I 4 I ' ',' I. ' i rrttwa".wun-i-. k 5y JUSSSJSJ,J2W!!iifrTxyTMX jjjrtea fawHWJie ,r.Wtw? THE ADVERTISER. UKAtV!VIL.l,K, KEB., THUHSDA.Y MORNING. NOV. 10, 1S71. ' 'i A TlionJcsgtvlnjf Proclamntloji. Washington, Cei. 2S. The processor the seasons has ncala ena bled ttio husbandman to garner Irult, sne c:ofisfril toll and Industry have leen generally "Selt rewarded: we arc at peace With, all na tions; tranquillity, with a few exceptions prevails at home, and within the pust year we have In main been free from Ills which iiave elsewhere auVcted our kind. lftomeof tw have had calmltles, there should he oc uaidon for sympathy with thejsutrercrsand resignation on their part to the will of the Most IXigh, and rejoleln? to the many who have heen more favored. I therefore recommend that on Thursday the Thirtieth day of November next, the loople meet in their respective places of worship,, there to make the usual aeknowl lerafcHtx to Almighty Oodfortheblesslnsa 3Ie hatt confered on them and for their mcrci Jjil exemption from evils; Invoke His pro ration and kindness for their less fortunate brethren, whom In His wisdom Ho deemed, it htttt to clia-stlse. In faith whereof I have hereunto sp my hand and caused tho seal of Htse u be UlllXHl. Ioncatthecltyof Washington, this 23th dav of Oecober, la the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Indepen dence of the United States. tl2e.u4nctv-six Uv the President: ISIgnedJ V. S. GRANT. IIamixtok Fisi SCsrcUJfy of State. The Republican h:tve three-fourths of'the new Hoasc of Representatives iX.e: York. afield Marshal Beuedek, coimnand er of the vanquished Austrian army at Sadown, is dead. Harmony has been restored in tho Tanks of the Republican party in New York, and a heavy majority for Grant in 1S72 Is now a foregone event. The Democrats of Xe Jersey secur ed the election of their candidate for Governor, but the Republicans car Vied the Legislature, thus securing a Republican U. S. Senator. SPIU12 OF THE AGK. There has always been, and there ever will be, grumblers, constitution al sore-heads, who enjoy good health in exact proportion to the- supply o matter provided them to grumble over or at. They admire nothing in Nature, and Art disgusts, then, No cloud hovering over tjve. business or social circle hath silver lining to their vision. They are. forever contrasting the past with the. present, and draw ing conclusiona.favorable to the form er, and prejudicial to the latter. They were born too late denied the satis faction of tangling in the flesh with those who are now dead. Get in,to conversation with one of these old fogies upon politics, if you nlease, and he will tell you that there are no such minds now extant as those which scintillated in the Senate Chamber and House of Representa tives hi the early days of the Repub lic. Yet. if we read history correctly, we cannot close our eyes to the fact that the possessors of gigantic minds hinted at, were men, who, iu their day, were openly accused of being, if not succinctly proven to be, guilty of henious crimes, of being barnacles upon the body politic, leeches upon the social system, and a reproach up on the good name of our Republic. No general reader can deny this fact, and we incline to the opinion that in point of intellectual effulgence, mor al honesty, and Iruo patriotism, our age really t:ansccnds any former one. As in politics so in leligion. Croak era will tell you that th? "fcar of God" is not so prevajeat now as in days of yore. Perhaps in this they are right, b't, we incline to the belief that "tUo-low of God" is more com- voinmeiicc on the Burlington ad Ft. Kearney Railroad. IroJi is. ca tsio ground "for the-li.ret ten mii,,,s.--0;?-Jfcrald. "Brownville & Ft. Iearoy li. R." if you please, Mr. Jrcrahi. mi m qw The only crumb, of' comfort achiev ed by the D.emocw-y in the late elec tions was the successful run made by the "boss thief"-of the nation, Wil liam M. Twe-ed;. That old blossom of corruption now sits in stato over the ruins of the Democratic paity of the Empire Stat-e. There are seven hundred and seventy-five persons and corporations in St. Louis paying over one thousand dollars taxes annually. James H. '. Lucas is the heaviest tax payer, con tributing tho neat little sum of one hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred dollars on his real estate and personal property alone. .& l2Ji.VX&.U.AlUMXijU,-msaiss. After the resnlt of tho vote in Otoe countyvlnst month, on the question of aid to the Trunk R. R. we supposed that enterprisefor ..the present yat least, Jaid dn the shelf, ,hVfollow ing letter received by Col. Furnas, and handed-us for publication", shows that the importance.'ofthis road& not lost sight of. Vb;hbpe forthe con! struction of the Trunk road. - A road- running as near as practicable along the west bank of the Misouri river, is second only iu importance, to the people of Nebraska, to that of the Union Pacific. . Richardson -&t;di Ne mahn'have felt the'imjTrrtajfcTbf th'is- road, and accordingly a.ceti promptly. There has never Imju. a proposition under considerataii to-construct less road along tiia.Knqthan to Nebraska City. That county failing loactuntil at the-last October election, and then adversely, .is the only cause why the Trunk road has not- long since been running. This, road must be built. If Mr. Joy and associates are not- will ing to run tho risks, and go along as fastasaid is tendered, they. must get out of the way, and- let others. There is a project talked of, viz: to run a road from Atchison, or Leavenworth, via. Falls City to Nemaha City in this county, ami thence up .tho river to Omaha. A delegation from, below was in this city some ten, days, ago to consult with Col. Furnas on this flat ter. This would cut oil a deserving and needy portion of both Richardson and Nemaha counties, atid involve new votes in each. We &till hope for "an onward movement" in this mat ter, of which we will say more in the future. We have confidence, that there is too much at stake, to leave of transgression. Then considering nrBsE3SMi&a esa i m vnei-we plfRP " IU lliSlllllku Bll MB . ,.-ftrivasrrAiirr's card. -.awe.- Editor Nebraska Advertiser. Beini? -.ono of tho dofeated'candi- dates ipfjtUo Republican 'party, at the late ejection, and having 6een fnform eaT.hat.j during the-'c&nvass. numer ous false stories in relation, to myself were circulate'd all, 'oyerthe countv, rtoj right wxr3'ng impressions caused by -It va chawjed ib Nfimaha-tihd As- piuwaU precincts that during thejiri majcy election I tookJnglj, ground against- 3ir. Blacklaw, and in favor of p&x- J?.tter. Iu London precinct that 'jjliad fulsefy repre'sente'd Mr. Brvant an'dba'd" labored tonominate Mr. Crow as in opposition, to Mr. Brush, and finally just on the evo.of the I election that I had gone in with Dave Plasters to beat Mr. Cruw. In Lay fayette Preciuci.it was stated ikt I had worked against the nomination of Mr. Raymond, all of .xhich stories are without tho shatly of truth. I made no effort fpr or against any can didate during the Primary Election qxcept for Mr. Raymond.he being the only candidate in the -vest part of the Gftunty, I thought proper to repre sent his interests fairJy wherever I went, as I am fully- able to prove. Besides the-above ingenious election neerlng stories the author of which I can. only sucnise, Brevet Col. T. Qf-hldisclpTegfereBo-'unconscloua J. Majors, in order to. form a pretext pose it. There are immoralities work- a - .- 11 ttwyitailie iseartA ol ills creatures iudone anything that can be done: to rinau ever ueiore. iet me noiv v (ThelOlh inst.) tmcklayiiiK Ifi Jo rirrumbler but look at the result in tlio Presbvterian Church the past thirtv years, and argue from these premises Thirty years since the old Presbvte- Mv Dkap, Sin Your iettq; of rian Church was rent asstinder by in testine action. Now it has built a, bridge of love and unity across the breach, and each fucton now worship together and after the same plan, and are stronger iu point of numbers than ever bef&re. Look, too, atthe Roman Church, with its head, the Pope, shaking like an aspen leaf in a hurri cane at the dissension of Ilyacinthe. True, men and women are not hung and burned now for opinion sake, and the power is not vested in any one man to say "my doxy is ortho dox", all other doxies are heterodox," but every man is privileged to com mune with his Maker in his awn way, and to follow the dictates of hia own conscience. Sc. as relates to Internal Improve ments. Fogies stand like huge rocks The Brown ville. A.U-VEi',TSKK says that an Omaha company which has ben for some time boring for coal at St. Deroiu, in Nemaha county, has struck a twenty seven inch vein of co.il. Arrangement are being made - to work it. We are not told at Ifow great a depth the coal is found, but that the news is hailed with great glee. Outahu Herald The depth was 74 feet. MINNESOTA. Official returns of the lato election . arc not an in, uuc enougli to show .that Governor Austin will have a ma jority of 13,000. The Legislature atands on joint ballot, 101 Republi cans, to 40 Democrats. The Senate, cU Republicans, and 10 Democrats. The House, 70 R.epublicar.3, and 30 Democrats, On tho first of January last the debt of the State of Tennessee was $33,9-15,842. Governor Brown now tells the Legislature that tho debt will be $41,SG3,40G by the first of January, IBTiJ- Increase during tho year $2, . yi7,o04, or about S2.50 for each man, -woman and child in the State. The population of the State by tho last census was 1.2-3S.S20; this gives a per capita debt of over $33. And this with a Democratic Legislature and a Governor elected by Democrats. B.f FT. IC. ii, P. It. K. Twenty-five car loads of iron had arrived at Phelps for this road on Monday noon, and eight or nine car loads will arrive daily, until the full complement for ten miles is received. The contract for hauling the iron from Phelps is let to the Ferry and Transfer companies. The locomo tive is expected to-day, and the work of track laying will immediately In the current of a stream, impeding progress and damaging trade and commerce. Speak to them about the policy of building bridges over treach erous streams, and they will oppose it. Argue with them upon the im portance of repairing road ways, anil they will remind you that such im provements cost money. Talk to them upon the propriety of building a railroad through the county, and they will howl with the malignity of the devil, threaten to stop papers which advocate It, and to ostracise business men who have the temerity to advocate or second such proposi tion. Touch upon the Free School system, and they will tell you it is the duty of every man to educate his own children, and an outrage to levy a tax for general education. Out upon such arrant hypocrisy ; such abomiuablo stupidity, "and stiff backed prejudice. Intelligence flows deeper and more generously to-day than ever before. The people of our land, and of the world, 3'eurn more for freedom, religion and political. than in times past, and the spirit of progress is becoming like the air we breathe, as well a part of our system advance this enterprise. P-LAiyrsMoirnr, Ni:n., Nov. mil, ;$T.L. j ; Col. K..W. Furuas, Browavllle, Neb..: the 10th came to hand, this mornini; aird-its confentsare noted. We have agai,n commenced a move, to secure the Trim Is R. R. Hon. Isaac II. 'Sturgeon has been here as one of the U.S. Commissioners to examine the B. & M. R. R., and he has desired us to secure statistics relative to amount of shipments from PlattsiuoiUh, Rock Bluffs, Nebraska City, B.rownyille, Peru, Rulo &, FaMs City, and with a committee of at least ine from each town, visit St. Louis, and lay the matter before their men and the'l. It. there. He thinks they will at once take hold of the matter. At a meet ing last night, I was chosen as one to visit your county and solicit the co operation of your people in the enter prise. Will you have the statistics gotten up, and in fact everything that would be of use and interest in the way ol encouraging the capitalists of St. Lpuis in taking hold of the enter prise, l will come down next week if necccssary. E. E. Cunningham is to visit Richardson county, Hathaway Otoe county, and self "Nemaha Co. Let me hear from you. Very truly. &c, D. H. Wheeler. as ol our nature, and he who keeps pace with the spirit of the age in Which we livs, rivals in general in telligence the average, deuigens of the earlier years of this century- commence. A steamer has been chartered to fi eight ties, and has commenced its work of freighting them from above Sonora, and lauding them at th? switch. A large number of ties are, already on the line of the road, but not sufficient for the present require ments for the number of miles of track to be laid. The work is mov ing along the whole line, with a vig or that means business, and after the usual driving, pushing ty;o p.f th,e energetic Dr. Converse. m m . A JV$ILEE Y23AR. The JYett? York Observer, now one of the most widely circuited, papers in the country, wl soon enter upon its .50th year, having been established in the beginning of the year 1S23. It has a record of which its founders and conductors may well be proud. It has been one of the most fearless and un swerving advocates of sound princi ples in religion, in morals, in educa tion, and in politics. Although not political in its character, it does not hesitate to expose and denounce cor ruption in whatever party it exist, and to hold the rulers of ths Jand to a strict account qf their trusts. It siR- naiizcd the present year by issuing a Year-Book, that is an encycloptedia of information in regard to matters in Church and State which can only be gathered from an extensive library. This Year-Boole was presented gratis to every prepaying subscriber, and the Publishers annqupce another volume for tho coming year-a New Year book, which will be more complete than the. last. It will be sent free to anyone who pays his subscription for lb'-- Copies of the naner cPnt rM tfl applicants. New Subscribers will uv par4cr. fjreo until January. icceiv 1st. Heating ttoveSS Stpye, No. 3L A STRAW. As straws indicate the drift af the wind, so does the result of the late ejec tions foreshadow in what direction the popular current of public senti ment is setting in. Carl Schurz, the great disaffected, gave to the public to understand that if they would keep their eyes upon Wisconsin until election day, and their ears open until the day following election in that State, they would see the niazses moving in a solid column agains;, Grant's retainers, and hear such a rr.ttlng among the dry bones of the Administration as would startle all observers. Because Cdawalader Washburne was a brother of Elihu B. msuuunie, me lavoretf friend and advocate of President Grant, the con- ..estSl.etwen said Cad. Washburne and the renegade Doolittle was made to hinge upon the Administration in other words, the issue was confidently pressed upon the Republicans that votes for Washburne were eiiuiveh nt o. voies tor tfrant. The issue was ac cepted, and the result is ignominious defeat of Doolittle, and the triumph ant electiou of Washburne. Schurz clamed that Wisconsin con tained a greater proportionate German Vnfp Minn nnfl... di... "j uiuer oiaie, anu assev erated that lie controled tho German vote, not alone of Wisconsin, but of me union. The Germans voted for Washburne. Carl once lived in Wis consin, whither he went to secure office. The Germans knew the great disaffected, and to know him Is to dis trust hiin. Let the egotistical, sore headed Teuton step over into the; democratic party where ho pronerly belongs, for surely he will not have the audacity to present himself in Re publican Spnatorisi 'caucusses this winter. Those that are not with us are against us. A man cannot serve God and the Democratic pariy. Every road leading out of the Republican camp, runs into that of the Democracy. There is no middle ground to occupy, and this is as good a time as will ever present Itself of purifying our party and of giving the culls to tho fam- isuing JJpniocrapy. We clip the from the Occasional a spicy paper published at Ft. Scott Kansas, tl;y following transcript from a justice' docket iu that western Pits burg. McComas & MoKelKhau im-iO Hart & Illloy, cU'ii rf.-.ijijj. j w ?eriTi-. The rilntnl-.flft sny that tfwy are lawvera ami practice law fur n living; tliat on? A. Iowler huoil the defendants before Win. Margrave. J. P.. anil recovered judgment against the defendant. Tlie defendants appealed from th. ald judgment, and eni pioyed the pluintillh to attend to the case for them In the District Court. Phv'tiyTs accepted the said employment, and at,j:udi to said ease iu eoueetlon u-if h .Tnim iv tZiii- loway of tills place, and judgment was ren dered for the defendants. They chargxl I Si" for their services, which were reasonablv worm mat sum, and presented their bill first to the. said Hart, lie said it was all right and iut;s;uii juiey voiuu pay it. I'laintiiN then presented the said bill to the said Riley who refused to pay it. and Informed the plain tiffs that they might go to hell. The plninUiIs therefore- pray judgment against the defendants for tlio said Si5. and invoke the consideration of the honorable Court whether It will be necccssary for the plaintiffs to comply with the said reduesi of the bald Uiley by going to the said country above named. McCOMAS A McKEIGIIAN. pro see, BRAI5ES v. SHOGKEY. St: Dkuoi.v, Nkh. Nov. 3rd, 1871. f Hfr. Editor: I have read, carefully, Mr. Braden's article, published in your issue of October 2Gth, and here by certify that I was presentat Peter Fraker's residence, in St. Deroin, Monday morning, September 25th, 1871. (incorrectly stated in his article as October 2nd,) during the conversa tion between Clark Brailen and W. P. Shockey, and, also, at the close of the debate, Thursday afternoon, Oc tober 12th, 1ST, and my recollection g.P what transpired is the same as Mr. Braden' as given iu the above men tioued article. Isaac Ci-ark: for his opposition to the ticket which he could uot defeat in the Republican election for candidates, circulated statements that I was dishonest, a scoundrel, tc. ,Thestfslanderousialse epithets were, simply, intended to hide tfrom public notice. his want of man hood to stand square up to n pro--gramme, if not originated by him, in dorsed add put in operation. 1131 his own oflicial acts as a leading mjiHbar of the party. One year ago when $ho Col. assisted his father ten get-u nomination for member of tho Legis lature on the ticket with mys"eif and others in opposition to the protest of his own precinct delegation, the Col. was then willing to have peace and harmony, asked for .it and got it. I heard noslanderous stories then. Soma things raigUi be charged and proven not very flattering to the vanity of the Revenue Assessor. But I never believed in tho idea, as it would aecm the Majors' family do, that in order to sustain or build up ones' self that some one must be torn down. The truth is that this selfish, bullying, des potic rule or ruin policy of the Ma jors' faction will in the future as in the pssfc bring onlr discord and disas ter to the party. Hoping and "belie v iufr a more cenerous andnviser nnliov t j will prevail in the councils of the par ty In the future, and though both buried and sleeping now according to the statements of the Omaha Herald and Brownville Democrat, I fully expect to waka.up.aud dig out in time to help restore Nemaha to her right ful place as the banner Republican County of Nebraska in next fall cam paign when we will help reelect Pres ident Grant the great annihilator of all selfish aristocracy and bullying despata. William Daiiw. ' .' r It is said that a number of well known citizens.pf .Utah (polygainists) are making arrangements to send away their plural wives, should the decisions iu the forthcoming trials fpr lascivious cohabitation go against the defendants. Nobpdy believes that any of the well-to-do Mqrmon think of abandoning their .preseut homes and their property because of the en forcement of the law against polyga my. The Mormons claim earnestly to believe that their plural wife doc trine is of God,. but many of them be gin to express.grave. doubts as to the expediencey of continuing its practice in violation of law. of physical life that they had to be watched by their friends, fearing that they would walk off of precipices, or plunge intorivejrs. heGnostic Christians oftiienft cerjturijs of tfie Christian ertroraixed mdclffeof tKeir, philosophy with their reljgion. They taught that Jesus was not a real -per- personage, only a'pirituaI-villusioriJ tlie oetter to emorce tne uoeinues ue taught on the minds of men. The Quakers retain much of this philosophy in their religion. Their religion : is. a- .highly tgrUualizetU 6hrIstiahitVrind 'vastify1- -superior to 'ftuchrHnsnuFraRnttKnlr: ijy itherdiffrerit religious? sXcts 'oP-the day. Now, there are pauses which produce these different phages, in the manifestation of mind : so tkere are causes which bring peace and tran quility to a people, and there are, caus es when calamities overtake a nation or city. C$cago is burned, and great losses an,d-terrible suffering hav fallen up on the people. But why was Chica go burned ? The ready answer is : "It was the work of incendiaries." This is not satisfactory. The enquiry should go farther. Why are thete incendiaries? Society should learn that it is. accountable for the charac ter of- the men and women who com these things, let men and cities learn a lesson from the burning of GHicago. JEXKETTU HABJDINO. fi' & r 'ST im S8- P &! sail liUKe-MemStl au, ' ' f Saxt LAKENoVember. 12. Accounts from Pjrovo represent all maimer of outragesfjp.euding'tbe sufts! of the-JjiUreka Mining Company ver sus the King David and May Henri etta Companies'."' The vatnesses for the defendants were assailpd; with slung-shots-and badly injKiried- night before htst7anil an hour or" two. later: teupdriotendent of the May Henri etta 'wa shot at twice, narrowly es-'eplng-'w:mFhis':ffrer-' The-nTirrerHl-mosij unanimously, espouse. tle cause of tn.e'JKin 'EaVidanu May .Henri etta. Tim Herald jthis niorjijug publishes .aJettfroih'SairU;Geo.rgl Lreiativ -to the conference' tliere, but - i mt-nlword in regard to Brlgham Young. This is remarkable, as hitherto every i move ment of Brighain when away from the city, has been reported both, by letter and by telegraph. The funeral of John B. Kimball, of imball & Lo'wrahce', 'which took- 4E No. 70MaiaSifeetl rbwnvill freteaazj, der, wiluMayor Wcl Is an d made 'applil-fffirfir "'to fll( Court of the United ing great mischief in all phases of society, and the' great problem to be solved is, how slufll a higher moral tone be given to it. One great error to be removed is the false teaching so prevalent, that cause rind effect' can be separated in moral action, it can not be done any mojo-Uian, in, physi cal action. "Wha.tn man sows, that he nuat rsap.;; But.it is taught that ahigh-t6n'ed-, mpral mau, if he have not a certain religious faith, is the most dangerous, man in a communi ty. While an immoral man with a certain religious faith, is the better man, and his example is pointed out Lfor young pecpleto follow, whjle t,he moral: man is condemned. If any one thinks this is Christianity, he has made a fatal mjatake, and such teach ings have a ruin.ous effect upon hu manity. We have gcod authority for approv ing of morality, even if not found in those who have a peculiar religious creed. Jesus endorsed the teaching of the Chinese philosopher, Confu cious, and Paul quoted, favorably, a heathen poet, who lived about two hundred and fifty years before the advent of Christ. The child should be taught as soon as he can under-1 stand a moral lesson, and then be con tinually taught,-.too, that.the trans gression of either moral or physical laws, "will of a necessity, bring disas trous consequences, and no theologi- iAuowcorn.inGuzi'iii'S .i i ." ' '. ... T. . ... 'White " cm uoguiu can prevent it. at is tins ; outs, fi bushel .. -strmigeTdoctrine of separatUfg-cause I FI-"riprlnu.est.,,u"!it and (Meet tlia tempts men to crime, j .? 'ATJ?." Ki place this afternoon, was attended bv all cl:isses;pf;peopi?.-..4Qnions ;and Gentiles. , The pxoeesip.n was one of the most solemn ever witnessed in tho Territory. Kimball never was a Mor mqn,.b.utfhjs partner, Lawrence, al though a s-ecedor from the church, is a polygamic. The reopening of the V. S, District Court and. reassembly .of: the grand jury to-moi row is anticipated with much interest. ftf ft ir 1 1 r, f 1 , It isttdiderstrulSl siitlMieJi Stodt, ope ofithe jnftVti i-ojiliuieujat'CaruV JJouglass, tinder indictment for mtir- 1 ojJiers, has e Supreme States for their "release' ii&)$zx JaCwci c ,oX.liGl)5as. .chr pus. eniiiei cum, mi liiuications or anot.herstor,nu The neipb.f)orig hills and mountains are covered with Know this wiuter.a. uwiitk eoflier-thanJast year. " " ,4" l. u. j- LarsestaStock in tlie Market. I .'UrtAii 'xii w ' , iCr- .; I i I , : ? . . , . -ifeatHbnaueenieHts-Ofrerea T i?rcr s f .-t 1 'J. M, ..'.'II : BOT t-tv T03 OIN" AiXJL ARTICLES SOLDt Tt) JL X m . FOR SALE, AUvertisenientsu(Jotl2s head' will be ohan;etl2j cents each Insertion .for llvellues or less. f !?OR SALK-Two lull Ijlocxl Spanish Kerifjq j X1 Hacks. ANo three No. Ijlericililre B:r'f6r Kale, by B. COf IIU.VX. Brorn-nil, Nfb. ttl I. -J1,JJ. IB.J -T. U .I- .1... IU.LH.-.'.l.-.l--LI1W L.cs:nr riTotlrt.. I'R.W. Kholrton. ArlmtslsCrsior .w .. nexed. or the- Ksttite of i,t,.P.r J ' . w'- TO RENT. Advertisements under tliw Lead will be charscd -oceuts each Insertion, tor live lines or kits. rOKKXT.-IF VOL HAVE A UnrsK OK I Kurpii rent, advert idi itjiitlioldeiii.-er, in our cl:e.i Hdvertislnc column. r- 1. .j j f . 1 .yntji Advert LernoMts under this liead will be chanted 25 rASTKl).--IF Yo"l' WANT A SlTfATloN, M mlvi-rtise for It tinder tliw head. It costs but fioutv.lvv cut hit uvelincd or lesi. firr-iinaBTTTrm m hin ini 111 1 " '-" LEGAI. pRTlSEiTE 'Pirn SAID It W. SKKMH) , .. , i tlie entatu of CJeorge W. Ar;. '. ,1 , " ' i:iitjlKol :i i.ttil.i 11 in it... i..- . . ' " , f-rfefnabuirouHty.Nebresfcs Vm-'..-.' to IHhc North Enst Ou-rrJi ' ... i"y, iosaii.NO.evf!i (7'.lrj p..v (117. K:isf. iu tre tVerity. Nj-b?" . " puy the debts aud I-k:m-i ofhi',. ' . aipeauiK.by. -md I'-;.tii; u,ut i-n .hi. 1.1c .itu iiMiii la f.rnfr ro fe n- j.. saiddtt-dent: sivn A.'Rim-h (v,.' 'i ' drm-e A. AIle:i...iiriie W.i v' '. Sk'l't-r. ll:i- Ut'.-.t orTll ofi-i'i' yU.cr jierww :nttv;iU Ui ,1 ,. Hn,t JudlclHl INtf: Y.r'rebr-'T;" , IIoi.e in Ni'bi-iw:n fity. :, tp- '" ' Iwr.A. V. IS.T1. ul ro'cftVic-1-. At V - ' tilt. ILfl t..(l. . ...'. I ..... ' ' ' . r " ' ri"vv1 23lC2JS i JI eW3T! itN CiVM A ! Dieti, NTdv. rr 1KZU. PB0BOSALS. offii-k aoAitn ok lcnn-ATK ?,-.-) STATU NuKM.Vl. M'H'MI.. V !.. iu!.rOcr.i!iui)n. i ."- f- 0t. . : ed.hv pb!ii.atioi tLliU: NfcL.T ,s' , .' T for ffmr vJsaecutlve rfllj, M : Vt L-. 'f (It M.. . Mluf ufcj ,. Atiru'IuitrntorV'a!c. rVJlV, ?! "rtlistej WW,- ,;K,:r' dcf:;sfd. la Asnlawni prerim- . MARRIED, October 2ath,.j.-5i;lSt tUp ebileDrllio liritle's mothpr,.by .Ittdye A. AVlIiinTMr. WIHIam'Glllespio ntul iflK ATrmnda LiTn- merrall of this comity. October 30t)i, l?,nt the oftjee of tlie Pro Imte JuCoje, bj Jwle A. W. Morgnu. Mr. .Stephen Cross and Miss ilnry J. Delnv, all of this county. November 9th, lSriJrtCJie rT-sidenet-of the oriue. in uilHcity. Dy.ltnlRP A. W. JtorKRii, Mr. Jolm,I:-rankliiig aad.Alrs.:j'.iryFlIaBlter. November loth. nttWeyesidence-'orthu brble' fiitlxer, in W:uihins;ton premier, Ne nia,'ia county, Nebi, by iheKe.'. A. ri.'Rrovn, JIrk H. Jirown and fester , Hitie. J November IGtli, 1S71, at the nsid'ence of the bn.lt;y,t.uher.;by the Rev. V. BjtHlocIinm of Nebraska City, John II. Milks, Tvsq., or 1.01m ltrancli, Nemaha cosinty. to Miss Marv K. i Armstrong, of Pawnee county. The milk of human kindness, assisted by Uie suongarm of the fair bride.,.wlll inakP,an sittrrtctlyeiome for 00 r friend Johnny. Trio distance from Brownville, and the Inclement weather, prevents onr ncceptance of the In vitation to carve tho!lnfulrfturlie,Xbn Satur day of tills week, at tho hospitable board of father Mi lks's. 'urnKB, na TcinAX.TM-irttuFr. T)IIi'' villbr(icejvsInt,tliiiioJiciuutj.l.-tl flrst CtuiuBviHriuz i& 11 -Um.. v It ijaturtlay hi t).i-'ii!ii'r. iNTt.ttt liiVUMk A.M.. 1 AurtcuItHr.-.ilBtuiHiiiMiit. :Ll . . .' lr Hit- crtridii ol' a Norm. I School Bui!di:ijj at I Furniture e " TI "" POru:Nebl.Jl,lBnauidStrecl(?(ta?tn-'ta"Jit'iltft: AilmiaHlni'or K-t.l .,. tnwompi'on nnrt-arter rhcnrr nr Nnvpitjnprrrsri. I I he riht lu reluct, UjiMi-.-ki. iIs lJ-' -.-rved. ....... i.Vvriba:.Mt.Ks:. i .- -1 ! I "I .JlrqwnvU!;iep.?-Soval4t,ll: 3-tt fV;A '?Jj.-VUrK. --'i.J: .iS.? HO -.1 .UiU Sil ." t-A.l "pUBilV NuTICKL Te rvItoiMSn:uked ie!c-1- ' as'" will lit1 . i!r to pay chargt , If not cnlltxt for in jldiivs froiii tLitif:. ,. . !N. J-. lic.vti. ".- kiuwus. J-- Kitsti-rd.iy. I bo eei.-. a. w. i'uiJ'-i it;iiba.-,ef;iufdic!ue. A. t-arfert-tittirTiSteflT-nltlvatDrf plow and oou!:er. C'ar!c llra.Ien, I box books. K.VAN WokTIIING. ifrr t w .itX A1U ASniTATION. For the nIiefand Ciire.oftheKrrini; uud Cnfui tunato.on principle nfchristiKii iiiilithroy. li-."iys on the Krron ol Youth, and the ;-i;!-ot Ak;, in rcintiiia to MirrIaro nbsottnl.KjUi.iWtth .uinitaryartLSutrhainJilicri-d. v.t iron. In sealed lCrfvMocs. Xddr3fe. IloWAltD ASSOCI-Tr4N Hoi IV Flilliidelidna. Fa. .-iev, s.irt.a. .t,i t., A MARKET REPORTS. Advertiskh fJvrtr-!?. 4 - . JiROWNVii.i.i;,oveu.berdad571.! vnnleS Wheat.'.! H iXZW- l?&&lb Sprlnt.'Wheat...-.:. i .J3Z.S..3 Sag- i5 -UttiJw..w..a..w,a.'. sits i."j -js o ... . 17 ai ... i ii '.V.rr.T."i".Xi fatiU't :n lk.'. l. I , h.--.r -iwr. agyi In&M a '.' Vi-.f v5r A -w 3 f k - i. ' -" HLiiRi.!Hrn?. Thetf-' Itellablef.if: r .tributt n l- the '..-,int : OTICH OF OK Ur.ll - Af . : , Uuucun Hi:IJinu;!l,a-iWi,. -.; AnrVi Sliurllelf, 6ereslt. Vhi i -the I'eacc. -lltItleIcHUS'i T.-.l Je lrFl,:. , Lorduroettuchiuuiit ww.i!t.! .;i -. lied cuute on tlf LCth dai ! "r" ' . - jyjt- A.We.ll,i JusJaw-cttrv !'. hacouuty. NebrakA. it :. : . dollar aud fifi; omU.iir4 .-;, on the fth d..v oriJwrsthor . '' -- A. M. - letters teiiiHCHtHrv.nrrf... ,u ..... . jiraunbry. lt cwvst-a. Cave Imhii is (..- . Imte CtHirt or NemHfti. eutv. el af4j' Maria A. Uradliurv. b;s v.JId..-.v !.; -, Cftiirt litis upiitited the tirt Mftn. y" A;ril a;id ?4:y, a-s tm time ; . ', " flKairtx: said elulo. nh nanitu: tioi UrfU-nvtt. ald ftllilnitnH iwh ,. u cu liii of i!l day; will be hnrred. 'UatHi .vt.ifier-JMh. 37:. MAltlA A. RlKVi: J '.l A. W. 3K:AN JL.'.wujmx.:mtmtMwyMr -q j L? ipi fru'j.'-! j AY XOTICIS. ESTI BsssxeaarxBX Cjrg..fc-j,.Sp.by. --i tinuKing, somqliowor other,. . they MEW &iT 1 "uUn1" H L,VALL4VBLE ClIFTS I "jve,r:, ,.,ri tl' will escape the consequences of im-! .teBn7;-;o tIlM ... ' j" UJL , I K-lioito.. moral actions. While those of better 1 -- Xj tSIS .1 S I TISglTESJW-ff character and purer lives are threat- grT l n" i52iurREcrji.AR mo.tisj.y ! sl-&SlS: & iT" ened with woes in the life which now WTO. A " .WI" I" PS! ITT CTVTVrD ancr 1 oH?iirMrHBaa12i:C 1 r . ijr m w-m mi m . t m - mm rvi u. fmi - m m u. m j m j - a tt' w - -i 9 m 1 1 """ " " Aui.iuiiii3. H -it i kit! ii 1 iiiwJij : ' 1. v-.. ia r. 1. .in it n .if....! ir- -.... .-. i.i al J w .M. i.m .uuuj9 .IUI. j i. ? a A . I Kairay Xotlre. TAKL.V nnyij.. -itHdrtfctoiv.". JL 11:1. i- north 01 l;r.v.iv:.l ... i-'m-t. NMim!uH.:u.1t.v,;;i:Ur.ui..i N-jv.:; b.r. IsTl.'ntturk m! M-'i twoyfarsfild thK i!l or WM.tcr. on ., no nmrJKM tr braixS u.vt.of-n .'. SAJSTKI. .: iv.n. I71. My Kictniy IVotter. 'pAKMTJ up by the uiu.;r.tiu-. . ;. i. halt uiUe-,Miahwf l'ru.Nen a a InbKa,oH or nir lite JfiMjuri iu. 1 ihiy 01 t-;orier. J-CI. ntr:ii l-.iv , yniw out. ldu.-k maiiH au.ttuil. , di:.-iuiriiii thebck. ,'wn. r- and woes, too, in the great here after. It is this false teaching' which brings evil to individuals and calam ity to nations aud to cities' such ca lamities like uuto the burning of Chi- ' St. Stkptiejj'-Sj Xeb. November, Gth,81. 3fr. Editor .-I was present on the above mentioned occasions, and my recollection is the same as Mr. Bra den's, except t?)at Humboldt was mentioned as a place for 11 third dis cussion, but not as a place foT the sec pnd. I did not hear the date, (lov. 10th or 13th.) At the close of the" debate I heard London mentioned as the plaoe. 6. Zimmerman. T10 statements of other men can be obtained if necessary. This, how ever, will be sufficient with all who know Messrs. Zimmerman aud Clark. The debate will be postponed until Mr. Shockey is heard from. Clark Braden. For the Advertiser. THE CKNING OP CHICAGO. Mr. Editor .-That was well' said by you that "matterin whatever con dition or circum&Lsjice, is dependent upon mathematical cause and effect." This is a foundation tr.uth in-every science. It is a foundation truth, too, in metaphysics. The pjHjnnmena of nature and mamfe-stating. in mind, are controlled by raaiaeiiia.JicaJ cause anil efFect. " by not uecourtt tor niqrul. as for nntural thinly. Who knows "but'lTe who.o'ha5Lds tbc'Hght- iiinu span. WhocommanilH old ocean, atd who rules the storm. Pours fierce ambition In nCt&snr's mnd, And turns yotimr Amraon looso to scourge mankind." "Where is the metaphysician who is wise enough to eay, with certainty, whether mind is the elreut of matter, or matter the effect of mind ? So sin gular are the laws by which both are controlled. Logicians have divided off into two schools of philosophy on this qugSjionone contending that all manifestations in mind may be reduc ed back to properties in matter, and loose all conscipiiexisfence. Epicur us is the founder of this sphool, and .his disciples give great importance to material manifestations, qr fiat !. termed external nature. They ber Iieve iu extracting as much happi ness as possible from physical life, This may all be rigbt enough. I am very fur from beiug a disciple of this school, yet I think Epicurus and h.s 'She mqs fruitful, saurco. cf Grime, ;ij ie.ii must ba remedic-dj before zsir. tyt(jan be much better, is the "social; evil."- Therejs very little aacredness and importance in too many cases,) given to the marriage relations. Mar ried tp-day, divorced to-morrow, and eyen ,this is far bettert than the terri ble consequences, of inharmonious marriages. The ofi'apringj of, these marriages, with their natural tenden cy to vie, make penitentiaries, in sane and. orjojban asylums, a necessity of Government. If all who fill asy lums are nqt. the offspring, of inhar- mouiQus mornages, they are the vic tims, qf. the teachings cS those who are. If there were, certain physical, menial and moral qualifications re quired by law, of all who. would en ter the marriage relation, tbjpre would be far less crime and suffering in the world. Oh, horror I exclaims some one. , What tyranny, to so, interfere with the rights of the poxxplc with civil law as to say who, AViien. where and how he should marry. But civil Jaw.haaa right ajid; it is not called tyranyy tQ interfere with the, conse quences of violated natural laws; but must be po.werless to en orce the ob servance of them. Strange logic, surely! Wise statesmanship, truly! There is but very little use dealing with the effect of wrong doing, while the cause remains. Men and women are doing; just as well as they cau with, their present unbound physical organization and imperfect moral de veloperuent. There has got to be a higher type of men and women .be fore there can be purer morality; and this must be efTected by woman edu cating herself into a knowledge of uhyaical.Iaws, and intelligence enough to'Qbey them. She mut?t learn how to be a. mother, of sound nbvsical health, apure, high-toned moral char acter, arid .a good intellectual develop ment; and tbis would be far better for her, and.for fcupianity, than to vote aud make speeches; and there would JCu A)l,ncv subscribers to THE CUVri VATOK & dbUNTHY GENTLEMEN ftff tSrirTFayTrig in advance, previous to thoclose of lS71,.wIH receive the paper weekly, fiOxpreceipt of remittance to January 1st, ISTiIthou't Jc'liarfre. 'jP2 A 07 person wishing to try Jie roper Vfore sabscrifcfni";, will be supplied with cjnleVrezul.irli- from d.t. of npplicatfpu no Jjin.nsr, lS72jrorjo 5 PflZeS nominal prise of a ZfiiBZ stamp for each tatervca-' Q PfiZGS Wrr . - , . : , bind tvet tnl. Aranriitl ttirhn V. j tlio left shouhttT and hip. tlie ir...: t wmc -.irni 111 tn- :uce; luwl iu u n.. .. GUA3TD CAPITALS OP 1 tas l" :r-lsna shoti 5Z , ' .uv...ii.i. Ki. 'The Country Cfentlemen. . Volume JFqri 18.7; r r 'pirn: cultivator & corNTYoENTr-rncN .11 lor aearl two score years, lias ranked, both la tills country and abroad, an tbe. SrANiAal JoWt NALOF AMKKICAN AORtCULTUUK. TIih J3ditors and Proprietors. 111 addition to their own -pertonftl labors, are regularly assisted by a very lnnre num- uer or pecinl I'orrr-niondciit.i and Jtcirular 2 Prizes Sl,0Q0--f ? I J1 ? U yi'iuiiuuiun, niwiiK wuuin ale included many Leuduitf AKtiadturlt,In all parts ol.-tae country. Vutaiid.vdt.--an4tirovcx: I-ndiTurjdred ucea sional and N oluntary Vriten.. directly in tlie ranks ortue Best-bannera mift Hnii-nifnH.fc ni- ntriv every fctnte linn. Vnlon. Vith tlje co-operuUoii or so laratta corps, of.praotical raetvthis Journal is intended to posse?; exceptional value as the cho&cii .ilediutn of- Intercommunication anions all eiavjes interested in tlie Products tind Fertility of iliu Llllll inOSC U UO I IliriV.lt.. unrt ll,rj.. -.. I -r,... snnie-tbe Hic-r and Miipper, in. well as tbo first owner 01 the Crop-Breeders or Improved Anhnaia and their Custouieo-ifanuiacturers of Improved Machinery aiitlutie who purchase uud employ It uerynienartd Fruit raUers-.nr.d. espectallv. to supply luller mid better data as to the progress, prospects and rfettlrns nf wli khw.i,-.. v....c.. .... tlirowin- lim epon one or the most important of ., ....- inn u. 11IIJ anu i nun 10 .TCII . 1 f.icj.yho Coro-Tin; ,kntj.k.ia,v is pub -A v J.'m ance: lltif copy, one veur. KJMi 500 1 Sreonbao&4 1 ! jH 1VH0LK XUMHEI! OF CASH KFTi, t,000. Pne IJnMe and Jiuzz 'with sjvoruowt!te5!,f?ar i jiess-jVorthMK'.. "- 'TT' T-. tOnotEiriertoni'datoeTrobUll'ir.no.wortli $fodilm&' Ten r nmlSy tevinz MitrtiiiK. uurtli jlK-ti-ii. Five Heavy i-oi-d Uoid IIunt:iu Wa:cln-s and JIvy (iohl f'iintiw, v.-orll.M'Ri-Ii. Five lioli Anier.can il jriting Witche, wrth 1J eacli . . -, . ,. fc- Ten Ladies (told HunMrC WaU-hSiJlworth"sIr.) ea li BtXllTbfil ahdSiIver Lev it Hunifns WatcliW'i.i alii worth from J-J) to .;!' each. LaduV C0.1I Leiuitluc Qtiains. 5nfs 'J.i!d Vf:. Chains. Silver-plated f-HSh.r-i. f.ltd Si!t ar.-t doublt- plated T.'.lileiiud Ti-aspoon-i. Ivury-H.iiidlfd Iiiniier Umves. Silver Piated Ii.iiiht Firks. silver Vi-.t Chains. Photrncruch Albums. Iaiilit-s's ;.,M llreastpint mid Kar-rins. (lents- liuld Jirvustpins. hhiet stjidarid j-ljjeve l:tiitoiis, Finber-riiiKS- iiold Pens. (silver ecxtensioiu'ete. - - . Ji.i'i V.'liolo "Vuniber filt.s, C.,000. Tielcets Iliui'i.d to CflO.OOC. 1 Agents wanteuto sen ticuets. to waoauiiberai rr liiiums will he vud. SINGLE 'lICKKTSI: G TICK KTS.,; 12 'flCK- t: rs iio: s; tick kts m. Circulars contatnincr a full list or prlzw.'a des cription of the manner of i'nviiiK. ami other In firmisUuiij!i referuuca to I'm Ijistribiitmii. will be sent tiuj tine orderius ttwtn. All letters nius: im addressed ty i. D. SINE. Box 8. Cincinnati, Olilo. j UflJae. 1 0 1 V. ."Stli St. My R Mk.4 ! m TnnT t t .1 1 1 ? 1 K . S :x3S -a s S ra -era. 3 m r r nn tr-A hmz r t M - w Jv i mm - rj : rj m c ? III S". m IK- 3&$t'i i-a "iC-. ff3-rv Now occui.ivii ta uld KeulaUr t . Ko. U7 3Su5:i Street, Brownville, Nebr:s. lishel wctAly6!: strictly In ndva oHowiiir terms. 'yluri paid fourcopitw. J10. and nu additional copy tor tli ' veur . ., '. 'c"url '" "" i",; .en copies. fJ. and an ddil!anal,copy. for Uie.jvir &eu to tue v'." of theciun. t& &pecraen copTes frte. Address L.UTHEIt4TVClCE.a,fcSOV,Iu&Ilher8 AL.UAAY, X. Y. "3 "9 p O -53 rn s. C5- m a: ill- H si I ISO - O g 1 o i- C ! r-'s.sfcSi s r- . t ri ! -a fr2 fg I-J5 B. aTO -ft -it. W "O.J I P r-- ? ' M 5 W The new Brownville road now goes by the, name of "Brownville, Fort Kearney &, Pacific, and Pennsylvania Central Railroad." We congratulate the people on the length of name and hope the road may he as long; when completed. JS'ebrqska Chronicle. The above slur. comes with appropri ate grace from the organ of a people who rejected the best proposition ev er ofFered a community to lift them out of the slough of bankruptcy and insignificance. Eev. John DeSorg's residence on Harmony street, East Omaha, was de stroyed b.Jixe at about SJ o'clock Fri day evening. It is believed that nothing was saved. Farmers, corn and. pork Is cheap and so is everything eokl-at Big Stove Ko. 81. followers have been verv .unnhsirita- bly misrepresented. It is the abuse be lessineendiaries torjnrn Chicago. r. r , .-2' X 5-nr Up ,t Hg Sl0ve, ffl. gg e of the doctrine, and not the doctrine itself, which has done the , mischief. The teaohings of this school, with some modifications. have spread rapidly for many centur ies, which accounts for the wonderful materiaJisuLpf the preseut age, tho' it is now on. )ie decline. Th,ere are causea fpr this rapid growth, aiifl the present ymptous of final decay. Both Christian and Infidel have im bibed these doctrines, and "they have grown with their growth, and strengthened with their strength," qnil it is impossible to convince spine minds, by any amount of testi mony.that immortality can bedemon- rjtrated to the human understanding, by purely mathematical cause and efr fepj, as any fact in material science. iho.Qthar school, with Desartes as fpunder, Relieve that all the phenom ena of nature exists only in idea: tut what is calletJ ubbtanco is niere- lviHl Imnrnasinn rf SHnna in fVinmln r'. '' ' ' . .- ",VHciri,i M-0 Cf "vi Z "x ? ml - Jt E-s; X ' K m 52 ' mmmmmmf d 0 H N H 0 U bl cj 7ih f Manhood Eow3iros t IiowP.estored. iSfMfeSj 1W1? a c-w edition urjr. ftoifihertiiiUairur, tgfiliouBniJttirine .- oKSrpiufAToufeHSSA o(f at-iulnal W e.rkn5finvorrtWtSry Kcmmi r3reri"in-i.rK' I ' vMH:;tal and Physical Incapacity. Iiri dnnntf. i to Marrl.ii;-. etc ; aljo C'o.nm iutu.s. Ki-ilh-y and 1-iTtt. indaced by l- IMhuu'! nc, or Miuai 11-" t:-)tv.i.';i,.r.. I I with r mperb ar.it sfdecte' -'oc -' 1 tut ri;ulturei:ie. UeUiItf 1 CALL AHD m and comparcl p.-kwMlt ;aaa.jce. .vy. fil practice, tiiat the n!nn. ...... ..,...t...., ..r M-lf-abit.se iiib;. be raw ally .urnl without the uaii5eroia2c-ofjii-rnar-niw:.'cliwftrthe ;Flicr.-tionortf.hWnferibIrinafe'-iit :i r.i5t. o,' cure at oiceMnipie. certain, and cllectual. by meins of i-.tiH1 V jrj;suirrer. no matter what-tiiswiitlitlun 'may be. ntay cure himself ca?np!y, rrlvatoly,'and arf-This Lei-lure sbonTif be in the lianda of every youib and every tii:iu in th tn.nf J ."CJHi'ndrseuI.lrfa plain envelope, to anv jmI- I &?' tlTvsH.iKMtfatdOa receipt of si cents ortw6pMt ' fc- Sldllips. . ! J VS i r ilK II. VJ A : Guide' I rice 52 VNo Dr.Culverwoira "Marria cents. 1 '. t Address the Ihibllshers. 1 ias J.jrr t.-rr--r- . -w-v. iiaOTrcrTfNcivYorkjrot-oitlcenox'-i.SSi; S C-1' &&. j - " : Some clergymen in the churches in the Eastern States have said that it was because of the sin of the people Chicago Avas burned, and their con-J I gregations have taken offence at this saying, and have, discharged these clergymen from their services in the church, isoiv: why should tiie.people take 'offence at this saying? If they had been tpld Sod,om of old was dis troyed for its wickedness, they would have believed It. Why cot. Chicago be burned for its wickedness as well as Sodom ? Think, you the Sodonaites were sinners above all other sinners V Nay, verily? Except othe.r "cilies repeat, they too may likewise, perish. "The Lord hath a controversy with the people." The worjd'ia. in.a. Qrjsis. It would, seen? the lojg day of sjq is drawing to a clos.e, aud. men sigh for better things. 'JJhey get glimpses of the "new.r kea.veioa. and. qew: earth, wherein dweileth rjghte.ousn.ess," and wish for its appearance. Thoy have S-f--SSJ J4 S-Iwir.'"'! 5 t L J Sc a s i O irj 2 I l o 5 ? - rm o - 0 K ' " -Z-f ' & POGKST GUTLSSY, , IC!5T IN TUIvMACKKTi mm, x m. Z AT WJI. I. SHELLE.VBEHGEU'S. Carriage and Wagon ; " voopjjroiju;, S. AT- v-'. D SHFUE.!!EI.(;eR,s J. W. APX&ATS, . rx am ' - ' 'i . i ' -. IRCHirtCT J iflt rrmrl fr:u ttvtmauuihotdr oin.e ,:.-c- ..f.,',1 rurniiurt- -. sidtii thw, Lia hm enUn i v j ir. -s? bfi..of hoverybetdali(VHc-i tab. I'..rtifc buying ; him-fi-IffctMln th ?endm -. t. Ie. And hotter t!:v all, fcecsiii ff;y say thnt !: Urn a fit 0 IHYriH 0 1 I- uui 1 rni roYuyiIIe.IVcbr;jsUa. . W"'1, II? ALL KINI - F"in-iLni.vj phi- nlitionS:!r:r" ... rftiy wrK Ol IB li yiiMii H fifilf1 u y h - No oc sa cflk r JACOB MAROHX, MERCHANT TAXLOH, r ?s V'. and the Greok phUoHopher aud many j seen, till they are satisfied, the folly - .ti. Sft 1VZZ V !Jr '"" SLop uBHnrt QARPSNTSR'S- TOOLS FULL ASSOIttSlES?, f3 -yrl sHEfegssBfenCTiosp itterIsicliioesiiii - Koassi j L 2s ITED. ST.y Ep JlVp -cj; j la theivay ial!r. sy! acd . - Y 1 Give him a Call. A.GESCY. T) X VyB.CK lGA' "talnl In every Stu.e her--' the laws are ldeml . n.n. ,,:.. . ...? or JLounty-Iexal cverj-wliere-dertTob; craelti-non-Mipport. druhkeniiesa. etc. sinciei,t . .1" e J publicity required-no fee until divorce obtained Call on. or address GOULJJ A IlUftOEIL ti,,., ., q"V.-ELU)lw.AT-LAvr. ....... uv, u.uoor oeiou jor.n jr., i-oai arr.'F .s ri'ts rjsami' W &&L: fa la Cl X7. Kli I r2s2 Eiia issiu. NeV;.-;klitv. XiJLcra-ixciexr SsjL.jx$re, v REAL ESTATE. 'JfliEHIS, 3vrE-TtnDXA:r. -IC-tf JKFFErtSON- COUNTY. NEBItASKA. lie is prepare-! to Job FHr-Uturw to re: ' ' on tnc iuost uavuutaKeutw u-r:r-. - -supply theia with jjoods, viilui' FINISHED OR IN THE BOLCI TimMmm at prices that arc nai:r !ir!!r'-ir - V- in tin- iitfr.'ir. wii r.' .MTvrup V-' ' ,VZ "' des-rre tu add iLlo kifir'. t - r"W?ip.L"aiKKlii,vsi'i-?t.. ARB -INVITED 'TO O 1 ; 4