-jsafi ttSJSH,S n t--3tfgs(aaa ..waa.llMrwft 3LJU.,6iJVVt'.iUgtr .-3Jbiea THE ADVERTISER. Published every Thursday morning BY CHURCH & HACKBR, Proprietors. THE ADVERTISER. AIJVEltTIIXG HATES. - . ?1.PI) SLSffJCOO 52.W JJ.-r!.CQ:? SMX OUt-X. 74 MePherBQn'B Block, np Stair BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. elia-h t LUll ! AOUt X)( 3.rTJr'tart nlnehPS. ' W . XStt' i. J. 7.W) ML&U 15J)v rhreelnchcs.! 3.00 4.001 5.00t c.onjiaoofis.oosasflo' Pwp1? inclit-L I 3 6912.00 !.&)( !4'2fctrtlM.Jl"M Onecolumn -.UOLW-auwilAftMaBiW WfWO.t'O Terms, in Advnaee : Oo copy, ono ycxr- On copy, six months One copy, three months- ai'All transeient advertftMMiniiMa ist' Be paid lor in advance. ESTABLISHED 185. i OlcErat Pper im tto State.) A. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THtJRSDAY, JANU.RY 1871.' ,r(xL!Xor-NO. 12. BEADING MATTER OX EVERY PAGE OFFICIAL PAPEK OF THE COUXTr. jjiaLSCiaasffiV's.TiH.ACgjffw.f V-;ti-J U - - iBiMiBMMiiaMfjpapfjpfaMMiBiBIBBBlWMBMBBBBWBBMWBBMWBWWIBBBiWBKBWWHBBM iBiBBBBHBifcBH3SjBRafcJH2BBBBBBiPBM1BBfi'1WWBBBcaSBBBrtJc w.s9mm. MH I jH rsMCB AAAlV 0V H A- A AV - ir V V lK L B A 4 j ''tiS'-j Ai f"flr -JLJIt "k -iAr " lx . i ai.7ii a y b-7 kii a-.- -raajj irii - , b? bve- ,hx - a VBf BP ABbLBB BV vBW wM.a yBfi b4BWIM &. .sflW Bs7 lUnLivLJ AVKBsWi Wv a T Tbh wt-i- A.- . aa' .BV Nr VsF V. BF BT BkVBV IIB V Sv VBv Bv Kl 'BSHBSSSSr v BS' - BSr BV-zV BSBBV ' C ' B5 lBKr . . W ICx'BBVL T-JBB BSS0 .'rV : I . s 1 """ . 11V, , J- - J . V j' "T T 1 .! " til I I , . I I ..!. I II. III II I II 11 I I - I -- I .. I I I' I - : - ' -.. l ...." imWi t i. ..TTiT-. J; SOCIAL DIIZECTOliY. LODGES. fTJIt CratetCuBanTerrKnIchrTein ptnr o. :j. Streta in Kn.tonlc llallon the moc4 Mklardy nlKbt In each month. IC W. Fum ii, Eta.Com. Jno. Bulks. Reconlfr. ItrorBvIUe Chaster No. 4. It. A. M. IlteuUr CoatDURic3.tkms.flr; Monday nlcht In ch niouth. lernx Xectiniew fcTerr JionCSay nlcht. R. W. FunxAS, M. . P. Itrrus T. Kiisxr. Secy. ig?-iiiaua nllcy Lodec Xo. 1,A. F. 6c m A. 31. Kegulur Comtnunicittiona ttrat and thin! Satnnloy nlcUw in each montlu lodge ot Instruction fVfrrytfalunl&y niKht. It. W. FunNxa, W. M. Jon x Bulk k. Secy. rgfJlroirrIJle Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F. - IruUr tneotlnirs Tuesday evening ot each rtik, J.Htj;vknok,N. G. I. O. Ckoss, hecy. CHUIICHKS. BSSPrrUrtrrlnB Chttrek. Srrr!ccch "" SnWxah at lltM it. m.. nd 7;30 1. ra. Prayer Mti-tiiis; Vrc;nevliy cventucs. Sabbath eScbool JX to'clocU p. m. J.T. B.Lini, Vn.ilur. rSfIcthodlst K. Subh.itli at 10-..! CburrJj. Servicer each Ha. ni.. and 7.-W p. m. Sun-. . Fraier MectiriK Thursday) U.T. Piistor. I day ScIkki! at s a. m renins. W. JJ. M. Co TZSr-CUrl-f rhnrch 1-pUeopa.l. -Corner SALOOJiS. lQ? tlaiutcarid"pciiitl.'trve. l:nlc3 every -mday iltmuig t'i Vloct p. in. feunday JOSEPH HUflDARD CO.. Pea and Quiet Sa--ch'"Iat2 ,cIock. KvwjI:iSrrvcn7'-o'clock. ' ' loxui N. 17 Main street, Brownville. feb. The I..U tiRiniuttlr.ti iulntiiiliterrd un tin nrt Mi'i'lay ' bt Willi's und Liiiors kept on hand. i .r:i i.i..tuli nt'. frt. u it. iuvin ueriitr. ' ji;t ''lnirrb.-tv.nier FtMirth and At : - i 1. M'rico i'vit) MiiJmtii ts ni - !! i.tptM. rt iiuciiici; a is., f . , j- n m:i in ; .; i. 5 :.t ID j.. in. Wfdi.art .rt..,. T.&.LOWE. ..-! 4.ck, I.Mdn. loviueser 1 .vy bnWtaUt xt ll a. Mi., and tn ti; -rJp -l. 'lrj'- KiJi-capa3 Peru. Mrv:ce ' vi S.u.ila tnoriniic niitl ovr nlnj tjliii H. -- 4(iCl'JCk J,, ni. ltv. It. . Talihitt. ! nur-h. I.iudm. Strvictv. everj r --uMtlh. ilc- J U". -I tiiTi.s, Tiiitor ,irr': I'rrii - vir- e- vrySab )ii Aihti Pnrw HAiiD. Intor. -. C dwirh. Neiiinii.t. !. Jiervlces $&- fWTj tit!ier.tuii iiu. J i. UL'itUK. i'aslor. CITY QVFICXI.S. f?(H i'oanrl.. -Meet' the FintTtiiirMlaylr " i 4-acIi month. Mayor, C I', fclfwart. Al drrnicQ F. A '11del. W. U. Iwis. F. E.Johnioii f. Neidlir.rdt. U. PUuieri. Marshal. I) Capmbell rierk.J. H l(K.-kr. Attcirney, S. French. Treas orer.J. ".V. Middlflon. Engineer. T. W. Bedford. MAILS. Northern Dally via Phelps: Departs at 8a.m. Xrrlve t 12 p. in. Southern Daily via Phelps: Daparts at 8 a.m. Arrivral3 p.m. Northern-VIa Peru Southern Via Nemaha TrI-Weekly: Departs UooCmv, Weduefday and Saturday at 7 a.m. Ar--1 same days at C p.m. Western Via T-cumseh to Beatrice Dally: Dcparti ut 7 .m. Arrlvin ntS p.m. Northern Via London to Spring Creek WeeV tjl Drpart.1 Friday ut 7 a.m. Arrives :aturdny at fp.m. Souths emcrn Via Sherman to Table Rock Weekly: ieparw Monday at 7 a.m. Arrives Turs fly at h p.m. Foit OHlc. Hurs from 7 a. m to "; p. m. Sun days ffom lOto 10', a. m. W. A. POLOCK. P. M. RCSIXJ2SS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. rAitvKs: ciit'Rcir. Attorney. Counselor and V SOlicrtftr. Browiivllie. Neb. Practices In the CourtiofPoUtbern NVbraska HEWETt A. NEWMAN. Atloruevs und Coun selor! it Law. Bruwnvllle, Neb. OlMce No. 70. Mcl'hervon BlocL, up stairs. IBENCIf &.ROttERS. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Will eive dllisent utteution tonny le jl buninrsK entrusted to their cara. Ofiice In Court nouir Building, llrownvllle. Neb. TOB A. DILIXDN. Attorney r.wl Counselor at Law, and Heal E-tnte Agent, Tecumseh, Johnson County, b 'PHOMAS Jt BROAD Y. Attorneys at Law and X Solicitors ic'Chcnccry. Oflicf in District Court Jtoom. Brownville. Neb. "rW IL McLENNAN. Attorney and Counselor 1 T at Law, brjiska City, Neb. j) F. PERKINS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, J' T-cumsch, Johnson County. Neb. TYE A HCMPHREY. Attorney's and Counselor a at Itw, Pawnee LVty, Iawn e (VmiiiIv. Xcb. K IlPSCiS.Attnrneynt Lnw and Land Aent, Z. Urstrtc-.S4ge('ouiiiy. Xebrastu. PHYSICIANS. .' V sTtWAKi.M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. V . IlrutTui iiir. eb.!Jincchoursrrom7to9nm. undtin.andn-. to 7, p. m. Oifice in H. C. Lett's UngMore. I'M. M. .AILY. ,,An'". I'itvNicIan and Surseon. St. I N.r..u Srh- .r.lllllfLti. nf linrlnn-itl f.VIw. iC 1 1 ,P4r 3ly ', ' I--fUKLI.N.M.D..l,hysiciau and Surgeon . .e Nebraska Ec and Ear Intinnirv. -.v. -i" -t Urownville, Neb. Office hours . ' sj. m. iiiVUMAN. I'liysJcUn and Surgeon. No. - M ji 'tr-t. Brownville. Neb. Ollice hours t !1 turn, and irom 1 to ! p. m. : VTIIEWS. I'hysirian and Surgeon. Ofllce J j Onig Store, Sn.K Main btreet, Brown- Ncli WS At.'KSTS. '.K' ' ".-u ltatisauj "is Palnc e. ''jiv ,: Il''jek,-'.nicr l'irsi '.V :.:iv' ;.ronij.tMtcm5ni to -.: umt i lf i'nyiuent of T.nxm ' i S.-.nAi.i LmiicI J.tr.ct 7tf ' lr- 1U. f. it.- j.Mit3ri ' C( .! Kn;k t.r.: i "(.Fai; s . ..rrva. 4.' jsco i Ksj.rER. He; Fli and Tax 1 ku O bee in Ui-triei ooart IUioel. ir.p )!. ii tnon to IM rmm of Hm1 Cic-1 t . r. ii Taxes throurtxrat the Nemaha KKAIIV 1EAL.V2IIj;. A .'.JI INc. Fnrwara.iu: and Cotnaii- ' 'fc' t. rj JituuMr ui mU ktnlui Oram - inxluit, vitttv mik! WrenM,m. No. ' r. t.liixjmnvli:xb. ' TUiTKrwtf.,n;Ji.ri in Gris. I , o- 1 . vpinw.il, Xt'.. Uiyh&s. market ,. i . annum- the farmer aan rame. VV m -i .ietrjttoiWfkiiwwMK. the inarLei. MKUCIIAA-DXSK. 'IN,N,rP aet inG.u?rjl :iirch ?. -j r: M-iin arn:. K.-u-a. .i .ufc. x b. NOTARIES. h l''?nT' X arr Publlcand Con vevuneer, ?'.?. .Airnt u the Koultable and American Ton- tin. .. .. "r riiiiauiv ucu American lon- - y '.c 'iurance com pan lm. DRUGGISTS. 1 'SP1' N1CKELL. Dealers In Dru-cs. rmp !LUm'7s t. No. C Main 'street. Brown Sooii -..FjUssortBieatorDruKS. Paints. OJji. COnSTT SURVEYOR. J FJsJrS1!: County Surveyor. Portoffie -yae-M. atfton. Nemaha County. Nehnuka. SADDLEIiV. M it2? -TfiP"' Rriilta. Collars. Etc. No, Satisfaction Guaranteed. BLACKSHITH8. J.roSn's'?'" lnlUi. Main street. f wtrktoTJl!S-:i,AVIS P'ePwed to do all kinds J' Shif-r5JHnso?' BicJ"OiW and Horse B'owc viui.' vS? "H gT1-between Main and AUantlc, a juSiu'te' r 4one w ort""Bil tatls&vc- RIDGE JBUH.ISa. ssMwir01' BOflt ana saoe m&kct, so. S? "'eet. BrotrnrUle. N2. Hh conslaot utSd ?? wortmant of Geot's, Lady. Ykaon Julrcn Boot b4 Hnoea. Cusjom !o"e on short nou6111058 Patch. IWpajm svJiS?128 Eoflt nd &hae Maker. No. HARDWARE. ORirrTT-, TMovirE31 BR2?- X te Hard 1"'. Neb. BMWnS, E- No. 74 Main auiHawa PaSSuS"!?' Hf,w" Merchanu. So. fltoTM.Ttoiri?:.BrownvUle. '60- Dlr Is " -sAi, Kncrr;. )' insAM. Teacher of Haste, Boobs rmentAi vr-f?78 '""ructions in Vocal and In. XJ T tot&S?,18 "?cnt te t Orahs i?J' ciaw) liiH?tIwfrom lc firms of Root A ,31 for . -.U4K m vupei. ah W? r r?rVi. ""i.asB ux st aca at casu- t ; "1X; .T ' f-?ie.-iiif;enoralMerch:iu-J a "rardinKundCuiisMr.nMexfh- . "N " -'n StrClt. CrOWUVl!!c. XMl. Corn i -k ,,;""' "'"V'-s Furniture etc.alwuv.s on HI ? -" -i1 's. market pn o ptid lor Hales. Pelts. ' 5 ' Brol?Jm5r,eBlwrdCntr. ariefe aowia Thsstiongtatandbctt'ootfea . BOOTS AXD SHOES, TAILORty IS"'eFB2i,DT-I,:erei- Tailor. No. 62 ttrat l "Vies, oo fchort notice and reoat.l business cards. HOTELS. rtnpnwiv nniTOP n T TTantfrnan. PrODrie- O tor. Not-16 Main street. BrownvHIe. NeUrRsta lSStSSt&tSi patnu west ana omnipusges ior mi uu REYNOLDS JIODSE. J. N. Reynolds, oprietor. Nos. 88 &90 Main street, opposite Pontoaica. Newly furnished throufthout; thoroughly .fPi eled from cellar to att'c First Glass hple Koom onflrstfioor. Most convonlent House! o i the busi ness part of the city. Livery accommodations con venlent. Stages for oil points leave Ob one dally, making close connections with nil Railroad trains. ' AMERICAN HOUSE. L. D. RoNson. Proprietor. Front street, between Main and College. Good Feed and Livery Statue in conuecuuu mm mu House. , RESTAURANTS. U BANK RESTAURANT.-Geo. Daugherty, Pro prietor. No. 37 Main street. Brownvllle. Neb. Meals at all hours Bonrd by the day or week. JUSTICES. A W. MORGAN. VA- Ivict Oillce ville.Neb. W. MORGAN. Probate Judge andJustlceof the in Court Houe iiuimuig, iirown- J IICHAItn IIARPSTER. Alhambra Billiard Sa- Iikui. No. 10 MaliiMreet, Brnwiivlllc,Neb. Tlie upi winexana Liquor consiunny on nana. (.E. DAUCHEIITY, 2ji jgyi-".i i l 5 PROPP-IETOR. I I BAN! RESTAURANT F THE SHERMAN , OUSE. 4C Mnln-st., Hroivnville. C. 31. KAirFFMAN, Proprietor ITJEED STABLE IX C0X.VECTI0X WITH THE HOUSE. This House has been remodeled and refurnished throughout, nnd affords the best accommodations in tnc city to the local and traveling public. It is cen trally located. Stages for the West, nnd Omnibuses for nil trains, go from the Shermnn House. Fair nrst class, oiiarges moaerate. la-tf D. RSMICK, REAL ESTATE AGENT, For the purchase nnd sale of Real Estate ln SI!i:iofR. Iowa, ItSissouri. Sian kuk, IVcbraNkn. and Col orado, PAYING TAXES, o. Valuable Lands In above named States for sale on long time. Omce,49Main street. BROWJVVIXLE, NEBRASKA. H-6U1 W. B. TTRIGMT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In OLD KENTUCKY WH1SKYS Pure Wines, Bitters, &c, G3 MAIN STREET, BRO IFiV VILLE, NEBRASKA. H. H. BRYANT, House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, Graincr V Papa Manga'. No. 00 MAIN STREET, Brownville. Nebraska. JOHN tiAUSFIELD, Bricklayer and Plasterer, Brownville, Nobmskn. Is prepared to take contracts' in his line. In city or country. AH work done in the host or style. ALso, will timid Cisterns, and warrant them perfect, i'.y Clocks, Watches, Jewelry .TOEPJE-I SITTJTZ, No. 5?J jriRiit Stroct. Brovmville. Keeps cii'iautly on l.und a larce and well " r.sk.r?i..1 ..f.j.L. it c-.tntiitif sirn,0v. ill Ills llllf A i nri.i.rnp of Cl.ck. W.itciifS and JewclryJ ill H'.,-, H i filiAyVEl .llfxantler Sc tnTi'vt", REAL ESTATE AGENTS, IS JKFFICUPON COUNTY. 1CEBP.AKKA - ;John L. Carson, Banker, BRO rXVILLE, IfEBRASICA. Exchance houcht and a'tl on all the priucipa cities. Also dealer in (iold and Silrer Coir., Cold Dust, and Gorern tnpst Bonds. DejosIts rccvi vcd. jjayable at sicht. Inlensst pair on time deposits by special i.Kreement. Taxi's for non-residents. All kinds U. S. Bonds kuhIj-C TRANZ HEiMEB, AGOK&P ACKSMITHHOP ONE DOOR WEST OF COURT HOUSE. TAGON MAKING, Repairing, Plows, nnd all work done in thebesl manner and on short notir. SatistaeUon RuarAn antecd. GivchlmacaU. 3t--ly, rr. O. F. XHXLJvVTJT, siciao lan OFFICE IN THURMAN'S DRUG STORE, Brownville, Nebrnskn. POSSESSING an Electro Magnetic Battery, he will be fully able to attend to all Nervous and other diseases. Will be in HrownvUlo from the 1st to the 5th, nnd from tha isth to to JSth of every month. 5tf STAR HOTEL Brownville, .Nebraska. STEVENSON & CBOSS, PROPRIETORS. General R. R. & Foreign Ticket Office OMNIBUSSES TO ALL TRAINS. Daily Stages for All Points "West. Sr JiPLE ZOOM JX THE STA TB JOBH Q. A. SXmi. c n. wilcox STORAGE, FOhWAROIKG, ASD COMMISSION HOUSE OF SMITH & WILCOX. Dealers la all kinds of Grain, for vnich they pay the higtoeat market price in Cash. gjTOtBae at Store of F. E. Johnson Co. UMUn FREMONT HOUSE. BROAD ST., BET. 3d 4th, FREMONT NEBRASKA. S. BC. FOWLER, PROPRIETOR. This House it within 50 rods of the TJ. P. R. B. wd P. C fc P. B. E. Depots. Racks leave tor West eoint-aauy, ana juncoin trl-weekly. C-tf Tl MAIN STREJST. ItcPEETtSON BLOCK. I rr BrownvUle, Neb., headQuarters for alf IITiTl iwnvuie. Neb., headquarters for ail I - KLod of Tinware. dwtt TTAV KNIVES, for sale by XI No. 7 Mla ttroet, McPi ' TlUe.Keb. W. D. Shellenbercer Mcpherson Block, Brown. ?tr s -rnniiTvnnT"i i"rrri T '" - Yi .v ill aw No. 37 Main St. j BROVNVIIil.E, NEir. 9 m LIQUOR GermanPhy THE ADVERTISER. BROWISVXL1.B, NEB., ! THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1S71. The great Eolipse of the Sun took place on Thursday Inst. It was not visible in any part of the United States. Hon. W. W. Abbey, one of the State Penitentiary Commissioners, ana jaon. j. j. uosper,. of Lincoln, reached our city - lafct evening- and honored us with a call. On the Senate standing, Commit tees, Senator Tipton stands on the committees of Public Lands and Ag riculture; Senator Thayer oh Indrah Affairs and Enrolled Bills. The Coal mines at Carbon station, U. P. R. R., have taken fire, and the town was necessarily evacuated. Houses are reported as sinking, and the railroad track has been laid around thercene of tho fire. - The farmers' who were too busy plowing in Gass count-, last wc'ok to come to town, and the musquitoes that were buzzing around at Brown ville, about the first of this month, have not been heard from, in that respect the-past three days. Senator Drake, of Missouri has probably made this trade with the Dcmoterrrcy of that State giving them a U. S. Senator as likely as any other way,- Frank Blair for a life position for'hfmself. Grood enough for Drake; but not very honorable to his party. Judge Gay lord J. Clark of whom we spoke a few weeks ago, formerly of Plattsmouth, late Judge of the 25th Judicial District, Texas, was murdered at El Paso in that State re cently by3i desperado named "Wil liams. This will be sad intelligence to his many old friends in this State. For the benefit of those of our readers who may desire to visit Washington, and of course, call oh the members of our Delegation, we will state that Representative Tafie if. at his old quarters, the National notel. Senator Thayer this season, is stopping at the same House. Sen ator Tipton has a suite of rooms at 9130 street. . . . s The Legislature of Nebraska meets on "the first Thursday after the first Monday in January" being the com ing year on the oth day of that mouth. On the second Tuesday af ter rhe meeting the body will pro ceed to the election of a Uuited States Senator the 17lh. But little if any business of importance will be transacted until after that time. The Pawnee Tribune having cut loose from any and all political affiU liations is afloat, and floundering around in the dark. The editor is now calling aloud for partizan jour nals tn tell him where he is, or who he belong to He says: "We respect fully invite all Republicans and Democrats tn define their positions on the questions which are now of vital interest to the people." The Tribune has gotten into a very awk waid condition; thiiiUs the Republi can party is deatl expired by limit ation, finished its course deserts it, and has not the nerve to go over to the enemy. Bad job you have made ot it Bnr. Edwards. -- INQUIRY. Mr. Editor. There is an old ami much valued saying "never remain in ignorance for want of asking." We have heard much about the Word Method now used in teaching young scholais to read. If there is in this method anything superior to the old way of teaching, we would like to know something about it. Wre are heartily in favorof all improvements, and wish to see this method taught throughout the county if it be to far superior to the usual way of teaching. Will some friend please give to the public some knowledge of this meth od? Yours, A Teacher. Hon. J. T. Hoile, U. S. Marshal, and Hon. J. B. Furay. Special Agent for the Post Oflice Department, were in the city yesterday and called on us. Marshal Hoile informs u that he will have that portion of the cen-us of this county relating to Agricultu ral matters taken over, and will also endeavor tn correct any errors that may have occurred in the County in any respect. Those who Ijnowor imperfections will now bareTan op portunity to have them corrected by giving Mr. Daily, the census taker, the proper information. We are particularly indebted to Marshal Hoile for his efforts to do this; its, well as other countiesjustice, where it has not been done heretofore. Post Oflice Agent Furay is a thor ough going and efficient oflicer. He lias made especial miil arrangements to accommodate tins city and other points with mail facilities, particular ly from tho West and North-East. but owing to the late hour of the (wins in the evening they bave been of iifc benefit to this point. The effort how ever, is entitled to as much credit, so faraetheacent; is eoncerned, as though . . . ' ... 7 we had ceen accomiuoaaiea as ije- signed. -. T S Totoaee., of n!l kin fla t Bttro A Brot DEATH OP MRS. LUSHBAVGH. On Saturday evening last CapL Car son -of this city received a telegram containing the startling amiouucc mentof the death of Mrs. Lushbaugh, widow of the late and lamented Maj. B. F. Lushbaugh, who died in Omaha on that day. Just one month from the day she followed the remains of her husband to the tomb, she, too, is called from the cares of earthy 'leaving four children, "mourners, refusing to comforted." Having a' personal knowledge of the unusually strong family attachments and affections in this Instancu, "we know and fully understand the ex- 'ceedinglycrushihg'hndheart-feltJaf- fl-ietions. HoW escrufiatingly lonely these little ones; especially the young est, who has been an invalid for a number of years; the constant recipi ent of tho3o kind and untiring atten tions that can-only be bestowed by an affectionate mother. What a heavy, stroke! Yet, there is consolation in the Faith that He who guides all things for good, "will temper the winds to the. shorn Lamb." Among the hosts of warm personai friends of the dep-irted heads of this family, thousands of sympathetic tears are dropped for their orphans, who are so suddenly. andsadlyberefteswWhile, as it were, left alone, "strangers in a strange land" no relatives near; kind hands and hearts are rjeaf and' ready to do all", rfext to the efforts of float ing parents. ., 4 STATE KOR3IAI SCHOOL. The State Normal School located by an act of the Legislature at Peru, in this county, has issued its first an nual catalogue and makes such a showing of complete success, as to more than satisfy its most sanguine friends. Its location in a commuuity where education is appreciated,' and where untiring efforts are made foY its advancement, together with the character of those into whose hands and management it has fortunately fallen has produced this result. Tho house, given to the State, now proves entirely inadequate to theAvants and actual necessities of the Educational interests of the State. It cannot be made to serve the purposes, or meet the actual demands another year. The Board of Directors and friends of the Institution will, in due time," make the proper showing, and ask an appropriation at the hands of the next Legislature for the purpose of constructing -suit.tblp- buildings for this school. We hope it will meet with that attention aini considera tion its merit demands. We art- not posted as to tbe probable amount thai will be asked for. or even what will be thought sufficient to meet' the emergency. Theic will be no', de; mand involving a tax on the people of the State; but an appropriation of public lands for that purpose. LETTER PROM LINCOLN. Mr. Editor. Lincoln, at present, is rather dull, but lively times are ex pected after the holidays. There is to be a meeting of. the Board of Regents ofthe University on the 22nd inst.' IT he-ostensible bu siness is to accept the University biiilding.and. release thecontractor, from urther responsibility. It is understood' by some that a Chancellor will be,elected, but who the lucky nmn will be is not known, or even hinted at. If the right man Can be found, it will undoubtedly be the best to elect him, and let him look thi ground over, and arrange his work select his Faculty that the Institution may be opened for the re ception of students, at lea.t by .Sep: tember post. To make the institution successful there must be a preparatory depart ment organised in connection with it, and without this we can hardly see how student are to be fitted to ripier the course. It mav seem to some 1. . . .. . .. . ike degra ling the institution lower-1 ... , , ,,,.,. r .. ing the standard and.all this'; but it is well to remember all the time that we are in Nebraska, not Michigan. If it were wisdom to erect a magnifi cent building, it certainly would be folly to lock it up now, because we cannot furnish sufljeient material to start a fir.telassCollegeimmediatcly. No, we say open its doors to those who will come with the promise of completing a good course of study, I'VPIl if tllBV Tll.i.rl til'), .., wa ..-,.,.,.... w.. Jt.ulo v,,- t,,n to enter the regular .course. I here is one ; thing, however, that will seriously impe-de the nroTes of ., . . . l iJi0it.. a u the instilutmn just now, and that is .. , , , J .... the lack of proper facilities for board- ,ng Irue.,n tune, this wil i,r a t..v ...uc .tKu.u i Sc, .mi ni in-.-v...u it. inn niinuuLHuui v ueu sen-i ous At to board find nuts, imosioi r.ne young men and I wnmpn ir t no ri:n fhnt fun ir.;.-. the advantages of such an institution cannot afford to pay half these rales ; and yet these are the very ones the State should educate. The' sons .and daughters of oup wealthy men are not receiving education for practical life, they educate more far appear ance. It is from the middle class that we find our intensely' earnest work ers in all departments of ljfe. Then what we need here are facilities for boarding Uiat ivill bring board' down 'to $3 per wreek at most, and lower if possible. If Lincoln will erect a building ca pable of affordjng rooms1 for 100 stu dents and give-the students board at; J- ' jS-Ji r's' a . i,j. -arm! cost, 8 uiey lire uojn? now in many drawback. ' , ' Z " ' , . .1 1. a 1'-,v- J-u- Jxn-ni. memoer 01 .. .. . fare of lite, the.rmnd will revert back I ,. - TnViii'nf Rn.i.ivi of fhU hitps;..'- preaent students wilibe ohiiirpd ; ...:.i. u........ ....r.ii....t;.vo rri.a 1im j..i ...-.., r.". r ..?i n..rW .,r!i iif pay from JO to $7 per week for .vhen the" well filled stocking or corrsVquedce thereof, the Board was and rooms, and but few emild ,i k !.. .-m..; ,., ,m- obliged to adjourn 'without doing any1 accommodations evori at Hipsa : ...:...;..,... ,4.;t a .wl ir ou'iiie'-M,. aiij lotiiuii.ii. of our first-class institutions in the east, then we will soon'see a 'flourish- ng sehpoL established hiireyVbut un til that-is done we? cannot expect to see our beautiful edificenf much use tc the State. ,yq will, perliDps.kripjv, about this after the -.meeting of the Regents. Observer-. LETTER FROM ClilFTON. . The following xtruets are made from a letter from a highly, intelligent and prominent citjzen, residinginthe extreme western portion of thiscoun- ty. It was not written for publica- non, out as u contains valuable. Editors I know like better to have, st letters for publication, but "to-night I am too uusy 10 put inmgs insuape. -I?see by your paper that an effort is being made to add half a township on our western boundary to Johnson County. This is newsj to us here1 where we ought to be first consulted I think, and so far as Jam able to learn-is not' de'slre"d' 'by any one. It seems to to me when propositions' have been submitted aud' more about to be submitted to the people "to aid the 'construction of Rail Roads and other important measures, ' that we need our present strength. Besides, the western portion of Nemaha has never been properly represented. We have no voice in conventions to speak of and will not for a long time if we are tblose Half a township!" We are glad you are using your influence against it. ' ' ' - ' We want a general herd law, and the western partof the county desire it and their voice in the matter will have rfs weight. "With their help it would carry, by vote. Schools and school districts would all be changed or nearly so, causing expense and strife. . , Before this reaches you. you will probably have received the ad news of the death of Ju'dge D.'d'SanV.ers, Representative elect. This causes a 'vacancy" to be filled, I suppose by a' special election. Now that 1 an on this subjeqt' let me say' that we, heVe in the west half of the county, claim the man to fill that place. - The Wisconsin and Illinois settle ments arebutv a trifle north-west1 bf thl'"cc:YtcrTrrtfiycoiinf,hu'e"7neA'ei' had an impoilant oillco filled, by one of her citizens; have always support ed the Republican ticket en mans; have voted Rail Road; maintained a herd law fiom the beginning; in short have done all in' their power to devel ope the vast resources of this por-. tion of the county. T venture the as sertion that more improvement in the way of planting fruit trees, tim ber, bodges, &c, has not been made by any settlement of the same age aud size in the State, and we want to be represented. Before closing let me .slate that the piospect for a fruit crop next season is very flattering; fruit buds-well de-i veloped before Jrost; wood welLJiard ened. I hope to 'have 1" kinds of peaches to exhibit next fair. Winter grain looks finely.'" The snow falling will help to moi&(e.n the dry ground and protect its growth. y -'v. Yours truly, ' For the Ncbr.tska Adverser. CHRISTMAS. i "Perhaps amid the festivities and feastings of Christmas, the real de sign of celobratjng tho fay 'may be forgotten. It was introduced into tho early christian church'as a relig ious service or Christ Ma mass done in honor and memory, of the nativity of Christ. Itis a beautiful service: and it would be well if men would observe the day in a religious manner. It would throw off some of K. mml.arnMQ P!i IV WIH! 1 WHfSfllS ... . . I t,Jt- tUIII'-J w-s- - ------ -- --C7 , .. ... T( ...n.,i.i -.11,.! Hm down the spirit. It would direct the rmind heavenward. If angels came and sang praises with the Shepherds as they were watch rag their flocks at night, among the hills of Judea, when the Christ-child was born ; if all along the ages since, praises have been sung, and men ''drawn" toward TTnovon Uv it fin it. is as L'ood to 1'eil-! "-" J o ... 'der praise now m memor3' or nnn who brought "uhid -tidings of great? j , , -, j joy" to the earth, as well as on the piajlls. f Bethlehem. CI,ristmas, however celebrutn.1, , , j,, relfgioiia devotions or' so, . i - . . cj:ij enj().me, tSf ,p- ever associated -., i ." K-e. .',i. with pleasant memories, gifts rind, re- Jfl.n. It ,3 lbell Santll Claiis, 'Ahl of eu.eu-comes, with h,8 ifls l() lhe , ,il!tt .fok& . -aml may well caiu-e a sigh of regret to re lln.. tl,.,.,... ..-,. f.rtl lr. nil tn rklll- I llCtl LI..U . W HI. IjUL. .v. ,. .. A'... losophers, as genuine christians now as then. It was a beautiful story told' for many years in F ranee, that the Christ-child once a.'y ear went round' at midnight with gifts to the little ones. And the. children looked up with love and r-vert-nce to this friend in the heavens. How sad to think that the folljcs and errors of men and women, as the years come and go, to blind and corrupt them, that thej- lose confidence in their friends, who dwell in the beautiful land 4of light and love. Aud they may well strive' and pray "to become, as the1 ,,. .. .- i c : auuan.aqfeisuiigotiiera, aau?twmrt?iiirni tneu Iliese. necessities will not ent uam one nersan fur Seiftmf'Ri 1 It S?n Vd- .,i,f0sr3P?, .boj.t tostpp.off into,the,newiycar, hrLn;lte rt'Qovorn-$"ISA SL e talIhhbertff giv,.ng)ie pub- jjdv.p feof experieneo,,hidn ineiit-Uwrenriisoieiit!yWr-nie ofiLc person :o Aoied' for, ujfe healion:. , .f , .. tliefu tore and as niinv 'who betran ad for ther seiv,w, :ii)il if lhoae siiainmve a Wjorty of the TftTfc Cuftox, Neb., Dec:. 101870. fuLure' a;"U uS .u,ani ,, 'UePn services iad bcn well as that they number of votes tU In each hW. Col R W Fvn T)Lrr-T lk"S yeftr W,th '"' haVftPassed "P-"11-0 fhl 'have porro.med withoul po- &haII be eHtemt. OK the jminmTof v.oi. n. iLRNAS. JJear br 1 i,jgher life, so long before the days of Iitieal und-ontsidt interferences, there each house by the olerk or aeflrettiry hope you will excuse me if I take a j,,,, ,lave beennun. wouldaiotwbe tins daiigcrof. want, thereof; but if either house ahaHt.fU a little of your lime in a private way.' . ' , JZ tnn n uIV .,, M,o n, aud,.thora would, nobbo'.this .necessity to&ivesuch majority tn any wfilop Cvraaf wuu 40 4 b UUlllttllJ U.1 UUU1U 1 . f.? .11 1 -- -i BJ.-. . ' J- dLl " L . . . Be ... HMMI MIMIIV I'TIIH'III'- IIII'l 11 1111 It 111- I i.. ..... .K.a .w- -.., A.S ! t-lra ll'ill 111 vi? i.i iimiuMsi'Mi 'il ...... .. v,,., iiKiniiiicrnrTrinc f.T nirsinfi:i3 XToofo rlA thnm-WI'lUMr Itt-t-lor illll. ! iutuici lv. iiLUi. itrM j. k..i .A 1 -j . . ...." , jy2rftfZl -itt-.-l i .. An .rnnf Mnh..fD.t.1B,.i.in, nf.l-,lrsV&,w..li,iseU"biulSe ftrg6 well ..w,J.wwl ,-s..,, .- ...b.,. ..- ruennoneu in- tiiar'-conneccliTn. r tin- oistiit that he should come. ijcaven- . - umana republican, t JJce. 'Ziii.) 'sel5je in Kansf.s. Denver Kcuis. Many, beautiful thoughts cluster around theiinfanevjand childhqodof Jesus. Although .for? most of his- life on earth, he was "a man of sqrrows and acquainted with grief' .yet he jnay(have had a happy childhood so ,rnanya one whosc.lifo is a continu ous sorrow look back' with Jjleasaut jOaemories to the tiniGjhCj' was ahap y&mA m,.i . .,lB ,.-.,.. . ;Now -as we stand on , thebrink of the old year; in honor or dislirinoryhs we have becnfa:thfnl or nn faithful ivitli llinitrtlnntanit'nn ia Jn gritfirinni ,.,..... .s.,tu.i.u.wt..-.i ............. ... ,- ,isi,. ,,... ,., our ownpower.3,aud faculticatowniudfj... ithaouWrsnf the Govoniiiient. I n 1 - -r.A "JJ "' :- ----.- n, i.Miiinri7i tir lixr IM I ID1I sands, who.y'Il have passed "up high er." As every, ad.xanceirient to mpre elevated positions, on earth, , requires preparation, so as to perform the du ties of the place, and enjoy its hon ors, so it requires,a spiritual prepara tion, for a reception into tho splen dors and glories of thei'mansions" in the, house of the Heavenly Father, when men shall go, to dwell in, their house hot made with hands eternal in the heavens. Then as we stand on the brink of this old year, it may be well to consider if we are, prepar ed for an introduction in textile spurts of paradise; fitted Jbr the societyf blight, pure angels ;ho arecultured and educated in the lore ofl heaven. Maybe it will not Ue.a fitting time, when the death-change comes, to be gin to learn the wayand speeches of the skies. The Christ la a messenger sent from the upper worlds and has a school in which men and women may fit them selves for the court of Heaven. Let us learn our lesson well of this-Teach? er; speaking the court language, and wearing the royal dress of spiritual beauty, so that by-and-by we may be swift-winged, bright footed messen gers' fitted for tlie Masters' use in higher, brighter worlds. Now reader mine you who I plenscJ-anU yoif who I displease, "all alike," I wish you" all1 a "merry and happy Christmas."" You and I may differ in faith' and' opinions. 'Your education and life? expcrPehcps, inay cause yon louinerirom me; my euu,- cation' and life experierrees't-aiise mfe 16 differ withyqn. You have a right tdyoiir view of things, and the ox pression'of them so have I; but let u- put aside 'tlfeso lesser inattcis, of "tithing niiiit and cummin"- and at-J v'.. . ra : . . .... tend to tijejveigiilier matters ot tne Jaw, and " unlte'Th. giving praise to (iod in the highest, for tending Christ into thetworld to bring "peace on earth: good-wiii. to.men." ' Jennktte Harding. London, Neb.!' ' ' SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONaiEXT; - ST-XTn'tfNEBRASilA-" 1 "a Office State Stjp't Pub.' Inst'n. ' To the 'Honorable JdJiri' 'Qillcsjriel Sfnlp AurlUny - . .' - ' As appears from 'the certificate of! the llouonible JamestSweet, State! Treasurer, made on ,theloth dayoj May,lS7U. Oiere is pow.hrfiis haill and subject to apportioninentrfcchortP moneys which were derived as fol- lows.; jsv. , ' ' Interejt on Territorial aud Stale bonds $ 1.TM30 l.ir..t-u.t .in T-t. t r ,1 stnt... hniwlti .? 1Ct K.S imeret un.Private txuntie.."ZZ.".77."". aii( . lirterest'un unpaid -principal. School .,.-. BeiiK of soiiuoi rand .r , 3,iJT75 l-iia-s and Licemes .....-.. :.,....: -t-'jOuo .Mllll unount apsiorrioned, OU.blU.oJ ; frac- , tional remainder. $ r:, rrs...A nifm . a ?? .T f - " vv lltV fir).iisiiiiirMs. 4tr irtinn'i1aror.itil1if!rk r ' ?M I.sU MlP -Sinf . RllOVtllfl t AVtU-illlll X.IA. ..... ......... ........ . ..- ....... svPC,4 t Total "sctIbP- I Thayer, Warner,- Wil eyt- Yi I urns, -"-""' " ..V V, , V , VT LT lotai sctbii tj -,, j 1 ' 'author of "Little Bretcht. ' Ha hfo Tipcompliance with the provisional "Xavs Chsserlv MeCrecrv Mor- recer,tly become an aUaehee ot thw of Section, 73 of, the School Law, J K'oU of VeriiioMt P itterson !c"hnr7. tiV' York Tribune, in which papar ' have apportioned the, same to .the st0'.kt0 Sumner, Thunnan" Tip'- the poem first appwrwl. several counties as follows : Uon-t) -. - ' A day or two ago, tho workmen in. hole number of clnldren,3J,if)2;7 w.pnWi.n.i T..,t. ...i. .,.i.i mm nf ti-.. tni.Mi rr the. r.iim.i.1 WM4V.a fVw.s,s. ,.s,v.w..v....v....... .-s.--.... . .. . - r a , 'V"tW, a. . s, . . I H . f , Named oruatits, ,4 scholars. wVmue.Hive, were abs'entf- a-A -' jjuuer lai'la.i- . W-W Cuss .. A.viT "if?" ! Cedar ...-. .rj Colllux .... CllUUitg. tWRoia.... :...i: ar . wtl 713 331 . 1 ,1H) o.soh... wo- iJougia 4 ( !u,ie T,IJT , .. S Jlml 231 sa Off .IrtleraOIl cj-Mnr y' Johlnon ...Z. I .. ....r3l ,m5 ! -iwj5 j te.s Ke irnei ......-....,....... Juieasier..- U-:&sJ& ifrS "" ' i'Eauiui-Court .KB 7 ,121 it 37 74 Mite XauLson 1 'Mi'rnA " '"" ? iK-t '&l 1 1 sj rV . ........... .-.... . M...HI m. mm Nciuaua...- "Oto.'..!h- ".inee...... Platte lach .rdsoa.-in Saroy. aline Saunders. ibcunru. yjiiiiiitoii.t-ss.-wii . ' -.8ti York........ ...... ".. l - s Ax lu ".'"'' stuutun December. We are sorry to hear'that Gov. But- ler-'d.dMiot notify Col. R. W. FuVnnvj ftnimbsityin an6ffjlml toward? other officials of Itis own creation are ui..! I -. A. . . ? - -7 i ' . I I narnonaolcHimier auy circumstances whatever, arju result, m gieai detriment" to the pulilisf '"uiterpsts if fiersisted in. " . . It is about time'such actions on the part of oqf, public servants were re buked by, the peopleand preSs of this State, as" tlrev are- extraordinary nntl dauiauinir to every,, interest. Omuhrn Republican. . .: , Tne iug.nui.rih, rn1rr.ltr, MctatDinc9lnesterday to' trans- ict ollicial business and prenare for me report uicv are reqiiireu 10 maiie to the'Lecislature. A vacancy "ooca- ,.;.o.i t,Tv fi, svv,-i f aV tZ: iwiillje filled by the 'Boards asi pro- vided by lav.-. The names of Mr.1 1 . .Hs Zn:::ZZr.::- : - 6srm , f XewYoVv were Hrrasiofl ! a ,:iSlV ",,r,l,,S- , ' " : 1 ik ?(r'ju4 ut'iij' iiuiu iuh i')is, .ere arresieti . t,-i1v "A Irisa'? si.tii- irliat tc :::.::::: p ::1 in Boston to,day. They had ip theif h,'"." 3 ' " J :",T" ?. . portSMOp about ve hunUrod. dol a. L"V;M r ..r, ;. - fcii. - ril ZZZZZjZZIZJZ.,J,m , - 'liiisiM worth ofurs. drv iroods. &c. wl ich ..."''", "l" . ', 7, """K M3I - -r----r.- " iJlhiiv'1iild f.lVlrtiPn"?nPn r,t. nri-T ,.""'''. "-1 "''t IR UIU lf - i.-. 1.: c '5.' - "" t Mtnaof. itevtcd lovers, iwre as tho Mmmi. -If I.iiii'oIm this, seviiiiteenth . . . , ,., ... . v. .1 ,W4. .... -: ----- -mttfeu 101a nonH-wiimii len nines 01 ; ; ii.i. .f 1 ii.i'tinhf-r. lijiU. :i s.-. 1 t-- ,.. .t .1 , u.j v,. -. , -- ine ieontsKa nue, auu tne wor oif0f S. D. Beals, laying iron js progressing at the rate 1 to C?.. Cr,,..1f P., l,i;,. liH.lrlicllitn f i.ir .'. .li4r. .1 "V OliUC OU J' t- J- "www iuov.uti.v,... ,,j null it lllllti JtT UH . . -v " - " -- SENATOR 'TIPTON ON THE CI VIZ K' SERVICE REJ..XUF- FUND. ,iln-the United Status Senate, Dec. ,1,4, thiMtuestton beiugfto. establish the "Ciy,irSe,rjvicej Heliel JKmuP Senator Titt.Qn of jNebraskft sitd? -F ' , Mjr.President, until Congress siiall bvjjrpperii-gilatiou manfully meet tluf wants of the employees, of this Govern inen'r, I titist that'they mav be -Harassed with vision.'! sitch as have Jiqattjd before the imagination and JLliey a.re no imaginary visions either oruesfituVion aiiil of want. I. wish tu'see'iuis tiutsiioii ihl'l hhu sctLi"u, k iswisii lubee Lilts ttietiuii iiuiuu uu IhS1m, tt' ,'s,.r ,. ?... .l ...,, . .. of temporizing legislation,. I therefurd orotest firuins,t actiitir in 'behalf b'fthein, or as their rnrcson- tati;e, untillsueh time as I know that they demand my services in this chamber.. I havebeen one ,oi them in oilier days; I understand tlwir wants; I understand theconte'mpfibie .slavery un'dertwJiichttlfey labor in department af laveu'Vg from which they cannot be emancipated, until their tenures are made permanent'. T would make their position po perma nent. that they cbu.d nob be touch ed except, for cause, for delinquency; and yhen occr.'-fenaHy oneVjniUl die f would Ifury firm in a" ault under the building, "liv order (iiat"theouts:dc anxn.iM, greedy woihl should uot know4itnat a vaeaucy had occurred insider Laughter." 1 f say, therefdfe, that wo should take hold of this subject in a radical manner; and certainly it ouhr-to be ravjicajly doue,when the chief justice, the irouofable Senator from Missouri, Mr. Dir.sicE, works at it all; but I fear there is loo much of conaervittisin in this operation of bis. -I trust that he, receiving additional honors and ii'gh rcfcpimMbilities, will uot, .desert his radicalism; but' I shoulfl like to see bim'lny thorax at the root of thh question, and tiiun I will labor side by side with him for the purpose of erecting a superstructure on, his ex cavation that I trust will stand, and not only stand, but be a monument of JhesWisdom. tof tho legislation of , ju Santa, .A,nua. jpx-Pr3ident. of thp Mexicaif Re)iHi.c, hji published an eirci'5vTic protest against Lpininclur deil in'rtte late gpherul amnesty "Tqr ail political offenders. Senator Schuiz objected, in exeeu tive session, to tjip CQuU.nnj.tion ofall appointees made by the Pieoidentin tiie'interest or the J)rake pat MisstHrt. This will probably tiie'interest ot the Drake party in id to a disctis-.ioiti nf ..thn Iinlftir movi- meiit inextoiJtlws-ea-ion, and mav possiblv again ex.'d to the Senate. Tinhnnr'j iti rniirrf liic ofrnni. ,innt..". rif ., i,nt. c-iMfn,. 'ri,?. it-""''-" ""p- ........u. .w owner. olrJlKproperty has taken ad- vantageof the bankrupt act. If citt- zens are robbed by this swindle our StatuLoflicitls have the creditor plav- ling "stool -piajepn"- for a swindler piajepn"- lor 11 swnuiier. Had it not heen.for their published endorsement o this&wiudlc no tiok-et?-eotil.r"lf'iv6 bj'h .sold ; bi.t we fii.d when the game is played put Unit th.ey.never end.orset the soheuio arid lliat their 1 allies "were used without J authority." Strange they cquldn'j nave mm me i,'U,iL' niis mx vu'tKS ago. Fremont Tribune. TJio Voto in Jrortnn' Hs.n Domingo , . Roaoiuiiou. tW fall" wing ?s the vote 0 nige of Mintiin's resolution 011 the passage ut jioitiui s resolution lor a commission to vir-it San Don.ingo: Aye?-i:l'ibolt, Ames, Brownlow, Carpenter, handler, Cole, Conk ling, Corbett, Grapi 11 , Ed nionds, Flanngnu , Humil ton, of Texas. Hamlill, Howe, jiowoll. jlorton. -Nye. Usuorn.l'i ome- , T ' " -,. . ' -. Pool, Ramsay, Revels, Ro-s, Stewart,' I j,vr, VoArln thA nfTtmintitrn nnH I Bayard and. Johnson, "in - U?es 'nesra- ' - Jb i n, ' - . ...' r. they aru now wholjy exhausted. It i. 5s ueleei, therefore, to -make further f !lPl,'t,atious for. them this season. .y--..4SM . shopjifters, named Sarah Clark ; 'mak Rnllroatl, Thff'Wnite Cloud "(KniwaT Cfa NoTrrF. "1si1nrs u-ill J-? r.vrivn.t at tlie'T'.ufintFc' Afcyftrn" from 2 to i p. m.jieaeh d:iyekcept-1un'day. -if. B. LttRSH. - f Sup't. Work is going forward rapidly on the feuiporary "bridge boingconstruct ed by re Transfer Company. Two pib drivers. binr at work. The ice bridge is now very firm, and Dassen- sers are makinec-.uso of-it, says, the umalja Jiejiuoitcan. an appeal to a tribunal tb.ut was abol- isheti twenty years, lo. ZouiiV Coiiner'Journal. - I The Hbir'S" VhfMlo, of Canada, has puicha.-id 3j,sJUL' acres oMand in Kansas for"tlre" puicae'oX Ciirrvintr o.utlhe system so universally g'urjtiedV e horrf cattle. Mr. Christie has im por- 1." v.3?.; S-T!------ .a .. "---. Vfi CIllffT -QPii'more real rsates' snort horn pottle fteiKrhf into Canada.and the States:, than anv forsh rttru 1 i-J"lJ'L,,,t to thc Department of Agricul, Y'e ovorheurd tho following "flich 3.oaw ture from the Imperial Botanical Gar-1 ty" conversation last night, tho 00 iiR?i''"cnr.t St. Petersbiu-g,. Russia, that toasion for hearing it beim? an acid- s j; : -Ail Sii ; 1 w 1 imxiimi? ipnrPr nn v iipoii'v-riiir 1 Inf Speaking of some of the political ' Don't I give her good me&surc? utteranccs'W Senator Yates, a Chica-I ' Yes; but mamma nays you feet go papor Says: "We ajipeal from jyour cow-? on such waicfy turnips." I Yates drunk to Yates sober' This is i n t c: Hair Senators re Chosrn uwuer a Law of Cnngrcss. & AN ACT TO KEOULAIE TUX TIRSANI MANNEK OF IIOLDINCr ELKCTONS FOR SENATORS IN L ONO RES3. , Be it enaetnf bit the Semite nnd JIove of lff$ rcsentativA of the Ihttt'il States qf m.luirlxi' in OmfffeM emcmlAetl. -&m Section 1. That the LegisblKo each State which slwxll be ahceJtxiozt preceding the expiration of the 'WmV for which any Senator wsts eleetatSto represent satd btate m Coivrre shall, on the second Tuesday nii tlln rklnnt t Tinr itil ..r t-.f Inn (ltvll V..W ...VW..& ....11 .A......l.,... ...W!, proceed to elect a Senator in CoM)tm in tiie place of such Senator so jiniii out of office, in the foilowi'i tntu- uei . jtteii iiutist; sunn cipemy, ijt a vh a voce vote off each member actS- on said day, that fact shall be elr?erec on tne journal. At. I- o'caoeir, mmiw dan, of the day following thai on whichpraeeediug are required t take place as afon"-aid, the members of the two houses shall convtcin joint assembly, and the jewrm".? of each -house shall then be roMl. IftA if the same person shall have reeelvtd'a majority ofall the votes in eacft roivt such person shall le decl.irtd tlttly elected Senator to represent said StKfe in tiie ConirreRS of the United Statue; but if the same person shall not hava received a majority of nil tb voa&iu each hone. or if ei'her hous ulinlj have failed to take proceedings as retpiircd by this ae, the Joint a3eml bly shall then proceed to choosey Uq(. a viva voce vote of eacli member pc$T out, a person for the purpose itrorj said ; and the persoc having a majori ty ofall the votes of the said joint jfri sembly, a majority of nil the moot bors elected to loth lio'c-b'ing nitay ent and voting, shall bo dccl.treo du ly elected ; and in cMf no person shall receive such mnjoriiy on thrtdy the joint assembly fcball mtti ai'12 'clocd, meridan, of each ftueceading day during the session oftho Legmla ture, and take at least, one vote until a Senator shall be elected, Fee. 2. And be it fur tker onncimh That whenever, on the raeeting,..of the Legislature of anv State, a vacan-; fey shall exist in the representation ot iuch State in the SeOHto of the Uwl- ted States, said Leg-slat'ire shall tttcts ccetl, on the second Tuesday after'th commencement and nga'dxatinuOt sefcsion, tpelasti. pMvon to fill suoti vacaney, in the manner harein-before' provided for the election of 21 Senator for a full term ; and no. vneauey shall happen during the e..s:ou of trio Leg islature, then on the tiecond Tuesday after tho Legislature idinil have been' organized and hhall havo notiee- or"? such vacanc-i. ' f-sec. .1. And he it. further enacted K That it shall be the duv of the Got-" ? prnoro1 'l'1" .Sts" from wluh awy' !"' naU,r chaU ,,,Vf? lren chosen as. 1 aforesaid to certify his election, undor, i uc .-c.ii ui me nwiiu, ii) 1 ne rreetiivub of the Senate of the United Sinter. which certificate fchall be eBtr' signed by the Secretary of Staio of bh State. Approved July 25, 13M. njbws iTisaiy. General Sheridan, who is now in Constantinople, writes to a friend m Chicago that he v.-ill ba at hoirie .in January. Mrs. James J?isk, Jr., has rsturueJp from Europe aud re-opened her pa latial residenco in Chester Squara Boston. ., Y. F. Storey, pdltor of the Chiea-j go 2.7uea, has $;een suett for $."J0,Ci damuges for 1 eraialent libels orf Al-" bert Crosby. "" Cioncj-al Schanck r:ll not ltsa-ve rbr-' hi.- ip.Ui.oti n1 Jutiea in England, if he can help it, till s-fter Congress ad journs in Marek next. An annonnr'oment haa anraared' mat- Air. aiamn i. Ttippei is anoup t give uaiiings from hfa own works j,, st. jau,ci Hull, Loudon. , .John . 'Ll WM , ntie ?' bride-e. sixtv feet lif-imv th u-8tor Ipi-'-' el, came across the skeleton of-ffi?5 "arm, and close by the works nf.a which, .-ui tnat c uiu oe ticoipnereu on t he wnfch nlnn wa tho fiiniro 'S. . " J " "o -- ;- a dental umrnras of nrnvimlt-.v tn n conrtini: scene, and the parties to the- affair being a young lady of respecla- ! biltty and a young man of rhetorical I 1 ,:.. s " "-y' i'r5an-"Won't you rive me- Mips of ite voted lovers. lur sparkhng dewdrupalrom a cluetar 9I js$.is!' V hew ! what a flight was that. The New York Times can recall1 no ' nstauce so illustrative of the wower economy to transmute poverty in wealth as that aSbrdcd by the case of one of the assistant clerks of the Board of Sunprvisors in that citv who. since li6i. on a gaiurv of S1H1 a yer, baa managed to save up abfliit S3tK,0tJOayear s-s T"ie Prter letter first lcame puTtfi jic uy navrng oeen given to lire iea. by a paymaster, who was atoe time,, Admiral Porter's secretary, and' had" j free access to the Navy Depi-t merit J says the New York Standard. "PJease," said a little boy to a milk j vender, "mamma Buys she don't like s l,iit. tnillr nf .-s.T "Wliw sf 7 . f .rAJ tltl.il - .,, I? . .U 1 i)oir The new Uueen of Spain is repoat. i cd t. I hiri.)v r.!not. -1 .mi ii.t.'h. 1 'I? . --- -- - - - - w orftnt ratju;agjt.sarsit - s vrayiri BANK RESTADRHJrlT:; CiE.OIi.GtM BAUSJtjSTV, Proprietor. - - Jff. 37 "Hai street, HrTiraTliBBL 1 n . 23 O A ill v BY THE DAY OR WEEK. IvISAIiS AT ALL HOUHS ?! 'il A ii ? u 111 l ? il .1 f I I n 5 ; y; TIL'! ro -i