"ii 5 4 r I -- 3 i i I r, i . ?! -Urf -I II. i u , hi I s I? 5 f J m it r fr I i r m iv . 1 IH 4-t THE ADVERTISER. UROWNVI&IjE, XEli., ,liir.l : ? : -THURSDAY MORNING: APIULJ3JS7I. f -v I? 7"We have a short letter from the EFTon. 'George Adams of Quincy, one ? TofVho directors of the Q. M. &. P. He "sayB" he has just returned from Edina c hMo., where he and the directors have ,"b2ea lo look up the depot locations on i'ttie line of their road to that point. srtYLc ,remsclc3 now, that they have their bonds Jegalized "the Quincy -" iWl BrownvIIIe road will go forward -"tarcomplefion ;" and make3 enquiry .TaiTto what fs being done 6n the Toad from'BTownvilfe westT' '"Red, Pepper' Jiaa written for pub- llcalfqn. In tin's .paper a reply to the xrjicJe we published from S. P. Ma- .ymjoiirAsaue of April Cth, which .jjWeYuuJdublisu-wore it notr olyce- Upajjle hi Bt.Y,Ie. .His desire tp pay ryOie.hundred xtra, copies of our t jl'fU'Cf dontaining tho communication m.J)$ sufficient inducement for the ..publiipH.iJf his TepJy, unless he .WkutjtheTohjectionable matter. Tbte'being done, the article will ap- peanext week, and not otherwise. 1.1, "taking this position- we are -pro- tect,ingown reputation. ' "Trie Platte is to be bridged at the ' 'following places and at the following ''estimated cost, to-wit: Kn'rtu rintte... J0,(XW - Grand Inland..... ............. ITi.uuO Columbus, north channel...- 5,000 Talk, i.outh channel . 10,000 bcliuyler. . . GQ.tioO x re j no Ti it...... ...... ..................m. .iU.ihai Lone- Xjt.,.............................. .................. 2.i,0uu .ll.cr vrCCK. ....... ........ ....... .............. mi.. .rt.OIW Aj5hlnnd........ ......:.. . ..... ........ 5,000 The newspapers are .publishing an net recently passed by our Legislature appropriating fifty-two sections or thirty-two tliousaml acres of land to .the edunties bordering on the Platte .river with which to aid in bridging the aid river at such points as the penple'may defciro to construct brid- gcr.'' , Ktbraika In .lItonrl. jSIost peoplo believe that tho State nf Kf-hr.iikn 5k nil wpsI. nf l.lin Micsnn- . s river. Such, was the case when incest gcographys were compiled and jtnaped, and few there ,re that now rknow that thejBig Muddy by cutting across .tho neck of a peninsula has thrown near four thousand acres of Tseraujm-county over into Missouri or in other words-on-the east side of the river. This portion of Nemaha coun ty'is situated hear to Hamburg in Io .waand contains a population of two lumdrcd-'pcople and many fine farms. -It forms one school district and con tains a good school house and fifty scholar between five and twenty-one ydrs of ageas shown by the enumer ation j ustreported by Lafayette Ba ker. They are compelled to cross tho'MIssouri river when they wish to go into Nebraska but may go into Io- waor -Missouri wirnouc crossing any Btrcam. They do their trading en tirely at.Hamburg. -Thero id ;nn M. ifyTcjhurch ud a Morman'Church or-jjiHitectlamJ-lioId .meetings and Sab b'iilnscuo61s in this school district. , J3 - : Senator Snmner. JSrEBliASKA ITEMS. i- Ti ! VlLaK h T ... 9r ' . "" 7 r8wnce vonnijT Rev. Mr. Giltner received a dona tion visit, on last iuesaay evening, j from the members of his congrega tion in Pawnee City, wh left, as aril evidence of their :appreciatlon of hi3! services, $120. Governor Butlerjand lady made a visit to theirold'.home in Pawnee City last week. 'They were met, three miles out, by the brass band and many of.the leading citizens and received a cordial welcome. In the -evening the party was s-.-renaded and speeches were made by the Governor, Mr. Edmunds artd.tbe Hpn.,Mr. Col lins, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Otoe County. A mail routo has been established between Nebraska City and Glen Rock. The flouring mills at Nursery Hill were consumed by fire last week. Loss, above insurance, $8,000. Mr. McKee, one of the . proprietors, had .his wheat stacks burnt six months ago, by some unknown party. A damaging prairie fire prevailed last week in Wyoming precinct. Hall County. Several colonics are locating in this county, some of whose agents have traveled over Kansasand like Nebras ka better. Pennsylvania sends one colony of 50 families. Ohio sends twenty-nine families for one colony. Kentucky seventy families in one colony, and twenty-four families who have come up through Kansas are there. TheLegi9lature has changed the name of Hull to Howard count-. Johmon County. Governor Butler was cordially re ceived, by a large concourse of peo ple at Tecumseh, in the Court House, on last Thursday evening. Address es were delivered by the Governor, and by Mr. Quimby and Col. Rhodes. The Democratic press of tho coun tryis'raising a hue and cry over what tlieyJtcrm a removal of Senator Sum nerfrom tho chairmanship of the eomniitce on Foreign Relations.. They do this in order to work up the fecllugsof the Hon. Senator's many enas against the Republican party and Its policy, not that they have any, love for Senator Sumner or the posi tion he takes. Now the facts are that Senator Sumner has not heen rcmov c.7'om llc chairmanship of any committee. One-third of tho Sena taPoll the Congrearmen have jub't b.een elected, and their term of tVftice commenced on tho fourth day ofilarch and formed what is known as IheXLIInd Congress. As tho new Congress was organized of course new standing committees were appointed, and. the result was that Senator Cam' iuu 'kvas appointed as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations. 2Ie.wa3 not so appointed because the Republicans in Congress condemned or disapproved of Mr. Sumner's for eign policy nr political standing, but because of his social relations with the President and the Secretary o" State. Mr. Sumner took offence be cause of the removal of the Miuhter tc,Sn?lan and the Appointment thereto of thcHon. Rol 't. C. Schenck, of.U!6i whereupon Mj. Sumner re fused Jo hold intercqurse with tb Secretary of State and .consequently imriuwnsjjou mat desired harmony existing between this important com mittee ami tho Executive branch which should and'must exist in order 'arrive at good results. The rela i6mu5f (his government with other first-class powers are. tpo important to be jeopardised , by . tho . action of any ne,mE,,iHrvever eminent he mav be, and no man is too great to be sacri- nc$ l10 Sd of thc 'lioIe peo ple. No man admires Mr. Sumner's eminent ability and sound judgement rnoro than wo, and thero is .none more;ready to do him honor, and we lament thht his uricontrolable temper should piacc him in antagonism with thecxeeutivo branch .of tho government.' nicisnrdgon County. From the Journal: Mr. Kentner, living within one mile of Humbo.Idt, lost, by fire, April 1st, 150 bushels of grain, his stable containing nine hors es, n threshing machine, reaper, plows and harrows. Tho loss is estimated at $2,500. The District Court for Richardson countj commences April 17th. The-people of Arago are much ela ted over the news they get direct from Joy, that hp is going to build the Trunk rail road. One Geo. A. Abbott, of Richard son county, is riding thc anti rail road bond excitement of that county, with the hope it will land him in some public office, and, but for his continued broil upon the subject, the cars would be in both Arago and Humboldt by the first of July next. His insnue office mania may defer the matter to January if not indefinitely WncTilngten County; The storm that prevailed above Omaha last week must nave been a severe one from the accounts of the newspapers. The Blair Tunes says that a stable in that town took fire just as gale -was sweeping in from the north, and had it not been for .the energetic efforts of all the citizens, the eastern portion of the town must have been laid in ashes in a few mo ments; as it was it done much injury to farm property beyond the town. mp -& nisliop Clarlcsoa' Appointments! Monday, p. jr., April 17th, Tecum seh. i lusday.p.ar., April 18, Beatrice. Wednesday, p. ar., April 19, Paw nee City. Tiiuruay.p. ar., April '20, Falls City. p. ar.f April 21, Rulo. A. ai., April 23, St.. John's Friday, Sunday r. ar., April 23, Peru. DISTRICT COURT, WASHINGTON COUNTY. IXenry Sprlnlt, et al, PJalntUEi, -v. Al non 'erktu,et al, or Omaha and Aorincteru- Uallroud Company, Iereiuleiita-Meiir. Gray and Jjlird and Clinton llrlgsa for Ucfcndanu. Jfebrailca Conference Appointment. Nebraska District M. Prichard, P. E. Nebraska City T. B. Lemon. Nebraska City I. Burns. lcru-s-G, S. Alexander, lyondoa R. C. Johnson. Brpwnyillo J. W. Martin. Ncaha City-J. W. Tylor. Falls .City-D. H. May. i&lctnTrlkBurgc. Spath Fork W. S. Blackburn. Tjtble Rock Dayid Ward. Pawnee City F. L. Brilt. Tecumseh D. W. Lake, Grant-J,W-,Bradt. pBritg Bisiriet-J; B. "Marfield, SS-JT. A. Bresson. SHfiRlirss-G. V. EI wood.' PlumX?rpk To be supplietl. Crab-grava-TSbcuiVDliea. v -r-T ;M sUnpiied. J?tT supplied. V6st Blaea-Tq ho supplied. fr"-xT"'J-- virantham: tfi3 n?"or. ulsc Cronnse, In this Impor- Kn" iln,1frwUusc:lse' "aderoi the lol lowingdtvt.slois: lain not jnsonsiblc of the magnitude or ... cVfc' ana ir A conia coniisteiuly be per- uwiicu w.isiiouiaiiko to give tho ievcr.il questions involved, und so ublv argueil, a niorOJtjil .-uid thorough exam nuf Ion. tJlucc junction should not he allowed, u week ago, I h:ive given tho mutter nomc little &tudy in """"-'i'-Mion oi me grounus ur.:ea hero; ana while my vlews might be modllied on some points by ninorcbompleteconlderaiiou and examination, I 'will brielly s'uite the cnnelu MOn I reach from the- nutlinrltich beforo mo. and with the arguments of counsel iresh In my mind. Tlmuetitltm on which this Inlunctlon Is asked, is Hied by four citizens by name in their own behair, us well as In behalf of all thc taxpayeis of thi county, to restrain the issuing of jloi'.OvX) m bonds to aid the coti Mructlonot the O. ;N. K. It. The ob jection IK taken bythederendanlsutthe out let, that the plaintiffis do not, show that in tercut in the-mattcr which entitles them to bring this action. While wllh tho views I entertain unon tho Koveral other ouestlon.-. Involved he.-e'It is unne.-es.-ary forme topasj, tin. this point, the objection. It may be re- tnarKeu, i one oi greas. lorce. Jilio it Is true that Jtlrv Jones, one of the piniiitliCi, is alurgoprpprti miMcr and Uix psiver; his right, if any. Is not because or the extent of buch prttporiyVout beean&eot his being sim- piy a iax payer, n mis no so, then tho taxi payer iu me suiaiiesi extent, ratiier than the l-epresentativeand regularly constituted of xlcer, may at any time challenge thc countv nr SuiiQuutboritles to meet him in the courts of .u Ucelo defend the validity and rciuilar Ity of their acts, let tho proceeding b ever so iaihuwh; aim emoarrassiiig. Without awaiting the time when their Individual rights onay be assailed by the collection of what they term an Invalid tax, these plalu tias Institute proceedings to avert iimire- enuea danger. When these bonds become due or payable, Mr. Jones may be dead or re moved from the county; or, instead of belnj; a mail of property, may be a pauper. For an J- of tuese reasons, as far as lie may bo con cerned, It may- be a matter of no moiucnt whether illegal taxes aro levied or not. In thecasoof kittle and others against thecity u ricuium. irieu oeiorerneat hip. Inst. nto inioom .i.ie t .i . ..,. -r .""'."' K?"" J, 5fe coan.y. KilUeand f drner lu" No morlal Can" ant, dte" except when so restrain ed, we naturally ask what tsction of that instrument is violated 'byath6-actrof'tire lesiiJatpre in Question. Turning to 'the Declaration 6r liights, all we llud relating to the property of Individuals is "The property of no person ohBll be Jaken for public hise without just compeiiautlou." This provision, relating to the taking ot property under the right of eminent domain taking tile property of one particular indi vidual ait for a highway, or other strictly pub .lie use, and not an his klinro of public burth en assessed against him, but as distinct from end more than, his share, has no application here, nor do I so understand it claimed. Counsel eltesoctioa 2, title Finance: "The credit of the State shall never be given or bound in hid of-any individual, association .or.corporallon;" likewise section (J, same ti tle: "The State shall never contract any debt for works of internal improvements," &c, and argue that what theStateasan entirety cannot do, she cannot authorlzeany division thereof, as a county, to do. This strikes me as jnore Ingenious than hound. I'oxses&Iug -supreme authoritj', the Legislatures of al States, except where expressly forbidden by the constitution, have at all times granted various powers to counties, towns and cities which they were inherently wanting. Among the most usual is thc authority to raise money on, or to issuotheir bonds. Be yond all other instruments, a constitution is presumed to be definite and explicit, and not ";hct subject of ingenuous construction. If the miners of that instrument designed to prohibit lhe Legislature from empowering towns, cities and countiesfrom lending their aid lo works of internal improvements, it would have ."een simple and natural sotocx prtss It in tens. Nor is there any reason for a law governing a State, and county or cltralikoin thls.nntter. Any aid given by a i?Ute must be, or ,'sually is, given directly by its Legislature. 1 ."'e experience of many States shows how prodigy and recklessly legislatures have been Indeed to give the aid of their State to railroad and like cor porations under the charms aC'l seductions of paid professional lobbyists. 'i.''e record ol legislation at the time of framing ou" consll tutiou presented some cases of coxy vi'tue in pat tei ritorial legislating which were emu lated to Induce the incorporation of fenh safeguard. In tho case of count lea, however, tin: matter of raising or incurring lhe obli gations to pay any largo or extraordinary sum of mouey, is usually submitted to a vote of the electors of the county. The men im mediately interested, rather than some Irre sponsible representative, determine the mat ter. It Is furthercnncluded upon this branch of the case, that although no positive pro vision of the constitution isinvaded, yet this gift to the railroad is nothing more than a gilt to some individual for some private en terprise, as the building of a mill, factory or barn, and presents a simple proposition to take the money of A and give It. to 15. Where ucacof this kind I clearly-presented, it is true, and the Supreme Court of this State has so held In the case of Dradshaw vs. the City of Omaha, there Is so gros a. breach of natural right thnt It needs no constitutional guaranty to protect a citizen against such use or abuse of Ills property. But this I do not understand to be such a case. It needs but llttiejndgement to discriminate between tho structure or use of a barn and thnt of a railroad inn community. The one is purely private, and the owner incurs no liability or acquires no right with respect to the public beyond that attaching to any other private property. Thc other is regarded as of so pub lic a character thnt it may take your most valuable land to run upon; your home may ie uesiroyeu aim your mostsnered places in vaded to make way for tills public enter prise. If willing, you may sell a spot to build a barn upon; but willing or unwilling you must part with your home and lands if demanded for the railroad. Again, when built, the railroad corporations, under their peculiar public character, Incur various and onerous obligations to iHe public. They must cany alike the goods of one as well a those of anolhfr, and In orticr respects are compelled to tlo those things which no pow er can impose upon private property, strict-13- considered. I am not unmindful of the cases in Iowa and in part read by plaiutifl's counsel folding laws like thc one under con sideration invalid. To these may be add?l latedpclslonsof the Supreme Court of Wis consin, holding the same way. Still, upon thi question of constitutionality, from the limited examination I have been constrain ed to give the case, I prefer to adhere to the decisions of the great majority of States that have passed on similar questions, as well as those or thO '(niieubtates supreme Court. I am the more Inclined to do this when I re tlect upv3 what might be thc possible result of a eontrarv cou. wC. votes or like charac ter have been quite frequent jn t!:eStntennd oonusio a larger amount have been 1kucu and purchased by innocent parties, in good faith. Committing lnyseir ono of three members of our Supreme Court against the validity of this class of bonds, should anoth er member of the court take a like view, the renult would be disastrous. Korean Isympithlze with thc expression condemning wholly this practice of counties in aiding works of this kind. Like all matters, It may be tho subject of ubuse. I cannot stop to remark upon the great bene fit tlowing from the introduction of rail rootls. They are conceded, and no people more than those or this new State lmvehad the opportunity to witness the rapid growth tii WClit!l411ld Otlllltiull.-if.lwi.irt-liilnr iirv -btUbwiiK and cities like magic, which follow umuuwuiugoi railroads; and they seem to im uuicu most wisely, ami succeeded best, in those localities wliero they have expend ed most, and labored hardest, to secure these aids. The people well understand this, and the legislature, reflecting their Mmtlnicnts, have enacted very liberal laws to that end. e come next to consider the question whether tho County Commissioners have transcended the authority given them bv me iuw oi isur.' The 1st ection of that law provides 'That any county or city in the Shite or Nebraska is hereby authorized to issue bonds to aid in the construction of anv railroad or other work of internal improve ment, to an amount to be determined oy the County Commissioners of such countr, or thc City Council of such city, not exceedi ng ten per centum of tho assessed valua tion of all the taxable properly In said coun ty or city. Ac." The assessed value of the property of the county at this time Is about iwu minions or Hollars. The amount of bonds voted in aid of tho S. C. & P. It. 11 about two years since, but. fsstii uiIilk. quently to the passage of this law, is seventy-five thousand daliars. The amount pro posed to bo given to lhe O. AN'. W. K. It. being one hundred and fifty thousand. It is insisted that inasmuch as the sum or these two donations exceed ten mr mit. of Hie assessed value ot taxable property, the prop ositions voted on call for more than there Is any authority lor giving. One answer to this objection. I think, lies in the fact that the aid to the S. C. &V. R. R. was voted In June, ISCS.and before the passage of the law under which this vote was had. This law Is projective. It has no reference to, nor makes any allusion to aid already given. The cireu instance that the bonds to thc former rondwerc not lu fact issued until after the passage of the law of 1SG9, does .not efR-ct this conclusion. The county's obligation arose and became fixed by the vote June, lSCS. The making and handing over the bonds was but thc delivery of the evidences of. such obligation. But beyond this, my opinion is that the county dors not exhaust Its power bv voting aid to any one or more enterprises! n a sum equal to ten per cent, of its asssecd value. The literal and natur al readings of the part ortbe. section I have read is not to be so understood. It says, "that any county Is hereby authorized to is sue bonds to aid in the construction of any railroad, or other work of improvement, Ac, not exceeding ten per centum." This fairly Interpreted would permit counties, from tiirfctn tlm as In the judgement of their voter. their interest might demand, to in duce works of internal improvements, but to no individual work shall more than ten ner cent, bo given. Suppose a rnnnlv should give aid to some such enterprise to thc extent of this limit, and It is made pnyn bio. and is paid at tbeend of three years," is it forever precluded from favoring works of internal improvement? But it is said "Wlion thl.-t is paid, then other aid may be voted.'' I see no. such clause or provision nothing which says that th sum of nil grants given .slmll not exceed ten per cen tum, nor that no count v shall hnr nt,t. standing on this account an indebtedness exceeding that amount. It is no argument to say that, unless the courts put the construction upon iho lan guage used, and contended for, counties and cities will, by repeated votes, Jnirv them selves under taxation of this Kind. 'This as sumes an absence of sense on the part of ci izeiis. which-requires n court to stand guar dian for them against their foolish deeds, Lsllv. I will notice the objection that the 1'ioiHx.iiion was lmnroneriv snttmitipri nn carried by fraud and illegal voting. Section J, of the law under which this vote Avas had, says: -Tho proposition" (which Is to be published and posted) "shall state the rate of Interest such bonds shall draw, and when tho principal and interest shall bo made payable.'' This, tho proposition does In fixing the rate or interest at S per cent., pay able annually, or semi-annually, and the principal tq be paid In twenty years. The Jaw farther says, in seetlon 'r "Thr. nmnn. Kitlnn of the question must bo nocompanied by n provision to levy a tax for the pay ment or me principal and interest of said bonds In adilltiou to the usual taxes, and sufficient lo meet the payment of the princi pal and interest of said bonds, and to con tinue from j ear to ycn.r until said bonds are paid." This section Is brought Into this law from the old one in tho Revised Statutes and which provided for levying n certain nnmoeroi mins on the dollar of taxable property, uci wuicu contained iiKesection .no. 'J Inst read. poll boc-kn of thc same place. Against this we luiYe.the aflkhwit oteach Jadgtuuid cler'k iif election for Blair, together wHlflhat" or the registrar, who awear to the regularity and correctness of nil proceedings bud in the registration and the elcctiun..Begurdiug these ollieers of election as men of average respectability, acting under the obligation of their oath of office, subject to the severest punishment for any 'violation of duty, I must believe their sworn declaration thut they did so faithfully di-scbarge their duty, and that the information or Air. Orny was incorrect. That votes of those not eutltled to vote were received there, Is quite possible, butlslt-sbown, or is there anything from which it might be concluded, that their number amounts to anything like" the ma jority of 250. by which the bonds were car ried? This should be made to appear, or at least such circumstances as would fairly promise such a showing: on the final hear ing. The question voted oirwis of high im portance to the electors of the county, and called forth much spirit and interest; as is evinced by the large vote given, and no honest elector's ballot should be thrown out. Courts always regard the right of franchUe so sacred n to not permit. If possible, nny one to be disfranchised, and where there is no radical or vital objection, as closing the polls for a portion of ths day, their being ta ken pdssession of by interested parties, and voters excluded, and the like, they will eli minate the illegal from the legal and leave the latter to stand In the canvass. Council for the plaintiffs aver that they could not procure the voluntary affidavits of those knowing thc truth of whatis charged. While I am supposed to make every allowance for this embarrassment of counsel, I cannot undertake to decide tills matter upon con jecture. It will notdo to guess that frauds have been perpetrated, and apply this strong arm of the law to await the result of lhe guess. If a majority of the Blair votes in stead of but eleven, as reported by the can vass, were really in opposition to lhe bonds, the friends of this proceding should bo nu merous enough to aid In making a pretty full showing here. But there is in the na ture of the case reason to believe that at Blair, ns nt the other river precincts through which thc Hue of thc proposed' mad runs a jrcat majority of voters were In favor of tho proposition as well ns thnt in the western preflncls, from whence this proceeding arises", the rreat majority were opposed to It. I have not faith enough in the ability of plaintiffs to fellow fraudulent -voting to the number of 2.50. to tic up all proceedings to await the trial. If the building of the road Is expedient upon the issuing of these, bonds, ns Is asserted, and ns there is reason to be lieve, it is a matter of loo much interest to both parties to grant the injunction asked for on nny doubtful grouids. If work Is to be suspended during much of this favorable season of the year, contracts llirown up, pur chases delayed, etc., the damage mnst ine vitably be no small amount to ono party, or tho other. Tho defendants the O. & N. W. R. R. Company, should not be compolled to bear It unless In a clear cast. If it is event ually to fall on these complainants, it would he well for them to be dismissed at this time. I shall, therefore, refuse thc Injunction asked for. General 3cvrs Summary. Nearer and nearer, day by day, approaches the dread guillotine to Paris. The revolution still rages, and the carnage is frightful. The Western Female College, nt Oxford, Ohio, is burned, find, it is fe.red, a young lady with it. The Society of the Army of the Tennessee s to meet at Madison Wis cosison, July 4, 1S7U. There is a terrible coal riot at Scranton, Pennsylvania, and several have been killed. Grape and canis ter is the only antidote for these in fernal outbreaks. The Ku-KIux bill has gone to the Senate. The President's San Domingo message meets with universal appro bation, and all predictions as to splits in the party are to use a gambler's term "oil." The Joint High Commission is omewhat out of joint. The war ships' to the fisheries and not to Hayti. Another murder of a Republican in Florida tho sixtieth in a single county within two years. And yet the St.Joseph Gazette says the ox-rebels "accept the situation." Proof of the loss of tobacco in shipment, under bond, will be receiv ed in abatement of the tax. Jay Gould has been assaulted; the JEnnnaMiYiiiie is in "chancery,- and Paris and France are no longer suf fering for lack of provisions. New York City is Making a des- E crate , elTort to clean itself.,- Such 'emocrats as Hovetnyor and -Harrvtt, und such Republicans as Evarts, Beechcr-and Hellows are persistently scrubbing away. At Scranton, Pennsylvania, the miners are continuing their infernal outrages. If laborers "show them selves to be bandits, will an intelli gent community conclude that they have any lights to be respecteu .' Sonora scalp hunters have made a raise. Ten thousand dollars at a sin gle haul is not bad, financially. Cincinnati has found a female skeleton and n rusty knife. Memphis thinks she has discov ered a railroad swindler. McMahon is drubbing the Paris insurgents. The slaughter is terrific. As an educational measure the insur rection may prove beneficial, but the school is a dear one. Mrs. Scan low's husband has been CLlFTOtf, ADriJLItUiJST.l, -wsWil-w.-.- fc.V3T -CS si . " . ", - . '- -Alr: JyilitOP 1 see it milieu in your last iaSUe that many merchants and others are undecided hovto voie on the Herd Law quesfion,,h'aving no direct personal interest in the matter at Brown ville. Mr. A. Kearns, in his valuable article last week;, gives a word of caution which should? be heeded, I thihK, ,by' not onlynier chants, but by every maiiwlio has a dollar Invested lif real estate or other property in the county. The farmers of Nemaha county will submit, occa sionally, Xo a few broken down petti foggers in political matters, but when it comes lo herding their stock please, count us out. In a country strictly agricultural I believe the farmer should be heard in all matters that pertain to his personal interests alone. This is all we ask".- If the merchants and others who have no direct inter est will work for those who work for them, it will be very unprofitable lo call a "special election" indeed, and I think they will find it a poor invest ment anyhow; for, if the law be sus pended by a vote of the people we still have the "common law" and that will protect us and our crops too. The opposition may say that that costs mouey to reach." Well, so it does, but every man who casts a vote in favor of the herd law, in substance, says "I'll pay my share J" We, in this part of the county, pro poseto occupy the lanis we paid for, for the purposeof feeding our stoekr cultivating and otherwise improving, the balance. Suspend the herd law, (so called,) we shall endeavor to do the same. Let every man arrange for his owir stock. We cannot make im provements, nor protect them when made, while all kinds of stock are al lowed to run at large. Some-seem to fear that all the cattle will be driven from the country. Belter the cattle than the people, which would be the case if all the cultivated land had to be fenced Lefore Using. We have here, to the extent of A- township or mj, maintained a herd law ever since the fiit settlement was made, and find it profitable; can get stock herded cheap er than we can afford to steal our neighbor's crops, or his time in watch ing them ; can raise corn, and make money at it, for 3!) cents per bushel, while Esq. Kennedy looses money at raising corn at (so he says) GO cents, where cattle run at large! Poor man. I motion we help him. I do not see now ne can raise corn at any price with so much unruly stock running at large. We feel perfectly safe with out a fence, except the yard fence for stock at night, and invest our fence money in calves! I will venture the assertion that more hedge plants, fruit and forest trees are being planted here than in anj' other part of the county, and owing principally to the fact that ti , 7 'if : iiu uuuiu wu ;iiwuu io iuii ii mvfze You may be assured of n full vote here in Washington and Lafayetto precincts, and niucv out of every ten for "herd-law lyg-jCS-Sfjf r&rxsszsj ,JW . Su.?l:367 12 $31,000, at 6 per cental ,1,807 CO 191,611 ! Net Assetts, December 31, 1369.. Income in 1S70, as follows: PwimliimsTWfired and" due on Policies In force. ISTIlu. Interest received on premium loans, fi&B.iSZ 12, at 6 per cent, psr anfiura Gh Investments and Items : f stiitfl Uotfds. f arerasce amount loryeart I . .zrz :-j w a vn. r Henl Eautejxwns. .. ....? i.w.ucw Ileal Estate. OUicc Furniture. &CL...r 141,419 CaHhoilliand z r. '2?3 .! ,.. "i'- .- Duefrom Agents, Ac-;. .ZZZ..A.ZJZ.. ll,,4ft 1,9011.707 -Inc. 9 l-o Total veraKe cash Investments und itcnis... $J,0lt,707 Int. 9 1-12.. Total Intertst received and accrued... Total . .. DISBDKSEMEXTS, 1870. " . ft t 1jsses Heath flosses of 1SS9 brought fonvurd........................,J...$ D9.Jt45 Towl Death Losses of 1370, with additions to Policies 61IJ31 41-5751,076 S5 ' Carried forward, not yet due, and fraud'.. Total Death CTalms paid 187rt STAC:EM-ENsTrFt "TQSff-imtERtm TBatE!; s. C T.rtTTTQ IfTTTTTA'T. T.TPTT. T NST1-K.A.NCH sGOMPANV nMM&cMEKTjrnZ-zr WW MV VM UV A VMM M umaia ww i 'tooLtteBSSnSfca or Nebraska. ToMrs. S. JT. Mrr vfi ant, in th&Above entUl&lcanllv8??- V 43H04 31 ! ?o"ed that on Order of Attachment's o-r? ntetnuuta causconUiesth ,i "3bm'' CI. byit. B. Srafih ijfflS xi1 DECEMBER 31, 1870. 2,861,305 0G .3153.474 64 so),04l :s ,-.......-..,. ....y. 7,11331 I3j Commissions, balarles anil other Agtncy PT-pn;pi. , , ,, ,,, Iteturn Premiums (Dividends) to I'olicv holders . .., .. Surrendered and Lapsed Policies .. Otllce expense, salaries. Attorneys' fees, postage, re-Insurance, c AciuHryexpendcrand Itevenuc stamps ..,... Medical examinations, advertising and printing..! Advance to Agents and commuted commissions... DlvidemLs to Stockholders .. 187.501)00 ZG1S.72 63 - ' XK72S7 118.437 91 70.9C4 71 ." . 14JK3 85 JVCC-74 ' .61,177 87 21,350 69 3,00-1 00 1.573.8H 13 Balance as below. $3,5t2,7J U0 ASSETS. Amount of Investments, secured by Deed of Trust and Mortgages on'Real Estateworth - nt least double the amount loaned. Premium foaiis, amount or Notes taken In part payment of Premiums on Policies Sniforce Ileal K.xtute owned by the Company, cash vidne. . . State Jlonds owned by the Coniuny...,.. ...................- Intere-it Accrued On State .Bonds rttid other Assets... ....... ... ('ah mi hand, in Bank nn) Ollice .., u .. - . Postage; and Ilevennc; Stamps on hantf. Amount r unpaid Premiums In due course of coIteCtiou........i. ..- Amount of De'erred Premiums, being balance tailing due within thfc Policy year.. t iimiiuru. i.itcs. Ac belonging to me company present value. Amount due from Agents, and other Items .. . " Total elTpctivo Asts .., Amount advanced to Agents, to be re-embursed irom future commissions, commuted com missions. tc ... .... . ...... uius oi agency suppiic auasiauoucry on nanu. ..... .t ...- 1.S3..9I2 12 171.5b-.! 51 lUf.OOU (10 M9" "si 7..P0:i 17 2ft V, G;.!K) 7t) 2ti .27 01 11.4-JOOO 147.493 19 $..518,971 31 21.936 69 I.80OO0 the above a Ti-ivn the aforementioned county, for ufj9 121 remrnable the atat day of March. ,?,!' Kl continued unUl Thursday theiath ,i,Slil 5l at 2 o'clock. P. M. ln "? of XiTJ ' SKit Tnrr- ' ": OHEHIFF-S SALa-XiitlcebhwS;.--" JT virtue of an-execntlon nnd&!a tsJ sued out ot the District Court of vI?.r5? rtUr.Jca. and to me directed n. ST?" if comity hntf special jDaecpon alw ? c' dered by said court, In a case uhir'st ' Wheeler fc plalntltr. and Josepi, ArU tove'.nwt his whe. Joenh Th.fn, JrJ'Wi ,! i J5.542.723 00 LIABIIiltflES. Capital Stock . .... . . Claims for Death Losses, admitted, not yet due " " ' awaiting further proof. irauus, not aamittea ft44 i-U iS142.500 : irwo 23,000 L-l 'ioo.oo-3 00 i , .vn Itetarn Premiums to Policy Holders, unredeemed ... . .. Unpaid Dividi'ficU to btockholdors BilU payable, balance on purchase of ollice lot. Premium notes on Po'icies reinsured.. ....... Jieserveror iiehisi'rance . ....M. .... ...... ..l . Discount on Real Estate Notes . .......... - i. Surplus for Return Premiums (Dividends) to Policy Ilolders-nud oUier contingencies. 137,500 00 11,041 37 710 00 30.547 22 6200 4,710321 45 ltfi.85S 69 . 306,7lt 27 1 &fiCT2t CO JjUmbcr of" Policies Issuedln ts70.6,-dt. insuring . 5I6,433.v 00 dumber of Policies reinstated in 1870 !). insuring lZ 2,6."j0 W Average rate-orinterfit realized on total cash Items, Invested mid uninvested included, 9 1-12 per cent. STATK P MISSOURI. 1M Ct TY A N li COl'NTY lF T. JiOl-IS. 1 Derick A.J inuary.PrtMoent.andMnillftm T.Se'.by.Secrelnry.or the St. Ivols Matnat LiC Irrror ance Company, beingsevenilly. sworn depose and stv, and e-.um forhtDisrlfjiiiyH that tbc foregoing Is substantially u lull and correct .tutxtnent tlieanlrsor thesjldCtmipnny. us from' the books or the .same: that the said Insurance Company is the bona fide owner or llt-a.ssrt.s. invested as bo testa!t. of wlil'.-li the principal portion ot that InrcstPd In reul esfc.t-secnrlty Es npon nnlrtcanbire4 property In tho city and county of St. .Louis, worth double the nmoniK of snlrt fs, nJ thai reitherthe'abo'v?iirr,ibe4 in.r..uciiui imr nnj- part mereoi, are rnaoe mr me zwnHii or any tncnvumni exercisiiwininoFity in the mnn.igempntnr said Company, nor for any other person orpersoxs whatever; andtUat th are the above described officers or said St. J-ouIs Mutual Ufe Insurance CXm panr. D. A. JAXTAICV. Pwsideafe. AV. T. SELB V, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me. the nnderstgnrd. a Notary TtiMfc for St, Louis connty. In testi mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and allixed my odioal scut this 15th day.of March. 1371 CHAS. H. 1EAVV. Jfotaxy lubllc, St. JLoui County, Mo. STATE OF JTEBRASICV. nCSURACK DEPARTM22TT. It Is lierobv pprtifipil Mint tlipri 1ms hppn fllM In this office n sworn statement, show'njr the- condition ot the ST. LOUIS MUTUAL LIFE IXSURATft'K COMPANY, located at St. JLnuis, ia theState-of .Missouri, on tlie 3lst (Uv or December. A. D. lc. In acconianco witn me provisions oi an ici oi inf Oeneral Assembly or tlie State or Nebraska, to rcgulati; Insurance C'orupaales approved Frfruary 12th. lsCti; that sale Company, having lileil the npcessary papers and a Mntement showing that said Conipany Is possesseil of the requisite amount of Capital, and Invented as requited by law. Authority i.s therefore given to the above named Vompanyto transact their appropriate r-ustness of Life Insurance in thisState. In accord trice with tin law thereof, until the 31st itiy of December, 1S71. I further rertlly that C W. Lambeth, Kso.. of Nebnbka City, county or Otoe-. Is authorfzed to trans act business accordilng to law for said Compuuy, as their .Agent and Attorney, t$ tiling lL Certificate for n-uni iiii uji- uitk oi uiue couniv. , In testimony wherenr I have hereunto set n."yhnnd, and afllxed ray jseal of ofllcc-at Lin. ..., coin, this lit day or April, 1371. jRt-XLV I . JOHN JILLTCSPJK. r- Aadltor of State. O. W. LAMBETH, State Ayrnt, 2Mt N13BRA3KA CITY. XEB. mrA3HrT-iW!n':jk-H as i, r.gsaa T m r Win jwcnii 'inimift..-1" i. ' Thompson are defendants. I wiiiniS !? public ftticiion. at the don- of the (S T1 BrownVUle. In said county onMOXf.5 v-i DAY or MAY. A. D. WTUat oio dSU tcrrtoilnK-thp-tollowlnir decrih.i r.ri5fc nrj5 , fit,,. lifinil.Al i.,rl el. ...t A ., . r'1Mtrne t. w land OfTof the m.uUi ale of thesoiin1."11" or section niinirnrtivt. i., nt. r.. .-""ics. i (.,) north or range number iiftm, i?011 -0 sixth prtndpnl meruhan. in -n d a n? ,n " r property of said Joseph Love es. t.!" cash. " 1,rwv - Ulvcn under my hand tbi.stithd.iT i i tEris. . . Shcrlirandsr. Ij 7STOTICE Or GUARDIANS s,r, ,r ' Ij 1 ja,T4Tic-utici Lshertbv svVl f. ' ''-M three o deck p.m.. 1 wm offer ai pub,V - uuuim 4ic- iia.ra; vuiitl jumhii .i . - l Tl lii froir o the t ount t lerK so-! r .VV "In 1 iemnlial unty. Nebraska, to V e M ".."" f bidder, tlie loMowin- real psiaietnl' ,. i county. NebRi-ska.to-wif It u rw 1 Sf . H west ci aner. ami the north hHir or t,. - ti quarter or --.ection number ttrpi- x. iownhlpi,eveii i7. north or ranire t - p and also one hal: of six ncr h. -. n, south west lourth ol the aorth ,t ,"' r . section. Such sale is made under IT'' 't a District Cniirt In. Siiidcfiunfr ib,"" .3. chase money to be paid down at tiGii?' Vjtt balance from time to time, truritir "' upon real estate. All the purpiaM. ,-, ?' "i paid In venrs. The delerred rarml !r, ten per cent Interest. ' w 'lii Guanllan of (JeorgeM. and Xcllfe viv chlldnsl of John L. ilchWe,' PROBATK WOTJCE.-XOTUtl glven that I have appointed vri. lortliepiirini.se of bearing ibe 'ua - . ' thcestateof trilllam Stliltfo.r ala . 2Mt A. W. MOKd .f . prX.. . - " V4l J.. .c k3.JM )ROHATK NOTlCE.-JCnrn(H H ,,,. .L glvec, that orrthtf l.1th da t r arrb f"2 the declarations of Lucy Bell' r in.Z r J und llenrv Jones ana Jane Jnntx h..v'- .-a ..!... i.i.... k.. .i .. ,:ium totheadoptlonbythesald Heurv ami J . ." J of William Henn Dell and XeMc JaneBrt' 41 In the Probate Court of Neman Oainir !?.? Nebraska, and that I have vt WcdBPiii? i,-' day of At rll. A. D.. Ml. attl.e Iww 1 A. Mi. at my ollice in Brown, . h. , 'V as the time and, place Jorti.e hear'tin t..rl . afl persons interested are remured t Sen a a I to how cause, if any there Is. whv tLb .,?., . tion should not be coivmmm. ted." w ' 22 4t A.V.MOIH.AX.Pr.,h..i..- , , , . ,. j. K1.X Jv ui Local Ayent, BROVNVILLE. NEB. : vjf. t. . . an a,: p " " ' 1 1. . . v- -.v kt.- T EOAL NOTIl'E.-JOIIX T nv- L SbliileyS. Wilson, v.. I1i.-irt.-i tV Ncmahajunty District Conrt. it tr,A,i ri . orNebni-sfcn. . Tlie above named de.'endaat, Charles LMr ;.i.i;i:..o i..,, :ir... .rr:"r"" i.Htrr t coon aiwyertame,d.pravlcg ror U,e fiSdwJ, certain .AfOTrtgage. made and ecntl br?. saldnlamtin.uutheltrh(Iavar.Tnitt. .-' . In. you mbrtgageil one house anil l6t dMrrJ5.il follow: -ommendng at the noithrvt fd 1 1 bridge ne-.ir Bennett's Mill, runnlne -a,t ,!,-?. right angles with the nail, thence rnnnm-S thecenter or the road south iw fwt. ihtntAnstl with feno to the creek at low water mrt 7-C up the crtek to pines of beginning. It blni h,.i! northwest quaner or section 2, fovrnshlp 1 hmC, aw, v.th lier-.t. Pia-utitrsRskfurthpr r! . der for the sale of said prrmisrs. tl.cnr ,, .sal4sal.:bj.j)plieil to the payment ' Mj t, and.lnterij. ouart- r-ouire.l to -jtmttij tiUon on ox before the it dar of May ii't .r. . HA.FVITOV Atrorner fur In. nt s. sszecrasn "".rBBBSU m - ul . .Mi' V '-, F0B BMLl ! JACin H. IlMItKLKV. MIC1IAKL SV'ITZKB. II Aromliotifa -!itil ilt .1.V.I11II11., ........ ..w. rt. i-t . x. x.. .. -n -.- '. you inniK oi mm.' dh you want nhie-ierithlj of tli'e trnile in western Nemaha to go to Nebraska City? What think you of this, candidates for ofliee in the fall or 1S71 ? Let ev ery man show im ticket. The ''dear peoples" will not let this question go to the river. Yours truly. R. A. IIawi.ev. sanmeanna BERKLEY & SWITZER, Waos & C rriageMakers AND . BXAGKSBULXHS. BLiH-'jiiJwsEjg5Bg;ajaixq MAHHIAG2S. Married. April nth. 1871. by Judge A. "W. Morgan. Mr. IIknii v hiMKKKit, nr RichanLson county, and 3Ifss Makv A.vn Ooosiiy, of llrowm ille. Married, at the residence or the bride's ratiier. April Sth. ts71. lu-ltev. II. llurcli. Mr. OnnniiK W. 1- ciisk and MUs Miki..v u. lU.snur.. alt of Nemn ha county. ' I, ,. .l.H Alf-UnaUMJyi hi 1t f...j . Lm'mfm BROWXVIL! E, - NEB. CUSTOM WOHK i DOXJ5 ON SIIOItT NOTICE. ND jN A STYLE ' and manner which will guar.intees-iti-fact.on. Mr- Tlerkeiy dons the Wood Work and A!r. Switzt r the li.aoksmltlihigniu! tho Iron Work, and prof.-bs-' es to be a superior hand at I HORSE SIIOKING. c3"0Ive ns n call. 25-3m mm no mm WOOD WOHK, .A.T. IV. D. SIIEltt KKnEUCEU'S. COPARTNSRSHIP. 'rilE UNDEIL-IONKIi HAVE ASSOCIATED I , theins-elves together, under the drill name of Shnrts,St-vensoii.t Cross, to carrv on the Hani ware business at Deu-ei.'.s old tt inii. on Main street, in r.rli'.vnvillf. They bespeak, and hOK I'v -striei ut trillion to busine-n and low prices, to cumniand a liliopil share of thepatronage of the Nvuiaha Land District. J.i'.siIUntS. JAMES STEVENSON. D. O. CROSS,, jtarcli .1)th, 1371, Cllt fl liFvi'JIPiC BiC?BfBPI inin r ft , i te zj i s. & L i! JH 5 3 M V H W ii . V J GST A PAIR OF n t r 'f i rx ti I & AI i 12 i t T srt ai d rl 5 I a. ti vi i u IX PEKC, NEB., . TyiTIIEC ftVE MINUTJ2 WALK Of mr StateNormidScliiKil.aiidcooTrrxiit tub' !!SJ!2,w0" or '' The pn.peru r.jw.stxcf ! I(rt.". wJ reneef nml hh Fn l-mit u-a v.h ..it Sbruafvery. Ac. Ciilt-tge House, cou'iamin jri rooms Ttewiit . mt .... i...M .. . .T .. atcrand Clsti-rn near, rjneltarn. Jruim h I'lgerj-. Wood House, mid oU. !uuV.iuw! This Is the Most Dvsiililc lies id aice JProfiertu m fhe Floiwishiui, Vil laye nf J'ruf audwiUaeMMrr Bll'CK iliUSS TH'AX THE 1I'K:M V.SSTS COHT. BOOTS AXD SIOIS. The buir.lln . i ... .. 3 1 r...:C .l " ? "" i . . w mmmt i wmtt Hte r r 1 .4 tio -rR- STAEH9TEL. This popular ami commodi ous SSoicl property i.s uttered far sale on ILa.sy Terms. Ires- etil JLeasc expires 3Iarf it 1,72 i f)T. T :P-,0,) J;a:rs sold las- 1 - " ? tun leading Itostuii liiauuiaetiiro and Will 5e SitUl SlsIJlOCi ranted agtUnst ripping. Comfort, ghiMieltT, Ournbility und Kcononi) THEY EXCEL ALL OTIIESS- E.R BY laaimfacturow-, and war- imni- ReptibltcanJ-C. Wi CdrfiHock. iKrWian- To be'supiillect.1 ' hy name, and in bchnir or nil other citizens of i remont, sought to restrain tho city from KIMMlli'A rn-Mnr. rt o .v. .1.1... . t. r j ., T JetIiodisl Church Society froni bulldln" tlib-rcon. It appearing that Kittle and Turn" erwfcrc not residents upon, or owners of pronertv ndloiuinz the nark nhont iwinn- -. cauld, and Uiat they had no interest in the matter .not. common to nil thacltlnR nr th J city of Tnsnoai, T dismissed the action upon mas ijrouna. xjur, passiiic ting, lei me urlef. ly cxfaruinc the ErouCd UP3B which this in Jnuction Is Askod. Th2so tuny be classed ns follows: j l-'lrst, ills claimed that t.. law of I5K, nu thorUiiig counties lo Issue b.tids in aid of railroad: and of her work.- of internal im provement is unconstitutional. Second, that if the Lw bo held constitu tional, yet thc proposition submitted Jo the people colls fw n-ferrate? scm tian to nirn vccl I l, . . . . - .v ....v.- - i u.v ineact.; anu intra, that hy- reason of great frauds and trross-lrreirularitlea GrarniiinuiiMh. t,wi notamojorltyof tho'votcii wero renljy cast .la.fitvor of iho.lisnimtof Uio ionds. as-de- ciarea oy tho .Hoard of County Commlsjiioa. aiut5 oi property irom year to venr for twenty ye;trs, and malco a calculation -and fix a per centum which will brlnir the Sl 000 interest to be paidnnnuallv. "" XVC fiT ?f li?e (our .Publications In the Blair JteffUtt-r Used the hour for openiujr the PPlH on election day at nine oVJock a. jr.. ltistwd of ehtlit. The otherpulillcations had t correct. o possible prejudice to any one canoe nor has been smrffeste.! ns cmtrtn OUt of tills error. Jinrt n rannnl lu. ! i." t ... t.: . T -" -....-.. wv- ...... iuc noiiesLiniKiase ot rntsnnp m matter of ...iu, nut in nny way auccttng the miii stanve, Is to vitiate a proceeding of tliis kind. As to the alleged franrts pmil.t T lw -.c,....,,.i ltlintuiJonthotrial,ofthiscausoit must atf f ccartlnt thcra n'.-ic nnt n i.,o .... L, ;!.,...." .." :.,:.. v""" ""ju'"j j (utria. ujniu a iair oauot, reconled in fa vor of jrivlnc this grant, I should most sure- It- fllfrtwr thl. 9 tnn.i..tlrtn 7LT A.. . t t t Tr auonii uio irauas : IV. , ',iuarHcs irnnspireu, it is alleged. In I Blair Precinct. The allegations of the sworn shot dead in Chicago, owing to ful domestic circumstances." feun-siroKes in April are a nov elty but New York lias them. Fighting still contfnues in I'xTnd around Paris. Fort Valerien is play ing on the city. Government troops are gaining ground .steadily, and the doom of the Commune is certain. The insurgents are demoralized and fighting amongst themselves, rttln day the decisive struggle was expect ed to occur before the gates of Paris. '!!. I.. t .1.. . . f ? . iiic uL-ai iiil- niiamous uommtinc seems able to do is to make arbitrary arrests and persecute poor Catholic priests. The city is to bo taken bv storm, and not bombarded. The Ca thedral of Notre Dame has heen saek- ed by the mob. Roehelbu tried to save it from destruction but failed. News from "the Joint High Com mission aisserts a satisfactory agree ment a jotit the fishery ami Alabama questions, but much discusHon over the boundary line of San Juan. This latter questio. has protracted the ses sions of thc Commission. The trearv, however, is expected to be, icady in two weeks. The Germans had u. grand celebra tion Sunday in New'York. The cfty was covered with bunting, and the streets niieu with spectators. The utamiTiviis inie, ami tne pageant, military and civil, was most impos ing. Every thing proceeded with harmony. The Senate Judiciary Committee agrees to the Ku-Klux bill of the .Liouse, anu win report it to the Sen ate without amendment. The bill i-. expected to pass by Wedne-day. j-jju i. icaiucni. mis received nu merous letters congratulating him on his vindication of the Sau Domiiico report. r An cx-member of Congress, Ham ilton of Florida, has made a damag ing ailinnvir. Phnminrf n..in. nr. itUis mit'o" ,orne.us a l,arty to a scheme of bri- ui-M, 1U me iuutier ui rauroau lands in that State. He offered Hamilton 20,000 and 2,500 shares of stock for his interest in Congress to pass the railroad bill, and threatened bfm with defeat for. re'eleqtioti if he refus ed. Hamilton seems to hava kept the thing pretty quiet until lie lost Lis place in Congress, and this rather works against his declarations. Reports from California, of Indian otitragos in Arizona bv tho Aiiu.i. i .i. t " ,-......,..-., auv iiiau iiu.r men KSl? ADVSHTISSMENTS. DISSOLUTION MIOTICS. 'VliT7- COVUTZi:iiiUll' IIEltKTOFORR "Kv 1 -st.."!: between the undenisned. umlxr tiu nameor j,"iiserit Shurts.is this day dSMolved hv mutual cciinnt. All person- indebted or huldw: claims tnralnst 9i.d firm, will settle the Mime with J. iX JJeiiser. JOlfS f. IJKrsEK. jon t. snuurs. March 30th, 1371. ATTENTION. A T.L PEnSOXS IIAV1XG CTMJIS AOAIXST, V or ilinse indebted to the latullrin urDsuser& SJiurts .will please call on me Immediately at the State llauk of Nebraska, ard -ettle the same. -,wt JOHN" (J. UJ2USE11. NOTICE OP ELSCT2QN. -jOTin: is nisRKny c.iyex, that ox ' a ..ui.t... .i.---!fi t.T,.- ... II... ,u....i ..t.,. r r..i ; . : -" j lease. JXO. L..AElSOiV. THEM rSLIOWS I T5iat stole timJier 8'ioni Sec. IO-4-ii, s:ki Sec. 32-4-10 in .lo'isisoutunfj". --2t .Ml S if PR8E. Cavalry Horses Wanted. OWCK ClIICV Qr.P.TKRltASTEH,1 UKl'ARTXKNTflKTUKl'LATTK, I ujuiu,jh,, Marcus, 1371. J SOT OXE "VVAS 11KTBE5EO.' ; Patent Sr.tinp on ovoryoni. iiiUl by all I.eadinc; Dealers. u. I ! i ta i ... I T. . , .i i. V v . v" " vu"sin tne several precincts ,;.w''Hl?H!iCWf Xc,'?m. mi 'U-ctIitii will be hehl tor the election or the clloulnsot1ieer. to Hit: Three IJelceiitcs ta ;l. state Cim-titn-tinnal oiivciiihiii. wiiii'ii ..i. ....... ;.r. l... V.1 TL IIL'I?, ?Vffl.".? .)rnliii5.uiiJ will co..- Miniediiv -wh iu laeauernoon of the y order of the Board. April sth. ldTl. J..U3 M. HACKER. County Cleric. 2t-Zl -FOR SALE. -rw.ooooonusrxErvs noves. situated r on i,Ir,!n !",r,eot-'." t,ie ' Wl fthe buslines nrt One dwelLnu on a lease lot on FIrt street "hoitS and .tot on CoHere street, and the fuUoin-addN tioiud iroiHiiy,iu.ivIt: uuu.iiuai.ai- iv.t li j;;ijl5' f:'.7andS......Hlockl if u i.i .lllfK;K li ljDt ' Jti.u-L- n- Lt in.. l!Im-k-:t! lxitl3ZZZrIItockS Lots and r, uioclca r-.t ieIZ ZZTl k tv Jit 15 lock. 'Lots 11 and rTZjUoY-k si All in thc city of Rrna-nvltte SET'hli"US'.P DfPI.IC.VTE. ACCOMPA- ...I."ed b. "e 'honsands dollars ns eaaraiiteo. will be received at tbiiolfice. until eleven o'clock O.IU.. mi .-r..ju. apni 1. i37i, ir tlietlellverv or three humlred cavalry hones at Omaha, Nebraska, w.thln sixty durd Irwn the date of iiu-ard:ni't!iu aj: 21.tr Trr'Sn 73T7TT St-r Tf t.i-lf. JLJ.JWJUJU XX JJ, contract. Conditions made known and blank bidrcrnlibcd -n anplicattou at this otllce. Af.EX. J. PEItl.Y. -- Ch.Qr. Mr.. Iep't. Platte. w if," (. reach uititVMMfrt asrl t no: sow wltM ttkirt ,t-. tOMjrood ti-aunt. Yvt rmrtarr in: - 3 3ir.wnvllle. Ne , JCarcfc Wh : :' AVOOIWOR'JEFT A il Book Bijici-vs, And IVpaln. In BOCKS, STATIONOi. - , XO. 12, 3.1 SJt., J, J.vU .i- CAS IT lAm FOR R 1 ,.S ij- hbv noono xzxz:;;t 111! I -ItIIiI HA SPltt Wlnffer 7)3SHIKIR Dtjg-p- BAI1EY & CO CHEsTSTPT &. J2Ux St., P 21 1 L A D E L P II I A t Establlshra 1S30. GEO. W. NKIOLY Ai BUTLBZRS A7fD Bridge Contractors BROWVILLE. JCEP.K-SKA .... V. t?ke 5nracta forbtilhllm: Krlilo R" " Jobl.iiijf work. Contract w,,rl.o::e.r,H u .-kk - notlre and reasonable ternw. ifave also the right tu ertrt the Saiitii Patent Tms3 Bridge In i'ebraska, Iowa. KniKJuacil onthfra iliKoarl. 3"XOTIfp: OF T.PTTIV-0 a .r imrl . . " v ... . A,, ot f Ajll I J t 1 -"rf NEW STEAM FERRY s a j-5S"a"Vf WORTH OSn '. .'s. All persons Indebted to mo are reauested v,iveIc,ilWU WI0"'Ba iihh.Tn d'ys and s.lL cost, 2T,tf- w K wiLSCN". . NOTICE. Atotice i-siiEREny or vex to tttktav ran-STOi"'? Cily of Kranville. tlmt ihe &I-It T, JShJ a ""',:"" flfrk's ollice on .-loiway. Tneslay and Vedaedav wnlnes. nt 7 o clock, the 17th. 1Mb and i&tb of April. A I) 1671 asalnaran- Bq'nllmins on the ni"raVsev.fnVn All person intprrctnH - .. !.,.-.. .Y. ' " ...J-.L" ". ters-foradjastment. l -a-:iuineirniai- Ky order or the City Council, i! 3. H. DOCKER. Clerk. J. W. APPI.EG-ATE, IBHinCT ( IBRD Brownvllle. rVebrasUa. T7ir.L UO i ALL , KI.VOS OP BPILOIXG. pre- pare Plant. Ilraw JVsint. anttPurnlthnecI ffttUicnt. SatLs.-ae:ion rnmnntJa t . ii.'.li,lr. every ileeription at slwrt notice. Sbcn back of rt-K1 Iiiitjorlcrs and 3Ianufactnrcrs of FINE WATCHES, SILVER WARE, JEiELIlY, PLATED WARE, FA5CY GOODS, &C., &c. jk3SI I QUALIFY ALWAYS (JUARANTEED. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Order? and Inquiries by mall promptly attended tel &l.l-2f1r-Jl PA .r---5 niitf'i.'mnnrz. 'irvu; iS'Z'jfs laBscaMsifi -a r sSJ k'Crrirrg igSSnTrf-SicniLiJfS aif3ii fffi4a-W5n3?Sj:xn ttviwgasm &x. - rgga"-;: 5?Sr lziCj&S?&3 zmtgrngs Itfg i ' . f . illf H ,, Aniericanllouse, A.T I?JRI3XE NEW YOSK COST ALSO ALL KXN"DS OF Jytranccrs visiting the city will confer a favor by In:'eci big tbeir stoek 'itt'Jm STOKE n i Hi-it Early Cabbage Plants, N01-, rFOn DELIVERY. ALSO j- j irench Ilead Leuuce. Tomato. Celerv iud other plants for transplanting umu4 -eery,ana iTTP.XAS SOXS J- Co Brownville. tOTICjS. rfhose who iiavexot paid toeir tax- L es for lsTti. will take notice that their taxe are now due nnd demanded. The law now in force, makes uses a lien on hntii tho r.iu- .., ......Yifr Were nmrilonxl I pruuerty of the tax uaver. Tnviii hL1.! ;...' and their bodies Bhopkino-Iv rn.,fti..J!??!?,,P.??wHyourpersonalnroi)ertyroV - ukiLii. i- i x-fiiir iri-a t-n;ii i fc ill nu . -. .- I - - - lilTitl. rvi i "v .i4i mini u-ruuniy ed. Lfeisfraviaort'has'coriira'n'cedJ ;f??,l?.c t.Ua? our State constltnUifll is da .sign&l.to lltnlt the powers of tlie legislature vi met tat body possco suprotae powr 'Dfttltion In this resoeet are fullv nnrt finonin. allyraet d.v thp 6worn answer of the defen dantK. In support of the- petition wo hnvo tlio aflldavlt, nt Mr. Gray, statins -what ho was Informed vmc done, nnd omitted to bo doncMbv- tlio relstnvrvjudges, and clerks of dectipnofRJair Precinct, ns rell a? whot apppRTPq rrorn cno regirnr's lirt and tho A terrific wind storm has ravaged Des Moines, Iowa, tearing up side walks, scattering signs, breakinir n tin i j n.l ln...AM I O ......., u uunij; jtu luimeuse amount of general mischief. Currants & Goos PEUSG PLANTS FOR BALE. - FURNAS, SOy 4c CO. seDernes. paid In time. CCK1. 3t t1l IT " A word to the wie will save' further County Trcasorer. STJCII AS S1IOTV CASES, LOOKING , GLASSES, OS FIRE ASu BDR. GLAIt PROOF SAFE, KIUE EXTI5GOISHEU, AMD A FAI11KAXKS SCALES. AT! MATS OLD ST.VTD, THE "WELL KXOV.V REGULilTOB MANHOOD! WOMANHOOD f KXPr'lXr2f Ul10. ma' ft,sd who ou,5t not to ij Marry. uceaalve .enal ecli.mf.iifi'r 'ACSES, will, n.eiirul advlee. All "jfi? u worth kumvlng about PltKVESTlO.V. Al"o wb vsoina?iv a: both faxes have PIMPLES ou the race' alin s.vlnsaulie etit rea.v,cs way ONB.fr aLpI ilr i?,h i .. ,rL 1 mysnt-"sesU" were followed hvi' d3l.v J rV&zriox w0Uid iSSStSij; jn-t:-7i A r.Ptiif, .i"" ' "."""' .V--". of a ijmlly cin afford lo te wlthontiSfSiS i : i . V."" ."iuungniiiB ousni 10 read "JIan. hSSiU "mIS? h"ly ousUt read-Woman-aooil. jajx I bey are bound (enaratelr and hmi ffiS".- ri; m"- secci:e FJtOMOIWEPrv"v: --'..-a. is cenu. fsinft - kmk BEOWITVILLi:, NEB. cents. AUdr. " "' 'b:"Vi mi- ifo CliAItK WHITTI13. M4 D 01? S.t. Charits Street. St. L&t ii. iu,?S?J?JS?aaltb.S5?'?? .have avoid. ken In pieces. TT .-'r t-rrfi J ,fc. I " M, -r . &TL:'-"- 'B i akrii.i ia2SiiS3i ss1- Tho 3roTriTlllo orry Conpsny have now runn-a? between 3ROW'VILIiIfi, ?IZ1S- A X 1) North Star and Phelps City, Mo., tlie nej'i aad. cuotmvdious t'.eaia 1 erry MAEY J. AKHOXJ)! THIS liOAT is entirely jnvr. wiHi power and cnnaclty to cro.v everyth.a fist may come In any weather. . 3t'or era; i j ; CtU- Into or Hit of tbi La.T " trlct.tblHistbe?it.i)jlnt. Tlds boat iseprr fitted np to eiwuro siiy in cmnnlnetok. ' 'ru cattle r-eus are nlrvJj-,erecle.lBt the St. Joe. t Depot,ut Phel;s Cltx- Ve can innire Ore trarrtoc public that all in o-x po-er quail bediiue tinrwe thti the most jHSIe crosuinson theM fasoun ir 'T SHOWS VI1.LH FEBRY VO. i3-svtr rii..'n.tra.'. ' II'!afflD6 t-i iX -tSi5 oa wflicliniultitndea have been bro- ,U, .v-.U'i. MiiSlft&GE GUIDE: 27-y NOTICE. TVrOTTCE IS TIEUEIIV GI VEX-THAT AT THE ri regular session of the Hoard of County Com infaslonera bewin and held In Ilrownville. Nemaha cV,UTn.ty'.:Soeb2ask.aAP.ril:W' IWl.lt was ordered that all Itoa.1 Supervisors In Uie county are hereby re- r.r.i -X S V:"".!" "'aso ui puDiicroaas la ttielr respective Itoad Distrfcis, to be opensd ac- Ordered by tie. Board, April 6th. 1S71. . ., J. M. HACKETt. -, Ocapty Clerk, j A11 ion;sinaebtci to A. Xav & Co., win and it to to their inter- ei locau at once and settle. 2t-tr s a? O "V" :m s ALL SKES AXD- PATTEPJtS XT W. D. eUUOBERGR9. Everyoat Ills onalacter ! A'prl- vate instmctor ftr mardedjersons, or those ' about to be married both male and fenmlc. In ev- tr iu,ns coann&icc the phislolosy andrelatlons of our sesual syem.awrtbe roductlonSnd "nre ventfou f tH- .r;.. i:. (ting aitrjheevv dfv erles nevr before elver. , & lxCSh laflzua- bJ wm. OUXG. M. D. T: rH a tTSBle at.-J J InterentlnK wnrJc. It U written in plain hjnjjuase . lortbegenenJ, reader." and U I'latrated fth nn- merousengravfnRS. All young married people., or, tliO(-e contemplating marriage, and bavins the least Impedhz.ent to married life, should rd-tlsLi book. It disCxtsea secrets tliat every oae should be acquainted with;. still it is' a book that must be k- tocked-np and not lie about the honss. It will be I sent te. any address on receipt or.W s. Address . Z TT JZ ' c-.-f?.- Snruce street above 74&S5SSSS?Sf2l74 avc-mcv..T? mtUiTji,. ,:wz-js- y-"'."'"'","'ijil- Mmm v"ijitr s k W Dw Sliellenberger, 7i?IarH. Slrct. Brewnvinf. W of-TiawAre.. . d.vM N hk: m Fourth, Pbiladelplda. Swfev i kir-d i