a t i . .! i ! -J i .-.! f a, '. i ' fh w . .- ? iV4 H jj- B 1 1 1 Br is I i IV rj "" " -::. TSE AWEETISER. -ir- - BROWNVILIiE, KBB., THUH8BAT MORNING, SETT. S3, 1371.. Sho-ald-tli State ofWeliraeka sec lit to dissolve or trv totlissolvc lier con nection ivltHXhe Federal Corcrnment to-raorrmr,-. and should call on her aoiiu-for aid in nrmx, ive--would again Become a rebel soldier. "We are ivith our people against any government tltat they desire to repudiate. Brown vine Democrat, August lStb, 1871. The Democracy hare paxted Trlth atone of their conviction! upon the great Icaucs at -which force and frud proenred' the aettlement, and -whlcli they, atw powerless to changer Omaha BtraliL ..KepuMican County Ticket. . ' For Clerk, 4 JAiCCSiL HACKER, i- lfor Sheriff. '- UEOROECROW. Tor Treusurer, AVILLI Ail DAI LY. yor Probate Jugec, ALEX. W. JMORG AX. k. .n . . l jImioi It Tl'otTlrt r,-:: , xoruuuuo wiiuiuii'- ... --, A. J. HITTER. Tor School Superintendent, a W. McCSREW. Tor Surveyor, C. SL ILMYDEN. Tor Coroner, e. e. Eimioirr. .CONSTITUTION DEFEATED ! IJkPA3IY SQ,UELCIinr. The Right Triumphant. "We have but room and time in this issue to announce that the New Con atitution in defeated. How are you, would bo Judges aud other leeched ? Republican Central Committee. The members of the Republican Central Committee are requested to jocet at the Court House, in Brown ville, on Friday, Sept. 29th, at 8 o' clock, p. m. for the transaction of im portant business. H. M. ATKINSON, Ch'n. C. F. Heywood, Sec'y. JJEBRASKA STATE BOARD OF AG RICULTURE. A brief recapitulatory in reference to the organization and progress of the Nebraska State Board of Agrlcul turo.may, not be out of place just now. The Board was organizey in 1853, .under the provisions of an act intro duced and passed by the efforts of the present President, Col. Pumas, who was then a member of the upper House of the legislature. The first State Fair was held at Nebraska City, in 1859. The war breaking out soon rvfter, the Board ceased any active la bpre or efforts until the year 1868. when another Fair was held at Ne braska City, The next Fair 18G3 was held at the same place. In 1S70 the Fair was held at Brownville, and again the present year. By the untiring efforts of the Board '.and its officers, the State Board of Agriculturo is permaucntly establish ed aud is one of the fixed" institutions of the State. Under the provisions of the act or ganizing the Board, the first mem bers were named in the act, consist ing of twenty-eight persons, to serve for two years. The term of ofiice of one half expires annually. Presi dents of all county Societies are ex offlcio members of the Board. The Board proper at present consists of O. P. Mason, J. J. Hawthorne, L. A. Walker, John Black, C. H. Walker, H. O. MInnick, J. S. Morton, Alvin Sanders, J. W. Holliugshead, B. Dan iels, J. B. Weston, Geo. Jennings, H. Rhodes, W. W. Abbey, D. H. Wheel er, J. W. Shannon, Jolin Mutz, Oli ver Harmon, B.D. Simpson, M. Vau deventer, Jno. A. Ewlng, Jno. Ii Carson, F. A. Tisdel, J. P. Allen, Geo. B. Graff, F. M. Dinniny, C. F. lEckhart, E. P. Coolidge. The times of the first named 1-i ex pire on the last day of the present Fair, at which time the vacancies will be filled by the Board. The ofllcers are Bobt. W. Furnas, Brownville, President; Geo. Jennings, Factoryville, Oliver Harmon, Nebras ka City, Vice-Presidents; D. H. Wheeler, Plattsmouth, Secretary; Tj. A. Walker, Omaha, Treasurer. Board of Directors F. A. Ti3del, H. O. Minnick, Jno. L. Carson, J. W. Holliugshead, J. P. Allen. REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMIT TEE. t On last Saturday the Republican Central Committee convened at the Court House, and opened the returns of the late Primary Election, the canvass of which will be found in to day's Advertiser. The returns also showed that the following named 'gentlemen were elected as members of "the,County Central Committee for the : ensuing year: Nemaha Ctfy Robert Frost and J. 'H. Tucker. JPeru R. B. Smith and J. P. Bur- dick. Glen lioch-D. Y. Culberteon and Thos. Burris. XafayettoC. F. Haywood and R. .-W. Sheldon. . Washington H.Snyder and C. .Swan. '& Doyglaa W. Dundas and A. Op "perman. ABpimvaU J. .M. Pauliu and H. M. Jones.. V.S. Deroin P. Tucker and Y. P. "Thornton. ; Bcdfofd Chris. Tucker and A. T. D.iHuglies. BrownviUGH. M. Atkinson and "Wm. Caffrey: "Benton John Fredericks and J. A. -Gili: " JJonddn B E. Mclninch and. S. HI Clayton. H; M. Atkinson, Esq,, ofBrown--Yille,;and C. F. Haywood, of Dafay .ettee, were unanimously- elected Chairman aud Secretary of the Com lpittoe, after which the Committee ad journed until next Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock p: m., when it- will- meet at the Court House; -. Tho t Douglas County' Agricultural Association has appointed Hon. John Taffe, li. A. Walker,-H. C. Addis, E. i. Emory, B. "Patrick, and John Morrell, as a committee to attend the Stale Fair in this city. - - - i 1 1 n. .'ifp-' j f7"yr,'v'aa1 VV"T ,. --Jv f r ax excxe?;t officer. One of the most important officers of a State Fair Association, is its Sec retary. Upon him depends much of the success or ill fortune attaching to an exposition. He ia the pivot upon which the entire organization swings, the lubricator upon whose efforts and capability everythinginoVtes smooth ly or causes offensive jarring. Major Yhceles, Secretary of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, is emphatically the man for the place, as is evidenced, not alone by the close attention which he bestows to his bu siuess, but from the system with whioh he manages the intricacies of tho business entrusted to him. The other day wo inspected his books and the manner in which he keeps them, and can safely say that no State As sociation, of which wo have any knowledge and we have inspected the workings of several has any thing so simplified yet reliable. In the use of the books provided by Ma jor Wheeler, eacli of them with pag es appropriately headed with printed folios, and ruled for the separation of lots, classes, remarKa, premium awards, &c, render the tedi ous delay usually incident in keeping the records and closing them up un necessary, but on the contrary render ing them, at all times, like the posted ledger of a business-like inerehaut, simple reference to which will grati fy curiosity or desire for information. We need scarcely refer to the other qualifications, so prominently charac teiistic of Major Wheeler, and which render him a model Secretary, i. e., af fability, coupled with a disposition to answer all questions put to him and to anticipate wants of exhibitors, all uatural to him, thus rendering busi ness relations with the Association pleasureable. Nebraska is fortunate in having Col. Furnas as the Captain of Its most important domestic inter ests, and Major Wheeler as his first Lieutenant. XEBRASKA AND KANSAS FRUITS. The Awards of tho Amorlcan Pomo loglcal Society at Richmond. The course being pursued by our neighbors relative to the recent awards made by tho American Pomological Society at Richmond, Virginia, is quite surprising, especially to candid and fair men who are posted as to the facts in the case. Two years ago Kansas with her magnificent collec tion of fruits at Philadelphia, carried off the leading prize, and the entire west in fact, "the rest of mankind," "threw up their hats" for her. This year, at Richmond, she has been less fortunatePand is really snappish and out of humor about it. Not content with the awards made, she is busily engaged detracting from the honors received by her "twin sister" Nebras ka. Such manifestations are in no wise creditable to tho newspapers, or the individuals who participate. Ye have particular reference now to an article in the last issue of the White Cloud Chief, in which that paper, in addition to its own editorial, publishes an extract from what purports to be a private letter from a Mr. Wellhouse claiming to be one of the Kansas del egation to Richmond, and also a "Di ploma" said to bo awarded by the Virginia Horticultural and Pomologi cal Society, and which are as follows: KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Wo notice thattheNebraska papers are making a big uoiso, on authority of their delegates to the Richmond Pomological Convention, claiming that that State took the first premium for fruit, and trying to make out that Kansas sets up a false claim. We have no doubt that Nebraska is as good a fruit country as Kansas in fact, it is the same country, the imag inary line on the 40th parallel of north latitude making no difference in Eoil or ciimate. A generous rivalrywill be advantageous to both States. Yet the fact remains, thatKausas carried off the highest honors; and it is cheeky in the Nebraska papers to per sist in this claim, when all the evi dence is against them. They took a first prtTuium at Richmond it is true; but it was" in a sort of side show, where all the States were not com petitors, aud where Kansas was not represented. The Allowing extracts from a letter from Mr. Wellhouse to E. Snyder, explain the matter: Richmond, Va.f Sept. 8, '71. E. Snyder Dear Sir: The fight is over, and Kansas is again trium phant. Each d:r, as the Fair ad vanced, witnessed an increase of pub lic sentiment in our favor. Yester day Nebraska was awarded a premi um for which no other State compe ted, and it was rumored that Nebras ka had taken the premium over Kan sas and Iowu. which created such an expression of public feeling, that the society camo out ana omciaiiy con tradicted it, aud stated that they awarded the First State Premium to Kansas. Nineteen States and the District of Columbia were represented, and tho competition was spirited. " Tho American Pomological Society awards no pre miums; "they aro awarded by and through the Virginia State Society, just as they were awarded two years ago through the Pennsylvania Soci ety. Yours, respectfully, J?'. WELLEOUSE. VIRGINIA HORTICULTURAL AND rOilOLOGICAL SOCIETY. THIS DIPLOPIA is awarded to Win. Howsley, J. Stay man, and F. Wellhouse, delegates of the State Horticultural Society of the State of Kansas, for the largest dis play of fruit, unexcelled in size or beauty, exhibited during the sessious of the American Pomological Society, September, 1S71, exhibited at the Fair of the Virginia Horticultural aud Pomological Society, held at Rieh- uiuuu, ouiie oi lrgiuia, uuiuo "'"iJi 7th and Sth of Sept. 1S71. JOHN M. ALLER, Pxest. H. K. Ellyson, Sec'y. The "cheeky" In this case belongs on the "other side of the house" Mr. Chief. Mr. Wellhouse we do not know. If he was a delegate to Rich mond and penned the above, we have simply to say he has uttered a -base fabrication; a slander on co-laborers in a noble calling and committed an act unworthy a high toned fruit grow er. WithDrs. Stayman and Hows ley we enjoy a personal acquaintance, and tnow they would not'' counte nance any such misrepresentation, of facts.- We have no desire, or intention to de trace in the least from the fair famo or, laurels of Kansas ,in fruit growing., She.'had a magnificent "display ,of frjiit unexcelled in- size and beauty "-p :dtjiBWiriB5efiaaaa5Eisj in (he language of tho above "Diplo ma" add if tho officers of the Vir ginia Pomological Society compli mented her by filling up one of her Diplomas, it was merited, and rignt. But there are facta in relation to the late National Pomological exhibition at Richmond. The Virginia Society awarded uo premiums! She merged her meeting with that of the Ameri- nn Pnmoloffical Society, which or ganization appointed all the award ing committees; and all the awards made at Richmond in September 1S71, were made by the. committees of the American Pomological society. The nremiums offered and , awarded at Richmond, were aU "special." For instance, the Virginia Pomological Society placed at the disposal of the Amarixon Pnmolocrlcal Society SloO as a land of discretionary fund, and which was awarded accordingly, in trie shape of a variety of premiums. The Virginia State Board of Agricul ture, placed at the disposal of thesame societv. the sum of one hundred dol lars specifying that it should be awar ded "for the bat collodion offmit, embracing apples, pears, peaches and "rapes." This premium was awarneu To the Nebraska collection as is shown by the following report of the com mittee which we republish: SPECIAL PREMIUMS. "The Commutes on Special Pre-ni- umi lor uio ueb nunutuuu v.. , peaches, pears and grapes reported imftimmilv entrv meeting the re- nuirements of this premium is that from jNeornsna, aim respt--uLiuiij ommend the premium of $100, otter ed by the Virginia Agricultural Soci ety. Wr. Saunders. W. B. Smith. J. Breckmans. Committee. This was the only fidl "collection ok fruit" on exhibition at icu- mond, and it being worthy, the com mittee awarded it, the leading and largest premium awarded at Rich mond in September, 1871! If Kansas or any other of the States, made spec ialities of pears, apples or grapes, and failed to have on hand a "full collec tion" itwa3 certainly their own fault and Kansas should not get out of hu mor about it. Now, as the premium actually awarded to Kansas, we copy from the official circular issued by the American Pomological Society: "G. B. F. IiOighton, Norfolk, Vir ginia, phice3 at tho disposal of the A inerican Pomological Society $20. or a Medal." The following is tho report of the committee as to the disposition of this premium: The premium of $20, or a medal of fered by G. F. B. Leigh ton, of Nor folk, Va., is awarded to the Kansas collection of fruits. Jas. D. Masters, H. B. Elwanqew, D.W. Herstine. The fact Is all the regularly offered premiums had been awarded. Nebras ka for the "best collection of fruits," Iowa "for the best collection of ap ples" Elwanger & Barry of New York fnr f m lioaf. nn11fvtnn of Pfiars." Dr. 4Vf VJMV mwww vw v - Wylei, Of South Carolina "for the best collection of grapes" and Nebras ka "for the best specimens of peach es." This $20 premium was a discre tionary affair awarded "for her collec tion of fruits," as will be seen by the language of the committee, and is really where the "side show" comes in, if there was any such exhibition at Richmond, and also where the "hurt" is to be found which produces the snarling and snapping of our neighbors. Keep cool friends, Ne braska will show both the "diplormV-' and "medal" awarded at Richmond by the American Pomological Society "for the best collection of fruits" 1S71 as soon as they can be executed by tho proper officers and the artizan em ployed. STATE JFAIR NOTICE. Class Superhitendeutsand Commit teemen of the several Classes, in cluding ladies, will please report to the Secretary on Tuesday. All va cancies will be filled by the Board of Directors on Wednesday morning,, September 27 th. Pv. W. FURNAS, Prea't. D. H. Wheelei?, Sec'y. John L. Beveridge has beon nom inated by the Hepublicans of Illinois as John A. Logan's successor as Con gressman at large, of Suckerdom. uJ3ev," as he is familiarly called, was originally a law partner of Hon. Jno. F. Faros-worth, then a Major in Farnaworth's regiment, subsequently Colonel of tho same, and finally a General in the Potomac Cavalry serv ice. He is a beveridge the Democra cy of Illinois -will have to take in jSo veniber, however much they may dis like It. Fair Eutrles. Up to Monday noon tho following entries wore made in the classes indi cated ; Class l;...... .....,..... .92 entries -o 47 A, 7! 10... il, 12 11 ' ............ m ........7 " lH.M...MtttA 11 G " ..... .......15 " ............C1 " 01 3 ..U -5S 16,.. Total,. ...-137. STATE -FAIU SUPERINTENDENTS. Glass 1. A. J. Hiehardson. i; it ' ii it u it it ii ii ii it ic i ii ii 2. John Crov, 3. H. M. GHtner. 4. J. -J: Gosper! 5. Geo. 31. Davis. 6. Geo; P. Taylor. 7. D. H. Wheeler. 8. C. C. Smith. ' 9. "W. D. Scott.. 10. J. H. Masters. 11. W. J,2Hesser., 12. G. WV Bratton; 13. A. T. FJtter 14. J. B. Parko: 15. S. AV. Kennedy. 16. Frank: Welch. Superintendents will report to the Se(iretary?sonice by 9p'cloek Wednes day morning, or their- places will be filled. by the Board. ' B. wrFUBAS.'Pres't; D. U. WHEELERSec'y. - REPUBLIC r "2TAMES OF. CANDIDATES - Sss For Sheriff Rruslir.-.. 4o 3 Crow. .-?.. TJntriniyl G2 k15 '-.2 - V i ChapmnnS..... .-j-: Thompson. ... - For Clerk Tail 1c . .......... Holtzlnger lficlcr .......-."' For Treasurer RlCl .......-'"' Austin -"!.!! )' 8 i L.-45 I' aaI 3t 57 I 4 0 10 ; 9 3IIddletqii ....... "WnUllnr. Bryant Piper .....-. For Probate Judge Hughes-.- -.. S n y d er..... . ...... - Morgan ....... For Commissioner .ai 4 i 23 ..s;:.-..1 III! 11 -3 Sf- 23 2(5 03 26 43 '" 4 2d 55 liltter Blticklaw ..'.... For Surveyor Jfaydeu .-:.. Heyvrood. nMhort ......... o 4 46 1 11 10, For School Superintendent 3 - Diwls .......- 131ack - McGrew For Qjroner E. E.EbrIght .- S. P. Majors- a 81 30 27 H On last Monday evening a meeting was held at the Court House, called with the view of ratifying the nomi nations of the Republicans of Nema ha county last.week. Esq. bright presided and speeches were made by Col. Austin, Smith P. Tuttle, Sena tor Tipton, .Col. Porter, A. P. Cogs well. Judge Morgan, Judge Hewett and others, all of whom pledged their adhesion to tho ticket presented through the primary election system. As the Fair presses upon us we have no room nor inclination for politics this week, and must content ourself with the simple chronicling the fact of such meeting. Pawnee County gave a majority last week of 231 in favor of taking stock in tho Nemaha Valley Railroad. t t r The following ticket was successful at the primary electioa in Johnson county last week:. For County Clerk Cornelius "Wood ley. For Prohate Judge E. I). Phillips. For Treasurer Alexander Bivens. For Sheriff Charles P. Faux. For County Superintendent Solo mon Woolford. For County Commissioner F A. 'Que. For County Surveyor W.Ii. Dun lap. For Coroner J. M. Hanna. '! m Cm m Street cars for Bombay and Java are being manufactured in 2sTew York city. ,1-. 1- MBgssgimTjj- M VBBIED. In Christ Church. In thu-city. Sep . vv...i hrihn jipv. (ipn. h Davia. Harney Ttprmaun. 'to Miss Annlo G. Abbartes. AU of Blchardson county. Nebraska. ?yn w-zsZE352EZS5SZZ2XXmtaai ANNOUNCEMENTS. SHERIFF. 5b the Qualified VoUrs of 2,'cmalut Qwny-The tlmflsn fuyju ompJii to choowias to who shall flavour countv oTliccs. Hoping that past at tention to business baa met wllhyour approbation, I owfforfer my3clf tor fiflftgS of COUNTY TRE-VSimEB. To the Qualified Voters of Scmaha Ojuuy-The tinsels near lor you ngaln to cboose as to who fhiill PROBATE JUDGE. To. the Quilifled Voters of Xcmaho. amnty.I am a candidate for the oulca of Probate Judge at the ",T-.i hi n.ii Triniv that niv rccortl ss a man and a Uwj er hi the past. wll patlsfy as to my Aou to Its duties If elected. y FKENCn. To the Voirrs cf Xemnha Omniy: If you w'inta Countv or Probate Judgt outside of rlnKS, cliques, caucuses or poliilw, elect TjqmaS, ot Nem aim County. NEW AIJVEBTISSfilENTS. CTATE BANK-NOTICE.-Tlie anmial meeting O of the stocitliolderB of the State Bank of Ne braska, will be held at the Bank on Tuesday, Octo ber 17th. 1871, at 7 o'clock i M., for election ol Di rectors and other husln, p September 15th, 1ST1 JS-3t. L.lSfi.S: 3NTT7I?.SES.Tr. The BEST is the CHEAPEST I I can and will nave you more than ?l on every $' worth of stock purchased. 500,000 APPPLE TREES, One to Ave ycara old, which are not excelled In the Northwest. Particular attention paid to the cultivation of HAMBY FBUITS. APPLE SEEDLINGS, BOOT GRAFTS, AND APPI.S TREES specialities. A splendid stock of Earns, Pears, Cherries, Grapes, Raspberries, BMrjerrfa and other small frntta. rnrmcrs.by ' clubbing to gether, can get thelrtrecs at wholesale rate3. Liberal Premiums Paid to thos8 who form clubs. TTCLL X0T BE UNDERSOLD By any responsible dealer EAST OH WEST!! Send for "Price Xlst and Descriptive Circular. Packing securely done. '' NO CHARGES For Delivery o depot. Address, GEO. It. XiONO, 50-2m Box 1G3, -Lanark, Carroll Co., 111. HAX.F OIX3VKS. TV LI. GLOVES. THE very best thing ever Invented for hosting corn. They give universal satisfaction In Ufce. A man can huik from 'J to fastar with them. Tliey absohitely present sore hands and cild fln cera. The half cl oves cover the narts of the hand which become Eore. Price $t.50. The full glovesi are made in the best manner or tanned miction : Price fi59. Bothstylai have claws attached ant for both right and left handed persons, bent pre paid on receipt of price.- A liberal discount to dealers. Address, IlnllTTiiSlilng- Glove Co., ft) South. Water Street, Chicago, UU. 60-tf ;iocks, Watches, Jevelry I No. 59 Main Street, BrovsTiville. Keeps constantly on hand a large and well assorted siock ot genuine articles m tus line. Repairins of Clocks. Watches and jewelry doneon short notice, at reasonable rates, J.LZ, WOIUC W.1RR.AXZBD. till your county oiuce. iiopms iai i'i. ""--"; tiouto business has met with your approbation. I noworfur lor re-electiou to the ofiice of .bounty Treasurer UjA. .ixva.a ivj. HALL'S PATENT HUSKING GL0TE ! rf- f tj (SVS " . fizz's 9! c o a s .-S-: . eJ & o iS5 VB o 3 a c V3 4 - o s J a hH 17 20 79 47 Itf 1 2 10 23! 42 25 1 224 311 f3 29 ST L "IV . 1 KJJ 12! 29P43 '8 18 2 6 50 3-21 I 13 21 J 42 2t 29! 2! 16 0 31 13 as 31 83 63 76 9 S3 T 1 11 4 2l! 227 39 20 91 '1 21 29 4 31 47 3S0 I " 16? 173 7' 230 20 1 2 6 A 27 71 . 0 SS 23 3 a 10: 70 21 1 4 36 11 251 1 XL 53 117 8 1 23 16 20 '3 1 6 1 8 8 57 19 11 100 20 in 20 12 30 19 28! 274 20 1U 57 47 151 21 5 43 11 5 o 15 30 2S9 315 5 31 9 9 42 30 5 1 26 Kl' 13 30 o S 1ST 40 6 1 O 4 3S 49 14 51 107 7bl 5 19 5 31 353 a 190 2C7 40 142 2S1 503 12 11 o 3Gt 3S 30 70 -5I 33 6S 31 ,17 S CO 4 CO 8 "2tf 5 42 1 7 o 8 2U 1C8 2 11 01 8 1 30 40 11 C9 2 15 10 261 42 47 33 50 81 12 11 DO YOU WANT FRUIT ? PLAKT TREES. PLAXT THEX THIS FALL! GET GOOD TREES. GET HARDY TARIET5ES. GET FROM DEALERS OU JHLSOW. GETSOMETniKGTHATWIIA GROff. GET TREES GROW3T IK NE BRASKA SOIL ACIiiai ATE. GET YOUR STOCK. AT FURNAS NURSERIES, Brownville, Kefo. Go and see it for yourselves as it grows, and malce your own Selections. 19-CmI P0EEST TEEE SEEDLINGS AND GRAY WI1L1LOW TIES, IN Ii ABOE AND SlTAIili QUANTITIES, POR FALL O? i871. S00000. SILVER LEAF MAPLF, TWO'YEABS, 12 TO 20 INCHES, AT $1.50 TER 3L 500,000 SILVER LEAF MAPLE, ONE YEAR, 8 TO 12 INCHES, AT ?1.00 PEB M. 500,000 1YHITE EL:d:r ONE AND TWO YE.VBS, 8 TO 15 INCHES AT ?i00 PE1V THOUSAND. 500,000 WHITE ELM, ONEAD TWO YEARS, 4 TO 8, INCHES, AT 51.00 PER THOUSAND. 500,000 GRAY WILLOW TIES, TWO TO riVK FEET, AT?L00PERTHOUSAND. rpniS stock hasuade a remarkably fine growth 1 t!iLsBeaon; w thrifty, well rooted, and cannot iniltoKlve. the -beat of Liikfactlon. 'fhera Seed lings arc FOREST GROW N, And nre equally as SAfe to transplant as the hlch priced "NUltSERY OHOWN," and they make Juit as good trees In every respect. The above LOW FKIES Should induce ever farmer to plaut from five to ten thousand, and as many .more us ho can afford. Nurserymen cae realize alarsp profit byVgrow lug them to hiipplv the increaslns demand for street trees, etc 1 ytttl contract to put up AFFILE ROOT GRAFTS, or hardy anil popular Western varieties at the LOWEST ItATKS, end in the most approved and workinnullke manner. 14 Years Practical ExperiencoL All varieties warranted TRUE TO NAME. Or ders for grafw must be sent In eurly. A few thous and one year old APPLE TREES CSCE-A-P I Samples of Maple. Elm and Willow Tics sent FREE ta all desiring them. Order early aud I will ship promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. TERMS: Cash or C. O. D. by Express. Correspondence solicited. Address, n. E. 11C.WI.EY, Proprietor, EKhn. Marshal County Nurseries, Henry, HI- VALUABLE FOB SALE. BY VIRTUE of the provisions of tho second ar ticle of the treaty between the United Stittes of America, mid the Sac and Fox of the Missouri and Iowa tribes of Indians, concluded March 6th, 1SG1, ratified and coufirmed by the Pruiident, March at, 186.1, and acting under th e direction or the Secretary of the Intf rlo-f I hereby invite sealed proposals for the purchase of all tho lands hereinafter described, towit hf of J-w qr.se qr, nw qr. and e hf of section 13 ; ne or. of section 'il: nw qr. of section 2S; ehfsoqr. nfsprtlr.ii 26: lots land 3 and se qr. of lection .'it: se qr..n w qr. and ne qr. or section o5, and ne qr. or eCUOn v, UU 1U XUVtu 1, .luailfeu n. Lot T of scciion 13, n br. se qr. of section 15, nwjir. neqr. or section 16; shr.neqr.andwbr. sw qr. ot section 17 ; sw qr. ne qr. se qr. sw qr. se ;qr. nw qr. and w hf. nw qr. or section 18: n hr. ne qr. s hrse qi na nr. nwur. and n lif. loll orsectlon 19: se ar. ne qr.nnd s bf.swqr. of section 20; seqr.nnd whf. of sivtlon 21 i near, and nhf.scar.se nr. of section 2 sw qr. of section 25; w hf. nw qr, of sectiou 28 ; e hf. .. tfa1fn rT' en nr. nml v hf! nrMtinn 'iSI- k fT nf section 29; n hf. lot 1 of section 30: sjhf. of section 31; nwqr. of section 32; neqr. andwhflof section xl; ne qr. orscctlbn :C, and sw qr. of section 80, all hi Toxm 1 Rango 15. W hf. nwqr. of section 29, and w hf of section 30, all in Towii 1, Range in. Such proposals must be for pnrcels or tracts not exceeding in any case one hundred and sixty (1U0) acreseacn. Should any proposal be tor any tract havingupon it Improvements of any kind which weremace by or for the Indians or for government purposes', tho proposals therefor must state the price bid for the land and the Improvements sepa rately. These lands comprise the unsold portion of what are known as the !,Sac and Fox or the Missouri Trut Land?." AU bids must be accompanied hy the-dpos' t of a sum equal to ten per centum or thcamomit of each bid, which sum. In case the land is a'.vaniedjau J bal ance not paid.tvlll be forfeited by th bidder. Sho'd hnybid be rpjeded, the sum deposited will bo, re turned to the proper party. No bid will be entertained for a l5K.sum than one dollacandtwenty-five cents per acre, upon each andevttry trace OiU upon, Patents will be bwued and transmitted to ptrr- chasers as socn after full payment as proctlcabi paymentus procucaDic. Pavmenu mustbe made in cash, The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved. All bids must be sealed and addressed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, and endorsed "Bids tor .Sac- and: Fox of tho Missouri Indian Trust , Lands." Personsxirpartles whose bid are nccepted will benoliilea of such:sceptanc6a3Soon.thereafter m practicable. - It witliin forty days after such notice has been dnly mailed payment In full" is not made to the Commifjloner of Indian Affair) ofthe amount bid, the land for which such old- was mode will be agsln subject to sale. deposits to accompany bids may be made In any Subliedepository of the- Unitc-a KtatM or solveni rational Bank, evidenced by a certlacate or depos it, tranj-fered to tHo Commissioner of Indian -Vf-lairs. Wtsblagtou, D. C . Rldrwiir be received-nntll the-lst day of- October next, af r which. a3 Boon as practicable, they will be opened, examined and ucted upon. - ilrtclum; Actinc Commissioner; Washlnston,D.C.July2tli,fl.i ' 2d .QUBSOBIBE fortheJ'WeeWrAdYerUsexi' Old I pv estaapttln-the Stat8a , f mrmiffimiffi kC2AJ?JEJLj; - $100,000 TransWct General Baakinjr.Bnslnes and naKe collection un " p""" throughout the "Weat. ' Alfom. ALL PASTS' 0?gUB0PI.; Exchange on Europe. Dra-w Our Own Drafts on England, Ireland, IVaiicOv Germany, ere. . DISCOUNT JTOTES AND TIME BILLS 1 i 'OF EXCHANGE. " .- i3W' ESTET.EST ALLOED ON TDIE CERTrPI CATES OF DEPOSIT. BY SPECLiL - AGREEMENT. Kkchantre bought andseld ortNew Yort,"and all prlnclpalStstorn and SouUieru cities ofthe United States. "" T OFFICERS ASI) DIRECTORS. J) AVID KE2IICE, President. THEO. HILL, Vice-President. GEO. P. EATON, Cashier. L. HO.VDT.EY, JXO.JIcPUEBSOX, O. M. ICA.UFK3IAN, WM.H.1100VEU, DAVID BEiUCK, TUEO.IULL, J. L. XeCTEE. J. C. DECSER, II. C LETT. GEO. P. EATON. I". A. TISDEL, Jb. For Toilet Perfumery GO TO THE POSTOFPICS. Treasury Departments Office of Comptroller of Currency WAsniNGTOK, July 12th., 1S71. TVrHEItEAS, by satisfactory evidence presented ? to the undersigned, ithaa been made to appear that the " First National Bask of 3roa7illeln In the City of Brownville. In the County of Nema ha, and Stute of Nebraska, hai been duly orKunired under and according to the requlerments of the Act of Congress entitled. " An-Act to provide a Nation al Currency, secured by a pledge of- United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof," approved June 3rd 18G4. and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Uanklnx under said Act. Uow therefore 1. John j. jnox, AciinKtoiiiiHrui; ler ofthe Currency, do hereby certifythnr "T H E KIRST NATIONAL HANK OF liUOU N VILLK," in the City of Brownville, in the Coun ty of Nemaha, and State orNebraska.ls authorized to commence the busluess of Banking under the act aforesaid. , , , In testimony whereof witness my hand seaiJ and Seal oroUlce this 12th day of July,lS71. JNO. JAY KNOX. ActlngComptroIler Currency. No.lSXl. ---m Eor Inks of all Kinds GO TO THE POSTOITICE. FEEE HOMES & FEEE EAEMS IN THE REPUBLICAN" V AIXE1T Under tho munlflclent laws of Congress nn Association has .been formed for the pur pose of occupying and developing tho UNTOLD RICHNESS of tho lands In the Republican Valley, and It Invites nil those who desire to acquire free homes.on these lands, (which can he done by mprnlvsettlnsr unon and imnrovliiK them) to Join lnthls entcrsrldc TJils Association has located as a nuclus tho TOWN OF REPUBLICAN CITY, on the Republican river, at the mouth of Prr.lrlo Dog creek. In township one. of range seventeen, west of the Cth principal meridi an, county of Harlan, and State of Nebras ka Ave miles north of the Kansas line. HARLAN COUNTY is composed of twenty-four townships from the south-east corner of Lincoln county". THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY here is three hundred Ifeet lower than, the Platte valley, and is one of the richest, mwi fertile, extensive and best watered valleys in the Western States. The timber about .the Republican, and that skirting the streams running- into it, breaks off and subdues those winds which are known to prevail on the high untlmbered plains. Great induce ments areoilered to carpenters, blacksmiths shoemakers, grocers, tjn, stove, hardware and dry goods rnercha'ntt, and all other classes of Industry Up settle here, as they can all do a good business, and In addition will have the privilege of hometeading and pre-empting some ofthe choicest lands In the country, and at tho same- time follow their occupations in town. , REPUBLICAN CITY hs3 been locatcd-.vllhln the last fifteen days, and now has a hoteVdry goods and grocery store, print ing ofdce.nnd other buildings in prcces-sofcoutruc tlon. and other business hous.e3ulilftItw In rapid succession, for this valley tbegardi.ii cf Nebraska and long the hunting ground.-, of all the different tribes orindians-uiust bbtettlcd.nnd front pre-en Indications, net one vear will roll nronnd before the snorting or the locomotive will be henrd along tno whole valley, then teemln, withu hardy and enlightened populat'on. The LandOlilce. too, from Its situation must be re moved hero to accommodate the greatest n-imber In thi District. Also, a line Qfsiage!", the route for wnich has-beon cstaMihed by the Post omce De partmcnt,.wlll be soon put on. THE REPUBLICAN,RIVER here has a rook bottom, al' tho way across, with n fall ot about three feet, affording one of the beit wattf r powers in the wholo west, on hich will br erected mills and other machinery the ensuing vear. I For further particulars er.onlre of JOHN MCPHERSON. . KETCnUCAJl'ITV. " Harlan County, Nebraska ii --- .. ... - Notions and Toys ! GO TO TEE PQSTOFFICE. The Florence IS A IiOCK STITCH Family Sewing Machine. IT MAKES A TRULY ELASTIC LOCK STUCK. It never Pnclf era the "Worlc, norDraw after being "Washed. IT SELF-FASTENS ALL THE ENDS OF THE SEAMS, BEING THE ONLY SEWING 2H.CHINE HAVING THE Celebrated "Reversible Feed." It Is the most simple and. easy to learn to use, and the least liable to get out of order, having no Wire Springs, "Wire Coils, X.ovcrs or Brush Pads, To Gefc.Onfc of Order. No Cos "Who els to Mat o a Racket,' AND NO CAMS TO MAKE IT RUN HARD. Warranted to last a Life-Time ! . ALL OUR 3tA0HTNES KEPT. XN ORDER Suns Liglit and Comparatively NOISELESS, Orrer:90.&0G in .Use. Wm. Z. PIiAlIT, Gonl Assnt, 514 lSojrt.l 2Tiftlr Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. BUNK & HAYS, Agenlsr BROWSHLLE, . NEBRASKA. -J3-iy "For 'Tialiii Strings ! pp TOTIIE POSTOFFICE. Office oOolm L Carsonj bane&e; BHOAVNyTLLE,NNEB.. July 2G, 1SH. EETNG abeat to ceswiWate.thls, the oldest; Banking-BetoUllfiiiHientln Nebraska,) Into that. ofthe r- . . mmm ,---- --------- , iesireiorein;mj-siBcerennnivs 10 a Kenerom public for the unlvertl CONFIDENCE ASD iATROXAGCE bestowed on the ptD, and csfc n continued and lncrenscd support to the snv, The ?ni STatioaal "Bosk of Brownville, STso., In which Ishnllrcmaln asExcsWcntand one of tho AVOBKIKO VORCE. - " - - '-.. S T rpMiMftrullv rentiest thai; aU-, uaner TUF. OK LVTTJRIXff. be nromntly paid; or sntIiractory Sr- f ransemenb made with the newBanfc fop renewal. . JNO. JL. CARSQST, 35 ?IaIn'Street. 41-tf TORE I aliJEsBlBaBi&a T Now occupies the oldRegulatbr buifdlrig. Wo. 27 Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska, 1 with a superb and selected stock creveryUiIng In the 1'urulture line. He-Invites the public to CALL AND SIS .HIM i and compare his prlceavlth other dealers. HE HAS A Justftrrlrcd from the rhanufhetorlOT. Not a single piece orold rurnlture in It. Be sides this, his Is entirely a bclnp of the very best quality nnd finest fin ish. Pnrtie- buyins ofhimenn ex--pecttoobt;iln-the senulue.ar-:, , tlolev. And better than - -aU, he can safely eay that he has Nb one can offer letter liidiiceisiesLts In theway of quality, stylo and pdjes. r. GIVE HBI"A 'CALF.1 llo la prepared to job Furnltuw to ro tall dealts on tho most r.ilvi'irnsjfoiij Urni'. He can supplj they w ith goods, cither HRISHED-OR IH THE- R8UG at prices that are really nrprtsinjr. Merchnnts In the Interior, who are cr.rryinic Furniture, or who ileslrs to artt It to thWrstoclc of OENER.VL MERCHANmbE; ASS INV2TSD TO CALL. 33-ly S,T.0.VB S! - ALL SIZES AND PATTERNS, AT V. 15. SIIELLErfBKRGEKS. ' THE IMPROVED 3cZioazi gSi, Hooper. S o I C5 & 3 1 35 D ELASTIC LOCK STITCE 4$HWfyMtung$tchim Thla-roperlor Machtae b adapted to th very rfd i-iuui uemmiog,! cuing, uraimnp. utnaing Jorniag, Embroidering, Seaming, Quilting, Tucking, 'Ruflling, Ilem-fltitchingaad Gathering I eouallv rood for flnn or heavy work, and Is the most practical Sewing The needle of the McLean & ITocper Is short and BQaight, and Is not'bpea to'tae objection of vibration aditsxesclta ia Ioasfbr c&rred nnedlea. It-fe-nercr set too high, nor too low. The machine Is always ia order, sews from two common spools without re-wlnd-Ing; wastes no thread; cannot tangle if run without goods, nor when the easy passaga of tho goods ia obstructed, Tho feed is never dull, lapoitlTo, ad U the very gtrcBSst feed In use. Tho MeJi!n U fnva from springs, which tend only to weaken and get out of. order. The most delicate keaznstresjea ma thn "STrfj &-, Hooper without injury, being th lighlot rumuW machine ever made. The inventor considers no Inven tion aa Improvement that doi nt simplify, and he very justly kept in view the lkct that as Sewic Machines aro used chiefly by those who, as a gcrSSt rule, know little of practical mechanics, a greater degree of simplicity in their construction and use, and consequently a lower range of prices were essential in order to meet a universal want. Price, on Plain "Walnut Table, with Outfit, - - - ' . 8-15.00 Other styles aad finLb aa low as any other Company. Eend stamp for de-enptivo circular. Agents wanted in every county in u. a. ana Territories. Save $23. and -""b " " "www. vj( yurcnasing mo Jlcleaa 4 Hooper. r - - - Truman, Dawney & Co., GENERAL AGEKT5, . 170 STATE ST., CHIOAGO, ILL. JIAccnts "Wanted. " 27-ly PURS BRED J HAVE to !spee- of 3 thoronzhbred YorkUiire and 2 Chester V.'hitf Uoar, one year old. "SViil scj orexcaanteor stocjc hogS R. "VV-rURNAS. JUrownvlllc. Neb. 47t3 u, Eor Initial Stationery - go TOTinrpoTorncE. i .& 1 HEW - XJL iLjLixilJ. vJr -i w j 3.A. Ssl 39 all jkji Hif 5 am. -2 jS. I B -fe M iTHyiiWrTf 03 mBmWBBmmmWmA 1EGAI, ADVERTlSEMSlTrs' saw days, pt Uie.oClceof the Urobit fr,Se"f,,of maha county. Ncbraj-ki.-flii h SStf0" ' y. ilori.. . " T fcr- and'aUowance cf claims azalnst th J"1 -a eima Wood . deceawsl. toSttat aaTSSf J" then presented wiU.be forovorljarr?.! ! r -... v-.w -rrocat.!n.Isi. "f QAL NOTrCE--N'otV.,t.M..w , AJ ootiregth day of September, a VT ra: was brcu?httfc7e A. nTur' a i.y.if1 , Vt Veace ol Larayettfti.recinct,Nniaha cw.rr ; 1! Phdntirr.aMlnstCeorto W iwt' V " Bum or thirty -one dollars and eveatr a; 'r :t i C HERIFJTS SLLK.--otI u i,oQ. " O by virtue of an execution nr jrdV- encuioi "Jvistr.c;fouriorxumaharon braska.anatomedlrecteaaabberin , - Jnlyf ty.'npoaajudgmentrendexed by aald rS".' ' Ian cause wbtreln William U-Lcveiuv 7rlo,4r'-Ltn-ejoy. Samuel A. Lovejoy. fVJlTr 'fc" Lyman B. Jicaton. Dartntrs dr.in k, " "Q : tlieHrmnamenndstylebf Afij6m r ,' " Co.,arcPlalntlf&,andAlf.W.iIi. caaa r -Morpan. his vrtfe. and WiUIam Al'en t ant1-. I -will ofier fur .ale at public . - "1. irjui uoor oi me lourt noose, in H-r . (9. twelve 02)j thlrte. h3. nn.l "" " a Block No. e'ght, Jt In Brown s ait vilie InKpnmhtiraKntr Xahmev. -""" .'"J" un ,11. , 't Ur tCJwh. -'"'.U bcr,vi" r mT ' thteUlfe ,JaTof-. ' "''" DAVIDSON PL Vstfr., ' POR SAiS. Advertisements nnd?r this bmi win t .,. cents each Insertion Jnr Uve , P "?.'. OOR S I.E.-My entire Dairv btt'n V er rll on by aie' la onrt f. r a(e v1 ftircash. or trade for lmpro tlur. . , For further pafllcuius cruiuL-t o' S - :; aON. ' l .X' KltuAted.wellvrterc3-.Bnc .,.'".. I .!.. , r i J..V.V ... i .1 7 " f t ' r MUU3U1 niuuuuci uuii. 0x3 uiue H-t villet-and also 5 acres or tlnrtKr ,18. ' 7 upplyto 4Ctf jni'Vcw- 1 lT3 iTY pr.o?Eimr roa ?ale(h?. . V proved and uaImpro-ed. 'V. J. Aivrr-2S-tf IZcal Estxte gk-.n rJ; x J70R SALE. An Tmpred Varm a t, . drelAcrei. Wf 11 -tituatitl wii vVti water and timber. Two uhrt -i Rlr r , Brownville. For terms- enquire pi v 1 Beal Estate Agent. LANDS AND FARMS 1TR terms.'locatlon, cenquire i f Ul 25-tf Real KtateAseut i,r , .tVr.1 LTJJU'JJJ. TO RENT. Advertlsementa under this head v i b -. 5 cents each Insertion, tvriiveiiit-. ,j ' rr0 RENT.-IP YOU HAVF A f t . L Farm to rent, auverttae l. ir tUe iuvt-u- our cheap advertising column. K2SSK3GXIC3E Advertisements under thla. h?d wil be ! cents each lnfrtloi, for fl-iiH or tCi. For Choice Cigars, GO TO THE POSTOFTICE. i r . . . . . . BANK RESTADRABT. GEORGE D AUGREHT Y, Proprietor. RTo. 37 UXalnslrecJ, BroivsIU 03 O A it r BY THE DAY OP. WEEK. TiIEAIiS AT AI.Ii HOUE3. jrbizW oousirii:!.!?, Bricklayer and Plasterer, Broynviile, Keorasin. Is prepared to- take contracts -n ' i-.1 1 conntry. All work done It f '-: ' will build Cisterns, and warrunt n i ' OPPEHHEIMEE & MEYEE, Hanufacturer r . CIGAES, AndTVliolesnl IJealers la. Tota'tD, Pipe, ifcc. No.l4NorthThInl9C -atf it.Jofrh. For Sfcylisli NoektU GO TO THE POSTPrriCZ. "W.CALL XIS iaitiiJ AND WJIEI?r : n ii ARE PROPlltLY i i f t. rai uaximr is mL IU . . ' EV333STT a?irii:: Charter Oak Scots ARK IHi: 5Io3t Succosaful, Popular & Ccr Cooking Mashes EVER INYi- i Simple and Perfoct In vntp - ' mnnaKCdtbutaChi.'lcau t'. 180, G0 Have i:ai and every ovo bJ - -PERTECT SATI5xACriO.. SOLD h Excelsior Mannfacturi' C.il SAIHT LOUIS. t VholeftIeDtu;orsiK.i...'- AKD ALr VT-rATT: LIVE STOVE 13 iZ2- XKK W. D. ShellenborpJ 7-iMalii Street, Brown lTnl GET A PAIS. Oi . opnrm i'i i h n . ,i n t i .mi e.j 7 wr HOOTS jIJs'J) MIO -Eor.- Conirort7E!n8t!cIrrJupnmbI",r aaJK-' they excel all ori:- Or l.-irj.ooo tairs soTTr-"" two ltenfOnK Boston aw: ' rantedngalnst zfppiHt;, NOT OiE "WAS RETIR5E-" Patent Stamp os overy one. . Sold by all Lc. - THSO. Hlli & 0 0. 21-tf HOWARD 3 AKTT ' P.l ASSOC! 4TI' V AID Afl.ln.rcIaUuatoMHrrK; l sanitary angwii e a"I'A7P. T Jinvelupes. Arew. HOW ArA Box P. PhlladIttbla, ra. Carriage and V a- ivnnn irOJlK . . v v AT. IV. D. SUELI.ES BE' HAY KNTVHB, Htvaf f No. TiJIaln street, :iO"f l " vllle.Neb. Jr, '1 !V V V C iSS - - -i 1- AT W. D. SIIEX.LEMST f'' Mai-bles...aiid T: SmZ GO TO THE POSTC- ,u - r-m &DIOII1tC4l thrt Lirr.tii nrul sasd countj'1 on tbeWth day of October it ' o'clock j, in., the foUowiop d(...nN.i -t to-wkEoK2fo. nine: 19. t.n ?i.V, ','. ir '. "VQ .. UBL