sj r-ife w- R. W. FURNAS, Editor. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1870. Corn is quoted firm in St. Louis at ninety-five eenta. It costs but 18 cents to transport it there. How is it then only selling here at but fifty cents? m - - The St- Joe & Council Bluffs and 'the Missouri Valley Roads have been consplidated. Through trains run now from Council Bluffs to Kansas City. The Rev. J. T. Baird has returned from the East, filling his own pulpit on last Sabbath. The church was filld with an intelligent congregation on that occasion. "We see by the "Washington Chron icle that the Committee on Tubllc Lands are contemplating making an appropriation of lands to aid in build ing the Midland Pacific from Ne braska KL'ity to au intersection with the U.P. x The Republican eaya that Messrs. Thayer and Taffc are working ear nestly for a liberal appropriation with which to erect a Postoffice and Court House in Omaha. The deed for the grounds has been executed and sent on to "Washington. m The Supreme Court of the United States, decided in a case recently, be fore it, that the legal tender act could not apply to contracts made prior to the passage of the act. On applica tion of the Attorney General, the point was re-opened for further argu ment, as the Government had not been heard upon the subject. s m Du. H. L. R.vXDAT.ii of this county has left at our office a curiosity in the shape of a bone, partially petrified ana in a good state of preservation, which he dug from the ground, over seventy feet below the surface, while digging a well. Here is a chance for specula ting, as to the age in which it was de posited. It is without doubt the bone of a former human being. i f The telegrams from New York City report the lauding in this country of Prince Pierre Napolean Bonapart. His being at liberty for killing Victor Noir, while Fonville, Grousset, Roch- fort, Milliere, Bazcire and Doreure are imprisoned on suspicion of being too liberal, is quite a commentary on the justice meeted out at the hands of the French courts and Autocrats. "We see a notice in the Rockport Journal of a Teachers' Institute com mencing in that place on the 25th iust., to hold through the week, and to be conducted by Prof. Parker, State Superintendent, and Prof. Clark, his assistant. The teachers of this coun ty should at least send over a delega tion of one or more to learn all that may be gained from educators so ex perienced aud noted as are expected to be present at that institute. This is a grand opportunity, and we Lo e our Superintendent will avail himself of this teachers' meeting in the im provement of our institutes. Rev. D. K. May, the late pastor of hc M. E. Church at this point, has been stationed at Falls City, from which point he returned this week for his family. He is much pleased with his new field of labor, and great ly surprised at the development and improvements in that part of our State since 1859, the date of his last visit there. Where then was uubro ken prairie he now finds improved farms with good buildings, orchards and other evidences of a high state of civilization. And such is the wonder ful growth of Nebraska for miles in land during the past decade, thateven our own citizens are not prepared to comprehend the facts as they are re lated by those who make actual ob servations from extensive traveling. The dispatches from the west report the Indians very troublesome this spring. They are raiding very gen erally upon the frontier settlements ; throwing cars from the track, stampeeding and drivng away stock, and attacking emigrant trains. The Quaker policy works like a charm in the winter when Mr. Lo is disposed, or rather compelled by lack of horse feed and by the cold weather, to re main passive ; but the fresh grass of epringand the non-combative eviden ces of Governmental tendencies which surrounded him, are butso many inspi rations to deeds of blood, carnage and destruction. The good intentions of the President's policy arc interpreted by them as a dread on our part to meet them with physical force, the only power recognized as of any weight by savages. This moral experiment is costing the frontier settlers and the poor emigrants dearly, for which tlwre is not the slightest hope of good ses&Xts. Let it cease, and immediate ly put the lawless brutes upon their good behavior at the point of the bay- "onet ; then may we hope for peace. The Marquis De Banneville, the Embassador of France to Pio Nono, the Pope sent to remonstrance with his eminence against the adoption of the Dogma of infalibility, met with but -very little sympathy at the Vati can. When informed that France might withdraw her protection from Rome unles the wishes of the Empe ror were consulted, he was informed that his eminence had received 293 dispatches from theEmperor upon the same subject, the seals of which had not even yet been broken j and con-J eluded by saying "The Emperor well knows that his Crown is suspen ded by the same thread as my Tiara." On learning from the Ambassador of the strict discipline of the young Prince imperial, the Pope said "Wrong, wrong ! It will not do to severely force him to study history and the natural sciences. Bear it well in mind my friend, that a ohristian knows enough of them when he can tell his right hand from his left, to re cite his patre. AH the rest is vain knowledge and fofld of little sub stan, which wearfcs tha mind instead of nourishinc it." i "GiTe that flog a Bone!" The Democrat is in a terrible stew over the city printing whines like a cufTed spaniel. The editor says : "The Advertiser lira had the city printing for sevcrnl years past. At no time has any op posing paper put in a bid. or entered into a rivalry calculated to take from It the print ing or to compel it to do the work so low as to cut olf any part of the profits. As long as the party of which the Advertiser was tlte organ carried the city elections, such was lite course jitirsueu uy an uv.h i'i'""i " Democrat among the number." Democrat. True ; and for years the Advertiser did tbo printing for the city, for nothing when it had nothing to pay with and for this, as one of the rea sons, considers it has claims upon the city for Its patronage. The Advertiser is egotistical enough to claim that Its humble cflbrts did as much as any thing else to build up the city to what it now Is able to suprort two good papers; and now, fortooth, before the swaddling cloths are fairly off this Ktrippling, he asserts claims of priori ty ! As well might he ask the Adver tiser to retire entirely, and surrender the whole newspaper field to him. Notwithstanding these facts and prin ciples, we say to the publisher of the Democrat that when his mighty "in fluence" will secure a Democratic City Ticket, on political issues, wo will not ask for a dollar's worth of patronage at the hands of the City Authorities. The majority of the present Council are Republicans, and for this, aa an additional reason to the first herein given, we claim the patronage. im - Senator Tipton as a Lecturer. We clip the following from the Kcw Era, at Martinsburgh, West Virginia, March 31sfc, 1870: The lecture on the 21st Inst., for the benefit of the Methodist Church of this place, deliv ered by Hon. T. W. Tlpton.Senatorfrum Ne braska, was a rare Intellectual feast, and de livered with that grace and ease which marks the orator and scholar, under whoso mnglc Influence an audience listened with wrapt attention. The young satspcll-boundby the speaker's graphic description of Cookman's eloquence, and the aged lived over again. In memory, his spiritual appeals in behalf of God and Immortality, such as only Cookman conld make. The Washington Chronicle gives a very full report of a lecture delivered at a literary re-union in Washington by the Senator, being a comparison of the great orators, Demosthenes and Webster, which was heard with marked attention and enthusiasm by an audience of literary ladies and gentlemen. He is also announced for a temperance lecture this spring in the Cooper Institute, N. Y. "The Democrat labored for the success of that ticket, and Its success Is owing alone to that fact. It was not a polltlca 1 light, and our Influence in favor of that ticket was ex erted upon nil classes alike, regardless of party.' Democrat. "Our influence" is getting to be so "hefty" that the people "fear and tremble," "come and go" at the "wink and nod," of this specimen of "Southern Chivalry." This com munity had a practical demonstration of this "influence," not long since, in the matter of a Railroad Ticket. The "dead weight" of this vast "influ ence" of this Hercules was thrown unreservedly in a certain direction, and the election went as he "predic ted" over the left. llemoTal to Omaha. ".In"orB F Lu.shbaugh and family left our town on Monday morning last for the new and flourishing city of Omaha, which will hereafter be their home, and to which they bcarwlth them the sincere wishes of a nu merous circle of friends, who parted from them with many regrets, for their future happiness and prosperity. The Major will continue in the Land Agency business, as may be learned from his card elsewhere." The foregoing we clip from the Ha gerstown (Md.) Torchlight. The Ma jor and his family have arrived in Omaha. We were pleased to meet him in this place last week. The Plattsmouth Herald asserts, with apparent candor, that Morton of the Kews Is among the new converts to Radicalism ; whereupon the News denying the soft impeachment, repu diates the main plank of the Demo cratic platform after this wise: e s "It may beat this juncture, upon the eve of a municipal election, entirely proper to state the fact, that the Daily News Is not a Saloonocratlc journal. "The Daily Keics does not feel bound tosup port saloon-keepers for office, ltecauso the said saloon-keepers claim to beDemocraJlc any more than the Xeuvt would feel compel led to shield or defend any poisoner who might plead Democracy In extenuation of his crime. "A Democrat may commit murder, and the JTeirs Is no more bound to sustain him than the Netcs Is bound to sustain common street drunkards and bar tenders when they proclaim their Democracy and run for office." Col. Savage, President of the Q. M. &, P. R. R. Co., is in Atchison county, Mo., laboring in the interests of the road he represents. Our information from there is that he has arranged with the citizens of Atchison county in relation to the bonds voted for the road, so that there is no doubt but that the road will be completed from here east to Rockport this summer. We hope that this information is reliable and have every reason to expect that it is, as Brownville has offered $50,000 as an inducement which can only be had upon this contingency. We are pleased with the salutatory of the Beatrice Express. It gives the ring of true Republican metal. Mr. Coleman, the Editor, has our sincere good will for the success of the Ex press. We find the following items in its columns of last week: "Naiuw EscArE. While out buggy riding lat Sunday, Dr. Cowles and lady late of BrownvUIej had a narrow escape. The horse the .Doctor was driving being badly rrlghteued by some flogs Jump ing out of the bushes on one side, started oil' very suddenly, throwing the Doctor and his lady both from the buggy. Mrs.Oowlesvras thrown out on the shaft. and thence to tbeground, both wheels passing over her, though without doing any serious injury. Dr. Oowlets was not hurt atull. We-congratulate them on their providential escape." "Company C, 2d .TJ. S. Cavalry, passed through town last Tuesday, en route to Klk Creek, where they go into camp for the summer, for protection to the setters on the .Little Blue and tributaries." "The Democrat predicted good prices for corn Utls spring, and advised tanners to hold. That advice was acted upon, and the present state of the market Justltles both our Judge jnent and their confidence in it." Democrat. There's both "prophet" and "the son of a prophet" for you. Wonder if the writer didn't make arrangements with the clerk of the weather, and "predict" the cold snap of weather last week. The old woman who "predicted" that the cow would "eat the grindstone," must have been giv ing him lessons In the "predicting" business. The St. Joseph & Denver Railroad Company have definitely located their line through this land district The odd sections have been withdrawn from the market and the unsold even sections raised to $2.50 per aer. Prom the Burlington Hawk Eye we learn that the Burlington and Ru lo, the State Line road to Nebraska City, and the Ft. Madison and Farm ington mads have harmonized their conflicting interests and consolidated the three roads, and the line will now run through the southern tier of counties in Iowa to a junction with the North Missouri at or near Bloom field, Iowa, and from thence through North Missouri toRulo, in Nebraska. This line will be completed to tne North Missouri road this senson. The company have secured 3,000 tons of iron, designed to complete (with what is already laid) fifty miles in Nebras ka, west from Rulo to Pawnee City. So what Nebraska City looses by this arrangement, Rulo, Falls City, Salem and Pawnee City gains. We congrat ulate our fellow citizens in that por tion of the Stateon the favorable pros pects which they have for railroad communication with the world at large. We glean from the Plattsmouth Herald that the inveterate speculator "Prof. Miller," has just returned from Chicago with oi.e hundred thousand feet of lumber to erect buildings on his property in Ashland ; that there is more business done in Plattsmouth in one day now than there was In a week lastj'ear; the Railroad making the difference; that telegraph poles are being erected along the line of the Railroad between Plattsmouth and Ashland ; that the river landing at Plattsmouth is being paved with rock by the Railroad Company ; that the revenue assessments this year are 300 per cent, larger than last. The pros perity of that important point is cheering, and is only another evi dence of what like improvements will do for this city aud county when ful ly assured and under way. At the present time the prospects of Platts mouth are superior to any town In the State. They are now enjoying in that city all the privileges and ad vantages which we are hoping for on the completion of the Q., M. & P. It. R. The difference is that they have about three years the start of us quite an Important item to them. Pearls Gulf of California. The Revenue returns for law) re ceived by last mail from City of Mex ico, show, thatlhe catch of Pearls and Shell for the past year on the Gulf Coast of the territory granted to the "Lower California Company" amoun ted to the large sum of $7S,000. This, of CQurse, is the valuation of the Pearls given by the divers and speculators, and is consequently very much below the actual value of the catch. A Pearl is sold frequently for $20, which sold in Panama at $200, brings $1,000 in Paris; aud in many cases much greater profits have been made on very fine gems. Not over one half the catch is ever reported to the Government, and the yield of the Gulf for 1S69 may be safe ly estimated at $300,000 in gold. We learn by reading the Falls City Journal that there is much excitement prevailing yet in Richardson county over the Herd Law. One party pledg ed to appeal to the Courts if it Is en forced, and the other party pledging their stamps for the defense and en forcement of the law. The proceed ings of each meeting are fully set forth in the Journal, and judging from the length of the resolutions, the Herd Law men have the long end of the beam. Dr. F. Renner, the popular Inter nal Revenue Assessor for the Nebras ka City sub-division, was in town this week. The Doctor looks the per sonification of good health and good living. We take due notice that he is soon to be the Lord Mayor of Ne braska City, and will try tcrgovern ourselves accordingly. The Chronicle, the Press, and JVeu's all favor the election of the Dr. F. Renner for Mayor of Nebraska City. W. E. Dillon is theDemocratic candidate, or as the Jrcws terms it, the Saloonocratic candidate. The two words being nearly synouimous, it is a distinction without a difference. -t4 tr --i TVTtl.-. ?, il "iv The Presiding Elder of the M. E. Church holds a quarterly conference meetingat Peru, commencing on next Saturday, and in Brownville one week later. These are the first for the present conference year, and good at tendance is expected. "Discussion was carried on by Tipton against any legislation for Georgia, which he held was already in the Union. Teleyraphlc JHs jHtlch.'' "Again wc feel called upon to pay a compli mentary tribute to the distinguished -gentleman whose home organ wc have the honor to be." Democrat. That'sjcool enough tohave ice in it. We hope Mr. Tipton will send the Editor somebody's speech Garrett Davis or Fernandywood's or a Con gressional Directory, or something of the kind. That's what he is fishing for. He seems to be looking around for the organship for somebody or something, and is ready to labor in that capacity "dog cheap." Hon. T. R. Fisher, the late editor of thePawnee Tribune, is now in Brown ville after au absence of nearly two years. iQ nnus tnat many new ana substantial buildings have been built here during his residence in Pawnee City. m The cold weather of lost week kill ed thp spring wheat and oats down to the ground, but it is hoped that no material injury has been done to the growing crop, as it seems to be shoot ing up from the ground during the warm weather which followed this week. Prom and after July 1st, letters sent direct to North Germany will be sub ject to only seven cents per half ounce instead of ten eenta as now charged. If sent by the closed mail via Eng land, postage will be ten cents in stead of fifteen, the present rate. "Both are growing in the most gratifying proposition our lnfluonceand circulation." Democrat. Yes, like the fellow kept tavern, In Indiana. Board of Equalization. The County Commissioners a full Board present held a session Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, of this week, as a Board of Equalization. Nothing of importance transpired, except that many came to have their assessments equalized, and very few had any good eause, but went away satisfied with the Board, with the As sessor aud, doubtless, with themselves. The residence, furniture, grain, stables and hay of E. W. Ruser, of Grant precinct in Richardson county, were destroyed by fire last week. The fire originated as too many have be fore it, l3' the stovepipe running up through the roof, the heated pipe ig niting the dry shingles on a windy day, and In a few moments changing thousands of dollars in value to mere ashes. The wealthy farmei sin that vicinity made donations of hay, grain, clothing and furniture nearly cover ing the loss, which proves that the property was insured in a safe compa ny. A good character and business, and a residence in a virtuous, gener ous and liberal community, are valu able perquisites to fall back upon. Ashland Times. We are pleased to welcome, and place on our ex change list, the Ashland Times, a new paper hailing from Ashland, Saun ders county, in this State, O. H. Mathews, Editor and Publisher. Ashland has always been a promis ing point, and now that the Burling ton Railroad from Plattsmouth to Lincoln is completed to that place, it is looking up and preparing to move to the watchword of the day "oti tvard." The Times is well gotten up and ably edited. One of the princi pal and commendable features is, it has a live Agricultural page, to which some one is devoting attention. Wouldn't be surprised if Ciiakley Walker or Lieut. Deyo had some thing to do with this Department. The Agricultural standard In Saun ders county is as high as that of an other county in the State. Mr. Ilawley, from the Committee on Public Lands, reports a bill to the House, the second section of which reads as follows : "Section 2. Ami belt further enacted, That, for the purpose or aiding in the construction ot sniti roads, there bo. and is hereby, appropriated for the use of said Midland Pacific Itailroad, and the Brownville and Fort Kearney Kailrdad Companies, Jointly, every alternate section of pnbllc land, not mineral, desiennted bv odd numbers, to the amount of ten alternate sections per mile on eacli side of saiu roads on me nne t Jiereoi anu not soin. reservco. or otherwise disposed or by the United States, or held by valid homestead right at the time of the lo cation of said road aud the filing of the map as herein provided: Provided, that said companies shall accept this grunt within one year from the passage of this act, by the filing of sucli acceptance with the Secretary of the Interior, and shall also establish the line of said roads as near as may be. and Jile a map within one year of the date of said acceptance: And nrovided further, that this act shall not be so construed as to grant lands as afore said to more than one line or road, irom tne point were said roads shall Intersect to Denver: and such point of intersection shall not be further west than the sixth principal mcrcdian, according to the gov ernment survey in said State of Nebraska." A prominent cttizen of Nebraska, residing in the northern partof the State, enclosing a year's subscription to the Advertiser, closes with the fol lowing compliment: "I am regularly In receipt of your valuable paper, and believe thnt In practical efforts to ueveiopeonr material interests, there Is no paper published In the State of equal value." If the gentleman would read the Democrat of this place, he would doubtless except it If he placed as high an estimate on its "influence" as its editor docs. - ' Mr. Cyrus W. Field is working up the project of running a sub-marine cable faom San Francisco by way of the Sandwich Islands to Japan and China. He is asking, with a reason able prospect of success, material aid from the Government for this enter prise. i m The pen with which Gen. Grant signed the Proclamation announcing the adoption of the Fifteenth Amend ment, was preseuted to a friend of the freeumen in Washington, who was immediately offered $50 for it by par ties anxious to preserve it. The Journal informs us that W. W. Abbey, one of the State Prison In spectors, is on a tour inspecting the hstafe Prisons of Iowa, Illinois and - t sj it . pernaps Micniganooiore ueciuiug up on a plan of one for this State. HARRIED, April 19th, by Judge Morgan, at the residence of Geo. Vauney, in Kemuha county. Mr. Crandal 11 Hatns, of Otoo county, to Miss Melvhin Irwin, of Johnson County. ISUHV sLDrERTISJSJLENTS PROPOSALS FOB CAVALRY HORSES. TIea.dqi;abters Dkpaktmknt of the Pi-atm: Chief Qdabtkbwasti:u's Ofkick. J- . Omaua, EH., April II. 1ST0. J SEALED Proposals, In duplicate, with guarantee signed by two responsible parties, not bidders, and accompanied by a deposit of, will be re ceived at this ollice. until 11 o'clock, a. m., on Fri day, April 2, 1870, for the deliver- of One Hundred and Seventy-Six (170) CAVALRY HORSES, between the date of the award of the contract and May . IsTO. The horses mast be sound in every, particular, well broken, in full ilesh and rood condition, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) hands high, from live (.") to nine (9) years old, and well adapted for cavalry purposes. No mares or stallions will be received. The horses will be submitted to a rigid inspection. Horses that have been sold by Government will not be received. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids that may be offered. Blank propasals and full conditions of the con tract will Ik; furnished on application at this office. Bids will be received for the whole or any num ber not less than twenty-live (i") horses. By order of the Quartermaster General. WM. MYEltS, Bv't Brie. Gen., 27-lt ChiefQuartermaster. XOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Itailroad Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THESTOCK holders of the Brownville, Ft. Kearny & Pa cific Kollroad Company, that the first enstallment of ten percent, due on stock subscribed. Is required to be paid Into thehands of the Treasurer Immedi ately. By order of the Boord. BOUT. W. rCRXAS. Sec'y B. Ft. K. & P. B. K. April H, 1870. 2Mt jjTDemocrnt please copy. XOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Bro-TOTlllC; Ft. Kearnej" and Pacific Bailroad CompaHjr. "VTOTICE IS nEKEBY GrKS to tm STOCK JL1 holders of the Brownville. Ft, Xearoey and Pacific Itailroad Company, that a call Is made fur the second Installment of five percent, of the stock subscribed in addition to the ten percent, due by law at the time or subscribing and which Is due, and required to be paid within thirty days from this date. By order of tb Board. BOBT. IT. FURNAS, SecTB. Ft.. & P. B. K. April 14th. WTO. 2tMt jST'Democrflt pUaie copy. "XTOTICE!- ALL PEBSONSKNOW inir themselves to be Isileted to A. traon, will sare -A- 1 raaTi1 riTiattltnnin lnirrTlsitssr awt COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, April 18, 1S70. Council met ; Mayor and all the Aldermen present. Minutes of last meeting read ami approved. Keport of settlement of cx-Treaturer Hack er was "presented by the Clerk, and exhibit was accepted. On motion, an order was drawn for $!5G,S6, amount of fees due ex-Treasurer Hacker. The following resolution by "IT I. Lewis was read and passed : Jbuolml, That the City Knglneer be Instructed to establish the prade on Main street, between Sixth aud Seventh streets. The new assessment of personal property ,and real estate was presented by J. 11. Docker, Assessor; and on motion assessment was re ceived, and it was ordered that notice be elven that the Council sit as a Board of Equalization on .Tuesday evening, mny3rd, 1S70. A petition was presented byB. B. Thomp son and one hundred others, asking that the streets surrounding Blocks No. 82, S3, and iU, in tho city of Brownville, be opened, said streets being now closed up by fences made by Thos. Bobbins. On motion, the petition was referred to the Street committee for Investigation, to reporl at the npxt regular meeting. S. M. Rich presented a petition from R. C. Berger, asking that he only be charged for licensefortheproportlonatetlmeof his using the same, and no longer. "" On motion, the petition was laid upon the table. The bond and petition of Glincs and others was laid over until next meeting, for Inform ality and Insufficiency. Tho proposition for theclty printing offered by the Advertiser office, was received, and, on motion, was accepted. The following accounts were presented, found correct, and ordered to be paid by order on General Fund. G. "V. Xeclcy, for Bridge on College street, 315,43. Swan it Bro., for nails, 35,50. J. B. Docker, for making assessment and settlement with Treasurer, 110,00. Account of David Campbell for ?G,o0 for work on Atlantic street, allowed and ordered to be paid. On motion, the Clerk was Instructed to draw on County Clerk for road money be longing to theclty; also, authorized to pur chase stationery needed for ollice. Motion by F. K. Johnson, That the City At torney be authorized to collect all monies, misappropriated and paid to County Treas urer and belonging to theclty, which motion was adopted. On motion, It was ordered that the Glty Treasuror be Instructed to maltc and return to tho City Council, an entire list of all de linquent Taxes from 18C3 to Sept. 1st 1S70. rctltlon and Bond of W. 31. Valleau fc Co., was received and accepted, and license grant ed. The following ordinance wan offered and adopted : He. it Ordained by tfie Gly Clnmril of the. fVw of Hrotcnriltc, That ordinance Xo. 5, entitled "Fo'rh-t-enslni;and regulating omnibuses. hacks, carriages, drays, and other vehicles, within the city of Brown ville, be and the same Is hereby repealed. An ordinance relative to retailers of liquors was read and adopted, and ordered to be published. On motion, adjourned. J. B. DOCKER, Clerk. The Southern States. Do you want a reliable journal from the South? The old est, best known and ablest Is the Mobile Week ly llcgUtcr. Published over half a century. Hon. John Foksytii. the ardent supporter of the greatStephen A. Douglas, is theedltor. Every Northern Democrat wants the Regis ter. It has an able Agricultural Department Hon. C. C. Langdox, editor, livery Fai nter and Mechanic wants to know all about the Southpjiow offering so manyattractlons. Subscribe for the Mobile Weekly lteyistcr. Only $3 per year; 31 for 4 months. Try it four months. Send SI. The Register Is the largest paper in the South. Specimen copy free. Address, V. D. MANX, Prop. Register, Mobile, Ala. ar-30 The Bright Side for April, just re ceived. Is a rare specimen of beauty in both its typography and Illustration. Its contents, too, have a peculiar spice, cheerfulness and pith about them, which Is decidedly relish ing to grown peopleas well as children. With such an attractive title and pleasing appear ance, and such characteristic merit as Is evi dent upon perusal, It Is no wonder that though only ten months old It already takes rank as ono of the best children's papers. Tiie nnm bets from March to July are offered free to newsbuscrlbers. Fifty cents a year. Ai.dex Co.. Publishers, Chicago, 111. Disolution or Partnership. vroTicE is np;nKB v given that on the 11 2fith day of March, A. I). 117W, the partnership heretofore existing under the tlrninnmeof Huddart it Co., of which the uudertlgneil were all the mem bers, was by mutual consent dissolved, and that Joseph Huddart assumes thenayment of nil debts and liabilities of said lirm so dissolved as aforesaid. Batod April 12, 1870. aMt JOSEPH HCDBAllT, J. I. BEVSKlt. NOTICE TO Eail Road Contractors ! SEALED PKO VOS ALS.TO onAHETEN 31 1 LES or more of the Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Koad Bed, from Brownville west, will be received at the office of the iecretarj". in Brown ville, until 12 o'clock M on the l'th day of May. 1870. No proposition will be entertained lor lews than one mile. The Board reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. Profiles and estimates can be seen, after ten days, at the office of the President, II. Cl-ett, Esq., Brownville, By order of the Board. it. wTratxAs. Sec'y B. Ft. K. A P. It. R. April U. 1870. Sfi-6 US-Decocrat please copy. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE TAX IVOTICE. OFFICE OK THE COI.T.ECTOB OF IN'TBKNAI, BEVEN'UE. J- JDUtrict o the State of Xtbnuka. N'niiUASKA City, April llth, 1870. Annnnl Tax List for 1S70. "VTOTICE IS IIEItEBY OIVEN THAT THE Is annual list of taxes assessed In acconlnnce with the provisions of the net of Cnnjrress, to pro vide Interim! Kevenue to support th Government, to pay Interest on the public debt and for other pur poses, approved Jun- HOth, lsftl, and tho amend ments thereto, has been returned to me by the As sessor of this district, and thnt said taxes are now due, and payment thereof Is hereby demanded; and that I will in person or by deputj-attend at mv office in nrovrnvllle, on tlie!!Mh nnd ZlOth of April and ilnd of iUuj, li70j for the purpose of receiving said taxes. AU persons who shall neglect to pay the amount of their taxes, hereby demanded, on or before the day last above named, will be obliged to pay In nd- tmiun mereio n penalty i jire jHTcrMton, una a lee of twenty cenu for service of a siecial demand and notice, together with four cents a mile traveling rets, actually and necessarily traveled to make the service thereof. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 2G-2w J. E. lAMASTEIt, Collector. GEO. S. Dl'X.V, Deputy, N"o. 29 Main street, Brownville. Nebraska. otoiiiv jsltjsithi:il,i, Bricklayer and Plasterer, Brownville, Nebraska. Is prepared to take contrac' hrbis line. In city or country, .au wor aone in me oi or siyi., will build Cisterns, nnd warrant tlvem perfect. Uy ABSOLUTE Divorces Iceallv obtained In New York. Indiana, Il linois, and otberStntes.for persons from any Slate or Country. legal every where; desertion, drunkennesv, non-support, etc, sntllclent cause; no publicity; no charge until di vorce obtained. Ad vice free. Bnsiness established tlfteen years. M. 1TOUSE. Attorney. 2S-3m No. 78 Nassau Street, New York City. LAFAYETTE MILLS. Situated on the JJttlc Nemaha Itiver. sixteen miles north or Brownville, and fourteen southv est of Nebraska City. Having purchased the entire Interest in the above Mills, and thoroughly repaired and Improved the same, also erected a SAWMILL thereto, I am now prepared to do all kinds of EXCHANGE or CUSTOM WOKE on short notice and reasonable terms. Lumber of all kinds. Flour, Meal and Feed, con stantly on hand for sale, or In EXCHANGE for Grain or Slock of any kind. All Work. Warramted. D. O. SANDERS. !VK"rr. r "WHEN YOTJ BUY & COOKING STOVE it is economy TO GET THE BEST 31,845 . .'-.Uiht.r.,r . OAK &?&.. mm, Have been sold in the last two years XOT ONE HAS FAILED TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION They are universally acknowledged The Best Cooking Stove Made ! AN'I) WHEUEVEK IOfOWK I"or Uniformity in Baiting, For Economy in tlio nso of Fuel, For Durability and Convenience, nnd tbeir perfect adaptation to the WAXTS OIMVESTEHX PEOPLE! SENT) FOB PBICE LIST TO Shellenberger Bros., Broivnvllle, IYcb. DR.WHITTIER A KEGULAKGKADUATEOFMEDIC1NE. XJl. as diploma at ollice will show, has been lonpcr cnp:i?cii in inc treatment or cncreai. Sexual ami PrivateIMsca.csth.-.n any other tiby siciunin tit. Louis. Svpliilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet. Stricture Orchitis, Hernia, and Bupture; all Urlnarv .Diseases and Svnhilltic or Mercurial Aflllctionsof ihethroat, sUn or boncsare treat ed with itnnaralcllcd success. Spermatorrhea. Sexual Debility, ami Impotcncy, as tho result of self-abuse lu youth, sexual excesses In nia- turer years, orotner causes, ana wincn proauce somcofthefolloTvlns; effects, nsnoctunial emis sions, blotches, debility, dizziness, dimness of sipni. contusion oiioeas, cviuorcoouinps, aver sion tosociety of females, lossot memory, and scxtialpower, and rendcringmarriagcuuprop er. arc permanently cured. ThoDoctor'sopportunlticsinhospltaland pri vate Dractlcc arc unsurpassed In St . Louis or any other city Backlllcs otSt.Loulspapersprove that he has been located there longer by years thananyothersadvertisinp. The establishment, library, laboratory aud appointments arc unri valed In the "West, unsurpassed anwhcrc. Age. withcxperience, can be relied upon, and thcuoctor canreler to many physicians tli roujih outthe country. In past success and present position lie stands without a competitor. The wrltliiRS of a physician whose reputation is Union-wide should be worth reading. DR. WIIITTIER'S Painplctscnt to any address in a sealed envelope for two stamps. Many phy sicians Introduce patients to the doctor 'alttr readin? his medical pamphlet. Communica tions confidential. A iriendly tall; will cost you nothln?. Office central, yctrctlredXo ClzSt. diaries st ., St. Louis, Mo Hours 9a.m. to7p.m CONTINUES to treat all Private Diseases. Syph ilis alltnrmsof Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, &a completely eradicated. That numerous class of cases resulting from self-abuse, producing ua mauliness, ncrvousdebillty, Irritability, eruptions, seminal emissions, audllnally lmpotency, perma nently cured. Persons aflllctcd -with delicate. In tricate and lonp-stamllnp constitutional complaints are politely Invited to call lor consultation, which costs nothing. Experience, the best of teachers, has enabled him to perfect remedies at once effi cient, snfe. permanent, and which In most rases can be used without hindrance to business. The es tablishment embraces office, reccctionaud'nailiiMr rooms, also hoarding and sleeping apartments for patients requiring daily personal attention, and vapor and chemical baths. No matter who nave :mic; lled, state your case. Bead his pamphlet, pent to anyaduressfrec. Thousands of casestreated annu ally at office and all over the country. 010 Wash ington avc.. St. Louis. Hours 9 A. 31. to 7 r. U Pamphlets sent to any address for two stamps. A BOOH. FOR THE BIEL.2.EOK NIARR A Prlrate Cmmc"r r t j the Married, cr tho! iiboct to mar-j. on the pbyiiological Eir.terf?? and rcTelatlocs of the sexual ijfteci, nilb the lateaidiscoTcrlcJinrnxladng GUIDE and prerrntins offsrrin;, liOTrtoprejcrTetheeomplMicc, tc. 1bnl an Iutcrr.tiu4 worjc of two hurnlra! ana tvpntr four pages, vithiouincroaa cnfraTin;. andccstaiai lalnab'e infer znatloa fir those ho are married, or contemplate marriar?. Still, it is a book th tousht to Lc kept na&rr lec and Icr, and net laid esreleulj about the bonit. Sent lo any oas freeof posuse; for Fifty Crete. AdJrc! lr. Eatta' DUpctearr- So f2 Jtata nisfcta Street, St. Louis, l!o. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. TWore arpljln5 to the notorious quick Th arcrtl2 lo public paper" or micsanj quack reraeilic, peruse lr. fiutti work, no matter what jmr dUius is, or tow deplorable ; our condition. Pr. liutta can to consulted, pcronallj' or by Ball, on the diecs racnUniinl In tl lt. OQce, Ko. l-IJxirih Eifhtli Street, l.twcu LarkctkuJ Cl-clsui, SU Louis, l!c. A. X2.srre- Oolleotion. ROTTL.UCD'S KECKIPTS. llajl'i Arts, DbeoTeries, Ac.. -" comj ritng rateable information fur cretjbodT Seniby mtlllfreeof postage) rr HF7V Cents: Address It. E.XOU 12ANUY, So. llXcrth Eighth street. SU Louis. Jlo. "DRAKE'S rOmXTlOV or nrarly one hundred receipts for -L matioffliraiijy ; ail kluJiof V iue, bin. Ale, lleer. Cor dials. Superior Ciiicr, ard rauca other userul information for those Cealinir in or aanofaclurisg any of l&e above, either fir the trade or bene cr. Scut by miil (free or potr for Tifty Cents. Addrs B. K. XoBMAXIY, No. II Xnrih. Eighth itreet, St. Louis, Jto. Bny Me and I'll Do You Good. 2SOOT & FILA-T oo BT CLKASSIXO TCK BLOOD AXD arominr the Llrer ant Seeretlre llr cans to n htalihja tia, these Fills care many omp'-ilnt TtLich it vooM cot be sapposrd tlicyconU reach, such as IIsjd acna. 1'ali is Till Sidi XisiaM..s ortni llisc iv "rrr. Ui-tutM, Ciiuj--i. llriicwmv Niikjicja Lessor A rrrrttc. r r Tiiuoc Distvrsr.r Kuuir Atwktiox. CoisTiriTio-f Dziiurr. Fsrsus or jtiz. sics Uvsrspsii Ji- jDiCi aal other iln- i drrt eomplalaU n-lslrstrotnulowstateof I GCZ tns dotit. or oott-uctitu oi t:s janeiioLS. i "- Ikias free from wrcurv and otLer polns. ' thrj ran be taken at atl times aud uaJcr all ctrcnnitineei liltout rrgarJ toilictorLssiucu. frice 2 5 cents a toi. Prepared by the Grafton Jf allclne Cn Ki Louis, Mo. Sold by dru;;i U au t dealers lu medicine eTerjvhere. LOOK TQ YOUR CHILDREN. J7ie Great Soothing JTcmedy. ifRS. f Carts colicatd (rriplncla the J pBICIl "r7HtTCO"JIB,SI",w't" -& faciiititcs Uie rro- bYRUP. (eessoflctthint. ) 25 CZ1ITS MES. f Subdues eonvutiions and erer J PRICE "WlTl IC0MB'S'S,;c'nc all iliaws Incident t 25 8YRUP. (iniantsandchilfirec. iCENIS HRS. ( Carea Diarrhea. Pjsentery and f PRICE THIlC0"3,S'S Summer Cosjplait la children 25 SXRUP. iofatlagcs. 3C2KTS Ills the rrcat Icrants' and Children's soothing KemeJr la all dfordfrsLroiihtoa by Teethlncor sayothercaass. l're parwl 1it the Grafioa Vedlcinc Co.. St. Louis, XI o. toM br druyti.u and dealers in medicine eTcrrwhtre. 9 feajt ! o sf s THE SHERMAH HOUSE. C. 31. KAUPFJIAIf, PROPBtETOB 40 Maln-st., BroiraTllle. This House has been remodeled and refurnished throuchout. and affords the best accoaimodatlons In the city to the local and traveling public. It is cen trally located. Stages for the West, nnd Omnibuses $y aU trains, go from the J"h9mian IIoum. Fair i I V v IIET STUD.BIBIULliD DE. WIX.BEB s W j tf i. I& r1 i pi STATE SAXJB OF A.T LINCOLN, TITE CAPITAL KEEUASKA, June 6th, AJD. 1S70, atlO A. M. 32,044 ACRES GE I.AND TO BE 8Q1A V -PIIE rN'DEIlSIGXED IXSPKCXOKS OF THE L State Prlon, In pursuance of an act of tne Legislature of Nebraska, entitled "an act to pro vide for tlic erection of a Penitentiary, and for the care nnd custody of State Prisoners," npproved March , 1870, oner for sale the following de-cribed lands at public auction. The said lands will be ap praised by the Inspectors, and sold t the highest bidder over apprawmenv. TERMS CASH. Sale to be continued from djiy to day until all nre sold, or a sufficient amount realized. Description of lhc Lands, t I unto nf TCntrv: Parts of Section. ! o I IP ; 1 Dec. 17th, 1S67. t i S I V All S W 'a n;s All SW!i s k a S3, ; All X K ' X J, e a v:i x v .v All SE.V X K iX x w a W " XKlf.tSW'j Wii S - HE U W!i s a E !' S K U K : .; K !, S K U t S "A l S K Ji it S AV i XK) k a v'H s a n V5 s a s 3. k y, x w ' S KU x a K ' Xi K ' k a s w u S JJ x X K X X w u XAV.V XJi KJi s wj; sj; XWJXASKJi HRJi K!i XJi XK' AVJi S V V KJi X il X K V ,t S V I Wli sjj XKqritS'Wqr X K ir XKtir&SWqr S V qr SVijr XV. tr SKqr K hi S hf j S i; or I KKqritXWqr S hf XWqrASEqr 6 S 10 14 IS 6 8 10 It J) n :i 2S no .14 I 10 : 38 S 3K lfi) 610 100 32) 311.17 0 ,3E. (tvun 33) lfil) ISO KO 33) -M run 180 J0 10 3E 3ilJ3 33) 33) 33) 320 320 159 44 G60.24 lfiO 160 J 11 3E 4 6 Si 10 1 11 , ! im i 320 320 I S I i 32! 450 3214 320 IPO 320 320 320 320 1G0 320 320 320 8 .4E 8 in ll- r 14 18 20 20 30 32 34 O 4 S 10 IS 14 24 30 23 28 32 2S 30 T r. 8 12 II 24 2f R 11 21 2 30 32 34 V fl 10 12 IS 2S 32 M 320 I 320 J lfiO 320 1 32G.6S !320 320 32(120 J320 ... MJ IK IfiO mi oE 337.15 3221 315.93 320 320 .CO 320 1C0 320 319.(3 100 320 lfiO 150.71 1C0 320 313.S6 ltlll 320 320 1C0 I. j 10 !sE I 320 j.-co ' ISO 5K 320 i hi) BE 313.50 f 32 3 t S! ! K 1 TOi 18 4 I 324.59 6E 31(91 ' t 320 i 330 I 320 BE 1B4.4S 320 ii J? I t-i 4 10 it 12 IS 20 10 12 14 ICO ..Ur :20 I 320 ICO 320 !320 (320 i 117 I 24 SS 30 32 J2 13 1 s? i-.qr S-Vtir All All All xj; All ! ICO 640 sE I RIO 320 12 ;9E. KI9J1 Total. .J2.044 acres. Tiie above describetl Innds are known as the Pen itentlary IJtnds Kranted by the Vnitetl Stntes to the State of .Nebraska for a Penitentiary or State Pris on, and contain some of tli most valuable landt in the State, much of which lies trlthln a radius or ten miles of Lincoln, the Capital of the State. Thlssnle of State Lands oners to Farmers. Mechanics and Laborers a fine chance lor a cheap home nenrthp Capital, situated in th richest agricultural district of the. State, nnd near the sreat Salt B:iMn where salt fa beinKinnuufnctured from the surface water. Several railroad are projected through the lands; one of which, the Burlington Missouri ltallrond will be completed to Lincoln before the day or sale, and others in u short time. Tho Commissioners of Public Buildings at the tame time and place will offer five or si hundred lots In the town of Lincoln, svhich at thepresent time cotalns about 2.000 Inhabitants with Kod ho tels, churches and schools. alo a tine State House. The Agricultural College and t'niversity, nnd In sane Asylum are In process or erection, which, with other State Institutions and centering of rail roads, will make It the great interior city orth State. F.TEMPLIN. J-&f,t!2n W.W.AH11KY. J In-Pectors. Lincoln, Xeb., April 1, TS70. 25-9t 160 ACHES OF LAND W ITII A GOOD HOUSE AND STABLE AND Tliril? TO ftfTM nnilctpfmltlfntlAn . -... inc Impletnenta complete If desired. 'There is as j,. u .-ill in h ui water on me Place as can be found TKTUVKFVrVOCf and others Interested in IW- 1 V XiSS lUXlO CTf Bwxmetr should addre EDSON HROS.t Patent Lawyears and Solicit - and Solicit - 1- ors JNlnth-st.. Washington. D.C. for Advice and Clrcolar. IM'enU obtained or no charoe. Letterlroni JTon.V.P.HoUoKav.formerluiyjm- mOaionrr of Patents. datI Wnshlnrtnn r-h mlUmrr of Patent, dated Washington. March ou, irnvt : "i cneenuiiy commend to all persons who til "gS s g i " mills U aJ 5SW FOR SALE L;i sl?,Lon- !5 m"e!' tmm Brownville. and W miles from Nebraska City. Sold cheap for cash. Itefer to R.V. Hughes. p , :- WILLIAM ALLEN. j may have business In the Patent Office the Arm of ijy f D ft,riT?rpaper. publbbed -Edson Bros., m gentlemen or prompt buslnesshab- lSnLvoi perm- It nr1 In turarx? oo-raAM n a - in.. I concur In the above. T. a. tori kkr. .' fcWm XO-ftrt. i.Tsrt. 1 1 BOOTS A'D SHOES. Best in the IEGAXj notices. Admrafatrat er's Xotle TO Atr.VK03Hn; MAY COXCT'liJ. - t.ACTe'en JohrTsSnkiPT1 tor of theestat of James .L. 8iu 7fJmlnl,rs filed n theofflce-or thftotatfjSArVS?!?. county. N-etrasha, hfci application fori Snetnafca ment as such administnitnr .. r r.n,tl :'. day of May. i"tS: . it WoSS?k'Sm taVvh the time for hearing the said ipSffeSlSMW M account, at my office in Brownville na flna JSKEffJL F 2TOTIC1X. Stray Cow. "" fiTRViK? from. tne farra of themlncrlbp,, Va.,t11 " southwest f Brownv,tB the 1st day of April, two Cbwv One X . iHf Cow. with a white tare andZ; LS. r belly; heavy with calf. 'n, oThiV Y. ."?r..W Ing bVorrnatlon where the" mpr hi flS.JZ?'' liber rewarded. MW-Jftl, Estray Xotice. " L in !Ieti Itocfc precinct Vcrn,. ir I,x I3s( bmsl-av Vbrrjasy .jothTiinronet .nnt3r -S" dark Say. thtrteeVand onthSlf V: nS ftr? ftart legs, mane, and tall, rlirht W JIJH? ?. sauiilf ninrKs, also slieht collar-miTt- v.J, it. .Rnt and the head of haftern: l othVr nrnrt' celvnblf. .supposed to be si VM ?. mrfcl P- AGENTS "WAOTEDl Tt-jxWriVUo Wast finiplorment.-AVeare'.r, prepared to furnish employment to all who (V,! to rcsJae-money easily, rapidly and nspwtrtrt? Business new. light and profitable Jrorn t ti per day can certainly be nuulr by ant- nian or JT maRwhoT-rswsesapartieleofenerxr Stn-H. can also be conducted In the tvtn ...! . desire permanent nnd profitable trniYnL1. Loa to the undersigned, who will forwirn vS?tv-t,wri:af particulars and a valuable sanipW-fi rr!'i,ft, commence work oss. '"""J' will do to CRAY A- COWLEj Council Blufl. loia. 1. O. IXox, '2S3. li-3m wiuiwmie spots, and a white star In the iT l0,r tl.e-tl-n-shelert the farm she CS' A Anv one returning ., r. tZ "1"f ,,rT ------ fJ PEOPLE OF AMERICA t Humanity calls yon to al.1 the caue or CUBAN INDEPENDENCE ble waste of blood. To restore peaceundi-r,L,r. oas Bepubllc to the alllicted IalebrinbC ur!' Friends of Liberty ! I.tJSleoy,)a' 'nulvldually, to show yonrsrin pnthy with a people struirslinic for Its KrcVdcm br takiim' tickets in this drawing, the pnXwiV which will, after the navment .V t,. .J?J!n2?' votetl to the Cuban cau"e- w ue inefanseoriiepubllcantam In the Isfcind orns ba. has been upheld by a body of Patriot-, poorir armed, for nerly two rean.asnlnst the vtcle ralent and main or monarchical Spain. Xotwitrtstnnil'n the dLsadvantases labored under, the itepub lc"ai widy controls ; two-thirds of the area or the whole KvorrOKLY ARMS'W tise of Spanish tyranny In America. To furniih these, and quickly tcrminatethesuirerinBiorarwi pie struKKllitB for its liberty. rttniU are neeuVd ro raise the neees.sary amount, this drawn hnsieen Instituted. ThesunlnsumnnerrnTir.nt of the prizes, will be devotetl to the Cuban raW The drawltifr will take place In Culm, on theaHh or April, 1S70. and the numbers drawing prize wr' be published in this pnper, TICKETS Si EACH! To Induce clubs to be formed Mr Ticket tIllbr torwarded to one aildress for FIVE DULlVItS. All onlers for tickets must be occomnanred with cash, and addreaed to MORALES & CO., nrowr,, P. O. Ilox, 3SJ7. COO Broadway X. "V . City Ijlst or Prizes to be Drawn for April 30th, 1S70. 1 Prize of ju y 2 " w.o 29,' "O I0.IMI '.(. 1.W.0 300 1U0 50 5 10 ax) : low) 21)00 2000 Tickets $1 Each. Six Tickets to one address, $.".. 25-lm NEBRASKA. I C. F. I-IEXrBIE &CO. FOUNDRY &HACHISI WO HKS. Dealers in FllEXCH BURRS, B0LTIXC CLOTJI Scjxtrating and Smut Machines, WATER WHEELS, Portable Grinding aud "jolting MACHINERY, ENGINES & BOILERS, All Kinds or Portable, Stationary and Agricultural Sugar 3Iills, Corn nnd Cob MHU, Saw ?IiIN, I.ntli nail S7 hnjle Jfrict in en, In fact anything in the Machinery Line. Hclcr connectetl with two of the largest Machine works In Iowa, and one of the most extensive Mill lur nisblng Iloues East, our rncilitleH are unst!rpa.eJ. Fractical Mill WriKhts furnished when desired. Call and see or address ui. C. F. ilENDRIE & CO.. 21-2m Nebraska Oty.Neb. THE JIAO'IFICEXT CHR0MO KSTITLKD after the splendid painting by Bwnlter of ew jut. Size, 18x2u inches, .sent to any adored Pit i,. which ! only half the mual price of pictures of m class. Will be sent to any one who desires for in spection. iend for circulars. CUAItLES H. WIIEELEIt. PtMUhtr. Cleveland, OMo. lSt A RENTS WANTED. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION. Eor the Belief and Cure or the Erring and Crsfor tunate.on principle or Christian Oil Ian th ropy. Essays on the Errors or Youth, nnd the 1 r Age, In relation to Marriage and Social I Hi ' sanitary aid for the atlilctetl. Sent free, in sale-I Envelopes. Address. IIOWARD ASSOCIATIO. Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. K 17 NEW STEAM FERRY Tlio Bro-smvillft Perry Coxapanr liave now running between BROAV2S"TnDGIE, E33., A 2" D ITortli Star and Phelps City, Ho., the new and commodious t earn lerry MARY J. ASNOLD! THIS BOAT is entirely powernml capacity to cro new. with nowframl capacity to cross eerii. - . . : . !. ... A .v. Ih nntfilfho. For cnilntf Cuttle Into or out of this Land i trlct. this Is the best nolnt- ThLs boat ie,ci fitteil un to ensure safety In crosslncstoct.anii an- cattlepensarealreadyerectcdjtthebt:J!e.Ai Depot at Phelps aty. "We can insure the trae this the most reliable crossicRon theMbsourt nv. BUOWNVILI.E FERRV CO. iS-Zi-tC o is gss t, t t a oj js al is s) f i I It m mi.T.. n-rsuii'TVs-: CI. i s. Wear? r prepared to furnish all classes with constant t ployinent nt home, the whole of the time or .c. .- aremoments. lluslnessnew.ligntanupruu"--" ersonsoreithersex easily earn from Sic Jo ' evening, and a proportloni whole time to thebaslnesx. ' nearly a much as men. 1 proportlonal sum BJ"""1 V-a lebuslness. BorA &?"'' ' nearly as mucn as men i - L"-ThV b u-rfn-. t tlce may lIialaar,xlZir- To suJna we make hU unparalle botler. To "jun fe , not well saUstied. we w ill JonsoH .j ' trouble of wrltm. Full particnwrs. d trouble of ,""" "'5, on. a. ir. w . i" "". V7 ;r,rr7 ;,m,niniort-ori one c all sent fr by mall. nent. profltabie. employment, address. :. c -t 1W LENtCt.AUgUSW,Jle. ipOIiLARS. All kinds andsty tyles, f I jl r ,-' . fT". . r M i n