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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1870)
J: IfMrasfea jpvtvtijjcc. agricultural; I R. W.TmilNAS; Editor. c ""TOURSD AY, . MARCTI "17, 1S70.V t i , .. . 'VlUmxry.AN'T.1 VTeare indebted to RfccKynn.Ks'q; of New Orleans, La., for a dozen plan ts v( Ramie, the I liew textile plant being cultivated In the South. ; The plants were" rather dry, on arrival but we hope to he able c (o make a few of them grow, and see Mb at the plant will do in this soil and Jclimate., '' : A. T. James; Smithfield.Minnesota, c sends a sample of Wild G-mse Spring CC Wheat which has an exceedingly fi ne ' appearance. lie says it is an extra early variety ; stands up well ; yields c 20 to 25 bufchels per acre and " weighs 'G2 pounds, lie sells it for $-V0 per bushel; two bushel for $10 ; .four bushels for $15; one peck by mail i3; four pounds by mail $1; y ' The American Entomologist for F elj 2 full paces of more A uui j - than usually Interesting reading mat w nni"u"mbelished with no less ' 'than 31 beautiful and well executed wood cuts. The leading article treats of our larce Ceeropla Moth and des cribes several of its parasites. This Is fin-A hvone on "Galls and their "Architects," In which an account is crn f rprtaln palls made by teetles c '-on both tho Raspberry and Grape Then comes an entomological report "and a paper on Imported and Native ? American Insects, oom-oi ; wihcu abound in the most important prac- -ileal tnggestious.' There are also'arr ticles on "Bladder" Plums," "The Trumpet Grape Gall," "The Itch .ilif"l"AewBcan Weevil,' "The Plurn Curculio will deposit in Fruit 'which overhangs Water," "Trie Goat s' weed Butterfly," "Insects Injurious to . the Grapevine," "Southern Notes," ."The Grain Bruchus of Europe just Imported," "Locust Borers," and other "Answers to Correspondents," and "Jottings." ... ' ; - We have received information from our agricultural advertisers and others, .which shows tho fact that the Adver tiser has been instrumental in selling in Nebraska, Northern Kansas, North-western. Missouri and South- western Iowa over twenty thousand rfotfar'; "worth kof Fruit and Forest trees, Vines, Shrubs, Hedg Plants and Seeds, the past year. As we have made this our hobby, we can but feel 'proud of 'the results. We wan t to see ;ayer farm, in Nebraska enclosed with a live fence, and the owner have suc- 5 cessfully established, an orchard and a grove, which will furnish au 'abun dant supply of fruit and fuel. TTnrlA Ramhel Snyder, the Bee man of this county, informs us that he took'onc hundred and fifty pounds f cumin honev from one hive- last vear. which he sold at twenty-five cents per pound. $28,75 profit on a single swarm of bees in one season is , doing a nice business surely. -. Read the advertisement of Harvey Curtis in to-day's paper. He is of fering rare-bargains. The Christian Union and Mr. Iieeeher. : The announcement 6ome months since that Henry Ward Bkeciier was to assume editorial control of The Cturch Union, aroused great interest throughout the country; and the change of name to Christian Union, together with the rapid advance and improvements of its columns, showed thatsomo new impulse was at. work within It. Mr. Beecher lms taken absolute editorial charge. His Influ ence has been very observable in the tone and power of the paper, 'while hi3 pen is a regular contributor to its columns. The oarer comes in a larger and even handsomer foim than ever, pre serving the sixteen quarto pages fold ed and having a new and beautiful heading, large,-clear type, and a re- auarkaUe variety of admirable matter. As a religious paper it is pure and fer vent ; as a family paper interesting and able; showing not only Mr. Beecher's always welcome genius and heloine teachings, but also the co-operation of a strong corps of regu lar editors, writers and outside con trlbutors. . ." The rapid spread of this virtually new religious journal throughout the land and the professional, literary and pecuniary success already attain ed by it, show that it supplied a real need of Ihe Christian public. The publishers are J. B. Ford & Co., 29 Park Row, New York. -'? The Technologist. We have be fore ua No. 1 Vol. 1 "The Tcchnolo ri'ef," especially devoted to Engineer ing, Manufacturing and Building, is sued by the' Industrial Publication Company, 170 Broadway, New York, terms $2. This new Industrial Jour nal Is characterized for its original ar ticles and Illustrations. The number before us consists of forty-four large pages, and it is printed on very super rior paper, and In the best style of the typographic art.' Altogether, it is the finest-looking journal of practical sci ence now before the public,' . The articles, too, are of unusual excellence, and contain matter calculated to in struct and Interest all classes.- The titles of a few of the subjects discuss ed are, Technological Education, Tempering Steel, Trial of Steam En gines, Improvement .in Distillation, Sunless and Airless Dwellings, the Measurement of Electrical Resistance, Vision and the Stereoscope, the Walks of New York Central "Park, East River Bridge Caissons the Micro scope; Lessons on Drawing, Relation of Technology to Insurance, etc, etc. Golden Hours A magazine for Boys and Girls, Carlton &.Lana HAKNewt York, is the. most elegant ly gotten up, end well filled Juvenile publication In the country. It Is a monthly, and contains sixty-two pages, printed on heavy book paper, with clearnevt type, and liberally Illustrated.--Term 2 peryear. "j - - r " ' Howe's .Musical .'Monthly for March is received, containing twenty one ''.pieces, hound music songs, Piano Vcooiii pan! men t-fcori gof t h e Sky 1 ark ; Kathleen. 'Mavournetu 'Musical Mis eries i 'Dublin Bay ' Brighter days will Come; Itoy Neil; If I had but a thousand a jcar;,.BIue' Eyes ;yes, I Ml meet thee in the Lane ; Act on the Square.Vlnttrumentai GruHs au Leipsig: ; Waltzes Illustralioncn Waltzes ; . Immergrun Quadrill ; Ida Galop ; Coliseum ! Polka Mazurka ; Sybella" Polka; Studenten Polka; Derv Schnellanfer Galop ; Gertrude Polka; Mit Klingemlen Spcil March ' Portland Fancy. Terms $3 a year ; Ellas. Howe, 103 Court . Street, Boston, Mass.;; '. - The Herd Law. ; We publish this week the-Herd Law as it passed the Legislature 'a year ago. The same : law was passed at. the last session of Uic Legislature, with the difference of some except ions as to precincts. In this county it is the same. The general provisions of the law are the same. AN ACT To restrain stfxA - from running at I - - Section 1. lie it enacted bu the Legislature of the State of Xtbrrwka, That it shall be unlawful for ca ttle, horses, mules, i-heen, swine and other stock to run at large at any season of the year In the State of Nebraska ; ex cept in Peru, Benton, Brownville, Ne maha City, Aspinwall and and St. Deroin Precincts, in Nemaha County. Sec. 2. That when anjvsuch stock shall be found on the premises of an other,' it shall be lawful for the owner, or person in possession of said premis es to impound said stock, and if the owner of said stock can be found, and Is known to the taker up,' it shall be the duty, of Eaid taker up to n6tify him within twtdaya, by personal ser vice or by leaving a written notice at his usual place of residence, with some-persou of his family over the age of fourteen years, of the taking of eaid stock, describing it and requir ing him to forthwith take the said stock, after making full payment of the damages and cost to the taker up. . Sec. 3. In case the parties cannot agree as to the amount of damages and costs, each party may choose a man, and in case either party refuse to choose a man, then the nearest Justice of the Peace of ihe county shall choose a man instead, and in case the two men chosen caiinot agree they snail choose a third man. who. after being daly sworn for the purDos es, the three, or a -majority of them 6naii proceed to assess the damages, possfysing for thafc purpose the gener al power of attributors, and the said attnbutors shall make an award m writing and their decision shall be fi nal, from which there shall be no ap peal, a copy of which award shall be riled with the nearest Justice of the Peaco in said county, and shall oper ate as a judgement at law and execu tion shall issue at the request of the party, in whose favor said award was founii, for the collection af damages and costs as in other cases. Sec. 4. And if the owner fail to appear and pay all damages and costs aforesaid to the taker up after two days notice of such decision, the taker up shall have the full power and author ity to sell such tresspassing animal or animals by giving three days notice by posting up three written notices in three of the most public places in the precinct, of the time and place of sale of the animal or animals, or so many thereof as shall besufficient to pay ail damajres and costs arising by virtue of such taking up and sale, and the surplus, if any, to be paid to said Jus tice, to be held by him subject to the order of the owner of said stock 60 sold. ; j Sec. 5. No assessment or collection shall be made under the. provisions of this act for damages done on uncul tivated lands, unless said lands be sur rounded by a strip of breaking or ploughed ground at least one rod wide. Sec. 6. This act shall tike effect and be In force from and after its pas- (Jraftin? Grape Vines. , The process of grafting Grape Vines is entirely simple, being ordinary cleft grafting, and can be done by the most common workman who is "handy in the use of the knife. Less than one-half the vines now growing in gardens throughout the United btates, give sufficient fr6od fruit to pay the expenses of ordinary cultivation", for the reason that many - 1 A . I I a T are oi late varieties which uo vol ri pen oftener than one vear in five. while others are of such inferior sorts as to be of little value. All such vicets if vigorous and hardy, are of great value to graft with best early kinds. . In purchasing vines, maiiy have been misled in their selections by re ports from persons iu more favored localities, or by ignorant or designing; agents, whose chief idea has been to sell a large number of varieties. The result is, that in nearly every garden may be found from one to one dozen or more, good, vigorous, and healthy vines, large enough to pro duce from ten to twenty pounds of grapes each, but which have never been of one dollar's value ; some bear ing abundantly, but never ripening, while others areof worthless varieties. It has never occurred to many who have such vines that they have any particular value; but every such vine that is vigorous, hardy and healthy, is worth several dollars to graft. Old vines properly grafted have often pro duced ten pounds of fruit the second' year, and very heavy crops the third. W h ol e vi n ey ar d s , con tai n i n ir h u n d re of vines, have been changed by graft ing from the condition of worthless ness to valuable sorts, paying several dollars per vine annually. WIIEX TO GRAFT GRAPE VINES. Grape vines may be grafted in the Fall or early Winter, or before the sap starts in the fcpnng. Grafting is also done extensively. and with entire success, after the first now of sap in the bpring, when the vines are in leaf: usually about the 2.5th of May to the 1st of June in this latitude, but earlier in places further South. FULLER S METHOD OF GRAFTING TIIE GRAPE. All who have read A. 8. Fuller's valuable work upon Grape Culture, have noticed that he gives a long and valuable chapter upon the subject of grafting vines, giving tiie whole pro cess in detail, with several illustra tions. This work is a complete and general treaties upon the grape, des cribing each operation minutely, and 2-6m would recommend it to every person interested in growing vines. Mr. Fuller's method is as follows : In the Fall, after the leaves have fal len, and any time before the ground has frozeu say iu October, November, or uecemoer, varying according to latitude dig away the soil from around the stock (which may be of any 6ize from one-riair pnen to two indies in diameter) and ut It off at a depthi of not less than threo inches from the surrace." bput the stock in the ordinary manner for cleft grafting. Make the graft about four inches long, with one or two buds, as may be con venient. ' and. ctittins -it-to wedtre shape, it.scTt It iff-the tock,- being careful to ha ve the Inner bark, of both the stock and graft meet ; then tie in the graft by winding the stock with bass-bark or strong twine, enough to hold it firmly in place. v Next, throw in. soil enough to Jill up around the graft," filling to the upper bed ; then put a flower-pot (a small lox will ans wer the purpose), inverted, pver the graft for protection. Bank up around .the-flower-pot to the top, and overall place straw or leaves to protect from frost. The protection should not be removed until the cold, freezing weather is over. v-''.'-'0:": Mr. Fuller states that grafts inserted after this plan; will make almost as strong growth as the original vine would have done, if it had not been grafted. . .5 Y': S ' ' :" . The same method of grafting may be practiced .immediately, after the frost comes put of the ground in the Spring, before the flow of sap starts. GKAKTEN'a VIXES SviIEN IN LEAF. As good success in grafting vinesr as we have ever witnessed has been with vines grafted, about the 25th of May. when the first free flow of sap. had passed. The earth should be removed and cion inserted the same as In Ful ler's method, replacing the earth so as. to cover the upper bud of the cion, making a slight mound to do this, if necessary. ,..''; ''' ;V- Vines should always be grafted be low the surface; and th e grafts should 1 r .a . ii. 1 l . T uu m wu mx me previous ouiijuiei growth. Only one season's product of the vine is lost by grafting as grafts are Usually, Strong enough tO Oear a gtKa crop OI iruil Hie seconu vear. Each season, the Fall or early u'i. ...i. .k ..- ..A UJ tfl ,: Vt UKU IUC vine is at ltt uuu the:. Summer grafting; have advan tages over the other, but both areprac tieed successfully. . In a copy of the American ' Agricul' turist for 18C3, we find the subject of grafting grape vines treated by a cor respondent as follows : -. . "The grafting is done when the vine is in leaf and danger of bleeding has , past. . Remove, the earth from about the vine to the depth of three or four inches. Split the stock and insert the cion in the usual way of cleft grafting. Apply Jio wax or otb er composition, but simply wind the stock with bass matting or yarn, and replace the earth about thetock and cion.'-' - - j- n -r j jj Iu a morel recent npmher of the same valuable journal; we find, the following: . .1'- . X "Grafts carefully inserted grow ivith surprising rapidity and vigor, and the method affords a very easy way of re placing at indifferent or worthless va riety of grape with a good one, and of imparling greater vigor to, a slower growing sort- by giving ifc'a stock- of stronger roots. Jf properly done, Uie risk of failure is very small." - Those who have strong vines of har dy varieties, , the fruit of which does not ripen, or when rif e, is of inferior quality, should lose no time in graft ing them with valuable sorts which Will give an abundant 'crop of fruit the second season, and make the pro duct of each one of their now worse than worthless vines return, several dollars in value annually. AGKICTtTTKAL ADVERTISEMENTS-, cnlj-, w in be Inserted ou this page. ... TERMS: TEX CENTS PEK LIXK OF SPACE. EACH INSERTION. SpetiaI. Notices. 15 eta. Ff line, each Insertion.- ...... cards of five lines space, $15 per year. As often heretofore said, we now repest, we will take pleasure In receiving and forwarding orders to any of our advertising pat rons TO THE FARMERS O F THE SEX AIT A LAXD DISTRICT! We keep coiistntly on hand everything In the way of Pine Building Material you may need, in quantities numcient to supply ail demands that may be made; and, manufac turing our material from the tree. Duvlne no intermediate percent., we will sell as low. If not lower man any laru in tnewest. : Imi urn, Jenkins & Co., 12-3m Cor. 4th & Main, Brownville. Osapc Orauge Plants. The largest nnd finest lot ever offered In Nebraska, and for bale low for cash, by - II. C. LETT. , . , As W inter ; ' ' - . is coming on , j thtre are manT --' things you will find at ShelleiJberter Hros. which are absolute neces saries, both In family and out door economy. Among the many r thincsyou will there find, and which one or the other of our readers, will need and can buy nowhere cheaper, nnd get as good an article, are tho following: Sausage (iriders and Stuflers, Cook nnd Parlor Stoves for Wood or Coal; a full stock of Table and rooket Cutlery, from the most celebrated manufacturles; Patent Corn Huskers; Post's Patent ClubSkates,forGents, Ladles or Hoys; Guns, Pistols, and fixed and loose Ammu - . -r -.-. nition; Fence Wire; Nulls, and Builder's Furnishings of a 1 1 kinds ; Iron and . Tools' : for " - Hlaok smlths.all - ...... kimln; Carp- .-- enter's Tools; Home Washers and Wringers; Fairbanks, and other Scales; Patent , Hay Knives; Shovcfs; Fitch. . ; Forks; Spades; Axes- wagon and - Carriage U ood Work ; Haims; Wagon Springs; Sleigh Runners; Sleigh Hells; and everything you may want In their line. SPECIAL NOTICES. Lions' Patent 1'oar lVlieeled Kotary II arrofT. Wheels three feet In diameter, eleven teeth-each, and rotate eontlnnally Joined hy cross bars, coupled by reach, "and drawn by tongue, will accomplish three or four times the work of the common harrow on fall plowing or stalk ground. Does not clog or choke up on stalk, stubble, or soddy ground; Is equal to two "stalk evftcrt" for demolish ing stalks, and is supperior to any sulky plow for J early cultivating of corn. The above Is the verdict of tm lrr of the best farmers of Whiteside county. Hauiifactured by the Rock River Plow Co. Send for circulars and certificates. Address, with stamp. Snow E:io::ij, Sterling, Whiteside County, Il linois. 51 -3t Palnesville Xurscrlcs. 15th Year; 9 Green Houses; Acresdevoted to the business nearly one half of It covered with Nursery Stock. No better general assortment of Fruits and Orna mentals to be found In the west. Can fill dealers orders completely. Have an over sck of the fol lowing: Splendid 2 year oW Delaware Grape Vines, 10O per 1000. One year old Concord, t& per 1000. . One year old I res Seedling, (00 per 1000. -All other varieties at Catalogue prices. . -Descriptive Catalogues, Noa. 1 and 2, lOceach.' Chestnut Circular and Trade List free. . ' ' Address, STORRR, HARRISON A CO. 10-3m PalnesvIUe, Lake Co., Ohio. Peacli Tree?! A Idrge slock of the best varieties for market or the Private Garden ; handsomely grown and healthy. Prices low. ' . Addresa, '' - Edwtst AiXEX, ' New Brunswick Nurseries, New Jersey. Tf lld Goose Plum. Originated near Nashville, Tennessee, from a seed taken from the craw of a wild goose. The original tree is atlll living now, near fifty years of age. The tree is a rapid grower, a sure bearer, and a long liver. The fruit Is bright red, very large, sweet. Juicy aid delicious; keeps a long time ; bears transportation well; and better than all. it is not subject to the attacks of curculio. It has proven a success wherever tried. - - y' :- - Price, 10 eta. to fx. Seeds and scions, S eta, each, at the Columbia Nurseries, Colombia, Tenn. ". .. , W- S.BAINEY,, eon To Obtain an Orcliard er Hedse Wlthect Meaey. ' Address, -r.' . W. K. MANN A CO. Uiman,IU. 1 3TEW ADVEKTXSEMEZfJS. GRAPES J GRAPES! CONCORD ii R A PE Roots, -rte n5 two years, mfstl-lRjrm of the flnosi f,c Uitj'. t will pack It) moss, ani At 'liver on rnilroad. aap of th above stock. tfij ami f -TO v'r thousand. t i - : .: . , : ' ISAAC ATWOOP." i r - : B K Lakk Vikya.B1. 22-tf . Lake Mill, JeflVrsn Cjt Wte. POITSALE! 100,000 APPLE ROOT GRAFTS. 8 per 1,000 j 87Q per 10,000. ; 30)000 one year bid Grafted AppieTrees, 10 to 24 V iuehes high.t.M per ijt). llOES. btmrtee Ramble and I'ellcit. 1 year old, . Jl per dozen ; 3 per W); ?m per iflM. : Two , :-.' years per liw. - - CRAPE VINES. Concord, one vear old. II per . dozen, H per loo, fJOrer l0.. Two years old, f(i per 100. Ives' Seedling, fl per 100. . Hartford Prolitic,$l,rj0per3oa ea. $6 per WO i all goo4 . SIOCK. Over 30 Varieties of Apples. ..-'' iiARVf:r curtis, Owego Nurseries, Tioga Co X. Y. 22-4w FIRST CLASS FRUIT TREES! v Grown' and Imported .. BY J. J. BUTTEKTOX. APPLES. Standard, Half Standard Bush and iJwarr-Hraited on Kestrainin? Stocks, by which the best rexulU are obtained, yielding crops at an early, period, and in soils and. as- pects otherwise not favorable to this fruit PEA All the leading kinds, standard and pyra mid. . pjchoIcenvsort-. t nrSPnt : J'Acr.-on nam siot. . i. - Yiix-ofpnkV pyramid and dwarf J-MTAHIXK On Plum Stock, jiyramid :md dwarf i Stock, pyramid and standard. vHEKK r.-Standard and dwarf, very liij CHKrxrT.vx-twtat very aae, iA7'.-M.)st varieties. line. O? V.VCA-. Most varieties. .VCLREKKY.MiKt varieties. . VRA HS. Vllections embracing 24 varieties. ' VCJWAKTX. All the choice large sotts. i Choice and rare Kverifreens; Rhododendrons; Flow ering tihrubbery; Ornamental Foliaged Plants; . Drooping and Fancy Shade Trees, grace- lun.) irauieur wen Buuea io mounoaiiu borders; and Cemetery Evergreens. -Tliose the better to sustaia .distant carriage are kept In pots. . THE L0XD05 SIBSERIES, 31-tf Hammonton N. J. CURTIS & COBIJ'S" NEW ILLUSTKATED SEED C A. T 1L, O GU Aiin Flower and Kitrhen Gardfn Direrlorj. The Seventeenth Annual Edition of our Iliiwtra. tedSe-Cutalogue, and Flower anrt: Kltcheti 6r- uen iireciory. wun price or Seeas,t.IadtolasBolls Selected Small Fruit. Acj Ac, will beeitoall applicants enclosing Twesty-fivk C'kstw.' Old customers supplied without charges JDurt'utalogue has been frequently pronounced oneot the best is sued, r orwara orders early to CVKT1S & (XJHB, Seedsman and Florists, 2-t I8 Washington St., Boston, Mass. grape virvics : A SlUendid stock of all valuable variation mrwt this CiU and coiuingspring. of superior tiuOUyaud OUR NEW Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue containing valuable Information on Grave Culture; will be mailed to all apiillcanta enclosiua 2a uetit iiuc uraua; oruers sniiciteo. Address 1SIDOKE BUSH CO. 50-novl mcbl ap!15 Busliburg, Mo, KNOX i run & mm Grapes, Strawberries, Raspberries, - ciacKDerries, Gooseberries, Currants, Asparagus, &C, ; &C-i &C. - - Notwithstanding the great reduction In prices, we have continued to grow our stock with the same care as formerly, and are enabled to offer the pres- t-ni n. uuii, iie oi uic largest ana Dest stocKsot plants we have ever offered. ' 4r0 1 K ItKSCRU'Tl VE A AV J&LUb TUA TETt CA TA LOt j i -k or SUA LL fit I ITS conu.ins much valuable information on Small Fruit Culture, and will be sent to all auDlidants Every Person who lian a (.arden should -have one. S-PRICE LIST for Spring of 18T0 free, for which enclose stamp for postage. .- . . J. KNOX, 2t-2t Box 153, Pittsburgh. Pa. PRIZE FOWLS. Send for the Erprrimnrfal fiirm, Strx-k and Poul try Journal, containing list of Fancy Fowls, Stock, c. w ith prices of all the known valuable Fowls, bred from pure Imported varieties on the most im proved plans. The list 5inprlses Brahmas, White and Dark Dorkings, (YeveOeurs, lloredans, I,a FU-che Ruff Cockins. Spanish Ulack and White, Seabright Ban tam, Game. Ac; also, all the best varieties of wheat, oats, corn, clover seed, dtc. geo. a. deitt:, 21 tf Chambersburg, Frank 'o.. Pa. HOSES HY MAIL. We will send, postraid, and securely packed 12 good Ros-s, in six choice kinds, on receipt of $5; six Roses in three kinds, ?.1: two Roses, fl, nil strong one year plants, of the finest selected varieties. DINUEK & CONUAl), 21 -4t Harmony Grove Nurarriet, West trnrv. Pa. THE SURPRISE OATS. We are now receiving orders for our new crop of mis mom vaiuaoie new oat. wliicn nas again proven Itself the most productive ever grown, yielding i;t bushels to the acre, weighing pounds to the bush el, earlier to harvest, and better in every way. as is asserted by hundreds that raised them last year. They are cultivated from a wild oat, a natural pro- auction or the country, six years in cultivation irom five seedlirurs. (a 'ante vellow oat). Persons desi rous of obtaining prime seed are requested to order karly, as we were compelled to disappoint many last sea'win who dvferred their ordeqy until too late. Full descriptive circulars with testimonials mailed free to all applicants. Price List. By the barrel, 3', bu . $15 00 " " bag of 2 bu. 90 lbs, bag included 10 00 One biishel, 4i lbs . 5 00 2 qts. by mail, Postage paid . 1 00 C. H. VAN OLINDA, 2l-tf k' ; ' : Sandwloh, 111. i . 1 : y . i M t jV. C. MOORE, jyotturrr and Breeder of the POLAND & CHINA HOGS V,V Canton, Fulton Co.'llI.4 For purity of blood, and being' well bfedr, these hoes are not surpassed by any other br-ei. They are large and fine, of superior style, and may be re lied on ; and any one wanting Pigs or Hog!- of thece breeds should addressoieabove. . : Orders promptly tilled to all points, by Express or Freight. .... - Mr. Moore took the $"4H) Fork Packers lremium at the St. Louis Fair in inn8, and also has just taken the (TOO Premium at the St. Louis Fair, lttiit. SPlfcfAL NOTICE. The question is frequently asked: "What makes or constitutes the Poland or China Hog.'"- Thev were produced from three pure and distinct breeds ot iiogs-aii or winch were imported, namely: Poland. B;iSiotted China, raid Bvffeld. :Thev are of tine boi.i", but large size combining, mure emi- large and small breeds, being docile, very good leeuers, breeders ana sucklers, fauemng readily at any age, and yet attaining ereat welcht at maturitv. They nonierinjvs dress iio ft, at from ten tv twelve moiJtliold; trom eighteen to twenty months old. rxioto ) Rs; at full growth they frequently dress soil to !; Ds. They have long bodies, short iegs, broad, straight backj. deep sides, with square, heavy hams and shoulders, drooping ears, nnd are of fine style generally. 21-3m CURRANTS. The demand for Currants is increasing so rapidly that it has become one of the most profitable fruits grown. They are adapted io so manv uses and so easily grown, that no grower can a (lord to be with r ut them. The finer varieties are so much superior in everv respect to the common kinds found iu every garden, that it is strange that the old plants are not dug up and replaced ith the better kinds. . The YcrttiUaUr. fertile tie Angers, Cherry, While rfrnrjxand Mrtnria, are the very best varieties to grow, and should be fonnd in everv garden. For prices of plants see page 10 of our Price List for Spring of 170, which will be sent to all appli cants enclosing stamp for postage. J. KNOX, 21-2t Rox 15. lytxintryh. Pa. 4,000,000 HEDGE PEAXTS, . VERY LOW, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. CHAS. PATTERSON, Kirksviile, Adair County, Missouri. IMm APPLE STOCKS AM) GRAFTS. ROOT C. ANDREWS "-. MARENGO, McHenry County, Illinois,' Grower of Apple Seedlings, Evergreens Small Fruits. Ac Hoot Grafts of best kind pnt up tovr der. Onlers soliciuxL Specimens of Marengo, Si berian Winter Apples, sent on rpplieatioi, xyith stamps for prepayment, A Circular on the Siberian species, 16 pages, sent for lo eta. Correspondence Solicited. x.Lettcrs answered promptly, wilir or without stamps. H-tt .TI3IBER AID SHELTER I If yon want Windbreaks for your Hooea and Orchards, and Shelter for your Stock and Crops, plant the cheapest and quickest of all Tlmtier the Lombardy Poplar and Grey Willow. Cuuiitgs sore Iu:chess Oldenburg Apple and other frUt trees cneap. ..Correspondence Solicited- " -' " H. W. DAVIS, Bonn, recator,ni. 40.000 BEASOirS nnnni r nimnnr. nnn UUUULt UhlilUtili lUili PLOW. Every Plow II irran ted to GIVE SATISFACTION. MANUFACTURED BY .J. H. BE AS OH,. Mainst., Brownrille, Nebraska. I hereiy Inform the citizens of Nemaha and sur rounding counties that 1 am now nianuiacturing the - ; CELEBRATED ;.0ouble Diamond Coin Plow, which I warrant to give entire satisfaction. This plow Li superior to any other now manufactured in the United States, for four reasons, vis: ... First Because they are made expressly for the -soil of Nebraska and Missouri. Second Because the peculiar twist of the . makes, them scour in all kind-i of soil. plow Thikd Because they are made of the best materl . V Al; and are light and durable. j'or'KtH Because ' ojie man: can' cultivate fifty . . acres, and save the expense of one band, . which Is f 75 in one year. ' . : i l ; REFERENCES; Isfiac Haward,,, AVrm Bennett Stewart Clinstlan .. M Itiordan . AVrararln ;. ; . Bamuel Ieener Wm Franklin Bud Cliamberltn J McDonald Jno Stoner Chas White Wm White DrMcNealy 21-3m ;Robt Dillon Ilobt Gllmore . Itlley Kelly V Jacob Keerest '; Silas Peiirce Dr Ktoner . D Martin . . L'Whlte A' Arlington IMPROVED FOR 1870. ..; . WEIR'S Premium Two-Horse mm mmm With Heavy Axles, Diamond Twisted Shovels and 4-Feet ck Yoke. .MANUFACTURED BY . . WEIR PLOW COMPANY MONMOUTH, ILL. Whir's Cultivator has not only stood th past eight years, but is growing more and more popular. It received the Fi HST HONORS at the Illinois State Fair in Lvi7, and the MEDAL PREMIUM at the St. Louis Fair in 1-ttm, where were over twentv-flve dif ferent Walkimr Cultivators In competition: the flR.ST PREMIUM at the ireat Field Trial at St. Louis Fair. Isw.ordered br the Missouri SLatp Rnarri of Agriculture; . flRST PREMIUM at 61 District and County Fairs in During the eight years our Plow has been In the maricei u nas j-xu ykij usele RELIABLE at all times, and where others fail it gives universal satis- wcuou. , AM. a JUVEli m,OQa 1X. I&E it I ultivate the ground deeper than any other .lim-uiiivwr lue muu, ana oj ftn arrangement ot tn joint i.cau d mmm Kftrlt as weli aiter six vear' usageas.when hrst put into the field. We have let n-ra injiii iiiorcumn m inouKann larmer. inlormlng us of its durability und genernl gKd qualities, and recommend it as the REST CULTI V'A TOR IX UbE! IT POSSESSES 31 A XT ADVANTAGES OTEB OTHER CORX PLOWS: I. It is so simple that it can be operated by a bov. i By means of a peculiar twist in the Diamond Shovels, (a late Improvement,) we avoid all tide pressures, whether the shovels are set to throw dirt to or trom the corn. 3. By means of theevener, and the draft being on a direct line from the gangs to the horses' snoumers, me norses necks, as well as the wheels are renevea oi an downward pressure. 4. By means of a patent squure frame, the knuck les are held in an exact vertical position, thereby keeping the gangs in the same potition, and pre venting that rocking motion so common with other plows. .. . 5. One man will do the work of two, with greater ease to himself and horses, and thus save the wages ami uoaru ot a nirea man, wmcu is equal per month to the price of the machine. 0. It is strong, durable, and with proper care will EVERY PLOW WARRANTED after three days' fair trial, to give perfect satisfac- SHOP price, 6r, For sale by . ; J. I. TEHHILL, l LONDON, Kvan Worthing and J. H. Reason. Brownville :' R. C, rmui.) , i rru ; j.ii. JtiiniCK, jtspinwau; Wm. Batch y, Farm ; 1). C. Sanders. .... .1 . " T . 1 1 i TV" . County; and can also be had at Pawnee City and Tecumseh. -It Is earnestly desired that farmers give this PLOW a trial, as we are sure all who do, will be we a pieasea wun it. ; , . . . 2k(-2ra CHOICE TREES, SHRUES, VINES, PLANTS, ' SEEDS AI ISIXBS. o 3 at wholesale or retail. j Onr Lists represent the best i Nurseries In nearly every i State iiithe Union. lience you i are almost sure to fret what ; you want, if It can be fonnd anywhere, and at the lowest Market Rates. COLOREDFRUIT AND j FLOWER PLATES. BKST STYLE. Four 'samples by ! mail for Jl. Bound for Nurservmen o o H and Dealers at a liberal discount. 0) SHELDON'S IMPRO VED COMPO VXD t A sure remedy for firubs.Slugs.Ror- j ers.and all Insect Pests.and a valuable Fertilizer for Trees, Plants, Vines, Ac. I Two pound cans, with lull testimonials : and directions, $1. j Send for Circular, Send for Circular. EDWARD A. WOOD, . j o w Gkxkva, N. Y., Geneva Nursery Exchange. 17-3m I.1IPROTE YOUR STOCK! The success that hns attended my efTbrts in Sheen Breedinir. and the satisfaction given for the past 3 years, induces me to contmuetiieDusiness, although at reduced prices, owing to the general temporary deoression la wool and stieoix, I now offer for sale about loo, embracing lambs, yearlinirs and older sheen, both Bucks and Kwest These flieep embody me oesi niooa ana pedigree or t., and or pnre in fantado Stock, the most promising family of Meri noes ever imported, and b; ed direct from Imported stock. Those now .otVered for es'.c ere from mv stock Rams "Hammosh' and "Vodxo Gold imnp." Hammond ' hius heavy neck and tail "oung Gold Drop" is a smooth sheep; both of which are heavy and dense shearers. I can accom modate the fancy of all wishing to purchase sheep. Full pedigrees and sufficient guarantees will ac company every sheep, nicely caged and sent by express, at my risic, at reasonaoie and stated rales. or otherwise if desirable, with sufficient forage to uu,y pan ot ine l nneo iates or anaaa. All orders will be filled with the utmost ca under my own personal supervision, and all reason able satisfhetion iriven in all cases. For further particulars and Illustrated Circulars apply with stamp to F. L. UPHAM, ' rsrkinsvUle, Vt., late of Springfield, VU 14-flm GRAPE VIXES axo R-O-O-T G-R-AF-T-S. Concord Grape nes.oneyearold, very larce and fine, for sale cheap, in large or small quantities, or wonld exchange tor small evergreens, either Iroin nursery or forest. APPLE ROOT GRAFTS, Put up in the best manner, of choice western va rieties, on large roots. Aauress D. W. KAUFFMAM, 18-2ra Des Moines, Iowa. Grape Tines, Small Fruits, and . Early Kin? Potatoes. . EUilELAN, WALTER, ASSAWAirPSETT, MARTHA, SALEM. IONA, : ' ; ' DELAWARE, ' and many other kinds at low rates, for Cash. "All first quality plants, one and two years old. WESTCHESTER BLACK CAP RASP BERRY PLANTS, " ' ' 5,00 per dozen ; 25,00 per 100. The best Raspberry in me won a. . EARLY KING POTATO. 1,00 per pound; five pounds for 4,0ft. Price by ousnei en application. This rotato stands ahead of any other variety in the countrv for earlinem urf quality. Please order a few to try them. Send for catalogues, dtc. Address, . OTIS TINKIIAM, l-Vtf Fan River. Bristol On.. Slasa. PURE INF A. IV i? ADOES 2,000,000 Hedge Planti! Cheapest nd Best yet ITered. 100,000 . ' Extra fin Apple Tree, 2 and 3 years old. 60,000 - Jfice, well branched Apple Trees, at J00 per iL ' " " " 40,0CO ' v Peach, Pear, Qherrff, Plum, Api icot and Ifec lurme.Treca, . . '' , J Currant and Grape Cuttings ; Ku. it. Ash, 1 to 3 ft. Roses, Shrubs, f .vergreens, stocks and a large stock of ornall Iruit Plants, Ac., &c....Trade List for spring now ready Our plants were dug early, put away properly, and are In the best of condition. IJAKGIS & SOSlMKit, 16-tf : fctar Nurseries, Quincyv Illinois. . MARINGO WIXTER CRAB : ' . - on ' ' "' - S I B E It IAN A P PL C! . , . . Address, C. ANDREWS, . Marengo, Mcllenry County, Illinois, 18-tf for.CIrcnlar and Information. . 500,000 FOREST TREES! SPniXG OF is-jo. ' The undersigned can furnish an unlimited hum . . ber of well grown FOR EST TREE S of the . most desirable , varieties for transplanting. tyTor Particulars and Price List, address Villa RIdsre, PULASKI COUKTY, ILLIXOIS. 14-3m APPIiE ROOT GRAFTS, Put up especially for Farmers and Fruit Growers. APPLK ROOT O RAFTS put up in small quanti ties, ' designed especially for Farmers and Fruit tJrowers who wit.h to grow their Apile Orchards from the grafts. Every package will contain a general assortment of the most approved varieties-i-from Early -Summer to Late Winter put up in the best possible ortier.auu warranieu true io name. - r. . Each package will be accompanied with printed instructions for planting ant growing Nursery Trees . A LARGE7 COOT ORCirARD MAY BE GROWN FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY. t3A Heneraf as-Jrtrtme'nt of Nursery Stock, at ; fcuwiutuie rain. rne lur circular. Address, D. E PECK & CO. f Jf - MAhENUU. ,i - 10-3ia -.;'-' - MeHcary County, Illinois. A. RRYAXT, JR. kurseyman, Princetox, Illinois. Forest Trees for Grove Planting Grapes, Small r nuts, aim small evergreens, sfi.ciALI l.kS. Elvs axd Maples of any desired size. Special attention given to packing.J Shipping facilities unsurpassed. Stock shipped by either of three competing lines to Omaha, and other points in Nebraska. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BRYANT; JR., Princeton, Illinois. 11-Sm SHELTER FOR OUR ORCHARDS & DUMB BRUTES BEAUTY & ADORXMCAT FOR OUR HOMES. THE BEST TREE FOR EVERGREEN HEDGES. SCREENS. AND TIMBER BELTS, IS TTIE' RED CEDAR. Plants of Red C'elar. In larep nimntilina k nrv low prices. Our Circular, cor-tainini' Lrht nniroa giving full directions for planting Evergreens, with noteson the value of Shelter Belts. ,tc: will be sent to any person, on the receipt of a three cent nostnre stamp to prepay postage. We especially reuuest every reader of this TO SEND FOR A COPY. ; A splendid lot of one vear old Annie- Trees ROVN IN WIDE NCRSERY HOW'S of best sorts, at f V) per 1000. at fl per 10u. Long Concord Grape Cuttings, Also, a larire auantitv of Transnlnntpd Whlt nne ano American Arbor itai, very fine, at low est living prices. -tany orders and correspondence solicited. . Address; JOIIN M. HUNTER, Asliley, Washington Co. Illinois. 12-Sm GRAPE 1ICS FOR WESTERN FRUIT GROWERS. ; 30,000 5a I, one year Concord Vines, at 10 per 1000. No. I. one year old, at $35 per 1000. No. 1, two years old, at $.30 per 1000. No. 1, two year -jl. $i0 pr . Delaware, at 100. No. 1, two year old Hartford, at $15 per 100. 50,000 Concord Cuttings, at 93 per 1000. . Doolitlle's Improved Black Cap Raspberry, at $15 per 100. ' Mexican EverbearingStrawberry, at $5 per 100. ,- r : i Other leading Varieties, at $3 per 1000. Early Rose Potatoes the best known at $3 per Bushel, or $0 per Barrel. H. A. TITUS, YEAQEH CREEK NUIWERY, Ies Moines, Iowa, 12-4m IMPROVED STOCK. I milium Chester Tflilte Stvine PURE BRED POULTRY. FINEST IN TIIE COUNTRY. SEND STAMP FOR Beautifully Illustrated Price AND DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. TIIOS. B. SMITH, 4c CO., . PLANTSVILLE, CONN, 12-Iy WILLOW DALE ISURSEniES AJfD FRUIT FARM! WILLOW DALE, CHESTER CO., PENNSYLVANIA. 50,000 Peteh Trees, One year old from bud, 3.S to 5 feet high. ' ' 50,000 Apple Trees, .i , From one to three years old, embracing the most rontaoie varieties for tamily use and Market irehards. including the Celebrated Grime's Golden. Also a general Hue of Nursery Stock, vis : ; Pears, Pla-rus, Apricots, Nectarines, Quinces Cherry Trees, Deciduous and ,;.' Evergreen Trees,' .'"'". Hedge Plants, Grape Vines, and Small Fruits. . Address, RAKESTRAW & PYLE, t,,4 !- Willow Dale .Charter TA.. "Pa. - 'DON'T FORGET JIAUTILA. Grape Tines and Small Fruit. Nursery, EsTABLi-snzp. in 1S57.;: A splendid stock of Vines and Plants arw offered the eomlttic Spring, including nearly every variety known to be of value. The Juew and pepuiar White Grape, - ... - ... , . : MARTHA, OR. )VIIiTE CONCORD, In largeor small qjiantittes"; price 1 single, or 9 per dozeu. for strong No. 1 plants, postpaid by mail It desired. , Less hy the hundred or thousand. Also, -Arnold's new Hybrids, Eumelan, Walter, Weekawken. -Christme, lline, and all valuable numbers of lioirers Hybrids ; also, Delaware, lona, Israella. Concord, Ives, Norton's Virginia, etc., etc., in nil abont one hundred distinct varieties. ' Kittatinny Blackherries and Clarke Raspberries in lar-e 'juantities, Jucunda and Charles lHmnlnir Strawberries,- Uowninsr's Seedling (oosebrsle Cherry. Versailles, White Grape, and Black Naples Currants, etc.,-etc. -Send stamps for Illustrated Catalogue and Price Lists, to. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, ; 10-3m - . - . Delaware, Ohio. g i:iie Ramsdell Norway Oats. The best and most profltahleOat grown, yielding more than twice m many bushels per acre as com mon Oats. The straw is very strong, and rarely lodges or falls down. Our seed is clean and free from noxious weeds. One Itushe!, S3. Ten Baskels, 840. One Hundred Bushels, 8-'I00. E. Y. TEAS, 7-5m ' Richmond, Ind. 500,000 FOREST TREES! SPRING OF 1STO. The undersigned can furnish an unlimited number .. of well grown , ,; ' FOREST TREES of the most desirable varieties for transplanting. 3"F Particulars and Price List, address Villa Rldc, ; PCEASKI COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 14-3m Trees, Plants and Grape Tines. WHOLESALE PRICES FOR - 1869-10. Early May or Richmond Cher ry, or Black MorrilloStoek.handsomeand tlirittc- with -i-.. 1 1 r. . w..l l. . L. . ni . - . leet, f l-ji.(M per 1000 ; 4 to 6 leet, tZtojA per ; o io o exira nne, ju,uu per lm). By the 100 at 31 rates, for Cherry ! . . APPLE TREES, , Two years, Leading List Varieties, $73,000 per M. Concord Grape Vines, No. 1, one year. f? per loon; No. 1, two years. strong, f.i; per itjna; No. 'Z, two years, gcwMl planLs. i per lw; Ives, two years, f'o TER3IS CASH, OR C. O. D. HENRY AVERY, Burlington, Iowa. 10-3m IOO Trees and Plants Tor $10. I will send by Express, to anr nddress, -in Apple Trees, good sorts, different season, 5 Par Trees. ,Ti Peach Trees', IO Iiwton Blackberries, 5iO AV'ilson Strawberries, . IO Concord Grapes. 1 0 Ioolittle Raspberries. 1 0 Red Dutch Currants, IO Ifouehton Gooseberries. I all torflO; or one half the above for M, or double ri. u i imwii nno irees. -PAC'KI FKEIi-4. ' - , Address ' '. ' n.w. davts; 10-osa ; - - . I'llifGJII IliSfillES I Robert Douglas & Son, IMPORTERS OF PEAR AND EVERGREEN TREE Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Native Evergreen and Apple Seeds, WAFKEGAIV, ILL. Kvera-reen nnd Ornmnentnl Tree Seedlings one, two and three years old, suitable lor Ornamen tal Planting and for Timber. We have the largt stock ever grown In this countrv. all raised from seeds in oar own grounds. Consisting mostlv ot orway Spruce. Au-tr.un. Scotch and White Pines. Balsam Fir. Arbor Vita- European Larch. Europe an and American Mountain Ash. c. Transplant ed Evencrevas, to two feet high. Duchess of Oldenburg Apple. Transcendent andlfyslop trabs Al'ple StediiiiKS. lear and. Kvrnrnxn Tiu, Ac. The aN.veareall pffrlevtly hardy In Nebraska." Send l-jr Catalogues. R. Douglas & Son, , Waukegan, IU. 2-fim Plant Choice Fruits. MOW IS TIIE TIME TO ORDER. I' I will send fine SAI.KM r,li vvi-ss i.v man ior !w i eacn. Kogers 4. 1.1. is, at owe-each. K it- tatmny aud u ilson's t-jtrlv niiu-iiiurnU i h,.. ... ;i -;f. . "v t j-jariy inai-Kwrrw ai si in ier I -"".en, ,wj limn. , iurK Raspberry, (ZM per do Philadelphia do, f-On nvr doxen, all by mail. I will Ieliv-r the following at Express oflir 30Z. erlv tberiillAuitur uhoIk i i . 9i aud Slu per hunUn:. ixrtaware, linna, Crevel Ing and Ive's Svelling, Sis p.r hunilrf. Salem (.rates at 975. a ud sat ner hnmlnxl vi..,o.i , -. nnd 1 at fj) oer hnndrod Vi dozen. farshl Neil Rose ihvmnili Tr. p.-k y Address JUllT ririui-ra Rochenter. V. Y. Tiie American Chestnut. One of the most profitable Tlaifcer aa4 Nut Dro ducing Trees In America. TWO HUNDRED THO USA N I) TREH FROM X-WL.1V l.M UM lit T i-tfcT HIGH, FOR SALE. We are DtittimriB nnn hnn'nui un r.- ..i ,.. fresh seeuU TERMS: Cash with tif nrrlpp tatiUrn - sent by express with bill for collection on delivery. PRICE of trees packel and delivered rt Express Othce or Itailway station at this place: 4 to inches high, fa per ion, fr- per UK to 12 inches high, 4 per hw, ;) per l h to Zl inches high, 8 per lou. 60 per lot lino. Chestnut Trees by Nail When tiie monev is spnf. with th r,.i lowing rates, we will send trees bv mail, well packed in damp moss and oiled naoer. nuv tho .i guarantee their sale arrival in kixmI condition Price of Tree by Mail. 4 to A Inchos fin font per dozen ; ?! per l: i l.T-i per -V): ci per f. to - Inches, (1 per Uoz.; jl.7 per 'Zi ; ft pre 5o; fiper Mo. rjT"Send for Chostnnt I , Tratle of Nurserv StM-lt. tree t. i u.uuJ o,..i Nurserymen.- ... We refer u First National Bank of this place. Address, feTORRH, KARr.TSON A CO. l"ajriviIlo ,-T" Eake County, Ohle. :nL0031l.GTOS MUSElil'. mh year. ; , Zoo Acres. ' 10 GREENHOUSES. All First Class Stock". In part, as follows : pple 1'ino. I ur.. KT, : 2 nr.'. Mo 3 n- ti,r Uucbe-s Oldenbarc. (;rime' Trmneeadent lf. 1 UT.. '.- '1 ur.. i(. Ilial.n 1 1 ..-. Pear, Standard hift"; Jiii.Ho. Pear, I)warf-i fir.; H0.Mn. ' " ' ilapterry Hip Mtttmi arui Dotillttlevvt) fH. Illackberry Ritutint, Wilmm's Ijirluuttt six Koot (imfti Amwtmrntx, inrtu'ling Dnchrss, Hi ('. Transceiuirnt, tiriines. Stark and .lim'ther artery Mocks .Vrt. Xud Goose and Miner num. , . Osaae Orange Plant 1st elms, 10.0t0fl5.00 Eve rcreenw ." transplanted, maimiirrnt stork Maples Stjt or SUifr-leavd, all sizem, inetutling " inc ?l ou; tranxiilantrtl 6 to 12 inM. ftt-OO: ItU. 2to4rt.. Mi: 4t.iKff ") n a v m Roses-i"! surfs, lamest stttek. iu 12 .- Ii) )m"' Ijrernhouse, lieddinsand Vecetable Plaatn. emit ana r lower 1' lutes uunyu by JtySend 10 cents for Catalogues. F. K. PHOENIX, 7-tf Bloomineton. I!llnr.l SAIXT CL.AIRATTtSEH.IES. FOR YFJLR OF 170. As a specialty. I offer to the trade. rtnl.n mnA planters, tiie best grown stock of Aoules now in ho iijunirjr. over .ti,ii rour lo six feet high, wnh good heads. The varieties consist of the leading auu injfuinrsuris. ill oe soiu unuer the market to cash customers. TRANSCENDANT CRABS. I have of these ar extra fine stock, will be sold low by the thousand. APPLE SCIONS, v ; lean furnish Apple Scions of all theleadluf and popular sorts, at fz per 1'iuo CAsir. Will till dealers Kerferal aborted bills on as favor able terms as any other house. For further information, address -" - ' E.P. BABCOCK. U-a ' lS-4t IIICIILADSTOCU!.! 7 rr'A.iom : Middlesex County. v 02Sf e, 133 Stat, t .. . , ; PROPRIETOR. S - Irperler and Ereedsr of TJiiteh (ot Holstla Cattle, Ancor V - Catalogues sens by mail on aDBil,, SEDBg Stamp ir; rs. tZiirn H. er. Brlgij- f. . 1- . 1 ' DxuKuiiormatioDrespen'rrg Hives.Italian Bees, au the , aw the Y-H iiirttna or leepin pure wnere other bound. 14-3m 500,000 Choice Grape Tlaci ' FOR 8ALE. 2,000,000 Grape TIneii Cn, rant Cutting, ' Of all the leading varieties. CIIFAPn. -ANYWHERE ELSE. ,-UJPEK Tax J Also, Stawberry, Currants, GoPh.r ry. Pie Plant, Kobes, and other Nursery stk I WILL TAKE GOOD WEHTERN LAxt 1 T CASH VALUE, FOR NlR..ERT AT ERTS10CK. To Baakeshort.appl!canteiDast . , crtptton and price oi laDda. p ' '. P'a &n- AddrsM, D- H. JSfTfROPfrR, TUIRTEIIVTII 1EAR 12i THE TRALE. We offer for sale. Snrinir.f i-n ... ton Grove Nursery. Bio-mlntrton I 1 "'n planters.a fine stock f.fpm.rira.. ,-l r 1 well branched and st.- kv t-.:Z7. "J.'-T 4 to feet, of Dowilar . w.rn V.r Aim. a nne large stock of very line os .,!. apple trees. Irb,h Juniors u t() 3 InctTeVaMt-w illlTl",?! " '-?. HOSES, a rtaMT ment, including many of tb new and rl vT ties; plenty of Marshal .?., mi TbT.-t , r.Je grown. Ornamental and shiT. t..:: ' wii iu ;t ihT ":i'iauia, not uauied. will sell at the t VERY LOWEST i living prices. Invite an examination ol onr stark. ! Lettersof inquiry promptly answered. li l-2m BHnlngtoa. 11 JOHX VAXDEBBILT BSVTRiss AGRICrLTrRiLiaPLESESTS, FERTILIZERS AXT PLWn. S3 Fsltaa Street, 5rw Isrk. GAXDEX AXD rLOTTEB SZKDS. Choice ani reliant, sent by aiaO, postan ,t Send, for a priced t atalogue. , FLOWER AXD UARDEX IMPLEJnSTS. of every Variety TREES, PLAXTS, ROOTS, e.. 19-2V all at very low pricw. TTTAHTED! TENBusielsHcn- 111 ey Iomwt Seed, In Exchange for Aurwrr L J Stock. Seed to be delivered at Jrtrhu I I City. Addre.s, J. W. PEVU.MAN. Pavf5- port, Iowa. 1- it FttUITL.VNI SURSERY AA'D G IRDET. J. R. TULL ik SOX, P1'XFRILTR.S. A very fii'elnt tif Frail Tfmi a hsid. nr.t t.- and thrf? vers old. (.mp Virion. Kas;rr, Currant.-, Gooseberries and strawh-rrfes, of diffi-r-ent sorts ai!d variet!. Kvergrvnii.fnim 4 feet high. Ornamental Tiwt. hrnh, Vin Roses. Msrdy Flowering, and irwnhouoe f!n-.i. and a very large quantity of Sweet Pour, fi t. sprouting in the Spring, consisting of the Kni snd ellow Nansemond and Uraziliun Whit. bud lor Circular and Price AtMms J. R. TIM. x. 13-U rontoosuc, Hancix lc tnimfr. HI. CHAMBERSBURG ATJRSERY ASSOCllTIOTr CHAMBER BURG, I'f.'V.V. V general assortment of Nursery t t,iariu.f;nj ail (he leuuing kinds of GRAPE VINF-S, ROSES ON THEIR OWN ROOTS, OSAGE ORANGE, DWARF BOX FOR FIX ING, NEW AND CIIOfCE FI.OWV.KING SHRUBS. RASPBERRIES AND BIACKBEKKIE GENUINE EARLY HOSE 1'OTATOES at perbutihel. CLISL1X POTATOES at 1.00 per bushel. XE W BR UXS WICK OA TSt at 75 cents per bushel. XOR WA Y OA TS, at f i.flO per bushel. Of the latter W pound-s produced sou pounds tif season. Address, T. R. JEN K fx.. !flpr.. 1-Kt l"uauiir-furr,Pa STATEMENT , I OF THE CONDITION OK tTHE ROME lysi'RlNCE tWl.M OF XETV TOIIK, Oa the first dar of Jasaarj. l.D. 1H79. mtistt, ine ABUitor r ths state r Aetirakka, pinuw to the Matate f titat sute. SAME AliU LOCATION. The najof this ('omnaiir b Uie HOMt 'r RA AY ' 4 XPA X V, in.-.rporaiei in 1.J, and loca ted ia the City of New Vorit. CAPITAL. The Capftal of said Conlpaoy acttially uuiu un ia ciMh. u ... rj.'i.m) ..THf,.. O The Surplus ou the Jst day of Jaanary, is.u. . Total amount of Capital and SurplrH ASSKT. Amount f Cas'i iuCootiawatal Nadnnal Bank, N. Y Cash In hands of .Agents, and 'n course tf trantinismKni ..j. .: ' C. S. Kegistered and C'oujon sux-lt lvl. markeCTalne tiAZ United Mate Homls. VJi) I-w.KU T5) ilissourt Boiwls. -per cent., i market vulii 11,720 00 j i,c.r"i ortatarolina Bonds, s-per cent., market value .. Tennessee Bonds. 6-per cent, market value Wisconsin Bonds, 6-percent, ars.ilcet value.... Illinois Bonds, u-per cenu. 5,sz su1 13,010 00 30.0O9 00 16.S20 market value Rhode Ilui Hoods. S-per cent., market viiuf. California Boato.7-per ( ttl., market value. Connecticut Bjiids. market value Nev V(jrk Uty and C-m.ii.ty Bonds, market vsJds. Queens ( 'ounty Bonds, mar ket value. . Richmond County BoikIh, market value Brooklyn icy Bunds Alabama Bonds. . .South I'.trolina Bonds . joxj oo i I ' luV "j . n, V on i Zn I SI.--" '' i 1':m Bunk Stocks, market value Loans on 11 md ami MnrtenKs being i the first iein of record oa l'ni-1 Ciimbored Keal Kstate. worth at leat Vl,yw, rate of interest 7 per i cent ...., Loans on Hkx-ks and BjpLi. iylil on demand. th inarket viu f i securities leat -J. ; 50. I Steamer Manet ainl Wreck ing apparatus Other Property, Mlflcellaneoo li.rii. Uue for Premiums n lNla.-i.'"s wu (JITU-e ( Fire and Indland : Bills KecefTahle Tor Preni turns on IiI"""" Navigation Hislcs. c-c -.- Interest due on 1st January, 1"7 ' Government .stamps oa band... i,4a.,"i A ss, .-mr xeai rjtiaie LIABILITIES. Anifliiot of Losses adjusted, due and un- aiif...j... i. . ' Losses incurred, and ut pr-jcess vf adjust ment - - riirM.nil. ilM-laKxl ujni 1ue and unualI- Iivldends either or t-aah or scrip, if elareil but not jet due All other existing claims against the Co. Total Losses, Haims and Liabilities!., fl , The greatest amoaut iasured on. any T' t. 7..')t), but will not a a general rule excero ' t tube insuieil in any euy. tomn. ljck. being governed in tins matter, in 0 block, hemir pdv hi- tho -hHr&rter- of billldine1. streets, laciliue lor putting out fires. -'- . insr Acertiiied copy oi the barter or aci t;oas poration, as statement. amended, accompanied V Stmt ot 3ew Tor. ss Charles J. Martin, Pr-i.lent. and John H- y burn, secretary of "'e Home itsuri:or - -j-y. being-severally and duly sworn. dP!,,", n and etuh for himself says, that lb Tf" J true, full and correct stateueni oi "'"VoV said t'orporation. and that they are me cnbed oihcers thereof. v pre . Btibscribed and sworn lo befure me, this 19tU . Jnuar . AJ3. l1Kt - '-.pRlC. iolL. C1RS0X. ?x ' BrowavUla. Nbr!L- ifrvnT.' Vnotlo 'anil . FeitLattheAdverUobKor, .. or """ mn pniVTTNf. in one t . colors, promptly done at the 3 ob Ortee.