( " J ' '!. 1J " "mwwy 8 1 1- rf--.y tvw n WM K a fjkfcVHSfajMrffcfl!. Ti. W. PUHT7AS, Editor. THUraSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1S70. AGEltJTJLTUKAL. A CKXERAIi HEPI) LA1V. Thi.; question is now being more gcncrrJMy agitated in the State than ever before. Our views arc well known on this subject. We are decidedly in favor of such a law. And yet, we would, nol favor pressing it against the v"u ws and wishes of a majority of tho?e iulercstcd. What we now want is such an expression! from the peo ple in each county in the State-, as will enable our IUpres(Mit:itive i thr Legislature to act intelligently and li: keeping with the wishes and inter c'ite of liicir constituents, 't'lii--. tltinir of havhiir a herd law for till : county, or precinct and that, :snd none for another, is simply non-. sen' intensified. Have a general herd law or none at all. Calculation will prove that the fen ces in Nemaha county to-day, cost the farming portion of the communi ty ten times the value of all the stock in it. In fact, the simple expense of fen cos is keeping our farmers rwor and constantly hard run, ami will ev er keep them so, at least, until they can grow live fences. We profess- to bo holding out extraordinary induce ments to pool" men, and those of lim ited means, la come to the West and procure cheap homes, and yet we sub ject him to the immediate expense of fifteen to eighteen hundred dollars to fence in his quarter section of land, simply to keep off fifteen or twenty head of his own or his neighbors' cat tle. Then, again, there is no sense or juslico in requiring ono man to fence in his corn or wheat, that is stationa ry and can trespass on no one, and pormitliug a neighbor to allow his stock to roam at large and depredate at pleasure. Another feature. It is the small lots of stock that are now creating all the fence expense. Tlio man with one hundred or more head of cattle, will lierd them in. any event herd law or not, ant? makes money by so doing. Wc repeat, let our Representatives know what we want. Let it be herd law or no herd law ; no mongrel ar rangement. KEUIiASICA PEA NUTS. Mr. Wm. Rosscll, of this city, who is quite an agricultural experimenter, loft at our office to-day a half dozen Pea Nut Plants, well ladcu sllrh. per fected Pea Nuts. The yield will be be about ten bushels to one dollar's worth of teed. 11AISB nons. The Brownville Advertiser notices that six hundred dollar was paid for three Berkshire hogs at the Ohio State Fair ; and that one hundred and fifty dollars was offered and refused for a pair at our own State Fain. We are glad to have the attention of our farmers turned in that direction ; for we look on pork rawing in this corn country as the easiest and most re munerative business they can follow, if it is gone into judiciously. It was old (Jovcrnor Desha, of Kentucky, vvc believe, who always used to say that a hog was the best sack he could put his corn in. It has been demon strated that for the future, the supply of meat in the eastern market can never equal the demand ; and botli hogs and horned cattle can be raised nnd fattened cheaper here than in any other part of the country. It has ta ken our farmers some little time to get ready to live ; and to know what to take hold of with the greatest pros pect of advantage. Hog culture like everything else, needs observation nnd "experience to realize all its profit; but we are pleased to see amateur pig fanciers all around us ; and we can hardly go amiss now-n-days, without finding prize stock. A great deal of this is probably owing to line blood ; but wc are dipoaeiT to think that hogs in Nebraska are naturally fatier and healthier than in many other regions. This is the great field of animal de velopmental nature has Indicated by making it the butlalo range of the continent. IjCI us stock it with use ful droves and herds. We believe that meat raising is more profitable than wheat. Nebraska City Times. Ye caxe not what the price of corn and pork is, the farmer will always make 11101103' by feeding his coru to his hogs put it on-foot, either. inJiogs or cattle. As a rule, the well-ro-do farmer always does better to feed his crop3. WALKIA'C HOUSES. Tbe best gait a horse ever had for every day use is a good walk. It is a gait that not ouo in ten. possess. Colts ate not traiiied to walk in all of the Eastern States Young America wants more speed. Kentucky has more good walking horses than any other State, for there horseback, trav eling has long been in fashion for men and women, over a country where muddy roads, at times render ed any other gait impossible, and so horses have been bred for the saddle ami trained to a walking gait. This is also tne case in all the Western State and perhaps might have been so in New Englanc1, when our grand mothers rode to meeting on a pillow behind our grandfathers. But one horse wagons have put horseback rid ing out of fashion, and now a good walking horse is more rare, than one that can trot a mile in 2:40. At the Springfield, (Mass.) Horse Show of lSt)0,thc writer was ono of tho committee to award prizes to the best walking horses. Out of seven teen entered, the committee- found but one which was found a first-rate walker. This was a Morrill mare, which walked live miles an hour with ease. Two others were fair Avalkers, and the rest knew no gait that could be called walking At the New York State Fair the same state of facts was again developed. A let ter frm Wisconsin says : "I think horses trained to walk last, would be n greater benefit to our fanners in general, than fat trotters, almost all of their work has to be done with a walk.' I once knew a man in Mass achusetts, who, before the railroads were built, kept from two to four teams on the road, and never allowed them to trot at all, and made the dis tauce in quicker time than his neigh, bors, who made their horses trot at every convenient place. Hc.-snid that-, wncn a norse conimenceu 10 waiK al ter a trot, he walked much slower than his common gait, if kept on a w.tlk, and thereby lost more than he ansed. Will farmers think of this l nav more attention to walkiucr iorscs? Farmers' Jfomc Journal. i m 'cu Tltousnml Two year old. choice iv. s "ea'.hi" Peach Trees, can bo lmd at hu.i'lruil, .tlir purchaser. to dlj them. fe It. "V. FUKXAS, nroAvhvlllo Net. Our friend of yore, J.E. Johnson, of Utah, has been elected President of Iho Rocky Mountain Pomologiral Society. The Autumnal Festival wna held nt St. Georce on the 7th of this month. FRUIT IX SEBBASKA, Fourteen years ago m'iny persons were honestly convinced that fruit could not be raised in Nebraska, It was a mistaken idea. The proof is, that all kind of fruit have bee:t suc cessfully cultivated. Peawr apples, plums, cherries, both south nd north of the Platte, and peaches in the southern counties, have been so tlitimliuillv nrodueed. that there re mains no longer any doubt on the subject. Utile Jittic. TTIE PEACH CROP. Mr. Win. Lowe, who lives about ftive miles south of the city, and oue of the largest peach growers m the State, gives us the following statistics in regard to tho Nebraska peach crop. Six years since he hail about two hun dred bearing trees, he now has over three hundred. The following is an average of the crop for six pears past: 1800, medium ep, say 500 bushels; 18GG, large crop, say 1,000 bushels ; 1S7, medium crop, say -J0O; 1SGS, r.i. all cron. snv 250 bushels, 1800, al- hnosta total failure; 1870, owing tothe cold wind storm in May, the crop will boa complete failure. We will give statistics oit other kinds of fruit as soon as we can gather them, from reliable sources. Nebraska City Cnroniclc. A often heretofore said, we i).&.x. jrcjient, we win xa lileamirrtii xeccl-vlng nud forwarding orilcru to any of our advertlblng pat rons. Seed Barley and Oat. I linve n few hundred bushel or clour mperl Sfl Hnrlcy for sale: yielded this year 43 bushels to the acre, and weighs Wi pound. Alto llald Barley thnt yielded about the same per ncre, nnJ welglw 59 pounds. White Norway und Oernmn Oats; verrQnr: IL W. FUItNAS, Brownrille, Neb. Fowls to Let. I have n few pnlrs, or trios of pure blood from imported stock hlte Slinnghin, I.lsht Jlrninnlin nnd Yellow Co chin China Chickens, which I will lot out on the slmrca to direful persons who have no other stock to mix with them. It. w. r uitr.r. tf Ilrownvllle. Neb. Osaga Oranp See Yr H. Mnnn &Co., nro vrcll known ns the principal Im porter nml dealers In QhagcOnuiireSceil.nucl nre reliable Bf-2ofiBcrlng ttvfttaYerrWrigcol- .innns it win ft seen tuni mey an; uuchiik f.Heed of this year's Krowtli nt $10 per hnshcl. They nlso have one of tho best Jurbarles of Applo trees In the west. KepS-3:n Small Fruit Recorder AXD COTTAGE GARDENER. A. M. PUUDT,EdUorai4Ircvvrletor. Dcvotel solely to the prowlng of Kruit?, Wgeta- blcs, and to Home Advancement. We exchange with every Agricultural and Horticultural papaa In 1 tho United States, and extract from such all PltAC- TICAL articles pelolBK tosucli subjects. Tho Editor has over two hundred acros In fruits, ticside Urgo gloss hoiLics, Ac., and gives his experi ence freely through tho RECOIlDEIt, a monthly of eight pages, printed In very flno closely sot typo. This year's volume. Including back numbers, sent for ONLY FIFTY CENTS. The paper will be double its present slie another year, and subscrip tion prico One Dollar. Very liberal premiums paid to those getting up clubs, either In the- choIt plants or cu.sh commission. Sample copies with how bills and terms to those getting up clubs, sent on application. Address A. M. PUKDY, Palmyra, X.Y.. X. P.. W.e believe nayaper In the aoautvj-ever ri-ckivsCejJilicr teafmonials than thif, on Just two yeacs trial. The follow Ing is a sample of what our brethaeiiiof the press bay of It: Smai.k TfnniT RocoRnnn axd Cottaok Gabiv kskb. We-would call the attention or readers to the adverliseim-tttin another column of this neat and cheap little pap-2: U. Qtntains more vanuuue inoniftlon m those na51w? than any work ue know. It iseilited and publish! by A.M. Iliniy, Palmvra. New York. !) cents gets It for a year. A in. limner. &ra2c Vines! Grape Vines! 1,000,000 or nil the leading varieties of Grape YInes-nre eUar than anywhere else for sale. Concord Vines, two years old. No. 1, only ?2i per IIMX Other varieties In proportion. They mast be sold. Also Currants, Gooseberry, llie-pbcrry. Blackber ry. Strawberry, Bo-es, and other plants and at wholesale ONE, TWO AND TIIItKE-YEAtt OLD APPLE TItEES. VKKY CHEAP! ficSend .stamp for price list and osay on Grape Culture. Will take Wet-torn lands at cash price In exchange Pit. H.SCIIHODEU, Z-cm Blooonlngton.Ill. L 1 -1-1- I ,1 II, . WMJm, TT 1 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .UJltlCIJI.TrRAI. ADVERTISEMENTS only, will b Insert etl'wr.tjls pogi TERJCi s TKN 'KNT IT.lt LINK OF SIMClt. EACH ISRHlTn) Srix-IAI. Notioks. 15 els. per Unv each Inser- tiiui. (snlR of five line space, SI 5 per year. FEEE COPIES TO JAN. 1, 1871, To JYieftf Subscribers, The Country Gentleman for isn. "The besrrfaa Agricultural Weeklies In America," says xa Mimiauiurm.stiip lor. "It has No KquM In th-3are Field, of American Agricultural Journalism." Maine lirmtr. -pi IK CULTIVATOR .fe COUNTRY GB33XK l MAN has been much enlarged and Improved during the past year, and continues to maintain.- Its former rank as the STANDARD JOUKNAI) OK AMERICAN AGRICULTURE. Including all the department connected with the Cultivation of the Soil forprotitor pleasure, it is Its aim to promote the best Interests of its readers to protect them from fraud and falsehood to provide them with the Information most essentia! In their calllnp and. leaving to others the task of furnixlilnp the transl torv entertainment of the hour, to presunt a period ical of frequent Ksue. always fresh and seasonable, ami rsprcHilly aikiplnl in every department to the practical wants of tbe Faiimkr and his Family. Ill Extent of Correspondence lu Practical Sitggegf Ions In Agricultural N'twi -It Is hel to W WITltOVT AN EQUAL, and It shonlds be placed In the lianas or every farmer. Fruit-grow er. and Rreeder In the country. yr them, as wall as for their wives and childrun. the interest aml.valuo of its conteuts have never before Ih'ii mi grsatas now. TERMSv '"Slie-tprnw an? lower than thou- or any other paperoTs'sajbiEstamaiurr One copy. 5vl,."50 per vear: Four copies. SD.EIcM cppliSl ti. Cfi-AU NEWSn&BCnbersto'rnECULTlVATOR COUNTRY OENTLEM-VN.for IS71, paylmrln advance, previous to the cloo-or 1S70, will re ceive the paper WEEKLY, from rwaaipt of remit tance to January 1st. tSTt. without aliurrff. trs- Vnv person wtslilm: to tsy te tmner.hbfiire subcribii'iK will be supplied wiSH, conies : restilarly from date or application to Jan. 1st, 1571, for the nominal price of 23 cents. Single Number n Spoclnicnn, Free I Address LUT1IER TUCKKR WJ.. iV. PuTjllshcrs. Albany. J.. 3wlw THE ROCK LAKE EYEKBEARIXU KASPBERRY. T UIS REMARKABLE IlEItK li an accidental seedllujC which i-uuit tii ii wn- hivumn tu .ur. l Favlll. near ljike Mills, whern it crew until Its Act bearing habits were fully tested. For the past ilx years we have had tiiecoiiiroi 01 uu me Nincic. on our ow n grounds, where w e have tested the same in a great variety or ways, and found it fully sustain ing the following ouallllotlons: 1st. It Is as proline as any Raspberry with which we are acquainted. 2d. In quality and size of fruit, It cannot be sur passed. a Tho vinesarc perfectly hardj, RP.H it is a rapid and vigorous grower. h. The great advantage of this Raspbesrv over all others, is Its FALL CROPof Fl tie. Large liorrips which It product at a time when all other small fruits, except grains, are out of season. The last crop begins to ripen the latter part of August orthe first tit September, and continues to blossom and ripen fruit up to hard freezing weather a slight frot does not interfere with its productiveness. A more extended explanation Is unnecessary, as all lovers of good fruit will appreclnte a full supply of tlno. luscious fruit at this season. All w ho have hnd fixnejicuoo In oanlng fruit during the hotter part of tho season, will readily fec that fruit will keep lietter ir put up In the Fall. W'chave a small stock of these plants to offer, whlohveproposo to sell, not at a fancy, but nt a renumexatlv price. The market will never be overstocked with plants, as. tliy ajc difficult to proiHigatur-thft hearing scasoiMUtcntling thnnigh the time when. tUe canes should be put down for rooting. . , Orders for for Plants will be filled, in rotation as received, nt the following prices: isiiiKlc Plants, I5e: fl"lopertlozen. Sluglo Plants, (bcaringi. 2": 2 per dozen. Davidson' h Thornless. 7."c ier doz. : J-t ier 103. Io.ilittleIllacklsi socnerdoz.: Kiicr 100. With a general assortment of Apple. Pear, Cher- rj and Ornamental stoct at the low pst cash prices. ISAAC ATWOOD; Proprietor of Rock Lake Vineyanl and Nurseries, 3wlw " Lake.M ills. Wis. OUBSqitlRE.FOR THE ADVERTISER. Old, I kj aivmupjujiiMoisj ffrSfe jr u i m uiMEIjf i'm3w:mmammm'mm'' L - - ' ' . . " ' " ' """ I I BRYAHT'S NURSERIES ' Princeton, HI A. Bryant, Jr., Proprietor. cUarjcoand fine stock of . Frail Trees, t. "'.VfeOO fthnuTc Trees, ;.- Evergreens, ' " Grapes and ! Small Fruits, Forest TrecRcdIings, &c, &c. If you wish to plant trow of nny kind, send for our j-FREE PRICE LilST.-a CHKSTNUTS. MAI'I-RvELMS, LAItCII. ASH, Ac., FOIt Timber, Snade and Shelter. GootffoetRiirt for SIIIDPriTN WEST, haTlntf two fllrect ronton to Omaha; Hue to !5t.JosJUf 3!o. nltao direct LstocIsXeXsAdi Shipped, iu Good Order SMALL TRKES AND PLANTS BY MAIL CIIEAPIK. The attention of the trade Li called to our f-Applc and Cherry Stocks, VERY VISE- Address AIUtYANT, Jr. S-Cin gslneeton. 111. HIGHLAND STOCK FARM. BELMONT, JtffldTesex County, 3Tw. Onicc, 10 Stntc St. Ilostoit. WINTHROP W. CHENERY, PltOPRIKTOR. Importer and Breeder or Dutch (or Holsteln) Cattle, AiiRora Roats.York (.hlrcSvrlnc. "Lincoln," Carnman," and "Tcxi'l ' or"Mouton mandrill" Sheep, Thorough-Bred and Trottlnj; Hon.es. Ac CataloRMcs jent by mall on application. GILMANNUESEEY. APPLE TREES. 1 PPLE TllEES GUOWN 11Y U.S. We have A about two Million thrifty, stocky trees, which we otn-r nt tlie VEltY LOWEST CASH HATES. We know what thestock is. for It was put up under our ow n personal supervision, and weliave no hes itation In offering it to the public as equal to any thing in tliecoimtry. ,v , We have also an immenso stock orsplendld No. 1 HEDGE PLANTS, which will be sold In quantities to suit buyers, from one thousand upwards. We have been at the busi ness some twenty-three years, and feel confident that wc can give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their orders. HEDGE SEED. Wedeal largely In during n.-eeon. Full instruc tions for sprouting aud growing; famished all pur chasers. Applo Seodlm era o"' W raise In large qcintltics, ami 1I at the lowest mnrkot rstes. Apple Koot Giafls Are aspoclaltv with 11ft. We put uplmmcnsenuan tltloa every wmter.and sell In lots to suit. IV. 15. Rlann & Co., 2-cm Oilman, Iroquois Co. III. &Eisr TO CtO'Ji VAELLY NU S U E L 1L S 11 U It G, BENTON OCUNTY, IOWA, For Price, Before Giving Your Order. I THINK I CA.N. SOX'S YOU. 50,000 Apple Trees, 50,000 Deciduous Trees, From 1 to lo Feet High. &0GQ Currant Bushes. ALSO, CHERRIES, PLUMS. PEARS. 0RAPE3, G00SEI1ERRIES. RASl'llERRIES, EVERGREEN TREES, SIIRURS.11ULI1S, &.C, Ac. APPLE SEED BY MAIL, FREE, 81,00 PER POUND. Apple Hoot (! rants. Packed and DellTcrcd at K. RrcisOtQcc, Purchaser's Choice, 1000, 810 1 a 000, $t5f 10,000 SSO. rVO A CERTAIN EXTENT, there Ls nothing L JL that pa-n the farmer so well as an amount ot Fruit anrttitaanicntal 'Ewes anil.Shrubs. The low price at whii-li 1 will furnish stock, places it within the reach of every land owner to have n supply of Fruits, both large nnd small, for the use of his family, nnd a ?roveto break the force or the bleak prairie wind in winter, nnd nfTordn delicious shade in scorching summer, thereby changing what would otherwise be a cherlCM place into a thing of beauty. Send me a List of What you Want D-waLi..KErsrRN. it wrrn the price AT WJUGIL I WILL FILL IT. AU'lctUKS of lstpjfcr cheerfully answered. Catalogues tree to upiuiuuits. Mm Address HENRY HEATH, asabove. -Patent HuskingS J2 Enables the wearer to a gg Hush 50 per Cent Faster, AN I. Q Absolutely Prcrcut Sore Hands (g Made or the best leather, WithJIetalic Claws Attached They have taken the First Premium nt every tanto Fair exhibited, including Tne Great State Fairs of Illinois, lona, OHlo,;JIiclilgaii, &.c. OT fZ( SAMPLE PAIR SENT ON l ,-rrt Ql,OU RECEIPT OF PRICE. ?IjOU jQ-De serlptive Circulars Frec-jQ ,A LlllEREAL OLCOUNT TO Ut'ALERS AND r 3AN"&SsIN(i At.'ENlV. Pln.orderihK; stntoiza-Large, Medium or Small. Address, HALL ffUSKIXG GLOVE COMPANY, No. He South Water Street, CHICAGO, ILL. .ry-Persoiis ordering Gloves will plca-sesay thev saw advertbemeut In this paper. Mm "" FOE SALE. 200,000 Apple Trees, 1 to 4 ys. ' Al PEAKS. ClIEKRIISs. n.UMS, PEACHES, CURRANTS, RAMPRERRIES. Act. Ac. EVER GREENS of mnny varieties and sizes. Roses, Or namental Shrubbery. Grapes, Ac. VERY LOW! AT McLEAN COUNTY NURSERY, Bloonilugtou, 111. 32-2m O. M. COI.MAN. STRAWBERRIES. T"71I50NS ALRAN Y. Ier dozen "-cts (Jreen Frolltlc. jer dorr-n -Vets Russel's Proline, pet rioien,.,tnl,M...Victs Ilia. Downing. icr dozen 1 . ."iiicts t'olfax. tier dozen ,,,.....,.,....,.. 50cts Downer s Prolilic. per dozen-. - ,. yvts Shaker Seedling, ier tlozen - . SSc;s Sent by mall, wrapped In oiled paper, prepaid. One dozen each sort, total 7 dozen, for $2. Order soon. Address L.L. FA IRCUILD. Rolling rralrie, 'is Jg-fiw Osage Hedge Plants, YE.VRS OLD. by the thousand, hundusl thou- sand or million ery low for Fall Delivery. Also a general assortment of Nursery Stock. Address for Price List CHAPLN, WILLARD & fO. n-3m Grinnell, Iowa. "YirE make It a specialty to supply those Just cona t tnepejag the Nursery business, with voung" stock, on good terms. W, H. 3IANN t CO.. sepsrm Oilman, 111. TpB WORIv, Neatly arjcl Plainly vj !Xx&xi&;at,lh9Ay'&(ptyiRpqBX9.. ' BSEBT aHTTWIWTyrTlffTnBKmlTfTWi ii i"! IfTriH 111 ii ! ,T. i CHEAP NUBSEBY STOCK! XUX Spleafild Apples Trees, 4 to a ft. lO.CUO.OOO lfo.1 Owigollcdse Plants. XQJXn Aaparagns Koot, 1 nd 2 yeara UU.000 ApplKeUIns3,trahtroD. JO.O0O Pear Trees, Standard and lrrtaat. 13.000 Cherry Trees, on Jfnhalet. 8.000 Plum Trees, very fine. " 25.000 Peach Trees, leading Klmls. iOOO Apricots and Xectnrines. S0O.KU JX-crgrecn and Ornamental Trees. 10.000 ltoscsand Flowering Shrubs. 10 Ofiu-Crab sL kluds. , .jj ,-- lOfino Dwarf Anide.on P.iradlse. 40.000 Currants nnd hoo-eherries, 1 nnd 2yera. i0.000 Blackberries and Kaspbexries. VXD A COMPLETE AS&ORT3II2fT OK Ult St:itY STOCK IX ALL ITSs BltANClIIiS. rtZ?Wc oner OPJUT IXmJCICiriCTS toTJur li&r "eryluen. Dealer, uud Planters, who want to buy largely. Address, 1IABGIS t SOMMElt, SinrXuiyerlw. ae-iw Ss. !l'- Charleston Nursery. BI. C. McXi AIN, Proprietor. - FRUITS, EYEHGREEXS,PL01VEBS,SinUJBS. MY CATALOOUK OK HYACINTHS. TLLTT'S, Lillies and llanli 15ulls for Kail planting Is non' reailv and will heeiit on application. Add jlc.McI.AI2C, K-t!Mlw2Bti uarl,0Jl' I1L Hardj' Fruits. V LARGE STWL'K. two and tlireo yesirs. of bejt old and CIIOK'E SEW LlhT of Apples and Siberians. Miner Plum, Morello C'hesiy btocks. hade Trees. Hard- telirulw. loonies and Kill Dulbs. Hislop, Transcendent and Plumbs Cider Cions, Hoot Grafts, if ordered early. Kvergrei-ns Miiall hi7.9-uiid choice Steds tor spring Planting, .send lor Price List. Kaxmers, order jlb-ecU : S2-C,m Green 1IIII ITnr-rIe, MilAu,VTss. Grape Piaiats. riHIE CLIKK CAVE WIXE COMI'AXY. of St. I iniis. Mo., ofl'er 11 lante ami superior stock ,of PlauLs at REDUCED KATES. V , 1..,. uiiiii' f...w.ir.l mid Hurtons irclnla Wines. Kor price list nuuress Dr. C. W. SrAUrtN(5. Mm liOltnetrect, St. Louis, Mo. Apple Stock I Apple Stocks I f-rnn Ann 3 t Jtrri.K srocivs. tne nnest I UU.UUU and hKilthlCMt lot. or Mocks over n- aA . ..4n .B.I.. I.. 11 .. 1 .....i. pcnultl lllfutlklllt. Jliereu. llr iiiiu im- iii 11 w o. .... .... -;-;-;- I'LAN"!"!, 1 yeur old. 500,000 Apple Grafts 500,000 Tobeputupthlswiiittfrort I Inch roots. Ourgraas are put op l the hest manner by experienced work men, in ihemwut cartful way, from perfectly heal th v Roots and Scions, ami nro worth twice as much ns'Grafts ordinarily put uji for the trade. To secure o. 1 Gratis, ol JWilli I'airanu Appie.onierNMioum bescntin early. Price per.singlelhoiisainl,?: ten totwciitvtlioiisanil, ST; twenty-live to hlly tnou- sanrt, tfi-'O. Fear tiratts on lon roots, ?.; on snort "Address JOHN RIORDAN. 52,',m Ro H.V., lUooiniiigton, III. Grape Vines, Small Fruits, and Earl if King Potato. Vox Sale at tow Kate, tor Cassis I7UMKLAN GRAPE. 100 each; ?I0 00 per dozen. .J Assawnnipsett Grape, i 1 M each ; ?13 per tlorcn. Walter Grape,! each; $10 per dozen. SsileiilGramc,.-OceiiLseach: fMWper do7en. Martini Grape, 75 cents each : 7 per do.en. OTHER KINDS AT LOW RATIiS-TOO LOW TO PUBLISH. West clicstcr i acR Cap Rasp bcrs'j' Piauts ! Tlili Si tiio mot productive Raspberry in tlie world. Ouo doeon $:; 10U by express jiu. TKY THEM. Early Kins Potato. 50 cents por Pound; Fonr Pounds, $1,50. This is one of the best Early Potatoes that ever was planted In America. It is productive: never rots: free from blight; and the quality is ahead or anv kind In the world. WESTERN FARMERS. THIS IS YOUR POTATO. eiid ior Catalogue and Price list beloru purchasing elsewhere. 1 WILL SUIT YOU EVERY TIM. 11. Please order early and address Oi'JLS Ti.MktlAiU, "ii-:i3t Ii II, North Mlddlelioro, Muss. F&MWELEl ,' Axn FJBDI1 GUOWEKS Grow Apples that will Keep until Apples Come Again. Apple Trees of Southern, and Western Origin, T.IIA.T AKi: AHAl'TED TO THIS CLIMATE ! MOST of the old Standard Northern sorts are not adapted to the isouthwest. but ripen prema turely, tlrop from tho trees, aud are more liable to bitter nit. Twvj. year trees, . to 7 feet, selected, first class sttK-k at $10 per loo. At loner rates by the ijuantity to Dealers or large Planters. fiK-sjenil for au.itaUjuo,.free to all. A. M. LAWVER. Sontii Pass, 111. on 111. Cen. R. K. (lir.nrk Orchard Niirnvriiui. 58-flni THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FOWLS woiur! SUMATRA P easa n t (J a m c Unequalled forvalornndcel- bratcd :us eT; producers. Verv hnrtlv. Addrt-s. witli stainp, W. II. TUCKER A It)., Import errand llreeilers. I'lymoiith. Ohio. "Vly O en a.- nip. ot- CHESTNUT TllEES. 1,100,000. Fc OUR INCHES TO four feet higil- TllhHSt TilllhT mid Vllf Tnut ntoit.ul Ci....! 'for a 1C page circular free. Address 1 STORKS, HARRISON ,V CO.. 5enS-3nv KaIncsvIIivL.l:oCt.,OhIo. Painesxrllle Nnrseries. 1 T11 YE.i:. Nobetterassortnientinthe-Wes-' tcrn States. Catalogues free. No. I l'niit ana (irnamcntal, fil pages. No. 2 Oreenhousc. Jit ?MKige. .o..,-ijiestimtuircular. 10 nnges. No. I Wl loiesale trade list for Xiirservmon mui n.iii.rv only. Call and examine our stock, or address SlUiats, HARRISON t CO., Painesviile, Ijike Co., Ohio. !c sepS-lm CIS u r5 1 r. 1-1 JR c END STAMP to Mrs. Ellen S. Tnp ner. Rrichtojt. Iowa, tor 01 valuable Information re- -.pecting Hives, Italian 1 fUH- Attftjl lk VK -k.KE v keening them pure where h 2-'7Z"s ...!... 1 ..1 ., Sfc'I -'-'-l i )-9m EigMand Nurseries. e. it. siciriSi:!?. & co., JiOCKFOBD, ILL. 'E OFEER to. the trad- the following stock Tor it the presen; fall and coining winter and spring 1,000,000 AJ'PLE HOOT GRAFTS, of all the leading varieties fur the West. 2,000,000 PEAR GRAFTS. 100,000 PEAR IN BUD, XOW BUDDED. 200,000 PEAR STOCKS. We have made the putting up of Orarts a special ty for the past ten years. All work warranted. A large lot of Trancendent and Hyslop Crabs, 2 and 3 years old, from 3 to . feel high. Also a. general as sortment or Nursery Stock. samea?e. a"t low rates to the trade. Send or catalogue unit rir.li.ir CIIAPE VlM-25.nnncIotcoiisi-tlHKOH.iJr4i.ifnw. 'IIAUTFOUU, UELA.WAUE ami IVES' SsI-J-.D- LINU. A fewthoiwaiirtNo. 1 PAIK STOCKS, two vear old APPLE TllEES, and CUltKANT sep3ia, 35. H, SKEN'NER & CO- UINCY NURSERIES ! EVERGREENS A SZPECIIT" Wc arcmakimrthe growing of , . EVEEGBEEHS ; ilUesasindicated below. Kurserj' Grown from Seed. -C,lantLiSf P. VArtvntf Sitnicc ' - - -- .. I..aIi . T IWTI K .' - I tl ILL 1U IHtuwil'""Vf 8 per 100 11 per 100 11 per 100 7 per I0O 10 per 100 10 per 100 WhIenffifesi;;CheS-ple-n w.,iteVic!;vh White Pfne.fi to 12 inches, wsirce, twice 1.-. per 100 3 per 100 11 per 100 13 per 100 VI per 100 lSlWi-100 year AnstrSlpCliKTriliywico ned 5;Winspni5FS5SK Cislar. W U il inches, fair snyply. tw ice tnnIntei Hcsl Forest Evergreens, one Transplanted, in JLargc QiiaKlitics. White Pine, I to 10 Inches.- Arborvitae. I to S inches . .?r.perinno 15 per lu .... 20 per i'ou) 20 per lti HemlocK.-iiuB im.in-. White Spruce, 4 to 10 inches .Seedlings, one year, large sioczt Norwav Spruce. ..?l Wiper ni Austrian l'ine 75 per 1WJ scotch Pine '0 per loo Red Cellar. U.cars 2 Ulper Iw) Euroiiean Larch, I yr. 70 per ltXl Deciduous, Cypress, C to 8 inches ..fi w per ns .. (i 50 per 1) .. G 05 per U) .35 ijo lier lOtsJ .. C 10 per lWW 5 00 per llfJ Also a large stock or Fruit, Shade and Ornamen tal trees, and a general assortment of Nursery Stock. Price list sent FREE to albipplicants. SLNOCK & CO., ift.fim Quiiicy. Illinois. '' 'iMa'ROVEaj STOCK". rrcniiumCIicstcs'WIiStcSwisJc PURE BRED POULTRY. FINEST IN THE COUSTIIY SEND STAMP FOB 32cantifI3y ISSsistra-eil Price AND DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. TIIOS. H. SMITH, &, CO., PL.VNTSVIIXE, CONN. lily Fruit Trees and Plants IT & KJRRG'1I1 Wc have over TWO HUNDRED ACRES densely planted out to Sm:ill ITi'iilts A.I021C, And bavins an Iinmens stock, can still low, and guarantee ev.-ry kind true to name. OEND FOR OtTR WHOLESALE LIST ALvo. ii terms to aijeiits. If you want a bill of trees and plants, this fall, write us what yu.1. vwuit ami how much of each, and we- will return the- list to you w ith prices that will prove satisfactory. P.irr.es at Hie extreme South and In California .1I1011I1I order from the North In the full, as our spring opens too late for shipment there. If you want to know How to Plant.. How to Max-IvCt, or I-Ioav to GkroAv fRUIT IK" ABUNDANCE FOR YOUR OWN TAI5LE, cnil 'Sk: for our new edition of SMALL lUiUIT INSTJiUOTOJi, 64 IE'jA.G-jBS. A (hires' A. M. 7VUDY.PaliM:Ei, N. Y. PrilDV t 11ANCE, South Rend. Intl. A. JL Ptiitiv wishes to send a copy or the Smalt rVuiV Kimrthr Hint r,(ifr llnrilfiirr, 1'liKK to all who w ill send him theiraddrvss, or 12 numbers from January to Deseinlicr. for only W. scp.v;tiu Pure Bred lauJtry lor Sale! I oiler for. sale a large stock or pure bred Touls as :s advertised: pair trio EiiKlish Pheasants -?-, mi .510 on silver SspaiiKleil Il.imlmrs... 5 l 10 00 Linht Rr.imah- 12 00 White llaniburgs 5 00 9 (JO HiO FOAVLS SIHPPKDifpi t'.ish acconiiKinvim; order. or Post Ofliccortler, or I will exchange Icml.s. Address GEO. A. I5ALLARI), firlin JlareiiKo, 111. 40 Ifears spenence n t s-Ttri- ii.;tiisc inti ir a imrvi: ...., 1,1. ithc i lAtrim Xur.r,rn (h)iiiuiiu to propagate onlv ncli varieties of fruit as are adapted to Western soils nnd climate. Wc now ofTer of our own Krow msca fun juwrrmeat of cveiylhiiiK desirable in the nursery line. includiiiR t!00,000 straight, lLsht, ihrifty AI'I'J.E TJiKKS, just right fiir shipping heaply Ions distances. WosMru. varieties, 2 nml .t years old. Satisfaction Ktinrnutced. Prices as low us any responsible parties. smiii1 for free price list. ildress 1). R. WIER, Manager, epS-w Hm Ijicoii, III. Etergrrcews by Itlai?k OENT IN PEItFIXT SAFETY, to any part or the world. Every farmer and ever man own inc a house and lot in America, xhould have a few dollars worth of our Tree Seedlings b- mail. Two to four Inch plants sent for 5i per 1,000, jiost paid, to anv nart of the I'liited States. Full I directions for planting and culture sent with every 111. 111 oruur. Send suimp for Price Lists and Testimonials from srotn nearly every State in the Union. Large Des criptive C'atalopueseut for lu cents. Remember. iv ax- tlie largest, oldest and most reliable dealers In Native Evergreens and Forest in America. Aucust. Septemlicr nnd October arc favorable months for getting Evergreens by mail nnd the properseason for planting. Address PINNED ,fc LAWRENCE. seiks-2m yturgeon Ray,.Ls. FRUIT! F3&UITI! Pike County NitrsericA Established 1S33 ONE MILLION Apple Trees. 1. 2 and.tyean old. Iirge assortment or best Western vario- 1 ties. c:oikI stock of other 1 ress, lues anu I'l.tnit Agents, Nurserymen and jjcaiers suppiieu wun Good StocR at JLoav Kates. Planters, onlcr direct! Club together for lowtt irder e.irly. Descriptive or Wholesale Catalogue sent on application. Address, STARK, UARNICTT ttCO.. IKtin Iiulsiana. Mo. PRIZE FOWLS. Send for the Jlrjmrltnnitdl Iirai, Stock and Itoul Iry Journal, containing list of Fancy Fowls, Stock, Ac. with prices, of all the known valuable Fowls, bred from pure imfiorted varieties on the most Im proved plans. The list comprises Krahmns. White and Dark Dorkings, frevet'ietirs, Horedans, I.a Fleche Jlull Cockins, Spanish lilack and White, Seabright Ran tam, Oaine.ttc: aLso, all tlie best varieties or wheal, oats, corn, clover seed, tc fJEO. A. DEITZ, 21-tf Cluuuborsburg, Frank Co.. Va. IMPORTATION FOU 1S70. MV'XVM. 3E IMG BT0X Hyacintlis, Tulips, Crocuses, &c. CATALOGUES FItEE. HEEEroEEN&Oo.JGfineYa,H.T. GUOWERS A'D IMPORTERS OF Trees, Plants and Seeds. Nurseries established in is. sepl"m2 Osage Orange Seed. BV THE POUND OR THOUSAND 15USUELS. Warranted crop of '70. lu RuvheK $u; one fourtli cash with order. Send .stamp or further particulars. W. H. MANN & CO.. sepa-3m (Sllman, 111. APPLE TREES. APPLE SEED AND SEEDLINGS, ROOT drafts. Hedge rinnts and Osage Seed, all sie cia!tlen, and will be furnished to dealers nt low rale. Can furnish general assortment or Nursery Stock. W. IL maxs .t- en seps-3m Gilman. IU. TTATS AND GAPS All Viirietiesd Q --. anu&iyies,.at,; IIETZE'S., Fiiei!ipras.iiis following paiert: tv.m,., PMtrchlld's Price. $173 175 ITS 175 250 , 1 Si 1W 550 C5 230 300 1.-0 133 75 too Western Bnml. Caiman's Hural orld l'nilric Farmer. Western Farmer Itural Sew orser. Pnvctical Farncr. AgricuitnrLsi N. Y. Tribune Farm Journal, . Country Gentleman, Hearth Home-. 2nr!nfr'S MoilthlV. Tiiton's Jonr.llorticultiirul 50 Yotin Folk's Bural 1 ft) Horticulturist . 250 . .- 1.. l.....i(itnnul lot(m0 ' If von will act S,sa t and send our ncighborssubscrlntions, you retain TEN CENTS COMMISSION on esiqli rerA;nd.ainpfc liM of I0O Paiew and wPS?.Sr" SJEM!?- m i..-. A.mnttf u'iti,rr ill irv mw."n"- diwonten toL. L. FAiltCJULU. Soiling Prairie. WiS O--.JIII (Sec advertisements elsewhere In thlspaper.) Trees! Trees! Improve ami lleantify your FAMES AND PIOMES 'BEES! OTieiEiS1! DECIDUOUS TKI'.ES FOR GROVES, TIFtlBER BELTS SHAPE AHB OSHAMElT. s FOR PRAIRIE HOMES! CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ' CHEAP I ! I A GtautiTul Grorcof Trees Sliould Surrouml every Prairie Home ! Timber Hells for Protection. Groves for Comfort mid Reality. Groups and Single Trees Ornament. for Every Western Farmer bhc!d have 1,000 Trees jumI 100 Concord Grape Vines, and these he can have FREE. 1,0U0 TREES EREE! 1,000 TREES EREE! 100 GRAPE VINES FREE-! 100 GRAPE VINES FREE. Who would bo without when they can bo haso cheap t. Send at once for ID. Jb HOLaIAN & GCVS JVh olesale Circular fok ATTJeuarN IsT'O. OKKICH, 11-f LUISON Stm Ciiicaoo. DECIDUOUS TREIS FOR tROVl-;, TIM BER BELTS, SHADE AND GIUS'AMENT. 100,000 WHITE tlMVll, Jl.PF.H OF Ull.V.AD 1.AKVH, WILD CJIKKKY, TREMlll.rXli ASl'E.V, ELJtS. MAPLES. Ac, Ac. Farmers, have your own Beautiful , Groves of Valunble Timber. 00,000 White Birch, American Lurch, ami Balm of f Jtlend, sold to the South Parle Commissioners of Chlcsujo, We urc prepared' to furnish Formers, Nursery, men and others throughout the West, during the comiutc Ajitumii. with baii'Jsome. hardy, thrifty- rapid growing trees of all sizes, from oue to lilteen uei iiin,.ior Slaade Oriianieat, fi roves and Windbreaks, at exlremelv low rites by tlie hundred or thousand, and invite the attention of all Interested, in Home ImiirovemenLs to our lisi 01 vanen.v-, s-r sum prices. Intelligent and observing land owners know theadvantage of tree planting. Onehiindced dollars Judiciously expended In trees will Increase the value One Thousand JJoltttrx In the coureo of threeorfouryears. Every farmer throughout the prairie countrv sliould'surrouiid his farm and homewith timber belts, and the most economical way to do this Is to take an aero or more of ground and completely cover it with trees, say from four to eight feet high, and then transplant from this grove from year to ir :is riMiuirefi. i Now is the time for go-ahead farmers to supply their neighbors -u )iv ralt-sand themselves FREE. Live men will learn all p-xrtiuulars by bending at once for circular and price list. Grape Vines! GrapeVines ! CIIEAIM CHEAVf CHEAP! Our Grape Vines are srowii on tlie open prairie, coisvifuiently are liartl. acclinnitetl, and adapted to western soil and climate. Fruit Trees ! Fruit Trees ! Of tho best varieties at rea.souaole priced. Onr specialty Is drape Vines, Native Evergreens and Ifcfiduous Trees Jor groves, timber belts, wind breaks and ornament. XUKSEkYjIEX & TREE DEALKS, SEND FOK A CIHUULAR. Pric KOO 200 . 200 200 IHt iai 13), .zoo 250 1 LJ.'. 4 a) 20) FARMEIW. why not surround your farms with v protection against the heat ol summerand fceveritj of winter? Why not, when it can be done so eabila and economically! IN'ux'Mex-yiii.en, Tree Ietilcis, UTiivih ers, Tills ought to Inrercstall of you. Last spring we sold no,iKl trees to the South Park Commissioners of Chicago : M;e what Is said or them : South Pabk, Chicago, JuI 11,1870. I). F. HolmanA Co. Ccnt-fz In answer to vour inquiry in. regard, to the Sfctty Thousand Trees shipied, to tbe oat Park CcuusLssloturs during last spring. I take pleasure in saying, that the stock was perfectly satisfactory, and the manner of pack ing adopted, by you Ls the best I ever saw. .Respectfully John doonn. Gen. Supt Tree Dept. droves, timber belts and windbreaks sliould be scattered nil over this, viestern. country. Send for a circular. Address D. V. IIOLMAN & CO. 115 Mapison St., Room 1. Chicago. SPECIAL. 50,000 APPLE TREES ONLY S50,00 Per. Thousand.. AtldDcw no olve. 4$-3w, DIERRELIi & coliEMAX, Emit and Ornamental Tree Shruns, t Eosos, &c ' A LAHOB STOCK OF' ETVfAPE VINES; ALSO, SA.LE3I. MAUIilA, A'ALTEB, Sfc , CHOICE CCItClSTS, A OTHER SHAttFTOlTS. OFVrCK. 0r. Iwis A Jlaiii Strecte. GENEVA, . Y. A specialty made of the 1 - r EUMSLAIS: "G-B.APB, hoth for wine- the best of our native Black Grapes, and table. DESCRIPTIVE ClKCCliVTS SENT ,,.r. o--m anr full r ir.r A SUPERB STOCi OF P Trees, e ax STANDAP.D AND DWAItF. p;kthi Trees, a:nd Ob.erry. T.r.ees, ALLQFFJCREU AT LOTIiATEs. NOW IS THE TI5IE TO RVY. Address or call at the SYRACUSE NORSSRES Where a peneral assortment of NURSERY STOCK of superior quality throughout may b found. P PARTICULAR INDUCEJIENTS OFFEIUfl) TO WilOLESALE JJEAilW. - -i S3IITH, CLARK & POWELl? '" 52-1 w SYRACUSE, NIAV YOttEl JSeautifv your Momcs. " Eleanfily jour Ccnaeterics. 11ULRS. Hyacinth. 31 50 to ?l.V) per tloz.: Tulip, I Atfc. tof:to(iperdo24 Crown Imperials, tw)per , tloz.: sclllas. si.jO tier n): uariiy t.iaxioins, iiu 'per doz.: Crocus, 2uc. lier doz.. Jli'ircrlwi: Snow ' Drop, double, (Jie. per doz., ? 50 per lu) sinule. :sse. per dozen, 250 per llil; Jommil, double. ?1 50 jicr (1(17. Single. ?i ye. mis.; i,iiioveriiejii. siiik". '"v. perdoz Polyanthus Narrismw. per doz.: (lanlen Narcissus. Jl per doz.: 2(5 varieties flower seed for rail planting. $2. Circulars ready. Sent to former customers without reiuest. Orders filled as filed. fSentteaciy- Terms cash. S. H. MARTIN, I stfi8-nirr Mnrblehead, Mass. BLANKS of all kind, constantly on hand, atthe Advertiser Job-Oiiice: QTVXW AIT lTTO QVTl IV v T&A.CON, MISSOURI. STEWART & HUMPHREYS, PROPRIETORS.. Our Nurseries goa cac g c"S !e rSa iSisfc"r) On naunibariirSt. Joseph Railroads, about half rcay between flicso Cieo Cities, wc feel that wc can offer stock uiort atiranlajtottlij than most other. Ho near the same soil and climate, our slock will certainly be desirable. The dis tance bcinrj so short to shij), trees need uot be out OVER TWENTY-FODJR TI0URS. These are Points lo which we Desire to cail Particular Attention.. i Weoirer a large,. eoraplctu, and number ono dock anil assortment of APPZiS, PfiACErPLUM, PEAR & CHEESY TSEE together with SMALL J!?K VS.. DRNAMEFT.AT, I 1 a Ci fij mm mm EVJEKa Wc tTcsIre PartscuSiiziy Use A2aC2iiion " Wcsicraa eaicr.s t Vi:U, ri,UM AND CHKItUY TKKI AUK SPECIALTIES IN HL'K TKADI1 Civs-CorrcsiioiKlciiee of 2uiiserymeiij Dealers, and L:in;c rianlers, Solicited STEIVASiT -tr,r-3m IS--XS'S2SE Ui "WOOD ;h: 7" "Wholosn-Io and Hotn.il Doalern in Q! FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS Our IM Inflinlt- tin litt rnrTvnio and ITmlng- lu ncarl". ivorv Slate .11 the I'liinii, lionfM' no hav the Inr-tcst facililii"! for suiiplyin onr casluuivni Itli any tiling thai can bo round In tlie market, at the lowest rales. STOCK -FOR KURSERYMSSTr A CHOICE LOOT OF AIMfLE, 1MCVK. VMM ClIKIHtY. OUINl'Ii Ac. Ac. tri! m AT LOW RVTI2?, l'RI.ME FRESH, APPLE SSSB,i -1! ALSO PEAK. PLUM. CIIERUV.r - i wifl ORNAMENTAL TIIKK SIIRL'R CQI 1 I I Hi Hi SScsi &2S2EJortcc! HJutoi Ris!b.s, ltv the ca.se; oit-ir-r qcan rriUEs Try Vs I Try J6L-auiu lor our catulosues, v holusale or H Importern anil M W fll-flw MllTTMTIFTBTMWr1 f I I I B-BT I TTn- 1 ! -nrrn Tt " r i 11 T E, E E S I J5s JJ i ad C3 EJEa3ss2:3iatoia Ki a V FroBi If ew York to Mebrasks. Standard Fzmit Trees, - Dwarf Pniit Trees, - - Deeidnons OmazaeiLtal -ree3, - Eirergreena and !Flowering Slirulss, SPECIALTIES': Duress de BSordeaux Pear. Grime's G olacu Pippin Apple Tlie Eumclan Grape. CutLeayesI Weeping lUircl. PackFns for distanfc points done with the greatest care AVe ship by JSrtKwS r' UUdC-r fU"r P0UmiS' bi Mai1' (eshid)toPan OTJjj LOCATION. ' inland lakes of that section, more capital is devo t-d to he v rio'ul of Horticu tore than any other locality. East or West. At Gwe Ne ork, nearly 3000 acres arc now planted to Nursery toefef Th" tovn l!el ! . line uiJiituu biojie, at uie iool 01 bencca Lake a lake of fortv miles extent, whose waters ultimately flow into Lake Ontario. The?lS loim here- eAIHLlIlir. eimillpc: nstn frrnu- hattnp 1).,. I Til 1 . require hardiness to adapt them to all conditions of transplanti" thin cam be found elsewhere. Our irrounds. alnniiin- tnwnni tiw? t i..' .";; .:i froia he town, etiibraee3 nearly 300 Three Catalogues 146 PagesNow Ready. Address, ' Graves,. Selover, "Willard & 0., joiix q. A-ssirrn. e. ir. wrtcox AND COMMISSION HOITSH r SMITH &TVILCOX. Dealers in all kinds flrain. for which they nay the highest market ' price in casn FEJolinsou Co. tflTOIlici'atStOTeor lfwjnv lYeninff b (3HAU .O.TJ 0ASC tfmmm iFVLUx Tlie iJcmatuT for Clt.vr.TEi: OAK. CHA LLKNOB I an(T i:rENING STAR Srov 12 has grown so rap mm, FoiuiDiu, btcir PTtfd-T'. tJlimZL k J Jlmm -i 1 1 w '--L.w-r idly of late that wc have not filled orders a:prtiipi ly as desirable; wit having now secured the assis tance or anotnr Move Pwtsndry. " e S1,R" hereafter confine nearly the entire-force-or our own estab lishment to the production of the- S!vr abovr Famed, atuUiopo to fill all orders without delays We wonM" nill the aUcntion or those about pur riiaslnc. to tlieSCCflisSatiil rOPUI-ARlTY of all of THESE STIAIS. No ItjUec evitlenoo oCtbelr intrinsic merit can be offered than x sKitemeni of tTie fact, that titter Ts yrs us, nmrtfcing subject to severe tests In alt kinds of localities, and' to the most hitter nnd determined opposition that couldbc Invented, that they are to-day. the MOST POPU LAR STOVES In the market, amthave given sucIb nnlversat satLsfacforr Tn.rTTTrETDIOrANI) rs" GRE.VTER THAN EVER. If you want THE REST COOKING &TOVK FOIC WOOD, buv the CHARTER OAK. ir yon want Ihe RlST CfKKlNaSTOTrrFOR CfrAr, bny tli C irjcrJU-"NGl-. irxouwant the NEATEST AND REsTSHEhrT IRON PARLOR STOVE ever made, buy the- EVENINl! STAR. S0M IIY . Excelsior -Manufacturing Co,,, Gl;i asicl Gl-1 Nortli 3Inln Street, st. Loris, -ri Hsouui, OC. II V S2ielle-ilierger Brotiiers, RROWNVILIX. NEIL BhJjmnfTTM''TTB1 being .so near afull assortment of HB) MHMiutMala m uwrfl - KEia & aaaiSflPBaRET??, Propriclors. hrj '0 ct- & A.XjXj, it - ArK.tWMl all klmb tf KRl'IT. EVERfSREKN aixfllElH JE SEKU, Ih st-.v-.ii. at market iirico. il-v to srrr pcrchLsers, on the most i a Us ! I: Try 5Js Retail reo to nil. ' "WOOli & EALI, Dealers in Nurserj- $teK. SeftN, Knlbs. Ac. 1' :KNi-v. N. V. - - - . For OrcbardiK. For (jardena For fclie Lawn For tho Lawii- acres. He st ...a v, ..w jjiiu. a nun iuiic t ...-- GBSEVA XE-4H YOB- -r 33-ClU; P3HS k aHMSi