zSSfSiTfS V . - t EE3E w" nwfa S3SE ximxRi r UK U' w i THE ADVERTISER, mt m r a rS ? &$ ttfS. mbUshed every Thursday doming I?r CHVBCIL &JIACKBJI, Proprietors. Odlcc No.743IcPlier(on's Elock, npSlnlrs, BHOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Tories, in A&vaTtco : ode copr. ow year One copy, sis months Ooe py. thrt'e ontlu- BE1DIX0 3IATTEII OX EVERY PAGE SOCIAL DIRECTORY. LODfiES. crir lt CarmcU!niiiiianJeryls.uIclTfjii fcCy iilar . J. Meets u Alaoiii liuiluu tue oc itid touturflav night iti each month. It. W. tuti-,-a -', J.m. Cum.' JNi'. Hi.aki:, ltesurder. rtTra'5."0,vnv"c fxtpJcr No. 4. It. A. 31. 'A nebular Conimunk-atlonij HriMn(lav night la ev Ji month. Lecture ileel.ns every JIodI.i clzjl. John OIuaki:. il. K. 11. I. KiTf T. 1UKCT .Myy. -'..Scainh!i nllc' IjOiJbc No. - A. F. & -7 A. !. Uesultir Oonui.un;crfiioas liw a:ja tvIrl -Marday Jiinw in each month. lAQgz o. iVlrict i a ev'ery tUlurtlaj night. John 1U.kk V jl siiorv FiiKXCit.acry. jo5J.:rovnvillc I.o!ec No. .", I. O. (. V. J Jtfefialar meeting 'J uesd.iy evening oi eacli tre J.wKVBSiiOS, N. G. D. O. Cuuss, Secy. CllUUCIIE?!. i7 sabbath at IirJU a. in., and 7;30ri. m. Tr.iyei ile''"tu; Wednesday evnnniB-'. a.tbatl tschuol e:)( .ock p. m. J. T. Baiup. faster. ? letli(!fot 11. Churrli. Services each "' sabhuth at 10-.: a. m.. and 7.W i. m. -" K'iTMBiterM Lauren. SMirvice-" caci. dv School nt a a. m. l'rayer ilcetms i aureus tre liug. W. U. if. Cult, 1'awtor. -itrta.fi,;vT.- rMn;-pIi- f'burrli - Fpi'sPoiiaJ. -Corner L AUaiiCc and second streets, services every faundav Moruuie at Ii' o'cltli p. m. vihicj School at 2(oclocfc. Eveulnssserviwal -ooh-k. UjIv Communion udmlnMered on the lipt sujicIh of each month. Seats free. n. It. 1A Vlh.. Ites;or. PllniUJ-t fhurrli.-Coruer Fourth and At i5 laniiC streets, service every rinbhaih vx rii tbe tldrd in each month, ai II o'clock a. it., BnJ TuclocK r. m. Sunday iM-bool nt lo a. m l'rayer Mettin Wednesday evcmin;. T.S.X.OWI' Paitor. 55rhritlRn.Tltarc!i London Divine er- y vice everj saoo-m ai 11 a. in., and m the ev?ri"g. tfr?-!. HarV Kpi"coprtI Peru. Service 2' f.-ervSuud.iy murninjiml ven.ns. Sun day st jtiul at -o'clock p. in. itev. 11. C. 1'ai.iiott. Taltor. f?" H. E. funrrli. Eondon. Services et"er WCtf other Sg-bbath. Itev. J. V. AIahtin, t'astot ? II. i:. Church, IVm. Services every Sat KU ha'li. Itev. Mauti 1'kitciiahu. 1'astor. V&f'W. E. ("iiurrii. Nemnlia I AAi every other sabbath. It. Ul Nemnlia City. Service hgk. 1'nstor. C1TV OKJICAES. pvCItr t'onncii.-Mtvts the riwlTliur-day li t' each uuitilli. Mayor, C IV Stewart. A I dermen. K. A. Tisdol, W. D. Lewis, F. E.Johns.n C Neidhardt.D. Plasters. Marshal. 1) Capmhell Cerk. J. H Docker. Attorney. . French, ea urer, J. W. Middictun. Engineer. T. W. lledionl. JIA1LS. Northern Daily via Phelps: Departaat 8a.m. Arrives at 12 p. m. Southern Daily via Phelps: Daparta at 8 a.m. Arrli-e-iat3 p.m. .tort,iern- ia Peru Sontheru Via Xeuinha Tri-Weekly : Departs Mjail.iy, Wednesday mid Saturday at 7 a.m. Ar rive name dj v at i p.m. H'r-.ieru-Viu Tuiiifeli to Beatrice Daily: DeiurU at 7 a.m. Arri es at b p.m. Nurl!icr Via Lund ,r. tosj'runc Creek Week ly Dfi'aru Friday at t a.m. Arr.ves aaturJy at tf.qi. o.ltllWtern Via .Sherman to Table Eock tvekly: JKvarts Monday at ; a.ui, Arrivej Tue d ut U p.m. vt Oitlce Hours from 7 a. ni., to7 ;. in. Sun tx, rroui loto lu , a. m. W. A. I'OI.OuK. P. M. t-j- '---iniTa"rr"jTTTTi--r2ar','y,gx;&aas3' BUSINESS CAItBS. ATTOllNKYS. TTEWETi' & Ni WMA.N. A.'-r.-eis mid van 1 t -: r,alUH,tU.K:. .lie, :m: O.Uce No. ,u. -J Kli.NCJlfe- IUMTHRfik ATti rn9 aHd Cuomotera 1 Li ntniiveuoaa'ioniiy H- ira. c .iBes tec im Uhut Lgftteem Court tttcueltui :. Btwwh wH. Jf cm 7 OH A . DILLON. Att4MtMy and Ceuttt Law, v and Iteii tCounty.Nrb. and Rei ain't Agent, TeeumitiB, TfH ion s. MHIi'HASA P.liOADV. A :..ni' va a Eiw n-:d A i..f itori .n . 1:. i yfry. O.tiC" .u Listriet Couit Uai, Utownv .ue. .eb. "JTit. IL iJrLENNAN. Attorney and Counselor 1 Lj. .S'Wh t City. Sim. -VVE A nUJtfPIirtlZY. Attorneys and Counselors . t I.hw. Vnv. nee City. I'avvin e OHiniy, Ncb K. t- ItKid.i -Vttxnieyut Uw and Laud Agent. . lteair.ee, iite ( oUht, JSebraika. A -:iY.s:ciAN". CT 8TKWAUT.M. I.. Physician ami Sorgetm. Brownvitte. -eb. O.UCe uvun i.-wn 7 to 9 a.m. t -1 1 1 1 . Z n ivd :, to 7 , p. ta. OiHce m IL C Lett's lr j -tore. TM. M. DAILY, Phvsxian and Surj.eon. at. T DrMn. Neb. u'raUoAte or CtucisiiiiiU Eclec tic Ojiwe. 31 y iT IL Kill IIFMN. M. ! . Physician ami Surgeon i io ! .eor sta i-.ye wiu iyr J.usniiiry. N" 8'tM.nin -.tr-ei. lirowuvilie. Neb OtUce houro lf',13 7 .ill. IO O p. 111. II C TU'JltMAN. P!.yvMiRn and Surgeon, No. Ma u dirt.ei. l;ri a nv.lic. eb. Ouice hours ru.il to to 2! &.:. anl '''. I U4 p. in. HL. II.VTUKWS, Pi.ys c an and. Surgeon. o:Mre . in ' y Drjg Slore. No. i! Mum fetreel, Urev.-u-vhle. Neb. E,Axi a-2S?;ts. P COttSWKLL. Real E-,ttn: Ta Pavlnu Jx. . .-"it. tl n.-e'in ("rsv.i.!i Blot !:, corner F r-it n1 Ai..uiticstr'eiR. Will tcivep-umptaaeiitioii to l.1 Rtf.- or lte.il JaatF hi,J The l"a nielli o. Thw taruJsuout th Nemaha IjiihI D.Rtr.ct. 7n "S It'll VKD V. IIUitllES. :te-l E-ate Awnt and J v JC jiary j'ubl c. i i!' .. 1 livimaiurd k McFall's FarTiiliireSiore. HroAnviliP. Neb. W'lLLIiM II. IIOOVKK. llal Eta'e and Tax ' P iu Agent. )inoeii Dtstnc: C.mr: Hoom. WiUtlve prouipt Htlention to the sale o: lte.-tl Ei tateind Payment of Ta.osthrotishoutthe Nemaha Lund Otor.cr. L GRAIN I1EALKRS. ";VAN WOi'.TIIINU, r rwanlin and Commis 1 1 sion Meroiiant. and Ilea er .n til k ndsororfo tndCouiitrv Pr.xluce. O.!io and .reroom, ;o. Main Kttet, Itnivnville. Neb. rjE. O. 31'AItr .t nitu.. Dealers i -VJ duce. Ac.. Aspinvall, Neb. HI in Grain. Pr- yrke pa d ior anyth.uthe former can raSe. We Till buy ami sell everything known to tl.e market. Tirliir mar1...) M.KU'I1ANL1E. 10HV MrPIIintSOX. Dialer ill (lefifrt Morrl.. a-.d.v. b ties room in Mi-P.ier-oll block. No. i"' Xm i-trect. Bnra nville. Neb. IV1 y 3? E JOHNSON A CO . De i'erv in General Mcrch- andise. No. 71 Main htn-et. Ilrowuvil'.e. Neb. TV T'lIIIHT Tk.x- r , ,r , ...- . -ri.. umirr 111 1 .eiierai .uerir.mii d.seand IorH-.trIiii.M.il ioimii.iri ATrh- i.. No. 2, Jl.ihi N-reet. BmwmvuIin Neb. Corn iianters. P'.ows. tove. Furmtiire. etc. alwavs on JsiJ Hizhet market price paid lor Hides, Pelta. i un and Omntiv Produie. NOTARIES. 1? EEB!UGIIT.Notar PubllcandConvevanrer. v k ? '- M'l,:l ""f'-et, ecnisl tloor. Bnr.vnvlllc. :, 1 ,A".ent :"" the Enuitable and American Tou ne li.c insurance conuniilfs. JUSTICES. A V. MORGAN. Probate Judge and Justice orthe 7 J 'f e. Odlce in Court llou-e Building, Browu- - ""I..WU GU.CXTY SURVEYOR. .1 Ul;cS (; LBEItT. County Surveyor. I'ortonlce aJJress, Ch.tun. Neman Coaiu , Nebraska. SADflLEKT. T U P.L'i:a V M MalHsIrwI ltr..iv-ii n!. v..h. Harness. Br.d.t. Coll-irs. Ktc No. .,, --- iuTxsi.jjt it jt;s.'.u rtvuuitiA iwiio .ut l)a..nii i.I.t. Vnti f.iii.tiiili..lu "vravr. bait-, fact ion Guaranteed nLACICSMlTHS. T tL BHA " tlro.vii' IASON. General Blacks-nuh. ta.n -treet. Hf. W. 1.5tTlillll lOUOmi K'l.OS i-.,..ii .-.i i. ... , .A .i .. .i ......i. .- Mil iron, nn suort notice, ana at prices in t.-'V "i mth the times. J XT; J- GIBSON, H!a JtsjKilhs and llurc j, . tiot-rv. Firit street. between Main and Atlantic. S,.n V,J"- x eh- Wort done to order und satis.ac- llltlDGE liUILDlNG. WlIFT-r.T'n r.niloulhi.'ilaF.n:! e,n.n.n. Pa-h Vt- "" -xeo ooieiigem lor it. w.siiniiis i.f'1 r1- Urtde. TheMronsesl and b. bt wooden Ftr.i.. ........ . . ". -. .. .... ... BOOTS ANO SHOES. A r- ROIILNsON. Boot and Shoe Maker. No. VniN ln ",trees- "row n vdle. Neb. lias con-tant-vi? Uaa'1 a K'MKl .esortnieiit oi item's. Lady's, v.;i ana t-'ntidren's Botita and Shoes. Custom d,f ?: Wlth neatness and dispatch. Repairing y-ie on abort iioiire- HARDWARE. rSa&LLtNBia:GER JlBOS.. Ialcrs lu Hard t.i:lr,'stov'.'f.rt"are. Cirpenter Tools. i;:ack 1? , '4 "rahinzs. Etc. No. 74 Ma.ln street, litonn .iie, jeo. D sT1,'11 SHIRTS, Hardware Merchants. No. 4d..v r'" slreet. Brownvnte, Neb. Dealers in TAILORING. rjurW. IIATJBOLDT. Merchant Tailor. No. CI on nanu a 10111 up In H2m v.FJ&DRD Cn-Pcac-and Quiet t& Sa- inea and Ltg iors kept on hand. II I.CilAUT) ITT!txiTVT ti, , i,m..-j- 1 loin sr ioiV , ' i.i..iiu.i i.iucin ja- S'N,d,5,ta str,:et P-rvnville.Xeb. The lnp an4 Liquors constantly on hand. i RRSTACa.ANT3. irtostViiW?--" "n street. Brownvllle "Veb Httlb7Bn. Unti bj-ttetoyo? wfc. oo nn 1 00 PV laeli t ... ' t'ooas.and will make tl !nleij" J.. . i"""ie. .seo. ir.is teriiM . o;i snort notice aua leusouauit . SALOONS. "7rA W-Ji - -i-;: fsi f jiv w t-ihai. w- r Ar-i rrx a .tm ujioJ3 4,i." au s jrr-rsr ESTABLISHED 1S5S. , Oldest Peso? in the State. J ap.jA.Ji as BUSINESS CARDS. IIOTK1.S. yJlEUMAJ irOUHE.-C M. KauflrnRn. I'rnprio O t.r. Iio.-tCii.iin street. I'.rjwnvllle. NehraLa. TIioronsMy roa.wlcled and rcii.rsnalied. 1 fed aia blo in couuct.on with the lnii?f. btagw .or all IMtir.tHV.efi and iinn.bu-ses lor r.ll trains. r nraoLKS JIOU.-E. J. N. Iteynolds, rroprletor. At. No-), nj tt&i iia.n streut, opixftite l'otoJhce. Xer. ty ;uilhed throiiBhout ; tuoroughly renv.6-eli-d .r.m eelinr to attic first CU1 sample Koorn on Ural tloor. Mst convenient lloune to the hu-i-nc?s part . the city. I.ivpry cc;m raodiUons cn ven:ent. M-t a.r aM iinti leave tliN House dully. laakHiB close conueclioub with all Ilailroaa trains. "' t SIERl'.'AN" IIOC.E. L. T. Kob!on Proprietor. t n.nl tr-er. h. inecn Ma:n hshI College. Good Fed aud i.uery aub.e in connection vith this ilouae. rmuoRisTS. irXREEIty & NICKELL Dealers In Dnisrs. JL ota-loiiery. J.ic No. ;C Main Mreet. P.rown vIlIcNeh. KuilfSortmento Drugs, luint. OIh. B '.ks. M.'ionary, etc. on hand, and sold at uflo.p saleorret-'T. , J. W. APPiiSGATE, mmm & llukiii CroiT nvIiZc. J.'c;ras:.a. Vmr.1. DO ALE KINDS OF IIUILDING. PRE-' V parp P ans. Irw D Fjsni. and Fiirn -h ec fixations. SatKl.iCtlon Kuaranti'Pd. j-b Work or every description nt short notice. Shop back of American JIou-e. '-' tf jac b n. BKCKi-ny. men a nt sviTZi:n. BEESLEY & SWITZER, Wagon & Go rriageHakers AND BLJkCESEBJSBS. COLLEGE STUEICT, BROWN VII. 1 E, - NEB. CT7STOM WORK TONE ON SEOET NOTICI AND IN A STYLE and ni'itinerwhlch will cuarniiU'esjiti fiu-tson. Mr. Ilerkelv d-es tl.e Wood Work and Mr. Switzi r tl c IS ui-lvsnili iiinir unil :he Iron Work, and pro. ess es to be a superior hand at HORSE SIIOK1NG. C3GIve u. a call. CC-2m GSO. S. PHILLIPS, Liyery,Feedt& Exchange Stables Broxs-nviilo, KcTiraslia. -v:r?ysgr.TV' - . - '-t.m .-T7Tr t -.'C j-"Jlc;- .III Operations Per- rnied in the hctt mnuuor. JiKKitT: Over riiypjug Store. iront room. a miEEBSmnEAII wownawraiaM. j No. 3-3IaInSL rca-rrrvji . p iiKoivxviZiis, ?;eu THE SHERMAN HOOSE. 4.0 Jlalu-tt., EroMiivllle. IN C0XXECTI0X WITH TJIE HOUSE. Tills Uoua'1 liusiiet'ii reniodeltsl and ro!iirni2iefl UiiooKhoUt, and allorit'. the lieUaccuiiiiModatioiiMli i.ioca) :o tlie ioc.il nd tr..veli!.f public Itiseen irnliy iLs-Hteil. tRKes lor the West. and Omnibuses for ail tntiiis. so ironi me Sherman llouhe. l'.iii hrt cias-i. clmrues iinKlpr.iii. I.V-tf Wholesale and. Retail Dealer l OLD PIENTU CJZY I IR i nn j lurc inc.4, 23ittcr.v, CiC. G3 31 A3 X STREET, BRO VS V1LLK. XX Mi A SKA. Bricklayer and Plasterer, I2rovnvillo, ToornsJm. Is prepansd to take contracts in his line. In city or CiHiinrv. u work done in tnebet ol s vie. Also, will r.j'i.d ci-lerns. and warrant them peneet. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry JOSEPH SIIUTZ, He. 59 Main Sf.rcot, BroTriivillo. , Keei's couMantlv on hand a lair" mid well . r.sMirted stock oi Kenuine artieles in his line. Z.' U lteiairuiK oi Clock. W..:ci.e and Jewelry -" done on short notice, at reasonable rates. At. I. U'njtlx WAllitAXTKU John L. Carson, Banker. nun ir.v villi:, .'i:jh:a am. Exchange hnnsht and sold on all the princlpa cltln. Alodealerln Gold and Sliver Coin, fiotu Cast, and Govern ment Buiiils. nonnslrs received rRvab'.eut sirfit. Interest paii1 on lime aeposn- oy miwui! :icreen.ent. 'I a.' ' for iion-rsiieiiis. Ail kinds V. S. Bonds wanted. A80N! &gLACKMITHjHOP ONE POOP. WEST OF COUET HOUSE. WAGON MAKIN(!, Bepairing ows. and nil worn none in inem.-.- manner and on short notice. Satisiaction imaraii auteed. Give him acall. I3l-ly. lixr O. 1 'tlUJAUT, GermanPhysician & Qbstelrlcian OFFICE IN I-IiritMAN'S DRUGSTORE, ErownviUe, Ni-limsku. DOSSESStNG an Eicctro Masnetic Battory. he JL will lie fully able to attend to all Nmousand ojherd.-ease-'." Will lie in Brovraville from the lt to the 5th. and Srom the l.th to the Istliof everj' month. Mf :tiiN q. a. sun a. v rnr n:i 'L R feir. til 8 ?8? iL wmmmmi i.ND CG2E3SI33IGN KGUSS OF SMITH.& WILCOX. Dealers In all kinds or Oraln, fcr which they pay the h'slie-i nmrket lr.ce .n Cash. i.B'Otliceat'Sti.ieoi F. C JoUm-"-,rv tsitri "aldtex Sz, JLemmoii, House, Sign and Carriage ljL. I a III L!!0 njZZ$ No. V5 Main St. nzmm jlixed Paints FO It SALE. GiLDiya GRAINING, S3I ACTING. FROSTING, KAIXOMItCJNG. CTG ?-r g? o V is s i ALi SIZES AND PATTESNS, I " " AT V?. U. SHELL B?;ni:itCEn.&. r;r :-&iK'7rr "f ..s'Mr. -. :jhM - .p .. I E. EArGnERTY, D I pp.opr."i.iX)R, i . 3 n. ir. vILco r.Tes Mf! PI r 1 tl n hmm r4 h m,rrjrk lv!i A&k AA. & fH i & S, .Mi, LzaLmuHwif. ..aiW-.M.iim ii- I.'l i. THE ADVERTISER. BROWXVILLE, NEB., TTIUttSDAY MORNING, ArRIL57. IS71. THE IjIPEACKjIENT TRIAL. KvttlciiQC in t!ie liuJlcr Case Cro?s cxMiiunntiiui of Rev. D. n. Dmiixan I am a pronchur of thu C!h jifl ; tin not deal in lands; have some lots; Unow of.-ehool lainls Mild ut the price I estimated at frem 5 to 'J miles; there was ahnuLo. miles from the eity a imct m"18), with a small huildin with one 10 m ant! aijont fifty acre- improved for $4,01)0 ; there was a sale ahout to he completed. of naked prai rie land ahout 0 miles from the eity at S1J per acre ; I heiievc that the hinds would hiing otie Uulf that sum at an auction sale after due notice; I think the lands would hrinj that af ter due :idverienuMit from live to kueiiiy oonHrs per acre ai o sale on execution : rawnee uuy is s miles - .. . .. . .. from a rail mat I depot ami 40 mile from the Missouri liiver at a trading point. l)r. Kesson, sworn r Witness exaniiuetl two inorljrsurps ; I resit le in this place; am familiar with the value of lauds in the viu'ni ly of Lincoln ; I cKiinmte the value ot lnud-i in mortjiajie Xo. IS, -0 acres, at $11) per acre ; mortal;; No. 1!), 1J acies at ahtuit $10 per acre; I know ihe sale of oilier lantls ahout same dis tance I mm the town ; I think it would hrtnjr th it price at a forc-d .-ale it lieinj; adverti.-et! ; I do not know what the htnd are appraised at. one piece is ahout 0 miles ami the other ahout Hie same; I think it good se curity at that price for money loaned. Mr. Hedick introduced as evidence ah-tracts of the title to the lands de scrilied in the nmrigagcs. J. M. Young, sworn : I ic.-ide in Lincoln, am famiiiat with the value of lantls in the vicini ty of this town T think the lands in two lots are wo.rtU from $(5 to $10 per acre, depending upon the topography of th- tract.- ; I arrive at litis cancJu--ion from the tact that I own a trad near that, I gave $10 per acre: I know of lands at $'2j per acre ; I hold my lauds ut $10 per acre; I should expect to get lantls at douhlc or one thud over actual value; T think the.-c lauds described would he good security for a loan at o per cent. J. S Church, sworn : I reside in 15 o nv 1 , Nebraska ; I had a conversation itli Mr. Sweet ahi'iil the 5 per cent, fund last year at the time id the special se. ion ; 1 wa n an investigating comniillye apd -aw a report of the Auditor and the $17 HSU was not there ; I went down hi the bank unit told Mr. Sweet that we unde,r.-tnod that the mofev had !Mtflet..ik?..he s.-dtl it. hail Mini was tleposited in iheiHVctWrwijiiw; he said that it was deposited in Mttl I afterward talked to the Governor and the Auditor iiii(Ulhen weiittlown tti Mr. Sweet ami lie -afd that he thought it must have been depo.-iied as be saw the amount credited to IJavid Holier, hut that he knew nothing about it; he was positive i it when I went the first time'; the Cove. nor loi.l me thai he bad ucd pn'-t of it, he saiti ne nn.. louml $Hi.S8I ,"l on his -hooks, but he knew notlsing about it the second time; he .-aid the fust time that there was no doubt about it ; he told me iiothiut: about eclliucates of de posit; J never heard al out it till I came heie; this was in February. 1870. Q, icstiou by M"r. dill'i-rence between and the Auditor' Treasurer said that it Thomas -The the 'I'n isurer s statement; the was not there. and the Governor said he had or iwn out a part of it ; my impression is that the Governor -aid he had check ! it out ' I did not know when i went theie Imw much it wa; h went ami found on his books the ex act amount. 11. I). Hathaway, sworn: I re-itle at l'iattsinouth ; I was present at a conversation between Mr. Sweet, myself and til hers with regard to the 5 per cent, fund ; it was at' the iiieelimr of the Benubiicaii Central Committee; the Governor was there to answer certain charge-, among them that of the 5 per cent, fund ; the Governor made a state ment that the money had been brought to Omaha, and he had given Brock a power of attorney tor the money siiid Brock had collected it ami had deposited it in the Trea-ury. ami he afterwards borrowed the mon ev from Hit? Stale; the Governor said it wa- secured by mortgages on hinds; Sweet said the statement wa true; Mr. Sweet, it I remember ritihtly, said the same thing in sub- -taiice to the committee iter mis: T think the next day it wa stated by i he Governor ami Sweet that the mortgages had been executed. Cross examined The Governor -aid that 'Taylor had brought the money from Washington to Omaha ami tlepo-itetl it. in the first National Bank, ami that the Governor gave Brock as Deputy Treasurer a power of attorney to "bring the money to v.meolii mid deposit it in the Treas ury, tind that afterwards he had bor rowed it fmn the Treasurer. By Senator Thomas I under-towl that the mnrtL'age.s had been made hy the Governor and were out ot his pos session. Atijo. trued. . Match 22. J. W. Ilolling-hcnd. sworn: I re.-ide in Pawnee City; am fa miliar with the price of land in the vieinitv of Pawnee City ; lands from five to'ten miles from the town an worth from live to eight dollar per acre; the W) acre tract described, adjoining the town site, is woith from seventy-five to one hundred dollars per acre; I estimate the value at what it would bring at an- advei lised sales I know of no land- sold at a h-s price during the past year than those I -have nientioner. Cross examined These land would bring the price I put upon them at a forced sale, provided H was udvei Us ed there are from oOI) to 7(1 1 inhabi tants in Pawnee City; there are three 1 stiects Used as busiue-s sieis;uie !)') acre tract is about 1S; rod troni the business street coming in from rim mirth X intimate its value a' what it will briny:: am not personally acquainted with the northeast quar ter of section -eventeeii; I know where it lie.-; if I wa- on a trade with a man. and not having seen the land . I would allow him s-ev. n dol lars ner acre: f would loan money on .... ,.- --..- .. 1. . T it tit live dollars per acre troni wmu i know of the bind Question What is the land which you say is worth live per acre to se curca ios, u-f-essed? Objected to. The ohjectiss w sqstalged, i:3 " ? BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1871. i ,i ,H . n tyv.J ' I do not know anything ahout the pi-niientiary lands.in tliia Slate John Morris sworn : P.eside in Saline county; the land de-ft-nhed in. mortgage in section 2S, is worth ten dollars per acre, and per haps more; the tract in the other moitgas!e(Xo. 19) is worth eight to ten dollars per acre; I am well ac quainted with the tracts. I am the archi ect of this huildiur; I am ac- q tainted with some of the peniten tiary lands; some of them lay very near; someot them arenauiy cut up; l hi.-, tract lies very nicely; I think the iiiiiiniinii.. value of l-.nds ill that vicinity is from five to eight dollars; if J had money to lend, I would loan it on. this tract at fnjm $5 to $3 per acre. C't arles Seymour sworn : I am acquainted with Jainc3 Sweet. Treasurer; have known him nine years; was present at the city of Om aha in September last, and heard a conversation then between him anil others relative to the live per cent, fund; mv recollection of the conver sation isA'eg7M,-':,r,y the same as that of Mr. llathuwuy; Governor Butler said that the moiiey hail been receiv ed at Washington, and he had made !!i-iti.'Mni.iiis with E. H. Taylor to bring it over; Taylor brought it to Omaha and depo-iied it in the Fir.-t National IlanU, ami, he hatlgtven Mr. lirocK a power of attorney to collect ami put it in the Treasury; that af terward Sweet suggested to Hutler that he had better norrow thi money. ..s it wa- lying idle, and that he had done so- weet a-.-enled to this, ami explained the reason why he bail ad vised Hutler to tionow the money, was thai it was lying idle and was drawing no interest. Cross examined Don't remember whether anything was said about the mortgages; I did not know why the Central Committee was called togeth er till I got there; the question was raised as to the power to loan the money ; I got the idea from Sweet's statement that the money was loaned shortly itier it was deposited inthe treasury ; no opposition was ouereu and di.-eus-ed by the committee; I was satisfied from Sweet's statement ami from hir, explanation of Brock's -wiitten bUitciueut, that the money h.id been tlepiwted in the Treasury ami loaned out to Governor Hutler. Hy Senator Thomas The idea that T got wan that the mortgage-had been executed, delivered to Brook and by him sent to be rceoided. ami that the interest on it had been aid. A. W. Kel og sworn : 1 oiit.-tioetl the statement 'made by Brock, tiiid pun.i-ihcd in the uew-jia-per.-, at ttie Auditor's oilice ; I took it to lMattsmoiitli and showed if to the (biycruor; i think that Brock made sooie collections in it before I left town; tit not icuiciuhcr what the correction was. Cri-s i xaiiiined I believed that the statement wascortect when I receiv ed it; doil'c know th it it wis in tde doj--ti-political purpose,- supposed it was to he fined iTrWjJjeeharges " the Daner.SiitaiutthiLOj3W?5tifi'i'fntI : C. H. Gere waspreseUtnulTITeiidf Brt;cf?T5restimony in regard--CoBsLu.tc;- lit. .lit !:f- l.ill .... .... ...ow ...... -, --. c li CJmi..ixi.'ro TjC''' .; w-a Our reporter bciu engageq at the time, the Jutiniv uiil publish this te.-tinnmy as soon as the shott hand vnters can Aum-h us a copy of their notes. Seth ilobinson sworn: I have been Attorn-y General, wa- pre.-etil tit the time the Governor and BmcK matle the arrangements tor him to go io Oiimha. prior t lite conver sation the Governor and myself thought an open letter would be suf ficient to have it paid lo the Trea-tir-er, but Block sn-i-led up.iu a power of attorney, and it was thought that the moii-y wa.- liepo-sted to Butler a.-GoveriiO'-; the in i.iey was stated tit that conversation to lie State funds that the Governor bad secured the collection of at Washinglon. timi mentioned as the o per cent, turn! ; liroek did not say much but li-teued to the conversation : the p.iWer of at torney was sifineil by l)av'ul Butler Governor, countersigned by the Sec retary of State, and sealed with the State seal. Cro-s-examine.tl There could have been no misunderstanding, about the character of the money as it wa free ly di.-cu ed, as Brork is a man of or dinary intelligence and was in a nor mal condition of mind at the lime ; I was Attorney General of the State, Was appointed hy the Governor. By Mr. liedick iCxperienee Esta brook was my principle competitor for the oilice; he drew the bill creat ing the oilice. The nioittratres on evidence were drawn under uiy supervision ; they wete drawn m December; t.iere weie 17 drawn the first day ami the other two the day alter; there were nine teen bonds ami nineteen coriespond ing mortgages; I was not in the Sen ate between the las: "of Anirust ami the lUth l October; I got the list of property Ironi the Governor ,- the Gov ernor gave me a list of the: mortgages; 1 arranged the form nivserf urn! in sisted upon the best lands he had in Pawnee county ; J do not think that the Governor dictated i ihL.' matter; a mortgage is a deed ; a deed is not a contract; the Governor gave me the numbeisof the laud, and told me the amount that should be placed upon each. By Rediek ThefJnvcP'or had in formed me befo.e that time that lu ll ad boi'iowed the money from the school tuud. and these mortgage. were to secure thai fund ; I, as a State oifieer, iu-i-ted i-r.on ample s enrit in i In-best lantls he had;' I took the bond- to Mr. Brock. Deputy Trea.v.ir er, we i xauiiiied them togt-iher. and ne accepted them; tins was, I think, the same day th it themoitg-jgis Wert drawn up. By K-tahrouk I staled to ihe in-ve-tigaiiug committee that the ab stract ot the piop.-ity in theTichenor loan wa- made by me prior to Un drawing of the mortgages. By llidick The mortgages wen drawn in the G ivernor's loan by Col Wei-ter. under, my vipervi-don. 1 having: drawn up a rough form: i i ne "i.iie oi lam iic'-urs in any mort -'ages in.-a mistake, as it should he 1 vu. Adjourned AlTHP. KECICS5. Senator B Hawke sworn : Have had per.-on.-d transaetion. with Gov. Bulb r in furnishing sup plier for the State to th.. amount of $U im to $1J (HP.) ; Cov. Butler never asked me for pecuniary reward or in timated that he wauled anything of the kind. Senator D. Brown sworn : Had a conveisatiuu with Mr. Sweet la-t fall ; he told me that Gov. But ler had secured Ihe loan he bail made from the State by mortgages on lands in Pawnee county; that they were re corded ; I asked him if he win sure of that fact-j and ba? sajd, Brock could m - fe aw ir Wn irl t EcS WJ fiH R Hi I not have neglected to send the mort- gages down to the County Clerk for reco ruing. John L. MeConnell svorn : Was a member of the firm of James Sweet & Brock in June 1NGS; was a member of the firm ahout two years; I acted as cuhier; I received ami paid out the moneys of the firm ; re member when Brock went to Omaha to get the live per cent, fund; had i conversation with Br.n-k prior to his starting to Omaha ; he said he was going to uet the five per cent, fiunl one me Mate ironi the Department at wasmngton be said when we not it we would be easy and Hush in our banking business; he meant by that we would have money to loan ; he got back on the 2d; I remember count ing it with Brock that dav in the ev ening; there wusdietwecu Slrj.OOu and $17,)U); after t he-money was counted it was put into the safe "the same place where we put all the money belong ing to the State funds; I think it was placed to either one or the other of the accounts that represented the Staie on our books ; hardly think it was credited to Johnllix; it must have been placed to the credit of Jno. Kix. or Neison C. Brock, or of James Sweet, State Treasurer; I think we balanced accounts and books about once a week ; I know the money waft-edited to John Bix or Nel-on C. Brock for the reason that it was not credited to Governor Butler. Question If certificates of deposit had been given to any hodv at that tune, state whether or not the hooks would haveshowu it. Question with drawn. 1 would possibly have known it if certificates of deposit had been given ; I lir.-t heard of certificates of deposit during the investigation last winter; I don't think the certificates were then; after the investigation last win ter I had a conversation with Brock upon the subject; 'luring the inves tigation last year Butler desired me to go down to the bank anil get the duplicate voucher or reeeij t for the five per cent, funds deposited in the Treasury; I saw Sweet and we look ed for the records of the funds anil found no record ; Sweet severely cen sured Brock ; after Brock returned from his wedding tour I told him that Sweet had een-ured him for not con sulting him about the depositing of the fund, ami Brock became angry and said if Mr. Sweet would stay at home ami attend lo Disown husincsK, be (Brock) would keep bis books in sticli a manner that no Legislature or investigating committee would beany the wiser tor litem. Question What did you do in re gard to buy i rig fit-.tte warrants at a discount when Brock held the ftiiul of the State, ami at whose interest? Objected to, ohjuctiou ovi n tiled. 1 bought State warrants for the firm at the instance of Ijdh Mr. Swce. ami Mr. Brock; the reason they gave was lh..t Brock was deputy Treasurer and Sweet was Treasurer ut the tine the funds of the State were kept on our tiKs in Ihtrmmut. ulfr.il:tsmAUrpWiAth' . . .a.. -m. - .- A- r . - iJrtJCKfioratH-JauMtsiy-s'AjiAi. .. ,.?- jiw'-v ,?: . - 7 . :t ,.i . "- . ... . . . . & -. . . flixHl - .. .' . . 51 ,.' '....K STeTand Jimuk kept the fund sep arate in the sate, attr that time ail th Sr:tt fun i.s wt.-e kept log. titer ; I think that during the first t-vo months all the hinds were kept m a big en velope in large sized bills; we chang ed the names of keeping ilieui be cause Mr. Brock thought he could evade the 1 iw this way with le.-stiou-ple": I know Block said so; sometime dtii'iug the summer or tall of ot) I heard Brock say that Governor But ler had borrow eti this sum of money from the Slate. Cro-s-cxuniuiiilion I received ami paid out tile moiiey. Brock also acted in that capacity ; the money spoken oi' was b. ought Horn Omaha in a trav eling s-u-k in packages; I was in the bank when Brock came with the moiiey, be came in and .-aid "how tie tin," and said he hul the Slate fund- : he took the money out tmd he and 1 ctiuutetl the m-uiey over that a.tor iiiinii ami evening; the money was in JI,nsU packages; we took the packa ges apart and counted the money sep aiatclv ; we put them in the safe where all the other State money was deposited; I do not know whethei there was an entry m ide at the time or afterwards; I don't know po-iiive-Iv whether an entry was made but an eiitrv must have been made in some Way' in order that the books should tialaiice; hail a conversation with Bmek after the money was count d and Brock congratulated him-elf That SffMHi. knew nothing about his visit to Omaha ami ol the nioiiev in the Treasiii v deposit tit the P bei- tu-e it he ttad known about it he would want part of it to use in Nebraska City ; 1 iteartl that certificates of depo-lt I atl been given by Brock about S nn alhs aftei ward.-from hini-elt; Brock sui ted to me hat he had dated back these certificates of depo-it ; he did not state that two sets of certificates were matle; I ! md think that Governor Butler checked out his money ; be diil not check out over his account that I remember while I was in the hank; I won't stat- positively but I don't think he had overdrawn his :: count, (rcfei red to the books); it was overdrawn Dec. 311, $7,u-U GG ; the eiitrv would appear oh ; I could not cell by the hooks the amount ot any j particular entry, as it migiii nave neeii entered oil one. two or thtee difie: cut account-, if one book bad .iceii balanced within it week alter. and it would have shown that the amount was credited to som. body ; it certificates of deposit ttatl been !. tied .or the amount prior to ihe balancing of the book-, the books migat hae nainm-cd : 1 tin-i an entry to ihe ered ,t of D. Bullet on the 2Jd of May, to .he amount oi tl,4bi fcl. Ex.in ning a siuti'book he ssys, I find stubs showing on the 2j-l and Jilh of ilv time .certificates of de ..osit: iho-e dated MaV 2d tire can celled ; could not -av that :he.-e cer- lilicate.- could not be antudated; it .night have lie -n o if leaving blank le-ii-e.,! the reason I think ttie.V Wen antedated is that Sweet ami I exam ined the books ami this stub book ,J among them and could find no such entry; the certificates may tie als straight but I do not think Mr. Sweet .tint my-elf could bo mistaken; s e of the" certificates are hi my hand writing; none on the 2-1 h in my uaudwriting. none on the 2-d ; none between the-e two date; there an--ome in my handwriting tut the 21-t and the next on the 27th; it l- possi ble there were anted tied ; Brock a I mittcd to me that the-e certificates were dated hack ami Sweet and my self -could not find tiie amount: in eae of eertifi. a'es of depo-it there should be an entry in tbe journal: tbe entry is made on the journal of that date; don't hardlv think the en try could have been made if the cer tificuios were dated back ; there art. tbe same books that Sweet and I ex- tfl4Ml 2 7$ l SSI Av NvTi EJ V JS Pf a-ninei and we never have seen the entrieo; the hooks look straight; the ledger shows that the account of Da- vid Hutler at the time I left the hank .1, was overdrawn $K),3-i3; the hooks show that I was mistake n in thinking that Butler's account wan not over drawn; Jam Treasurer of the Uni versity; Gov. Butler assisted me in getting the appointment. Re-examined by Ketiick I know that the Governor assisted me in get ting that appointment ; he stated to me that that scoundrel Brock had had the audacity to otTer him $50t) to get him appointed; there in nothing to identify the 5 per cent, fund with thi money placed to the credit of Butler; we were not in the habit of issuing two sets of eertifiiates of tic posit, as was done in this case; never heard of such a thing before; I did not know of some certificates that were issued ; I cannot a wear positive ly that Brock got back from Omaha o'n the2-!d; don't reueniber the day of the week. Cross-examined I know the mon ey was not put back m the carpet sack ami the carpet sack into the safe u.ter Brock ami I had examined it. By Senator 'Thomas I wa elected to t! cTrea-u cr-di p of the Bordof Re gents of the State University on the 3d ol December, 1S70; it was not us u.-d tti have blank leaves in a stub hook. I don't think it was ever done previous to that time, if it was then. By Senator Kennedy The ha aking house of Sweet & Brock shared in the profit of buying warrants. By Senator Cunningham At the time this money was brought from Omaha the State ftn.tl were not kept separate from the baking funds. By Rediek Sweet A Brock did re fuse" to take warrants at par when they had State money in their own name or in Hint of ilix. By Si nator llascall I think they tlid refuse to take them at par or to pay them when Hinds were in the bank applicable to the warrants pre sented. By Senator Cunningham I never paid Gov. Butler anything to work for me for Treasurer of the Hoard, neve thought id such a thing and he never a-'Ueil lor a cent. The managers oficred the bodies of Sweet 5c Brock as evidence. Object ed to on the ground that entries of third parties in books cannot be usetl t' convict or to bind any one in a prosecution. Objection wi'.bdrayn by reque.-l of tie Governor. Rediek ofivrcd the resolution pass ed by the Legislature of 1S7) after the report of the investigating com mittee bad hcen het.nl, nppioved March 4th 1S70. Objected to. The objection was overuled by the Sen ate. RedicV offered a letter from 1 hom a 1 Hall to the Governor, respit ing the salt lease reeei veil. J. N. Ca-st 1.1 sworn: 1 think I was conversant of the value of the Ticheuor property to the i-t i.r .Tntv Ins! : I consi.ieied io (- - KKLniiil think it is wpjtlL, rrxtnati? tnmmmmm Senator Gropsevealletl : r'think'trfrtelteiipr properly was ;:0n7 K. V Tirecher, swor.n : Wa an insurance agent last July; the Tiehejmr House was insured to the sum of $8 Out) in the Underwri ter's Company, ami Si.nuo in the I.o.-illard Company, ami these poli cies weie as-igned t; the State; the $7i (i')tl m-uraiice wa cancclletl ; the Ccinpany wrote me. that they had re ceived an advertisement of the Tich euor lottery scheme and that they had in format ion that it wa over-insured: Brock had about $7.1)00 insur ance upon this in addition ; the $8.. tj:H) policy i.- tbstetl June 22d, and is as-igned to tiie State. T. P. Kennard re-eailed. Have no pti-itive dale tt show how much of the su pets' ruct tire of the Lu natic Ayhtm wa- finished and Inw much miiteii tl was on hauil on the l"iih of December: the report of the Legi-lative Investigating Committee of hi.-t year, according to my recollec tion, w'n that there was m hand if initerial anil work done from $lo,iO to$4Gu:0 woith. Ci-.ss evamine.l There were two contracts entered Into by Ward ; fir-t for Ihe basement, the second for the superstructure ; when pirymenls were made to Ward, be brought; estimates to the BoanI of Commissioner.-; the estim itcs were pas cd upon and al lowed by the Comtui.-siouer; he brought in his written e-limate. o much for labor and so much for ma terial, anil we approved them anil wrote approved on the estimates: these estimates wen- lint all upon the basement it that date; the contract for the superstructure wa let pre viott- to that date: the contract for the basement was made Juie 31. for the superstructure on September ISth; at the date of the report a huge amount of labor and material had been furni-hed. Que-tiou Ar" the facts stated in section 3d of tbe report of the Invest igating Committee here pie.-etited t?t:e? Objected to. Objection over ruled. Answer We are charged with ma king payments carelessly; I can nartilv recollect at this lime what the :e-timoi,y was; the committee I sup- po.-e matle their lepoit on that evi dence; I recollect that once I went to Omaha and Ward sent by me to pur-cha-e:i bill of hinder, and some ot ibi- lumber might have gone into the - him. into mv house, ami into Mm Governor's: I paM Wan! from tinn to time, a I had the money, for my lumber: Silver al-o boight hi lum ber in the -a me way. and he wa tuiibliug the Auditor's house; he I" oiiai bablv tme'e hi estimates in im- -ante vvav but Ward and Mtvei tii.ii.i. i iii'i r fsi 111:11 tfs urn !" i.v .b .. : . : ,w.r r..i rlii. nn- v.vo buildings. Ward claimed that his estimates were in exces ol tht iiioney received : Mr Hunt upon ex animation thought the estimate wen a little short ; I do not know which wa correct. John Catlman. sworn: Don't know the value of the Tiche uor property in July ; had not been through the hoibre. Adjuurned. March 23. 1S71. cT-r-rrsc--. c A COUUT OF IMPEACH MENT FE THE TIUAL til' TilB GtiVEliN'oK. The counsel for the respondent hav ing permi-sion to introduce the Trea-urer's rtiortof the present ses . .,. .. nu .......,xl -ion, re.-ieo meir cast.-, aim- i-u .-- for the Managers hy consent, called Mr. Davis. J. T. Davis, sworn; Am a lawyer; reside in Blair, Neh.: was'Secretary of the "Northern Ne-b:a-ka Air Lixe R. R. ; the itrtitle of it corporation were signed June 2d, S67;the articles of organization the eomnanv were toiiued uuocr the -general incorporation law ; a meeUng of th? directors was neld at tho . capi- VOL. 15.-N0. J t I building at Omaha. 1S7I) ; the ' articles and the by-Jaws were filed in j the office of the secretary of State; either the articles or the hv-Iaw pro uliifl frtt fivttttivil fkKwtf if?' iif ttltirk the first meeting was to he held, three months, from duty J the next meeting of the company was held overa.year afterward ; the first annual meeting was not held : the meeting was held over a, year after it should have been held ; at that meeting a proposition wx presented for consolidation witli the Sioux City Railroad ; this was sometime in the fall of 1S63. General Roweu. President. Mr. Kennard. D. C. Slater, John T. and H. P. Beebe and myself, these olliccrs were elected at Omaha City, at our first meeting. June. lSr!7; the hooks were open for subscription soon after the meeting in the fall of IbiJS; 1 do not know where the books are, they were taken from my oilice at the time the stock was taken, for the purpose of being conveyed to Cedar Rapids, Iowa; there was a consolidation of the two companies about three or four months after the taking of stock ; Mr. Cook, attorney ot the 5. U. & P. It. K. came to my oilice; lie represented the S. C. & P. R. R. and certain stock of the Air Line Hail road ; he and myself were present, no others were there in person ; I think it was in 1861); the N Nebraska Railroad Company had not lo that time constructed any rail road ; I did not up to that time sign any statement of the con lition of he company; I do not know whether there was any money paid for stock at the date of that consolidation ; the S. C. tfc P. R. R. was completed dur ing the next winter to cremont about eight or nine mouths after ward. Witness draws a diagram of the read It tlitl connect De Solo and Fremont; three miles of road were built to connect B'air with De Soto, now occupied by the O. & X. W. ; this three mile. was rather a poor road ; had small ties, old iron and steep grades. Cross examined Have takeu les sons in drawing ; it was when I was. small. Re-examined T came to the capi tol with Gen. Bowen. Mr. Blair and J. C. Cook ; on my first visit we con versed with Kennard, the second with all the commissioners ; objec tions were made to the is.-t:i:ig- j st ents on the selections made by Bo wen and my.-elf, by the Governor and Auditor"; I am acquainted- with the selections made; 1 don't know what selections were made when the natents were gruutevl ; it was three mouths after that I heard of the is--uingofthe patents. Cross txaniined We presented our proof of consolidation to the Cum in is-imiers ami asked for th.e patents ; the proof of consolidation was left with the Conrni. ioners ; I think the latter was referred to the Attorney General ; these lands laid in tracts of not less i han one half a section. The M a lingers, recalled Thoinaa F.. JlalL. ft?liArfTMl:trer!lr I stated yesterday ttiat the letter was signed by. me j read the letter in kksitlytojniine the matters referred Hto in thes-e letters, are the sa4ie I tes tified about; they referred to the con- ersatiuu held on my first visit to Lincoln The Managers offered nn abstract of the County Clerk of Pawnee coun ty of the lands, dillcring ftom the one already introduced, in having the memorandum of the assessments matle upui that. land. Objected to. Objection ovei ruled. II. C. Lett, sworn: Reside in Brown ville; have been engaged in buyit:ga;id selling land; I oon't know thst I have a clear knowledge of the value of land.- in Pawnee county ; I have land for -ale in that county ; have had them lor sale font years ; have had hinds on my books for sale within the limit of 12 mile, b:t not within 0 miles of the town ; they are unimproved; I have been asking So per acre; have -old none at any price; have sold a great many tract of html during the lard four years in Southern Nebraska; am not ah e to an-wer the questions any further than I have already in regard to the land-I have for sale; T would not regard lantls as valuable there an nearer the river; f have sold many piece-' of laud in Nemaha coun ty, from $-3 to $10 ; they were inthe vicinity of settlements; lands that f held So per acre I would not loan moiie on for $21 an acre though I would not take less than my price for It ; mv lantls in Pawnee county arc near the eas' line of town 1. range P. Bv Mr. 'Tucker Don't know whether the pat tie I have given numbers to ever saw the lantls. .Tame Sweet, re-called : I wa present in the Semite Cham ber when Mr. Church gave his testi mony. Qtiesfion Mr. Church stated that in an interview with you. he a-keo you if the " per cent, fund had been depo-ited, and you turned to yotn book ami found an entry there, and then -'ntcd that the money lu:d been deposl ed. Objected to, ami objec.Ion overruled Auswer Mv recollection is that the fitsi interview I had with Mr Church was on the street, and I wa going to or returning from dinner, and he asked me about the $17,M!0: said that Brock kept the I ooks, ns d cannot -lute that Mr. Church cam. to tbe bank but think I saw him af terward anil told him that I hail found an entry of $!7.tX)0; have no i e. collection that be wa- in tbe ofiiee when 1 looked at the books; I mu-t have looked at that ln.ok ; I bad no knowledge at that time when the nioiiev wa paid or supposed to be tie- po-ited ; examined the bonk there i-an eii-ry of $J,7SU; at a casual glance it looks like $17.(100; I think that is the item that I saw; it is dated Aug. 10. li'l, it is on page 13. I was very bu-y ami several gentle men weie prest nt ; I was lookin- for the amount ami look it for the "$17,- i,);). Henry Ktenig. sworn.- I have exaniiuetl the books of the Treasury ami found no entry of the 5 percent fund; have seen no entry of any money pit id by the United States to the "State; I have seen the mortgages tillered in evidence; some- b ulv brought them into mv ofiiee. the day the investigating 4niuniitee made a written inquiry concerning the money and tbe mortgages given for securities ; I think those are the same mortgages ; I tlid not know what to do with them, mud when the Governor came in I handed the hooks to the Governor; this wa about a ouarter of an hour after; I knew them in the office; they were num bered a recorded I think ; I do not recollect that Governor Butler asked me tti bring up all the sehod loan se curities: tl.e mortg'tue I think were fju as they are now wnen deposited . in mv ntju-e, Bv Mr.-Hascall Just now is the i first time I hve acen the bonds. ADVERTISING Jt ATI. ?3 i &: ISh'5. SPACE. SO p- Jer STT I 3 ir w sl s lli.lt lUuU One Inch- .. Lit)' osoi :uw' loof ft.ft' 7.co io.ii Twolnchen. Three Inches. Six Inches. so aso -Lboj &w 7.oo tare. js.ur tout i.oo aoo .oo ja u.oo 3.00 fc0tMUO'12.WiiSXr2$.0o R(M l"0n' I.XOO' 1R.0U 25.00Mft.0O ro.or 40.CD MUG 1aoo1a1.on12ioataj.coi45.01s '.ro kc.cc Le tral aitvortfermenw atlesnl met-. One .rmarc, (elelit line of Acute cpaoc. or lessj first Insertion S!.o: each culi-equent Insertion. CSci ffiTAIl tmnsdent atlverllscasanu most be ra!L forln adrnnca. OFFICIAL PAPE OF THE C0D5TY. By Mr. Thorna- The mortgntrpa were given trtlre Gtivemor f I never, saw the bonds till to-day. ' By Mr. Hascall I have not seen any red ink endorsements on the I mortgages er bond. C. M. Birtlett, sworn : Am acting Deputy State Treasurer,!, these mortgages area package sent to our office by Governor Hutler ; it was at the time the Committee of Ways and Means were making up their re port ; Mr. Beeeher, of the Govern or's office, brought them in and said that Governor Butler desired thenv to be deposited ; when Mr. Kocnig came in I haided bun the mortgage u and toid him by whom and how tHfy were left; he looked at them and oskt ed me what we had better do with them; I thought as we had no ac count against the Governor on C,ir books fhev hrtl bet'er be ref"ri-d : t (think it was Mr. Beeeher; I- see no endorsement in red ink on the mit gages and the bonds, on the face, nn entry was made by me; I have nev r seen them since that time ; never taw the bonds till to-dv By Senator HtiM-al I "No bonds r now on deposit in the Slate Treasury; they were never placed in our office. Bv Senator Thomas Don't know where the mortgages have been sitied they were in our ofiiee;, underautti from Koenig that he gave them to tlio Governor. By Senator Tucker The mortga ges were p'ed in the State Treas ury ami Mr Kneu.ig T,nok them out. By Mr. Hedick I wrote a note tof Nelson C. Brock saing, it ,ou have, bonds from Gov. Butler to the State of Nebraska, send them up to this ofiiee; this was at tbe request of the Governor and Mr. Koenig; this was a few day- ng ; I ht "" know that; Brock had them; the Governor :u-k-etl i thev were not in our otfice and I told him they were not; he said that Brock must have them, and I wroto an order for theiu. II. Koenig. re-called i x Bv Senator 'Thomas T Imndeil those mortgagCB to the "Governor tho samu day they were put in thu Treas ury. " By Mi. Hedick Govornor Butler told me in his oilice to go tlown to Sweet nnd get all the State securities ; I afterward went down to Sweet and asked for them, but did not get them; Governor Butb-r showed me the mort gages at that time. By Mr. Tucker Gov: Butler did not ask me for the mortgages after they had been deposited ; I don't rec ollect the conversation with the gov ernor whn I handed them back S. Alexander.' sworn : Examined bonds.") I got thejn, out of James Sweet & Brock's bank. ; t got them day before yesterday, on the onterof Mr. Bnrtlett, Deputy Stato Treasurer. Mr. Rediek offered the articles of consolidation of the N. N. Air Lino It. R. ami the Sioux City it PavU'0 R. R Received and, the case vi cliod-nCM(cn tn'IQ.gg'O'cIiil'kvv ' ATEBlltEQESti! ' - The orneroT- arg frineatft-was -agreeut upon as follows : . ' ' -' frit-st (UoutiBel for tho Mnnajrers. Second Counsel Tor tiie. respond ent, two arguments. Third Argument of one Manager. Adjourned. General Xtrwa Sttinmarr. The Republicans have carried tho District of Columbia and are jubilant. Forney bubble over with enthiisi-a-m. and nominates Grant for tho next President. Gen. Clu-erct srems to bo accom plishing a great deal more than the othar French Gonera's who command Govrenment troops. Marshall Md Mahon i- clearly superannuated, and accomplishes nothing. The Joint High C'nmmiision is reported, by the New York Herald, to have adjusted the fisheries ques tion on a basis of reciprocity, which isdeciibdly Me truest basis for nil international qtte-nious of that kind. The rumor of Mr. Boutweh's withdrawel fiom the Cabinent grows stronger, tln-ugh it i. not tooccur im o'etliately. and nostrce or i-mmied. Senaror Morton tli-tinctly d fern vow a his connection with it. A special to St. Loi.l- makes dam aging ehatges against ("otgr ?sn nn Peck, of Toledo. He has gone iim whole-ale brokerage tf otfic-. ac.i -el!., or pretends to sell, postollicn, collectorships, &c, for a peck o' sil ver. News rom ir.-tvana reports mor? bullelin victotii-s for :-pani-h ttoof-. ami gives the Io--es f the rev!u tioui-ts. but not their own. am! w tire left, of cour.-e, to supply them ami make the Usual deductions from this report. The diappoliitr-d fair one.s of St, Loui who were refused registry at the polls, have Lot their dander up, and intend to invoke the Supremo Court's attention to their right un der the Fourteenth aud Fitteentli amendments. 'ihe St. Drespins have dropped the ' Chinee" study anil are holding a convention in New York City fur general purposes. They are pegging awav, but have not got oil" anything; important yet. their luai is still their last endeavor. Congress has adjourned and tho-Pre.-idciit, by proflumathm, calls a ennvpuiioti of tl' Senate extraordi nary -e-itiu on Mav HXh. The sub ject of this extra session is not indi cated in the proclamation. Meai - while specu atious will be admissi ble. Peaee-nrttking is not prnre-ous in the Senate, and Senator Morton makes lirtle liearUvay in healing over the wounds ' Ihe Senator from Mas sachusetts. The latter was to have delivered a speech on his relations with the Slate Department, which goes for Fish in a hard way, but "t is. postponed. Damhrnwski has been using the first part of his name as an ex pie tive. A shell frim 'Thiers' guns came near ending hi career in a less pub- lie way than tlve legitimate gove-n- ment contemplates in his case. lis was in bed at the time, and in view of his ultimate fate, we-do not under stand even if the shell hail made an end f him. what reason there wasa for maledictions. The National Democratic Com mittee will issue an address to the country in a few days; they menu "annihilate the Republican party. The address twaddles about liberties in the people being endangered, a Ml tin poor white race put in th.e ir.ud ; and that centralization will shortly make an end of free government. It gives sod to its Cerberus at the South, ami tell it to lie low ul iiftji-k anv ihing in te shape of an .:sice until the Northern Detr.niocrv.t8 clean ou? the Ropubiican Aeunttabl, 1 i !rice.