Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 08, 1872, Image 2

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has-been adopted to all those engaged
J in the rebellion. Complications in
The defalcations of Collectors of In- IEGAL ABVZSTISESOPfrs
FAlIt pi, AT. I Cnnl from Hon. DeKortst iorter.-
the State .it the rate of five cents per
Tl.n(.nmm.inin.itinn wl.ifli .tmiPiirs Editor rhra.J;a AIvrttlnr
bushel on all salt sold, wlucli. sums
ternni itevenue, unucr tne last tnrec;
loreign relations nave ueeu adjusted in
Administrations for ahout the same i " notice.
-.- - .
- on our fir.tna"e to-day, shrnei Fa r .uunj iaic .-uutiui-iiw howh8 ur ... , ... - . - Pvm-v"-- City Nfh 1 the ntere.-t ot peace throughout tlie . , " : ------ - p i: kaines. p ., r-s..:-nt of th...,.
thi-rsoay, keb , is.,. , " "r, Pe ' of our last inade by the Omaha 7WW and Be- - l; ' ' ,U J A ebd, is world, and the National honor main- , Pds of time in each case-foot up . &Z:&8
' i : I t- i-. jjuMfcan uiul other papers of the .Stale '"'.r;'; 1,... mid -.eni in writ- .... .-, . . . -m ... 1 tainetl. Corruption has been exposed, as follows: I nder;iresident Lincoln, ; thestateof Xehnsfe. ' j ,V- .- R :-'
' -A Colfax ulH no. I.e., rtiiuli- t-l.aite style in which "A Vote-Fro... . l'-" "'" ..un .... - -- ; ;;j -,7 .hcSe mo.iemtc. Our winter within the now. , heretofore, the ileiml.liea.l ." ; ,,,;;,;., ., -KqlVKT'?,1',
latent the IM.ila.Mi.liia Convnitloli ; LtfwMte" was writ..-.,, that its pa- "r the Leg.elnture ii.-t ciwcl. I Ik- I -- ,.-,. ,,, ,.,m M. . , , , , , ,,,. I party staliils p!e.lSe.I to eorreet all j w!,, tllc ,.,,, ulrt . fuTS" "'ll'i fn. " -
f r. no.ninaU,,, I the oiee he ten.l.y eo.,,,1 I,,. ,afay. j lie.e .t wouM he ,t .ce .to -UJN , 10 recs btL, Mro, an,! J .".".SSXSl" Th.frll.wlng is., list of the ,awS a,.:
now so acceptably fills, and the lie-; ette. and insinuates that it was writ-; gtntkmen v. h noLU i m me mil in ,he ,,, ,u .; ol,Y,l(J ''";. raV(, us :U!0t,or frosty taste of the cieney of Hip public service. To eon- passed bv the Legislature. Ivnostsae given i.y it n.iSJSU'VV '.
Publiear, parly is nalMrally looking ! ten by the editor of this journal. If Vtion. thai the people be ma e ae- n f;-J V "he tt J uimI"?" ' prairie Nor'-Westers. tinue and lirmlv esta.bli,h its funda- AlI n,t tll ploviiIJ for a ftpirni),ia; f, fr;i!,-M;:,' " ' '
,.r,:f .mccnrin liim S..vp- tli.- t v ic of A Voice ' ooi 1 " V t hi- '1 " ' w ' l ts pr"-'""". l" r.vuI(1I1 f tuu :wt. wbbh bond ,.....;,. ..o..,..i flfi,.n hl,.mentapriiieip!vs, we invite the eo-op-'tion ror,!st, n:,vment of the election I W ioriae bariMK rtt,. v?w. ,
. . . .
r:tl name have been suggested, uui
i.oni'of them Uhk-Ij onrse:i-e ol ap-
i-Tjriftlcnes as relates toavaihibiiity
. sou rnui.i:....". v.... - j
cr,.-nowccuteredo!i the overthrow
. . . !
' O!
:!: I
r.-, as-uicu ... j.v..-,. ... ... . . . . ,
:.:.lhor demorraHtr ain slion:l
jrioovethe chief es-cutne.
-. ;r y.i- :...;.,... . .:.:.. in
?-... 11 l (III.IA Ill-I-t?- -.! i.m.J vr
., v
i.'ing seiindai on thi' -urface, or to
,-ali-fy the large mfreautiie cla--.
;- enough to ju-tify a eh mge. TJue
Senators are no more anxious than I
::n lo purify this service, and I
I glad to do my -hare in the work."
j hat, lo u-e a homely a.-age, is
toe word with the iiark on '' which is ,
...,t another evidence of the honesty .
that population can hereafter be ad-:
milted inio the Cnien. The rejiro-
sentatioi in- the Iloa--e, of tlie -evera!
.li''l.ii I'll M Cll' l-'.JJ." V" ! -- - 1 - - . m I . . . --- .... -.T IIIIIIIL. iO li.Hlllti V"'""'- v " I . V II k. .
riuliivnnil IrucpiSrsotism. asihnl 01 reads me Milieu communication . .-.,..... - ,-lial! 5.0 necessary lor said (.ompany .r0d in comparison with the I-all and !
WiLr.iA5rIF.yN!ovof Ohio. r-Kair Play," wlioe anllior mov.c amount ..-. -..,, ............ --- r :i-i!::i. 10 in.-inuiaeuire ai iim - fort.,,arl of lne winter. Tiie small-!
1 ia - f? n . ,. ! tUrMi.ri. -.11 tin. i.rcitv u'.n'fl in Vili- ' aeiv- ji-. int'Mided b tltiw nin. i'i t y tliou-aixl bu-Iiel-ol salt annually, ,.,.,, 4 .
(fraiil ami Dcnnison! ' Ileatfi tlironjrli .illtne jirettj oiu m ucu - - . ,,....,... .... ;,M, nsln pox which threatened us in as near
- . 1 ,.,,. ;.. ., T ,iil,riA I III IrilillllC a CO! , ailll .IIC'-.ll'I OIIIIKIIJ. CI .l.-in iii.i. 1
how docs it sound in your ear-?- -ler and Worcester ami then aiez-.-, w 11 I oiunU ,UJ ,?' ". !; Mil r into UnuU w Hie Stale in the proximity as Table Rock, has at
Would it not prove a slogan wbieli upon some ciaical Apo.-rypha ain ' ihey u i.u. -.1 t' wui.lMi ic. , . j.nin oflwt.f..rlvc tiuanl dollars, , lt.lis,th ontirelv vunislivd, without at
Wouhip.iuc the patriot nflhe ua- towards the lal throws words before . pers ol the Mate have cpud l.o.n lo ,(M.UI. to the State of the ; -
U . . ', - r . ,.., ; 1.;. reiders which will f"'er each ' h k irre.-pon-ible correr-jiondent-, rovaIty fur Mich amount .t salt, whn-h '"' ,,' l ' . r I- -, 1,
n.,n to rise to yjeirfeta.5 .linn in n-rvulox umch u.l! -Lcr lau. , ...:t,Jn.llk. :lUempt at false- bond Abali be approved by am! filed The low -01 n-A. & N. railroad has
Member next to uipe ml the hope.- and every one of them to proiiotu.e,- .. '0 a 3. imam 1 wjh ,0 (.nvi.rl)fir C th- Sta'e. not vet reached u. Work will hard-
. .i. i.-.i 1 w....r...lnRiioIlfiiin- or uiuiei.-Land. J-.r o.irseif. we tu.k- Imhui, many ci.r.en-, Have cimn.mi ...... 'n,!l( ,. i,,,..,., r ns&rrii. ....' 1...
':' . i Ut-i-e but -vhen f-iri'- unt!ertood, I land -o !e e.J, fi wit : Three liumli-eii Uie mean i-me, oiner onei a.e oeimr .. 1 . AVcrilt, :liui.esota.
I'.x-dovernor Dennison isa man ornand toheipusout. -ui. , ,,.. .!,. ! s-n- and iwentv a-.-res of the Iiud. lo in-, made tn our people. President Steel. David Atwo.d. Wi-consin.
a.,l,owU,medabiliiy,astaie,man of! -Fair Play" .ays he his "watched am con v, need Hnd tue P" ' elude the weH or wells, and all im-'f the Sl. Jo. & D. ra!lro.Mi offer, on Jr,X MVniT l,,Wa-
. -,....,Iwl merit imtriot in the tru- the DiiiJv-M.imr.- s.iuib with some . that the measure . a.- a ood oul "r . l,rov,.,IK.,lls now i,. thereon, no I C. C. Fiiltnn. Maryland.
, -hi. eciii'l incut . jmU ot 111 tie tru ie j j , rftate. ,t perhaps, kuow.i that rt of v,liU.h ,..5,1 lhrw hundred and 'i!ll ondition. hieh aie at lea.-l, Fl,.ini.n,. Scearns. Viruinin.
.-: .en.e, a pnident leader, ami a nun interest .m! mm h d ,irus.-A Hi in , - . I ver.llllci a-iva,. wt 1.1 v aco of l-.nd .-bail be sold for ! a- favorable as any yet oliered-tocon- John Hubbar... Wesi Virginia.
Kraelv identified with U material . terot to divine the object o! the tn- Ut uui r.u - - , ..,..... to!rt.tiK.r with all shafts. i-ni.-t and onerate a road throuh William Sloan. North Coroliua.
r 1 . . 1 t 1 -:! .iiiiiis i m s LU7 . u . il---- Ai.-ri-- ..,....... rn . i
erM of the coimirv. including lleral lisrlit maintained through youi , other tai.u- ave .ai ..- .. ilU!blin-s vat, working machinery ' v.lWmv rilv' fn thi J neikonlv Thomas W. () borne, Florida.
.....- . t " ;,. .v ,i,..., ,...1 M..;.--i!!!(if l:i!iilto(iW.W( (CMrt'C ('(Y(, . f1,.,m.,. r PVerv .le-crintion. '. . .. -' .. '... - L. C. Carpenter. '-'oiPh Corolina.
,,00. '.e .1 -t . "lr; ' i;.- .; r::.;r. I::": :.;.',"; .,":. f A.l forone. I believe that land ,,,0,. iat jf ,h,.-saW l-bt.S or" what I kn,,vo seen tins mat- John . Caldwell. fSmrgin.
nuie. vvii.ii '"'- ,.....,. ,....j ,..., ... ..r ....... .., fur lhnl pur. Iheir aligns, shall prefer to sell the , ler in black ami white. Still another James P. Stow, Alabama.
naleliic Anienrero l)eoe cnuiu iwnueu .u eeeivii.-, :uiu nidi s,eii-' .... .,.,.., ,., aid b iil jpii-j. vat-, workin- uia-Iun- IIer ha-been made to eontrnet a M. 1 1. Southworth, Louisiana.
t . .r . r... ,-.,. .It ;,. ,.o-n. tlicir vmiiihii i ;,ro!!b : POe, bill tlie J-iOiriiaiUie I.I l-JJ io.i-"- i ,,., l,i,.h mv lii.rnaf I . - . . A f 1,'ivU- Af ?ciiniii.
vs. if Colfax m-i-t-- en retiring to e are mucii wW to om ccu .--. tere.-ted ai.prai.-em.nt. by ihiee com- j ..,,.;, r st(..;. n r,.UtIer these 0rr A. A. Hurlon, Kentucky.
.. ;jrturo wnrall nmn nur renre- for h; hint, bu: mu be nardoned il - lectin;- .or num. aw m.u uu ,is-ione-s :o beainoi-tted bv the(?ov-i ... :, ., , '...,.. Horace Mavuard Tennessee.
' .-....,..'. , , , . ' ...... .s, z.. ,.:... -..... ,, !..,-.. i.. ,i..., :,... il,.., ti. sinto "we. ami nun, e,e .ti.ou.o...:- n T,.viAr w.i.,-T.-n . An act to rov!tp lor tne payment t . Tr R . ?1 ? ft
'ntaiivosat llic inuaiejiiia. con- ' i-e inn itcdcihab mm .i- i .....-." . , -............ ,...,.. -, ".".;:. ,..;n i.. c ,.,....!........! ,.,,.,. M, vv ..,.. -,,... ......... -- .i.,,.. . n,.,!,. r tl ! S ft ? & RiSiii
,. . . ... r : . v.,,..,,.. Thf. .llVI.niv.r ! Of the twe ve -eetions remainins. may al its opt::i, pay meicior p e ...... .-, Jb cu u........ .iam.- . Ae. .-.eva-ia. "-'""-
v'litionloKiveiisPemiwiu. or cor. lessor. J lie Ai i.i.tis. i. i- . J' w u . ? .......... .... ..... ,i.;...i'. ,i..5.. ..f ti, .,,. lro-' ., i..nnni- ui, ii.n... ,' will b,. : h w r',i.,.r ir..nrr. . f Legislature.
:,T- - . uol e hide-bound a to deny to Daily Uieif uaeue,, u,,.. ,, . . ... . - ".., osir,v i ..,, !, (le ,re C. (Jorliam. C:itlft.pn6u
., !,. -,.!; ,nn r r,.r ' a"11 J" !b wril " "Kjlr ,,,a.v" au served in Uu- oi.i a niiow s-. impair ihe validitv oilh said leae to I ., T,,.m:,.i. h.1K Pp ,i.. 7.,i-on .. i Jtilui U. ChaHbe. Colorado.
. ".d niiv.j .. ..."- -j-i-.n, ...o ,....,:.:. , '... ! StiIc IjU.iatH? .-i Kii us.t.r. ol land, nor aiivoiiicf lea-euuoer ...i.......,.";... ... ...v. ....... f s;ivic .1. i;-ivi':i, jjm.oi loiiiiauia. ,
..!. teiu-r? mo t'is.-an.I to The noiii? .-.-- i , ,....,....,.,., -is,.. tl,,i it,,ii.o:ul whicli operations arc now h. ear- mr up ol certain railroad interests tor I Wa-hintrton. I). ('.. Jan. 11. IsTi --.--s- !
.... . i.i.-.t raiiiittftliili. like unto all ' !-" ........ .". : . :...., i. ..:..,. ;.,., .. .; ... . ' ' ... . .. . i
The iaU-scandal in rcl-rem-e to tne 7 ,..,,, - . i "r,,,.,u in.i -u-its nHiinltm-Mn1in-:nir.v,,.l-i1uu ir.yi;..v .u. Company, lie win ne ' .. ew .iersy paper, .noticing
8MiHi (ifiicia! or New Vork. ha, P - v.di fil..w it.uprc, ,i-. - u . -. y L , (. bt .,. wUllyf n lho aut. ? kcrc i.y Dr. .!... -taH-ment tmtt the Mttc is virtually
ii- i , ;.. ...! i i., cd a pniKipIe, and there! r- a publ.c Ki-re.l norili -i uw n ... , .,t Nel.r.-ka. ,,.,...,. xv c.ii5..-' We find in the i-'redonii (C!mna'i-' owneil I V the Ptsuisylvsiiia Central '
t in-"l hv.n pain and l.e his . ' .', .. ..' i i!,.Pv... As-.L.iu. Kiw.. , -: ; 'I !- sslt r!sns Pi-anted to l he ih.nor.ble C. . LoII:;i, iia- niiimnnuii . ituimi.nuiaii :i.i . ,..... ,.rf " ,, -ri
.-Uvsnedlheproeeclingoflhe 'e-t, amMlie commanu ,.. . - ,!,. sf. U (MeraMVormm nt are returned irom Lincoln, but ffives a , qua county , Censor, a .ketchof a led- ' -";; .'- "rfcf&n& -
."....;..:..., er,,.,,;nn -iu, ,j, seii-appumieu giauiaioi-s. jan. auu ..,.... h .-'. 'vrved 'o Hi S'atear.d fmty .....,!,... ,!?, ..,,.,;, ,.r r-nort n i me delivered in the lecture course of u .. v.-..,..!..., ..! t...t ,.. i...;.,,r, .,,-.,... i ,.,-
- . ... ,. ... ....; . . efi otc.i and all accept 0 a v. ... . .,, , .l)t...u , ..,eu h-iTim:. , ,. .. ' .i,.,! ,1i.,f.0 i.v i'n.J.i..i.t n.i..,,.i, ,. ii.,. i.-..,.,u . m.,.,,.,,.;-.- i.,i.irv 3
i-v to acung inieiiijreiiiiv on inc - , . i i:t;io-;.lf :,ijh"- ami it acres, . , . , .. , ..... ...i; iiMrrnwiunjiiiiiu iciviu juiihmu iei. ; - i ". ,. . '. . ,----. ... ... v.. ....... .
....". . n :it,.l si,rt.ul u-lore :iir leatkl.- I -1' li,e ,-ul Vl,!,3 ' " ' fo ' e 'eJ.'i-K ;I by th (fivenmr. Audi- ! J. . . , Uoehe-!,-r In I vers tv hi- .-nl.i.'-f bi- !... - r, . r,,iv ..r i-..mfot t "
M;..j,.ei. .ue4Iiajss, , knW ti,.lS Jike :i. '..., a,.r,-. - J.-r and .State irer. also the , uie a,.a..s oi me r-iaw. ii i urn, - Tendencies Toward e Chanae in .,,. ,,e llu,v who have wit', t Discotx OTiJTl3
.roaehclo-ithesulctoof the. 'rUu- Th... u-e have remaining and ap- Now qanrt . f hrj "K-ft.I, the i,ner , w eh 1.1 , oJx?
.Hcndsolnn ofilcml under toe ban lier-u.i.lUtt- which propr.aUd by thi Mil 51 w acres ' " ;."f":V. , "d ,; lators wee sa.dlo act. A disgrace to : O-ir na ler- wdl than.; u.- tor transter- , tlc3 ., ints who knew what EpU-
of-uspiseion,lowhomhe-aid: , ""leU ' l,u l-J- ' Utl,erd t;..vernieiit i- ,l ' ' "'j .-,. v rVrved toliV ' llie "'"'-'' K'l f t4 "est. nnr t be -ketch t our columns: ctetur not, set theii-heai upon ixterest vlt.ovKi or. timv
,..r ... . .,, ;, appeared ir. each, but unlike "tair' wi.trt tne i.tmru i-.mie six, are hereby le.-ened to t!i. ,, , .. i ,i. Lli-- A. has observed a dipo.- tion be- ,i.;c ,.,,. .k;,,., -t;,.i, ; ;,, tiw.i,- .n catks o- i:;rosrr. by sj
y inin.1 !.. car pn:i one point. " r-M.tten that i' tem,.late.l -wem.v-JwoSecUoussbn!d state an I shall never be di-po-ed oC ; I he hone-t people, who send the.-e comh preV:lient to try cU bv re- j " , 1, 1- , . ..! .r t . , AMtzsxESt.
J-.-e-y rvftierr rmder the admn.tslia-f -.S .el.aMiu .r.M i. i for tlie purpose herein contemplated : men to Lincoln to legi-Iate for them ferees ami iud-es iu nroferenee to' P-"'-. """'K, h.1'1 f f
t-viiriff tasliwn in anv war r m-1 was Major, and not JJaily who com- o im'. ..rovi.l...! mL, , le Und-- i.ri' : , .;.i i ... ,i .,. i .-,. ,i . i; .. Ilf , , i i. i leiiiite lo , they are, and iloing daily better : nan Kxci.anwtMTrf,?an.i?M ..nrew
, ...,i ...:,i. :mHn.iwriri' i.; v.. ."., ..... v,.,l of this land :a-ed pro i-L-.l a!-, th t the una- . n i.i , WIIj doubtle- blti.-h tor the disgrace- jurie.-.aiubius lectureisan earnest plea I tlli:. ln,v. nod n..niii...ii Imn- ;m.o.,.aiEiert.ctSott1enlr:u..
A " -.. ....-. B. -l-rf ..-. ,- - .T .T-T -!. t - . A I..L..- -- --..--..-. , - . . - . -.-- ! b .&-' -'
'!;i -- " ..;-?, : zr-zr . ...,. .v.;,.,.i.,s. .. .t .,?T-,.lir."is-',n,m" '"r." "' . .-" i:::iS:KSiw:- i.- -
ir .He? no Ui.lertMice ii ev.rv man . ,. . .. ; ., .,, ...... ,.v ,,l in ndditinn to the , -. t ui ,,r i,'rri .f 'kN in- y their assemb ed JA'yi.-lature. . j. ." . , . ---j--y s - .- i ger auu iiuit-t auer liguieouue?.-, lor ftl'FICrETl ' i'I lIKs
. . ,..i.:.... ...". :.. -v. ...r '...... iw .:ivb . r vf.i to secure CjI. Ma h id icci. e.jem.rii in auoumn u., -. . ah ..'.-oi p.m- of .ka in j to discussion, the lecture nlm ed it in a ,i..... i...n i... nn.i WI"t"'' '' !"ns
it. . . O.U..I- u.nti in .. iu i:m ,.mi,u ir..,!v inn l.r. It i- -en-i-t-.f!t. or which, iii any way eon- What is to become ot our young Mate !ht,M.inhkU,rN ,n.i mwiA ir ' """J """ c " "" ! oavio Ri3?isc:;. Pa
r-ron i ije di-missciJ. I -Hail not wait jors removal irom oiuce. i m-s is a "i" '--" .-.-. ...,,,, (,,; ..... .l,fiilor,.l. ,.,., ....h-.i ... , , ,., T ., , &";-"'-,: .--., ...... -;;-;'- , jBTclWrvT;TfTgiw.Mrj.:nrrT-ifT7fr , T,IPP rT , v, -
... . .. J ... i .. : i ....... ; r ilict tin llll act aie neicr lepi.inu A re (he :i." nolo. i. l.e led. eoiitrolb.d. vvrv mtirp-Iioif A siipi-nif in nrv i iiifct. Hii.i,, c-i
J .r any report or r" -nuon oi tne ; violent Mii.pu.-iliou ant baless in iroruiemi jmm.fM........ ......... Sc H Thi-act .-hail take etlect and , , ,. . of ih .idmioiAtino of w ,.iv -rfrT"V T?VTm?Tr gbu.i-.uato
sou-.!.. n.,r nvpn f.,r ! bo jilnolnte . .'l i...n ..,. 1.....1 .5,. ,, -....! ft.wil t.. 11 . rV'l;rt- "' V ''.:. govei lied by such men? It is certain- ot the administration ot justice ;n civ- .MARKET KSPORTS -
'.V..V "'.'..,. 1 ...". 1 1 Point 01 met. -""" , oe m mrce irom an-i a.ier n- oa-.-.iSe. ,..,...-..,.... illzed communities was iir.-t given In .TTT:.- , I r novm.KY. n.y
m,.,i 01 i 1:1 1 j.-l . I !v.." ...... i...i't ... ,. . . . 1 ..,,...., 1 ,w.r..w t'.lt It, -it ll!.:!Ill; ' . v- l 0 Ul II" IfU lllilL it LI .1 (.' W 111 Ullll .. . , -., '- , ,1 .....r........... wrrn. , ... ,,- I'll KNKV J '
i i to prove overt -iet The Piet ! "Fair iMay" sa.vs "if JIajors hnew lnou.aiid acre-. i,.it amoun, . 11,1 , e theear.ydaysof Koine, men iib..-.sviuh iwn mj ; c v kri. fmai:. ii
1 ULvm'. ." .,,lh.S-. ... ..V?,..:'. .. .....:.......,,.. !i:i... ...1.1 ..nlvbriv.Mieen obtained in ca.- A- A..o uu o.uo. be made, that we-may have men for e,i ...!... were taken from the neonle : -. ,... avm ii '.VrtEL1 tiK.
1 nai ouiccrs nave o ueui.'.:neo ine.n- jiiiuiiiiis u".n.u.mai iu ii:. o mu.i-, - SCHOOLS. t ,- r r ,, 1 .. . , -1 .. ... ' 1 , ' .... -. - - i win ' l"ViCK I-'
... V.U..I. in i.n nn...i ftciv... nn nr '.. ... .: ....-... ..-.. i . .' .t .or 1 . . . , mii 1 110-e ;no "e inui oeen j..v.. ...w.i.ui.s .iu. .... mi .U..1..1 .u.m .. . ... unit... .......wo ,, .....iiii.n., " ..."..."! ...::::.:r. -; ... i i.(ni nn.i.
r.'iii .."it. ...i..i. t.i .iirr i.i..iii.ii I ... ..... .. 1 , . ......... ... , .1 . . 1.1 1 :n..i ...j w .r
"eiiei. wnero was v.01. .iiajor -. ij - ' vil lu-veiry anvtbing t(r the nov-,. r , ... u the Feudal svsteni, :.nd the llarous .,. T ..-- T-r M
1 ivr. , , ,. , , ....j,. -."..1;.... fin .v. ni. ni.. ifii'iivcr1 iiieieioi ui ten uav , lilt meicu- .. ,. ., , . ,. . . . SPECiAXi iIGT'CSS. I as
' J,aL- 'then? Crouched near an o. en wn- ':n the valine Lill v.i- to .ot i , f . Dislikes chan-'e unless . .. , , .,.' finding the duties, ot di.-pen-ing jinnee iju-xuJii.-.a. .1, h
-- , , , , ' m;.,i ,t,f,v,.mf.i.t -oil i-nrcniil " . rv de.-cending some davs as low as 10 i,...nm nniiniiii.l i...r m,- in .1., ii ----- . kjs. 1
iizisjw vp?oitT-o.-;'!B5T (1 w listening to the speech. made. lvditical moemei.t an 1 coriupi . j . evident m-ee.-itv for it. . . . - ,. , ., ,'U, aPP' tel peron to doit gK $
..ii...u'ona.j....ii...i. ., , . , . ......,,.,.. uiL.i-i. u.m 1 1 111 1. c i. ! degree-below zero, according to the1 forthem, and there soon snrang up a 1 0.1 W-b.
1 he Hill for iha of V. hen the meeting a.ijniinieil e t..uu.. Vltin lr hc' Me chliU- ""-lh'!s lt W,!I lje : retd-oniii" of some. race of lawyers whose privileges were1 mP.y reiiorfor v..,u ... tbe oabctn... if . fe
Members of Congie.-s to which the stepped into the room, sh;ok hands iir.i ....1.. 1 because he think- it right, and doe.- it j ,Pj j. y", c-Mtainlv been -i hard vin-' ,iercilitary- Similar changes took ' fcrrorsanJAbibestiiiariyiii.?. aniiowtresirpi - 5
h --veral states are eUkled tinder the with oaweif and othei-3 and told u-' aadutv. Therefore with his firm r "..' " .:. ,l ' place in Cermany. Spain and Italy, ; Nervous iei,n.ty.-.,nMi. i.nred.u.eia,t..:narriflve i JMyg
.,,,,., ., . ,1 TUS gALlSii IJSI.I.. . . tei lOl I lie poor -et L-i . j,.,. n :,, Fn.rl.m,l Fti.rA tri'il hv f ronuiveil. ev nselho.1 ol iri-atmetil. Noav aii'J ? Ssf f
,,onnlC.,isu-i.hrl..Hsedboth hat he had neard thes evei e, made. I A,.( t Ahl in sUr T)l r, urni o, rm.nat.m. and per,.-ver nice, he Talkijs. wilh Jmge Tilvlol, Com. wSs7elained! Ac firtt till' r"rkab,e Tr -""; '4 I
houe-of Congre.-s an 1 now awaUs lhu he then proclaim .luuivT n, op-. A.. &fKf itrc.y, n t. ,Vufc ,,, v. .II be a .-uccessful cthi.ulor. timWoner of immigration, the other ! prisoner was required to Mvear that J '"nr v--ucx .tio: n, -,,t.. W
the Indents approval. We regret fo,ed to JJaoy . but shorn, yr.,.s,r,. govern, a school witn ' atl.on. y a ; d h(i , - , (Vi)(l(! )jN jke ,o ej he u-as guiltless, then it h. could et ' N;u;U;,t..-,tli,llWl)hi;: f. j . -J
l o notice that No'eraka remains sta- hand-with iiil." as with the others. , ih.i:kas. 1 he (.ovvnor ol l.iis -nosl to thvi point of a severe di.-ei-i . ,. . ... twelve ot his neighbors to wear that 1 . .
lionerv. The Uillfixe, the aggregate Did he anywhere pabheiy jUMiclaim , --tate ka-e-1 eertai.i lantl in Lancas- Vct none of hi.- pupils lia.v !l'P' U utlvln'S ,,e l, ' -v K" ; they believe him so, he vvas acquittal. '
,. r , ii ? - i;iii.,i!v... ii',,,,,.-' v,tii,,,u- ! p r count to Isaac Cidiu nndJohn.M. l ... ,. ri- r Men asm women out in the tron-! 'I in se men were suppo.-eil to know &3W?3l, -1 J Ttc'TTi'Z? "? -5 j ry
vy mrship of the Hou-e ol tt-pre- U iailj a, d.-uone-.. a..i tiui ttf( .... ft;,m Ira,iR t! ,,..,.,, :uiy shivering tear of him. I am f. COMUtk., with scarcely -i belter! the mo.-t about the pri-oner and his H$W -tJjz, , , j r
eiitative at -.J llie ratio of repre- uavo heard ot. Yet a number ot pub- j u: ;,.. i:s al... ,i ed umU-.- and by vn- rather inclined to think that the) .' witbonL fuel -w.-i I crimi, and their judgement wa-there-, y TO -StTOXJ-TG- oVCSls? . r n-
fcii'&tion being 13:j.0.')0 inhabitants, lc meetings were adveili&cd aim wc 1 tue ot the to Naae Calm t: Co., 'j.;i,ti.-i case" would tint undertake to , ' ..C'. . . ' . '".. . ' ..' .'), ' 'ore preferred. Now the rule is re- ...:.t ::.. j.r. J-r,r. .-.-... i 3 ?A fi fe M Vfi
, , ., ... .,.,, ... . 1 f -:i f.iul, in tbi'St-ite of M's-dtl- . . Poiliing Olit corn lor mod. W lille v,.,.1Ml .....1 infp.,,1 ,,f .,.,.tmrr ,ni. ' V I.eetiiire on tin-Nature. Tr. i:.aintaudlt!HlK--l J 1 J $ 'j JiisEJ if
and no new Stale havimr less than speak by the curd when we say he ot . t .lo-ep.i. in iil .luo oi u.s hi ., , ;. or idav anv okes ... .... .. . I xt.,: L ." 4itl('. .I,hlea". or. -itLting t io.-l .....,. , . ... ! I s. LL? SisiL' Jk
states, under the new apportionment, ' "I'nir Play" does not bold the same v in mnng on api lan.i, ami !.luhe,v.J in ,roiU noon rei.te '"- """ " .u ' t 7 ,7 : n:i1- ' u n")? nj n,.'n'.1' K : isoi:rt s. . ;iaki:wiu jr. n. Author , TS.Z, r.lJu.GU.
11 ', , , .. ... , in making improvement- on the.-ame ... . . ! that will hasten their death or wa-a long time belorejunea were al- u.e -orcen ivo," Ac. ,
jsa-njHow: gronm. tliat hi client Alajors dota. i fr ,,ie j.,,.,.,,. 0f u,iui fact u ring -alt: n,k l-u',r l"wul's 'wl lOJJ, enta.i upon them much suiTeriug for lowed to give a free verdict without Ii- n.f- .,r:a renownea author. t mis aiimimbie ; GOOD IZl?Iir$:s,
Maine, - ij i Tom bolted the nomination for the al-. .u,.i -seat:: the loll w;t.- called, then an ex- j . i iibilitv to fine bv the iudge. Tracing i-.--tire, cu-ar.v iro..- rrn hwemu .per:en.--
ewtianip-lure, - - 2 . Icged reason that Democrats voted at WiiKiti vs. florins to the depth .i eivc in smging: iii8l ., a drill on the ' " .' , , t ,, ,f the history of the admiiiKtratioii ot iniii,eawiaic,.,.licnc..rhPAiwM,mny i M U J H'81 LV "nrt "lUpjiLl.'.
ermont. - - ! i.,..: . . . ,. ,:. .. -iv i,.ii.,ii.(i it.,.i iia- already been ac-. . . .. , . .: Lincoln !..i..onraeted for an Arte- !,,.!.. j,, tiIO varioiiseoiintries of Ku-. effM,ra" re
Ma-aehuseUs, - - U , ' P-' - .u -, -;",;.,,.;, ,lo IWU of ,,5,.,, is ;! ; nm u.e science 01 music, aiiii a , k n lu. (VlU.r (rr hp rou(1 he woh1i , as ef. ; uatAuiwa !. instm- .. . Mi ,, ....... ..
nhode Inland, - - - 2 , 'LV mfonned that V.r Piny vvith , an( IMl.UllllIv sll Wi w,li : the chiidien cm, nnUetslaml U.fc jut .fee'quare, to the depth of !,.;, j Wt follows cause but as a general ZLTZ CAESi JZ. D&XVISB.$
l onnecticnt, - - 4 i the lull knowledge oi the fact that I ;imi whereas, it 1.-, de.-nable to have as well as anything eL-e. Then they , ' . . f rule , th:;! where there wa-a t.-nden- MIn,rtr.,..l!iaurrui.:.ti...,.aitina,i, b. a"v
New York, - - - SJ ; the central committer had decreed ' tin -aid interest more fid.y il.-vdo,ed .,.,, lhat beautiful hvnui, 6v.-eei i ' , . , ,. 1 ,,:,.. .,. T to ovei throw popular trials and in ,,et,..m,enthca!iy. privately. ai raJ T PX.!:NK!i.VS,Hl"fi:i ''
Aew Jersey - - 7 ' . demucRit- !wuld not vote in our 1 ' ",,u'r " ,M:,Ut lhlf ",u,' P""i:'';:v- iiuill. of p....Vl... s,.",..:,,- h-.s -m ' ' " !S ' -ot"LM- L V l, trodm-e llie Roman sy.-tem. in that ,caI,y. tiii.- LEiTfttswn.i.pjtovKAiiooN tt. ns ....ww-fwj tet
rennsyhauia. - - - AS ! UUU l'mLR M,JU, ' MOt V ' .ui ! onifitableio theSta. : Th.-ref-r--. il,uil ol i'tI- has an , gu wilj. bt! !)etweeii 50,000 and proportion were the liberty ot the j.eo-1 tj tiioi anp.- and nior.-ANPs. .'" ir,Ti.r-. mPhta
Jlelawaro. - 1
Maryland, c
Virgiiiia. - - - -
'or.h Carolina, 8 1
South Carolina, - - ", i
(leorgia, Jl
Alabama, - "
Mis.-: ippi, - - - t
Lousitiiia - - i
ihio, - - - - 30
Tennessee, - - - - Si
Illinois, - IS
Arkansrs, 4
Florida, - ,1 ;
Iowa, - - - - )
California, - - - 4
Oregon, 1
We.-t Virginia. - - - il
Kentucky. JO
Indiana, - - ii
Missouri. 23
Michigan, S
Texas - - - - -
Wi-consin, S
Minnesota, - o
Kansas, 3
Nevada. - - - - 1
Nebraska, 1
We hav
..: ......... .,. .: . ...1
ol-ii uom me ju-l iu'tilim1inin....ii. .w ..,;..! ..x . j.
,.. ..- ,..-... ....
iueseie uaiiuouious reiauons wun '
our cotemporary, and have exerfd 1
curseir with lhat view, but while the
liersonal demeanor of il- editor to-:
ward us has been unexceptionable his
e.ilumus have reeked with vitupera- se.ving 10 ouiself the privilege of dis-j
Hon against us, and his every etlbrt.senting.
has been put forth to injure us in anv ! ..- ";
.,x:r,..n,,ii. t vL i tj i " 1 e do "ot say that Gen. Grant
v.ayoi manner mat o.iered. ile has will uot, if nominated, be elected; we
umuimuiusiuiMWhaiiu men uor-
, - ., .....
rowed Irom us the type with which
. ., i , .
to et the job, (perhaps he ha not al-
..., r,r.X.Ti.i tiw. x-i l-i , i
icadv torgotteu the Mckel case) and
in other little and ungentlemanly
ways returned evil for good. We
therefore take anew departure, and
henceforth will neither lend nor bor
row to or from him, and iu his line,
ihatcf filthy fulmiiiatioiis, defy him
to do his wor.-t As-, .r...,, ...
. .. .. . .. ........... ....
could consort with him. but with lin
"Fair Pi..v .
i.uuiu'iinnn thir.
iiuv..ieu siauuei- mongers '.ve can- Taylor the nominee of hi-partv and -hall be entitled to receive a royalty of; "";'s"'" '' Cll,"""s "-" cuted, public laitn ua? oeen pieserwd. Tiie lihertiesof Kugland which have - ( 1 i - TlTili t i"-"'! I '
not and will not associate. nf i,: .' ,,.ia: r tri r'v... live cents ier bushel for all the salt i scathing when he denominates Gov. and the national credit lirmlv e.-tab- descended to us. were pre.-ervetl by j -- ! i-'-i- jc -t - -
. o,. I" -onui..ut, to support, van m.lllUI-.u.Uls.wi on tiie ?aid land, to be iame-a-a drunkard. Now it is pos hhed. Governmental economy ha- her adherence to the jurv -vstem. Ii, J . J. (It) lT.TZ " .
We learn sine" our article common ' Blirci, :-s ilUo lbat "lutIe jm was paid after the salt shall be sold, which .,,;.,;.. ,.,., lftW. .,,,,, been illustrated by the reduction at view of the-e historical facts, js the ' .,,, ,. -i, -,'!, 'Z'' ', PBOPlUKTOb.
Uti.-on'-l-rPlVv- 'e also recollect that sum of money shall be paid into the thai Gov. James loves whu-Kv the .ame lhue. of lhe 1ul.i., debt and present tendency toward a change in n V'm
v-,D ,'L - , b a, . CatlOU' in 1S1 Horace oopo-ed the re-nomi- . -ate Treasury, to be appropriated and and consumes a considerable quanti- !imiof laxatio. . and ti.etundiiigof the1 the mode of admini-tering justice in T- mh nnH Qhn or pr Prinor T-aix at thi xuip:kt f. r .-r-" put in type, that "Fair Play" ' .,,' " L ' , , '' t. o ..j-, 0 ,,.,- aIld it , tv of it. but inasmuch as the 7V6-I National debt at a lower rate of inter-' this eountrv one to be rented or eu- bJ I U CU OUO B CfiO Uf Ddufl j V "; 'T S'- ''.."
sent his communication to the Dana- I l xU)n f ,Ll Coln ttml t-aleed to , ,J(? Ul(. tiUy ofhe Trt.:;,lircr or ! ; x Ex.Uoverilor ,lutIf.r llu. ! e-t has b-en s.i-.eesfully inaugurated , courage,! ? T- it a dangerou- tenden- , . , J I SXt? - -. - -: .
- u7 with instructions not to publibh l " Abl: was -nnated, as also the nianufa,-turiiig agent of such Com- .. f urunkenne should' not The ri-n,s ol natnraliztil eitiz.n.-. cvornot? This was theiiiiestion Dr. fr Hid 31,'a ,'.,:! .Sfel liei '' i.tiitrr.-uiiK.v .- - -
u unless in theeve-H of its riiretinn ' tnlt Lincoln wa re-elected, Poor panv; or its tissigns, to make out a . .v . ." v have b ei prcteett-d by treaties, and A. propounded to his hearers and' AisoUreeacran-i.Hrofn.eeeiHfcrateu . !ELSDGS IPXi'-
bythe AuvKKTii-ir! but the u m Horace, Ik-is himself a eniulidateand , Mnent in writing, under oath, and ower James in it-eMimatiou. because immigratioi, encoura-ed Ly liberal j vvi-hed them to consider. 'OLAD CFTA HOG vferwe--
I...,,.,, r.i UsUaI re-illv feols lit-,.;.r ...... ,.. M the same with the Auditor ot if James drinks more liquor than provi-ions the defenders of the, The elo-e attention given lv tlie jiiiJ. auu, tr Niirr) ,,., . MXry.
."iiaitii or the personage who runs ' . l uou.nt an., nomina- . . j,0,villir .ile amount of -alt ,i... i.., i,; .,,. c .-;.... Cnion have been ..rr.itefullv remember- . lar-e andiem-e w.-.- ovbb.nee tlintlht. A-.-1 .-rwer.,nr..i.-. wiut. urn cmi x,.r -
tliat ,.w...n. ... . .. tlOll till le-S tll.- n.initii..,, l.n Tlr.rnna .' , . . ... ...... uucs iJi..... ".a v.., ...... ij .... i...i.t.i.s - ..,.,..... ,.... ,.,., .. ... . . . . T . . - " . r. C ,- ,, r ... , . r ... . ...
- "i'i'u oui, asm notwitli- ... , .i. uiauuiaeiuieu ami on wiucii uie uuiy ,-.,, 1 :, c,,or;n. fll ti,0. nf i. eu. ami me ni;-u- t.uo nu.-iesioi i.-iuor uieners were ueepiy lttieresieu in me Ur- idrea j j ...,-cfi' '
fctanUing that iu oar last iue wo ac- Greele is to be paitl-siieh statement shall be it around i.-siipeno. to that of Lut-, mvvnizeil Law ha-e leen ena-ted lecturer's nvatment of bis s-ibjct. i-iy N,h
LnawIeJgcd receipt of "F-ur Pliv " n-ri - so made and filed on the lirst day of ler, though the latter seems to prefer an 1 are beinj; nl. ei f .r the prot.- Tin information and food for thouelu rOII" AOI'.vr
"d prtiniiKp.i tio ....I..-'.. .. it ever occur tt) our readers that February, May, August and Novem- staggering under a heavy load to tote- tion of persoi.Mnd pn.p. rt' iu all ec- given ma le the lecture a v..I i one " "1 " -j---',
- ivu aiii ill Tf r &&. . i . . j- -. . . . . . . - v
. i.i'a-u in lue.nam
.1 i ... n :...
cosmojimnc nuuer uwin iu uu- iuic-
tanner mr pa'erni.y. e ""
i - t .. J
what "Voice" will think when he
nowledge our ignorance of Uieir
..: ,...1 i...,. ,. .rifww.-irv t.i '
r;.0 i ""., T
it? iyj.e uj-on ai uu"Uemniig pun-
.rt ,.
I v.. '
V.. . miii,-.I. .I.H rmi Ji nur r-Plinr .
I v .... ...uv... ... v.-. iv v... .... --.
was right i.i ietijiig the people knon J
(.ranted, but
how did Majo.i
let the people know P.? lot op.-ulj
and boldly, but surreptitiously and j
... - ., a . kllw whtrjaf w, ,
gjjw,. Jor WL. .lUeUlJed a uu.e;mg. ni
IheCol.'s own town and addresstd '
mw . buhlllf f lhu wllllll.
would have been we.comed as a "pea-j
ker, for or again.-L the ticket, at ei-1
ther of them
vol?.-in his precinct to defeat the !
nomination of Daily. Nor was Fair i
IMmv": rilon.. in lliis wl:. And tJm- i
it vv;u, that the primary system was '
not fai-ly tested but vva throttled by
those who were actuated and irovern-
n.l n.nm frill..l.,l, ..m.!..L.(
eu more nomaim pv 11 euvsice against
...... , . , ;
individual members ot the party than '
r ... t ... .1... ... . '
from or by zeal foi the party good
We are mil the champion of Daily
except when Duily is rig tit, and will
be found as tsvvifi to condi 111 a lum
when wrong, a- "Fair Piay ' or any
other man. I'.at he committed no 01
feiiee in accepting a nomination len-
ilereil him. but iii.'nii. nl io lt- '
1 '
king underhanded a:d aarrcptitious
means to defeat him.
In conclusion we need
sure our friend that -A Voice' was
j not written in this office, but in La-,
1 fayette as purported, and by aKepub-!
1;...,,. wiin wiiiilil out nur hi,,, ... ;
llC.lU WHO YkOUIU JlOl llllt Illlll.-ell IO
i - ... ...1....1, 1.0 i. ioi i i rorni timro h't iik -; r . ' i tr- i . r t ' t . f i nr t t ri f ri.k i !. i ti.n ima.. ..i..i v ..!..... i " ! . i . . ,- ,
!. ,.... ..-, uiu.... .. ....w.wu ., ;t ,,,,.,,. ,., i,v ine Jjegl.-lature rI Us- .iu"ii"S iuu etuvanug iiizui. ore . ., . .... i)ie IO.-I. III!- ICO mm IO tll-CU.-.-, e t urnier -f..i. to undress, in a pIs.inser.U-d i : r-.-hu:.m-l- t ei. ttrfrrdrdbv the .- war
inn ,11 .-.i.-t ri 1 I 111 m-itrunr iiii.,.r,r. .
'--"""--""" ...w.. .., --
t, , .... .,. ... iM.,i until ;-;.,!
jjc iuovici, at least until alter Us m-!oi
niou in the Advektlskk had been i
(euj.H; .t continency not at all immi
nt .,' ,r ,; : ... ., ' ' .. .,. . ...
, k .. -W...W at. J
eoual opportunities to be heard r... !
no not say inai we snail not support
1.:... I.. ... i . . , .
nun, but we i.o .-ay that his lionuua-
lion renders (l.nP'fiil , l'..r...!.iT......
l,."I,lV '- l 'publican
li'iipli,, with a new candi-
date, publul; p.e.Ul to the one term
principle, would ne morally certain; i
ana this is so palpable, that liitelli-
gent, thoughtful lenubiieans who e.--,
teem the cui-e more than anv man. '
are bound to consider it."
i litis writes Horace Greeley. We
recollect w..I iiil.vtS. th-.t Trnr...p
... , , . . ......., .. i
i ii.ii: c-.i........ ..... r . j......t...i... ii'tinT ii
..viv cciciui.ii...') ifut.w. ... i.iu ii i.e iu
er or not he would support General
i... i.a .--.i. .
e leuer -u never occurred in the
e ofony of our Presidents snow the amount of sat
i ii-.t i i urn is n von wuu a coi o
. -
f hit i.')?n
'..."' . , ..,,,
1 lie umaiia papeis m. u. -. ...
IH1..1. Mini "I'l Fill . 11 3 111
I 1 iur uuu it .--- --,. 1:.I!
that llu- ,.pi..fl " V0 .
would have bt"ii a v.toiik .ipn lu
,... flII ....,.r..r.iimw :
i.- .... -r, i-y;--" -
4,i Sections for buihung t-late Lni-
,. .
elsll. .
se - !ired to the Slate.
1 . , , !
In .-I.H.W 1 wilt sta.e mat tne v..-:
ueoi th.-e land- Pave oeen largely
overestimated. Mo-t ol i
the western border of Li
A M.i.t of tbi'iii :iie on
nca-ter Co..
and if void under the hammer to-uav
I do not think would average over
per acre. And it will I., found
' . , :M ...,,. vpr isy. :llui j
Whkukas. TheVaid I-aac Calm cc
! Co.. have expended large sums of mo-
State of Nebra-ka:
Sia tjon 1. That for the jmrpos.o:
. :.. .1... .1 1 ........ ... .1. . J .
ailllllg ill UH!uni-ii.nm-.H... .-a
!,. .t.iuriwl ot thi' ::l!( llli Irllli!,
,1,,,,, or" ijereafter to be donated or '
.:ranled by the (Jeiie.-al Cove, nm- lit
'o ihe Male of Nebia-ka, tois-u-I, put-
!lll-t', Ull'l Hot llelelotole ili-pOsCt! of
, , , . ., .
hv law. nor leased to an'-other party
;. ,,:t:tie . ball be, and are hereby ap ,
' '. 1 .1 .. "
...,. t ...1 ..ii.l ....i .i!.il :..r tli.. nn
II . j'l l.l.i ...... - t ........ .... ..., ...v,
.i-ul benefit of said !;i!k- Calm Oi.
and lo' the purpose aiore-sa.d ; I'nn'i-
ded. the .-aid l-aac Cab n k Co.. -hall'
comjily will, the eonditioas hereinai-:
ler contidneil. Ami when the
Company ora-.-iuns.shail complvwith
the coi.'.itioiis of this act, it -ball be
the dm, of the Covern.-r of tiie State
. . , ... ... ' ..
io uiaiie ami issue 10 .-am i-aae t.:.n:i
& (.'.. or their assitrn-, letters patent
from the
tate ol Aebraska i-.u .-.mi
I 4' lartfrnl llio a-iT Pnininiii rv
:."r," 'u.,n i. ..ii,h..i ... V". "i,...
assign-, shall He entitled lo receive
any par: of .-aid land the sum of at
h-a-t fifty thousand dollars shall he
hereafter exp lidedili developing the
. .. . l . . . . '
,' - " - .- i-"i-
ations to niaiiufaclure salt, b lionng
- . .1 . . n .. .1
-inking at lea-i one well to tiie
depth of at least fifteen hundred feet.
ul,,es.- -al? brine can be obtained at a
Jess depth, of sutheient strength to
produec by ol:ir ev.ipoiation, one
.........1 ne Jt nir ..e,.iv 1..0 uounds oi
brine, certified to by the Professor ot
Chemistry of the State Cniveisity.-
And the foreman or maiiulactunng
agent of such Company, shall make
and file with the Governor of the
State his ailidavit with voueiier
. ......
-howin the amount ol money .-o ex-,
"" , , ,- . .,,,.1. ...n-..... .mil if th,.
pended tor -inm puipo-e. ami u int. ,
afiidavit and vouchers show to the -at-
isfaction of the (Jovernor. Auditor
and Treasurer, that iich sum has b.-eu
so exr.endetl. and tliat the eond.tion-
,.f ii.u et Lave iu every respect been
i-urnolied with, then it shall be the
j. ------a
duty of the Govern
or to make and ,
execute umums i-aiem. i..iu im- .-i,iir
ol .Neura-ua to s.uuu.u.k.u;. o. u.e. ,
a-sigus, tor I he lau. herein granted
and set apart for such pur-mse.
That the State of Nebraska !
. .. .
oer. oi eacn year.
.Said statement
I I .. alln a. ai.-. .v nlnn...l ki . f at- ... II
umu ;uui-Nini, .nm h sunn
iia:iM it i i i xiiiiiiiiiII. ilk . - .i.iii.iii,ii.iii.(-iv - kfe iii-tiiij4ia alia. laxi n .laiviiiiwiiit'iriiiKK. tiiiiii.i-iii-.ii-tti -
- .a aa a a. iaaar.iiv.ii..rfaiiii.aiaa.i.iT'.ma -
i ..n i... :... 1 ...,,i ..,-..-. -ni !. t i.i :v
,. - .1111 ..i- wi.-w ..... ..,.,...,.... .v --
rnrirfi ' .
. j n. r ii-o ovnii-ninn of one
..;'-?;, ,.l,:. ftr,h;,ni, k,
- . . -
. . . , .
111- t tli .xiirt.t.r.,. or .! 1; j
icul-r fo the Mate of '!:r lska th: j
" .'"".' ":.". "Vk ' . """ " ... -l . r'
i rnnnw ..... .1 V". ,:.,:'
elra-ka. at two-tuiru- 01 th- a:;rai--
,.,i v,.!,,,. i, bt.a-i-eitali.ed b a di-iu-1
. . ... .,..
1 FMitnr Nebraska Aivkutikk.
i . . ,-. .... . , .
I sneni an imeniooii ery pi.-a-aut-
v Lom(I(jU s,.hool. Mr. Black.
the teacher, is in the ranks of the
Common .School reformation,
evident he me. ns to have a '
It is I
llodr! j
School." A;id there are indi-i
, ... . , ' . ,J
' ,uIwulrm ,. of ',!,,, Ilal
i.uiiiii.i lit iu -ui-ft-t-u, .- . ". :
o.'F on him. Jle loves order, and will
have it. That is right.
At the lap of the bell the M-holar.-!
. .
on tne mind, ao suhool is pt-rtec:
without it. ile opens his school in
the morning with a lo-oii from the
iobie, and pniyer. Tiiis is as it should
be. 1 am sorry t.iere a.iou.d te anv
,j;r:ori.iw.. ..f, in.. i..-i.-.
. ,..,
nt-! of tin- ,roo.i ir:ietne iiu.reti.-ed
suu.i jnutui-t. llRHi' vu
be nothing sectaiian about it. iJao
.... ....
.1 Til I . I.... .... !..... i . .. ............ .!
n XJ...IC" ItSSWil, 1CI .1 JlliljCI W.
tluihkiviiiij lroin the heart ascend
... , . . . ...
to lho l,:uher " en, with a pi-
tilion for wi-dom, guidance and p ru
tection. 1 hi? as a ivlmious cu.ime,
w ii carry the mind upward as we.! as
01 waid. The highest intellectual
culture cannot supply the place of a
neglected reli-do.i.-. training. No one
caI, je a true educator unless he has a
' hitji religion-cultuie.
inv.-Aerei.-e in ivaiimjj :i-- vu..
'.. - :.. .. . . 1:...-. ....... .,.
interesting. The children are having
f,rough and correct training in this
. ' ... .-....
v.. re Mm-Mirf.inr.jir!? -u ni. ol tin?- t ill
" ".' '"--- , - 1
, , .. .. ...
n-reau vt-o
Johunv Ilobin-
son might be selected as the best
leader. In writing thev are dom
ci. iu iw0 i.v. .1. 'eiit. anil of May, 1, herei.v rail a out. The lecturer then mentioned . Ir -;" ' -y.
Many of tlie children write a .invention of tne finmi Repub.ican ' some of the ad vantages of the popular 1 ic'tx-"",J" "
uuei. ...liiii.! ... liiKuiMiiici. ..n-.
very bur hand. Mary e-t, pernans :
;,.. i,-t 1 lu lmle one- nt th.. iiliu-i--1
l(,.irt ., .inj,na(ion. did some verv
,. - :..,'. - ,,,., Fducitioiril intert-t-
t" l""-' J-duc it onal 111 tut. I.
are sale when entrusted to Mr. JJlaek,
and he and his kind-hearted, excei-
scui ..lie, .iiiu iiirji. . i.u iuiEiiinvi
' . "
son- who are making .es such
thorough scholar.-, make a very mter-
,sllilg famiWm Thev are of solid
, Jomnmnkv Cno-tenta-
i..... ...;.'.. .....i ....; .'.. :.ifiii.r...ii
t-"-Iy, t,iey al'u &nently and surely
building up society. May Nebia.-ka
i...VP ,nanv such worlhv families.
.i:...i:rrE Haiidixg
London, Ni:n.
! The editor of the Pawnee Tribvnr
inr .. mnll nnn nmnml Wa h-.v
a - -a&aas ...i v .a a a i , aa l x
n.OPBPlln T,n,iorti,oi(io
-.- a.w.a ttatiiv- UOVI lll II1UUI.I1VV
.. . ...
tior. We eoulu wish that we
... . . ,.
smewliat dull, but wall nssurciny
better prospects ahul. I
Tlll, hp,fh llf the .-ommunitv is
IV CO,JIIIieiIC' Oil lll- mil illl wiui-.
.--tio-, r it 1IIItil Spring JU.t in
' .'...'
"'irrow -ua-e road, irom a p
th-r -onth tbrou-h tin- nlace and in
UK " ""MU-11 l,u- ,i."-i. auu m
a northerly direction. The neopleare
. . " .
responsible, uiuraily.
Jay Raui.
Severe Weathfr- SmTiriiiji Arloslau
Well Lean Kiittr, A.c.
.. , , ,-. ,
Lincoln, eb., leh. o, 1S.2. I
, ,., ,...,.. ..
r.u.:wi iunt'u.Mi;
We have had clo.-e winter weather
... ,
mciiiaiu eneois oi com auu uuogvi ,,
-..l. ...-. r. . . a. .a- . . . . I ..... Iaai.a.
...O I...., . !,..! wln..l.l.ll,. .,.,.!...'
t . . . V " - . ,
I 1 -i IIIIO UM II ri.-lV.lllO liaaj. .-.
irii I'lln I tiiinc I(t .ak.l.
it is tnought ly many, that tapitai
Stinare is the proper place for such a '
well, as tliat i the highest land in
' . . .
Lincoln, from which water could be
' ,, . ,. ,. ., ... ,
taken to all parts ol the ,113 w.thou
iiMi'tii-ularlv elevating a reservoir, a-
will ni-ee-.irii; be lheca.-e.n Market
,, ,,. ,v
"l" "' '' , , , ,.,. 1
A cattle merchant came into town
a lew days since wun m neauoi 'wiik-
in-' ki ue skeletons, the remnant of
. . . I
'.;; load of cattle taken out to .-ome :
of the back counties to winter.
T!ic- Call tor tin- r.'atioiial Ke-iulili
,".. i
We give below the call ot the Natl- ,
" . .... ... J
onal C.-mmittee f. r the .National iJe-'
. .. t.l. t . ..
w 1 "a.- -v" " .---. -w. .--- -a W1..1. .,. ,. ... . a.. I. .
iiiblicaii Convention to be held in , minded man beeau.-e be reads the pa
T.iladelphia next June. ! !,,ers- 'I''l"---"'"' " unanimity in
Ori' ron Tin; Coxvi:ntion
ToM.i:irrix i'i;ii.Aii:i.iiii . Jitxk
."5, i) Nomixatk i.oiiii)An:- koi:
tJuisnn:xr ami v'ki.-L'uksidkxt.
The under.-igne.l, con-tituting tin
.National Co.niuiit.-.' de-inated bj
tne Convtiition held at Cub-ago on
('(,nveition Oitneioion itt-t
Parts :tt the cuv 01 f hilatieipbia. on
Wedue-day, theothday of June next. '
at 12 o'clock noon, for tie, purpo-e of important, and divides the re.-pon-i-uomiuating
canidale-. for ti.e offices biliary of thejudgein times of great ex
of Prcs'dent and Vice-President of . citement. The jury .-y-tem i.- al.-o a
the United State-.
... - . t. - a.
J-.:u-n .tjtiue is autnors' u to ne rep-1
reeii!eo m the convention ny dele-
gates equal to twice the number of i and Jt'.proseirauve to
whi'.-ii il will be entitled in I In next
National Congress, and euen
. d Territory is authorized to send .
tw.i delegates. es have :rhvays proved supple twjl- in
in eallmgthi-Cenventiou.theCom-l the hand- of the ruler-. James II.
a a I a a f j'fl II -
iiiiiuc lemiuus me eouutry mai uie ,
promises of the Tnion Iepi.bliean '
( oiivention of l-0s. have been fuifill-.
etl. The t-tatis la'ely iu lebeliion I
have been restored to their former rel- j
aliens to the goverment. The laws of ,
the country nav oeen umuiuuy exe-
tlOU J!.OlUlI S Id' l' ' Has ' e Cllt..a!-
-9 1 - ..
ted on tne Nati n d C iiM,-.,i;.m ; Hi,
T--.1 1 ... W .
privii -i-s ami liuniuuKi'- 11 .m.-n-
...... ..;tiMui.i. i . .. i... .mu. ...h ..f
1- -: ---.... - - - - j.....
I . II At.
'I'lm i .m uic
citizens ot
, r Ilitt .1 st-ite.
of Mass., Chairman.
Wsi. E. Chaxdlkis,
of X. H. Seeretarv.
John A. TYtt rs Myi'no. '' "
Jjiike P. Poland, Vermont.
I. 15. Frieze, Uliode fhuut.
l. II. Starkweather. Connecticut.
.lame.- CiopsiSl, New Jersey.
William II. Kembel. I'enn.w-lvania.
Howard M. Jenkins, Delaware
J J. II. Co wen, Ohio.
John Coburn. Imliann.
V. li. I'arwell. Illinois.
Z.ich:.r:ah (.'handler, Michigan,
Pomerov, Kansas.
JJ. F. Hice, Arkansas.
John I. Clark. Miouri.
casieu Juuices. vnit in the provinces
trials were all before magistrates. In
! ol2, during the reinn of Constr.ntine, !
the empeior concluded to dispense
with the .Indices, at home, and the em-
peror soon eontroled the administra -
tion ot justice competely. This was
called the Roman .-ystem, ami there
was a eonthct between it ami other
'..,.(..:. ,i... ..,!,. .... i.
iinnifa in uic v iii;iii-OilAOii aim ..ei lllll-
nie nations. The Franks gave way to
::..:.! .i. . n.. , ti ,
I W t. IIIITII I flll III! Ill II I IskTI'IIII. 1111(1-
- ..-- .....w ....j........ ....... ........
t. Trials ill Other
Secret and inqilis - tO -
countries became
ti'Knllwo' Mi' 1 . t tlia ivoL.n f iml......
tf) (j.p,,,, i,j, Ijaj by jury is a good
,., The objections he found com-
ing principally from young lawyers.
-. 1 .: .: 1.1... ,. 1. .
11 oeing -o u.-ioue. umsooemon.-y iv-
marked that even God Almighty ,
ollltl-t fon.f, Ihe veritf. of a th
;,,,., ll rhnucht nmsf nl,iwiii..utn!
the jury system arose from eareles
ncs- in charging juries on the law,
tbev being propt rlv oiilvjiiilge-of the
f;i(.V A j..j. -.,,, ,-, trpormit .,
,urv to ttnd a verdict contrary to law .
and evidence. Otherobjpetinns to the
.....- ,I1 -t-.-t.r.. ...-.-. t...f 1w.-., ...: .
r" - -...--. ...t-...... s.uu,; ,u.u-n-
ehalienging jurors who read the pa -
1H.r .....i i.,,,,.,. .,m .,.,,,,, imririP..i,i
pi r.- .upi Know an ai.wnt important
cases. It 1.- no reason tuexeludea fair
the verdict ha- no foiiitdation iu law.
ami is absurd. In th.- higher courts a I
majority of the judges decide every i
case, and if it w. ie wot .-othere would '
-non be a dead lock in settling legal !
qtie-tiuis-.. nr. A. thinks unless hie
or limb are at stake, the agreement of
two-thirds of a jur. should b" sutliei-
1'bat it gives the people con-
tidenee in their cowrts. whieh is verv
great means of educating the people
.1 . a a ..
iu legal I'uowieiige and in re--j)rel lor
law. A community educated in the
jury box will never be a lavvle one.
The nei-e-ity of the ju.ige al-o compels ,
hi-ido-e attention tothetiial. Juries
-t:.nd between tlie i-ople and en
eruachnients on their liberties Jud"-,
nan no irnuoie in gelling eleven out
of the twelvejudg.. to enter into his
.-cbemes. Ju-iice Edward Coke'.-'itit-
rageous refusal should be writteji in )
gdd. The history of all state trials
al-o iiroves the subservience of jud
es tome ruling Kwer.
HI UUllltlOU to t l.e PlOaSUTe of ll-tl Pill '
...- ..a ...
.lil l,l. ' ' - I
I . I
I a a . I tl'IIIIU I llll an iii:airs . -. . -..-. -.-
I U (' , MIIXll'l IIIIO ZltL t'DIIIIDI (II lliril'- ail ...'li..'i)i:,t..' a-...iS '.I. till ii!iitiii
and weak jdire: the inadequate pay- iZvXi;lT;!:
nient ol jurors : the extravagant tedi- ' r,i,!,-: .-". -t.-r n-y ...-:, which sai.i u
i.uvncss of trials- Ibo -.1. nrd Lite- ,.r. ,,B,b-'a .-: pndwtiv.-1 ..1,1 hi .:.e f. S .1 .iluie it
(ill.-lll-s Ol lliai.S, lilt apsUnt law Ol .oi!...iltwi.:ii' 'llin,. :,.. ,, 11.
a 'mmTmwnjr-riwr:?rw ara -.. t 3
to tne logic of a strong and cultivated
;.! i 1 a
1111110 ear.itsiiv en..rei rii.rH
d.r.,.1.1 1,.. ,..o ,...i. ....... . .
.. -....-- .... ...v.w v. v.v. ..v....n it-
nt' llic IpimuirMPV Iikmiip Acvlfit.
An act to provide for the appoint
ment of a Commissioner to revise and
j compile the laws of the State, ami to
I ,l!nne ius J"1' lli coiinectiou there
I wil,K
All act to provide for the payment
of postage, expres charges and
freights of the Secretary of State for
the years li-7I and 1S72.
An act to provide for recording the
States title to certain lands.
An act to amend section one of an
act entitled "An act making appro
priations to pav claims, approved
March :i. 1S7I.'"
An act to organize and c.eimc? she
boundaries of Frontier couittv.
An act to locate a State road fmin
. , . r r .t i r tj
Lincoln to Lone Ireo, on the u. 1.,
Tm Aii'fek eon n IV
1.1 couuiy.
A n act regulating the nuUic schools
o! Aebra-ka Lity.
An act to authorize the county com-
mwsioiierti of Washington county to
issue bondto pny interest on uailroad
An act to authorize the issuance rit
bonds for Brown villo City ifehoo!
An acc tr me reiiei oi xiawscu i
An act to provide for the payment
Wl wv- ...i- n.v. uu.uiv.Y.. w. .
An at t to encourage, , develop ami i
promuJMiite tie agricultural antt hoi -
! tifiiftisr: ! rc-onrccs f the btate of
, wim
' n.?ls-'s'b"Nh?1
, flour Fa 1. le-t ijmility...
- 3 "'
J.ijy. ""j;, ,.,'
. chmc.' iJiittV".
in rotail, i jiountl
jm .
' V.''1;'.1" "f4,",T!!''1 - v
s.i New vork a .:. ethstniiiei i
TrIrT.s?r,r,-: T,"-.l. Vl" J! I ".. .
t iio-im-vid ::im
: :w;
r, 4,- v-
. i o.uiiurv .'.iiiin'.iuiin.",i:u i'i uiiiiv. auu ihiiii.:
Imoltsto j:arr.asc. ,:,.,. rally : .V. rvonsiips,. ( . ,-
sur.iiitioii. l.leiv..n.iiriti: .vtti.talan.ll'.'ijsioil
J,:j . r.-nllii.ii from Self-AUuse. ,t..-n
Ativ ..Ir.r.a. .r f ir Tdrtiii tt .- nf r n. . -.
-. anip als... ir. 1 uH..r.-i: -.vrarruge
"mile," price a cent. Atiarc tt.e iiibu-iier.
C". ,l ! V tv, -.
17 I.o'.verr. .eiv oi-k.lM-f):Tlcel;iix.:..i-i:
l5- - --"-
BmwsnK ra-aamaaaoa
-1-" Xi -JXJ .itiiJiNia.
!3 K2IJG !"
Cooley's Early White Held Com! i.Aiti.t: ?isi,d coitr;
--orn .mi ..-uuiOh...M..v.i.i
, ,'"1' rU --ifr'-' - i.ri.-iai ... i..r -ir.-.iiarL'iv
:,r-;r ''""!.-fr'-r..-.. i.e ini. ,
t,,.. t u:iu T!is-t;i-nvhh:it: t v.-ciaaBJSb-.
One ie. h.. .;.- I.Aprvv- -r Kre-.s;!..
$2 W)
(iilf I.
.1 .y Mti.l. ir.i pa. I. T.i
.l to ('. f. ,:l;)l.:v,
i: : '3. .vianche-ter. Ad...:.ri.ur,t.'. 01.1...
Improved Breeds Fowls !
FIAV IA!IS ui: Tlllo f.VIH I.
I." i'r . .
. LWIi
r 1 1
1 ... I. 1 .ai
is soy .
II :. . ie 1 . I.
l J(Wi
. 1 a a-
S-i r jlf OVflf Orirl J OC ?rfl.
-j - - -w . y
.: ovi v
a .
r- or
-a .. A'i7
w$33!r i .i-'Sl H E-i i- -1 k
mm u8m ;.s.;
1 $$:4- F&T&m p s -
3&& I &? 11 s 5 i
w r w i b-p
i . i -d ? h - wa
' I ath. wVuS , T . - i. i c aS3 "Si Si
. '&f-? zji -
i a:.s action m ort-ij!i : pr .
which 1i::IhtV'Ii a-.-tictu.Nl v. p
Jo John I'uUer.-oii, I'll"., m '. w.";"
alii' Oetoticr tt. lTt, safnitiw
.vii!i in:rst at t-n p tvnt
irom October U.t. yW.
Ami the s.a"d U. K. Unfnr- s -he
is r.Minirci? to ntfsirer snld t .
Ik?Ioh .l;ri i.ii, k-7?.
P.y A.. I. WK.WKK. Attorne. .
ltiowitviiit', Xfl. J:.n.Luin
In the District Com, Xwaaou i ..
I n-uty It. A tkiiou, l'lft l
VR. (
J. A. llyile Aduiiai iraror ;
o.'thf v3tro; UenLK. f
7,uiilmujr:. rtettf. dr.f. I
rpiIi:WJ.iS Ilrtfv.nrin:- ; .
i .. n ii- K. UiMil. .uU..: .
I f-
trcr-;il if.-..' ---'
ir.(i ;:.. j:m- rr. i. ; i
trr;T,V'5.tlr5;' tftLi" '
iirAe-Ri-yaii!Hii ;,
I scnbotl real e t:tle. mui"i ..
"-... ot m xa, -: :
j or the south-wt: ftactfer ' .
thirtT-oi.isi. nt-,-wtv -
k. :.-. iu .ast, ui.i ?t
j ,fciv.ny ti .i ..t.- . .
j tHtetetb" x
' Bwwnyy.e. .u ;.
i J.!"!,-', r
t :l!id t.tHrfnJ.Icvr I 'i..: '
irerwi-ii!.; ta .!-,. . .
!. v. hyiurprcr -
ijlI'j .: t rs? . : v
; iif.v
j JS
, t. B ij j, a k
jyirfiL Cs&i3H
J r rxi? 'il.
. "''"'"'
t Trsimat't. a :'.:? "
or (l :imXr c.Ilir
iliteu.Sct .
Lxcliaiire OJa
r.i-w Our Orzx Sralts -
Irelnnu, Franc. tyi
Lt ivRS.
. Citfcki
..:.: cm
T'-lI.L. J :
t T?-atj "T1 Ci r H T ! ' -
j-1-!' -lV.y 1-1.'
."Iv -:..(,: iKlirrfli.nlnv VVhrrlpi rwr.
puMic caj K. .wXj:..;:..jl!Jted r ai -nlKl.t.
Stock Corrali, with C
attavJ n the St
..-. -, -t
rl rj;
Alio, n !:r.t ,- tts! irk
j tUis-.iL.-r:'.I
. Sell Vsrsr lo;7 f. &&l
I 1U .,i.t .-.jli i;.. :.-..,:
, 'h- fat : i..- ii.; a;. - '"v -.
i.i.uiu!.... -.i . .-!.,- i W..rk ' '
i autl tl.-.e -.:i. want :; ni- au -..-
Fit Well, I.ooj Well arl W
witluot bv i: a.-j. -.-.'"l-
I Ilools aaiil s:iot-s Xtally an.I SJr!
-0J ' aa. -alt
Brownvilie Nebraska.
v- j..- -
J . t" i. lb -"
Atul V liolt ..I t' I r In
1. 1: . jr.u 4 u . : - -t
ryputeSL K l
ri jr ( &S 'L
T" r- v
. 1
I er
A l
Ii ol
1 '
m 1.
h 1
: 1.
t u
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?r. v. 1