AGRICULTURAL. - , i m . R. W. rURJf AS, IUtor. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870. S;fExtra copies of the Advfbtibeb for sale by A. D. Mmh, at City Book HI or, and by C A. Pol ck. at the Poetofflce. Ffnrefkllfdjres Hfrd Law. Tlie jueation of fences and herd Jaw are becoming, all over the coun try, the most prominent and impor tant of any other in which the farm er, aud agriculture generally, are in terested. In the old and timbered Ktate the subject i Mng d!tcused, more, If possible, than In our own prairie country. New York, Ohio, Iudiana and Missouri, are particular! v agitating the question, and the weight of opinion is decidedly in favor of what w e call out here, a "Herd Law." That is, that fences are, or ought to Ik?, to keep stock in, not out. That jtock has no right as commoners to roam, at pleasure, in the high -ways, or over other people's lands besides their owner's. Rt sides these joints, the !tem of expense of dead-board and rail-fences is being Investigated, and found, even in timbered coun tries, to be over burthensome, and farmers find jt necessary to get rid of this heavy expense. Let us make n few figures on fences. If any one can build a loard or rail fence for less than $1 50 a rod llu-y can !cat our experience. At this rate it will cost $9G0 to fence a quarter flec tion of land, to say nothing of parti tion fences. It will cost 10 per cent of this amount each year to keep it up ; $06. The interest on the invest ment is 10 per cent, more; $0G annu ally. " This class of fence is gone In ten years, and thus the farmer has been taxed in that time the original investment, $060; ten years in keep ing it up, $300 more, and the interest on the original investment, $960, to say nothingof the interest on the ex penses of keeping up fences. We have a grand total In ten years of $2,SS0, for each quarter section, or one hun dred and sixty acres of land, and the farm, without a fence. Now give the same man a chance to build a live-hedge-fenceand see the difference! A hedge fence can be plant ed, and successfully established for about eighteen cents a rod say twenty for round numbers. We find the ac tual outlay for the same quantity of land to be $123 00. Twenty-ft ve dol lars a year, for three years, will culti vate the hedee. at which ; time it ought to be ready to turn out, and all expense, of any amount, at an end This makes the sum total $203, and the farmer has a fence that will last him and his children's children for ages. The difference In actual expense or outlay, is as between $203, and $2,880, which is $2,G77 to each tract of 160 acres of land, or $38,438 for each town shin, six miles square. There is this much saved to the farmer alone in fences, to say nothing of the value of of the hedge fence, and the additional value of land in other respects. '. We profess to be holding out induce ments for the man of limited means the poor man to come to our prai rie country and make him a home. If he does so, and proposes to raise corn and wheat, we subject him to this enormous expense to fence in his crop, while his neighbor's cattle may range over the orairie at pleasure. There is no justice in this all wrong from be ginning to end. All this can be avoided by the pas sage of a general Herd Law. This thing of excepting this, that or the other county or precinct is simply nonsense of the hugest proportions. You can't learn stock to respect the boundary lines, and there is no useto talk of it. We are confident the people are be ginning to understand this question, and will act wisely by giving no rest until our Legislature passes the re quired ctt : We venture the assertion that if a vote was submitted to-day to the people of Nemaha county, who are directly interested, it would result handsomely in favor of a Herd Law. State Horticultural Society. The Board of Managers of the State Horticultural Society talk of holding a meeting soon at Omaha Bay in June. Again at Nebraska City, mid way between that time and the State Fair, and at this place during the Htate Fair. What say the friends at Omaha and Nebraska City ? The Idea Is to arouse and get out all the Horti cultural interest In the State. The meeting at Nebraska City or Omaha could be held during strawberry sea son, and a good social and profitable time had. Few persons know the value of the droppings of the hen house. In the kitchen or flower garden its value is almost beyond computation. Mix it about three parts to one of soil, and put a hand full to each hill of garden corn, or tomato, or cabbage plant, or about the same proportion to any garden plant, and the result will be wonderful. A decoction of the drop pings applied . occasionally to pot plants will make the greatest imagin able difference in growth and bloom. Michel Eros. & Kerx, Seedsmen and Florists, 107 North Fifth street, Bt. Louis, have forwarded us a copy ot a catalogue of their fine Floricultu re! establifehment for 1S70. All such eetabliBhmenta throughout the land seem as though they were endeavor ing to excel each other in the magnifi cent style of illustrating and getting out their catalogues. This firm is not a whit behind anybody else. A fine large pamphlet of "opeges, printed on heavy tinted lookv paper, with hun dreds of life-like illustrations, descrip tions and directions for planting and cultivating flowers. Bend for a copy, cr come and look at ours. . ' Y.V publish to-day officially the to called "Herd Law," passed at the last session of the Legislature. "Like the nirjc rs 5 e r.ny; )t just IcaU noth- GRIME'S GOLDEN. A correct likeness of this most desirable Apple, for which we are Indebted to Mabk Milleb,' Editor eind Publisher of the . Western Pomologisti Des Moineaj Iowa, from which paper we copy.the following: . ' The great sensation in ' ' -' ' . . ? the, apple line at pre- .. v .' . sent, Is " Grime's OoJi en." Our attention was first called to this apple a year or more ago by 3. B. Marshall, of Cleve land, Ohio. But until within a few weeks past was it, that ve had an opportunity of seeing and tasting the fruit, for which . our acknowl- edgenienta are due to Dr. Z. Hollingsworth, of Sandusky, Lee Co., . and to Mr. Johnson Meek, of Vincennes, of the same county. On our return home from the meeting of the Illi nois Horticultural Soci ety, In December, we found liberal don:iti m of the fruit from both of these gentlemen. And, after having seen and tasted, we are free to confess our happy disappointment In "Grime's; CJolpkk'' that too much in commendation of its man v excellent qualities can scarcely be said an opinion that has the unqualified endorsement of good judges who have seen and Us ted with us. It is a matter of surprise that a tree and fruit combining so many desirable qualities, notonety-ere tins. The aceomuaiivinir received from Mr. Meek, and represents the apple truthfully. Mr. Meek in forms us that he planted ten three-year old trees of "Grimed Golden" In 1849 and 1S50, that they came into bearing early that they stood the hard winters of 1S."6 and S7so well, that the following season he planted forty-four more trees in place of others killed out that annually, and that the fifty-four are ever-, riojiardy Is the tree that we thi.ik Grime's Golden worthy a trial in Minnesota. ' - Dr. Warder, in his American Pomology, (and by the way a most valuable work ) desc ribes this as follows : Tree vigorous, healthy, spreading, productive; bean early; shoots stout, dark; foliage anunaant, dark Koeii. trull full medium, cylindrical, regular; surraee yellow, veinr rus seted ; dot nunterouti, minute. Basin abrupt, folded: eye Urge, cloned. Cavity, wide, regu- lar,nreen; Mom Jong, curved. Core small, pyrlforro, closed, meeting the eye; seeds nume rous, plump brown ; flesh yellow. Arm, breaking very line grained. Juicy ; flavor sub-ncld, aromatic, sulcy, rich, relroshlng; quality very bctl. Use desert, too good for aught rite. eason January to .March. Otoe County Horse Fair. We are glad to see the enterprise of Otoe county setting the example of holding a Horse Fair. This is another move in the right direction. David Martin,' President of the Otoe Fair Ground Company publishes the fol lowing communication on the subject in the Nebraska City News: " While our agricultural organiza tions are but partially formed, shall we avoid the mistakes that have dis tracted them in nil the older States the mingling of interests that are en tirely incongruous. These fetes were first called cattle shows, where the production of the stock raiser, the housewife, tho mechanic, the fruit grower and gardener, were the objects of attraction. But these have all had to take the dust from the heels of the racer, as he has steadily forced him self to the front, and became the great center of attraction. The producer, confident of the superiority of the claims of his productions, has become soured and dingustedat being elbowed and jostled by these racers, while the horsemen are annoyed and vexed at the snail's pace of the farmer, with his shows of huge piles of flesh without motion. . Thecombiningof these incongruous interests in the same exhibitions, we think is the mistake that has caused the decline in the interests of these fairs, and made them a hybrid between a horse race and an industrial exhibi tion. Then is it not best for both that they be separated ? Admiration for the horse is a passion too firmly fixed in mankind to be reconstructed. And as speed is the most obvious test of excellence in the horse, the ambition to own and drive fast teams is as an cient as the myth of Zanthus and Balus, beside which Dexter and Mountai Boy are mere plugs. In consideration of the fact that it is impossible to harmonize these Inter ests iu the same exhibition, the Otoe Fair Ground Company have deter mined to hold a purely Horse Fair on their new course on the second and third days of June, 1870. What say you horsemen of this and adjoining States? Shall we bring together our racers, our roadsters, and our drafts ters, without the bulls, the pigs, and ine squasncs The Con.pany have a mile course unsurpassed West of Long Island, one half mile North of the city limits, where great pains wUl -Lo taken to give satisfaction and make visitors contended." '- OFFICIA Ij PUBLICATION AN ACT To restrain stock from running large in the State of Nebraska. C(t Section 1. lie it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, That it shall be unlawful for oa ttle, horses, mules, sheep, swine and other stock to run at large at any season of tne year in the htate oriSelraska. Sec. That when any such stock shall be found on the premises of an other, it fchall be lawful for the owner, or person in possession of said premis es to impound said stock, and if the owner of said stock can be found, and is known to the taker up, it shall be the duty of eaid taker up to notify him within two days, by personal ser vice or by leaving a written notice at his usual place of residence, with some person of his family over the age of fourteen years, of tlie takinir un of said stock, describincr it and re quiring him to forthwith take said 'lock, after making full payment of the damages and costs to the taker up. In case the owner is not known to the taker up of said stock he shall adver tise the same for four consecutive week9 in the newspaper published in the county, and of general circulation. or in case no newspaper be published in said county, tncu a weekly paper published in the State and of general circulation in the county. Such no tice shall minutely describe the ani mals, and also state the date of taking up. Provided, the person Injured by the trespass may recover his damages bv a 6uit before a justice of the peace, if he so elect. Sec. 3. Iu case the parties cannot agree as to the amount of damages and costs, each party may choose a man, and in case either party refuse to choose a man, then the nearest Justice of the Peace of the county shall choose a man instead, and in case the two men chosen cannot agree they shall choose a third man, who, after being duly sworn for the purpose, the three, or a majority of them shall proceed to assess the damages, possessing for that purpose the gener al power of arbitrators, shall make an award in writing and their decision shall be final, from which then- shall be no appeal, by either party. A copy of which award Bhall be filed with the nearest Justice of the Feaco in said county, and shall oper ate as a judgement at law and execu tion 6hall issue thereof, at the request of the party, in whose favor award was found, for the collection of dam ages and costs as in other cases. 8ec. 4. And if the owner fail to appear and pay all damages and costs aforesaid to the taker up , after two days notice of such de cision, the taker up shall have full power and author ity to sell such tresspassing animal or animals by giving fifteen days notice by posting up three written notices in three of the most public places In the recitict; of the time .tnd place of 6ale of the animal or animals, or so many , I . '.il!'i:j.H.i,1.i(,lili:.ii-i:.-; f in Iowa, should have attained b little Illustration Is copied from a specimen all the trees have borne good crops sUll standingvigorous and fruitful as thereof as shall be sufficient to pay all damages and costs arising by virtue ot such taking up and sale, and the surplus, if any, to be paid to said Jus tice, to be held by him subject to the order of the owner of said stock bo sold. Skc. 5. Xo assessment or collection shall be made under the provisions of this act tor damages done on uncul tivated lands, unless said lands be sur rounded by a strip of breaking or ploughed ground at least one rod wide. Provided, . That Douglas county le exempted from the provisions of this section. Skc. G. Any person or persons who shall by force, stealth or intimidation, obtain possession of any stock taken up or impounded under the provis ions of this act, or cause the same to be done contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not less than five dollars, and not more than one hundred dollars, and to be liable to arrest, trial and convic tion, as In like cases of misdemeanor. Provided that the followii.g counties be exempted from the operation of this act, to-wit: Dodge. Dakotuh, Cedar, Dixon, Leau-Qui-Court, Hall, Merrick, Buffalo, Pawnee, Platte, all of Cass except Weeping Water, and Louisville precincts, and rovided farther, that the following precincts be also exempt from the operation of this act, to-wit: Peru, Benton, Brownville, Nemaha City, Aspin wall and St. Deroin Precincts, in Nemaha County.. Riverside, Decatur, Silver Creek, Arizona, Tekama pre cincts in Burt Count'. Pappillion, Bellvue and Fairview precincts in Sarpy County, and a strip of five miles wide in Washington County bordering on the Missouri River. Provided, the operation of this act shall be in force in the following pre cinc.s only between sunset and sun rise, to-wit: Four Mile, Belmont, Otoe, Nebraska City, and part of Wy oming east of the range line, between twelve and thirteen, in the county of Otoe. Skc. 7. This act shall 'take effect and be in force from and after its pas sage. Approved March 7, 1S70. . . Statu ok a, Skc's. Dep. I, Thomas V. Kennanl, Secretary of i the State of Nebraska, ilo herehv ecr- I tifythatl have carefully compared :r.. u .xi r ii J i ineioregoing copy oi "An actio re strain stock from running at large in the State of Nebraska," passed by the legislative Assembly of this State during the seventh session thereof, and approved, by the Governor, the fourth lay of March 1S70, with the original rolls on tile in this office, and that the same is a true aud perfect copy or said act. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and allixed the great seal of the L; s. State of Nebraska, Done at Lincoln this Sth day of March A. D. 1870. Thos. P. Kennard, Secretary of State. The Illnstrated Bee Journal, for March, N. C. Mitchell editor and pub lisher, Indianapolis, IndM la receive!. It la well tilled with Interesting and valuable matter to Bee raisers. Deitz's Experimental Farm, Stock nd ronltrjr Jonraal, for February, Is on oar table. Edited and published by George A. jjeitz, Chambersburg, Penn. It contains a vast amount of choice reading pertaining to farming, and stock raising. Colman's Rural World. This ex celleut agricultural paper continues to make Its weekly visits, brimful of matter of great Interest to farmers, stock breeders and fruit growers, and should be taken by every est em farmer. It Is published at 82 per annum by Xormax J. Colmas, of Rt. Louis. Th "Western Stock Journal, for March, Is on our table, and Is no less attract ive and Interesting than Its predecessors, The Illustrations are first class, and the workmanship throughout Is an honor to the craft. The contents or this number embrace the whole range of stock bteedlng, and ought to be read and studied by every one engaged In that business. Its sixteen pages. Inside of the beautiful cover, are cram med full of the choicest original and selected matter, upon breeding topics, and no man interested In stock raising can better Invest his money than by subscribing for It. Trice $l.(Jb a year. Published by J. H.Sandeks & Co. Sigourney, Iowa, SPKCIAL IfOTICKS. Lyons' Patent Four Wheeled Rotary Harrow. Wheels three ft-et In diameter, eleven teeth each, and rotate continually ; are joined by cross bars, coupled by reach, and drawn by tongue, will accomplish three or four times the work of the common harrow on fail plowing or stalk grcond. Does not clog or choke up on stalk, stubble, or sodcly ground ; is equal to two "tlalk cuttert" for demolish ing stalks, and is supperlor to any sulky plow for early cultivating of corn. The above is the verdict of fierier of the best farmer of Whiteside county. Manufactured by the Rock River Flow Co. Send for circulars and certificates. Address, with stamp, Sxow Bbothkbb, SterUng, Whiteside County, Il linois. 21-St -' Peach Trees! A large stock of the best varieties for market or the Private Garden ; handsomely grown and healthy. Prices low. ; rJ ' Address, . ' ' Edwu Allxx, ' . . 2few Brunswick Nurseries, KtwJtmf. 1011 To Obtain an Orchard r IIe4ca Without rioner. Address, . wvh. xxra & co. . , AGRicrirriiAfc advertisements . ... . only, wUl be Inserted on this page. ; TERMS : TX3f CKKTt rxs ruts or spacx, xach ijtsektiow. Special Notices. 15 eta. per line, each Inser tion. :- r - - . y Cards of five lines space, 815 peryeaiv - ,' ' rtfeAs fleuUeretofore said, vre now repeat, Tre Trill take pleasure In receiving and forwarding orders to any of oar advertising pat rons. TO THE FARMERS or - THE XEXAJTA LA XT) DISTRICTS Wi? keep constantly on hand everything in the way of Pine Hullilinsr Material you may need, in ouantitlea sufficient to supply all demands that may be made; and, manufac turing our material from the tree, paying no Intermediate percent., we will sell as lew, if not lower than any Yard In the west. Kilbourn, Jenkins A Co., 12-3m- Cor. 4th & Main, Hrownvllle. m ' Osage Orange Plants. Tho largest and finest lot ever offered In Nebraska, aud for sale low for cash, by II. C. LETT. As Winter is coming on there are many tiling you will find nt Slullenberber Bros, which nre absolute neces saries, both In family and out door economy. Among the many thinn-nyou will there find, and which one or the other of our readers will need and can buy nowhere cheaper, and pet as good an article, nre the following: Sausage iriden and Stutters, Cook and Parlor Stoves for Wood or Coal ; iv full stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery, from the most celebrated manufacturles; Pntent Corn Huskers; Post' Patent ClubSkates,forGents, . .Ladles or Hoys; (Juns, Pistols, and fixed and loose Ammu nition; Pence Wire; Nailf, and Builder's Furnishings of a 1 1 kinds ; Iron and Tools for - smithR.aU -kinds; Carp enter's Tools; Home Washers and Wringers; Fairbanks, and other Scales; Pntent Hay Knives; Shovels; Pitch Forks; Spades; Axes- Wagon and Carriage ood Work ; Haimst Wagon Springs; Sleigh Runners; Sleigh Bells; and everything you may want in their line. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L.. Parker's Patent EE ZE3I I " Patent Approved Jan. 27, 1M13. We do not claim absolute perfection for thHHlve, but we do claim that it possesses the following ad vantages over all others now in use: 1st. In its facilities for hi vine and transferring 1es, and it adaption to the wants ot a swarni, whether Ure or small. 2d. In the protection whicl: bers and moths. it affords against rob- 3d. For the increase of stock, by artificial swarm ing or dividing. 4th. For supplying destitute swarms with without Inducing robbing. food " 5th. In Inducing young swarms to remain in the hive. ....... ! fith. In the removal of old comb, for the purpose of having it renewed. 7th. In excluding the Drones, to prevent needless waste of honey. 8th. cold. In Its protection against extremes of heut and !th. In supplying hives with the means of raising a Queen, If needed. - 10th. In preventing the l.iss of toes, occasioned by falling ou the snow. 1 1tli. In preventing suffocation for want of ven tilation. 12th. It affords the greatest possible facilities for th removal of honey Iron " ""-plun lioncy bo.x- tn -ithoul OlnliiiOInK tlie tC4v Or f.M..crlii& be-keeper, us also, witli all other operations. 13th. It also exceeds all others in regard to the ease anil ?a:'ety with which it can be removed from place to place. 14th, It excels In simplicity of construction, af fording greater advantages for the same amount of labor thuu any other hive known. Sample Hives can be seen at the Aiivrrtiter oillce and at Mclaughlin A Small's, Main stieet, lirown Yllle. For Farm Rights or Hives, apply to DON J. ARNOLD, 23-Siii KrownvHle, Neb. IlEST acw (.rapes ana icaspncrncs. i frw? of postage, and in tet condition, nP vine No. l Eumelan Grape, for 1.Z5 hk t- ri ii r. FHVHfiitv i i win Koitn n mn One vine Martha hite Concord;, for 1.00 Or, one vine each Kumelan and Martha iou One vine Salem and one Wilder (Hci,frs' Jo. 4), or two vines of either, for 1.00 Wx plants Naomi Raspberry, and six Mam moth Cluster i. McCormick), or six Davison's Thornless the dozen for 2.00 For f.(n the whole assortment. Including three varieties of Itasphheries and forr of (Jrapes. I.arger quantities furnished at less rates on application. Address -M. a. JJAlhHAM. Painsville, O. "The Best Is the Cheapest." THE PREMIUM SAXFORD CORX Ha" been thoroughly tested the past season In near ly every State, and fully confirms all that has been said in its favor, as being the karlikst and mkt rRonrtTiVK field corn. In many instances It has ripend from two to three weeks in advance of oth er varieties, and with an equal chance has produced double the quantity per acre. Testimonials from reliable farmers indorse it as being the hkst. Des criptive Circulars free, tine quart by mail post-paid Tic; 1 peek by express f: : 1 bushel fi. Address 8. B. F NNI.N-i. JaiJiesport, Long Island, . 1 . Greenhouse and Bedding; Plants. Onr New Illustrated Catalogue, containing lists of Stove and Bedding Plants, and Flower Seeds, Har dy Herbaceous 1'lants, Dahlias, Gladiolus, Lilies anil other Bulbs, is now ready, and will be mailed to all applicants, postage prepaid. Address . MICHKL BlillS. & KKKN 107 North Fifth street., St. Louis, Mo. Six Very Choice Plants by Mail, Post-paid, Tor $2, Oernntum, GUdre (U- Xnnry The finest double flower Geranium in cultivation ; very free, with very large rnsses of rosy scarlet flowers, elegant for the vase. Monthly Trtr Chmatkm, ErrHtUnt Dearmr. The best double white Carnation ; very fragrant, aud un surpassed for winter bloom. urramum, Jima itj .voww. i ne oest scarlet Ger anium In cultivation ; trees eight inches In diame ter, stands the hot sun to perfection. Uianthtu Qtwzurti, a oeautuiu perpetual hybrid Lr u(fK ! rta una it V st! masirt I i iKla AaMi 1 1 1 rv . iiix ins p r rr.. k iiiifvvii vuwv uvncii), i r" duced profusely from May t October, also flowers well in Winter. .Extra nne. RiMjurt Dahlia. Little Hir,nai. With small close compuct flowers of a beautiful cerise pink, tipped with white, and sporting into three or four varieties upon the same plant; flowers early and very pro fuse. The best lioquet Dahlia ever sent out. Fxtrhtia Yainauer tie Eeulla.Ttie best double white Fuchsia: sepals bright red. well refiexed: corolla very full double, white, feathered with rose. The plants are put In cigar boxes, with nearly the entire oall of earth, and were sent with perfect suc cess the past season to Denver City, Colorado. Descriptive Catalogue of bedding plants forwar ded on application, bv enclosing one blue stamp. Ili'VTL'll fcjVrf-klir Ll...l... Chtcopee, Mass. GRAPES ! GRAPES ! CONCORD GRAPE Roots, one and two years, mostly layers of the finest quality. I will pack In moss. and deliver on railroad, anv of the above stock, at 1 35 and fV per thousand. ISA At- AT WOOD, Bock Lakk Vinftibd. 22-tf Lake Mills, Jefferson Co.. Wis. FOR SALE! LE ROOT GRAFTS. $8 per 1,000 $70 per 10,000. 30,000 one year old Grafted Apple Trees, 10 to 24 incnes nign, rju per louu. ROSES. Dundee Ramble and Felldt, 1 year old. fl per ooxen ; f3 per 100; fJU per l.ouo. Two years old, fa per 10U. GRAPE TINES. Concord, one year old, fl per aosen,4 per uu, j-wper iuiu. iuro years old, fS pot l'. Ives Seedling, fl per 100. v Hartford Proline, flO per do- . en. fe per too; all good stock, Orer SO Varieties of Apples. " v . " HARVEY CURTIS, 22-4w ; " Owego Nurseries. Tioga Co..X. Y. 4,000,000 HEDGE PEASTS, VERY LOW, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. CIXAS. PATTERSON, !xjTUle, JLa&lr C&uaty, irissouri. IHm 4,0 00,000 HP BEA502TS DOODLE DilOllD C0D11 PLOW. Every Plow Warranted to GIVE SATISFACTION. " MANUFACTURED BY J. H. SEASON, Llaln-st., Brownville, Neoraslta. I hereby inform the citizens of Nemaha and sur rounding counties that I am now. manufacturing lue , ' CELEBRATED Double Diamond Corn Flow, which I warrant to give entire satisf etfon. This plow is superior to any other now manufactured in the Uuited States, for fou r reasons, vii : FiasT Because they are made expressly for the soli of Nebraska and Missouri. - Second Because the peculiar twist of the makes them scour in all kinds of soil. plow Thibd Because they are made of the best materi al, and are light and durable. Fourth Because one man can cultivate fifty acres, and save the expense of one hand, which i Is 57 in one year. REFERENCES: Isaac Ilaward Wm Bennett Stewart Chastiau M Riordan Wm Paris Samuel Ieeper Wm Franklin Hud Chamlerlln J McDonald Jno Stoner ( has White Wm White DrMcXealy 21-3m Robt Dillon Robt Gilmore Riley Kelly Jacob Secrest Silaa Pearce Dr Stoner D Martin 1. White A Adington IMPROVED FOR 1S70. WEIR'S Premium Two-Horse mm flow ! With Hearjr Axles, Diamond Twisted Shovels and 4-Feet eck Yoke. MANUFACTURKD BY WEIR PLOW COMPANY MONMOUTH, ILL. Weir's Cultivator has not only stool the past eight years, but Is growiiiff more and more popular. It received the i'l RST HONORS at the Illinois State Fair in 1S;7, and the ME OA L J'JiEMJ VM at the !St. Iuis Fair in l9t, where were over twenty-five dif ferent Walking Cultivators in competition: the FIRST TK KM I VMM the Great Field Trial at St. Jouis Fair, ls9,ordered by the Missouri state Board of Agriculture; El RST VREMIVM at CI District and County Fairs iu lfl. During the eight years our Plow has been In the market It has VROVF.l) ITSEI.ERELIA RLE at all times, and where others fail it gives universal satis faction. THERE ARE OVER 43,000 IX L'NEf It Cultivates the ground deeper thuiinuy other Machine of the kind, und by an arrangement of the Joint it can be made to work as well after six year's usage as when first put Into the field. We have let ters from more than a thousand farmers, informing us of its durability and general good qualities, ami recommend It as the REST CVLTIVA TOR IX I SE.' IT TOSSKSSKS 3IA5Y ADVANTAGES OTEtt" OT1IKU COBN TLOWS: 1. It is so simple that It can be operated by a boy. By means of a peculiar twist in the liiamoiid Shovels, (a late Improvement,) we avoid all tule prejuurt, whether the shovels are set to throw dirt to or from the corn. 3. By means of the evener, and the draft being on a direct line from the gangs to the horses' shoulders, the horses' neck.v as well as the wheels, are relieved ot all downward pressure. 4. By means of a patent square frame, the knuck les are held in an exact vertical position, thereby keeping the gangs in the same potition, and pre venting that rocking motion so common with other plows. 5. One man will do the work of two, with greater ease to himself and horses, and thus save the wages and board of a hired man, which is equal per mouth to the price of the machine. 6. It is strong, duntble, and with proper care will last many rears. EVERY PLOW WARRANTED after three days' fsir trial, to give perfect satisfac tion or the money refunded. SHOP PRICK, For sale by J. I. TERRILL, LONDON, Kvan Worthing and J. IT. Beasoti, Brownville; E. C. Hronty, Peru; J. S. Minick, Aspiimall; Wm. Bagley, Farm; I ). C. Sanders, Sanders Mills, in Nemaha County ; and can also be had at Pawnee City and Tecumseh. r-insmestly desired that farmers give this PLOW a trial, as we are sure all who do, will be well pleased with It. :D-2m CHOICE TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, PLANTS, ! SEEDS At) BILKS. at wholesale or retail. ! o M O O Our Lists represent the best Nnrserles In nearly every State In tlie Union, lience yon are almost sure to gtt what you want, if it can be found anywhere, and at the lowest Market Rates. . , H COLO 11 EI) FRUIT AND FLOWER PLATES. BEST STYLE. Four samples by mail for 1. Bound for Nurserymen and Dealers at a liberal discount. 05 SIIKLDOX'S Hi o 'IMPR6 YED COMPO UNI) , !53 A sure remedv for Grubs, Slugs. Rr ers.and all Insect Pests.iinda vuluable Fertilizer for Trees, rianis, v ines, vc. ; Two pound cans, with full testimonials I and directions, fl. J Send for Circular, Send for Circular. ! i EDWARD A. WOOD. i U2 Gkxeva, N. Y., j Geneva Nursery Exchange. li-nt PUR E INF ANTADOES. IMPROVE YOUIl STOCK! The success that has attended my efforts In Sheep Breeding, and the satisfaction given for the past 'ii years, induces me to continue the business, although at reduced prices, owing to the general temporary depression in wool and sheep. I now oiler for sale about I IK), embracing lambs, yearlintrs and older sheep, both Bucks and Ewes. These tfheep embody the best blood and pedigree of Yt., and or pure In fantado Stock, the most promising fTimily of Meri noes ever imported, and bred direct from imported stock. Those now offered for sale are from my stock Bams "Hammond" and "Yhusb Gold Drop." Hammond' has heavy neck and tail, "Young Gold Dron" Is a smooth sheeD: both ot which are heavy and dense shearers. I can accom modate the fancy of all wishing to purchase sheep. Full pedigrees and sufficient guarantees will ac company every sheep, nicely caged and sent by Express, at my risk, at reasonable and stated rates, or otherwise if desirable, with sufficient forage to any part of the United states or Canada. Alt orders will be rilled with the utmost care' under my own personal supervision, and all reaioo able satisfaction given In all cases. For further particulars and Illustrate Circulars apply with stamp to F. L. UPHAM, Perkinsvllle, Vt., late of Springfield, Vt: It-Cm GRAPE YESES j A.VD R-O-O-T G-R-A-F-T-S. Concord Grape Vines, one year old, very large and fine, forsale cheap, in ia-ge or small quantities, or would exchange for small evergreens, either from nursery or rarest. , APPLE ROOT GRAFTS, I Put np In the best manner, of choice western va rieties, on large roots. Address D. W. KAUFFMAM, 16-tm Des Koines, Iowa. . Grape Tines, Small Fruits. aud Early IUngr Potatoes. EUMELAN, WALTER, ASS A WAMPSETT, . MARTHA. 8ALEM.I0XA, "-' DELAWARE, " ' and many other kinds at low rates, for Cash. All first quality plants, one and two years eld. WESTCHESTER BLACK CAP RASP ' ' BERRY PLANTS, ' fS,00 per dozen ; 5,00 per 100. - The best Raspeerry in the world. - EARLY KINO POTATO. 11.00 per pound; fire pounds for ft.OO. Price by bushel on application. This Potato stands ahead cf any other variety in the country for earliaeM aa quality, . Please order few to try them. - r . ; Send for catalogues, Ac Address, . OTIS TINKIIAJI, U-cf FaU River, Bristol Co.. Ifaes. ' 2,000,000 Hedse Plsnt3 ! Cheapest and Best yet Offered. :; ; r ,'100,000 j , . ., . i' '. Extra fine Apple Trees, 2 and S years old. ' 60,000 ITlce, well branched Apple Trees, at $30 per M. 40,000 Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Apricot and Nec tarine Tree. Currant and Grape Cuttings ; Eu. If. Ash, 1 to 3 ft. Roses, Shrubs, Evergreens, Stocks and a large stock of Small Fruit Plants, Ac, itc.Trade List for Spring now ready Our plants were dug early, put away properly, and are in the best of condition. - HAKGW HOMMKB,- - 16-tf ' Star Nurseries, Quiney, Illinois. MAR1NGO WINTER CRAD ' OR ' IB E R I AS A PPLEI . Address, C. ANDREWS, Marengo, McIIenry Connty, Illinois, for Circular and Information. ie-tf 500,000 FOREST TREES! SPRiXG OF 1S10. The undersigned can furnish an unlimited num ber of well grown F O It E S T TREES of the most desirable varieties for transplanting. 4'For Particulars and Price List, address LUFKIN & C IlVIIS', Villa Ridge, PULASKI COUXTY, ILLINOIS. I4-3TQ A. BHIAXT, JR. NURSEYMAJr, Prixcetox, Illinois. Forest Trees for Grove Planting Grapes. Small Fruits, and small Evergreens, SPKCIAL I I ES. Elms ano Man. of any desired size. Special attention given to packing.! Shipping facilities unsurpassed. Stock shipped by either of three com pt ting lines to Omaha, ana otuer points in eurask. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. A. BRYANT, JR., Princeton, Illinois. ll-3m SHELTER FOR OUK ORCHARDS & DUMB BRUTES REALTY & ADORXMEXT FOR OUR HOMES. THE REST TREE FOR EVERGREEN HEDGES, SCREENS, AND TIMBER BELTS, IS THE RED CEDAR. Plants of Rpd Cedar, In large quantities, at very low prices. Our Circular, containing eight puges, giving full directions fur planting Evergreens, with noteson the value of Shelter Beits, dec,; will he sent to any person, on the receipt of a three cent postage stamp to prepay postage. We especially request every reader of this TO SEND FOR A COPY. A splendid lot of one venr old Apple Trees GROWN IN WIDE NURSERY ROWS of best sorts, at 10 per luuo. Long Concord Grape Cuttings, at H per lorn). Also, a large quantity of Transplanted White Pineand American Arbor Vital, very tine, at low est living prices. Eurly orders and correspondence solicited.' . Address; JOHN M. HUNTER, Ashley, GRAPE VI .YES FOR WESTERN FRUIT GROWERS. 30,000 No. 1, one year Concord Vines, at 810 per 1000. No. 2, one year old. at $25 per 1000. No. 1, two years old, at $jO per 1000. No. I, two year old Delaware, at $20 per 100. No. I, two year old Hartford, at 915 per 100. 60,000 Concord Cuttings, at 93 per 1000. Dootit tie's Improved Black Cap Raspberry, at $13 per 100. Mexican Everbearing Strawberry, at $5 per 100. Other leading Varieties, at $3 per 1000. Early Rose Potatoes the best known at $3 per Bushel, or $6 per Barrel. H. A. TITUS, Y EAGER CREEK NURSERY, Des Moines, Iowa. 13-tm IMPROVED STOCK. Premium Chester White Swine PURE BRED POULTRY. FINES T IN THE COUNTRY SEND STAMP FOR Reautifully Illustrated Price AND DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. THOS. B. SMITH, A CO., PLANTS VI LLE. CONN. lMy WILLOW DALE NURSERIES AND FRUIT FARM! WILLOW DALE, CHESTER CO., PENNSYLVANIA. 50,000 Peach Trees, One year old from bud, a.'i to 5 feet high. , 50,000 Apple Trees, From one to three years old, embracing tlie most profitable varieties for family use and Market orcliaras, including the Celebrated Grime s Golden. Also a general line of Nursery Stock, viz : Pears, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quinces, Cherrjr Trees, Deciduous and Evergreen Trees, Hedge Plants, Grape Vines, and Small Fruits. Address, RAKESTRAW & PVLE, iMia Willow Date,Cester Co., Pa. APPJLE STOCKS An GRAFTS. ROOT C AN DREWS, MARENGO, McIIenry County, Illinois, '' Omwer of Apple Seedlings, ETPrgreens. Small Fruits. c Root Grafts of best kind put op to or der. Orders solicited, ipeelmecs of Marengo, Si berian Winter Apples, sent on application, with stamps for prepayment, A Circular on the Siberian species, 16 pages, sent for 10 cts. Correspondence Solicited Letters answered promptly, with or without sumps. i-tf TIMBER AND SHELTER! If yon want Windbreaks for your Houses and Orchards, and Shaiter tor ye ar 8tock and Crops, plant the cheapest and quickest of all Timber the Lombardy Poplar and Grey WUlow. Cuttings sura toirrow, I offer at $2,00 per M. Dutchess Oldenburg Apple and other fruit trees cheap. - - . Correspondence Solicited H. W. DAVIS, " 1M"S Box 141, Dscarur.IlI. j5l. O. MOOUE ' Producer and BrtrUx of the POLAND & CHINA HOGS Canton, Fulton Co., 111. - For purity of blood, and being well bred, these hogs are not surpassed by may otuer bred. They are large and tine, of superior stvle, and may be re lied on : and any one wanting Pigs or Hogs of these vrer-vi nuuuiu auuress me aoove. Orders promptly tilled to all points, by Express or Freight. Mr. Moore took the f,?K Pork Packers Premium at the st. Louis Fair in l8, and also has just taken the $700 Premium at the St. Louis Fair, iM3. SPECIAL NOTICE. Te question Is frequently asked : "What makes Or constitutes the Poland or China Hog." They were produced from three pure and distinct breeds of Hogs all of which were imported, namely: Poland, Rig Spotted China, and By field. They are of fine bone, but large size combining, more emi nently than any other, the excellencies of both large and small breeds, being docile, very good feeders, breeders and sticklers, fattening readily at any age, and yet attaining great weight at maturity. They sometimes dress 3.) its. at from ten to twelre month old: from eighteen to twenty months old, .) to 8 As; at full growth they frequently dresa SOOtoWO Bs. They hare long bodies, short legs, broad, straight backs, deep sides, with square, heavy hams and shoulders, drooping ears, and are of fine style generally. :ll-3m PRIZE FOWLS. Send for the Experimental Enrin, Stork and Povl try Journal, containing list of Fancy Fowla, stock, Ac. with prices, of all the known valuable Fowls, bred from pure imported varieties on the most Im proved plans. The list comprises Brahmas, White and Dark Dorkings, CrevetVeurs, If oredans. La Fleche Biitf Cockins, Spanish Black and White, Seabright Ban tam, Game, &c: also, all the best varieties of wheat, oats, corn, clover seed, Ac GEO. A. DEITZ, 21 tf Cliambersburg, Frank Co., Pa. CURTIS & COBB'S NEW ILLUSTRATED SEED CATALOGUE Ann Flower aad Kltrkea Gardea Directory. The Seventeenth Annual Edition of our Illustra ted Seed Catalogue, and Flower and Kitchen (Jar- den Directory, with price of Seeds.Gladiolus Bulbs, Selected Small Fruits. Ac. Ac, will be sent to all applicants enclosing Twkntv--ivk Cknts. Old customers supplied without charge. Our Catalogue has been frequently pronounced one of the best Is sued, r orwartl orders earl v to CURTIS A CDHB, seedsman and Florists, 21-4t . 3U Washington St., Boston, Mass. GRAPE VliXIiis : A splendid stock of all valuable varieties, offered this tall aud coming spring, of superior quality and at very reasonable pru-es. OUR NEW Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue containing valuable information on Grape Culture will be mailed to all applicants enclosing 33 cents Price List gratis; orders solicited. Address ISIDORE BUSH ft CO. 'iQ-novt mchl apll5 Bushburg, Mo, FIRST CLASS FRUIT TREES! Grown and Imported ' BY J. J. BUTTERTOIf. APPLES. Standard. Half Standard Bush and Dwarf Graitcd on Restraining Stocks, bv which the best results are obtained, yielding crops at an early period, and in soRs and as pects otherwise not favorable tothis fruit. PEA R. All the kinds, standard and pyra mid. PEAR. Choice new sorts, at present scarce. PEAt'If.-On Plum Stock. PEACH. On Feachstock. APRICOTS. On Plum Stock, pvramid and dwarf. XKCTARlXE. n Plum Stock, pvramid and dwarf PI.VM.On Plum Stock, pvramid and standard. Clf ERR Y. Standard and dwarf, very tine. C7'.VfTr.-Spaiiish dwarf, very Hue. EILRERT.-itust varieties. Q VIXCE. Most varieties. MVLRERRY.-yiml varieties. CRA RS. Collections embracing 21 varieties. Ct'RRAXlV. All the choice large sorts. Choice and rare Evergreens: Rhododendrons: Flow ering Shrubbery; Ornamental Folinsed Plants: Drooping ami Fancy Shade Trees, grace fully trained, well suited to mounds and borders; and Cemetery Evergreens. eThose the better to sustain distant carriage are kept in pots. THE LO.XDOX M RSEEIES, 21 -tf Tlammonton, N. J. C EXCISE Ramsdell Norway Oats. The best and most profitable Oat grown, yielding more i nan twice as many ousnels er acre as com mon Oats. The straw is very strong, and rarely lodges or falls down. Our seed is clean and free irom noxious weeds. One nnnhcl. $5. Ten Rnshrls, $10. One Hundred Runnels, &J00. E. Y. TEAS, 7-5m Richmond, fnd. 500,000 F0 KES1T11EES! SPRING OF 1STO. The undersigned can furnish an unlimited number of well grown FOREST TREES of the most desirable varieties for transplanting. 4 For Particulars and Price List, addresa Villa Rfdge, , , PULASKI COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 14-3m IOO Trees and Plants for $10. I will send by Express, to anv address, 20 AppleTrees,goodsort, diiferent seasons. 3 Pear Trees. " . 5 I'each Trees. 10 IJiwton Bla:kbeiTlf !ff Wilson .Strawberries, 1 (i Concord lira pes. lO ixxdittle Raspberries. 10 Red Dutch Currants. 1 0 Houghton Gooseberries. all for S10 ; or one half the above for 19, or double lor$ls. All No. I plants and trees. trraihl.Ml MttE.-i Address IT. W. DAVIS, Box HI. Decatur, 111. I0-5i nu. wmum Robert Douglas & Son, IMPORTERS OF PEAR AND EVERGREEN TREE a. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Native Evergreen and Apple Seeds, WAIKEGAX, ILL. Ererrreen and Ornamental Tr.. im.nt one two and three years old, suitable for irnameu tal Plantinn and for Timher. u'.i.uv. k. stock ever itrown In thU country, all raiHeti from seeds In our own Krounds. foiiMiniiiiv muir .. Norway KuriM-e. AiKtrum st-ia ami M'hir i.., Hul.sam Fir. Arlxr Vita.- K un and American Mountain Ah. At. TranDUnt. ei Kvrereens. one to two r.t htrh rt..i.L Oldenhurif Apple. I ranxcendeut and If rslop Crahs PPle -I imcrs. Pear and K erureeu Tren He..l IL , uiVe, nr'" ail Prfcly lardj- in ebraai -a," 'W V nMIOf( ' IT". It. Ious:I:ts) A. Mon. - :-ro Wankecan, IIL BLOO.MI4GTOX .MRSERY. 19fA YEAR. 500 A ft? fx 10 GREENHOUSES. All First Class Stock. In part, as follows : Ale IOnO.1 yr.. 25 ur - 1 . (ton lacbras Oldcitbar. ;rlmeVs TrnnseenrfeBt lll. 1 vr.. Ski 2ir..Slit 1 1 i , I'ear, Dwmrf-HwrJi; 1uii).j. Kanpberry Big Miami ami DomiUleVm tf Hlaekberry-At'iinv. UiUrm'i Aiir. m..r Itaat iirn.TtAorhnent including Lurhet lop. Trunscentlent, Urioitt Stark ami Southern "rery 8tocks-.Wfj. Wild Goose and Miner A ft IS 71. I, - - " - t v,unj f ItfcW Te r ree nMotly tranjdantrd,nui(miflrrnt ttnrk ji-pies-oot vr in-rr-teail, all ue. inrlxultna teal Ihva.fl C mv a zn . . . . - . . ' " sK trunxpianrra 6 to VZ tnr.tS HOO; )m,-lto4ft.,4: 4toirt.,t.- toifl.,f!a. .reenose, Beddintaaj Vecetabl Vla rait aa Itwer I'latea 4 tampiea fry mail, i s-Send 10 cents for Catalogues.: F. K. PIIOEXIX, Bloomlngton, Illinois. SAIXT CLAIR AIRSERIES. FOU YEAR OP 1S70. As a specialty, I offer to the trade, dealers and planters, the best rmwn stock of Apples now in the country. Over 2uuoju) four to nix leet high, with good heads. The varieties consist of th leading and popular sorts. Wiil be sold under tha market to caah customers. TRANSCEND ANT CRABS. I havs ef these an extra Una stock, will b said low by the thousand. , APPLE SCIONS. I ran furnish Apple Scions of all the lsadlug and popular sorts, at fl per 1(MsCASH. Will fill dealers xeneral assorted bills an aa favor able terms as any other house. Fot further loromiatlon, address , , . E. F. BABOOCK 1SM BunuaerMKI, IIL SOSES BY ZJAJl wCl send, postpaid, and oni ' good Roses, In lii choice ki'nd 1' Pk Ws in three kind?. M? tlJL ? selertVart!,5L,a 3 -ft !AD, THE KTn&iussiQzr thrtv', 4 itself the most Productlve,1" pro?4 bushels to the acre, weighing S?: ,yifUf la el, earlier to harvest, and be'terfJ? rrrveu oy noncreUs that rawed VsIA, -7 T- s a They are cultivated from a wwd?.1"1 y- m.r ln .-,7,: """1 " TT ms-.' are yeif0w no7 i""1 fr.s rous of obtaining primVed 1er,s d2 V.ARLY, as w, w?re coml?r' to orS, last season who defrrrSVhi'Pint tt.n Pull descriptive circulars wi kl Uutil ,0 ti free to all applicant Uaaocuaia maiiS Price Ujt. By the barrel. bo o"nebash?l. 1 ""raei: 415 ie os too loo 2 qts. by mall. Postage paid.1 C II. VAN OLINdX" . Paodwvn , niGIIEAND STOCIl FARM BELMONT Middlesex County, Haw. Offlee, 19G State St.. RM,.. WINTHR0P W. CIlxEV PROPRIETOB. ' Importer and Breeder of Pntch for Holstein) Cattle, Anrorm r shire Swine. "Lincoln." VaranTa. Tar or Mou ton Flan.l rl n" Sheep Thon.n "Tr Trotting Horses. c. V' 10orOQa-Srd aa va.a.ogues oy mall on PpHCBIIeB- inr mp to Brieh- ton. Iowa. nable information resn.,i,, Hlves.ItauaniJfH? ? ,., uri-ping them t" cro oilier bees a- 14-am 300,000 thoice Crape riaet,, FOR SALE. 2,000,000 Grape Tines & Cur rant Cutting, ANYRniU""' CIIE-VPER THAN rv vfcnFu7' Currn,n- Oooeberrv. Blackber ry , Pie Plant, Koses, and other Nurery'tock. I WILLTAKK OfXn WESTERN LXDS AT CASH VALUE, FOR NURSERY STOCK. To make short, applicants mast rive a n!'n a cription and price ot lands. P P ,n im" Address, Da. H. Jcnp.nDKTt. BWmmingtoa, IH. THIRTEENTH YEAR IN THE TRALE. .0ff"err"Ie' ng of 1S70, at the Bloommr ton Grove Nursery. 6loomington. III., to oiSi ell branched and stocky, two year old apple twS I to 8 feet, of popular western sorts Also a fine large stock of wry 'fine oe year old apple trees. Irish Junipers IS to J inches, and otbr ment, including many of the new and rare van, ties; plenty ot Marshal NiH. the most beautiful rose grown. Ornamental and Shade Tri- shmhs and many 'other trees and.plants, not named. We wui sell at the F LOWEST living prices. Invite an examination ot our stock Letters of inquiry promptly answered. W. P. 19-2m WILLS & SON, Bloomlngton. m. r'1T A "fr t'nen rr- vJiii.'iujiikOiJ L JILT NURSERY ASSOCIATION: : CHAMBERS EURO, PENN. A general assortment of Nursery fcttoci , Includlnr all thx leading kinds of . grate vines, , ;'. roses on their own rcmrts, osaoi: ouaxoe, dwarf box for edging, . new and choice flowering SHRUBS, RASPBERRIES AND BLACKBERRIES. GENUINE EARLY ROSE POTATOES at $1,00 per bushel. CLIMAX POTATOES at tl.O) per bushel. NEW R RUNS WICK OA JSy at 75 cents per bushel. NOR WA Y OA 'IS, at fi,no per bushel. Of the lalter 10 pounds Droducert wi ,.,...1- ,... season. Address. 1 T. B. JENKLVS. Hunt.. 18-12t Cliamhersburg. Pa. UROVEIl & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM elastic' stitch FAMILY SLVrNG MACHINES 495 IirmIcmyy J-tl fork. Points of Zxcellence. Reality and Eltisticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Ma chinery. L-si riff loth threads directly from the spools. No fastening of fenms bv hand and no waste of thread. Wide ninjre of apnlication without change of adjustment. 1 he sean. retains its heauty and firm- , ness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Ma chines exeeute the most beautiful atd permanent Embroidery and ornamen tal work. Tlie Highest iTemlumn at all the fairs and exhildtions of the L'nitetl States and Europe, have heen awanlel tlie Grover 4 i:a- ker Sewing Machines;, and the wurKiume oy them.wherevcrcxhibitod, in com ret it ion. -The very hluht pria. r rrf Iht Y.timm r Bmmr, was eonfcrretl on the representative of the firover A litkerSewing Machines, nt the Kx portion rnlverMlIc, Paris, 1.S67, thns attest Int; their great superi ority over all other Hewing Machines. Umpire Shuttle lindane. Patented Feb. 11, 150, & Mept. 1, 16. RECEIVED THE FIRST TRIZE AT THE Great Fair of the American Institute In New York, Oct. Vt, IC, And Highest Prrmlum for lWi Manufacturing Machine At Paris Exposition. July, 1o7. No. 1 Family Machine. This machine U constructed on a new priiK-fjilf of mechanism, prmsesHiiiK nmnv rare and valiiohle im provement, havinic een exaniinl by the ni"t pnifoiiiMl experts, arwl ironouuced to be siniplitiiy and perflation nihiner The fi.llowinii are th principal objections urxl against sewinit miu'liines: 1. Kscessive ratiKiie to the operator. 2. Liability to ret out of order. . Kxpense. trouble, and loss of tfme In repairliMf. 4. Incapacity to sew every description ofmW'-' i. Di.sii:re.uble noLse while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine i Exempt , from all these Objections. It has a straight Xeedle. Perpendkrular Action, makes the Lock orShnttle Mitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and Is alike on both sidt-; performs s perfett sewintr on every description of material, with cfitton, linen or silk thread, from the coarnst U the finest number. It Hems, Fells, BinK Braid", Tuckv Quilts, Plaits and Gather. As a Family flewine Machine ft has no superior. Special attention is called to our new Improved Nos. 2 & 3 Manufacturing Machines , They have been thoroughly tested on every des cription of Cloth and Leather Work, running by Steam Power at the rate pf ,2M) Stitches per Minute. Producing more than double the work of any oth er Shuttle Machine now in use: thest.'tch In tlffbt. uniform and beautiful : they are simple In construc tion, easily ond-rstoid. and not be liable to iff oat of order, run tight and are comparatively nisele, For Tailoring or Leather Work wecUim thai they are not only eoual, but much superior to any other . machine that has ever been offered to toe public. Empire Sewing Macidne co., K.Y. WELXS & RICIIARBSOX. ISt. Joseph, Mo General Aeents X. w. States and Territori. t 1 ? V ? 1 f 1 f 1 TO TtlE H ORKIM ( LASS.-Wf are now prepared to furmah all classes w ith constant em plovmentat home, tne who othe time or for tae spare momenta. Business new, iigiasn pronv-"-Persons of either sex easily earn rrom jc te MP' evninc. and provrtionel sum by devotlnir their whole time to the business, aoysmuu srw -v-niu h men. Tht all who see tn J . . . . i . . ,ka k.ifin. sample, which will do to commem-e work on, an a copy of the PeoiMt Lttrrmru tlw pan w'neot the Urgeet aod bes family newspaper P0,i"""r aiieenlfree by mall. Kadrl roa wai VfP newt, prort table, employaiit, addreea, L CO, Augustas Ksine. one year plant, of t h ft tice may wna ueir aiim ma hi " 1 we mate this uopaniieled ctr: To hae are not well satisfied, we will moaom dolls '',r," . -.J ..-- tii ..mii-a a valuable