blnl-st:.iiied txeiisnre -mute, but faith tul witness ot thu pa.- i How Oiin;)i)w Ier is Mnilr A Ilmxse1 AVlierr Sleo ApTrr Lntttii. I low do von think you would lfko to live, fettling every moment to bu ..... i.. ,.:.... ii u:.... .. ..i,n...i..., inav nave tnucii to no w;ut :t u , ru ,. , t ,.n r iu ,.);.. ....it. ,..,. .i......r.....t .... ...;.... k.....;.- rr Muu-n m-i- u,.r .i.inTi. i..i...uir iAi.i ll'IC, UH.;ill IJCOKtilg, UUI ilil.lllilWl.-l j...w ..!.... it wi nil,. miiv.i,.i u lia, t,- t , t-t nil i t;vu Uli ..Itlllj, utill'i lui t. .. , ...-v vin,n I" --J otn .vi.t. , Post Odire iinii.U.,, - l'ern, Xi-itm-kit. . jot J onp Pnme ttluhora without a doubt the great trouble lies , nd rendera them liable to the penal-! hi ai'l'eartince, and tne prlotipm to jar anything, for tear of Marling ti Phys.ciaus Prescriptions carfjlly andcienllfl- ' in not lipini tlie -i.rhf m(,!.f,i nf.i,. i, i ... ,t. , ,....- - ...: iMrUiUtlia!! Was C''I. Bextjnxxxiii t)s,- c.pIo.M.n that woultl send you in 211 caioumpiim,,.-.!. i j , iei ui uiuiratuer a represent m-m-h r. - -..,..--.. -- .-.,., 111M,,tM w, owIW H ,ll mum , m,t vp of New ;vlM.v? JlU,i ., t.,ant to another World 7 willis cautek, dhtinct sounds, others have it retire- government, .-.long ii-t oi written , ful neglect of duty. emnrmle ..f -inrr in the renihiii.m.irv You don't think it would he verv? sent but four, airain .-till others that it ha-i live and i-ix sounds. We have only twenly-.-ix letters or characters in the alphabet, and these characters renre.-ent forty-one ditlerent sounds. all Aork in IiNiine w.t .Neatiiessanddispatch.atid I i . r out. mis that win he si.Msiactorj tviy ! ami we may represent our forty .s3sctsc2.z3i3 , jAnnilj in niimv mum i!irterfiif v.'fiv i -." --- -- ....j... Hence we finil thut there is not a sin- PAINTER, GLAZIER AND Pa ))cr Ilftitfrr, PEIIU. NKBKASKA. " Ir-III to inform the citizens of Peru and nr- roiiudiiii: coiimr;. that he s iireiiare.l to do ! rules, presented to the pupil, by wiiii h he muse square hiv conduct, and niea'sure his deportment, will do but 1?A1 . I - very nine io stcure orue. in t ne i fmtrovements trees But the writer saw fit. unnecessarx- war. ik whs an old Ixitcln-Ior, of Iv. to oiler an anolo.rv for th.. ..vm.mi,. handsome fort u tie. a nich t -tied Fed- -- - rf j- .., , ; .:.:.. ......: t k.- ... I m.hii in Kiiiiie-, n.-ii.un-ti iiim in t CS- -.i: i :.. ....:.:.. ......: i k:. ...:i;... MtifK l nu'iiif li- fit.. sr,ttitr .., ,.!,. ' ... . . ' "J """"""" 4V" """ I, -v- l..T.i. ..,.. v. i Iw.l.l i. fcnnni room. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry JOSKPII SIIUTZ, Ko. 553 Mr.in Stzoct, Brownvilln. rt Keeps c !isfuit' on lian 1 a l.irse and well :sfi ass,.i;( ,i n, -k ol M-nii ne : rn, les in Ins I t.e I. i XtMUS- rv tiitoit-, una was iieht in grt'i He. 1 here It, teem. (lo:-l J-,nnnii w-iis, i,tit ol" the most praeiietl and successful Some written items j m excu-e for these exemptions. Thev may be u-eful for regulations, but not nre coxitrarv to sound policv uncon-' P,JUUrrH ,,f lI,e 'i'ertitory was the for di-eii.Mm. .-. i " i .t i "' t- i first who comi.seitced to improve our tot tusi ipiiue. Httttitiounl a burthen ami a hinder- , t , , , r ' , s.iumumu, .i Diiuiieii ami a titiiui r J,r,.t.,i ,f hoi.-e. a:id Was return" ned To properly govern a school, an ap peal must be made to the moral na ture of the pupils. A standard of nnceunun the revenue system of the j fr his table ami his wines. His, ben u Stnte. tiful est'ite cxtemletl to the Half-Way The-,v limwvw . would nnniinn hut l lUlL Hi--html-, cm his death, were , , " , ',... , l. i ,., !..... .....! T... doiie on tmrt ii.ilu I-, ut re.isuiiaWe rates. AT, I. V.Olth' WAltllA.X'lEn. JACOB BERKLEY, Wa gon & GamageKaker ! COLLEGE STREET, UROWNVILLE, - NEB. i n'sTOll WOUIC done on short notice and In a V st leaud m-inner which will guarautuesatisfite tton. JOHN .J. A. SMITH. K. It. WILIOJv. sjiUllflsJl, tUHSsiUlild avd COSESSZSSJOH' HOUSE or SaIITK & WILCOX. Iealer in ail k'.ids of c;ra'ii. for which they I a the li'chest iiark-t price in I'.ish. e"i).i,iv.tt.:ri'ul f' K. Johnsor ACc. lS-fini gle word in the English language but what may be spelled in some diil'er- i i... ' -urlit eu.l H.r,r ni,,.,. i. -..f.nl i ,... e i . -r ' uurena-eu ov tut, late vierartt l.r.tu- ent way by exercising a lutie ingenu-. ,,!lts'!lJ wrong must tie nnseil in little cause for complaint, if our wise jnn an,j v-ere "ivex to his sois.-i't- ity, and to one not well acquainted j tl,e-r m",ati RI"' "-' OJ1" - A ' B.,nrd of Asac-aora" was as carfnl to j..y' ('.,. .I.-.mea Smith and William high r.'gard for the rights of otheis i ob-Herve the re(uiremtfutis of the law j Stanton, two (f ,ur mo-t valuable must fe taught them, and a con-tajit j jn estimating the value of property , citizens, now deiea-ed. Here C'olo- efrnrt nnf ti 'ie-mii.nnici iho.o -n.'.fd L . .- -. i i ii i - Me BttH rcsidcl Mniie week- after hi- iiiuri not li' li.irutie upoii iiiese ij;iis for tiiv.ition as it lias oe't iioern' m i . . . . .- - i " .oi iitjaiwu, us a nit. w. a nut. a. ' 1 uiM-b-uge, reci iving the vt-its ot m- such as not to whisper so as to at- J estimating the value of what has fluent iai sympaihizer.-, but pu ing tiwt the attention of another from 0t.eii claimed for e:;eintMn. his afternoon- in the woods. The his les-onnot to make unnecessary The Bourn"' nurpo-es to mwrn the) Half-Way Hill, when clothed with lini-i. sn ..a t ,,,,. niiw-p 'P',rti- t . . . i . -i majestic trees, was bin favorite resort, niii-e so as to anno, oine.s. ijie real estate at certain fixed rates of . -. i , ... , ,. , , , . itnuawu jo, u xl-iii i um uties ", ut jts rctre&hipg shade niul charm- siioum iv raugnc to ne cieaniy aim j vaiue per acre, for each precinct, .n neat in their petons and dress, so n j ftt H rate, on an aven.ge, of less than not to offend the most delicate sense. Lne hmf of its real value. A mo- 1. - 111i t. A. A- - -' . . tneysnouni og laugiu io usp cm- meat's consideration will show that and courteou language to each ot..er, with etymology, the wrong spelling may seem as reasonable as the coirect. There i.- no apparent reason why "kot" should not be the correct spell ing of the word that is commonly spelled "caught," and yet we do not find a single letter Used in the spell ing of the former wonl. that is used in the spelling of the latter. Thir. account-for so much time being spent In learning word.- in lieu of things. We find some teachers who have their pupils form ivi a cla-s and then spell a whole- exerci-e, without defi ning e. single word, ami the pupils re turn tv their .seats about as wise a. when they left them. "What constitutes good spelling? Is il one that wins at a spelling match, having spelled orally all the words pronounced, when his whole atten tion in directed to the spelling of the - - - - - : words only v w e say not. The m- -X )ii ')- " " I dividual alone may be considered a tv V ' f' f f T 0 ?' good speller, when he has to a cer- rV? O-i .'V!'C ii f Ss I I A I tain extent, nia-teretl the art so that sj vil Operations Per- ! Ut CRM U"e I,l!l worus "ol n,V In con- v SS? formed in the iest , versalion, but in writing al-o. We ws manner. I . . xvi .-... are aware of the fact, that some con gratulate tuoti'selvert us gooil'-eaoh-eis of epeIlingMwhen their pupilt can -1gII a eertftin-prescribed exorcise or two withoat failure. Now I shall endeaevor give you my plan for teaching spelling how I s-Sir - -." " ?-s-isrI- . a.TSsterS . ?rvTii i"3 S!5- orricv: KttJC sir AtesHttjncupnMiiUi, treats- ERAHZ HEItMER, fAGOti &LACI(9MlfHSaOP and to uj-e none other but such lan guage. They should be instructed to show respectful deference to the'r teachers and older persons, and a prop er respect for each other, and a be coming respect for thenisfives. Thy should be taught, to be graceful and modest in position and attitude of body, anil elegance and refinement in deportment. All this may he called pollteiiea3, very well. It is politeness which is absolutely necessary to the coiroct government of tiie sohooi-rnnm. Schools cannot be governed without it. Politeness is denned to be civili ty ii proper respect for the rights and fe be gin to receive r.nyinenlal orlnteUect ual training. They have faculties for tl'1" "--d of development, n- much a any other. Politeness need not ti0 iui pr.t-pect were not the only attrac tion. There lived nt ti.at lime, near the summit of the hill, iti a little vine covered cottage, a whi-w lady from pleasant? Well it i.-n't: vet hun dreds ot men live iuju-t that state, work, receive pay and live, year after year, in the very sight ot death, as it weiv ; all that the world may havs gunpowder. You can easily guess that thoso men go about very quietly, and tievoc iai.gh. Vu know i tint gunpowder ia very dangerous in a gun, r neai a fire, but perhaps you don't know that it is equally dangerous all though the pro-c.--, ,f making. A powder mill is n f arfiit pl.te to vi.-it, ami strangers art seldom allowed to go into one. They are built far from any town, in thu winds, ami each branch of work i done in a separate building These :iou-es are quite a distant e from eaeh other, so that if one blows up, it won't blow up the rest. Then the lower parts of Ihe builtiimr are made very strong, w bib- the roof- are very lightly -et on. o that it it explode- only" the will sillier. But n. spite ol every "care, sometunesa whole settlement "of the povvdtr mitts will go ttl" ainio-t In tut instant, and every vestige of the work allowed by law, and doubles the bur-1 converted bis property into mot.ey , J . , , and on bis wa-. tothi- I rritorv had dens of taxation upon those w.io l)Ce r,)libr(, ;, ...liri0.tl l(. tfitf 110. " yi wfc, :a$ravaiatev 'iaugfrf liauip1?S3i.tfgwHsufbi!y MM " I ?ri ! vtltai.k k-rtit.tt ! m1 ttvi 1 V llhLIIIKI, l. 'tlltlll .. - this, pnicticaily, exempt-) from tux a- or thr-'e slave- were the only icm-iiii- of years will be swept away in a few lion, more than double the amount i of a htr-re tontine. Hit lius huh! had .-ecuials. li-.ti iiiouga you xeei UKe nottiiiig; your breath to look at it, it is lenity a vtry miert -ting pnn-e-s to .-eg. It ia made. portni-syn:i know, of chareol. .-:tttieior, ami hrtmsttitie. Euch of thesi articles is prepared in a hottte by it self ; but the hou-e where they are mixed i.- the i.st terrible one. ' I:i this building is au immen-e mill stone, roiling round and imiiid in n iron bed. In this bed, and under the stone, are put the three ingredients of gunpowder. There they are thor oughly mixed ami g.iouud together. This i- a very dangerous operation, because il the -ti ne e.me- in contact with iu iron bed, it is very apt to strike lire, and the meerest susptetoit have to pay. For instance, Sec 4, of Chapter -10, of Revised Statutes, entitled Kevenue provides that "'In all a-sesmcnls of "real property, used or occupied ex- "elo-i vt!v for mriiiilr oriil mirmwi-M " - - the as,es,or shall not value the j ty' S,-Ie V'".ilU l:lt l,,M' -Kl u!n,lers have piefuretl on the divine Msioon "same higher, by reason of any mi- :lu r lh:lt ;irt st- ever dreamed of hu "provements thereon made exclusive- j man loveline-s. Thus,, that s-iw her "h" for agricultural nurposes. unless ! loved her. et -he was never conscious "such improvements exeeid the -U3i "of one thousand dollars, when such T T. T loriiius .1 sepn iiiomp-on linre, a more blood-thirsty viili.m even than the cetebiatcd Mason. She iiad but one child, .Madeline, who mu-t stili he rememheiei: by r. few of our older ci'izsus as a miiacle of beauty. In form and feature, in grace and motl- "exces3 only, shall be assessed." Thare is al-wj a biter statute which p4gBmtejMdph i. . j-- ji anf i i -iii . . . tXaWtyPBfcwBfll' OBCw adilaTs' for ory acre of for- tWijN9i" hundred e.-t treeJi. There are several faruis iu every under if the .sentimeot unt'l -he li-teiied t Auron Burr. The family weru CiUh- oh'es, him there Col. Burr went to meet by appointment, one of his nu-Jofaspark would set. off" th w"hit(. meroust agintij aim corre-pomients, i ne ninienaH uresj.reMd teree ortftSur-- iiwfatotioa RrfWW W. I Xil,-i tliut: UacXih the Ud ; tho wh.9L ! OrlennnnlTMfcStudletl JNWHUsWWiwH avxfTltim'ltjiivss the pftifftr. ImT mid became a iletmier of tH Oongre- door is sliut, and tiie niaelililery filSt gtin ot the Oratory. At thu rtisso- to do it terrible work alone. Whn- liitimi nt stlit.1 1lii1v tkv trif. tVrointM I 11 liuu rut, lllmrr. iimvn.rli !'.. ..tlt l ......... ... ........ '.''j srj ... .v...i .. ... ...... . .,. .v. ......Jill, UIV ! V V. ttovcrnmetit he relurneil to l.oui-i- sfojipeu, anl the men ( etni htk.-i . ; ACi25?JVS. l Kstate and Tax Paying rsw -II It'.x k.crtier first i .ii'proaiit ail"iit:.iito the laymatn' lake- i. '. nd ln-trtct. 7tf ' . s Ueal Kstate Agent and u northeast corner 23c- . r,. Br.ia u ille. Neb. ,t .V l ft t-' Estate and Tax (l.iavi'i I i-tettturt it..iii. jt'e-ititt to the -ale ot ItnsJ Ks- i wT 1 axe Uiruttgrliout the Seutalia n?itniiit !, s. n ivuiniii iniin HC-iTCi"- !.-' 1-. ..! n.....i...,ll... . .i,. !.. f. ..... I' 1 . . .........ft:... I,. .... !. I . . t -. mi " :liiii rxt'n :sr i iii" :n,,s v uifir- . iiitri .11 1:11 !: !--'; 1 ith Tifiiviwr ti jjlir.ni i-aJuJ, ,,.m. ,..,..1., w.s. ... v.... . .ouW Rnd ,U)W r do teaeh L r , taoght so as to renew extreme formal- method ;. valuatJon pP"-"'. w. tI,m" ' -he pari-or Mt i-k-MW H- haVu tump-or cakes W-SePM?!1 rule out all ty, so a- to run into rigid u.aoneri-m. not only pay all tu.-v upon the farm, v H,!ri'! t France. It Thefctiext hou-e is wherctheae eitkeg ""Za ..lai.neranVisi.'.rt not.ee. utu.n sunrlin lhe spelling books and take, in their Nor court etiquette need not here- but entitle tiie owner thereof to a ; j ": J" c . lMrf ,a iiU pro- are broken i,,tp:m and, of couc, " - -' I-' I'1 "" - Hli" .tead.asmall dictionary, ami then quired. Although co:iiy a-Idres-. i ;ar credk .,.,., the tax of any oth- "j.ed securing the' ...U'Pi'.r " V.tXS.-nV.aiVT Vi.Tfe V J. "W . SliS., rj-Aprr; r CT,1pT have the pupils learnto spell the word and P. high polish of manner have j er property he n. ay have. Take as a re:Li.m- ottlers, and tor that purpo-c , "-' m. .i,ged to af.eml to it every U4,Wi!" -" --., Miflliii" it limn how to use their value, and are not to be spoken j convenient iHu-tratiou, CI. 1-uruhsa "i-eoeo 1 c v.,ii....c ( "' T i.o Jou I,my . ii- iss3 c nss 1 J i -n in-w.i:n in amt alter speiiinfe it ltar.i no. 10 use n.-i. . , ... . s the Atdie. and met ium by anpuiut- i laugh or jiko is t.. . t.t.:,rd wtlitin its "Wl T-Ssi3; n - n J II I' I I it. what it means, &c. And if we can- lightly of, yet many never have the faril, f :ih, acres, vrui.-h to-i.tiy wiiil.: I t j,.,,, ut - : ,Va,tH. l.veiy one who ,.., in lias to m wvywow tinr .sww - h H A! U I M 1 1 ft 1 H ' r1 not net d ctionar es for a' , we must advantage 01 una mho ......v. ,u in. mmgin ii un. i'.j. .--,... ...., - aiw- uu hw , j- u .... .u-itu, iksheanci Mm, zzs"- !r. 'x! ".r.r :;. ;::u,- Jk f ,. pun- n-":n::ts!:'i,sir- ' iwtwu.!) . i.:..v. .. i,rnb.. -wp'.1 ns at Wr.shiiMcton. vidue that fr.rm at 2 per acre, o." Ie.-- ' . ..... i.. ....,.,... I w ih leather. nnU is made perfectly IL.'.s,tiritifs.s.iii..iii.i. vbcii.i.ir- r-l ia - ------ r IliH it ,1 t ! I I l.UL Olli. . 2"E:it57, ?'Ke5HtLSEL.4. Real Es"at Z5 .iitrii! ais;i Solsl on O.JiKJtiJ'Osion. G-220. . PHXil,IP3, itrariJ i-Opn .?! ''PnrtiTO TrtP!Q0 prenarinir, and when the clas-is call hdlj,rubU,UlCAUIdlUdOldljiiS idi'ipontorecitcitis expected tha Ttuwi. onrnnts or irup.ntiaiis wno say I do not send my children to the school to learn manners or morals. tillXVS UjSAjYiSXIS. -"tffUiV.. rwardios and ominls- , i -... . .'..C iv-iu-r 111 ill k-titls,i"ra.u IT lut-c or.-, and W areriMin, So. , . lro uvi'l. . S". '- JBttUCIIANiMvIS". : Nsiis a til., iv- dei uitJeneral Mr-ti - V. ;j Mam si rt.-t. Br.m nvillV. Nh. I M T. DKX. letJTlaiem-riil Mir-t-.n.- tnd Fwraard.iut aed Owinnis-. : Men-li- Mam -.-. et. Ilr twti ill.-. NeS. Otrn . ows. toi--. I"iir.mure.".c . ala- on i 'Cst utariel pric? jmi:4 far Uides. rells. umix Proluce. XO'lVIRIKS. liMHT.X'itarj' PiWicand"onveancer. 4aJ!i -treet, ecn4 tln-r. I.rti'iir, t f r the Ktiiittauie and An.T.ca:i l'oii- tafi.-e coniaiics. .1 CS'l'IClSSi. TS1I. Jotlc ot th IVae ad Tax s Asnt. Will attend p'"nis. ' itirnsi- to hit. Oilltx at his r-id.ie I ,m4n erecitK-:, NenisOia coun:. Xe- Jy SAEDLEItY. V ' iai Jlsrrnss. Krdtes. .!lar. EW- .o. i-trcet.Br.iiviile.Xfti. M-u.ingd.Kie -4ttij.-Hiuarmeed. ' lilULDGK KLlLDiAt.". TlKKLKR ndeBoi.deraodCoatrator. v.Ii". Xeb. -oieaeiu tr 11. W .-niifi s Hnde. The fcJ-l;'t " best tsHl. u .!'-,. UOTHLS. 'ollect1ons nHd a-id i - p i d ! aifEs) N..n-Uesidants ; S&i t! iV 0l 0"UMOIATKN "orcro-s'nu IVnms. st I. -. -lock l"r. ill t..tc.at allliitie. X.oliiay ti act on ill ol w ailit r. PESU AlIB VJ ATSON ! each member of it will be able to -pell j but to learn to rei-A and write and ' and define everv word in the lesion, spell, mid soon, make a fatal mistake. y too often see the consequence mistake when it is do ate. ami tleiine everv wont m tne lesion, ppen. mi THE SHEEMAH HOUSE. ! nniw thJ m f ad hr- , sentence in which the word is u-ed, of their -10 ."lulii-kt.. ;-ii-. ni i l lc. and in this way gather an idn of Pa-enU should leach th. ir children I . . . C. 32. HL.tlTr.11 II, frous-Jctcr v.h.tt the w..rd means. Hnd then de- ut home, if they expct to nave a wen I"I:i:i SJTvIlflI line it in their own language. In IXi-ONVLTTiUN- WITH THE HOUSE. '!,,,;;WR-V'T he!ieve t,mt iuI" v" n, ll.rt.s.. l.a ..-, r. . ...e. -1 d .,. .1 reftm, Vs, ,i0' ;iI-V ,pr I,mV t tvU MlA K'fl,,e .. . r ,i :. .. .. ...... I ... I liir.li one-ioiirizx its av.-Littit iui.it-. iii Us eou.-ider how this will work. At a valuation of twelve dollars per acre,3! acres gives $3,(-J. Deduct for improvements SI, (WO, leaves, i?J,tiiK value to be a--eine .. But the Col. has a large quantity of fruit and for- 3" ' ,, . ., r night in February, 1.7, he set forth. I " : w u " .w RB"ITOT, n.uauu..l tin the iLvoriie horse of Uh ' contiund a set of siy."s. tarn one ho-.t. .tad alleode.1 by Jerry, a faith-., -smaller than the Ia-t, tlirtinsh whieii ful gioem, who had order to go as the powder -t-sitioi ; an dan iutnraM far as iVari river. Urgent a- was the ' J r,,SK mtl " 'I.k nee. si n :..r exi-ednzon. Col. Burr Kroimtl up wnile men shovel u with ht.lle.1 h'l.ill daylight at the widow's woo.!, n shoves 1 lie m .chmery ,.....r.,... M.-..h th.- t,.t-,iitif..I makes a great tteni of iiom, but the v.ii.-. . I" '-t """r. . uilr.t illlli.-nlll..ptimMs. .ot t t.. n...., . ... .... -.-.... .....- .11 ,1 . It T aii-: .i i e 1. CI, governed family, and they sh ;ild in sist on having it olwerved in the school. Ami teachers who would - I ...I.. -.5 .. I.. .i.. .i ,..t.... .ii, words, but they will also learn how to nave n wen ir'i-.i.. . ...... .... i''.-'i '.iduc.'.'.hcsl's! i,RL. them. rr:;etic:dlv. the obiect ' tnset their pupils iu politeness, teaeh Hit 11. 1 Us, . t .11 . . . .. ! ., . ... ...,,. ,, 'p., ,! shta " " -w . . ... . . .... ..... .......,..,..... .. Ill t. i........ .. i.. ,. .r.. ...m.a.E.i,..K .a. i... e-t tit-ea -we Will say tec illustration, ! Jj,.ht tK. pronu-td marriage for-' t her ukle crashing f the raachine ! M.d !, a fair e.-iiiaate. ti.irry acres of. t,ie.hiirH iH,.-.ti.n. and ev r h'inte.i ry ven v-ems to give great rxbr etteh Thirty a.res of fruit trees en-1 i itM.ri.:l ii...h. not re.l.z.ng, even J ' '-e u very gi to gt t oui ui mo tities him to a deduction of el. lSS h c L ...u.j, im.i .r.v.n ifiazing i- a.ne iv iuixiiik u.utk wswi i! 0 hi'A .JT C. !" :". . .' -1. "' . t. WH H I ,:-.r-: --r;,' ..:;;, i!-'lI"!n.,rlthatwehavein view, in wantimr to ! them to l cwrteM. W . Wl ...S.1. U.tu ,...w.-. ...- --.. ... , . ftr-M-J r,M53 , r 3 ?r r. lfi-,t i know the letters that coinpose a vvordl they m.tsb-'! pome cH.r..-us V i i i 1: Si .si hi h! i Si I il 3 U I is .that we mav be iil.ln to writr- it eor- themselves L? 1 .4 J L hrsSH ii U i 51 LlJ liAl) ilc4 j rectly, ami we must know what it vV. tS. Tls.'siiiiisjiiia. ivi-op. 1 J" 1C- !-3 Per'. -e 1 i c "He -t w'i'i 'rn -t lose, I. A .'"H' I IVru erj rn-n'iii;. unriiiniT. in VW to . - .; ; d North ..li .tie i!i !U...r .a.!, rt.nriii'i. : i.jl l l rnouTY, -3Rv5 W' A Nil issa; ?JS fciTl.-lS 21 . i it .1-1 M. Kauararai. Proprlc- ... 4-: M i.d sire, t !tr.in die. Xraskn- , f . '.: v re lewlt '..si i.nd r.- urmhea. e,sl -tn-iit-ct:.jn with the house, -taws .or all -t and wun-.l.j-isl..r ail train. 'tiuaX WtnSK. L. 1. Robrm. Proiirietor. - i ret, tM-twi-en Main and ' oliegc t"j"" i-i.t Livery stab m cunneeuoa with tbi j means in order to get it iu its proper CAPITAL. - s1 00,000. ! place in a KMitence. It is sehlom that we are called upon to name the let ters in a word, and we nil know that one may may be a good oral speller, Tin n tart n Rent-ml ln:iUlni; Iluslnckh anil iiiukr rulli-i'i tn o: all :iol:ii. t lirut2liii:i tlie V.clT Jesnette IIahiukg. London, I'"eb. Thr Iv ! of "S-sTtrlnj; GiC" uarcsoisi's. M"; . I VKY a- XKKKLL, IValets la DnT. . :-uerr. KKU No. XZ Jla-a siiw. lir.mu .. t"uil s irttneut r Oruij. Paints. ,,.s. s.a'ionary, etc. on hand, and !C at w holc r CL Mrs sJirrn. ' I" d.lIMCK.i;unSniith.tIclsSmIth ,.-.. .. r.. ..- -.titin sinvL arownrilie. .--:a t;tiMuiaet!,rder and repalr.nsdt.ue .. t chrap rate 3S-ly IKS TAntAX'TS. Mk KESTAI'KA NT. " - t ih. laachtT. Prt- r. Nol 37 Main street. Krownvllto. N"iS. .: ail hours. ,ird v fie caTorww liLACItriTII. v "tt J. C. OIB--ON. Bla-ksmlths ami Uorse - . -rs Fnt -treet Uetw.sn Main and Atlantic. 4 . i He. Neb. Work done to ordernHa-r.Usfac-t i irats?d. BOOTS ArvU SHOBS. ' ROBIXsoN. Boot i.nd Shots Ha-er. No. - .lata t. Brow im'.le. Neb. llascoastant- .u4 a r.-t assort meat oi t.eiu. iauj. . . Aiid fhlidren's P.o.rf- and Shoes. CtasWin '. ! .'.twit'! ti-atiie-s and distch. Kepalrlng I -tiort notice. SiLOOXs. '-f Pit Ilt'OOAUIl A ' . l'"vrf al 'Jnlet s . No .IMvi.lr. Uro n 'He, Net. The s.4,. I p,r.r:' ' Land IOIIX UOI'SFIELD. ;icklaver and Plasterer, s ji Is: i-: t mo i? WORKER, A N 1) I 1" A I. K It 1 N H A S D W ABE! stovj:s. Agricultural Implements, WOOD EX WAIIE. iiV.. r.nt - - - - vE-:i2si4SZi. 'p.VK - i.- 'i-ief.o.1 .it nf.ir. line tli t,7eis of that he . f r . ,7-c."l ttuli a 'i ! s ,-, . unit .,.s1 .rktii' t t. i -i.sii nv a, e er. il.uit i: h -'lne at as .iw ;t .-..s ks i'r- s.ne c til e UiU'it at any ptdnt m t'-e Missouri n r. Special Attcutlo:i pr.lil to SPOUTING. ROOFING.&c. Coiistartty on hand. fall sift of HSAT22TG- & COOKING STOVES of tie nust approved patterns. Agriciilttiral ImpIcTtieiics. of all kinds. Blacksmith's Iron and Supplies. XAII.S. ATJ3 IS ALL ?A?.T3 0? SU20P3. on Jljiiropc It is related that twelve yotwitr men . ..!... . ,trL ir'r iirtnu . nil ....! .- . ...-.: :. r t i? . ix ri-.iisd - , ., H-i ,iit- .. uicneeiiy. t neueve -...,.,. flll. t.-t ,...,: .. ,reeU Ut ,lc- .1 ; : w a . ! ----,, T - JLi-xfh.-tnue A this TJratT- Gtif Gtvn Jvrnfls on Huj.ivi.il, Ireland. Fvaaoe, Gnr-nany. &c. DKCOrXT .VOTls AXI) T13IK HILLS OF KA'CIIAXiJK. INTFP.ET AI.I.OWKH ON 1IMK fEUTIi-I tATEs ity IF.lH.-l r. IJY SPECIAL AOltEEMKXT. Eschanse Uoiisjfc and s,,M , n x w York, er d all nr'-ic pal liisteru and ndiiI, m cities ol tae i;iied tuUrs. that about two-third-, of the time spent in oral spelling is a dead waste for the reasons stated above. Yours. S. u. po-it with owe of their number on tne; tirst dav of emh month Si.) each, the! total ! be divitlen among tho mem bers of the : ociatu.n, who on the 1st of January, Is."-', should piove to have been ta.thful l the .iedire. One b. one the member.- back 5 id stn.l yiei d -i to the liquid temptation, until a single individual was left, who at noun, on New Year's lay, v.'i.- to re-e,.i..-e ! -!.. Tills Aoliel. taiihtu! and blustery, and we thoutrht in the found among the faithless, prooeded j ISAIirtSOX'S SCHOOL IIOL'siS. We had the pleasure of attending the clo-lng exercises of this -chool on lust Friday. The day wa- lather cold .nd tbirtv acre?, of Forest trees euti-' , ' ..... mm .. ,., ties him to $3,000 from his valuat.au. h:,,. her h.-i-rt; she had I-i-ued tft- Je puwoer to give it rUmIc .. x - .-.w .. - r. . ' itiuiit nti,..- tt. -hi nod !' -hmy took, the iw.er U put ri.M wipeao.it ;he Mimtiinu . '-J ' -, "; l JJ-Tr of "r utt..ba:rf-K vvniel. nJkve & r xerI of the v.hia.io, of hi, farm, and $ ' hour,. Tbb polhe the trains hy Ie-ivwacre.ru iu his IV. vor of. jl.'KMi to .....j llUll Ut tiu. , ,,$ f the earth, '. -h ir rubbing together. The lhek bedetloc:.d from tne vuluation ofliisnd to the scatlobl, and her agetl , IwmI is put with Hum and they re- ..... :... .i,.,".,i.!fr,...iv ,i..v i.ivmi i,fcp vol ve several hours more Of course other nmmprovei real csuue, or awy i "" " "- ",, th.m tise-i from -ill ibeseouejatiun 1 Lotiie tixtMt cai.livivting man tor they titenu.-tiises-iro.naii intdeoijejJuiosB OUII'I M..K.-. On the ether hand, let us consider how it would be if the law was c;.m- .. ... . -. i .1... f. I. ..... ... - ..n. I rnini nr..ii'i..i'H sl.ill l-Il.t t, pueown, nti,u .. "-" 7 ;",Vr 't " ,,f 7;e Aomuiished ger,an.ttbhdto the horrible !. fie-seil at iistrue value, us true vaJ I iih,.rtue were finally rejteted. lii.f- wak- one hei thai the !wi!c worfcl tie, at SaOperaere, for .Wlares, would ! ,.,1 at.,t ii,upp,ii.tt.l, he was com-; h:.s gn.e intt. inouriii-. Often, th irive lo ( vabiation deduct 1" ' nelle.l to nrui-eed, but promised to re- . gunpowder, reviving & mjw. lent.- leaves Sli.iiiW. De-' turn, ami currstU wnn mm inecovet:- "'""i ' 'J ...,-..-,- w..s . . . . . . .?. : ... .... . ' urn! thi-U'irkinen ili-nt iiitp tlw rt. iooiiel on miu as u ueiiii- m out, n.- - "- - , , , .. " with most of our southern wom.-n look like v. ry black negioes worltsg; virtue and propriety were stronger h' the blacke-t of n. ler. if pos.-.h'.e. s-sp.n and .s.sion. nn:I il "'k- :i v ' "i"S"w """ i"u- ornrnss axu iuhkctoils. DAVID ISKJIICiC. ?iclil.ut. TIlXO. HILL, Vtce-I'ifsldcn:. OEl).l.KAT(l., CasJilcr. L. IIOVIH.KA . W. W. M H'hSKV. I" M. KAl l-KVAN, WM II llllVtt. 1AV il It' MK tv. TULd. IIIJ I.. R. V. "Il'IIi. J.C Iil.'-Klt. ii. c. Ltrr 1ei. p fa ton. f. a.tiii-:l. Jk. 5 '.lo J. W. APPLES-ATE, n-" morning that tlu-ie certainly wouhl be nobody there, but finally conclu ded to go and see. We went, ami to our utter astonishment, found a house full of children and parents. The forenoon vv a5 occupied in examining the various L s-es. Tie exercises n n:i:i nyn i ft ih mr. h huh HiiUlllluVM VA UUll.Ui.lli "WOODEri "WARTS. TEKCE WIRE. Ace, &c iVr., V.c. Itlghcst Price palil for old Iron. Copper, Hrass, Ilntr k, &.C. B to v n ille. !Vrhrnka. 1ILI I M.I. KINO-'F HI II OINi. PH -treet tH?lteen Mmn ar.d Atlat.t.c. 2("-tf OPPENHEIMEE & MEYER, were conducted bv- Mr. 0. 8. ah CJrew, the teacher; D. W. Pieraon, and rf. M. McUrew, County 8uperintentltnt. The children done well, indeed. We j might -peak of a class in Geography, ! and one in Arithmetic that done ex- ceedingly well. At 12 o'clock, il., a dinner was pre pared by the patrons of the school, mr.-p -.i s 'oraa iMs.ii!.,nd i-.rnish-pei j and it was indeed a grand success, r. at ions -,:ii.f.ct...n cuar.tntee.1. I..h W. rk. ol . ... .. , . . " , ,r. des.-r-pti.:. Rt si,r- 3. t .v. s,p on K,r-i 1 o -ay ihe least of the good women of that district, they are excollent to the n nd -zvous at the appomte ln..;r. He waited until ten uitiiute-ai'U-r noon, and then thought he would ran int. the sib.u next do r and get a nip. He hnljust swollov.td it when ten ot the other members enter ed to take there noonday Angostura, and he found, to hi.- horror, thai hi vvateh w'i- twenty minuti-5 fast, and the money was "lo-t. The eleven, therel'.re. proct eded to the residence of the trea-urer.nnd fouml tl". .: he nad lost all the money phu ing drav. -poker with one of the church tru-tee-.. for imi.'oveit , ... .- r ;, , tint anl ule.Jge ot the heuutitul .Mail-1 t"". " ..-.- -' -... duct for thirty M-M ot frait j ..fiae rihe vv;ts wood hy many a lov-i The stovtng house is the next on ?I o(M for thirty acres of forest trees, iy. tj,. Voing and gaiiant master-, the li-t, and theiethe gui.owdfr w SMa) leaves $, valuation of the j of the- pfantaliens on sjecond creek heated on wooden travs. From there - , . . ... :......, sit 1 ,- urnifV -trove ii. vniti for it l'ovm io the teif-King h'.t.se, nn 18 farm for tax, making a dnfexenee m 8.n,.t. tathenne -irovt n. yam mr - ...rr,V k t-s -nd canisters , . . ... , .. . .. I her hull.!, t.-rtunes axul the homage pn p at in w, f nt nnwiws. onertiirfleiitetance o: 11.4K ". ; . ,., ,meltt ,v,.ry luitl ... ,...- t.ely through ail these houses, it valuation and a-we-wment ? a j frtft. j,ut the maid of the Hitli'-wav goes -it la.-t ti the st.irehMis. One fan,, 0f 3H) aeres. Aud Ih-re are j Hill' remained true to hr alwetit iov- feel-like drav.-ing.ilotsg breath to see .....v.iohPKmn'H Ur; the ir.or- so Jea:.-e of the ru-, the ieunul situll -nfely yMAl ;twy8 a,ai v suvliix.tmp.e-. . reached her of his mi-mr- out the haiiJa of aitu, ut this cttmw V.itb this ghtnng inwjuahty and ,...,,:,,, sh. ,, ,,. .. . hou-e. frr.ud uoon the 1-iw and the people. .., ...,!,. r ,u maulf l...ittv. mid 1 You've hear.l of things iingaedry who is there that will fed likr n-tying the shades he Iiifi mo-t a.Tecteif were , '".s iHw.!,r house, but you wWdn't hi- tjtxe-., uiilesj he is comjielied to. cool A lad,- correspondent wishes to know the meaning of "-prg parties."' Thev are entertainments whereat the bucks usually vret though r.tiditional horns to nvilit them stag c r. A religious community in Xortham ton. Ma-., a-ks us members why ib use of tooMoeo should not he riilei o it- Other fact foree tliumelvi upon theatfetitinn in considering this mih- tCl V men ll illrstt HO llljuci.-ia.. irij-nf-i it.. 1 cii.i in...... ".mii c thein 5id:isuffi-ieiit answers the been driven from Mngiaml-and . 41 , , mxt:::-t ih 1 tins ,-hiv.nng with query so oft-n nivle. "why eannot J fcl.4fvijf f; ,,..,.!!,,. tHm, the texe-- tie coihH'tecl uy and legal process?' .J . T A-SSr3fEr."T. distraint ii. As the day was a cold one. I a. uttcrivofip'-ed to Christianity I 1 ttais is Vr.;.Tfi.r a cotundrum. the action of the A-..r, And If aver 1. -.. r- t her cf.irt(ant haunts. AC length, " s " ve.y .ujr.ib im wheu he II -d fn-m the Fmt. d States, 't r.wlh!e! in water. 1 he rwrf :cr-tied y Mr. J. ftVrvm and the re- i "-' -'i-r tk. ke. t full of water. Did mor-elessiigents ilwt swnrm nrom.d ' " n ever hear of a v.ater roof before? tct w huh to those uho understand IWvrnn.l attthonty when he had , thread of Mvp to go 1:1. there : I r.i:i.iiiii iiisti nil -" ....- . ...., .......... coll ' w'!ti.h everv oiu must wxlK to the d to , door. have felt for the llr-t lin.e, the utter in none of these powder nouses 13 hope!e-sne- of his fortune. And , any light ever dhwed except sun then he wrote to Ma-Mine. and. in a j light. Tiie wage are good, the day's fVw formal word-,, re.en-.-l her from ,' wt.rk is -ho.-t. vr.ding r.lwayat three hr promi-e. Sh.ting that he would '5" foar o'elock. But the men haven ...-..- n.i.T'.. trtth i 'r. ;...! s.-itj !,. . serious look, that makes one think ev- , 1 t.t.-.. Vtt. ......- w.--."vv-. .-- ' Mil. i,mwn.-h niirasrsrr.pveti lI j dvt-ed her to enter a c mvent sbo-ibl ery moment or danger, nut! gtm! to tv trlend de not know the dilTereneejptie survive her mother. A year or ' . : away. between " nversged at a certain price tw.. s.fter this he went to Havana inough curiosity mayiaea nwn 1 higtilv r'j-pee.:i.te "tt'" 1-1 ji ,, .m.,. i,- in,.-, ,. owned the pron-rtv desire to go the-ec.n.i time : he feels tor once. wonder that he idi atMied with the sj..,.s. Her extreme beauty, her grace once h hap been very ner death. an I eiPxancv, produced the greate-t -from tne Amertrrm xiriman. i'tiiin. I m Miifi.l u.'Mfe.. 1 liuv between nvorttgeu at a certain price iwo .ier tins ..- went lo ii-aniis --; - .- .- ... , 1 11 1 ! tjt-ith Wra W f hi"iilv re,-i.eet-ibte 0!l.-e o Vl-f H DOW.Ir mill, per acre." an.! " ! ace shall be ; J -J ; de,ir. to go the.-ec.ml tin pris-d at a certain fignre. I do -; W!1r4. Mrsl. St. John Elliott now r.- ull the rest of his I ; tint eV!l eiH warranted and satisfaction cttar nniced in rfi..i!C.to nri.-e and nuallty of Ctodh. ..-. 1-.. -. r-ts..i..:si'n-..iic.:yor. ;VqCni or ihA Ca'.pbpated Charter vxrii. a?Kx- si xrstrewt-ww Mrx?73: 35. - gC3i 2 SV9ib I thf U'nmn ilwl lft mt tn tVio olirrl . -.-, -S- - .-' fc--- k.WVrw. Sfar.-.farturers of I house, so the dinner was served up answer is obviou.-: Be,;u-P it coa-. aging Inn., in Brnwnvu.P a. . 1- per . u Wlt."be..i,.c.tL if he apiwr.r-"' A rural Tenne.enn resented the" OIGATIS, ! Thomas Skeen, Ed Snvder Mr vert-the Chew, to tne wny 01 sail-, at,re ,1R nr,y,IlinK to no with city tax- (l otI 'u,.. U.-.lot,v a d. zen cavalier- kind offices of a Memphis publican dWu-i..ei,ier.i Tobacco, ! Armstrong, Mr. BCeson, Henrv' Har- Vol,on- es. we are at a io-s to know how it Is. wpr. ., -alute her When ! ?&Z pipAc. mon and othe J n"d oW ?.lmivv f.o urmTi..nii chI ..renotthe AM.eH.irs better able to hfj,, -; ft ? wu n.." ' " .-..hk .JpU. ate until they were sati-fied. n paper pr!de itj i ,1"; """ 'eide the true average per acre than Sfit "til-il.i.1 She wii VBssrnniK for the .Arts-s-M- ftu- The afternoon was followed in class ' Flll" Z'aIIu hi. i lotiire" for any "e man ' fetctl by the f Jovenior General, sera- The fortune ot A. T. SWwart, fe es- Lr-rr examinations, followed hv speeches lSil during he waS- o? t Our city friend reminds me of a ns,(.s :uid ball-followed in rapid sue-. t at between fifty and aixtvy !SrrllM,aiO,,''A,iTK,Wr'sfr0m )r"SK Skeen, Snyder, 5. W. Lnllit, he can be heard ten blocks off. tboy who. after baving bruin fever for jcaIoak aaU tueUaiJylioma, to hwynt'tion-. .-i5.!