air. mu ri ' '' ' ! I ir ji ' 'i 1'" i 1h Ii ,1 , . i i i i i t 1 'i J i:. I6I 1 i l!?i 1 Hi I. IU ! it f- r s :l SI 1 j -iii , il lifjjj 1. m pirn R? i -l 1 f i m $ Si t Hi! m m . a.. i is n? 11 t: -SJ f.SC I? Itf? mwnnl W. rURXAS. EliUr. n -ok AGRICULTURAL. t OTDRSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1870. r.KmiskfcgricHltnral-i'airs TfUm Xirmka State Flr will be held t BrowavUIe September 30th, 21st, :Ed and 23d, IK. --- . TktfehHien Cemtj- Fair will le fcatt t Salem on the 15th, 16th and 17th or Septem ber. VPK. 'later Cemmty Agricultural fljilHT boMn ltu Ilrst Annual Fair At Lincoln, October Mh and 7tb, 1870. WIlFMKKTOy CORN FROSC NEMA HA COtJWTY. WeSbave taken some pains to ascer tain tfce exact quantity of corn already shipped from JJSTemaha County the present season up to date. From the ftjMetto sell, to bring in, and off fe4,-we ''feel safe in asawtiHg that there, at least, one third more, additionalshipped' before the close of legation., , blowing- are the firms and aWtwntf. shipped: Hatoer. Iewls t Co WKA.SIth-. ..BO.OOO Bushels. .51,UiW ." BMe 4fc Handler K: Worthing "WJ Batier. Iwi8 Co 2W0O Bushels. J. P. Bardlck MflM Kaott Cole lii MMkt Brown ! -., MKferrzr io - HEMAHA CITY. J.,B, Hoover 00,000 Bushels. "-, ASPINWALL. WoUonrlder & Co " 000 Bushels. Start 4-ro . "st. nEBon.. AsJ. Bitter W.O00 Bushels. A. U Kerr A Co 000 IWart&Bro 2,000 SVlMtP HAISISfO IJE NEBRASKA. ATe"tlcc great pleasure in calling thejtttention of the public to the ef- forte of S. Cochran & Co., of this eewalyr to their efforts to encourage wool-growing In Nebraska, and their success in.lheir undertakings. They sheared 1235 head this season, which averaged a fraction over 5J pounds pSffeMd. The growth was eleven xno&the, and was heavier than the B-afaeep yielded before in Wis. y l,.wia. inutve luuuiun gmnui. This much in favor of Nebraska as a sheep-raising State. Their retire kck, at shearing time consist ed fgrades ranging 'from to i bloods. .Mr. Cochran has just received aSwifK) or.30 pure blood Infantadoes Jresa Vernsont, and an additional thorough bred Shepherd dog. These geoUemen are deserving of & great dajdi, credit for their persevering eaterprise, and we are glad to know ikfx fWineeting with such marked sfcbeeik Mr Cochran is the business manager of the firm. m Thekditor of the PJatte Valley In dependcrii ,has been visiting around among the farmers in Merrick county. In closing an article giving an account of his trip, in speaking of tree-plant-i;j,lsays.j , "Quito a number of trees have been set out on most of the above farms, aa&-some of them are. adorned- with "eryine groves of timber, set out a nwBDer-oT years ago. .more irura are being planted each year, so that in a a few years this wilL be a well timber ed country aw -CROPS- t)ne who takes no pains to see what Is In'tlie country may be easily de ceived by the current rumors. We find, however, that the farmers in ttwne'c6unty. unlike those in oilier countries, are more disposed to "uuder- tsajfyvrWheat will be more than an av erage "crop, "the quantity harvested tWaearpeomises quite a respectable fltffpfos. One man Mr. S. Caniug- ftaw, ot Jfium iJreeK, only two years oh his present farm, has raised a crop 6fbout 700 bushels. Many other UtratiCB iave equally as good crops. Gate"? turning out splendidly. Oort.1rienf in that pKortioh of -the county suffering moat from dry iraather, another rain will be more than an average. Pavmcc Tribune. bZ&keese Makino on Wood Biveb. We have .been shown some cheese pudebyMr. Wallace W. Doty, on 3&r9Qd riverabout eight miles from tfeis prace. The quality of this cheese ttVexeellent, equalling auy of the flfesiarn Reserve Cheese. In fact most people who use it prefer it to ay cheese that can be got from the eaeu mr. xiolv miiKs uiirty rows, and from the milk of that number he xnakeseach season about 15,000 pounds. Thee are several parties on Wood I Riv:er making cheese- of no inferior quality. In all, there is made in the vicinity of Wood Riverabotit seventy orVfeyenty-five thousand pounds of Kp.,1 cheese annually. Pfotfe Valley Independent, k-,V TirE RASPBERair ik Nebrsska. Hr.Hudson brought into our sanctum Monday morning, some splendid BpefeimeriVof the "Mammoth Clus ter1' Raspberries, of his owm- raising. They -were planted one year ago last Sfriag.and are in a first-rate condi tieB.. .Mr. Hudson says that the "Da rHikm Thorntess. which grows as smooth as a willow, does equally as well to tbe 'Mammoth CltotcrJ-' jSV are of the opinion that all har ferart, trees, suitable to the forty flret or forty-second degree of north tattitude, and growing low to the ffeend, will do well here. Platte JiA i ' -Sunders purchased one hun- VHeoh AJbaiiy Strawberry plants last season, for which hepaid one dolif JBfelost'abouttwerity-five of tbM. tFot the last tbree weeks baaviaa. strawDernes ror ainner ray.V Besides this Mrs. S.lfag nliAixiiuarts. --: akesays he never spent half a laVs'worth of time in cultivating !m..ahd he would not take ten dol- Jaj for tho luxury thej' have afforded p is season. BSesays if he had sold a cow five yearaago, and inves'ed it judiciously in frwife trees and. plants, he would iavilaved'the- pfiae of several cows i VjHrk a& TiMjwn" to say nothing oTthe salkfa'ctioAef having the'fruit: Jake Mred one berry that was f, inches in outaumfereaeec Ashland Sslzz. rsjformen in this sectioa bavenear- Bhedithair harvest. They re heat and oats as promising- a T ... 1 -f 1U. : e -sr..yi - anu eiircc mc jiuii ui t vu- ifcey; think com will not e. yMBfcStstf- W.J3 C JL torif . ..m.. - ! i iMwii-t' "r?;-r3aassjs . KVEHGREKX8 iaRKGTOARLY THE OBCHAH.D It is many yews siliee I wrote ad vising orchardists whose lands were, in exposed, bleak situations, and es pecially to the planter of orchards on the prairies, that the most perfect pro tection, and the greatest security to ward a permanent, healthy, orchard, would be to plant here and there, irregularly and indiscriminately, among the apple, pear, andotherruit more or les of Norway Spruce. White Pine, Scotch Pine, and other everereens. l nave airaiftijiwij the editors of .horticultural journal A few lines I the.i wrote to tne siot tlculiurht went the rounds, and from that to the present I have been glad to see here and there a voice, or rath er a pen, break out in favor of the pjJlna plan that I have no doubt, if it could be once carried out, would re stilt ten fold more beneficially to the orchard than the stiff, yet popular one- of a belt or screen around, ami as eacn tree has an iniluenee over a certain distance, the ameliorating influeifce of the evergreen would be evenly and regularly distributed all through the orchard, instead of a mere wind break, protecting a breadth of only say one hundred feet. 1 have repeat edly watched the beneficial influence of a contiguous evergreen in the bloom or fruiting of pears, apples and peaches, and I now write from hav iiigagalTr witnessed the effect-of thtr protective, soothing character in rela tion to a plot of dwarf pears. It is useless to dilate or make words on this subject, for not a man who knows an evergreen, has a doubt of its influence, beneficially, in toning down a cold wind : the only point would be to break our people of the idea that their orchards should be in methodical regular lines, and com posed only of a certain kind of trees. Once we can get them to see that Na ture in her ow n works protects her tenderest plants, by placing contigu ous some hardy grower as a screen ; once" we can get them to know that so far all their culture of fruithasbeen upon too artificial a system, following out for extensive orchards the lines or rules laid down by the gardners of town Iota ; once we can get them to understand that in profitable fruit growing, in order to be successful it is requisite to care lor, waicu, iissuuimc, feed and prune their trees, as it is to rear children, and make them worthy eitizeus, we shall have more general and uniform profitable results,. and less annual complaints of climate, frost, etc. F. B. Elliot, in irorticul turist. Ve have beenhown a specimen of Odessa wheat, grown this season bj; Elijah Filley, u resident of the east ern part of Gage county. It is a beautiful sample, Jarjre, plump, and nearly white. Mr. Filley informs us that he will harvest about one hun dred bushels from three acres and a half, which, it will be seen, is au en ormous vield. This grain is all there is of thdkind in Nebraska, and was first brought into Gage county by J. B. Weston, who outainea twenty rmunrts of it at the Patent Office, and r.imfiwl if. nn iia fnnn. lint from hav ing been sown on a bad piece of ground the yield Was insignificant, aim Mr. vvesion aisposeu oi m cvr bushels obtained to Mr. Filley, who planted it this year with the above de scribed results. Who. can beat it? Beatrice Express. The Columbian Journal is responsi ble for the following: "Our friend Ii. M. Beebe, residing near this place has a peach trra thirteen inches high from a seed planted thirty-eight days ago. . No extra attention has been given it." How is that for 'high" in thirty-eight days. We have heard of mammoth cattle, pigs with six legs, etc., but for peach trees we refer you to the Platte Valley. Lincoln County Ad"c:tie The Northwestern Farmer says that John Tomjinson, of Shelby county, Ind., fatted $1,500 worth of pork on potatoes last fall, and pro nounced them a cheaper food for hogs than eorn. He cooked his potatoes, and the hogs were exceedingly fond of them. It is well known that the potato is rich in starch, and that is tne cniei element or iau rew jMig land farmers discovered thevalue of potatoes for fattening hogs, long ago. , , m 'm TrEEI THE VRVVE' TREES. It must be apparent to every re flecting person that the material round about a fruit tree, which renders im portant a: (J in tne production oi nne fruit of any kind, must necessarily be exhaustes after a vine, hush or tree produced abundant crop3 for several successive seasons. For example, a larcre near or annle tree will frequent ly yield from ten ta sixteen bushels of fruit annually, many trees cave pro- tduccd more than twice these quanti ties at one crop. After a few seasons the material that tlie roots must be supplied witlr to develop fruit, will be more or less exhausted. For this reason fruit be gins to fail, and the failure is often at tributed to an east wind or some mys- I terlous atmospheric influence, when, fin reality, the whole cause is starva tion, arising from iropoverisnea son. The remedy is to feed the roes of all kinds of fruit trees with lime, wood, ashes, gypsum, chip dirt, bones, fishes, and anything that will I renovate an impoverished soil. .ii is evident that fruit trees cannot pro duce fine fiuit out of nothing, or out of such materials as may be desirable for some other purposes. Exchange. ji, m Pear Trees ixGrass. A corres- I pondent of tlie Gardners1 Monthly, at rirn.Mnfninn Pn eoia fVit Mir isvnr gave me a wrinkle I didn't know be fore. No fences; no cultivation ; and ihe country grass will grow. So my trees were in grass, and are still in grass, ana jl incentr eo leave mem in grass, as long as l get wue pt-are x uu. Goo4 Fanning Implcateats are the basis of success In making tlio rarm pay. AVTlthoHt itxse,. though the soil and climate are favorable, farming In the nine teenth century cannot be madaprofltable, aa the basis of all prices Is upon that which can be produced most successfully, "with tbe least labor. In tho greatest quantity, on a given amount or J ana. xne nrsi requisuc w iur.ui lng is a good Plow, one that will scour rcadi lyin all soils, and Is made of the best mate rial upon scientific principles based upon tbe experience of centuries. The Canton Clipper Plow will bo found the plow combining these qualities In the greatest degree. As Corn la the staple crop of this section, a good Corn Planter Is a desideratum to profitable farm ing not to be got along without. Such an one Is Selby's Union Cora Planter. The next implement is a good Cultivator; such Is Par lin's Walking Cultivator. It Is easily man aged, docs Its work well, with ease to the horses, and is durable. In small grain an Implement ls-needcd that does Its work well In all kinds of grain, lna3?corHllL&nsand 'positions; one that works as well'ln.grass as 1 grain, and .lsoillgnt, uaiiorm uraiioniaa I horses. This means tho John P. Manny Reaper and Mower. A sialic uuiier is also necessary, and no better can be found than Cole's. All of these, together with all the iffSRer lmnlements. such as Hand Corn Plan- 1 TT.m YwtA. XsnWI CvkMrlfktf T9Ipa tiers. JOliy auitcb, i'vikb,, umu, icwti- Hoes, etc, csj ee exauuaeu sua purciiitsou w. SHELLENBERQER J1ROJS, N o. 74, McPher-g-m Block. Brownvllle, KXTWr JtDVERTISBMEKTS. (lEH Mrs er, I I spec t END STAMP to Mrs. EllenS. Thp er, Brlgb tow, Iowa, for valuable Information re specting Hives, Italian i. nnd the means or keeDliur tbem pure where'! prated iiiieupon line iuercuiiiiuui.w until 1&J7, I think, was any special noo mini A. or attention called to it oy i ii. ..HA. hnr iinr 5BtmwLmWlrl ouik DeeaoeHnu. 39-?m. t ' ri ' " - " T r i ' iFJCttST CZiJSS FMXJITWJOSES!' Grown aad Imported J . f J.J.BUTOSOTOK., whiSiS; lt wuluwi -otnrt. yWdb eni.i.iitanerly period. ait In- oU ana l t an eri: u otherwise ' ecu otherwise not ftvorb!e tc tn irnii. FBSR. All lue lsaflm xibok. iaut w "7 Imlil jJM.K.-eiioIe -miraorta. at irtantfce. JfiCir.On Kum Stock. ffACJf.Oa Peach Stock- t r ,. . . , XECTAKIXK-On 1'lnni Stock. PrmId and 1 dvrnr' I'ilT.V.-On Plum Slock, pyrotoid and standard. VHFKK K standard and dwarf, rery tine. VJiESTXVT. Spanish dwarf? very tine. h'lL'BKR?. Mut varieties ' atVATJi lot. varieties. JIUI.BEKRY. Xiwt Tarletn CItABS. tldlectlons embracing M varieties. CUBKASJS.M the choice large norm. Choice and rare 1 erjrrecn lluodpdcndrons: Plow- j crlng Shrubbery Ornamental Follaged. Plantar Iirooping arn j-ancy onaui' n-, ni- lully twined well soiled to moundtand borders; and Cemetery Evergreens. f-;rho5e the bttter to sustain 'distant carriage arc Kept In no. THE LOXDOIf XURSEKIES, 2i-tr rtnmmonton. N. J. t Giie Ticv Small FrlHCM EHrly King Potatoes. EUMF.U WALTER, ASSAWA3IFSETT, -'' MATlTHX,SATLEM,iiONAi " DELAWARE, and many other kinds at low rates, for Cash. All first, quality plants, one and two years old. WESTCHESTER BLACK CAIfRASP- f BERRY PLANTS, f-,,0C per down; fT.OFerlOO. pc best Xtaspberry r in .Me world. EARLY KING POTATO. ti3'per pound; Are' poundV for fl.00. Price by bnslitl on application. This Potato stands ahead of any other variety In the country for earllncssand quality, l'leaoe order a few to try them. Bend for catalogues, Ac Address,? OTIS TINJKHAM, 15-tr Fall IUvCT.Hristol'Co.,,afass. BIGIIIiAWD STOCK. FAltM. BELMONT, Middlesex County, Hass. Office, 196 jStsue St., Bastoa. WIKTHltOP W. CHENERY, PROPRIETOR. Importer and Breeder of Dutch (or Hoist in) Cattle. Angora Goats. 'York shlreSwlne. "Uncoln," "Caraman," and "Tnel" or'JCoutonFIandrla" Shap, Thorough-Bred and TtoKlngHowas.Ae. CatalogtM mall on application, 13-tf k I - I ' WASHINGTON STREET JLTJTTJ3CIsr 187DI APPLES. A Stoefc rbtlipwarf anAStancIard, ungnrpaiised in quality I STANDARD PEARS. All Tarlctlei culilvntcd ttorongltout ltic United Stale, Incleid- Ind lie Ifewcutand Rarest Valuable Kinds, Huch as tbo DHCheMe DcBordeaux, Clapp's Favo- i rite) Prealdeat, Pemberton and Mt. Yernoar DWARF PEARS. One, Tw,Tkree and Four Yearn of Ae, and of quality Inferi or teniae irr,wa Ay any Nurserymen la the eoantry. pjWc CHERBlisl PEACHES ,QUDiCES,RASPBERIES,STR.vWBERRIES, 1 , . andallNnwry Stock wanted by cither Dealers or Planters. i U1CC1 JLMLUn XJL1j. An exteMlr ate f tfcc flest OUST AMEKTAI, TREE, HnitUBS 8KS, c W mis hare all the Xcw am 4 Tleatitiral WMra( sac aa tbe KILHARKOCK WIL LOW, CUT LEAT2 WEEPING DIHCII, WEEPIXG LAKCII, Three Catalogues Published Annually. We Invite Correspondence, and will Send Catalogue on Invitation. AdOreaa, Graves, Selover, Willard & Co., . 3Mm OIL CLOTHS AND ?jNq.,76 i' f-sw A Haye the Largest Stock, and Make the Lowest Prices. J.SHetzeFs New York One Price Clothing Housq ! SPRING I CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, '1 J- rit.j: .ii- HETZEL'S ONE PEICE CLOTHING HOIJSE, t McPherson Block, No. TO Main Street Brownville, Nebraska. ' k?" Jl, -fjlt&ml ONE HUNDRED ACEES XOR KOTHTjrG.. A compilation with fuUand aequrate l gxplana tlmH of the ilOMIySrKAD.LAWM. BabMng and ImitrucUng any person how to secure one- hundred ilSeVSf Flch fcrnilng landtor notliln .sir months i.b.r lo.ncr hnmiL and in tb richest ana metre i productive portion of the Oreat West. iT?' template emigration, send V Ifty ? for thls(work. vou wui neverregrei u: jrAYXATl0. SKm ,St.Jx.ols.Mo. ' PRIZE FOWiS. rv o--i... f-.;.n.nfnf XUwm SZmrk tttul Poilh try Journal, containing list or Futicy low's. gto:I1'' Ac, with prices, or all Hie known valuable ", brsd flrom pure Imported varltll on the nlost Im- The lKt comprises Brahmas. Wlilte nd Dark Dorkings. CreveCreurs, IIoredans.La eche.-"u.!i CcK:klns.Spantsh Black and White, Srabrtgbt Han tarn, Gnnie.c4 also, all the best varieties otw heat, oats.corn,cloverseed,Ac.jEo 21-tr Chambcrrfntrjr, Frank Co.. Pa. 1MPROTED STOCK. PremlHW Chester WliKcSvTlne V PUBE BRED POULTRY. I A. FINEST IN THE COUNTRY". -'tJ SEND STAMP FOR eantirullyllluslratedjljiice -AND DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS?.' H I TIIOS. B. SMITH, & CO., PLANTSVILLE, CONN. 12-iy THE MOST BEATITIFtJI SUMATRA VheaaantGame Unequalled forvalorandccl- FOWLS oraiea as gg imwurera. Vry hardy. Addn-w.'wlth sump. W. it. TUCKER &. ixi- Imnoriers and Breeders. IXTHK WORLD ! piymouth,Ohlo. 25-ly -TV G21APES! GBAPES! 40, CONCORB GRAPE Roots, one and two-ars. mosily layers of the lUUUnnest quamy. 1 wm wk in uiu, J , iPiirr on railroad, any of the ,toek'MandvAoTrwboD. , ROCK LAKK VlNKYARn. ;.tf Ijike Xills, JulTersun CoM Wis. ..-.. , -i Tnr- geseva, kew york.A full Supply of Extras always on Hand! THE OQORE HILL Wholesale i i. 7WOV O .A. :r, mi Main Street, MePherspn Block, Brownville, AND SUMMER CLOT! jncrsT oehsteid, Hats and Caps-, Boots and Shoes, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, Etc., Etc. -? , iK '3, .i ) Eemember .. . V 1 IIJU-,,, r--; . - . . .Jr .tcnt :j a T' l Ifl a ' - - Jt I- -JT- -TH. I C J y - . V J flk. I M - SSvx ftni! mmi) mj-a m$ - P - - .-r f COJwPm F. A.TI BEL, JR., & CO. CandwnoJ cheaper We sell tlie BUCKE Eeaper and Mower ! Sri ,,i i tfl'klMiE HHfawaTLtsW5arijTv mimsmmmv:' BbKuIhIa " mhd iimilOTTi ' i r i "We selltlie H-SSjjRBHEHQflfeflMKflicBs - STUDEBAKER AND WHITE WATER rfT WAGONS, -AND BUGGIES OP ALL KINDS. it5- 'Y-. We sell tlie KlH Y Keaper and Mower 1 ! and the J. H. MANNY REAPER. We sell tlie Rumer Cultivator, Garden City Clipper Plow PEKEtf TWO AND THREE-HOBSE PLOWS SMITH'S Cast Cast-Steel PLOWS, EXCELSIOR and SANG PLOWS, PRINCETON IRON-BEAM PLOWS,. ALL KINDS OF CORN PLOWS, One and Two-Hole Hand Corn Shellers, and One, - Two and Four-Horse Power Shellers, if you wjmt imm, WE KEEP ISOTHINO BUT FIItST CLASS GOODS, AND GUARAN TEE ALL OUR GOODS TO RE AS RECOMMENDED. arwsrjgMmrtJS .tr and Retail Dealers in IE3 E T the place, f9 ?Ei M 1 von mm TITiON i -v-rw'5.ii'v Weselltlie DODGE Keaper and Mower, jJT.x1il Harvester, -Vandever Corn Plow, VttitJm'TfmgsJjtfi- ijm. &M&, tirst & bra3j:ley'S Wauanq uumvawr am m m m w s tr--iX".v-'-i - . AT TINGS, Nebraska. . : i - 'a : 'i i-- JIM 4 a ta m V ZmFa m AND OBGANS ! CHICKERING, KNABE. N. Y. UNION, BALLET fe DAVIS, and EMERSON BURDETT, MASON & HAMLIN, and NEW BOSTON OBGANS ! The above are first class Instruments, and are fullv warranted. I will sell the above Instruments at KASTKKN TRICES-no cnarge for freight. JAKES R. DYE, Agent, JUlin Brownvllle, Nebraska. Empire Shtittle MacMiie. Patcntcil Feb. 14, 1SC0, & Sept. 1, 1866. RECEIVED THE FIRST PRIZE AT TUB Great Fair of the American Institute In New York, Oct. 26, 1SC7, And Highest Premium for Best Manufacturing MaeMne At Paris Exposition. July, 1SCT. No.,1 Family Maclilne. This machine Is constructed on a new principle ol mechanism, possessing many rare and valuoble Im provements, having beeir examined by the most proronnd experts, and pronounced to be slmplitlty and perfection combined- ,,..,., The following are the principal objections urged against sewing machines: 1. Kxcesslve fatfeue to the operator. 2. Inability to get out or oraer. 5. DIsacreoal The Empire Sewing MacMncis Exempt Jrom all these Objections. It has a straight Needle, Perpendicular Action, makes the IxwkorShuttleStitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and Is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewlnu on every description of material, with cotton, linen or Silk thread, front the coarsest to the nnest numucr. It Hems, Fells, Binds, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Plaits and Gathers. As a Pnmllr Sewln? Machine It has-no superior. Special attention IscaUed to our new Improved Nos. 2 & 3 M annfectnriag Macfcinos They have been thoroughly tested on every des cription or Cloth awl Leather Work, rnnnlnp by Steam rower at the rate of 1,200 Stitchcsper Minute. jmAnrtn mnrp thnn double the work of any oth er Shuttle Machine now In u:e; the stitch Is tight. uniform and benutlJul; they are sfmple In construc tli.n on.4ll mi(Inrslfviil.!iii(! not be liable to sret out tlnn. enailr understood, and not belinble to nfnnipr. ran Ilnhtand are comnarativelr nouele?s. "-: r. . " - .. ... - !.! .i-. For Tailoring or Leather Work weclalm that they are not onlycqual.but much superior to any other jal, OUl mucii superior 10 any nui as everbeen offered to the public. machine that h Empire Sewing Machine co., IT. Y. AVELLS & RICHARBSON, St. Joseph. Mb. General Agents X. w. States-aud Territories. Lock Sticky Kcversihlc Peed fcte EWING MACHINE EIO AWATZDEI) THE HIGHEST PHEMIliai WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Tlie Only Macliine Capable of Sewing la more than one direction, nnd Fastening all its own Seams, Without stopplns the machine or inrnlns the cloth. It ues and wastes lcsi thread, than any oth er, and will commence abeam without holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to ScwHeary orFincGoods. OYEB 50,000 Sold Since 1881. f Send Tor Peports and Circulars. "W. E. PLISTT, General Agent, 612 North FnU t., Sr. Iioniuy 3fo. DUNN & HAYS, LOCAL AGENS, BROWNVILIiE, NEBRASKA. H-C8-y . - THE GREATEST WOEK OF- TIHIIEJ j-O-EI. A BOOK INVALUABLE TO EVERY GROCER, Every Produce Dealer, Every- Dairyman, Every Farmer, Every Manufacturer, EVERY BODY! You Cannot Afford to lie Without It! IT CONTAINS The surest and only certain meth od to keep Errs Fresh and Sweet lor at least one year. The cast Is hs than half a cent per d.zcn, and by this method Ectn bousbl at eight and ten cents a dozen during thesumnier.can be kept and sold durinjj the winter Tor from thirty to afty cents. V.'hen once known this method will tike the place of all other. JTJ)OKSXOTTAltXISir TJIK EGG, OR UIVF. IT TJIK APPEAltAXCK Or ACE. W1IEX OFFERED FOE .HALE IT CAXXOT BE TOLD EITHER BY APPE.tR AXCE OR QCALITY FEOX A FRESH LAID EGO. IT t ONTAINS The best receipt everpnbllshed of rearterlns sour and rancid butter perfectly sweet, aud also how to give a uniform and natural color to White and Streaked Butter, aud the best manner of mixing aud repacking butter for mar ket. These Tvro Receipts alone are Worth Hundreds of Dollars. IT TELZS Tlie cheapest and best modes of manu facturing WnsUIng CompoBads. JIow to make jiaraanaoojioosp, irks, utnaies, .faints, var- nlshes. Cements, and Baklnr Powders. IT TELLS How to Clarify Honey so as to sell for nearly twice the common sort IT TELLS The latestand best mode of salting and curing Hams, and all kinds of meat. IT TELUS How to Dye Clothesof aUsaadrs, and In fust colors. IT GIVES Valuable receipts for curinar Burns, Sores. Cut. Felons.Trost-BItes. Cancer. Ear Ache Tooth Ache, King Worm, wltlj hundreds of other new and that any one can use them. IT TELLS Ho take out Fruit Stains, Ink Stains. Iron Rust Stains, and Pulnt Stains from Cloth nnd Silk Dresses. IT TELLS How to counteract freed, upon trees, a valuable receipt. IT TELLS How to Tan Furs, either with or without the hair or wool on, and how to Imitate those ol superior giad et. IT TELLS JIow to make- the fcet Curling Fluid for making the hair grow fa beautiful tlowlng rinslets. IT TELLS How to feed Hens so a to make them lay all the year round. IT GIVES Over Five Hundred rare and valua ble Receipts, and a complete guide to the manufac ture or hundreds of nselul and saleable articles. InclBding Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet and Dental Articles, and many others easily made, at trifling cost, and selling readily at large profits, with many manufacturers' secrets, c TIS VALUABLE TO EVERY ONE BE SURE TO GET IT. WffifeSrOOTS DOIXAR! For sale by Wat IT. BISHOPStlute.ito Agent for the publishers. 33-3m JOB PRINTING, in one or more O colors, promptly Oone at the Advertiser Job Office. NEWSTMfeBER 9fflHfi9aate(JQpSsu3HLfwlaKtf aSftHaSlaSBiPW" Tke Bro-waviUo Perry Compaay have now running between Uortli Star and Phelps City, He,, the new and commodious Steam Ferry aiARlT J. ARNOLD! THIS BOAT is entirely new, with power and capacity to cross everythlnr thatmaycome In any weather. Tor crossing Cattle Into or out of this Lsr.d T)U trlct. this Is the best point. This boat h espf-dallr fitted upto ensurfr safety In crossing stock.and Urs cattle pens are Already erected at the St. Joe. A a fi. l?lol al rneips viiy. v e can insure me iravf Ubj public that all In our power shall be done to mak this the most reliable crosslngon theMIssouri ritr. BUOWSVILIiE FEKK.Y CO. 13-25-tf THE GBEAT Through Passenger Boute FKOII BHOWNVILLE, NEBn is via St. Joseph, ani- ij'. ?. h I'Mri: ' '?-z-?-?z --r- 'iJ " ii! J-f'!iS?- ' r ae rSBt-tsrryrKP ob1 THE OLD RELIABLE Ii SI. JOSEPH and Council BlxaSs R. H. Line! It Is the best Short Rente from BROW'yVitlX. and all poiuta on the HI. JOSIU'JC t IVVSat, BI. UFIti JLUU:OAD, to the EAST OR SOUTH, IT IS THE! SHORT LLSE TO Q-oxrcc'sr, st. iouis, and Southern Cities. And the most desirable' route to CHICAGO, DETROIT, PITTSBURG, Toledo, Buffalo, riillJulelpli3,Baltl!n9ref AlVwr wYorl,Boiton,antl all PoiatsEail or fialk. Tassensers taking other l!ns Fast or West. AccM by all menus take this In returning, aa it paaf through a splendid country: large and tbriTlo cities and over a firit-chvs aud elegantly einlpi! rThis popular line ran-s TJIROVGlI CARS tA PULLMANS SMElTXti PALACES from MS sourl river to QUINCY and ST. LOUIS, and slm choice of route either way. oojtsnECJTioirc'S ,i.1 Over the magnificent XeW AT QUIN0Ypuw:tw:,,he:5'L,b- Clilcnsa, BRrllnKton fc Qniiiey, an Toleap, ValrtH & Western R. K'. to all Points East or South. AT MkGOtyto&tir1 BUY YOUIt THllOUGH TICKETS slTia Sto Josepli,"1 Faro as Low as by any Otkor Rosta. JJrtggage Chcckcdloall Principal Point. P. R. ORO AT. GEO. H. XETTLETO.V, Gen'l Ticket Ag't- Oen-Surt. SOLD UY Shellenbcrgcr Bros., 74 aialn Street, Ilrowavllle. ICS3RASKA IIIICllli 1 G. F. HE1STDRIE &CO., FOUNDRY & MACHINE VOKKS. Dealers in FRENCH RURRS, S0LTINC CLOTH, Sc2iarating and Smut Machxnn, WATER WfSEELS, Portable Grinding ami noltinR MACHINERY, ENGINES & BOIXEBS, AU Kinds of Portable, Stalioaary aad Agritiulf nial Sugar Mills, Corn nail Cob 31111m, rjaw3IUU, Lata nni Shingle Math-hie, In fact anything In the Machinery line. Vb connected with two or the largest Machine wow In Iowa, and one of the mot extensive J".A;a. niihlng Iloiisni IJast. oir facilities are onsunMri Fractlcal 3III1 Wrishts furnished when dwirea. Call and seecr -g-"-,,, & co.. 21.2m eoraasa ujl'"u, 35J. XX. KOSS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer i Oval, Eustic and Fancy Frames, Engravings, Lithographs. CHEOMOS, Albums, Pocket Maps, and Charts, 313 X,G GUST STBJSET, 62'. LOUIS, MO. Cook and Stationery Bealers. Agents nd a- vasscTH hupplie-l at the lowest rates- &t Send for descriptive circulars. " LAFAYETTE MILLS. Situated on Ihe IJttle Xemaha Wver. ! miles north or Brownville, and fourteen souta of Nebraska City. , . .,,K.boTr Having purcloed the entire Intertotlntte, 31 lib, and thoroughly rehired and lmprovea same, also erected . SAWMILL thereto, Ian nowprenarcd to doall kiacso EXCHANGE or CUSTOM WOB short notice and reasonable ternn- on . r "orf. C8" lumber of all kinds. Flour, Meat an" " stantly on hand for sale, or In EXCHAiTGS for Grain or Stosk of any kind. All Wcrlt Warraicd' My TBBESIIHG MACUiyES' Z - r .. jr. I. CAJS& rx. wisco3 " RACINE, T-ctlTVC J scmntEiK OFTUi aiiocz ri iihPTT.C")I'.," at CIIEN-E3. with LSTTSiSru-oo 2f irmil Tread rop.TTDtirf Machiaesaad Fortoble -ieh5st s culars sent free r malt, llat tBrersofTKBESHBaslnthevoju rorleb, y.A.TISDBrr.'r2 Brown' Uie'-,c-' jfcTi;f-" U Hi l lap Publisher Vrf- i a 'i)l A1 a Al l-- .t-9 AT ATI 7 PHI OrrJ EH .vi pn -JL KEi Oflic XEl tote? Aantl lx: KO"! "SOI Agi J4n; SE.V POI aucej DKJ Th brniJ Kn.j L'Orl wa-ra PfcUSl ul N-i m X1L Mx-JBenirice Express.