tt3!aTatnmcSHtS&3SaLmZim J'. i i .-j. i . i OFFICIAL PiJPEEOETHECITY. SOCIAL DIRECTORY. .XOIKJKS.. .null Tknatpr Na. 4. R. A. M. -nxniiiirnnmmuiiicatloiuiflntMondTnia;ht in eh monttu- XVectore lieetincs every jaonaai- , .Tnth- lecture lleetincs every Monda; iTfoht. 3. w- J? DKWAS, JB- TprsY.Secy. Neaaaaa. Taller Iae N 4t A. F. tfc A M. BeguUr OommuBicatloas first and third Saturday nights In eacn montn. Ase oi -.iBnctionerery Saturday night. B..W. Itm a, BrewavUle Leae N. 5 t n. n. v. Regular meetings Tuesday evening ot eacn week. H. C. Lttt, guQ. .J.aTgvjrBoy. aecy. Hr w4M Le4e No. 30 T. O. G. "E. Meets every Friday erenlnsr- B.r.SotriltB, or P T. ATSOX BlCKBUBX, w.u, vs 1 . CHURCHES. Ckarefc. Servtew each JofeJsiirihath At 1030 at10-.30a.mand7;p-ni. Fraycr Mprtlns Wednesday evenings. OODUBUI ciilw atxo'clockp. m. J.T. , Baibd. Pastor. "rth&lKt E. Caarra. fcervices eacn Sabbath at lttSO a. m.. and 72i p. m. Sen ear School at S a. m. rrayer Meeting inurauaj renlng. P. H.3JAY. Pastor. 5arlr'a Caarca Bvbenil.- Corner JPE Atlantic and Second streets. Services every Sunday Morning at IOJJ o'clock p. m. Sunday school at2.i o'clock. EventngServlce at 7K o'clock. Hoir communion administered on the first Sunday breach month. Scan free. O. K. DAVIS. Hector. 3" Baptist. Cfcnrra, Comer Fourth and At JW2? Snfic streets. Services 'every Sabbath ex wnt the third In each month, at 11 o'clock a. u., & To'clocle r. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. prayer Meeting Wednesday T. S. LOWE. Pastor. CITY OFFICALS. 1 3Clrr Coaacil. Meets the First Thursday In JPG? each -month. Mayor.'C. F. Stowartf Al dermen. F. A. Tlsdel. W. 2. Lewis. F. E. Johnson, n Neldbardt, 1). Plasters. larshal. D. Capmbellf rk J. B. Docker. Attorney, S. French. Treaa r j.W.ailQaieton. Engineer. T.W. Bedford. - KAILS. Ht Eaatera mad itarxs nt ttw ... xi. -, -Rulo Mall arrives a. o hwbiw"" - rerBMaUarrivesatl0m.;derrteatl2p.nt; BerlceMaU arrives Mondays. Wednesdays and yriSpatS p-m.: departsTuesdays.Thursdaysarid 6K3Wl7a'rrives Trldays at 4 p. m.; departs Thursdays at 8 a. m. - . TPortO-flice Hours from, to TJp. jo- fa .frnI0tol04a.rn. W. A.POIa5cK.P.M- MAIJOROADS. fit. Joseph & Council Bluffs R.R. FOR gas Francisco and tfeo East mb Sovth. Two tralna dally each way, between St. Joseph ,i cbuncll Blufis,xMiectlng as follows : AtSt Joseph-With the Hannibal cfc'St. Joseph KMlroad for Qulncy. Kansas City via Cameron, St. T,onU via Macon and the East. ,, . At St. Joseph with the Missouri Valley Railroad for Atchison. Leavenworth.TCaneas Cltv, c. At Council Bluffs-wlth Union Paclnc Railroad fo' Denver, Salt Lake and California. AtCoundl Bluffs-wlth Chicago North Western Ballroad for Sioux Oty and " Dp Jliver." Pullman's Palace Cars are run through from Oosncll Bluffs to St. Louis and Qulncy. TIME TABLE. lb take dftct Sunday Jfay8, 1870, at lZo,ctoek,noon. No. 1 Express.bound JJorth, leave Phelps 2:10 p m lio. a Express, bound north, leave Mieips Ko.: Express, bound South, leave Phelps 5o. Express.bound South, leave Phelps &35am 2:42 pm teOSpm Train o. 3 dally except, iionaay. Train No. 4 dally except Saturday. All othr trains dally except Sunday. A. L. HOPKINS, Gen'lSuperlntendent. O-Jacob Rogers' Omnibus leaves Brownvllle for the Depot at s a. m. and 12 m.. dally. Hannibal & Saint Joseph Time Tabic. Taking eflcct January 9th, 1S70. ABBIVK. 3to. 1 Dav Exp. daily except Sunday. 720 pm WMam Xo. I Paclnc Exp. dally except Monday. v. x xipht Kxn. dallv excent MonOay. 70 a m 2f. 7 Through St. dally except Monday 5:45 a m Ho. I Tnroug h frL dally except- Monday fcUam So. 11 Way . dally exceptburiday rt. dally except Sundaj &5Spm 3(e. IS Macon frt. dally except Sunday. laoam SBrABT. Jlo. 1 Day Exp. flallr except Sunday, 6:40am 320 pm .1245 a m HOpm o. NlchtExD-dally except Sunday. Jlo. e Pacific Exp. dally except Sunday. 'o. t St. Lonls Ex. dally except Sunday. 2U.I0 Way frt. dally except Sunday 7:00 a m Na.i: Through frt dally except Sunday 155 p m 2o.H Through frt. dally except Saturday. 7:25 p m No. 4 will not stop at Saxton, Osborn, Kidder, Comer. Moorsvllle, Utlca. Wheeling or Meadvllle. Ko. will not stop at Saxton, Easton. Osborn, Breiklnrldxe. Moorsvllle. Wheeling or Meadvllle. T. B. BURNETT, Gen. Agent. I'Blon Pacific Railway Tine Table. "Until further notice trains will leave and arrive ml Omaha dally as follows: I.KAVE. ABBIVE. Daily Exp 11:15 a. m. I Bally JExp 4:15 p. m. Hotel Euw- fclip.m.1 -Hotel Exp 11:15 a. m Mixed &S p. m. I Mlxea w re m" -Fwlcbt ,. 7.-00 a. m. 1 'Freight 130 p. m The Hotel Express train leaves at 4:15 every Thursday, and arrives at 11:15 every Sunday.. iuUrnmnecUons made at Omaha with Chicago JfcXorthwestern, Chicago. Bock Island and Pacific nd St. Joseph and Couucli Bluffs Ballroads, and lOuonri Biver line of stecmers for all points East and South. . . . , At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific K. R. for all points in Colonrfo and New Mexico. At Bryan wits ttages for Sweetwater Mines At Ogdenwltii Utah Central ICE. for bait Lake Cry and i other points In Utah. , . . . rlnc Virginia City, Helena, and all points In Mon taS. AIM. Jer teneearuenta. San Francisco, and all points in Idaho. Nevado and California. All freight dell vcred-at tbeOmaha depot prior to 4J8p.m..wlllKOwesttbesameday. Kofxelsht received for shipment after &00 p. rn. nckSTfttr sale xonil point wesr. at theTick et Office of the Unlom Pacific Ball road, at which office btrtht on sleeping erseaa oe securu. aa.HAiJMOND,Oen.Supt- I.COLTOK.O.T.A. ji. iJaowrssoj, j. x. jv. Pacific Rallwar of. MlsiorI. Passengers leaving St. Joseph via. Missouri Val ltr Railroad at 1 o'dockp. m.. make close and sure connecUons at Kansss City with this popular road, arriTlne at St. Louis next morning at 6 o clock. Thli Is now a first-class xood in every jP-.- iron has been laid; -new enslnes and magnlHccnt tlMpinc and passenger coaches haye been added to lBequlpmeati, Passengerscan rely on Its making lu advertised time. This Is the best route from St. Joseph to St. LouU, the South and Southeast. Through Tickets for sale at th offices of the Mis souri Valley Railroad. , IB . tk.oTw:Ar-"wriL"iiri.g:&:T.A. THOS. DOBWlJf , Chicago & North Western Rail Road Time Table. tKAVE. Express Malls dally except Sunday 330a.m 4.ip. m - rtciflc Express daily- AWIUVK. "adflcExpress. dally- ,.l(fc00 a. m . JX45 a. m Express Mail, dally except Monday, Sllgsourl Talley Hailroad. TIME TABLE. T take effect at noon on Sunday, May 8th, 1870. OOINO SOUTU. Jo. 1 Express leaves at & No. 2 EinrKS loaves' at- 5 Freight leaves at lfcm-m. BXXCBKIKO. No. 3 Express arrives at-. 2:45 p.m. 730 a-m. Vn I VT.l.k.linlt - .1311 T- Bl. xo. jixpress amveo - Nos. 3 and 4 dally. 1,2, 5, 6,7 and 8. dally except 7' J. F. BAHyABD.Oen. Snpt. Chicago, Burlington &, qalacy Railroad. Mali- 7:45 am &00pm toopm ioopm SfcSOpm 3:35 am 7:15 a m Day Express- .UfcOOam Hinsdale Accommodation l2:30p m Afternoon Passenger 330 p m Aurora Passenger, 430prn Hinsdale AccommodaUon ,. &00pm XlrhtExnreas i i--tiisip m fcOOaTn pted. - Sunday exceptea. axazai Monday excepted. tSatnrday excep: Chicago, Burlington & Omaha Time Card. DEPART. - Omaha and Chicago Express, Daily AM P- m. tfalL dally, (except Sunday) -'..."4a p. m. ABKIVE. Omaha and Chicago Express, dally. .9-.iSa.rn. Kail, dally, (except &unoay- lt a. m. rullman's Hotel Dlntng Car and Drawing Boom Sleeptn- Cars accompany Omaha and Chicago Ex Ticket Office 122 Farnam, corner 3lnth street, Omaha. ... . HAJiaTD-Etn-x, D.W.TIiscncocK, Ticket AgenU fc Pen. W. Pass. Agt. jPlllBbmi-B', FL Wai'ite ChlCM.- go Railroad. Man. UDam .S-fiOaBx .4paa. . fcejpm ,J0pra fclSpm Car Utsm. flfSSanr EaaWc Slrht Express HL90ptnr yalyoraao accommodation. Koam QHERMAN" HOUSE. J(j C. X. K:kVTVXS, rsoraiKTOB tfi 3tAB-t-, Br-awmrlile. ThUSoeafe abE remodeled and lersrnisbed throegbewt. and aords ih best aecommodatlona in faeelty lathe local and v&yejlnc; pnbUe. It Is ccn teally located. SUMtes'fartt-rrest.andOmnrboes for all trains, so from UUe.Shxinan &cse. J-alr atauN,jbrsesB2t-id-aeB. , 15- " ATJu 4BOABDJ" a!i8 Brownville Trassfer Idiie, Under the manasenEt of JACOB ROaEKJS, l cow Bnnninc Begnlar Oewibtutss f rsi. Xrersravjlle to the lUilxadTacaaiaaa stthe Coxnoll Blufs and at. Josepa Ssiirosd, At Ifprth-Star, Mo,, okUj-sfro-a Brownville and Korth Star Ferry Landing. " .' 9ae4 OataihaMes. Close Cexxeotxemr Okaicec Malantef - 30-tf-l IiOCAL MATEES. J. L. Calk,,, Etlitar. -i THUBSDAT, MAYirf 1870.- -- ef the Xaramn SaraJa I). lasayStcayaeeal 6e,ad efT A. -Pol-r,a4tfee;ftatoalct ;. ""-1" ocic; rf .y yt: -OK THE WTJEa, , 4 , . .Br.Jjoxm, 3asJ5tJ570. Reached here Sunday morning, May 5th, I and m rtff tt Vwvat hv R AMlAitls' t?(SitlC.tAl conveyance, started to toot up Market atreetto Summit Avenne.tlt'irBS a beautlral morning, not a soul etlrrtng "btit about the Beer Saloons; theTelmrs hilarity, noleei3 decorating, of irhlch wo knew riot the., occa sion tUl,'later In the day, -when -vre learned It war "flack Bier day ;""the -day. whee last yeaVa bttw would beopehed aad-sold.- -For the time being It assorted all the German at tention, ind waa Jn hftb. extensively absojfb ed. Monday we saws several teamsgally decorated, drawing bkndaol' music about'the streets, ind a large be-rlbbonedand be-span-gled Buck either In or on top the vehicle "'al so, several demonstrative Germans following who, "kicked up a devil or a row Just then." and soon saw "stars' of the first magnitude, whom they concluded not to "Buck against," "We threw ourself around a few of It, but from a defective education, we suppose, fail ed to appreciate It at Its true value. ?rom the "Biers" we proceeded to the Piers. for the 8U Louis Bridge, the Immensity of which undertaking Is hard to realire. Tlje piers are to be built upon foundations restlnir upon the solid rock,wblch Is I ft f pth from l. w to iiu ieec irom ine water level, tne great estedeplhf belng-oss the -Jllinofa side. The masonry. Is built lalrpn caisson, which 'are so constructed that men can work lnthe low er compartmetit digging awayhe dirt as the caisson sinks by the weight of stone being constantly iaia- m tno ;Mti-'aioTo them. while the .dirt laTbelng constantly carried off by means of suction pjpe worked bysteam. As the work progresses the difficulty of sap plying fresh air to the workmen lnthe lower room Increases, so that there are butYe w men who can work more .than four or five hours a day when a depth ofrsixty orelghty feet Is reached. Heroes, whom'the world will never honor, have died that this work might go on. As we learn over fifty men have been token out dead from the effect of the great press are of atmosphere at the depth of from 60 to 100 feet. Few but knew the risk, yet, for the mere necessaries of life for self and fam ily would rather risk life than be dishonest. We say heroes, for in battle, amid tumult and excitement, with theeyeof a nation up on one, where marked braverjr Is sure to win the applause of millions, it is comparatively easy to risk life; but one hundred feet below the bed of a river, for the paltry pittance of $3 a day, with those above, whoso interest It is to hide the fact of your death from tbepubllc, it is truly another and graver, aspect- under which to brave death. He Is truly a hero who will do this tb'keep'a spotless name, and worth a million of thegllded thieves who in fest society. When thcsolid rock id reached the lower room will be filled with rock and cement, the upper portion will be raised with solid masonry. It is to be made wide enough for all railroad tracks necessary, also for a street railroad track, for a highway for vehi cles and passage way for pedestrians. When finished It will be one of the most complete Bridges In the world, and a source of pride and satisfaction to the citizens of St. Louis. The vote, last Tuesday, on the appropriation of $5,000,000 to widen the streets approaching the foot of the bridge, was carried, which will do much to beautify the city near the bridge. We then visited In company with Alex ander Magee, foreman of the Model Depart mentthe Kagel Foundry, one of the most extensive In theclty, und saw the "elephant" In the iron line. We were introduced to Earnest Woerple, Superintendent and oneof the proprietors,, foreman of the yard,.and Henry Askemeyer foreman of the Foundarj't by whom, we-were-shown, around to oar heart's content. This foundry covers over half of the- block on Main street between Carr and Blddle. This is' as complete a Ma chine Foundry as can be found in tho west, doing absolutely all kinds of machine work from the smallest piece to the largest and most complicated enslne. While thcro wo saw the casting of a pump, to be used In mining operations In Montana, weighing over 5000 pounds; it was decidedly the largest sucking apparatus we had ever seen, the bar rel being 22 inches in diameter and 10 feet long, and Be vcral quarts mills werejustbelng finished up. It is an establishment that may be trusted to do any casting, small or great, with entire satisfaction to Its customers. Friend Pilcher took us through Levison d Blyth's Printing and Binding establishment; as complete an establishment ns can be found In the city, and other places of note too nu merous to mention. With him we viewed Billey Emerson, doubtless a relative of our townsman, for he Is about as. cornicle a de lineator of negro character as can be 'found. The Emerson troop are the best in the west, evidenced by the fact that even at this season they draw crowded houses. We saw the "Green Huntsman" said to be a near relative of the "Black Crook" per formed at the varieties, it Is the rage just now. The leading features of this play are legs and gorgeous scenery.Xthe former pre ponderating,) poor acting axjd lots of dancing. Tho proprietors, in their kindness, have left but little In the anatomical structure oi the ballot dancers to be guessed at, ns-thelr dress es consisted of three spangles and flesh col ored tights. Weeee'in this -play a forcible reminder of the degeneracy of the present day. Where Stars of the first magnitude, such asUoottt andTtTcCreedy, Murdock, etc, fascinated the mind with histrionic scenes, "water wag tails" now dazzel the vision, and the scene painter is the best artist in the the atre. Yet, tho management is. not "to blame, for It knows the people to whom it panders. We saw thcro bat a few females on the stage. Yet, strange to ay, they seemed to be fami lies, some with several young daughters. Of one thing we were forcibly reminded by these places of amusement, with their large doors swinging out or In, and that was In case of danger oar Hall Is very poorly provided with egress for an audience, ,for with as small a passage as their Is down stairs the main door at least should swing both ways so as to make it impossible to get blocked up. Wo yislted Lafayette Park, and could not. fall to admire its beauties, although we are told that decoration is constantly going on. Itisabeautlful location, belngon the highest point of landlnthosonthtwestern part of the city, uuil coraiuBudB beautiful view, at. Louis will soon be supplied with plenty of beautiful parks to tempt its citizens out to enjoy a pleasant hour .from the cares of busi ness, and in w.hich its rising generation can sport and gain the muscle necessary for the battlepf life. It reminded us of the fact that -wo hare as beautifully located a public square as can be found anywhere, on which decoraUon might now be profitably begun by planting evergreens, which aro of so eIow growth that when the city gets large enough to demand such a place, which It Is even now, they would be of good size. Ever-; greens and other trees might be planted and profit ft una to be growing, and then when fenced, smaller ornamentatlqn wouhratoriee- make it beautiful and attractive. We also-visited the conservatories and greet Bouses of.Micfael Bra's: Keen, corner of Park and St. Ange Avenues; bat were compelled to make a short stay. We were, however, there long enough to see that they have all that is good and beautiful Jn the line of Jfursery stock. We would like to have spent a day among the beautiful flowers andlilaBts, and xould with profit, If time had permitted. jThey haveseyerartltfies.'la vi ted the patronage of this section through tne column's of tho Advertiser, and now that we have seen, we still more heartily endorse and recommend them. "St. IJouisWbuIlding more beautiful resi dences than ever heretofore, perhaps. In an ticipation of the location of the Capital of the alteiStateBhere,of-wWtihlthBJ,rlanger- la not fat fan m 1 neat. Business, to ns,of the west, seemed at first lively, but by comparis on to '3 and4, when we were there, 'It is dull: vlls merchants also admit that business is languid, and ant growing better so fast as was anticipated. .11 . "WemetbatAfewoldtlme friends; among7 the few, however, we' were much pleased. seVGeo. Gil&onYnews editor of the St. Louis Dcmocrd, to whose a'ntiring effort Is muea of the laterest of that paper indebted- r We must aekBBwlaige the kiadaeM of the officers he-Steaer Glasgow of the "O! line, fbifshipmest of sevccsl artidee free of emerge; and for dtker4kvowfTby anflen tl4 'tlurfTrt-vM.isjir-fe deV wlUHtbirwer. , !! ' i . Xn crtofuiftpun,mumU far tke ttdootts ftrtteee) we J-wf kif im vfatttotfaUwkllomealirlBeeTtle mejfcolar WVctaM;iDWe'-jBs5fel eneosHtera. Oar eoBfideaeo la oarself le fcrty per saius greater. l , Orick; Ttaoged( rmfBese sew will smooth thelr.wrtBkeJSiront,aad ao6 approach u,. for theyknbW we5 "bail? -ww ' We start for homo to-aaorrow, and majebeattije; yetfcot M" we.stop InBt. Joseph. aaissow bar Intention. - v 9 if, mud r.tusu ' "'. " . ", ;t ' t As much ln utty iS Just now ripe b to the doings of 4&ta CpWyjespcclail'as the time for letting ctracte'bas' expired. We wojuM state thatnoeoatracis have been let,'althoagh. persons have been ready to bid, batcokldnot as the permanent survey and estimates had. not yet beenlmadc. -The Company have made arrangements to have tbe survey made by the Engineer of J;be Q. mP1 Oompaay,- who, byeason of-extraordlnaryT-igh water in tne-fiufissippi, nave oeen unaDio to nnau work there, andtM) coarse, haar.not xwmi .raeBcea operawous f!nere. w w cpec-rdryi uaiiy. wesrt -aasnreu. wau jjmsioi namj'Kiuiufcuuuu wic huiil jiu, ov correct estimates con oe giyec. - z Ji - own . rwnw nimr BKm-n . " "Have been received by Hannaford aV rMe FrH during the protent weekC- Among- the Test we notlee new'Fatfint Baby Jumpers,, allocking Chair, Ho"r8e?,Bugiesr' Gigs, Toy. Wagorp, and last, bat' not least; a Croqaet outfit. ' Husbeiids.'forth'e sake pf peaes and mmfort to yonr wiveIo and mja a&d'hay I, . i 'ir J, Si Hsci takes imore pride ln'one' thing than another. It Is something else, and. that Is his business. He feels that this repa tatlon for selling good, durable and elegant Clothing is more to him1 tliaa mere dollars and. cents, and, therefore be has and keepsbn hand the best goods 'the rTnrlcet'uTords, not omlting to have the most fashioasble as well as the best. In all matters pertaining" to Clothing or Gents' Furnishing' goods, he Is the best man in tho West to deal with. No. 70, Main Street. v Was. H. Talleam Co., have -bow -the largest and purest Htock of all kinds of Liq uors In Southern Nebraska,' which, together with a full supply of Bitters in case. Cigars pby the lOOor 1000, and Bar Fixtures, Otey offer to' the trade at the lowest cash prices. 23-3m "Well Traiaed Shepherd dogs for sale, and orie" dozen good sheep shearers wanted by 8. H. COCHRACi CO Brownvlle. 3Mt-pd r Dst has J ust received t en car loads of Jack Bon and Shutler Wajjohs. H. C Itett dealer In Gloss, etc, etc Drugs, Paints. Oils, JUST BJECEIVED. A fine lot of Baggy Whips and Ladles' and Gents' Saddles at J. H. Banr's. ! IN 8TORB. A full Gents' Clothing made of the best material, by the best workmen In tbe land, and sold so low that no man can say "I'm too poor to wear good clothes." This means Gents' outfits' entire, from the "sole of the head to the crown of the feet." And the assortment, beauty and extent of Ladles' and Cblldren's'Dress Goods Is unex celled anywhere. Ill prices of choice goods, May; the DryGoods and Clothing Regulator, has done more to save money," for those who deal wIth htm than any 'man easfoT the Rocky'Mountalns. ' -..' HAKJf AFOiaD it McFALL ' Have workmen employed in. building a shop for n Turning Lathe, and will have the machinery in operation so soon aa the shop" Is up'and enclosed. Thcyftfe determined to monufactare,as mttchasypmlblfeneret so- a to do as comblete h T-'-4iaal-i :tiiia-isu-a possible, and'atoslpwttlWatfaqtafMe.- A.1 few firms like this woola aooaCJoatro bal- ..n.-..i.. tX-,Uiiw r -I UKI9 Kljr At.fJAJ .. w. . i y ..-- Walktag Calttvaters and DddbleSl ble Shov- el Plows at Den's. Go to Itel-aa-r's for a nice and durable. Boot or Shoe, for he has undoubtedly the best In tho market. KATJK AX ARMITAGE Have added greatly to their staple and'fan cy Groceries, and still more to their host of customers. They are splendid men to trade with, and will do tbe fair thlnir. I have for sale of my own 'growing 10,000 Seedling Peach Trees; 3000 English Hop Roots ; a few hundred of tbe finest variety of Rose. Roots; Lilacs; Splre&s; Houghton: Goosberles. and a few bearing, five and six year old-Grape vines, which I desire to re move, and will sell. i -- .. R. W.FURNAS, Brownvllle Nebraska. Dlamesd Plows at Den's. W.JtV. Hackney Is still gaining In his reputation -for fair dealing, and low priced goods, which he is illspenclhg to an apprecia tive host of customers. Hehasyasusualaflne stock of Ladles' Dress Goods, and has Just re ceived a choice stock of Gents' Summer Clo thing, which, as usual, he Is selling very low. Evergreens. A fow hundred choice Nur sery raised Evergreens, for sale by R. W. Fur nas. , Save meneyj and. buy your Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps at Den's. SPRUCES, PUBS AND HEMLOCKS. 5000 Spruces, Fines and Hemlocks from two to five feet high, fpr. solo remarkably cheap. Are In splendid condition. Now is the time to transplant Evergreens. R. W. Ftjbhab, ' ' Brownvllle, Ncty . -- Bssliten. Has Ball and Newel Posts kept by J. R. Bell fc Son, at their Lumber Yard corner of College and Flrst-sts. 1 sto-vo, oC the latest pattern at Den's. F. E. Johaiea 4b Co. have for years sup plied the public of this Boctlon with choice Groceries and Dry Goods, andare still doing so at rates that defy competition. Go and see them. - Genuine John Deere Moline Plow! Call at Dr. Blake's offlco and examine the new Weed Sewing Machine. Xry-Gaaaa and Groceries, and every vari ety of Hardware at Den's. Ir &&i.Qrafl- aqd MaJ, B F. Loshbaogh of Omaha, are spend tnga fewdays. In our Place. ,. , Owr-MlHera-shoaldgo and see tbe Flat lngJlacbinqat Shellenberger-Bee-'siItts a good thing and will pay for itself in a short time. Jtieone oftheaeateatllttlesaacblnes .ever invented. ,"" - - - - A. P. Ceajswell is in the? Real Estate Business; "that means business," as Cogs swell Is one of the enterprising men In this community; a good trader, and a wbolesoul ed, fair and' Tsquart ana lo'Aetl jvlth. Give him a call If yon are In want of aselleV, or buyer of town property or land. A Few Moss Baskets left-atXieaser's. Was. H.'Heever, Real Estate Agent and Conveyeficef rCourt Hoom. " 3l-tf Epleara -Brsllera at 8hellenberger:. Tney arc unequalled for broiling meat., . i r.i ! yeV WtiV.ib flrnaen'yoar walks e Cemetery Xots ? . R, W. Furnas has a mllMoa ' .iZ - K . .-.. i f. . . . ur mureuTBn DO! 1'JBBtS, WniCU JOB U SSI- Md&bo loR.-t-TkaaW-''wUl porchaae as xnMya4mostisrswaiJK . j. C'v-i j k t Bt.FWllaeB.'aatofe.xxiemsbrJIIkrillfftr' reac Wear serry to aee lmolmfntfit iIhsi Ttta. Ib&eatUBtttmMtftc la 'jbelved ma-aaid BeaHy'mBlahed ta&tbe Koete irseVbo wUIo ap a Book4Xw Depot, tegelaer wltk allvkindf Soheol TacaJJlilBfa r.naTiaiieK MeFaH'.--eelved aaotker'teaiBibaat;lbad of faraMire dartog the" past wck.wLT. RvBeUiabn -haVeeathe way'slBetear loads of lamber adaalMlngaaaterlaL Boa IT. BUkely, Beeelverof theBeatrtce LaBd 'Office, was In towB Ifoaday, oa his way. aoase, looking well after his visit Eati..Nir Greeahaa glven'up the Reynold'sHOB;'aHd retired to private life, Hera la a'goo hotel stead, epen tor some enterprislBg' indlvMaalBaiIy stage Sterfod'test Friday aforBlDg.-faU.ef niuMirnrfrr with a .splendid team, aad nanber of led'horses. -ail 'large and la 'good eondltkaililJState AaditorGUteeple wae'ln iki city last Saturday SA Jaangtvi&fr.hls sameasWHJ. Foster, bettlagrfrom XkasaV City, was hist Friday arrested in feloaeoaaly atmroprlatlDK a bolt.ot-c&llsToifroBB. G: MV Henderson, on Main street,1 arid after trial before Justice Ebright, was tnedtap'anl cost,-and" lncvrceratlon-lu JallunULtho lice was paMM.Brattbcs Stock' te aearly fit i8"heL.:Tlie culvert across main street en FIfth.-lrdone: a good, lasting Job-.J.EraI- gr!5W:"& mossing in large Bombers at tbJa 'rJ?!itlanvivJ.The road In' the' bottom, op- - ito,te mtas5abie ln'wriy weather t when' it i roBgfend dusty and when wet, It i t8 a rrfcet qapjmln. It Is- a dlsgrac fq so j enterprlslng,d rich a county as Atchison a novow.niade'ite -appearaaee.oDr K btteA- f-f.. rnrffv mnfitlnr. TkT1 s -i. cuva, ---- .... m. .. - 'i - .A..l!i - .V,.w f Irio dogaAndgoiaeapIgs' r,&vj i.";iin jnu lntv1Dx", xrid an. aged iscttvldual acflBg as exhibitor. ,'You con'd look; for flveceata, if ma was ail you uauj urncuccuw u yyu tWfere flush!'" Oarswasaaveceat lobklti'JX Mo'dajarIdTAVsday were very-wradyiand 1 UUQttt -AW ...K2 BltSVU DlfllUKIl -vw... ..r. V.. no m .Hut MlnV1aiAl .'dirirBate -ef ontMiXOominA kins fcCo.hve had aBnmberoce--ss for. ipe.pas( W9 weexs engageoui,Bautujaxcr !bjnberM;M.Henry Crist, the llveltest lumser man. In th9 west, hftajuraadftqw-atritf ast, looKing well, -ana wnn renewea cow; tes&..The-Dersey 'Brothers were-in-town. daring the week.MsJ. Lushbaugh, Uje best preserved maa' in the West, called dar ing the week, looking as patars! and good natared as he did ten years agpl....-.:Shellen--bergers hae Just recelvedjabout (brtoas of fence'wlre. They get In such large qnantl-' ties td-be able to sell low.Tbe Sabbath School Conveutlcn meets nextTaesday.A Great has been the hading In of corn during the post week, not less than 40,000 bnehe I having been recelvedi.. atfauk Js ArmlUge r shipped yesterday SfitO bushels of potatoes abov?....i.Rads west ari-ood.. ."Ganlen Saei'' is coming In slowl-.h.TheJEpIcure BroUpr'Ince.lntrodoced by Bbejlenbergers, Is the'rago with all good housekeepers JL.. jtx. an. Aitunson, itegisier oi tne .Beatrice Land Office, passed through this city on his wayrto "Washington last. Tuesday morning. He feels sanguine of a land grant for railroads south of tbe Platte in"Nebraflka......Dav!d Campbell has made a good Improvement by, digging away dirt on Third and filling in on Main. He Intends having 'Main street, bo-' tween Fourth andSixth, raised about it foot. .......A slight shower Jell yesterday after noon...John P. Deuser, Sr.fc father of the large and respectable family of Deusers In this city, met 'with a severe accident yester day. The horse he was driving to a. light wagon took fright at the top .of Brownvllle hill, down which heran atrfull speed: throw- mgineoiu gentleman out in irout oi pteia-. hnrdt's Marble Yard, cutting his head ln'a, shocking manner, yet'Dr. Crane,. who was caiieu in, imuKB uie wounus are noserions. ... Billy Thompson, taken ap on charge of burglery in Asplhwall, was tried before Pro bate, Judge Morgan yesterday, and bound over in tbe'sum of 8300, to appear at the next term of thoDIatrlctConrtfortrlaL Lightnlg whisky was the cause, and is what the boys were after. N " SUGAR MAPLE.' . I have fifty- thousand one year old. Sugar Maplesin flpecondition to.trnnsplant, which I will eell at GO cents per 100 or ft per ioOjQ. SrasJlloCacan bcentb;rmilr7 Will. do to iapiC two OTTihrc weeks 7et.(ti m XJ&'lKm&'rZ Sr &SS8&m3feZK v. r VawaMM411A Tlar.iA. n u iy a iurcr;9Vtf "z - . . .. warj. v i. ".;' iTi .ig j!--rsijV- iv ijuumMi -: A ; assortment of Water Coolers, Ice I cream freezers and Toilet Ware at. Deuser's. aiNTOTE J0H1T SSS&ZTV0LZ17E PLOW! Time's Test-Tl tne tries all things, rejects allthose which are useless, and holds fast to that which Is good. Stoves without num ber have been Invented and patented, but soon gave up the ghost. ThefCharter Oak has stood 'ttio test for seventeen years, and Is steadily Increasing In favor.. . . asmnNs jom? sms vounz rzowr' , v Rellahle SaB.-Dr. Henry's Root and Plant Pills arc mild and pleasant in their operation, yet thorough. See advertisement in another column. " - 31-4t XstCants-The most irritable and restless 'ones of these little household buds, are charmed as It were Into quiet and sweet re pose, by using Mrs. Whltcomb's Syrup. 0Eipnrc John seebe uoions PLOW ! Per Plastering Hair go to J. W. Middle ton's, at his old stand. 25-4 1 Breaking Flews, at Den's. reduced prices, at "BRAG." The Nebraska City Chronicle blows about being the first paper In that city to publish the proceedings of the "Nebraska City Board. of Real Estate Agents ;" the Democrat of this place brags of the same precedence In this city. We may also put in a claim to prece dence over all others, for publishing the only correct proceedings of the same, as nil tne other papers have it "Nebraska Cly' while it wasameetlngof the "Nebraska State Bbard," There has been a little too much haste to ad vertise Nebraska City even by papers out side. The C hronicle also gives Cornell as Secretary, while Wm. H. Hoover, of th Is city, 1b Secretary. Speed at the expense of cor rectness, is not much to bray over. Fmtbm has a few hundred select varieties three years old Apple Trees for sale. Genuine John Deere Moline Plow I Messrs. Ktlbearm 4t JeaJtlns, Proprie tors of the up-town Pine Lamber Yard, wen in this city last Saturday. They expressed themselves much pleased with our town ani its 'prospects. They gave oar State Fair quite a lift in lumber aad made arrange meats for entering quite a large variety of Lumber and plain and fancy work. Compe tltlouin wellasinall o(ber depart ments; will be quite lively. , Pence Wire, In abundance si Shellenbei ger Bro's. " aa. please to- welcome at this clacs. JobPeWCEsq., fromJiiaml, Ohio. Mr. T. is a relative of .Mr. Upsie, who-same' here this 8pring, and is so weU'pleased 'with tbe country thai heia making efforts to have all bis friends come Tn Tfnamss Good Idee Goon. See Advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispeavl sary, neaaea hook, ror the Million Mas hiagk Gcidx 1 anotheceolaan. It should be read by all. , ,x.y . See Car of Dr. Wm. M. Daily,' m to-day's paper. Mr. Daily Is well known in this county, Is a gradaate of the Cincinnati Ec leetlc College, and perfect gentleman. His practice, so far, has Inspired confidence all who have hadiilnu-., , , A w hundred cholcebadded twoyear old Peach. Trees for sale by B W..Famar Patrsnatxe Reams Innutrr. All kinds -of Marble work can be hail at Neidhardt's- Marble Works la this city, cheaper thaa It can jm had elsowharei ' None but'the best ma- enaiaaeeu WWJtSs : T win, iriinsrTMVRr wW"W?V r. it ". . t i - -' i -. .- w.k.expaeMC lrota fewraaa&t; 4 enpiKNM saarveioae eaienataeaeavMst Bar.oeieiMa,iaaaai cxpeetauoas jaaeb-sww thai realiaei; TJie'teoatdi feat aad faerfal',coatarttoB were goae t .wiw mm mmauywm caa b apparaauy ; la wiiuBecnoTau." .- -u - t mm tMf, as freat auay Br eoarceaf fcfui wiMos, we-predtet a perfuiiaauee'tae Ue.ef Kbteh'kMaeverbeea.oVeredtq ae' faboVihleaectttm. r The troape eotiiUte' of eight perWmersrall reaowed la their 3wa eoaatfy the laa of Baarrelea feats lii Jag. sjery aadeoatortleaa for their greaTabliKy, sad have performed to crowded houses m the Little ""am largest cities oa the Glebe. Riga? wbohasVas Uttlease ht, obtain j world-wide reabwa. Is with 'this troapsaa will exhibit, these eoatortloas wtileh We ;. .yiniauu xn asiutouB. xxe was preseada goldTmedal fey PrIdaatBrigham' xoang, .ansr uie periprmanee Mfalt Lake City. We expect a grand pWforBaABce, ad feel tlwewm-aot be disappointed.-.. Js'jBsJth. retaraed from FaUs City da-1 r rjBg. Hiv.wveK. norepurw natters uveiy M tpst 'place, because of .the Ballroad which It sdw'eraded to bDDositev4hat alaca oa the toto of the Great Netaaha. Be saeceeded lrxorgaaUlng a Vaad at .that place, and Is to ininuu wtNu w.iia.iHBtruraeuts. ')u 1" '.' , PJ3rACIAIi STATKMKST. ' . Oaoar eecoBd page, ttvday, w1U,bemaad a ,,flBaaeIalt.eondtle of this eoapty, IrpBa Leceaaper Sad, -18p7, to October j'wa.wUl areseat a sitemeir Octoberlst 16J to.OetoSerlst, Usf. ThIawUeoarUereelptaarai"espeB. dltarestodateor as lata as-eea-Bow be, giv en. ua)u here asejast , where oar; atoney go aB.wm.aad.jaatters-atraJghUa a strfeg' - "Vf ' --i . . . ---. lift?- ,.i n; .. n f A'.Malaa awaa.C Baeaitwea pkkad plaeof Brpwaville Clahjui4Uplked nine or the Kockpprt dub will he Played at .thelatter plaeej Jaae 1st.' Browavllle String Band will go aJeacand-adaBce will-be had. Those interested, wlU.aMet at D. C. Smith's room.Satarday)e.veBlag. . . Pallack. Sast, at the Post Office, have now a spl'eadld'sloek'of Confectlonarles and light Groceries; They are coastaatly "rebel v lng.artfclea' in their llae, and make a ape- clalUy.ef Jteeplnggood, choice articles, not Injured by age, or damaged In tbe least. Thej' keep a splendid supply of Cigars and Chewing Tobacco. Of course it ISBnderstood that they keep everything la the News line, and take sabeerlptlouB for all periodicals and Newspapers published, -i MeCresry XlckeU are reeelvlBgalarge and complete stork of Tare Drags, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, WladowBhades, ete etc, which they are selling lower than any other housolB Nebraska, , A eafesrnar. One or two doses of Dr. Henry's Root And Plant Pills, If taken In time, will often prevent a serious attack of sickness. 2Mt Farmers buy yoar Wagons of W. T. Den, and save yoar money; Clt the heet, get .the .Singer Sewing Ma chine. For simplicity. Durability and wide ranee of work It cannot lie excelled. For further Information cati and seefbr yourself. Irtstrtictlontree. . - .' JEa B, MOORE, Agent, ' ZT-tf ' ....". BtownviUe.' . J- ' LADIESI Flultlng Machines, Curling rxons,' Plhklng Irons, Fluting Irons, at Shellenberger Bros.- Ladies, go and Bee-them j .just what you want. Banisters, Hkn all'and jNewel Posts at J?R. Bell A Sons Lumber Yard; where any- tlxthg lh toiffbullding llhe'ccn be had, at the . . u..!l H.A. 1.. ttwA most xeasonauie roicn. uc dd bb..u the LaaiberTraileof gejUfefa Nebks;un er thelrrwlBf i fMly'g'lItSfp 4 , I , a jicgr t -?-y i aj, jxJ aivrori'iiJixDmiiwte?Loir! Private medlcaVald, read Dr. WhltUer's aavertisernenw . - ' ' Bsslsters. Ksad'Ball and Newel Post kept by J. R.'Beir4::Son, at" their Lumber Yard. corner of College and FIrst-iU. "W. T. XesiH sells 'the celebrated Jackson Wagons and the Schutler Wagons. Genuine John Deere Moline Plow I Far a No. 1 set of Harness, 52 Mala st.. go to Sender's, 7-tf . Clocks; splendid assortment. WATCHES, full stock. JEWELRY, In abundance at Dunn fc Hays' who also do all kinds of re pairing of Clocks, Watches ot Jewelry. No. 29, Main street. H-3m Fence Wire and Staples, at J. C. Deuser's. 1SS Gel Waten for 91 at Marsh's lar Store. , Dol- Ganl'an Trowels J. C Deuser's. . and Bush Nippers, at A. P. COGSWELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Office, corner First and Atlantic streets. Buy and sell lands, pay taxes for non-resIdents Gives particular attention to buying, selling and renting city property. 30-3m J. C. Denser is exclusive Agent for Cham plon Combined Reapers and Mowers. 273m A. U MARSH Has constantly ready at his Dollar Store a large lot of $20 bills, $10 bills. Watches, Sliver Ware, fine Pants, Coats, Vests, Pants Pat terns, Chroraos, Standard Works, etc, which he Invites the public to come and get for one dollar. His scheme embraces articles to the value of at least 9580, the great majority ot the articles are worth over 9lr and some' as high as 975. Yoa do your own drawing, so their can be'no chicanery. It Is all a "dead open and shut," "fair square,' "honor bright" deal; no scnldtiggery can be prac ticed. Call and see ; you don't have to draw artless yoa want to. Drop in Saturday, or any other day. A -wall selected stock of Wagon aad Bag gy timber, No. 1, at J. C, Deuser's, 29-tf a,e EVERGREENS. I have for sale 200,008 young and thrifty Ev ergreens, from 3 to 91 Inches high, which r will sell by HUNDRED OR THOUSAND, at rates which will enable every farmer to plant out for Wind Breaks or Ornamental purpos es, at very TRIFLING EXPENSE. The va rieties are PINE. HEMLOCK. FIR, SPRUCE, ARBOR VITAE; CEDAR AND LARCH. To farmers or others who wish to plant exten sively for Wind Breaks, or other purposes, I will sell on one year's time, for amounts oi 923 and over, with note at 10 per cent. Those wishing to sell again will be furnished at wholesale rata. R. W.FURNAS, Brownvllle, feb. r . MeCtBBBUCntW- ABVABCE 2 'Prise Me wer 11 ReMahlatlt one or two wheeled, single ordouble-barrerrjsaQW orfaet Bootioa, comDiaea ana separate xiarvi with Improvements for 1870, are the most simply -constructed, light draft, accarate-ra- fklag, grairi-gieanlng, rapld-rannlag and clean-cattlng machines now mana&ctured. This Is attested: by all who have used them ; the "Advance" being considered the ne pita ujarq of Reapers and Mowers. The McCor mlek Bro's never made a machine for sale that they were afraid to put on trial agalast aay other, and their "Advances" challenges as well the admiration of the world as It does all other machines to a trial. Ell Hi Wilcox, Agent, office at F. E. Johnson Co's stare; Brownvllle. 2S-3m GcauiM Johi Mire lolim Plow I r wawbB mmmmmnwm 't wmK&mmmmtmtrmmmm.Tmm i TBalag, Of 4MtiMOeaa F .r b iaa"- ri"? rr- ' iumCornPknter ''- J aW TmaaAf Ia ir la T jo "-" "TS -' " r , theUaSeA Oorai' ins proved sr 3;lsalewepalsaadaoMBerlon First, dad'ef'theTbes4mMerial.careaslly jDrepajnose; asaoal.tbe.drop- fpa4i"sai a agfeat hf jeriecj, aad htso ar- Taififl that every hoi eaa he seea by the Jrtrt or dropper r xhlrd; the depth; at which; .ta-feslred 'lb pleat casf ,be arraagod- ta a seitaihty ; foarth; liy the aew sod' attach asciit, the taoghest sod eaa be planted with, ease'AAh, witbJn'aaarker the work eaa be ewMiore regalar aad qaleherthaa by any aaiarplanter. Sbelleaheraer Bro's Agefits. ? i ' i Tin icna tabs. . SM om'. Jenkins 'A Ce eoraer ef Foarth ksjMtJsala'Mreela, ta this city, haveeeastaht- ay ins m nil vMJcak m .uv ucnfiwunm hetjarall klads; also, also Sash; Doors, Blinds, Mkhsfcles, lath, MoaMlBgs,-Fxames, etc etc which they are aaUlag at the lowest posslbls' Sgares far which the same can be got eat of .the.leg aad shipped to this, pol&t. They are deteraslaed to eoatlnae as heretofore to sap. ply the bcBc of. lamber, eta, ased In this Laia Distrtet. Call aad see them! wiatt.n mac r Timothy, Clover, Orehard and Kentucky Blue Grass Seed,, irath, at. McCreery dt N Ick ella Drag State. 19-8m , r -. Pe a good Saddle, go to8oader'Sfi3 Main street. , 7-tf "CIOAJU at. wbpiesaleor retail at A. F. ComVs Claar Factory.' 5i Mala street. pa.mMoitAPA'i Respeetrally Informs his old .friends and the pabUc,th4l lie. is 'prepared to attend all calls la th llae, ef hla. pto3feeska-';Oflce at H.MWM wi urar wore, aia street; BrewaTiU,feU-4i i su-tt C18M PAL FE ALL X1NBS OF PAU JPX . -.1 .OslAW I. -,--.- ; I By Evan Worthlag, dealerr la Grata and wraauaticAanaFenraraiBgxercn&m. ko. St.Mmiu street, Brownvllle., 18-Jm COMMERCIAL BROWHVI1.1VE. Co'm.UeU'es.". Cdrn. la the Craaberrles, et.15 Hoaey, :.... xsm.i 4aaw Batter JB Chickens, drenea 9 B8 Tarkeys, do 10 Sana waeat..-..' BsrBjyoats: Barter. Snnnr'W FleerJ ueesv, - ao ju Beef CaKIe-JS4 eta Hoas grow.M7X9 7J6 " net :. 8.75 " Dressed l ?9 HMes, Green 45 " Dry Fllat 1014 BoaverMMMr.KeelA coon aagrro irall W FKer Applet, gxeenfi; Lard'ZL Bacoa Ha " -fHdea- , saoeMen-it wool unwasa Tab Washed. STATE SAUE or - AT LINCOLN, THE CAPITAL NEBRASKA, ttkv A.n.1810, atlO A. M. 32,044 ACRES OF ItAXD TO IE IOLl! T H8 TJNDERSiaNED INSPECTORS OF THE State Prison, in carasaace of aa act of the legislators of Nebraaxa, eatltled "an set to pro videterthoerectioaof a Penitentiary, andJor the 'care and custody of State Prisoners," approved MarcH4, 1870. oCier for sale the following described lands at public auction. The said lands will be ap praised by tho Inspectors, sad sold to .the ' highest ibldder over apprafemeat. TERMS gASH. tCflsrv sn 99 OT jsgvBn nW9i aaffBBl aaare 4. aWiLnV au em anttBRdaAasX BvrBf TO B arBBBacvssa T$?imyi -"w 1A n 'fBBBBBBUaBj)BWi r . . r fBssni F relTL 1 mfFrfcA. a j Parts of Section. 5 I I . '- t E Sri BEJi 8 S 51 All 8 8 VTJi 10 NJi ' 14 JT)i 18 All 6 9 JE . 'SVJf 10 SEJ 14 s ao W& S4' aV s KB Nf 34 w; J 10 3E E X S WJ 10 e il a W S4 WWII 2 11 IE All 4 SEX 6 2TE& 8 NWJf 10 W 14 'KK)8VK 38 Vfii 2 8 4E 8 Ji 8 8E 10 W 12 8 14 E X 13 EH K 8E Z5 EX 30 E H 32 SEJtfASWJ 2 10 4E BEJiftSWS 4 NEX 8 e a io vrx is a x u 8. 24 W 30 8 Ji S3 S X .38 E !f 32 NW 2S 11 4E SEX 30 KX I 8 5E E A NX 6 EX 8 E Ji 12 EJi 14 EX - 21 SWX 24 8 X .26 m EX 6 9 E SEX 14 NX 28 XEX 28 NWX ' 30 NWX a NX S4 EX. 2 W 8 8WX 6 8X 10 NWXSEX 12 S33X 18 EX 28 NX- 32 NfiX. 34 WX 32 U 5E SWX 34 EX 4 8 BE i NEX8WX 8 NWJfSEX 18 WX i UIE NEXASWX 10 SX 14 NEqr&SWqr 22 NEqr 14 6E NEqrSTVqr 10 8 Wqr 12 SWqr IS NWqr 90 SEqr 10 B BE E hf 12 S hf- 14 SEqr 30 HEqriNWqr 22 Shr "4 IWqrtSEqr 28 SEqr 30 SWqr 32 All 20 12 8E All 24 All 28 . 2Ctf 32 AU 1 S 13 tE Dsto of Entry Deczrth.ite?, ISO 840 180 83) 31L1? 320 leo 160 32) 333 X 320 640 ISO 920 t 321.53 390 390 320 320 330 159.44 6S024 160 ISO ' 160 330 320 'v 460 32S.M 320 m i f 160 320 83) 320 320 160 320 320 320 320 330 180 320 32S.8S 320 330 34&30 390 330 320 160 160 337.13 3SS.21 315.33 320 320 320 320 160 320 319.63 180 320 160 156.71 Wi 320 313.98 145.U 339 320 150 320 320 160 320 100 31&3S 3487 320 324.S9 314.91 320 320 320 164.48 329 160 159.86 160 180 320 330 ' 160 320 320 320 147 180 640 640 840 320 649.71 Total. JXfiH The abort deaeribsa laass are known as the Pea KeatUry Lands gran ted Dy the United States to the State of Nebraska for a Penitentiary or State Pris on, aad coatala sosae of the saoat valnable laads la the State, much of which lies within a radios of tea miles of Lincoln, the Caaltal of the State. Thlaaale let State Land often to Farsaerm, If echaalcs aad jLamima a ane cnance isr a cneap acme near tut Capital. attaaSaa la. the richest acricalraral district af the State. aaiTaeacthc treat Salt Basin where salt st aelpf ansfacf n.w sruas the sorfltce water. Several ranw w are ars4ectatnraBtatfeelanaa: aof which, the BarHftrtea A Xteeart BaHrsa d wirra asaiBtetea to UBcelaeefera the day of sale, H outers "r-FTr uaie. The OeatsansioBersaCJrafiUe BsHdlags tX the wat Mate aad place will oJN a y or nix haadred loaiiaUM town ef Ltacala. which at thacBet,t tfaie estates eboet X8W lahabKaaa with good ? fads, charches aad schools, also a fine State Hoaae. The AtrtcBlral OUege and TJalverattr. aad la snae Aayleas are la pi-octst of tracUoa. which, a-ita ether State iBstKauoaa and ceatertas ofrau' SJ wm " f ae Tt Cleric? Sty oftee WW. WILSON, State Prlaoa .. . i'W.W.ABBKY, nr, J at-sc laspectors. iAaemm. aeo., jani i, jgja. HATS AND CAPS.- -All Varieties :fe WOBK, Plainly ji- SWAN &.B1LOT i,-i CD f CKWERAL Groceries S W We have on hand a large STAPLE A1TD T wkick wi art naUmf co wb btb Mllinc atPxicf as tlMBBBafBippL In the Quality of our Goods P3 FLOUR OF THE ilOST &i HIOHE8T MARKFT i GO 12-40 MePhdrson 2i Tutfcl, , DEAIXR AlfD JOBBERS IK, .- DRT GOODS AND , NO. 66 MAIN STREET, TJSABE Ac CO.'SIOLJPi 8TA3TD BRO W JN V 1 1 tTiFi, WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE BEST QUALITYIOF TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, PEAL BARLEY, RICE; AMD ALjL KUTDS OF DRIED FRUTT, Av L. RICH. 3TEW ADMIXISTKATIOir R ED STORE . RICH & GILMORE, Successors to W. H. SMALXJ DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS st aa Caffs, Scsura, Taste, Mslaasaa, Syrapa, Tlamr, Basest, Rsi, Xrie Se; Salt, Coal Oil, TaVasee, Cigars, Ckeesa. Drie aaisl Greax Trmita, Caa fsvctiamaries mi ail Kinds, Wswdem 'Ware, dke. In connection with the above they keep constantly on hand a large supply of feed, CORK, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS,:&c All Goods Sold at Prioes that Defy Competition. Highest Market Price paid forall kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Reduced Prices to suit the Times, Small Profits and Fair Deallne Is their invariable rule. Goods will bo sold to Country Merchants In either large or small hills and at extremely low J BtV ) tUl!?' Jpfi Ji I .tit . f, vw.r BsU ImKk M I Nlli ' IE otfl 'J. PFEIFFERS' MCAHSLE WORKS! Comer Sixth and St. Charles streets, ST. JOSEPH, ato. Dealer in Lime.Hair and OBMEIsTT, PLASTER, WHITE SAND, FIRE BRICK, Ac, t&, &c, &c ll-4.jly a 8 sr a t a v n e. rr I I a as SB V e TOB 'PRINTING, in one or more if enlortL nmmaUv ilnna oi 4.r. lr-.LAt iMGSte!.' c "ww" Himaier Sal i "H -DEALEHSI9 --' -'i and well assorted stock cs TAKCT GROCERIES? nstant additioas, and which. low as aay House west of WE DEFT COMPETITION. APPROVED BRANDS. PRICE PATO FOR j &TTAJS Jc BBO. A. H. GIILMORE. j AT iGatrj OMiioj n J Xn oi last f iqdmnj JC'4;o'X'V wnu,t sino'r-jfl"aAuot3at -VM.SI'Xqnnoc ait jjao itpnaoiso iV Baap3iant3sojosptrnaotiL 'OAJltsarppviirs 0)taa,i9rad!83clsitpia8 ssa jnqiaijs 'paira OAttl on ionstn ok sq)a. rutnuqj pas jouca pas 'aonsan rravtrni m i.iinboi titun4 io nnDQiiavtlii3a(CloitpuBaaipaEix otpiimooj Knnrsii.HiisnouauM'MsoflMuquiiiumuiU'Tn -otix 'taaimti ojaoirtapapj jnoinii. poca sqiro W3bo tsotn uj najtiJa pas 'juaarauaa oyn ta)p -EJ3 B3IIO J8 S0IP3CU33 130(23(1 ot uiopaqea3i.Ttn tHtps-iiio isaq em oou9j3ds3 2umioHjt q3tHa.'nciiTnauo3joiipo ot p3)(.tn; A(omod nt nuietdmooptaotianaaooSaipasis-tfuoipuoicaxi -ut ant3iT3P tniM. Pwoitirt cuo&ia.T piBO Xnnoa -buldiI 'AfiaiodEBi iiiuuBptrt snomiats pspxos suouIiu3 'Auiiqvivui 'itiniapgnoAJOH'ssaatnrwa osaaw-iiM BBoaj Hirnintaa win 10 ssvp snaiatuaa )iix pafofpitu A3i0dBi03 inr. DarmowM iiaioidmoa "39 ajniouiti i.3in Toauonon lostaiottrs 'u V -dig ,RHWsia91iKJttennBaaSUiiOVJ' HZ81IAL 'Ha ta'dzofm-wsunoH on4rraoT:igMraiwqs 19i!9 oc painruiaX'rsJlHOOOOBO 'uiQiea noi;903uia.3UTjjtpaDHiv rnPSSoasuot voruatHiaork iaiudtad rsomaia iu aaiproJ l1i jotoop otri ot nnarrra aanpojjuj iupii a?q Ainw -sumsts oja)jojsuo(o.uap4praa u ssojpp las oi jnjsidtavj 8.aixiniA all 3arpH mi-ioja sq pinoifs eppt.-aoufi UDnJ'U" asota bvJsai(U v ja sauiJH J0tn:ximo3 jnomJ4.spl9 0ijBOjpou id dus reasons icb&ht Xutraos oiniao l-ipteoatnsuBpisInd Anna oj japausj joiaopoqj I pui 'uuua paiPM squra -judaux3ii)j my -uun ojanmantnodds orb ijotuoqvi Aawnn ISuJtnijsnqsaailL 'uttruaApsuainoisvirim lAq JOTl? l-pdpaspnidsoquiwuiuatjoddosoaoaeqx -daiaHtaSrttrr(HSuu3Dcax bbs 'JSJioilrcniutf Ifii Ajoutm jossof "npiwj ;o ajojsosoi m9 low saaiDooaJ0iii.3 "sbodiio noisamoo luBia I jo sioumip 93,-uriip Xiiiiqop 'wiptoiqHuois -jftua inunpoura 'sioajjaj wuaauiiionoioinjoaiaos asnpoxu iptqji pus wac3 jmojo siEaXjArni l-a ni O0S33X3 lenx.vj tnnoJ ix3 icnx.vj -qjnoA ni swaqr.;tofl jo jauojoOtBi ptr AjniiaJ rx5g Ijiasuam wt 'SOuaioom dwi puqxioictofaag 33nponajTjBauntiiiApoj lWJioatRraoqJOBija'reamtatjt joruprpiwl Irrunjjo n josiinmuAa dub gstrosirr xixn M31imU8 PWI S3B3SlfT XlKTIun in jjaaiun w pu .Ttanir fnupJC 'wstaws I f 'liS 'shboi MB ni Ba j aaaq sbu 'mo3UI. oamo junaoniiprs Xf aNioiaantioaiynavaoavinoaa v Hiixxmaa .A BOOK FOR THE 9HIXIOS. MARKIAGE X rrirata Crauer ro t&a Varrlol. c7tko atwat to an-j. a tho pbjtlolof !ct Kiyntrle aad rTUtSoa of tas (uuat ;tcn. vita tka Utat aiteerrrln I n ftw! dcIbc GUIDE. aaaprrrtausceBivnar. amrio;rtscrr ThUl aa latcrailax work ot Iwo aothlrtdicd twenty tap Jtt lta namereai catravlaz. McntlntT5ot,oltrf Bsatloa toe thota who arc married. ar ecntnnplaia Ruutivt. EU1I.UU a book timtoouM to tw kept BjirJoet taster. aa$ BetIaUeartlesilaboltkelio3ie. Stat to aa j sou ,frt otpcataj; far TVtXj CiV Addrcat Dr. BatU PUpstairr So. 12 7a?(3. Etf Jk Et.LcaU.Ua. Notice to the Afflicted n4 Unfortunate. Seftrt inlying ts tie notH-o qnscki wio adrertto ta fablls paper, ar ntlof aay aaack TOuedl, peras Sr. Batu work, no maUer wil joar thtvmia it, or aav dejlonb) 7M ondltloB. Or. BatU eaa ba connKed. persall7 er ij Ball, nt ta d4can tseaUooftl la tli warku UEte, Xo-ll?cn!l Etsitt Stnct, betwera Uarkctaaa Ciejtnat, SU LoaU, V. Jk. Xlsuro Collecrtion. "pOWtATD'S IKCURIU-Xiil Arte iataTKita. a " aorrlnjCTalaali tMmuVfuf awrjhedr Baatbr man(rrrarrotitelft.rrIrTr Ceaim; Addrt-a fc.X-S0-MASDT, So. 11 Korta Xl(bta ttntf. St. toaij. Ho. tar thoitdftllatla rrrataafactBrlm aay aftaa abaT, attlitf for the tn or botaa ne. Seat br stall (rrca ot MaUgay rbr Tiny Ceati. Addma X. X. XOtMAXVt, X. U 3rth. El(bt& llrx. St. Lab. Ma, Biy Me ni Til Dt Tt Gtt4, BOOT PLANT Y CLKAJJBWO THK BX.001) A-tD I X arotuiak tho Llrrr art Seeretrre tr caaa to aaralthyaetlos. tatto TVim van naay eeopialnu wtlci it w.ajd cot bo oppooed tieyeM reach, iek a Hut xcas, fnr ix tna Sua HtrMun ofa Huso A3 Txwr. llguim, Caoina-a, Knnunui KicajioiA.Jtrasowarrrrrr. Bavx Dmjtnir, Xotr Amcno'. CrjrtrTK SnurT. Vmux aw tu. mod Diifmu Ja iadetitrkln dratt eompliiata arblar&aBtalowitateof tho body, or ofeu-naUa of iti faacttsss. Betas free f rsai mercory aad ether pobeoa. F r w they eaa be taken at allUnes aad aadcr alt eireusaUacei without retard to dtet or tmlaii. rrk2S oeati abix. Frrparedby thCr.1n V dicta t Co, St-Lonti.V Sold by irissittt an-1 ittlertln mediciae rrtryracr. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. Xhe Great Soothing Itemed V ITSS. f Car eoile aad eriplar Is the 1 zsxpi WJliTl ;bowa and firl))t;ratfta yiy (oseoeftatihlaf. ) -b CZMTS 1TR3. C flBtdasa eonT!Jo aad arer f PBIC WJarrC03tS'Sowei alldiaraKtCtdeat ta 25 $M&- Carts DUrrbM. TyeatarT aad P2ICS StriiEerC4BUtitlacJlM.-ta!. S5 lof"s. JC5ST3 Ilia the aroai-lBfaaWaad ChHSraa'a loethlux Ktaedy la (II dUorderobreschtoaby Tectblager aayethweasoe. frt parnt br ia OraTtca Xedlelae Co.. St. Leal. Wo. 8&4 ta 0rMaHt aad dealer ta Btdiela ortrrwhero. BLANKS of all kind, consfcuitly ou hand, attlie AdvwHscr Job OAce. PrmaiK LOJ ft 4 n M iH M a