Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 11, 1870, Image 3

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J. Ii. Colliapp, Editor.
jj-j-Extra copies or the Advertiser for sale by
3Ioore & Bradford. Booksellers, Stationers and
yews Dealers, 2""o. 97 Main street, next door to the
JPltilllps Recaptured.
Wc last -week gave the Item that Phillips,
confined In our Jail to await trial for stealing
ten horses from Dixon county, Ks,, hnd es
caped, by taking the lock off the door and
deliberately walking out in the absence of
the Jailor. Parties have been on the watch
since, and last Sunday definite word was re
ceived that he was among his relatives In
Glen Rock precinct, and Monday afternoon
quite a posse went from here to effect his ar
rest, but did not succeed. A supposed attempt
whs made Monday evening about 9 o'clock
to rob Dr. Kent, and Phillips' name was con
nected with it; although we are informed by
tliose well acquainted with both parties, that
1'lillllps Is kindly disposed towards Kent and
hi family. This rumor it seems, from what
xre can learn, aroused the neighborhood
jipdnst him, and a large posse assembled
Tuesday evening intent upon his capture.
Finding out that lie was In a corn Held, the
crowd surrounded the field, and live men
Volunteered to go In after him. After con
siderable search he was found, and from all
ire can learn, although offering no resistance
was immediately shot, a ball passing clear
through the small of the back in the region
of the kidneys, and with a liberal sprinkling
of bird shot in the back. This, it is aliedged
by itome, was without any resistance from
him, and before any demand was made for
bis surrender. Our informant states that
J'hiUIps' pistol was found under him after
be fell, and was not cocked. Phillips was In
the tall grass at the time, and, if so minded,
could have shot those persons, or several of
them, ere he was discovered. The crowd,
supposing him dead, immediately scattered,
and Mr. Phlppcny and others, hearing the
firing, wpnt to where It was and finding him
apparently dead. Immediately sent for the
coroner, Moses M. Conner, who, with deputy
Sherlffllugh Baker and a Jury, proceeded to
the scene, and found Phillips well enough to
be brought In and lodged In jail forsafe keep
Inc We hear much of threats made by him not
to be taken alive, etc.; yet. If he was desper
ate, he certainly had ample chance to do
much mischief while they were In search of
him. Th-re are Just now many conflicting
reports and rumors so many that nothing
short of a court of inquiry could sift the true
from the untrue. But the facts are that he is
captured, aud his medical attendants think
not mortally wounded.
Senator Tipton
Returned home last Friday, remaining
hero until Tuesday, when he went on his
vayto Lincoln, to see how matters progressed
In the State Convention. While here he was
called upon by many friends, and was much
pleased at the satisfaction evinced with his
course In Congress. Saturday evening he
was called upon by a large crowd, to whom
he made a speech relative to his action In the
Senate upon the Republican railroad grant.
It erasable; and we could not help wishing
that a few of those Journalists and others who
are yelping at his heels upon the subject,
conld have been present and heard It. We
opine they would have ceased their senseless
clamor. lie has done In the premises Just
what every one having the good of tho State
at heart will applaud him for; and which.
If successful, will ever lie a monument to his
energy, sagacity and wisdom.
PersounI.'' r
CoL Rcmlck started for -Burlington and
Chicago yesterday.
J. S. Ilctzel and family started for Xew
York Tuesday.
A 'W. Nickel started to Chicago Tuesday for
tin: fall tock of Drugs, etc., for the house of
McCreery & XIckc.1.
J. C McXaughton, formerly teller In the
bunk of J. L. Carson, In this city, goes to
Kails City, HIclianlson county, with an inter
est inabanktobccstablished there. He will
cam with him tho best wishes of many
friends here, who know and houcrJils Integ
rity and ability. - -
- .The delegates to the Republican Conven
tion have all gone to Lincoln during the past
werk and veral who are not delegates, to
see tjie "llek it's done" with, wesuppose.
J. L. Columbia a-former townsman, but
now proprietor of a saw mill on the South
l'ork of the Big Nemaha, called on us last
Thursday. We are sorry to hear him lalk
lnp. of moving Into Washington county,
Kansas, as Nebraska will thereby loose a good
Judge Holmes was in town ou Thursday.
H.C Christy, of Marshall county, Uncalled
on us Monday. lie has been stopping with
0. K. Fisher, and other fden Is In this coun
try for several weeks. Jlelsan experienced
fanner, and has been looking atour country
with a farfncrVeye. lie is delighted with
our soil, and Its capacities for standing eith
er drouth or wet. and still producing good
crops. We hope he will overcome his tim
ber prejudices, and locate with us, as we are
Htisfled he will be a valuable acquisition.
W.D. Lewis's residence on Main street, be-
tween Sixth and Seventh, Is about up, so far
Mine brick! work Is concerned. It-will make
a goodly showing, and Is very convenlcntly
John Flora has his residence on Levee, be
tween renege and Richard streets, nearly up.
The brick work will be done to-morrow. It
adds greatly to the appearance of that portion
or pur city.
Frederick Parker Is having the brick
hauled on the ground for a residence on
Third street, between Main and Atlantic.
H. II. Bryant is still excavating on his lot
on Atlantic between Second aud Third stx.,
and wllf this season have a goodly residence
erected thereon.
Master Mason Gates will commence opera
tions on'R, V. "Mulr's residence next week.
Tills wlil be the ncplus ultra of residences In
this city when done.
Spend Id. Pictures.
Messrs. Mount . Bennett, Dagucrrlan Ar
tists of tlis city, have their gallery and ap much Improved that they can vie
with, and In many cases excel, the work of
first clAss eastern galleries. In out door
"ceaery they cannot be beat, as Is proven by
their many specimens of buildings, street
scenes, river views, etc, which they have,
lately taken. These artists deserve thepat
mnageorall who wish a good picture; for,
with their thorough knowledge of the busi
ness, they have made a considerable invest
nsentTnlhe most approved machinery and
material. Give them a call and get a num
ber one picture!
Thanks to our warm-hearted fdlow
Ip, BJenry T. Sanders, for a delicious watcr
mellon last Thursday. He has quit the "art
Preservative of arts," and we wish him suc
ss at whatever he undertakes.
And, also, to our liberal and enterprising
Wends, Rich & Gilraorc, of the Red Store,
Df a large and delicious watermcllon. May
-aey never want for a customer, is the wish
- this fitout, as It gave general satisfacton.
U- " J. IV. Henderson, ";-..
The gentlemanly proprietor of the Lady's
?iUar will start East In a few days, and will
"ve opened by the time of the State 'Fair;
one of the finest stocks of Millinery floods
nl Lady's Notions ever opened in Southern
Orders Taken
For good hard cord wood, well seasoned, by
ban i Bro ? at per cord
The Dollar Store
- Lewis & Allen is doing a splendid Irusl-
tor all. Nothing costs more than a dol-
tir.andas we have had to buy heretofore,
j k nothing but is worth more than a dol-
nnafordi McFall yesterday got In op
orkTUle,r turnInS -at--e and saws, which
- all v "arm" Tliey -rc now Prepared to
- GlvttheraacalU
Wants to be Advertised.
The craving of poor human nature for no
toriety, when It has achieved some success or
position, is evidenced in the following from
the Democrat of the 5th Inst.:
"The suppression of all mention of Mr.
Calhonn's name in the Advertiser's account
of the proceedings or the railroad meeting.
Wednesday night, was a piece of exceeding
littleness without n parallel in any written
or unwritten histories of newspaper mean
nesses and Jealousies." -
The "suppression" of a name in "unwrit
ten Histories of news," Is a crime for which
we hope the statutes provide some adequate
punishment, for it is awful.
In explanation : The meeting was Wed
nesday evening after our paper was full and
ready for press; and we condensed the pro
ceedings on that account, leaving unincn
tloned names to which that of Mr. Calhoun
is as a mere nothing; and wc condensed be
cause we do not spread and lead and fill up
with sensation heads to make our paper
appear full.
If we may suggest, when next-hc Is chosen
to the lucrative, ambition-satisfying posi
tion of clerk to a town meeting, he should
Ed., Pub. & Pro.,
Brownvilie Democrat,
Organ of Spiritual Cut-Off,
Cor. of Atlantic and 1st sts.
2,00 per Annum,
Largest nssortmontof Blank Books, Mem
orandums and Butcher's Books, in tho city,
at the postofilce.
The Meetlnpr of the Colored Citizens
August -1th.
The colored people of the city of Brown
vilie and vicinity, on the -Un of August, held
a celebration on the evening of said day at or
near the former residence of J. Opclt.
They gathered In large numbers at tho hour
designated for tiic time of assembling, and
spread one of the finest tables as to viands it
was ever our fortune to witness. After as
sembling, speeches were made by Richard
Johnson, Jack French, and Geo. Washing
ton. The speeches were full of pith and hu
mor: full of genuine patriotism and love of
country. They were far above tho average
speeches we hear from Democratic orators.
After the speaking, which was applauded
time and again, they adjourned, to a private
house where they trijted the Haiti fantastic toe.
It was a gay, patriotic and festive occasion;
one long to be remembered among the col
ored people of Brownvilie. The Daily .Dem
ocrat of the Gth of August attempts to ridi
cule by a quasi reporter, the celebration we
have reported. Can it be possible that Dem
ocracy has fallen bo low down in the grade
of despotism, that she has forgotten the
rights of American manhood ? Rights guar
anteed by the constitution and the laws of
Congress; by the immutable will of God and
the eternnl order and fitness of things. Tliose
who sneer (as the Democrat did) at the rights
of man and manhood the freedom of a tace
and thcdisenthrallmentof millions from the
iron bondage of slavery are only fit to be the
advocates of horrent despotism, the world
around, and members of Klu Ivlux.
If yon want a nice Pocket Book, go to the
post olllce. From 50 cts. to St cadi.
Improvements In the County
Arc more than keeping pace with those In
the city, than which nothing is abetter Indi
cation of the prosperity of the farmers, and,
in consequence, the county aud the State.
We have several bass carpenters' in our city
who arc constantly away with hands build
ing in the country. Drury & Berry are hav
ing, perhaps, as good a run ns any others.
They have finished several build I tigs already
this season, and have contracts that will run
them almost till fall. They have.Just fin
ished a splendid residence on tho farm of
Mr. Paris, three miles west of this city; are
new out erecting a large residence for Mr.
Starry, south-wast of this city; and have the
specifications almost complete for a residence
for Mr.Skcen, In the Faifview neighborhood.
Verily we are pleased to note the prosperity
of farmer friends.
Largest stock of Stationery in the city,' at
the post olllce.
Hnnnnford &, McFnll
Arc in constant receipt of the best Furni
ture the Eastern market affords; and the
reason they are always receiving is because
they arc selling as fast as they can have them
shipped. Their ware has ever given satisfac
tion so much so that people come from one
hundred miles west of Nebraska City to buy
furniture here. The enterprise and liberali
ty of such firms do much to draw patronage
to our city, and is worthy of commendation
and success.
50 Dozen "Chickens,
100 Dozen Eggs,
1000 Pounds Butter,
Wanted at the postofilce, for which I will pay
the highest market price. C. A. Pollock.
Xcw Boot and Shoe Shop.
Mr. Geo. Denny, boot and shoe maker, No.
15 Main street, in soliciting a share of public
patronage, takes this opportunity to say that
all goods leaving his shop shall bcasordcrcd,
and no person allowed to leave dissatisfied.
Repairing neatly done and promptly at
tended to. Remember the shop, sign of the
boot. 43-3m
Try the Postofilce for all kinds of Groce
ries. By buying there you will get no old
goods that have been in the store for three or
four months hut tho very best, and every
thing fresh.
The best and cheapest stock of Harness,
Saddles, Collars, Whips, Fly Nets, Riding
Bridles, Martingales, Curry Combs, Brushes,
Cards, Rubber Combs, Surcingles, Gurths and
LInches. The best of -Buckskin and Lace
Leather, also the celebrated Vacuum Oil
Blacking for Harness, Boots and Shoes, all
of which can be found at Sauder's, at low
rates for cash. 4J-3ni
Everything canned at the Postofficc.
Peaches, Raspberries, Strawberries, Black
berries, Whortleberries, Plums, Gages, Dam
sons, Quinces, Cherries, Lima Beans, String
Beans, Green Corn, Tine Apples, Tomatoes,
Lobsters, Oysters, &c, &c Go and sco tho
large varieties.
New Bank in Broivnvlllc.
AV. B. Eaton, Cashier of tho Bank at Tip
pecanoe, Ohio, has been in our city for sev
eral days, figuring up the chances for estab
lishing a Rank of Deposit and Exchange in
our city, under tho laws of Nebraska. He
has succeeded so well in enlisting our mon
eyed men In the enterprise, that, we learn.
It may be regarded ns an established fact.
We were shown yesterday a copy of a
letter written by Col. Rcmlck to C. E. Per
kins, Vice-President and General Superin
tendent of the S. & M. It. R. R., relative to a
branch to Brownvilie from Hamburgh. The
Colonel's best efforts are enlisted in the suc
cess of this road, which will do much to ben
efit this city; ami If the matter can be ac
complished, it -trill be mainly owing to hfs
Rich fc Gilmore
Have within the past quarter received and
sold several thousand dollars worth of Gro
ceries, and In all this lot not a customer has
been dissatisfied, orany of It returned. Their
style is to order only the best, and if It iS not
jgood,to return it; in this they can always
guarantee and glvcsatlsfaction. No. 49 Main
F" E-Johnson fc Co.?
Not content with keeping cm ttrrnu a choice
stock of Dry Goods and Groceries; are In re
ceipt of something new almost every day.
They will. In a few days, have a new Invoice
of Dry Goods, and Groceries, fresh and
choice, are constantly coming,
J. S. Ilctzel
Has gone East for his fall stock of Clothing
and Gcnrs Garnishing Tills will be one
of the most magnificent ever opened In
Southern Nebraska. Lookout!
The Rage Aaiong'the People
Is for the Dollar Store, for there they get
their full money's worth, and. no mistake.
Go and see;
The Grading of Main aad Fifth Streets
Completed Building Laying of the
Corner Stone of the M E. Church
Etc., Etc.
From our Special Correspondent
This enterprising village Indicates at pres
ent a high degree of prosperity Last week
the grading of Main and Fifth streets was
completed. The public have long felt the ne
cessity of this Improvement.
In addition to the number of business
houses erected this year, an unusual numter
of dwellings arc going up, most of them
large aud well built.
On Saturday the 50 ulL, tho corner stone of
the M. E. Church was laid, Elder Lemon oill
clatlng. After the Impressive ceremonies,
the Elder made an eloquent address, chielly
on the subject of "Methodism, its rise aud
progress." A liberal collection was taken up
in aid of the building, after the exercises.
This structure, when completed, will be very
ornamental to the town, and speaks highly
In favor of thellberality of the village. The
work, is under contract, and Is being rapidly
pushed forward to completion. The cost of
the building will be $3,500.
... .... Uii.i.u tt. v,. ,jtu muvcu linn
large stock of goods Into tho new building
erected by them this summer. Their house
Is one of the largest and finest in the coun
try. Messrs. Rains &Easley are erecting a large
building on Flth street, which they will de
vote to tho drug trade.
O. A. Thnrman, who has bought out
Holladay's Drugstore, and the "Doctor,
have been all week Invoicing. The Doctor
finds out he had a splendid stock, and will
doubtless find out by the invoice that he is
much better off than ho thought for.
We learn that S. P. Tut tie goes out of the
firm. of McPherson and Tuttle this week.
The Doctor will run the establishment as
W. B. Wright, our newand enterprising
Grocer, in to-day's paper advertises for the
patronage of our patrons. He is a live busi
ness man, and will do a good part by his pat
rons. His stock is choice, and will be kept
up to the demands. Wo cheerfully recom
mends this house.
Is that of George Daugherty next door to
John L. Carson's Bank.- It'is acknowledged
by all to bathe place where one can get the
mostacommodation, and the best victuals,
for tho most reasonable charge. Farmers
know tliis, and drop in when they arcHn
town, and get hungry; strangers are not
long In finding it out, and his thirty day
boarders are each and every one individual
witnesses of tho fact.
Policies become self-sustaining- in the
Washington Life Insurance Company of
New York.
A Scientific Wonder. The Craig Micro
scope adapted to scicn title use. Read the ad
vcrtlsement. Price $2,75. 33-3m
REAt ESTATE BROKER. Office, corner
First and Allnntic streets. Buy and sell
lands, pay taxes for nonresidcnts. Gives
particular attention to buying, belling and
renting city property. 30-3m
Mrs. Whltcom's Soothing Syrup for
Children. Many sleepless nights of pain
ful wn tchlngs to the anxious mother might
be avoided by using this invaluable prcpa
tlon. " "
Have you seen the nice Jnitial Note Paper
and Envelopes at the postofficc ? Everybody"
should buy It. Only 50 and'so cts. a box.
Do Ton Want a good set of Harness, a
good Collar a good Saddle, or a good Whip ;
you will flnd.tliem In full stock, in full vari
ety and cheap at B. Fi Sauder's, 52 Main
street. 27-tf
Good Wholesome Vinegar. Anj one
can make It. See advertisement of W. H.
Bishop. 33-3m
150,000. The array of Charter Oak Stoves
now in active service in the kitchens of the
South and West Is over one hundred and
fifty thousand strong, and doing the work of
thrice that number of stover of other kinds.
The Directors of the Washington Life,
arc some of our best and most reliable men
in the city.
Methodist Rook concern, New York.
B. &. M. R. R. R. TICKETS.
The Burlington &. Missouri River Railroad
have opened an office for the sale of through
tickets to all principal points East from
Brownvilie. Call for tickets via B. iM. at
the office of
41-3ra J. L. CARSON.
The Mendovr King Mower works over
stones and knpllj-ground to a charm. For
simplicity, durability, and capabilities and
lightness of draft, it is unexcelled. Can be
had of Shellenbergcrs.
Board by tho day or week at Daugher
ty's Resturant, one door west of the Bank.
The hest tho market affords can always
bo found on the boards of Dangherty's Restu
rant, one door west of the Bank. ,
The Order of the Day. A general order
for Sozodont. In the teeth of all opposition
it has become the supreme dentrifice of the
age. No impurity can infest the teeth clean
ed with Sozodont Quillay, the bark of the
Chilian Soap Tree, an article which possess
es cleansing properties, superior to those of
any other substance known, is one of tho
lngrcedlents of this peerless compound. So
sodout Is the only dentrifice in existence, In
which this salubrious botanical product is
Spalding's Glue, handy nbout the house
mends everything.
i ,
Patronize Home Industry. All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neldhardt's
Marble Works in this city, cheaper than It
can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma
terial used. 11-tf
Look at those men. sec their pleasant,
happy, satisfied countenances, complacent
and accommodating manners; do you know
whence comes their good manners? It pro
ceeds from a well satisfied appetite, of well
cooked, wholesome food; so to be like them
you must board where they do, that is at
Daugherty's Resturant.
Booksellers and Stationers, nexedoor to the
Post Office, have just received a new and com
plete stock of Books', Maps,Chart8,Globes and
Stationary. Are prepared to furnish School
I Furniture of every description, and defy
competition for price etna tqualtty. bclicol
officers, teachers and all interested are re
quested to call and examine our stock. No
trouble to show goods. 38-tf
Paints. Oils, (Jluxs, Window Snnfiws, UUO I
and Wall Paper, at
Tlwroaghly acquainted with Southern Nc
brnska;'uuys and sells Improved or Unim
proved Land, Town lots, c, on commission
or otherwise. Personal attention given to all
matters entrusted to him. Correspondence
solicited. Office: F. E. Johnson &Co.'s store,
McPherson Block, Brownvilie, Neb. SCtf
How many houswives are there who have
experienced the difficulty of obtaining good
vinegar.. Read th advertisement of W. H.
Bishop in this paper., 33-3'm -
Ldw for Cash.
Paints, Oils, Lead and Glass in abundance
at MeCrcery & Nickel's
1 T
See AdTcrtiacBttst hetiei ',"a4! IkwU!''
This firm are among our most enterprising
business men, and have done, perhaps, as
much as any "other, to bring the
trade of the city up to Its present respectable
and flourishing condition, in one thing
alone have they established a trade not.tur
passed south of the Platte river, that is in
Hardware and Cultlery In this their
stock is acknowledged by all the most
complete and best in Southern Nebraska
Their stock of Stoves and Tinware is unsur
passable. They aim to keep only the true
and tried In the Stove line; and every house
wife in these six counties knows that their
Tinware Is unequalled. They also keep a
full supply of Blacksmith's Furnishings,
and Iron of every size; and Fence Wire, by
the ton. They are enterprising, liberal, and
sell as low as it is possible to, and make a
living profit. Give them r. call, No. 71 Mc
Pherson's Block.
"Wherever Hay is to be cut, there is the
place for a Meadow King Mower. Youcan
get them at Shelienberger Bros.
Oils and Faints at reduced rates at W.
T. Den's;
r "
Snvder'u Lnncli House Is one
of the
J best Institutions of the city for tho hungry
and thirsty; he keeps free lunch at all hours,
and has a good stock of beverages. Billy's
Ifyoa wish a good pair of Boots, go to
Chas.Hcimcr's, for he makes them neat, du
rable and cheap.
Jackson and Schutlcr Wagons at Den's.
General Railroad Ticket Office for all
points at the Star Hotel. 113m
Sorgo Machinery. Among the many
Sorgo Mills now before the public, none rank
higher than the following; 'American Prize,'
'American Sampson, 'American Vulcan,'
andA.racrican Hercules,' manufactured by
Goo. L. Squier & Bro., Buffalo, N'. Y., and for
sale by Shelienberger Bro's. They are all
vertical mills, weighing from 360 to 1200
pounds, and with relative capacity of from
two hundred to twelve hundred gallons per
day. These Mills have all the improve
ments which long experience has suggested
and have the reputation of working with
more ease to man and beast than any other
Mills made. Call at Shellenberger's and get
a Sorgo Manual and see the Mills.
Chas. Helmer'i Boots and Shoes give en
tire satisfaction to all who wear them.
Hay Rakes and Pitch-forks at Dnxs.
Who Sells Salt at $3,407 That is nothing!
I sell New York or Ohio River Salt at $3,25.
Come and see inc!
W. T. Den.
"Weston's Cylinder Churn.
Shelienberger Bros, are entitled to the
thanks and patronage of all who have cows
fqr their introduction of this valuable churn.
It Is the most complete, simple and efficient
churn made, and its price brings it within
the reach of all. There are three sizes at
$3.50, $4.00, and $4.50, respectively. These
churns, as soon as introduced, must certain
ly take precedence of all others for simplici
ty, durability and cheapness.
George Daugherty is the most Industri
ous provider that ever kept a Hotel or Restu
rant In this city. He Isnlways on the watbh
and knowswhat's good. Resturant onedoor
west of the Bank.
Farmers, If you want a good, warm meal
when you come to town, -you can get it at
Dangherty's Resturant.
...Kllbourn.Jenklns&'CoJj-coriierof Fonrth
and Main streets, hi this city, have constant
ly on hand a full. stock of behest Pine Lum
ber of all kinds; also, also Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Shingles, lath, Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc.,
which they are selling at the lowest possible
figures for which the same can be got out of
the log and shipped to this point. They arc
determined to continue as heretofore to sup
ply tho bulk of lumbes, etc, used in this
Land District. Call and see them I
Every one his own Doctor. Those who
use Dr. Henry's Root and Plant Pills gener
ally get along with the least expense of doc
tor's bills. Sec advertisements. 39-4t
Are a good thing, and Baur has a tip-top
The regular term of the Probate Court for
the trial of civil cases for all mras over one
hundred dollars and under three hundred
dollars, will beheld at the. office of the Pro
bate Judge in the city of Brownvilie, Nema
ha county, Nebiaska. commencing on the
flrst Mondayof each calendar month.
Banistcrx, Hand Kail and Newel Posts kept
by J. R. Bell & Son, at their Lumber Yard
corner of College and Flrst-sts.
Fresli Eggs and Yellow Butter can al
ways bo had. Head, the advertisement
"Greatest Work of the Age," In this paper.
(.locks, splendid assortment.
WATCHES, "full stock.
JEWELRY, in abundance at
Dunn & Hays' who also do all kinds of re
pairing of Clocks, Watches or JcwelryJTNo.
20, Main street. "ll-3rn
A well selected stock of Wagon and Bug
gy timber, No. 1, at J. C. Deuser's. 29-tf
Wm. II. Hoover, Real Estate Agent and
Conveyencer: Court Room. 31-tf
A. W. MORGAN, Jr.,
Merchant Tailor, is constantly in receipt of
the latest novelties in the line of Gent's Fur
nishing goods, and has now the latest thing
out, which is the Genteel Cbllar, the best thing
of the kind we ever saw. Also, a largesup
plyof Piece and Ready Made Goods. Give
him a call, and give him your measure for a
suit. He is low down In his charges. 35-JJm
Respectfully informs his old friends and
the public, that he is prepared to attend all
calls in the line of his profession. Office at
D. H. Lewis & Co.'s Drug Store, Main street,
Brownvilie, Neb. 51-tf
Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttler's
The Craig Microscope. This Micro
scope Is simplified and adapted to popular as
well as scientific use. A new optical wonder!
.This is the only instrument of high power
which requires no focal adjustment, and
therefore can be readily used by every one,
even by children. Costing only Two Dollars
and Seventy-five Cents, by mall, pstpaid, it
is within the reach of all in the community,
and should bo on the tabic of every Practi
tioner. Read advertisement In this paper.
Cradles, Scythes, Snathes, nnd all them
kind of flxens.-ntShellenberger's. '
Be snre to read the advertisement "Great
est Work of the age," In this paper. 33-3 m
The Original Golden Crown Cigar Is
manufactured by A. F. Cohn. It Is the favo
rite everywhere. 37-tr .
Fence Wire, inabundance at Shcllctibtr,r
ger Bro's. "
See Advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispen
sary, headed Book for the Million Mah
riage Guide in another column. Itshould
be read by all. 27-y
Remove the Cause. Dr. nonry's Root
and Plant PHI3 arouse the Liver, and secre
tive organs Into healthy action, throwing off
obstructions which cause disease. 35-4t
Study Tour Interests and read the ad
vertisement "Greatest Work of the Age," in
this paper. 33-3m
.HJghesli market price JlN OASIT, paid for
Wool by
A. MAY & CO.
I For a good square meal, go to Daugherty's
iKamuinut, gin uoor west 01 varson's lionK.
The Trichina Spiralis or Pork Worm.
Perhaps It Is not generally known that the much
talked or frfcAfna spiralis, or pork-worm,' was first
discovered In America by Dr. R. C Kendall, ot
Philadelphia, Pa., with that AmerlcanMnstrnSjCHt
ktioa as the CraUjr Microscope costing only f2,75,
after repeated failures to discover the worm with an
Imported microscope, costing-, "bf feebler power
and less reliable." This fact Dr. Kendall stands
ready to prove at anytime. The "Craig9 Micro
scope In neat box, with full 'direction Is maJIM any
where tor ,73, by E-H. Boss. 313 Locust St., St.
Louis Mo. t "
Read the advertisement In ,thls paper. 3J-3m
A "Wonderful Microscope.
Rev. Daniel WIse,,D. D., edltorof the New York
Sunday School' Advocate,- thus speaks'of the cele
brated Craig Microscope:
"Its simplicity, cheapness, and great magnifying
lower struck me with surprise. Then I was exam
ining a Hy's eye by its aid, and was struck with
wonder at the skill and power oC the Creator which
U displayed in Its structure. When I saw a state
ment In an advertisement that;tbe Craig Microscope
magnified one hundred, diameters, and could be
bought Tor ?20, 1 thought it. was one or the hnm-.
bugs or the hour, for I had paid fora microscope
not long before. But now I find it to be really valu
able instrument which I should like to see intro
duced into the families of our readers in place orthe
manifold useless toys which please fqr an hour and
U then destroyed. This microscope would both
amuse and Instruct them, and I advLse every boy
and girl who wishes to know the wonders which
lie In little things to save his money until he lias
875, which will pay Tor the microscope and the
postage when sent by mall."
As a holiday gift this microscope is unsurpassed,
being ornamental, instructive, amusing and cheap,
and never looses its Interest. Agents and dealers
supplied on reasonable terms. A sample will be
mailed, post paid, to any address for $2,75, by E II.
Iloss.313Xocust St., St LouUJMa ' s
Read the advertisement in another column.
By thp Rev. Geo, H. Davis, at the'resldence of
Henry Knepher. on tne oth of August, Maria E.
Baker to John Kite, both or Xemahu county.
IF. B. WRIGHT, m .
Wholesale ancTRetail
Dealer In ,
Pure Wines, Bitters, &c,
RaUroadProposals. .
Chief EKOiKEKK's.OFncie, ")
Quikcv, Missouki fc Pacific R. P.. Com pan v,
QuincyJli-, August 4th, 187U J
PEALED PROPOSALS, addressed to thaunder-
O signed, will be received at tlilf-otlicc until 12
o'clock M. Thursday, September 1st, for theGrad
imr.JJrldirinir.Piliiit'. Trestle Work nnd Ticlncorthe
Quincy, Missouri nnd Pacific Railroad rrorri a point
nninc east banK or tne .snssourt Jtiver opposite
Brownvilie. Nebraska, to Itockport, Atchison coun
ty, .Missouri, a distance 01 aoout nine nines.
The work will belaid out in sections of about
one mile each, nnd bids will be received for the
whole or any part thereof.
. Phin, Prgnle, Specilications and.Approxlmate
Quantities, can he examined at this olllce 011 nnd
after the loth inst.
Successful bidders will be requlredjo give securi
ty for thefnithful performance ol the contracts.
The Company reserve the right to reject any and
all. bids. 1 V
Terms of payment and further information can
be obtained at the Company's OMca.
-3w Chief Engineer..
NOTICE IS HEltEHY GIVEN. That proposals
will be received Tor the erection or a Bridge
on the range line between ranges l'iand 13 and on
the east line or section :, low 11 -1, range VI, east, oat
Ingbranch. in this county.
The Bridge to be lorty foot span, 14 foot abut
ments, with 10 foot approaches or aprons at each
end. .
Bids will be received at the ofilce or the County
Clerk until li o'clock M. of Saturday, August :2th,
The Bridge? to be oC good material. The right to
reject any or all bids reserved. .
By order of the Board of Commissioner!.
43--Jw ' " CountyClerk.
A SPLENDID FAItJr, two miles from PAWNEE
. x CIT V. I lid Acres under Iledgu-and Plow, a
running TUHAM OP WATER.fnvmehoiue, large
cralnniTV. COOl)
ion WBiiU plenty 01 iruu.
Ti-rm! One-fam-tli down, balance In 1.2 and 3
years: or "would exchange for BROWN VILLE
Railroad located, contracted, and a ortlon built, to
Pawnee. D. UEMIC'K, owner.
Brownvilie, August f, 1871). -fMm
LlJVFruiK of all kinds planted. Two good
houses; a good corn barn : two good wells; nspring
brook running through the hum yard. Hedge
around the whole farm. A Baptist Church on one
corner of the place. The farm is known as High
land Prairie. tsien Ruck Prrcinct.Knqnirc-of Cal
vin I'liippeny, wm. u. l'winps, or ur. runups, on
the premises.
For tlie,pnrch"as and sale of Real Estate In
Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kan
sas, IVebrasKa and Col
.oraddj PAYING- TAXE&, &c. "
Valuable Lands In above named States for sale
on long time.
Oirice, 49 Main street.
Choice Southern -.Nebraska Lands
for" SALE.
Come and SeeTlieiulieforEurclinsing
Elsewhere. . '
Tho subscriber will sell at private salejomeorthe
best lands in Southern Nebraska. These lands arc
jveUsituated, beins located UiUiina Tour hours drive
oi me principal river iqwius, iiroiyiiwiir, .tutiuiis
wall. AraKO and Rulo. and near the projected lines
of railroad: The Brownvilie, Ft. Kearney A Pacific,
the Burlington &Soiitliwestern,from RuIo(which is
already completed to the centre ot RichanLson Co.)
the Xortherft.Knnsas it Southern .Nebraska, now
beinp built from Hiawatha to Nebraska City. 3Iost
of these lands lie in Richardson and Nemaha coun
ties, acknowledged to be the best counties in the
State for agricultural purposes, not inaptly called
the "Garden oGthe Western 'VVorld.'J These lands
were located eleven years aKo.fwhen. choice- selec
tions' could be made', and they are for-thetirst time
ottered for sale. ? I " '
Among "the many quarters offered for sale are
the following:
Northeast quarter Section 5. Town 3, Ranee H.
Northwest " " 13, 3, "
Southwest " " 12, " 3, "
Southwest " " 30," " 5, "
Northwest " 31, " S, - "
.Southwest " " 11. " 3, '
Nartheast . " " 7, " I, "
EastJfofnw ". " 9. " 3., "
EastJiofsw" " 9. " 3. .".
Southwest " " 29, " 3, "
Northeast " " 22, " 3,
Sonthwcst " " 15, " 3, "
Northeast- " " Si, " 3, "
Northwest " " i", " 3, "
Southeast " " 11, " 3,
Northwest ," " U. .". .V, "
East, of sc " " IV " -5 $
WcstSorsw" "3.S "..V'.T
South,',ofsw" " 5 ",c 21
Northjjnw " 8, "' 6, '
U. -
For particulars address the subscriber. Dr. J..A.
WROE. either at Brownvilie, Nemaha county, or
at Falls City, Richardson county, Nebraska. J)r.
Wroc can always be found either at the Re3'noIds Brownvilie, or at the UnionJIotel, (Good's)
Fall City, where all, personal applications mufittbe
made. ' ' $ " -n-am
UROAD ST., RET. 3l &. Jtli,
This House Is within 50 rods of the tT. P. K.B- and
S. C. fc P. R. R. Depots. Hacks leave lor West
Point daily, and Lincoln trl-weekly. 6-tf
- J. E; SHOOK & BEO'.
Would InfoTm their numerous friends and tliepCb-
b itcReneratiytnatiiiey naveonuanuaiarjjv
1 I assortment of all kinds of
which they will sell at prices to suit cus-
-nmofiz THtvflf..lntAnHlnf. fn hntlri wnnld
do w elLto call and see them at their .Lumber Yard
before purchaslng-elsewherc . r 37:3m
For the Reller and Cure of the Errln-r nnd Unfor
tunatc.on principles or Christian Philanthropy.
Essay- on the Errors or Youth, and the Follies of
Akc, In relation to Marriase and Social Evils, with.
.sanitarj-aldfqrtbe aflllctcd. Sent free. In. sealed
Envelopes. ;Ariaressr HQAAR -iStXJLiTION.
Box P. PhiliKlelpliia lny , jA. , " UZ-lr
TSie Frencb Army at Melz No
Fighting Tfgsferdar.v- '
Rumor that the Empress, Eu
genic Is Preparing- for
t, Fiigbt.
Five lliousand French Killed
in the Battle or Yl 01 ill. k
An Immediate Attack to be
Made on the French Posi
4 .j-n. tipn at Dletz..
Italy and Austria each to Send
4- : JaoOjCOOffo Aid- Fra'ncc. so
. - , r
Immense, .Uprising of the Peo
ple ofFrancc.
Two Million Men Ready to
Paris, August 9.
The panerssay nothing certain con
cerning the course ot Austria, ltos
sia is keeping her quiet with promis
es just now.
In the battle of Froschwiller, JiO,
000 of the enemy attacked 33,000 men
under McMahon.
ThaXollowing report was telegraph
ed from Metz yosterday at 10:10, a m:
Tha corp3 ofGen.Failly, which
was not engaged inrtherccent actions,
is the rallying point of th,e army, it
has not been disturbed. McMahon
has executed the movements prescrib
ed for him. Tbefe has been no en
ga'gement to-day. ,
The Patrie says the Emperor was
solicited toTeturn to Paris to-day, by
some genertils vnil(l replied,: UI will
only return dead or victorious."
The La 'Liberty says' 'the French
Emperor-is- in the -neighborhood of
Metz. The corps. of GejieralFrossard
'has united with thalofazalnc, who
now has 150,000 inen. ' "
The journals hero announce with
warm.approval thut-rltaly-is ready to
send. 100,000 "armed men to aid France.
"lTEyY0RK, .'August 9.
The Herald special "iKspateh from
Iiondoli, to-day, states that Straas
bourg is surrounded by 00,000 troops
mostly South Germans, and must sur
render, as the garrison numbers onlv
7,000 men, although; this does nojtin-
ciuue the national guard or tiie
wincn would, increase
largely if called out.
The advance of the Erussiansifrom
Saar Luis and Treves" has commenced.
.Ifc is-supposed thatPrince Frederick
Charles is tin command, and that an
immediate attack will be made upon
the French position at Metz.
. ' s ,, London, .ugust 9.
Times eayssparties im'Frauce will
make the Emperor pay the penalty
of his ill success. Hls name is -already
ignored in acts by which the
regency seek to rally the people.
Things arrange themselves as though
he was no -expsctod. toi resumo Jus
powcjvasuf; testing UpW. ha may be
dispensed w,ith nltogethef. The only
question is who shall first utter the
word, "Abdication."
Li T,he. , Paris correspondent of the
Manchester Examiner, telegraphs
thai; Austria and Italy will eacTflseifd
100.00a men tb"aidTFfance.
The Empxess Eugenie, according to
the-Pall Malt-(aazetr.6, is preparing
forllight - .-,.,,,., t -
Authentic advices from thexFrench
show that Bazaine, the commander-in-chief,
has 130,000 men at Metz ;
McMnhon 50,000 afSt. Averne, and
Canrobert the same numberat .Nancy.
Letters from Paris say that the citi
zens are defiant of martial law. They
continueto"Tisembiein the --streets
and discuss the war.
The Gazette -Iiaa- assurances-- "frqm
private sources, that thojErapire is on
the verge of a collapse.
The Germans are' expected in Paris.
Even if they are arrested the Empire
is dead. ' - -
Tho Parisians aro receivingfarms,
and they are all republicans iA, heart.
' Metz, August 9.
.. The?losses of tlie'French-in the bat
tle of; Worth, Saturday, wereTS.OOO
.dead, wounded and missing, and
6,000 prisoners. 'McMahoit.'tf baggage,
jHiaiiy cannon, and tvjo jttilWny-trains,
wth stores ond munitions, were captured.-
The Prussiarr4cavalryt in, their
! t . jtit i . 2 --.
London, August 9.
,An official dispatch dated Ham
burg, 8tiii 9:45 a. m., ays, yesterday,
affer thejbattle of W4orJlijlthe. enemy
retiredln the greatestfeon fusion! The
French artillery endeavored to make
a stand at Niederbrunn, but the town
Was taken by Uavanans, and the
enemy recired-towards Bitche.
At llehrstafen the dead and wound
ed covered the route of the retreating
army. This morning we occupied
Hageman, cvacuted by the French.
The Germans occupy both banks of
the Saar, Seguims and Forback, -after
asligrit resistencB by .the French
t i
. , . JEar'i's, AngustA
There is an immense uprising of
the people of Franco to repel the
Prussian invasion. It is said -officially
that two million men are ready to
mareji, and that the reserve corps will
number one million. " The people are
clamorous for tho organization and
y Rome, August 9.
' The last of thcFreni-h.anny' is re-
portea tojiave left Livita vecciiia to
day, for .Marseilles and the seat of war.
rv.rn -ihnllpri JOff-jO' I Wool Unwashed 3a:
Corn.inthecar l-VfSi " Tub Wa.sheiU340
.Spring Wheax.j&w!triiionejfr.
Rarley Oats 23 RutterJli Ao a
Rarley. ,WChtokejri. t doz. 50
SpriBrVIfloBr.-a.2,7fner.Caftle2. i(fc-lcts
iVll W lwr.llHo-jSro.70-7J0
AppTcl.'crterrr?r,'iO!h2. "inerS.-Rp
Potatoes 75 Hldes.Green ?o
Lard 12fisl5 " Dry 'llnt UVirll
Bacon-Hams IVn 1(5 Mink l.rxvft la
" Sides loMIS Beaver. 51.0Ofcl.25
" -t-ShouId3136H Coon 3U70
L Just rublished ia.a Sealed i"uvcIopc.T
phTf-E SIX1 CENTS. " " "Ji.
a Tj-rtiu on the Nature. Treatment and Radical
f Cure or Siwrmatorrhrea; oJSf-mlnal Wenkness, In-
v.ilnntiirv Kmlssions. aexnai I'niiiiy aim jhipji-
mcnLs to 3Iarria;e tienerally. Ner.-ousneNS. Con- '
Numption. Epilepsey and Fits. Mental mid Physical
Incapacitv. resultins rrom s?lf-abuse, Ac. Ry Ron-
kht Jj Ci'r.v-iiVEA, M. D., authoor of the "("reen i
Dook, tec.
The world-renowned author. In this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from hLsonw ejcperience,
that the nu ful conseuences of self-abuse may be
eflectually "emoved without medicine, and without
dangerous surgical ope rations, bousles.iastruments,
rliiKS or cordials, pointlns out a mode of cure at
once certain and ciTeniuaLLhy ihjch eyi;rr sufferer,
no mnt'er what Ids'cofWitloh mriy be. my cure
himself, cheaply, privately andJrartleaMv. tTlHS
LECTURE -- J'EOrjffiA sooy TO THOU
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, vottpaitl, on receipt or six cents, or two post
stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide,"
price's cents. Address the Publishers,
,v CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO..
. 'v; .. k y 1T7 Bower', New ork.
P03l0fiicBo-t4XS6. 0-1
pursuit, uaggeajinousanus oi stri
giers, wno nauinrown njyayiuieir
arms. Total Prussiaujoss73,'500 dead
and wounded, .r,, -i
, LEQsLL notices, .
Iiccal Notice.
YALJ3nTN13 SHEER uln take notlre that Phil
ip R. Vogel lias commenced an action by filing
Repetition against him in file District Court In and
forNemana county. Nebraska, the object of which
Is to obtain tho payment of a. Judgment rendered
ajralnstsaid Sheer and In faro orsahf Vfiftpl. in the
Itartlmore Clt" Court, Maryland, March 3ttH, 1870,
for thre hundred and sixtv-Hve and oOlCO dollars,
with interest frtfrn October 35th. ls69. and nine 40-100
d6!l.trs costs. The requisite aHldavit bavins: becrt
riled, an order of attachment has been issued in. said
cause, and thejollowin? described real estate, situ
ated in said county of Nemaha, has been attached
aa the property or the said Sheer, to-wlt: Tho
south-east quarter of section number nine (9), in
township number she (6), north or range number
fourteen (IK dist.
Notices of garnishment have also been served
upon- WlUUm 1 L Hoover, Peter Bcrscr and Samuel
JJernnrd,in said county or Nembn, and all prop
erty belontjnt; to said Sheer now In the hands of tho
said garnishees has been attached.
Valentino Sheer Is required to plead, answer or
demur to the said petition on orbefore the ifith day
of September, 1 J7U.
. . Atfys for Plaintiff;.
Ordered that the above notice be publisjirt in the
"Nebraska Advertiser" newspaper I'or four consec
utive n eeks. ,
Dated August iltb.lSTO.
-'t Clerk of District Court;
L.cxnl Notice.
BENJAMIN B. DAY. formerly a resident of
Nemaha county, and State of Nebraska,
will take notice that ssophin R. Dav has Hied
her petition in the Db-trict Court in and for the
county of Nemaha, against him as a defendant,
nnd tho object and pravcr of said peSllion is to ol
taln .decree of the Districts Court or said county,
divorcing her from said de.'endant. That she have
the care and custody ot the minor children, as des
ignated and named in said petition ; ami thatshebe
restored to her maiden 'name, which was Sophia
Yclkin; and that alllmony bo granted her out or
the estate or said detendantatentamiu R, Day.
Sa'.d defendaiit Is required to plead, answcr'or de
mur to said petition ou or before the JJtli dav or
September. ls7U. SOPHIA R. HAY.
-5t Plalnttn:
Petition for Divorce.
Sidney A. Rarto,") In the District Court In and for
v. y Ncninha County.
fJUlE SAID JOHN W3.VRTO. of Monroe counr
1. ty.of the State of Iowa, wlir take notice that
Sidney A. Rarto.oftheconnty of Nemaha and State
of Nebraska, did. on the 27th day or July, A. D.
1870. tile her petition in tho District Court within
anil Tor the county of Nemnha, In said State of Ne
braska, against said John W. Rarto, asklnr that she
mny be divorced troin the saiI John W. Rarto, at
UHlelngasthegroundof said divorce that tho waid
J. V. Rarto h:w become an habitual drunkard;
that ho has. treated the &nkl petitioner with extreme
cruelty: and, being ofKUlllcieut iibility. has failed
to provide for her uialntauance: -ulni'li etltioii
will stand forheariug nt the ne.xt regular term of
said court.
SMd John W. Rarto Ls required to appear and an
swer said petition on or before the 19th dav of Set
tembernet. DkFO REST PORTER. .
t!-t Att'y for Plalntift.
JULIUS C, KELLOQG will take notice Uiat Ho
v race Metcalf, as plalntlir. has commenced' a
suit In the District Court or Nemaha Count. Ne
braska, against the. said Julius IV Kellogg and Juli
an Metcalf, as defendant, nnd that the object and
prayer orIaintitrs petition is to obtain n decree of
foreclosure and an. order to sell the South. Eiwt
quarter' or section number thrrtv.Ibnr(M), in town
ship number llv .r). north of range number four
teen (lj), east, situate In Nemaha County. Nebras
ka. under a certain deed or trust ormortpige mnde
by the s.aid Jyliu-j f. KcllOpr Ausust 2nd, lt3,
w hereby the said land was conveyed to the said
Julius Metcairds'triiitee.and he- was authorised to
sell the same and apply the proceeds In payment
or a trornis.-ory-note made by Julius O. JCellogs ou
the same day lirfaror ofMoCann and Metcalf. or
bearer, Tor two hundred und nfiv dollani. payable
in one year alter dale, irthi s,ald note should not
be paid aCmaturliy. Plalntlirsays thntnopartof
said Jndebtediuvis has been paid, asks that
salcfland be sold to pay the same.
SaldiJliIius O. Kellogg Is required to pleia, answer
or demurto said petition on or before tleptember
Dated July ah, 1S70.
-Ji Attorneys for Plaintiff".
J.cgrti Notice.
GtHARLTS D.'KELLOGChwill take notice that
i llcraqa. Metcalf.jis plalntlir, has commencisl a
stilt In the DLstrict Court or Nemaha County. Ne
braska. ugainstJald'Charles D. Kellogg and Julian
Metcalf, as defendants, and that the object and
praycrorplaintifTs petition Is to obtain n decree
of loreclosnre and an onler to sell the south west
quarter or section number thirty-fgur (,!) hi town,
ship number live (5). north or range number four
teen (H),oair. situate In Nemaha Countv, Ncbras'
ka, under a certain deed of Trust r mortgage made
by said Charles D. Kellogg, Angut -Jth, Into, where
by the Said land was conveyed to Julius Metcalf as
trustpe.'and he was authorized to sell thcMitrift. nud
apply the proceeds in payment or a promissory
nole made by Charles D. Kellogg on s.une day, in
favoror McCSinn-itMetcalf, or bearer. Jor two hun
dred and lilt dollars, payable In one year aRer
date. If the said liotoKhould not be paid at mlUuri
ty. PJaiutitT savs that no Dart of said Indebtedness
has been paid, and he asks that the said land be
som to pay tne same.
The said. Charles D. Kellogg is required to plead,
answeror demur to plaintiffs petition on or before
Sejitember.rth. 1C0.
Dated Julyaith, 1870.
-t , Attorneys fur Plaintiff.
Fccltlon for Divorce.'
SAMUEL TURNER, who sometimes called hlm-
i sell James. UllIlankTnriier. fnrmprlt-it rovlilonr
or Peru. Nebraska, will take notice that Matilda
Ann Turner, his. wife, has tiled her -petition In the
District Court In and for Nemaha Count-. Nebras
ka, against him as defendant, -nnd that the object
and prayer of said petition are to obtain a decree
orsald Court divorcing her from the said defend
ant, nnd restoring her to-hor maiden name.
Said defendant N required toi plend. answer, or
demur to said petition on or before September oth,
x . . . Attorneys for Complainant
pntcdJiilylGth.lSTO. -10-1
Zjcgal Sutler.
TERNABD Oi'ENIIKniER and, Justin Meyer,
iVnna M. Wilson his wlfe.-John MePlirmm nn.i
said Opeiiheimer : Meyer, are inadu parties de
fendant. The object and prayer iifsald suit Is to
foreclose, a mortgage given-tdId JuhnMcPher
sortliy said Wilson and wife April :-)th18ia. on lot
13-ln block 13, In Rrownville. In said County ofKc
mahJ. fiirlhepurioseiorccurluj' four prjmls.sorv
notes of that date, amounting In the- aggregate to
SUWU OT.nd to abtidn a decree Tor the sale or said
premise to pay said indebtedness.
Tin- said Openheimerit Meyer have a Judgment
against said "Wilson In the District Court orstfd
County or Nemaha, abtained March 17th, WTO. the
lien ot which pliiintins say Is Inferior to and subject
to tire said mortgage.
?.iid defendants, Opcnlieimei; t iSfeyer. aro re
quired to plead, answeror demur on or before Sep
tember 5th. 1870. , ; T
- Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Strayed or Stolen.
PROM: TlTE UNDERSIGNED, on the 23th of
July, one Pony Mare, dark brown, letter "S" pn
lert shoulder, barefooted, long munruid tail, large
knot on one of the fore Jegs near hoof. A liberal
reward will be pnld rornny uiformfttion lenillnj-to
her recovery.or Tor her delivery in Brownvilie.
. , Stray Xotlcc
rpAKENup by the subscriber livlni In Denton
I'rcclnct, Nemaha County". Neb., July 3)th, l.sTU.
One dark brown mar?, and one dapple dun horsc
both, when taken up had on leather lialtera, ori?
with and one without the halter sttitp,
fi-tl D. St- MILLS.
Lately much Improved and the New
Double CoK-WheeLs, and the Patent Stop, are
iiowuni'i"tioiiably fhrsuoeriorto any apparatus
for washing c'othfd ever invented, nnd will save
their curt twice a year, by savin; labcr ami clothe-, i
Southern people who have used them, testify at
follows; !
They save three-fourth of the lalor and-cost, nnd
pay lor thcronclv-s both iii money and content
ment. Let every youn; lady learn to ae them
and every married onu kei't them In Ter house.
Y-ic OrUansJ'ieuviiie.
"An excellent Washins Machine. "Ve have trie 1
it- TheClothcs Wringer is very superior. A goor
hand wdl wahh a large numiM-r of p!cs in afe.v
hoars. Rnleiph (V. (i) Ejilsenpal Manama.
Afli-r two year- e.-penencv.ih-rfDoty.we nr.
assured that it Ls the greatest help nnd economizer
of time. labor and moner -e h.vve yet bad lntT-
duced into ourhdusvhold." iriltfrtr-t-ri5-nii. JfTe f
"I have had a Doty Washer In mf (Anlly for
some time. It gives, entire .satisfaction, and I take
pleasure in commending U. to the head of every
"I Jia,ve had one orDoty'S Cloth es,"Wa.shers In
use for .t year, and X am perfectly sattiffed with It.
Myfitmilyhavetnedit faithfnlly, and have never
known it to tail to accomplish nil that it prbfe-wes
to." rrvf. J. F. Kerens, Qmeorit Hants IXAlegt,
If the Merchants In your place will not furnish,
or send lor the M&"tinc. send us tliO retail price.
Washer "ill, JCxtr-i Wringerito.anrfwe wlforward
either or both machines, lree of rret-jlii, to places
where no one ls-elIinK: and so sun-"ire we they
will be liked, thatj wc ngrve to retunti the money
lf-any onowfahts"u return tire machines free of
freight, after a month's .trial, according tucK-co-tlons.
No" husband, father or brother shouM persiit the
drudwry orwa-ihlngwith the hands, 6.ty-two daj-s
in the vear. whmlt can be rfone betft, more expe-riitiousiy.witKleAi-
lablhr, and no Injury to tho gar
ments, by a Doty Clothe Washer and a Universal
Sold by dealer.t generally, to Thom liberal dis
counts are made.
R. C lJR0XIa- 6c-ii. Agcnty ,
41-1hM, 3lOortIandSL,Ne"vYorl-; "
nOTJCjatS.--All kinds and styles,
l rMf.
- r ' T-jr.Vi.V,
JD "vMEctr'nt iiETZEr.'.s.
?- ,.. ."a-x
-.- I'.iiinci.-i iwi'viun-jiiii-r oi.viyer, win laKe no
tice that Robert Tu-irewid Robert W. Furnas Iiavp
commenced a suit in the District Court ot Nemaha
County. Nebraska, to which William nwiisnn.
Livety, Feed; Sale and'Exchange
wi J
Corner Mfdi and LevecSt.
ITAYIIS'G purchased this .Stabl
JUL A-T-L Coirswell.wpnremviJarwlTb'J'nrhtsh
thebostTE.OtS, KUGOIlSnnl CARHf AOMf
Southern Nebntska, at LOWEST"- UVSH(!JU'r
noonirorJ-lftvlIorscs. Corral lhr Stock. PUrtl
lar nl tcntlon-paid1 to Feeding or hoarding llarten?
- !
-. - ii-iq
is- ojms &&Lt:m,
From Cidor, Sorghum, MoTaJaS
gar, 'Wine, or'tlte jnica of afy ttykft.
Directions Simple aaol Xa3j- (Pr
not one-half that of tho old preeess
of n!lawie Cider to soar ia harrela
Aity one can make it. Tnll.'jDireo
tions sont nponroooipt of FiftyOeit
Address, AV. B. ni.'jIIIOP, -
.-J-3m m. LOpiSpMO.-
- -"t-Hf'.-j'-i
it is oconcsay
31, 845--
. v.
Have been sold irvthe last tvtay.ears
l v :' '-.f suJT
They are Universally acknowledged
Tie Best Cooling.Stoe-.ffi
FprU-afforniity in Bailing, , , .
For Economy in tho use of Fa'dl,
" For Dnrahility and ConVenleHe
and their ferfect adaptatfon td tfift " '
'l'i H'-' L." 1L ' ' f'J - i "li
V'js or 'ETEiiorjLEj.,.
SRND rott PltlfJE LKT TO :n.4gt
ShellenB.eraor Bros..
Bro4VnvIIIc, Web. ' t'4
y-y. i -.: -Tow-
i 1-n-o-
Dn-rlii'j tlic past Slc Years its wortle.
Ran horn testified to "by thousands; ttt
Scientific Men, School Teachers. atM
dut, IJJiyelclans, and otUeri. ,.
Simplified aud Adapted to'Pp-jtalkr a
well as $clentlflc its, It iunt tptlcal
AVond-- - -,-!BM-'",'---S.l)OT'T'rJ-'.'.,
Coni'ilnlnf' endlsfs iustructlen. ,".lflj
an-ucmeut. A HcnutlfuJ. Gift, obsm
tltxCticyer looses It. 'Interest, revi.1
tUo, .unseen womlcr of creation, Eels
lii Vintfjar, Animal in "Water, Chcesa
"UlteK, Sugar and; Itcli IbhccsUIk
Glqljules, Adnltcratloaq vln VfipiXyKsj
Drug-. AJLqp-tUc "JfrlclilHiv Slralls,lff
Fork "Wrms. .. l I" ' ': "t JXf
A vcj,Ban.ttttftii"'antl Oranme'drlal
Instrninent, should ho on. tho tahlei
every Tamilj, rphjrsiuias, ScieW4o
M"nnf, Student and School. ' &W
' . ::''"' .. . - - .. . 'i oftfj
An unseen Kiutyiom 13 opeu iq me eyijDyM
Instrument. No lover or-the'bjantIfu''sbB'4'
withoil'it 1 -' , -,x .airtx
Every Instniment Is uufnp fit s. n'ewborrwitn
fUIl directions for Using It. carfctlillj- pMieCSn tM
co-yer. lhousand.s.hiive bey eut by mHl,aridtEi
propric tor guarantee; a safe frnirflt lo eacn Tnstra.
meul Wenre4enltngtllemcverrIay-r, "
l'ic6)y mall, ostagujirep:vld.f 2,75, orwUht,wj
Monnt.slObecta,r:t,0U. "" ..' -r
Addrc-is E-TlRr83.
B-Sm, si.t Locust, bu-oer, bt-Louis Mo.
A PHrato Cormter t iIm"
tarrid. rr tho' ajwal a
mit-j.xa ilis plij!o'tIeI
rrddrlei uid'rettlatlaAfe at
lt;zaLstcza. wtttt U
Imtnt diw7n la srcaftKittz
mun ytcii;nti.g ,4Jjriuji, mww iwfi(.( ii;ih.muiaaiiwi ft..
TMxUaalatemUozworker two iiaad-ctlkaa tvtatr totf
tts, -rlta nnmeroat tocravins. D4culoT&hjb'low
milloa for thoto nhosro morrieJ.or ecairmplit tnirrimt. ! k-bckttixtmn(tirtoty;kiittmdt-:lskssdktftM
notlilj etTtlcisly about tLe home.
SeatSoaaws frt oJpotti-ye for Fifty Crttti W"J
' idJmi Or. EatU Dhpcaji.-j.a. i"prti XlgiUt Stmfe
' l v
Notice to the Affile tod an-
Unfortunate. - -
",Stfbre appljlss to tho Dotortmu. q-ixi xi ailrcribalS)
jSatne papers, or wing any qiick mscrfln.pmije'Df.BstJ'
work, ny natt-Twbat your mitaae U, or "rrlej)ljcalit jtirf
eondlilnn. . , - -.
Br. Butts esn txl connltM. -pirvrotXIf or-by b1I,b Vkf
OlKaxs iirnUoact la ti -rl. )aXa. tHiorta-TlgltA
Street, txtwtcnXa-lctaail Cirtlant, -St-Loali, lis.
' ' " t
Al litiro Golleotipmii v
- - 1 1 11 -i- &. .
"P0Wla!TD-8 Br.ClnJt-M-Ij Art. StwrrerU'A.
-w eomrrlAlnff Taiua-tia lnT0ciaUAClar fj
eosttrUlncTaUabla lnfiauncfr iiTtntwiY.Saakkwi
E-iKfrteofrcsUgt.arlll-TT feaur jTlilreta'JC'C'fO-
JtAS-T:'cl-3orUi-Llflh.itrc- St-Eouii.Mo.
DTUES'B CttT,F.CflOirBnrl7me hminJnitAptt&f
xaakiog Braad , ailluvh o f "alar. jGln. AlO Bsr,wrj
dials. Superior Cider, aeJ ranch, other 8afal tafortsatlia
tor thoic dnlic-1 n or maaaacturiat; any of tha atwrw. slUml
for the trade or home ate.
.Seat by -mail (rrrB-of-pooti-g-rfw Finy Grata, AUrssf
S. X. HOgJAlY, "fo. U North Eljhtt si-get. St.lniM.Hj
Bit Me and Til Do Xes Ttt4 j
J-. arooiint tha Urn oal Kserettrt tJ
eais to a healthy actisa. licil TOI wr
mxaj enta-Halatt Uek IVtroolX no ttj '.
npposea aaeycoua reasa, aoca sssriiaas
Aiu.Pxn is rax Suc 7Maw -
i-UiM aid Tasr. VciuuCiBinMi
KRiirxxi3i jtivxaLcu. i. o a irrxr.
Uojocs irsuTsr', iticr AxncrMss.
Co-iiTiriTiox Issarrr. rrata or Ul
klim Drsrcmi Jir.orex aid ether kt
dred eom-jalau; from 4 lor Kate of
tao douj, or coi'Ucnea or iu raaeuoa. "-
Beinc free froen xnreur- scd other eotaoar. v
ther eon.,) taken ita t tecc. sail cash all eutsattoatt!
wltWatrf-arJuyillctortastee-i. .
., Trice 2 5 ecnts'a. "Sor i
) Prenarrd ty the CjafVffli XcilchrQi t.l-M.Xx ' . .
Boldbjdn:-5lUaii4ilcal;i-jla cieJtla-'-jcrjirhero r ,
The Great 'Soothing Semtjiyi
r CnT-seclfcaiiirrtphacfaitJw
'Sbmrrti aLd H31I1KVUW ux
t of lertMaj.
"rJS; r Sntdtf-seahTW-lJjTumt rerf PSIOT
"WHlTCOKBS'',"ar' '' dleji iaddeot to ji
i ' STUP. (HuaatsaBdcUldrea. 9ZJRt
MHS. ( l'i i iTIiinTi i Tli ml ii inTI rTTM
W5KITCO BCB'Si Sa-aner Ccsplaiat la thjldrea V "tf"1-
. SXJfcUJST iofaltasoa. JOfflt
It Is the treat Iafaaa ami Cttilixaa roahhlex; tmitrta
all dLwrUersLroaehtoa iy Tccttlf? r aty other
. raa-
paxr.1 ot i se branoa jiuictcc v. jl uiii, ho.
Sold bf draxrUti csd deaten is raetiiclan gvtrrwapn.
i M
a i
I rl