- ' "- " "'-' TIIE ADVERTISER "" THVllL'-Vi, NOVEMBER HO. 1871. Publishers' Notlccu. pxt.a foriEi or tii k Ahvertiweb for sale-by O. U Mfon- iiotAHeHer. htatjoner and Xews Deal er 'u Wilsn street, nexf door to the I'ostoiHcr. I ocAt IToTicra. s as ordinary reading raatter. w':;lch-'fln'ent8Per 1,ne each Insertion. i-!.o IL-plaj type. twenty-five per cent, addltl Uial to sbuve rates. , vrr.nKi:STS under the head of "Wanted." 1 rtr'lt nt. "lor fej.le." "Lost," "Found," ., r, .arg'-l twenty-five cunts for each adver- t ' j- aiol five lines, or less. each Insertion. Ad- reii.eM"' over live lines, at the rate of five ceXJS per -lao, ach Insertion. CAFrREY fc HACKER, Publishers Advertiser. " CITY AS J) COTJXTY. -New Alvertlnement. p-'!33Lte Notice A. V. Morgan, Probate Judge. j rtray N it'ee Samuel L. Soper. m f Hominy nt Swan & Bro'a. Low futures at Eig Stove. Machine oil atLett & Creigh's. Low figures it Big Stove, No. 81. Biikwt-tt Hour at Swan & Bro's. S'x'i hSt'Us,al Bennett & Dolen's. For Premium Cigars go to Cohn's. AVflgon:$SO,.a Big Stove, No. 81. Parlor cookiwg stoves at Shellenber- Cor"d- Iii rsr nails and shoes at Big Stove, o. si. jv-" Style Collars, at Bennett &. D.l.' 3. JVst r-ntont wood pump, by car load at Big stove, bl. Shingles lower than ever, at John K. Keif. Ax handk-e and lanterns, at Big p'nvc, bl. Goto Geo. Daughcrty's for good, gq'jUTe mcaU. cool Rooks, jail kinds, at Moo res B)k :.lore. , 44-tf. Well Wheels, Buckets and Rope, at f;vui & Bro's. .. , r S- icing Machines, for Bale by L'tiiUUt A Dolen. 1 pritlu-r and shoe fiudingB at Big S w. No. Si. I - ......1! iiiokiiigand chewing to-j lie- go tu Cohn's. Yi -! pitMit wood pump, by car load a!Hii;St'e. 81. s-. ml ll'iofca of nil kinds, at Mc t. A- Nickel's. 47-3m. Hnii "...Thousand .key stone corn 1 1 Ul t,jy w?l. Buy yo'ir glass, paint, oil and wall pv"r at Lett & Creigh 's. Si onp Shovels A full stock at i- ii :U ijberjrer's. Call i-oon. D-nr, -R?h, blinds, &c, at whole il pnvu, by John R. Bell. Bt -t patent wood pump, by car load v K'it 'mc. HI. t Shellenberger's for anything i w.uit in thehardwarel;ne. Wm. II. Hoover, Real Estate Agent ;.- ! ('!;yencer. Court Room. (' v-ts at Wjbi.ey's ' si putoiit wood pumj, 13' caa load a RiV Stov, SI. A l.irgrf otook ol hor.e-shoes and 1 ids at SllHLIXXBKUGEH'S. MfCn.i uv c NictCixij keeps Purt 3rug-, lirgst tock, and lowt-st pric- w. t'Mlhapp IJns. Tobacco, the best in tV market, at liiboon &. VancilV. 47 I'll. Ili-t patent wood pump, by car load at Ihg .T.Tove, SI. ( m almou. Clams, Lobsters, Oys-i-.udities, Pickels, fee., &c, at J" '.-.an & Bro's. iN.ieymir money these hard time '' getting 3'our groceries and q.ieens " .tfo ..t Swan ?c Bro's. F mi.uoaiieus Attention. Shov--' i .v.k-s Wheelbarrows, Crowbars, ttc , it Shellenberger's. Ainimitioii at Big Stove, No. SI -- If you cannot find what you want ft-'u where elto, you may depend on Kitting it at John R. Bell's. Heading htoves at Big Stove, No SI. ilie larjrt and best assortment of rfjrrury, soan9 and toilet articles -d thu city at Lett & C.reigh's. Farmer., eorii. and" P.9"k is cheap ml Mils everything sold at Big Stove No. si. T Bizer Is "now fully prepared Xpr th? f.u! t-aJe and cannot bo undersold. Bls-tcct it open and invites inspec- t.JD. R.-duced pi ices at Big Soye, No. SJ. Carpenters' Tools". Those in iited of anything in this line will do ill io call at Shelienberger'p, as ho has a full assortment. Bost patent wood pump, by carload c'$'g . jve. J in want to play billiards, go to tte Hrunswiek Biliiard Hall, as that is the only house in Brownville that fcas the latest styles of tables. Low figures at Big Stove, No. 81. Intelligent men who drink none '4titr than good liquors will find it to l-?ir cdvantiige to call at Brandow's, n th comer of Second ami Main. t iu.LLiNEEKGER'scan be found I- k.ndi of furnjiig tools scythes, h "'th.--, lurks, shovels, spades, hoes, r-kea, rake teeth, at prices to guit the t !,!. H&psrm.j blasting powder at Big fc-ove, No SI. U'-'or V,QJ'J Howe jewing machines e'i' ttiaciiiuc warirn-cd. 9 tf. Codfish at Swan & Bro's. Low figures at Big Stove, No. 81. Salt by the barrel, at Swan & Bro's. Skates, cheap at Big Stove, 81; Holiest Tics, at Bennett & Doien's. Wagons, $80, at Big Stove, No. 81. All kinds ef tinware at Shellenber-ger's. Horse nails and shoes at Big Stove, No. 81. f Waterproof Blacking, at Swan & Bro's. All kinds of plows, by the car load, at Big Stove, No. 81. Cranberries just received at Swan & Bro's. Skates, cheap at Big Stove, 81. Carpets at "Wibly's. Another car load of Bain wagons at Big Stove, No. 81. mm Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry for sale cheap by Dunn and Hays. Skates, cheap at Big Stove, 81. Lett & Creigh sells nothing but pure Drugs and Medicines. 'Keystone Corn Planters, by the car load, at Big Stove, No, 81. . i The celebrated Evening Star heat ing stoves at Shellenberger's. Skates, cheap at Big Stove," 81, Choice syrup and nice Sorgum Mo lasses for sale cheap at Swan & Bro's. Heating stoves at BigStove, No. SI. Shellenberger Is in receipt of a large stock and assortment of heating stoves. Half-bushel and three-peck Feed Baskets, with bail handles, at Swan & Bro's. , A full stock of axes and farming implements at the sign of the Red Stove. Reduced prices at BigStove, No. SI. m m For Paints, Oils, Glass and Wall Paper, low down, go to McCreery & Nickells. Raisins, Currants, Citron, Lemon Peel and Powdered Sugar, at Swan & Brother's. If you have anything that you want plated with Gold or Silver take it to Dunn and Hays. A munition at Big Stove, No. 81. Ml Geo. Daugherty's Restaurant is a credit to our city, and the Arcadia of thoso who love good meals. It is no trouble to show our lumber. Call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, at John R. Bell's. Go to Shellenberger's for all kinds j of Tinware, Hardware and Stoves. Prices lower than the lowest. Stevenson &, Cross Big Stove No. SI. hardware at Carpenters, "time is money," and you will always 6ave time by useing, and money by buying, lumber of John R. Bell. Leather and shoe findings at Big Stove, No. SI. Wanted at Moore's Book Store 500 subscribers for tne Prairie Farmer. All who subscribe now for .1S72, get their paper three months free. Hur ry up- Reduced prices at Big Stove, No. 81. Sv-hool Officers, Attention ! Now is your time to order School Furniture, Call at Moore, s Book Store, examine samples, and leave jour orders. 44-tf. Bain wagons and key stono corn planters the best. I have a full line of staple Dry Goods. Muslins, seasonable Men's Clothing. Hats, Buck Gloves, Queens- ware and Groceries, to be sold at rea sonable figures to cash buyers. Call and see me. Gno. Mabion. Corn Shellers and husking pins, at Big Stove. 81. On Hand. One car load Buckeye Reapers, one car load Marsh Harves ters, one car load Kirby Reapers, any quantity of, plows, cultivators, corn planters, and everything a person wants. Call on F. A. Tisdel & Co., Brownville, or. Pawnee City. Half-bushel aud corn baskets, at Big -Stove, SI. Carpenter's tools and rat traps, at Big Stove, 81. Ax handles and lanterns, at Big Stove, 81. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Q,UEENWABE. A ttend our Special Sale of CO dags from dale. Our stack is complete, was bought before the late advance, for cash,, and j will be sold low for cash. Tiieo. Hill & Co Nov. 1st. Low figures at Big Stove, No. 81. Carpets at Wibley's Sherman House. I;t la tolerably easy for a landlord to r,pen a hotel with a nourish and set such n tabip as to establish for his house a populnr rpnutatioij, but it re quires a peculiar tout in the host or hostess to keep alive iid healthy such reputation. Tho Sherman House is one of the institutions of our city which improves with ago it vj-cara well. Mine host Kaiillfmaii, on his part unsparing In providing sup plies, while the culinary department s under the competent direction and management of Mrs. K. The Sher oianiB deservedly populpr. Low figures at Big Ftove, No. 8L Buy your potatoes at Den's. Fine Shirts, at Bennett & Dolen's. Low flgurea-atBig Stovu, No. 81. Corn Shelters and husking prn&, at Big Stove. 81. Smoking Tobacco to suit the times ! ! I Colhapp Bro's No. 4 ! ! ! " Anything you want but'dry goods and high prices, at Big Stove. No. 81. Carpets at Wibly's. Gloves all styles at Bennett & Do len's. Low figures at Bis Stove, No. 81. Colbapp Bro's No. 3 is a tip-top smoking tobacco. Another car load of Bain wagons at Big Stove, No. 81. GcnW Furnishing Goods, at Bennett & Dolen's. All kinds of plows, by the carload, at Big Stove, No81. Carpets at Wibly's. Keystone Corn Planters, by the car load, at Big Stove, No. 81. For a pleasant smoke get Colhapp Bro's No. ,2. Take no other. Carpets nt Wibley's Horse nails and shoes at Big Stove, No. SI. Colhapp Bro's No. 1 is the mildest smoking tobacco in "the We?t. For sale by all respectable groners. Carpets at Wibly's. Heating stoves at Big Stove, No. 81. You ' will be honestly dealt with, and any error that may occur will lie cheerfully corrected,, at JohnR. Bell's lumber yard. Leather nnd shoe findings at Big Stove, No. 81. m Builders should not fail to call at John R. Bell's, and get his prices and estimates on your building.. You will save money by it. Half-bushel and corn baskets, at Big Stove, SI. Carpets at Wibly's. Remember that the Howe sewing machine has established an agency at Brownville for Nemaha and Johnson Counties, with office at Mrs. E.John son's Millinery Store. 3-tf Carpenter's tools and rat traps, at Big Stove, 81. Jack McFall still lives, and is pre pared to sell furniture as low as the lowest, and to attend to all calls and orders for repairing, better than the best, and cheaper than the cheapest. Carpets at Wibly's Buffalo robes and shoe pegs at Big Stove. p ' Sauder has a large supply of har ness, saddles, and a full line of every thing in his trade suitable for the sea son, and adapted to the wants of the people, all of which he will sell cheap. Iron and wagon Stove No. 81. timber at Big Every lady is specially invited to call and see the Howe sewiug ma chine, no matter whether she wish es to purchase or not. Monthly pay ments will secure a machine. 3-tf Rope and blasting powder at Big Stove, No SI. John R. Bell's Michigan Pine Lum ber Yard, corner First and College street, is stocked with every kind of building material a man can use, and always at the lowest possible price. Stevenson & Cross Big Stove No. 81. hardware at, A few stoves and wagons left at Big Stove, No. 81. Bauer has now the largest and best stock of harness, saddles, whips, &c ever introduced into this market, which he will sell at prices to suit the times and pockets of those desiring to clothe their horses. Another car load of Bain wagons at Big Stove, No. 81. District Order Books Just what every School Director should have, who intends to keep a correct cash ac count. Examine them, at Moore's Book Store. 44-tf. Iron and wagon timber at Big Stove No. 81. Small has moved his drinking pal ace and bib iard purlor to the build ing lately occupied by Joe Huddart, where he now lies in waitiug to re ceive his friends and patrons. 1 A fevr stoves and wagons left at Big Stove, No. 81. ---' Dress does not make the man, but that man looks the better for being well dressed, cannot be disputed, and the citizen of Brownville who goes shabbily attired has no excuse for his dereliction of duty, inasmuch aS Het zel will dress him up from top to toe, so that he will look the very gentle man, for an infinitesimal small sum of money. If you don't believe it call on bim and price his goods. Amunitlon at Big Stove, No. SI. Robison, the boot and shoe dealer of Southern Nebraska, is in receipt of a mammoth stock of overshoes, suffi cient to protect the pedals of every man and woman in the State, which he is selling cheap. Those who go with cold feet now cannot attribute their discomfort to a want of fundsthe Cady! Many have importuned us as tho cheapness of .Robison's protec tors renders aucb complaints idle va- PPf' ' x' Cash paid for hides, pelts and furs at Defi'a, Bizer is in receipt of a huga stock of fall and winter fdf hjturoaud chal lenges, not .only competition at hOCaGj but from abroad. If you don't be lieve it call and see for yourselves. A, VOICE FROM GLEN ROCK. Glen Rock, Nov. 22nd, 1871. The people-of Glen Rock are get ting greatly aroused about our friend Robinson. Tf he is dead, we as a peo ple would like to be informed of it, but if he merely sleepeth we think it about time that he was awakened to a sense of his duty as a contractor to carry the United States mails. For the past five or six weaks our mails have been shamefully neglected and instead of getting them Wednesdays and Fridays, as we look for and de mand as a right, they dwindle along all through the week, and sometimes we don't get our Fridays mail until Sunday. Last week the mail came out on Wednesday and it took all the rest of tho week to get back to Brownville, owi ng to the scarcity of corn I suppose. It is a disgrace to any man or to any community to suf fer such piles of bones to drag over the roads when horses are so plenty and corn but fifteen or twenty cents per bushel. We hope in the future to see our mail come a little more regu lar and save further trouble., Peppersauce. Buffalo robes and shoe pegs at Big Stove. Cranberries, raisins, currants, nuts, and can fruits at Swan & Bro. Buy your Salt Lake peaches and dried apples'at Den's. m o Salt Lake peaches the nicest in the market at Gilm ore's. Premium blankets, hats, caps, budk mitts and gloves at Den's. Salt Lake peaches, direct Utah, for sale by Swau & Bro. from Low prices on clothing at Den's. Cranberries a fresh arrival at Gil- more's 'c Buy'your honey at Den's, only 25 cents per pound. mf , ft, Choice dried apples at Swan & Bro. Boys boots from 9 too. L. Lowman. Young America should go to Shell enberger's for skates, where there is cords of them, and of all verities. Buy your lard, only 9 cents per pound, at Den's. Alton lime, plastering hair and ce ment at Den's. New Goods. Ladles underwear, hosiery and dress trimming, .L. Low man. Jeneton apples, only $1.25 per bush el, at Den's. Candies! A large assortment of candies for the holidays at Swan & Bro. Blankets, Flannels, Casi meres, Jeans, &c, At low figures, at F. E. Johnson & Co's. For your store stove, school house stove, cook stove, parlor stove, heat ing stove go to Den's. Farm for rent, within a mile and half of the city. Enquire of Phil. Deuser. 6-tf New Goon3. Received a new sup ply of shawls, L. Lowman. You may brag of the pleasures of eating. Or enjoy good wine with a gusto; Yet few pleasures come ?efir competing". With a fcino..e of Colhnpp's Tobacco. Assail It, ye anti's, with wittiest bufret. As long as wo make It good judges will puff it. ma II Fifty perch of No. 1 building stone at a sacrifice for cash, Dr. Kimberlin. On last Friday evening Prof. Hart, a scientific gentleman from Council Bluffs, was announced to deliver a lecture here on the twin sciences, as tronomy and geology, and we regret to add that although the lecture was one deserving a popular house, but few appeared to listen to it. True the night was a cold one, but had the en tertainment offered been of the Min strel order, a full house would have been the result. To my Friends and Pvtront. For some time past, your papers and magazines have been somewhat irregular. After this week, you will be served as promptly as mail and ex press, will bring papers, magazines fec. I am now receiving subscriptions for magazines and papers for 1872. Most, of the magazines are published nearly a month in advance of their date, therefore Bend in your subscrip tions at once, if yon wish to receive the January numbers as soon as pub lished. JVb names entered on iny books, unless accompanied with the funds. Tho Publishes demand cash in advance. I canuot sell on credit and pay them cash. Only keep me in money and I will keep you well sup plied with reading matter. If you re ally want a good Book Store and News Depot in your City, patronize it. You will find at my Bookstore, a good stock of stationery, blank books, also goods for the holidays. Call and examine my stock. Respectfully, Geo. B. Moore, Bookseller and Newsdealer, Brownville Neb. m Buy your fresh butter at Den's. mi New Goods. Received a large as sortment of new dress goods L. Low raaii, At Hill's "vVe have on sale our Tobacco, by to sell them a cady of Tobacco, we do not wish to deal with 'any other man' than the wholesale or retail dealer; but here is a chance for those who wish to purchase by the cady ; or per chance wish (6 trade" for the weed ! ColrApp Bro's. It is said of a writer who often adppts the work of others,- thai be" "never quite grasps the use of invert ed coInmn., The Thnlcaglvlng Turkey. Fowl to all other fowTpreferred incept, periiaps,.our purjuc uiru Of pondroub beak aud mighty wing Thee with a waterlnc mouth 1 8lnc4. MethlnkK I icea dish borne in O'er-canoplcd with Bhining tin p From 'neath that dome a vapor rare Curl through the hospitable air. Presto ! up goes the hurninhed lid, And lo! the bird Its concave hid! I see thee browned from ctpsI to tail ;. Bird or two meats, all hall tali hniH Through thy round breast the keen- steel glides, Rich, Ichor Irrigates thv sides ' Dressing," to give thy slices zest. Rolls from thy deep pmtuberand cheat; Then tunneling in search of "cates," The spoon thy innanTs" excavates. And forth, as fron a darksome mine, Brings treasures forwhichgodsmlghtpfae. Bird of the banquet J what to thee Are all the birds of melody? They " merry-thought" far more I love Than merriest music of the grove. And In thy " gobble." rfeep and dear, The gourmand' xhlbboh-th' I bear! Of all earth's dnlnties (nere Is none Like thee to thank the Lonlupon ; And so receive my votive lay. Thou king'-blrd of Thanksgiving Day. LOCAL MELANGE, Weather cold. Thomas and Jerry at Smalls. Two men tere frozen in Clay County last week. An ice bridge across the Missouri at this point last Sunday and Mon day. C. M. Kauffman has a nice and very large lot of Sweet Chestnut trees to sell, All warranted. The subscription list of the Ad vertiser has increased upwards of 150 since July 1st, 1S71. We are anxiously awaiting in telligence that some one is preparing a New Year's address for our carrier. Dan Colhapp of the firm of "Col happ Bro's" started on Tuesday on a trip for the West to distribute tobacco to dealers. M. Switzer lost a horse on last Sunday morning. He attributes the death of his animal to hard driving and neglect of keepers. The Post Office will be removed to the spacious room lately occupied by E. S. Wibley, opposite McPher son's block, in a day or two. We are yet looking for one of the many who promised to briug us wood on subscription. They appear to think they had paid their subscrip tions in promises. We are indebted to R. K. Camp bell, of Pennsylvania who spent sev eral weeks in our city the past season for several valuable papers from his "neck of woods." Harry Mann. Esq. of Water town X. Y. father-in-law of the editor of this paper and father of Win. H. anil John Mann, of Sterling, Johnson County, Neb. arrived in this city on yesterday. Mercury six and eight degress below zero in the far Ve6t, steamers frozen in at Milwaukee, river frozen over at Columhuo, Ohio, skating in London, teeth chattering in Paris.- The setting in of cold weather a month earlier than usuul this year, appears to be general. Ice has been formed as far south as Charleston, R. C,. and young John Bulls' are skat ing in the parks about London. Dr. Stewart starts the latter part of this week for Lincoln, there to take command of the Insane Asj'lum. He will houor the office more than the of fice will him, ami Lincoln will gain a citizen who would grace any society. Snoke, the good looking, oblig ing and amiable Snoke, who has so long been theme lotum of the Sher man House, left on yesterday for Omaha there to take a position as clerk in a dry gotrrfs store. Success attend him For the information of the Dem ocrat we will tell it what it already knows, viz. that we have no assis tance in the editorial management of this paper, save Col. Furnas, who pre sides over the Agricultural Depart ment, The part' whom it names has got to write his first line for the Ad vertiser, editorial or otherwise. Upon our first page today will be found the address of Rev. T. J. Mor gan, delivered before the Teachers In stitute of Otoe County last week which the Nebraska City Chronicle says "was handled it. a masterlyman ner. The discussion was new, and teemed with living thoughfs, clothed in choice language," and relative to which a special correspondent for our journal speaks in complimentary terms. Gilmore will furnish you with every thing nice for Thanksgiving. THANKSGIVING SERVICES. The Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist Churches of oaf city have agreed to unite today in Thanksgiv ing Services which will be held at the j Methodist Church at 10A o'clock this (Thursday) forenoon, Rev. T. J. Mor gan delivering the sermon. All are in vited to attend, i Twins. Since our last issue, our respected City Treasurer, John V. Mlddleton. Esq. was presented by his generous wife, with a couple of bouncing boys. John is already well posted as to the price of while flannel, soothing syrup, &c. We can Imag ine we see him getting up of cold nights when the little ones commence doling out their music, but then he is used to it, this being his third exper ience. We have but a word to say to our neighbor of the Democrat. If he has not the capacity to discuss subjects with us, preserving, meantime, the amenities common between gentlemen and respectable journalists, we will not descend to his level. He can, if he chooses, make his columns reek with filth ; we have chosen a higher standard, and will not trench upon the sensibilities of our readers by in dulging in unseemly aud ungentle manly personalities to gratify any one's lust for the vulgar. SPOILED MEAT. To- the Editor of the Advertiser : Dear Sir: Can you inform the citizens Of Brownville who bought the pork last Friday from a wagon for $2,50 that is, a Whole hog ; and how much head cheese and sausage It made to be retailed out to the citizens- of Brownville? and what became dfl the other bog of tho gsime Btripe on tbo mterket tha fay ? il L'lQit ODcErrVEfc PERU ITEMS. Theriver. closed at this point last Friday about noon, since which time the best way to cross is on the ice.-... J. P. Burdick is building a new corn crib 100 feet long and 12 feet wide. This undoubtedly means buy corn in the ear. Ed. Marsb fa-Bafd"- to be the best hand to pile up cord-wood in the State. 10 cents per cord. The Peru District School, winter term, will commence Monday Dec. 6th, 1871. The directors have done a good thing by securing the-services of Miss E. J. Plummer for nnotherterm. The closing exeicises of the fall term of the State Normal School will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 5th ami 6lh. Exhibition on Wednesday night. De cember 6th at the M. E. Church. For sale, price $500, 18 acres of good land, well set In fruit trees. grape vines, shrubbery, &c; com fortable house, stable, etc.; within one mile of State Normal School, Peru, Nebraska. Will trade for team, stock or other property. Enquire soon of J. W. Bliss, Real Estate Agent, Peru, Neb. Geo. W. Tate, Esq., has just re turned from a visit to Riley county, Kansas. . He reports times good, crops excellent and grain a shade higher than here. He brings hack with him a pair of full blooded Poland pigs. George likes to handle good stock, of which he is an excellent judge. A large lot of New Goods just re ceived at Brown's. Best Buck Gloves in town, and cheap at Brown's. The cheapest and best place to trade in Peru is at Brown's. 7:2w Dr. S. W. McGrew, county su perintendent was in town lastFriday, attending the closing examiual ion of our district school. All bills due the ADVERTlSERof fice, at Peru, are in the hands of J. W. Bliss at Peru, where he will be happy to see those indebted either for subscription or advertising and re ceipt for rhe amount of the bills. 62-t. The liveliest run-away of the sea son happened last Wednesday even ing, Nov. 22d. The team belonged to Gaede's livery stable. They ran down 5th street, landing the driver, a late importation from Germany, high and dry on Barnes, Moody & Co.'s store steps, injuring him slightly, left one wheel of the wagon to keep the town pump company. run a mongst a bevy of school children and run over a child of Mr. James Lane; they then came in contact with Wy lie's blacksmith Bhop with suffi cient force to knock one of the horses down, but nothing daunted, they gathered up and run round into Mear's brick yard, but finding the ground frozen too hard to make brick they concluded to stop and rest. The injured parties were doing well at last accounts. For sale or rent, a small sfofe room on 5th street Enquire of J. W. Bliss, Real Estate Agent, Peru, Nebraska. Will exchange for other property. Sheriff Plasters was In town the past week on official business. It is to be hoped he will not have occasion to call upon our citizens often. Heating stoves and all kinds of hardware cheaper than ever at Prou ty's. Competition defied. For the best axes go to Prouty's. Coal oil at Brown's, after night or in the day time as you please. Our merchants are certainly re ceiving new goods, and are apparent ly doing a good business notwith standing the hard times. That City Council that has been mum so long held a meeting at the City Hotel last Saturday night. We are unable to say what resolutions were passed, and it makes but little difference. By their works we shall Know them. l'routy, the old reliable Hard ware deacr, is better prepared than ever, with a new stock of all goods in the Hardware line, to ell goods a lit tle cheaper than any other dealer in the State. 6-2w Lust Sunday was the coldest day of this season. Surely wiutes is comu upon us in the fall. Our merchants have stocks of goods on the opposite side of the river waiting for the ice to get strong enough to cross them. Old Muddy closed a little too soon for them this year. A bargain for 30 days, 160 acres land, 4 miles west of Peru. 70 acres under cultivation ; 50 acres in pas ture, well fenced. One mile of good young hedge; fine young orchard; plenty of stock water; good stables and new house costing $800. Price for 30 days $3,400 $S00 down and bal ance on time. For further particu lars enquire of J. W. Bliss, real es tate agent, Peru, Neb. The Methodist fraternity are to have a grand festival at their church an Peru, Thanksgiving night, Nov. 30th. The following is an extract from one of their handbills: GRAND RALLY! Oysters! Ice Cream! Confection ary and one hundred and thirty sev ei other things which no mati ever dreamed of!! To get in, - - - 25 cents. To get out, - CQ?Your pile. It is to be hoped wires- these pious souls get all the piles t&ey will not be unmindful of tle poor in their midst, who have not even a pile of wood to keep them warm this cold weather. "Inasmuch as ye do it unto one of these, you do it unto me." A word to the public. I have turned' ove? a new leaf, and wish to inform the pu-'bltc thaS I can and ivill sell goods- a little cheaper than any store in town. For paiticuiars give me a call; Geo. A. Brown. ;3v Last Monday morning J. P. Burdick, while crossing the'rlver on the ice, broke through with his team in five feet of water. He did'nt slnfc, not mtlbn' Him! Better you look a little out, Phllt- It is hard to tell which is in the greatest demand in this vicinity, Col- happ'B tobacco or the Advertiser. Everybody wants to subecribe for the latter, and everybody is bound to smoke or chew the former. J. W. Bliss can supply you wish the Ad vertiser, and as for tobacco, you can get it at all the 3toree in town. Best Soda at Brown's. 10 cents per pound. Ladies, go to Brown's for staple goods. ST. DEROIX ITEMS. The weather is extremely cold at this point for the time of year. Marshal Hoyle was in town lasi Wednesday making arrangement for sinking a shaft at the coal mines in this city. We had the pleasure of receiving our genial frlead Wm. Footner, on Saturday last. He is one of the prin cipal owners of the coal mines, and the old gentleman means busi ness Ouryoung frl-end H. H. Wood ring, (he of the blacksmith shop) led to the hymenial altaron Sunday, 19th, Miss Taylor of Missouri. Long may they live and play on a harp of a thousand strings. Trado is very good in St. Deroln. Shark & Collar of our steam mill are doing a splendid business, grinding about five days a week. Our mer chants are kept busy all the timo. They are paying 20 cents per bushel for corn and four dollars per hundred net for pork. SHERIDAH ITEMS. Dr. Oppermann's wife is very sick. She is at her father's in Bed ford precinct. Mrs. Breigle is also very sick not expected to live long. The weather is cold and people are generally healthy at present. Corn Is mostly gathered and housed, though there are somo large fields outj'et. One night last week there was a dance not far from Sheridan. The only stimulant to be had in town was one bottle of California Vinegar Bit ters. The boys not being aware of the nature of the bitters partook rath er freely. The consequence can be guessed when we say they came to the unanimous conclusion that Dr. Walker made a mistake and put Cro ton oil, instead of whisky, in his bit ters. If you wish insurance that Is in surance, call on Wesley Dundas. He represents one of the strongest com panies in the world one that has al ways paid losses promptly, including those by the Chicago fire. Bible Society Meeting'.- Nemaha County Bible Society will hoM its jinnual aniversary attheBaj.) list Church next Sabbath evening. ST. DEUOIN COAL. Yesterday ire had tho pleasure of meeting Col. Foutuer, superintendent of the St. De'roin coal works, who in forms us that an excavation was be ing made on or into the coal territory at St. Deroin, for a shaft to bo sunk 7x14. Said excavation to be cased or curbed with two inch oak" plank. Col. F. assures us that there ia no doubt overshadowing this enterpri&e, that the deposits are sure and exceed ingly flattering, and that the compa ny which he repfosents will be able to load boats with coal of a first-class character at $2,50 per ton. The ehat't will be sunk near the boat landing. It will take some twelve weeks in which to sink the shaft. The Lady's Friend for Deckm bkrT A new serial by the author of East Lynne. A Christmas number of surpassing attractiveness. Two ex quisite s eel engravings, a brilliant colored rasshon plate, and numerous fine wood-cuts illustrating btories, fashions, and fancy work, make a rich array of embellishments. The Last Days of Pompeii is a beautiful picture' of peculiar interest; and the Frontis piece, Peace be unto this IIoTise ! is a most appropriate Christmas subject, finely conceived, and aitlstically exe cuted. The announcement that Mrs. Wood ill begin a new story, Within lb" Maze; or, Lady Andinnia's Trial, in (he January number, will be wel come fo her numerous admirers. It will run the whole of next year. The Phantom Hare is a thriHinrg story strikingly illustrated1 j aSd Jessie's Tididinps, and Bertha's Twelfth Night Cake, are both accompained ifltli ui.irito.l tlnairma Tl,n m not So .. ..... ... ....... wv.b... w "'"'"-"' theComme II Fan t Polka Everv de- partment of this magazine is managed with so much care and taste that it is brimful of choice entertainment. Price $2.00 a year. Four copies SG.00 Eight copies (aud one gratis) $12. The Lady's Friend andthe Saturday Evening Post, $4. PubHshed by Dea con & Peterson, Philadelphia. Singlr. conesfor sale bg all Xews Dealcrarand bg the Publishers, price 20-cant .. cm la the FrelO. It Is a pleasure to the Farmer and frci? grower to know whvre he can always pro cure Firt-ST class Inrpferntnts to aid In per formiM:; jhe labor of the field and orchard. Messrs. Mansfield, EHIngwood a Co., of St. Joseph, Mo-., anrstWin the field" with a full Btock of all implements needed for fall ue. The Wrtco-tte SuIIcy Rake l?ai7c.7 raKe In this marker, but has, wherever u-ed, given entire saMsiactlon. The HoHlntf-rworth Sulky Rake, long and favorably known as one oJ the very l&it sulky rak made. They hftve a-full supply of Ohio Falls. St. Loulsaml t-icelsior KeVoIviag Ksy Rakes for sale cheap. The U trtrk eye Oral n- Drill, with two hop pers for Force or Improved Kred gives It an advantage ever all other drills, and' docs not inerea.se cn price. The latest improved Jlnckeve Cider Mill and Prey, both larp? aud nrrmll size, buita ble for persona owning large or small or chards. Of Sr.reham Cane MII11 thev have three dze, 'Isftt. .wtllnm and heavy, thereby ehaMIrs: the Farmer to get a mill suitable in slee to his crop of cane. Also1, a good ar ticle of heavy Sheet Irbff for Evaporator Pans. Their stock of Iron.-. Steel nnd Hardware Iflarge and well suited to the demands of the I irane. , DJscrlptlrw Clrtsnlars and Price of their goods will be sent on application .for iail plowing tneynaven larcestocicof anaower station on Hne ox rutui. mi us aw rates Wea-sk Truth's! Ta" HbcSVaroihe "KSSSSSSbrtmrt lo-.il points east. Ai ,.'"iji,a' yy-iy vs'iT-'enA3 j STiTE UH 0F1EBUSIL CAPITAL, glOCOOa Transact a Gcnral Banking Bulnee- aml makecolltcflon on all points throughout the Wtil. A1TD ETALL PASTS Or STOOP?, Jbjxchange on- JcLixrrojG . . - Draw Our Own Drafts oa Englaad, Ireland, France, Germany, &o." DISCOUNT NOTES AND TIME WILLS OF EXCHANGE. INTE71EST ALLOWED ON TIME CEKTIFr- CATE3 OF DEPOSIT, BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT. Exchange bought and ald on New York, and H principal ut principal EauUrn and Southern cities ol Urn UuKW States. OFFICERS AND DIRECTOBS. DAVID KK3IICK, Prenltlent. TIIEO. HILL, Vice-President. GEO.P. EATON, .Cnnhler. L. nOADLEY. JNO. HcPHERSOX, a r. KAr7?SLN, W ST. II. HOOVER, DAVID REMICK, TIIEO. HILL. J.L.McGEE J. a DECSKE. ILCLETT, OEO.l. i-.vrON. F.A.TISUEL, Jit. Steol Rail I Double Track ! Baltimore and Ohio IL R. The Gnat Short Lin from CINCINNATI er COLL'MBUS- east: SaTlng 87 to 113 dIIm, rmrt arriving on 8 Tali la Advannat SavIncOmllM. arriving CS huurs In cdracca at SftTingTT miles, arriving SX hours In advoaca aS VT-A.SKCITSrGTOXSr. Reaching" II3CXIja.TEI.II3CXJA. One Train the Quickest. The Great Ires SailTraj Bridges over tiu- Ohlo Klvcr, at Parkcrsburfr and BellMrc, are Completed. MORNI2TQ AND NIGHT LINES OF PnUman's Pahce Dnwirg Ro.m and Sleeps Can Are ran on thfi IVoute from Cincinnati or Col umbttj to Baltimore and Waahingtom City, WITHOUT CirANGS.- Br this Route vou avoid ALL OMNIBUS TRANS FERS aud FERRIES. TIckcta for sale at all Ticket Ofncea In the SontU and West. L. SL COLE, J. L. WILSON. Gen'I Ticket Agent, .ilaiter Tranapor'a Baltimore. .Md. Baltimore, ild. 8IBNEY B. JONES. Oen'l Pass. Ag't ClnclnnaU.O. Kansas Pacific Railway. Short, Favorite and Only AJL.JJ jaA.IL rolte: TO DENVER, ERIE, NEW ilEMPHia. IDAHO PItIN04, GREEN CITY, ELKO. MARYRVILLS. GEOKUETOWN, OREELET, CHK VENN B, RENO. GOLDEN CITT, CENTRAL CITT, VILLA 1.1 iU.NT, EVANS. MALT LAKE CITT. SACRAMENTO. JAJSUaUST, COLORADO SPRINGS. SAN FRANCISCO. And all points in Kansas, Colorado, the Territories, and the Pacific Coant. 18S 210 MILES the ShortcetLlna from Kansas Ci ty to Denver. MILES the Shortest Line to Puhlo. Trlo Idml, Santa Fe.and all points In New Mex ico una .-vrizuniw Remember that this Is thcOraatThroogh Llue.anrt there la No Otlier All Rail Route k any of the abova points. Ther Is no tedious omnlboa or ferry transfer by this route, a the Great lvern are all Bridged, PULLMAN PALACE CARS, run through from KANSAS' CITY to DENVER Without Change. Passengers by this route hsve an opportunity of viewing she line Agricultural Districts of Kansas. and can stop over at Denver and visit the rich mining, agrlcultufal and grazing distrits of Colora do. Close connections made rt Kansas City with all trains to and from the East. North aud Booth. Be mre to ak for Tickets via Kansas City aud tile Kansas FaciflcRallvray. EDM'D S. BOWEN.On'lSupa. BEVERLY V. KELM. Gen'I Tlckgt Agont. GENERAL OFFICES, Kansas Clty.Mo Kansas City, St Joseph & 0 Bluffs. TIME TABLE No. 1G. Tb taMt t?ett3vtjy, July 1A. 171. Gr O I 1ST Gr NOR T H . STATIONS. J? pS" Kansas City 11:00 P.M.) 0A.Sf. East Leavenworth lilSA.jl. 8- St. Joseph iJO lO-V) PHELPS 3: 1:32 P. Ml Hamburg 6: 2-2J Council Bluffs S-J3 4:t0 GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. (MAM KaniisClty I 2:18 A.M.! 1:W p.M, East Leavenworth . 12:45 P.M. I fcl5 St. Joseph 10:13 !l2tt PIIELW 7-.-J lfc Hamburz .f 7:04 , BriJ Council Bluffs 4Mi 1 fcJO Tickets lor sale at all the General Tlefcstoacw. A. C. DAWES, A. L. HOPKINS, 00X11 Pass. Agent, Oen'l Superintendent, St. Jot? ph. Mo. St. Joseph. Mo. Burlington & Missouri Kiver E. E. LV NEBRASKA. PASSE5GEH AXDMIXED T3UIXSf RUNNING BETWEEN Platlsmouthjmd Lincoln. To take Effect TburjdaT. Sept. 21,1873. WESTWARD. STATIONS Train No. 3. ( MI3CKD. Truln. No.l. Plattsmonth U-.45 p. m. leave., lfc&O fl.ra.leAT(. Omaha Junction..! ,5:35.. 1025- Louisville 6:23 ! 18:50 . . 111:05 South nnd Ashland.. Greenwood Waverly.-.. Newton-... Lincoln ... KM.- -I :io. 1130 11:45 120 12:12 p. 13 12:30 p.m.arrtro MIXED. ?:15. e:o WW.. 3:30 p.m. arrive Llncol. Denton Highland.. Crete.... . :00.ra. leave. fcOOD.ra.lenv' . .'.:40 2:40.. 7:20. ,2:30 . 7:10 14 QjO g:20a.m.arrlva.14:iCp.ni.ar;lv Dorchester. f EASTWARD. STATIONS Train No. i:. I Train No. -i. I PlnttSmouth PAMEXOEX. H1Z.ZI'. ,. rttn pvarrfrn'9:Q0 a.m. arrivw I Omh. Tnn!nn...'av: )S.SJ.. . ' Louisville .1.30.. M.i Ashland . ' '2.-2S .7."3) &40 ,&10. '3:S0 Greenwood-..! IG , ,. , . Waverly - ! ' UK Newton-. ' 1:45 . . Llncnln...l:J0p. a. leave ijiixd: 5p 3:0U &. b. laava Lincoln -.. Denton. Highland Crete .... Dorchester. ........ 1 , 11:3c a.m. arrive 8:00 D.m. arrive. riiKM ft00 i 10;X !".tSC '2.-..ZI ' 9-0a.xri. leave. 3:50 p. m. Iia The time given abovp Is that of Omaha, kalng 32 dlnutea slower than that or Chicago. tiios. DOAarx. Chief Engineer and Superintend? '. Great Through Passenger Route THE OLD RELIABLE HANNIBAL ST. JOE, AND Coimcil BTnifs R. R. iLiae, VIA ST. JOSEPIT AND QUINCY. TWO FAST E2PEESS TRAINS Cruising-the Xiuisslppl at Qulncy on Bridge wli!) PULLlrfAN SLEEPING PALACE, frost; BBOWXTILLE TO QCIXCY Without Uianje of Cars. Tins IS THE BEST SHORT LINE TO QUINCY, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, Memphis. New Orleans. Jacksonville. Spring fle'.u. Dtcntur folono. La Fayette. Indian apolis. Cincinnati. Loaivl!!e. NMlivllle. CliattanooKH, Lexington. (S&uiubn, WhfcoliuK. r.irierburs. "Saltl morw. Wtishlnrfton, Richmond. J.VJ .ff JT09T JmslRABljJS Z0CTJy To Ft. Wayne. Toledo. Crwtllne. PltWJurr, Harrkuurg. Phlladelphlu.New York. Boston, and all points, SOTJ'3jr-A.3Sr3D EAST. Pa'Wneers taklncntherllne east nr ml .hnnl. t by all means tnkethl In returning, and bee a nf fiby" TfcJur Through Tickets I "Via S. jVe and: Qtiinj', ) For m1w at Ticket Odlcet St. Ji"wph .t C'iur BluffrR. R.. at the Star HoteK in-owa vine, m.-.- ell enson A Cross. Ticket AKonta.rtd'at I. tel;M .static a as T-T STpf