Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 22, 1872, Image 3

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TiinisnAY. rKr.inT.nY 22. is72.
Ptilill'slicrii' Xotlccs.
KxfBA rornsor tiik Am'fcKTisFn for sale by o.
it M'ioiE I!cIs-IIt, -tatloner ami Xo.v Deal
er 'o.WM'" "tnti, next door to the Postulllge.
toital N't: b. t sis ordinary rtMilins matter,
u til l rhantl tvn cents it'r line, each Insertion.
i..t hi lHpla type, twenty-live per cent, addltl
o..: u above rates.
iniEiiTiEvir.-TS uwlor Ui hid of "Wanted."
". j.' Hnt " "For Mile." "I.i.t," -round," t-?.,
w ,i i.-.-hiirui-d twenty-Ilvo cents for earli adver
;., iin-iit of H ve lines, or less.ejich insertion. Atl
cr'!ne:'w over live lines, at the rate of live
t-jl ier line, uaeli insertion.
l'ublilirs Advrtior.
ci t r a yn uo vxty.
Nei Advert Isemciit.
., ft r-itirprlsi :. H. Collins.
j. r -'.! -1- Waldter.
U. a t:-'t- rrSrtle. J0J111 L. Smith.
s r r es. -It. t'uminSil-CO.
- r sni . It- Jamison.
t r I'-' i't -""'- K- Jamio1c
T iniiny .it Swan fc Bro's.
L .w figures at Big Stove.
M u bine 'il at Lett& Creigh's.
I.nv figures at Big Store, No. SI.
fljwt-r pots nt Gibson & 'Vaneil's.
II ,r-e nails and shoes at Big Stove,
5, si.
1 ji
lAel- in Vinegar for sale by the
.- 1, :it Gibson it Yaiicil's.
II ,n nails ami shoes at Big Stove,
r.iri--!- lower than ever, at John
:; i.r-.
W handles ami lanterns, at Big
- .i si.
(,,to (i.-o. Daugherty's for good,
t ,j iro nu-ul-i.
A ' thing you want but dry goods
fc'-i high prices, at Big Stove. No. SI.
l,i k "ul for my new stock of sta-'I'-lrj
gnud- groceries and shoe of
1 - npuons. I will sell them at
T-ii.-d puces to cash customers,
i ;n .-:tri and often to get good bar-
C::o. Makiox.
.ji,l rr-eii or black tea for one
ij! .ir 1 r pound at Swan &, Bro.
I ;v figures at Big Stove, No. SI.
- n r
.r 1 pb-a-ant smoke get Colhapp
" s .. J. Take no other.
( .ni tellers and husking pins, at
.' - "e. -1.
,iil .oks, all kinds, at Moores
wt ire. 4-1-tf.
.- . , tionk; slates, ink, paper,
- i rylhing for the school, al-
-1 ': material, such :i letter books,
;--,i inkstands, blank books, note
' - r racers, etc., etc, always on
1. iisd for .-ale at lowest cash pri-
' Moore's Book Store.
. 4p Bureau's at Bizer's.
On Ihvu.
1 rs - v ir
-One car load Buckeye
ear load Marsh 1 Iarves-
r load Kirliy Reapers, any
f plows, cultivators, corn
-- ami everything a person
. - ( '-ill on F. A. Tisdel fc Co.,
' iivnb-. or Piuvjiw Cit3'.
I a ii-ires at Big Stove, No. SI.
1 1- of plows, by the e&r load,
.e. No. SI.
. 1 :
1 ' ' id -mokiugand chewing io-
'i'i( 'ohn's.
It - 1 1'. nt wood pump, by car load j
.1 . sr ,vc, si
li-'i .t i.'on- and key stone eoni
1 . . the best.
! n irtrl.i-ss, paint, oil and wall
. t:i' I :t& Creigh's.
v - r ( nr the plenu:r".s of eating.
1 wirn- Willi n eusto;
iMiros wmo nRr competing,
i - u .-of OditniipV Tolineen.
. . . antra, with wltxirst bullet,
- 1 we maice It good Judges vrill
I ft '
I - -e-h, blinds, &c, at whole
"' I -, by John B. Bell.
r st j iteiit wood pump, by car load
- "sive. SI.
j H. II ovcr, Real I-Uite Agent
x "' uvevencer. Court Room.
.t.. ,-a .,, hi ran lnnd I
fc J IK III WWVl fliajr9 fc- w . -
iU'Jovc, Si
" 'piti-ut wood pump, by car load
'-'.;- ve, si.
W ,'rti m at Big Stove, No. SI.
lf i ."innot find what you want
- y. .. ,.k,. von mav depeml on
V'i- at John R. Bell's.
'!iv t and best a.-sortment of
?'jvr. -iaps ami toilet articles
""-.'; at LelUt Creigh's.
.ri. r-. orn and pork is cheap
- i
eery thing sold at Big Stove
, 'i
-tpuviit wood pump, by carload
"'w'i n & Cross Big Stare, SI.
r"rn iit-Uersaud husking pias, at
-.'l re .-bould not fail to call aU
' --T It BvlPs, aud get his prices and
v..u- on your building. You will
?.. i.- bvit.
v 'I'ntioii :n liijr stove, No. SI.
Slirrmmi Iloii-.c.
tr rably ea-y for a landlord to
! a h.,ul with a llourisb and set
"ita'lea to establish for l:"u-
-" " I "pular reputation, but it re-
"r(vH,t,uliar Uiot in the host or
v s t keep alive and healthy
""putation. The Sherman
1 ...-...-. V.. .-. I
- '""ne of the institutions of our
i.H 1)
with age it'
.. 1
....,.., . v.., ....... ...-..- .. ,
:ti nriiv.w
ars vn.'.j. Mine host Kauffman, on
Iart iir.-paring in providing sup-
bib-tne culinary department
--' r t'ie competent direction and
"-'VMnehtof Mrs. K. The Sher-
- s ftNervedhr popular.
'1?"hl0 folK.-s and shoe pegs at Big
Ile.deJie.-; competition and will sell
the farmers the cheapest Wagon and
best in Nebraska.
Ami will sell Army Blue Overcoats,
$l.o' each.
Home made Overalls and Jackets,
only SI, 00 each.
Buys Fancy suits of Clothing, at
reduced prices.
Mens Fancy Casimere Clothing at
Boots and Shoes, in every variety
at Den's.
Furniture, Stoves, Flour, Corn meal
and Salt Bake Beaches.
But no Coal Oil under Fifty cents,
at Den's.
Brown's Illinois Corn Planter is the
Best only $45,01), at Den's.
Breaking and Stirring Plows, on
the lowest prices and best terms, at
Cod Fish, Potatoes and Mustard,
at W. T. Den's.
"Union Hotel."
Geo. Daugherty, long known here
as the prince of Bestaurant keepers,
has leased the well known'Iteynolds'
House, christened it the "Union Io-
. ? . 1 ,. 11.. t :- r i.f
ICl, llIIU IS now llie jminiii.x in l;u
establishment. Kvery body knows
George, and every body knows that
his peer as a disher-up of good grub
is hard to lind, and that his superior
cannot be found. He is now belter cause was this: Some weeks since a
than eve- prepared to give satisfac-1 fellow hailing from Mo., eame to
tisn, and we commend to the! town, got into a light and the cala
t raveling public as a man who will boose. Ho next appeared before
care forthem" and theirs as well as Judge lingers, who imposed a line of
they could wish. Bong live the" L 11-
ion Hotel" and its large-hearted pro-
Beat White Coal Oil for only 40 cts.
per gallon at
SWAN-& Bno.'s
Cheap Chairs at Bizer's.
A choice lot of Salt Lake pared
Peaches, just received at Gilmore's.
A corn and cob mill for saleor trade
by Colhapp Bros.
Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI.
Good Tea at Giimore's at $1 00 per
If 'ouwish choice groceries, at the
lowest cash prices.'go to Giimore's,
No. .k), Henderson building.
Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI.
Colhapp's best -moking and chew
ing tobacco, at Giimore's.
Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, 81.
Choice cultivated Cranberries, at
Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI.
City Mills, St. Joe., Fall Wheat
Flour at Gibson & Vaneil's.
McCreery & Niekell have Clover,
Timothy, Osage Orange and Blue
Grass seed for sale'and Garden Seeds
Fresh. lS:3m
Stevenson it Cross. Big Stove, SI.
Codfish at Swan & Bro's.
For Premium Cigars go to Cohn's.
Half-bushel and corn baskets, at
Big Stove, SI.
Choice lot of Salt Lake peaches,
just received at F. 13. Johnson & Co's.
Heating stoves at Bitr Stove, No. SI.
Sievenson & Cross hardware at,
Big Stove No. VI.
For choice groceries, go to F. E.
Johnson & Co.
Horse nails end .shoes at Big Stove,
No. SI. .
Salt by the barrel, at F. 33. John
son & Co's.
All kinds of plows, by the car load,
at Big Stove, No. SI.
Cranberries just received at Swan
Keystone Corn Planters, by the car
load, at Big Stove. No. SI.
Low figures at Big Stove; No. SI.
Leather add shoe findings at Big
I Stove, :s. M.
Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI.
floT-ks. Watches, and Jewelry
sale cheap by Dunn and Hays.
- T
Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI.
Buffalo robes and shoe pegs at Big
Lett tt Creigh sells nothin
pure Drugs and Medicines.
Keystone Corn Planters, by the car
load, at Big Stove, No. SI.
Heating stoves at BigStove, No. SI.
Skates, clieap at Big Stove, SI, ,
Reduced prices at Big Stove, No. SI.
Tf you wi.-h good chewing or smok
ing tobacco call for Colhapp Bro's
and take no other!
Iron and wagon timber at BigStove
No. SI.
.Saginaw Salt by the barrel at
Swax & Bko.'s
The Hoive Sewing Jlncliine
Ijicites examination, and defies
Diaries for 1S72, at Moore's Book
Coal oil 40 cts., at Swab &, Bro's.
ms ' '
If you are thinking of purchasing
a sewing machine, do not fail to see
the Howe. Hearken not to others,
but examine for yourself. The Howe
Sewinc Machine stands pre-eisiuwiu
. - ., , .. .. ..,,.
. i T -.
above an oiners, iwiu -- - "" -"-
ers to give it a careful examination.
To get the best is always important.
Auency at G. B. Moore's book store,
No. 97Main street, Brownville, Neb.
For the best assortment of tea at
low figures, go to
Swax & Bko.'s
Reduced prices at B"i Stove, No. ?1 .
Sunday Srlionl Concert,
Last Sabbath evening'the Presby
terian Church was crowded to suffo
cation by our people who had 'gone
thither to attend the Sabbath School
Concert. As usual the choir enrapt
ured all hearers by their sweet sing
ing. Rev, Slaughter delivered the
first address, which well sustained the
reputation of that distinguished di
vine as an eloquent and gifted speaker,
Bev. S. was followed by Prof. Wil
liams, of Peru, who delivered a forc
ible address to the children, every
syllable of which was understood and
appreciated by the little ones, and
touched the heart and risible3 of the
older ones, and evidenced that the
speaker was at homo with children,
and the children felt at home with
In this connection we can scarcely
refrain from commenting on the
pleasing fact that in the Sabbath
l School interest the Presbyterian,
Baptist and Methodist Churches are
an unit, and on the evening of the
third Sunday in each month all unite
forces and efforts to render the Con
certs successes and they have been
more than fortunate, inasmuch as
eacli and all of them have been
Local Excitement
On last Saturday afternoon Marshal
Campbell got up quite an excitement,
one that drew into Main-street nearly
all our cit zens and all stranirers. The
) 011 him. The chap then made a
poor face to the Marshal, expressed
regret at the dilemma he had involved
himself in, and promised if let off, to
pay in a lew days. But he did not
keep his word good, and on Saturday
the Marshal knowing of his presence
in town secured a writ and went lor
Ills man. The fellow took leg bail,
Marshal after him, and to facilitate
the chase fired a shot over, instead of j
in jus ueau. xul uio cuap ran aim
finally hid under a housu from
whence he was dragged and taken to
the calaboose. Here he was inter
viewed by Judge Rogers, when lie
pulled oil" one of his boots and took
from the recesses thereof a roll of
bills and liquidated the debt, after
which he went his way, not rejoicing
but using sacred words in profaiie
Cheap Furniture at Bizer's.
Coi.iiAi'f's Tobaccos are now the
Cheap Rockers at Bizer's.
Very choice Syrup, at Giimore's.
Honey at Giimore's.
Washing made easy, by using the
justly celebrated Washing Crystal, for
.-ale at Giimore's.
Low figures at Big Stove, No. Si.
For a good gunpowder tea at $1,00,
go to Swan & Bro's.
Wagons, SS0, at Big Stove, No. Si.
1,000 pouiHs choice Salt Lake peach
es, and 10.000 pounds extra sun dried
apples, just received by Swan & Bro.
Cranberries, a nice article, for sale
tit Swan it Bro's.
Best patent wood pump, by car load
at Big Stove, SI.
Heating stoves at Big Stove, No. SI.
Choice green apples, atSwan & Bro.
H - ffji -
Rope and blasting powder at Big
Stove, No SI.
Leather and. shoe findings at Big
Stove, No. SI.
Reduced prices at Big Stove, No. SI.
All kind of tobacco, including Col
happ Brothers, at Swan & Bro's.
Notick. All those knowing that
they are owing me will please call
and settle with ca-h or note, as 1 wish
tosquaiM up my books and commence
A. Ror.isox.
Low figures at Big Stove, No. SI.
Ax handles
Stove, SI.
Hid lanterns, at Big
li is no trouble, to show our lumber,
('all and examine, before purchasing
elsewhere, at John R. Bell's.
! All kinds of Furniture
cheap, at Bizer's.
Stevenson & Crss
Big Stove No. SI.
haidware at
Leather and shoe findings at Big
Stove, No. SI.
Coal oil, best quality, for 40 cents
per gallon, at Swan .tBro.
Bain wagons and key stouo corn
planters the best.
Cod Fish, Mackeraland White Fish
at Giimore's.
You will be hone-tly dealt with,
and any error that may occur will be
cheerfully corrected, at John R. Beli's
lumber vard.
Cheap Parlor Sets at Bizer's.
A full-Hue of Can Fruits, at Gil-
Saganaw salt for sale by the pound
or barrel at Swan fc Bro.
Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI.
Wagons, $.$0. at Big Stove, No. SI.
Carpenters, "time is money," and
you will always save time by useing,
ami money by buying, lumber of John
R. Bell.
Another car load of Bain wagons
at Big Stove, No. SI.
"Patkoxi.e Home Ixih'stky."
Should be the watchward with every
man who thinks anything of the
land in which he lives. Eego: if
Colhapp Bro's. chewing and smok
ing tobacco is as good as any other
(and they ask patronage upon no oth-1
er condition) chew and smoke it, and
.. -.. '. ..r:t- t
eave tne manuiaciiuei a jiiuiit i
. -"- -'Vr
Man's Inhumanity to Woman.
On last Monday evening about 8
o'clock two persons dressed in male
costume were seen walking up Main
street. When they reached 2nd st reet
they halted and one of them was
seen to drop while the other was ob
served abstracting something from,
the person of the fallen one. Some
boys approaching.the fellow who was
bent over the prostrate form said that
his companion had fallen upon his
knife and hurt himself, and that he
would go and obtain succor, where
upon he ran away. The wounded
one then said, "I am not a man but a
woman; for God's sake save me!"
Alarm was given and the poor girl -for
girl she proved to be was curried
to Thurman's Drugstore, where Dr.
HoIIadav met her. On examination
it was found that she was stabbed
near and a little above the groin, and
it was atjirst supposed, fatally. For
a time she refused to give informa
tion against her assassin, but finally,
supposing that death was awaiting
her confession, she said that a young
Missourian, named Biley Johnson,
indicted the wound to possess himself
of some $10 which she had in her
stocking, and which she alleges he
did take. Marshal Campbell there
upon crossed the river, and by some
means induced the accused to return
with him, and at present he is in dur
ance vile. The girl does not seem to
be over IS yearp of age, gives her
name as Josie McClain, and says she
hails from Lincoln. She is a prosti
tute and disguised herself in male at
tire with the view of prosecuting her
infamous business in this city un
der the guardianship of him who.
proved to be her assassin.
We cannot close this article without
alluding to one other fact painfudy
developed on Mo n d a y e v e
ning, in connection with this case.
When the night was wearing away,
solicitude was excited as to whci'u the
helpless one could be cared for. Fin
aly Kljf(, Leaehi proprietor of the
Star Hotel, proffered the hospitalities
of his house, but when the girl was
carried there one or more of the.
boarders remonstrated for the alle-ed i
reason thatshe was a prostitute. With
all due reripect wo would say that in
our judgment Christ was a better man
than such complainants, and when a
prostitute was proposed to be stoned
in His presence, lie said, "Let him
that is without sin cast the first
stone." Time was when she was
"somebody's darling," and none can
tell, save God, whether she is guilty
or not. The chances are as an hun
dred to one that at the Eternal Throne
she may be acquitted, and the guilt
attaching to her fallen condition fall
upon, and bear down to the nether
most hell, some man who now struts
the earth with erect mein.
"Oil ! it uiis pitiful.
In sx wholuelly tull,'
to see that poor maimed girl taken
from out of the Star Hotel, past mid
night, and conveyed through a driz
zling rain storm to the Gem Saloon,
aud there depo-ited, without woman
ly care, upon blankets kindly loaned
by Mrs. McFall. When sickly senti
mentality will not avail, responsibili
ty will attach to those who on Mon
day night drew their garments tight
ly around them, and denied to thi-
poor, unfortunate girl, demirrp tho'
tesies of '
she was, the common cour
hu inanity.
On Tuesday morning an anti-postmortem
examination was had in pre
ence of the alleged criminal, when
Joie McClain gave the following tes-'
"I, Josina McClain, realizing that
f am about to die, aud that every hope
Ui till? ) Ulll 1.7 LLWlll., .11111 L11.IL 111
& ' ;
r ti.;.. -,.i,i :- .,,, ...! i...t .....
picsein situation is ine e.ieei oi a
wound inflicted by William Riley
Johnson, on the 19th day of Febru
ary, A. D. 1S72, in the city of Brown
ville, county of Nemaha, and State
of Nebra-ka. after being duly sworn,
say- I am IS years old. I came to
Mr. Johnson's in North Star, At
chinson county, Missouri, on Sunday
morning, February ISth, 1S72; I stay
ed there until about S o'clock Mon
day evening, February 19th, 1S72.
Mr. John.-on told me to dress up in
his clothes, (whieh I did.) and come
over to Brownville, with William
Riley Johnson, to a .-tore where I
could make some money. When we
came over J he river, down at the
Ware House on the river bank, Wil
liam Riley Johnson was the only
per.-on with me, aud he stabbed me
with a knife, but only penetrated my
clothing. I told him to quit that and
he said he was only in fun. We then
came on up street, (he walking on
my left side,) to the corner of John)
Braudow's saloon. As we turned the
corner of Brandow's saloon, JWilliam
Riley Johnson stabbed me in my
right side with a sharp in-.tri.ment,
and I fell to the ground. I did not
see anybody at that time but two lit
tle boys, who came up to me directly
after I wis stabbed. I said, "Riley,
who is William Riley Johnson,) do
not go back on me," and I looked
around, and he was gone, and I seen
1dm run around the corner down
street. I had forty dollars in money
in my left stocking. As -0on as I
missed John.-on after I was stabbed I
felt in my stocking for my money,
lul iomul ' garter was unbuckled,
laying on the ground. My stocking
was turned down over my shoe top,
and all my money was gone. There
was no one with me all this time but
William Riley Johnson, and I did not
see him take my money. Then some
men picked me up, and took me to a
house, but do not know where it was
as I am a stranger in this town. 1
had some whiskey with me that Mr.
Johnson gave me before we left his
hou-e to come to Brownville. One of!
the ten dollar notes taken from me
had a little round hole in the lower
left hand corner. I cannot identify
any more than that above mentioned.
Johnson stabbed mein the right side
just as we turned the corner of the
saloon above mentioned, and there
was no one with me or present at the
time he stabbed me."
J. N. Lucas, attorney for the de-
fi.iiil-i ii f liuinr urof'jjf ii:1 tho ful-'
..... w-..0 , . ......... ..-..
1 low ing questions : i
-..-A'wiirtSB,ir - ?fg-
Ques. Was there any one present
when you say you were stabbed, or in
sight of you?
Ans. There wa3 no one present or
in sight of me, but Johnson, until
after I fell.
Ques. You say Johnson gave you
some whiskey before you came over ,
to Brownville. Did you drink any
of it before you came over?
Ans. I did, before and after I came
to Brownville.
The above statements were niade by
the said Josina jrcClain in the pres
ence of A. S. Holladay, J, S. Hetzel
and Wm Cafl'rey, and written by me
and read to the said Josina McClain
in the presence of the above named
per.-o.ns, and she further saying that
aid statement is true in every partic
ular. And has hereunto subscribed
her name, this 20th day of Februarv,
JosrxA y, McClain.
J. S. Hetzel, A. S. Uolbulay, Wm.
Call'rey, witnesses.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 20th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1S72.
Police Judge of the city of Brown
ville. The further taking of testimony
was postponed until Monday morn
ing next at 9 o clock.
At present writing it is uncertain-
whether the wound will prove fatal
or not. But the Prince of Wales
could not have been more zealously
attended by his Court Phy.-iciaus,
than is this poor -unfortunate by Dr.
Holladay, who in thus attending her
gives evidence of heart and soul
plethoric with the milk of human
Commissioner Minick arrived in the
city on Tuesday and made provision
for the comfort of the girl, and she is
now being cared for at the residence
of and by James Dunn ami wife.
Two Sabbaths si nee the editor of the
Democrat, with some other boys,
took a ride a faxv miles up tho track of
the B. & Ft. K. R. It., and, return
ing, the youngsters left the bo- indi-
i cated above, to walk home. Where
upon he, like a big blubber, goes to
his sanctum, and pens an article re
buking his fellows for violating the
Sabbath Ir.' working a hand car.
"Whip behind."
Squire Kennedy paid us a friendly
call the other day. He is ever wel
come. Representative Shook, tho incor
ruptible, called on us last Saturday.
He did not go to see Hascall.
Judge Thomas left on Monday eve
ning lor Lincoln, not to attend the
Hascall session of tho Legislature,
but the sittiug of the Supreme Court.
Wash. Fairbrother, he of the Te
cumseh Chief tain, filled a small sized
chair in our sanctum on Tuesday last.
But few men have more anient friends
in Brownville, than has Wash.
Alex. Bivins, the genial, rotund
Alex., of Tecumseh, was In town this
week. En route, the stage broke
down, owing, doubtless to his aver
dupois. A wagon waj secured to
complete the journey, Wash. Fair
brother occupying a front seat with a
lady, and Alex, behind pulling the
coat-tail of Wash, and requesting him
to Produco his bott!e- which, in the
pre-ence of a huly, and;especially in
the absence of a bottle, was very an
noying to our modest friend Wa-h.
Miij. Daily was in tho city on Tues-
l:iy aml -Kli(i us tt v,slt"
md naid us a visit.
v.-eo. i . ration J--.-q. ie
ives for New
York to-day, to be absent some two
H. M. Atkinson arrived homo on
I uesuay evening
We were highly pleaded on yester
day, in meeting our old-VHting friend,
A I. Eaton, Esq., of the popular St.
Louis Commission House, Eaton &
Dean. Al. is a rattling good fellow,
and reliable business man.
Dr. John McPherson has been ap
pointed Post master of Republican
City, Neb.
Tt is always cheaper in the end to
pay a respectable price, for a good ar
ticle, no matter of what character,
than to pay a low price foran inferior
one. Thi is especially true of gen-'
tlemen's garments. Those who pat-
ronize Bennett tt Dolen are sure of
securing a good garment and at jiri
ee but a shade higher thail .a charg
ed for shoddy. Try them.
A few stoves and wagons left at Big
Stove, No. SI.
Notwithstanding the hard times of
which so many persons complain,
LSvan & Iirollor art? selling more gro-
ceries then ever. Probably because i
every one feels the necessity of deal-j
ing where they can do the best. They
se.l the best goods at the lowest pri-
ces, and for cash or country produce.
Cheap Plug Tobacco for smoking
Swax & Bno.'s
Cheap Bedsteads at Bizer's.
If you have anything that you
want plated with Gold or Silver take
it to Dunn and Hays.
Amttnition at Big Stove, No. SI.
Carpenter's tools and rat traps, at
BigStove, SI.
Iron and wagon timber at Big
Stove No. SI.
Rope and blasting powder at Big
Stove, No SI.
John R. Bell's Michigan PineLum-
her lard, corner hirst and Lolleirer
street, is stocKeu wun every kiiki oi i
'' I
building material a man can use, and
J" li'" tM"-cl 1'""" i'""'
..1.-...-l- ., it,., Tr-.,,.-,.. ...-;Kln nrlnek
A few stoves aud wagons left at Big
Stove, No. bl.
Another car load of Bain wagons at
BigStove, No. SI.
Colhapp Bro's No. 3 is a tip-top
1 smoking tobacco.
Another car load of Bain wagons at
Big Stove, No. SI.
Low figures at Big Stove, No. 81.
........ 1.1.I. . . . ..
Bedford Iilternry Society.
Bkdkokd School House, t
Friday Eve., Feb. 10. J
Meeting called to order by the Pres.
Roll called by Sec'y. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved.
Several interesting pieces were then
read by some of the members. We tlirniiirlimit. fh.v.i..ff
""-X' 0..W..W IWV. V,. V.....1J,
with music, by the Dye Family.
The following Officers were then
elected to serve for four weeks:
S. Mason, Pres't, W. I. Neely, Sec.
Mrs. J. W. Dye, Treas.
The Society then debated the fol
lowing question:
Jieaolued, That La Fayette is enti
tled to more-honor from the American
f people, for his services in the Revolu
tionary War, than Washington.
The Judges rendered a decision in
favor of the Negative.
The Affirmative was ably defended
bv Messrs. Mason ami Stevens. The
Negative by Messrs. Huntington and
The following question was chosen
for discussion, at our next meeting:
Jiesolvcd, That Congress should
pass a law to compel parents to edu
cate their children.
The Society then adjourned, to
meet on Friday evening, next.
S. MASON, Pres't.
W. I. Nki:i,y, Sec'y.
Closing cut cheap. Soldier's over
coats at L. Lowman's.
A II arc: A IX.
A No. 1 Piano for sale, or exchange
for real-estate. Address Box 100, City.
Rev. R. Burge will "preach in the
M. E. Church, this city, Sabbath,
February 2-3th.
Rev. Rook, of New York, Sabbath,
March 3rd.
Rev. J. W.Taylor, Sabbath, March
1 0th.
M. Pkichard, P. E.
Lowman sella his dress goods at
The funeral sermon, delivered by
Rev. G. S. Alexander over the re
mains of the late Hon. Jos. Lash, is
partly in type, intended for this issue
but was crowded out. It will appear
in our next.
Winter clothing sold
prices at Lowman's.
at bottom
Older Adjourning tin- Spring Term of
Dlntnct Court.
It is ordered that the Spring Term
of the District Court, in and for the
county of Nemaha, and State of Ne
braska, for the year A. D. 1S72, beand
the same s hereby adjourned until
the second Monday in June, in said
year A. D. 1S72.
O. P. Masox, Judge.
Jurors and Witnesses suinmofud to
appear on Monday, March ISth, 1S72,
are not required to appear until Mon
day, June 10th, IS72.
William IL Hooveu, Clerk.
See advertisement of a lottery
under tho auspices of G. II. Collins
of Omaha.
Last week, after our paper had gone
to press, we received a letter from Col.
Tom Majors informing us that, at tho
time of writing, his eldest son was
aged ten hours, and weighed 10.1
pounds. He also informed us tlu.l
the little fellow was alreadv a full
! ji0,igeti Mason, an.
Lented him before
i a squarovas pre-
he took his lir.-t
nap. We congratulate Tom and the
Masonic fraternity.
Everybody hereabouts are pleas
ed to see lhe prospect for warm weath
er. This has certainly been the hard
est winter that was ever known in
this part of Nebraska.
We understand that Prof.Thrash
er is having remarkably good success
with his claa in writing, proving
thereby that he is no humbug, but
rather a gentleman who understands
his business, full as well as Hiber
nicus. Another car load of the celebra
ted Fish Wagons, just received at
Mood 3', Matthews & Co's.
The efforts of the young of Peru,
to ?t-jrt a Brass Band seems to be
meeting with success. Our citizens
li'v'o subscribed liberally for this
worthy object,
Charley Gaede is still receiving
orders for sour kraut. The last order
was received from' one of Brownville's
' i I .t.:.... I.-.. . '!'.... !.. w
"! ua...v...B ...... i...t ..- .,.-.-
tamly a new element m the banking
The finest lot of Table and pock
et cutlery ever received in Nebraska,
jUs.t rt.ceIVed and for sale at Moody,
Matthews & Co's. a town board, two full stores, two
j jj Tjrmvn p j at Howard l,,i,ck?r"itl1 shops, two wagon and
,n a V L ..J y:l,.i,:ith' in ;lli,,et bi0 one ss,,oon' one fchoe
peni jfo reports the new bridge at;oPf one hotel, one gram merchant,
.,.,,,.., .-.,. .........ipr,.,! if l..-in.r , - justice of the peace- one consta-
., , - .i .- i - '
the best crossing on thelsemaha nv-(
er, tne cuizeus oi mat iocamy win no,
well to remember that Brown and
Campbell keep a full stock of general
merchandize, agricultural imple-j
meats wagons, &c., which they are
prepared to sell as cheap a the same
quality of goods can be bought in the
The M. E. Church at this place
seems to be training up a young army
of beggars.
Farmers and teamsters don't fail
to go to M. M. Co's Agricultural de
pot, at the old lumber yard and see
their Wisconsin Wagons, worth v;23
more than any oilier wagon in the
V.-iftim- "Umors thinks serionslv of
......... -j .- - -
coing to Lincoln sometime during
the jiresent session of the legislature.
Plows, Cultivators, reapers, mow- j !y authorized agent located here, the Board, I pray yoti graut me this
ers, rakes, suellers, thresher-, and ev-' empowered to make dewfc to iotsfj privth-ge. I Iini'not physically com
erything in our line at Moody, Mat- ! An Agent here, a purchaser would pc-U-nt t gain n livelihooil except, i 6
thews & Co's. not have to u.-e wp a quire or two of be that I can get engaged in a genteel,
t ., t, . r. . . paper, with a pack of envelopes and bu-ine as bar ktrei'i- -HbrdK
Brown at the Post Olhce is up to l ' . ' , , uu.i.:, iuq.ih ..noru&.
... -pi i, ;, , ,,, as many i ostage -famps ils would pav kfffi:kck-:
his eves in business. Dull times don't ' . " V. ,.,..,,. , . ," t fciu.wiiv
". . iii.- v. .- ii a six months hotel bill, to get a title r Briirham Youmr Vt SnJtT-p.
seem to trouble linn much, tor which . , ., n J)"fc",lu' iUU,M J-i,, oait Jtive.
, . t- .u i . ' to projerty. hen a roan proposes John C Ileenan Ksn Vow vt.-
there is one of the best of reasons he ' .u i i i c , juuhv. ueuiai.iiq., ew toriv,
- to pav the price demanded for lots to ritv
cpll-. ehean I viLJ
l' tax his determination and patience,, Dave Butler, Pawnee City.
First class cottonwood shingles, in addition, until he becomes disgus- Edwin M. Stokes, in duranco vile
for sale by J. W. Bliss, at P. O., Peru, ted and leaves, as did one man with New York City.
Neb. $-,75 per m. ; a steam mill, who spent $100 to get it Signed, J mf-B. Fox,
BA.'Mra-i.wr.'v.qw '
isroivnviiie city School uutrict.
Editor Advertiser:
In your iesue of the 15th instant
was miblished the law recently enact-
e(l b;. the legblftture for lhe ef of
tne BrownvlIle City School District,
by authorizing an election of the
Kl votera unon the question of Issu-
'7. , '..,.. .' , .,,..
n.g miner certain icga. restrictions,
school bonds.
In order that the occasion, for this
action of the legislature may be bet-
lerunuersioo, it ispermips necessa-
ry that a statement should be made
to the public as to the financial con
dition of the district.
When the school house was com
pleted four years ago, the school
board found that Mie District was in
debt nearly 6SO0O, made up as follows:
Five thousand dollars in Dist. School
House bunds, payable $1000 per year
! for each of the ensuing five years,
with interest at ten per cent per an-
num. About $2000 borrowed money,
and about $1000 in outstanding debts
aud orders.
The Boaru-for want of means had
not been able to complete some very
much needed improvements to the
School House and premises, and it
was found that besides meeting these ...i.i ;..f..r..f i..., ...,......) i
ut-u,..w ... .!... .- -'"
l'n .ui;.. is iis uuiuu i-wiruj) yuuu Lilt:
creditof the District, it was necessa
na.a......n t. ......I.l ..n.l l.n '
ry to make further expenditures in
providing suitable out-houses, repairs,
fences, apparatus, tc, amounting in
all to about $2000 principally as fol
lows :
Privies, . ...
Purchase of two lots to com
plete the block, .
Fenciug, gates and stiles, .
ilG2 00
17o 00
343 S3
143 50
103 00
-Maps, charts and globes,
Furniture, seats, &c,
$1040 331
Making in addition to the debt above
named a sum nearly equal ti $10,000
for liabilities and expenditures out
side of the current expenses of the
Of these there remains and due in
May next of tho
Bonds unpaid, . . . $1200 00
Due 1st National Bank for
money borrowed to pay
bondsand notefi, . . 2500 CO
And outstanding orders on
incidental fund about, . 1000 00
$4700 00
These, especially the money bor
rowed and due the bank, and the bal
ance due on bonds ought, as a matter
of econemy to be provided for.
Besides these there are certain very
much needed improvements to the
house and premises, viz:
1st. The house needs a new roof.
2d. We shall need furniture for
two additional room:-.
3d. The basement rooms to be fin
ished, and other repairs.
4th. Grading and improving the
5th. Repairing and re-arranging
the furnace and heating apparatus
and other repairs.
The District Board will find itself
greatly embarrassed, unless some pro
vision be made to meet these demands,
ft is probable that much of this em-
banassment could be relieved, if it
were practicable to collect money now ! 'I"""' llt m-v l,,,r- :imi ty induce
due an unpaid on the tax list. The ' '"' Ireim-ip., that I will watch
District has been liberal in its provis-1 w,,h- 're of, and protect any or
ion and heretofore voted whatever es- I stU ,f !"th "ruiialei-uf orciisscB,
timates were made, Net we are feeling!
jhe pinch of the hard times, as it U
felt in every other department.
But the Board is encouraged to be
lieve that the present satisfactory con
dition of our public school, will justi
fy an extra effort to sustain it, ami
advance it to a much higherstandard.
The more especially, ri tho Board
further believe that the only condi
tion necessary to the desired end is
means to sustain the School, as at
present organized, to make and keep
it what we are proud to believe it is,
the best in the.State.
O. B. IIitwett.
Calico! Calico!! New spring
styles just-received at Lowman's.
A Work of Mkiu-v. $1.10,000,00 In
300U Cash Prizes is to be distributed
Legally, March iSth, 137 J, at Omaha,
in aid of the Sick, and Destitute, at
Mercy Hospital. This Enterprise is
endorsed by the Governor and best
business men of Nebraska. The Tick-1
e s are So each, or two for $. For
full particulars, address Bailee &
Gardiner, Business Managers, Omaha,
Our town is now ready to take its
place with other villages. We have
ble, one physician, two cariienters, i
' f ' L '
- '
Business is gradually improving,
" Ia' coming In rapidly.
The citizens are talking of sinking
j a coal ehaft by subscription as soon as '
the frost leaves the ground, as the in
dications are good.
With i little harmony among the
citizens this place will be iu a thri
ving condition before the Trunk R.1L
reaches u. We are ready now and
at all times to vote Precinct bonds to
aid in its construction, providing we
can secure a depot thereby. Dr. Con
verse, Carson and Furnas, appoint a
meeting and try our pluck.
We of Aepinwall have a great evil
,.,.. i .;f. .. ..,. t.t. I
- -
LK vwiil." il I "llll Uli UtlUUlI L III I ilSUWU'
ers oi me town oeing in .-ucn a eCat -
.-. ,. - , i
tereucommioii.aiiu wiuk-ui a prop-
j hcrp, and as much more six months
j later to get it away is'nt just right
But a hint to the wise is sufficient.
., ; K., 4, t... t
! '-" t wY, h d Av demandV
j ? ' b? thf " J " . " ll ' .JMl?..,.
'"I'll nun imev uy.u iuu ...,
herN a (mjtnUtv of Cuhy tisetseil
nu,at When nmlfltd of ihs uiatter
r mwed to tnke..uiy f tUe mont bnckf
stating that he had-plenty without it.
Thege ta0t;. caI1 be substantiated by
c tlmig on Messrs. Shook & Brother,
Edward Weisenreder and others who
bought and innocently sold to unsus
pecting p.rtio, who had the privi
lege of sickening at the first taste or
smell Cannot our grand jury ferret
this out. I hope this is tho last new
of this kind wc will have to relate
More next week.
Mn. Editoh: If the following la
considered as fun-provoking by your
readers as it has proved to be in St.
Dcroin, you should publish it. The-
I matter has been publielv considered
ihere and elicited serioiwa3 77eHahu-
morons consideration :
To the Hniior.ilile Bnanl of Commla-xioiM-rK
In anil for the Count) of St
molwt, Stntc of" Xcljr.iskn.
Be it Kiiown,.that I, James Ballard
Fox, Esq., ree?ntlv a resident in In-
lifina. nova, dweller i:, and a eitixoii
of St. Deroin. beissg poessed with a
sound aud vigorous mind, and feeling
that an indoor life would be nioru
conducive to my physical condition,
and as my friends have prevailed un
.. Ou;o!i me to m.tMi in tlu-.r tniilsf. t
j I humbly pray t.utt this petltioi: may
meet with your approval. As your
august bt dy may delre to learu of
the manner in which I anticipate to
preside as a saloon keejier, my friends
have prevailed on me to draft a code
of laws and regulations, as I shall bo
governed by. The following are to bo
Article L. I James B. Fox, Esq.,
do hereby promise my friends and
supporters, that 1 will, as soon as E
am licensed by the County Commis
sions, erect, build and open a first
claims saloon, and expose for sale tho
best brands of liquors the market af
fords. Art. 2d. Be it known further that
I agree to keep constantly on hand,
two dozen of Babbitt's Double Action
Revolving Stomach Pumps, to be al
ways in repair, ready for use at all
Art. 3d. Be it known that I also
bind myself in the penal sum of $2500,
to erect a suitable closet, air tight, iu
which tho said Stomach Pumps
shall at all times hang or re
pose for immediate use. And further,
I solemnly agree, and promise my
friends to have made at once fivo
hundred bra keys to tit said closet,
and so give each one of my personal
friends one.
Ait. 4. I again agree, should any
gentleman imbibe too freely of my If-
till he or they shall have resumed
their right, mind or minds.
Art. oth. I again solemnly prom
ise never to refuse a drink or drinks
to any one, man, woman or child,
though he, she or it, have no money
or the requisite amount to pay for n
Art. Glh. Be it known that T again
agree to never, never, xeveii I go
help me God, ask for any bill that
nuy be owing me, or in any way by
li t. .. !.:.. ..:.... ..:.:,. .!... r
1U"V "l """ "w ''" " l
,,LtI m-v Ia-V- wUl ever " "?
way, mm any one lor urniKS toseu oil
at my bar.
Art. 7th. T solemnly swear to bear
up. with humble, and christian resign
nation under every Rick,cuf!'nr blew
v.h ith may he awarded me by my
friends and p-ttrrss.
Art. sth. It will be my earnest atari)
and imit'iiwr to bo oa hand at a5D
hours, iih-r day or night, Suaiaj or
Fourth i" iu y, at any time and tt
dtraN i'iriniiKtant'Ps, ready to admiS
any gentleman, or gentlemen, sith n
smile upon my lips, ami do for him or
theiM, any service ilty may demand;
of me to jierfonn.
Art. Oth. Be it known that I .lames
B. Fox, Esq., do heieby announce
all the world and the ret of mankind
that it is my laudable ueigtt to sti
conduct my rtiaurnnt, that it will)
reflect not only honor to myself, Im&
crtdif to all, be be colored or Indixii,
i black or wh t', civilized or vice ver
sa, wlio may heresiter favor ray
drinking ch-.dciu, by or with tlielr
honored presence.
Art. loth, f do heredy further
agree and destie that this petltfea
? .. i.fcM
shall, after it has received the rtt
bation o! the citizens of St. Deroia
who are to meet to-night in a masts
gathering, and ratify this petition
that after it has passed the Board of
County Commissioners, for posterity.
and for future refsrec& d use, thaS
this imtittnienl bo 4epHited iu tho
archieves of tilt 2iatural History
Rooms, at Lincala. tlic-cr.pital of Ne
braska. Art. 1 1th. tt is with feelings of
profound pride that I can point you
to several of the distinguished citi
zens in the United Slates who will aC
auy time, give to any ooe a true and
faithful repre-entatioa as to my abili
ty to tarry on a fir3-t e! saloon, and
a faithful -uup3b of my moral ohar-
with h sdiort account of my
prir.v and mental eti.tnre.
Art. hah. Antl novr gentlemen of