4 i T t i '- i. T I ' 1 If 4 i 4 i 01 7 2l m Ma Mi II l. Uf Ll if lit K isai jEHE ADVERTISEli BROWNVILLG, NED., - THURSDAY ttaififlNG, MARCH 9, 1S71. - .Governor Butler files his answer to tKe articles of Impeachment to-day; nfter which the trial will begin. -The "Legislature is still in session. Col. Savage, President of the Q., M. &1 II. It., telegraphs us that the old board of directors were all re-elected ou Tuesdav. So there will bo no change for tlie yca-y to-come in the or ganization of the company, tA. 1. Cogswell has just returned from Q,uincy. He says that the Qui ncy 'bonds have been legalized, .and tlnt the prospect is very favora ble for the early resumption of work 'on thc.Q,. M. k P. road on the whole 'line; for "which purpose the Chief Kngineer was ordered to make a per manent location oi tne line, irom Qiiiiiey to Brownville. -; We give below the law passed by our Legislature awarding a premium for gopher pouches : - Six?. 1. Be it enacted by the Legis lature of the Stale of Nebraska, that any person or nervous killing gophers .within the boundaries of the State of Nebraska, shall be entitled to a boun tty, of fifteen cents for every gopher so killed, and tne provisions of low in reference to wolves and wild cats J&liafl in all respects be observed tliere .to, lrovidcd, That goplier scalps shall be so taken as to exhibit the pouches of the jaw. ' Sec. -. This act shall Le in force "from and after its passage. Approved, Feb. 9th, 1S71. . "When we were iu Lincoln last -week we drew from the enrolled bill Wcopy.of the Herd Law which pass 'ed'both houses, and which was signed ..by the presiding officers of the two -houses. When we left it had riot 'been signed by the Governor, and, though we have watched the publish ed proceedings, we are still unable to say that it has been approved"and eigned by tho Governor. As far as we can .ee they do not mention the 'matter. We publish the copy thus procured and know it to be correct, and we have done all we could to set J-hepub'lic mind at rest upon this sub ject. ' it If we were to express any opinion tupon the income tax collected by the Unijed States, we would say repeal 'the law. But as it does not effect the 'people of Nebraska to any large ex- fent, we care but very little about it. jWe are at a loss to ccnjecturejhe reas on for Hie position of the Democratic party upon this subject. The Xew York Tribune, tho leading Republi- can journal of the country, is labor ing for its repeal, but the leading Democrats of New York City favor "the collection of the tax. The Demo cratic Legislature of New York de feats a resolution before it instructing their delegation in Congress to repeal the law. Among the najs vc notice such Democrats as Tweed, Genet, . Norton and Creamer, all of the Tam many stripe. We presume they are actuated in their oposition by the same spirit which has hitherto ov tsrned them and their party Jlepub llicans are for the repeal. This fixes -the policy of the Democracy as simp ly opposcrs. Our RertrerieninttvcK. Our Representatives at Lincoln are among the best of the present Legis lature. On most subjects they are working in harmony. Mr. Daily re fused to, vote for the impeachment of tho Governor, because the House re fused to order the reading of the evi dence upon which tho articles were founded. Mr. Shook wo believe to be very impartial in his judgment, he favored investigation, but thinks iui-j peachment a harsh and unnecessary road to that end, but as all other methods were unavailable, he voted for.impeachment. Messrs. Porter and Majors wero for impeachment first last and all tho time, thinking it J would be the final resort in the end, .and consequently a saving of time and expeuseto make it now. There isa-strongJobby Influence silrrounxl 'ing thoiuember?, urging- thenYon to' positions fasfer than they are inclined -to go, and faster than the evidence and facts warrant. We adjure Repub licans to divest themselves or all im proper motives, and work for the good of the State and the party, and not be over-auxious to receive, the ap pliudit of the partizan press. mat ion as to what has been accom plished. We can scarcely meet a. man from the country who tipea not enquire what wc haveaew frofe Washington, arfd It iSfwitkmcT litScr humiliation that we"hve toteliltheat. we are total I v in th llnrk. ad fH rather than confewFJbur if when information ought toTwithi our reach, vre aid, hV circulating tlie rumor that affairs are progressing favorably. We'arc inclined to the belief that till has not been done for Southern Nebraska that might have been, but will withhold .further re- tmarks"upon the"subjectTuntil'rvJ:rare better satisfied where, the blame rests- 'The Ki-rer Tradt, We notice that the steamer Mary McDonald left St. Louis for Omaha on ahe first day of March lhi year. .The indications are that the River bu siness, this year, will be done on a more thorough and extensive scae than ever beore. The '()'' line of packets, between Omaha and St. Louis, have been, re fitted and one new boat has 'been ad ded: This line has the- following first class side-wheel steamer? for the, busi ness of tho season : . , r , Mary McDonald 600 tons, Silver Bow 050 tons, .Nile 800 toua, T. L. McGill 1,000 tons, Emile La Barge lr00Otons, and Susie Silver 1,000 txm. .Besides .the above we notice that the Carrie Vi Kountz, Mollio Moore, Henry C. .Yager, .Mary Lowry, .Kate P. KountzpPeriinale, Jda Stockdale, and Andrew Ackley will carry freight from St. Louis and points above for tiic mountains above Fti Benton j Brown villp, Nemaha county, .and the points in this land district have received their goodsfduring the sum mer season, by the river, and this will continue to be our main reliance until railroads reach us on this side of. the river. t XJur immense corn ana wheat shipments are over .this chan nel of communication. Times are somewhat dull at present but now that the steamers have com menced running the market for corn will receive a now impetus, and trans portation becoming cheaper, the price of corn and wheat, in this market, most advance. This will make times lively and trade active. We do not, however, expect any large advance, as the crop of last year was generally good, and the amount of old borri yet on hand mus,t combine to keep corn dowu to low figures. This we hope will have at least ono good result. It will induce our farmers to feed more and ship less. When corn is low thp farmer must draw out of it all theX it will, produce. So wo conclude that low prices will stir the brain to great er activity, and, perhaps, in the same proportion relieve the muscle and" the bone power of a portion of its burden. InIncfafMJ.X. Wilcox, P. Crother, I. BlackWmlridge, Henry B. Hall, R. Wafacejr B. Piper, D. W. Pier &Saacai&ii ""jr",i ."' " wnMr'-'r' jlm &StJ Norm medagffjjrancTAatti Si & -2l .-; " I MCChnoi. Messrs mtr&J.L AlLI TM.A1?Anl iwwrarter, FwnlLilndJMlsses mEw finyoSrl A3- i O 1J - ' a j-.Trylrf e shkj qccfjr t?lr j-;7-1 6-' 3 - Silo teglart Sunda gThe-Ry 10s AM L LmZ j Z - V '3 -off Jiereupr mwair of- Mr. & F. R'SYKFS,,Bec,y. unofmaleKtrveorton- join the sale, but failed. The sale was under the auspiceoftheJikard FROM THE CAPITAL. cultu "! Teacher's Instltate at Palrrle'w. Institute met at Fairviow accord ing to adjournment, County Superin tendent McGrew in the Chair ; F. R. Sykea was chesen Secretary. Prayer by S. W. Kenupdy. t, Messrs Bridgo and Crother were appoiuted a comraitteei on criticism. The.question "ShoiUd the teacher prompt a child when solving a ques tion in Mental Arithmetic,' was discussed. Mr H. H. Straight, , Principal of the Slate Normal School", then ad dressed the Institute on "Methods of Teaching.'' He said teachers shpuld havo an ideal ; gave some of hjsyiqws of "what that ideal should be, and closed by stating the course of instruc tion in the German primary schools, and suggesting a discussion on the question: "Could we bo able, to adopt a similar course in our public schools ?'' Discussion opened by Mr. Black, and. participated in, with mauh spirit, by most of the teachers present, aud, also, by some of the itizens. , Adjourned to meet to-morrow at 9 o'clock a. m. SATURDAY MORNING. Lixcoi.n, Mafclv-'ffth Srnce-ymtriefMHurefpFrkiajtekMt- -letawldr nothing o,nqte,has pcfiurjedsave the presentititmnd- accRptanpe. by the Houip of articles of impecloient against, Govv BuUer. Tljey. were;pre sented by Jha,.mauagersvabout noon of Saturday, nd were, adopted,1 bjfijte ,Houpe. without-debate antl.wiUiout (jiyisjqn- rThy aTelveniR' nim ber, and quhsfancf as;fpllqws z x 1st. Thai- GovHiButlerijhadi unlaw fully andft.cornjptlyiBPPrPPrJfttedvlto -his'.own. usej SlGj88iG of tho fihP.ol Xand. -!.. i . , tu t 2nd. That, as one ofitlie.:pmmiSr dloners appointed "to,provide.Xoi:iithe sale of lotHland lauds and Ibr.the.erecr tion of ipublic buildings, he .had. cojr ruptly anoV wroiogfully attempted to extort moneys viz1: $10,000. rom Sil ven& Son,, builders. oMhefDniverstr ty,aqdthatiie refused toil allow ttbe claim of the Architect,rMcBridoJua til'he, McBride,. consenteito urecejve $2,000. leaving the, balance, .$1,750, in hii,;tbe Governdr's hands ; again that he allowed.McBridoxta.put. inVa sec ond claim' of $1,8286,1 of which the Governor, receired one-half. Also, as Presidents th Board of JRegehts.he agreed witli N.'O. BrockIto,securejJf ho could, his, .Brock's, lappointthent as.Treasurur of the. Board,nand jthe said Brack waa;fcipay him.$7q0 for suchappointment; cAiso, that .in lSGOiierefused taleasecertain: Saline lauds to one Thos. F, Hall; of .Oma ha, unless the said Hall would 'give him $o,000bwhu?hiHall refused tojdo. Also, that he received, a certain con veyance ocfiland t as rsk 'considoratibn, inducementfiand. bribe to locate the Insane Asylum hvhero that .building 'now stands. . . '. . 3rd.. That, 4h Feb. J8G0, he falsely represented jo John, Gillespifc.that $2,000 was rightfullylduo Col. Chase for services as Attorney, and that up on Col. 'Chase refusing toj accept ":but l,000fhe, the Governor, retained for ids own usothebalanpe. . .i I tu: 4th. That ho .allowed, contmctor Ward $45,000 for.what he did .toward the building of the Lunatic Asylum a-sum vastly.greaforth'an hehbuld have'recelved: v. ' t J 5th. That hfc contracted witlrSilver tt-Go., for thcerection of the Univer sity at a price greatentltan limited by law.. i i , In? . . '6th. Thtt todoceive the Legislature and tho people of 'the State he, the Governorin 'response to Jthe 'resolu tion of the House, falsely declared that he had -deposited - in. the State Treasury the 'live per cent, school fund. - 7th." That without 'the consents the other Commissioners;"he -loaned A.-C. Tichenor $10,000 of the -school fund, on security not worth $3,000. 8th. That he c6riverteo' (b hifsWn use the Bum o'f $648.43',Ibel6niiing to the State, received' from'S. L. Griffin, former President 'of 'Board of Iihmi cTPotiAt, ' 1' - - - nf Trusii- Aiirf. .thn nvorncrn nrini nii.irLd. diaDTflms.aud annaratuses of. .with an amendment Jimitins: chare- "per fot was $30. The hichcbt $350. all kinds." in connection witTi the r. The Conference report on the llWij JWilf lAaerTlixPe l4fdiAklm tTJmaC1Ile Ka asauop,- .. . t - r eeafawaKeagtadauofcpttMiHifcyj-MWfc NEBRASKA rygyxr rowjatiicfRcgistei' aftnVReV. Mr. m'rww st J$h Chcjv so m g &mi qpgjpied jaw.pjlplt in :1 1. Pavtbcc CoaHtf , . ; 'Froin' "teFTfiNkn&t&fa v ClaVk TlraoVVeus a Vorfrtfel'-jlfobr-in 'Pawnee Ci'on "tottfA April jrtF.;k:rTislfpr& Co';,4 'ft Br'4'ville, ui( ciixiiuK u nuiu 11UU2U iui ricri- ural JrhpTein'ents'in'P'awhee City. cP&U are pTeine; ml r M I -l j. nq carpenters oi rawnec city "busy erecting new houses which will I tatie'them several months tbr finish. TFie.teamc,of the Rev! SR 'Brit't tuoK fright and ran away with .the carriage, his wjfe, child and Mr. W. A. Miller, all of wnoin were Thrown froni. the, carriage unhurt. They ran two miles and utterly demolished the fi rnofrA - "& i ., r III . t J J'..VJ1 JOIJ " fl.it I. until r( ... ... . .X The Rev. Mr. Brilt brgahized a "i i u.fAVm''"! iio.u.iiiiiiii ;" lodge of Good Templars m the tunv- ing town of Cincinnati, m the south part ,of, Pawnee county, on hist Wednesday night. .The School Branch, a.small stream southwest, of Pawnee Cit3T, runs turouch a fertile and well im Droved For the Advertiser. Metliods of Teaching A this is an age ofimpri we naturally exnect Jmncov ods in every the answer o the King wh a kuowledge brain toil, road to learn i doubtful to say the least. The many appliances of books, JJKdJj eoUi pn fjS, HSSHj'fe"- to BJanyC'ini & MMment, eSsmetk- i..v.n ;9Bipr -in S JKIK5 OiUntfcl .T7i Bl " HL iJvavt x. Consrehlonal Xevs. In the Senate three Appropriation bills were passed In the.Hoi a wruami. war eiai .k)g Gen es 0(MKW. te bKlj V w rwbn than, fqrmer.lv . to ncguiieL. the same- ka . j ' t" u- - amount or Knowieuge. , .rr : ground that lalmr m B auirntg KKe .l? wH55i .l!?ffllrD d lt.l all pa-itime tf .UAstjidnand it.is t irrand mistake ia the methods if it Ji ' - ii tili' .i llli i i. J l'Jl. OH'. be i imlir ill ,1" r oMiprwifie. . irTTJr'i' iu i 'uniw'ii: . T m ChUdren, shoiua, be taKon .wnen young,and, gety by the han of thaindjorck sfep decim ties, barren wastes, expojejl to tlje scorchinrays.of fi birujng they me TOi s UliMviia iiiwm;civ. mm t5uj iif rK-vmfttir. OZU. UB'awfrohv. ulsL 9b fFer- as Daeu v iEjtjiii .nNaUilipt W tslm u ix RW&iI bfn1 d( & jade ag nl Hi n cl nd paxt. tfifcl feaTed. In the Senate, the House bill regu lating telegraph cables were passed, ria'TYCTTl T7 CI rmmmz IM IM k mm nnTPHeusert hVco ft feTcreport onr Hie TeNas-PpifijcJtaiJroauVbiil .was aikiptelli irjiberiatehriienditSeDfc? to thferTelegraph Cablebjil were concur red in. ,..: ,aaairK wojki snouia tread in Jiowery..naiiisJ(py t' farming settlement, . . . ... , Jolinbii CoUy. ,;' ".- ll l!,"d''J From th'ff'ewWdm 'Triie Gttiftaih pffdes iVsel'f dn'th,u,ving'fca hciJoffice 'foom. ,J V JlHf -nqi'' i-C'r ' CbiiVeb & Son are- building1 tf'Wre room t "'''"'' ' i ) 'c 1 Tiro i l mM) Vfeo'bnna,d; two h Jrses,, sthicfc d'eadbyllfgii'tnlng'onhe'iiSfof'Feb1- i' .'.....' Lb There will 'be rnote'buikYilgsr'er6dt- ed in Tecum,seh this year thatj in any other one year before.' "'"I" J''A A festival WlfeTd on a'stJTiS,esa'Av night in vesta,, to raise money for a It-- hi:. donation to the Hevs.. Foldon and jiii . J. 1 i - I tlilV a t Preson in r ffi-r'rfflui.r.Ii.HPLW'ii.S la dy groycsJUed witliliiemoJodies .T Seward Conn i . From nil ; tHe Atlas: The I iti ' j farmers' of is county have orgdized a Stock! row,ersAssociation ' The Blue Val- A $ ley is an expeijent grazing country, and large successes anticipated by the asspciuiion. A fiOlTl cjraj sports dge of tliftQftana tuncf.ll, voices, W.M? .ii'iB.ctaiplyJsAheautifuLpicture. .TJifcymmg ;oqv,?, uuyn itpy il)'SifiiWlnFryS and 'iWafii1.1.8 wboHnd)jigJi).t,aAuicker?oJhtasppi?j aW.ofet- . . . mil But stop, let us ask is it true, orf has ifaiicyalei?tc;enqiL,dippgd (ii, the jsoldeu .fluid, of bright, imagination, 4ikmicppj$rJW tPsi&.vh i f41 ty sjx.thpnsnnd -yeajs ago kftOjWedge hasiiricreased ill Ihp.eartliiitstnie, but.tho: inifaiit m)p& -gWRekrWir1 blankyyie bahei9HQiWpk oU fJnp,ys nQjinpcet tp-dayj(hjHi.ncIi1d tho infanjt Gain.atiROfih.APjagpv ,, .3 . . ,. kJ The same avenues are opepjo the pUild ito-day. tht ppqnf(,thenuqnd Md thejiiijMflUt tQJPBtjruaJ:mpre. UUhQeyijjttlieieafjhtnuchtljcvriijte 4andjsniflllv.preijfe IJL1' fcaAe oMijbeat- .eu tracks .and cyera tugj-inus.t gain acgess Xq thcinji; jtnjgugftjHje qrahS)C4' ore anpnlu ,.' Ii , , t si M JVvh lUy.vhv 7. .17-1 r- V,.S'IiVs'. '" ' T "Tliriss'tllTTOlPt;' Itiu PTTTSsiaTJg-ocr-cuwingUilinits.is3igiie1dJheni 'Plia Vrminli lr'iairnil Rnvprtl-ii X lis i'H."IV -.VW " vw.- , ment.arAp1?fifla,i:Mls"fltp 519,0, Paris. .ThQ ,Einpe.rorJ "yjih'ajwill leave .YeraaJJJfls foriBerlifxu Saturday jrThftjGqrman ParljnmeA.jWijl ,iiot i uu"l ii 20th; inst. 4lliJl ,;i,The Germans have jvuated Pa- The ratifications of tjie treaty of neace"wdre'1firnally 'exchanged at -vrersaiHe&i53telid:iy ,"- ' ""England h'afe bedappolhfeil Media lon botveeu. Spain gndJ5gypfc.ib - :i liAwexciting tlebateJas,flcuri;ed:. in .he Hquhe of Cqmmxms Qftttto Irish -t.'Tm. '.;.Ofi f.jrff.t" ft J""' -llKi'MMKl- JUS I JI.I JJIIlM KJ ? tmm ! , .ZEGAT.. ievl Johnson. Vlf.,) Before E.E.Ehri.. -.- . r- - w. ui V . .51XM1. theSafcWnHce&r tfc. MrZr ? . a. It . f AttaehtnentIithi.aJifnronnti-fvs".' hn fi bum oronehnr.dmPdoilitrtj? t""", ror!?: -. u .t i. im, tijc5i.4sial u7i. ipvjonssax 3Ht rl". ! W tl"j r.4;r - p-r. Sale ofEstray Stock. SOX3LI VTr.Y.'.fcft!T.r. AT OTTKTr. c L X hiKbtbIdd6roatUe2sai.lay orvJI Tflp at the residence of Hpbert D. ilasterinT' Vat- . J . t ., r 100,00Q:,PJEACH TREES. 50,00aPEAR XREES. 25000 PIUM TREES. 25,000 CHERRY TREES. i All of -well lntown aid tested iai dy "VSrestej'nTTarietlc, inaay of wMcli havo beon fruited ia Ncbraslca. of Main stopfctln the dty xr JteTwuv!T::ULIU:t ;-couniy.eD?uKa,one estray heifer tilC.'lU nn(rthreeyeiiMoIr.ftlnK tlie same isltSn SliffUilllEBfilsii CAPITAL, OO,OQ0 Traaaot n Gars,BaBklHg Busi niljiiibion11.! .. tJ' 3 aix 1ol tbxougbout tl Vek. u'lSCOXrakOTESXD TMIE Bit t , ....,, EJTEREST- ALLOWED ON TIMK (Tnm GATES' OK BETOSIT. BY SPECUt ApBEEMEXT. HURSERYGROWNEV E RGFTEENS di i . I'"" i "I . ' 1 T I . pany, is beine orcanizeI .to orlt the peat beds"of SewarclVounty. (Wednesday befpre fu); mn. I... frit ni.. . .j ? .1.1 Itanester Comiiy. Froin'tfid'burn .k On' last .Satur-j rtl..,,T-i.i.1 -.Ui... it. it. 1- 't'I. uujr juiiii vxi.-arjr, living 011 a iioine- stead fourteen miles south'ofTj'incoin, WaskilWd lit Lliicb'lkT lly1 his' neigh bor MarvafCsfllaViin.' Geitry' acclised Cfallavan witn improper intimity witfi'his (Geary's) wtVe,' when an al tercation aro'e vhich resulted in Cal layan stabo?n'g, Geary in the breast with ii jack knife from wljich woulnl Geary died in about twenty1 minutes. The murderer is under arrc3t. 1- k -r- .7.; i .-a; Gcncrnt .Vjhts qummnry. . a u ' AVlint Conjjrcsn Did Xot do. The XL I Congress passed away on the third instant, and among its last enactments was a bill granting landed subsidies to the Southern Pacific-railroads, Nebraska gets nothing. The policy-which obtained in disposing of the public domain in Iowa, Illinois, "Wisconsin, Minnesota and Missouri, has been reversed in the case of Ne braska. It has been suggested that wo are mistaken,that it has not been ! reversed, but that Nebraska has de parted from the usual precedents for asking for land, and that the blame rests upon the State and not upon Congress. To explain, itis sugested that our bill before Congress was drawn in the interest of the actual settler, aud ignored the rights of the speculator, and thus our failure. Other roads got the odd sections, leaving the even sections to the spec ulator. Our bill compelled the rail road company to grant their lands to actual settlers at $2,50 per acre, aud thus our ignominious defeat. "Ve do notseewhy the bill for theB. Ft.K. & P. road did not passr it asked noth ing from the .Government, it only proposed to build a road on the. pub lic domain, thereby making the Gov ernment lands' worth several times -what they are now on condition .that tne Government would permit the - company to share in part of this in- :, creased valuation. The Government -. .would get all the money in the endr fithat it expects tonowntid get itsooner, then where is the objection. Didn't we have any one to press the bill be fore the attention of Cougress as it Buoma nave boon done. Wo havchad twoorthreemcnatr Washington all winter, but the people have'iio iufor- Institute opened with, p.rayeg ,byGol. Cropsey, Jat private sale, lots: for iur. ofcraigui. -j On motion the programme for the day was' deferred, .and Mr. Straight was invited to address tho Institute, which he proceeded 0 do. Subject:; "Observation, methods of inciting it, and its-effect in developing thought." Discussion on the same. 4 Miss Mary Snyder was added to the committee on criticism, after which the programme was taken up. First. Mr.'Black gave Ills method of teaching writing, with illustra- tions on the blackboard. Followed by discussion. Seconds. Miss Bell not being pres ent, Miss M- Snyder, by request, con- irrntioh. " I 9tIi1Tfiatin,'l8iT0r 'ho unlawfully nh'd''corruptly'exectited to the1 S'ioux City & Pagilic lllt.,' a patenter twenty-five section's o'f land, properly belonging to the Air Line Itoad. 10th. That, at different times, he unlawfully and corruptly sold, at pri vate sale, sundry lots and blocks of land, converting to his own use a por tion of the funds received therefor, also, that in Dc. 1869, .he old. to J. G. Gerrolds property of the State, for which -be received-$i;900, of .which he appropriated tohis.own -use? $1, 100. f 1 . utK'Tliat in April, 1S70, he sold Jefferson. C,onn(y. . , . , From t(he Gazcil C-ipt. JPisson writes lhat the Nebraska,, division of tfie JJurlington, antl ; .Southwestern railroad vill be qom'pleted to Fai'rbu ry. in Jefferson com, ty inside, of two Elije Lemon is, holdingpieetings in j;eflersoi couty.,. i . ' ' ; u rPhe farmers of ,,this, counlj have commencqd ploughing, and some are sowing their, spring wheat. , , . t,The Hebrpn tJq,itrtwj isja newspa per in mat countfc f mjA 11 'rlio Httrir 11 fi't I 1. fit im i i.Aif wiirki I grciUfy tfhelWgayt onYrita6HJlisR "Con'grsi.Vs nrVed h itVljouriron! VeirtQsuay.i 1 t m "i u, , -' ' I TheJgreat St.lLouw)thuiUUrerrithe ought to be subjected to a nt'fsjng diet fir'rft. J --1' " ' Thfe Revcfnllc, Refofmists" arc' at it hwith'thov new Congressj They ire trj-AUff.ti climb aj;reahy UP)- 4.i i . ArkansAft. afQurs, hiiMe- irun their iy'.v. titA.i . M' vi itw aim ill rafl!c.'Trie,imViidhiritflil?,Tirhiijitera ripurtodt6tlioHnuse Saturday, that Meyyh.ad failed to find siifilcien ftyi de.ncejtininpachhini. and, the whole-! tliiiiGffs abandoned. 'The authors of 'nil 'tms,m,fsfrlB6vouS tbriHversiillbir doserves tho scorn ofugocidi,men of .butb parties, and ought t be .expell ed from .the" House. ' uGov. Clayton lia's resigned -u'e Uni ted States Senatorship to prevenl" h'fs oiuee irnmoeing ncid nysr coalitioti-istwho-Avould overthrow 'the. -State goyemmeutand.to gave tliQ. jati from, revolution. HeSdeserves well of the nation. ' ' ' 1" : 3 lii I A I . Jfii .:. !u.r .L tLu !'Ud CIIlfvAUO JJlAlllli'X'. ilv X gjJmf-i.S .Ami. xl K. hcA 3-yeliltTnre ludbeelmiiiltdi-smetdCacliritj-4uJie,lenaHd1rijr iunjwy,frftujraiiilyj'dcw, i()i Diodemtedcnnnd friSm the mercantile clasa. Pack ers are doing very little, neither bujnsor selling, Tuib 6bn$eqiiiUy(rBqblie verj; Httlo jslSUpce. FWdVKV.tthf!rrrm?ri,,eri,,Piollr last report, but no clmnge orlnirortance has oc- curreif. m ""' ' L'tU lf "T ' l ! i Wlicatirhe.xnarlet'ha9entwpsptljel flurjlip jUjc WferjcbfjnK Jrrefmlar and eeraUy w eak conenijen t ion unfavoraule Liverpool and n?rn,a'dviceWJNo. X Sprrng-feld ntt fctfik'ts ;-No. aonaitoisui -s4vtn, .fi -- ,. t and strong uuiler r.ivonible rOw 1 ork advices and Ui-tjdtf upWtllatH'e (fe'niniitliVtCTtdllyllidaHcing to fil 'i&ulUteu tiojtevjr, ruling cfiif r.udUer discour aKJiixiTIasteni ad ipes, oneuiijg ut A'JK, but under n better demand closed at JOc. No grade qu'icx'at ittWJeicc. - u . !"i'i . I i1(,!mJi5-;Pwing,)titIie iejHX"Sjve supply. on the market prftv havq largely declined during the Veelc.'fne average 'decline b'emg'abom'Tc'?f'loo tt. PriLot ranginfeJiii f ; J5 rorinferionw" choicer tUe Jjujklyr.tljeuleajijlii?madesitil 7.75., . lines- The receipts for the past week have been '!(),( hejnl.'AgnlnVt W.fen-Trfr't W pr-vrous Week, and iiiUO fur thectlrrtf poudlos r-'ek,in 4970. .TJiC lmck in Uwt city uptodateol Ia-;t s.itnrdny reaches S"o oOuhog-., :iga!ii,t 0-to (,to --jnie d.ifc last year- an Incrcas ot it. i" 1.'1 Thi-ettrninj ran rc of the ! f-u ski fr.w h- nvjrtjS?clf?'j "i" .most trufftr, "Froib. 4'incnes to 4feetbigli, for xxr modiate tiso for Ornamental pnrpo scs, or for bedding out by tlio quail- f tity. TMWrtTT!l A -VT .T A "inVt? I t i iu iti urjhAiN.uitiuaf Exchange liought and l4h-ftttf ptc-Yort , , prfnclpal eastern aid fkuthern cities ofther;,J titatbs. ta, OFFICERS AXD DIRECTOR,; DAVID KEJI1CK, President. , . - THEp. nll.1., Vlce--Prkl,r,t """vi - a. xi, it JXO. 3Icl.ILEHSP-, a 3L KiVUKKMAX. W3r.It.HOOVEU, DAVID UK3IIOK, THEOv HIU OKO. P K .iTnv Statement of tho Conditioa or TIIK !"nv OHif J O- A- .M S.l Jwr .! ' "" "".Uaf -"aary. ld., ISTl WilHWMUtauuiut.J;"Hu".. ... .UatfC valnbltf -farletidVro!? "?inib'crfero-w- XAIHTSANJ) I.OCATIOV , The hnma omits cotitpnn H the. H.toVy tnceOampanv.- Incorpomieit in Be, ami 1,,2 ing. From 3 inches to S" foot. Sytho nglrfat.orjel thousand, i Grapes, RAspborries.BlaclcTjorricE, Stranrborries, Currants and Gooseberries. Flowering Shrubs and AjSolact variety and ine" Quality. Home Insuran ce ComDaii . OF NEW YOHlf the first dajr of January. I.D.. isti aitf to ttii Stature of th't ?Afr. " ranee in thexirrorie - . hi 'ork. CAPITAL. TkeGipital of alil. Company actnnily tuiuuliiii.,uu,n ... 2naaak Thesurplnson the lt day of Jaiiuarj ? Total iinountot Capital andsurplin. ij; ASSETTS. " Am't of Cash in Coitinenta 'atiounl iank. r. 1 a r-fr SC 9 .. .. Am't of Cash in Metropolitan XMuT Umik, X. Y , ,. Am t of Cash in hands of AntTTinii iia "'"B a rauno oi iraasiuLsslcui ,, Am'r; dfU.a ItegStrcdniid value iscjct 31 , Am.'t or U. S. Bohds, s-i 1 1 syvjrr jnarketvnlue . jrl!.0oow ,W jltssjnrl Bends, C per cent 22110 ft) .ul ivstLiu tne rang rial cJiiJiXyai'rA-aitET. '- ' X r'to:wl..,fl.r,?i!ol it'eWinte-r Wheat ir-l3tNiiwjf 1 k "' J tjC'opiTaSvJlWVPitf.ed. , Otn Xu.2 (iuo(tcd-nt oi ' iroK-D?fe;cirfL'5c.-7so. j.. 1; V . . -. 7jll J . . 1 1 UBROWS VII. IvE ai'ARKBTS. IHoncy-rThe nnrtret 1 clo ttn1tthcIitnuid urgent, llegnlar9ivtpi)ivrsciii,V'5SJipp5ied at the hunks on short time at 2perceut, per month. Those known not to bo prompt, crfn't gtft SippStd' even in upon iiiarkilt,on thobtfeCscvurity.iit . JwiujI-rlnimprpyKl, (laiidi chaiicinp hands pidly, and meets v ith ready h.iie at fair iiurea. .ce& "1; To Committee bf i4f the tfcfrnMiB the, Member of itlc Executive mmlttee or tne TcacUersJ.Initflttite. nf County A lire at "Sew Orleans destroyed tlVe of Washington, belonging Mo the oiace;. ' . mtn ji ,- liifPlmJast'Gfcrmani soldier has evac- linteafus. .UvtsiajiSiarq jrv)U"calIe A?1 nrK?rifl" -uslr i13 uco -advocated by Jules Yalles, whose ljeatl hiust bt j:ts soffas a 3tunsh J lifsa'ctio'n is' con- which Jie received $2,400. a portion of which he appropriated do.iiis own us, in - bA. i A This' Is, in snbstancethe bill-of In dictment agalnsV f hVGovcrriof form idable surely, both'in lengtH-ahd in the nature of the 'accusations. It4s, however, unhecessary to caution your readers against receiving mere 'charg es, made) to IhssifreV under oath'," but made, many bf them, by the Govern or's moat bitter personal and political enemies, as clearly proven facts. After the 'defendant's replication, the joining of the issue, the testimo ny of witnesses in open court, wit- &" V Mgoffitfng m annate. fii.Bo emm. to wlnx-li place he is to retire. "iJSsnf paly has senl a com rtunicdUon toHieEmrieror of 'dor- InstituteVandotrausactiiig Tiny pther business that mayicnlrtcupU'' '.MMi it L Yours-trulyvj'' .'I naOIHtOllKlnAL.I . l? .t im -.- - p-sy -d. Su;;:mTnr,o "BuT; . t .. .... ing 1 discussion on same. Third- F. R.. Sykcs conducted a class in spelling, which drew out dif ferent views as to the.bcst manner. of teaching this-branch. Messrs. Black and Piper, and Miss Plummer, were appointed a commit tee on resolutions. Committee on criticism reported, showing that our teachers are verv liable to make mistakes. Committee on resolutions reported as follows: JRcsolvcd, Thatras members of this Institute we highly appreciate the lecture delivered on the evening of the 3rd of March, before said Insti tute, and that we request him to furn ish, for publication, that part of his ,ret,"e which reiaiea to tne Germ&n system of Education. Jtcsolvcd, That we recommend to the consideration of the people of Ne maha couuty, the propriety of estab lishing district school libraries." Resolved, That WO consider orml training a matter of the utmost im portance to .our teachers.and that our .common school intmrotn rntiir u. the-Staie formal Schools be H-ell sus tained.. . . . L . - be better prepared, than now,' to'-pro-nounce the verdict of'guilty 'rir not guilty. In any case it caft do no hann to remembor that, of -whate'ver offences David Butler may be proven guilty, he has, by hiany wise and fruitful measures, laid thte people of Nebraska under lasting obligations. The summons will' be served on the Governor to-day; and we may look for his reply to-morrow, as i is un derstood that it is about ready. It-is not yet definitely knowh1 iHKt .Tohn I. Bedick will actus one of his coun sel, though It is probable that he will. Resolved. Tlnf.- - tenWiJSc;..- thanks to the peojdtrxif Fairvietf,'foc their hosnltnlitv in .:: V.. t--.-j " UUK1UUU1UE Um members of the Institute. Beport adopted. Minutes read -aiid approved, aud ordered that a copy be presented to each of the county pa pere for publication. K Institute adjourned to .meet at call of County Superintendent. The following teachers were pres- euii; -.". v Messrs. S. v. McGrew,, John1 Mo-' Sheridan, March 7, 1871. Editor Advertiser. I wish to call the attention of your readers to the abbreviation commonly used for Ne braska.,, I think nearly one-half the lettere and papers mailed atJheEast for Sheridan, Neb'goto Sheridan, Xfiv as thebbreviatigns are so much alike that it w "difficult, some times impdsalblerto Vll which is Bluitlnnn "RJ"K mx1 XT.. I J " T.r6 M'-si-'i"' ilM2j"Yl "MiOK .S" aimilar, recpmmends.a.2fovwUiat wouiu 00 mucn worse, as it-would., be imposeible to tell whether Nebraska or Nevada was meant X think the I use of Nebr. would .remove all diffi culty aa iji my epperiencg jln thcP. 9-i I have not kapwn -jof jrfetter .so directed going to Nevada. Vhi'le I hkve known some. to, go herwhen directed ,to. Nebraaka but Daiil v ' writ-1 , .. , u iw. K. ,ulK. ten. -T- . 3 WesleyDundas. . t j : 1 .S; VJ. McGreUv -iJ 1. j. Chairman Committee.. 4 Itiitiibls, March;1 ffj Yesterday fhe Chuxch of the "Hbly Trinity" of the city of Lincoln was consecrated to the service of Almighty God by the Bev. Bishop-Cra'rk'sqd p. D. The ceremonies 'were 'imposing! outsomewnat teuioussome six-clergymen were jireseiit. including the Bector of Christ's Church Brownville Mr. Davis. , , While the services ye're gfand and imposing, they still seemed too much like a body without a soul, the glitter of the diamond with the pene trating chUi ofi-lie icicle. It-is true we cannot have -.any .ser vice' without some form, but the tru ly earnest heart will embody its wante in a form pleasing to God though not alwaj's in the same precise form of words; and here is, the objection, wnen we repeat the same form of words day after daj:, year after year no matter how Miblime the thought coutarned in them we do it without thought and become a mere machine. Those that worship God 'must do it in piril and in truth. It has always seemed fa me .that a vast amount of solemn mockery is found In all the churches, and5 'espec ially in those that use printed forms in service. - t The church of the Holy Trinity is nbtapreposessingedilice in appear ance on the out-side, looking- too muchassome one expressed himself, like the-"Lord's Barn," bur Inside' it has a neat comfortable-'appearance, seating pernaps 00 -persons. Great credit is due to members of this church for their enterprise' and'-'Tib'eraliiy temptHMe. - Pans -'is like- a boiling cauldron pufly, pntL.Jjofcr- wearing the aspect of the ojd times, befoie the b)oody days ofthe revolution. If things-go on 's6 heads won't win long; 1 I iJ l . .taHqw are thejtniglit-y,falIenJ A..N. I would sayitliat I .'should like yery much to meet you on' 'Monday even ing, March 23th, at 4J. 6!clock k., in the High Scliool building,. aro&n- 'villei fortho:todrt)osec of arramrhVca programmo:forour.Courttyrvdiers' "uk-Vi etxPres8.,nS rtippo'ntment iW-ith tha,terms (imnosr.il. .. T?m,..Q jF PPtests against. thoA jiismcinher rnent of France. l'Gbofl forfiim. Tta- iy lsoeing fav'6reovftrr"ah 611 Tarred fIucklu'riio'nlr'fff !Boriie-1st gbod r the national-heal tin. -, . i.'AijJrteadfulnweak j-umor comes ,Ir9ftL,9.udqn thatL.AT. B. is tn l. restored. "" " "" '" : lo3.L "'",. tlli , y. th'FSherShr--e0Wards r ThrcKlPrnfSian' 'offibers'were- mar riedto French women. -Ti foi rtf f ported what Hugo and Bochefort say itac." .: . eriin is ablaze with enthusiasm and Botnan candles. ' ' TheEmneror nf fi nrrr.it,,,.' ..4i to Berlin in about eightdav Prince Fjred rick Gharles remains in ranee as Co,nmander-inr Chief of the Rhefh? focf-UDatIon-eadijuarters af- Filkfris, Ihe Albany express rdliber, has been mdentified in Court by 'Hal pine, the express messenger. The Loal Question is unchanged? Two Methodist qonferences are in session m Maryland. The Japaivese Embassy were formally received by" the President 'yesterday r.Z1'0-11" of the Rfeptiblica'n party in Missouri have united. rw - j . aiany are nornrng torprospecttw raiirfiad pr, ..City J?ropcrty Th(j,jinrkf5N;iptt5( jictiyq as was lastjCiUfj iJtotrable locutions are taken when oflered at' fair prices. A ' ' "Wheat lAirse qiiri(ltiiBro being recoivinl ami vjbiBRwl. 'A'lie price aivuces j ith he ndvnnceJn Xon- York and I.ivernofil. Com! wliM.it Is nnnfi.il .'.Ui.. . i . ,.'!.. ill :nK3.y-. w ' "OrirTlie crtriiorftp.tsiyitinUiocTib. JIa'lanje i(UJiitity vjHheoirered.focsalontthe nilins prices. the .shipping se.i-.un It not commenced, and the tn&VIietis overstocked. Prices arc ruling at from .WK3X1 - 11 , IJutlcr The nneii winter and tlie iiicre.isiug number oTcow-. are re.t-.ons given for the'riilinc rprftfeV The market trwell fcuppltedTind thv fittali- Xy gpad. w ith prictjt-uh'puat XYdjUC. ,. , . 3'krs t-caree at I'm.- per dozeii, and the tendency Ls upward astlicweather grous co'l(Ie'.l ' ' "' l'lntc 'tMte'bi iutJii limited snppl In tlie .pjpjkWuud tliejgricea, must rule ligtg uit41,th farmers unbury them in the spring. They'are selN InVirtSicperbksh'dl! '" ' -'' " " .FIonr-rvTlie tenttency is ininrnrjli. We, qiiute sprinnleat f.1; yJuter vhe,int 1 .'55. l'orlc We quote at f! '(i 7. tAVooiI Tlie- market is lr;(ily.3iU!3ilIel,lwiU hundril.s oC ;ordJ rickti iipU various parts of tlie city. Itls held at $l(ift per cord. " " '"Har-Thd market fe dnll.bnt good, iihlniid will findjuers-;.icvC'?Ulr!Wi- .--. ;..:- :', -sw ,iiii - '-.tLx.iv.ic ii.r ' - -t 1 Ia rr -"-r- - --r - , A WEllTISmiEXXS. LIFE MEMBERSHIPS 1 1 j.i' . 1 In the Xcmalia C'oiiut Asriculturnl nud Mc "in teIianiciirAVocihtio(i. Kccoiveil for .Green. Honso tmd Bed ding Fifing StEceet Potato, CHulilfow er, Toiaato, Celery, and other plants in their-ttason. h 'l. Our Stock is not ha-wlceilajbonttho country bv IRRESPONSIBLE TREE PJEDJDIiEES. Conio and see, and. "orth Carolma Tennessee Illinois Uliode Island CaUttrui.i, Connecticut Vintinlii j.Carulitu .iaoama do do do do do do do do- do Wisconsin War do 2C.3T .Cittt&CXuiiit) do Querns Otftliisy do lUchsaond " do Urpfjkljnaty do .15.1 NK OlOCK. do do do do dp do do do tl- do do do do d. ism tu l'AlU IW iu,,qip(wt ul.WX vt 1K,Va m .lO0U lt,IVJiJi .l!,lUi (?.,0nj( -..;ii iii 1 f ll,U.ll mx lCto JLoaivs on UondsaHdilorttfi'ges.twhigHia ,V ,'iS'lv o Liimcuinbtriil Ileal Kta:e worth at least Jl.txWWt). xate or interest 7 percent.,.,. .I.WXllw I,oaii3on&toJcMtiid IlomlSrtJKtvjible on .uemauu ttie nuirket .i!uaorscciy1- -Ucs'pieogtdrattea.stssss.-ari malio your own selections ; or brdors by mail will bo filled -with groat care and attention. - j Por, particulars, address p ( FBn'NAS; SONS &. 'CO. 20-tf BHO-WVILIE, NEE! A LARGE AD SPLENDID ,'.ASSORTIMJ3NT ijuuiiirireniiums rn 1'ollcies Ihsueu nt ...ufflceFIrlamUIaItdj t CTS Jlills Kecelvahlf for rft-mTmra5krni.ntid avlgnt on nisfrjj. .i..J ;, j oai 71 Interior due on Isr Jannnrv? i?714.s ja tloveriiment Mnrnps on hamf'JL.'r A. ileal Kstatc 71n JjX&iUTIES. Jm-, tuliivteil.flne'niul unpn!L P3tl JJJHI HEATING STOVES, , JJ7STJIECEIVJ3D AT W. D. Slielleiiberger,, -M ?I;in SI. r nuowxviLLp, xizn: r--'r. - - - y t1- i" r Eli NEW STEAM PEREYi sas Cagjj! Wt Upa iiii-urrvilk and Iupro.v,s of d- I) vjmntjt rfecfanCfaiidtlueaiid unpafcL. 1 lii :h-.iiL ivttLr it. .. bni.. ,i 1.....1 mt notyoi ihie . .. , , .11 other tUUii-iqIttjnmaeaInst th i.Z Total am to: Ios.-ss, ciainitt liivWlIlles (IVijM I The greatest amount I.isart-1 on an- .u -4, yjiuww. hut wb t not as a ijetwrnr rW eic(! J ' TU.?. f,rt,rJJ:,,-: .,,, "" general rule a- n t)-' amnuiit nl).iMit to !Mnsiirt r. .,.. ... J hS t.r Woet, beli.-- govcnietUUi'thls aair r '3 i-acli caw Ity the g.iwjnil diarpcteCtoC huilrt.nr. wljlth of greets, larliitte. tor putting out lit.-! -A certified copy or ibeCnaiter orVct uri.u-.r-ration iwamesi.ted.JwutiijiiianifUa pret.iou. vta..- HTATJ-: OFXKM' YQUK. Cifl mid rttjut'i if Xru; rtH-L.j lluirh-tj. Mnrllii. ITUsMent and Jwhji U. Vl hiini.M-cretij'ortht. Home rn-wraiu-e t mi boliiK eVHralfy and duly sworn, il.-m.st ' "L?.1 or,,lIlslf sajtf.k that tho l! rHtoing li true, lull and cornet tuteunt or the ailairt 1 1 S- sHld torporatlt.ii. and that they are ihfttbMe erih. lUi.lllii-rs thereof (HKiieiir J. JI. VAs,UUtIt:..N,e relarr bnlncribi-tlnnitsnoru bcdireme, tilN S.ih rtarof Janii. r.A.l)., Is7i. (Stfetietlj Tlltts. V. OODi:it II ' ,"- J1 'Kolarj llib 1c. JHO. i, CASSOK", Agent, rj- XOTin: is m:irririr 61 vex t those i. Cjoucerued, tttacthc AnnnuJ Met t:u;r or flie Societv. held in ISrunnnlle. ifarch -ith. IS7I. the PfeB!Et ss-aa p zjpfiia axz nK t -- .., m&m&&Fmsa& - ii.ij-hm.1p . jtv- H? 1 zr J -i 9 1 i - i U "i ff1 li- Vir J . Jk-x - J3 Snj1miZW-'fc.-V-L?u. V&dSmi II !rMvi'1'K1fcJCV?rufc?Z i jslaa' plJi iB4-n?nmi Ltd A, I HB " l. ' in 11 it y - .. . 1 n .Si.-.l iU. W? - .Mir. g-ir-Mt-5fcuiJii..eT -!-Ta!. SrATKIII XEBnASICt Aci'lTUK Ui K i.lNCOLN. 1-fb.t. I 1 I rot f'k.mm.nr'llW'J vD,?lt "O1"-' -11'"'' l-' r Ctimptiiii of -.vi.' ork, n fll n uij olfice HCintdJ JOH.VILl.l-I'll AndlUir or trfn. ."secretary was jMitibnjtijpptity iMtrtiep. vo-Ji.-id suocf ineirior i.ue .viemncrsjnps in me wx'ieiy, aim fulled to-pay or thif same; that nnlt-i' tjie.iUuid inembershlps are fiilly paid np, with interest, w ith Jn thirty Iayairdm.tbedatjieriofi Jhoj'-sheiitd be declaretl forh-ited, and be granted to the party who ad.N-anct-UJlit'JnOiifey fi)- ttjo beneflu'W the Socirty qn said membertditiis, IJI-J m I.. ... i'H.O.'MTXICK, Secretary , Brownville, eb., March G, ls71. il.lt . l-tl- - - V 5- - I- t 4H r.l"- 170,954 Sold Since Their Introduction. Tie Mo3t Successful, POPULAR and PERFECT aigjpSrSi Statement of tho Condition OF TttK Hartford Fire Insurance COMPAQ', On the rrikt day or Ilecemlier, ISTD, Madf to thr Auditor ttfth- Shilr ,S X&raAt t ' forutit.j tcltUthflam nf 'until s.r'. THK XAJIE OP Tlie cmiuiw . tu jr- L ti-.,r...i l?: . vw... . 1 j- ... JP is locaVed uTmntd. VmaS?tr m,,I,n, , 1 leamomit or Capital toelc h. 1 1 Tlteniuonnt of fapltnl nri iijrfl Tlie 3ro-v7nville i erry Company haie now running between A 2f D Iojtli'Star and.Phelps City,xMo., I ii tnenew nd commodious Steam Terry " MARY J. ARNOLD! pltl -.lorli pjrftfup K. -A.SSSTS. fs' fn band nd in Uuik. rantto""- " Bills rece VBbli-rorI8ifirwi,rrFS.r sonal and eidlnteral -ecorl Ileal Itaieum.nicunil.rtrf 3 . ntornist.,lS7iiaW!rU,?a' Wi3J,- ,,7i ifTrtS. OT 1er oneauie ni In I- 'i I Auditor's Ojlice.. -. !.'' ' 8-i 717,.51!.a! t. v.,,,., LIABILITIES. Liah it ic, tuB.,nk, or other, due or not losses ndj 1 wtwj niiddiiiT' liliifci liOAl ia entirely new, with IrSWe,,neri,,wytt-ed orT X xwerunil cnpnclt to cross everything A"iu5etlaml not due. fltMt mm r.i..a I. n... ...u.,lf. " ............. .. ... ..iij i.T-Aiuri Korcr.-tlll(H;tle Into or out of this Iand I)!- niui. iui j-. wiiriM-si Hini. -iiim iioat is especially utted iiplopii-wresatctyinerrHlnirMoclc.niid larxe Aitotherclniins awiiust th ..,,,.,- 3H? umuilI ,!.vi....V " -mii.-..j. JACOB -MAROin-:, ?Z35&,Q'H&2n: TAILOR Coudcnkctl Telegrams. Cln J-' JUe trncklff ch'uttK'etiifiBesr' J TATOR i'i . , a; -,-. .i".. on Friilav "esirpyeti six littMes valdfeit at V.UVUi . . . . I Walter Brown, the fninous oara- oaantv r TMpubscr Intjons to UieVenqh Re lief Fund at ;NW Vnrlr ... $110,000. ' ' -MUtlllt, IU AlUertr-Fraiik'& Bro.', orNew York, iiaveTroven-deTii-iltPv trs.ihn... 1 of 100,000. " au,uu"1 The residence of A.T. Hill,, Treas urer.of me.C,A. & Q. ja. B., at Hins ??' : wus urned Saturday niirliC. Pt-irCoftheTurWture saved In a' aam aged condition. . i AtMt. Carmel. P., Friday niglit, a man: named JTioiTtnan, working ,out aide 1 of the Workingraen'aUuion, was aiioL wuiie in Ded, and his house uiown ud wiin nnu-ripr - nof'BifTTvTr3? cwv Ii ii -fr tag ,ri iste n 3 r- ct " AHE OUR .YELL KTOWN - 3 -B't'ffsfefe J3r" S ' 7 s SF?J8Sr,E"-- .4fiiSJ&r i3fflJ-llii " - -:Fi:.- Hi'giiSfa'w' Kc Brt fef 7- 9f 1S: J - & IK H JkV-31 Lff. - i ,M-. fr- J Hf "i.y--Vl !S k.. -zz3z jrr-wi1 sr-- iet. Bijas-.iirui- - s- -mtmr tma m te .v . iksi p wtwva'rv: t .1 at 1 - r' .. a sSl cttle i-i artfiilrendj ereeted t tiie.t Joe A tl Ji -rh i J-i -c'-l--I-i-a-ITEO'DS-neiMJtnt WielpsCity. can insure thetravellnr ftwf,,r. ire!,tTt. -""""nt Imarfed tu an rnt r (iu.iiii-.in. mi moiiriwrpr nnall he done to muke v-rri p "peeim rti-s. this the most rlfahlecrov.nBon theMissourl river. T.,,j'f.5n.loo"t1",'an! any tuieUtv.TMvi 1 t-SVtf ,'1' -K U CO- , nh '- W '" '"''"l anj ,ne Woek dej.en.1 t nbovc tlejienl 1 .mn,!J2:,S',2:ort,M,Ch'f'"'i - - fJKO. TtnTASK. Pre'Kl'rf J. It. JJROW'H, ,s?re'tr I STATIC OK CON-KCnrrJIS) ! CorVTi ni'KniTn.D.. t 1 iea.J.inxM I,reidafit..int?. n Hm.Vnv ! !?5.ur theIIW,nl HrtlnirfMKiiSSn'Sii.. iiniur oitii (tiatthe , KubscrilMsl. Im n tr.., v rr I . k . . ' -- r a ""'"'"""P'nu.u.v 3, s ,i""?'?Atu'V'''e.it.sacftl c..c - .- ; --- - - ' unj i 1 o Ptjr r fa. .,...-.. ..&. . .f sjrwffisavr . mil ami correct statnu . ! and ejthib-Ls.so ar-1 y of UeceiuTjt-r, :87 Vnfnnr ,t h h i a I O-.CAHSOiT.A-ent, Pi'.5. . ! KWt BROWSVUitE rT- GEO. W .NEhJLx'&CO., s n "Before me. s : "2 '2 t N , 5 ? The entire cost of the chnrdh is $3,500, ' TKe eeaHrTlapids. arcGregof & Mil $1,100 of which was obfaineV abroad. -waiifceeR: Btf-G.t with a caf)ital oP A "little nibre'Ha'nSaotf wastilf ?'was -organized at .Gedar Being of the Simplest Con struction, -are easily luanagred and guaranteed to j?ive . ENTIRE SflKFffflM ! I As no article In the honsehoid has a greater In- Hi CILaS. HEIUMER, fluenceln promoting the hrith. comfort and hp ninotA of the family circle than the Cook Stove. It U erfouiy as" ell rtRpoWto cet the VKRT BEST. tiioCirAJiiivJi tJAiv.rou can reiv . . K..,rtr. on KettlnK the rno-'t Succeful. Topalar & Perfect Usin53iut.t,v. .... OLB Bi- iX rii. t -r-EMa -uLhft-SfTirVT Wmw. .rfKaHJU' c T MAKES. rf"cfriL cnnL'nMl.Ai 4 .. .. - ... jiotiii ouujl.1 111111 :n. iiiinn which will beWtf &ht. . ;,nThVNhrth nnrliAn,, " r 'J ' Lincoln is great, on churchelanrf resentativbs"h'as ordered1' hV liiVesti-" if tlie 'people afenot'saved It'wllf uoff WlJ" hjtMhg charge inadfl against! JudaeEj Vu Jbnes'of theeoonrf'Jn .dicijiry IiMricft "of.inUixicat'iomii office an assault ou a negro woman. Excelsior Manufacturing Co Gl and Cl-i IVortli a!IiIi Street, ST. LOUL?, AUSSQlylU, w BOOT&SHOE Vw- y o. 49 Main Street BUOWXVUiLE, 2fKB. Ilaa eonstantlyon hand a su perior toelT or itoou and tiroes. "Costoffl work done with neatness HatTdlspatclu -py BDILBEBS AND idge Oo2itractors? Biwwrrvu.x.1 xkhiuska. AVIH take contracts for hnildinz nndV.-s. IhiJ "? i? .' YS ) ork- "'Rt work soltoitviL Work j.-"" ranted to Kivu satcractlwii, tu.d, tVne on 1h -notice and reasonable terci-CT IIa e also the njjnt to erect' the, Smitli Patent Truss Bridge In Xehraska. lon.i, Kansas and Southern Hlstonrl. 5"OTIC: OP LKTTrxOs? SOI4CXTEJ). -w A.STES. Tini-aiTT? frm-.i. . t... . ... -... - I r -und, at a tliimnttomiioStlKiSn J?? rHnW M e ST1 RU 1J1KIMJ rOf- ixn I 11 H I "-fc jju. JiAi-ojN r jjanker. .,uu.iuo ociianiciepreparcarJrniajaa?iic'" I -. . - u 1 TTnoIesome jmd .ikti;..,., n 1 1 it. imh I. SS-FJOIXT pr A-ETP ? "aSl2offi ! - V '!. . ,- AOr.lGtS to AXV Ptrrr np Tin-;t mtf r LIVE STOVE- DEALERS TY ' - ' '. BIIOWXVII.LE. XEB. C7y Pherson lllock. 1 in "OEIOrETT 3nLLS. JTEMAIIA CTTV. ARE . it is convenient aad economira!. Ml Tfl? -M mnnnractujiCTn iifw-branil nf Flour. vHplti.(. OP Klinn 'III-piih-h kith ,, -.i.i ,..lr SKSiM! cuoc'wWsaip:c,uVoUk3'aiVK tuuii niziimvir uiiv iiinrnr viiuu mAin J - ' ilftln'nreet. one dJr helow Marlon's drv irood IXX)LEY &: SHOTTTm. TVrn-nfaomr rs, f store, Brownville. Nebraska. lo-tr " ,,.... IS -- . . . 1 .. . , MUUJUJUiJIUUI. HEATING AND PABJ.OB "STOXTS. call v hWlehhorpr. VrilTI r.tlnsfroot Titr... iirovnviii e'. nwrX 69 y72ir STHJ1ET, yzir-TOR- -- jH,m s m ..I L j-i t. -rf