;if.' JiV?AVyjM'J8iJlMK!J 'E3Z&22?SteiiSl,22B&SE2&J&Ln&am.1 i'WnxZZZJvL&iSSXZSZi Vj1 ij'jaZm-s J w t THE ADVERTISER. THT'KnAY, JANTAKY IS. 1S72. Puliltdlierk' Notices. y-vTRA PnrinsoFTiiK Aiivkktiskr Tor snlebyfl. I! ; irp, IlMtkllcr, Siatiuncraixl Nona Deal tr i iTJfaln itreet. netdoortothel'ostolllce. I k i Vhticks. vt a ordinary reading matter, w. 'ie charged ten cents per line, uach insertion. - it tli-pluy tyiMf. twenty-live per cent. uddill n to above rates. jrrTiKMKNT tinder Hie head of "Wanted." y..r Kt." "For hale." "Lost," "Found," Av., i p i Tit uftlvf lines, or lets.mrh Insertion. Ad i,sr .imPiih over live lines, at tin? rateofilve c - jv r hue, tiach insertion. CAFFItKY A IIAOKEIt, l"uhlisher Advertiser. CITY AX J) COUNTY, Ilnminy nt Swan & Bro's. Ljw figured at Big Stove. Machine oil at Lett& Creigh's. Low figures at liitc Store, Xo. 81. Flower jvots at Gibson fc Vaneil's. Hnr-e nails and shoes at Big Stove, .. "1- 1'ii-kl- in Vinegar for sale by the dvn. at Gibson & Vaiidl's. II ir-i- nails and slioes at Big Stove-j N 1 HiiiiiilM lower than ever, at John K HtM'.". handles and lanterns, at Big i .!. (..to Geo. Daugherty's for good, k ,.. in- meals. Thing you want but dry goods 1 1 1 J,:i.'li prices, at Big Stove. Xo. SI. i . . i t-Toen or black tea for one ir i' r pound at Swan & II ro. T- . figures at Big Stove, Xo. SI. i pleasant smoke get Colhapp . 2. Take no other. IS- ( .r i Shelters and husking pins, at I, j -''ivc, 81. I I Books, all kinds, at Moores -tore. 44-tf. P.. L igurpn at Big Stove, Xo. 81. I tm'w catsup, walnut catsup. ,oys r .-a t , and Worcester sauce at fjlb 'i !t Vaneil's. VI itid-. of plows, by the car load, . is.g tove. Xo. 1. I .r irood smoking and chewing to- i-iigo to Cohn's. P. st patent wood pump, by car load il 15. Stove, SI. II i'ii wagons mid key stone corn I iit r-t the best. B jv your glii-ss, paint, oil and wall j-.il r at Lett & Creigh 's . mi bras f Uio rilensures of eating, r . n'.iy hm1 wine with a taisto; ' f. vdoRStireK come iic-nr competing, ith -ismokiMif IVdlmpp's Tobacco. v. .i! it. ye Rial's, with wittiest bllilct. - 'i as we make It good judges will P-ill It. o..p Siiovei-s A full stock 'n il'Mtltergei's. O.U soon. at D "r-:, sash, blinds, &c, at whole .ilf jiriws, by John R. Bell. Bt'-t patent wood pump, by car load at Big Stove. 81. '. to Shellenberger's for anything i want in the hardware line. Win. H. llwovcr, Heal Estate Agent aii 1 Conveyencer. Court Boom. Bi-t patent wood pump, by cnalntul at H: Stove, SI. A large stock of horse-shoes and natK at SlIELKKNlinilCEIt'S. Btwt patent wood pump, by car load at llig Stove, SI. R mmioaders Attention'. Shov- !., P:rk, Wheelbarrows, Crowburs, t- . at Shellenberger's. Amunition at Big Stove, Xo. SI. If you cannot find what ym want aTivuhere else, you may depend on ; tutig it at John K. Bell's. rin largest and best assortment of p'Tfiniery, soaps ami toilet articles i'i the eitv at Lett fc Creigh 's. Pinners, corn and pork is cheap an 1 mi is evervthing sold at Big Stove N . si. Cupi:.'Ti:n.s' Tooi-s. Thoe In nv -I of anything in this line will do wi-i! to call at Shellenberger's, as he lwsi full aortment. ! Bet patent wood pump, by carload ut Big Stove. At Shi:i.i.i:xheuoek's cm be found t all kind-, of farming tools scythes, j-nathi"., forks, shovels, spades, hoes, T.ike, rake teeth, at prices to suit ttie tunes. Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI. Over 300,000 Howe sewing machines -l-l within the past five years. Ev ery machine warranted. 3-tf. Corn Shellers and husking pins, at Big Stove. SI. Builders should r.nt fail' to call at John It. Bell's, and get his prices and .i-timates on your building. You will save monev bv it. Carpenter's tools and rat iraps, at Big Stove, 81. Amunition at Big Stove, Xo. . Slierwsui House. It is tolerably easy for a landlord to f.'ii ix hotel with a llourish and set such a table as to establish for his hou-e a popular reputation, but it require- a peculiar tact in the host or h't-toss to keep alive and healthy Ma-h reputation. The Sherman House is one of the institutions of our city which improves with age-it; wears well. Mine host Kauflman, on "is part unsparing in providing sup- I ues. while the culinary department under the competent direction and laanagement of Mrs. K. The Sher anr5 deservedly popular. Stevenson & Cross, Hig Stove, 81. Codfish at Swan & Bro's. For Preniium Cigars go to Cohn's. Selling oft winter clothing at cost. t. Lovjr.x. a Ilalf-busliel and corn baskets, at Big Stove, SI. Undershirts and drawers, from 50 cents to $1 00, atL. Lowman's. Choice lot of Salt Lake peaches, just received at F. K. Johnson & Co's. Parlor and box stoves at cost, at Shellenberger's. Heating stoves at Big Stove, No SI. All kinds f tinware at Shcllenber- Stevenson & Cross hardware at, Big Stove No. SI. For choice groceries, go to F. E. Johnson & Co. Horse nails and shoes at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Parlor and box heating stoves, at cost, at Shellenberger's. Lowman is selling dress goods and shawls at eot. Butralo robes and fchoe pegs at Big Stove. "Waterproof Blacking, 'at Swan & 7 - 1 - Parlor and box heating stovesat cost at Shellenberger's. Salt by the barrel, at F. K. John son & Co's. All kinds of plows, by the car load, at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Cranberries just received at Swan & Bro's. Great reduction in prices at Ti. Low- For an extra nice syrup go to Swan & Bro. They have it. Parlor and box heatingstovesat cost, at Shellenberger's. a- Keystone Corn Planters, by the ear load, at Big Stove, Xo. 81. Young America should.go to Shell enberger's for skate, where there is cords of them, and of all varities. Low figures at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Cheap plug tobacco for smoking at Swan & Bro. Parlor and box heating stoves at cost, tit Shellenberger's. Leather and shoe findings at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry for sale cheap by Dunn and Hays. Parlor and box heating stoves at cost, at Shellenberger's. Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI. For a choice cigar go to Swan & Bro. Buffalo robes and shoe pegs at Big Stove. Lett & Creigh sells nothing but pure Drugs and Medicines. Keystone Corn Planter, by the car load, at Big Stove, Xo. SI. The celebrated Evening Star heat ing stoves at Shellenberger's. Heating stoves at BigStove, Xo. SI. Remember that the Howe sewing machine has established an agency at Brownville for Xemaha and Johnson Counties, with office at Mrs. E. John son's Millinery Store. 3-tf Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI, Shellenberger is in receipt of a large stork and assortment of heating stoves. Reduced prices at BigStove, Xo.Sl. If you wi-.li good chewing or smok ing tobacco call for Colhapp Bro's and take no other! Tron and wagon timber at Big Stove Xo. SI. A full stock of axes and farming implements at the sign of the Red Stove. A few stoves and wagons left at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Colhapp Bro's Xo. 1 is the mildest smoking tobacco in the West. For stile by all respectable grocers. Reduced prices at Big Stove, Xo. SI. If vou have anything that vou want plated with Gold or Silver take it to Dunn and Hays. Amunition at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Carpenter's tools and rat traps, at BigStove, SI. Geo. Daughcrty's Restaurant is a credit to our city and the Arcadia of those who love good meals. Ax handles and lanterns, at Big Stove, SI. It is no trouble to show our lumber. Call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, at John R. Bell's. Bain wagons and key stone corn planters the best. Go to Shellenberger's for all kinds of Tinware, Hardware and Stoves. Prices lower than the lowest. Stevenson & Cross Big Stove Xo. SI. hardware at .Carpenters, "time is money," and you will always save time by useing, and money by buying, lumber of John R. Bell, Leather and shoe findings at Big Stove, Xo. fcl. Ox Ha::d. One car load Buckeye Reapers, one car load Marsh Harves- ters' ."e car 1(,ad Kirb-V RPe, any quantity of plows, cultivators, corn planters, and everything a person wants. Gallon F. A. Tisdel t Co., Brownville, or Pawnee City. Half-bushel and corn baskets, at Bi Stove, SR J IV. T. DE.V. Men's artic overshoes at Den's. Great bargains in dress goods, at W. T. Den's. - Den sells stoves cheap, and takes corn for pay. Salt Lake peaches, cod fish, and dried apples, at Den's. Xow is the time to-buy your guns and aniunition, at reduced prices, at Den's. Farmers, the Jackson (Mich.) Wagon is the best in. use. Forsale by W. T. Den. Xow is the time to-buy nice, neat suits of men and boy's clothing and cups, at W. T. Den's" IJemember stoves have advanced, but Den continues to sell heating, parlor and cooking stoves at greatly reduced pi ices. Low figures at Big Stove, Xo. SI. For a good gunpowder tea at $1,00, go to Swan fc Bro's. Wagons, SS0, at Big Stove. Xo. 81. 1,000 pounds choice Salt Lake peach es, and 10.000 pounds extra sun dried tipples, just received by Swan & Bro. Cranberries, a nice article, for sale at Swan & Bro's. Best patent wood pump, by car load at Big Stove, 81. Will close i ut winter goods very cheap at L. Lowman's. Heating stoves at Big Stove, Xo.Sl. Choice green apples, at Swan &, Bro. To make room for a new stock T will sell dry goods, men's clothing, hats, gloves, shoes and boots, Queens ware, etc., at ten per cent, above first cost, to cover transportation. For good bargains call in time. 12-4 w Geo. Maiuox. Rope and blasting powder at Big Stove, Xo 81. Lowman has received another sup ply of soldier overcoats. Cucumber wood pumps, at Shellen berger's. Leather and shoe findings Stove, Xo. SI. Bis All indebted to Franz Helmer are hereby notified that thoe who do not liquidate forthwith will be under the disagreeable necessity of settling with a Justice of the Peace. This is posit ively the last notice and I mean busi ness. 12-2w. Fkaxz JTkt,mek. Reduced prices at Big Stove, Xo. SI. All kinds of tobacco, including Col happ Brothers, at Swan & Bro's. XoTrcE. All those knowing that they are owing mo will please call and settle with cash or note, as I wish to square up my books and commence new. .V. Roiusox. Low figures at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Saganaw salt for sale by the pound or barrel at Swan & Bro. Skates, cheap at Big Stove, SI. Deserved. We are pleaded to see the favor with which the smoking public is receiving Colhapp Bo's. To bacco. Its popularity i- deserved, as we personally know that its manufac turers are doing all in human power to give the very best article possible for the money. Should any of our mer chants, from any cause whatever, buy elsewhere, we know they "will go farther and fare worse." Wagons, SS0. at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Another car load of Bain wagons at Big Stove, Xo. SI. "Patuonize Home Industry." Should be the watchward with every man who thinks anything of the land in which he lives. Enjo: if Colhapp Bro's. chewing and smok ing tobacco is as good as any other (and they ask patronage upon no oth er condition) chew and smoke it, and leave the manufacturer's profit at home. Iron and wagon Stove Xo. SI. timber at Bitr Every lady is specially invited to call and see the Howe' sewing ma chine, no matter whether she wish- ments will secure a machine. o-tt Rope and blasting powder at Big Stove, Xo SI. John R. Bell's Michigan Pine Lum ber Yard, corner First and College street, is stocked with every kind of building material a man can use, and always at the lowest possible price. A few stoves and wagons left at Big Stove, Xo. SI. At Hill's We have on sale our Tobacco, by the cady ! Many iiave importuned us to sell them a cady of Tobacco, we do not wish to deal with 'any other man' than the wholesale or retail dealer; but here is a chance for thoe who wish to purchase by the cady ; or per chance wish to trade for the weed ! CoEiiAi'i' Bro's. Another carload of Bain wagons at Big Stove, Xo. bl. Dress does not make the man, but that man looks the better for being well dressed, cannot be disputed, and the citizen of Brownville who goes shabbily attired has no excuse for his dereliction of duty, inasmuch as Het zel will dress him up from top to toe, so that he vrill look the very gentle man, for an infinitesimal small sum of money. If you don't believe it call on him and price his goods. Low figures at Big Stove, Xo. SI. Colhapp Bro's Xo. 5 is a tip-top smoking tobacco. Another car load of Bain wagons at Big Stove, Xo. SI. You will be honestly dealt with, and anv error that mav occur will be cheerfully corrected, at John R. Bell's lumber yard, Leap Year Demonstration. One of the most complete, agreea ble and magnificent Leap Year dem onstrations, we have ever heard of, was gotten up by the enterprising young ladies of this city, and execu ted last Tuesday evening. Of course none but the "young folks" were par ticipants, or even permitted to act as "lookers-on." The young ladies, in their preliminary meeting, selected their gentlemen by lot, extended their invitations by card, called in person, and gallanted the young gents to a sumptuous banquet prepared by their own fair hands; and after spending a. few hours social enjoy ment, "saw the gentlemen home," literally and gallantly. The company rendezvoued at the residence of Dr. Blake and repaired to the residence of J. W. Bennett, where the supper had been prepared. Great credit is due Mr. and Mrs. Blake, and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett for their labors and efficient services to the young folks on this occasion. The young gentlemon who were honored with invitations and escorts, are the best pleased fellows we ever met. They are all smiles and com pliments, and declare their determin ation to excel reciprocally, and in kind. So the young ladies may look for some mischief. All persons knowing themselves in debted by book acoount or note to the late firm of Shellenberger Bro's, will please come forward and settle at once. A hint to the wise is sufficient. Diaries for 1S72, at Moore's Book Store. Coal oil 40 cts., at Swan A Bro's. Cucumber wood pumps, at Shellen berger's. Sail Accident A Hoy looses nn Arm. From Mr. Frank H. D. Hunt, who called on us Tue-day lat, we learn the particulars of a sad accident which occurred near Hillsdale, in this coun ty. George Ebbs, who is In the em ploy of Mr. Hunt, in his steam saw mill, while putting -wine rosin on a belt in the mill, slipped and fell against the saw. His head was cut in three places, and his left arm so badly mangled that amputation was neces sary. The arm was taken olTjust above the elbow by Drs. Page, Math ews and Forbs, and is doing well. Cheap Chairs at Bizer's. One of the most staunch and cor rect men engaged in merchandizing in this or any other city, is Geo. Ma rion, whoie trade proves the truth of the adage, "honesty is the best poli cy." lie has now got v. fine stock of goods, bought in or from the best mar kets, and has marked them at figures but slightly in advance of cost. Give honest George a call. Snginaw salt by pound or barrel, at Swan & Bro's. Cucumber wood pumps, at Shellen berger's. A corn and cob mill for sale or trade by Colhapp Bros. Strayed or Stolen, From the bottom two miles above Brownville, one o-year old red steer, with a little white stripe on the back, and whitish on the belly. Marked with a crop and split on right ear and under-bit oil" left ear. Disappeared from above place in last June. Any one having the same in their possession, will please post him, or notify me of the same. W. T. Dex. January 10, 1S72. The Christian Union, is the name of one of the best religious papers of which we have any knowledge, and is edited by Henry. Ward Beecher, than whom a more trenchant writer or original thinker does not live. Job Pettit is subscription agent for the jn;t oji, as, also, for Henry Ward Beecher's Life of Christ, a work writ ten in the author's happiest vein, and which is as entertaining as a fairy tale. Those who give their names to Mr. Pettit will ever have reason to be pleased therefor. Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI. Good Tea tit Gihuore's at $1 00 per pound. Choice fall wheat Hour at Gilmore's We are pleased to see at his post again our esteemed friend and fellow citizen, Win. D. Shellenberger, Esq., who has been absent lor some time and returns to us with improved health. Welcome back. A man may borrow money, steal from a widow, discount his own whis- key bill, or prig a prayer book from a r vimr li nn t I. .-... .....I r .Ml 1. i ! dying heathen, and still have hope and chance of pardon ; but when he swindles the poor printer out of hi bill, why the devil has such a firm grip on the seat of his pantaloons that repentance and forgiveness are entire ly out of the question. If you wish choice groceries, at the lowest cash prices, go "to Gilmore's, Xo. 515, Henderson building. Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI. Colhapp's best smoking and chew ing tobacco, at Gilmore's. Stevenson & Cross, Big Stove, SI. Choice cultivated Cranberries, at Gilmore's. Stevenson & Cross. BigStove, SI. Hominy and beans, at Gilmore's. Green apples by the bushel, at Gil more's. There will bean educational meet ing held in the new school house in District Xo. 71, near Thos.Kimseys.on Tuesday evening, Jan. 23, 1S72. The Hon. J: S. Church, and Dr. S. W. Mc Grew, will be present and deliver ad dresses, and possibly Judge Hewett. The Dye's will furnish music. We anticipate a good time. Thomas Kimsey. , - - Salt by the barrel, at Swan & Bro's. .-.rarrle.l. On ednesday evening of last week our well known citizen Ciias. E. McPjieusox, Esq., was united in wedlock to Miss Salmi: A. Smitk. We join our every citizen in con gratulating the happy couple. May their honey moon continue until the Styx River ferryman entries-them t the "other shore." Cheap Bureau's at Bizer's. -I.i-.toil. Tf Vflll DTP tliilil; itur nf mir-Iiciir a sewing machine, do not fail to see the Howe. Hearken not to others, but examine for yourself. The Howe Sewing Machine stands pre-eminent above all others, and we ask our read ers to give it a careful examination. To get the bet is always impoitant. Anency at G. B. Moore's booir store, Xo. 07 Main street, Brownville, Xeb. Cheap Furniture at Bizer's. All persons knowing themselves in debted by book account or note to the late firm of Shellenberger Bro's, will please come forward ami settle at once A hint to the wie is sufficient. The story of the public impeach ment of Gov. James, originated in the office of ourcotemporary. Thrals have been made by the friends of the Xew Constitution that if the Gover nor dared to veto the bill calling to gether the old Constitutional Board, they would depose him, but impeach ment has not been suggested by any body. Sprlisjr Is fast approaching, and farmeisare thinking about preparing for work. Those who contempla'e buying har ness would do well to call on B. F. Souder, next to the Sherman House, and examine his stock and workman ship before buying, as he is deter-min- d to make Xo. 1 work at low fig ures. 4t2 - -c Cheap Rockers at Bizer's. Tho last Pawnee TrUntne thu5? dis courses relative to one of our much es teemed citizens ; Mrs. F. Johnson Ebrighfc dilvered two lectures in our city during the holidays, that were listened to by a small, though select and apprcca ting audience. Her voice is well adap ted to public q)oakiii'jr, and we were in clo-est attention throughout each discouise by the eloquence and eai-nestne.-s with which she entered into the Heme under consideration. He first effort was a masterly one, evin cing mind of a lofty order and warm imagination that moulds sublime ex pression. We consider Mrs. Kbright a "success," and she will compete favorable with those of her sex of a more celebrated name. We .are sorry there was not a larger attendance, but if Mr--. E. would associate her-elf with a circus or show or some other institu tion of a similar nature and visit our t )vn, we would warrant a large audi ence. But "sich tire life." The in teleet gets but little nourishment from those who need it most. A number of BrownviMian have been the past week or are now in Lii -coin, among whom we may mention Mayor Tisdel, H. M. Atkinson, J. I). Calhoun, togetherwith SenalorThom as and Representative Porter. Cheap Bed-teads at Bi.er's. School books, slates, ink, paper, pens everything for the school, al so office material, such a- letter books, presses, inkstands, blank books, note books, erasers, etc.. etc , always on hand, and for sale at lowest cash pri ces, at Moore's Book Store. Accident. August landsman, one of our hard-working, substantial Ger man farmers on the Muddy, was en gaged in chopping down a tree on Tuesday, when the tree fell in the wrong direction, knocking tho man down and bieaking hi- right Iegclo-e to the thigh. Dr. Ctaue wa. II, J . for medical assistance. j . i Ma. Cadre j of the Brownville A i-' vi:htisi:u, and Mayor Ti-dal of the ' a line town, called on ti Thuislay, on their way to the Meeea of all the pol- itical saints Linvoi.n. The Aivi:k- tiskk is growing in iutero-t under its ' present management. Stbraa City yeas. 3c-c ineap: ah imiua u. runmua' cheap, at Bizer'. Look out for. my new stock of sta-i ..! .1.... riA(?j rrnptrt(K i?ifl lirir. if 1 .,,-.- t -ti ii .1 , . a descriptions. I will sell them at ' , , ' . . . reduced prices to cash customers. , , ., , . ' Come earlv and often to get good br.r- gains. Gro Maiuon. Under the head "For Sale" will be found a chance for bargains m the purchase of horses and cattle. j Coal oil, best qunlitv, for 40 cents ; per gallon, at Swan it Bro's. Cheap Parlor Sets tit Bizer's. Tf this week's Advkktisek is more or Io53 i,uereting than Usual, the c ' ' creditor onus should devolve upon . the absence of the editor, who ha siKMit the greater portion of the week at Lincoln and rit. Joseph. All persons knowing tltems'-Ive? . ,,.,,,, . , indebted by book account or note to ' ., , . . .. ., ,, . T, , the late nrm ot shellenberger Itro a. will please come forward and ettle at once. A hint to the wise issullicient. The IIowc Seitliig Inclilitc Invites examination, and defies competition. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is no Patent medicine humbug gotten up to dupe the ignorant and ciedulous, nor is it represented a? being "com posed of rate and preciou- substances brought from the four corners of the I earth, carried seven time across the) Great Desert of Saharah.on the backs j of fourteen camels, and brought! acro the Atlantic Ocean on two . ships." It is a mild, soothin, pUa- j aut Remedy, a perfect Spe-in for ! Chrouic Na-al Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and kinder diseases. The! proprietor, R. V. Pierce, M. D., of BuiFalo, N. Y. (whose private Cover-l . . . v ' , -,. mentstampison every package ot the Genuine, ) offers a reward of 6ooo for a case of Catarrh he cannot cure. For sale bv druutr sts. Sent bv mail, nost- paid, for sixty cents proprietor as above. Address the J ER rj JfJLS. i --. j Convevancin- done bv ,T. W Bliss, Notary Public, office at Po?t Ofiice, Peru, Nebraska. Blanks of all kinds for sale. VS-lit The weather the nast week has been rather more agreeable. It is : veiy pleasant to be ahle to sit with open doors in the middle of January. The ice in the river has been some what weakened, hut is still sufficient ly strong to be perfectly safe for load ed teams... The youngsters bad another big dance at D. Gtede's new store room, oi: last Thursday night. The music wa- good, and the supper, furnished by Ceo. W. Peterson, proprietor of the City Bakery, was all that could be desired. We understand the said youngsters propose to have another good time at thasame place on next Friday evening. A general invita tion is extended to all that wish to at tend. Brown, nt the new Post Office, is putting on a good deal of style, hav ing laid aside his checker board, put up a new sign, cleaned up his house, filled it with new goods, put up a new lot of letter boxes, and otherwi-e improved the looks and convenience of the establishment, so that old set tlers hardly know the place. Parties wishing to send packages by express will have the matter ptomptly attended to by leaving them with J. W. Bliss at the l'ou Office in Peru. Drafts, P. O. Orders, c, promptly collected. Prof. McKenzie returned from Lincoln on last Fridav. The Profess or is looking well, and appears to be enjoying himself. The State Xormal School, at this phiee, appears to be in a nourishing condition. The buildings are crown ed withstu-lents. The institution is very popular under the management of its excellent Principal, Dr. A. 1). Williams. H the Doctor is allowed to have ids own way he will build up an institution here that will indeed be a credit to the State. We are hap py to see that his efforts aro promptly seconded by the whole corp of Pro fessors and Teachers. The new build ing is much needed for the better ac commodation of students. The Knott lamilv as increased to the tune of about eleven pounds the past week. A pretty good sized knot that, John. Mr. Win. M. Craig, son of W. R. Craig, of Xebraska City, the con tractor on the new Normal School building, has moved to Peru with hi faimly, and seems as much at home as an old settler. If 3"ou want a bargain in real es tate call on J. W. Bliss, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Peru, Xebras ka. Ofiice at post-oliice. Dr. J no. Henderson has quite tin extensive practice and is meeting with remarkable success. His medi cines operate equally well on clerks, shoemakers, merchants, and revenue as.sessois. His double back action, f.iur horse bower pills are warranted to produce the desired result, if direc tions are followed. Willis Carter, the Peru house painter, was favored with nil addition to his family last Sunday night. Wit .is says fie is a good painter, ami was able lo do a better job than bis daddy the first lime he tried. For cheap goods call on Brown at the Peru Post Office. M. 11. Thompson, tho transfer man litis taken the con tract for carry ing the mail from Peru to Xebraska City, and from Peru to Brownvilfe. 1r. 'PI. I I -'ll. .1 liuilljisuil Ulll-ilU.- HI pilL g(Jl)U I....t- ... ti. -.-.. ..,..,.... .....i .:. .. .-,...... "'""" "" ""au ,uulwa 'w,u "u " a"- al express and trausier business. This will be quite an accommodation to OUr citizen-. He has secured the , , ... ,,, e vice oi .J. W. Bliss to actasagent itu" his various transfer lines, and all business intrusted to his care will be j.romptlv and faithfullv t.ttended to. Our good natured friend Charlev Culbertson has bought half a block of lots near tho Xormal School grounds, and has commenced the erection of a new house thereon. Charley did not propose to bring his . , ,. , ' ., , bird from her old nest until he got a . , ,, new cage to put her in. Hurry up L . , married man w ithout a wife, is a bud -fcfer- Qup Wllerprislllg merchant J. P. HimIick rellirned, last Monday, from SL Lmis where he h.lsj bee feneml "S !l """ u- uaia " "-". For sale, 1C0 acre farm, all fenc ed, So acre pasture, o acre hog lot, good stock water, 14 acres in orchard, partly bearing, grainery, tool TioiT-e, and out build s good house, barn, ings good well of water, 10 acres of! timber land, and good stone quarry J lease goes with the place. 'Ibis i- I one of the bet, if not the be-t farm in Nemaha, ix miles from Mis 011- ri river, o nines irom t., at. jv. x x . ,. ., , -,, . ,, , K. ii., and will be told verv cheat' , T, . n river, 3 miles from B., It. K. & 1 and on ea-v terms. For furthtr ;ar- 1 ticulure enquire of J. V. Bli , Heal Estate Agent, Peru, Neb. U--21 T J YETTE JTE3IS. Rev. Carrington baptized four con verts in the Nemaha, near Sanders's. Mil! on last sabbath. Three males ami one female. Judge Wheeler has delivered four loads of spiles for our new bridge at .Saunders s Mill. The Saw which ha been atill in Sanders's Mill all winter wa3 on ut-sur.y ot last ecK, set to work by Henry Kineraon. Business, dull. No real estate traua- fen, birth or marriages. m-rm n, i . , , A youmr trirl of Ka-t Indias was ntly held for two days in the em-; brace of a serpent which bad coiled' jtelf around her bodv and would not permit the approach of any man. During that time siie -subsisted on ..it- i ..I..... - , ... m,,K ,,u P'Kuiuns nrnuunc uy a woman ami snake charmer finallv succee led in charming herveuemcn lover away. SAIXT JEnOIX ITEMS. It has been some time since I have had time to give you a few items from this place for your valuable paper. St. Heroin is still alive. Trade is verv eood considering the hard ! times. Thev are pushing the shaft at the coal mines day and night. Professor Robert Patterson has charge of the work. He makes thincs "git up and git," "you bet." The shaft is about sixty-live feet deep. Expect to strike the vein in two week. Marshal lloile, the president of the company, was in our city last week, looking for building sites for houses for one hundred families, to work the rich vein of coal that has already been discovered nt this point. Our people are looking far work tobe com menced on the Trunk Road early in the spring. All bail to this noble en terprise. A sad accident happened to n young man by the name of Ebbs at Frank Hunt's saw mill one day last week. While at work around the saw his coat caught, which pulled him on the saw and seriously mutilated his arm between the elbow anil shoulder. Dr. Page of this place was -ent for and upon examination found that the arm would have to come oil" Great praise is due the Dr. for the masterly manner in which he per formed the operation. The patient i. doing as well as could be expected. The public are Invited ta grand Festival at the Rev. J. W. Taylor's on the evening of the 10th ii st. S21ERID. i X J TEMS. Died, January 12th, 1S72, of can cer in the breast, Sophia, wife of (Jeo. wun, aged 5S years. Deceased v;h lorn in Frederick county, Maryland She has been but a short time with us, but in that short time has madt many friends. Hhe leaves a large family, all grown up. Her funeral will be preached at Highland Baptist Church, Sunday, January 2Sth, a: eleven o'clock a. m. There will be a donation party for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Johnson, of the M. E. Church, at the residence of Robert Dundas, this, Thursday, evening. A good time is expected and all are invited to attend. Farmers who have corn out yet are getting to work in earnest togatii er it this line weather. Wesley Dandas ha, within tin past few days, filled his store as full as it will hold, of choice goods of all kinds, which he is selling tor cash a little cheaper than any other man in Nemaha county. MARKET REPORTS. l KKTI-.KK OKI I V- Ili:oVjCvir.i.i; z, January .". Ii7- Winter Wheat spring W lietlt Yellow Corn, mUunmes.. White ..... SO"' I lo TtX'B "." iV j- j 'J- ITfrf . . t "wC-. " 3 V- . ""it i 3 Ul uaKs bushel.. riour Fa 1, beat quality. sririns; I'hickrns. "r1 .. Kcs. r dozen ,. t 'noire IJiitfr, r.l retail. V Ioh!h1 I'nt.itoe.H f bushel X. Y. Factory l'lieee. j pouiHl -i)!j -iiirar. .ew orK a. Ifcs v the 1 o Tft10frstoth. I if :'2ftslthvl ' 3 7."!.4 I . .1 310(3 4 Xew urle.iiio suar t 'ofr' rhoiv rURlity, Ilos lirfssctl . Live rOH SALE. UlviTltsempiiL-. miller till-, heml will he charged 24 rents each niiertion .for i.e lines or le-i. I'il: NAI.K. One pair three ear old Horse, one i luirlno vi-ir 1 ! M.irts. !.! i.j X iooIckii twoyearold Co t. V."i!I take pari pav in sh--i . r will .direl ri-N-s .liliirpss 15 A. STI W AK1". Ifrattnn Ni-niaha Co.. Neb.. rr Mannas Urnl on UU MinMy. His rrT?- j T--' . ''-;. i- J "-" . ; - '- . ii f-rt WANTS. Advertisrmeiiis nmlfr t5iN bend wtll bv ehnrded i" r, nis ai b iiie rlii.i. for live !mt sor Ii-ss. t-5'axii:i.-ik vi. w wr srrrTio.N. it advertise for It urnler sins litul. It c-l- but tentv t. 1 1 :ii fur h e iirn" or !ess. TO RENT. AdvertNernents uiiler this head will lie ehnrgil ii eenLs eui h insertion, for live inie-t :r !.-ss. '0 HEXT.-H' YOU IIWK A IIU -K lilt 1 Kar'n t.re:it.:lTti--ills the Advertiser. :i: our ie a;. al.ert!-iii..n.ni:i. Manhood : Hov Lost, liowEes iored. SfjfgSi J'M piihllsheil. a iifv dl r.f tr. y?rMli-.eII'-. (Vlobrntcfl II-,sy i.ii the i i'U -iiirtirr i without inetlirinei if .-"Mi h ika .1 .'. ndiiai Wi'tknes-. Involuntary -enr'iai I.ir-.' Iui'utkn- MetiU.i aiid Il.v-!r.i . in i ... ItJ . I r t.ed merits t. M .rri n !; nlno Conhi mpth.v. 1 eitFi"v, and 1'iT". iiuluceil hy -ell mhIuIvikc or sezu.il i-x-trai-ai;.-e. sltf Vi'it'. In fwlel envelop.. on!y fi r-nXn. riuiletirtxlH'itiMir. in t5ns admirable evy, e!.ir!y demonst rat- frm a thirty yearV su'-ces-ful practice, that the alarming coietjtHn-us of selfahiise may Ix- ratlirnlly cured without the dan.-ri-t uae of internal nifdlcine or tho ap;!lea iiiui it the knife; H.intuic mil a mode of rure at ii-. -.nn pie, o-rt iln. ard Ttiml. by means of which every Biirferer, n mailer what hit condition may Ik. utay cur him.srtf cheaply, privately, anil rit-tmi'ty. j-ll,s Torture ihoa'd be in the tip.mls of every j outh snd every man m the land. - nt e.'i'ler Html, la.t plain envelope, to nay atl IreHs.A'it.lon reri;it of six cent or two post eltniti3. Also Dr. Culver-vell's "Marriage GuWe," price ',z ce-its. A'l ires the Inb!!she. I Has., j. c. KLIXK A TO., lii? Ilii'.vrry, .eiv York, I'oit-MHce Box ,."; - iy CASPSSTEE'S TOOLS 1-t'I.I. AVOKTME.Vr, AT '.V;-:. I. SI1KL.E?."1IER.EI.'S. JACOB MAKOHX, HL: ITJ t l.b ,,,... ... ,, e , ffl - a.4A4 VAUf r CD o o 3 . . - i a C 3 '';-ja h X 2, 4'. 3..-!.SV -- c k a W SOLS BSPOT Surgical Inslruments, IN N. V. MISSOURI. GEO. ?,r. TEALE '& CO. DRUGGISTS, ST. JOSEPH, MO. tf"Llheraldi!.co'iut to th-trade. t-Sra OPPENHEIMEE & MEYEB, iracifdcturers nf CIGARS, And "Wnolo.nl-Dealers in Tolmceo, Pipes, tiC. Xo 11 Xc rth Third -t. 4.:r .-si.uuscpil, .UO- T . i,::-r-i.k;:,tf-I,,rsAiee''AdTeftfcor. FURNITURE 3 ViSSStkw-? 9 3 . la ffl IP'k P 3 1S Xow occupies the oM Regulator buiidln?, Ko.r6 Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska,. with a nrerb ami selected stock of evervthlntr In Ibe Furniture liitu. Ue i J', lies Hit; (xifcllc to CALL AND SEE HIM ! an J compare kts price with other dealers. HE n.X-i A Just rrivi4 fn.ri' tr" m-:iiihcfir. Xot sins'le j.ii'i-i' ! nlil lurnitiin m It. 15e- a.de-. tb s, lit- 13 eulirelv a beincror the ery best .jrality and ti-iet fin ish. I".irt:'s bnviim t lnni rait ex.- pevl t oblHiii iliv Keiiium ar- Lk-l A'hI h.tt'r than all.lieeai-''ely svj th..t hi- 1 Utili i lll ClUIoiic? eiter XndiLQezaenis Iuthe '.ay 'ialit, -.tile anil priH Give him a Call. WlFfT Ffi? & "iT 'S Tie i-i ;rPiarcl t. jo! Furnlti to 'tiv 1 tic? I en on the in st mix ititat;--ii:s term--. It. t:v Mifj-l". llieui wth KootH.e'll,. r FINISHED OR III THE ROUGH, at pnoes that ar rea'Iy -;uriris!nsr. Jler. hant.1 In the 'Htt-rinr. whoare earr. line Furniture, or wlmd.-sire to add il lo iheirM-k of I.EM.UAL Jir.Kl IIAMJISK, ARE ISTVITED TO GA3LL. My BROW3nrH.X33 iT Brownville Nebraska. O. X. JvaiiiTma JLX PROPRIETOR. (WIA. ATTiriM XrRs-RItV IVr ywir Nursery stock. Farmers are assured that it uillfctu their lnt.re-t tod.i so. All w II lie -. rel 'ajthltol !y toorder and positive!; at Iw-t r.iti-s. i K-Uitf-inaa mure trim Tiers, stiruHher, hver;reeiis,SMMl HSDG-S PLANTS, can !e Ixiusht for the same money than at any fath er Ntir-ry m the ii.uiilry. "-fjtr J. J. GOHPISU, sTITK AiiKXT FOR TIIK Rl.vr Pnmhinpfl 5hpllpr anrl Rrinrlpr UUillL'MlUU UI1U1IUI UIIU Uilt'UUiZ Win it 31 iff miff Sfeautrr. Also Ilreiler aiid-liii)jierofthfrelt hratfd POLAND CHINA HOG, Ai.d uri.trof II. .'.- I'Itii- -...I r;enral Nnr r -t'-l tj" Write fur i ir r- and j.artlcu-i.ir-i. AddrLsMi J j '.(jsl'Klt. 3I- LiMV11. Ne. JolINti. A.SMUir. k. H.IIll. Mmi, mmmm, AND COISMISSXON SOUSS OF SMITH & WILCOX. IeatTs In al! kind of Uriin f..r which ther 5ay the highest n i.rket prhein i a n. i.i"'lk:e at store of r". K Joh. n A Ce. I-ii L- SPTfTj g form ia tVe Hcsi V r W mauner. 'r-kK At re-ii'leie sj.n- Maki nlr 1. FKAliS HSiHCEK. Di gAGON agLftCKSMrfHHOP it y on: i. i.oou u kt ! fi;v ii .i -.':. iW-V!",- X M.KINt R-tiiiFnP-. nr : i'i ,-s. : I)." tin-U-st naitner r-d on ir, l. -I i., i i . -. r t i 'I'l'r '. it' t '..,! uHn.ii- I U. U, RT. APPLBG-ATB, mmm I mmm 52rovnvU;c.eSr;:sJtn. TT'ILL DO ALT. KIXDs. OF Iirn MSli, VKE ' part I'iMis. I'-s-a iH-ntfiiH. : riiShsic(- ' "' .twr. -li .ii unarantee.1. Ji.r W'.rt: t e r oi. rvti. : : -l.ort fi..tie-. rin and A'lnntlr. on kirst' re. t '.-:-.. n Jttf GEORGE G. START, f A-ir i li i: in Gratn&AgricuItural Implements AiiiI"taraK, ForrarrfiuKnDil -WIN WALL. NEBRASKA. GSO. S. PHIIXEPS. Livery,Fesdi& Exchange Stable Q0 UOr ro-aiiville, 5foTrnqiia. I'I- rSE SHERMAN HOUSE. 1C "Iiiin-st., Brotvu-rllle. C J5. S.ilb'FF.ll l Proprietor FKED STAULE IX COXSECTIOS VriTli THE HOUSE. Th i IT i i th f n re"i. del"d a: I n-iruisbe-i tlir ii it j ! . ulii-r !s i.eliesta vimo'Uum.i : II fi v t t: t jta .4J :is tt-cr'.bise. I5is',e.- ' tnliv i !. s,-.e3 rt' Wes sett 0S.tht-.., f t s- " f-. ; sc mw t.- '".aiin TT-.i, v. - lrs. '2 '. rvxfrrrp .- ..- lorferate. 1 -bl h wii ii -V u ':h viCLr lyatliUmVuiK vnr-Trrjv :k xi)c faff i bflisM u A m a L A fc Urn tf r cK.i.--w -.- r ..-.- s 1 V. iiSAfilJ-J3-laiareot. Mt no&rtmnvltNr sii