Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 23, 1871, Image 3

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llll 3UU
II1 on
I recu.
p ttblftUe-' -Sfollcea.
I KiTRA Oorira or tjie Advkmtsxr for sale by G.
B. MfoiE."nook',eI,er' Stationer and News Deal-
Vo. 37 Main slrcei, ne uoorio uie rrawiucc
IritXoncns. set as ordinary reading matter,
II- , . .-4
T,-ilIbeClanreaienccilU'ire urn, cm-u mauuii.
.set In display typ. twenty-five per cent, additi
onal to above rates.
, vrBT1?KMi:NTS under the head of "Wanted."
. .. . "tv,- t1" "T:t " ''Wmnil." c.
Tor w"i - ..., -. r , - .
rill be charged twenty-tlvc cents for each adver
tisement of five lines, or less, each Insertion. Ad
vfrtisemetits over five lines, at the rate or five
cents pef Une, each Insertion.
ciruncn & hacker.
Publishers Advertiser.
Xew Advertisements.
Vo.1 Apple Ttoot Gralts-E. Beaumont..Bloom-
Flower and Vegetable SecCs-H. Martin, Xar-
blehead, Mass.
Wanted, Honey I-ocust Seed-lC W.Furnas..
-ti.lnTJankrBptcy-W.B. Smith,. ClcrKij .
ii.rHhrdFin: Insurance Co-rrJ-IiCirsori, AgCnl
Home Insurance Co.-J.X-Carson. AbiUv
-- ' ; ' ""
Wlblcy sells Slat backed Chairs', for $1.50
' n11
(lorn noom for Ttent. AnDly to J. C.
Dcuser. i,,tf
Some more
Swan. & Bro.
of that cheap Tobacco at
"Wm. IT. Hoover, Real Estate Agent and
Conveycnccr: Court 'Room. 31tf-dw
Coal Oil of the best quality at fifty cents
a f.aUon, at bwan k liro.
.1 -
For a great variety of Syrups, at any price
you want, go to Swan fc Bro.
For Choice Jewelry,
stuff, go to Dunn fc Hays.
warranted pure
The best Cl?ars.and Tobacco in town
to be found at Swan t Bro.'s.
T li
The best Wagons In .Nebraska arc for al'e
br W. T. Den. Come and get one.
Rogers & Co., are transferlng all freight
and passengers from the depot promptly.
Iron and Wood Corn StieUers liors'c. and
hand power at Deuser AJ'Shtirts. 15-niri
Seeds. Osage, Garden and Field seeds of
all kinds, at McCrecry it NjckeU's. 18-:tm.
Board by the day or -week, at Daugber
ty' Resturant, one door west fir" the Bank.
Wagon and Buggy Woodwork. Iron. Cul
tivator & Harrow Teeth, at Deuscr & Shurts.
Mr. Conrad Harms, of Washington pre
cinct, reports the" Nemaha rampant out of
r- t
The Brownvillo ferry boat commenced
making.rcgular trips, on Wednesday of this
The Original Golden Crown Cigar Is
maaufactnred by A. F. Colin. It is the favo
rite everywhere. "St.-tf
The 'Celebrated St
Joseph Hnfld, Corn J
Pi!vntir.nt Mansfield. Ellin cwood & Co. Semi
(or sample. -16-ly;
Shellenliergcr has the Ouilpn Clipper
riow'for ale, every fanner knows this plow
by heart, and will
Jlcad the statement of the two Insurance
companys'of which J. L. Carson is the local
agent for Urownviile.
' - ""'""iiisr
. We. notice that James C. MoNaughton hh
assumed hi old position ns'cashler of j.jTj.
Carsons Bank in this City. ' J . . .
1V-Ti Den has-3 few-moreStands pf Bees
for '"snii. fyi'iqr arelgo'liig-rllke -hotl(ake
those lu-waut must'aplMyTBODn.
Washington' blrth-daycame'andrttcfiiit
at does many another without auy marvel
ous incident worth of notice.
The Christian ilenomlnatlon are lipliHflg
a series of evening meetings In .tbe-fHrst
Baptist Church in this city this week.-;,
"Wanted, Fevcral loads of sound coru;Mn
exchange for Groceries and J)ry CJoodKtl
George Marlon's Store at foot of Main street.
Remember D.iugherty's Restaurant in the
tlmebf, thy hunger, for there is theplacoto
get a "Square nn-al," served up -toMhe
"Queen's taste.' .- ;
"UlIdYetThorongh. Dr. Ileury's Root
-asd Plant Pills do not cause uansea hoc grip
ing. Try them and you will be satisfied. See
-jyKertiscmcnt. ' ' 3"t
91ckamlth's Iron, or all' kinds, .con
stancy on liand, at Shcilenberger's. Tills Is
a great advantage to Blacksmiths, and one
which they oat to patronize. tr
Pare Bramwn FonU-Ten pair pure
"jvhite, and grey Bramah Chickens to let out
on shares the coming season. R. W. Furnas,
KrownvlHe, Neb. 10-lt.
Yorkshire Loirs. I have three pair of
young Yorkshire Hogs I desire to let out to
some carcrul experienced man, u shares.
It. W. Furnas Brownvllle, Neb. lG-lt
The genuine standard "Canton Clipper
Plow," Is still for sale at Kbcllenberger'.
The merrlts or this plow Is concwled ly all
to be superior to others In this market-
A. May & Co., notify all indebted to
them to rail and settle by note or cash with
out further delay. Their nrcounts must be
settled up soon. They mean what they say.
Cole's patent Ptalk Cutter 1b a machine
Wanted in the spring by every farmer in
(Uie .county, Slielleiiherir ba them for
sale, well made and of good material. Call
and see them.
George Duuglicrty Is looking around for
A larger building to accommodate his grow
ing business. Every lody desires to secure
f heir meals there, and his present room Is
pot large enough for his wants.
XV. D. Sbellenbcrger kcep for sale, the
jL'nion porn piautor manufactured of the
best material, at Peorln..'Ill. Farmers will
consult their own interest by Inspectins this
machine before purchasinVthcrB. ' '
A. May &. Co., haye a good assortment
of goods 011 hand wljich they Sell at
cost, as they wish to retire from business mik
Sfjqn, as they can close out their stock, which
tlPy ar prepared to do at a bargain.
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Haltar Straps,
Whips, I'uckrls, Findings and a variety of
other ai tides too numerous to mention, at
the Harness Shop of B. F. Sauders. No. mJi2
Main street. This Is the best and cheapest
Saddler shop In the city. Utf
Betxel wishes to close out his stock of
overcoats at cost, as he. wishes to carry none
pver the suiqmcr. He.hasfa variety of nil
Sizes and qualities left op hands, and. he
c-Rls. thegcneral rule of selling such: arti
clesct cost after tho H, olldq ys. -!
A. May &, Co.. are dolus a good business.
'or these dull times They- offer fliit-class.
eoodsnt near cb.s,t,"and are. ready'to waJjT
upon customers, and chanrc nothing for
showing their goods. Give them a call, be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Dealers buying at St. Joseph Will find jt
to their interest to call on MessrsV Mansfield,
EHingwood & Co. Their stock of Agricultu
ral Implements, Iron, Steel, Hardware,
AVood Work, c., Is large and comjifete,
They are gentlemen to deal, with, .and offer
Vhcral discounts to'the Irado. 16dy,
Tndglng from the sales of Pine -lAimbcr
and buildln.(T material 'geneniUy; m,ade by
J. H. Bell the country west must be rapidly
Improving with first-class Dulldlngs, for this
yard alone loads from ten to twenty team.3
Per day, People arofludipg out more every
day Jum, wilCje 0j thel jtjqbcrldVdby-n
for cash,
! I
r'W'1-1"' '- ,n '!','
Cranberries ntSwnn&Bro"
For Heating Stores go to
tt Cheap riug Tobacco for Smoking at Swan
fc Bro.'s. . . '
BlKcksmitU's Iron, In great abundance,
at Shellenbcrger's. " :
Choice .New Orleans Sugar, at low prices,
at Swan fc IJro's.
Watch Repairing neatly and promptly
lone by Dunn !& Hays. . T'46wtf
General Railroad and Foreign Ticket
Ofllce at Star Hotel. 2wtf
Deuicr&Shurttare agents for Deere's
Mollne Plow for Nemaha county. 15-3m
Currants,. Raisins, Citron and .Lemon
reel, at Swan & Brother's.
We recommend and warrant Deere's Mo
line Plow as the best, Deuscr & Slmrts. Mm
The bcstSo:ip
in the market at Swan fc
Deere's Walking CuUivators-thc best In
use, sold by Deuscr & Siiurts. ' ;. 15-3rrr
L Swan fc BroY, are selling, .icas m wu..
quality, at greatly reduced prices.
Every farmer should use Deere's Mollne
Plow, If he wants to farm successfully. 15-3m
Swan & Bro., have' the best assortment
of can goods In Brownvllle.
JlcCreery &, Nicltell ofier for sale, their
Nemaha Bitters, which they know to be the
best tonic in the world. 15-3m.
Gen. "Wentel Grantofrers for sale, late
styles of custom made Boots and Shoes, and
does repairing, on shorC'tlptlce. , '
Remember that J. R. Bell sells all kinds
of Pine Lumber. Lath. Shingles, etc., at pri
ces which cannot fail to suit any one. 1-tf
Don't fall to readvRepresentatlvo Dailey's
letter on first page.We know whereof we
afUrm when we say he makes a good Repre
sentative. ' " ' ni 1
Farmers dont buy a Plow or Planter be
fore, examining -W. T. Den's Plows and
Planters,' for he has Just what you need, and
must have.
You "don't 'know how cheap you.caii get
good Pine Lumber, unless you call at J. R.
Bell's Yard, corner of College and tirst
streets. SMwtf
Rogers, French, Broady, and Calhoun, of
this place, have sent their mental, physical,
and moral. photographs to the Omaha Jler
ulilj for Sunday reading.
A Missionary sermon will lie preached in
'the M. E. Church at Peru, on next Sabbath
evening, when -a collection will be taken up
for the missionary cause.
Sbellenbcrger has Parlin's Cnltivator,
which Is the best thing among corn, now In
use. It will cost nothing tp see it, when its
mcrrits will be apparent
Swan &. Bro., are making a specialty of
Teas. They have just received a choice lot of
new crop, which they arc selling at reduced
prices, call and see them.
The funeral services of Wm-. L. McFall
will take place at the residence of his brother
to.,Iny at injoclock, and will be conducted
by the Rev. G. R. Davis.
'Corn, IVood and Hay. A number of
our subscribers have promised us Corn,
Wood and Hay on subscription. Bring it
along gentlemen, now is thetlme.
Woman's Right I It IscerUUn that wo
men have as good aj-ight to insure in tho
Washington Life as men ; aiid.thelr Interests
and protlts are equal in that company.
r:' ' r"
he Rev. D. It. Lake yho. was supplying
the Rock "?ort station last fall. Is now supply
ing the Peru M. E. Church, sinoethcappomt
ment of the Rev. Mr. Prichard to the Elder
ship. Belays are Ban gerous. Mothers, as
you love your oHsprlng. don't fall to use
Mrs. Whitecomb's Syrup for sootlBng chll
Qren. Real the advertisement In another
Mrs. E. J. Randall, of the western part
or Nemaha City precinct, left this week to
visit herold friends and the old bomestcad
Ju Union., county, Pennsylvania; She will
be ahseii t-ome time.
" B. F. Soulier has removed his harness
vliop one iluor to the east; he now hai a
splendidly tine, and well lighted, room for
liis huKiness. Call hud soe how his stock
looks In his new quarters.
"Wanted Farmt InNebrnhkn. To pur
chase one or. two improved farms within
eight or ten miles of Brownvllle. Neb. Call
pu C. M. Kauffmaiin, Brownvllle, or address
R. W. Smith, Toledo, Ohio. 6w3m
"Contractors wilt notice the advqrtlse
ment of the Cemetery Association for proio
sals to build a house on the Cemetery
grounds. This is a much talked or improve
ment, and wc hope, will not be overlooked.
A constant effort to please and satisfy
his guests is the only phrase that will apply
to the conduct of Geo. Daugher'tyof the Res
taurant next door to Carson's Bank; and his
success Is truly wonderful. Try him!
Patronize Home Industry. All kinds
or Marble work can bo had at Ncidhar.lfs
Marble Works In this city, cheaper than U4
can be hail elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial used. " H-tf '
The Brownvllle and Nebraska City Reve
nue Districts have been consolidated, and
Wills. Maiors Is the District Assessor, wlttil
headquarters at Brownvllle. Weare pleased
to see Wills, onee moreasojournerat Brown
vllle. Tbe Buffalo Hunt. Read the Interest
ing diary of the Buffalo Hunters from the
viciuity of Brownvllle, and then you will
know where all the Buffalo and Elk came
from which has been hanging from the
butcher shops In this city the past week.
A Proof. Nothing Is better proot of the
excellence of an article than the frequency
of imitations of it. These counterfeits-a're
the universal tribute which worthlessnessr
pays to merit. The sterling worth and pop
ularity or the Charier Oak Stove Is attested
by this standard, it., " "
AlftW. Morgan, the cnterprlTngMerch
ant Tailor, or this city, has just received a
wellassorted stock or Ulotlus, and Mr. Dolen
standsjready with tape and shears to cut
them into the latest style .of uqtlief or upper
garments. They Invito inspection, in a well
lighted room. Those who like clothes to fit
anil wear, will give them a call.
Clay's Patent Weatherstrip. Swan &
Bro. are agents for this Weather Strip,
which effectually keeis out all rain, snow
and wind from under all doors of windows,
to which It Is applied. They have the agen
cy for Richardson, Johnson, Pawnee and
Gage counties. Applications M.o them at
thelrstorc in this city, will receive prompt
.attention. , . ": If
Ittlboum, JenlclnadsCo., corner Fourth
jjnd Main streets. In this city, have constant
ly 011. haijd a full stock or the best, Pine Lum
berpTatl kinds; also, also Sash, IJpoiv, Blinds,
fSlilngles, lalh, Moull'ng'tErajnes, etc, etc.
which iney aresemug ai inc iuri luJul:
figures for which the same can be got out of
the log and shipped to this point. They are
determined to copt.lnu.eiis hcretoforcto sup
ply' the bulk off lumbes, etc..vufted in this
Land District. Call and'see them! "4Clfdw
Blacksmiths, Wagon and Carriage mak
ers"wlll be'plcased to learit thaflhere is
depoV for fhelf! supplies near.- home,vivh6ror
thcy-'can'getMBTerylhing Tlicy neednnd"ar
prloes competing farvorably with Chicago
and St. Louis markets. Messrs. Mansfleld,
"EUlngwooil h Cd.,'of SstJoseph, Mo., ltoe'p'a
large and varied stock or Iron, Steel, Wood
Worlr, Carriage Makers' JIanUyarc,wandraU
other articles used In the manufacture or
rwinroiis. 'Plows and rCarrtntne. Call on
I i t I --I7 11
theiif.tirwrileror'Uielr prjcispnd sve oH
confident joit wlfl lpe.AYell pllwod. lf-pl
Do yowzbuy.yonr Groceries at Swan"s?;
Go to Swan fc B re's, for the' best Sugar,
Coffee, Toaa, eto. v -- .tf
Geo. Danghertv has.tha reputation of
getting up the best Oyster Suppers, of any
housoJa the city., . . r- . ,0
t lr ' -' U . f f
Cottage BcdStijads for'isale at WlbleyV
FurnltureStore on M.aln street, forVour dol
lars and fifty cents.
KanfTman of the Sherman House, keeps
thcbest'quaTity of-fali wheat Flour lor sale,
at; the lowest market rates.
Joha McPheriOH can'sell you" a super
ior artlclo of Tea, done up in one pound tin
cans. Can free, and good to preserve tea in.
Try It. , 17-4t
We are surprised to see the amount
of Lumber belhgsold at !Kilbourn Jenkins,
&Co's., Lumber Yard, th is week, from the
fact that the roads were tllghtly muddy and
somewhat slipery.
The happiness of our country, our friends
and ourselves should be the principal aim of
everyone. Onaof the best means of promo
ting these grcatobjects Is to insure your life
In some good company. The Washington,
of New York.Js ouc of the best.
A Baptist Church was organized last Sun
day at Peru with some fourteen members,
and others are expected to join soon. Revi
val seasons arc numerously reported all
around our borders, but the good spirit has
not as yet reached Brpwnville to any alarm
ing extent.
F. J3. Jphnsoii, & Co., have nowTon
hand a supply of fresh Gj-o.qqries.
which they offer cheap for , ready pay. This
house Is noted for its variety and fair deal
ing. Their motto 1s"ifyou buy of tis once,
yon will buy again, as they allow none to go
away dlssatisticd.
AccIdent.-rrMaslcr Lucius B. Church fell
upon the lee. on last Friday, and put one of
the bones of tho left arm out of place at the
elbow.- rDr. Mathews vas called iu and placi
ed the bono in its right place. Since which
time the recovery of the use of the arm is.
gradually growing favorable. 1 ',
Eld. Hillman, of Atchltfson county. Mo.,
has "been preaching To Ihe people of Nemrr
ha precinct, west of Bennett & Shitrer's
Flouring Mills, for several oveuings recent
ly, which resulted in- the organization of a
Christian Church composed of men and wo
men' of influence and means. .
A large arrival of fresh Groceries, just re
ceived by W. B. Wright, among which we
notice 100 boxes fresh Oranges, 25 hbls. Green
Apples, and a large quantity of Dried Fruits,
(Sugar by the man- barrels' ; Coffee, Tea, and
Canned Fruits. He is prepared to deliver
these articles tp any point In the city, very
low for net cash;
We "notice from the Rockport Journal that
R. W.'Bla'ckhurn, Miss Roxie Blackburn and
Miss Mollie Blackburn, of Dr. Blackburn's
family,-have r passed the examination which
admits them to the township graded school
iu Rockport township. Their many friends
in Brownvillo will hall with delight this ev
idence of their attainments.
O. A. TUnrnian a young man whose
business expericneo in the city of Urown
viile, emineutly Ills him as a Drugist, opens
up a lively and paying business in the old
Holaday Drug Store. Hi's mnny friends and
others patronize hlrn because of his gentle
manly treatment, his fair dealing, and
.prompt attention to business.
AVhat they say ot' It In Englnnd.
We hesitate not to assign a very powerful
influence lo Life Assurance among the insti
tutions and element of that higher civiliza
tion whlchin later times, has been evolved
and enjoyed beyond all historical precedent.
North Riutish Review. No English
Company offers as great Inducements as the
Washington Life, of New York.
As the winter moderates and spring trade
approaches, W. B. Wright is in receipt of
large supplies of Groceries to supply the de
mand. We arc glad to meet a cheerful and
happy face, when so many are crying dull
times, andour ft lends" wliodri to, will call in
anil see friend Wright, when he. is not so
busy he has not a nipment to spare, and
they will leave with happier hearts, and
large bundles of Groceries.
Nebraska Legends and other Forms Is
thu title of a ncnt little volume of lttf pages,
by the Rev. O. C. Dake, or Fremont, Neb.
The two Indian l.-gcmls are executed in
verse, in a,style scarcely Inrerlor to Pollock's
Course or Tliric, anil will not fall to fnterest
every Western reader. These arc followejl
by several well executed pieces of poetry- all
elevating In their tone, and some .of a, rejig-.
lous or devotional character.. It Is a charm
lug little book.
IVIbley's Furnitnro Goods are at the de
pot, and will soon be over.. It is the general
remark that Wibley is a business man. That
his determination to fetch goods down to
their lowest maintainable figure. Is the best
evidence of his sueess. Ills policy is tdat
there is more profit in small margins and
trcbblc sales, than in large per .cent, and
small sales, besides he is a live man and had
rathcrdo business, than set In hlschalr and
barely live. lie will never rust out, as some
arctient dn doing.
Old Fntber Bacon, of Londbp, came in
to town on last Monday all out of sorts.stom
aeh out of order with the blues generally.
Cause He stopped the Advertiser at the close
of last year. Remedy lie renews both his
-age and his subscrlptlon-by passing over the
stamps for another year and we sent him on
his way rejoicing over the prospect for good
reading for one more year. Tho old gentle
man is somewhat infirm, still he is good' for
several yesrs of valuable labor, and will do
more thau half our starched up youngsters.
Aspin-wall, in this county has obtained
her certificate or incorporation as a town,
under the general incorporation act or the
State, and has organized by the election or
Geo. G. Start, Joseph Walton, John Thur
man, J. 1. N. Thompson and Ewing, as
Trustees; J. B. Iilttlewood, Clerk; J. Milton
Paulin; -Assessor; G. W. Culp, Marshal.
These gentlemen will make good ollicers,
andthetown of spin wall -will enter upon
a new carreer iroin. thenceforth. ThisolHce
will print in p-.miphlet form, their by laws,
next month.
T,o- otir Business Men. The; Spring
trade will seen bo upon us, A'ou wish tocon
trol a large share or the trade North, West
and Sou tii or this point. The Advertiser cir
culates extensively;in all this region, and Its
eulunins arc open to thpseVho wlsli to use
them fqr legitimate business. The .history
of every successful business man In the
country shows his success to have followed
liberal advertising, and we can point you to
business men In Brownvllle who carry good
stocks, but never advertise, and the result Is
that they sit upon their counters gapping at
the passiug- customers of the advertised
firms. They arc so hide bound and and wlerd
looking that decay and dilapidation can
be read In their facs and sen In every
movement they make. Business men uni
versally conclude that we can-print them cir
culars, posters, cards, Ac., In the best style of
the craft and on short not ice." ;
4 . $
Grand Jurorni-H. W. Baggs, Henry Cui
well, John McDougal. Alexander McKinney.
Gcorue Ashley.A'tilon T. D.vIIbghcs,.X C-
Armstrong. Joslfua P. Burdiclf, Einmer
rvsh, Frederick Benson, John Ashley, Asa
Day, R. M. Buckells, Benjamin F.McIninch,
H.-IfcKcnt, JohnvJwis. V
'3PCTIT JcitoKS. A. P. Cogswell; John Q.
A. Suflth, Thomas Crawford.TV V. Beck, II.
K. Bobbins, Benjamin Freldenberg, Hiram
Alderman, William S. Dawson, Amerla
DcMld.'AndreivJj. Richardson, HenryHfiop'i;
.er, Robert Dljlon, Johnson Pi HooverSteph
en W. Kennedy, Chaffes J. Brown. James
H. Jones, George W. Mason, Moses Banks,
J. P.'eltyJ Richard Coryell, Geprg ,Crow,
lieh'ael "Relirdan,- -F.' A. Tisdel, John L.
MiThmabove are summoned to apiear n
Monday, March 13th, 1671, at 11 o'clock A. M.
i Dried ADlesaddaches.6y!i5traiquat
IjU'. ot Swan BrotUer. j f A J j
' ToolBTaml3Wni6wWpeno3al
Baskets, at.Swan fe Brp's.
. . , i -.j
Sec, advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dlspens
ry, headed- Book for the Million Marriage'
Guide in another column! "It should be
read by all. ,. , 27-ly. ,
.i : : '
, Lhw Naturae Hon. Geo; Crow of ihla
county brought Into this clty;jast week, a
specimen of a freak of naureqnite a curios
itya pig with two heads. Itis perfect-and
natural ln.all reapecta .except th'ebead. Twp
distinct and perfect heads; aneyein tbecen
tre of tho two heads, and one on eacli side of
'' -. rH-v "J
Died In the north pari of 'Richardson
county, at the residence of Warren Pirlcb,.
Mrs. Lucy Hinkley, wife of Wayland Hlnk
ley, and sister of Mrs. Thadlus Trimmer, of
Brownvllle, aged 26 years, 6 months and 11
She leaves a husband,, and ono cliild-'ahd
many friends to mourn lier uutimeljr' de
parture. .- ..-..-
' : : - ' k.
Complimentary Mr. and. Mrs. J. R.
Bell, of St. Joseph, Mo., In a neatly' printed
card, requested the pleasure of the company
of onrself and lady at the marriage of their
daughter; Juliette, to ilr. J. C. Whlttemore,
on Wednesday -evening of this, week. We
forward, to the happy family, our regrets
that pressing business engagements prevent
ed our seeing the charming Bcll(c) a Whltt
more. . - ' r " , - ,
"Weather for the past we"ok has been re
markably spring-like. The frost Is coming
uuiui inu gniunu leaving iiie rujius imnmj i -.-.'-
atlhe manrin of streams. The up biid.JsllnBs with that of others whose skill and en-
getting dryer. Farmers are at .workprepari
ing for spring operations, and merchants are
rearranging their goods to jdve them a fresh
er and spring-like appearance. '.Nature is,.il
work tol-e-habit the vegctnblc., -world, and.
the world still approaches her cquinoxtial
George Esterly is'the manufacturer of a
patent Seeder and Cultivator," with "land
measure, agitator or grass seed attachment,
which Is for sale at W. D. Shellenberger's
Hardware store In Brownvifle. Every farm
er will do well to examine this Seeder before
supplying themselves elsewhere. It has
twenty-six superior advantages over other
similar seeders, all of which any one may
read and consider ir they will ask-Shellcn-berger
for a circular.
Pcrfecllon. The nearest approach' to per
fection, in articles designed for kitchen use,
is that of Doolky's Yeast Powdzk, now
generally recogniKcd as the most economi
cal and reliable Baking Powder In the coun
try. No.housekeepcr should he without it.
To accomplish the same results, it requires
but one-half or two-thirds tho quantity that
it is necessary to use of other Baking Pow
ders while uniform success In making rolls,
bread, biscuit, pastry, ic, Is guarranteed
Recommended solcly'on its merits. Dooley A
Brother, Manufacturers, 09 New St., New
York. For sale by all Grocers. "
Do you want to build you a barn ? Do you
want to build you a farm residence? Dp you
propose to build you a store, shop or offlce?
Do you propose to build you a line city resi
dence ? Do you propose to build you a splen
did picket fence? JDoyou propose to put a
good pine board Tence around your farm this
season? Do you want timber, hoards, lath.
pickets, sash, fencing, shingles, siding or
lumber for any purpose this summer? If so
von can obtain it at the extenslvo lumber
vard, in this city, kept by Kilbourn, Jenkins
fe Co- The Crist Bros., are there and what
they can't sell you, can't be had In the State.'
G. K. Denny, in thanking his friends
and the public generally, for the vcry.-.kind
and liberal support they have favored him
with during his stay in Brownvllle, begs to
state that all orders will be attended to with
care and punctuality, and "an easy and ac
uratertt guaranteed." Hi's system being to
execute orders In that muiiner which will
secure further patronage and recommenda
tion ; and begs to remind the public that the
-cheapnesBof an article depends,- entirely, on
its quality, and ventures to saj that his pri
ces will correspond favorably with those of
any other house in the city. A call is earn
estly solicited.
Lenten services at Christ Church, in this
city, will be held as follows:
Ash Wednesday, the -2d, . full morning
prayer and sermon : e enlng prayer at-1 p. 111.
Friday, -Itlt. full morning prayer and litany,
at luj-j o'clock a. m.; evening prayer and
lecture at y. o'clock.
During the five weeks following, morning
prayer and litany on Wednesdays and Fri
days at 10.'. o'elock, a. m. During "Holy
Week," or last week in Lent, daily luoruTngJ
prayer at JOJ o'clock, a. m , and evening
prayer at 1 p. m. On Friday, full morning
service and a sermon on the atonement ol
Christ. ;- -
There will also ue,(I). V.) on the Friday
evening' of the solemn season, full evening
services at 7-J o'ciock, ,ind a lecture on the
teachings ot the prayer book. All believers
In Christ are invited to attend. Scats free.
Tbe Masonic and Oddfellows building As
sociation, of Brownvllle, held a incetlng.In
their Hall lust Monday evening, for thcelec
tion or a new Board of Directois. and for the
transaction of other business. Ai-W. Nick
el, James Stevenson, J. 1). Calhoun,- J no.
Blake and R. W. Furnas were elected ns a
board of Dircctors.Geu. IV Eaton, II. V
Hughes and J.-W: Med ford Merc appnln ted
a" committee to procure "plaii o7 uiilmTng.
The capital. stockpf the Association was Ih
creased to SM.OOO; 'The purpose is to build a
large hotel with ample Lodge rooms in the
third story. We hope their good intentions
will be promptly executed. The building In
this shape will pay dividends to the stock
holders, while the store room -plan. .of, the
.first floor would not lor some years to come.
By all means build, a good'and,.convenienl
hotel; for there Is no one ''building that
Brownvllle more -needs at present than a
large well arranged public House.
Obltnnry Notice. Charles E. Field
formerly of Ware, Mass., thirty-six years of
age, departed this lire in this city on the 13th
Inst. He was the brother" or Mrs. Geo. P.,
Eaton, and had lived in his sister's family'
most of the time since 1861. In that year he
disposed or his Drug Store in the city of Bos
ton and went to his sister's In Newark, Ohio,
onavisitand for the benefit of his liintir.1
1 which were sore and weak. Ho has been
suffering with diseased lungs from that time
until the day of his death. In November
last Mr. Eaton and his family moved to this
city and Mr. Field accompanied them here.
He was feeling miichdiutter ainco his arrival
here.tintil about two days before his death
at which time he wasreduced mid confined!
to the roam from tho effects of a slight cold.
He ate his breakfast on Monday morning,
and in an hour or two thereafter) almost In
the midst or a social conversation with his
sister.hc droppedlbrward from hlscbalrand
passed away without a struggle, with none
but his sister In tho room. After-a short fu
neral service at the residence liis remains
were taken to Ware, Mass., where his aged
father still survives him, for interment.
e were present ror a short time at the
Rhetorical exercises or the Brownvllle High
School, with the intention or noting what
might be observable in the deportment of
the students, but were called away too soon
to make any extended notice. The large well
sea'ed chapel room -Was lillijd wltji the schol
ars bf two or three departments,,fand a few
visitors. The few that recited, read esavs or
spoke SeJection.sJduringjDita stiiyTdfcpe verv
n u 111n.11.-t: iiiosc-wuoeiecxea articles
whlclrwrrereadllyndeWood-'Vy: the stu
..t..,c ..wi uu,,) iMajumeti incinseivcs tb
mrv.r nr.-ntnm itf -a . a. i
:::. .;"""'W'i!"WHU.oefCfciiit.
irmionoi incauuteccgtHdiBts are quite
to ipt toasplrctd recite partsf rations orJ
srwechesoverwolch the greatest' orators
past times havclmrely-snceeededrin gaining
attention. Mr. Saunder's boy gave a simple
out qniie entertaining description of Brown
Allle;'aud we give h lm thfl'IieaiLatark. Mostliert nyerbeforet'vn In iiShsh-lflse.y
. ...v. .. .... o ...ot.t-j .iBcii-conuvi wnicn
wasfjuite gratifying to ibeubld. These exer
cises are for the purpose of developing an
instant command one's feelings, thoughts,
df sires and p:isslons, so that wo may not be
embarrassed in after lire by sudden, unex
pected or contemplated public duties. At
some future time wc will again visit the
- , , nsa . V fc l"cllocl:ed,npan(Vflotlie.abitthchm8e..IrTlIlbe
, when 1 jvehopc not to bo Interrupted, -sent to Anv. nrtlres8 on receipt of 60 cts. Wddress
rewM bcmorniliiu(oi ija ur critl- rj,t. war. YOUNG, No. -U Spruce street above
men wtriyui uumora rx
sms. 7ili ? I , I e 3
-''t- J ' J.-.- T.
Jmmntmn iWWWa Jw .IIl i.MrrRrecnuJar'aBf
.. - I
nas Deen noiaing meetings this week at iU.
Zlpn ChurchiRreoraneV Vc8 af'jjrpwn
vllle, three sticks, oak stqye wood heavlly
cnargedwUhtjpowr,jjbyjome desJnlng,
rraaeal. This: wood .was leftist -the' Idoor of
.thechOTChiandhe sextonkuQWiag there
'was. np wood there, thenight before, suspect--
n nwA1itt..n . -. iVi. -,lr, . . - --1
... M.M'J.r.L !i.,j. -itr3 j ..V.
wuinc mo ouuk, wneu -nruiscoverea uou
plugs and powder.JiThe unrrleadly deling:
In thd neighborhood.- lbqupeAtliesupiuoq.x
m.. McFall IraienndTdcaft In Isbef,
hla' Blacksmitfi shop in' litis 'city, dn
Wednesday'mdrnlo'g.'wIthanoancd.Vlfll by
his side, .whlchjhad containrxfijaudanum-.
Mr.rMcKall was a good mechanic but he had
been adictedfor several years, to an eicess'
Ivenseofi'in't6xicatInVHqu'oTS. He tohl us
near fonr-yeareago Ihathaiiad resolved timg
and again not to drink any more, .but -that,
-under certain. conditions, of mind an,d feel-
Inno If nniiltl 'x i li-. , VL. M. I'll- '-.. . L
iiilri iv wuiu ifu, uu ncjii- uum uim lilt wan
in Browrivlllb.- Hctarnenled tiiat'thra was
so and he feared it never would dxj.ony. bet
ter. Hf Was ojn the street-last flight, talking
wlth.hia lrlends,untll ,ncar Uvqlvc o'clock.
He has contemplated tills matter" for some
months as he dispalred of'nll reformation.
4 Hisliabits.aycn4jrotving:worse, and At sur
prised none to llnd him as they did Wednes
day norniug. Ass he lay uppn his bed a
strong, large frame a young, Healthy man'
; one couldti't Help thinking wllaVhe .miglit
havefbeen liadit not been for his uncoutrola-
lilo hpj?e,tltpor;wJiLskpy, and-we in volunta
rlaiy eontrastedhis sluatiQiijtnd surround
terprise were lessapparent. but -whose habits
vefbm6io' consistent with health, success
and the public good. Our mind also wander
ed to ot.lj.ers wJjo. might soo.n. follow unless
tliyy read tlila leaaon arightnpd heed ltsaw
fuliy 'solemn warnings Wtr have" nothing
but good will for eVery . nian. in Brownvlne
and remarks will be taken in the
same kind spirit in wl)ch they are offered,
and may the reflections of every 'heart" lean
all to that reformation so necessary Ho' 'our'i
prosperity and future wulfuro.
"it ii , T7 :
Onr Father's House, or the Unwritten
Word, by Rev. Daniel March, D. D., author-
of "Ni&lit1Sde:nc8 -In lhe.'Blfale.t,4:'TiiIs..:iB;a
large and exceedingly interesting volumo qf
SC0 pages, wel and tastefully, bound for the,
narlor table nf for thn libra rv. This work'
abounds In' rhetorical Hgufes and metaphors,
bold, striking; grand- and sublime, such as
no public speaker, .no matter what hie sphere
of oratory may be, could read without ad
ding to his ability tp interest' the masses.
We will find doplc'ted, by a; master artist,
God's glory ih the Heaven'rf? God's. Wonders
In the Mighty Deep; the Supreme power, of,
the Mighty Sovereign which Is 'suggested by
the terrible significance of tho' majestic
tnouritalhs asHliey tower above tlio clouds
and Immutably stiind amid heavens. Im
mutable did I say ? One could a thousand
ttmes casjer blow away, the, .Andes with his
h.rcatjh Jhan to snatch one poor sutTerfrig
child, of faith from the protecting' hands oi
the Almighty. Tills volume is fulf of'tnspiri
ing thoughts u'pon.a variety of , biblical sub
Jectsas.wcll; as, concerning uatural things,
and po man, can read It once without reading
it again, anil soirie "passages he will read
again; ICVthey send the electric current full
of thrilling,-lofty ahd.ublime senkatlom? 'dn
quick succession through.every nerve qf his
intellectual and moral nature. J. M. Nel
son .' of Whitney illoek'. Brownvllle. is the
agent rbr.this work; Kvory family sholild
have.tuis.bookvas,it. wlll".bo rctMi.-by eVqry
member of tho famil-. We buy sotneboos,'
not to rpnd, bitt as an evidence to our guests
or bur literary taste. Wc'nvill buy thls'Pu.
read and when soiled by much handling,
then we will get another, for the parlqrjable.
. v
The place to buy cheap and good -fcumb'cr,
etc., is dt Bell's. .The stock Is m Kuu fact u red
in. the west.jaiid keptlitho best condition.
1( you wish anything ln-that Ji,ne,tgiye them
a call!
in '.1
Geo. B. Moore.,
. .... .. -i
-1' hi :
Bookseller, Stationer, and
next door to the Post1 Ortlcc. 'School Books
rof all kinds, Blaiik Books, Stationary. Ac.,
jilway.s:ohliand. Sclioo.l.'urnit.iir furnish -
,cd on. short notice. . Call at the Bonk Store.
' u'2-dwif
3,000'acre's of Unimprov'ed"LamI, on terms
V fo'sult-the purchasers 10'lmpV6Ved Farms ;
good Iiml lutdgood ipeatimi. ."Apply t
Real Kstatc'Olnco.
ISdwtf . Hrdwm-llhi,
HOCEi' '- -
'.Tiiic hnnsc. ntnlerttie rmaiiaseiriont .of Its
afabla uroprletor CV .M.,Kaultiiuin, Is onedf
tho irestaccommo'dations for the wearj an
hlinsrv traveler alonu tho Missouri river.
For good meals; -good beds-, 'accommodating
host and waiters it.sfands .uiiriyaRod, dw
We'puy'the highest price' in cash for 'nil
klwIs.ofgrain.T , ;."" ' . . ;
12-y,n. Ws M. Cn A FFE & Co,
The regular term of thu 1'rohate Court for
the trial of civil cases for all sums over one.
hutiilrgdJSdpllanJ and under three hundred
dollars) will be held at tliu ollicc oft the. I'ro
bate JiidgcMii'lHecity of Brownvllle, Nema
ha county? Nebinskn.t-'exlminencing on the
firs't. .Th.bivbPftileQfcafeiHlHn muolb. Tn
.. . ..... . , .i.ww-'ji:.
!;:! ';vJ1dO"l;(AiN.
rrob'ate Judgc.i
.T. It. BELL.
ThiK hrmTlleaUnitJ t'le'iiunl"r'aftrfali;;
buihJing material .that Is made of plne'lu
nade of pine'have
.now tJwlr.vard on cornerxif College and 1st
.. , JI ,z .--v. .-l s .',. rt.-
streelsstacKeu iuii, irs msowii 'i"" uuuuv
low adjoining. "Jfhoy havjnllllous offeet
or.'ali. kinds of Pine lJumb'or, as' well .-as a
rousing stock:- of Dqots, Blinds, etc. They
sell at the lowest rxssIblo fignre, and are
sellln'ainhi'mehse lot 'of stuff of all kinds,
from ten to fifteen teams loadingtheredally
Lfor pi'e counties west besides their large trade
111 mis linmeuiaio vn.-iim.
A. F. Colin, of this city,, took the Urst-pre-
inium on Cigars, with li. c. Iett, opo pi inc.
bet judges of a good Cigar in the country, a
chairman of the awarding committee, and
the premium was deserved. Factory at No.
Gl Main street. ZJdwtf
! AJiarc Chance for Builder si
$5000 Worth of County Orders ! ! !
The undersigned will exchange Pine Lum
ber Sash. Doors, Blinds', Lath, Shingles, etc.,
at the lowest cash price,
following counties, until
for orders on the
the 1st of March,
1871: ' ' '
Gage County, Neb
Pawnee " " .
:..LJ0O cts.
00 "
Johnson "
Jefferson" " 80
Richanlson " .. 1. ,........$0
Iancaster " ............ SO
Nemaha "- Neb. Gen. Fund..i-....Sj
" " Toor Fund-.: 90
" " Bridge " ...:90
A Largo Stock of
In lots to suit purchasers, at
, -m-A-RTITAGE guide-.
. . T . A ,
tSTF onclil. own Doctor t-A prl-
of1 vate ,ustruor 0E "a"l9 persons
or those
about to be married, both male and female, in ev
erything concerning lhepbUlolog7 and relations
"of our sexual system, and the production and pre
vention of-otTspflng; lnChiafng-'all the new dlscov-
vr- --w-rt r ff.Ll.. nn.1hlAnnH
. uu.,, .u. v. 1 nig reuuj .
ika- v- J- -- --""- o -
fortheeneral reader, and is Illustrated with
li.r.onori rABr nnrt U i11ntrftted with mi-
mmnfni?rvtnCT. All vrnin?? -married neonle. or
those contemplating nwxrlage, and having the
least Impediment to married life, should read this
book. It:dIscIoses secrets that every .oneshould p
nc-iiialnted with ; still It Is a book that must be
..!-.W --'- it.'
- ar avrrsTPrkT?-T?Tf''K'r-
-.... j- tjl y 'mM. ya-rf - T .A. W
Advertt'eniente tender this head-'wtli be' chirked
is cents each Insertion, tor five lines or less. x
o'kest.-bouse wrrarrinEE ROOMS;
situated on Atlantic rtreeti $ Ifoj particalars,
ternaj.Ac.. enquire of S. IV Jamison. ?"tf '
J. a.Ware Boom in his Brick Block on First
street. Size, "MxCT'j; two stories. .Alio, 'a Store
Room In same.blocfe, 15x4 - 17-tr
Ti-ffitENT.-iiousir wmr trnitF.B booms;
JL -Situated onc Nebraska street. Two lots at
tached.. Jrr tcrnijt, iEc., enquire arthls ofllce.
, JL Tarm to rent, advertise tt In the Advertiser, in
our dieap adrerUrtfig column.
Advertisements under ibis head will be charged is
" 'cents each Insertion, for five lines or less.
jC tile Land, oneliatfinile front Brownvllle, on
tho bluff road le-.ullnK to Nemaha City, 2?or. partlc
ptars, en autre at this office. . lf-tft
3U W.Furnas. IMC
- drcd biMbels priuieSiirlnfrlUirley, forseeit, for
aalet t3 1L V. Euoias, Urowii yille. . lt-4t
-L prLsoOuU. 3"vo hundred bashels ninck Nor
way and qrprise Oat for ?alebyn.'V Fnrnarf,
Rrojuville.Neuraska. . J lC- ,
JdrelJ)UhelsBaldIJarley.Seed, for sale bylL
W- Funias, Brownvllle. Nebraska, 1M(
number one Jtlal Chester White TiK-s old en
)liEli for Service, Tor faleiuy R. W. Furnas, Brown
ville; Nebraska. lG-lt
- Fifty tine undressed C
sale. Price from tr, to fi.
tine "undressed Caslimcre'Goat Skins, for
li. w. urnan. jirown-
ile, Nebraska. l&4t
X Lots for sale, advertise them in the Advertiser,
and thereby sqcure a oftomer without delay. '
x 'Sale, adreVtise them in the Advertiser, and
plenty of customers will apply for.thfm. ,
X. this head, at twenty-live- cents, (each Insertion,
tor Jive lines or less.
Advertisements under" this head will be' chnrd.d 25
cents each insertion, for live lines or less.
pay cash for any quantity Honey LocustSeed,'
well denned: or I -will purchase it- in the. pod. R.
W."Funias. Brownvllle, Neb. , 10-tt
V advertise for it under this head.
for it under this head. It costs but
twenty-live cents for live lines or less.
brany kind of help. advertLse
T jrnrm lianas.
for them in the Advertiser.
' Bouse, advertise ar one In the Advertiser, in
our cheap ndverttalnKColumn. - '
TDXPJiAINING who may, andwhooujjhtnotto
.111 .Jlarrv Excessive' sCxu'nl excitement ITS
rAUsES. with needful ndvice. All that Is. Worth t
kiidwins about PREVENTION. Also why so many
of both sexes-have PIMPLES on the iateittc.: ailfl
iriTliiK'snUicient reasons wny uk-half orti
ONlv-IIAl.FijinsinplcKenerauon. rro father
or a fansl ly can afford to be without the Informal
tlon."i2ft. uja-No young mainiught t9 read "Mun-
lirwL- V vontitr l:nlv niii'nt tn rend "Wonlan-
:ht to read.
iit , Thnv tw Ki,?iif un,mt4i!t nnH ,fln
Thev are bouncrsenaratejy.
uHv.nn1rl. hv
. 'v -.. ...- "'" -ii'.vr:"-'' "r-.--
mail, .SECURE FROM ORSET.VA,- 15 cents,' pach or both together for 5
cents. Aaaress, - t
01i t Charles Street; .SU.Lonls, So.
' 'r.'R.'ManvbvreanInr these, works have avoid
ed tbeHOCXS on which multitudes have been bro
ken hi pieces!" ' '"-y
lIarilfbotl: Hov Lost, HoivRe-
, stored.
'ffffliWlJuQ .published, a new edition ofDr.,
$ f'tlft-terwcll'ii Cctbbrittcd En
i t a ITtJI -
tW?Tr onlheLmdicure f.wttliouiiinedieine
InvolunthYr Setiimnl Losses. IMPO-
Mentul anil PbysieaL Ihcsyiacity. Inipedl-
nienitiiiuwirriaw.eic.: aisocutji. .Mi'ijiuir
ILEl'SV'aua'FlVS, induced by heif-Indulgenceor
e.uiub.ttnivaK;nic, . ... , .
jea'i'rice,- in a seated envelope, only (5 cents
Tile ci-lcbTSted aurhor1, in' tlrls lidmiraWb essty.
clearljtlCeiuonstroltM from 'a thirtm"ers.'succeiild
practice, Umt. tli alarinimj consequences" ot Selr
Kn.. -rrlJ-- ) mf!(rillv cnnI-without the dancer-
ous.Usoot"Jntern.-;i.piylicuie or.the-apiillcatloa o I
thekuire; uoillit;prvuluI,1,,upo1 cnreai oucKsim-
sotrcrer, no-mattrrvbat his condition may be, may
cure, himseir cheaply, privately, and rtidicaUrf.
'ro-This r-pcturt-should Ik! in tho' hands of every
youth aijd nvery man iu the land.
Sent, under seal, in a pinin envelope, 10 anj-au-dress,
KMfjwM, on rveelpt nf six cents, or two aoyt
St-41111"- Aisp, jit. v.:uiverjvt'ii --.iaruKKcuvuuv,
price 'Si cenU. AddrcsH'the 1'nWtdiers'..
1J7 Bowery, New Yorkl
. FostOfitce Box .l,."SSfi - y
Itis Infallible, and alrraTH reaiir for imuiedlnt
nse. Too best YEAST nMrDKRforusonloaSEi.
It is coaienlent and rronomical. AO.TASTir
OF FOOD PItEl'AllL'O 1VITII IT. Sold ererynhere
C DCX3LEY s BROTHER, Maaufacturere,,
"A Repository of Fnshinn, Pleasure and In
, rttrjietipii."
HARPER B AZautti; .
AlsupplomGnt. contr.iniritf nunrerotix ftiB KlzHliat.
; .:teruurieetul. aiacie-. nccamirni: the '
, iiaFBcevervfurtniuht.
.Jlftrper'siIUiZarcontatHP lfi fifUopapes of thenUe ot
jlnrnvr'fe Weekly, printed on .ujiurtlh'ecilea
' Jc;redpaper,'aDdlspibIWlielweeJtly
Notlcew of the Press.
HARTER'S BAZAR contains, besides pictures)
patterns, etc,-a variety of matter of esutcisU
uehnd interest iq the family: nrtlclei on htsuth.
tirin !. ml )i.ui-.ik-p('iiiniJ in all lt. branches : it eil-
itbrlnl irfnttor Is Hpwihiliy aIaptfl to the Circle Jcis-J
inteiKletl to inierti ana, inMruci : anu 11 uua, ut
sldes, kocxI stories and literary niattpr of merit, n
Is not Mirprlsiug that thejournal with such reat tires,
has nchieved ill' n short time nn Immeme sucu-:
rorsoniethiiig'or its klhd wa-s desired in thousand
rvr foniiHus nmi lf nnhlishpr have lllled the de-
taniHl. The young lady who buys a single number I
of Hnrper's Uaiar Is' made a subscrlber-for life. . f
. TJie Bazar i.i excellent. Like all the,perip4IcaW
which the Harpers published, it Is KlmostlidTOlly
we'! etlited.atid theclassof reiwlers fcir; whoufclt is
intewded the mothers and daughters In averatje
farallles ban not but profit by'it good wnse and
good, taste, which we have no doubt, are tolay
miiklng verj' manv homes hnppier than they may
have heen before the women began taktnK lessons
In personal and household and social management
from thU good nutnrtd.xuentor. J7c Aiifion, JV. J .
Harper's Bazar, one year .$! 00
An extra copy of either the Nagazlne, Weekly, or
Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every Club of iiy
subscribers at fl.W each, in one remittance; or six
mnlu 1-11 ri u.-ithnut MtracfjDV.
Subscriiitlons to Harper's Magazine. Weekly and.
liurnrio one' naunsa. jor uiic r,w, ui.iowu.
Harper's Periwlicals, tooneaddress for
BSll&ck numbers can be Jiupplled at any time,
vni. I. tl and III. of Harper's Bazar., for tbe
.years l3, 'ffl and Tu, eliently bound In Kreen mo-
rOCO CIOIU, nll UK SCJIV V itCSKJ, moju y ...,
The postage on Harper's Bazar Is 3) cents a year,
Which must be paid at the subscriber's postouTe.
Addrs II ARPFJt A BUOTHER. New Tork.
"Unauestionablr the Best Sustained Work
of the kind in the V orld."
Notices of the Press.
VO more dellchtrul travels ore printed In Ujfc En
iS Klish lanKuage, thaa appear perpetually In
Harper's Magazine. Tlipy are read with equal In
terest and satisfaction by hoys of every grad. from
eighteen to eighty. Its scientific ipew.whUe suf
ficiently profound to demand the attention of th
learnedare yet admirably adapted to thepopular
nn..,tAi,- mid fiitiiriiedasmuchtodiuasecor-
1 rect information concerning current scientific dis
covery asiicoinu mrn inyBnucuiu . ";j- -
Cictt TOT tlie XlluUSlun Ot un-iuinuumcvep.
great qebign i jmtvci.3 .. Vv...
information and rational amusement to theureat
reat design of Harpec's"
If rria
masses or the people, jntrean: iw iuivcii
American families in which "Harper's Magazine"
would not he an appreciated and highly welcome
cuet. There Is no monthly magazine an intelligent
reading family can less afford to be without. Many
Tn?in -in nrcumulated. Hamer 19 edited.
Thrai, nnt a.miu.azini tiiatis minted whichshows (
more intelligent pains expended on its articles and-r
mechanical execniion. iuc w "". " '""i'"
magazine published. There Is not, conresedlr,' a
morCpopufarmagazlne in the world. etc England.
JfometUxid. . ...
It is one or the wpnders or Jonrntllsm the edito
rial management of "Harpris." 77.Tartort, N. I.
Harper's Magazine, one year U M
An iStra Copy or either the Magazlne.'Weeklyl
nr ltazarwlll bo snnnlted gattefor eveo01ubof
hive aiiDscrjcr tv, uium. . "-yvj ..
cnhwTintfat. 1 llarrter's Magazine. A eeklran'
... t, .. 01 an withtilt avtpo
-n...,M mnna .MrM4 ffirniiii VMr. 10; np. trrn lit
1 ithmti 1 ..-...-...- ... - .. y --. .. ...w.
r jgjg-Back numberscan be supplied at nay that. ;
I A complete set of Harper's Magazines now com;
3j,jPyii xolomcs. in neat cloth binding, will Be
1 A COIIlUiei
' Cllt OV CAiJlCN?, itctni rt.-c u puiumucii
. for i'J5 per vniuue bingie von
' i",1ijv ol . ' '
j The postage on. Harper's Magazirie Is" m cents a-
year, which must he paid at the subscriber's post-
ollice. Aoaress . .
I- T70R HATiHWAItE AM) CUTtEIty.'tall on.W.
JC D. Shellenberger. Xo.'7l-3IalU street,. McPher
sonBlocK.Brflwnljle.eb. dwtf
U . linlnmn nnil lil!rtnii lllsri ITS. lim.1..
BKEAD. (JIUUDLE and other C1VKES. &c. &c
SUBSCRIBE fprUie ".Weekly Advertiser."
" e9tpap'r'Bn'tate.' 't' ; ' .' )
'-'' '- ' -I ' x:; .' j'u Br
1 cij and thnNemaba Land District, the Urxcst
and best assortment or
ever brought to the
Sofas Folding Lounges,
wnroow .BLINDS,
Secretaries and Bool: Cases,
Offico Deslts, "WashstastLi, ,
t - .
NurveRockers, UlnlcRand Breakf:ist Tables, Of
fice, Parlor atid Dining Room Chulrs, and cverj"
(ldnir usually fiHindln a
St. , n
1 J " o''cl L ct Kb?
o-tjl.Viatg.; u-!.
' : ' "tt v .1
u , - M. F. BOYD,
Will take contracts for Brick or Stone. Work, or
PlaSterins, in town or county. Will hulll Cisterns
and wnrrant theinJ Good work guaranteed. 33-y
CtlLARTl'IR OAK STOVES, tor sale by W. D.
r Hhelleheerser, No. 71 Main street. McPherson
Block. Brdwnvllle, Neb. dwtr
We have on hand a largo
"s .
To '"which we are making co
wjej-are selling at Prices as
xne xvaississippi.
In the Quality of our Goods
' --vss-r-T-r'iorri "V A "r"J7"T?fT
'f. .
Qf EN to THE
IwlPiE a 1 I !NfllnJ ?
Can and wil sell you all Mnds of Implements cheaper
than any other house in 2Te"braslia. J .:. j
Runner Cultivator, Garden City Clippei'PKw
! One and Two-Hole Hand
Two and Four-Horse Power Shelters.
if id Mi mn
! -
lAifull Supjply of Extras always aii 'M$3& I
k, l ;.'.' . . u ...; .'ii ; - - :;i . , '.-,' -j
Vr JLJl-i
A RE.VI, SEDATIVE without Opium' oV"
Reaction!' INNOCENT, even in tho, Ai ,
mouth of INFANTS. Twenty
' dropi Is the LARGEST
dose. Cures Sick " ''
!,. ,. Beadache -,,fj,
ait " '
' - r
CiscrofATi, Juno 1;, jam.
DR. G. II. SMITH ItrarStr.- Jly nutthorseahl.
cd her lbot hu lnully nUc coutd uoi wnltf..WBleh
alaruiinicly swelletL My little by HdhMHphb
throat nud very HtilT nectc. I got np in tho utaht
and bathed his throat and etiwt, and (ray.)uin
twenty droivs or your Oil. TUej i nam bflta wetf.
Express office. 67 Wi-i-Mittto.AR.'
FonT ni-, JMy 12:
they sent in ft?n supply of the OH.
L'teasesendiby. ,
Hrst express, artdobllse; m 1 '
i xoursxruiy,jJ.x-aj;r.i.ii, irussojtj-
' - I'M ,.::.; ,.'i J :
. .u . til '.
NotaFalliire.! Not One! (From Canada
New IIamhueo, Ont., July l
TR. SMITH, Philadelphia: I have soM tho Oil
U ror Deafness, yfekness, Nenralnit. Ao., ami in
every case it has Kiven sntlsntctlou. 1 can prcira
Uttitc a number of letters. We want morcortho!
large sile, ,tc, tc.
Yours nsucctfully.
FRED. II. McCALLTJM, Brugstet.
Sure on Deafness, Salt Rheum, &c,
WHT "1 Rhrnmatbm.SaltRbeam. Kry-
Iclpelart, IimlysU. ChttiJuHM.
sn-BT-a rc Swellings. Headache. Umax.
CUlS.Jb& ) Frets, -111, and- Sculd JluU.
Felons.Carbnncles. Mumps, Dip- f HOT1'
Uieria. Croup. Neuralgia, (Joiit. ,
Wounds, still' Julntw.- SweMl
Glands, canker, Tonth Ache. fyrf K.J
Cramps, Bloody Flux, ftc, Ac. L o wt
soap on the parts while .applying tltf oil J aitd it
cures most nil nitaneous dL-itiim MHUOni lUIMil
DeaflicssorlUieumatlsui. ,, 1
H. C. IiSTT, Agent,11"-' !
12-6in BRf WNVILLE, NEB.
J nstant additions, and which
HtW i low as any House wect .o
P3 , r,
SWAN fc li?0.
in1 1 pyiim,iLMwLjw.njnjmi
sell the -";
Com Shelters, and .One,
, 1 i
rji I I UflUIllii'O
i j and well assorted stock of i.:v
'in, hi n -' -
L-rJ l
We sell the v .;'
- J
'fflBBIWf I