w I CI -Hi "''jltSJ pteaMwriiffl ' OFFICIAL PAPER j)F THE CITY SOCIAL DZRISCTOMY. LODGES. Rra-vaville Chapter No. 4. K. A..3I. if tit. IUiSE'SP' ...-. 'Vnll-r I.odc Xo. 4. A. F. fc fcj ji nccular Communications firstand .. , cXinrdar nights In each month. Xodje of S everyatirday night. iu W. Fun.VAS, V.M. Jon BiKK, Secy. -wBrvnrillB Notice Xo. .1, I. O. O. F. P& Iteinilar meetlnps Tuesday evening ot each wwfc. " ---IF C. jTEVKNso.v. Secy. " CHURCHES. rrc Prrxbytcriaii fc? i.i.aih at ai Church. services each I ""IL .. n. TA-.A ;0J I All X 41 CI Subbath School ,i.iinc vdnfcsd.iy evenings. "..... .r.1-,1 m J. T.Baikp, Pastor. riaowi - -71IcthodIst K. Cliiirrh. Services each B&bbatu at lttWa. m.. and T;30 p. ni. Sun ,,,r hool at 3 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. .. v"-- - -- oniriHt'H Churtli Episcopal. Corner fca? vtianilc and Second streets, fcrvices every Knndav Mornlns at 10', o'clock p. m. Sunday 1 Sot 2'-o'clock. Evening Sen-ice at 7', o'clock. H i v Communion ndmlnistered on the : lirst Sunday "f eachnionth. .Scats free. G.JUJO AVIS. Hector. vplJnitist Cliurch.-Oorner Fourth mid At Y& lantic streets. Services ever' Sabbath ex- ... i.i. tlilrrt III P.1CII minim, aw li u tiutN a. ., . --i l- i. m Siindnv School at 10 a. mycr Mting Wednesday evening. T. S. LOWE, l-aJor. ihfChristinit Church, T.otidon.-IMvineser-C vice "Ten-Sabbath at 11 a. m., and in the trcning. Kcv. J C. Lvwsox. faster. &&. rirnrj'H-EpKcopnl-Pcrii.-Seryice ? evrry Sunday morninR and evening. Sun-i-y School at 3 o'clock p. ni. itev. IL C Taoott, ltTi . vJ-TTTI'.,.MllwlrMl Tt -.' terlnn. It. riejis- Jfe ni Odn-rccatloti will hold divine service li the ML Zion Jlaplist luiurcn, ig uu.i- t rmwnvllle. eafca fourtli Sabbath, morning and ijvcnluR. ev. A. Itn'PETOE, Pastor. vtS2l. K. C&nrc London. Services every F otln;r -Jalibath. ltcv. J.W. autmy. Pastor. " 1 -.. . .. . I ...a " ,vr.L"E. Church, I'crn Services every Sab- !" hath. Itcv.Mjurruc rarrcitAnn. Pastor. w M. E. Charcu. Ncnialia City.-Scrvices every other Sabbath. It. Huang, Pastor. CITY OFFICALS. 3-Citr Council. Meets the First Thursday in WS Wirh -month. Mnvor. C l Stewart. Air -tien rA.TiMlel,W. J. Lewis. F. E. Johnson, J ? Ncidhardt.D. Plasters. Marshal. I). -Capmbell. irer, J. W. Middleton. Kngiueer, T. W. Bedford. " MAILS. jKSXnrlhurnt Eautern mid .Soutlicru, Ue ?2? ,,arijj -it . nu: arrives at 3 p. in. itulo Mail arrives ut S p. m.: departs at 7 a. m. rvru Mall arrives at JO m.; departs at 12 p. in. llKitrict-MaU arrives at 8 j.m.; deparw at t a. in. (.rant MaiL arrives Friday at ! i. m.; departs Tharsaavs at S a. Xtu .. Post Office Houis,from 7a. m., to ,'iy. m. Suu di?f rotn I0tol0a.m. W.A. POI.oClC.l'I. JtAlItJlOA&S. St. Joseph & Council Blufls R.R. FOIl Bin Francisco niul tlin East and Soutli. Two trains dailv each way, between St. Joseph wl Ouunci! lHulTs. connecUng as follows : Att.jiiseih-wlth the Hannibal & SU Joseph lWkoadibrQtiliicy. Kansas City via Cameron, St. ijnaU via Macon and the East. . Vt" t. JoH'I'b-with tbe Missouri Valley TUuroad; for Atchison. Ieavenworth. Kansas City, c. - - - iPinnririUuffii-with Union Paclrtc Pllroad fc .t rX,llfAB CouncUJJluils to St. I.ouls and Qulncy. TIME TABLE, :No. 16. L' t, Mt tfccl SitmlayJunco, 1S70, ul 12o'clocK;n"oiu 111! . Ill ini i.-;.r, i.imiii s-Mitii. leave l'lieijis js-oiiu t"i.. -n.' TtilniH-ftxrent. Monday. Train K'o 4 daljy except Saturday. All ether trains daily except Sunday. A. U HOPKEXS, Gen'l Superintendent. VJacob Boars' Omnibus leaves Brownvlllc for the IX-jiot at 8 a. nuawl IS in.. daily. Hannibal & Saint JoepU Time Tabic. " " " Taking nflect January Sth, 1S70. AUKlVIi Xo, 1 Bar Exp. dal J v except Sunday. No, 3 lMcilie Kxp.d.il!y except Monday. 'i.i Msht Exit, daily except Monday- - - n'l.-....l. tf alrtilv pvrc lit JldlCiaV 731 p m SOOam 7i a ni o: Vi a m ? 9 Throusli I", daily except .-iiouua kw " No. 11 War IVt. dally exeeptSiinday ( V J" V. 15 Wucon frt. daily except Sunday. 110 a m U. I A41tUU3 .M ...,. - a - - ri.tC n n JJKI'AUT. Sundav. 6:40 a m Li.. u.,v-... -too ii in V.i. IMV 1li. dallvcxcei)t !o. 1 Nleht lixp. daily except N'o. C Pacific Exji. dally excepi aui . No. 8 St. Ixiuis Ks. daily except "" S00 1 m 7? a m Sal: Thjurre dully except fclpra -V.1.M Throngh frL dally except fcatartars 1 m Xo. 4 will not st n at Sax ton, usoorn. -a;"". ri, wiu-oiinir or Meadviilc. one 'o. will not bton at Saxton, Kaston. Osborn, Uni-HiiriHLre.Moorsvllle. Wheellns or JieaoAiiie. - T.U.BUIUflJ'll'.V.Wl.iiKeau .Union Pacific Railway Time Tabic. Viit'l further notice trains will leave and arrive m Or-ialsa daily as lollows: I.KAVE. Dailv Kxp ll:13a. m. cIIiel Kxp 4:15 p.m. MUiil 5:43 P. nu AlttllVK. . Dally Kxp -C15 p."m. Hotel Kxp 11:11a. ni Mixed.. 4aK)ji. m. U'rdcbt i':00 a. m. i rdtht iT-wa. in. I iriB'" - ifiicfloTel Express train leaves at 4:15 Freight. ja) p. in. ever" Thursilav.and arrives at ll:Ioevcr rjuiiu-j. ItaHy 'coSSSloiSi madeat O-aaW will. Chicago & Northwestern. Chicago . lloc 1"n,ITl"1i(Alc' 'V and St. Joseph and lV)uiicil lurs Jtai Iraad'S nnd -Missouri ltlver llni,of stecmers for all iwlnts iasi Tiennc with IVnver PacHIc B. It. Tor all -oSntslnVolcrado and -Sew Mexico. -rI At Bryan wlthstaffei brfewectwater Mhies. At Oslen with Utah Central B. It- for salt mue Oty and other points in Utah. , fnr Cor. AtOsden with Central PaclQc "???& ,ror0. Hne vlntinia ClrA. llelena, and rII points In aon tlni 'vSJ L lor Sicramenta. San Franco, and r.ll points in Idaho. Xevado and Calironiia.- AU freight delivered at the Omaha depot prior to 131 p. m., will bo went the same day. 3f frtight received for bijimcntalter5rf p. m. Tickets for sale to all PomtswraUattlie lickci Dfflw or th? Cnton PAc.fic Railroad, at which office Uhs on sleeping cars ," bered. F.l"oxTOSr,p.T.A- ' ILBwNhOG-IA. Papier. Rnllwav of Missouri i. io,i,,s,. Josculi rln. MLssoun al ley lUllroad at'l o'clock p. m-.tnake rrit;- with Uiis iwpalar nwd, --oaiitcttoJis at ian-.as s,. " " .. v n'rlnrk :"!ui"Si ,"XV:ir.To;i ninmins at C ociock. Ibis Is now a first-class road In every rc-pec. . ew souri Valley Bailrpad. ...., ct . it ix AitJ"v",u,-":- "Ta . Dorwik, c:. W. A. a) rJt ) . .A. " Chicago & SorlU. Western Kail Itoart Time Table. tKAVi: Kxpressralls dally except Sunday. 3rf a. m 4:30 p. m t-acliic lixpress u;ui.- ABBIVE. Pacillc Express, dally rr r; -!$? jH Express SliiiUaally except Monday 13:4j a. m Dlissourl Valley Railroad. TJME TABLE. To take effect at nooii on Sunday, May Sth, ls.0. OOIKCJ SOUTH. . 1 Kxpressleavtgat. - ." o. 3 Exuress IcayOs at;. Jfo. 5 Freight leaves at- Ufc00 a. m. ItKTC-NISO. tt. 2 Express arrives aU 4 p.-m. 7S iu in. ao: fcjtpressuixjra. Sunday. R r. uofeiipt, Cliicao, Rurliaglou & quincj' Railroad. 3Lill ly l'xpr.'J-. ,- Slinsdale AcciiuinioiUalon. Afternoon la-ssensr- 7:5am HWlam lnop m Tiim -fc30pm t)pm S:Pu p m jjlm .t)pm ft5opm -Ar; a m 7:15a m ItfOam Aurora l'assencer- Hinsdale Accommodation. IslitKn:ss. .tnsopni urMav excepted. tSaturday excepted. 'Monday excepted Chicago, BurlInjion & Omaha Time Card. PKIWUT. Omalia and Cliicaso Express, Daily, AM p. m. 1311, aally, eXCCpi ?unua ;, ,40 p. m. 4BUIVE. Omaha and Clilcaso Kxpress, dally. Mali ..f. j ... t..MV. 9:45 arm. I30 a. m. --.u, uauj, -.-Alrjii ?uiiu.v ;. Th7t-. -,.., irAtni Tiitn.rsirnnd DrawineRoom Sleeping Cars accompany Omaha and Chicago Ex press. Ticket Qfi.ce 122 Farnam, corner Ninth street, Omalia. .. Ticket A;-cnt. , Gen. . Pass. Agt. Pittsbur?, Ft. Wayne & Chica go xiaiiroaa. .,,,,, . -M a ra fclS p m &00 a ni &30 a ni Mail Jaylixiires U-e!S- Kxpress .4:15 p m ftoo a in .ttOUiim lftOOpm allorasoaccommodatlon- "ijupra &Q a ni QHEBMAJST HOUSE. )J C- 21. KAUFFMABT, ritornnrroR 7 -10 Maln-st., Broivnvllle, ..nils fiousc has been remodelt-d and reflirnbhed uirouj,out, and aflords the bet accommodations in "'it'-tothe-localandtMveliiiEPiihlic. Itlscen ,.rTUr located. Suites for the West, and Omnibuses 5J'-I trami. go from the Sherman House. ia.r ftchus,cliarRes moderate. - COLLARS. All kinds and styles, J at HETZEL'S. "ROOTS AD SffOES. MBrUet.at x Tn 1, JlrTTXEL'S, --'"' rorlH'iivcr.SaltlkeandCalitOrhla. Attilutiol Bluirs-wlth Cliicaeo Xorth Western ltr.;lroad far Sioux Oty and " t'; J.'iivr.' T.,iimnn'c i-iiw t'jirs are run through from 1 Express. bound North, lcaveFhelps l:oii l N 3 KxpresH, hound North, leave Plielps S:n Niu Kx .ress.boun-lrioiith, cavel'he ps IMli A I Exi.rcss.bound South, leave Phelps 85 1 - LOOAfc rMATTERS J. I. Colliapp; EdiTor. THURSDAY, AUGUST -4, 187o'. J-Extra copies of the Auvkrtiskk for sale b 3Ioore & Bradford, Booksellers. Stationers and 2vcvs Dealers, 2s'o. 07 M!aln street, tmhU SoTto the Postollice. . - .- tit $ A Ten Horse Tiller Captured, and broke Jail.-. CharlcsPhllllps, a Jiorse thief extraonlInary,llvIng.inplxon connty, KanV sas, -was arrested In thls'connty, and lodged In our county jail, last Thursday, by Deputy Sheriff, Hugh Bailer, upon a warrant sworn out by the Deputy Sheriff of Dixon County, Kansas, for stealing ten horses from J. L. "rade in the above named county. The man arrested for stealing Capt. Carson's horse was In Jail at the time Fhililps was put in. Monday evening, .about dusjc, both made their escape by taking off the lock of the door and taking' It with them. They walked out deliberately while the jailor who apprehended some difficulty In putting them in the night cell was out to get assis tance. The jail, though a tolerably good cell, is yet not strong enough to hold expert A. t ' mieves. "!j Oils and Paint df reduced T. Den's, rates at AV w e take pleastire.ln referring. to theJ nice Ice Cream, Lcmoiiadeand good things generally kept by Gardiner Beach nt bis. confectionery one door west of Daugherty'sV Restaurant, He does things up In nico'and and In good style. One Girl Wanted Highest wngesipaid. at the Star Hotel. Snyder's Lunch House is one of the bes't institutions of the city for the hungry and thirsty; he keeps free lunch at all hours, and has a good stock of beverages. Billy's Place. Colored FestivalLast Tuesday we saw .1 small youth of color perambulating our streets with apiece of paper stating that the colored ladies of our city wished to have a festival, and requesting donations. Ilow'he succeeded we do not know; but if the col ored ladies wish tohavcafcstlval, they ought to have itforwearo among those -who sin cerely believe "the colored troops foaghtio bly." Shove It along.; pass around the pa per. ' i " . If you wish a good pair of Hoots, go to. Clias. Helmcr's, for hemakes them neat, du rablo and cheap. . Jackson and Schutler Wagons afDEN's. General Railroad Ticket Office" Tor all points at the Star Hotel. ' 42.3m Sorgo Blhciilncry. Among the many. SorgoMills now before the public, none rank higher than the following. American Prize,' 'American Sampson,' 'American Vulcan,' and 'American Hercules,' manufactured by Geo. L. Squier fc Bro' Buffalo, N. Y., and for sale by Slieilenbergcr Bro's.8Thcy are all vertical mills, weighing from 300 to 1200 pounds,and with relative capacity of from twpJiundrcd to twelve hundred gallons per day".. These .Mills have alU.the improve- tnents-wblcli long experience has suggested and haVe.thc ieputattcn of, -working "fltli more caselb mantiridbenst than any-olliqi; Mlllaanade. . CalliiSJicllenberKer jjdTgct a, Sorgo Manual and see the Mills. """ ' Clias. Helmcr's Boots and Shoes JjiySnX tire satisfaction to all who.wear them. . . ---- rv . r- Hay lcaKesauu i'ltcn-ioriis at, jjexs. Tlie Festival ... ,. Litst Tliursday evenjng, was anerfcFt-suc-cess; reap'ing.for tlio church-abqut js25,5ind doing greatretiit to Itstrfnirfgers-nllj'onng ladies under fifteen Minnie Colt, Tjllic, Beach, ont Gates, Lizzie Simpson, Lizzie Freeman, Sarah IIoward.jMollie Furnas and Mattle Locke. Tne occasion was onG which those who were prc.sQijt will not soon forget. Tiie following acknowledgement byjlic. of- 'ecrs 6?khO,Fa4r3f JliM fw1 fey i .- " Gtt. -T-..nittzS t Drroro'ApvEnfiSEit: The Misses othis1 ;M. ETS. School;' desiref tofeluru avptejqfj thanks to the citizens of Ilrownville, for their pal rdnngc on Thursday evening, and especially to those who were kind enough to remember s by private donations, for the benefit of our fair; and nlao to the Band who so highly entertained us with "sweet strains of music" during the evening. And now, last, but not least, we wish to return a most .cordial and earnest vote of thanks to the editors of the Advkktiser and Democrat for the prominence and publicity which they gave our fair and festival in their columns. MINNIE COLT, Prcs't. Attiiav Bizach, Sec'y. An Outrage Last Thursday night, a man by the name of Benson, living eight miles south-west ot this city, was set u by parties, then unknown, and beaten pon sc-i! verely; and ills son,-who came to his rescue. . "was treated the same way. Mr. Benson iid all In his power to bring the parties to jus tice and two of the four were arrested and after trial bcloro Justice Ebright on MonUay 'Were discharged., . ' V Base Sail The Match Game between the Shoo-Fly club, of this city, and the .Peru Nine, last Saturday, resulted: Shoo-Fly's 3S, Peru's :3. Who ScllH Salt at S3.40? That Is nothing! I sell New York or Ohio River Salt at $3,25. Come and see me! . W. T. De IVeiv Shoe Shop. Geo. Denny has opened upanewshocshop in No. 15 Main street, one door east of Geo. Marion's. Ho has a full stock of material of all kinds. Is doubtless a good workman, and solicits a portion of tlie public patron age, guarrantecing satisfactions Ktchard Harpstcr, Of the Alhambra, received, by steamer last Saturday, a large and choice stock of all kinds of Liquors, which he warrants to be No. 1 in every respect; and which lie is pre pared to wait on tlie public to in tlie most el egant mixed beverages or "straight." Rich ard or Garrison know-Just how to do the tiling up nice and cool this hot weather. C. A. POLLOCK Is certainly making hcrculian efforts to.ac commodate the public in, the nicest conven ient piaca In tbe city, where ail have to go almost daily, the post otlice building, for he lias just added Sugar, Coffee and Tea to his other choice Groceries and Confectionarlcs. He Is enterprlslng,)nnd descryes success.. Jacob Marohn has receivednew goods. Qcnter fc Shurt, the new firm of the Pioneer Tin Shop arc constantly receiving New Goods, and are disposing of them at such low rates that it Ls no wonder that they go off so rapidly. Give them a call. "What's tlie Matter" with our eastern innlls?. Mooraj& Bradford Inform lus that their New York papers arc teii daysCbchlnd time, and St. Louis Dallv's throe WaysT- Where Is the trouble ouble? & UtrfT i Fnrmori. Bring your Butter, F.ggs and Chickens to the Postofflce, and get good, fresh Groceries. -. i... i... ..... Iwm;! r.f-w1s IrAnf ft 4S iSUUUUUl'lllc ti; w-o. towwv.- -'.. v . : -r The Band is under mauy obligations to DcForest Porter for refreshments brought up during practice. He is a gehtleman, and a superb Judge of w-w-what's good to enliven his fellow man. lire Va Jirter. "Weston's Cylinder Churn. Shellenberger Rros. are entitled to the thanks and patronage of all who have cows for their Introduction of this valuable churn. It Is the most complete, simple and efficient churn made, and Its price brings It within ihA rpneh of all. There are three sizes at $3.50, $1.00, and $4.00. respectively. These churns, as soon as Introducedmust certain ly take precedence of all others for slmpllcl-, ty, durability and.cheapncss. r nnrtn Dnuliertr is the most Industrl ous provider that ever kepta Hotel or Restu rant In this city, lleisalwaj-sonthcwatbh Wherever Hny Is to he cut, there is the o and knows what's good. Resturantonedoor I - . -. -r..-ii : 1 west of the Bank, PKRSOXAL. "We were pleased last Friday Jby a visit from Uiegeoiai ashy" of Nemaha City, James A. Titns DTe wtw acting both In thecapaclty of carrier of the mall and P.M. He Is one of Netnahii's most enterprising citizens, and oar. agent for subscription or advertising in that city. U. Major,!). V Lushb.ugh and .family, 'of jjmaua, spenta lew aays this week, visiting rrlendsin this cttyatid seeing to Jils farm ing interests In tliis county. Tlie Major, we learn Is about engaging In tbebankingbusi- I ucss in Falls City. "J . Son. Thomas Cobb, otVrIncennes, Iud., spent a few days in this city during the past week, looking tip the Interests of Hon. W.Uj- W. Cobb, deceased, whose eslate comprises over one thousand acres in this county, and which Is to be sold as soon as it can be got into proper shape. Mr. Cobb, is one of Indi ana's most prominent lawyers, and served in the State Senate eight terms. He passed up to see to other interests of the estate. J. H. Broady, our affable legal friend, re turned from Qulncy last Friday. He looks asthouglilic had enjoyed the trip. Andy Tynan, of Peru, dropped in and smiled on us Saturday. "We were pleased to meet last Saturday Dr. L. Rice, bf St. Ddroin, and Col.' J. D. N. Thompson, of Aspinwall, two old pioneer friends, and loyal men, if there arc any. Judge Harmes, still strong for France, called Saturday. His llano varlan prejudices: are very strong. f . Joseph Saultzey dropped in Monday, and left. with us a portrait of "Jefferson." JJoth Kvare welcome. " 'I. Dr. Geo. II. Graff, of Omaha spent a day'ln this city this week. G. W. Ambrose, of Omaha, made a-flyiug trip to this place, the present weelr. He re turned yesterday. We had a call last Saturday frora'Wm. Winsheffel, one of the Justices of Bcntpn Precinct, and one of iNcmaha county's most enterprising farmers. He reports'matters'in a nourishing condition in his neighborhood. He will receive subscriptions In his neigh borhood for the Advertiser. Friend Ebright returned last Thursday morning. He has doubtless, made a good campaign for the "Champion," as he never does things by halves. Friend Dlnninney called lastJFrlday. He" .was on a trip solicltingad veniremen ts for the Johnson county premium list. He worked hard and succeeded well. - 'Ajay,, or the . Regulator started onn pleasure trip o Lincoln, viaM'lattsmouth, Tuesday. He will" manage'tobo iri'tlmo for tlje opening excursion of BT &'M. Road from Plattsmoutli to Lincoln. V. H: Vallcau sfartcd for St: Charles, Minn.. 1-Iast 'Monday. . u - -' IirB. Smith, Esq., J. P. of Peru, calleJ yes- ;tesday. He reports Peru in a nourishing con dition. j ' ; Rev. Burch, of Peru, cillinl Tuesday. From him we received some notes of the dedica tion of the new M. 15. Church at that place, From him we also learned that the streets of that place had recently been graded" and made a great deal more pleasant for travel. Tlieo. Coleman, editorand proprictorof the BcatriceiAVcord, called yesterday. , S iErcryuody.i. Go to Postollice foryour Groceries. All goods new and fresh, and for salcas cheap as the cheapest. Go and see! At the Post office you will find Prunes, Dried Currants, Dried BlackberricsjJDried Aple.sf Coffee, Sugar. Rice, TeaYic, &c. rh fact everything iccpt by Grocers- generally. tAU gowls fresh and pure, v S a V . .Tlie Star Hotel. . " We fake pleasure in commending tliis to both the travelling and resident hotel public Its gentU'incnly proprietors, Messrs. SJevcnsbJ Cross, om .that.Wiu condhce-tb'thq omit literally; nothing' J ,..'...!? l.ll"", icomiunuiui iiapiii-, ' -r ..:. w ,-.. . ' vi nessoi tneir guesis. uoou, wiioiesome hjou, gotten' ui) Irrsrltendid styl(t;;cleali, comfort able betls.good company and noden'tc rates are Jhe fouli'dntlons of tlje remarkable pros perity of fhis house. i is iff n .,-. r.,i,! Ji. lik '-- - MT?;:15IuJ4tM w-Air&BRO'a 'N! of new t- Goods. Ladies to be in the fashion com pletely, so far as material In goods Is con cerned, must buy at Mays. And Gents who buy their Clothing and Furnishing Goods at May's arc never disappointed. Don't fail to give them a call. F. A. TUdel, jr., &. Co., have just re m.l vivl ni mil Li-n sierra nfThreshill!"' Machines. HorsVPowers, StuUebakct-Nvagbns and Fan-T rilngiiiis,wnicn'iney arouispensingio me public as low as they can be bought for any where. A Bridge 'Across the 3IU'sonri "illver At this point would be a grand thing for the people of Atchison count-, Mo., Inso .mucb as It would increase their facilities for traidlug Willi our enterprising Grocers, Swan & Bro., who arc constantly in receipt of the choicest Groceries, and whose correct ami fair manner of dealing have made them favorites on thissldetlieBIg Muddy. "We hope the time is not far distant when people on both sides of the river may handily enjoy the privilege of dealing with them. Low for Cash. Paints, Oils; Lead mid Glass in abundance at ' McCrcery &. Niclicl's Sea Moss Farlne. Is certainly the most delectable article for Pudding and Diana manye. ever discovered. It is all the go in the east, and we are pleased to notice Its Introduction here by our enter prising Grocers Swan & Bro. Try it and be delighted. Street Commissioner' Report. Through the kindness of Jos. Docker, City Clerk, we give tlie following report of our ef ficient Street Commissioner, David Camp bell: Receipts for quarter ending July 5th, l&j i)............. ......... ......... . ... Expendituresii h 'j ft JLlalancc due City........ . eipts for'monlli ending August Expenditures on Main street ...-...... Due Street Commissioner on last re port SG75 09 C3 8SJ S17 18 SSOOtK) -233 DO SSO 37 30 $37 05 1718 Balance due Main street fund Expended in other portions of city : Due city from last report Balance due Street Commissioner. 20' Of theabove amount the following expend itures have been modcon Main Street: - Culvert across Fifth Street ?330 00 For grading so far .......... ..-. 352..70 Throwing np same between 2d and 5th 50 00 ST t iA 'FAnricrs,ftIf you want a good, warm meal when you come to town, you can get it at Daughcrfy's Resturant. Mcndowitlns Mower. -. AVe see among our exchanges many most favorable notices of this machine. All over the country it Is coiiilnt into most favorable 'Botit.-q -and use.-and is known as., the pcrfec-t :onto?mowlng machines. For salcby Shelr 3enUrgcr jros.r . r ii W l -?: W W9X '-ti Stm iilrertiscinent hetdeil "Land md! Land!! SHELLENBERGER BROS Ttrt 1h.m .i.. .inrf. II LA All III 4UU ..iaau.. business men. and hav mi7P:ri! ns anx'5 'other to bring " thb trade of tlie city up to Its present respectable and nourishing condition. In one thing alone have they established a trade not sur passed south orthePlatte river, -that IS. hi Hardware and Cuttlory. In this thch stock fcJ acknowledged by all the mos't complete and best in Southern Nebraska Their stock of Stoves and Tinware Is unsur passable. They aim to keep only the true and tried in the Stove line; and every house wife In these ix eountles knows that their Tiuware Is unequalled. They also keep a full supply of Blacksmith's Furnishings", and Iron of every size; and Fence "Wire, by the ton. Theyfnre enterprising, liberal, arid .sell as lQwait is possible to, andjnakc a IWing profifri Give tW a call, Xo. 74 Mc pherson's Block. j-placoor ,a ileadw King Alower. , .1 OU an 1 get them at Shellenberger Bros. -"rrx' -jgf jjaVf Trrn i mh w i i n i ttii it m g n . &STW,?2 .;Crfut i.trii-?:i J-45 .-I. 4-PiotiewvSeculators. are in constantrecclct (-ijBif- . - ji :i - -,. .. v j . aHltd'6tyle5-or-all"l-lnds-orDry We talte great pleasure in calling thu at tention of our readers to the advertisement of Dr. J. A. AVroe, to be found In to-day's Is sue. The Doctor was one of the early adven turers in Southern Nebraska. He came; came here in 1857-8, and consequently hail an opportunity pjselecllng the choicest of our linds. He .is now offering them on excecd- irjRlv. favorable terms, to actual settlers. Call on him cither at.tbe .Reynolds ndus In this place, or at theTJalon Hotel In FaUs City. lSotineaIIlstaiice'.-Tlie' number bf Charter Oak Stoves made and sold last year by the Excelsior Manufacturing Company, if placed In a line close together, would stretch out for distance of jwelve mlles., ,. Messrs. "Woolwortli &. Colt, Of 83, Felix Street, 'St. Joseph, Mo., have just received a very large lot of Svall Paper, Curtains, and Curtain goods. Pictures, PIc-1 ture Frames, etc, to which they call tne special attention of wholesale buyers, for they can. In these goods save money to ail who will give them a trial, and save a trip to either St. Louis pr Chicago. In School Books, Blank Books, or Stationary, they offer lower rates than cities farther east; and their Book BIndry.aud facilities for making Ulahk Books, are not excelled in tlie west. Our merchants would do well to make a note of this. Building Intptoverucuts, as usual in tills city, are now fairly- under headway, and will continue as-usual,. also, until cold weather closes in. t AVe Tuesday morning, discovered' that Clias. Helmer has the foundation In for a neat brick residence, on Fifth street between Main & Atlantic. He ia-.jnakingBlmsclf a- nice, commodious hoi&C . .?tj' . John Flora has masons-at. work on hl residence on Levee f!witKtwi(kh'- Co!lw and RlchardB. It w 1 113 reake;&Y,99el show;-. iUg. .- u ..? k- .J. Lewis Hill's residence Is nearly ,np, ready for the roof. It will be one of the best In the dity. - - David Campbell, our worthy Marshal.has his new residence on College street, so far completed that he will move In in a few days. A Palatial Residence. "We have seen the plan of the -now resi dence of R. V. Mnlr; which is now fairly un der way, andjudgefromit that the building will bo second to no residence on the Mis'sdn- ri river, above St. Joseph, for style and fin ish. It will be, 30x10, two stories high, with a cupola, observatory in the centre of tbe roof. The storiesrill be 12 and 11 feet high. Tim front.will.be toward Atlantic street, JO feet, with projecting portico? supported hf eight eQloin'ns.ttijbeautiruhcoriiice; and bracketsthe windows will be arched with cuthtone.andthe'ccrriice .for the roof will be very beautiful and' appropriate to the de sign. There will bothneelargcbay windowson the cast, west and feoufh fronts. Tlie onscr- vatory will'be a large sized room, with twelve long, and four narrow windows. Tills resi wili crown one of the prettiest sites in the city, ar.d will do much to set it off to advan tage. Mcdford & Howard have the wooa work, and -x,b Gates .the brick, which-wiU insure its being well done, Splendid Furniture ! It is a pleasure togoupstalrsiu Hannaford &. McFall' Fnrhiturc Store, and'sce me Bplendid dlsplayfbf Furniture made in sets complete. You will find there fultscts'cov ered and plain, in Walnut, Oak or Rosewood. If you want something nice and complete, you can there see It, and judge just how "it wilLlook. In other branches from thesplen- did downtp. the (plain their tock is .com plete. And u you wish any work ina'de to order; Jack', as. boss; and Helmer and Bun--sel as joiners cannot be beat, anywhere. Give them a call. SOT" 4iCi?E-NTS- ' James Gibson 1lad."hisv arm broken ,last Thursday evcnfng.byla kck from a hors-e Jie was shoeing. Mf. "Gibson Is doing well, uu- ier'tlie circumstances ',, , A son of Mr. Lyda, a former townsman, but now farming near Humboldt In Richard- IPrecenct, fell and broke his arm JaM-Tiiurs-. lay.i'Jde was imracaiaiejiyrBS"i. iirw" city, anu put nuer umcuicai ireamieui. A Mrs. Crooms, of Peru, we learn, dropped dead while washing,- one day this week. B. &..M.K.K.R. TICKETS. The Burlington & Missouri River Railroad have opened an-ofilce for the sale of through tickets to all principal points East from iBrownyille. Call-, for tickets via B. fcM. at Ith&Mnceofii tit . '" llt-3ihv-s ",rt9 ia-? ?: CARSON. The Meadow King Mower work' over stones and knollyground to a charm. For simplicity, durability, and capabilities and lightness of draft, it is unexcelled. Can be had of Shellcnbergers. -. . ., . . : j -T." ; Perfect Goods in every xespect, coupled With fair dealing iSJtevery .resp, together with low prices, arovhatpnakcitlie house of F. E. Johnson &-vCo. so popular. ,'f.GIvc them a call. ; T" Jdm - . McPherson 6c Tnttle" arc stlllgat.No. BG ready to serve the pubic with just the choic est Dry Goods or Groceries that can be had In the west. They sell low for the ready cash. Give them a call. r -- Board iy the day or week tit Daugher ty's Resturant, one door west of tlie Bank. . NOTICE. Having taken n partner into my business, I hereby give notice to those knowing them selves iudebted to mo to call and settle up at once, by .note or otherwise, as I wish to close up'all-niy old accounts. J. C. DENSER. NOTICE OF CO.PARTKERSHIP. "-"Having uecome associated in tlie business formerly earried on by J. C. Deuscr, at No. 81 Main street, known as the Pioneer Tin and Stove Store, we. hereby solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to the Pioneer House"' for thejidst thirteen years. DEUSER itSIIURTZ. The hest the market affords can always be found on the boards of Daugliertys Itestu rant, one door west of thaBank. Patronize Home Industry. All kinds of Marble work can be had at Xeidhardt's Marble "Works in tills city, cheaper than It can be had elsewhere. None but tlie best ma terial used. H-tf .Look at those men. see their .-pleasant. happysatifled countenances, complacent anu accomniouaiiug manners; uuyuu kiiuh whence comes tlicir pjood manners? It pro ceeds from a well satislied appetite, of well - cooked, -7holesome food-; so to be like them yori must-board where they Daugherty's Resturant. do, that is at MACHINE OIL " . at McCREERY NICKELL'3. JIOOUU?BHi.tFohD, H ar--1- ?. -- . . r k Booksellers ;tud Stationers, next door to the Post Oflice, have just received a new and com plete stock of Books, Maps.Charts.Globesnnd puvcounty, JjadJijs haud,Eoeyrely mashfih jn jo-JJregbnnesfnd 1 past nwjnrwntf wv---.i w ?- m-j - 'tRUOn aB"aH"3t:iJCHiaruirsis. t --i-j. ..... .. maJL!xM&&kMSmi JLB I.I'n-p?-.a;UW"l M "J JW" ..-.". S-!-"' ji,-.JV.Vi. -KtV-t: jour most onterprisiagTSLttlonaiy-. Are nrepared to furnish School are done, perhaps,- alfpFuruiture oieery delcriptioB,(aJiddefy compcuuonupr 7mcr anu quality. -"'cnooi officers, teachers and all interested are re quested to call and examine our stock. Xo trouble to show goods. .'W-tf J T FOK THE XEXT 30 DAYS,'. .pnQ' Paints, Oils, Wa, Window Shades.tU vu and Wall taper, at I ifcCREEIty &, XIUKELL'S 34-3ni "V3I. J. AUSTIN, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Thoroughly acquainted with Southern Ne braska j buys and sells Improved or Unim proved Land, Town lots, &c., on commission or otherwise. Personal attention given to all matters entrusted to him. Correspondence solicited, Office : FE. Johnson Cb.'sstore, c, Brotvnville, Xebi StJtf McPhersorrRlock How many honswives are there -who have experienced tlie difficulty of obtaining good vinegar. Rea'd tha advertisement of W II, Bfcsbop In this pefper. 33-3ni i. X r .-" 3:-'3!i! . VU.I (aK, ACOMMODATIOX WlHU V12fJJ4 ' Especially if corublneil'wltocliolejj.jujv ply of good articles, and a desire to sell as low las possible. ThMls-theca8e--at; Rich and Gilmorc's Rl Store. W&srakjonlK to the few who do not dcaL tliere, as "most people kuotv mgaoovcuy.acimiiiupmqnsjation. - ; Is an InsUlntion'whtcnS'al-ring'raorogpn- f uiut sniisiiiciiuu, ytsiuuyx, iuuii auyvouiGr ever opened lif tliety.Jtr&jric6flelkiK for the majority of ttljg&gjrorn Dollar could not heratofere b4 h than twodollar8,;whlIethK,o i- 9. One Dollar but You can go and v for yourself, knowing that it fostsH.ttWIar,; no matter if IL Is a Ctiroino, a DainasKTaljla- Cloth, a Linen Table Cloth, four Linen" Tow- .els, a set of Glass "Ware; a heafyctifglass1 Pitcher, fen cakes of toilet soaps,. ,pr any other article, all nice and ghod. He iias specialities for the ladies that'ail can see at a glanco are as cheap as the raw material with-, out the making; Give him 'ft call at the stand of the old DOLLAR STORE I . .Metropolitan Silver-Cornet Band. . AVe saidi-last week that thia Band was "played out;" we desire to state that the jolbuua liialioWered o'er"lt"arc in tlie deep: bosom of thoocean buried;" that "the win ter of our discontent" Is gone, the Band is 'itself.rfgain'once more, and will be ready to compete for the Premium at the State fair, ft was out; mistake, for which the Band has, our apology. Every member of the Washington Life Insurance,.Co..lsJuterestelIn.ltssucci cir &4M2S83&smh J,-'J-, &3fi ev jIlf S hh'balil tfcjkUeltfedly : 'iivaiy' 'lowrc and tills' lmpress'fon-Is-dcpcnibaTCfigef stay in town! when, however; we are Inform ed through the columns of the Daily Demo crat that on the occasion of a dead hog being pulled out of, town, their reporter was, pres ent, but was too dead to be Interviewed, we are much surprised that such a lively paper should have so inert a reporter. The spirit which starts a dally in so small a town is to be admired, but a closo attention to typogra phy would improve the Democrat wonderful ly. . C.C. The dividends of the Washington Life are made and paid in cash or insurance, an nually from date bf policy. Sew Attvertisements. - - "j. RemiclJlil:FtntpAg2it-spfJ this city, olnifsjbj- stilo5 one ofjtlibcbiccljlfarins in Pawnee.connlyKvItliln'jB-e'aHtl aSnalf miles of Pawnee City. He would like to trade for a place ncarthls cTtyl "13 A good" farm fii' dlenRock precinct is also offeretl Jbr sale. It is a splendid-place. . '- Also a petition for DivOrce.sand .Several TStrtty-NoticcaK' : "- ---- The Stockliolders of tlie Washington only rcceive the Interest their own money earns. . . Hn.ll Itanil Item. . J. H. Brdadyjust'returuetl from a trip tf j Q.UIncyripforms us that the corps of Engi neers of'tlufO..'5l. & P. R, R., will bo here in a Jew days and commenceope".tiqnsJorr thij, end of that read, from the Rivqr-tojRjkport, and the Prcsldont,; Cpl- Savage, saj's work sliall notecase till tlid section has tlio rolling stock-running upon it. This will do more, to give our people and tlie balance af man kind, confidence, than anything else that can now be done. Dlvl'dcmls are applied In the Washington ,Lifc to, make t lie policies larger, U -v..t.n Mrs.lVhilcomb's Syrup. This article Is good for all disensen incident to the period of teething" In children and is sold for 25 cents a bottle. . r.i'i ,,,-. . f .".A Chalice In Businesst WoIcaruVtbat O.A Thtirman, son bf Dr. TliurraahhasjHight out tlie Drugstore of Dn"A. fit "riollntlay, on Main street. Mr. Thtirman lias had several years experience l-fKOod-rcpa-; ; ttiiij-w persons took-diuncatjDaughcryXRUuirjtyillst Friday and about forty ''Saturday. People will find out where to get the best eating. F. Drlehous, Hying two-and-a-half miles east ot St. Frederick, in tills county, will Ihavcablg sale on tlie 15th. He has much good stock, Horses, Cows, Heifers, etc., which he is determined to dispose of. 0. L;-Cooper, Auctioneer. If it is tlirown Inyonr Teeth thnt-you tlo not iccep your dental apparatus In proper trim, it is your own fatfitj for all the world knows that you miBhtTdqso'Dy using the matchless vegetable 'dcntrifiijeSqzoDOJrr. "Spalding's Giuej'nChej.Cohyenlent and Useful. Jlcnilscyerything. . M kotK. ."! 'j . ; IThc resnlar term of.the Probate Lonrt for mjc triil of civil cns&ranjins,cr one hundred dollars nndBderitSreolmndrcu dollars, willibe licld at, the fl"&?J$ro bate Judge in the city of Br6wviilonia liaiCounty.'Nebiaskn. conilnenclhg pa the first Monday of each calendar month A. SV. MORGAN, 27-tf ProbateJudge, -W Ilnnlster-, llnnd Ball and Newel Posts kept by J. R. Hell &Son, at their Lumbe? Yard comer of College and First-sts. Fresh Eggs and Yellow Butter can al ways be had. Read the .advertisement "Greatest "Work of the Age," in this paper. . 33-3m Clocks, splendid assortment. "WATCHES, full Stock. JEWELRY, in abundance at Dunn & Hays' who also do all kinds of re pairing of Clocks, "Watches or Jewelry. Xo. :, Main street. H-3m A vrcll selected stock of Wagon and Bug gy timber, Xo. 1, at J. C. Dcuscr's. 20-tf AVm. II. Hoover, Real Estate AfciR and Conveycncef -Court .Rootm ? i 2 31tf A PlJfK Ll'MKEIi YARD. KllbournrJefakins" & Co.,' corncirBf Fonrth and Main streets, in tills city, have constant ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum ber of all kinds;also, also Sash, Doors, Blinds, Sldiiplhs. IntlH Mouldincs. Framesjfetc. etc.. which they arc gcljiug at thd.lowpsl possible figures for which the same can be got out of; the log and shipped to this point, lney are determined to continue as heretofore to sup ply the bulk of lumbes, etc, used In this Land District. Call and see them ! Every onsyhis own Dpetors Those who uscDr.' Henry's Root anTlanT Pills gener ally get along with tlie least expense of doc tor's bills. See advertisements. 30-lt FLY NETS tbing, and Baur Arc a good assortment. has a tip-top "THE RESTUI ANT'-' J5 . ty nct"do6rto Is that of George Dnagli John h. darsdn's Banker byalfto-hefte place whj JsjiclltiawIQslgcd 1 . "7 sSiw "e most ncommodatiou, an tliebest vTcluals, for the nlost reasonable charge. Formers know this, and drop In when they are In town, and cevthuugry; strangers are not long in unuing ll Ollli auu uia umi' "J I---.i- - .. t.,.ti..i,i.,..i -. .. .'.. . . 1.1 tl.l... .1... bbarilefs are each and evory one indivlduul witnesses of the fact, A Sclent inc "Wonder. The Craig Mlcro- scoDe adapted to sclenti-ciuse.- Rd thevad- irertlsement. Price 52,75, VSbSnf Ldsja f4a A. P. COGSWELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Office, corner First and Atlantic streets. Buy and sell lands, pay taxes for non-residents. Gives particular attention to buying, selling and! renting city property. du-dm Do Ton Want a good set of Harness, a cood Collar, a good Sflddfe, or a good "Whip; j yon'villllnA therS In full stpek, in full varl-j ety rind cheap at B. P. Sander's, 52 Main J .strceL 27-tf 1 street. Good AVholeadirie Vinegar. Any one can make It. Sec advertisement ot W IL Bishops 33-3m S.9BtA WA. . Ifc,. Lmj-BUfW. I-WM9? COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ( Couxcix. Cha3bek, August 1, 1670. Council met. Mayor and ConrieJIirien all present esceptTisdeL Minutes 6t last 'rcgtar'raectlbgfread hnd' approvd-r-atab tHosc -of -called meotin'f 4rif9.HhrnM6 25thif - '-' i! sv; s -. I riHfriSe'rjiJiHraittcc feportedoriialms 8r Becny & Morey, as follows ThStfheCorVricif allow Boy.W.MofeyTbr wrldoneonfilxth street M,poHireftdered, $I3U7,;lsp for .selting.posts-foc-BrhigQ.on Sixth street. Sor .v:4ndturtb.orl,yinuneniicd .that,, order?, be c5pilbg,Ypr. drawn for tliejsaineqn General Fund"..as pen ;rcgi?estgf BeenyiS Morey. . . M Repfrt,ftdpte. ,, fhe.appHcjl.tiop; of -J. Marlatte, for, relief ini a.- regar i o lnxcs,.wtts laid over until next reg- 'ulnr - nectlng,' '-..j Flmtnce Commit tec' presented exhibltof A., W. M,orgau of receipts and. expenditures for 3ixtli street improvements, wliicli was or dered to be placed on file. Streql Commissioner's monthly report re ceived and ordered to be Hied. ; Moved by Lewis that an order for $200 on Road Fund be drawn and applied on Main street work. Passed. Adjourned. J.B. DOCKER, Clerks' . ' ' t , v KAliaiOAD MEETING. ' , j A n cntiiusiastiamccting of the citizens.of 'Al l.ly was, list-night held,t theV Court Hnuse,4o9ppoIirt a committee to ascpiaiU wbaijludncemonts, would be necessary tp'in, duccfjef&LiR. Railroad Cpmpapyror .s'ojnotlier,4o, build and operate a.roattfrom Ilajn burg to. opposite Uiis city. " The.follo.w-, -UiH 1 1 wtftwapjgluted saW eoHwlt Wji Masewartf. j"C CarspBrW. jH. JIoovcK-Cel; J), iewilckaad A. a. ,Wo4hJV- - M irfcvefiBaigRla l thw.eity, jot, u stw?5 - -- -- - . - -. .m, fuiann thHre W :gol reAsou why it sIkhmj not be It will give us competing roads, to the greatest; grain market In the. west Chicago. Thojeople,-vyHl sustain every move that .se cures lncre, s;d hlpping facilities. "' t ' " " ' -"l - Unlversnl Clothes "Wringer. The greatest labor saving Institution ever in vented, at Shellenberger Bro. A.tr.MOKGAJf, Jr., Slerchant Tailor" Is. constantly In receipt of thlatest novelties in the line of Gent's Fur nislilng. goods, and lias now the latest thing out; which is tlie Genteel Cbllur, tlio best thing of riieltriid we ever saw. Also, a large sup ply of 'Plce- and Ready Made- Goods'- GIvo hini'achll nhd give him your measure for a sfflt. 'fe Islor-'down in Ills charges. S3-3iir- '- c i tjsr.. -.: h i'jAOI . ! hnrtj HOLLADAV 4 "Respecffiin Informs his old' friends and ihe'pnblicj that he Is prepared to attend all tails, iri the line of his jiroffession. Office af D. H.Ee'vyis it Co.'s Drug SforeJ Main street, Browrivnie,Neb. 4Cl-tf , .Private meHcpi, aid, read Dr. Whittler.'s advertIsemefn(.t-3i..,T. , - "j. i" r "Trt : Thp CXniS'. Microscope-Tlis :3ticro scop'eisslnip.lltlcdnnd adapted to popular, as well as scientific use J Anew optical wonderl This is thii ,only Instrument of higli power w.iitth requires n;fOcal atljustmeut, and therefore can be readily used by every one, I even by children. Costing only Two Dollars, Knd Seventy-tlvo Cents, by mail, postpaid, it iswithln tlie reach of all In the community, nnd'shoufdbeon the table, of every Practl- itloner. Read advertisement lu this paper, , '83-Stu - i Cradles, Scythes, Suathes,anU nil them kind of fixens, at Sheilenberger's. ! Be aurcto read the advertlscraent"Great cst Worlcof .tbe age," In this paper. . 33-3m ' Feaic'VlroJ iit'abundancenUShellonbcr' ger DYoir ' S 5ceAilvcrtif eiucnt of Dr. Utitts' Dlspcn .. 1,,11 TirtAir fnr tha Million Jtvitr UtLGkpwqtbcx(oluittn.1I -till - T - - orcan.y,aiiJtt -fjawii. v rtm f'XteSSv-ef !- i'f .sSfSfir VBT. IITry's ;Cr-tiffPIan t 'Pilfs a'r'duSe the Liver, and secrc tivftjorgnslto jfvtthy action, throwing off obstructions wnicn cause nisease. &m Study Your Interests and read the ad vertisement "Greatest Work of the Age," in this paper; 33-3m . , - i r " IVOOL. IVAN TED. nighest market price JiV CASU, paid for Worthy - ' ' ' ' 1 A. MAY & CO. For a good square meal, go to Pn.ughcj"-Vj. Rcstauranr-.oundodr w.cstof Carson's Bank. . . 1 - ,." .y,t TlMj.TIohlnapIralis or PorkVoi-m. Perhapsit fenotRenexally knowa tliat the, raticli tallieor'WcAfiapiraU,-or pork yoaJ, ws5.vrff jySVTOUn Xiacrlca by Y&l rlnfiirlerijhla. ra..Vfli that American futfjurnent jffiofh as fne drgfj JttcroscSre, ccInroiTly .ft1, ancrrepeateVtt!liireAtodiscoverthe'w6rraitfi'fta Imported microscope, costing ?, "drfeeblerpowel and less rcliablc'al fact Br. Kendall Mantis ready to, prove at any time. Tlie "Craig" Micro scope In neat box with AiIl direction Is mailed Any wliern lor f2i75by'K. IL Boss. 313 Locust 6t.,St. LoUis Mat ; Iteaditheadverttsdaient in.tiiis paper; 33-3m A "Wonderful Microscope. Bcv. Daniel Wist, p. D.t editor of the Xew York Simday School Advocate, thus speaks of the cele brated Craig Microscope : "Its simplicity, cheapness, and great magnifying power struck me with surprise. Then I was exam ining rt ily's eye by ite aid, and was' struck Avith wonder at the skill and power or the Creator which bi displayed In Its structure. "When I saw a state ment in an advertisement that'the CralgMIcroscorc magnified one hundred diameters, and could be bought fur, $,, I thought It was one or the hum bugs of the hour, for 1 had paid $a for a microscope not long before. But now I find it to be really valu able instrument which I should like to see intro duced into the famillei of our readers in place of the nwnifold(u&i3ess toys which please for an hour and Is t'ucu'iiestroyed.. ;hils microscope would both a'maSe'and Instruct Win, alld i advise every boy andgffl wffishes to know the wonders which llKin bttlo things to save his money until he has $i,75 which, .will payifor the microscope and the JUtiit,- jn;.-,i";i mj -ii i,auj j being irfnrl TirV saiinlieU on reasonable terms. . sample will lc mailed.- post paid, to any address tor fj,.o,.Dy iu. I'.o,3l3 Xcast St.. SU Louis, Mo. Head the advertisement in another column. 33-lm . . K. K :.il COMJUEItCLtLZ. BROWWVILLE. - Corn.sbelied.. --50a-r'5l.Cranbcrries, "? Q- 15 m toriivin inu ea.j,i'-. nuuc. Spring-v heat..Kit.o Oats.- . .. Jg Itarlev Oats. 30 IJarlcy 50 PVK- lrt !." llutter. I.Vrj20 Cliickens, dressed f. B s Turkeys, do 10 Geese. do -.10 Sprlnc w t1our-v-50 I'all VT Flour T2VS3.73 Beef Ctttle 3',tcts Annies. CTeen-Slflig'itM Itngs-Bras.s.7.00-7JO l'otatoca.,... 73, j " net- i Ird 12WU " KressedftU 0 llacon Jtanl-"ftlG Hides,reea. 15 Sides .12' 16 . " r at its" " hnnlilprx.-13.'S-M rllllf. SIJ.IIfTI frxvi- Vool Unwasliet..axSs Beaver- , Tub Vaahe ar0 Coon. TIIE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY asr PnblisBcd Irt a Sealed Envelope. ' H - PJtlt'ESfXi't-CS'TS. ; '-C. rtnrc on tlie atnf e Treatment andltndlcal ; Cunt of pernxatonho?a, or Seminal Weakness, Jn- ValuntaryEihlssIons. Sexual Ucbllity and Jmpedi : mentii-toSIarriaBeGi-neriilly. Kcrvou-ness. ton ; sumption, Epilepsey and Fits, rental and Physical ' -rnV..-!t' fliiilrlnir'rrnm spir-atlusCiTC. BvIUB- ; isirri. viuivci ai-i j. m uu. . .. .... ,Book,"c- - ... .. ...:.. .,.......-,. Tlf 1. ..iftrl-ir f ho 'fIfMin Tile woria-reao"i-u uumur. -- umtiw Lecture, clearly prbvtairrom hfcfoRvi ixpenenee, that theawfal consequences, of telfabuse may be enectnaily removed without medicine, and without danceronssnnicJeperatIoiis.bouKics.ln5tramen, ri,.nr mniiaii. nointluir out a mode of cure nt . . ... - JJ .l IN ...f MM.tM.tk once certain and effectual, by Which every sufferer. SAXDS-ASiD THOVS.VSDS. dress, at OTTITVt. n74-o Vs (-iHtx Address the Pnblisbers. CIIAS. J. C. KLIXK & CO., KiBoweryje": York. Post Office Box 4t5SS. 6-ly HOWARD 5AMITARY AID JVSSOCIATIO-f. Tr--fifc-nHprnnri fnrinrthft'F!rrinzJiridtlafbr- tHnate,on Minciplcs of Christian XOiilanthroMC ,Kssars bnthe Errors of Youth, and the Follleof Agejn relation ilarrlase and Social EvUs. with santwry aldfor.the afflicted. Seat frefe lasealed Envcropes- Address. HOWAHD ASSOCIATION, BoxIFhUadelphla.r. i2-ly JOB PRINTING, in one Wr more V colors, promptly done at the Advertiser Job Offica ' The Orlgln'-rdSltlcn CroWii"il'Btir Is StJanrfrnctKrcd i?JV. F oi j't'fiftiiViavo-' Vltc tVefyWhcr ' :J" ST-it i r ri - i-v-sE- WHEN YOU BUY A COOKING. STOVE it is economy WQ. ;,QET -TPiB, pjlST.f "it .i ir Ti)r I. . VHWM:,leii . A fiJVi.lo A f.ft .V.A.', mitiLL-s'fj. ii'j r Have been sold in the last two years NOT ONK HAS FAILED TO OIME- MTIEESATiSPACHOU They are universally aclcnowledged1 ' 1 .." The Jest Cooking 'Stole W$! J. A'D WIIEKEVEK KNOWN IMifllOJUMJ i, ' tM'? iwjteifct- rjMM. 1&VU4MM 9,j, BdHlrpcrfeet;e!ape.tetM- J! 1YAXTS OP WESTERN PEOPLE! SEND FOK PRICK LIST TO Shellenberger Bros., BroivnvilJc, TXch. S : :.ori Q'g . -M -J . JU hvy t . " ., itw v-. -i"v t'.iii-ir vt- wjr- .j- 2mxwmim&-?. - " -5r --3k SsR,, li!vM?B3i: ' 'f V 1 -&, S v ii . A-tttL-Tj! C.'.aa J &.mfar BiEJiia ii 3S .' ii' i "-"t. PP f ? f v f r f v v3 MPO'ETAIT , to. 1 BEMHBf THE CEIEBUATED A b( .PATENT GltAItT-XICRbSCOPB!"'-" ... KtifTA Dnrlnff the past Six Year's Its ivorth has heeis. testified to h thotixamls Of Sclciittflc Men', School Teachers, Sn (teii'tx, Physicians, anil others. ' ' Siniilificd and Actaxited to J?oinlnr,an well as Sclent iile se, It Is an Optlcnl "VVoilder. Its Magnifying power Is I .. ' 3?EN. THOUSAND TIMES i .Comhtiilng endless instruction irltli niniiscmciit. A Beautiful Gift, and one. that never looses Its Interest, reveals the unseen wonders of creation, Eelt in Vinegar, Animals in AVater, Chees, Ulltes, Sugar and Ttch trisects, IIk Glolntles, Adulterations In Food' and Orngs. AIM! the Trichina Spiralis, or "Porlt Vorms. ' "A vory Beautifnl nil Ornaxaonlal : . .1. i. : . Instrument, soultl Tjo on, o ta"blq oi i loveiry Family, Physician,. Scientific Man, Student and SchooJ.-. Ait Vaecn Kingdom te opeh Ififtlicycbythfe liiKtrument.o lover oi tue Deauiiufsiiouuij Every Iastrnraent in nut up ina ueatDb5cJ.wita. full directions J'or.asing It, carefully pasted on the cover. Thousands have been sent by mall, and the proprietor guarantee a safe transit to each Instru ment, u e lire senuins mem cvurvu.-iv, .. , ,75rtjrwjtBr'0 ISJ.L'j' IT ATS A"ND CAPS. All Varieties 1J. anrtatyhis.at .. .. HETZEL'S, JOB. WORK. -Teatly and Plainly J Kxecuted.at tSeAl"tcrtIser Job Rooms. iWA-f i I m i! sDUK J irict hy mair.-postagt prerniM73 tjcwnarnd' .T.tf.l ... ..- .....T F:- nlM t 4vt- T-.ia wtPt arWvi. - . . - U.Ll - " v9? - - i - "T -- i s IV . .-" ! 4MAtVl WU t, S-Uli t4IBMi 1. 'Z& gENERAL.. v ;, J .-'. . ' -V ' 'it:. t. u : ,; a ,lli' t 1 .1 ".'- m fi n- J We:have on. hand a large fr S-T-APi-3 AND To v.hich we are making co we are Belling atPrices as the Mississippi. In the Quality of our Goods I1 FLOUR OF TILE MOST )3-a CO' HIGHEST MARKET ) N . OQTJttX?JEVSr 12-40 : - McPherson & Tuttle, BSAiERS AND JOBBERS IN 1 ii m NO. 66 MAIN STBEET,- XX1JS & CO.'S OLD ST-kxSnCN TJROTVTVVlX-LEs, "WE KEEP CONSTAATLY ON" HAXD THE BEST QUALITY OF TE AS, G07FEE& SUGARS, AHL RICE, AlO) AII' KINDS OP DJtlED TRITITr UOCtl ir-r A. L. RICH, trnvr APiffigJB-?Bra6y - at t RH D 1TO E E EICH & GILMOEE,: Su?ceS4ors to W. U. SMALL, Makers and jobbers it GROCERIES tk Snc as Coffees, Sugars, Teas. Molasses, yitips, Plonr, Bacon, Pish, Zxie Beef, Salt, Coal Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Cheese. Dried and Grcca Prrdts, Ce fectioTics of all Eittds, "ttrooo. "War, Sc'c. I coHheCtiSn'lth" the" above they keep constantly on hand alarge supply of feed, coiiar, oats, bras, shorts, &?. All Goods Sold af Prices that Defy Competition. nighest Market Price paid forall kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. -Reduced Prices to suit the Times. Small Profits and Fair Deallnpr. la their Invariable rale. Goods will he sold to Country Merchants in either largw or small bUlsand at extremely low rates DR.WHITTIEH 2. asdlphmiafcroMefr'iTmiBow, has bee3 WIKV iVMll Stricture Oreiiills, Y vu wllBV-l irvt. lrrrnkt. niul ViunIb... ll Urinary IlascA antl smkiinii. ,.-s-2et.i -nmic oiispL uieniroar, skiu orhonesaf etrrat ed with iinnaraldlcd sucec's. Sirtarw at.i lm TT. I,- -j,-- ...w . s.v iiVe,,ui,3rv".l,,?i1-,otencT a tke restilti . nu-auiMIU TUtUII 1131 (TXCeSfCS IS tBS- tareryrars, crothrtrraiisi's. and which produce SloH.b!otrIir. dillltr nlhM j,i.,J sjKlit, conftt-Ioa ofldraj, cvitfcxtbodlm-9. arer sioutosocicty of foniaks. loisdf B-.CBiory. aad sexual 9wer4 and rendering Katthgetiawen. The Doctor's onttorttmrtlln't.ihlfO ,-..,. TOtfl practice are-mumrr-Mcd in fct. Lou Is Briar 0ihcrcltrllaekflIe.oiSt.I.cspaper3proTi that he has been locaUd there lonjrct' by tcmi tnananyothersailTcrtUlntr. The cstabUsfa&ictK, library. latort(n-audarpllHM;R are jmri vaicd la the West. ansurpa.vd anywfcrc". "-l "ricijn.iicfrei-, ranuo reiieu upon, ana the doctorc-.ui relerta luany physicians through out the. coaatry. In past tuceess and preseat po.Mtlonhe stands without a corapcUter. The wrltliiRS of a, phy-iciaa whose repBtatiaa U 1IITT1RS I"ainrJetKMit to in-mSa. asc-Jcdenvrlopcrortwo stamps. Maay phy sicians Introduce patients to the doctor After rvauuip ins nuruiaui psmpmct. .Comaanlea- I nous comiiicniiai. .incnuiruiKWIllc09tTO nothlnR. Offlce central, yctrellrcO o jijHi CharIc3St.,St.Lonls,31o Honr3Sini.to7p.t DR. WjEXBER OONTINTJEStotrealalirrlvatcDIseases. 8yp Ills, alllornisor (,'onorrbci. Gleet, Stricture. manlf. - ics,BertonsdcWIlty, IrritablHty.cruRiiIeB ".uiisu cuiuuibi anuniiauy ii)oh-bcv, iieraa' neatly cured. Fcrfoiw afflicted with delicate. In tricate aim lonr-staadirts constitutional complaints o (juuiuij mtiiL-u iw v-i.r ceniwiaiion, kbkb .-osnoiuinc:. spcncncc, ine oess orteacaers. - ciauicuiiiiu .v. jiviirii. rcuicuics US. OBC -ei-l. J clent, sale, jicrmaneiit, and wtilch in most ca$ear onoensfa wiiuoui mndrauce to hoslac5S. Thes- taollshuientembraci'g office, reci'DtloHsHd waltlmf rooms, so I'oardlnsasd-iwnlmraMrtffiCBta fat and havo4i ."wy" ftwrm9 sr-1-- ,m tijaaEa . A BOOK FOR TS2E MltXIOK. MARRSACi x rttiw.CairfC.t' Xarricl. cr ra V,U, lair-y. oa tHryilitT Tci' - rtUia tf rbs texual jritrm. HUB Hi I itou dljcorxfU In W ims GUIDE. fcnupreTtatlaze&princ. Iortoirjcnellieoeaplexlco,aa.. This U an inremuu; vftrk r to han-trtd sad t-rMty tmt ( vlth camerous eortlor. aadconulniT-Ja-ii'eHifw-,--.Uea for thoie -iho mro mrrlcJ.cr emtemplaW B frlM BUIl. i t it a tiook tha.1 salit to b 1kv tdtr lefc aa4 sj-ft aa r tct 111 Jcirles.ly U)ltnhoat. . . " Seattooyoac rrotpoiUcjri!rttriTC:t. AdJm- Dr. Butts' Dispcary. S"0. 2 CrZlcata Btfed, euLoui f,Jio. and. J- Notice to the Afflicted Unfortunate f 'Beftwajipljlng to tie notorious qiiMlts -ao adrtrtltehl' psblio ppcTJ.or.nilnDjmci r-nieJk,tcrB Sr.BtU ore. no miner yua. tou uucaac i, cr mh ucpxww jv. rooHtfoo. ' .. - E Dr. nutl- rfi 1 MfttnltM. Trtdnitl or hr Tnftll. ea tea diseases e&Uone'l In Li4-Hrs,. Dffieei Kods'ioRa rjj&ta Street, btlwrea i.'rtet,nl (tsit, Ei. Loots, o. . Rare CoIIootidn, D0TC.OS BECXirTS.-Mitta JlrU. St f1- -emrrNuffTalushta Informxlloa for e Ten bed r. Seatbr I inforntsllon for eTer-bcd UnrCreti: Address -oautireeot posts (ei rf-r u it Lecis: Aaares jt, a. .it-sk-v .. . - . . . : . - . . .- f. UA' . tVDY, Xo. I J Sorta mjtjih sltxt't, St. Louis, Ho. 3 TYUEE'S COLLECTJOSof ncurlrcna hnaired reeclrts , JJ' -llnUronUT;allxtndsorTlQ. Ula.jlle. Ber. el ai. aaretv Cider, and moth otber: nserol larorsuoa, for t&os desllns; 1 o eraatxaaroftaaaboreeia? ice ice trsae or uone use. 1U1 .Sral b. mill liM f W-- far VUXr Cests. A'dma n?K. SokllASU V, Xo. 1 : fna Eighth stmt, St. tools, 2 ------ - - - - ... .y Biy Me and Til 09 ou m4 e HOOT & PliANT oo frr cleassisq tun blood aso -t- aron.lne tha Llr- .nl Kecretlre Or- gns to m htal Uiy Ion, lirta rills cars nux enmpl-Jnt Uct It-wcald not bo supposrd Uieycoald reach, snclx ms Uut. KHLrmi Tili 8uk rruxsss os;thk UiTDS A3D Kra, Uclucss, Cbuzmv Huicuiiuu. Jiici ten. L'uorirrrmi, Didoes UistxTrsr Knsr JUTOcnoxs. CqjsTirxTiost DtstUrT, VeVss r iu kt.tci li7srxrsii Joot andotlurkla drca eomplaiats arUliicrrocialovstsMot tho body, or cljit'ociloo of Its fusctlsns. Bel&c frto from mtrcun and olber twlsoiis. r r m uu ,-T ess b tsitn miuriimct aa4 cnitr Hi alressu -rtiboutr-jsrlwaietori.4sia-s. j - rrioe25 eeatsatkr. - ' . .J? Trsparcd by tha CraOon Vcildae Co Bt Hoots, X&-T j' Sldb7trucslsuaQllcaIcSlaaciIlcIttarTjwherd' ?LQ0K JO YOUR CHILDREN, ?,47ief cat! Soothittff $mlyx NV YTOQ r rtifaiMlLAi i?rlBlMliX BTrrV JlT-nTCoJfl'sJLmfa- aad fajitiuteitHspxV Z$- . tram' . .,f -.i-fc .... rarw WHITCOat'Sc.o..s .lldIsWselBc-co( &- bXHi.Ur. tlnlanus&dcbut JUCJIXS MRS. . t' Cvxta SUrrbnu Prr-aterr nd ) P3tI0Jt ifc0X'fiSaa-r CoopIslnCIa tlwf JmtMT ?uV!ii ' iucw tit Isk,l r4nati Uf - I t t sftffM-stmwgXMt'ltf TitrtMMtf yjjrs-i : rm- "V i itaiaiy r--uaii4fsiBliarrirT-Hii, I' I . 1 . V t-IJiUlM. K-s - , is4:?'r ' ib - ";-r BLASTS of all Hind, constantlyjon Hand, atthe Ail vertlser Job" Offlce. - buotheil nd well assorted alock of PANClT GROCEHIXS i nstant additions, and which i) . low as any House west o . .--.-. . . , YVJj iJJdirx uujjrjjij.u t j APPROVED BflA-tDS. PRICE PAIB rOR: - 4 S"vrv3r sc Biito ' B AHLBY, 4 If A- H. GILLMOKB, y. - X .k ib. FB0Y1SI0NS K&rsz&jm&wx&cmz wrJM-lFy' WWli'"'i a . t . ' HHPm iira.'Aw a. wmrr (, ifc.t- a- jugr In bssgaw( PEUVLERS IN t I i LbL': .,"- ';: uiluuljilIJjiJ) I L i St, fci A- i i i -1 1 " M JlS a t m h 2' ' I SM .i-i HfeJ )m PI i i i i I i U W ' i ' s I i tr1 r 4 '.51 ' 1 1 lT if t, 1 H' til m l