Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 25, 1870, Image 3

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J. Xi. Colliapp, 3-ditor.
jjyKxtra copies of the Anvr.rtTisicn for sale by
jloore & Bradford, Booksellers, Stationers arid
yew? Uenlers, Xo. U7 Main street, next door to the
REfelSTRAR'S notices.
The attention of nil legal voters Is called to
tho Jlcgistrar's .Notices In anotlier column.
The law makes It the duty of every voter to
sec that he Is Registered as n voter. Let all
co to!
School Commencement.
In consideration of the fact that tho tlmo
fixed for the commencement of the next
term of ?.chool Is the samo week on which
the State Fair Is appointed It has been
.agreed by the district board to have theTicxt
term of the public school commence on Mon
day the 3th of September instead of the ISth
and the teachers arc requested to meet the
board at the school Jiouse on the Cd of Sep
tember at 2 o'clock, p. m.
The board have elected Mrs. E. E. Ebright,
as teacher, In place of Miss Annie Alcott, de
clined. O. 11. HEWETT, Director.
?Jeetln:j of tlic Medical Association of
'TVcmalia County.
The members of the above Association, and
all other Physicians In the county, arc re
quested to meet at the Pioneer Drug Store,
In this city, on September 1st., 1S70. A full
.attendance Is respectfully desired.
JAMES CItANE. M. D., President.
A. S. Holt.adv, Secretary.
..Weekly .Democrat please copy
Teiiipcreiico Lecture.
Arrangements have been made by the
frienls of temperance, with Lieut. W. F.
HeC'arron, a prominent Temperance Lectcr
er, of Iowa, to deliver a series of public Lec
tures at the following times and places.
Peru, August titli.
Urownvllle, Saturday and Sunday, August
27th and 2Sth, at MePhcrsou's Hall.
Tecumseh, August 29.
Beatrice, August ao.
Pawnee City September 1st.
Salem September 2d.
Falls City September 3d and 4th.
Kulo September 5th.
He comes recommended, and highly com
plimented by the public and press, as on
able Lecturer. Let lilm have full houses.
' Grent Show ! Rare Attractions!!
TwoSpIned Patience on a Monument.
Mutton Chops on Hogs, together with re
laliilsenccs of college days.
Political ground and lofty tumbling by the
entire troupe, assisted by parties with "rings
in their noses." This Is new anil unique.
Nine lovers cheated out of eight bottles of
wine by a local editor from college "toa dead
Xo be Interviewed."
Itcmarknble tunes from evcrybodys organ.
To be beautifully Interspersed with "polit
cnl blind man's bufT" and to conclude with
the laughable after piece of a red-headed
chambermaid serving. gruel to a sick printer
In a wash pan.
For further particulars, see small bills is
sued "daily." .
Doors open at ail hours, at tho office of the
JJroicnvillc UcmocrtU. Season Tickets ?i
Two Simxed Patience,
Gen. Agent.
It you wish to be sure ol getting your
money's worth go to the Dollor Store!
Every Article 31.
o drawing! You go pick out your article
-and jiny your Dollar, at the Dollar Store!
IV. T. Den
Among the mnuy who Invite trade throngh
our local columns Is one of the most consci
entious. What he says there you may rely
upon. He took us yerterday morning
through his Grocery Department, where we
-miw Sugars, Coirejj.Teas, el,in quant itcsj to"
-wholesale; so that wliciiJlifttfiaya wholesale
we know- umeu'.ii-BnBJn;e.
-quantitics m a? to 'tCevi h c mnf5rTresg7a ml!
Thus truly offer hnnmlns ntTwholcLale 01
tall. What Den says we"llig3utec.
Ills word through our columns Is at par!
"W. IJ. IVrlgHt, Groccrand Liquor dealer,
of this city, liasconstantly on hand the full
est assortment of choice Groceries and Li
quors ever opened In this city. He makes a
specialty of keeping only the choicest Gro
ceries an.l h:is facilities for purchasing by
"which lie am sell a Xo. 1 article as low as an
Inferior article can be had for. He keeps a
full assortment of Country Produce, Apples
and all other fruit In season. His assortment
of Liquors Is the choicest and purest in the
State. G3 Main street.
Glaus, Lead, etc., at Lett's Drugstore.
Thank to F. A. 'fisdcl, Jr, for a nice
Tvattrmeion lelt In our oflice Tuesday. He
is a friend of the printer who drops In nice
watermelons. It wai a green spot in the
.printer's dcert, t
ToJamesZookfor a basket cit fine sweet
potatoes and tomatoes, they were of a splen
did quality,- caes us to bo greatly indebted
to the kind donor.
!i0 Acres corn for ale
town. Apply to
two miles from
J. C Dul'sku.
Dr. Blake, our enterprising Dentist, we
notice hxs been forced, through presof busi
ness, to build an outside laboratory for the
-manufacture of articles necessary to his pro
fession. Tho Dr. Is making a host of warm
friends .and patrons.
Kcmaha City Item.
TliecltUens of our enterprising sister city
of Xrmiihrv. wn learn, arc making a half
mile race trade They certainly have good
grounds for such purposes and arc, we think,
sensible in making uso of it. If racing
must be, we bay let it be on best track that
an be had.
Beware of Chlclcory.
You can buy 3 pounds ofsimon pure
CoIToe for ?l svt Den's. Den don't keep no 4
pound cullings and sittings of CotTec Your
Sugars, Syrups and Teas, you will And at
Dcu'sof the following brands: Tho Choice
New Orleans Sugar but no Mu&eovado nor
Porto Klco trash Sugarskeptat DenVWbcJc
fcale Grocery House if you want thegenulnc
by tho hogshead, barrel, or pound of the best
brands, or grades e-f Sugars, go to Den's.
Wagon: Wagons i
Still they go. "Wlint Wagons? Why?
the Jackson and Schutler Wagons. They
don't require to be forced on the people on
credit, they sell for cash, and W. T. Den isj
he man that sells them.
Plows J Plows.
At greatly reduced prices, at W. T. DEN'S.
.No. CC
Is just in receipt of a splcnded assortment
ot Dry Goods, just from the Eastern market,
among which will be found all the latest
Jiotions, as well as the standard goods In
that line. The Doctor is proverbial for his
liberal and fair dealing, an now offersastock
which he can safely guarrantee :is No. 1, in
every respect.
J. II. Bauer, crowded " for room, lias
brought into requisition the basement of the
'building of his present shop, for a workshop,
and will use the upper room only for a sales
rom. lie Is an enterprising man, and one
whom we wish success
r. McPherson, being now alone In the
business at No. CO, we take pleasure in recom
mending him to the public patronage. He
nas. certainly as fine a stockof Queensware
the fastidious could tvish to choose
Jro'a. It neHls but to be seen to be apprecla
lel. Give him a call!
Moore &, Uradford.
or enterprising News Dealers, are con
stautly supplied with the .latest news re
eved by maiL They hav&'full supplies of
ksazlnes, Periodicals, etc, as early as pos
Jble. after publication. War maps, etc.
"'vethema call!
rcrsonaI.-Geo. P. Enton has .eturncd
from a short trip to Iowa, where ho attended
to some landed interests,
A. P. Cogswell, Director from this place of
the Q. M. & P. It. K. left for Oulnev vKtnr.
day morning, whera ho will remain for three
or four days in the interest of our railroad
matters. Right here it may not be amiss for
us to commend Mr. Cogswell's diligent effort
in behalf of tho railroad interests of this
place. He has faithfully attended every
meeting of the company, wlllbeseen
by the operation of tho company, secured all
we could ask. He has deserved the thanks
of this community for a faithful discharge
of his trust.
J. S. Hetzcl has returned from n trip toXetv
York City. 'ow look out for an immense
iniluxof new goods.
A. T. D. Hughes, J. P. of Bedford Precinct,
called Tuesday. He says crops look well In
hlsscctlon. Hebroughtusamairiagenotlce.
U. A. Stewart, of Bratton In this county,
was In town Tuesday. He speaks hopfully
of crops In his section.
e nau a Eunice or tne. list from Geo. G
Start, the enterprising grain dealer of Aspin
wall, last Tuesday.
V. B. "Wright, and A. F. Cohn reached
home Monday from a business trip Into the
Interior; havlngagood time and prosperous
Hon. T.J. Majors, left Tuesday for Peru,
111, onapurcly business vUit. He means busi
ness, no matter what may be said to the con
trary. But for the distance we would have
accepted the kind lnvltatiou to be present
and congratulate him.
G. M. Henderson Is now cast, after new
goods. His taste is generally good and: we
may reasonably expect toscc something nice,
Prof. Church, brother of our townsman,
Hon. J. S.. Church, arrived In our city on a
visit yesterday. Ho comes from Coldwater,
Mich., Where he has for several years had
charge of the principal school.
Mr. Beats.
In the name of the Board of Education, the
members of tho Teachers' Institute, and the
citizens of Brownvillc, I take tho liberty of
informing tho editors of the Jiroxvnvlllc Dem
ocrat, that Mr. Beals, Superintendent of Ed
ucation, was not 'Vaubbed" or "Insulted" by
any one of-the parties above mentioned,
"during his stay In our city." The hospital
ity of some of our best citizens was ouered
him; and just before he left, he stated tome
that his stay here had been of thomostpleas
ant character.
Gfaj. It. Davis,
President Board of Education:
Tlio Dollar Store
Is having a great run on most everything
that Is there offered. People price elsewhere
and then go to the Dollar Store.
OH, Palnta, etc., at H. C. Lett's.
Wall Pnpcr lu profusion at Lett's.
Henry Snider's Lunch House at No. -13 is
fast becoming oue of the most popular insti
tutions of the city. He keeps most every
thing that is good as cold Lunch, and a su
perb lot of Liquors. He docs the fair thing
and deserves success.
Apropo. As a young gent of this'city rode
by a patch of very flno "Watermelons, last
Sunday, he drew up his team, remarking
aloud "How are you, Mr. Watermelon!"
"Pretty well, thank you," came a voice from
the tall grass near by. Immediately followed
by the appearance of a revolver and owner
of the patch. Those melons were not with
out price !
Capi. J. . Carson is making a good lnir
provement in his Bank building by having
the rear room brought to a level with the
Groceries I
A fresh and large supply of Groceries con
stantly on hand at No. W. They ure good
and sold low for cash.
vf. ii
.IHI. g "
mater laistsjKungcouKUiuiiyircceivcaipy,
Qneensware! Uootst Hoots ! I
F. 12. "Johnson & Co. have deservedly" the
rcputatlun or being the mot liberal among
our merchants, and tills you will tlnd no oili
er merchant to controvert. They have Just
received a large htoclc of Queensware, and
Chicago Custom Made Boots, loth of which
are of the best malce and material, and are so
pronounced by all who :ee or buy them. The
Queensware Is of the best manufacture, as
well as the Boots. Their Individual warranty
of the Boots ls thing very seldom if ever
done; but knowing they are a superior arti
cle, they assume the risk to warrant them
agaiust everything but natural wear and
Good Corn. Mat. Bodge left at our oflice
last Monday three stalks of corn having ten
good ears on. Tho corn had not entirely
tilled out, but all were good solid cars. JKach
stalk was nine feet high. It Is hard to beat.
Chan. Helmcr makes the neatest fitting
and most durable Boot that can be had. lie
uses only the best material and keeps only
the best workmen. Ills prices are moderate.
That's the question I Whether it Is nobler
In the mind to buy Inferior articles at high
figures; or take up our baskets and go to
Swan it Bro's' where Groceries are sold at
living rates; and, buying choice articles, cat
them, with thcknowledgethat they arcgood
and cost only a reasonable price. Shukspcare.
Man Is but of a.few days and his meal3 are
full of trouble if he buys not Groceries at
Swan & Bra's.
The marshal has almost daily, for the
past two weeks, relieved somebody or the
community at large, of some worthless dog,
for which ho has the thanks of the commu
nity. If the owner cannot afford to pay the
tax on his dog, the city can atford the powder
and lead to put him where taxes or marshals
disturb not.
Six thousand feet well seasoned 2x12 22-foot
cottouwood jolce for sale at
IviLr.ounx, Jhxkixs & Co.'s,
43-lt Brownvillc.
Thanks to Hcury Snider, of the German
Lunch House, for three nice young p'ralf 1c
Hannaforrt &, McFall
Have on the road anil are receiving a fulL
assortment of Chairs, comprising everything
In that Hue that can be found anywhere, and
doubtless, the most extensive stock ever
opened tu Nebraska. If you want anything
In this line, you can come a hundred miles
as many are doing and save money there
by. Liatcut News From Enrope. Napolean
cannot make a stand Bazlnc is cut ofP the
Prussians are going for Nancy and Jacob
Marohn has the nicest new piece goods.
A Family Treasure. Tho happiest and
best member of a family is usually called the
light of the household, because, besides be
ing happy and cheerful himself, or herself,
he or she makes all else happy or cheerful.
The Charter Oak Stove is such a treasure
Fatal to the Teeth areall acrid prepar
atlous. They may bleach tho enamel, but
they as surely dissolve and destroy it The
mild, genial balsamic and preservative SoS
odont. Impregnated with the Saponin of the
famous tropical Soap Tree, of Chili, is the
only absolutely safe article of its kind in tho
market, and protects tho teeth from all des
tructive inllucnces, as well as keeps them
free from tartar.
"Spalding's Glue," handy and useful.
Infanta. Much suffering to these tender
little buds of the human family might be
allayed by using Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrup.
See advertisement'in another column.
If yon were to die to-day, would you
leave your family Independent of charity?
Insure In the Washington Life Insurance Co.,
of New York.
R. R. R. Receipts.
In looking over some old copy the other
day we came across tl$o following, which Is
too good to be lost. It, Is copy from four re-
ccipes, and explains it;clf :
toothach or Neuralgia toothach Oil of ca
Japato 2 drachms Oil of cloves 1 ounze Oil
of Sinimon 1 ounze OH of clorlform 2 ounze,
mix all to gclhcrani. shuke very hard When
yoo ar rcdy to ns hit Wett tho lint of cotton
and put hit in tho tooth then Wet your linger
t.w. uiu tsaim Dam tne gums aronmltho
tooth this Will Htop the aken quicker than
els knoon at this age. So If you have New-
Ualgla pains or headach us the oil of Origa
num 10 oint tho tempeLs and the hollowo of
the Neck and oint Whei' the pain rages,
for flux pills
Pulverised turkey rhubnrb I ounzo pulver
ised Ipicack J of a ounze castccl soap 1 ounce
Pulverised Opum ounce Batamon
ounze suggar of lead X ounce artltlshal pul
verised musk A ounze sum of raba X of
ounze beshore to mix Well to gcther made
in to four gralnz pills for a dult or a groun
person from one to twograln pills for chil
dren only to the size an, condition comcus ta
ken pills by taken two then take one ovcry
our In till thellux Is stoned then you must
us slipcry clem and ginsan in toWutterlet
lilt stand In till that is thick moselnce rises
from them then Brown bailey flonerstlrin
this thick mnselnce In till hit is like a thick
gruel make a drink of this all the time.
fever pill us for all kind of fevers french
quinine 1 ounze gum of raba & of a ounze
gum ofrourmh somo times called myrrha
half of a ounze mix up Willi oil of sasfrass
be ccrful ar you ma git lilt too Wett you ma
make in to four grans pills for a dult or a
gron person you ma In to one and two grains
pills for children Dos one every oiirnntil tho
person Is In a line pelspration then seas in
till tho Next day ar in till the fever rises tha
should beo given soon the nox day If the fe
ver dont rls dont give eny othor kind of
medtsons "Willi taking these fever pills.
Compound of tincture tlnctur of rhuburb
1 ounze tinctur of camphor 1 ounze tinctur
of opum I ouni: essens of pcpormlnt 1 ounze
mix those to gother this is useful in voraiton
and purgen both at the same time hit is use
iul in llux if thar ar not convenient to git
my pills Dos from n dult half to a te.spoon
full from fifteen mlnuts to one our a part for
children.inprep03hcn for a pain killer mix
this With equal quantltys of tho extract of
ginger mix two tespoons full to one table
spoon full of Water'Swcctcn this is for cramp
collck or colora or colora morbus or colara In
fantum pains or prlpen in cas of colara pul
verls a sac of ice make hit longcuuff to reach
alon tho back place one on each side of the
back bon and us freely of this compound this
is the best for dolra that is known at this ago
ritten and sold by Dr: S. P. Wilson only.
The President of tho oldest Llfo Insur
ance Company in New York is insured hi
tho Washington Life.
. -50 Dozen (Jhlckcus, j ,-
IOO Dozen Eggs,
1000 Pounds Butter,
Wanted at thepostoffice, for which I will pay
the highest market price. C. A. Pollock.
A well selected stock 01 Wagon and Bug
gy timber. No. 1, at J. C. Deuser's. 23-tf
Wm. II. Hoover, Ileal Estate Agent and
Con veyencer: Court Boom. 31-tf
Rich 6c. Gllmorc
Havo within the past quarter received and
sold several thousand dollars worth of Gro-.
ceries.and In all this lot not a customer has
been dissatisfied, orany or It returned. Their
style is to order only the best, and if it is not
good, to return it; in this they can always
guarantee and glvcsatlsfactlou. No.-iOMaih
Insure your life In
to the amount your farm
ths Washington
is mortgaged for.
Lumber '.
Lumber !
J. It. Bell &, Son
Have on hand millions of feet of
Brj' Flue Iiimler,
Which Is handled with care, and
Xvept under shed
From.;jLhBtgjjjgatherr TXiIs' coHlprlses-fall
uV AlfKl Tlttivn rWnT AAti'ltu fmiiiWInl
diifi 'nli
Blinds, 1 5
And everything In pine, that Is used In
building, that can he had anywhere. They
make a speciality of
Newel Posts, Banisters, and Hand Rails,
which they will supply to suit customers.
Their sales are for cash, and as low as can be
had anywhere In the west. Olllce and Yard
corner of Atlantic and Kirst streets.
The Washington Life avoids the faults
of both mutual ami stock companies.
Cane Mills and Evnjiorators at Deuser
& Shurts'.
Ilnvc you seen the nice Initial Note Paper
and Envelopes at the postotlicc ? Everybody
should buy It. Only o"J and'GO cts. a box.
Madame Bootor Kastcllo. Her circular
to married ladies .sent on receipt of two
stamps. Address Madame DoctorJ'Bastelio,
Chicago, 111. --3m
Get the bet. Get the Singer Sewing Ma
chine, Brond Cast Seeders. The best, most sim
ple and cheapest Seeder ever oilered to the
public, can be seen and bought at
Dr.USEK A Siiuuts,
Two Male .Chester White pigs, eleven
mouths old, for sale by
11. W. Foiixas,
Brownville, Nebraska.
If yon want a nice Pocket Book, go to'the
post oflice.' lrom 30 ots. to 1 each.
New Wagons, a large lot, just received
by Deuser and Shurts.
Bnur has always on hand a splendid Ptock
of Saddles and Harness, and does the fair
thing by all who deal with him.
-, .
The Singer Sewing Machine is em
phatically a Family Machine, simple, and
adapted to the finest silk, and tho coarsest
cloth. Call and examine yourselves.
Next door to PosLOfflce, Agts.
A. W. MOltGAX, Jr;,
Merchant Tailor, Is constantly in receipt of
the latest novelties in the line of Gent's Fur
nishing goods, and has now the Litest thing
out, which Is the Genteel CblUtr, the best thing
of the kind we ever saw. Also, a large sup
ply of Tiece and Ready Made Goods. Give
him a call, and give him your measure for a
suit. He Is low down in his charges. S5-3m
Respectfully Informs his old friends and
tho public, that he is prepared to attend all
calls in the line or hlx profession. Olllce at
D. H. Lewis A Co.'s Drug Store, Main street,
Brownvillc,, Neb. 51-tf
Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttler's
advertisement. ;
The Craig Microscope. This Micro
scope Is simplified and adapted to popular as
well as scientific use. A new optical wonder!
This is the, only Instrument of high power
which requires no focakadjusUnent, and
therefore can be readily used by every one,
even by children. Costing only Two Dollars
aud Seventy-five Cents, by mall, postpaid, it
is within the reach of all in the community,
and should be on the table of every Practl
tioner. Head advertisement in tills paper.
Cradles, Scythes, Snathes, and all them
kind of flxeus, at Shellenberger's.
Be sure lo reou the advertisement "Great
est Work of the age," in this paper. 33-3m
The Original Golden Crbwn Cigar Is
manufacfufctUbyH. F. Cohn., It; Is Ihe favo
rite everywhere. ' f 37
Orders Taken
For good hard cord wood, well seasoned, by
Swan & JJro., at 36" nor cord.
' W All' I'IQ JJS- 'f iNfr'1
Is that of Georgo Daugherty next door to
John L. Carson's Bank. It Is acknowledged
by all to be the place where one can get the
most acommodatlon, and the best victuals,
for the most reasonable charge. Farmers
know this, and drop In when they arc in
town, and get hungry; strangers arc not
long In finding It out, and his thirty day
boarders are each and every one Individual
witnesses of the fact.
A Scientific Wonder. The Craig Micro
scope adapted to scientific nse. Read the ad
vertisement. Price $2,73.
REAL ESTATE BROKER. Ofllcc, corner
First and Atlantic streets. Buy and sell
lands, pay taxes for non-residents. Gives
particular attention to buying, selling and
renting city property. 30-3m
Good Wholesome "Vinegar. Any one
can make it. See advertisement of W. H.
Bishop. SJ-Sm
B. &,. HI. R.R. R. TICKETS.
The Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
have opened an olllce for the sale of through
tickets to all principal points East from
Brownvillc. Call for tickets via B. &. M. at
the office of
l-3m J. L. CARSON.
The Meadow Kiln? Mower works? over
stones and knolly ground to a charm.' For
simplicity, durability, and capabilities and
lightness of draft, it Is unexcelled. Can bo
had of Sliellenbciuers.
The best the market affords can always
be found on the boards of Daughcrty's Rcstu
rant, one door west of the Bank.
Patronize Home Industry. All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's
Marble Works in this city, cheaper than it
can bo had elsewhere. None but the bestma
terial used. 11-tf
Booksellers and Stationers, next door to the
Post Office, have just recel veil a new and com
plete stock of Books, Maps.Charts.Globesand
Stationary. Are prepared to furnish School
Furniture of every description, anddefy
competltlon for price and quality. School
officers, teachers and all interested are re
quested to call and examine our stock. No
trouble to show goods. S8-tf
1 X Taints, Oils, lUass, Window Shades.
I and Wall 1'aiier. at
34-um. i
Thoroughly acquainted with Southern Ne
braska; buys and sells Improved or Unim
proved Land, Town lots, &c, on commission
or otherwise. Personal attention given to all
matters entrusted to him. Correspondence
solicited. Oflice: F. E. Johnson & Co.'sstore,
McPherson Block, Brownville, Neb. 3Gtf
How many houswlves are thero who have
experienced the dliliculty of obtaining good
vinegar. Head the advertisement of W. II.
Bishbp In this paper. o3-3ni
IjOiv for Cash.
Taints, Oils, Lead and Glass In abundance
McCrecry & Nickel's
See Advertisement headed "Land! Land!!"
This linn arc among our most enterprising
business men, and have done, perhaps, as
much as any other to bring the
trade of the city up to its present respectable
and flourishing' condition. In one thing
alone have they established a trade not sur
passed south of the Platte river, that is in
Hardware and CuUtery. Iiimtliltf,jiii.jlr.
ritoclcJa- vacfcnowledcdJjKtoUii ibemtMt
5mp!cie-'3aj;b&2!ii ''Ifcnntet&iSfca j
jpsssable. Thpjwlm t.oJceep'onlyithijtrue
m.. , -j, i-i- - t. I IT ! Til
Swd'trlcdtfn WHtSve3Hw?rand every Ifousci
wife in these six counties knows that their
TInwaro is-uxievitiallcd. They also keep a
full supply of Blacksmith's Furnishings,
and Iron of every size; and Fence Wire, by
the ton. They are enterprising, liberal, and
sell as lotfaslt Is possible to, aud make a
living profit. Give them a call, No. 71 Me
Phcrsou's Block.
Liargestassortmentof Blank Books, Mem
orandums and -Butcher's Books, In the city,
at the postolllco.
Wherever Kay is to be cut, there Is the
place for a Meadow King Mower. You can
get them atShellenberger Bros.
General Itailrond Ticket Office for all
points at the Star Hotel.
Sorpjo Machinery Among the many
Sorgo Mills now before the public, none rank
higher than the following.- 'American Prize,'
'American Sampson, 'American Vulcan,'
and 'American Hercules,' manufactured by
Geo. L. Squier ..t Bro., Bufialo.N. Y., and for
sale by Sbellenberger Bro's. They arc all
vertical mills, weighing from 300 to 1200
pounds, and with relative capacity of from
two hundred to twelve hundred gallons pet
day. These Mills havo all the Improve
ments which long experience has suggested
and have the reputatlcu of working with
more ease to man and beast than any other
Mills made. Call at Shellcnberger's and get
a Sorgo Manual and see the Mills.
' ,::-.
Imrgcst stock of Stationery in the city, at
the post oflice.
Weston's Cylinder Churn.
Sbellenberger Bros, are entitled to the
thanks and patronage of all who have cows
for their Introduction of tliis valuable churn.
Itis the most complete, simple and efficient
churn made, and Its price brings It within
the reach of all. Tiicre are three sizes at
$3.50, SJ.OO, and Si.3), respectively. These
churns, as soon as Introduced, must certain
ly take precedence of all others for simplici
ty, durability and cheapness.
a nxi: Limiii'n yakd.
Kllbourn, Jenkins & Co., corner of Fourth
and Main streets in this city, have constant
ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum
ber of nil kIndt;ulso,ulsoSnsh, Doors, Blinds,
Shingles, lath, Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc.,
which they areselling at the lowest possible
figures for which the same can be got out of
the log and shipped to this point. Tiicy arc
determined to continue as heretofore to sup
ply tho bulk of lumbes, eta, used In this
Land District. Call and see them !
The regular term of the Probate Court for
the trial of civil cases for all sums over one
hundred dollars and under three hundred
dollars, will be held at tho oflice of the Pro
bate Judge In tho city of Brownville, Nema
ha county, Nebiaska. commencing on the
first Monday of each calendar month.
27-tf Probate Judge.
'Banister, Rami Bail and Newel Posts kept
by J. R. Bell A Son, at their Lumber Yatd
corner of College and Flrst-sts.
Fresh Eggs and Yellow Butter can al
ways bo' had. Read the advertisement
"Greatest Work of the Age," in tills paper.
Everything canned at tho Postoffic?.
Peaches, Raspberries, Strawberries, Black
berries, WhortleberHes, Plums, Gages, Dam
sons, Quinces, Cherrles.-LlmaBeans, String
Beans, Green 'Corn, Pine-Apples, Tomatoes,
Lobsters, Oysters, &c, Ac. Go and see the
large varieties..
Clocks, splendid assortment. ,
WATCHES, full stock.
JEWELHY, In abundance at
Dunn & Ilnys who also do all kinds of re
pairing of Clodcs, Watches or Jewelry. No.
29, Main street. ll-;hn
: j
,.See Advertisement of Dr.,Butts' Dlspen
sary, headed Bool'..for"the Million ilAit-
kiage Guide in another column.
be read by all.
Itlaclilncs, at Dcnrcr &
c New Boot and Shoe Shop.
Mr. Geo. Denny, boot and shoo maker. No.
15 Main street, In soliciting a sharp of public
patronage, takes this opportunity to say that
all goods leaving his shop shall be as ordered,
and no person allowed to leave dissatisfied.
Repairing neatly done and promptly at
tended to. Remember tho shop, sign or the
boot. 3-3m
Try the Postolllco for all kinds of Groce
ries. By buying thero you will get no old
goods that have beendn the store for threo or
four months, but tho very best, and every
thing fresh.
Fence Wire, In abundance at Shcllcnber
ser Bro'3.
Tlio best and cheapest stock of Harness,
Saddles, Collars, Whips, Fly Nets, Riding
Bridles, Martingales, Curry Combs, Brushes,
Cards, Rubber Combs, Surcingles, Gurths and
Llnches. The best of Buckskin and Lace
Leather, also the celebrated Vacuum Oil
Blacking for Harness, Boots and Shoes, all
of which can be found at Sauder's, at low
rates for cash. :j-3ru
Board by the day or -iveclc at Daughcr
ty's Rcsturant, one door west of the Bank.
Study Yoitr Interest and read tho ad
vertisement "Greatest Worlcof the Age," in
this paper. 33-3m
The Trichina Spiralis or Porlc Worm.
Perhaps it Is not generally known that the much
talked of trlcJiiiia tplrulLt, or pork worm, was first
discovered in America by Ilr. It. C. Kendall, 01
Philadelphia, Pa., with that American Instrument
known as the Craig microscope, costing only?2,T5,
after repeated failures to discover the worm with n
imported microscope, costing fw, "of feebler power
and less reliable." This fact Dr. Kendall stands
ready to prove at any time. The. "Craig" Micro
scope In neat box with full direction Is mailed any
where lor ?J,73, by 11 II. Itoss. 313 Locust St., St.
LouLs 3ro.
Head the advertisement In.thls paper. 33-3m
A Wonderful Microscope.
Itev. Daniel Wise. D.T., editor of the New York
Sunday School Advocate, thus speaks of the cele
brated Craijj Microscope :
"Its simplicity, cheapness, and great magnifying
power struck me with surprise. Then I was exam
ining a lly's eye by its aid, and was struck with
wonder at the skill and power of the Creator which
Is displayed iu its structure. When I haw a state
ment in an advertisement that;the Craig Microscope
magnified one hundred diameters, aud could be
bought for f !),! thought it was one of the huni
bugi or the hour, for I had paid ?i0 fora microscope
not long before. But now I find it to be really valu
able instrument which I should like to see intro
duced Into the families of our readers In place of the
manifold useless toys which please for an hour and
is then destroyed. This microscope would both
amuse and Instruct them, and I advise every boy
and irirl who wishes to know the -wonders which
lie in lutle things to save his money until he has
fTo, which will pay for the microscope and the
postage when sent by mall."
-s a holiday gilt this microscope is unsurpassed,
being ornamental, instructive, amusing and cheap,
and never looses Its Interest. Agents and dealers
supplied on reasonable terms. A. sample will he
mailed, post pain. 10 any auarrcs Tor f J,-), oy a.
Koss,.ll3 Locust St., St. J.otiis, Mo.
Itead the advertisement Iu another column.
33-31U '
Corn. shelled Jftffin Onions ... $0
Corn. In the ear. .-torf H Wool Unwiwhtd-Sifn 35
.Spring Wheat &"S(i75 I Tub WasheiUMKiio
Oats . -JuSs-j i Honey. M
Harley Oats :W I&jj.'s VXi Li
Barley. W(al Hatter .avS "".
KprinsW Flour .J,t Chickens. fdoz-.J.'Xl
Fall W Flour 1.2, BcefCattle IM-WJ,
Potatoes Tofift) lloiri Kress 7.00
Lard 12) JHdes.Ureen 5
Bacon Sides 3) " llrv Flint 12
Canvnsert Ham"? Oi'fMink ft.iWC't 1.VJ
" Shoulders IS) , Heaver. gl.OlXfi 1.3
No country cared In the. Coon 3X3.70
market. Apples, green .ft.50
ATCfac-xImUr reproductions of exquisite oil paint-
ing-j, , m) nuniiramy uxccutcu as to render 11 linposst
hlajforniiy one but experts to detect the difference
between them.
Ask for them at the Art and Picture Stores.
Oar Cliriwtos are sent 0"tcJo anv address within
UieVnitcJ States, eut of the ilissLssipp! on receipt
or price,
l'rang's "t'hromo Journal." Issued fmarterly. con-
inlni n ilocri tit tti ! titiriin nfniiF t li rt
mos, with special Information about the arc apec-J
IANi.?! -
ft:iT-iiii -. -.--
Choice Southern Nebraska Lands
CouiBanrt Sec Thorn IJcforc i'nrcliasiiiij
GRI-..-.T 2S.1KGAE3.S 0?FE!1E5
The :b briber will sell at private Faleoineof the
bent lands in Southern Nebraska. Tliee lands are
well situated, bei'iK lecated within a four honrsdrivc
ot the principal river towns, Uniwnvlllf, Aspln
wall, Aragoaud Kulo. and near the projected lines
ofraiiriKul: The llrownvillc, l-t. Kearney it l"acllic,
thei:urlintom(:S.nitbve-tern,lroni Ituloi which l
already cuniliU'ted to the centre ol illclianlson Co.)
tlic-wirtliern Kan-ui.4 t .Sotitlicrn Nehnnka, now
being tiuiUfrmi Hiawatha to Nebraska City, itost
ul these lan.l- lie In Klcliardson itnd Neuialiaco-Jii-ties.
acknowledged to be the best counties In the
State fin agricultural ptirposi-., not Inaptly called
the "ttarden 01" the Western World."' These lands
were located eleven years mco, when choice selec
tions could be made, and they are for the ilrst- time
offered for sale. ... ,
Anions the many quarters oITered for sale arc
llu- rii!!fviti:r:
Northeast nuarter Section .;, Town .1, Hansen.
Northwest " " V.t, :t. " 1-1.
Southwest "
Northwest "
Southwest "
Nartheast "
Kast '- of ti w "
East, ors w "
Southwest "
Northeast "
Southwest "
Northeast "
Northwest "
Southeast "
Northwest "
EiLstSorse "
West !2 or.s w "
South.', of if if"
North'. 11 w '
linencopiaioi me JOBriiaisenure- 10 -w auursse,
0Hrcc-JiK-fstarift..fl. m". '
". i2-v -;. , f Touy & 00. nostaa. ismh.
.w. ,iiil jmimfir - """'" -" ' " " '
si., " S, " U,
co " a u.
31, " 5. " n.
11. ." 3, 11-
7, " -I. " .
!), " . " H.
9, " 3, " U.
2). " 3, " 15.
,- " 3, " l-t.
15, " ::, ' 11.
.-., " 3, " H.
.".. " 3, " 11.
11, " 3, " 11.
H. " 3, " 11.
IU, " 0, ' II.
3). " 5. " 11.
5, " fi, " 13.
8, " ti. ' i:t
For iiarticulars address tint subscriber. Dr. J. A.
WIIOK, either at Urownvllle, Netaaha comity, or
at 1'aIIsCity, Birhanlson comity, Nebraska. Br.
Wroecannlwavs be found cither at the Beynolds
llon-e. I!ro nville. ot at the Union Hotel, iOimkI's)
Falls City, where all pcrsomtl applications must be
made. 41-3m
j. e. shooe: & BEO.,
Would inform their numerous Iriends and tlicpnb-
T5 Tlic generally inai iney naveoiiuaiiuainrgt
11 I assortinent ofatl kinds of
U hlch thev will sell at prices to suit cus-
J. 1 tnmor. Pnrrlcs intendinc: to build would'
do wcil to call and see them at their Lumber Yard
before purchasing elsewhere. 37m
Tlio Siiigoi jlanracturins Co
is now producinc nearly MOO, 000 Scwimr Tlla
cliities per nnnnm, and is not able to meet the
demand, but In order to do so, new- factories are be
ing erected that will snpply
T-irc.-i Hiuidroi- and Pifty Thousand
Machinea oach Year.
The lHjpiiIiiril- of the "New Famit.V" Sewing
rachliie is onlvsnrrassed by its nseftitncss aud slra
plicitv; darcbillt vand beauty. Where known It Is
.lifllaii: ior otiier manufacturers to enectsalcj. and
tiny" employ every means to foist their prodect up
on the people. llyers of Sewlnp Machines should
avol.l canvassr- p nd peddlers, who resort to com
pulsion to matrcnales, for no machine can bedeslr
able that is forcibly thrust upon the pnrchaser.-
TheSincer ".New Family," and the "New
No. 1 Scwinc Ttlncbinc IThc latter for Iiress
makers. Tailors,. Shoemakers, Ac.,1 are eagerly
.-ouxht for, and a lursc stock can be found In our
sales rooms, together wlthcverj- useful accessory
intended for them.
Wes-llSilkTwLst. fAitton and Llnnen Threads,
Needles, Oil, Screw-driver-., Ac., at. retail, or In
nunutlty, at manufacturers prices.
Catalogues, Price j-sts. it, in Engll-li or (!er
manj lurnlshed on application by mail or othcr-
Wl" OJ--S' & LOWE.
COT Fourth Street,
41-It ST. LOUIS, MO.
Wagon &lacks&..7hho?
.1 y
WAGOT MAKING, Repairing,
Plow's, and all work done in the best
manner and on short notice. Satisfaction Rnaran
anteed. 'Give him a call. 3Hy.
Markct, at
-Best in the
BLAS"3S of all kind, constantly o
baud, atthe Advertiser Job Olllce.
For tho purchase and sale. of Real Estate la
Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kan
sas, Nebraska and Col
orado, PAYING- TAXES, &e.
Valuable Lands la above named States for sale
on long time.
Otnee. -a Main street. J
32. U. ROSS,
Map Publisher
Wholesale, and Rotail Denier is.
Oval, Eustic and Fancy Frames,
Engravings, Lithographs,
Albums, Pocket Maps, and Charts,
Bonk and Stationery Dealers. Agents and Can-
vassvrs supplied at the lowest rates-
oonu ior aercnpuve circulars.
J. I. CASE fc CO.,
CirrN KS. with Pitts'. Climax anil Mocnt
ko Hone Powers. Tread Powers, Wood Rawing
Machines and PorUble Engines. Descriptive cir
culars sent free by mull. iSSThe largest manufac
turers of Tjiu KMiKK-s In the Wouui, 3-3m
For sale by
F. A. TiSDKr.. J R.. & Ov.
Brownville. Nebraska.
Tlio BroTmvillo Ferry Company
have now running between
aSXiOTTIN VUL.G.J2, P0325.,
ISTortli Star and Phelps City, Mo.,
the new and commodious Steam 1'erry
rpHIS BOAT is entirely new, with
JL power and capacity to cross everything
that may come, in any weather.
For crossing Cattle into or out of this Laud Dis
trict, this ts the best point. This boat is especially
fitted npto ensure safety In crossing stoolr.nnd larse
cattle pens are already erected at the St. Joe. AC. 11.
Deixit at Phelps City. We can Insure the traveling
public that all in our power shall be done to make
this the most reliable crossing on the Missouri river.
,L as diploma at oiflce will show, has been
lonjrer cnsccd in tho treatment of. Venereal.
Sexual and Prl vateDisc-ses than any otherphy-
sicianmat.L,onis. fcrpmiis, uonorrnca, uicet.
Stricture, Orchitis, I fern la, and Rupture; all
Urinary -Dl-envr. and Syphllltle or Mercurial
Afflictions of the throat, s Lin orbonesaretreat-
eawmntnparnicucci success. Spennatorrhea,
Sexual Debility, and Impotency, as the rewK
in -c.siu5j jruuui, 'ubi ciccem ib aaa
tarer rears, ctomer caeses. and which nradace
IBuaeoiRiBioiiowin7cncc, asnocraraai cmis
i9fw?,Wotches, dclilllty, dizziness, dlBancss cf
3BHTV Of TwnK-s. lossof tilfimirr. and
IsexMlpoirer. tmi ren-ttrtngs-arrlagelsjprop-
vatenractlco are uusnrpassediuSt.Loulsorany
othcrclty Hack flies ofbt.Loulsnaiiersnrove
that lie lias been located there longer by years
thananyothersadvertlship. Tlice-ta.llsument,
iiDrary. laooratorj- auu appointments aro unri
valed In the West, unsurpassed anywhere.
Age. with experience, csil be rilled upon, and
the doctor eaiireier to hiany physicians throngh
outthe country- In past success and present
posltlonlie stands without a competitor. The
writings of a physician whose reputation Is
Unlon-wtde should be worth reading. DR.
WIirnriER'S ramplctsent to any address in
asealcdcnvelonefortwo stanins. Slanv nhv-
elcians introduce patients to tho doctor after
reading bis medical pamphlet. Communica
tions confidential. A friendly talk wlllcostyon
nothing. Ofllcc central, yetretlred No 617 St.
nanesEi.,Bi. .ouis,io iioursua.m. 10p.m
CONTINUES to treat all Private Diseases. Syph
ilis, alllormsof Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture,'
&c completely eradicated. That numerous class
of cases resulting from self-abuse, producing ua
manliness, neryousdcblllty, irritability, eruptions,'
seminal cmiislons, andfinally impotency, pcrma
nently cured. Tersons afflicted wltli delicate, ln-
tricate and long-stimding constitutional complaints
are politely invited to call for consultation, which
costsnothlng. Experience, tho best of teachera,
has enabled nlm to perfect remedies at once effi
cient, safe, permanent, and which in most cased
can be used without hindrance to business. The es
tablishment embraces oflice, receptlonand waiting
rooms, also boardlD it and sleeping apartments for
patients requiring dally personal attention, and
vapor and chemical baths. No matter who have
failed, state your case. Read his pamphlet, sentto
any addressfree. Thousands ofcascstrcated annn
nllyat oflice and all over the country. 01C Wasb
lngtonave..St.Louls. irnurs 9 a. M. to 7 r. M
Pamphlets sentto any r ress for two stamps. I
We have on harulr. large
To which T7e are making co
we are selling at Prices as
the Mississippi.
In the Quality of our Goods
g0S& ijf fijl pi;
P p n n n p 1 p n
CBxmMtrjJurexm-- t J-vu-
A. L.
6n(.-ccssors to W. H. SHALL,
Dealers axd joi.bers ix
US&& S
Snclj. as CoSecs, Sugars, Tcc, I-Tolosses. Sjrrug, ?lour, 3aeon, Thih, Dried
Boof, Salt, Coal Oil, Toljacco, Cigars, Chocso. Driodaiitl Graca limits, Con
fi3ctionarie of all Hinds, "WooiTon Vnre, &c.
In connection with, the above they Ireep constantly on hand a large supply of fccJ,
All Goods Sold at Prices, that Defy Competition,
Highest Market Price paid forall kinds of COC.vTI-Y PKODUCE.
r.lncel Prices t6 suit tho Times, Small Profits and Fair Dealinir. is their invariable rule,
Goods will be sold to Country Merchants In cither large or :nall lulls and at extremely low
ratesi " "
PXKE R & RE YA'OLDS, JYqpncfora
Eight street, two blocks from R. B. Dvpot,
ST. JOSEPH, 310. 4oly
J nut Published la a Sealed EbtcIopc
A Lecture on the-Nature, Treatment and. Radical
Cum of Strmatarrho?a. or Seminal Weakness. In-
valuntary linLslons. Sexual Debility and Impetll
u.cua iu .11111 uuctvftHiarKiiy. j crvousu. un
sumption. Epllepsey anil 1'lt. Mental and Miystcal
-incapacity. resunuiK
: rrom setf-abuse,e.
-kkt J. Cux.Vxkwki.i 31. K.. authoor of the
UOOK." itc
The worlil-renowned author. In this admirable
Lecture, clearly prove from nlsoniT experience,
that llmawlul consequencts ofeelf-ubuse may be
cnVctnally removed without medicine, and without
dangerous surgical operations, boiigIus.lnstrumcuts.
rings or cordials, pointing out a mode or cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every snnercr,
no matter what bLs condition mar be. may cure
hlmseir. cheaply, privately anil radically. TILTS
Sent, under seal. In a plain envelope, to anyad-
tuexs.jKuipaia, on receipt 01 six cents, or two posi
stamps. Also, Dr. CulverweU's "Marriage Guide,"
price Zi cents. Address the Publishers,
CIIAS. J. C. KhlNK .fc CO..
EI Bowery, .N e w York.
Tost Office Bos ;,5SG
vj 4.JI JRA-bt
q . 0 1
f HI
--! r t
J8 J 4
WASHINa.3 XCfciCHrEra !
Lately mnch Improved and the New
frROTiaj vrvrk. R0VELLs patent
JL Doable Cig-VheeW, and. the Putcnt Stp. a
noiviiJi-iiicnUonsblyiirsuiierior to any afHNtmtus
for wanhinjr clothes ever invented, and will save
thelrciHt twice a year, by savinjc laboraad clothes.
isoHttjsrjiiieoplewho have nsed'tbcm testify as
follows ;
They save three-fourth of the lalior nnd cost, and
pay tor thsmy.lves l!h In money and content
meat. Let every rciinc ladv learn lo nsetliem.
anil every married one keep them In her house.
Xt r fMctin llca.'tune.
"An excellent Washing Jlncliine. We have tried
It. Tbeflothes Wrineris verj1 supprtor. A good
hand will wash a Iarre numoer or pieces In u few
Uoxmr-Rait loh (X. ( 1 Riilseoixtl JMItmtM.
"After two years' experience with a Doty, wc nr
assured that 11 is the greatest nc:p uuu economizer
of time, labor and money we havo yet bad Intro
duced into our household." IWliumson Smith. Xeu
Orleans. "I have bad a Doty Washer hi my iamily for
some time, it gives entire satisfaction, and I take
pleasure In commending It to the bead of every
household." R. Toirtrs.JrjTiTtm, 7jcu.
"1 have had one of Doty's Clothes Washer's la
use for a year, and I am perfectly satisfied with It.
ty family have tried It faithfully, and have never
known It to fail to accomplish all that it proft-sso
to." JW. J. . Stcvais, OincorU Jlinalc LXjIUbc
If the Merchants In your place will not furnish,
or -Ciidfnr Mm Machines, semi us the retail price
Washer f 15. Kxtra Wringer Jlo.and v. will fnrwura
either or both machines, tree or freight, to place
where no one is selling: nnd so sure are we they
will he liked, that we agree to remiitl the iuone
irony one wishes to return the machines fre 6:
f-oVtit, after a month's trial, according to direc
tions. .. nusband, father or brother should jiermit the
drudgery of washing with the hands, fifty-two day-
111 ineyear, wnen it can ieioiieoett"r, moreexpe
dltlnualy, with less labor, nnd 110 Injury to the gar
ments, by a Doty Clothes Washer and a Universal
5iil bv denlf rs generally, to whom liberal dls-
oums aro- nuiui:.
C. IS--0irX--4G,.-0ii. Aent,
41-."m 32 Cortland fL.NewIVork.
dill i'i' 1-11.. 1 11 1. 1 mi iii 11 ii ill M
DliVLElia IN
1 ami well assorted stock of
ustant additions, and "tfrhic-i
low as any Honse west o
55WAiY Sc
! AV J.2ML4
h? r"
JmSK "ww&ve 9,'trvSr3
BTjOMfi3fiira ?5SSjf?S
jy'rajrlrTf jP
wBU$Bn "WAS!3fl
Sua m &s f
"l ira tr tr tt in
Pr "TiiTi
Liyery, Feed, Safe and Exchange
Corner Main and LcvwSt, BKOWJiyiTXIw
HAVING pnrchasctl this Stable o
A.I. Cospswrll.wc are prepared to-fnrBlsh
the b-t TKA.IS, IJFGGIKSanrrrAK'ftTAnTiH In
Southern Nebraska, at LOWJSST e.9oC.-ATES.
Hoom for Fifty Horses. Corral for tock. l"artlcu
lar attention paid to Feedlnc or Itoantlift TTorse.
l-lyj riIlLLllS&lAlS.
V E-i &
From Cider, Sorghum, Molasses, Sa
gar, "Wino, or tlto jnico of any tdt,
Directions Simple nnd Easy. Cost
not one-half iha-t of tho old preeeM
of allowing Cider to soar ta hsarrela
Any ono can nraho it. Full Direo
tions sent nponrocoipt of Fifty Cents
Address, IV. U. IUS-IO-,
335m ST. LOUIS, fO.
it is economy
--fy 1-
Have been sold in tho last two years
They arc universally acknowledge-
The Best Cooking lm Made!
Tisrw OTsim iiuni
Tor TJnifonrdty in Balling,
For Economy in tho -tso of Pnol,
and their perfect adaptation to tho
Sliellenbergcr Bros.,
I-roivn.' ..
!' . li --j.
TUB CE-lniJ-iTEp
Burlng tltc past Six Vcarii ll'n xvorth
has Iircn tcstiliel to lij- tliouiiniidtf ot
Sclent lilc Men, School Teacjicra, Stu
(IcntM, Physicians, and otlierw.
Siiuilinc(l mill Atlaptctl to Popnlaras
M-cllac ScientlUc'utc, l is ait Optical
IVomlcr. Its Magnifying poivrr la
TEjST thousand times
Combining endless Instruction -vitU
nmusemcitt. A Dcmitll'itl Glfl,nntt ono
that never loose- Its Interest, reveals
the unseen ivo-derii of 'creation, Eels
In Vinegar, AuininU in "Water, Chceao
Mitcs, Sugar antl Xtvlx Insects, milk.
Globule, Ailnltcrn.loua In Foot. anl
Drugs. Also the Trichina Spiralis, or
PoTfc Worms.
A very 3oantiful and Oruuceital
Instrruuei--, rLouIJI ho on tho table ot
cvory pnily, PitysJciivn, Scirmtiflo
ifcia, Sfcwrloitt nnd ScLooI.
An Unseen "Kingdom Is orento the eyoby this
Instrnment. 'No lover of th- -i-autluil sliuntd bo
without It.
Kvcry Instrnment 's jntitir In a neat box; with
full directions for uning it. carefully jntsted on tho
cover. Thousand- have been sent by mull, and the
proprietor Kunrantees a ule transit toeacli-lnstru-nifiit.
Wcin---eudlnsf them 'Vrday.
l'rlcc by nrnil, jxtdojrviiilU, ?2,"0, or with two
llonntwl 1 ij-ts, t.
Addravi, K. 1..HOSS.
TV-tin 3t.T TAcmt Street, St. Irfuils, To.
A rrlr.t- Cn.:er t b.
-tarHci. r !... abo.t ta
vary, oa the pLjfto!oc!cal
aiiitrifl anil irttUtlc., ot
tltV'x-il iytn. with U
na prrrr-UDK ocjpnn(.M-ii)r.t,TielOBci'mpio,-e.
-Xlisalaitmii- wni.or mo ImuJrrd od twcutT roar
P-Si, vU-oomerou tD.rxTlnj.. -C!tccniaiaTalal'lnfor.
mmtloa for hoto w-o are mmnUiY,je ntsipl3t- Jnnrv. It abookthoat-ttobfriiactrlw:tallrj-, aixl.
Botl-lieaTCfeMlyatx-llbaboiJ!. '
Seat to may 000 fto:fcitafe;ftr JIftr OaU.
A-drtiIr.i:ntU'DI-jo-rx,;ro 1 2 Sorti Ei.'Ui 'jitm
EU Loots, Ho.
. . . 9
Notico to .ho Aim etc d and
Etforo appljtns to fio atrTm q-nck xbj itrml la
public paperf. cr -,Ib aj n'tiiz't rn.lies. pf rn Dr. liatt
work. 00 cutter jor ducue ii, or taw dcptonblr jenr
Dr. B.tla can bs. eonra!tl. pnrtmally or - Bv-, on th
dlteuei SKOtloord li Lit . CSto, Ko.lJ5jrt..jl
EtrRt, ttwcea K-rltt sad O.otut, St. -, Xo.
1 1 1 '
A. 3Etico Ooliootion.
-t50WLAjn'3 ItEtXIPTft Mtito Art. D&cnvtrl. c.
J-" cooirrt"lDSTnnbIo infoioi4nu.f.r eTCTjbwlr 8nlbr
iall(frorretcer.rVirTY reatt A.dre.k.S.50k.
M'DT,'o.l:fort-U-tm S-.l4BlJ.-Ia.
TjRAK-TS COLLXCTIO" of firr Jimd-. refpts for
XJ ma-laBrasd7:all-Uisif ln. Gib. Ale- B. Cor.
dlU, Saperlor C!ur, acd inne litter ef-i bf-raiatloB
for to.t-Ilcla cnfjtli-lii;'y-f--3Cw,eIil
I ar the trade r torn etc.
Scot 6y mall (frtc or r-rr) I'r Firtr CeoH. X9in
R. X. Xumt-XDY. So. 1 xtt L.'ht- atroet, Sb--it, itj
Bar Me and VR 5o loa Go& j
aroastRg tbo Jrr r.'5. SccicHtc lr- , Wtm
C-inj ta b-!tra ve, tin ftUs eara- U
many cr.iyi!i vud it -51 not bs. , 2
jopposed rye-iM r'.B, icrtr S Jf- 2
Acn-.It-!xrnS-c rj?jr-i2 ',fm
Hum ai 7-sr, lv-t.r.-M. Caa.-r, a
IixcKru Xr:uii I KoovArrxTm. f jW
lllUOC. DSCtTU7 T- B t A77-CTIOS. 3
Co"T'TJT !-- t. JrtTXKI 07 -LL
mk D n-'jtx lit'v-, ' ctiila
dred ctnpitla-i frIrj-MKro---tnit;i)r
1 EelBrfr sfriJ.Tiuriral oclwa. v
uo pwjt. or oasi'ciiaa 01 lis t"t""'-vt-
titer ran bt taken ctalltiaxr al Oliver Jll cirrnmiW-Ta
trl&oat rt jorl w filet or tasicai.'
Price 2 S cestialat.
' Prprebj-tliGc3.'lo-iX!!l:bi?Cv.,Pt.Lrrf.3(V. .'
Sold r druiii ju a ; Ocaczj I a asJ'Mo rrerjwhtrJ.'
Tho Great SocVilxg Semcttjf, '
TR5. f Caresltat,tririi:tnj7P2tC3
'WHITCOrni'S'JtKrr.rtJ aa ruut-uest-apro-j- t$
SYRUP. .ee-oruKtM-i iCEJIXS
3CR-. f SaN&Mntfeinnan4Tr JpMCHS
TC03tT5euc!aicnr:rtiac ,"fli
. BYfiUi.
t muBt- 7-it tai-rca.
r Corr THrba Ti.-i?i!rTi!.11 PTfTH"
Willi CO alii 'S----s-wrt'apiaiacJuire Za
nVRTTP. Iaril-l. SriTSTifT
HRTTP. tofallasca.
Itl th- pnt Ie.S z-l-C! t sooihjn; Irer la
am-rCen.riasliis& byTcr jscratrjuthei-caue. Vn.
f rTl b tc Grfia Me ic ri I - t-.louu.ha.
SolJoydi-Ei rttalc., jinn." -Ttn'w&L'0
-" rf wWrW f i T1 M lfoO'i T i' "
tf3 l?i?3 SSL vFk.
ol J4i5
jW J-,v-J
l"l-''i '
K j