al-!'iJ r- iWa$U ftnxtMx. SOCIAJj jyiBECXOKT. liODGES. iJiSSItrown ille Chapter ?o. 4.:It. A. 31. H- itcKuIurCoinmunlcntionslirstMonoaviilKht in each month. Lecture SleetltiCT every Monday sjlrht- K. W. Fuexas, SL K. II. 1. Rurcfs T. BaWCY. bocy. LOCAL MATTERS. J. I. Colkapp, Editor. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1870. a3-Extra copies of tbs Advebtiskr for sale by A. D. Mahsu, at City uook Store, and by a A. rbl ock, at the PostoiHce. tfyKcmabn Valley Lodj No. 4i -A. Pj & JBw .i ir -Hpsrnijir Communications first tind third Saturday nlsdil la each month. Xodne of Instruction ever' baturday night. IV. M. Joiry Blakb. Secy. K. W.TCKXAS, nrownTiUe Lorlcc TS'o. 5, I. O. O. F ltccular meetlncs Tuesday evening ol each week. IT. C. Lett, y. Q. . STirvsxsoy. aecy. BrowTivilln I.odjrs No. 20, I. O. G. F. R& "Meets et try Friday evening. 1$.F.Soudick, W.CT. ATox Blackhchx. w. O. CHURCHES. Ttcriall tinircn. services eacii Prayer I'jaDbatn bcnooi Presbyferlali ilnv J. T. Bawd, Pastor. evenings. .faaubat Heeling Wedwsdav at!o'"lockp. m, rtSSJlcthoillBr E. Church. Services each A babbnth at 10:30 a. jn., and 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer ileetlng Thursday evening. D. IT. SLvT. Pastor. 5Christ' CIi nrcli EpiscopnI. Corner Atlantic and Si-cond streets, fcerviecs every Knnday MornliiK at 10 o'clock p. to. Sunday fichool at2 o'clock. Evening:ervlceat7,lf o'clock. Holy Communion administered on the Slrst Sunday if each month. Seata free. O. K. DAVIS. Itector. XI. C. Jett has Bluo Grass and Osage Or ange Seed. The weather the past few days' has been "on a bender" again snow, rain and mud. What is thp matter with our Gas Lamps? They are greatly needed these dark, muddy nights. Dr. Jiio. Blake and family returned yes terday from a visit East. They are "welcome home." I -rt )pmMmH&'tQl?'imzw&t billiakds. Lost-Thursday quite -an Interesting game of Billiards was played at theSenate between Vallean, of this city, ohanrplon of Nebraska, nd "Wm. Wells, of Hamburg. The game -tras made np In the morning and played In the evening, for $50; Yallenu winning by 93 points in IQ0). Valleau Saturday night played a match game, with "Wells at Rock port, Mo., giving the former 150 points in 1000, and beating him 25 polntu. The game at Rockport was the moat brilliant ever played In this section, the runs on the first GOOpoints averaging S3; "Valleau making six runs in succession of over 50 each. '' - -- -1' , -'3i-5' . COUNCIL-PROCEEDINGS. "9 Industrial Plow at J. 0. Deuser's. City Election, Railroad election and School Board eIocti6n all take place next week; -. Bantiat Church. Corner Fourth and At lantic streets. Services every Sabbath ex- rent the third In each month, at 11 o'clock a. Jr., Sad 7f 'clock f. Sunday School at 10 a. m. myer Meeting Wednesday evening. T. S. LOWS. Pastor. " " CITY OFFICAIiflt ,iv-pnty Council. Meets the FilstTlinrMay in JSvB 'each month. K. E. KnionT,aiarir; J. n vrVL-ol ton'. Clerk. Aldearman ILL-Math-jrJt K ll Swan. F A. Twdel. L. D. Boblson, Wend Si Grant. 1L C-Berser. larshal. J. C. Lincoln, one of the substantial men of Salem, Richardson county, was In our town this week. J. "W. Henderson's is the place to buy Fancy Mllinory Goods, for he has a stock-un-surpasbed in Southern .Nebraska. 51 Slain street. MAILS. oc"ortbcrn, Eastern and Southern, de & arw t s a. m.: arrl voi at 3 p. m. Itulo ifall arrives at 8 p. in.: departb at 7 a. m. Peru M a'.l arrives at 10 m.: depart at 12 p. m. Hsatnce JJail arrives Mondays. Wednesdaj-s and TndaysatS p-ia.: depart Tuesdayu, Thursdays and "Sulnrdars at t a, la. fiiint Mall arrives Prldaj-s at 4 p. m.; departs .m .l.vv nf n tn. . Vr tts wn T m IrxTX- m Iriftoml0tol0,-a.m- . A. I'QLOCK. ! Ujtt Sun- M. JiAJZliOA&S. The River rose three feet last Tuesday night, ana was still rising yesterday noon. It Is almost bank full and much ice and drift wood floating. St. JcsepU& Council BIufTs R.R. FOB 6an FraneIro antl the East aad South. Two trains daily each way. between St. Joseph nQCVuiic!l Hluftj. cwmecJlHras fullout: 4tvt. Joseph with the Hannibal A St. Joseph jtlllroad for Qnlncy. KanssJi City via Cameron, tst. Ty,nU via Macon and the KiM. At St. Joseph with the Jiissenri Valley Raiiroad for Atchison. Learcrosrortfa. Kansas City, Ac At Council Ulufft with Union Pacihc Itallroad for Denver, Salt Iake and Calilornla. At Council IHufls-with ChiaiRo.t orthA cstern BiIlrod for Sioux City and "C Xiter." Pallnmn's Palace Cars arc run through from Ccinc.l Bluffs to St. Louis and Qulncy. TIME TABLI1 fttnlttfeel Sunday March 13, IS70, at 12o'cloel:,noon in) . m im Ko. 4 Kxpres.boundouth. leave Phelpi 7:42 p m Train No. 3 daily cicept Monday. Train No. i daily except Saturday. All olhr trains diiiy except Sunday. A. I HOPKINS, Gen'l Superintendent. gs-Jacob BogerV Omnibus leave. Brow n vdle for 'the l)epot at S a. m. and 12 m.. dailj John TV. Henderson is receiving new goods in the 3Hllinery line every week. He certainly has the most elegant lino of these goods ever opened In Nebraska, That Patent Wood Savr exhibited by Alf. "W. Morgan in front of his Tailor Shop last Friday, is a big thing. It attracted much attention, and satisfied all who looked at it. A Foot Crossing over Main Street oppo site the Block would bo a good thing, and surely the merchants interested would be enterprising enough to put it in. Let's have it! Th People are beginning to And out that the "Cheap" dodge is generally , at thelr ex pense; that as good a 'class of goods cannot be sold by one man much, if any cheaper, than by another; unless the one man has been cast Just in time to get the advantage of a decline in gold in purchasing. This was the case with our friend F. K. (Johnson, of the Arm of F. E. Johnson &.Co. lie has bought lower than it is at all likely that Dry Goods and Groceries will be bought for again this season. They will open up a magnificent stock of goods in a few days. Slessrs. Grovcr &, Baker: I have had one of your machines in use for fourteen years, during which time I have worked con stantly oil it, and it has never cost one cent for repairs, for it has never been out of repair. Mrs. Newcomb, of this place has had a Grover fc Baker machlneover twelve years and it has never been out of repair, and I know of several ladles of like experience; but I suppose there arc thousands who can say as much as that for your machine. E. A. PAGE, Keeno, X. II. ?!annilml & Saint Joseph Time Tabic. Talcinr eflect January Sth, 1S70. AnniVK. Xo. 1 Iay Kxp. daily except Sunday 7:20 p m o. I Panic Cxp. daily cept Monday 3:00 a m o. C Xlifhl I.ip. daily except Monday 7:50 a m "te. 7 Turjuh irt. datlj except Monday 5:l- a in 'o I Tlirj-Jgh firt. dally except Monday fttt a in 'o. II "Aavirt. dally e-ccept!undBv fcwpm ?. 15 Macon fit. daily except humlay amuiiT. Vm. ShcIlcnTuerger has returned, satis fied with himself and the balance of the world, In the pleasant knowledge that he will have an Immense stock of Ilardware here in a few days. J. C. Denser, the pioneer Ilnrdware and Stove man has just returned from the East, where he has been to purchase an Increased stock of supplies. Falling to sell out, he is going to enlarge his business. Deuser has the Industrial Plow I OSAGE ORANGE HEDGE PLANTS! H. C. Lett, at the Elk Horn Drug Store has the purest and largest lot of plants on hand ever ofiered in this section. These plants are sure to grow, as they are well rooted and have been taken up and kept with care. "We learn that he is giving responsible parties time. Time lost in planting a Hedge is money irretrlvably losd. You need but to look at them to be convinced that they are superior plants in the best condition. The price is within the reach of all. Bauer, at Middleton's old stand, has now a full stock of narncss and Saddles, which he is selling very low for cash. Ho Is making up as fine harness as can be had anywhere. His work will bear the test in any market. .11:30 a :n Xo. I BayExp.s'aMyc-tcept Sunday J'o. 4 'n?htKxp. daily except Sunday ?To. 6 Par; k- i;xp..lally exec; t Sunday J."o. t SL"i.ocis Kx. daily except Sunday Hn 10 Wm frf. daily pxcont Sunday Ji'o.It ThrMifch frt. daily except Minday o.K G:40 a n; 5:20 p m JScViani 2:00 p m 7.1)0 a m Ir25 n in Through frI dally except Saturday- 7:25 p m 'o. 4 will not -top t Sixton. Osborn. Kidder, Comer. Moorsv.nt.UtSea. Wheeling or Meodil'c Ko. ill not-p at Saxton. Easton. O-sborn. "SrKkhindKe.Mworsvilie. Wlieelin-; or MendUIIc. T!J!.BCUNlTT,5eii.Auent. Union Pacific Railway Time Table. Cntll further notice tiala will leave and arrive at OinahadaUy as lollousr lkavk. AtinrvK. Sally Exp 11.15 a. m.) Daily Ex; 4:15 p.m. Hotel J-xp 1 IIotcI Exp 11:15 a.m. 11 lxed i!5 p. m. j MIxJ . 4,-ftl p. m. Freight 7-03 a. m. I :i'n-!glil 1:3) p. m. The Hotel Kxpre-is train leaves at 4.15 every Ttunday.nnd arrive at UiISovuq Sunday. JExcept Sundays. llallv c nnectUius marie at;uUliClilcaifo - Northwestern, CUlcao.T.ocic JMari anil Pacllic and fct. Joep!i and Council BlulTs llullruiidd, and Missouri lliver Hue of slecmtirx lor all itointi Kast and South. At Clieycnne with Snivrr faolfir 11. II. for all points In ColoraCo-aiid Xew Mexico. it Jirycn with taws forSn-eetwater Mines. JU (if den uilh rtah Central P. It. fin- Mill ike Cltv anJ other j.oints In Utah. AtOgden withtVntnil Pacllic Railrond, forGir trlne, Virginia C'ty, Helena, and all poict-slu Mon lana. Alio, for VHCramenta. Shn FrHiiCcte, und all jiolats !u Idaho. Nevado and Clirorni.t. All freight de'lvered at the Omaha depot prior to 4.J3 p. m.. a 111 go west the same day. No freight received forshipment after 3:00 .p. in. Tickets for sal to all pousts the Ticket epce of the Colon Pacific llailroad, at whichIIIce births on sleeping can. can be secured. t. G. JIA.M MONS.tlen. Sairi. T. Cotrov, a.T.JL. IL. Baow.vso.v, tl. C A. Pacific Railway of Missouri. Passengers leavlnir St. Joseph via. Missouri Val Ur llailroad at 1 o'clock n. in., make clo-e and snre ooaneclloas at Kansas City 11111 this popular road, : arriving at St. IiOuLs next morning at C o'clock. Tnl Js-uoxr .h. tixst-class road in every respea. Kew . Iron has been lslft-new engines aad magnificent ilttplng and jiassenger coaches have been added to u equipments, i'tsengers can reiy on us iubkuik iu advertised time. This 13 the best route from SU Joeeph to St. Ixuls, the South and Southeast. Through Tickets for sale at the ofllces of the MU oarl Valley Itallroad. II. C MOOKE. General SupL Tkm. Sobwin, O. W. A. W. II. Hale. O. T.A. Chicago & IVorfli IVcstcrn Rail JRoad TiKse Table. T."KAVK. EiFress Malls dally except Sunday .3.00 a. m rcinc Express dally. 4.W p. m A. Ii. Rich, of the firm of Itich & Gllmore lias returned from a trip after Groceries, and we see the goods following him up pretty cke. When they all come you will see a rousing stock, sold at as low prices as possible. For a Good Meal, well gotten up, well served up, in a pleasant room, with every thing clean, neat and tasty, of the best then land affords, for the lowest possible price, go to George Daugherty'sltcsturant, one door west of Carson's Dank, GENUINE JOHN DEE3E KOLINE ?L0W! "IVe have just issued 1000 copios of the Premium Lint of the coming Suite Fair to be held in this city In September next, and will have theother 4000 out shortly. It Is a job on which we are willing to stake our reputation as job printers. J. II. Cross, brother to Mr. Cross, of, the Star Hotel in this city, ha almost the full or Worthing's large warehouse, on Main street, of goods for his store at TecuiiKch, awaiting transportation. He will have a "booming" stock when openvd. Vnlleu, at the Senate has received n large supply of Cigars of all kinds, and is prepar ed to supply all who may give him a call. A good Cigar is what most men wish to buy, and all who sell ought to sell. To get them go to ValleAu's SenUtiS Clins. Ilelincr, Root and Shoe maker, So. 15 Main street, keeps a full and No. 1 assort ment of Boots &. Shoes, and Is prcpai ed to make or mend In the best style for cash, Day Itoartlcrs will find the best accommo dations In the city, one door west of Carson's Bank, GENUINE JOHN DEERE MOLINE PLOW! A PISE- LU3IKF.Il YAKD. ICllbourn, Jenkins &C'o., corner of Fourth and Main streets, in this city, have constant ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum ber of all kinds; also, also Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, lath, Mouldings, FrnkduH etc., etc., which they are selling at the lowest possible figures for which the same can be got out of the log and shipped to this point. They are determined to continue as heretofore to sup ply the bulk of lumbes, etc., used In this Land District. Call and sec them ! Couxcix. CiiAincEH, March 17, 1870. Present Mayor Ebright; Aldermen Mathews, Koblason, Tisdel and Grant. Committee on Streets and Alleys reported on the account of Jasper O'Dell, for work on Streets, $39, as correct, and order tojbe drawn on Road. fund. Account of yebrastxi -dcu'erffKrasperblll on file, 122,50, allowed from General Fund. Account .of Joseph Baker for keeping pris oners, 83,20, allowed out of General Fund. The fallowing petition -was received and read. To the Hon. the City Council of the City of Broumvillc: As President of the Nemaha County Agri cultural and Mechanical Association, J am authorized and Instructed to ask of your hon orable body; a donation of the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to aid in the fitting up the Fair Ground for the use of the State Fair, to be held at this place In September next. This plan is customary on the part of all towns or cities in the United States, at which 8tate Fairs are held. It has been the practice in this State heretofore. I am confident from interviews with the people of this city that such an act, on your part would meet with general approval. Very respectfully, K. W. FURNAS, Prcst. N. C. Ag. & M. A. BrownviHe, Neb.,) March 10, 1870. f On motion the petition was granted, and the Clerk was directed to draw an older on the General Fund for $500. On motion Rainey, Lewis & Co. weregrant ed permission to erect a grain Warehouse on the Levee, under such restrictions as the Council may see fit to impose. The following Report was submitted: "Your Committee appointed to let the contract for filling on Atlantic street, beg leave to report that they contracted with David Campbell at thirty (30) cents per yard the dirt to be taken out of the cut, oetween Dr. Crane and McGee. F. A. TISDEL. jr.l,,m H. L. M ATHEWS J Com' Adopted. Tho roportnr jonas Hacker, Treasurer, was received and referred to the Clerkas a special committee, to report at next meeting. On motion the action of the Council atthoir meeting, April 19, 18G9, in regard to the ac count of J. N. Shambaugh, for legal services S50, was revoked and the Clerk directed to draw nn order for that amount on General Funds. The following Resolution was adopted; JRcsolvcd,thal the Mayor be and is hereby empowered to cast the vote of the City Coun cil for seven directors on the Brownvllle, Fort-Kearney & Pacific Railroad, who shall be nominated by this Council, wroruYii that the County Commlsslonersappointthelrown Chairman, or one of their number to do the lame. On motion of II. L. Mathews the following gentlemen were unanimously chosen as can dldatesof the City Council for seven directors as In picvlous resolution. John L. Carson, R. Vr. Furnas, John Mc Pherson, Ira Moore, J. L. McGee, II. C. Lett, andF. A. Tisdel, Jr. Account of E. E. Ebright, Mayor, 802,50, al lowed out of General Fund. The following accounts wcro allowed from General Fund: H. L. Mathews, 31 meetings. 831 Wentell Grant .'52 meetings 32 L. D. Robison 3.5 meetings 35 S. L. Swan 2(5 meetings 2G F. A. Tisdel 33 meetings 33 Adjourned. J. C. McNAUGHTON, Clerk. a .,w ,. T 3M""??'!E!B''i''ll"IMMII"IMiM"" ... j.f,-, ,w l inry ill it l H1 JiJGniffgyiit.'ir TTMIIBl WTW P TT HTM - Mii n in - - - - 1 RR nrjrsxrvr'? .At p-t OFEJN to 1870. -II l-l H 1 t : WOEM) 61 m -, FOB. -". COfYIPE rj-n a TiTioN r F. A. TISBEL, JR., fc Cfl. Can and -wjl sell you all kinds of Implements cheaper than any other house in Nebraska, We sell the BUCKEYE V Eeaper and Mower ! " ? ifa-BrFWBTiK tffcTT tf iiHZ T f Vli "-? Crfi.'W 'y-'is's iJE'.r ". We sell the DODGE Keaper and Mower, 3JCsix:sli Harvester, Vandever Corn Plow, miSr & BRADLEY'S 'Walking Cultivator J. pfeiffers' - "B&vi livery Stable; - - -- Corner Sixth anASt. Charles StrcU, ' Pealerin Dealer iki LimerHair and . r sdti, Gvxiey4 . -' l -' 'I Vr.7. Znvr7. A.. JL r-. TT.r.-J ; CEMENT, PIVSTER, "WHITE SAND, FIRE iJc Ac., kc, j&e. WOOIAVORTH & COLT, Boot; Binders And Dealers in BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER HANGINGS, AND IPRXiXTERS' STOCK. No. 12, 2d St., St. Joseph. Mo. CASH PAID FOR RAGS! Exekaaged Stock Boarded by the Day or Week. I ' JCY STAUtES rtre sfocfccl with koo Horses aad BRIC1C- I ?,UKK15-. i"erso whinff conveyance to aayper-..7-, i'::emalVIalDlitrictcaab-awBHio-ll-ioly ' dated. Tho r Pern &. Brownville Coli Leaves my Stables everv moraliiir t lOo'HnrV .' -ac rassenirers or packats safely conveyedr Or- uciiifii.vuu uio vuenuasiera win oeproaapliyat-' ia-y tended to- -yU HOWARD SANITART AID ASSOCIATION. For the IteUef and Cuie of the Errrng'and Tnliir- iiiiiw.oii pnnci Kafaya on the j i luiuiA-.uiipnuuiuraui ,nririian rftnafiumnn , J-f aya on the Errors of Yonth. and the Follies of j js, ia reunion: io jtarriag) ana tiocfal KrUawiUi Afiltnv. alii fWthi. Aflltittiwl Uah. 4a t - t-....SH..j ..... v. ...i. wms.c. c-tih rrrr. ia Kfmeti Envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. -v , "J Oi SWAN & BROTHER, GENERAL "We sell the Groceries i DE.VLER3 IN" w " " o-'VfcT-. vM.-.-t-va.v- ltauisters, Hand Kail and Newel Post kept by J R. Bell it Son, at their Lumber Yard confer of College and First-sts. Tlie vertible Alf. Burnett held forth in Mcriicrson's Hall on Tuesday night last. Notwithstanding the inclement weather, the Hall was well filled. If "laugh and grow fat" still holds good, there will be a corpulent set of peoploin this community. Look out for the largest and cheapest stock of Shelf Ilardware, Agricultural Tools, Wagon and Buggy Timber and Fence Wire cveropanedin this market, which will be found at the old Pioneer Stand of J. C. Deu ser, on Main street, in a few days. The First Boat of the season at our wharf was the II. C. Nutt. to be usedat Oma ha by; the R. R. Transfer Company. She reached here yesterday morning, and not be ing able to make head against the strong current around the polrit just above our city, tied up for awhile. AI1R1VK. ?dfle Express. -daily 10:00 a. m Express ilail, dally eiocit -Monday .JKtSjwjni Missouri Valley Slatlroad. TIME TAWE. T tek effect nt 1 o'clock r. M. on Sunday, Janu ary lntli, 1S7U. WOIXC SOUTH. o. 1 Kxpress leaves at . . ..tZ a. m. o. : Exiircss leaver nt .t 10 p. m. . 1 yreljiit leaves at 4:00 a. m. nnTunxiNO. No. 2 Express arrives at 535 p. m. J. 4 Jitpres arrives at 10:00 u. m. 2o. ( Freight arrlvesat . G45 p. m. .N'o.aand-idally. 1,2,5,C,7 and 8, daily except C0Qdr. J. F. BATlNjVnp, GenSupt. Chicago, RsirlinjrSois & J!nc3' fitaslE'oad. Columbus Haulc has nearly completed a fine residence on North Avenue. It Is agrcat addition to that portion of the city. The de sign is good and shows well. North Avenue will be one of the prettiest residence thor oughfares in the city as soon as opened, which we learn will be begun next week. Haannfonl &. McFall have several boat loads of furniture, which will be on in a few days, and will fill their stock up to the wholesale point. They Invite all who want Furniture at wholesale or retail to give them a call, knowing they can save money for all who call. Moro liberal men to deal with live not. Pick Pockets around. Hon. S. M. Rich had his pocket book stolen last Thursday afternoon, tho thief cutting through the coat to the inside sldo pocket. It contained noth ing but some private papers, of no value to anyone but Mr. Rich, which he says the thief would oblige him much by returning through the po.stofllec. Banisters, Hand Ilail nnd Newel Posts kept by J. R. Bell & Son, at their Lumber Yard corner of College and First-sis. AVall Paper, New StoeU, bought since the decline in gold, and will be sold cheaper than ever at McCitKmtY it Nickki.z GENUINE JOHN DESE3 MOLINE PLOW ! To Our Patrons in. .Toll IVork. "We would say, parenthetically, that we have received a considerable addition to our Job Ofilce In the way of New Typo, Inks, Cards, Papers, etc, which warrant us In In viting an increase of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. We cammw turn out as fine Job Work as can be had anywhere, and believe, as low. Dry Pine Lumber in all weather at J. Hell's. R. For Industrial Plows go to Denser. CA17T02? CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. .SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. SHELLENBERGER WHO'S. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. Arrived! A new lot of men's Boots it Shoes; also women and children's work, all sizes; best Chicago work, at living prices at George Marion's. Tlic Lenten Service nt the Episcopal Church in this city will be held as follows: March 2d, being Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, full mornlngjservlcc, and sermon, evening prayer at 1 p in., the 5 weeks follow ing, evening piyyer nt4p. m., Wednesdays and Fridays, "Holy Week," the last week of Lent, Morning prayer at 10 a. in., evening prayer at i p. in. Oh "Good Friday," full morning service and sermon. GEO. R. DAVIS, 20-Cw Rector. studebakee and white water wa.g-o:n"s3 AND BUGKHES OF ALL KINDS. We sell the We have on hand a large STAPLE AND To -which we are making co we are selling at Prices as tne Mississippi. In the Quality of our Goods FLOltti OF THE MOST HIGHEST MARKET ProTiriiii and well assorted stock of FANCY GROCEREES nstant additions, and wBick low as any House weit of ; WE DEFY G0MPETTTI0H. ! APPROVED BKAXDS. GQ 12-40 PRICE PAID FOR;' ; GQl SWA3N" .& BRO. a&k J3 X Eeaper and Mover ! ! J. and the H. MANNY REAPER. i- , cv j "8" vvfe-viv r SHELLENBERGER BROS., Yiioicsaie anu detail .Dealers in mm We sell tlie Kiimer Cultivator, Garden City Clipper Plow PEKIN TWO AND THRSE-HOSSE PLOWS, SMITH'S Cast Cast-Steel PLOWS, EXCELSIOR and GM6 PLOWS, PKINCETON IROX-BEAM PLOWS, ALL KINDS OF CORN PLOWS, One and Two-Hole Hand Corn Shelters, and One, Two and Four-Horse Power Shelters. OTfl m war j -w , w, 4U4MVUUI No. 74 Main Street, BrownviHe, Neb. -Y Fall A Wiater Clothing; JUST OPENED, AT ATTKXTIOW, AIJL! A. W. Morgan, Jr., of Brownvllle, 03 Main Street, has just opened anew and complete -took of Cloths, Csudmers, Vesting, and all kinds of Piece Ootids, and is prepared to make Gent's Clothing to order In the most fashion able style. He also keeps a full line of Ready Mndo Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur nishing Goods. 47-3m For a good Saddle, go street. toSoudcrn52 Main 7-tf IF TOI HIT UTMK, COBE HID S FOR IT ! WE KEEP NOTHING BUT FIKST CLASS GOODS. AND GUARAN TEE ALL, OUR GOODS TO BE AS RECOMMENDED. A full Supply of Extras always on Hand ! ; A. L. II. C. Lett has received his spring stock of Wall Paper and Window Shades. &!1 17 TzprJt . nsl&ie Accoimnolation-. arnoon rasswiccr. crora PnRfr .. T: a m .1) a in ..rjTMp in aai p m -!::wi m icw n in HlniidAlA ArvnmmnrlA!lrin !KxnreM tlUVn ni Suuday excepted. trtatunluy excejitcd. S.-flO p m 1:00 p m .X-09 p m ):')0 p m Xi a ni 7:l"ta m JfiKSl a in Monday eicc;tl. Chicago, ;ii'!n?o:i & Omaiaxi Xiuic CJarci. I1EPAST. i pmha and Chlcaco Kriin-ss. Dally AM n. m. U1, dally, (excpr.i Sunday) :00 p. m. AUUIVK. : aihaand Chicae" Kxpress, daily ;; a. nu "u. Qiuiy, icxcept tounuuyj 1233 n. m. fpinc Cars accompany Omaha and CUlcio Kx- i Tlpl-t r.fl ! V-irnnm rti-i(r "Vlntli Ktmnt ?.ahv ' 'ET DKl'KI II. V. lllCHCOCIC, Ticuct ARent. uen. . fuss. Act. Pittsburgh Ft.iraj'ne & Chica go caiiroaQ. I KH1 tTO a m 6-15 n m 80 a m (ZSO a m .. 4 p m IhOO a in itoo i m item n in porao accommodation . 4:50 p m S-10 a m i Ur V. ?ciac Exnress. Mhl Express ! 'B0r!oacei " ALL ABOARD I " pie Brownville Transfer line, c4er the manageuent or JACOB SOGERS, I now Rcnning Beirular Omaibnues irom rowtiville to tlie Railroad Termixras ?l Uae Council Blos aJ St. JosepU Railroad, At Nofh Sta-p. Mn.. Hwn . ' . . ' EHOu. rr'-Tk.A0 i"lnA 4P . j Cliarges Moderate. SO-tf Sim. Bell, or the linn or J. K. Hell i Son, dealers in Pine Lamher or this city, starts for an inland visit next Friday, for Falls City, Pawnee City, Ueatrice, Tecumseh and other points. He will call on the many triendsof the Yatdin these points, and the enterprising public generally. He is a busi ness man all over, and one fair to deal with. GENUINE JOHN D3ESE UOXJNB PLOW! "Wc nre plenaed to notice that J. S. Het zel prince clothier of Southern Xebraska, has employed Cal. McCord to assist him in clothing the people of this section. Mr. Mc Cord is as plcisant to deal with as Dave Scigle, for whom he sold goods both in this and Nebraska City. This will, to all who know him, be another inducement to trade at this one price house. Si 200 Dollars ami Expenses! See ad vertisement of American ShuttlcSewlng Ma, chine In our advertising columns, AIX CUT- ting done to order at Morgan's Tailor Shop. The Premium Corn Planter Xow Ready for Inspection or sale ! The Union Corn Planter, as improved for 1S70, has few equals and no superiors. First, it Is made of the very best material, carefully selected for the purpose; second, the drop ping arrangement Is perfect, and is so ar ranged that every hill can be seen by the driver or dropper; third, the depth at which it Is desired to plant can bo erranged to a certainty; fourth, by the new sod attach ment, the toughest sod can be planted with ease; tilth, with a marker tho work can be done more regular and quicker than by any other planter. Shcllenborger Bro'e Agents. CIGARS at wholesale or retail at A. F. Cohn's Cigar Factory, Gl Main street. a Dll. HOLLADAY Respectfully informs his old friends nnd the public, that he is prepared to nttend-r.ll calls in the line of his profession. Olllce at 1. II. Lewis & Co.'s Drug Store, Main street, nrownvllie, Neb. 51-tf RICH. HEW LUMBER!!! I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of every style and description size and thick ness. Also Doors. Sash. Blinds. Mouldings etc. X)ry Pine Shingles, Lath and Pickets. Tn fact, anything in the building line, which I warrant A No. 1 in every respect, and on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by any man west or the Missouri river. I Invite ail who need anything in niv line to give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates. J. It. BELL. HrownvIlle, Neb. Cor. Water & First Streets, NTTJ Lumber deliverer within the city a J5limlts, FREE OF CHARGE. Itnnlstcrs, Hand Kail and Newel Posts kept by J. R. Bell it Son, at their Lumber Yard corner of College and Flrst-sts. ADMINISTRATION" T A. H AT GILLMORE. RICH & GILMOEE, .Successors to W. H. SMALL, DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN OH00E1IIS t FMFJSI0NS J"- 13- HETZEL' NEW YORK One Price Clothing House I Ko. TO MainSti-eet. owoo inn of clothihg i HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND": GESJT'S FVB3SIBUINGS. :' llTfc to!) I if- Genuine John Deere Moline Plow I T. "W. Bliss, Regular Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended to in the country on reason able terms. Orders left at tlie vtritrrjw olllce will receive proper attention. -iS-6m For a No. 1 set of Harness, go to Soudcr's. o2 Main st. 7-tf Ceo. Henderson Is now agent for tho cel ebrated Grover it llaker Sewing Machines, and has a splendid assortment on hand at John W. Ilendarson's Fancy Bazar on Main street. George has learned to run the Ma chine thorough-, and can instruct all who may purchase. Give him a call! Such as Coffoos, Sugars, Teas, Molnssos. Syrapa, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Drl Boof, Salt, Coal Oil, Tohacco, Cigars, Choese. Dried and Green Fruits, Con- ioctionaries ol nil xllnas, W.ooaen Ware, rice. In connection M'ith the above they keep constantly oil hand a large supply of feed, CORX, OATS, BRAS, SHORTS, &c. All Goods Sold at Prices that Defy Competition. Highest Market Price paid forall kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Reduced Prices to suit the Times-, Small Prolltsand Fair Dealing, is their invariable rule Goods will be sold to Country Merchants In either large or mall bills and at extremely low-rates. MoPhsn d& Tuttle, DEALERS AND d i conns ii JOBBERS IN liucky ! Last Thursday a farmer living near Nemuha City, went iuto Marsh's Dollar Store and invested one dollar for live draws. The nn,t ticket he drew called for a bill, the next a ?JU watch, the next a $12 gold chain, the next a S3 silver plated sugar bowl, and the last for a S Ladies' workbox. He trok each of these articles for SI each. His investment was SO, his return for the same was tt, leaving him $51 net protlt. It pays to draw at Mersh's. tie mm HOUSE. C. 31, KAUFFMAX, raoPBiETon 40 3laiu-st-, Brownvllle. !h5lSS'1Jrulc?rm?leed and refurnished FUr IrJi.f "T3" ana iravuiinK puouc. It n cen- ft3'J:0 from thogli?rmn Hoim. r!r , -tm txw mrf9np II IT "IVe learn from D.H. McLaughlin of the death of Richard Brown, the founder of this city. The first word was from Mr. Brown's partner, on the 13th, that he lay very sick at Baxter s Springs, Kansas, and since that Mr. McLaughlinhas learned that he died between that and tho 30th. Mr. Brown's family are at Kansas City. Tills news will causo a sad feeling In the-bosom of his many friends; few of our old pioneers If new him but with respect, and will learn of his death with regret. Notice to Subscribers. Attention is called to Doolcy's Baking Powder, the purest article of the kind ever manufactured. A great saving of money can be made In pur chasing Doolcy's Baking Powder, as one pound will last longer .than two pounds of those of ordinary manufacture. It cannot be equalled for making light sweet rolls, bis cults, waffles, corn bread, Ac, Ar, and Is al ways ready, reliable, and not effected by the action of the weather. For sale by Grocers every whercs 24.2; Patronize Home Indnstry. All kinds of Marble work can be had at Neidliardfs Marble Works in this cily, cheaper than it can be had elsewhere. None but tlie best ma terial used. Corn, "Wheat nnd Oats. Rainey & Lewis have removed their office to Robt. Tcare & Co.'s Store, where they will pay the highest cash price tor Grain and oth er Produce. Private medical advertisement. aid, read Dr. AVhittier's StisH and Blinds. Full Bell's stock at J. R. Best Doors In the West at J. R. Bell's. R. V. Mntr agent for Lamb's Knitting machines, BrownviHe, Ncbaaska. 11-tf H. C. Iiett has constantly on hand a pure assortment of 7i:irc Drugs nnd Medicines. Genuine John Deere Moline Plow! KIXDS OF Genuine John Deere Moline PIowI Clocks, splendid assortment. WATCHES, full stock. JEWELRY, In abundance at Dunn & Hays' who also do all kinds or re pairing of Cloeks, Watches or;Jcwelry. No. SJ, Main street. ll-3m MO. 66 MAIN ST3BEET, WIS KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE BIST QUALITY OF TF Mr H Zi PEAL RICE, AND ALL KINDS ARS, BARLEY, DRIED FRUIT. These goods vere selected by himself in New York, for this market, and are un doubtedly the most reliable eroods of the. kind ever offered in this or any other mar ket. Mr. Hetzeis experience in this busi nessover Id years enables Mm to select his goods with more judgement, for good material and make, than the great majori ity of dealers in Clothing. These goods have all been Durchnsnd fm- Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them Toy Zowfor Cash. Few persons once dealing with Ejstzbl,. but will always deal there, because his deal ings are fair and above board. He has but' One Price. His stock comprises all tlie Fine and Fashionable Clotliin every respect to the varieties of equal I Or 1&J 11 VERY BEST CUSTOM-MADE WORK. Go to Deuser for Industrial Plows ! Hannnford &, McFnll are in receipt of a portion of their spiing stock, such as Bed steads. Matrasses, etc, only fourteen wagon loads! It Ik but a small portion of their coming stock. Jnst Received a line assortment of Sad dles at Bauer's. CASH PAID FOR ALL GRAIN By Evan Worthing, dealer in Grain and Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No. 12, Main street, BrownviHe. lS-3m Banisters, Hand Rail and Newel Posts nt J. R. Bell A Son's Lumber Yard ; where any thing in the building line can lie had, nt the most reasonable rates. They are gathering the Lumber Tradcof Southern Nebraska un der their wing, nnd for the simple reason that it pays people better to buy there than any where else. Farmers often come to town to trade and when noon comes will go into a grocery and make a dinner off of crackers and cheese, cost'ngthem as much as they would get a good warm meal for, at George Daugherty's Resturaut, one door west or the Bank. Examine the Industrial Plow ! Choice Fresn Butter at Hank &. Arml-tages. COMMERCIAL. Genuine John Deere Moline PIowl FIELD SEEDS. Timothy, Clover, Orchard and Kentucky Blue Grass Seed, fresh, nt McCrcery & JNlck H' Drug Store. 19-:Jni BBOWSTILLEi Corn, shelled 5vaJ Cranberries, Tl tit. Corn, in the ear 30&3l Honfv. H Spring Wheat 45gf Kkks. 10,3x2 nnirpr Tlarley Oats. -iMiriey.. IW2S 3S Chickens, dressed B8 PSn.&Four-3iS ficese. ' Ho "Jo Apples, greenJl.50S2.rjo Hogs-Kross-.T.rJr-7Jo Potatoes .aysj net 8.73 Lard ,. .w Dressed?..- td Bacon-Hams. 18, HIdes,Green.L4&5 .. -?!l"--ls " . Dry FUnui0fai4 ... , -Shoulders is Mlnk.,,.,.,. 1 1,0031.50 ."Jr-2?25 Beaver hfio&uss " Tuh WRhl.snS. coon. ... . -3v7j J t -."'11 jf-I frit HILL T' J 5 jy Wholesale aad Retail Dealers in W mmm :., o rp . OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS No. 76 Main Street, McPherson Biock, Bnmnvill Nebraska. HUml frWAlifiL 'arh.l lrtT IV L.uOteatr' I -IVl a f 1 Hare the Largest Stock, and Make the Lowest Prices. ' t ! r- m lk ; i.H it ffl 4 i M H-