'0 J if - I,, - u ': , ,,- tag . o- S(J rt H'n re- Bf J- kht fcdl Iks. K W. X)CAL MATTERS J. I,. Colhnpp, Editfr. TnTBSPAY, OCTOBER 1. 1870. From the .uauy oi "vj ..... wxiiipnc of thcvOritle's sister In this ;1!TwB.M. Colt, Wixsosff E. irons and. 31xmOmve Nickels, uotii 01 (county. , , tnld tlic congratulations 01 rami j incuuo : nappy couple Immediately started for r whore Is ihehomeof his youth." One h'cJolllest benedicts in the land has gone , winter quarters,- wm m nuw licit of friends. -,,-, ., Trtici. In-day. A. W. Nicitbi.t., ,iscit . and Miss Doba Lamiieiccos.-. ol former piare. cicarn mi:j """- - -,t,i. bridal tour before returning, we ft pleasant trip and Journey "-6 oninns Fatljen3IcGotlirIg, In charge ., umwnvlllp Miasloti.of the Catholic rcli, Is In the city to-day, and will make knecments to lie instills city every two Iks and have service. 01 t.io : I the exact sum the conductor the "bed- Lite," who edits the down street concern, , the people of this county ! "Jiow uo - payers like the fun "Your visits to our . f ... ..-ritTiti: Thnro'K Use arc ounojcioiib i mj j. ....... door J" If you can't get an uuiri, " j next best thing is to harrass the tax-pay- Lcsldenec Improvements. A nowrcs- ln is In proscess of erection for a Mr. rton on Ith-hnrd street, between 2nd and phe new residence ot Louis Jim on y.ov fec between Cth and 7th streets, now nearly Jehed, Is one of the tno.st hnndsOinein the tv. facob Rogers and John Flora's resilience south-Levee street, arc models of ncat- ss, convenience and taste. tlfa.IL Bryant's residence, on Atlantic be- 'Jeen2dand 3d streets, Is assuming tnape. id bids fair to be one of the ornaments of r city iCW rFrom i:r Dally of Friday. I "Mivr Blial Cnniohtll Is having me noie Atlantic between Sd Hiid -4tli streets tilled He watches ourstrccts closely mid saves are than his salary in timely repairs and renting waste. J PERSOSAIiS. Tust as we go 1 1 press Gov. Butler, Gen. obcrts and Hon. G. W. Ambrose arrived In ar city. Gov. Butler is now speaking. Gen. cherts will ajxtk t iiiM. We were happy to meet last evening Father IcGoJhrig, of the Brownvi'.Io Mission of the iitholle Church, lie will hereafter pay tiar cular attention to his charge In this section. jOur old time honored friend G. W. Dorscy, 5 Beatrice, and family, arc In the city. It lakes matters sevtn pleasantly old-fashion- . to sec him nrouml. , M. Alderman and family of old pioneer femembrance cKlk-d to-day. He is stepping ith Squire Clayton and his brother, and wc pe may find it convenient to stop, lie i one of Brownville's first and best dtl- 1S. Mcnry Emoiwm Is 1u the city. Y c are ithorlzed to contradict Uie report that he itlactwl v-itli the matrimonial cpidumic st now so prevalent. Jeo Dunn, Deputy Collector for this Dis- Ict, has returned, and may now be lound flng business hours at hw ollieeln Dunn ; ilays Jewelry Shop. A- 'S' Thanks. To the citizens of Brown vlile d donors toward the erection of the Cstho- church: f Jtr. Joseph C. Shlsel desires to return his incoro and heartfelt thauks for the llbcral- y and kindness wherewith they responded b h!apiJlcal!ous for moneys for the church. Although at this particular time nnmey is Kceedlngly scarce, sulHcribers who were piled ii m paid cheerfully and kindly their Vtions; some xh!bIUngcn Impatience' V work on &imrjhdibeeirdelayjSI - rFrom oar Dally of Monday, j COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber Oct. 3, 1S70. Council met. Pjesent: Tisdcl, Plasters, Lewis and Johnson.- Mayor being absent, Tisdcl, was, on, motion, called to the chair. Minutes of last meeting and meetings of Sept. 12th and 13th read and approved.. The followineacconnts were presented and allowed : , , J. B. Docker, services, $70.00 ; French & Itogers, rcntSJiOO; Sidney French, attorney, ?25.00; D. Campboll, service as Tdarehal, $225.00; C. W. Wheeler, work on streets, SS5.75; " T.W. Bedfprd, City Engineer, $53.00; J. M. Graham, lumber, $22.35; .G. W. Bratton, well on Gth street, 03.00; Orders drawn on Gen. FunditJas. FJynn, was allowed $95.00, for work on Cth street; Street Commissioner presents monthly re port: amount due Commissioner from last re port. $20.77; expended by Commissioner, on Main street, 100.50; street generally, 75.40 ; Amount due, 250.67. F. E. Johnson, was on motion appointed a committee to make full settlement with A. W. Morgan, for expenditures on Cth street. The following resolution was oilered by F. K Johnson: Wiieekas, J. R, Belt & Son not being satisfied with the ground granted by the Council, llesolved, that the resolution p ranting use of levee, to J. U. Bell fc Son be auu Is hereby rescinded, resolution passed ; The following resolution was also offered and by a unanimous vote was passed: Resolved, that the occupants of tho levee whose leases have expired and those that have no leases, are now notified to remove all buildings and all nuisances, within 30 days, and Marshal Campbell is authorized to notify the parties and cause the same to be removed. ICcmnlia Coanty Fnlr Association. The Board of Managers of the .Ncinana (Jounty Agricultural Association desire us to state that in arranging the grounds for the State Fair, the finances tall behind between three and four hundred dollars. Enough Life Memberships have been sold to pay this amount, bat has not been paid up. It is hoped those who have subscribed will not let their subscriptions go unpaid longer. The Society lias Incurred obligations that must be paid, even if the Board rny them out of their own pockets. From thelally ol Tuesday. PERSOXAI-S. Dr. Blake, Dentist, of this city went east to-day, -wc suppose to rusticate. and rest a little from his arduous labors. The "loll" editor of the down utreet concern started cast this morning to ascertain if his "visitsareobnoxlons" to somebody's parents. Wc wish him success. - : i ir Saloons wero all closed,, to-day, according to law, with promptness by tho keepers; yet several of them could net sec why they were closed up and others, who paid no license, could give it away I We could not see the point, either. ; (GREAT CIiEA2tIXQ SA&T3. Of Box Stoves, Parlor Stoves and Cooking Stoves, at W. T. Den's, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Come and examine. Prices for yourselves. & js- Tho Election, to-day, was not near so boisterous as might havo been expected from the conflicting interests in the field. There were tickets straight, atiutlcl:ets mixed, to suit the complexion, caste and prejudice of all. fFrom our Daily of Thursday. J TJc last story of tho State Bank Build ing Is now in process of erection. xz. J vT'l ';yg- Chas. Helmcr makes as neat boot as it Is possible to procure. fitting 31-dwl PllEIIIIJX TO XEW SUBSCRIBERS. Purdy? Small Fruit Instructor. . M- Purdy editor Small Fruit Jlccor- Dlessrd. Stevenson ib Cross, proprietors or the Star Hotel, are certainly doing a good work and deserving or praise for getting the agency for the sale of passenger tickets to all points in the United States by rail, and by the Cunard and N&;ional Steamship Lines to ail the principal ports of this Old World. This spirit of enterprise and accommodation to the traveling public (s truly commenda ble and deserves encouragement. Improvement. Mrs. Johnson is having the front of No. 45 remodled to answer for the business which she intends carrying on there ; that is, a Bazar of Ladies Fancy No tions. Sho is a lady of elegant taste, energy and capital. Grading was commenced yesterday on the road from the river to Phelps, with a suf ficient force of hands to put It through by tho 10th of November, by -which time the contractors will have it ready for tho Iron. New Boarding House. The west side of the Berry building has been rented and is being fitted up for a railroad boarding house; and we learn that Dr. Crane's buiuilng, No. J7, is to be fitted up for some purpose. Fresh pitted Cherries, at the P. 0. 33tr Choice Groceries at JlcPhcrson's. 33tf For Heating Stoves go gers. to Shcllcnber- tr ir you want choice Dry Goods go to Mc Pherson's. 3dwtf Fresh. Cranberries just received at 2Sdwl SWAN & BRO'S. Slicllenhcrgers Is the place to buy your Cooking Stoves. tt" mi l".' . CT v- uo le AVOe-wal rV. "inirouiSsvit: warranted pure ft 4Ctfdw Goo4 Fri5jiiiter-J2I Cents per lt. 2W1W mSJjI-BTfYWVRON & Co.. n-W4fjs wood, now lstho time to nay 'ihaF'Hfly owes us money, and wants toylii'igesi' hard wood.inow la the accented ttfcgJW, Salt Tare ta St. Joseph. Hnirratijoiillbonghtnttho Star Hotel, to'aj . lAtxtJeXlreat Western Races, from the 121 , ffiJ istii, and good to return Until ItinKli l-2i i.. .l.in.ml "'"" nci iviw ,-i.-j.- BHi .IARDS. vcrsort jga eenn be accommodated with first hf 'mj t)gt &c.,at tho Sherman House Bill), f no tN 25d wt r 5 w.r bin. m'a.for No. 1 Boots and cfiuiiietTthnn any house in iat's ilmt's the matter! He 9dtrj Splendid Bargains can alway bo had a the Dollar Store!- 2Sdwl' Go to A.l Shoes! He Nebraska! , means what:5SSW ,.' B O. A. Thttajjtec a nice assortment of toilet art !gag$' T ' w tie the The SlugtJlscv.lng 3incliine can round at the f fee fjtorc, next door lo 1 I 3bc SHSIiliEPIBERGEB, BROS. Tills firm, with Its usual enterprise, took, the first premium on Cook Stoves. They had on exhibition tho "Peerless," a stovo that took the first premium at the exposition at Paris, and of course lock It atour State Fair. Tho are determined to have tho best, tried stoves, and this is their policy in overy oth er department or their business. They aro reliable and what they sell you con bet on being No. 1, and you will cet It as cheap as it can possibly bo sold. Vtlcing Tip. People begin to realize ttiat our respected ancestors must have had a very inconvenient time of It without railroads, steamcis, gas, ft-Iction matches, telegraphs, expresses, ewing machines, and last, and par consctjucnce, not least, Stovo. TTA.XS.'NES'B'S l7AltNKR'S PILE REttBDY has never 1 V fiUled (not even la one caso to cure the very worst cases of IiUnd, IthJnjc or Blelii Plica. Thiunirlin nro ,nlii?t,l "thAtllli lmiBiall lt'"JCaU On their druKsist antl ret HVt JZ.Yirs flhK RKilFc JtY. It is expressly forthe Kits, and la not rcora ir.ended to cure any other dUease. It tas cared many eiscs of over thirty years standing. ITlce One Dollar. For sale hvdrusKbts everywhei. DYSPEPSIA. IIYSPKPSIA TOSUJ tHpre- nrl iir0S4lv ft.r DvsDeOtlCS IUUI IBObe 511- . -. -- - - - ... . . TirAIlNER'S 1 I nartm! PiriirKMlV ferine with hubltuid Costlveaess. Jt 1 a.Hlat,ty tayiOfSn th sesual ijtwt !it 2tt!lic0rerli! & trtdOKlsz acapreTCcU3rjKapr!ns.lo-Ttnr-tscrT9t!ieccBSMia,. IWtsalnwrCTtiaf (rwkef two hmnlrpJtad twnty tear ptgs.irithcuia5foai na.Tlac sMenuias,Ia.Velif'' nation for Uioie nho mr osrtM.or cootenp.'SBtii ttWTisg. euil,!tli m b3cttatonattebcl.tjtcaicrloo::a3iSkey. d eotlaldcucleu-rftboastbebciK. SeattoaajoacriraorpuUipjrorci.tj-Citi. r AdSrealJr.BituTlJpeassry To. 2KorJS,11ta'Sort. T- Bs.LcnU.ito. ' - Hotlco a Charter Oak Post Ollice. Sldwtf B. 3Iooke, Agent. Teas at reduced prices, at Swan fc Bros. -. 1 Fresli CranlierrlcH at 2Sdwl BICH & GILMORE. By rfcr, and Cottstge Gardener, Palmyra N. Y., Is certainly the most complete work on Small Fruits ever unbllshed. It is a work of C5 pages, yet it explains In the plainest, tersest English, just what Is necessary to do to obtain rrnlt In tho simplest possible way. It opens up practically with "sound advice to new beginners," which are theiresult or experience; then a chapter or "secrets of making small fruits profitable, and a treat ise on "marketing fruits," under the head "3trawlerrles' wo have "time to set out;" "preparation of soil;" "lo grow targe fruit;" "to produce fiuit late in the season;" "win ter protection;" "mulching material;" "taking up plants for setting;" "care o: plants after setting;" and a full chapter on the different methods of culture," in which all systems are shown and winter directions given; together witli a description of all known varieties. This style of the work Is carried out with regard to Raspberries, Blucklierrics, Currants, Gooseberries, Grapes, together with a treatise on Fig culture, by JamesT. Worthington, of Chilleothe, Ohio, together with much other valuable informa tion cu the subject of the woik. The work Is Invaluable to every grower of small fruit, and thcameture cannot get the same inror mation in so plain, simple, yet so complete In any other .work. This work will be given to every new sub scriber to tho Atlvcrluvr, from this date; and to all who come nndpay for a ycarssnbscrip llons In advance. And we may add thai this Is the host season to get the benefit or suthawonc, In preparing Tor next season's fruit by multiplying, protecting, or setting put plan ta." WHO. SELLS THE FIRST PREMI . . UM CUOVJ-VLXOl Why, W. T. Den, at less figures than any other house In Brownville, Important Kewspaper Change The' Hearth and Home; a finely illustrated jour nal of high character, hitherto Issued , by Messrs Pcttenglll, Bates & Co., has been pur chased by Messrs. Orange Judd fc Co., of 215, Broadway, Now York, the well known pub lishers of the American Agriculturist. Mcss S. SI. Pcttenglll & Co., whose jrreat Advertis ing Agency, established in 1SI9, is one or the largest and most reputable in the world, find that their extensive business require their exclusive attention.and they therefore trans fer the Hearth and Home to Its new publish ers, whose long experience and abundant fa cilities will enable them not only to main tain the high character or the paper, but to add materially tolits value. Tho now pub lishers also announce a reduction of the terms to $3 per year. The ehmtgc will not at all eirect the American Agricultural, which will continue on a independently as hereto fore. The Illustrations and reading matter or the two journals will be entirely different. Eithrr of the two journals will now be fur nished to the end of 1S7I, (15 months), at the yearly subscription rate, viz.: the Weekly Health C- Home at S3; tue Monthly American Agriculturist $ 1,W;' or the twe for M. The reasotfo, input. InW-jhlrJIiliif?! K csehavenowTieenBccarcd ill he erected fortJiwJthTHndfWhen comple i f., .....,. d whl stand a monument to the generosity 1 the clllzc ns of Brown ille. May the chole t blessings of a kind Providence be shed Kpon them. I Father MeGoldcJcg, o! Nebraska tity, lias ecn appointed to the minion of Brownville, d will henceforth have charge of the Cath- ille Interejt of this city. Mass will be celebrated regularly at some ubllchall until the church is ueuicaieu. ather McGoldricg Is at prt-scnt in tou n, but wing to previous appointments. nml delay ubllc celebration or mass to a further date, f which due notice will be given. SIARRISO J t the residence of the bride's fnt her In this City, last evening, by Rev. J. T. HHlrd,- . t. iLACKK-'UN nilil MISS 1IATTIE A. M 1UKK- xv, both or tills city. -O Cni Sweet Cldar at Rossoll's. Wc tried It and und It No. 1. Do thou likewise. m 300 head of Cattle crossed atthis point his moraine. They belotif-d to a Mr. M"Cy who brought them rrom EiiMport, Iowa, and was taking thorn about tlflrSy miles west to Winter. rrotn the Diilly of ton3ay. LADIKS AID SOCIETY. The Ladies or the M. E. Chtireh met and reorganized, en last Monday evening, under the name of the "Ladies Aid Society" ot the iLE. ("mrch. The mooting called to order, the following officers were nominated and elected: Mrs. J. S. Iletzel, President, Mrs. Beach, Vice President, Mrs. E. E. .Ebright, Secretary, Mrs. T. J. Mnjors, Treasurer. Managers, Mrs. Wm. Arnold, Tilrs. Jonas Drucry, Mrs. Roy, and Mrs. Howard. On motion It was agreed to devote all funds col lected by this society to the benefit of their pastor. On motion, a(ljoumsi to meet next Mon day evening at the residence Mrs. Jonas Drury. """'"" In behalf of tho Society, and tiicl.idyof the house, wc would extend a xordlal invitation to all lomect with us. Friends acquaint ances, strangers, show by your actual pres ence the lntercnt vou doubtless reel In this organization. MRS. J. S. KETZEL. Pres. Mrs. E. C. Ebihoht, Sec TkePrfi iri CtFnrla e r, onejor Wgrjfegti Great Reduced Prices on first class Dry Goods, at W. T. DEN'S. JOB WORK. As heretofore wc guarrnntec satisfaction in all kinds or job work and invite the pat ronage or the public with the full assurance, that we can do their work, If not quite so cheap, fully as well as It can be done In Chi cago or St. Louis. Rnln has not fallen in this section for three days and our roads are In good condi tion ; but teams catch over in the bot tom. 'A. month Will play out the necessity or teaming goods accross that quagmire. PERSON ALi t Geo. P. Eaton, cashier or the State Bank, at this place, returned from a visit to Ohio, this morning. His family will move out in a few weeks. R. V. Hughes started for Indiana, to-day. Judge O. B. Hcwelt started for Johnson county this morning. Wc are pleased to make tho acquaintance or Mr. William Gcrkey, of Omaha, who Is here looking around with a view to locating in our city. He comes well rccommeuded, and we hope he may bo pleased to settle among us. A Constat, Effort to pleaso and satlsry his guests 1 1 coidy phrase that will apply to the condjij 5&f Jgco. D tughertyor the Res taurant next i ioor to Ca' sou's Bank ; and his success Is tnl Kionder ul. Try him ! - fc.p? . . ' J. ftBELL fc SON. ri This firm,ii..aiiii3 In line Lumber and all building mi rial that 1 J made or pine, have now their y,r for mmfr or College and 1st streets stacKe wu !, as also all tho vacant lots adjoinbglfyicyfcave millions or reet or all kind, if,p ne Lumber, as well as a' rousing sUci UhT Doors, Blinds, etc. They sell at the ,y est possible figure, and arc selling an T-iSyloVor stuir or all kinds, Irom ten tec xgjj jamrfioimiiigtncroattiiy for the cotniJ S1 esTbesides their large trade in this Imr.r .lati vicinity. A life policy In tho Washington Life U a asuroresonrco when death occurs. Take a policy In the old established and prudently managed Washington. iij: n tn Lumber! Tjumoer I J. R. Bell & Son Have on hand millions of reet or ,Drj' Pine Ii-nnhcr, Which Is handled with care, and Xept under shed From the weather. This comprises all classes, sizes and finish, that can bo found in any Lumber yard. They havcalso constant ly on hand Lath, Shingles, Doors, Pickets, - Bush, f Elinds, Mouldings, And everything In plno, that Is used In building, that can bo had anywhcrel They make a speciality of Newel Posts, Banisters, and Hand Ralls, which they will supply to suit customers. Their sales are for cash, and as low as can bo had anvwhere In the west. OGIce'and Yard cortier-or Atlantic und JPlrctstrootst AH Faeliionahle Merchant Tailors play ed out. Jacob Marohn still Jiving! lo-l ettiilt?rTy tnnlo nn1 n nTpnflill RDntMlier; It strcimtlicns the stomach and restores thMll:ive t -v -; OrKuItt 10 lutir iKanii) ouuo. " ""' . I ooaoiuea, dysiHpt!c persons siiobiu use hhkx.k itrn I'M'SfA TOSIC FurKiiebydrugg'sts. ITIceOr.ei llnllH. Etgssa!Sigg??TJrtffiaisriJg to the AfHIctod, and Unfortunato. yibllo paper, tr nlnsay quuk rca.alit, pcmj Dr. ButU" 'soa. jbur pnrrm la, sf g.j mpwww j COUGH z??z sssss n- n. jm- fv. M.rltNT. n.-nniIIT er or ICftl en tol dUeutSBcatloiml ! c' -cra. t)35,Ko.lUS6na Eljill, Street, lt8ea ItorUt uaJ CLv.tnat, SuLouiiiXc 3VO iOXfti VXTAltNUlfS CowKhHnNaniti m-fliing. s-ou- eninK and e.xiectiiratlii(r. The -. xtr.vml.nary power it possesses m Imciedlntcly rel'evjns.ar.U eventually curl'rth', most GttlnatociVfoivViuyis Jloarscncss. .Vsthtna and C-onnainptluii atntost Increilialc. So urompt U ti.e relief and crru..ii its eilects In all t.'ie nba o oases, er any affpct.oa orthe throat anil lungs, that Uiousunds vt physilclaiw are daily prescribe:: it.untl ine mid all &uy that it J3 the most healing and expfctoratins medichie known. One doae alwaj-s aflbrtia reller, and In rao",tca?03 one lwttle etTeet a cure, bold by tlrufcjists, m lart' bottles. Price One Hollar. It I your own limit If vou still cauKh and ssiTtr. The BiiUam will cure. WINE OF" ILiTllO. Sf!?2S!!S2SSS 'HE great Blal IMrlUer and Bedcions Ir. 'K. 1 Warner'! Viniiui Vita;, or ine ur I-lTf. H free from any poisonous drop or Inipnrlties, being prepured for those who require a .stimulant. It is a splendid appetizer and totitc. and thelinest th'nm the world for purifying the blood. It Is the most pleasant and delicious article ever otlered to the public far superior to brandy. wnMsy. wine, hitlers or any other article. It la more healthy and cheap er. Both male and female, young or old. can take the Wine ot Lire. It U. la met. a lire preserver. Those who with to cnjoyKOod health i and u frf e flov, rn..l !-!( .Illfl.ivnll tofnktlia WlneOftJ It Is dUTerent from any thlnif ever berore tn w. is sold by dniAlstd : also by all rt-pectable stlooui. Trl'n' One Dollar. In n:nrtfrottlf. rriiv - -'----"" Al, icaro -ROWtASDS EECT.n?' -" cenprlslcrTaluaiio Ooilootion. S R?.CT.nTK.-JI-gia rti. PI9Tr!, 4c. S.S.'0K- i b Ibrsiailon fer ertn xiO: malllfrMinf redantK.r VmV CrsUi ASinrn 1 1-.VI1V. Ka 1 I Vrf.h E!rbli ItrCCt St. Loajl. lltv. TlBASira COLuKClIOf ofararlyone t cad nd reed pta'M' - maWasBranilT; all iiaJor lnf, Oln. AIu, Beer.Cor aials, Snrerior Cller, and a.wh cUwr tucnil tnformaUoB tjr those dealing In oriatsfcttxa:erTOttlUTe,dUiot Sent ot malt (frooof i'jgr-) fir Tinj Ctoti. -Mre R. K. jiOtatASDY, yo. 13 NoiUl EUhta ttrcct. St. LeaU, Xt Boy M and !'l! D You 4. CO csz tVatcU R pal ring leatly and promptly done bv Dm ifet.rdvs. 46ttow BOOTS! Cj -.ti boots:. ir yon wsntWreat fitting Boot, a well made Boot, and danibi'NBool nnd a cheap Boot it Is nbsolutclyesfrntlal hat you nhould go to , J ' CH VS. HELMEU'S 27dw' imi - "-1 No. 51 Main Street. First PrcinTmF .lining Mill For snlo Enquire of 20 dwtr Madame Doctor llastello Her circular to married ladies sent on receipt of two stamps. Address .Mauamo uoctor iwwejiu, Chicago, 111. .-3m ,'ORTniNO, F. E. .ToliiiHon Jt Co.j have opened the first regular Fall Stock or Dry Goods In this city this season, and ofier the newest and latest styles at the lowest rates. Give them a call and examine their stock. 29dwl Swan & Ero. have reduced the prices on Teas, 15 per cent. Go and See. Mul'Jicrson keeps everything nice. 33-1 Sujrors, ol all kinds, at low prices, at SWAN" DUO'S. Peru Items. Our progressive sister city, oven at this late date in tho year, continues to erect new buildings to fill tiie pressing demand for thorn. The scarcely or houses has long been felt, and the peoplp are providing new ones as ruKtastheirmeans will allow them. There is an unusual demand for them this rail, and men who have money to Invest, could do no better than to erect cottage houses therer which xrould be icady sale when completed, or they would rent mr a large per cent, on the money. Peru in destined to be ono of the finest as it Is already In many respects in the State. No person ever visited tho town and its surroundings, with Its fine school racilltles, can but aiJmiL this iact. 4Tieaoitha.t they are inilng.to havp,arall- fiMMMKlt. in K.iiaijHara '"l'"- Tf3TM iffcfbfjW1;! ing year. Theyouertliar now Tsdbscribers.i for 1871 shall receive tL Farm r ror the'baV lanco or this yearree; that I f 'iseriptlons will dato.rioni the lime rccelvt.I, and ex pire January First, 1S72; also that ail sub scribers, old as well as new, will be entitled to their valluableacd handsomely illustrat ed Animal fur 1871, gntti. This book will comprise 150 pages and be replete wlt'.i Interesting-matter alone worth SiW to any prac tical laruier or Iralt grower. A Sample number will be sent free on application to theoflice. Address Tub Pjiaijue Faujisu Co.. Cliiciigo, 111. Hnyor's Com-t. Judge Morgan, acting Maj'or.tineacoupleor men this morning &1 each nnd cast ror drunkenness. One was ar rested by Marshal Campbell Saturday, the other yesterday. Violations of tlic Sunday Law. From the number of drunkenmen seen upon our streets yesterday there can be little doubt that some orourSaloon keepers an violating tho law against selling liquor on Sunday. They know the penalty, and need not be in the least surprised ir Jerked upatalmostany moment and put through for it, as-weknow t he officers eyes are on them. This town has made, we think, sufficient concession to thfe business to be entitled during ono day in the week, and that day the Sabbath, to a free dom trom drunkenness upon her streets, and wc hope to see the law strictly enforced. Itllamarlf-Ut " i . J - .l .. .-rf kbcnC'c-ompletea, ThtFedltUsWargeTaidh h!ghl creditable to tho community. Tiie workmen have this JU'ecek enclosed the handsome mansion or .Mr. Church, In process or erection, south or the Normal School building. James Melcalf Is building a substantial house In the East Part oCto'wu. The masons havo Jubt finished the basement. B. L. Eaolcy, proprietor or the Peru Nur series, Is now offering a line stock, or Grape Vines, Fruit and Forest Treeo at reduced prices. By the encouragement he hits re ceived heretofore, he h, euuhied to offer the public a much larger .and butter selected htoekthan at any other time. or cholcc'Sugars, and fine Teas, nnd Extra Coficcs and Syrups, go to-W.T.DEN.'S. About 150 Cattle crossed this morning going west to ha wintered. About o0 head crossed last Sunday. J. S Iletzel. nas just returned from tho East where ho has been purchasing his Fall and Winter stock of Clothing. This makes the fourth trip for Xcw Goods this season, and will make his fourthdot this season. He is deter mined to keep up with the'immensedemand made upon him for Clothing and Fnrnlsh Goods, and his new. stock will be the most attractive assortment ever brought to tills section of country. Give him a call. 33dwl i u - MERCHANT TAILOIilNG Is a branch of1busJncs's In which our enter prising ciUrenlv3M Morgan, jr., claims to know thoMughly all the wants of the public, and which he yill soisfy ir it Is possible. Ho is constantly In re eiptortho very latest styles or Koods, and keeps No. 1 workmen to make them upjo suit Ho guarantees satis faction in both goods and prices. Also, con stantly or. hand much ready made clothing antl a full line brgents Furnishing Goods, comprishsglhOj'lKtest novelties out. Give him a call at Nc 51; Mr.m street. IS-O-dw.tf, ST fits affable prop'rloumCf. M. Kauffman, Is one of the best aecomihddath ns for tho weary and Patronize Home Industry. All kinds or Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's Marble Works In this city, cheaper than It can be Lad elsewhere. None but the best ma terial uetk ii-ii 50. (0 .RcTvard. This will bo paid to any one who will prove there Is a particle or mercury In Dr. Henry's Boot anil Plant Pills. 47-4t. A. P. COGSWEIiIj, REAL ESTATE BBOKER. Office, corner First and Atlantic streets. Buy and sell hinds, unv taxes for non-residents. Glveb nnrtieninr-'nttcntton to buying, helling and .. A... H renting; city property. article known tc care the Wn.lw, ( t wjlt cure in every case,).. Vcre Jite tovlb' " wch thg m?otnimrnuu.r1. -"'"Xri vA wine crer.tesi o;t-fir- rn ...i jv. - ..-.- Siould immediately procure It It la idsp a sure cure mrfcrnaletrrnlnrlUe., d yhtsJcpoojIwl ui)on In every caso wlicie tie uionthly How law been obstructed through coid or d.nense. &olu by druggists. Price one Dollar. Or sent by raall on re ceipt of One I)ol!arane a Quarter. Address l!lSratcSt..CliicncoIH. Korsaleby .,. H. C. LSTT, McCHEURlT & NICIiEIL, EOT & FiiAIJT BY CLEASSISO THH BtODJJ AJD aromtaj ki Utot ta-l HeetetlTe Or gans to a hea'iaxfc-'iaa, te PUI euro si3r coaptaiau t.ci 11 violtl not ta supposed Uscjeoatd r-eh, lach. ml Hti cxc.rjLCl3 TitSur Kkmdi ort Hum axd rr. HcxxMsa, CatiLXB, KmnUTMH (itllltU. l.'0AfTTITC, Buioca Siunud Kunir AticiK)J, CanfAUo. Duiuxr. 1'cnsa Jt Krma Unrrrai Jicdicx ladottrrlln dntl complij&u -LiiDgfrsialo-i;tof th botr, or ot-nctlo ef Its fl.tirtloai. Btinj free frea mcrcurT an J olhtr pclwnt. they cn be tkcn stallUccs tiJ aiir til cutnaiu irlUiaat retard to diet or Lular-a. Price 25 eeaUaboz. Prrpared ty tho GraJtorv VeO Wne 0", BU toc!. Ho. s Sold by drousistj aa 1 Otaler I u ncdichiTiTjwtier "A P r to LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. The Great Soothing Remedy, seplOyl rsnnvnvllle, Nebraska. wttitCo SYBU S ( Csrsseoiandj;rIpHu:lnU9)fKICfi Jborel atd fja!iiaiUwi pTo-V 25 (caseftccUs. ) CENTS "NTOR. r Subdues ccnrnHlfiaitn.l o-jor 'WlTTTCO'UB'Bewnr all dlr ttetdtnt to SYRUP. iiaraats and Children. J . . t.nTM-9 JttKS. c imm vitrmn. vjsmarr m I j?BJ-i CofaJIaEcj. )CSNX3 Itls the creat Infantr and Chl:Jrea'a toothlns Rcnedy In alt duordfrabroajhtoa by Teethlagoraaycttercause. rw rarod bT the Grafton Vcdlcios Co.. St. LoulJ, Uo. 8oU by druHUt aid dsalera In medicine crsrrwfceie. 2T-jr "VTHU'COHB sxnur. "tv HEH YOU BUY A ins s K3i jevi Lr liX iS! i rt rl M it ft. '3 VJ .LW it io economy ' TO GET THE BEST ! eli'r 31 m .-A issrs- imatAti : This housSKScrJlhc management or tlOUSB. Pare Cidar Incut Vlucgr.u, waerantcd genu SWAN & BKO'S. IjAst call: Accounts and Xoles due Ilolladay & Co., and Dr. At S.Hclladay, If notipa1diwIUiln! iuiiTjjiuaviociiiuj piaceuiintuc' nanus u 3SSffr)le?ira : nn rnl ivninst8 '"Mirl I 2 tcr eiiH andipay; up,cnd save costs'fSOdy, i jte Jr: taurant tCSK .aasi.4aWsainw 50 Busliel Black Walnuts wanted for Planting for which cash will he paid. Apply at this ollice. SUdWtr See. It lias Rained to-day. It rained yester day. It Is likely to rain to-morrow. It is very moist traveling. Wo would like a change or some kind, a. snow storm, even, would be pleasant for the sake or variety. - - '' - Rumor says that work on the railroad aoross the river is to commence nfrholps. PJSUSONAl.S K. V. Smith, or Toledo, O., or Patent Truss Bridge notoriety, called this morning in com pany with C. V. Wheeler, or this city. Mr. Smith was formerly of Troy, and will find many friends in this section. Den. Hackney and the others who went to the St. Loals Fair returned yesterday. AdyertiHtimexil or Dr. Butts' Dlsncn- sary, hcaoed Book for tho Million !ak kiageGuide inanothcreolumn. Itshould be read by all. 27-y Jucoli Sarolm, v.'e learn, goas East to day for New Gojtls. NOTICE. Teachers arc hereby notllled that I will te In attendance at my ollice in Brownville, Saturday. Nov. oth. for the cauiinatiou of applicants. Sldwtt S. W, McGKEW, Co. Sup't. Tiie Prize Uollnr Store oHers Induce ments for lucky Investments unsurpassed In this section. Its scheme cannot be equalled for the sum it costs to try your luck, and the chances areas three to ono In favor of the drawer. ISdwl hungry traveler nlon? the Missouri river. Forgood mealiVgood Veds, accommodating host and waiters it'Ktaiuls unrivalled. dw :m SrSr3 A PI1LTJBEK YAnD. XIlbournetfiflm&5 Co., corner ofFourth and Mids'tfc?tJnIthisclty, have constant ly on httnd a rull's'tock or tho best Pine Lum ber or all kipdalsc,alsoSash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, IatSjiouldlngs, Frames, etc., etc, which they ftrtjselling at the lowest possible figures for which the same can be got out of the log aid shipped to this point. They are determined to. continue as heretofore to sup ply the Jbulk'cfilumbes, etc., used in this OfEco of Jao. L. Carson. 2n.nlter, BroTtmviilc. Hob.. Ansrist 18, ISIO To nil Pofsouo liaving Paporin tliis ofEeo DUE OS PAST DUE, JJotico is given that domaatlis hore Tjy siade and Paymoutrcquiroii. Un less u on amnio aatl approved securi ty, no further oxtonsious -s?i21 oo grantod. io-tr JNO. 1j. CARSON. sssisv;w."'rrra r..j";i'5TraKr,7rcaEcai 07iIMERCIsLL. o 1 'Y''mnw BROAV3VVILLE 3IAUKETS. Corn, i"30, Onions SaStGO Sprine 'hetit, newfr'Cn.70 ' Wool Unwashed5itys3 old H-j-Xj, ; " Tub Y&sned3CsH0 0at3 lS&'ii Honey. 30 i-.nrieyuats ts liRgs. -1215 LandD! WM.: . T4i TiaSr.'ji fj.fjtmmm. Cfrttid sec them! 1 hi - 8C UKAL ESTATE. QBENJD '.- Barley KVa'ai, Butter SiKv Sprlnc AV Flour .2,7g . Chickens, Uor 2,J tall W 1'lour. 45 UeerCattle -H Potatoes SVbkt) Iloirb-Krftss ".CO Lard 181 Hldea.tlreen .5 Bacon-Sides vo' " Ury i'llnt i. Convased Hams J2i Mink I,0US1.5O " Shoulders U0 Beaver ?I,OUtfir!.Si Kocourtry cured In Uie t'oon... ... iurrtTO merkot. , Apples, green J';2,l' sxsasaasz inw vg lUtldW ' l - e - .a u - -.-.. m m .i- .ncearHllcinSu'i S0wAMfc5ai &m ..' i Choice Soutlieni Nebraska lajiHg1 ,ai , .it.' V "ff JlfSl Board by the day or vreelt at Daugher ty's Itesturant, one door west or the Bauk. ZUai3iai CaniphclL is having the street fixed near ihcBiidge on College between 1st and 2d streets. -) ! PiSRSOXALS. Senator T. W.7iptontnrts forV'ashington this afternoon. weekK. "We weic plcsscil to meet to-day Lieut. Kern, of Humboldt, liichardson county, and his brother. Matters, agriculturally, are in good condition in his section. HO?JE & FOKEIGr-YTtClCET OFFICE General Home and Foreign Ticket Ollice by Kallroad and Steamer to all points in the United SUUes, and to all principal ports In Europe, at the Star Hotel. ' C2dwtf Go to ISlcPiicr-jon's for Blue Grass Seed. Extra Japan Tea at McPlicrson's. 23d wl The He will beibseut about two RASE BALli CHA3IP-XOXSIIIP. The lollowiug dispatch was received yc icrday: "EnASKA Grrv, Oct. 7tli,lST0. Messrs. UeO-eery t ttfckell: Send Champion Bali and Bat left In your hands at time of State Fair," to Otoe Base Ball Club of Nebraska City, by Express. Scrre; Otoos, 35, Occidentals, of Falls City, 17. Send to care Whittridge & Evans. P.O. WILSON, Cap't, Occidental B. B. C. W. W. W.JONES, Cap't Otoe B. B. a BUEAICIXG GROUX. We learn from Capt. Darrow, engineer in crge of the work, thai ground will be broke 00 the bunk or the river opiiosile this city on uay next, for the Q- M. it. r. it. iu Work will then bo begun which will give us iose connection with Phelj-t, witliiu two ""mtus.aud vlaPheJp-N v.-S:li the balance of 'yeation. Work will then irg:ess from both ends or this road as A-Igorouhly"us possible J oohipleted. PEIiSOSAhS. . " Mnzel returned tills morning. Ho has " st for Roods. ov. tuticr returned tothlsclty thismorn ' -.ve,aud't0Sether with Gen. Rolerts and G. w. Ambrose, took the train for Omaha. Lumber fer sale. The lumlier used for stoclvpensand sued on tho Fair ground is lor nale. It Is good, its ntw, but iu- nulls mtvlng, been ueil in it, Fenelng, Posts, Uoards'and Studtling. Apply to F. A. Tisdcl .ordt."v. Furnas. tr .c , Plants for Winter Blooming. I have a large collection olPorand Border plains in fine order for winter blooming, which will be sold at ono fourth the usual prices, as I hni riot prepared to winter them. tf ' R. AW FURNAS. Casltmcro Goats. I have fifteen or tw.'n tv grade Buck Cashmere Goats not line enough to breed from, hut a1 oxi a- nny Itr fiincy or stable purixn-es, which I will wl! froiu.$5 to$23owluiz to grades. I will .1mi soli n few pairs or my foil bloods this rail at SI00 a pjlr. R. W. FURNAS, Brownville, 2Ceb. Associations for tho Insurance of lives are to be ranked among the very noblest In stitutions of civilized society, nud their itse rulness can be attend to by thousands of In dependent and happy families, rescued by their means from the bitterness of poverty and degredation of charity Lord J3hoitg ham. There Is no better Company than the Washington. ;YceIj-& Xenlier have moved their Car penter thop to. the foot of College street, where they Invite the public to call and leave all orders In their line. - Thoy have al so Jnst got the right to erect Smith's Patent Truss lirldge in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa nnd Southern Missouri. They are faithful work men, and will do a good-job on whatever they undertake. Reckless tluntintr. Quail hunting, is a ;irt o? whifh nover.il of t inr town boys arcf fond; in fact so fond that they hunt and shoot In cmrsuburbs irrespective ofthe prox imity or houses or danger to inhabitants. Monday three lights were broken oat or the .front windows :ifTm MeLaughlln, on the hill, and two or his ehlldrtn were standing in tho door when the shot was tired, and heard the shot rattle against the sldoot the hmiM Th! must be stopped even iritbe necetsary to arrest the boys, and put the-if through for it. Parents are responsible for the Hcllun of thqlr minor children-' Buiu ess Change. Pror. Geo. B. Moore, ,a8 "wuhtout-MrBradford.has now en- iavi: v CC'-i! .1 -l --. .t ev.Anl jl "ui inelJOOK, .tens uiiu i3tiwui rn4Slj , businessone door east or thePost 1 kiZt "iuisho has connection -with the siat aa J soo1Boo1j: and Furnishing W. , 'Juu,t,t and the Prof., as a teacher of "' !n kit ' an,i raro auiut-r. lakes a urld0 knot, a riamending only what ne -Jegood, &stoj AVJiatis auaillay Saponaria 1 It Is a tree, the bark of a ChilHan tree, which yields when macerated, a fragrant vegetable soap, with cleaning and nntiputresceut propeities .not possessed by any other vegetable pro duction. This bark Is a prominent constitu ent of the fragrant Sozodont, the most popu lar dental preparation ever introduced in America. Railroad. Tho weather having cleared up Pierce Blake, Contractor, has his gang of hands In full operation; and showed us a letter this morning, received in reply to one written for hands to Omaha, to the effect that he could get any amount or hands. Ho will have from flfty to one hundred hands at work next week, and vlll continue then us longas the weather will permit. Thocon tractora beyond him are pushing things with vigor; so that with a usually dry rail, we may expect to see a lai go portion or the ilr&t ten miles graded, and ready for the iron in the spring. BROWS VHj1iT5 STEAK MILLS. This institution, one or the most deserving of notice In our city, has or late received the least. J. M. Graham, Its proprietor, is run ning it to the best, advantage for all concern ed, and Is piling up large stacks or Cotton wood Lumber to aid In building up our city and county. He is now running a full gang of hanila'In tho Saw Mill, mrtlnsiallty of lumber turned out Is llrt class. A few years ago, all "cottonwood" was the kind or build ings our citizens were forced to erect; now thecrvisfor "nil .pine,' which will soon ( give place toahoppy medium between the two; for CottetiV'fod Is just a&. good as pine where 11 kept In the dry. At nny rate frigid Graham is prepared to supply all de mands for his kind or Lumber. ThoronghliTfleqnaiiited with Southern Ne braska; buysiiklellfj Improved or Unim proved rjRrj'diwji lots, tc., on commission cr othcrwjspJM'l&onal attention given to all ninttcrenlruKdp him. Correspondence sollcItcdOUfcoRlK. Johnson & Co.'s store, McIUicraonfa5B"rownville,Ncb. 3Glf-dIm Keiv3lot:nud,SIioc Slion. Mr. Ccojtbcanyboot and shoe maker, No. IT llf. U. iAau lFl,c.stf sf ! !.... -.- - i.1t I pa 3 Main strcctjlujspllcjllng a share of public introniii.'tnesythis opportunity to say that an goods, jeaymg jus snop sunn oc n ordered, .and noporsnWslIoyed lo leave dLssutlsiled. RcpnlrlngntjiatJjr done and promptly nt teled fJJteiicihber the shop, sign orthe b00t' fSSSSt. -a-lmdw Jfft Ufe& KUUSERTlBSTOCIi ifELIVEUY '. V. YpuS?JS6. will deliver tho Nurscry Stoclccngafflprthem, by the 1st or Novem ber, lbTO- AlCWjUl;do well to be prepared to recent thcanwH The best nofirehoapest stock or Harness; Saddlrf',-dirWhips, Fly Nets, Riding Bridles, Martingales, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, RubiSpomba, Surcingles, Gurths and Slnche Tigwsl of Buckskin and Lace Leather, oaoatSe celebrated Aracuum Oil Blacldng fi&Mttness, Boots and Shoes, all or whlehcnSbo ound at Saudcr'sntlow ratesTl'r.casWl 43-3rn dw ReincmliBr the Sherman Houso. during the Fair, jryayw-mt good accommodations. ' Jw!fr?TICE. The.reirJJenior the Probato Court for tliotrlal-df'tlvirgascs for all sums over ono hunJhxt l!r& and under three hundred dolliiri,jwlhldat the ollice or tiie Pro bateaudulrKtcxty of Brownville, Nema ha ".-v'wk. commencing on tho first ilondicefceich calendar month. l 'Sf A. W. MORGAN, .4 Probate Judge. ;1 LJi"2 Js coming i D;nser,t-'3lkiris iinvo n. Kniini,i .!- Wop and'fri neating Stoves. Call soon andgefyo irojfc !ce. SOdwl NcmMa5pt. MeeFs: sifc Prunes nt thil fi. ",i,rfr . "" "" VSF r .. b s Cylinder Clmrn. hen! ten'r TIni nn ti:lfli. .- --ii.-, Tzr7'- - v--. - ...,i,i. ,,. lilli thrnksan giirdranageof all who have cows Come and See Them Ueforo Pnrcunsihs Elsewhere. GREAT S2LBGAEIvS GFFEKED The Fulncribcr will sc'l at private salesome ofthe best hinds in Southern Nebraska. Tbcse iBnds are well mtuaied,be:n; located within a four hoursdrive of the principal river towns, Brownville. Aspin w&U, Anioo and Rule, und ueartlie rrujected lines cf RiUroaa: The Brownville, It. Kearney & Pacific, tlicBiiriinRtau .tSoutliwestern.fronl Hulotwhtch i3 alread3" eompletetl to the centre ot lllclinrd.son Co.) the Northern Kansas J: Soutlieni Nebraska, now bcingrbuiltlrom Hiawatha to iittUni-skaCitv. Mot of these lands lie in Itlclmrdsou and lieiiiaba coun ties, ackrowledsetl to be the best counties (n tho State lor agricultural purposes, not inaptlv culled the "Garden of the Western World." These lanai wore located eleven yean: ago, wben choice selec tions could be made, and they are lor tho rirst time offered for sate. Among -the many quarters offered for sale are therollowins: NorHieo&t quurter Section S, Town .1, Range 14. Vnrtlnvivif in " " 1J Northwest Southwest " Southwest " Northwest: Soutliweat " Nartheodt HastJiofnw East J of s w Southwest " Northeast " Southwest " Northeast " Northu est " Southeast " Northwest " Kast '2 of se " 'est !i of s w " South S-ofsw" North i 11 w " 13, 1-'. 30, 31, U,. 2). is; 2.- ". U, Si-i: ?. : " 6. M 3, " ". " .8. " 3, " 3, M 3,. " y V " .c, "' 0. 11. It, IL II. 11. li. 11. It. 15. It 11 It 14. 14. W. M. 14. 13. '13. 27-tf 1 0,il 1 jEf??3 a's Seed at Mcpherson's SCdwl CHOICE ,UAItTEItfcUN KEMAlLi CO. E.OSG Have been sold in the last two years NOT ONE HAS FAILED TO OIVE warn SATISFACTION They arc universally acknowledged Thp, Best Cooklnir Stove AND WHERE1Ul KNOWN BOTE'S WASHING 2S&GB33KE Lately niach Improved nnd tho New ITniver-salOIothesWringer" TMPBOVKD WITH HOWELL'S PATENT A DouMc (fig-Wliecte, and the Patent Stop, art' now unquetloiUhly ftr mtBertor to any apparatu-v .. lor waaliing clntMi cvrfnvented. and win save m i.irmMWn rpar.hvmvinc labor nnd clothes. t Southern ro-Ple who have a ed them testify as . Bbltowt; m , , - TiuLoifki)w.ri nrh nt Ihn Ir.hc r nnd rrwt. rjill iHy lbr tli.Tjacl '" tiih mi mnif;' and content-, ntent. Le: erery ; . i-:x tody learn trf" ase.thern. a-:d every inirr;tl ouu keep them tu Mr house 1 Gm yn-".:'t..i.Jixr;-vie. ' , , , - ,f "An excellent VaMiiR Machine. T-e hav?trlcd it. The Qtovhit Wrinser to vury smscrlor. A j?ood liniid will v.-Hh larae number til pieces hi a few .. 1 hours." Italfloh t .V. r.) iivixl A,YlloiUt. "After two vw.r pt pcr.ence with a boty, we are atsnred that 't H the createt help and efinomlzcr fd" tirn 'iibor nnd money we have yet had Intro duced 'out ourhousehold.' - ililllitu son imtfh. Xem Orleans. . , . "I h.tvo ) wl a Doty Washer In my family for si tne t.n.. I siC3.tfrc satfaction, and I take Eleajuro m c-nuinatkUns tt to taotlad of every onKhold."-.wj2.if. sfcftfiS!f5SS,ii.iS2.i.o.riTi.P ' v- U.Tii'1 c iiUHiiu a jiT-nivnj liiijfivufiitnit. ?tiy.fiuiiii Iiavo;noH wtiiruuj', jmi ihavoJav Kaown u 10 mu to ruvn iUj wl-ij w iw ii,'cAi . n nwirr .whm- imfiri rnrtnrmmi tttii rrn T' -f. ... -m- '-V 1 V,. U2Mb, - - ------"- w-w -.. .-.. - .- .-.. T - I rMrtBhCiMllfMtftlilTltlDI nawl (-fcypJV-fei?' mrwgBf& TREY mm mimm For TJniforaaity in Balrlas, F6r!EeoxsttT ia tho TtsefTo3, 3gfi$liwl Clrrcz-iFl ntinier yerinrb uiuiliiuuuu .w mu Shollenbereer Bros, J-y Sroviitillc. Kcb. GiTsar. For particular" address th subicrlter. Dr. J. A. WnOll, either at Brownville, Nemaha countyor at Kid's City, ltichardsou county, Xebrosku. Dr. AVroccan always be found either at the Iteynolds 1 loose. Drownville. or nt trie Union Hotel, (Good's) Talis t Ity, where all personal application mont bo made. 4l-3m J. E. SHOOK & BE0.? Would inrorni tl-elr iinmeror. friends and the pub- -S TUCf;cner.!iiy fiat t"P iiaveoniiaiiuaiarKi" ib 1 iiwv.iirrni.iir 11' ni kiiiils ul ZVt jBjSI ...l.l.i. .. ...111 n..1I ... r..fi .. nlt ri . ?! WiliUlJ iXlU Vrlll fll u. IliH.t iv -im ,.fcT 9 tomprs. Tarties inlendme U build would" do well to cull and see them at their I .umber Yard I ohbortnient urftli kinds of Anrnmrs?."?: i fi-ii tk Om V t3i 1 m&LDAZJB, S3B., before purchasing elsewhere. S7:3m 13 ft ! FJCRST PltESIIUM CIGAItS I A. F. Colin, cf tills city, took the firs! pre mium on Cipars, with IL C. Lett, one of the best judges or a good Cigar In the country f s chairman or the awarding committee, uud the premlnm was deserved. Factory at No. CI- 3Iain street, 23dwtf , Cold Monday we wJhed ror most nny clitingoriom the rain,1 even If it vassnow. Wellthe,cler of tho weather has accommo dato.1 u. j far as to make it very cold cold enctiKh t' biiow but has not yet ordered the Snow. It y.'as cold this morning, but cloudy, with 110 frosS on tho cralnencles. Correction Oiu: Kerry! "Wc, yester tlay, unon information at the time deemed corrt-ct, made some strictures upon the man ner In which our ferry was ran. A conver sation with Capt. McOec leads ua to the con clusion that our information was incorrect; that the bus was but once, this season, de layed, save yesterday, on account or the fer ry; yesterday the delay was on acconntor loading cattle. Cap.McGee says if the bus will havo some regnlar time for crossing nnd it should have lie will see thatlt be not delayed. As to changing landings, we don't now believe it could bo avoided without dan ger to the bout, a grcatei inconvenience to the public than the btie complained of, and unnecessary additional ertpeusoin running the boat. This is the light we see it In now. Pure Wines and Liquors nt O. A. Thur mau'a Drug Store. w l t c Geo. IL Moore. Bookseller, Stationer and Newsdealer, next door to tho Post Oflice. School Boohs of all kinds, Blank Books, Stationary, &c, always on hand. School Furniture rurnlsh cd on short notice. Call at tho Book Store. 52-dwtf All those wishing to attend the State Fair had better go to Robinson's and get a pair or No. 1 water-prooIBoots, to keep their reotdry. The mnddy times it will be the means of saving Doctor's bills. A man warned is well armed. wtS-tf Xlcc Dried. Blackberries, at P. O.odwtr S50 25dl 11$. Cliolcc JJuttdr at HILL & CO'S. A arain Street 2ioiisu antl Lot for Sale or Bent. Also, Furuiturqfor sale. Apply to 2CdV-'l I). M. SlIEliENBEEGSB. You don't know how cheap yen can get good Pine Lumber, unless yon call at J. IL Bell A Son's Yard, corner of CoUegoand first streets. S3dwtr . Pare and fresh Drugs at O. A. Thurmr-n'a i a. 'i Kannnfonl & McFall Lave on hand all styles of Furniture that one can want, and are selling as low as anybody couln have the face to rfck. S3-dwl lot pilirjJi frodtctlon or this valuable churn It s ti&m J Jicmpiete, simple and cfTlcleiit ch ri(a 1 jttid. 'its price brings It within thnrtai 01 HI. -lucre are three sizes at S3,!yJM. aj(d ?L5d, respectively. These e)i irtiKS wj' nslntrrxlaccd, muse certain ly takp.jijri f$ nee of ail others for simplici ty (dnraMI K ml cheapness. "1 is .1 i! las received a largo stock ol n9pfi.T,Xs forJLh0 fal1 trade and ho semjgib GItc him a chance and be rl laf ffiuuo show goods. PdU TJXr!'111 Golden Crown CiRar Is miVi-SSf??1 ?& ATR-Colm. It Is (he fav n i vi "-Jtni js; kk ma'-. r r gVi o- S7-tf Bank Rentnurcnt. EspecinX attcnticn paid to compoand ing preacriptianXiwuTlitwrW night. J&3i: 3E f ?I.P i&J' neul Itate Agent and ConvVyeaeec CourtiRoonu. 3Itf-dw - l (!-g- - GoB!jtikcrf?on'o for choice Canada BlaeBr6Se.yi:- . . o,-, P? n't. I have a lew pairs, or trlo SiSRf8 ;frora irnportetl stock White .SR-5f?'l7i.V-Ht Brariaha and Yellow Co ?P55 )bkcns, which I will let out on l?Wl2S?!l? 'refill psrsons who have no f?'SXt0:!:c"rt'sl them. Zl. Brownville, Neb. 4aMt&iUarccst collection of Fornlturo jjjm&At iwestor thcMissonrLnnd thov taw etiotii to draw custom from one Sidwl SB"W mm fed I S r - 9 B" 5 2 C? 5 111 , fc B G --- - r, P i . ! a a b I ? K Kg & pw in rr Ma pi 23 4 t. icn mi" (t-t OHt ??.' I''.f ".t "'i nii !-. j- p' w'll not furnMh, or .- ' r' f iochin1! r. rd h t e reia'l price. ir" .. . tmWin r-.i,aiid wewiiirorwant t.i'iTurln' madiintr. irtf ot frpijrht.to places wht-re inv . . if la .fPti" n'i'1 ' sure art? we they i " beiiku t'-ttt we :" ti rcijnd the money iff IV" nw1tifeatu rot' ru t'.o niieli!ne freo of fraiKii, rer a hiouth'ti trialijacCbnliuir to direc tion". -' No mr-bar !. fiitl-er cr imlior MhmiIiI j)rrnilt- the dnidcery of wmniui U1 the luind, tllty-two iluy hi trio-year. wIihi It run be duu bil tr, more exje ditloitslr, wtth lean hdnir, and no injury tothecur niotits. hyaDoty ciothm WtMlierwid a UuIVewul Wringer. dold by dealers gtaerally, to wboai liberal dls conntsare niud. I?; C BK01VXIXG, (leil -11-301 iliranfj tiCortlawl ct .New York-. NEW STEAM FERRY Tlio 3rot7nvillo Ie'ry Conipan7 have now ru: nm ' I "t.-ei'n - . A S f fert!i Star and Phelps City, M0.7 tti" nr rnA (HJru.!;rK.4 Sm Frry afar muk b BcaciSWIiSl CU W i2 BUOAD 3T., BKT. d & 4th, rHESEOjJTT ITEBEASKA. . Sr li. POTS'LEK, piioT'itirrroR. This nircso Js within Slrocb of the u. P. It. It. and S. C A P. It. It. Depots. Hacks leave lor UVst Point hdly. a;i-i Uncoln tri-weckly. c-tr IU hn L. Carson. Banker. XIipr'JTVILT,i;, ZrEIJRASICcl. .-Tch??T6 i'01. Mll HoW on aU Principal cities. Also dealer in (.'old and Silrer Cola. Cold Dust, and fiovcrn Mert i!or.:!s. nep-isJts received, imyiiblo at HiKht- Interest pal' on time deposits by spccf.d aqrfeinont. Tnxts m fBr ilon-rKSldcnt. AlLfclnds U. S. Jknds wnatra. ii.!e of L"atray Stock. I" WILL sicll at pqMIc sale, to the htchest bidder for cash, on the 5th day of October, ism, at 2 o'clock p. m., In frantoftho Court House build Inc In Brownville, Neb., one three year old cow. bcincthe Kime taken up by eo. vcrshall, and publhhed as a stray Jan afih, ISTa A. W. MOItO AN. Sr., J. v. gept. ST-Xtw Waldtor 2c liexmnon, House, Sign and Carriage mm, pi bt iyfsvi:S2S'r.i brVZXJ&rJ9sJS& .-l tjKfl . :B.n!k ' r? R SACJK2a i HiliiLl ?KV.V it-. No. 55 Mam St. iBRO WXVIZ.LE. Mized Paints FORS.ME. FROSTING, IvALSOMINING, ETC K-ly Tlio Slngor MaanfaetnTlii Co. 1st now producing nenrly 1200)000 Sor.-Inc Uln cfcSnrs iov nmrra, is jw nitl lo iaet the deicun.. but in or ler to do "o, new trxwrttJ? rar be irn erected taat wit: stpply TLireo Hnadred aund 7 TionsJaad Kacniiies.oaclx Year. The pomiluritv or'i "Nkw Family" Sewimj Machine U ,u.y suri-ed 1-j iwuwfuli.,- and sjin plieit y ; d,iratMlit and bek.aij Where known I: is dhHeolt fer her maaafiierareni to erTert sales, sad they einpioy aver' aiean ftlit tb-ir .product up on he niople. Bayt n nf S1nK MnchiajB slu-uW avn ; convawen nnd peddhr.. wiio rewirf to eom ptifcfioii to j.k t-s. for no niat-h.ae eon b- r-elr-able that b ftinibly thrust upon the pwrch-wer. , Thesincur "New raniiT,"' awi e 'f No L Si-wlaa .Uarhine IThe tetter fcr Dr: nokr. Tailors, Shm-ma'tir. AtJ are fai-r'.. sooRht for. nnd a Iar- stock cunte fivand in iar salts' roin. t?crber with every mefcil accossery Intutiiicd rc them. W2 sell. silk TuVt. CV?ton nd Unar. Threads, NeiIes, On. Sciew-drivr, tfcfc, at retail, or In quantity, at mannratturvrs price?, Cutalosuex. Price l.isu, Ac, fTn Knclhh or Ger man furnished on application by nail or other wise. ok; Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Moors & Bradford, Agestts Jl'ltn BBOWNVJLLK, NIB. ,) 'MA.H1T J, AjaffCIiD TRIS BOAT fs putircly nyr, with 1 powrnaileiipai'ltf' t rx eierythlns ihatrjay we. In any wAilier. '', tuu. or-xmnfrl'uitlf into 1r out ofthlH- rml.Iito !.. Oth fctl-pbesrf pirfnt. -3a'H heaL especially (Un-d up to iiurt -ui.Vty la -rWuiff tOck.and larcp tttle uem-ftM! already eed -: tiie st. ."; iJenotPfceinffKy. Wmn .."fre the travellnir imttaliuiurpowr 'nll J e dune to make Ihfcf Hit nnt reliable eroui; on Ueiitwourtrl.er. IJitOWNVILLE FEItltY CO. i3-es-tf Clocks, Watches, Jewelry ..JOSEPH SHUT25-, Xo. 59 Main Stroot, 3tow2iirUlc. c-o iCfein instantly on Hand a large and welf VfyX MM,tlet Sfx-S of Remcne oi llderf In Ills line. TRcpatrliiB or Cluck', Watches and Jewelry fiai:,dc.ie on Mjori uctlce, at refloaable rates. ILL iroA VTARllAyTED. CHAS. HZIIEE TtJW &kz ers? r j.i j.f VT3WJ,N 4 L?-'57vi2-t C JACOB MAROEN, 3SSSRCHA2?T TAILOR, jfLloxrrsicler' Sc Xasifjc, hlMd 'X-1U 4m sntBv jwest. iY$? r -. -25S38.,?S?V,T f. fi oiiiiir"nwH vi1 1 1 " REAL ES 'SilmMK TATE AGENT fRASK-i- ' j :xX2artsj-rr!- nsrrv. xEEff rfr C5 2t 55 s o i-3 5 : o " W I 3 1 o 3 o 3 P - Ci3 c - 5" 9 rr a 2 z. ef X BOOT & SHOE r l&AKBJi. So. 49 faIn Street IIRO'.VNVILLE, NEB. -Tar-r-1 f tt 'tv !i JIa.icontJinIyon hand a w Pnor mock or uoow anu th.C!. Custom worfdone vith r.eatneiBunddlfipctcb. Fo'aieriy t r Iitvtard J- Hinchnian, bt. Louts.7 COMMISSIOR MERCHMTr .cJLlSVJCHIOAGO, EE. r-3m F5KST CS,ASS TASL31 1 Cid AfltE?. IIO AtllESi IJtPKOVF.n. IuUFm ral'. khh plantn!. Two good hnuMi: n coed en 'nn: rtvoKO'd wells: ascrtrs: tfn rnn:ruc Vrf -h the baxn yard, lifilrvj ur)UBd w wt"le :mi. OJptat anrcrt on oi mrrwrtf "h !! ? T'w t irii w aaoivu.as u. lnd PJEirtc.UlcMKtxk I1-v ;et. Inquire of. via p,if ati, Wiu. O. I'hiw-p-i. or ur. rmm ZUC- J-fH ' - HATS aid xn TAPS. AH Vane ,v.,.ar HETSEPM ' Hr" Saans., &-& I M " Uiiiiiii WMW UUiHPOSl-YiiE;. r la the : V, w I t i7.viJH!l iJIJ i Jit fit . srw) '1 .1 . .-- ! t t .11 f'-i 1 -a i- ik Wt 1 1 " " wtma- -rm i . 9Yr E J 'Ml !sr 12s ii . ---. " '1 . -- " . i? .-L