llTVl !! lacssES&zsszsczzszzsasssszzzEsszzaz rcT5 332X3CS2I II 1 I-' n If THE ADVERTISER. ruV.bhed every Thursday by CA JPFItEY & HACKMR, Proprietors. fHco-o.7i 3Icriier?ou'3Ioc7c, np Stairs, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Tornis, in Advance : -.onoyear . t.mx months- S 00 . 1 00 50 throe months . nT UJI.V03L1TTER OX EVERY PAGE ,ni - SOCIAL DIRECTORY. LODGES. rnrnn C'otiiicil No. :", It. fc S. 31. 1 1 i ConnniHiiCHtioUh first Monday In "',,'1 Iibi lediately after the Chapter fXf ZZvt f'firmolCmninnnIcryJtiislitTci:! EST Vr B :i-erti '" Masonic Hall on the "' J no. BLAKxKecorder. " 77 ,,-..;rie Chanter No. 1. It. A. 31. fe 7 - "" ,-,,1I.iuiiicHtionsnrtMoiiUftvniciii -' r ... t.ir TJwiiiiL-s everv Monday Lecture ,:ukb, M. .,-.,. -d . - - ..; li, 11. r. iiurus 1. ,, v-illrv Lw'ec No. 4) A. T". A" 0 l,u .l-"rV.mniunlttloM hi-stand - . u. ,ti in pach monti,. Lodjte ol el ,- Saturday night. Join? Buke, -,t 1 rKN-cH. Secy. L Rrnwii tille J.otlRC ". A; " y- -r . t T? V j j a ll. N. G. n. W. HKyxgrT.becy. curitciiES. - . 11 .-1m I crisn Cli u reinsert k .dav i-VMiiiHpt. HlVmt ,.tl,ai-.t K. fhurrl.. -Sfryi ft 1 at 10-jo a. hi-. "" ?" '" "r.:. '. m. Iijer Megtiug TJiursday j u MAi.TiK.J'Jgtor. vi :n -r.J-i3 "4EKWw -? 1 f'Arnr Pu V at 10', o-ctoclc v. m. r? k rvwWwvt't7 c!5- ,,Vnimie.tl mi the first Sunday "O." free. J- K- DAVla. Iteetor. ,. .- ciiisrpli rir FortU awl Ati Hnpt.-t Vl''Alces every .Hbteth ex- ' ... .""h month, at W'x o'clock a. m., . ,. m SunJav SrUool at 10 a. m. , wdesduy evening. T. J. Xou- fs r'ffiVJrt-ScSSKTK - ., il-ii 'KpScoiB!-rcni. Service .'. 'I'll. '" , j T-a..iiifr Snn- jj t-k v. in. Jtev. It C. TaUWTT. n tniijriiinir un c-tfi- - for v r (hnrrli.I'eru.-SWica. every al f ITT GVFlCXIsS. r iti ( iiHHrH.-Meets the First Monday In f ( J'f ,"""ah- Mayor, F. A-TiUr A - i U wi. V. li. JonnsoH..-"""'. Mar-haU 1. fmiMMbll t1rk J. IJ. c ,rvr J. V. MHldletoH. I'olice Judge, 1 - - .iilal nwl Iejmrlue of 31nils. 'ortlurn l- :ly,by Kollroml-Arrives 11 a. 111. ' ,ui hr m ' 'luVly, ly Itallroa.l-Arrives 2:39i.m. ,r.um. .. .. . . ,..!, ntipri ta l'eru, uaiiy .unves 1- m. jv- Gallic "11 'R Nenialia Oty. i)Hy-Arrives5 Hr.!i-rii Via TeonmMh !.. K. 111. to llatrJce-T)ally: -ui a J'l. Aimn 'f-'": ,,. ..... . Smith' 'irlcrn- via iasi" wick troy "- " i -.. r. ...1..., .,1 T n In at . i.u iI i .uii "- "l 'r ' wv ..'id .Nat.:rta at 5 p. 111. Imparts .vT'd 1 riday ilT.m. .' v M.iursirom 7a.m.,to.;p.B. hun la !.. ,a.m. V.A.lNJLtK-'K.I.M. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTOI1SETS. ( f" j ,' -v-. Attnrii"vann 1 'inii'w'Hiriii i .1 .! Ilc.t.jr in tliaiicwy. Hrownvilte. ri a -"!T,L t t ? w r r r .1 ii i',.iti,v,llmnvilk',Neli. Oince No. 70, NEWMAN. Attorneys ana toun- " ' itrv.n iliiKk. i'i' stairs. I "Hi VCii A UDUKltS, Attorneys an-iCwinselors " '. u Will Kive HliKnt aUetHMHi many ie- 4. 11. - e..:nistM to their cure. Olttce in Court U .1 us. Hrownville, Ne. ': 1 i!.ii,AUorneyawlCaMn4oratLaw, i i. .1 Liaie Agent, TecHBiseh, John-on i Ai o. v IMtoADY, Attorneys at Iiw and .r, m Chancserj. tce in IMiArkJt Court 'o u ille. Nell. t 1 1L MoI.KNNAN. Attorney ainl Counselor .1 !.'-., Nebraaka taty, Nelj. i" A HI MrilKEY. Attorneys and Cotinselors I .1 1 . J'.iw nee llty, item County. N4. 1.I .i;s,Attini'yatIawiiIIaml Agent, . 11 itn t ..jiKeCMMty. Nebraska. PHYSICIANS. 11 A'AKT. M. I)., PhyxiciaH asvd Surgeon, . imJi. Neb. Olficeiioorsfrom710 9a.m. -. 1 1.'. to 7'-, p. w. OiHce in 11. C I.eit'- ii I UIAV Physician and t-sHrffeou. " jre. No. Jt Main street, Bn Office ' 1 ir.irf 'More, own- LAND ACHXTg. -WKI.U Ileal IMateanC Tax Pa vine u.hee in Cosswell Block, ctM-ner l'irst s; rcs. Will pve prompt attention t. i" . I.tateamlthe l"avnent of Taxes .Wiuaha Iind IhMnct. 7tf ! V. nr;iIK Kea! Estate Agent and IM'-l.c. OlHreiH llamiafurd.t Mo Fall's "r, . Brown ille. Neb. K Vv i L i i: T 1 i M H. HOOVKU. Ileal Estate anIT.ix 1 . - t-nt. Office in District Court- Boom. - i..ip: .'.Mention : the vale of Bsa5 Es- V i i.icni of Taxet throughout the Nemaha ' '' i'L. c;kain iiuaiiBrs. VN ittl'HIK:. Porwanttng and Commis M. ' -tLiut an.l !halr 11: all kindsof (irain . rrj Prixliice. OiHce atid Wareroom, No. 1 4ii sTris-t. Brownville. Neb. j JIEUCHANDISE. IN M 1'HKK.SON. Iealerin General Merch 1. - iles room In Mcpherson Block, No. 66 Mr-t, Brow iiviile. Nell. 1-V1 y "1 r. J' iIIN-O.V vt CO., Iealers In General Merch- ' e "o. 71 Main street. Jtrownville. Neb. T I VM T. I)RX. DealerinCeneralMerchan- N U . and Forw-ardiiig and Commission Merch r Ma.n K'reet. Bniwuville, Neii. Corn 1 rv V um, tUe,, nirmuire, etc. always on 1 1 1 iir i.t market price paid for JIWm, Pelts, t f and . ountiy Produce. XOTARIES. 1? J ' 111 : 1 1 JUT, Notary Ihihlicand Cmveyaiicer, 'X'". Liin street, seoond Hoor, Brownville, 'or the uttale aitd American Ton--iira"MV companies. I , .TITSTICES. v:v H "if. N PrrfateJwdieeand.Tnstloeortlie tuace in court House BtiilGiug.Biowii- t. COVNTY SURVEYOR. J' TT '. I.BEUT. County faurveyor. Postoffice ' -"-i i itton. NimtlM County, Nebraska. SADDLERY. i 'itl r !. Harness, Brklles, Collars. Htc No. U iiro'i Brownville. Nen. Mendingdone I' r sufjyj!,,, RuarAiiieed. I5RIDGE KUILDING. f V Y, HFrLrn.BndceBullderand Contractor, v ilrowiille, Xeb. tsolcacent for R. W.Smith's tet Truss Bndge, The strongeat and best wooden 'sen .-.rii.uhe. HOTELS. S, TUBMAN HOUSE. C M. ICauffman. rroprie- ji, -W Main street, Brownville, Neomska. . i n.'Ci,iy remodeled and refurnished. Peed sta- T i nnection with the house. Stages for all ns w et and omnibuses for all trains. Ml r,IO VN HOUSli I D. ItoMoon. rronrietor. . tr.'it street, between Main awl College. Good aad Luery Stable in connection with this Mi. DRUGGISTS. 1 ILKKKY & NICKELL. Dealers In Dnnrs. ,, aT'onery. rac . No. K Main street, Brown " ''. Full assortment of Dnnrs, Paints, Oils, s Mationarj-, etc on hand, and sold at whole- . h porrpimi 1,1 or retail. GUN SMITH. WM ,r- CB.VDD0CK. Ou Smith & Lock Smith. nrai-ka. Guns made to order, and repairing done . .tnpily ,; cheap rates. 35-ly RESTAURANTS. T)'"K ItESTAUBAST. Geo. Damhetty. r 4 -'t t r. No. 37 Main streeU Jtrownville, N' rro- eb. - 'ra,s a, al j,nnr.. Jtoard by the day or week. . BLACICS3IJTHS. T ' BCVSON, General Blacksmith, Main street, ". J." '.avitle. Neb. Is preimred to do all kinds . ru in iroiu on short notiee, and at prices in i-witntJie times. ,j A J. C GIBSON, Blacksmiths ami Horse . rs, I- lrst street. bet wsw itain ami Atlantic. - k-vnle, eto. Work done to order and sattsmc- - a Jiuaranieed. BOOTS AND SHOES. A LKX. ROBINSON. Boot and Shoa Maker, No. i.VM'' street. Brownville. Neb. Has constant - v ni. uond r good assortment of Gent', Lady's, - ami rnnlijpaii'u ltAjtt nrrl Wtisuw rVclnm v-.- .. j.. T. . - -:; - "tIt" "f viiu uuaineos aau uispawai. Jiepainng n fchort notice. HARDWARE. S1! LLLNBEUGER BROS.. Dealnrs In HanJ . -e Uves,Tinware. Carpenter Tools, Black- irmshings. Etc., No, 74 Main street, Brown eti. TjV-R & sniRTS, Hardware Merchants. No. ?ain street, BrowovUl. Sah. Doalur in ' .Tinwure. Etc. SALOONS. TOSJrpjT ITr-TinAim A- m .. 1mu-stu1 OHiatSa. ,7TN" Main street. Brownville, Neb. The i-w ' -h j iquors kci't '. hand. . ESTABLISHED 1856. x Oldest Paper in the State.) hTjnr'H.,iiBi?' - "i.Ja,i.lwr,y' - Jb!.liT n hbb 'n r PERU BUSINESS CARDS. LOCATION OF PERU. Peru Is situated on the west bank of tlie Missouri rlvpr. In Nemaha County, about five miles sou h of the Otoe County line, and nine miles south-west cf IJrownville. Hasa remarkably plesant location, and bids fair to become a town of no little import ance. It has a population of about W0. The btate Normal fecliool is located here, and some branches of business are well represented, but the trade carried on here is not up lo the demands ot the country. It contains many fine residences, and somecood business houses. Thereareheretwofine churches Episcopal and iTelliodi t: cood istrict School House, one ISteam l'lonrlnp 'MM, two lin tels, one Livery S-table, five ppneral stores, two Dm? htores, one Hardware Store and '1 111 Shop, two Lumber Yards, three Blacksmith Shops, one Wagon and Carriage Shop, two Shoe bhoits, one ItaKery, one Harness Shop, two Taint Shojis. two JleaiMarkets.twoAKrcultunil Implement Houses, wse ftarber hop, one i:-al Kstate and Insurance Aw ncy. two Brick Yards, lots of Clergymen, l'hy sicians. Politicians, &c., but no Lawyer's Office nor aloon in town. TIIOJIAS HUTCHINSON, WAGON AND CARRIAGE S2ANUPACTURER, PERU, - - NEBRASKA. REPAJRZ3TG ! A IT KINDS ofHepaIrIni;done on short notice. 1 V. Also Cabinet Work and Collins made to order. Terms reasonable, and 11 work w nrrantcd. 4i-ly CITY MEAT MARKET. By CHARLES 1VET. PERU, NEBRASKA. AOXTACTLY on l:and .1 cowl supply of Fresh anil bulled Meats. II Uhe.it market price paid FAT CATTLE, SHEEP AND HQGS. C03IPTON KROTHERS, LtilBlE MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IfflPLEHENTS, "AGOHS, coc. PERU, - - - - 5TSBRASKA. YARD AND WAKSHO USE, Fiftli Street, near Mam. 7EEP constantly on aml agooC assortment of Iv Native Lumber. fr.h from thu fc.iw, uhich they rroios-to sell a LITTLE LOWER than at any other point on the Missouri river. The public are respectfully Invited to call and exemme our stock before pu n.jM!i elsewhere 4j-ly V.'ILLIS CARTER, PAINTER, GLAZIER AND Vapci' Hanger, PERU, NEBRASKA. """ISlIli to inform the citizens ,r Peru and sur" t rounuuic country. Hint he a, rr pared to all ivork in Iiis line wiihNeatnes&jnddipateh,f do on terms that will be satisfactory. and 4VIy H. F. Morion & Brother, ITFPMRIIHW PERU, SEBRA8KA. C0S7SACTS TA23K P20SI POUNDATICIn, AND FINISHED TIIIlOUC.nOtT. ON SEASOKABLE TERSIS. TS"AH work warranted to ;;ive satisfaction. 41 1 3. W. BLISS, -AND- INSUHMCS AGENT, PEslU, I7SBS&ASKA. Re:ti Estate KtnulBi and Sold on CoRiiuissioi:. Collections made andTases paid for Non-Bcsldarjts PSB.TJ AWDW"ATSOH U. S. Mail and I ransfer Line, W. K. TIioni3?son. Prop. HACKS leave Peru every rrornins:, in time to connect wit'i trains South and North on t'. St. Joseph Couui 1 Blulfs Bailroad, returning in feru every evening. t.. l F. L. PROUTY, B23 i&iilia AND SHEET IRON "WORKER, AND DEALER, IN HAEDWAEE! STOVES, Agricultural Implements, WOODED WARJB. c, PERU, - - - - STEBRASSA. IT1 AJES this method of informing the citizens or J- Nemaha county, and the balance of the world. that he is prepartKi with a fi-ll .stock, and good wfincmen. lo mriiisli anir nnri ornntiiittff i. ,,L j line, at as low prices as the same can be bought at I any poiut on ttis Missoun river. Speclnl Attention jmlrt to SPOUTING, R00FING.&C. Constantly on hand, a full stock cf HEATIKG & COOKXHG STOVES, of Uie most approved patterns. Also I Agricultural ImplemeZltS. F0 ' of all kinds. Blacksmith's Iron and Supplies. NAILS, WOODEN WARE, FENCE WIHE, Arc, X:c., S:c., tVc. Highest Price pal a for olil Iron, Conner, Brans, Rags, &c. XTH-AB goods warranted, and sattsfaction guar anteed In reference to price and quality of goods. Agenl for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cook Stoves. 3 0011 Mbit r&f vasyiij BZa Eli "I'm i mjhit i y . m. .-- PERU BUSINESS CARDS. a a miEaix w. a, HAXittNs. WHEELER & HANKINS, PHISIOIAITS AHD SURGEONS, Corner 5th &3Tnin StH PSRU, NEBRASKA. Special Aitsstion paid to Diehse of Hie Eye and Ear. lli:rnREVCES Prof IT. D. Cleaner, Keokuk, la.; Prof. J. C Shrader, IowaKtatc University. JAY &, DAILY, Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAIXTS, OILS, Glaus, Putty, Scliool Book3, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, &c. Post Ofilcc Buildins, - Pern, Nebraska. Physlc'au'a Prescriptions carefully and scientifi cally compounded. 4Jyl PIOHEER DRUG STORE ! PERU, NEBRASKA. JOHN PATTERSON, PROPRIETOR. fPHIS Cld and BellabioTTouse is fully prepared to J. luniish nnv and eveivthimru'uallv found in a 'first class Drugstore, at tmcrr prlcrx tt.ancmy Jlouse inutcmaic. .uMj'inuji jmji,it. -3yi 1 OHARLBS GAEDS, PROPRIETOR. PERU, - - - IVESItASXA. rpiIIS House Is new, and newly fitted and fur L nished in every department, tltiests will find here as pood fare as can be lound at any Hotel in Nebraska. Hacks lo connect with It. It. trains leave this House every morning at S o'clock. LIirERY STABLE in connection with this iione. Teams furnMied Riiesta on the most liberal terms. 43yl pu Wt WTW: E3 &? CI OOD ACCOMMODATIONS for crinir Teams T Lire Stock, Kr'iht, Ac, at alltitiie. Nodelaj on accjunt of w eather. i. K.T5IOrr2PSOT. Proprietor. cJACOB BERKLEY, Wagon & Ca?riageMaker ! COLLEGE STREET, BROWNVILLE, - NEB. CT'TOM WOBIC done on short notice and In a style and manner which will guarantee satisfac tion. In connection with Mr. Bcrklcj's Wagon Shop MICHAEL SWITZES HAS A BLA0KSM1TH SHOP! And is turning out work In first class style, hivlne; given general sutisfartiun in everv piece of work which has thus Ur leKlii.s shop. Particular atten tion paid lo HORSE SHOEING. C5Givc mc a call. rn GEO. S. PHZILZ.2PS, Liveiy,Feed.& Exchange Stables Hrcwnvilln, Noarasta. V4' A, Jf. BLASE, St S. Si 3 I C 9 "-flA tj- '-& .- -f - f -S5St ik m a y y b ir V-f--y-S j. runner. friHt room. i. GEO. DAUGIIERTY, rnorniETon, BANE SESTAURAOT No. "Talns-, !KROVNVIIiLE, NEB. THE SHERMAN HOUSE. 40 ?In,ln-st., Brownville. C. SI. KAi7FF3IAIiT. Proprietor FEED STABLE jn go:-:ate-ctiox with the iiousr. Th'o House has been remodeled and ronirnished throughout, and atTord? the best acc.immodatioiibin the cu to th" local and tra eling public. It is cen trally locafed. Mages for Hip West, anrt Omnibuses for all trains, go irom the Shirman House. Fair first clas, charges luoilenite. l.Vtf "vJ". B. WKJ-GS2T. "Wliolcale and Retail Dealer In OLD KENTUCKY m ti Pure Wines, Kilters, &c, G3 3IAIX STREET, BRO TFAT VJLLE, NEBJIA SKA . FRANZ EELHSE, 1 id gAGON ftgLACKSMITityHOP ONE DOOR WEST OF COURT HOLSE. "AGON MAKING, Repairing, "ft Plows, and all work done in the best manner anu on snori uoine. ;au iwnuu kumuu anteed. Olvehimactdl. 34-ly. LOUIS WALDTER, House, Sign and Carriage 4by f4WW 235; ier- j No..' Main St. BKOWXVII.I.E. L'M Mixed Paints FOR SALE. GILJDJOTG GRAINING, SMARTING, FROSTING, KALSOMINING, ETC. 2S-ly GEO. TV. IiTEEIST &; CO., BUILDERS AND Bridge Contractors, BROWNVTLLE. NEBRASICV. "Will take contracts fort ulMinjr Bridges. RaLsinjr or Moving Buildings, and all kinds of shop and JobbincWork. Contract work solicited. Work puar ranteed to give satisfaction, and done on short notice acdreasonab e terms. Have also the right to erect tho Smith Patent Trass Bridge In Xcbraska, Iowa. Karsas and Southern Missouri. jes-NOTicc or litttings soucttep. rcy IP ? UQHOBS BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 1871. PHOEBE CARY. A Story of one her IJj-mns and Its Ef fect on Tivo Gnmblcrs in Clilna. (From the Naw York Tribune.) One of her liyrns a favorite in many Christian families and congre gations we must quote, not only for its own sake, but because there is a story connected with it that wo wish to tell. ' WEARER HOME. One sweetly solemn thought Comes to mo o'er and o'er; I'm nearer my home to-day; Than lever have been before; ' Nearer my Father's house, "Where the mansions bo; Nearer the great white throne, Nearer the crystal sea ; Nearer the bound of life, "Where we lay our burdens down ; Nearer leaving the cross. Nearer gaining the crown. ' . !; But the waves of that silent sea ,. (a Roll dark before my sight, .,3 , That brightly tho other sldo -i ' Break on a shore of light. , I - u O, if my mortal feet Have almost gained the brink. If it be I am nearer homo Even to-day than I think, Father, perfect my trust, l..et my spirit f$el in death That her feet are (Irmly set On the Rock of a living fulth. A gentleman in China, intrusted with packages for a young man from his friends in the United States, learned that he would probably be found in a certain gamblii fj-house. He went thither, but not seeing the young man, sat down and waited in the hope that he might come in. The place was a bedlam of noises, men getting angry over their cards, and frequently coming to blows. Near him sat two men one young, the other 40 years of age. They were betting and drinking in a terrible way, the older one giving utterance continually to the foulest profanity. Two games had been finished, the young man losing aach time. The third game, with fresh bottles of brandy, had just begun, and the young man sat lazily back in his chair while the oldest shuffled his cards. The man was a long time dealing the cards, and theyoung man, looking carelessly about the room, be gan to hum a tune. Ho wont on, till at length he began to sing the hymn of Phoebe Cary, above quoted. The words, says the writer of the story, repeated in such a vile place, at fir.-t made me shudder. A sabbath-school hymn in a gambling den ! But while the young man sang, the elder stop ped dealing the card-i, r-turcd at the singer a moment, and, throwing the cartls on the iloor, exclaimed: 'Har rv, where did you learn that tune? ""What tune?" "Why, that one you've been singing." The young man said he did not know what he had been singing, when the elder re peated the words, with tears in his eyes, and the young man eaid he had learned them in a Sunday-school in America. "Come," said the elder, getting up; "come, Harry ; here's what I won from you , go and use it for some good purpose. As lor me, as God sees me, I have played my last game, and drank my last bottle. have misled you, Harry, and I am sorry, (jive me your isanu, my ooy, and say that, for old America's sake, it" for no other, you wiilquit this in fernal business." The gentleman who tells the story (oritrinally pub lished in The Boston Daily JS'cws) saw these two men leave the gam-bling-hoTiso together, and walk away arm in arm ; and he remarks ; "It must be a source of great joy to Miss Cary to know that her lines, which have comforted so many Christian hearts, have been the means of awak ening in the breast of two tempted and erring men on the other side of the globe, a resolution to lead a bet ter life." It was a source of great joy to r.iis t ary, as we happen to know. Before us lies a private letter from her to an aged friend in this city, with the printed story inclosed, and contained this comment: "I iu close the hymn and the story for you, not because I am vain of the notice, but because I thought you would feel a peculiar interest in them when you know the hymn was written IS years ago (1S42) in your house. I composed it in the litte back third story bed room, one Sunday morning, after coming from church; audit makes mc very happy to think that any word I could say has done a little good in the world." V.'OSIAN SUFFRAGE. Editor Advertiser : It is one of the sins of erring mor tals to censure and condemn their fel lows without knowiifg or enquiring why they do it. The records of man's history are written full of this evil way. The" Woman's Rights" ques tion has been treated after this man ner. "When woman first came out with her demand of "rights," instead of enquiring if there were justice in her claim, men and women beganvto make graces, and throw dirt. If there is any thing ridiculous in this movement of the "strong-minded women," (which there is) vet the opposition of weak-minded men is equally as ridiculous. That man and woman are so equal ly gifted alike, that if properly cultur ed and trained they would follow the same occupation; that both alike they should commit themselves in the same bark on the troubled sea of political strife, and equally fitted to meet the consequences which may follow, is a great mistake, and to try to accomplish it is a sin against human-nature, an attempt full of peril, aud must end in defeat. Nature may be sinned against, but the offender must pay the penalty. Now admit ting all this, yet there may be justice i n uie uemanu ol woman for "rights" and it would be for the well being of society if there was more earnest heed given to this demand. The first question to be aiked, and answered too, "Is woman occupying the Dosi- tionin society her capacity would promise?" Undoubtedly not. Then is it not a fair inference, she has a right, acd she ought to demand the privilege to attain to the highest de gree of position her capacity would carry her? And right here in' the difficulty, a very ruinous mistake has been made in the education of wo man. The very endowment of a gift of an intelligent being, is evidence enough, that the possessor has a right t to its development, and an -exercise of it. The education of woman in thousands of cases make but a miser able exhibition of the beauty of femi nine character. Properly educate woman and this vexed question of "rights" will settle itself without her rushing into the fields of political strife, for which her present educa tion unfits her, and for which her na ture will forever unfit her. It is not wise to come into conflict with na ture and try to change her laws. If nature has made an individual a woman, let her be content to be a wo man. And if man usurps undo au thority over her, and takes away any of her " rights" let her remedy these wrongs in a womanly way, not by trying to make a man of herself. In the realm of nature, in the dotnain of mind, the masculine and femi nine, the positive and negative are every where seen. There is a neces sity in this, and it harmonizes, and beautifies everything. And an at tempt to change these conditions is to arraign the wisdom of the great crea tive soul of things, the God of nature, who expresses himself through mate rial lbrni9 and physical organization. The masculine power in man is needed to control the forces in na ture ; to subdue the inferior animals and to invent mechanisms,"and to use the elements so as to aid him in this subjecting process. Nature always works in an ascending scale; from the inferior to the superior; from the material up to the spiritual. Man true to this law with his superior physical strength takes hold of the grosser forms of matter, refines them into higher forms, ready for the ac tion of spiritual forces. Now comes in the demand for feminine action. For true womanly character. "Wo man is weak in inventive power. She knows but little about placing "wheel within wheel" so as to move the "noisy ponderous machineries, which help man in his laborious tasks. This requires intellectual facilties only. There are higher realms for man to reach than this. On from the intellectual up lo the spiritual, and at last reach the celestial. Now woman is to work iu these higher realms. This work requires more delicate, an-' ! sensitive, and refined organizAtio. of body than for mere thought work, and woman has this organization. The very organism which fits her for this work, unfits her for the hard work to which man isfitted. Intellect ual and physical strength will be ad mired in a man when he possesses but little moral and spiritual worth, while intellect and masculine strength alone in woman, is calcula ted to create disgust. Some may say there is injustice in this, and there may be to a certain extent, yet there is a great truth at the bottom, which it would be well to consider in con nection with the injustice. The necessity for the masculine dis appears as man progresses on to ins destiny. As he parses on .through the material, the intellectual into the spiritual, then the greater and bet ter workers for humanity are those who would make man more feminine ins-tead of making woman more mas culine. It has been said, and in truth too, that the most perfect char acter is the one where the dignity of the masculine unites with the grace of the feminine, so it cannot be told which preponderates. Look at the beautiful character of Jesus, and tell which preponderates, the masculine or the feminine. He was a Spiritual Teacher, and taught great spiritual truths, which underlay all philoso phies, all religions, and although this world has had the benefitof his teach ings for eighteen hundred years yet thousands fail to understand them, so deep a root has material things got in the heart of man. But to the question with which we started, Female Suffrage. Should woman vote? Thereby stepping into the ranks of political warfare; fight ing for the enactment of civil laws, which at best, are but secondary and inferior to those "higher laws" to which all civil enactmeiithould give way. Perhaps this question has been answered in what is written, but to be more definite, in a moral and healthy state of society woman should not use her influence in governmental affairs, in the way of casting her vote in deciding political questions. But ocietv is sick, and neetb remedial agents to restore it to health. When the human body is diseased, some times remedies have to be used which would cause sickness when in health. This mav be the case in this woman voting question. In this nineteenth century events are culminating which are the result of the conflict of the ages agone, and the consequences will bo more favorable conditions for human happiness. May be this bitter potion; this woman-voting may be one of the extreme remedies to be used to bring about these favor able conditions. We will see. Jennette Harding. London, Neb. Saratoga Races incredible Time. A dispatch was received from the Saratoga races, from which it ap pears that Harper's Longfellow has eclipsed the world. The race was for the Saratoga cup, a single dash 2 1-4 miles Time, 4:02 3-4. The first mile was made in 1:40, and the second mile lnl:42. Longfellow is by imp. Leam ington, dam' Nautura, by Brawner's Eclipse, formerly owned by Mr. R. A. Brawner, of Frankfort. Nantura was bred and raised by Captain Hol ton, of Franklin county. The Lex ington J'rcss reports the sale of Long fellow for S100.000. and savs : The "The sum is almost famulous, yet' there are those who think, even at those figures, Mr. Harper might have done better by bringing his horse home and runuing him, next fall, against Lexington's time, which those who know the horse say ho can beat. In that case the horse would be worth still more. The gentleman who boucht Tioncrfullow is renorted fs. Vtn on TiTnivl loll r, o, TtfJis.Cifi tntnn- ' ro oe an ringiisnmaii, wiiose mien- tioii is tv taue tue uoraa to lungiana. acsrsTC BROWNViLtiE, Aug. 13th 1871, Mr. Ediior:-l scarcely recognise the uuiiui.-j.oi.un.tij 1tv.u5u151.-11n; )VERTISER as represented un- 1 , ,, , 0 new regime. Allow me to old Adv der th' congratulate you on the very decided i improvements you have made. Your notions and mine, 113 to what a news paper should be, coincide. Make the Advertiser as thoroughly local as you can and you will suit your home readers precisely, while to those at a distance its weekly visits are better than a private letter, because your items are varied and far moreof them than could be expected from a letter. I may be a little rambling as to sub ject matter, but being interested, you will allow me to ask how it is that the city council does not enforce from the Street Commissioner, more thor ough reports than he has heretofore made. His reports of monies exepnd ed upon streets are far too vague. It would be far more satisfactory to us tax payers to know how much stone wall made, dirt removed or fills made and where it was done for a certain amount of money, than to say so much "expended upon streets." By this plan we would know just how much per yard we pay for mov ing dirt aud filling and how much per foot for stone work. As it is done we may be paying four or five times what it is worth or some oue else would be glad to do it for. It is hop ed the Council will look into this matter. I discover Mr. Calhoun has resign ed his position of director of the Re publican party. It was amusing to notice the manner of his "chewing" his own words a week or two since, when he told the people ho found plenty lo do in attending to his own business. But a few weeks before he announced that he had and should keep under his care tho Republican party of Nemaha County, but as soon as you tender him a little aid he backs down and sniffles out that he isn't running the Republican party. I re ally believe the fellow thought he was dopg i tali, m"i - cuf or two from ycu knocked tkcjrer.le from his eyes. He's a great booby and de serves more ." bs nc",:rniserated with than blamed for ,:ir rido"'nMsdc"g3. a. b in ? r. . - c -"f estee'' .ia;ts i.:m t vorv many loonsu ! ,?. 1- 'Mrs. IV3 Iic.'-v.Icsb though, if he Irti'L &trI:kJy l--oct in his Domical r,.anonerncrc tal 'ctte ho wroU to Una's vohev Swar. proved. I see 'vcrtia a notice of an election to vote a s1n3.Il subsidy to the Trut . R. Pu. What Is this extra $18, 000 for? Wi'i ii take just S1S.00O more to build this road? and if we give it, will the road be built? Who now pro poses to take hold and do the work ? When is it to be done? Any time soon, or is the subsidy voted to be open for all time to come and be ta ken up just when somebody gets ready to build tho road ? The people are anxious for a road and are willing to give, and have shown their kindly feeling, but they have beer, bo long and so often fooled that confidence is lost. What is tho Brownville & Ft. K. R. R. Co. doing? Are they play ing build R. R. or are they doing it? If this Company would make a fair exhibit to the peoplo of their affairs they'd do far better, than to keep in the back ground, things that the peo ple should know. Yours, B. Registrar's Iotiec. LIST OF VOTERS OF NE3IAHA CI TY PRECINCT. ArgabriRlit. John Ames, to. H. Anderson, William Banks, M. Bants. William Barnes, C sner Biui7ell, William Bennett, JainM E. Brown C I Bennett Daniel Hanks tieirsc Barnes J. hn Bennett aaniuel Chapman Jefferson Chaiiitn A Iphtiw ( lark Dun.el B Cuuiiuiiies o V Coats Wade Colerick John Iirnin J as 11 Elliott I'.abcrn Fisher O K Fuller Job M Oiuder James Oillesny Edward T Hacker J.uitt M H-Cker John V" Holmes F O Howe syvmour lUwR David Hoover J B H.twby John HiUTImotliy Hacker William Irvm Lhas It Johnson Levi Jar is Je -so W Kentner E K Knight W II II KimbeyTCJ List Conrod Mann Jacob Morton David Maxwell John Morrison John II Morris L H Morns illlam Nealy Alexander Ohair Greenville Prall John Paxton 1 nomas Pias.ers Henry Pritchard A 1 Russell W T Rid'r William i-ecrest Jacob skeenA 1) steers John B Stevens T soper i-amed L Scovell 0oar F s-huck John screat F M 5COvellA II smith John K Tourtelot David Titus John F Tann Jerome Thompson David Withee George Watson John Webber J K YounfeSWB'lani Young William Zook Oden Alien. Fred E. Ault, Peter Rlacklaw John BlairJ W Beagle Geo C Brown L B Bennett btia;IJr Dirt L II Biicfcner Wm II Beekwith Levi Beekwitr V. J Crotlior." ' V CammltMCS V. iiUata Crawford Jamo Cope Dayhl Collins John 31 Deary John W Knog D L Frost It J it Oillesny C'atvir. S Gltlesiiy Jas JioUkUiGao J! ove Joshua P Hoover J P Hoover Jerome Hawxby William lIlKSinbctbani John Hopkins Robert llaynod Klios Jarvis I J Kettell Jeremiah Kite Reuben Kay J Mann John Monroe Prank Moore Alexander Maxu ell Daniel Million James A Prall John n Prall Robert , Perkins Paul Rowen Cyrn3 RandaH HJias heebury John butteu Wlllfcm Soper Samuel Savles Tltomas R Smith Robert hvmiwon Alferd fctokw W N Smith John Smith Jame3 A SlHl Wm Titus James A Tucker Wm H Thompson Lew is Webber J W Watters Georce Webber Samuel Youns Richard NOTICE. Notice is hereby riven to all qualified voters that the und'-rsifjned. Registrar of voters in Nemaha Citv nrecinet, Nemaha county, and State of Ne braV'ia twll meet at the office of John P. Crother in Nemaha, on Saturday the In! day of Sep tember, lsTi, to correct any omissions or strike on nny name-not entmeu io voie, or any oiner errors mtheabo elist. All persons will take notice Uiat heir names must be reentered or be debared from ' voting at the ensulntr election to beheld on Satur day the Via cay oi :epiemoer. J', i. JOHN BARNES, Registrar. Special Electicn Notice. IN THE MATTER of submission to a vot.- of the legal voters of Peru Precinct, of r the question whether the Precinct afore said shall issue its Bonds to aid in the construction of the St. Louis and Nebras ka Trunk Railroad. The Board of County Commissioners be iair vatWf,d bv VQtixi(;n, anf, ollienv- , thut it is the wish cl a Urge portion of the VOL. 5.-lST0. 45. voters of Pent Precinct, and that is i ex- peiltent and proper that the questions here- HiBuer luenuoucu siioiiiu ue Miiwmiru to the vote ot the voters of the said Precinct. ! Now, therefore, hv virtue of authoritv ' inlls vetod- by law, we, theRoordorCoun-; matter mentioned should he submitted to aid Precinct. ! ty Commissioners of emaha County. Mate ol jeirasK3. (to oruer iiui a special election be heW in and for lite id Pern Precinct, in the County of Nemaha, State ol" Nebraska, on the Otl Day of SiUmlr A D , 1ST1. at the tiual place of voting in alil precinct for the purpose of voting on the followim: mies.iions, to-wit: Shall tho County ComnuVtmeTS of said cou nly of Ner'.aha. Sate ol Nebraska, is sue the bonds of said Pent Precinct, in said countv. to the amount of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, to aid hv donation in the construction of the St. Louts and Ne braska Trunk liailroad. in and through said Precinct, in said County. And shall ihe County t ommisionors ca-tse to he Ieicd annualfy. on the taxable property ofthesaid Precinct in said Coun tv, in addition tothe other annual taxes, an amount of tax suiHcient to pay annually tho interest on the said bond of.the said Pre cinct. And. after the expiration of five years from die time of issuing the said Precinct bond-, shall they caitae to be levied oc the taxable property of the said Precinct, an nually, until the aid Precinct bonds arc paid, "an additional taxsuflicienttopayone-tifthp-irtof the principal of said Precinct bonds and apply the sae to the payment thereof. Said bonds to be made payable in ten j cars from the date of issue, and to hear interest at the rate ot eight per cent, jv-r annum. The interest payable annually :,t the office ol tlte County Treasurer of this Countv. Fro? :!!. Thai lh bond of the ai.l Pre cinct shall not be is-ueil until the aid St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad is com pleted, and the cars running thereon from the "outh line of Pern Precinct to the north line of said Precinct, in .iid County of Ne maha, State of Nebraska. Frr'Jil'irf7ir, That aid Kailroad is commenced and completed within one year, from the 9th day ofScpteuibcr, A. D. 1ST1. The ballots voted at aid election. liaH have written or printed thereon the follow ing words to-wit:- Those in favor of aid bonds and tax. the words : -FOR BONDS AND TAX YES. ' Thoe opposed to the said bonds and tax. the words : "FOR BONES AND TAX NO. " Said election shall he opened at S o'clock in the forenoon, and continue open until 0 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Bv ordcrof the County Commissioners of Nemaha Countv. State" ot Nebraska, and that the County Clerk give notice acoord- ingly. A. J. BITTER, ") C. J?. HARMS. f 11. O. MfNICK J Commissioners. By order of the rioard of County Com missioners. i;-jt JAMES M. HACKER. Co. Clk. Special Election Notice. T 1 rrJMATTER ol submission to a vote ol die legal voters of Brownville Precinct, of mc question whether the Precinct aforesaid shall isue its Bonds to aid in the construction of the St. Louis and Ne braska Trunk Railroad. The Board of County Commissioners be- insf satined by petitions, and otherwise. that iti the v.'ish ofalare portion of the ti.rs of Brov.n ille Precinct, mid that it j is expedient and proper that the questions ! ;inafter mentioned should be submitted to tue vo'e of the voter? of the said Pre cinct. Now. therefore, by lirtucorauthority in tt -. ested bv law . w".. the Board of County Commissioners of Nenialia County, State of Nebraska, do order that a special election be held in and for the said Browiu ille Pre cinct, in tlie Conniv of Nemaha, State of Nebraska, on the Qtk fay of S'pUmUr. A. D., 1871. at the ufnal place of votitur in said precinct for the purpose of voting on the following qtt"tions, to-wit: S'vi:i the County Commissioners of aid rounty of Nemalin. State of Nebraska i--ur the bonds of said Rrowm ille 1'r.v inct. in said county, to the amount of Koor Thouand Five Hundred Dollars to aid by donation in the construct! n of th- St. Louis and Nebraska 'Iriink Bailroad, in and through said Precinct, in said County. And eh.il' the Countv Commissioner e.e to he levied annualfy. on the taxable property of the said Precinct, in said Coun ty, in addition to Ihe other annual taxes, an amount of tax -.ufflclent to pavanmuilv the interest on tlie said lxnidt of the sjid Precinct. A r.d. after tlie esjp; ration ftf five years fror.1 the time of issuing the said Precinct bond, shall they cau-e to be levied on the finable propel ty of the --.lid Precinct, an nually, unlil the said Precinct bonds are paid." an additional tax suiHcient to pay one fifth part of the principal ol said Precinct Solids and to apply tlie same to the pay ment thcreot. Said bonds to be made pay able in ten veal's- from the date of isue, and Jo bear inlere-t at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. The interest payable an nually at the office of Ihe County Treasurer of this Countv. VorW. That the bonds of the said Tre cinet shall not be i-sued until the s-ud fct. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad i completed, and the car runnintr thereon from the south line of lirowm ille Precinct to the north line of s-iid precin.-t. in aitl Countv of Nemaha. Hate of Nebraska. Frori,lil ftrthtr. That said Railroad is eonimenccl and completed within one year, from the !!h dav of September, A. D. lTJ. The li'illot t oted at ?d election, "hall have written or printed thereon the follow ing words, to-wit: Those in favor of said Lnds and tax, the wonN: "FOP. BONDS AND TAX YES.'' Titose opposed to the said "bonds and tax, the words: FfR BONDS AND TAX NO." Said election shall be oponcd at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, and continue open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Bv order of the County Commissioner- of Nemaha County, State "of Nebraska, ami that the County Clerk ghe notice accord ingly. A..T.BTTTRR, " C. Y. HARMS. Commissioners . II. O-MINICK, J By order of the Board of County Com missioners, fi-ot JAMBS M. II ' CIvEB. Co. Clk. Special Electicn Notice. IN THE MATTER of submissien to a vote ol the legal voters of Nemaha City Pre cinct of the question whether the Precinct aforeeaid shall issue its bonds to al in the construction of the ft. Leuis and Nebras ka Trunk Btilread. The Board of County Commissioners be ing satisfied by petitions, and other". 1. hatr'it is the "w ish of a large portion of the votets of Nemaha City Preeinct.and that it is expedient and proper that the qiiesfon heremaiter mentioned snouiu he submitted to the vote ol the voters of the said Precinct. in us vested by law, we, the Board of County ( omissioners- of Nemaha County. State of Nebraska, do order that a special election be held in and for the said Nemaha ..-V. Ileoirl.ci- Y1 lh? county of Nemaha in the State of Nebraska, on the 9t Dzy of Sepiemir, A. I). 1ST1 at the usual place of voting in said Precinct for the purpose of voting on the following questions, to-wit: Shsil the County Commissioners of satd County of Nemaha. State of Nebraska, is sue the bonds of said Nemaha City precinct, in said county. to the amount of Four Thou sand Five Hundred Dollars, to aid bv do nation in the construction of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trcnk railroad, in and through said precinct, in said countv. And shall the County Commissioners cane to I e levied annually, on tho taxable property of t'ie said precinct, in said coun ty. in addition to the oth r annual taxes, an i ril"?": ."' V,'T15,U, tu ,B- ?"& 1 ?s. "VT i-k Lit RlldinlAnl An, . . I -"1- ;. s--3w Kit mi- suiu uuuu: s of the said precinct. AihU aftra- the expiration of five years from the time of issuing the said precinct bonds, shall they caix.se to be levied on the taxable property of the &aid prednet, annual'-, unt'l tho said precinct bonds arc I ml." Ln nl titiorrd tiv iffici t A :,' . on"-nfta part of th" rridpai of sa.I rrc- THEADVERTISER., ADVERTISING UATE. 3 is5.!3--.a w it 2-r ice -2 rH KPACE. " i S 2." ? SO T5 ?T i?T2 ,3 . k r ifftll tMrh One.iteti I Jl.001 JI.S0I fiOO, iS0; f3.WIJT.C0 . 1.5C i50 lOOl 3.501 3.01)1 7i S.M, ie.oo, 15.00T caoo 410(1 C3.0O ico.oty. Tw-a Inches.... . 2 59 150 4.001 SJJOi 7.00) 10.00 Tinse Inches. 100 4.0OI 5.00' COO) 13.00 15.C0 Six inches . S.W 8.00 10.00' 12.00 18.00 25.00 Twelve Inches 8.00' 12.00 15.00' 18.00 25.00 -10.00 Onpcolmnn . I10.n0l2a00t25.90 3a00,-J3.00l60.00 Irel adverttcments at legafrates: One sauaro, fetelit line of Aate spnet. or less.) first Insertion iXJM: eacb -nboequcnt Insertion. SiW KS-A1I tnincleut advertisements must be paid, for in advance. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY.. cinct bond-, and U? apply the Fame to tU payment thereof, id bonds to he made pavable in ten years irom the date oi uue, ptiyaoie and to b cent per ntiallval and to hear interest at the rate of eitrht per r annum. The mtere't payable an at the otlice of the Countv Trcnaurar of tlds cuntv. FrvitJi I, 'l'hat the bonds of the said Pre cinct shall not be issued until the twid St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad is completed, and the ears running thereon, from the south line eTN.-niaha City Pmeinct to the north line of said Precinct, in said. Countv of Nemaha, Stale ot Nebraska. FrtpriJtl further. That said liailroad is commenced ami romptototi within on year, from the IKu day of September. A. 1). 1ST!. The ballots 6 ted at said eleetion; Shalt have written or printed theru"ii the foMow uig word, to-wit; Those in fa or of said bonds and tax, the, word : ' ' FOB BONDS AND TAX YES. ' ' Those opposed to the said bonds and tax, the words : ' FOR BONDS AND TAX NO." Said election shall lc opened at S o'clock, in the forenoon, and continue open until t( o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Bv order of the County Conriidssionon- oft Nemaha County, State" of Nebraska, andj and that the County Clerk give notice ac corduiglv. A. J. BITTER. ) C. F HARMS. Comraisaioncrs. II. O.MINICK. , By order ot'th Uoerd of Cotmtr Cam-, misjioners. -." JAMES M. IIAC3.KR. Cj. Clk. Special Election Notice, IN THE-MATTER of submisiwu to a vote, of the legal voters of AspimvaU Precinct. of the question whether the Pre inet aforesaid hall issue its llonds to aid in. the construction of the St. Louis ami X-. hraska Trunk Railroad. The Board of County Commissioners; he-, ingsatislied by petitions, and otheiwfcc, that it is the Hish of a iae;e portion of tho. voter. ot A spjn wall Precinct, and that it is expedient and proper that the questions herein-ilter mentioned should be submitted, to the ote ot the voters of the said Pre cinct. Now. therefore, hv tfrtnc of authority in, tisiested by law. we. the Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha County, State of Nebraska, do order that a special election, he held iu and for the s-aid AspimvaU Pre cinct, in the County of Nemaha, Si ott Nebraska . on tho fVA Pty of ypsmharf A J)., 1S71. at the usual place of votingrin said proeincfc for the purpo-e of voting ou the following questions, to-wit: Shall the County Commissioners of said County ot Nemaha. State ol" Nebraska, io stic the bonds of said Aspinwall Precinct, in said county, to the amount of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, to aid by donation in the construction of the St. Lotus and Nebraska Trunk Railroad, in ami through said Pref inct. iu said County. And shall the County Commissioners, cause to he levied annually, on the taxabli property of the said Precinct, in said Coun ty, in addition to tho other annual tuxes, an amount of tax sutiicieut to pay annually the interest on the said bonds of the said rrec'met. And. after the expiration of five years from the time of isuing the said Precinct bonds, ehaU the cause to be levied on the taxable property of the sail Precinct, an nually, until the said Precinct bonds ar paid, an additional tax suiHcient u mr one-lifih part of the principal of snid Pre cinct bonds and to apply the same to the payment thereof. Said bonds to be mads payable m ten years from the date of issue, and to bear interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. The interest pavable an nually at the office ol ths County 'freaeiirer ol this County. yVer,c . '1 hat the bond of the raid Prc oinct shall not be issued until the said St. Louis, and Nobruska Trunk Railroad incom pleted, ami the cars running thereon from the south line of Aspinwall Prodnet to tho north line of said Precinct, in said County of Nemaha, state of Nebranka. J'rjrJ.Mftrfitr. That stiid Railroad i commenced and completed widiin oe year, from the fth day of 'scomber. A. D. J71 . The ballot.-, toted at said election, siiH have written or printed thereon the follow ing word', to-vt'it: Those iu fa v or of said bonds and tax, th words: FOR BONDS AND TAX YES' Those opposed to the said bomk aiHl tax, the words: ; FOR BONDS AND TAX XQ." S-i 1 election sbaii be opened at 8 o'derk: in be forenoon, iwi cMttmie open until i o'clock in tlie afternoon of said ttaty. By order of e County Commissioner (" Nemaha ouiijy. Mate of Xcbraska. and. that the County Clerk git e notice accord ingly. A. J. BITTER, ) C. F. HARMS. ; CommfrftioHtir. II. f). MINXICK.) Ry order of the Boar.l of County Cotn- misMoner.s U-.-it JAMES M. HACKER. Co.CMc. SPEC2AI, L'l.ECTION IVOTICK. IN THE WAITER of submission to voti of the legal voter of St. Deroin 1'POrinet. of the question whether the Precinct a lore-aid shall issue its Bond to aid in the construction of the St. Louifr ami N'e bniska Trunk Railroad. The Hoard of County Cominisiorer lc inr sati-tied by petitions, and otherwise, that it is the wish of a large portion or tht toters of St Deroin Precinct, and that it is evpedient and proper that the question hereinafter mentioned .should be submiUed to the tote ol, tlie oters of the sId Pre cinct. Now, therefore, by virtue of authority in us tested by law, we, the Hoard of Cou'ntr Cowuni-ssioiiers of Nemaha Coitntr, Stat of Nebraska, do orkjr that a spceial eiecUon lie hdd in and for the said St.Deron Pre cinct, in the County of NemahatateQfKc braska,on the Dlh Day of Sepiemiev. A. D., 1371. at the uual place of voting in saitl prerint for the pu-os-e or voting on the following questions, to -wit: 5hall the County Commbjsioners' of said county of Nemaha. State f Nebraska, is sue the iKinds of aid St. Deroin Precinct, in said county, to the amount of One Thousand Eisht Hundred Dollars, to aid by donation in the construction oftheSt.L&ul.s and Nebrka Trunk Railrvad, in and through snid Product, i;i said Cour.tr. And shall the C'Minty Commissioners cause to be let ied annually, on the taxable proper y of the said Prednet. in said Coun ty. I'J aildltioii to tlie-thersnnul taxes, an aiu . .:.t or tax sufficient to pv annually t'ie interest on the s&id ouds of the said 1 re -kit t. And, after the exoiration of fite years from the tinit'issUiA?lie said Precinct bond-), shall they cans to be let ied on the taaHile pruporty ot ;he shl Prueinct, in nnaily. until tl.u a:d Prednet bonds aro phid, an adii'tional tax sufScient to pov ore-liftb pa. to the principal orsaidPre-.-ii. t boud and to apply the same to the payment thereof. SaUI lw ds to he made payiib'tr in ton year.s from the date of isi, end to bear intere-t at the rate f ! pa, aMe aim wily at the otlice of the Countv lit per r.-nt xtttr nnnm. The intrest Treasurer of this County. F.otueJ, That the boiids of the said Pre cinct -hall not be issued until the said St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad is com pleted, and the cars rum ing thereon from the -outh Hue of st. Deroin Precinct to the north line of said precinct, in said Ceunty oi semana. Mate oi NeorasKa. Frtnided further, That said Railroad ia commenced and completed within onevear, from the 9th day or September. A. D.'lSTl . The ballots voted at said election, shall have written or printed thereon the follosv inir words, to -wit; Those iu favor of said bonds and tax,, the words: FOR BONDS AXD TAX YES." Those opposed to th sdd bonds and tax, the words : 'FOR BONDS AND TAX NO " Said election shall be opened at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, and continue open until ? o'clock in the afternoon of said dav. By order of the County Commissioners ot Nemaha County, State ot Nebraska, and that the County Clerk give notiee accord ingly. A. J. KITTER, ") C. F. HARMS. Coramisslonew n. O. MINTCK.j By order of the Bean! of Countr Com missioners. Mt JAZIEf 31. HACKER, Ce. CV. r T