-rrraram i u -II v. 4 ; -4 or r t. n . ie -U to I m I n H i m a m L r -4e-'III UAl n w i. ier ir km ar tli it if snt t of I .lit- mi DC iin m r rc- pQClAL DIRECTOR Y. LODGES. nrawavllle Cfcarter No. f.TR. A. 3f . e3r" Hl-fui.r Communications nrsl Monaay oikui -".u,nth. Iiectnre Meettmr evei? Monday r. .ha V alter Lodse '. 4, A. F. A: fT M.-lieirulr Communications hrst ana nrtay nlgbt In each month Islre f l,,"Jc? losi every Snrd.T nlgbt. 11. W. FvA. 'Jjohh Hut. Secy. i nrawsvtlle Lodge rKecuiar meeting luesday evening oi each ffA" I.rTT, JS-. O. J-KTEVKUSO. Secy. 5 "nBTlMe Lodce No. '.10, I. O.G. F. K.TTlVrv Friday evening, ft. F. rn IB, CHURCHES. yterl) Cbarrh. -HrT,r, h at : a. :' P: m: ? ' Inesday evening. Sabbath fc each i TfS rlan rj;,ne Wed Tayer fcchool i .tlo'Cl'""k PJ J. T. HAian, l-HMor. ' - ..l.ji.i v. fVmrrb. Kcrvlrf- each ? rr.buih at !': a. uj.. and T:W p. m. Hpn ; at a- m. Prayer Mating Thursday ! e.it"K- l.u.'. "J f-fcrl.t's h"rrfc-FF"CP'--for"5I :F-7,....iir.ndreconl streets. miwnj .. Mornins at ID1 o'clock I. in. Hunday . """cwi it Evening Service al 7', o'clock. Khw imni iilon administered on the first Sunday , H'i'SS (UufH . R-I'AVIS. Hector. ! t . " n-.ii.t lliiirrh.-t'orwr 1-ourth ana At "..r'.-.ireel. Service crrry naonam ex- j Z,a the tlilrd In e .V.i iii mch month, at Hot-Iocs; a. m Knndar iscnotn iw " " Mlnndar evening. T. S. IJW IVtot- CITV OFF1CALS -r- , ronncll.-IH,u ,he Filrt Thursday In .-rwOtT v- v kbrioht. Mayor: J. r,c; eacu n..- AM(,tnnii-n.L.Mth- . - T:11. 1- uouiBou. eua- F arnhal. 1 maii f ' F.atol AILS. fkST'-.ru M ' m : arrive at p. m. i, n, arrH-e at p. m.: deparw at 7 a. m. Rlil0 J r m at Him.; depiru at 12 p. m. t'-e MaaVrirea Monday!. Wednesday, and P ni : oeparu Tuday..Thundaj--ai.d i !!?VMVa,rrlVe Friday at 4 p. m.; departo S-otorV from 7 a, m., to p. in. Pn- jjt ITU 31 IV W 'v -i I ...a,. I.IL A T 1U1LKOADS. It Joseph & Council Illuflii R.II. FOR aa rraeUcm lUa Ki ad South. in. "nllr each way. between St. Joseph ..? ' o ni..ir vnnrrtlnr AM follow : Da. V. . 1. r , 'w'ith the Hannibal A St. Joseph nepl i, bl T f..r uulncy. Kansas llty Tla tameron i Vajn aiKl the tJi&i. n.i, J,h-wiih tl.e Mmorl Valley Railroad ...... Ii K 1IIUL1 I 'It V. ri-Tffi-wi.h i-n.o.. Paclrtc Itallroad l-avenwor:ti. hnwi' . i" . -- fcfrviiTer Suit Ijike nr.d (California. f ittoJ"!l Hiuifs-a itb IT.ko North Western PullnHn I'auu L:im r run through from Ooincll Bluff to SC Ixmls and ti'illicy. " TIVE TABLE. Tb'olr rr' Vmi .Ufr-h U. 1870, oi Zo' elork.K'ton p ni , m ' p Dl : p m Train No. 4 dail v exct-jit Saturday. All ollr tralliii daily eicept SanOay. A. L. HOPKIXR,jlSnper1ntndent. Aj-Jaeob Rrtgers' Omnrhirt eva Brownrlll for ! Iejo! at H a. m. ai nd 12 m.. daily. Hannibal & Saint Joseph Timr Table. Taking ef!vt Jar.imry Olh.lSTO. ARRIVK. Ko I Iar ExOl daily except Sunday. 7:30 p m Ha I Pacific i-xp. dully exct-pt Monday a m a t Nlfcltt . Kxp. dailv except Slondy. 7:-'ia frt. dailv except Monday ci a ih frU da.lv except Midy 45 a m ?a T Through m Thruuctl ni ni Jio. 11 Way irl. oally exeeptisjuoaj ... a U Macoo lit. dally except Sunday . ft Vi p ni ll:3ua tn DftPAKT. Jto. t Pay Exp. dallrexcept Sunday v 4 Ni.rht Kin. dallv except Sunday . 6 1 a in . S:-i d ui i.o,ii- Km. tlaliv Mivut Sunday. 1-. a ni o. I St. l-ouiii Kx. daily exc'in Sunday 2ti P tn o.l0 way frt.aa:iy except mimu;.. 7:' a tn o II Through m. daily except suoaa; i. y i i ni J.o.14 1 trough frU daily except Saturday. ,:Ja p Oi No 4 will not stop at Saxton. Osborn. Kidder, Gomir. iloorsvllle. ftina, Wheeling or Meadville. fo. will not stop at Sxun. jU:i. Orborn. Bracslnrldfe. Moorsvllie. Wheejinr or Meadville. T. B. BL'llNKTT. Hen. Agent. Inton raclfic Railway Time . Table. tntll rurtber notice trains 111 leave and arrive at lmauaa!!y as fuilows:- Ajcars ASRivK. Pally Exp 11 1 a. m. Kuiel tip tl'ip. ni. Mixed .Vp. nv. Urtight ;jiaiiL rJillv Kxn 4:1S p. ni. Hotel tip lUlSa. ni. Mixed 4-OU p. m. U reiglit.: l:au p. m. .' The Hol; tieis train leaves at 4.13 every TlPiraday, aad arrn-ea at ILtS avery tjunday. Lailv enmections made at Omaha with Chicago ANori)iweHtrii.f:iiraK. Hock Itlandaud PatMiic and St. Jo-eo and Onxicil Bluffs Ballroads. and Missouri River Isb r sternum lor ml points Fjt and south. , A' Chevenne with Iever Pacific K, R. for all point m Colorado uud i' Mexico. At tfrt-an with Htaw f.c Se't water Mines. AtOuden wlrh l-tah ( entrjU H. 1L for Salt Iase Cltr and tier points In t'tah. AttreB with Central Paclftc Bail rtad, for Cor rlne, Virginia City, Helena, and U oiuts in Mon lana Alt. lor SacrKiiienla. San r rancpco, and all point lu Jdsho. .NeviMloaml Caliaarnin. All freight delivered at the Omaha depot prior to 4 SO p. ni.. will go west the sameday. No freight received for shipment after 5 ) p. m. Tickeut for aaie to ail p.ints west, at the ticket Offlee of the I'nion Pacilk- lUtiiroed, at which oillce bsrths on sleiing earsrun be nooired. . . C ti. Jl AM MOX ll.ticn. Supt. r'oLTOK, G. T. A. H. Baow.vsox, J. F. A. raclllc Railway or Missouri. Paengers leaving SL Joseph rUi. Missouri Val Isy Railroad at I o'clock p. in., make cIom- and sure connections at Kansas Oty with this popular road, srrlvlng at su Iouls next morning at o clock. This Is now a nrst-class nd in every respect. , New Iron has been lak1: new ennines and magnificent siseptng and passenger coaci.es have been added to hseuulpments. Passengers can rely on Its making luadvertisexl tinie. This Is the best route irom au Joseph to si. Louis, the South and southeast. , . Ttirougb Tlcketa for sale at the unices of the M is tourl Valley Railroad. i MOORK. (General supt. Tana nniviir. ti. W. A. W. B. HLX, O. T. A. Chicago & orth Teslern Rail Road Time xaoie. LKAVX. feipress Malls dally except Sunday Pacific Express dally...... .. A1XIVK. no a. m t:fJ p. tn lftoo a. m li a. m raclfle Express, dally .'. - ixvreas Jaail. daily except Monday .. . .Missouri Valley Railroad. TIME TABLE. ' ft take effect at 1 o'clock f. m. on Sunday, Janu ary liiib, 1S7U. .ooisioaocTH. Ko. I fti press leaves 6t-..'. '. 7:S. a. m. o. t Kxprem leaves nl 1 P- I freight leaves at ."- -r a. m. ' ' . RETrHNlNU f o.' J Express arrives at : P- m- 4 Kx press arrives at lOM0 a. m. o r refill arnvesat p. tn. Sos. J and 4 dally. 1.2,5,6,7 and S, dally except "undar. , - ' J. F. BA RXARD. Pea S"Pt- Chicago, Rurllnton & qulncj Railroad. siall 7:4S a m p m I? Express Hr0 a ni 4:W p m Hlimdaie AccomnKidatioB li sipm . "S-iiOpm Afterno.ii Passenirer V w p ra Aurora iaservrer 4 'P Dl a m Hm-dale Acconimolation C i'Op m 7:lSa m :gh Kpresa.. tll:.Hip m JWiim Sunday excepted. TSaHirrtay excepted. Monday exceited. Chicago, Rurl lu grto ti & Oniaba Time liard. . XIKPABT. 1 nsba and Chicago Express, Daily 4:00 p. ni. Jtali, dally, (except Sunday).-.. J0 p. to. AKR1VC "Omaha aad Cblcaro Express, dally s rn- Mail, dall)-, (except Sunday i 12.3D a. to. rullman's Hotel Dining Oar and Drawing Room 'eping Cars accompany Omaha and Chicago Kx- TvkH Office 12 F&rnam, corner Ninth street, "tUAha. - ut Pirru, D.VT.IIiscHmcx. Ticket-Agent. Pen. W. Pass. Agt. " : i m. - - f- 1 1 11 PltUbury', FLTFayne Is. Clilca ' ' to Railroad. sjl... . 4:30 a m AS p ra 6.30 mm rti a m Itnwpm a. 40 a n reu ii i kniua in ' -cine t.x press ttt&ipm " 2oraKoac4.-oninMlatlou.. 4:50 p m ALL ABOARD I " The Brownville Transfer Line, . Cader the management of JACOB ROGERS, I. now Huoning Regular On nibumes from la tlx Railroad Terminus lt Council B!r,n and St. Joseph Rallrcad, At North Star, Mo., fstlli froai Brownvllle an4 Kortta ttsr Landinc. Ferry Good Omnllmsses. Close- Con&ctoxtr f Hiarfcea Iloderate. SO-tf I siidi -mm . , C. M. ICACFFMAN,' , : . l KoraiKToa :'v. - : " 4ft 3Ialu-stM Browaytlliti Umih.?"' l,s-,heen remodeled and reftirniKlied v i Flore?. bound North, leave Fhelpa V- t i . bound North, leave I'helus Mff No S Kii.re.b.wiidsHjtli. leave Phelpn 12:3: 'no Kjrea. bound Houtli. leare Phelpa 7:V: t!I f .,ut:n1 snord t aw..mmodationsin trail. ? tu and traveling public. Jt is cen- J .ii . wl t'l8 fer tne est. an1 Oniblbusea e! Ii c ,r"m ,h e-bermsn Hon.v;. r .ir LOCAL MATTERS. J. I Collutpp, Editor. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1870. jryErtra copies of the Apvetwjci frrsa!e ty A. 11. M amr. at llty Hook store, ana by c A. l'ol ocx, at the Postoffice. WEEKLY MEL&XGB. This is 8U Patrick's day The rirer blocked abont noon on Sanday, and remained su about an honr..Col. Colt, of the honse of Woolworth A Colt, St. Joseph, Mo, called on us last Thursday ; he lson atrlpRoUcitlng for their first class book binding establish ment Col. Hhodes, oneof Johnson coun ty's best men, called one dny last work A very high wind set in from the south on Thursday noon, and blew great guns all that day and FYiday Last Friday as many as twelve emigrant wagons, loaded with women, children, and household fur niture, passed west through this city... Dr. McPherson started for Chicago last week Our chief commenced gardening last Friday. ...,..Thcre have been four runaways during the week ; luckily no damage has been done, save in one instance a Jug was broken The weather turned cold Friday evening, and Saturday morning a slight snow fell Sun day came out pleasant, but changed to cloudy about noon, and at night a high wind set in from the north, blowing all night and In creasing in fury till Tuesday morning, when it was most intensely cold, with as keen a wind as ever blew anywhere. The wind kept up high through Tuesday and until Wednes day morning, when a slight aliatement might be noticed, falling to a calm by night. It was the severest storm on "all flesh"' that has been In this section for "lo, these many I years....TheorIore Ilill returned last satur day... I)r. McPherson returned home yes terday morning Crossing the rivet has been very risky for the past three days, so much Ice running; 5 a passenger was the fare last Wednesday morning Building work is suspended... A friend at our elbow thinks the sun raises quite a breeze in cross ing an imrlnary line Toodles asks why was vhe deaf and dumb roan discharged by Judge Morgan? Because he could not legal ly be condemned without a hearing... .E. E. Ebright makes as attentive a Mayor as Ilrownville ever had.the only question in our mind Is will he accept if nominated ; we hope he will The present City Council hold their last meeting next Friday night; we say the last,tiut we hope not, as they cannot be re placed by better men. Industrial Plow at J. O. Deuser's. Xewltesturant. Goo. Dougherty opened tip his n-sturaht to the public last Tuesday. (Jeorge has fixed up this building In a truly ploafftiit.aKrceablennd inviting style; things are clear and tidy and make one feel at home, George Is one of the lest providers that ever kept Hotel In this city, and will not be less irood in his new business; and the culinary department, presided over by his better hair and Mrs. Sanders, could not lie in better hands. For day boarders, or persons wishing a g-MKl meal at any hour of the day, the new Kesiurant is the plane. Farmers, when you come to town rememlier t his ! II. C. Lett has Blue Grass and Osage Or ange Seed. Tbe Beatrice Clarion Is still "going for" J. 8, I Ictzel, clothing merchant of this place. because of some difference of opinion on a settlement, lletzcl still survives, and is thankful to the Clarion for the gratuitous advertising it is doing for him. Lookout, friend Hogshead, that you don'V "put your loot in It." Mr. HeUel represents no "New York firm." His credit and reputation are his only representatives in New York. Deuser lias the Industrial Plow ! A Nice Present. We notice at Hanna ford & McFall's a new Bishop's Chair, pre sented by Mrs. Crooks, of Birmingham, Mich., to the Episcopal Church of this city. It 1 a plain yet bcautiiul piece of furniture in keeping with the style of the church, sur mounted by a greclan cross, and after a plan by IjuuI), architect. New York. Its cost will l abont 540. Where Is It t We understood, before the match between Vallcau aud Sloan, that John Sliif of Omaha had determined to challenge the winner to playforSIOQ and the champion ship. We don't find the challenge in our Omaha exchanges, and, as "circumstances alter cases," we may iwve been misinformed. At any rata wc know that Valleau's friends here stand ready to back him to the amount named, and Vallcau holds the championship on the merits of his game, a goo I tenure. We don't see the challenge, but would like to, as it would make a very Interesting game. For Industrial Plows go to Deuser. Bank at Rock port, Mo. Rock port Is to have a bank. This we know, ns our' towns men, Medford A Howard, have received ths contract for doing the carpenter work on the same. It Is to be an iron front building, as near fire proof as possible, " Good for Rock port. . Go to Deuser for Industrial Plows ! IX. C. Berfrer has retired from the Alham bra, and will now give his entire attention to his position of Marshal, and Street Commis sioner, to which he Intends devoting all of his time. Always Ready and Reliable. From Its perfect purity and strength. Dooley's Unking Powder can be safely relied on as the best and most economical Baking Powder In use. No short weight, as each can contains the full net amount represented, and the same quantity is guaranteed to last longer and give better satisfaction In making roll, bis cuits, pastry, ic, than any other article of the kind now known. Manufactured by DOOLEV & BROTHER, New York. We note with pleasure, that Jacob Rogers, who has charge of the transfer at this place. has not, in a single Instance, failed this winter to get the mall across, the river, to and from the cars. , ; Specie Payment tins txen resumed at Valleau's K-enate and Huddard's Saloon. The modus operandi is that you take a drink give a dollar to et changed, and receive in your change a sliver quarter. Several per sons have, so far, got about as much as they could carry. It is a good thing. Examine the Industrial Plow ! Ilannaford 4t McFall havo several ear loads of furniture at the Depot in Phelps City, which will be over Just so soon as It can lie crossed. They will then have Bedsteads, Matrasses, etc., till all may rest easy at night. Good wor k.. Kneffer . Jk Nealy did the outside finish of Detiser's Stove Store; Med ford A Howard the Inside work. It is a good Job. r Choice FresH tages. Butter at Hauk & Arml- Arrlredt A new lot of" men's Boots & Shoes r also women and children's work, all sixes; best Chicago work, at living prices at George Marlon's. The Lenten Services at the Episcopal Church in this city will be held as follows: March 2d, being Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, full mornlngervlee, and sermon. evening prayer at 4 p m., the 5 weeks follow ing, evening prayer at 4 p.m., Wednesdays and Fridays, rHoly Week," the last week of Lent. Morning prayer at 10 a. m.. evening prayer at 4 p. m. OtfOood Friday," full morning service and sermon. GEO. R: DAVIS, ' 20-6w'.. : ; '; Rector. .; f 'k flrstlasiTaliaet Orrss for sale. One of the celebrated Pelbulet Organs, five octave, double blowers,. knee swell, four stops, solid Walnut ease, the. price of which is $175. This Organ Is nearly new. in good order, and will be sold cheap for cash. Inquire of ' ' Gi:r. B. MOORE. GZITTCXZ rZE23 INLETS FLOW! Ch. Ilslracr, Boot and Shoe maker, No. 15 Main street, keeps a full and No. 1 assort ment of Boot & Shoes, and Is prepared to make or mend In the best style for cash, assurta: 2zss rzsss xzmz plowi A PISE LUIJEB TIED. Kllbourn, Jenkins A Co., corner of Fourth and Main streets. In this city, have constant ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum ber of all kinds; also, also Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, lath. Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc. which they are selling at the lowest possible figures for which the sime can be got out of the log and shipped to this point. They are determined to continue as heretofore to sup ply the bulk of lurabes, etc, used In this Land District." Call and see them ! m t , n . Bstistcrs, Haad luuianaeweiiosis pt in. at their Lumber Yard by J. It, Bell & Son corner of College and Flrst-sta, Wall Paper, New Stock, bought since the ! decline in gold, and will be sold cheaper J than ever at Mcl'REEBT NlCKEIX. GZmJSU JCSI7 LZESE L'CLIKS PLOW! To Oar Patrons In Job Work. We would say. parenthetically, that we have received a considerable addition to our Job Office in the way of New Type. Inks, Cards, Papers, etc., which warrant us in in viting an Increase of the lileral patronage heretofore bestowed. We cannow turn out as fine Job Work as can be had anywhere, and believe, as low. Dry Tine Lumber In all M-eather at J. R. Bell's. CANTOX CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. . SnELLENBERGER BRO S. ' SHELLENBEROER BRO'S. 8HELLENBERGER BRO S. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. II. C. Lett has received his spring stock of Wall Taper and Window Shades. Jttst Received a fine assortment of Horse Blankets at Bauer's. GZSTTOTE JOEM CZEEE SOLUTE PLOW! 91200 Dollars and Expenses 1 See ad vertisement of AmcrlcanShuttleSewing Ma, chine in our advertising columns, ALL CUT- ting done to order at Morgan's Tailor Shop. The Premium Corn Planter Xow Readj for Inspection or sale ! The Union Corn Planter, as improved for IS?", has few equals and no superiors. First, It Is made of tbe very best material, carefully selected for the purpose; second, the drop ping arrangement is perfect, and is so ar ranged that every hill can be seen by the driver or dropper; third, the depth at which It Is' desired to plant can tie arranged toa certainty; fourth, by the new sod attach ment, the toughest sod can be planted with ease; fifth, with a marker the "work can be done more regular and quicker than by any other planter. Shellenberger Bro's Agents. Genuine John Deere Moline Plow! Patronise Home Industry. All kinds of Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's Marble Works in this city, chenper than it can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma terial nsed. . Corn, Wheat and Oats. Ralney & Iewis have removed their office to Rout. Teare A Co.'s Store, where they will pav the highest cash price lor Grain ana otn- er Produce. Private medical aid, rend Dr. Whittier's advertisement. Sasli and Blinds. Full stock at J. R. Belle lie at Doors in the West at J. IU Bell's. R. V. Mnlr aeent for Iiamh'a machines, Brownvllle, Nebaaskn. Knitting . 11-tf . II. C. Lett has constantly on hand a pure assortment of pure Drugs and Medicines. Genuine John Deere Moline Plow ! CASH -PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF . . (iBAIX Bv Evan Worthing, dealer In Grain and Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No. 42, Main street, Brownvllle. lS-3m . Banisters, Hand Rail and Newel Posts at J. R. Bell & Son's Lumber Y.nrd ; where any thing in the building line can be had, at the most reasonable rates. They are gathering" the Lumber Tradeof Southern Nebraska un der their wing, ami for the simple reason that It pays people bettor to buy there than any where else. Genuine John Deere Moline Plowl FIELD SEEDS. . Timothy, Clover, Orchard and Kentucky Blue Grass Seed, fresh, at McCreery S Nlck cll's Drugstore. . ' . - 19-3m Genuine John Deere Moline Plowl Baslsters, Hand IUil and Newel Post kept by J R. Bell A Son, atthefr Lumber Yard corner of College and Firsl-sts. Clocks, splendid assortment. - ' Watches, foil stock.' , . JEWELRY, In abundance at Dunn & Ilnys' who also do all kinds of re pairing of Clocks, Watches or Jewelry. No. 29, Main street. ll-3m , ATTEXTIOS, AIJL.! A. W. Morgan, Jr., of Brownvllle, 63 Main Street, has just opened anew and complete stock of Cloths. Cnslmers, Vestlrwrs, and all klndsof Piece Goods, and is prepared to make Gent's Clothing to order in the most fashion able style. He also keeps a fr.ii lineof Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur nishing Goods. x"-3m Xsla Street Fropertr for Sals. House and one lot and a half, 67.$ by H. feet. Good well and cistern. Ornpes, Arples and other fruit. Will be sold low, If sold within two weeks. D.M. SHELLENBERGER, at No. 71 Maln-st., Brownvllle, Neb. tirape Vlnea Concords, 1.50 per doxen. Z 10. per hundred, and all other vnrietlcs in Iroiortlon. Satisfaction is guarrantecd n to quality and geuulneuess of vines. 47-b'm J. W. MlDDI.ETOS. For a good Saddle, go to Sender's 52 Main street. c 7-tf CIGARS at wholesnle or retail at A. V. Cohn's Cigar Factory, 61 Main street. DR. HOLLADAY Respectfully informs his old friends and the public, that he is prepared to attend ail calls In the line of his profession. Ofllce at I. 11. IewJs A Co. '8 Drug Store, Main street, Brownvllle, Neb. 51-tf LIMBER ! I ! I have now In mv vard near 1,000,000 feet of theVhoicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of every style ami uescripiion, sixc ami thick ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mould in its, etc. Dry Pine Shingles. Lit h and Pickets. In fact, anything in the building line, which I wnrrrnt A No. 1 In every respect, and on which I -do not propose to be undersold, for ca&h, by any man west of the Missouri river. I invite all who need anything in my line to give rue a call, knewinv that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates. .J. R. BELL. ; 1 ; " ' Brownvllle, Neb. . Cor. Water First Streets, NT Lumber del u-ered withlnthecity .1-J,llinits, FREE OF CHARGE. Baslsters, Hasd Ball and Newel Posts kept by J R. Bell A Son, et their Lumber "iard corner of College and Flrst-sta. ; , ., J. XT. Bliss, Rcsuhtr LIcensi.;d Auctioneer, Snlea at ten ded tn in the eonntrv on reason- ofllce will receive proier attention. 48-6m HUIC tei BlaS. IfHH I I. Kit ti LIIC7 Lj-.-j- ' u . . i For a No. 1 set of Harness; 'o to Souder's Financial and Commercial. BROW5VILLE. Corn, shelled..... Cranberries, 9 t , ., . n Honey 39 Corn, tn tlie ear.:-SWi.. Spring 'heat.iVW) Oats : Ekps io Butter JU35 Barley Oats &r v nu-kens, aremea - Turkeys. . do 10 Barley - Sprini? w Flour-2,25(a2in, eese, do -10 Fall W Flout .......4.i0 ! Beef Cattle 3S'tfv4cts Apples, green...fl-5oVi.u.no ' ilogs gross.. 7.0O 7.60 Potatoes... axo-'iS - net iJtni ,.1S I " Dressed . 7(:9 liecon Hams 18 :II idea. Green &'tta,7 " Sides 18 ! " Dry Hint..l(Krt 15 Shoulders 15 iMInk ll.wVtlO " Tub Washed-4orl45; Coon 24,70 J. PFEIFFERS' MARBLE WORKS! Corner Sixth and St Charles streets, ST. J0SEPU, HO.. ' . ' . I T f m i T A 1Ta!m it w J LrtJdldl III J-HHB .IsdU 4I1U ' CEjVXEJSTT, PLASTER, WHITE SAND, FIRE BRICK, &c, Ac, Ac, Ac. ll-4oly WOOLWORTH' & COLT, Book Binders, And Dealers in BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER HANGINGS, AND PRINTERS' STOCK. No. 12, 2d St., St. Joseph. Mo. CASH PAID FOB BAGS! J. A. PI XF.lt. T. R. KEYSOLDS. SOUTHERN HOTEL. PIXER& REYiOLDS,Voir.or ST. Joseph, mo. ; 45iy TUTTTDTT'Tm? O and others Interested In Prt il V Xilt 1 UXWO mt Jluxtnrt sliouhl address ltUIIS., Patent Lawvearsand Soliclt- I ors.4")9 Xlnth-st., Washington, D. C for Advice I and Circular. vlu'cnM obtctinrd or no rlutrar.. I letter from Him. Jj. P. Jfollmftt.ttrntrrfy Owa- mixi(mrr of jtitmtt, dated Washington, Murcn 30. lWkS : "I cheerfull v commend to all net-sons who may have business in the Pntent Ollice th firm of I JMlsnn llros., as gentlemen of prompt business hab its, ana in every respect worthy oi connoence,--i I concur in the above. T. C THKAKKB. 18-3m Late Cbta. litis. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION. For the Relief and Cure of the Erring and Unfor- tunate.on principles of Christian Philanthropy. I Kssays on the furors of Vouth. and the Follies of 1 Aee, in relation to Marriage and Social Kvlls. with sanitary aid for the aitlicted. Sent free, in sealed Envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASMOCIAT10. Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. iz-iy XT DR. WHITTIER, A REGULAR GRADUATE OF IX MEDICINE, as diploma at Offlee will show, has been longer engaired In the treatment I r VEDERIAIi, SEXfAl. allU rBIVATK UlSKAB- X3 than anv other physician in St. Louis. 1 LIU . . . . 1 . i ' I . ' 4 .1 ... I It.!. r pis ins, i ijiv, vnr-r-i, iiiiiir.viv ii Hernia, and Rupture; all urinary diseases and Syphilitic or Mercurial A mictions of Throat. Skin or Hones, are treated with nnparallelled success. spermatorrhea, sexnal Pebbility and Im po tency, as the result oi sen aDiise in you.n, sexu al excess In matnrer years, or other causes, and which produce some of the following effects, as Nocturnal Kmissiens, blotches, debility, dizzi ness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss of memory and sexual pewer, and ren'lerinj marriage improper, ore permanently cured. The Doctor's opportunities in hospital and private practice are unsurpassed in St. Louis or an)' ether city. Buck tiles of St. Louis papers prove that he has been located here lotnrer thaa any other so advertising. The establishment library, laboratory and appointments, are. un rivalled in tbe west, unsurpassed anywhere. Age. wlih experience, can be relied uton, and the doctor can refer to many physicians through out the country, vi past success nnn presext position be siands xvitnont a competitor. " The Wrltlnos of a Phyalclan whese rep" ntittinn Im nloii-wiile ahouia be worth renilina. PorToa Wh tTTlKn publishes a Mrdiral I'nmiiK- Ul relating to venereal diseases and the disas trous and varied consequence of selfvibuse that will be sent to anv address in a sealed envelope for two stumps. Miiny physicians introduce pa tients to the ilis-tnr iu-r readme nts mexiice.i painphiet. CommunicatioiLS contidctitial. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Oihce cen tral, yet retired No. Kl" St. (.Tiarlcs street. ST. Louis, Mo. ltours9k.il). to 7 p.m. Sundays V2 to 2 p.m. 2-y . Empire . Shuttle Machine. Patented Feb. II, i860, A Sept.' 1, 1906. RECEIVED THE FIRST PRIZE 1, AT THE . . ' Great Fair of the American Institute In New York, Oct. 20, lsC7, And Highest Premium for Best Manufacturing- Machine At Paris Exposition, July, 1S67; No. 1 Family Machine. This machine Is constructed on a new principle of mechanism, isnsessinit many rare and valtioble Im provements, having been examined by the most profbnnd exerLs, and pronounced to be simplltity and perfection -ombiiiea" The followinjf are the principal objections nrged agninvt sewing macnines: 1. Excessive fatij;ue to the operator. 2. I Jubtlitv to R't out of order. 3. KxiM'iise. trouble, and loss of time In repairng. 4. ipcnpncity to sew every oescription or material. 5. DLsanrwable noise wnile in oteration. The Empire Se wing Machine is Exempt , from all these Objections. It has a straight Needle, Perpendicular Action, makes the Ixx-k or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and Is alike on botu sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, wiineonon, utu-nor suic tnreau, irom tne coariest to the tinest nunilier. It Hems, Fells, Binds, Braids, Tucks, iuma, nans ana uatners: As a Family Sewing Machine It has no superior. rpin:iui aiieiiuoii i.i mueu 10 our new improved Nos. 2 & 3 Manufacturing Machines They have been thoroughly tested on every des cription oi i-iiiin aim iatner norn, running by -m:iii i ufl it ui tne rate oi 1,200 Stitches per Minute. Prodnrlng more than double the work of any oth- i-i nniuuc ..iaiiiii ii.m in iijm-; me rutu u in IlKlll, uniform and beauti!il : they are simple in construc tion, easily understood, and not tie liable to set out of order, run light and are comparatively noiseless. For Tailoring or leather Work we claim that thev are not only equal, but much superior to any other macuine urai nas ever neen oiierea t tne punil'. (Empire Sewing Machine co., N.Y.! WEIXS A RICHARBSON, St. Joscnh. Mo. General Agents N. w. States and Territories. Peru Livery Stable. ' CHARLES GEADE, ' Dealer In All .KlitclM of Stoclt. Horses Bouglxf , Sold, or Hxolianr;ed. . Stock Boarded hy the Day or Week. MY STABI.ES are stocked with pood Horses and btiKidea. Persons wishing conveyance to anv nor- tion of the Nemaha. Land Iiitrict can be accommo dated, ine - Peru & Brownvillo Coach leaves my Stables every niorning at 10 o'clock A. M. rwwencers tir packui?es safely conveved. Or ders leit with the Postmasters will be promptly at- tenueu to. li-ai-yl G ROVER & BAKER'S ! FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEVING MACHI: ES 495 Arifr.y, .Vrw IVrt. Points of Excellence. . Beauty and Elasticity of titch. Perfection aud Simplicity of Ma chinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Widu' ranee of application without change of adjustment. , Thepeam retains its beauty and Crm ness'after Nvashiny; and ironing;. Besides doing all kinds of wor k done bv other Sewing Machines, these Ma chines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornanien tal work. Ti- The Highest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded tbe Grover A Ba ker Sewing Machines, an.l the worn rtone oy them, wherever exhibited. In competition. - - The very highest prize. The Croat mf the Lsg-f on mf Honor was conferred on the "T"i"i .u.-ulu,rla1MNrtring . . . . , . .Mai nines, at tne r.AptK.iii:i . iiiverseiie. thus attesting their great superl- ' , DEALEits ; axt on mm HO. G8 HATH STB j TluARE & CO.'S OLD WE KEEPXXJNSTANTLY ON W W A C? PEAL BARLEY, RICE ATiD ATT aVXUJj, XX 13 JUjIj iuxros L. RICH. NEW ADiirrnsTiiATioiJ" Ik? T?3 i if RICH & GILMORE, Successors to W. II. SMALL, DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN ifa fb tf 3 TTS V tf cTF Ku m a. a m ffa H ht tie" H tie1 SucH as CoCees, Sneaxa. Tea.. Beef, Salt, Cool Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Cieese. Dried and Green Fruits, Con fectionaxies of all Kinds, Wooden Ware, &c. In connection with the above they keep Sold at ces that Defy Highest Market Price paid for 'rices to Stilt the TiiriAa Stnill rinn..ni k. .u 1 - Owdawill be sold to Country Merchants in gWa&BT GENERAL We have on hand a large Groceries C3 GO STAPLE A II D To 'which we are making co we are selling at Prices as the LXississippi. In the Quality of our Goods - V FLOUR OF THE MOST GO HIGHEST MARKET r GO 12-40 ','L 2 -f , ,1.1 3 i . jtiijs..l-tjfc. j IU --- JMIIP '"j -WjbjA.- i. .III. ' Jl V ;V y W v Have (he Largest Stock, and Make the Lowest Prices. THE SMMTOI Four Hole Sheller and Tower, either belted to Four Hole Sheller and Power, either belled or Four Hole sheller and Power, either belted or Six Hole Sheller and Power complete, either belted or geared with eight or ten foot elevator.-. Two Hole Self Feed Sheller, with single sacker, two-horse power. Jack and drive rope...... Two Hole Self Feed Sheller, with single sacker, two-horse power, geared .fc Two Hole Hand Feed Sheller (or "Farmer's Sheller") with one-horse power, Jack and rope 8v $7 r-M ' -x'v xOR:'-SALE : BIT."- v -. . ; mtT (xWTI l;- A.Ti.s(iel.Jr.,lV(oiii)miy. (X " ..'.'DEALERS. IN '7 tfOBimns irr III, i inn a i, a 4 STA.?1!, HROWNVILXE. HAND THE BEST QUALITY OF OP DRIED PliTJIT. A. H. GILLM0RE. AT THE. CT73 TP TP constantly oil hand a large supply of feed. CORK,-oats; brax, shorts, &c. Competition. all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. T(ti. r.t. t..ii ... uuva mi iJvaiiuiz, is tueir in vanaoio rule either large or small bills and at extremef low DEALERS IN Pr ovisions and well assorted stock of FANCY GROCERIES nstant additions, and which low as any House west of WE DEFY COMPETITION. APPROVED BRANDS. PRICE PAID FOR i "Wholesale G .A. 3& No. 76 Main Street, McPh.erson Block, Brownville, BflASffUFACTURIIIIfi m HELIjERS I LIST OF PRICES, COMPLETE WITH geared With double sacker........................... geared with "eight foot" elevator ...... ......... geared with "ten foot'' elevator .. SHELLENBERGER BROS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in mm, Mi liiaie, lc 11 vml::? le'tMa. JUT AT 0. S. HETZEL' NEW YORK One Price Clotliiiio- No. 70 Main Street. S75,000 WITH OF CLfllllliiS! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES GENT'S TURHISH GS. Tliose goods were selected by himself in New York, for this market, and are un doubtedly the most reliable goods of the kind ever offered in this or any other mar ket. Mr. Hetzels experience in this busi nessover 15 years enables him to select his goods with more judgement, for good material and make, than the great majori ty of dealers in Clothing. These goods have all been purchased for Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them very Low for Cash. . Few persons once dealing with Hetzel but will always deal there, because his deal ings are fair and above board. He has but One Price. His stock comprises all the varieties of Fine and Fashionable Clothing, equal in every respect to the VERY BEST CUSTOM-MADE "WORK. ELL O If iSc- 7 aud Retail Dealers in I3 POWER : ..tun . 1V ' .f Ii 44.1. I. OPBND, House ! AND 71 Ncbraiska. 9- s i eat T-l t . rrl t - r i tr all hrr Ssnfi rif. f I nr - . i rs s - - . e .- a r. m -m i. i . a. .- -- -