"saraiaaezssaas OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. SOCLLL JDXKEGTOUT: LODGES. "cItrowiiviHc Chapter No. 4. It. A. 31, .rh month. Lecture :MCeliiJcs every ifandaj $ !w. Fcukas, M.E.iiP. Kufcs 1 Btiygy'5- "Tvo-Ncniabtt Vnllcy Lodtrd 5fo. 4, A. P. & &4? V Si ltej-ular Communications iirstand Z i'i-.r nir-hr in each month. Lodze of iSSntf nTvery Saturday night. K. W. Fcs.vaS, y.Jl. ju-' i-vHrownvnie LodRC ;no. .a x. i. y. u. &3 e"ular meeUnrja Tuesday evening ot each k-. iL'aLKTT.y.O. J.STKVKNboy, Secy. ' CHURCHES. ySckm. J.T.BAinprgaston "S-irethodist E. Chnrrb.-Services each JS-? sabbuth atioaoa. ro.. and .; p. ni. feun-1- school at 9 a.m. Prayer Sleeting Thursday ' i. w n -?,r Colt. Tastor. even"1. . gSH Thrift' rhnreh Episcopal. Corner : !'.-. .i wini ctmots services everv r- jllH""""J,-r""'""J , " t.,.,.. cniav Morning at 10 ociockb. ia. cu' ISfatr. o'clock. Evening Service at i o clock. -K Communion administered on the first Sunday S'eac'i month, Seats free. G. K. DAVIS, Hector. m Haptist Church.-Ocmer Fourth and At- -,t t-e third in each month, at 11 o'clock a. m., - rlock P. x. Sundav Scliool at 10 a. m. Prfrer Mating Wednesday evening. T. S. LOWE, 'ast r. -Christian Church, London. Divine ser ..rrrKnhhivtli nt ll H. m.. and In the ,.- liLCV.vy - --- . rfS:ic ItOV J.UJiAWHUA.llBllU. ---. lf. ,- PnUpnnnl Tlt. KprvIrA iy "cvcrj Sunday morning and evening. Sun cay Sch ool tt 3 o'clock p. m. lie v. It. C Ta lbott. Pastor. tS?3 -?riimbcrland Presbyterian. Mt. Pleas- w-- unit . HiKi'-h"""" ...,. ...-...-- thp ML Zin liaptht Church, two miles west Browiiile. each fourUi Sabbath, morning a anl KI1ISIW'""" " " ...-. " l ill and ven.3C iev. A.iiT.,iiuiui. 'M. E. f'hrtrcli. London. Services every other Sabbath. Key. J. W. lAKTiy, Pastor. J5? K----U. E. fl-arch, Pcrn.-Sorvlces every Sab- liain. jic v. .ii nu.. ti.n....... ....,... : S01. E. Church. Ncmiihn Citr. Services I&3 every other Sabbath. It. HmtOK, Pastor. CITY OPPICALS. eCUr Council. Meets the First Thursday In fey edch month. Mayor, a F. Sttwart. Al Jprncn.F. A.Tilel. W. D. Lewis. F.K. Johnson, ? Ndahardt. J. Plasters, aiarshal. D. Cupmbell. A J.B Docker. Attorney, S. French. Treas ijV. Middleton. Engineer. T. W. Bedford. MAILS. ihirVortbcrn, Eastern nud Southern, de f&J farts t.t 9 a. m.: arrives at 3 p. m. Ita'.o Mid arrives at 8 p. m.; departs at 7 a. m. leru Mall arrives at 10 m.; departs at 12 p. m. iwnce Mail arrives at 8 p.m.. departs at , a.m. Grant Mail arrives Fridays at 4 p. m,; deparu, 'TlmrsJav at 8 a. m. Pot OHlce Hours from 7 a. m., to ,14 fuin. Bun-i-sfran iotolQa.m. W.A.l'OLOL'K.P.M: JiAlTjUOADS. -St. JosepIi& Council BluiTs R.K. FOR gin Francisco and tlc East and Soutli. To trains daily each way, between St. Joseph end Council Bluffs, connecting as follows: AtM.Jeph with the Hannibal & St, Joseph Railroad for Quincy. Kansas City via Cameron, fct, Ixin J i ia Macon and the East. AtM-JoMph-wltli the Missouri Valley Raiiroad for AtcMscn. Ix-avcnworth. Kansas City, &c AtCoLnalBIuirs-with Union IMcitic Dailroad fbr Denver. Salt Lake and California. At Council BlunS-witU Cliicago it orth Western Oliilroad for fMoux Ciiy and ' Up Hither." Pullman's Palace Cars are run through from .Conned Bluffs to SL Louis and Quincy. TI5IE TABLE, 2Co. 10. "T take &xl Sunday Junch, 1ST0, at 12 o'clock, noon. "Vo 1 FMrss,bondXorth, leave Phelps l.-00pm Xo. ' jLprts.bjund Xorth, leave Plielis 5t a m Xo ; Fxpress, hound South, leave Phelps 11:12 pm fo 4 1 j ress bound South, leave Phelps bi3 p m Tra'n Nn. 3 daily except Monday. Tra.n No. 4 t.nly except Saturday. Ail otbsr trains daily except Sunday. A. L. nOl'KEN'S, Gen'l Superintendent. S3r"Jaeob Itogers Omnibus leaves Drownville for tbe l)eiot at 8 a. m. and 12 m.. daily. Hannibal & Saint Joscplx Time Table. Taiing eilcct January Oth, 1S70. Annivjs. Xo. 1 Dav Exp. dally except Sunday 7:20 p m o. : Pacillc-llxp. dalli" except Monday 3:03 a m -v.. -v'ir.1.. c ik ddilv ptpoiiI Mn!i(lav 7i0 a m to. 7 Through rrt. dafly except Monday 5:13 a m Ho 9 Throueli lrt. dally except 3Ionday 9:45 a in No. 11 Wav frt. dally exceptftunday &S5pm Jio. 13 Macon frt. daily except Sunday. Xo 12 Timu;:h frt. dnily except Sunday 1-25 p m Xo.ll Through frt. dally except Saturday- ,m pm o. 4 will not stop at Saxton. Osborn. Kidder, Corner. Moorsrille.Utica. Wheeling or Meadville. Ko. fi will not stop at Saxton. Kaston. O-born, Urwkinridge.Moorsville. Wheeling or Meadville. T. B. BUUXETT. Gen. Agent. X'nion Pacific Railway Time Tabic. TnUl furthei' notice trains will leave and arrive i at Oniabaduily as follows: tllWE. AKRIVK. Bally Exu 11:15 a. m. . DallvExp 4:15 p. m. . I lfotel Exp 11:15 a. m. Hotel Exp 4:15 p. m. tiTwi .-4.1 p. m. .JKrelght 7:00 a. m. Jlixea,. -inw p. m. I JFreight 1:30 p. m. The Hotel Express train leaves at 4:13 every Thursday, and arrives at 11:15 every Sunday. Except Sundays. . , Baily connections made at Omaha with Chicago t&Xorthwcbtern, Chicago, Itock Island and Pacific and St. Joseph und Council DlufTs ltailroads, and Mi&siuri Itiver line of btecmers for all points East nd South. At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific B R. for all .points In Colorado and New Mexico. At Hrvau with stages for Sweetwater Mines. At Ogdcn with Utah Central V- K. for Salt Lake City and other points in Utah. At Ocden with Central Pacific nailroad, for Cor trfne, Virginia Citv, Helena, and xll points in Mon tana. AN, lor Sacramenta. San Francisco, and all points In Idaho, Xevado and California. AH freight delivered at the Omaha depot prior to 3 p. m.. will go west the same day. Xo freight received for shipment after j0 p. m. Tickets for sale to all pouita -Mt, at- the cket Office or the Union Pacific Itallroadjat which olllce 3rths on sleeping cars ca'i be ieciired. (i G. lIA3IMn.ND.Ucn.bnpt. T.COLTOK.G.T.A- IL linowssos, O. F. .V. Pacific Railway of Missouri. Passengers leaving St. Joseph via. MJsMuri Val ley Iiallroad at 1 o'clock p. m.. make close and sure connections at Kansas Qty with this popular road, arriving at St. Louis next morning at C o clock. ThU is now a nrst-clas-s road in every niect. eu iron has been laid; new engines and magnificent k'eeping and pas.-enger oaches have leen udde.1 to Its eoulpmenti Passengers can rely on its making Its advertised time. This is the bet route from SU Jopli to St. IX)uls. the South and southeast. Through Tickets for sale at the olhces of the -lis- aoari Valley Bailroad. , 1L C MOORE. General Supt Tuos. DOBWIV, G. W. A, W. B. IILKAJ. Chicasro & XortU TTcsitcra Rail Road Time Tabic. Z.KAVK. Express Malls dally except Sunday. t00a.m 4:60 p. m 'acilic tsxpress uauj. AnmvE. Pacific Express, dally . ; Express Mall, dally except Monday ..IOcOO a. m ..11:45 a. m Missouri Vallcj' Railroad. TIME TABLE. Ts take effect at noon on Sunday, Miiy 8th, 1S70. OOIS'O SOUTH. o. 1 Hxiircss leaves at ,...12X1 m. o. 3 Express leaves at- ,9iT5 p. m. jo. 5 i relglil leaves at- 10rf a.m. SKinnsisfl. Jo. 2 Express arrives at S:!? p. m. 7:30 a. m. jno. iixpress arrives ai N'n c VroVht nrriviisat .12:30 p. m. 'os. 3 and 4 daily. 1, 2, 3, C, 7 and 8, dally except 6UtUla" J. F. BARNARD, Gen. Supt Chicago, Burling Jon & Quincy RailroaO. Mall Tfloam. &00pm 4-00 pin t3pm 9:."i0 p m 8:.13 a m 7:13 a m Dav Ktiuvss. lft00 a m HinsdaK Accommodation- !2:o0p m 3:X) p m Afternoon Passenger, Aurora Passencer M-aium HinMlale Accommodation . &D0pm 2ight Express . Tiiswpm JWlam Sunday excepted. tSaturday excepted. ;MonCny excepted. Chicago, Burling-lon & Omaha Time SJard. DEPAKT. Omaha and Oilcago Express, Daily 4rf p. m. Mail, dally, (exceiit Sunday) ., 4SM p. m. ARRIVE. Omaha and Chicago Express, daily 9:15 a. m. Mail, dally, (except Sunday) liDO a. m. Pullman's Hotel Dining Car and Drawing Room Sleeping Cars accompany Omaha and Chicago Ex press. Ticket Office 122 Farnam, corner Ninth street, Omaha. llAuuv Deuel, d.W.TIihcock, Ticket Agent. Gen. W. Pass. Agt. Pittsburg Ft. Wayne & Chica go Railroad. Mall 4:30 a m &15 p m Bay Express ScoOam 620am Pacific Express . 4:45 p m 90 a m Klcht Express , 9-00 p m IftOO p m Valporasouccommodation 4:10 p m 8:10 am QHERiLAN" HOUSE. C. 31. KAUFF3IAX, PROrBIETOR 46 3Iain-st., Broiviiviilc. Tliis House has been remodeled and refurnished throughout, and affords the best accommodations in the citv to the local and traveling public It Is cen trally located, Stages for the West, and Omnibuses for all trains, go from theiSherman House. Fair first class, ehargps moderate. 15-tf BOOTS AUD SHOES. Market, at -Best in the HETZEL'S. OOLIiAUS. All kinds and. styles, at , HETZEL'a ptlresbrtcrInTi Church. Services each ? ijwrathatiwa.m.,and7;)).ni. Prayer u'iniinr nrpninCT. ;vljuuui owiwi DRl'Ar.T. . nT.-.t lrlr.rr. QMTllIn. fc4Q SI TT1 o. 4 N'jslit Exp. daily except Sunday 5:20 p m Ho. 6 Paciilc Kxp. dally except Sunilay 12:13 a m 3'o. 8 St. I)u:s Kx. daily except Sunday 2:u0 p m Vn in u'nr frt .imlr nrmt .iindnv 7:00 a m LOCAL MATTERS. J. Ij. CoLhapp, Editor." THUB'SDAY,-' JUjSTE 9, 1870. jKirExtra copies of the Advertiser for sale by C. A. Polock. at the PostoHce. "WEEKLY 3IELAXGE. Gfrecn Peas have made their appearance In onr market at 30 cents per gallon. Rcid was arrested by Marshall Campbell for dis turbing the peace and fined hy Justice EbrlghtSl, last Saturday.....H. C. Lett and It. V. Furnas, in company with H. A. King, Secretary of the Q. M. & P. R. R., started on r. railroad tour west Monday morning...... A. May was with us, Tuesday, lookingsllm from his illness Shatter has just burned a kiln of 180,000 brick .S. M. Rich Is back from his labor in the Rich Bro's Pottery, Rose Bottom, Mo. He'll have an ocean of flower pots hereshortly......Rcv. L. F. Brltt, of Pawnee City, called on us yesterday. He reports the work In the M. E. Church In that city In flourishing condition Prof. J. M. McKcnzIe and othcrs'from Peru, visited our nigh School lastTuesdny. .Hamlin's Wiz ard Oil gave a couplo of concerts In our streets Inst Tuesday and Wednesday evening, and sold some oil..... Campbell is still Im proving our streets. He's the best City Mar shall and Street Commissioner Brownvllle ever had, and she has had a few w.Tho foundation of Capt. Hill's new residence is about In ....Corn has slacked off a little, not more than 100 wagon loads arrive now per day. .Eobt. Teare showed us, Monday, some strawberries of his own raising, which measured about ono inch in diameter.......... Clias. Helmer will move his Boot and Shoe Store to Wilson's old stand now shortly....... A. D. Marsh, of Dollar Store notoriety, has given away so many S20 bills for 81 that lie has busted up In business. Marsh's assets have been taken possession of by Jos. Shutz and D. H. Lewis....-.R. F. Barrett, some weeks since, went to Kansas City to prospect for an opening, and has, we learn, opened up a flrst class real estate agency there. He has located and his family will follow him In a few days...-.MnJ. Majors returned yes terday. Cliampion Reaper & Moiver atDcuser's A CORONER'S INQUEST Was yesterday morning held at the instance of Mnj. Bohon, living on or near the island above this city. Upon ills report that a dead child had been found In a sack on the Island Sherlfl" Plasters deputised Hugh Baker to summon a jury of six.nnd with the Coroner, M. M. Conner, proceed to hold the inquest. He summoned W. F. Wilson, J. P. Deuser, W. Vallcau, W. H. Small, Jasper O'Dell and Joseph Huddnrd, and with them proceeding to theplacc the sack was found, and, as we learn, "orn to the main land, and after all the necessary preliminaries were gone through with, amid breathless suspence, witii all eyes rlvitcd upon the fatal sack, it was opened, when, from amid many wrap pings, out rolled a dead black cat. The joke was large, yet not so Intended by Bohon, who was the worst sold In the outfit. One of our merchants went about half way up through curiosity, to tee whose baby it was; and an otherafter consulting planchettc, we sup pose avered that he knew whose It was. And thereby hung a tail. Champion. Reaper &.TIoucr ntJJetiscr's Go to Den's and get your fresh Mackerel and White Fish. THE FOURTH OF JULY. Will be around, as usual, this year, and the question now is: Will we celebrate? The spirit of TG Is still In the hearts of the sons, and the thoughts of the deeds of valor done by the sires for liberty, still rouses an enthu siasm as of old; but the question is. shall we celebrate? If so, how? Ninety-four years ago the place we now occupy knew nothing but savage barbarians, intent upon crush ing out the germ of civil liberty; shall we celebrate its want of success? By an ocean of Patriotic blood was It made our heritage; shall we celebrate? In short, shall the fath ers of the present generation teach it to honor the memory of tiio patriotism which secured our land from barbarism and ty rany, to bo forever free? That's the question. Shall we celebrate. Get the Champion Reapcrand Jlorrcr at Bonner's Gents' nndBoys' fine Clothing at Den's. TRIUMPH IIAKD LOOM. Dr. J. "M. McClintock Is now In this city, exhibiting and selling State and county rlghls for the above named loom. We have never seen a more perfect machine in opera tion. It seems to us that there would be much money in its operation here; for in stance, let some of our capitalists buy and put six or eight In operation, and we have a woolen factory which will turn out as much for tho same money as looms run by steam. We hope some one will take hold of it ; the Doctor will give any one a fair show. Lanna &, Co's Brick Yard. We paid a visit to this new Yard yesterday, and could not fall of being plcabed at the substantial manner of their work. They arc all brick makers from England, and have tho trade thoroughly learned. They desire making a reputation that will cause their brick to be above par in the market. We notice they are Just now making paving tile a foot square, which will supply a want long felt by those who would have a nice pavement, or floor to abasement room. They are all hard workers and will succeed. Go to Denser for the Champion Kcapcr Slower. Oils, Paints and Glasu at reduced prices at Den's. WALL PAPER & "IVIK1IOAV SHADES Aro going off at unsurpassed low rates at the Elk Horn Drug Store of H C. Lett. He has a superb lot on hand, comprising the very latest and most beautiful patterns, which ho 13 determined to close out at the very lowest rates possible, for cash. Go and sec them, and Lon will sell 'em to you, sure! C. A. p"OLOCK, Of the Postofllco 2Cows Depot, Is cortainly deserving of a notico for the management of a business to him, six months since, entirely new, yet now built up to a good paying basis. He has, in the short spaceof tlmemeptioned, gathered unto himself the entire Xews busi ness of this 5ection, and in addition, as large a Confectionary stock as is In the city. He keeps most everything in that line, toother with tobaccos, cigars and light groceries. Ho has proven himself capable of managing his business in a mastcriy manner, and as suc cess Is the best test of merit, lie merits the patronage of the community. Give him a call! Skeen &. Homcwood have Jnstcompletcd their new grist mill building near Long's bridge, on the Xemaha, and have init a com plete new outfit of everything save the old burs. These Improvements are noticeable in the quality of flour they now turn out. They have one of the most Improved wheels, and everything so arranged that they can at all times when It is possible for any mill tol run do grinding, and warrant good work. Go to Deuser for the Champion Reaper & Howcr. Latest Pattern of Cook Stoves received at Den's. " i D. II. Lcvl started for Chicago to-day for a new and choice stock of goods for his Dollar Store, Marsh's old stand, of which Dan is now solo proprietor. He intends hav ing the beststock of goods of tho kind In the west, and will, we warrant, give such oppor tunities as were never before offered. Suc cess to him, he Is enterprising and deserves It. It la not Strange that Paintcss generally purchase their Paints Oils, Brashes, etc., at Lett's Drug Store; of course not, as thelr's is a stock unsurpassed in extent, purity or low prices. BAUR'S '- Xamo becoming far famed for the good durable and beautiful Harness and Saddles he makes, and sells low for cash. 11 vou want anything In his line, glvo him a.call.' '"The Episcopal Ch-arclx Strawberry Festival last evening was a splendid suc cess, which, how could At help being, when the beauty and energy of the city was engag ed In its getting up. Thero were pretty faces, pretty bouquets, pretty quilts, pretty straw berry stands, and the mostluclonsly pretly tempting strawberries upon them ever seen. It would be impossible to itemize all that was meritorious and boautlf al, yet the flow er pyramid stand of Mrs. Geo. Berkley, at tracted universal admiration and commont; while the tables ran by Mrs. Cowles, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Gibson and others, .were supplied and atten ded In the best style, ovlncing good judge- ment and a heart In tho good cause they were serving Altogether it was" a" Very pleasant affair, well attended, and netted about S100. By-the-way, wo nearly omitted to mention that Berkly's String Band Tnade the occasion memorable and pleasant by discoursing ex cellent music. And to Geo. R. Davis, Rector, tho presiding genus, great credit is due for his able management in thcgeneral arrange ment and conduct of the Festival. The entire office unite In returning thanks for ice cream, lemonade, &C. Item. Our worthy bachelor friend, Henry Hart, drew a beautiful quilt. We suppose he Is now open for a proposition of co-partnership for "better or worse." We wish him Joy and success. Jacob Marohn also drew a quilt, tho flrst thing he says ho ever drew. RASE BALL. The match game between tho Athletes, of Rockport, Mo., and the Furnas Nine of this place, we learn from the Rockport Journal, was a very interesting one, being so closely contested that till very near tho close of the game It was impossible to tell who to bet up on. The following Is the score given by the Journal: ATHLETES. It O Colvln, p....... 9 I Golden, c f........ 5 -1 G Blake 2d b .3 C Pricket, ss..........3 "l W. Blake, c ,.A 0 Todd 1 f 8 6 Martin, r f. i 3 H Blake, lstb 6 2 Bucham, 3d b.. 5 2 FURNAS NINE. RO Furnas, c... 4 4 Shiesl, p.... .......0 3 uates, isi o.... .-..... Smith, 3d b 4 Longnecker, 2d b-5 Harrison c f.......4 Gaily, 1 f..............4 Colbapp, r f. Jl ShuxtEj s s .1 Total Athlcts.... Furnas..., ..4127 Total 3327 ..4l , 33 Mrjority for Athletes - 3 Umpire J. P.. Ricke. Scorers, M. B. Nick olson and D. C. Smith. From this It will beseen that Colvln, of the Athletes made the most runs, and Gates, of the Furnas Nine, stands next; although the general average on both sides is good, and warrants us in predicting a closely contested game in tho event that a match is played be tween thesa clubs in this place, the challenge for which Is out, but no time sot. - Several incidents transpired during the game. Col happ's main attempt lo "catch a fly," was "all In his eye," and Todd ran to the flrst base with his "bat in his hand." Our boys were treated to the best the land afforded while there, and made to feel perfectly at home, the Athletes vicing with cach.other in their general hospitality to the strangers. Tho Athletes have good grounds, are good players and gentlemen. Our boys have been intent for the past week on securing grounds nearer the city than those they now play on west of the cemetery, In order to practice more, and give the Athletes a better garaef hui have not yet found aplace. Wo hope thcy may, as many of our citizens will want to turn out to see the coming match. Tho Furnns Nine have changed their names and will hereafter be known as the Ncmahas. The Otoes of Nebraska city have challenged Occidentals, of Falls City, to play for the championship of the State, on the grounds of the Otoes. The Occidentals refuse to go 60 miles to play for tho championship, which they already possess, but propose to play the Otoes at Falls-City, for tho championship and 5500 any day. We understand the regulations to be that tho challenging party have the right to choice of grounds. If this is correct it seems to us, to say the least of it, a very unfair regulation. Economy. By using Mrs. Whltcomb's Soothing Syrup for children, many a doctor's bill can be saved and mueii suffering averted. Read the advertisement In another column. Beware of ToolhPoiious vended under the name of Dentriflces. Adopt and adhere to the only preparation that really preserves the teeth, and hardens tho gums, fragrant Sczodont. Its effects on decaying teeth are marvelous. "Snaldixic's Glue" mends t Crockery, Wooden Ware, etc. A BARGAIN TO DRUGGISTS ! Wishing to retire from business, wo offer our stock of drugs and medicines at a bar gain for cash, or will sell part on time if de sired. Applications must bo made soon, as we are determined to sell. .Tacolj Marohn has just received a flnc lot of the strongest piece goods ever brought to this market, warranted all wool, and Is selling them as low as possible for cash. Protector Fruit Jars, best -Jar made, at F. E. Johnson & Co's. Go to McLaughlin's and buy your Spring Wheat Flour; the best Spring Wheat Flour sold; Beatrice Mills. At Cost for the' next thirty days Paints, Oils, Glass, Window Shades, Wall Paper, at McCki:eky &. NickeW;. 31-3m Johnson & Co., without the slightest ex aggeration, wo may say. have one of the be-;t stocks of Dry Goods and Groceries in the city, are pleasant men to deal with, and sell very low. "When Mosquito Bars are In season, go to Johnson's lor them. Fall "Wheat Flour, best In tho market, Kirchival Mills, can bo had of D. n. Mc Laughlin. If yon -irant any Turning done, go to Hannnford & McFall's, for they have now their Turning Lathe in full operation. Ilannaforil fc HIcFall have a largo stock of picture Mouldings, of beautiful patterns, and will turn out Frames of tho best style low for cash. "'THE GREATEST BLESSING TO THE GREATEST NUMBER" is the DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING PRICE REGULATOR of A. MAY &. CO., For it has done much, very much, to bring Goods and Clothing withlng the reach of all ; aud now that matters and things are down, the people will remember their deliverer, for he has a good stock, .and, as usual, a large assortment of goods of all kinds to ofler them, and at such rates that all can buy. Singer Sewing Machine Book Store. at Moore's SLEEP eAsY;AND COMFORTABLE. A new supply of Matrasses of all kinds Sea grass. Shuck, African Palm Leaf, Moss and Hair, just received by Hannaford &. Mc Fall, and are going ofl'rapldly. Why?. Be cause they are sold low down for cash. Call and Examine tho Singer Sewing M ichlues, next door io the Po toffice. HANNAFORD &. McFALL Have now a stock of furniture fiom which the most fastidious or ingenious wholesaleor retail buyers cau be Milted. They have eve rything In quantities larger than was ever kept in Southern Nebraska, and sell so low that countrydealers fall tosee any advantage In going to St. Joseph or any other sea port for thir stock. Give t hem a call ! Garden Trowels and Bush Nippers, at J. C. Deuser's. ? V i r You will Und 'School-books cheap' for cash at Moore's ; same place where you can get a Singer Sewing Machine. GENUINE J0SHD&3BE.U0XJKE&L0W! SEIBERLING'S EXCELSIOR REAP . ER AND MOWERv Tho Excelsior is no longer an untried ex periment; but, on the contrary, it is a suc cessful reality, having now been ijeltoro the public nine harvests, and having passed, tri umphantly through the severest tests on all kinds of land; up hill and down hill; through mud and mire; over stones-,-slumps and ditches; wet and dry; cutting through tangled and lodged grain and grass, and still doing Ite work equally well in all situations and conditions, until it Is now acknowledg ed by all, both friends and adversaries, to have more good points than any other" Reap er and Mower now known. Sample Machines at Shcllenbergtir'a. All are invited to call and examine for themselves. VALLEAU fc CO. Have closed up their wholesale rooms, and arc now giving their exclusive attention to the wholesale business, and their Billiard room. They will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of Wines and Liquors, and have the best appointed Billiard Room In Southern Nebraska, presided over by "Vallcau himself, champion Bllllardlst of Nebraska 32-0m Genuine John Deere Pfloline Plow I Fresh Eggs and Yellow Butter can al ways be had. Read the advertisement "Greatest Work of the Age," In tills paper. 33-3m Do Yon IVant a good set of Harness, a good Collar, a good Saddle, or a good Whip; you will find them in full stock, in full vari ety and cheap at B. F. Sauder's, 52 Main street. 27'tr A good assortment of Water Coolers, Ice cream freezers and Toilet Ware at Deuser's. A Scientific "Wonder. The Craig Micro scope adapted to scientific use. Read tho ad vertisement. Price $2,75. o3-3m GENUINE JOHN DEEEE HOLINE PLOW! Banisters, Hand Rail and Newel Posts at J. R, Belli Son's Lumber Yard; where any-i thing in the building lino can be had, at the most reasonable rates. They are gathering the Lumber Tradeof Southern Nebraska un der their wing, and for the simple reason that it pays people better to buy there than any where else. NOTICE. Tho regular term of tho Probate ConrLfor the trial of civil cases for nil sums over one hundred dollars and under threo hundred dollars, will be held at the office of tho Pro bate Judge in tho city of Drownville, Nema "ha county, Nebiaska. commencing on thq flrst Monday of each calendar month. A. W.. MORGAN, 27-tf Probate Judge. Banisters, llan-l Rail and Newel Posts kept by J. R. Bell & Son, at their Lumber Yard corner of College and First-sts. " Genuine John Deere Moline Plowl A Fctv Moss Baskets left at Deuser's. Wm. H. Yloover, Real Estate" Agent and Convcyencer: Court Room. 31-tf ojouj saoS .poq.Cra.vo osnnooq 'sddOJi .fcnjoim 0J3iA savouj .CpoqA"jOA3 uonoossjirj uj pouodo joao ojoav sis soj3doj3 OD'OlppUTJSUOnOv 'spoof) Al(I 3ulHO0 JOUI -tuns jo ?uoui;.tos.-su uu 00010 su ni.v poj otU "I lins sj .CaiKiauH oifi.i3uiA.ui at J& AT HANNAFORD & McFALL'S Buggies, Gigs, Perambulators, Fifty-cent Toy Gigs, Chair Rockers, Baby Jumpers, etc., In abund ance, and at prices to suit all, and "still they come." MEADOW KING MOWER. West Rutland, Vt., Sept. 29, 1369. Messrs. Gregg, Plyki. &. Co: I began my haying on the 5th of July, using the Meadow King Mower. It lias done the work formerly done by two machines, at about one-half the expense of labor, and to my entire satisfaction. I cut 200 acres of grass In Ao consecutive tlays. I have ordered of your General Agent, Mr. Scott, another machine for an adjoining farm of 300 acres. In my opinion, your machine Is the best in the market. Yours Truly WM. F. BARNE3. Samples may be seen at Shellenbcrger Bro's. GENUINE JOHN DSE3E HOLINE PLOW! Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttier's advertisement. For Purb Drugs and Medicines, our word for it, you will go farther, nnd fare worse, If you pass Lett's Drug Store in the Block. Genuine John Deere Woline Plowl J. C. DcuscrisexciisIvoAgentforCham plon Combined Reapers and Mowers. 27-3m The Trichina Spiralis or Pork Worm. Perhaps it is not generally knoWn that the much talked of IriclUna spiralis, or pork "orm, was flrst discovered in America by Dr. It. C. Kendall, of Philadelphia, Pn., with that American Instrument known as the Craig Microscope, costing only $2,7.1, after repeated failures to discover the worm with an imported microscope, costing 55, "of fecalerpower and less reliable'." This fnct I)r. Kendall stands ready to prove at any time. The "Craig" Micro scope in neat box with full direction is mailed any where lor ?2,75, by E. 1L Eoss. 313 Locust St,, St. Louis Mo. Head theadvertiscment In this paper; S3-3m Clocks, splendid assortment. WATCHES, full stock. JEWELRY, In abundance at Dunn fc Hays' who also do all kinds of re pairing of Clocks, Watches cr Jewelry. No. 29, Alain street. ll-3m Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, and Groceries, at the Dictators, W.T. DEN'S. A well selected stock of Wagon and Bug gy timber, No. 1, at J. C. Deuser's. 29-tf MCCORMICK'S ADVANCE ! Prize Slower I ! Rcllnldc : ! ! one or two wheeled, single ordoublebarred,slow or fast motion, combined and separate Harvesters, with improvements for 1670, are tle most simply-constructed, light draft, accurate-raking, grain-gleaning, rapid-running 'and clean-cutting machines now manufactured. This Is attested by all who have used them ; the "Advance' being considered the tic plus ultra of Reapers and Mowers. The McCor mick Bro's never made a machine for sale that they were afraid to put on trial against any other, and their "Advances" challenges as well the admiration of the world as" It does all other machines to a trial. Ell H. Wilcox, Agent, office at F. E. Johnson &. Co's store, Brownvlllo. 2G-3m Genuine John Deere Moline Plow I A PIJfE LUMBER TARD. Kilbourn, Jenkins tCo., corner of Fourth nnd Main streets, In this city, have constant ly on hand a full stock of the best Pino Lum ber of all kinds; also, also Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, lath, Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc, which they are telling at the lowest possible figuies for which the same can be got out of the log and shipped to this point. They are determined to continue as heretofore to sup ply the bulk of lumbes, etc, used In this Land District. Call and see them ! CIGARS at wholesale or retail at A. F. Conn's Cigar Factory, 61 Main street. DR. HOLLADAY Respectfully Informs his old friends and the public, that he Is prepared to attend all calls in tho line of his profession. Office at D. H. Lewis & Co.'s Drug Store, Main street, Brownvllle, Neb. si-tf CAIT PAU) FOR ALL KLXDS OF GKAiy. By Evan Worthing., dealer In Grain and Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No. 56, Main street, Brownvllle. lS-3m TO THE FARMER OF NEMAHA, RICHARDSON AND PAWNEE COUNTIES. Before making any engagements for your Reapers, Movrers, Threshing Machines, Wagons, &c, call on W. T. DEN, of Brown vllle, Neb., and examine the following Ma chines and Implements: The Tornado Thresher and Separator. The World Mower and Reaper, The Mansfield Mower and Reaper, The Celebrated Improved Jackson and Schuttler Wagons. Hay Rakes, Solid Socket Pitch Forks.Hand Rakes, Hoes, Sythes and Snathes, with a new stock of celebrated Cooking Stoves, of Best Improvements and latest paterns, at factory prices. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS W. T. DEN makes a speciality of the best brand of Paints, Oils, Glass, &c, which ho will sell at low figures, for cash. A. P. COGSWELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Office, corner First and Atlantic streets. Buy and sell lands, pay taxes for non-residents. Gives particular attention to buying, selling and renting city property. 30-3m JOHN P. MANNY'S Mower Reaper (Hand-Raker) Self- Raker and Dropper. If yon want a Mowing Machine, the John P. Manny"isstronger.moredurableond light er draft In proportion to Its width than any other. Do you want aHand-raking Reaper? The John P. Manny has no equal for durabil ity, light draft, ease of management, and perfect delivery of the grain. Do you want a Dropper? This is guaranteed to be unsur passed in excellence. Do you want a Sclf Rake? The New John P. Manny Combined Self-Rake and Mower is warranted to be as good as the best. Notwithstanding this ma chine Is capable of performing so great a va riety of work, and each kind so perfectly that we warrant it to be equal to any single or combined machine, for either purpose, yet the coi&naiow are made so direct and nat ural that the machine is really as free from complication as any single machine. Shellenbcrger Bro's have" Just received one car load of these excellent machines. Farm ers, call and sec them ! Fence Wire and Staples, at J. C. Deuser's. J. R. BELL &, SON Aro men than whom none do more, or have done more, to build up and make a name for this city and county, for by their liberality in dealing In that necessary build ing material, Pine Lumber, they have placed a good building in the reach of many a man that would not otherwise have been able to build, and have attracted a large trade from the interior, which otherwise would have sought some other point. They Intend to keep the trade they have and in crease it as much as possible, and to this end they have now nd will constantly keep as large a stock of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Door nnd Window Frames, etc., as Is kept anywhere on the Missouri river, nnd refer those that wish to buy In their line to those who have bought of them, as tho best test of prices and their manner of dealing. Re member It is the lower yard, corner of Col lege and First streets. No more high prlees for Furniture; W. T. DEN sells Furniture cheaper than the cheapest. Among tho rising business men of our city, may well be classed the thriving firm of Hauk & Annitage. They make a speciality of keeping on hand chloce staple and fancy groceries, and sell low for cash, with "down weight" in everything. Give them a call. Go yc forth into the world and preach the glorious doctrine to all mankind to save 25 per cent, by buying Clothing at May's Regulator. AT HANNAFORD &, McFALL'S You will find the largest supply of Bed Lounges inthe west, of every pattern from the plainest to the nicest, all good, durable aud comfortable. They make a speciality of this branch of their business, nnd can sell low for cash. Ottomans and Hassocks at Hannaford and McFall's. A Wonderful Microscope. Rev. Daniel "Wise. D.D., editor of the New York Sunday School Advocate, thus speaks of the cele brated Craig Microscope : "Its simplicity, cheapness, and great magnifying powerstruck me with surprise. Then I was exam ining a ily's eye by its aid, and was struck with wonder at the skill and power of the Creator which is displayed in its structure. When I saw a state ment in an advertisement that'the Craig Microscope magnilicd one hundred diameters, and could be bought for $2,50, 1 thought it was one of the hum hugs of the hour, for I had paid $30 fora microscope not long before. Hut now Hind it to be really valu able instrument which I should like to see intro duced into the families of our readers in place of the manifold useless toys which please for an hour and Is then destroyed. This microscope would both amuse and instruct them, nnd I advise every boy and girl who wishes to know the wonders which He in little things to save his money until he has $2,75, which will pay for the microscope and the postage when sent by mall." As a holiday gift this microscope is unsurpassed, being ornamental, bistructlve, amusing and cheap, and never looses its interest. Agents and dealers supplied on reasonable terms. A sample will be mailed, post paid, to any address for $2,73, by E. II. Ras,3l3 Locust St., St. .Louis, Mo. Read the advertisement in another column. 33-3m THE DORSEY SELF RAKING REAP ER AND MOWER. Mill Aj:k, Ind., December 15, 16C9. Messrs. A. PitiTs fc Sons : Sirs: The Dorsey Self-raking Reaper, that I bought of your Agent, James Nichols, is, I think, tho most perfect piece of machinery ever set to work. Draft is light, delivery regular; nnd its performance In my neigh borhood attracted especial attention, and was admired byall who saw It work. I tried It in wheat and cutting clover for seed. Of clover, I cut over 100 acresi and never lost an hour by reason of breakage. It is durable light draft, ahd in every respect a perfect ma, chine. Yours Truly, ALLEN BIGG. Samples at Shellenbergcr Bro's. Call and seel GENUINE JOHN D3EBE HOLINE PLOW ! Sliool Books at wholesale and retail, at Moore's establishment, next doou to Postof flce. Fence "Wire, in abundance at Shellenbcr ger Bro's : See Advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispen sary, headed Book for the Million Mar kiageGuidi in another column. It should be read by all. 27-y Study Your interests and read the ad vertisement "Greatest Work of the Age," In this paper. 33-3m Patronize Home Industry. All kinds of Marble work can be had at Ncidhardt's Marble Works in this city, cheaper than It can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. 11-tf COMMERCIAL. BROWNVILLE. Corn,8hclled,M, 00 Corn, in the ttir.w.40'Mj Spring Wheat.....40'i'fc50) Oats 30&35 Barley Oats.... 30 Barley - .......4000 Sin-ins W" FlourJ"4i2,"0 Fall V Hour 35(3.75 Apples, green$l,502.2.( Potatoes .. .. ..?lxS 2.5 Iard 12&15 Cranberries, "p qt 15" Honey 30 I KggS. lOffitt, Butter u.1215 Chickens, dressed t 5) 8 Turkeys, do -.10 Geese. do 10 Beef Cattle S'iOicta Hogs gross 7.u 7.50 1 " net .ii 8.75 ' Dressed ii UJ!0t9 ' nides,Green -U&5 Dry Flint 10"M Mink ?l,00(Sil,50 Beaver $l,o$l5 Coon u.2070 Bacon Hams ,15 1G Sides -l5ftlB frnouiaersHfDi5 Wool UnwashedSXrtr. " Tub Washed.-I045 PRANG'S CHROMOS Areflsnife reproductions ofexquisitc oil paint ings, so admirably executed as to render It Impossi ble for any one bat experts to detect the difference between them. Ask for them at the Art and Picture Stores. Our Chromos are sent free to any address within theTJnlted States, east of the Mississippi on receipt of price. Prang's "Chromo Journal," Issued quarterly, con tains a complete descriptive catalogue of our Chro mos, with special information about the art. Spec imen copies of the Journal sent free to any address, on receipt of stamp. 12-y L. PKANG & CO, Boston, Mass. aural iu.sh, Mnxte. ATTORNEYS. O. B. JXEWETT. 3. W. XEWXAX. HEWETT & NEWMAN, ATTORNKYS iV COUNSELORS AT LAW, Ofllce. 230. 70, McPherson Block, up stairs. sujxjnr TREsan, w. t.booxh' FRENCH & ItOGERS, ATTORNEYS Jfc COUNSELORS AT LAW. Olllce in Court House .Building. Will jfive diligent attention to any legal business entrusted to their care. 43-tfJ JOB A. DILLON. ATTORNEY fc COUNSELOR AT LAW and General Land Agent, Tecumssh, Johnson County, Nebraska. THOMAS & BROADY. ATTORNKYS AT LAW AI R SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, OFFICE District Court Room. wm. h. Mclennan, attorney and counselor .' .VT LAW, Nebraska City, Nebraska. B. F. PERKINS. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Tecumseb. Johnson County. Neb. NYE & HUMPHREY, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, Pawnee City, Pawnee Co., Neb. N. K. GRIGGS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND LAND AGENT, Beatrice. Gage County. Nebraska. PHYSICIANS. C. F. STEWART, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in D. II. Lewis A Co.'s Drug Store. Ofllce hours from 7 to 3 iLm and 1 to 2 nnd G,'a to 7ip. m. WM. M. DAILY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Si. Deroln, Nebraska. Graduate of Cincinnati Eclectic College. 3f-y W. H. KIMBERLIN. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TO NEB. EYE AND EAR INFIKMARY. Qfctce & Maln-st. Office Hocus 7.n.toGr.w. H. a THUHMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olllce No. 85 Main Street. Ofllce hours from 7 to 11a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. E. L. MATHEWS, PHTSiCIANAD SURGEON, Ontee in City Drug Store, Maln-st. HOTELS. STAR HOTEL. STEVENSON & CROSS. PROPRIETORS. Best Accommodations in the City. This House has Just been remodeled, inside and out. Stage Ofllce for all points "West. Omnlbusses to all trains. AMERICAN HOUSE. L. D. ROBISON, PROPRIETOR. Front-st., bet. Main and Water. A good Feed andLlvery Stable In connection with the I rouse. ZjAND agents. . R. V. HUGHES, REAL ESTATE AGENT fc NOTARY PUBLIC. Office over Hannaford & McFall's Furniture store. WM. H. HOOVER, REAL ESTATE it TAX PAYING AGENT. Office in District Court Room. Will give prompt attention to the sale of Real Es tate and Payment of Taxes throughout theNmaha Land District. JONAS HACKER, LAND AND TAX PAYING AGENT. Office with Probate Judge. Will attend to the Payment of Taxes for Non Resident Land Owners In Nemaha County. Corres pondenco solicited. NOTARIES. JAS. C. McNAUGHTON, NOTARY PUBLIC & CONVEYANCER, Ofllce in J. L. Carson's Bank. E. E. EBRIGHT. NOTARY PUBLIC &- CON VEYANCER, No. 72 Maln-st., second floor. Agent for the" Edultablc and American Tontine Life Insurance Companies, DRUG STORES. SSVN. "V McCREERY & NICKELL. DEALERS IN DRUGS, STATIONERY, fcc. No. 32 Muin-st, Full assortment Drugs, Paints, Books, Stationery, etc., on Baud, und sold at wholesale or retail. HOLLADAY & CO., DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, fcc. No. 41 Maln-st. GRAIN DEALERS. EVAN WORTHING, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Office nnd Wareroom 55 Maln-'rt.. Doaler in all kinds of Grain and Country Pro- auce. GEO. G. START & BRO., DEALERS IN GRAIN, PRODUCE, fcc. Aspinwnll, Nebraska. The highest market price paid for anything the farmer can raise. "We will buy and sell everything known to the market. MERCHANDISE. F. E. JOHNSON & CO. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE No. 72 Main-it.. McPherson Block, Wm. t. den Sealer in general merchandise, ForwnrdiiiRttCoiiimiwsion Merchant, No. 62 Maiii-8t., Prownvllle. Corn Planters), Plows, S.toves, Furniture, Ac., nl- waysonhand. Highest market price paid for Hides, Pelts, Furs, and Country Produce. MUSIC. v MRS. J. M. GRAHAM, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Rooms. Maln-st., bet. -I til nnd 5th, Mrs. Graham gives Instructions In Vocal and In strumental Music, and is agent Tor the best Organs and Pianos in the country from the Arms of Root A Cady, Chicago, Hi., Bradbury. Steck, Chlckcring, Stlnway, Hntns Bros.. Calenhurg nnd Vaupel. All warranted for five years, and will be sold at manu facturcr's prices. HARDWARE. SHELLENBERGER BRO'S.. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES. No. 71 Main-st. Stoves, Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmith Furnishings, Ac, constantly on hand. JOHN C. DEUSER. DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, tc. No. 73 Maln-st. SADDLERY. J. H. BAUER. HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS) Etc. No. a Main-st. Mending done to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. BOOTS AND SHOES. xW A. ROBINSON, , BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 53 Main-st. Has constantly on hand a good asortment ol Gent's, Iindle's, Misses' and Children's Boots ond Shoes. Custom work done with neatness and dis- patcli. Repairing done 011 short notice. CONFECTIONERIES. TSRAEL S.APE. CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. No. 31 Maln-st.. opposite I'ityDnig Store. Pics, Cakes. Fresh Bread, Confectionery. Light and Fancy Groceries, constantly on hand. J P DEUSER DEALER INCONFECTIONERIES, &c No. 4lMaln-st-. ED. J. SMITH, II. S. AVAR CLAIM AGENT, Washington City, D. C. Will attend to the prosecution of claims before the Department in person, for Additional Bouiity.Back Pay and Pen!ous. and all claims accruing against the Government during the lute war. SALOONS. . JOSEPH HUDDARD & CO.. PEACE AND Q,UIET SALOON. No. 47 Maln-st. The" Best Wines and Liipjors kept on hand. HARPSTER & GLINES. ALHAMBRA BILLIARD SALOON, No. 19 Main street. The best Wines and Liquors constantly on hand. JUSTICES. A. W. MORGAN, PROBATE JUDGE AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office In Court House Building. CARPENTERS AND JOH-TERS. " " GEO W. NEELY & Co'." CARPENTERS AND JOINERS, Brownvllle. Nebraska. Are prepared to do all kinds of work fn wood. In a workmanlike manner, on short notice, and at rea sonable rates. Contract work solicited. Shop under Small A McLaughlin's Auction and Commission House. 'X-y BRIDGE BUILDING. C. W. WHEELER. BRIDGE BUILDER &, CONTRACTOR. Brownvllle, Nebraska. Sole agent for R. W. Smith's Patent Trass Bridge. Thestronfcest and best wooden bridge now In nse. TAILORING. CHRIS. HAUBOLDT. MERCHANT TAILOR, No.G2iIain-st. Has on hand a splendid stock of Goods, and will make them up In the latest styles, on short notice and reasonable tenns COUNTY SURVEYOR. .TTTLfrfS GILBERT. COTfNTY SURVEYOR, Post Ofllce address. Clifton, Nemaha County, Nebraska. BLACKSMITHS. J. H. REASON. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, 3Ialn-st Brownvllle. Neb. Is prepared to do. aU kinds of work In Iron, 0:1 short notice, and at. prices in keeping with the times, a-y J. W. & J. C GIBSON. BLACKSMITHS &, HORSE SHOERS. FIrst-6,. betMain and Atlantic. All work don to order and satisfaction guaranteed. SWAN & GENERAL ijoceries V. PP. Wo have on hmI al Isrg'e STAPLE AND GO To which we are making co we are selling at Prices as the Mississippi. In the Quality of our Goods FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST MARKET 12-40 GO GO McPherson & Tuttle DEALERS AND MI GOODS ID GlOHSi NO. 66 MAIN STREET, TEARE & CO.'S:OLD STAND, UROTy-JfYILLE. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE BEST QUALITY OF" TEAS, 00FFEES, SUGARS, PEARL BARLEY, RICE, AND ALL KINDS OF DRIED FRUIT. A. L. RICH. A. H. GILLSIORE. NEW ADMINISTRATION AT THE RED STOE RICH & GILMORE, Successors to W. H. SMALL, DEALERS AND GROCERIES & Suck as Coffees, ugaxs, Toas, Molasses. Syrups, Flour, Bacon, Tish, Dried Boof, Salt, Coal Oil, To"baceo, Cigars, Choeso. Briodand Qrcon Fruits, Cea foctionarics of all Kinds, "Wooden Ware, &o. In connection -with the above they keep" constantly on hand tL large supply of feed, COM, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, .&c All Goods Sold at Prices that Defy Competition, HlghestMarket Trice paid forall kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Reduced Prices to suit the Times, Small Profits and Fair Deallnp. Is their invariable Ttile Goods will bo sold to Country Merchants In either largo or small bills and nt extremely lovr rates. rTpiiwmaMWMMatBaciMrnppiaMM hum 1111 i CQ is fell r (log a a Q BE & 1 a P 1 gs CQ 111 . o ill Pi J n CO s I J. PFEIFFERS' 3X-A.Iil31L.Ii: WORKS! Corner Sixth and SU Charles Streets, ST. JOSEPH, MO: Dealer in Lime; Hair and OEMEISTT, PLASTER, WHITE SAND, FIRE URICK, Ac, Ac, Ac, &c H-i"ily 5 a: 0 c. o o to I 3 JOB PRINTING, in one or more ti colore, promptly done at tho Advertiser Job Olllce. H J Si H -Z k5 m i a 'SSI f,5 S m 9 If hi ft w I PI o S - 1 m BROTHER, DEALERS LN PmifiiH and well assorted stock of FANC3T GROCERIES nstaflt additions, and whicn low as any House west 6i WE DEFY COMPETITION, . - , - APPROVED BRAS1)& PRICE PAID FOR SW-AJS" & BRO. 9' JOBBERS IN JOBBERS IN PROVISIONS f B 5B BMI Mi 1 1 III II me DR.WHITTIEB A REGULAR GRADUATKOF5IEDICVVE as'llDlonvlat oQIce trill show. hr.s been lonircr ensured In the treatment of Vc nereal. Scxual and rrlvntcIMscascs than any othcrpliy- sicianinot.i.ouis. cypiuiis, uouorrnra. Ulcer. Stricture, Orchitis, Hernia, and I'iniM.re: all. Urinary Diseases and Syphilitic or JUrcurtal Afillctloasof Hie throat, skin or bones arc treat ed -wlill Hnpnralcllcd success. Spermatorrhea. Sc-tnalDcbility.andlmpotency, as the result of self-abuse in to utli, sexual excesses in ma turcryears, or oilier canscs, and ivltlcli produce somcofthcfoliowinircirects. nsnocturrul einls-t slons, blotches, debility, dizziness, dimness of S hi pm, coainsion oiiueas, cvmorcuouinps, nvcr-1 slou tosocietv of females, lossof mcniorr. and I scAuai puwer. anu rrnucmig marriage improp er, arc permanently cured. ThoDoctor'soimorttinitlesinho-mltalandnrl- . r , . . . . . -----. vato Dractico are unsurpassed lnSt.Louisorany other city Back flics otbt.LoulspapersproTc that ho has been located thera longer by years iiiauanroiiicrsaiiTcrusinir. jncccumisumciir. iiorary; lanoraiory auu appointments are unri valed in tho West. nnsurhaSfeil nmrwliere. Apt. vrtili experience, can bo relied upon, and thcdoctorcanreiertomanvnliTsiclanstlirocch- outthe country. In past success and present position ho stands without a competitor. The wrltlnfts of a physician Trhoso reputation is Union-wide should be rorth reading. , UK. wiiinitifa i'ampietscnt 10 any address In asealedeuvclopofortwo stamps, ilany phy sicians Introduce patients to tho doctor alter! rcadhur ids medical pamphlet. Communlco-j tlonscunudcntlal. AiricndlytaiRwIlIcostTonl noiiiing. uinee central, yeireureu .o G17&UI martc3si.,ci. joui3,jio jioorsya.m. toip.m DB. WILBER CONTINCEStotrcatalirrlvatc Diseases. Syph IIIs, alilnrn-sof Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture,' c., completely eradicated. That numerous class of cases resulting from self-abuse, producing un nunllness.nervoiisdetjlllty. Irritability, crupiioii34 seminal emissions, and finally J m potency, perma nently cured. Persons afflicted vrlth delicate. In tricate and lonjr-standlng constitutional complaints aro politely luvlted to call lor consultation) which costs notM tut. .Experience, tliu best of teachers, has enabled hlrrt to perfect remedies at dncO cm clent. eal'c; permanent, and which In roost eases can be used without hindrance to business. The vs tahllshmcnt embraces office, reception ami walling rooms, olfo lioardintraiidslccplmr apartments Jor patients requiring daily personal attention, and vapor ac.d chemical baths. No matter who haTo failed, statcrour case .Read bis pamphlet, sent to anyaddrcsfrce. Thonsandsbfcascstreatcd anr.u nliyat office and all over the country. G 16 Wash ington ave.. St. Louis. I'ours 9 A. II. to 7 P. St Pamphlets sent to any r ress for two stamps. A BOOH. PGS TK3 BZS2JL20H. MARRIAGE A nlrsts CnllftMl U tlio Mar-tad. cr tho.e ntxmt to mAi-T. en ttia iarIoUz!cal 3 5B3RlK? i mjrjctiti r.d icttUUoo of VViicja I the mxbiI jftcm. ll&tho I l,riKtriitfrrr..lnnri.l(v1i.. w prcrcuunic oujpnn-. limr u7r.r3crTcinecornTie:uei.aae . l&Mlsulutcrtiiig Kifclsor t.o tnn.!rnJ3J twimly foar pS. lta nnmeruui eocriitug. aadcetiMlaj.Ta'iiab'elnrof (nation ur Ihoao who axe darned, or coatcniplata msrrlat. BU11, 1 lit a. book thit oajl.t ts bo iept nsder luck raid key. sail cot la! J carelessly about tho bonis. Sent to aay oao rreeoftota;farTIfty Cratt. AdMren Pr. BatU Dbpcsiarr To 1 2 Scrti Eijhta Street, St. Loaij, Uo. Notice to tho Afflicted and Unfortunate. JSetatt applying to tas notnHntti :n-tj irho Airmlmi la public paper, or ruing any quae reaicdlai, pcre Pr. Butu" work, no matter tftiat yo-r cucua In, or hew dcolorabla jour condition. Dr. BatU eaa be cfttliM, pcrvnally-ef by sialT, en tho glien m taentloueil in kit irk.. 021e-a.l2ona HlghU. Street, between Market and C&ctast, S t. Looti, Mo. - . m i a . " . . . .. .A. Karo OoHeetioii. "R0n.ACD'S BTCCnrTS. "Jaglo Am, Dbso-tries, ie., comrirUlnsTalaabio Information for eTerjbotJy Sent by matt (free of rtrsMI for KITTY renin AdJre.i h.E.30& M.VSDT, Xo. 1 3 Sort. El-hta a trtrt. S t. Lt!. Xo. Y)HAK17S COLUCCTIOS of near!rao rirradreil nifii tot XJ makinjErjJi.lT.aJlklnii.or Wlur. cia. Ale, Beer, Cor dlalx. 8srerlor Cider, and meeh ether tueftil information for thosa tf ealiaf In orpuasfarttrlas any of tU abort, either for tbe trade or boras ere. "Seat by stall (fret or rortatT) tit Tlfty Ccntt. Addrwo E. r. KUIUIAnr,.o.lZonaXUilitiaircet, SuLooJj.Uo. Buy Me and PI! Do You Good, HOOT & FliAKT co TT C!.ZA3:G T3K BLOOD A5D araulns th JJrer airl kctietlTo Or. Cins to a L-iIthyatl-m, tone Pill enra rainy cera?'uau i ica 1. verua set bo tsppotcil tbcrcoaU reach, snrh al Halo- auicPAlxzH TU4ia Xtaaxxu orisi r r m llaxi3 a"id yarr. Jrciutc, Cnaxxxt. Uarrxrrca: Krrsarcia I.iOTArrt-Tr. lituocr diiutbt, hDrr Arrrcrwa. t.ojiniTio Suiurr. I zmtzm f iu xxiDc OrspirtiA Ja' joicx and other kin dred coapaojics arl'lngfrosialoiratatecf I mc wwj, or ooii.etioa criu ranetioat Ccioe f roc frnra mTcorTCcd otter nrtton.. ' they can be taken at altttnrs and Ba-r ail rsmisataacet trUtisat resard ta diet or Lailnrrx. Fries 2 3 eesttabox. PreTored by tho Craaon 3f cdldae Co Et. LonI. Ka. Sold by drossl.ti aa 1 dealers In raedictcc CTerj-irhero. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. 27e Great Soothing J2cairdy, gRS. C CEreicol'aadTlil3stata)?BI(,3 V(lilTCOTC3'S barrWa asd faei!ia tfcs pro- 25 3TRS. f Babdaes eonraMene an 1 crrr BEI02 Witl'CGPCB'S-wica ali ilmm Icodect t 25 SYEUP. (lniiatsandeiildrea. 3CKIcT3 HRS. f Carea TJUrrkea. ayteateryandl PEICS WHlTCOHB'SiSttraB-rtooiiaUtlnelaldrea- 25 SjCHUP. (orutasa- - iai&TS It ft the prat Infants' aad Children'! aeathlcs SmtdT la all disorders bronchi on ty Teetalan cr tmyothcrcaAia Pra pareit br the Crcfton 2icdiUse Co.. St. Loulr, li'g. Sold by ircsjuu and iSealets 1 n nsdlctso CTnrtrhera. BLVNKSof all kind, constantly oa hand, atthc Advertiser Jol? Gflitc j lift lb I J "a M m Hi fd . w k iiX.-a s, i f,n ill' m ' a vU ll 4 .!ni , 1 SK-15 I f ' 4 m u it! r i pi ifvjt d A ' ! h i 2J lj 1 a ;il! fr ;t .51 I t s 7 js. l'Uf 'I m