JM1, . f sssassz fyr1? 'jjHLy TUB ADVERTISER ryNMietl everyThursday by CAFF KEY & HACKER, Proprietors. THE ADVERTISER. ADVERTISING KATKS. If KPACE. ci EC a 155 Hull Inch One Inch Tl0 Inches.... Three inches.. Sixlwhert . Twelve Inches Op "Im-ui ii.(a.;i.50-.,ji v--Hix-'' ! ni ! 1.5t. i-'O 3.00 3.111 ..if 7.101 K.t oUloe No. 74 .UcPIicrNon'n Illoch, up Stairs, jTiOWNVILLi:, XEKASKA. i sw :iw -i.i ti 6.1-vi T.ii XIX 4.(10, :.Mj'JO.0 I.-.H ir.. ;.. a.iHi'io.;i:.t lMvirs.ic ii (i . igi i5. 1S.W. :s.n. -(.( o !o.v "s.m nw !.H'fftfo k i Terms, in Advanoo : rs.n JX" G'leVear . S- 00 I.e!i! advertisements at lesal rate One sumirti., (eight line r ente space, or Iwk ) first Insertion 1.P0: each siibeiieit insertion. Sff. jrjrAll tniisclent advertisement must be paid forin advarce c..-f py.-x iiiontlw v ''.ree months- 1 00 .10 ESTABLISHED 1856. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 18T2. VOL. 1G.-jSt0. 19. RK VDlN'fi MATTER ON EVEUY PAGE Oldest Paper i the State, OFFICIAL PAPKK OF TI'cE COI'STY J.iimn,-v, -- "Ui .. . i ii .ISI.M ..IU czo irsz MWWWBHWrT in mmHiM ilii .1 num i i' n in Tnr ) () SOCIAL DIRECTORY. LODGES. -p.-riias ("iiiiiicit No. '.I, R. V S. 31. J5C'tl Loiiiiimnications lirst Monday in .n.i.....i. ..ft... tl tnmteri J so. BLAKK, T. I. G. M. T. A. CliKloa. j I an . t It CarmelCo.iii.ian.leryKnielitTeiii- Nl J5..l tr Su. .;.-Meet. m MM,aic llullon the of . i Mond.ii nm-iit in well mouth. It- W.Hu- cal . V ': '"' K- A. CRKir.H. tteconler. c, ...oir-rlnu Cliurrlu -service each "f a. low) a. in.. and T:' p. m. Prayer v.., .-ila-. evenings abtalh school I .1. 1. lUH'.O. l--li. .. .t....i:t 1 I'lmrcli. -Servios each ., '"" ' ,.. :u,d T;:w p. in. tin ' v '-p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday t"v Maiitin. l.i!tor. ii,t Cliiireh.-Corner Fourth and At ' l ':,r.K.s. Vervlo-i -very Sabbath at a m. I'mV-r M..tln We-lneeday .. 1 J Mou'-AN.I'.tstur. !.-i Mian I'liun-h, Lonilon.-ljlvliie ser ,.,.) abhalh at 11 a. in., and In tilt US V . ;. fhurrli. Pcni.-servlcescx-erytoab- itv ..'- A i.i.x a s iikk. l'a-tor- if -3 CITY OFK1CAI.S. ltJ ( oiinrll.-Meets yr.Kil ,M,"Vi?Vi' H" ,i i.outh. Maor.K.A.Tis.lel,Jr A- . P i.ewis. F. E.Johnson.C.NeWharut. , V " Marshal. I). C.ipmhell C'l.rk J. II. i reu-urer, J. V. Middleton. Police Judge, V. . l ArrUil mill Diinrture of Jlnll. V.riherti raily. by lUilroad-Arrives 11 a. m. ' .uthe'ru "itel' ltallroad-Arrives 2:30p.m. ' irllifr via Per.i. Daily-Arrives 1- m ; IK "' Mitt.Vr'ii -Viiv Nemaha it. Daily-Arrive. 5 'tt..jri-nrtVM'T.vun.seh to Beatrice-Dally: r ".": ,i !.. Arr es at ". p.m. ' ... .ilittrtti-rn Via Ta'de lt.M-k- eekl-Ar-- hy2l lJ" ,. ... I N-lrt. M.-..UV at 7 a. m. v..r,i, I"H 'ii e:iil eeI Ar- -,"riU V-jV 111 -aturda, at o p. m. Departs ' . 1 and rrula HIT u.m. ..... .....,i Til RI.. 1,', P. ni UIl .-sf inr'toi" 'j a. in. 1 V. A. POLOlK.P. M. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORXEVS. SIDNEY FRENCH, ITOUNTY AND CDCN-KMUt AT LAW . . - ver Post Ortice. ltrownville. Neb. 11 1 V i in ii.KIl.-s. AUornuy and Counelorat Law . V. Hi s.n; diligent ulluutluu to hiiv --.ei.tru-.ted to Ins care. Ollice m Court Ui.ue li., Ilr..w nvilli-. Neb. . i 1 i .. t IIKK. Attny" at Ijvw. Brown . N.b Attention Kiveii to the purchase .ind i r .uesla; . jaaieuloilaes.coiieaiicuig M i . ..HeoU..:i1. JIllJ Im "MtiMllUl 111 the - niiK.irm.m Inn .u.its. lhte ..xerlltt ire. 4"-iiUi" . . . .. ... ... . . ..- . i J . l.l i. .laitriiirjii'iu - . and solicitor in Chancery. Ilrownville. - UTtt HI A I 1 1 V NCW.MAN, Attorneys and Coun . iiv, UrownvilIe.Neb. Ollice No. .U. . i r- j iCock. uplairs. 1 l - .v P.ltOADY. Attorneys at Law and rs .-.chancery. Ollice in District Court ;... a in .lie. Neb. M -i.ENNAN. Attorney ami Couubtlor NebniskaCity.Me'.i. i ..IP 'fP'IHKY. Attorneys and Counselurfc . ' i I'.r.vm'el'il.i. l'.iwnee County. Neb. . i.i ..-. Allorneyat I-.w and Land Agent, i. u . . t.. ice County, Nebraska. l'HA'SIClANS. s m! I.D VY. M. D.. Physician. Surgeon, . ! ii-.u irieiari. Jraduatinl In ls'il. Loca- t' .ii.:e ls.."i. OiS.ce, Lett t Creigli's -. r M.-Piierson BliH-k. Special ntlenlion if si. ira-i ami diseases ot Women and .r . liMJm ",s f i i -lr V AIM, M. U.. l'liysieliin nun surgeon. V . Hr- . n i.le. Iseb. oillce hours :rom 7 to Ua.m i.:. 1 I - - ami o t to 7': p. M. Otlicesu II. C. Lett's II. L : V r ill. VS.Phisican and Surgeon. Ollic" ' irug tore No. XI Main street, Ilroivn- LAND AtiKN'TS. i ; I'l.sWl.U., Hal Estate and Tax Paying -V. .e:it ciiee in Cogswell Blocic. corner First i vi . i 'c streets. Will give prompt attention t-i -..I . .. Estate and the P.ivmeutol l"aes i t ,ii,u'i'ii Neiauiia lmd District. Ttl jn l i:n V. Hli;Hl. Ileal Estate Acetil and IV . ir PiiMic. oilie.. in Kirliieast corner Mc l - v . n-K. upstairs. Hr.iwiiville, Neb. W ; i ! Wi II. IIOiiYKi:. Uer.l INtate and Tax 'i : .it. uiHi-ein lustrict Court Boom. i ( i.inpl atiention to the -ale ol Heal J-.s- i-. I 1 -n ineiil ul '1 axi". througbout the Nemaha Lj i iiii'r n. CIICVIN DEAEEHS. .is .V nt I'll INi. 1 .irwarthng and Conimis ' i Dealer in all kmdsof (inun i ri Produce, inlh-e and Warerooin, . :. Brow Ti ill . Neb. MERCHANDISE. i .1 l M PlinitsnN. Healer iii Oeneral MitcIi t . .- . . otii In MriMersou Buck. No. ' j -. " BrOWIiVllIe. Neb. 1 -l.y . : ,. v ,v C . Di-il.'rs InOeiieml "Merch- j .1- ,i. j Mam strict. Brow nville. Neb. i !1VT DEN pealcrlin;eneralM.-rchan-I V .'.IKorwanliiig audi Merch- I . si .... .-.,-..'li 111." -Srll. llirll .l...stm.irket'price paid lor Hides. Pelts. , '..S I'liitiv l'rodlice. 1 i" iws.siivr.. r iimiiure, en-. iiis uu , NOTARIES. I."1 t I III tli HIT. Notary Publicaud Conveyancer. I j. z Main stri-:. second lloor. Broiinvilln. . eat lorthe Equitable and American Ton ! iiisurailce s;,mp.ini-. Jl'STlCES. " lUtl'sII. Justfc of the Peace and Tax . mg Agent. W.ll at'end 'promptly to all - etitnistec to hmi. !lUv at his residence 1 . hi. London l'recinct, Nemaha l ounty. N'e- s . sly t. SADDLERY. I H HVl'EU. Harnt-s. Bridle. I'ollurs. Etc., No. ' -i n.uusireel. Brow nvilIe.Nrb. Mending done 1. r. s..i:istactioiii-u.r.uileed. URIDRE Ilt'ILDING. i ' W W H KI.l. Kit. Bridce B'llhleraiid Contractor. " . llruunxille. Neb. sole a:eiit for B. W.s.inith"s l'4K nt Truss Bridge. The stronger and bi-st wooden or ii- in use. HOTELS. Clll.ItMAS IlOL'sK.-c. M. Kaiirtnian. Propnc t ir No. 4 Main street. Browniille. Nebraska. or'l'ughl reuiiHh-Ieil and refurnished. Kttdsia- t coiineotioii witn the hoiisr. Sjiages .or all ; i.uwe-st and onunbti-sos t'or h11 trams. V MU1UCAN IIOPmE. I- 1. Bobuon, Proprietor. V I rout street, between Mam and College. Hood I t and Liver stable m connection uilh this ' s Bltl'GGlST.S. M'l'BEr.UY A NICKKI.L. Dealers In Drills, s'anouerv. Etc. No. ;ti Mam tiw-t. Brown ' . Neb. Full assortment of Orjgs, I'amis, o-ls. -. 'ks. stationary, etc on hand, and sold at w holu s - umail. GUN SMITH. "M. I. CHAD DOCK. Oun smith Lock smith. ' shop at No. .V, Mala street, itroivt.i die. "v;. '"rask.t. oubs made toorder, and repairing done V Juy it cheap r-te :.-ly RESTAURANTS. JiXIv KE.sTAL'ltSr.-i.ii). !iau;liert. Pro 1 ,ir,et.,r. No. 37 Main strert. Hrowuville. Neh. tirt -iinnr. Ko.iril hi Jhedav or -elv ULACICSMITHS. I W ,t J. c. GII'.soN", Blacksmiths and Horse . s! .rs. Firsistreet.beiiveenMalii and Atlantic. ' .11 1- .... eh. Work done to order and satisfac- - .rjiit -ed. HOOTS AND SHOES. 1 1 IIO!IIN?ON. Boot und Shoe Maker. No. i ; 1 street. Broun vtlle. Neb. Hasconstant- ...ii.! a good a.ssorIment of tint's. Lady s. s .'. 1 I'hildreirs Boots and Shoes. Custom rK . .11- a. ih neat t-ess and dispatch. KepalriiiB s. rt iiitt.iv. SALOONS. J: U iirno.VCD .t 'O.. Peace and Quiet Sa X. .1 V.ii-.streirt. Broivnvllle. Neb. The -in.l l.ujnors kept oil hand. TOIIIV tOTJSITIII0, Bricklayer and Plasterer, Brownvillo, NoTjraslia. ?- . .r -- . - .- ..-.l ....v-,... - "narfcd tn lftlran-nttt In i? linv In -Irv fir fhebtVf"tvi,CK rasttbe-wrrfect. yi r? sl- r J 11 11- is. n I -, C . V" "V4s. UUUC IU -iWss.j tnfi Tvarrast -?ilrviivilH' i uiipii-r ;,",:,,",.,:",,; I churches-Kpl.conal and 3Ietholl-t: cowl District ! i" jii.rOi!JiinunitioiisllrstMoniiaiiikiiit Kchool Steam KlourniK Mill, two Ho- I , .:tji- !-cture Meeumrs ocr jioiiih t)l)s flne IJverv Mahie flve general stores, two ! s ; wis Kukk, M. fc 11. l. jinn: stores, one Hardware Store and Tin Shop. -,TT..-,,, " - -- two Lumber Yards three Iilaek-rn!tli SIiojps. one I)IlL(Sj Wneon and Carnage shoj). two shoe "Miops, one ... ... ... 1 Tf I. Neiiinlm nliiy I-odec No. 4, A. V. fc Harness Shop, two Paint shops, two . Glass. Puttv Sohnnl Rnnlr Lp J' , T llecnlar Comuiiiunaiuoii- held on Meat Market-. twoAKreulturallniplernent Houses. t - uixy cnooi OOKs, V-1 '! v:i.nifsot each month. L'lK one IS.irherShop. one Ileal Kslate and Insurance' STATIOXKRV, I'KHI-'L'MEUY e P ' -' - ,1-rv Saturday mbt. Jons I.lakk, Acency. two Hnck Yards, lots of Clergymen. lhy ,..,. ' . j ii .n T rts. - . sicians. Politicians, Ac. but no lawyer's Office nor t wt Olllce itiiililiii, - Peru, Xcbrnikn. -. .kw.b.. PIONEER DRUG STORE ! -,,,0,; CIILIC.CIiiJ.s- PERU BUSINESS CARDS. LOCATION OF PERU. reru la situated on the nest haul; ol the Missouri river. In Nenmha Count, ahout live miles sou h ..r .... -..... - t...,. ...... ....... ...i... . . of Brownville. Hasa remarlCHblyplesant location, j ann inn imriooecome a town oi no nine linporl- ance. Ii has a otulatioii or about jdw. The State Q onnal fcc'iooi is liK-ated here, ana some branches - r busmen are well reureseiitel. but the trade Pamitfl .kfl tlfr. 1 IKlf Itfl ffl tlie l!.tTl!llllv kt tlia country. It contains many line residences, and , some koixi ousines." noute. inerearenereiuoiine PItOPItlKTOIt. 'PHIS Old and Iteliahle House is fully prepartsl to I furnish any and everylhln usually found in a first class Drugstore, at liiuvi prtrt thiimtiiv limit' in ti,' . i omi'1 Twx nt:tit:i. r.yi THOMAS HUTCHINSON, VAGON AND CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, PERU, - - NEBRASKA. repairing: VLI. KINDS of Kepalrlnrdonc on short notice. Also Cabinet Work and Collins made loonier. Terms reasonable, mid all work warranted. 4Vly CITY MEAT MARKET. Ily CHAKI.ES wet. PERU, NEBRASKA. CONSTANTLY on blind a sood supply of Fresh and suited Meats. Highest market price paid for FAT CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS. H.F. Morion -Brother, uincTUtiiw PERlr, xEItRASKA. CONTRACTS TAZ3N ?20 FOUNDATION, AND FIN1SHKD THllOUUHOLT. ON REASONABLE TERMS. J1A11 work warranted to gl e satisfaction. tlyl b3 CB CHARLES GAEBE, l'ROPP.IEToU. :r, - - - NEBRASKA. 'PUIS House is new. and newly fitted and fur 1 nislied In every department. Oticsts willtlud In-rea good fare as can be found at any Hotel in Nebraska. Hack-s lo connect with U. It. trains leave this House every morning at 'J o'clock. LIYFUY STAJiLF In connection with this House. Teams furnished guests on lliejnostli eral terms. ."yl J. Y. BLISS, ND I 1 PERU, NEBRASKA. r .. I iL-4r.4A W ...! Gnlil j on Commission. Collection made and Taxi a.rwaxf J'H , ( 1I A(t M MOD TION-for crossinK Teams. I-.Nest.n-k. Nodeiaj i ""I aiTmuil l i-i.lin-i. J. flj. 'J'BSO.II ISOT. PrOpril'lOl. " I PX'OTT ATJT5 TArPS01 if4. X-XflAJ WK3Vr U.S. Mail and Transfer Line, W. EI. TIiompNon. Prop. nACKs leave Bern every ninrnitir. in timp to connect with trams 'south ami N irth on the si Joseph ,t Cmini ii JtlutlV. Bailroad, returning to l'eru eieri e eiimg 45 I F. L PR0UTY, T3 AND SJI EET I I O K" WORKER, AND DHALEIt IN HAESWASE! STOVES, Agricultural Implements, IVOODEX WARE. -Cv.. pear, - - - - rvEBttASKA. "r.VKKS this method of Informlnc the citizens of 1 Nemaha county, and the balance of the world, that he is prepared with a full si.-k. and oiod workmen, to lurnish anj and everi thine in his line, a! as low prices as th- same can be bought at any point on the Missouri rl er. Sjieclal At tciltlon pnlrt to SPOUTING, R00FlNG,&c. Constantly on hand, a full stot-k of H3ATING COOKIHG STOVES, of the most approved pattern. Also Agricultural Implements, i of all kinds. Blacksmith Iron and Supplies. XATL.S, WOODEN WARE. FENCE WIRE, lie. Acc, iVr.i iVc. Highest Price paid for old Iron, Copper, llrnnn, Kns, c. t"BAlI poo warranted, and satisfaction Ktiar anteed In reference 10 price and quality of goods. Agent for the Cclobrated Charter Qsk (jQCK St775, pei:l, -veiskaska. JOHN PATTERS OX, I I City H ia 'ba7sra tccc5 lasi tsa3 " PERU BUSINESS CARDS. C. C. WIIEELEIt, PHISIGIANAND SURGEON, Corner 5tU fc Inla Sts.. PERU, ISTEBRASKA. peclai Alteatsa pud to Rsiases sf the Eve and Esr. ltKFEUKM-ra-lTnr. H. I. Cleaner. Keokuk. la lrof' J- -'. Shrader, low.i.state University. JOY Oi. DAILY, Dealers In 3IEDICIXES, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTER, GLAZIER AND Pffprr JLaiiyer, PERU, NEBRASKA. Ayisitl -s t Inform thet-iilzensof Peru and. sur- t roundiiiu country . that he is prepared to do all ivork in his line with Neatnessunddispatch and on terms that will be sntistuctorv. 4.VI v Clocks, Watches, Jewelry JOSEPH SI-IUTZ, No. 59 Main Street, Brownvillo. Keeps constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock ol genuine articles in hfs line. Repairing or Clocks, Watcnes and Jewelry done on short notice, at reasonable rates. ALL WORK VAIlRAXTi:i. JACOB BERKLEY, Wagon & Ca rriageMaker ! COLLEGE STKEET, BROWNVILLE, - NEB. pFsTOM WORK done on Miort notice and in a V style and iiiannerwhich will g'larantwesatisfac tion. In connection with Mr. Berkley's "Wagon Shop MICHAEL SWITZEE BLACKSMITH SHOP! And is tiirnint; out work in fir-t class stvle. having given general salisfaction in everv inel-e of work which has thus lar left his .shop. Particular atten tion to HORSE SHOEING. "iive me a call. 2r,-:m i- n. wii.cox. JOHN (J. A. SMITH. iTlBUE, FOHI! AND COMMISSION EOUS OF SMITH & WILCOX. Dealers in all kinds of Oraiu. for which they pax the highest market price in Cash, tttf-i Jilk-e. at store of K. K. Johnson t Ce- is-fim ,&is -sX eJ 21 a ! u 8 3 All (lnnriil inns I'.ir. r Yggfm tS """"'I in UlK bc"1 1 v " okkkv At residi nre on Main Stf.Mt. TRAJZ HELMER, agqn &8lack$mithJJhgp ONE DOOK WEST OF COL'BT HOIS,!-;. TTJACJOX MAKING. Repairing, Plmv. and all ivmk ilnne in thebesl Plows, ami all ivmk done in thebesl . manlier and on rt notice, .-atislaction cuaran- , t.-eil. oiiehiuiacaii -.n-u . i ui mi iiiji i iiiniii-. ."iiconLiiun u;ii .u- i GEORGE G. START, C.VsH DKM.I'U IN Grain& Aorricultural Implements . ...', P.riva,-.Ii.,K:...l I Commission 3Ioi-iliut. ! simny VI I vi-MPisr I ASI IN, ALE. M-.I.EASKA. GEO. S. PHILLIPS, it i r J 0 r L 01 L I ' Liyery,reed,& txchange Stables . Broxcnvillo, Nobraslca. s paid r..r Non-uesidants rn tf'ff V'tf'W'D fiff A V? TT ff1 Vf? ! "" on days on which its Use is gran I 12r QiTlVlVlsiN UyA. ted by dispensation. Those dispens- 40 Muiii-ftt., HiOMiivlllc. C. 31. itA-FiFM t, I'roprictur TT,'S3'T rP fST ir '!-. AL iii i IX C0X.VECTI0X WITH THE HOUSE. This House has he on remodeled and refurnished thncigliniit, and aiHirds the best accoiiini.Mlaiioiisiu tnei-ni to the traveling publir Itiscen- tr,un toiMtisl. Mai,es,,r the West, and Oiiinibus.-s. If; - ; lor an innns x iro:n me iiriiian House, l-air ass. charges uiiMlerate IVtf MMi i as ti CAPITAL, - i 100,000. I Trnninrl n Grnrral ltniiUiiis Business mnkr collect Iohn on all point x tlironjrlioiit tlte West. AND IN ALL PARTS 0? UR0?. Jiixcliancre E on uropc Draw Onr Otx-ii Drafts on England, Ireland, ranee, Germany, c. DISCOUNT NOTES AND TIME BILLS OK EXCHANGE. INTKlVKsT AI.LOWKD ON TIME CEKT1H- CAT5 OF DkPOSIT. BY Sl'KCIAL AOKEKMENT. K.ichauce bonsht and sld on New A'ork. and all principal iaten: aad Southern cities of the J.'iuted stnte. OFFICERS A.l) DIRECTORS. D.VVII) RE3IICIC, Prilil.iit. THEO. IIII.L, Vlce-I'rcslrtcnt. oeo. p. e.vtoa, casiiicr. I.. HOADI.EY. W. V. IIACICNFY. C M KAl'FKMAN'. WM II irnowu. D VVID UI-MKK, THl.o 1I1LI.. B. V. Ml'IIt. J ' IlEt'sKR, II (' M-TT i.KO V IATON. t A.TISDEL. JR. J. W. APPLSGATS, X H Bf II ITTPT 9 0 IB If HD i,l'"rn'i' t0"k I,U p.--"-nmlv and jiro- ; n ? J1 U " f. S Aj ilitli all ii I irrt"',1 I)e,,,em"'i:- Jf took a pii- iii-lISLr. 1 U Lt!JLH. lov,-. Samson was killed bv a pillar. Bruwiirillc. Kcbraj-ka. I '1 tt " ,. 'P"-"'' "" " srranupap Alajors wears an eira n)a.!,came to a little log cabin the !,:- with my hand lamp. At that Urn. eo nry she hi-urn ,,l ....... Vk; . ahadoon luhus Car was skilled smile. and a-, for the CVouel he is ! est, and asked fora drink. A hand- r the breakmen came up and asked , e ...t",". ,, Tt T V 1 WiffiS-iS ffi. donh,J: TT "y e himself with joy. Mrs. ! -me young l.i.!y supplied his wants, to .lt. and they tooifhim inside t'.u I !'.! -d Dmes fou "La've iSTSrST iM ' " ' Cov; U,ZZ hfi ln It! M. wa doing well at last aiouu. I ."XX-ee., Im e?e,nl d iv ' 'ftwTf hi w "7 , '" r ' wi?d mlL five s.reet.b.stM-, ain and Atlantic. W-tr ,,. Artemt.s V rn V.. J i " . r, ...,..., -.r... .- . J """i" V .l..lT. Tl l1 l' '"' "' 1" "1-- Hliiw of turnpike." T T r r .-nTn-n ' o I ,v n r5 4 ? V.r' t'r"?I!;i in this county, he will learn fcome' "s "'y taken and iiaid for. and the remarked to me that "Mr. 'Maurv i r " " a!one"-have a gocl J. J. CxOJlljJrt,''?" wishes M see you" I said F,;. j &'" : "ve sooie money, not enough, stati: AC.KN-T FOB THE best i Hk ,1 root J' al tLS before, looked at it a moment with what purp -eV" He renlied "So .U to l' my iIhuk: w,i! go i for a r,hh1 n ,. i ni II JO- I I ir" a Ilti r V i T ' ' some curros.ty. then asked v. nat indenti.y you." I st,.! foreward, ! " with an body, male or female. I nmhinPfl hP Pr nTm minnPr OldParrdiedofn - We understand that F.L. Prou- wouM .-Sip do with it. He replied held my lamp iip-....d so .tid Condm- r ImmJv m will, me. mab or : 1 1 -ffir "& ty an r,m reliab,e har,Jware ! - s' s&ssnn jx t" sww -' Y- Willi! Mill tml Steamer. "f the whoopmg cough. Tecumseh er. and the enterjirisingfirmof Comp-slkeit ,,..k .II.dgivemeanor-herkw, m:m vnat sVrUek : m " I er,liet n, i . , I Also Breeder and snipper of the celebrated "fsealp disease. ton Bros.' have entered into partner- (Jood girl. ! that I was He-iid "lonlv u-mt t.i 'f i'-o!.ice tlepnrtment h? a- POLAND CHINA. HOG- m, i ., . . , ' shiP. antI propose to deal extensively I Hndentifv you." This is all I can re- ?.., stVt, 'iv .1.77 e l,,;,, r ,h,? ..r.7 . ! 7rK lason in Agricultural The .n.t definite description aMnember of any r-rt on the Milject. ,? Z . . "J ' . tsl"- .SSSrJI10 forcKTa.onrETUcafive,ti,"usaild dollars a day through- Sfcccte,N outlSil, ahu croweroi uraire cir.nis ara ienerai .-iir- .'i.i."j iniri-i. ; or :ilt i . p c iv. I ..ivirii .1 U'litn-in nmi h .ni-.. ..t 1 r- r. .,.,. ...."...... - 1 ..-...- . s.i,..ui..l ins... .,- AVritten for the Ahvkrtikk. XV ANTED-" A MILLION MORE." Oh ! yes, we are wanting a million more. Then ring out the news from shore to shore, And tell the people wherever you go! That Nebraska will take a million or so. Not a million however, or those ugly old churls, But a million or so of tine good looking girls. Why, we are two to one just now as we stand. And that's what's the matter all over the land ; Whilst men Irom taking of cohl are sneezing. And bach's by night in their beds are freezing, flood old Father Time cries out as be passes. " Do please send on a million more lassies " And yet some women are never content. But like Mother Eve on some mischief they're bent For when we go hunting a wife, just then Somewomun cries out, "A Million More Men!" Nu-.v we say 'tis a crime, and we say "lis agrlmone. You'd better by ?ay," A Million More Women!" Why, do you wish to cut off our very last chance ? Or is it our beauty you wish to enhance? Do you wish to sell us all out under the hammer".' Thuby for Moie Men! do you publicly clamor? I'll tell you we'll never consent to such trades. But we'll receipt, if you please lor a million more maids. We're abundantly blessed with most beautiful prairies. But w e are sadly In want of those dearlittle fairies We have snug little homes and huge crops of corn. But our hearts, they alas, are all sad and forlorn, Whilst far to the East, we are told by the books, They are willing to fiiare us a million more cooks There are neat little homes everywhere to be found' And plenty of bachelors standing aruiuul. With love's simple ditties all dona up in shymes. Just watching and wailing lor a turn of the times. Then hail to the ship that conies over the waters, And brings us a cargo of Erin's lair daughters. Do you ever expect to replenish this nation. Or till up or land by foreign immigration, Whilst the men that are born, the lords ot the soil. Are kept at hard, uncompensated toil. Whilst a million of men are wasting their lives, In the bootless search fora million more wives ? Now we hope we'll hear no more of those speeches On the want of a million more persons m breeches, Then change. If you please, the theme of your ver" ses, Andiiy we're In need of a million more nurses. Or. we're williiigto take hairthe number or Biddy',, And receipt for the balance in food looking widdy's Sl'OONIIV S. Grant, Neb. .RULES FOR LENT. The following regulations for Lent, which began on the 14th instant have been declared by the IU. Ilev. Bishop Kosecruns : 1. All the faithful who have com pleted their 21st year are, unless legit imately dispensed, bound to observe the Fast of Lent. 12. They are to make only one meal a day excepting .Sunday. .'5. The meal allowed on fast days is not to be taken till about noon. 4. At that meal, if on any day per mission should be granted for eating l'.esh, both li-li and llesh shall not be used at the same time. 5. A small refreshment, common ly called volltttiin, is allowed in the evening; no general rule as to the quantity of fond permitted at this time i- or can be made. Hut the rac ticeof the mo?t regular Christians is, never to let it exceed the fourth part of an ordinary meal. 0. The quality of fuod allowed at a ((! Im t illll is ill t ll i ll iiwu-o lirmiil I.i. I- ter, eggs, cheose, milk, all kinds of iruus, salaiis, vegetables mid lis.Ii. i. uenerai usage nas made It law ful to take in the morning some warm liquid ; as tea, collee, or thin choco late and a cracker. S. Necessity and custom have au thorized the use of lard instead of butter, in pieparing tish, vegetables, &c. 0. The followiiiir persona are ex- '-"'l'1 """ l" "i-'fs'"u ui i.iswug unoii v..t ti... .i.i;.r..t ;.... ,.r ..,.,; - - - c:. ouug persons under tweutv-one I I . r .1. i. . - years oi age, uie sick, nursing worn- .... l. ....... i. .... .... .i.i: i. ...... i.3 mi, tiiii-c ivuwiuu uuuueu in uu nam I labor, all who. through weakness. cannot fast without prejudice to their hTuny uv,o. ie w of !l,'",! nu!at wl11 ,,'e """Wf'1 at any time 'J11 ,"',iys' nJ;fe a day on Mon- -vs' l "i,s,'.vh, fI huisdays and bat- liri, wj,h t,,e t.Xl!t.pti(III of the Bcc. ond and last Saturdays of Lent. ersons uispenseo irom me oo- i'sriS'ssi'' ss' u!' 11. Persons dispensed from the ob- r bard labor, are not bound by the re striction of ii-intr meat onlv nt nnn j ed irom thetjpt from other causes, as well as thtwe who are obliged to fast, tire permitted to u.-e meat only at one meal. Stood It Till He Got Mart. The Detroit Free Press relates an incident which occurred on the re turn of an excursion party from that city. Soon after the boat left Toledo, the steward was approached by an excited individual, who asked him if he was the captain. Tho steward replied in the negative at the same time giving his rank. "Have you the power to put a man out of the cabin?" enquired the stran Tt.r. "Well, yes, if he's disorderly, I have," replied the steward. "Well, sir, look in here and the right to embrace his wife.' Units what I want you to run him out for, ' replied the stranger, dancing around "that's mv wife J and I've stood it so long that I've ! got niad." I'he Hoston Ihilletin has Mip follow. j hig valuable mortuary li-t ..fethusaleh died of liver compltiint t . ...:r r ... ' um s iineoi salt rheum. A :. nm f..ll . M-. ..!.',.. . 1. . .. ,: . -'"'" ""'.''ipi'i!!". vtiuian died of thestone. Hainan of the dtoo isv. Nebuchadnezzar of too much veg 'etable diet, leaving Mrs. X. a gra-s- widow. Jonn itunvan. trouli'.ed bv them, wi 1 vou?" .H1 the str..n,i..r I ami 4 hoys, mat were lucky enough , "...,... ...,.. j . ....,, ..,.. - --;,.,,,, , o ..v - " l "v i'," sl-uoicc iook m ..,1: , 1, .I- . stranger, - - know., as a Contedeiate commander has an t.ungd.spleased you . Its. no:t.jv .,.,, niiliions of letters hisr leading the said oflicia round to the to get notice 01 the sale through the .,Iiri...r ,lle , ,rf.t ilOU,.ti ii,,. he renlied, " Vou are the man that . . ' u" ,"II,IC,IS ' 'ttr last 1 'i'L f,.- 11 . ,. ! medium of said mammoth posters, , ih.iiuville bf.iini train at Chattanoo-1 circulated those infamous lies relative "..,...-,.,. saNv nothing out of the way. n quite 11 snug 'little' sum. If the , Jti J ' - " - ; ,u- J Mr jjavis. ir 1 hml L Woul(, Ilot hoid daily and by the 1st u.xt May ih. 1011 jioii-t eh? Don't you see a management of the town attairs is 1 .ljmiut.lur y,ii(i Nvilo i,.ld Illaje "UIL. . the position I now hold. To which he ""'I'l'-i wi be increased .),(jyu,UW '""Well f vcs"em.!lii,C!',!f.Jl 0,,,n?," left for another vear to the one or two statement which eoinprom'sed Mr. quickly said : "Yes, you are the ver . but ul, ;,f ?,tir ii f T Stt?'.,,,r'1' old ir andmothe"rs who ru- it at ores-! vis' standing so seriously, I man, jou lying son 01 a b-;" at the 'Nevermind toe obituary, judge," out what of that. Hasn't a fo low ,mi anumoiutrs no ru.. 11 at pres- . . . . . , ... .j ..Mt.mi M.stM;nun iii- . !..u-.t,... said a Aroi.tam. ..nHr.t u. 1.1.1. tt.. PERU ITEMS. The following items were designed for our last week's issue, bat did not reach us in time. The warm weather the past week has loosened the bowels of "old mud dy" to some extent, but teams, nre still crowing on the ice bridge. Dwelling houses, were never in so great demand in Peru as at the present time. At the prices of rents it would pay our capitalists to build tenant houses. These is no safer in vestment. We i.olice Hi-bum-a-cus around town with his neck adorned with red flannel. Whether It is Worn as a democratic badge, or the said 'cus' has got a sorethroat we are unable to say. Thompson's express connects with the IT. S. Express daily at Ne braska City and Hrowuville, Neb., and at Watson, Mo. J. V. Bliss, A gent, Peru, Neb. Sharp maiden at the State Nor mal School, on being asked the other day by her teacher to give the defini tion of husband, promptly replied, a man that the women keep about the hoii'otodo chores. If this is a cor rect definition, there must be a great many widows in this cuuntry. Peru property has been chang ing hands pretty lively the past week, business seems to be looking up. The prospect is that there will be more improvement in Peru the coming season than at any other time since the organization of the town. Mr. J. li. Bryan, the popular Pw. ru lumber merchant, has sold his en tire interest to Mr. A. II. Oillett. Mr. H. intends to leave soon for Colorado. Flis many friends here will regret to lose so good a business man-, but it will be a great satisfaction to the com munity to know that the business will be left in the hands of one so well and favorably known as a gentleman and thorough business man as Mr. Giilett. Prof. J. Gardner Kenyon, the woild renowned Ventriloquist, gave one of his celebrated veiitriloquial exhibitions at the Uriel; church in Peru on Thursday night February Sth, which proved highly entertain ing to the large crowd in attendance. The Prof, is a perfect gentleman, and as a ventriloquist is seldom equalled by any, and at the eaauot solicita tion of many of our citizens, he con sented to repeat the performance at the same place on the KJth instant, which if possible was an improve' ment on tho pivvious exhibition. Prof. II. although not advertising himself as a Magician, gave some very credible exhibitions of the mag ic art, and not the least creditable part of which was the lesson it im parted to the rising generation, which would lead them lo avoid betting up on cards or other devices for swind- fmr the unsophisticated. A remark- . ... aUle feature of the ventriloqual per- A forinance was the imitation of the California mocking bird, and as for catching bees, it almost made one feel as if in danger of being stung. The Peru correspondent of Dr. Ilolliday's dad head newspaper, thinks a few more democrats in Peru would make it a very desirable place to live. If they should manage as they have in New Yotk city it would probably hw a good place for the said correspondent to live, provided he was inside the ring. Hon. Win. McLennan of Xeb. City was in town on last Saturday. I Mc. is getting quite corpulent in his old age, but he has lo-t none of his natural shrewdness and business tact. He is confident that the Trunk road will be built the coming season. The sale of lots in Peru by the city fathers came of!" on Satuiday last, agreeable to notice given through the medium of three dozen mammoth hand bills, size 3.o inches, and it is to be hoped that the good citizens of Peru will not be taxed any more for public improvements for the next few years. We have not ascertainetl the amount of the sale, but judging by' crowd composed oi o men ent, it will he ready to fence in Col. Tom Majors, U. S. Assessor. has been compelled to increase the . . .- l ... cici itai luii'coi ins i..ii-e, wiiiuii v.jisi see 1 ... . . . . :....r,.i n .1. ...... vx r.ipv imii a herth. or do von not like the ear tm... t .. 1. .. ....- . done on last Saturday morning, byjJr. Davis." Trice replied in sub-! introducing to the vacant crib a vouth-, stance that he was "tiie man who fill scion of the Majors family. The ..... 1 . ii new clerk will, we understand beem-i ' ,x.,-i .. ...... , ... :.. .t- ,... , ' i" V"' " I'n-i"- " i.i.i.ims "mi's . , . 1...rr,. i !. department. after which he will ,,,,, - , f . . . '.. . ably resign and go to congress, if he don't get some other fat otiice, for of- fice will be his forte, else he would not be worthy the name of Atajors. implements, wagons, c. Succe-s to IthenewQriu. r 1 - f --- ....... . . r 1 1 ir.r ir llfll. 31 I III ' 44 t t .- One blacksmith in Peru, shod loC horses in the last 40 days, and there are three shops in town. Farm to trade for town residence. Enquire of J. V. Bliss, real estate; agent, Peru, eb. Died on Sunday night, Feb. 11th, 1S72, Bob Daily's speckled dog Jack. Deceased suffered from hydrophobia, brought on by an over dose of strych nine and exposure after night. Poor Jack leaves many frieuds to mourn his loss. Particulars of tlie Destruction of tile Steamer America--Sixty Ll c ost. A liio Janeiro letter gives the de tails of the loss of the s eaniship America, on her passage from Buenos Ayres to Montevideo, on D-e. -.". The America sailed from Buenos Ay res on the M of December, taking lo4 passengers. Her company con sisted ol ovt'v thirty persons, includ ing the captain, officers, crew and servants. On the morning of the 23d, when Cerreo, a well-known point of the river, was discovered twelve or fifteen miles ahead, one of her boiler tubes exploded. The steam rushed out into the fire-room, in-tantly scald ing to death two llremeu and onecoal heaver who were oiling portions of the machinery. At the same time it extinguished all the lights, and scat tered .ive coals all about the room. Hetween the boilers and the steamer's side the heat wan o intense that it was impossible to remain longer be low. The chief engineer informed Capt. Ho-ssi of the fact, and recommended 'hat pumps should be rigged. He immediately set them going. The pumps had not been u-sed for some time and were in bad order. In the mean time it Was deemed advisable to work the company for the saving of passengers. Thefire spread rapid ly, consuming evi-ryihing before it. The liie being amidships., separated the steamer's company and passen gers into two portions, naturally cau-ing a panic and promising de ploiiible couf.iioii. A scene en-tiod which it is impnviblc to describe. Of all the boats of the steamer only two could be lowered. The others, not having been usetl for some time, were secured so firmly in boat stocks thai it was found next to itnpo-sible to re move them. The two which were launched were immediately swamped by the half-crazed passengers. Some of the more energetic pa .engers tried to launch the other boats, but it was impossible. At litis time the officers had !ot ail control over the crew, who, with re volvers, were disputing ami fighting with the passengers for the maau of saving life. No signals were made to the pas-5 tig -teamcr Villa de Salto which would indicate any unusual danger on board the America, and not until the flames burst out into sight wa- tlte office! in charge of the Villa de Salto aware of any trou'do or dan ger. When he discovered them he Immediately put back lo the assist ance of the America. The captain of the America, Bossi, was the ftr-t to abandon his steamer, taking refuge on board the Italian ve.-sel of war, where he lias -inee re mained. His cuirseiias ec!tiol uni versal indignation in Montevideo and Hueiios Ay res. He is threatened with being lynched if he appear on shore. The loss of life it is not possible to iearn with certainty, but it seems that liwil-i. tlmri uivlv- in.l'.ru) 1 il-n-lli'it An .. .. .. r . . . citizens 01 the :iiteu ftlate.-) a re among the lost. Whence lh,i Name lN-niikj-lvRiiln..'' The origin of the name of the State of Pennyslvania will be found in a letter of William Penn, its founder, dated January o l'Wl, fiom which the fol lowing is an extract : This day, after many watehings, waitings, solicilings, ami ..isputes in council, my country has been colirm- ed to me under the great seal of Kng- lanii. wun large powers ami pnvneg- ; w.lwi.. 1 n.plicl. "Yes. SpottsvKa es, by the name of Peniivslvama-u , Ili:ll.ountv j(lil)s Louisa. II.ui.vfr and name the king would give it in honor j Orange." His next question was ot my father. I chose New W ales, be- .. Wh.t ;s voir jimL.-' I aiiswetel. ingahilly country : and when the Sec- ..Trice u mv name, sir." He, with retary. a eMimaii, refu-vtl to call it .. ,...,.;,,., .. .rii ?,:, I.i, m.t..- Xew Wales, I prop.-eil;SyIv:iiiia, and they added Penn to it, tli..t;g!i I was much opposed lo it, and went to the King to i.ave l siniCK out, lie .-:.! ll wa- past, and be would not take it uq - on him ; for I tetuvd it might be look- ed upon as a vanity in me. and not as a re-jiectin tlte king tomy father, as 11, iciiuj i as. -l:n, says: What was spoken of by most of the papers at the lime ol its occurrence as tiie "JctT Davis scandal," was most tinnleasantlv revived on last m, t .i 1 r9?, , . , , tlint man left the sleeping car was be- '' iXUwV "I l,, ri.V(;r 1v,,ntr thu ';;".';!'"' r V '" "icatbo lu'.-Hitl V...I arJ the man who w,JIt,a. stari" "l l w,t ,I.1b,!"lk. v,stt" I'lgSit - V L'liici. Coimuctor. . , . , ., " . .. . l'is :ii;tl niii'll mouths f he triimmh T .... .... , ! circulated those infamous reports a-1 ht3 ,luU 'V uiot.ins. tut irmiiipii The .Nashville aunutr ot Pebruary (OU, jejj- )avj. aud tj,(. South" To VVitt-'omplete yet to Fitch, not Ful- Thursday night. From parties who ' at the ftima.-e. just U'tween the draw arrived here yesterday we gather the ing-room and where the berths are lo following particulars," as they heard ' eated. I said. " Von left the car vnry I hem at Ciiaitauoogu: ladies' coach. Not far from Hunts- ! vilie General Maury entered tin Imping car, approached Trice and t::..! iitin I " In- was the man who :,:,.. 1 rhosiMlam nable hes about, I ... IAMI".V. bad told the truth about the affair." .Lien. M.ury then denounced him as .- ... . .. .... - . .. 11 liar. . nereunou 1 nee sereu a no- . .;. , ... .. ...,!.".. -.., ..r ti... f... 1 t. .... ' i;,.r, i.iiuciieii 1 1 111 cown ami oeai mm,llvili:i:it wn, at lirst. simiMisd i thai he u fatally injured At la-t accounts, however, (.Jeneral Maury u. iJ(i,ljr Wf, .jni, Was not eo:jid. j cred in anv danger. - " ---:-e" A t .....',.!,. 1.1. .r- li.ii.h.i.,a. M-ar.rv . . . . ' s. InIlpIv ,.., 1Illltllif .T - -- .. . .-..-.. ... --.-... lost baby was -kinder fat, with a call i eo dress ou.T A TALE OF A NOSE. Tw-as a lmrd o, that which happened In Lynn ! Hav'nt heard of Well then, to begin ineresajewuown uie.-e uieycaiium Mose, who travels about ami buy old clothes. Now Mose w hSeh the same Isshort for Moses Had one of the blegest kind of coses; It had a sort of nu liisiep In itt Andhefeditwlthsiiiitliiliotiionceain'nute. One day he got in a 1U of a row. With a Cterman ihao who had kissed Ids frau And trying to punch him a la Mace, Had his nose cuPoU" close up to his. face. He picked it up from olT the ground. And quickly hack in its place 'twas bound, Keeping Uiu bandage upon his lace I'util it hail fairly healed In piece. Alas Jir Moses! Tvas a mv! mistake Which he in his haste that day did make. For, to add still more to his hitter cup'. He fouid he lyid placed it wrong bide up. 'There's no great loss without some caiu And Moses says, in a jocular vein. He-arranged it so lor taking snuli; An he never before could get enough. 1 uf thing, by the way, he forgets to adsl Wlih'h makes the arr.uciemeiit rather bad. Although he can take, his siuill'wiUi ease. He has lo st-ind on his head to sneize. TUB JEFF DAVIS SCANDAL. The rebel Cen. D. II. Maury, has passeugera. 111 twi - ....... 1. I 1 .1 . .1 I vet'sittion he learned that the eoiidue - tor's name was Trice the same who; ?T '",! Vh.W .f ,ht", i,,Vl',,i"tC. U:U' in conductor confronted me, and said to I si mi gain my reasons. 1 rei the car bncatise 3-ou are the author of a -cjindal upon the Southern people.' lie then ran to the stove, took up an tl.l'.V'l.' Mr. Trice makes a statement of the af fair to Maj. Works, President of the Memphis & Charleston li. 11., in which he says: Maurv came aboard the sleener and Itlli.il1fj.tfjr.f. l..l'fl, ix.t irt1t.tttl.. ,". '"; " " ". '", -- --. winesi 1 reaoiiy a-sjojueii mm. ami lie at once beg'in to interrogate u".' as fol low-: " What hneis tin-?" I replied that it was the Pullman. IL; said "A Northern institution." I remark ed perhaps it was owned by Northern capitalist-, but it was called the Pull man "southern tar ijine. He the asl.ed in, where I was from. I rH plied. Louisa Counry, Va. Ho th. 11 , said. "lam from Spottsylvania Co., iii m myself." "Then," I replied, "w( are from adjoining counties." H san No, sir Ve :iri iwif " 11 ! ,., .,.,- h,fl t,.e C;ip , u lwn tJMH. j ,',..,1 1 ,,,,.,! through the ladies' j CJir and sav. ,j,e s-;l.1H. inaM n Quiver - 1 s..UoM ,A.;th ono of ,,,e hral;,.m,.ni r , h1.ird ., s.lV us ,M. iap,, y .. r . v.lMt to Xii ,um V( m Thj. IRlke. j m.u) aili ..Th..t i, ,lim now . he ha, ; ,limrii ..,.., -i .. ,...,,, j,m..di.'ir. lv which I replind, " Yes, I thought something was the matter. I will see tne man anei me nam aunt. 0111 ! as -oon as I returned to the sleeper I the same man lefiiruod. I met him M Will von not take :nd plaod his behind him as if ho .HUiuJed to d.w a pistol. I at ' one bound before he coul-l n.-i.ive . his hand thrust him agamst the dr.iv.i.jg-noin. .villi his hand stiff be hind him, ahd seized the iron poker , Pt the furnace and dealt him several ; b lows uuti I wi. -altshed he was not l - tbie to use his ptol on me. At the .......... ;... 1... ,o.,....,..i ... .,,,.. ... .1. --'"- ' "- ie.-" t iu- i,io"w"" ' -. , .mu uriun: mi.i ' one came uo be said : " ou have td J ready most kille.l me." "Yes" 1 -wl. you blind son ot a b ; don'i 1 you see I am not the man '.o tase ! your in-ults; you ought to see first ' , He again caught me around the neck ...! T ..1.... I ..... . 1 ,.,mi,i .:.i ,t..,.!, i.;.,, n , ,.i m... ... .- wkav - -! till lIO It G. V Trice. ?'.eM)iug-Car Conductor , , V ";"""7-"'"Vr ".,';,"' i l-' boiler, which consisted simply of to the utlray with Con- , fe twiner. ductor Ince on a sleeping car near, Mr. i,lviI1KSlolli wh( Wli tf ',! . J MTf "Vv ,tel1 ,le "J,nef ft,ut, tereste.l in the success of Fitch's ex h i fi ! n ?"- lieslate'lH'"'iit.s. seized the opportunitv informed by the conductor thai any Jf JXS for thet i Ve e aw !,.l?l,"ll,!,e "l ,,,s w.' lliere S properly constructed liillor. But rirtlfl if I T tl I .1L tf. .1 t neiiiii in oiner l,T" "Y" T , , . r . ,,l,lo w,. riiii.tllv an arti.t in pade-when he says he turned fn Phihuk-Iphia, wt then exhibiting r, 11m, and, wiriiout a word, took up I)aIJ()l,lIIm n 1,urIsJ iUs lJUlorli:k his value and shawl mi vent "t'' however tailing to ,my, was attached. he next car Missing the cpe '; ;ul he hiuiself arrested for debt and bis overcjat, he. say-s, I hen wen , hrown lU U1 j . v- , into the sleeping-carlo look tor it and Sfct tIlis9 tilnt iail , U I,ltes,;s,si()ll tho lound it in the seat where I had pitted ,an llllMll.Isi JlIld drauhlf;s of whal it I took ,t up and was on my way Wsw ufu.rwurds, lUe .Ucce3sful steams out of the car with it when the same ...i.;..i. 1... 1..... ,.1 ....... . r. 1 Vi -' f v't,v'-' Havre, who, in turn, had purchased just now sir; why did you thum of F, , , , , lo so."' His manner was aggressive. : .....,.. tll- ,'. , , . .... ;.. iiu i.....r ii ri tiii .i von 1 ed : Lecause, sir, I coose to do , Fri utu,rIv ,,...... ,,,, ";,,...,. ; aiiciuieii. 11111 coarse language m ,,,.,;, , Avhi,' fllIll- in. il insolent manner lie ilemaiuled a- .,! n,.. ..,., , ,- ... .,... to tneeriorso comiiion to liianv. ot inn. nn.'or i-i'Ii t noli nwlips nmn ..,...... .. n .... " Pinion s debt and sent him to ai-w and came quickly up me with it. YuI, , f , . , denouncing and then threatening me F , hmvever lhoro.,ghly hi nt violen and foul terms tint 1 1 had , c,m u.leMl aI'ld ulllru;lW(irllljr faUed .ached the door ot the sleeping oar,, () , ,u.oa,M linf, wlu.u hmi just as I stepped out upon the T :.,-,, .. ,,,., .. ,... , ' J.. 1 , .. J e ,1 ' ', ,; '1.. ,, Livingston returned, a year ofter, he .laUorm of the car he suduenlv can t r...,..t t.; . ....- . 1 .1 . , .1 , -.. .1 lounil his jor project reciely whei; tie iirotind the neck with the aim 1. . 1 . '.-. ..l J .l -. holding his hii.trii, threw me down " ,,, , 77,1? T . 1 Vi upon the platform, and -truck me la- . U ?et i 1 " ',."'e tooU Il(,,, f ll p idly ami viofently on the buck of mv ll " "" UX t-'Mt',r; .a".,lI PT head with the , oker. He inflicted ! :u " al'f ""f'1 h" ,I',t' several cu upon my head ami sever-, ; ll! "Hon w "'in I ' al.tpin mvarms before he was me- j wl , S!VL .s,hku .ol ' Ul? vented bv Mr. Peck, the brakenian, l kl I'1 "' Me,aI superintendent from rurfher v iolence. I hurt no wea- ,X Uu' s' """er an- rnahrmeil pon upon mv person, nor anvwhert "' "' ' toe piesident illiatn A. Ivilb.n ,ea.-h. and having been maim- Uel- ,n if ' ?' bu Ir ..I it. both mv Immls. was at his mer- "" Looke, now living at Sarato .... ,- 1 .. ........ 1... ti.n. ...,. ga .-springs, ew ork. Mr. Cooke io the iilaflnriii and saiii. "tho reiisiin 1 uucei ciiioiiioiisj . I A'-LOt-l. Lllll i - I ...,. ...... .. ...:l .., . " 11 STORY ABOVT THE FIRST STA?V v j In ; work now in press a Mr. Wil- !iam L. Stone, throws considerable . ,.,,1.1 .irmi :,,H,i tl, A.m.,. ... "- ""s- J.l." tatixe parent of American. steam- boats. Says Mr. St-otie: Probably no person hns received so ' Kiucll prnt-se, and deserved it so. litllo as Kobert J' ulton. A man of no prac tical higcnu.ity of no power of con ceiving, much Jess of executing aa original mechanical idea his friend. CVkdon, has succeeded in persuading the public that to him alone is duo the successful navigation of our mv ers by steam. The facts however, as I gathered them trom the late Bishop Potter of Pennsylvania, who in turn received them fiom Chancellor Liv ingston himself, of New York, am, are as fblluws ; Thirteen 3-ears before Fitch experi mented with his steam I oat on tho Collect, in New York. He had as is well known, run a htt! steamer on the Delaware, between Philadelphia and Ilordentown, with great success. During that period he had experimen ted with various kinds of propelling power the screw, the side-wheel ami sweeps or long oars. The most. primitive thing about his vessel was 1 1...... .... ., , , ., ,..v I " " ". il l. .11 llllllll.l- 41 11111 llll ! ..;,.., s;,..i 1 .. .....i .1 ... uiim.i inn.3 uiii'-.-s ( n iiii'ii nils men impossible) he wmu there himself? 1 At Vhis, he thought of Robert American Consul, then residing at ueneving mat oecause an artisan can draw cleverly, he must necessarily succeed equally well in mechanical conception and execution, paid oil litioru.s 11, e that. 111 the summer 01 l.s;J7 he was in New York, engaged upon his electro magnetic macbiue'iy. Aiming his workmen were two who had bid. employed by Livingston and Fulton, while those gentlemen were perfecting their steamboat. They surprised him greatly by sta ting that Fulton was a capital draughtsman, and that was all. They added that he was so deficient in a knowledge of ::ieh'tuic:s to furnish da.I m rth for the workmen, and that it was a long before Living ston could convince him that the 'starting bar" of an engine should 1 . . 1 i 4.1 ri I , , ., 7 ,, U,B uucrum eHU " 'V -h r V" ..,- r . J11 th.-ah olAUi::;t, ij,,tii first and liuished uudfi' the nominal su perintendence of Itoi.eit Fulton, en couraged by Chancellor Livingston, stood in the stream opposite Jersey City, ready at a signal to start on her way to Albany. Thousands of citi . iis lined both banks of the river, and filled every available water-craft with the expectation of wituessi: g "Fulto.i's Foil y'' as they had taun- f l'SIJff-' t"hris,U-ned the boat and of having tiie satisfaction of saving "I told you so!" But that sentence was neertobe uttered, for at the word irom the alleged iiieiitor, the wheels began to revolve, slowly at first, then faster and faster, until "Fulton's Fol tm, belongs the honor. A Springfield tailor advertises, "di agonal" coats ami vests. There an I"o0 miles of railroad in opciuliou in Minnesota "Ou the Half-Shell" la a heading in one of 01:1 late city pupvrs. court became pathetic in pronouncing tiie sentence. "Let's fix the time for the funeral." "The Prince of Wales grows no better, and his illness the mur murs of fifty millions of jieople who oend around his l.l-.side." Tlieg-'ki-n must be misinformed aslo the size of the Pnncey' led. An enterprising firm on Chambers street has . u exliibitioii the befi thai was on the neck of the cow that, Kicked ovr ih- ij that set lire to tii- barn, that started the eoiitiagru tion that destroyed Chicago. So says; iiie pi..c.uii. - A K iisas patMr's cw obitunrv .-: I'll......: .. .- . r i lit it-ut-ivt- eu c'rrei"i tin , .. j new regu'at. .:i5, m payment of , -1 age stamps and btuoc gov.,? s ... , 1 uuiu, iiaiun ill" llilil "Olllilieil liouj iny inert. 1 leti 1. . .... .... :