Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 29, 1871, Image 3

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"J i avwaen
Publishers' Iotice8.
i XTn . ' "riKS nrTHK AnvKBTis-11 for sale by G.
15 i knsller. btatloiier and News Deal
er. - ;. ial street, next door to the I'ostolSce.
i, t Xoticks. set ns ordinary reading matter,
v.U Mf cl.irsed ln cents jter line, each Insertion.
-f:iaJj!Uytyp,tentj-tive ier cent, iwlditl-i';-,
tu asmve rate
V y:;TfEMENTS unrter Ue head of "Wanted."
yjr -t-at." "1'or Sate." "Lout," 'Fouud." c.
w 'iScbArsed twenty-live cente for ea'rb i!v-r-t,
..of rtvelIut,orlc!rt,ichInbenioii. Ad-,-
- 'S-fr ot hve lines, al tbe rate of live
vo . wrmie, each insertion.
I'lilJlMiera Advertiser.
fir t t -n- v?r
t.. i , ti m tin Jfnil Clirlalu KlCan.
r- i-'rouz Jleimcr.
j- . , i--ThomM -ales.
( 4 j V LAica;, Attorney at Law.
j. . N-.t'ce A. W. Morgan.
jurt '. lr vinegar at the I'ot Ofllcc.
l Bim for ninety dollar-., nt Den's.
For choice fall wheat Hour go to Gilmore
A f ' s.
Tor Clioloo-Grocaries go to F. i:. Johnson
Coal Oil Httlie I. U. only 40 centa per
c u-
;cc rocorles cheap for cabh nt Gll-
gtovo-.-W. I. Shullenl.orgcr hah a fine
- itliW-t. at reduced prices, by Shurte,
S . . :s C'ro.s.
Harnett' Flavoring Extracts, thcbc&t In
t , .it a aii A ilro's.
lienieiiiber you can gets Ibv of rice at
i i' ti-jU'-efor Si.OO
nirj riK In the line of roec'Ies and
First Clni-w IV-goim at rodue-Ml prices,
t . -. i nson t Cros.
IC ior Ivt a pricos at the New Gallery
r -' ' t;:ice. Satisfaction or uu ealo.
I '- -.r., uc'.'.:tn and plastering hair
1 at Souders'. Sign of the Hod
.: ..: to the Gallery over tho Port Of-
s.-clas-s picture in -any itylo or
-tuf , '.of wagons just received, to
r i - d prices, by ShurU), Stevou-
. . rl.a
llnir. J. II. ISrtHor has It for
. I
,tl ienthani tlinenrices. C:ll
IrtM" '.r.lers ai Hie Post Oltloc and
, . ii ifclutf you -want, if It can be
t . ' i if.
lt-. TI ICcw Gallery over tho
'"-Ue anost lorcolaiu pic
. :i. 3Gtf
'. rriws, hlngcrf, and all
rs muteriaJh-, & full btocli, by
.-., X Cros.
S-,i.ti. ; lie A full utock always on
- . rl ware store of V. D. Shell-
. T! Main htrect.
"t.1 ).-k U building up tiio Iftrgost
. , ss in the city. Go to to the
r "ar groceries.
- Toli 1 MnnnySolf Italic, E.v
ci kwI 3Ieador King Mower,
1. SheUcnhsrger.
. - tpU J. A. T.ucus, Into of
' , Uir. run out a bhlnle in
. i lilscjird in this piper.
p 'lark.-!. The market of llrown-
.ii' v ith Kreeti apples of an
' t.r, . si cirn, and new potatoes.
.J.t,t r
v -U at iSwan & nro.'s, for tlie
' , a large lot of fish In kits, in-
l'isb. Mackerel and Trout.
Hull lioiuls. Ve..iy niliroad from tlie
. .. n v.-Gallery over the I'ost Of-
i Is- -. i y none In tlteStalo ami do-
. . -iiks. 30tf
Ir. tali v Kitipbvll has rtfirneii frcm
I ms. Jlosays tho business
'j i- 1 aing the levee and center
i til Ilo.ul depots.
Ii. JU nr lie left yesterday for St At -
" . w .. i' he lenvex his little girl inthf
f' N'mthor. From there he goes to
- o i -. 1 th- Paollle Coast.
i l.aill
ci its Boys and Girls, If you
B . .
' h'.. -:iab!o suit of ready made cloth
r fl r.iurth or July, c;o to W'.'f, Den'
' it. reduced price.
"ouirUilttir. Xlce. If you wish sohte-:-
.i hihI osamine tlie .splendid
' 'PS purfumw, toilet teth,
' i -M Cieeiy A NlekoIPh.
"tt ool Wori The hanlwaic
' ' h lionlterg er is wU Mipphod
,. 's.,f WiiRoii ,'oml Work. No.
- J v.- . sjKn of tho lied Hove."
T"eXt Cillery, over the Tost Ofllcc,
' v f the oit, Indiua pictures-,
- 'phs, porctdaln. ivory, and
- wlkiuds and jatlsfaclory or
i'. kels. Oysters, Clams, Ib-
' it-he-j. Pine Apples, Pepper
' w, -A. c, just received and for
ny and Provision Store of
l" 1 I imm. Jacob JIarohn sells Ills
'iiv prices low or than ever.
. ir order ami measure for
m-t have, aud can't do with-
- .an: tailor shop.
,. , ' " :-J Fire Works:: Vlrc
"""' " ,r fourtii of July. Crackers,
'"man candles, and pu.i jiow-
5 L.erybody ib obtaining their
i' i ' jf-t Oir.ce grocery store.
y-h Coapcr, an "old timer" of this
' - n a call yestordny, fresh from
- '. lie retijrnel well .atl.sfled
.r:ry,Hiid lntondr. moving his
" ' n a Miort time. We wish him
" i ow home.
, "t .ftp Additional. Wahlter A
4 -r tiuft t Ktiry addition to
- I -.. .; They are full of business.
'l':s nl'h them is a specialty.
iimlsof painting, and use the
1'-n.d, and their prices are rcss.on-
: Ball,... ,
; ,.' ttl,uSc We beg tho indulgence
rt , , ' 'r la,Uiug Jp tills Wie an
'. yl IJaiiey niinion. It may be
I X ' tbe nml realer. btill it
' Th alitor to have an oppor-
"ve the report, as it relates to
'he maternal side of the
The r.
,pitlre Ivlnr- w. v.i..., ,...!..
' a.1 iH U,K tyw,i. His stock
- K-,,r",.,X"bnii active, hU
s ",,1"dy,U(ihu ouse wllnlile.
is-' luii V1 en informed of what
r - ' - . . '!('' kad U,cy keei Ulm l,verX
' r. . . , " " oous, and so the hard
!,"-aia0.fuI1 of uut"es. Call on
i - aay nrlicle 0f furniture you de-
A Visit to Nemaha City.
Ono day thlf. week we put our family In
one of Geo. "W. Phillips' livery bngglcs, and
drove to tho beautiful villago of Nemaha
City.' There certainly is no prettier place In
the West for a town, than that upon which
tills villago ib builL We found everything
quiet, except upon the levee, there "lively,
boys, lively," was tho order of tho day. J.
E. Iloover who, by the way. Is hald to be
handling more grain than any two men in
Nemaha county was there, busy shipping
corn, having upon tho boat then laying at
tlie landing sixteen hundred and fifty sacks,
at an average of two and a half bushels to
the sack. This, with the usual commotion
attending the shipment of corn per steam
boat, made this quiet place precut a busy
appearance. Sir. Iloover tells us lie lias
been receiving about two thousand bushels
of corn per day, for tho laH two months.
- Tlie Titus Brothers, having bought the
stock of dry gotwls, o othing and notions
heretofore owned by Peter An It, are now
prepared, and are doing and extensive busi
ness. The community should patroniau
tho&cyoung nien, as their enterprise, Iiber
nlity, and fairness, in dealing, is apparent to
We spent tho afternoon at the residence of
Dr. Hoover, than whom there is none more
sociable, or extends IiU hospitality more lib
erally. Tho Doctor showed us over his ille
garden, and earnestly urged us to come in
the fall and cat grapes with him. From the
Doctor's residence we had a Hue view of the
new school house, recently erected. It is a
largo two story building, and speaks well for
thcllborality and enterprise of the" citizens.
During tho afternoon we had a friendly
shake of the hand of quite a number of our
old friends, which brought to mind many a
fond recollection of our more youthful days
days long to bo remembered In this quiet
A drive among the adjacent ianns Ault's,
Knight's. Skeen's, Shuck's, J. P. Hoover's,
Titus', Holmes', Darnes', Tonrtlolt'.s, Hod
kins', Drains', and many others we might
name, is all that is needed to convince any
one that tho farmers thereabotils are of a
thriving, pushing class. Fail Wheat Is har
vested and yielded well; corn promises to
bo a good crop; 'cattlo and hogs are
In good condition; and the farmer's, face
wears a happy, contented .smile.
Taken all-in-all, our trip tcNcmahn city
.was pleasant, profitably spent, nnd we look
forward with a great deal of anxiety to tho
time when we will again visit 1U quiet pre
cincts. Doha.
Scythee, shaths, grain ciadlcs, complete,
at fciiurts, Stevenson A Cross's.
Tiie Clothing Emporium. J. S. Hetz
el keeps It for Southern Nebraska in Brown
vJlle. JJbJstookof summer clothing is un
quostlonably tlie most complete of any ever
brought to tills market, and his prices are so
low as tho times ore hard. So that one cor
reponds with the other, in which case he
has goods to suit the wants of all customers.
You can bo convinced of all wo havo ht're
firId1y examining tbe price, quautUy, and
quality of ills good.s.
Gol Mf.Maro niid. Ilumitiig Ovr.
Doole's Yeast Powder has alieady taken
tho precedent over olhcis, from its well
known strengtliimd purity ; but aside from
these facts, it is put up In cans holding the
full weight as represented, which is rarely
the case with tlioe of ordinary manufac
ture. Hence, Doolej "r Yoasl Powder Is the
best, purest, strongest juid cheapest ever of
fered to the consumer, nnd every ouo who
lias used it will readily testify to Uils asser
tion. For sale in quantities to suit by all
good groceis.
A inrge fdeck of wagons just received, to
bo sold at reduced prlct.., by Shurts, Steven
son A. Cress.
Old Scotland. V T. Dcu, the pioneer
aad wealthiest merchant Jh Brownville, lb
rusticating, or soon v. Ill be, tirachglho High
lands of Scotland. After many years of in
defatlgabliylnbor and busjne-s life he has
accumulated from nothing his many thous
ands, aud It is well that he choses to spend a
few dimes among the ftieuds aud scenery of
the old homeMend, for which lie left Brown
ville n last Monday. Den has promised
lhe--lcTir.Ta"roy notfs by tho way.
Sew FuruUwro.Jack McF.tll Is receiv
ing a splendid assortment of new furniture,
which he oilers to his customers so I w that
none have an exctiso to be without a good
supply. Jjck Is the pioneer furniture deal
er, and ued to supply us when no other man
would. He deserves our patronage now for
Ids past favors. Call aud see his frcshi new
.g fe
Choice Jnp. Tea. Call at G. M. I lender
son's aad get some of that choice Jap Tea, at
1.40 a lb; also extra Green and Imperial Sl.o'J per lb; extra choice Coffee, 1
fhs for one dollar; Coffee (A) Sugar, 64' lbs for
one dollar, Vc, Ac. Go and see him for any
thing you want In the Dry Goods and Gro
cery line.
KorUii nnd flake, all kinds, by Shuiis,
Stevenson A CrosH.
The Contractor on Iloutc No. 1 1113 from
Brownville to Sprimr Creek, h:is been in
structed, in pursunnce of an order of the
Postmaster General, to extend Fcrvlcc from
Spring Creek to Helena, and perform two
trips per week over tho whole route. Serv
ice Is to commence on tlie 1st of-July, 1871.
The Iron Trade. Tho Pittsburg and oth
er manufacturers of Iron havo advanced the
prices since January lt, 1S7I, fully three
eighths of n cent .per pound on all sles.
This advance will soon be felt among onr
Western dealers nild consumers. YfiioIe
sale dealors who supplied themsehes for the
spring and summer trade before the advance
ejui allbrd to sell for a while longer at old
prices. Snob Is the case witli Messrs. Maus
tiold, Elllngwood A Co., of St. Joseph, Mo.
Anticipating an advance, they put in astock
early in the season, and are still offering al
old prices their largo stock of Iron, steel,
wagon and buggy wood work, cagriago timl
buggy-makers' hardwatc, and all other arti
cles used In making wagons, catriages, and
buggies. They publish a pamphlet contain
ing a full list of prices, and will forward it
by mail on replication. GIvo them a call,
or solid In your orders by mall, and we feel
confident they will givesatlsfaction In prices
and quality. lG-ly
A corcjilcte tock of Wiigon and buagy
timber at the new hardware store.
IvilboKrn..TrnUiiir.&-Co., corner Fourth
and Main streets, in this city, have constant
ly on hand a full stock of the hest Pine Lum
bcrofall kinds; also, aisoSash, Doors, Blind,
Shingles, lath, Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc.,
which they are selling at tho lowest possible
figures for which the same can bo got out of
the log and shipped to this iwint. They are
detcrmibPd to continue as heretofore to sup
ply tho bulk of lunibes, etc,, ued In this
Laud District. Call and see them! 4t3tfdw
Keduccd Prices on alFkiuds of hard
ware, stoves, tinware. Iron, nails, pumps,
wagous, plows, Ac, by Shurts, Stovcnson A
It is no trouble to show our lumbor. Call
and exumlne before pnrchaslng elsewhere.
John II. Kkli..
Fence Wire. How can W. D. Shellen
berger ever sell all lie has now on hand? Tlie
large quanity he has on hand induces him
to offer it cheap
Hardware at reduced .prices, by Shurts,
Stevenson & Cross.
'Alton I.Imn at Swan & Bro.
If jott vi'nat bargains call at the new
hardware store. '
a ig I -
Fnnner'ji Suit. Bennett A Dolen will
cut these suits in the best of style. 33-2t
A good Place for Dinner. We know
that there is no better place in thocity for a
square meal than at George Daugherllcs.
f IfeguppVtstihlsUvbio with, the earliest and
best vegetable iU market GUurds-.
Up with Times Tlie new hardware store
Is selling goods at low flurcs.
f "Where did yon come from, baby dear?
Out of the everywhere Into here.
Where- did yon get your eyes so blue?
Out of the sky as I camo through.
What makes the light in them sparkle and
Sorno of the starry spikes left in. spin?
Where did you get that little tear?
I found it waiting when I got here.
What makes yotir forehead so smootii and
A oft band stroked It as I went by. high?
What makes your cheek like a warm white
I saw something better than any one
Wlienee that three-cornered smile of bliss?
Three angels gave mo at once a kiss.
Where did you get this pearly ear?
God spoke, and it came out to hear.
Where did you ge. those arms and Hands?
Love made itself into hooks and bands.
Feet, whence did you coirie, you darling
From the same box as the chorubs wings.
ilow did they all come just to be you?
God thought of me, and so I grew.
But how did you come to un you dcar7
God thought about you, ami so 1 am here.
Horse Thieves Ai-restcfl. Sanl'I Simp
son a son of Mr. Sinips'on 11 Ing in Douglas
precinct in this county, and Win. Grltnth of
Ulehardson County, tvero arrested on Mon
day last on tlie information of Silas Coopor,
of lliehardson County, for horse stealing.
Mr. Simpson had been working with Mr.
Griffith in Richardson Couutj-, and while
so working, Griffith requested 6aid Simpson
to go and steal somo fencing post3 from Coo
per, which he did, and which posts said
Griffith used on his farm. Cooper charged
tsald Griffith with having tlie posts, which
he denied. A quarrel ensued in which Grif
fith got badly bruised up. Sometlmo after
wards, on Tuesday night of last week, Coo
per's horss was missing, and so was Simp
son. The horse was found in Pawnee Coun
ty whuro Simpson had traded him oil" for
another horse. Simpson and Griffith were
arretted for stealing tbe horse. Simpson
confesses that ho stole tho horse, but says
that ho done so nt the instigation of Griffith.
They wero both taken toRichaidson county
for trial.
Fork and Italc, all kinds, by Shurts,
Slevclison i Gross.
-q. C.T
School Dfstrltt Officer. Wo notify you
that Geo. B. Moore of tho Book Stbro in
Ilrownville has Just twenty-six books con
taining each two hundred blank orders on
the School District Treasurer, wltii marginal
stubs upon which the Secretary cau nolo the
date and amount of tho order, arid to whom
and for what the same was glvn, for preser
vation and leference in his own office. He
has only about one third enough to supply
the county. So tho first como will be the first
Wool Trom the Sheep. A. May will
pay the highest market price for every grade
of wool delivered in Brown ville.
licpot for School Books. All tho books
used in our city and county schools are to be
found at Moore's book store. No other house
in Brow uvllle keeps them all. CO-tf
gii. .
Builders will find everything they want
at the new hardware store.
fJholcu Lumber. Kilbouru, Jcnking A
Co. have on hand a choice lot oi flooring, or
dered expressly for Dr. McComas' dwelling
House. Tiic best ever brought to Brown
ville. Farmers tahe Notice. The celebrated
McCormlck Advance Ilenper is for sale by
C. K. Alford, at Brownville, who is holding
out gi eater inducements to buyers than has
been oSercd heretofore. Give him a call at
the livery stable, near Reynolds House.
Hardware at reduced prices, by Shurts,
Stevenson A Cross. Lake A fresh lot of Salt Lake
peaches at Swan A Bro.
Shurts, Stevenson & Cross will sell
you a No, 1 wagon for less money than any
body else.
A constant eflbrt to please and sntisfy
hls guests is the only phrase that will apply
to the conduct of Geo. Daughertyof the Res
taurant next door to Carson's Bank; and his
success Is truly wonderful. Try him 1
3Iesji Mackerel, the best fish that Is put
up, can be found at Swan A Bro's.
Hardware at reduced prices', by Shurh,
Stevenson & Cros.
Uoori, sash, blinds Ac, at wholesale
John K. Bull.
A full assortment of table and pocket
cutlery at Shurte Stevenson & Crdss".
Syrups. For the cheapest and best syrups
go to Swan A Bro.
Sampson. Tho American Sampson Cane
Mill is the best large mill in tho market.
Self-adjusting mills ; weight Ci" and 700 lbs. ;
large rollers, Uxl2and HxI'J; capacity 600 to
S00 gallons juice per day. Gill and see them
at W. D. ShellcubcrHcr'a.
IIucltfefK) tubs, rope, wagon grease, pow
der, shot, Ac, at Shurts, Stevenson & Cross'.
If you will lea o 3our orders, and the cash
for the credit business Is played out at the
Po.t Office Grocery Stoic, for anything In
the grocery line, which, if not in stock, will
be promptly bought and forwarded to jour
The .John P. Manny combined self
rake and mower is for sale by W. D. Shellen
bcrgcr. His is one of tho best made, and
best cutting Reaper and Mower now in use.
So say the farmers wito nto ordering this
Machine for this seasons tiee.
Perfumery, fine toilet soaps Ac, at
Lett A Ckeicu's).
The New Hardware Firm. Shurts,
Stcvuiisou A Cross have taken a stand with
the best of our business men. Their stock
of general hardw'arc, stoves, tinware, cutlery
nails, agricultural implements, wagons,
piow, fence wire, Ac. if. full and well select
ed, with a view to th'i wmts of this market,
and the Indications aro numerous that thej
are doing a heavy trade. Onr city Is well
represented in this liueorgoods.
White fish, trout, mackerel and salmon
at Swan A Bro's.
Itulbs, Import d Hull)! Wo Import
direct all our Bulbs, from Holland and Ger
many ; are now preparing our orders for fall
trade. Those wishing anything special In
that line will do well to send us their orders
at once. Fuknas, So.s A Co.
Brownville, Neb.,
Cheap sugar for preserving, at Swan A
Crowded with Business, Geo. Daugh
erty, for the room he ha, is doing a good bu
siness, and, what is more, renders entire sat
isfaction. Those in want of a good meal
never fall to get it at Dauglierty'.s.
A. F. Colin, of this city, took the first pre
mium on Cigars, with H. C. Lett, one of the
best judges of a good Cigar in the country, as
chairman of the awarding committee, and
the premium was deserved. Factory at No.
CI Main street. 23dwtf
Columbia River Salmon Just received at
Swan A Bro'f.
Machine OH cheap at McCreery A Nick
tlf. 3m
By ; ' ur rarnlture at lvu ,
A New National Bank. Tho first Na
tional Bank of Brownville, was organized
in this city on Friday evening, with the fol
lowing officers: Jno. L. Carson, Pres't ; A.
R. Davidson, Cashier; J. C. McNaughton,
assistant cashrtr. Tho following aro the Di
rectors: J. L. Carson, A. R. Davidson, W. D.
Shellenberger, M. A. Handley. F. E. John
son, B. M. Bailey, H. M. Atkinson, Wm. Fra-
zler, W. T. Den.
Tlicro arc seventeen stockholders, who in
addition to the above are named as follows:
John B. McCabe, Robert Teare, J. C. Mc
Naughton, James Medford, J. L. McGoe,
Wm. W. Frazler, Luther Hoadley, Evan
Worthing nnd Alex. Robinson.
The capital stock subscribed 13 $100,000, fif
ty per cent of which is paid in, and ten per
cent more of which Is due and payable at
the end of each month until all Is paid up.
The President has gone to Washington to
flic tho necessary papers and to get the Uni
ted States notes for circulation.
Hardware at reduced prices, by Slinrts,
Stevenson & Cross.
Manufacturing. Mr. Swltzergavo usn
visit on last Friday in his new buggy. Wo
speak tho exact truth when we say that for
beauty, taste, light and noiseless running,
strength, durability, good material and ar
tistic workmanship, it Is above and beyond
all other vehicles of any other factory now
owned in BrownvPle. We are annually pay
ing out large sums for wagons, carriages and
buggies and in no respect better than he
makes and the result Is the country is drain
ed of its cash and all are oppressed with
"hard times." This will inevitably be the
case until we manufacture more of what we
use and buy less of what Is made abroad.
The Trauafer. Jacob Rogers lias just
put on to the road between Brownville and
tho railroad depot a splendid new bus got
ten up to order to meet the wants of the
trav lling public and tho requirements of
tlie road, Mr. Rogers has given evidence of
downright enterprise in his management of
tho transfer of passengers and freight to
and frdm the depot, and we are glad to
tJhronicle this evidence of his prosperity.
Funeral Services. The Rev. Mr. Par
ker of Phelps City, will deliver the funeral
discourse of tho late Huston Russell, at tho
First Baptist Church In Brownville on next
Sunday at 2 o'clock.
Sabbath Sohal Pic Nlo, There will be
a Sabbath School Plo Nlc on tbe 4th of July
one mile west of Saunders' Mllis in Lafayette
Precinct. The Rev. Mr. Parker writes us
that at least five schools will be represented
and several speakers have been engaged.
Tlie Glorious Fourth. A regular old
fashioned Fourth of July Celebration will
tako place on tho -Jtli of July next at or near
Long's Bridge on the Little Nemaha River.
Normal School. Tho programme of Ex
amination commencing on Monday of this
wook came too late for last week's paper.
.Toaeph Coleman, one of tlie old resi
dents of this county Is here on a visit to his
son Nathan Coleman, near London. When
here he owned and lived on the farm now
owned by Dr. McComas. He has recently
travelled In Minnesota, In nearly all tho
Western-Southeru States, and now lives in
Oregon, Mlasotiri, but thinks this portion of
Nobraaka offers bettor Inducements to far
mers ttlan that of any porthm of tho United
States ho ever was in.
Independence day. The Fourth will be
properly observed at th6 Falrvlew Church,
near tho Hon Geo, CroW-'s residence.
Hedge Fcnou The Hon. Geo. Crow hns
one of the best nnd longest strings of turned
out hedge In tho county, surrounding" his
Scythes, hhaths, grain cradles, complete,
by Shurts, Stevenson A Cross's.
The Best the City Affords Ask one of
tho boarders at George Daugherty's Restau
rant what lie had for dinner to-day, and his
reply will be the-best tho market affords.
George says all ho wants is sufficient room
to get all the boarders lu the city.
For tea and coffee go to Swan A Bro's.
Casli paid for AVool r.t W. T. Den's.
Glass and'pulty nt
Lrrrr A Cr.r.rcu's.
Ivilbourn Jenkins &- Co., arc busy
loading up teams with pine lumber, sash,
and doors for the west. Their trade is live
ly this spaing. They have good reputation
for fair dealing among the farmers Of Ne
maha Johnson, Gage, Richardson and Paw
nee Counties.
Wall paper and &c.f nt
Builder inke Notice. If yon want door
knobs, door locks, bolts of any size, screws
for any purpose, window aud curtain fast
ncrs of any pattern, or anything else in the
hardware line, W. D. ShcHenbergcr will sell
them to you as cheap as they can be had in
St. Joseph or Brownville.
Carpenter, "time is money," and you
will alw ays jcr? time by using our lumber,
aud money by buying of us.
John R. Bull.
Clay's Patent Weatherstrip. Swan A
Bro. nre agents for this Weather Strip,
which effectually keeps out all rain, snow
wind and dust from under all doors,
to which It Is applied. They have the agen
cy for Richardson, Johnson, Pawnee and
Gage counties. Applications to them at
their store in this city, will receive prompt
attention. if
Oils and paints at
Lett A CnriGH's.
Post OlIcc Grocery EUirc. Do you
want fiour, sugar, coffoe, ta.n, dried peaches,
Blackberries-, currants' pitted cherries, can
ned goods of any kind, inolftsscs, syrup, vin
egar, coal oil, Ac,? Do you want anything
lu the grocery line? Uu to the Post Office.
Grocery Store.
Buildcrii should nclfnii to cill at John
R. Bell's, and get his prices and estimates
on your building. You will save money by
Maekerclaud while Hah In kits at Swan
A BrO's.
Phyetclau'a prescriptions carefully com
pounded at all lioUni, d.ty or night at
Lett A Cheigh's.
John p. nianny's combined self-rako
reaper and mower is the machine which is
attracting tho attention of our stock and
grain raisers this spring. W. D. Suollei.
bcrger has them for sale.
The Self Rake, Reaper &, Slower
The Dorsey Self-Raking Reaper A Mower
lomuincd, witli double jointed steel mow
ing bar is for sale by Joseph Curtis, of Brown
ville. Wc claim that the Dorsey patent
Self-Raker is tho only one that will do
the work properly, and no better nviilom-n.
of this need be given, than that all self-rakes
are gradually merging into tho "Dor.sey."
The Dorsey will make a bettor shctf from all
kinds of grain than can possibly be done by
hand, and as well. If put better, than can be.
made by any self-raferr. The draft of the
Dorsey Is a light running machine for two
horses on ordinary ground, nnd is so well
balanced, that there Is very little weight on
the horses necks. The Dorsey has no side
draft. Tho Dorsey is mounted on wheels,
thirty-four inches high. In backing, all
the machinery stops. Our sickle has a little
faster speed than most reapers, which is a
very good thing in mowing. The guards are
of tho most improved pattern, and nre equal
In strength nnd cutting edgo to any made
The sickles are made by parties whoso repu
tation for making good sickles cannot be
questioned. They supply double tree, sln-gle-lrccs,
and neck-yoke. Also 1 monkey
wrench, 1 raising wrench, 2 malleable wren
ches, 1 oil can. 2 guards, 2 pactions. The
Dorsey took tho Silver Medal at the Exposi
tion at Cincinnati, as tho bestScif-llnker,
Hope, of all sizes, at Jjwaa A Bro's,
Remaining In the Post Office at Brown
ville, Nebraska, June 20th, 1371, that if not
called for in one month, will bo sent to tho
Dead Letter Oaice:
Astry Liza, Ames Sam H
Bagley Wm Q, Barrows Edgar P
Bcnoinan James BinerN C
Braco John F Bunnelle M L
Collins Bros Crane J A
Elliott G B Leutherby Wm
Frazer Sarah E Darprr J N
Holmes Laura Jenkins GS
Kennedy Charles LeaphartJC
Little Milton W Longgon Mary
Mathewson Annoy McDavid A B 4
McCoar Mr Mires Floria
Miller Annie Nelbel Charles L
Nelson George Orr J G
Ross Albert R Ryan E W
Snowden Rev Mr Summers A
Saxtou J H Stillman C B
Persons calling for any of the above letters
will please say Advertised.
Buy your fitoves and Hordwaro at W. T.
All klnd3 of dried and can fruits at Swan
A Bro.
Ladies Dress Goods aud Ready made suits
at W.T. Den's.
Shingles lower tUcti over at John R.
Misses and Boys summer suita at coat at
Rcmciiiijcr.-C. A. Pollock soils every
thing in the grocery line, and dollvers "free
of charge."
General Hailroud and Foreign Ticket
Office at Star Kdtcl. 2wtf
For your lino Dried Apples and Peaches
and choice Groceries go to Den's.
Salt Lnlce Peaches. A fresh lot just
received at Swan A Bro's.
; in
For the First Premium Scythes and
Pitch Forks, Cradles and Snaths go to Den's
For Choice Jewelry, warranted pure
stuff, go to Dunn A Hays. iGwtf
MilU Crocks and Jars, of tho celebrated
Akron ware at Swan A Bro's.
The Best and Cheapest Dry Goods in
Brownville, at Den's.
Jackson and Schuttler Wagons at Den's.
A Car load of fence wire Just received by
Shellenbergor, which he proposes to sell low
down for cash.
-a- . -v
The Original Golden Crown Cigar Is
manufactured by A. F. Cohn. It Is tlie favo
rite everywhere. 37-tf
The American Prize. This is a good
CtuieMIll; weight 300 lbs; rollers Sx8; light
one horse.capaclty 200 to 300 gallons Julco per
day. The only solf-adjdstlng two-roller mill
In market. For sale by W, D. Shellenber
ger. i -J I c
Wall Paper and Window Shades,
The best stock, nt lowest prices, can bo found
at Mooro's Book Store. 30-tf
Concentrated Lye in Porculajn cui,
a decided improvement oyer the old fashion
od tin boxes, for sale at Swan A Bro.
Gold Pens. Geo, B.Moore has a fall stock
of the celebrated John Foley Gold Pens and
Pencils for sale at New York price.
Gunsmith. Wm. F. Craddock has open
ol ills shop for business at No. 33, Main
Wm. II. Hoover, Real Estate Agpnt nnd
Couveyencer: Court Roohx. Jiltf-dw
A full line Groceries and dry ironware
to ho lntd cheaper for ready pay, a' F. h.
Johnson & Co'o store than any whero olsc in
TMaitk Book and Stationery. '. laro
and well selected assortment of this class t
goods enn be found, low down for cash, at
Moore's Book Store.
Meadow IClng Mower, maim facta red
by Gregg, Flyer A Co., and for pale by W. D.
Shellenberger. This is a good mower. Come
ami see It.
Swan &. Bro., have added a full and com
plete assortment of Glass and Quecnsware
to their stock. Everything of tho best qual
ity and at low prices.
The syrups In the market can be
foundit Swan A BroV.
BlaclcsiiiltU's Iron, of all kinds, con
stantly on bund, at Suollenberger's. This is
a great advantage to IJlnikiuillbs, and one
which they out to patronize. tf
Ladies did you know It 1 The latest
styles ol ladies huts in large quantities cm
be had cheaper at F. E. Johnson A Co's, than
at any other House in Browuville.
Barbershop. John Smith Is doing the
tonsorinl business of this town nit his shop
near Geo. Daugherty's Restaurant. Next to
the money loauers lie is tiie best shaver in
Canton Cllpn'-r Plows They have been
tried by the farmers of Nemaha county and
need no commendation at our hands. It is
only necessary to e-ty that W. D. Shellenber
ger keeps them for sale.
That 1 what they should do. -Farm
ers should call and examine tho large stock
of hardware, tools, fence wire, agricultural
implements, etc., at W. D. Shellcnberger's
before purchasing elsewhere. All goods war
ranted and prices guaranteed as low as tlie
I - .
You will be honestly dealt with, and any
error that may occur will oe cheerfully cor
rected. John II. Bell.
The regular term of the Probate Court for
the trial of civil cases for all sums over one
hundred dollars and under three hundred
dollars, will be held at the office of the Pro
bate Judge in the city of Brownville, Nema
ha county, Nebiaska. commencing on the
first Monday of each calendar month.
27-tf Probate Judge.
i .- i
Wagons, at reduced prices, at Den's.
Codiljh at the P. O., only 12J cts. per lb.
Nice clothes baskets at Gilmore A Co's.
very cheap.
Watch. Ilcpnirihic nc"ally and protapGy
done by Dunn A Hayy. -HUrtf
Sea Moes Farinr, a nice article for pud
dings, Ac, nt Swan A Bro's.
Reduced Prices on all kinds of Hard
ware, Stoves, Tinware, Nails. Pump-, Wag
ons, Plows, Ac, Shnrt.s,Steypn-on &. Cross.
Can Fruits of ail kinds, very low at ui--inore
A Co's.
Dedicated Cocahut aud Corn Starch nt
Swan A Bro's.
Culiforilla Wine and IJraudy. 'I
puri article at ilcCrcory fc XinlcsllV. 23-3m
All ttindard patent medicines nt
Extra Crackers, in three pound bostf, for
family use at Swan & Bro's.
Picture Priimlng.-. A. .T. McFall kecph
on hand a full variety of Mouldius and is
prepared to frame pictures, In any etylo of
the art, at reduced prices.
Choice Dritil cef and Canvassed Hams i
at Swan fc BroV. !
llcnnett'd f Jailer j-. For oc-d pictures
promptly done wo all go to Bennett's Gal
lery on Maiu street.
A complete stoclc of wann and bugy
t.uabT at the new harJwars ctore.
Rope of all kinds at Swan A Bro's.
Locks, butts, screws, hingu, and all
kinds of builders material, a fuIT stock, at,
Shurts, Stevenson A Cross's.
Woods Revolving Horso Rakes are
for sale by W. D. Shollenbcrger. Consider
ing theirbe pnes, durability, and udaptl
blhiy they are tlie nest rake now In use.
J, W. Henderson's millinery store and
baznr of fashion is always thronged with
customers. Tho reason for this is that he
keeps the Cncct stock of these goods in tho
city, aad sells the cheapest.
Ofr1 '
If you waul to save money, call and ex
amine tho stock of hardware, stoves, wag
ons, plows, Ac, at tho new hardwara -tore.
irr - '
Jacob Jlarohn, Merchant TaUor is. at
his old stand and has a few boy's and gen
tlemen's suita to give away. Those In. want
will call before they are all gone.
Shurts, Stevenson Cross will sell
you a No. 1 wagon for less money than any
body else.
Pure Drugs and medicines at
Lett A Cr.tGn's.
Up with the tlinen. Tho now hardware
store Is selling goods at low figures.
E, S. Wibley. There Is no disputing the
fact that Mr. Wibley has tho beet selected
stock of Furniture in the west nnd the
amount of business tlint ho Is doing, while
all others arc nearly Idle, Is ample proof of
theabovo broad assertion, and shows for It
self that his prices aro very reasonable. Any
one wanting gooJs In his line will find that
it is to their pecuniary interest to call and
examine his large, complete nnd full stock
bofore making their purchases.
Grain Cradles, and mowing scythes,
cheap, by Shurts, Stevenson A Cross.
Queen's AVare at low figures, at 2ran A
Machine OH at McCreery & Nickoll's. 3m
i j-
Hardware at reduced prices, by Shurts,
Stevenson A Cross.
Swan Brother sell the bestand cheap
est Syrups and Molasses In town.
A fresh supply of tho most Improved
styles of cook stovea at Shurts, Stevenson
A Cross'.
Snlt hy the liarrcl, F. E. Johnson A
Co., havo It for sale.
merchant Tailoring. Bonnctt A Do
len, No. 6J Main Street. Prices reasonable
and satisfaction guaranteed. They make
shirts to order. The patronage of the public
respectfully solicited. 35-3m.
If you want to savo money call and ex
amine the stock of hardware, stoves, wag
ons, plows, Ac, at tho now hardware store.
If you want bargains call at tho new
hardware store.
Cider Vinegar, Pure cidor vinegar for
sale by Swan & Bro.
o -.
The largest Trade. Our lambor trade
is Increasing more rapidly than that of nny
other line of buslnes's. To bo convinced of
this fact one has only to watch the teams
which arc being hourly loaded up for the
west, at Kllbourn, Jenkins A Co's. lumber
yard. They do the lumbor trade of this
Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby
given that tho partnership heretofore exist
in,; betw -en Kilbourn, Jenkins AC'., nnd
the Crist Brothers, is this day dlsso! ed by
mutual consent. The firm hereafter to be
known as Kilbouru, Jenkins & Co., whoas
5uino all credits and Hr.bllltif.
ZlomO by tr-e day or week, at Daugher
ty's R - xr , me door west of tho Bank.
Dead Shot for Hod Bugs at McCreery
Nlckell's, 3m
Wool Wautet! May w ill pay the high
est cash price for ail brought to this market
If you cannot find what yon want any
whcieelse, you may depend on getting It at
John R. Bell's.
Remember Daugherty's Restaurant In the
time of thy hunger, for there is the place to
get a "square iiiesi," served up to the
"Queen's taste.'1
John R. Bell, Michigan Pine Lumber
yard, corner 1st and college Street, Is stock
ed with every kind of building material a
man can use, and always at the loiveai possl
price. On Hand. One car load Buck Eye Reap
ers, one car load Marsh Harvesters, one car
load llrby Reapers, any quantity of plows,
cultivators, corn planters and every thing a
person wants. Call on F. A. Tisdel A Co.
Brownville, or Paw nee City.
Advertisements urder tb:3 had will be charged
25 cents eucli Insertion, for ft a lines or less.
L simif will rent hn IPacksaiith Simp and
Tcols, in the City of Krownvtile. to "on le .ood ine
clianlowho wlsbes to ran the sai. e'n conneeiirin
with his Waiton Shop For terms and parttcu'ars,
enquire of FRAXZ HELM Kit. 3Tlf
'FO RENT. Dwvlllnir Uium with three rooms.
1 Enquire of F. C. HACKER.
X Farm to rent advertise st in the Advertiser, Ui
our chei.p :ul vcrtising column.
n,y.- ,. u i .- .iui-.- - 1 imm.-a l
Advertiemcnts tunler this head will be cliflrpeJ25
cents end- Insertion .for live iiucsorlt s.
FOU SALE MILCIf Cf UV. A Kood Milch Cow, will 'come In" about the middle of Julj.
For terms, particulars. Ac, apply to TllOM.Ui
SALES, nourtre Poor farm. 3;tf
1701'. SALE RESIDENCE LOT& The mostde
J? sirnble location in the city of Brownville. For
nirthT particulars enquire of T C. HACK It.
L'OU SALE. An Improved Farm or Two Hun
J. drea Acre. Well Mtu.iled, well supplied with
water nnd timber. Two and half miles firm
Itrounvl'le. For terms enquire of W. J. Al'STIN,
Real Estate Agent. .-tf
FOR SALE S-HOr GUN The Advprtisr office
tnrs for sale ore of the ?T) Purxer Hrf-tn
Loaditnr Double Uarreinl Shot Onns. Itst In the
World." fall and see II. It Ls new dud Just from the
.shop, and w arranted jerf'ct in all i parts. tl
jl tewbis HaClime, new. Emaiire at tbte ofHce.
proved ami .improveti.
W. J. At'S"'X,
-" Hs MfcteAsent,Brow njile.
T ANbs AND PAK5I Fvlt SA.--Oi:
tuxoid,ioca:a, Au.(:ti- in-of .
-tf Real E-t e Aoiif.IJrowa die.
SV . --M KJ !-
Advrt)einent uiider hls Lead w'll be charted 2
win s each insertion, for live t.oeacr less.
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7a?Ici Street, Eroivni Hie.
S?IGr:7 OI? ?ES
--J-'jqx j-eia.-rtgAH
Manufacturer, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in
rN-.s . . . a r "
cjs: -
13 iTl I
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Jo. Tl Main Street,
STC Hj3PA.Ij?.HsTG-f
Done to Older, on Short Notice, in Workmanlike Manner.
UJKJIkif-Llil3 teUUMh
1866. 1871-
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VJo sell tlie
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IvIPe2;0"VEiID 'B'OlEb 1371.
Most Durable and Lightest Machines Made,
It ii will mum
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