Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 17, 1870, Image 2
1 J ' XL W. FURNAS, Edilor. THURSDAY, MAttCH 17, 1870. The State Fair this Fall. As is well known to all our readers, the Nebraska State Fair will he held at this place this fall'. The Nemaha County Agricultural Association has tendered the free use of their grounds, and Agreed to fit them up in good style for the Fair, free of expense to the State Board; In order to do this, ' material aid will be needed from the city of Proicnvillc. About two thou sand dollars will be needed to comply with the pledges of the County Soci- . cty. The ground is to be fenced, ad ditional buildings and atock pens . erected, the track enlarged, and many other improvements made in order to Accommodate the demands of the Fair, as well as to sustain the reputa tion of the town. The plan of the .Local Board to raise the money is this : There is now about $350,00 in the Treasury of the County Society. The Board is authorized to sell CO Life Memberships at $20 each. . This would make $1200. The sum of S-VX) we think, should be appropriated by tbc.City Council. This is usual on the ' part of points at which State Fairs are held. The actual benefit to the town Will bo more than ten times that amount This benefit will be confer ' red on all proportionately, and all should correrpondingly render aid, which can be done in no other way thau the one suggested. Heretofore ' in such matters, aid has been rendered by subscriptions obtained. In this way a few liberal men do all, and the majority do nothing. The only just manner of rendering aid to an enter prise which confers benefits on all, is by tax, or an appropriation from a . .general fund. As application will be made to the City Council, we speak cf it now that the people may have time to consider it, And advise with the city authorities. While on this sul'jcct, we desire to " eay further to our people, that Nema ha county and Brownville have an Agricultural reputation second to no other county or point in the State. The Fair was ordered to be held here, because of the reputation, and because too, it was thought a better and more . satisfactory Fair could be held at Brownville this season than at any other poiat in the State. The friends of this enterprise throughout the State expect much of us, and they unit not hi disappointed ! Fifteen years . intimate knowledge of the people of this town and county, warrants us in making this assertion. Another word to the Hotel and Boarding House keepers. You have got to "enlarge your boundaries " We have reliable Information which justifies us in say ing that there will be such a crowd at th next State Fair, as has never be fore been together In Nebraska. Mark the prediction ! Our attention has been called tabular statemeut of Supt. Beals, Is. as published on the first page of our pa- ' per of last week, to what was thought, .and seemed at first glance to us, as a wrong done our county in the ap portionment of school funds. The ta- . Lie showed that in the apportionment of Feb- 24th, 1S70, Nemaha county, with 2oG3 scholars, obtained but $177,82, while, for instance, Butler county with but 201 scholars, obtain ed 5231,12. By adding the two appor tionments, of Dec. 27th and Feb. 24th, and diTtdlag the total by the number of scholar, in each case it will beseen that the pro-rata is the same in each Instanca a fraction over $1,40 per scholar. The failure to understand, we presume, arose from the fact that the impression prevailed that the Su- perintendent ou Dec. 27th opportion .ed three-fourths of the entire appor tionment, $43,321 71, which was not the case. Had that, been the case, Nemaha county would have received on the December apportionment but 2782 85, whereas she received $3426, the total amount due her being ' $3,603 82. , , Nebraska weather is characterized for ite freaks sometimes. But the week past It has fairly outdone itself. The first part of this month has been exceedingly pleasant. Last week the . blue-bird and the robin were "split ' ting their throats with song;" early , gardeners were making garden ; Fri day and Saturday were "mild sum mer days ;" Sunday was Jiot unpleas ant; Monday was the most unpleasant day of the whole season : stormy enowy cold windy freezing "mad as a March hare," in reality. Ther mometer went down to 6 below zero. Tuesday and Wednesday about the K&iue. The "oldest inhabitant" has no recollection of such weather. Look out, what Peaches that were before spared. We understand that a gentleman named Garsoxs, from Dunkirk, New York, proposes to engage in the enter prise of raising oysters in the Salt Basins at Lincoln. If hecomioences, we suppose the next Legislature will be called on to make an appropriation of one or two sections of saline lands to aid the enterprise I We'll take ours a "aaddle rock raast," well done. i '. - Several business houses in this place are giving out coin change for green backs. On Sunday , last, when the contribution basket passed round, the old fashioned, but almost forgot ten, ring of proall coin was heard. We invite a reading of Mrs. Staf ford's "Notes from a Journey across the Continent on the Great Pacific Railway," on the first page of to-day's paper. We have read no description of a trip over the Great Union Taclfic Railway with uvoro pleasure. Some of her descriptions are most sublime. At North Platte in this State, on the 12th, two men named F. Ward and James Bates, were arrested for rob bing and terribly beating a man named Keef. A large lot of jewelry recently stolen from McLucas&Deck, waa found In their possession. A mob took the prisoners from the officers and hung them. district Conrt. The March Terra of this Judicial District for Nemaha county, Is now in session in this place. O. P. Mason, Judge. W. II. Hoover, Clerk. O. B. Hewitt, District Att'y. Besides our resident attorneys we notice from a distance Win. McLen nan and J. N. Shambausrh. from Ne braska City, and G. P. Uhl, from Falls City, in attendance. Judge Mason presides with his nsu al ability. The principal case decided thus far was Whitney vs. Dr. Blackburn, ac tion for mal-practice. The case has excited considerable Interest, and cull ed for an examination of our entire medical profession. After a somewhat protracted trial, the Jury brought in a verdict for the defendant. The case of Holladay vs. Rombach, the Afcpiuwall Land Suit, was settle ed by agreement. Several Divorce cases are on hand for disposition. A. L. Moultox of this place, made application and was admitted to the Bar. The committee to whom the ap plication was referred was composed of Attorneys Thomas, Hewett and Shambaugh, who, we are informed, made a thorough examination, and the applicant acquitted himself with great credit. Sales of Kcal Estate IrXeinahaCounty. We are often written to by our non resident subscribers to inform them of prices of real estate. This no one can do with any degree of certainty. We will publish the sales of real estate monthly, giving merely the township and range and consideration, leaving readers to arrive at their own conclu sions. For the following we are indebted to James M. Hacker, County Clerk, and his gentlemanly assistant, Mr. Snyder. S ! Z O EUATIOX.! g O . H ' H S i 15 tCiX) I M) 5 14 20 IS 3UI ! K) 6 14 158 5 14 1.&U0 HO 6 H 6 IS 2,700 SO 5 16 SU 5 16 121 100 4 13 80 6 15 l,8ou IfW , 4 12 ID 4 13 100 1(5(1 6 13 W 5 IS 92S 20 . 4 IS 40 4 13 100 : 5 13 ft) 6 15 S.IWO 160 5 14 AO 4 IS l.OOU I Mi 4 15 NO 4 13 2V) ino 6 14 4 15 7V lt 14 lfiu 4 13 I.0IO 160 - 5 15 fiO 5 1 l.fiOO 1J0 4 14 HO 6 15 2,t AO 5 IS 1B0 4 12 800 160 5 14 r?jsii- aHATlON". f 35 900 1.IW0 300 4M) 460 I,!") l.rM) 1,000 5J 3.0U! 1.1KJ0 1,600 S,6."jO 305 100 4,700 500 160 1,000 IVt 100 Nemaha Bennett) Mill Kite, It 3 in Mock 4, Brownville, Block aoo in Peru, Lot X In Block 37, nrownvllle. Lot 7 In Block 17, Brownville, Lot 10 In Block 32, Brownville, The protracted religious services which have been In continuance at the Presbyterian Church in this place for several weeks past, closed on Sat urday morning. Eight persons united with thia branch of the church, on Sunday morning, by coufession. Protracted meetings have been held in all the branches of the church in this citv the past winter, and with most gratifying results. Rev. Mr. Morris, Editor of the Omaha World, favored our Editoria' in with a isit on Monday. v Hon. V. D. Scott, of Rulo, was in our place on Monday and Tuesday last. - A member of Congress from Ten nessce proposes to send a colored boy as cadet to West Point; the Delegate -from Arizona wants to send an Indi an, and the Delegate from Wyoming a eirl. Won't some one send a John Chinaman? Emigration. We are glad to not the fact that the eml ration of 170, at present pushing rapidly Into .Nebraska City ana Otoe county. Is or a very superior character, pecuniary and morally. Our school houses and churches draw them, and we arc glad to welcome them to the best country on eartn. Nebraska VuyJinvs. School houses and churches being the coveruing incentive, as above mentioned, it is safe to infer that the political complexion of the incoming emigration is Republican. Massacre of a Surveying Party. From the Dally Washington Globe, of March 8th, we clip the following : Mr. THAYER submitted the followln res olution; which was considered by unani mous consent, and agreed to: Keeolred. That the Commit te on Military affairs, lu addition to thedntles imposed up on it, oy resolution or the senate or the 24th ultimo, relating to the killing of the Pieean Indians, be instructed to inquire Into and re port to tne tsenate the tact connected with the massacre of Buck's Surveying l'arty In i eorasita uuring tne last summer. We have, before us a circular of W. D. Blackburn, Esq., setting forth a proposition to prepare a work on the counties In the Nemaha Land Dis trict, to contain a complete record of statistical frets as to the history, soil climate, geological formations, agri cult ural advantages, public improve ments, railroad prospects, transporta tion facilities, &c, in a complete Hand Book and Directory. The undertak ing is a laudable one, and we wish Mr. B. abundant success. We will publish hi3 circular entire next week. The Xation, in an article "Golden Days of the American Bar" and re ferring to the rage for female suffrage, says: "We foot" forward to see the day when the teiJium of every trial will be lightened by instrumental music, an occasional song or anecdote from the beuch, and perhaps reading or recitations from female members of the bar, and the introduction oa baby or two to be passed , round toward lunch time." The New York Tribune, in a care fully prepareds article, estimates the population of the United States in 1S70 at 40,803,000 ; an increase of 9,000, 000 in the past decaue. Nebraska is put down at 150,000. In Montgomery county, Indiana, where the County Commissioners ap propriated $123,000 for railroad pur poses, trztncfit autnority, tne supremo Court has decided the act to be" illegal and void, although most of the mon ey had been drawn. All courts will so decide, in all such cases. The deellne In gold is owing princi pal to the wisdom and good man agement of the Administration. Mr, Boutwell b&$ used the surplus gold to prevent "corners," and thus the gam blers have been beaten, and the busi ness of the, country suffered Ho go cm uninfluenced by them. Cuban Charitable Aid Society. This organization with Head Quar ters at New York, has for its object to arouse and concentrate the moral sup port of the Nation Ju behalf of the recognition by the General Govern ment of the Beligerency and Inde pendence of Cuba. v C. M. Clay, Pres't. Horace Greely, Vice Pres't. Ciias. A. Dana, Treas. S. D. Stocking, Secy.' The following appointment hns been presented the Editor of this paper. New York Feb. 17 1870 Sir; You are hereby appointed Vice President of the Cuban Charita ble Aid Society for the State of Ne braska. Your letter of acceptance at your earliest convenience is earnest ly requested. -' Yery Respectfully, Your Ob't Servent, C. M. CLAY Prest. Col. R. W. Furnas, BroumviUc. We were favored with a call last week from Hon. A. Lowe of Doni phau Kansas, special mail agent and Postoffice Inspector for the first Dis trict Sixth Division,- composed of Kansas Nebraska aud Dacotah. He pays a most flattering compliment to Mr. Polock, our Post Master, by say ing that he keeps his books and office in the best order and shape of any he has had occasion to examine in his District. , . .. Mr. Lowe is an old time acquaint ance ; from the same County in Ohio as ourself. Was once Representative in the State Legislature of Ohio. He has for years beeu one of the loading men in Kansas, filling many impor tant positions of trust and honor, with credit to himself aud benefit to the State. We are pleased to see Gen. Denver in our place again. The Geul. is here looking after some land matters in the Half Breed tract. The enterprising people of Omaha have all their arrangements made for the erection of a Hotel, iu all respects in keeping with thego-ahead-itiveness of that place. They have raised ihe money one hundred and fifty thous and dollars; selected the site; com pleted an ojganization, and will be ready for early work in the spring. Speaking of Hotels reminds us that no place In Nebraska is in greater need of a good Hotel Building than Brownville, and no place where it would pay better, even as an indivi dual enterprise. While our Hotels are all kept well, there Is general com plaint as to the accommodations of the buildings. Let some body move in the mater this spring. r Col. Wilder Editor of the Kansas City Journal of Commerce was shot and killed, last week by a rebel named Hutchinson. The Bremen ship, "Schmidt" in re gard to which Jhere has been so much anxiety for a week or two past,- has arrived safely in'New York. Nothing ishekrd from, the "City of Boston" aud great anxiety is felt for her safety. Gov. Stearns Republican candi date in New Hampshire Jias been re elected by an Increased majority over the Presidential vote. : The Arago Weekly yews, Is the name of a new pape"r hailing from Arago in Richardson County; In dependent in politics ; Sanderson & Mettz Editors and publishers. We welcome the Hews, and wish it abun dant success. Reed's Overland Messenger, is the title of a new publication edited by "Johnny" Reed of Nebraska City, and devoted to the interests of the Drug Business, and Reed & Bro.s in particular. The Reed boys are throw ing their whole soul into their busi ness, and what they lack in size cor poreally, they more than- make up in "push things." Success to them and tQ Overland Messenger S. E. Poole, a brakeman of the C. B.& St. Jo.R.R., was instantly crushed to death between two cars at Pacific City on Thursday last. Hiram Bright, Esq., pf Freeport, III.; is iu our town looking afterjand matters. He is a gentleman of both legal and financial ability. The following Joint Resolution was passed at the late Extra Session of our Legislature, in relation to the Committee of Investigation of Public Buildings : JUmlvrdbu the flenate and JTnuteof lirvre- retentative of Nebraska. That having heard the report of the Committee appointed to In vestigate the official acts of the Commission- era. It isthefudgementoftheljezislatnrethat naiu commissioners, actwi in good faith in tne uiscnarge or the duties Imposed upon mem, ana uiu in exceeding the appro priation In the amount of lands and lot sold, and la Increasing the size and costs or puoiic build in btb now In course of eree tlon at Uniln, they have been iroverned by honest purposes to subserve the best interests or the stale, and we therefore, en dorse their actions, and exonorate them from all censure, both In their capacity as such commissioners ana as trMimquAi citizens, A late telegram from Washington, iu regard to Cuban affairs, says : The Cuban sympathisers have been oulte active since yesterday morning, when Gen Ouesada and two members of his staff arriv ed here. Quite a number of Concresamen. inciuainz senators i artenter. Morton. Wil son ana i omt roy, auu ueuerais Manns and Logan, had a private conference with Uueaa- la, in one of the Committee rooms at the Capital tills morning. Another meeting, at wnicn lames are presem. ia lioianm tni ev ening at tiie house of iSenator Poineroy. I 1 mi ...... 1 n t.M. A . -X- 1 . 1 .... u;nw.i. .cin u imira iiij.ue; ne bays me insurgeiiin are as strong as ever, claims mat Gen. Jordan is in chief command, denies all the stories of the surrender of bodies of the Cubans, asserts that they hold two-thirds of the Island, mat tney are sure of success, don't care much about ion, and says his principle business here in to get arms and munitions or war. Atchison and Nebraska Railroad. The work on this road is progress ng. We are informed by Hon. G. W. Click, President of the road, that ties are now ready for a little more than one half the road from this city to the Nebraska State line. The ties that have been got out are rall, or nearly all, near the line of the road ; so that when track-laying commences, the ties caa be loaded on the con struction train without the expense of handling figuin. Laborers are still at work getting out ties, and are turning out from three to four hundred every day. Track laying will commence in the spring, and it cannot be many months until the iron horse will ; be making daily trips from St. Louis' to White Clsud5: without crossing . the Missouri river. Atchison . (Kan.) Patriot. ' Closing Exercises of the State Xonnal ; School. ' The closing exercises of thia, Insti tution will commence on Friday eve ning March 23th, by literary txercisea by a division of the Normal Class. Monday 9 a. in., examinations will commence. . At 9 a.m., Mental Arithmetic and Algebra commenced. At 10 a. m., Caesar. At 11 a. in., two classes in arithmetic. At U p. m., reading and spelling. At 2 p. m., book:keeping and penmanship. At 3J p. m. com mencing grammar, ' geometry and mental philosophy. In the evening astronomy. Tuesday 9 a. ml, natural philosophy. At 10 a. m., advanced grammar and practical arithmetic' At 11 a. m., al gebra advanced. 1 At 1 p. m., advan ced reading and spelling. At 2J p. m., geography and Latin reading. At 3 p. m., drawing. Tuesday evening lecture. Wednesday 9 a. m., advanced arith metic. At 101 a. m., teachers' class. At 1J p. m., literary exercises of the Normal Class. " ' ' . A general invitation Is extended to the' friends of education to attend through the examination. " J. M. McKenzie. : It Is said that fifty-one members of the present Congress were soldiers In the Union army. t .!' The, State School Superintendent's Report shows the number of school children in Nebraska to be thirty thou sand, eight hundred and thirty-four, AX ACT . To Correct Clerical Errors la Seetloas Tweaty. sine (28), thirty-three (38), forty-six (46 flftf (50), flfty-two (Si), flfty-elght (5), seTfaty-thrte (78), seTeaty-foar J4, aid Testylght (78), ofaa Act, entitled Am let to EttablUh a KyRtem of Pabllo Isatrao tloa for the State of Nebraska," approred Feb raarj 15, 1S89. Wiiikeas. Clerical errors were made by the Enrolling Clerk in Hectiorus 2.', 33, 46, 50, 52, 58, 7.1, 7t and 78, of an act entitle "An Act to Kstabllsh a System of Public In struction for the State of Nebraska," ap proved on the 15th of February, 1369; therefore Be it Unacted by the Legislature of tne isiate oj jeorasca, that saia sec tions be corrected to as to read as follows: Section 29. The. said qualified voters 6hall also have power at any regular or special meeting, to direct purchasing or leasing any appropriate site, and the building, hiring or pur chasing of a school house, and the amount of fuel to be furnished for the succeeding year and to levy a tax on the property of the district for the paymt nt of the same. Sec. 33. They may also determine, at each annual meeting, the length of time a school shall bo taught in the district, the ensuing year, which to entitle the district to an portion of the State Fund, shall not be less than three months in districts which have less than seventy-five pupils, nor less than six months in districts that have between seventy-five and two hun dred pupils, nor less than nine months in districts where there are more than two hundred pupils ; and whether by male or lemaie teacners, or oy both and whether the money: apportioned for the support of the school therein a l - t . i ... 6nan oe appueu to me winter or summer term, or a certain portion to each. Sec. 4G. Within ten days next pre vious to the annual district meeting the director shall. take the census of his district, and make a list in writ ing, of the names of all the children 1 a a . .a. belonging inereio, oeiween rue ages of five aud twenty-one years. In case of the absence or inability of the di rector, such census shall he taken by the moderator or. treasurer, nt such person as they -may appoint :. and copy of such list, verified by the oath of the person taking such census, by affidavit appended to or endorsed thereon, setting forth that it Is a cor rect list of the names of ail the chil dren belonging to the district between tne ages or live ana twenty-one years, 1-11 I.- A t M. 1 7 snail oe rciurneu wiui me annual re port to the county superintendent. Sec 50. He shall present at each annual meeting an estimate of the expenses necessary to be incurred dur ing the ensuing year for such purpose and for payment of the services of any district officers, and such amount, when voted Dy such annual meeting, shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as other district taxes: but no tax for these purposes shall be voted at a special meeting, unless a notice of the same shall be expressed in the notice of such meeting. Sec. 52. He shall draw and sign all orders upon the treasurer Tor all moneys to be disbursed by the dis trict. and all warrants upon the coun ty treasurer for monies raised for dis trict purposes or apportioned to the district by the county superintendent, and present tne same to the mod era tor, to be countersigned by him. r a n m t . . t n oec. u3. iney suaii purenase or lease such site for a school house as shall have been' designated by the district, in the corporate name there f, and shall build, hire or purchase, such school house out of the funds provided for that purpose, and shall make sale and conveyance of any site of other property of the district, when law fully directed by the qualified voters at any annual or special meeting. Provided, That the district shall not in any case build a stone or brick school house upon any site without having first obtained a title in fee, without the privilege to remove the same, when lawfully directed so to do by the qualified voters of ther dis trict at any annual or special meeting . Provided ateo. That the qualified a a . voters oi tne uisinci may appoint a building committee to take charge of tne worK oi building such school house. Sec. 73. The State Treasurer shall. semi-annually, on or before the third Monday In May and the first Monday in December, make out complete ex hibit of all monies belong ice to the scnooi iunus oi tne state, as returned to him from the several counties, to gether with the amount derived from a Ja - oiner Bourccs, ana uenver. the same duly certified to the State Su peri n ten dent, and within twenty davs there after, the State Superintendent shall make the apportionment of said funds to such counties according to the pro rata of the enumeration of scholars, in each county, last returned from the county superintendent, and certify the apportionment of each to the county superintendent of the proper county, and to the State Auditor, who shall draw a warrant on the. State Treasurer in favor of the various coun ties for the amount so specified by the State Superintendent, and the several county superintendents shall immedi ately, and within twenty days after receiving said apportionment, appor tion the amount of funds so certified as belonging to the ere n era 1 school fund for his county as follows, to wit: one-fourth of the whole to be distrib uted equally to the eeveral districts in the county, and the remaining three fourths of the whole to be distributed to the several district In his county pro rata, according to the enumera tion of scholars last returned by the directors of the various districts, and no district, citv or viliaze which shall I have failed to make and return fcuch j enumeration, or shall have failed to sustain a school for the length of time required by Section 33, shall be enti tled to receive any portion of the funds to be distributed according to the pro rata of enumeration. Sec. 74. The county superintenr dent, shall immediately after making such apportionment, enter the same in a book kept for that purpose, and shall furnish the county treasurer with a certifiedcopy of such appor tionment, aud each of the directors in the respective districts in his county, a certificate showing the amount due such district, which amount shall be subject to the order, of the directors, on the county treasurer when pioperly countersigned by the moderator, . Sec. 78, A certificate of election shall be immediately issued .by the county clerk to the person so elected to the. office of county superintendent, whoshall within twei.ty daysthercaf ter take and subscribe to t became oath as required of other county officers, and deposit the same with the county clerk to be filed and preserved in his office; and it shall be the duty of the county clerk to report the name and address of the county superintendent, to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The county superinten dent, thus elected, shall enter upon the duties of his office on the 1st day of November following. Sec.:2. This , act shall take effect and be in -force from and after its passage. Approved March 1, 1870. vild Oats. Crop that Is gener ally sown between "-eighteen and twenty -"five. The harvest sets in about ten years after, and is commonly found to consist of a broken constitu tion, two wi ak legs, a cough, a large trunk tilled with small phials and patent medicines. e can hardly say that they yield pays for the time j 1 ,.. auu laoor expenaea in cultivation. A woman at Pine Island, Minne sota, has given birth to twins, one white, the other black. It is consider ed a remarkable circumstance up there, as the father of the children has been in Montana for two years. He was always considered a very numerous man when at home. A mart being asked why he did not take a newspaper replied: "IJecause when my father died he left a good many newspapers, and I hain't read 'em all yet." That man died a pau per. Good Health is the name of a new toil Monthly PerIodloftI,"haUIng from Bos ton, Mass, published by Alex Mooke, 11 Bromfleld St. It Is devoted to Physical and Mental culture. The leading articles in the March number are "The Deformities Incident to civilization" Diet and Medicines "Veg etable Parasites of the human 6kin" "Nat ural History of Dress" "First help In acci dents" "Prevention of Disease" "Children's arms and legs," all of which are interesting and valuable. Terms $2. Balleairg Monthlj Magazine for April Is already received. This Is an old and valuable Periodical, which only needs to be referred to. The present number Is be hind many of Its predecessors. The Phrenological Journal for March is an exceedingly interesting number. resides tne valuable matter It contains,, it furnishes life-like likenesses of Dr.Shurtleff; Mayor of lioston James Vlck,. the great seedsman, of Rochester, New York ; Carl Voght, of Geneva, Germany, aud ProfShrock. Terms $1. , BROWNVILLE UNION SCHOOL. Report for Ihe week ending FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1870. Numler of pupils enrolled.. Average dally attendance.... 228 14'J :siiimeror pupils absent NnmlK-r of hrlf davs absence. exeiiKc.1 . ICS Number of ht.lf days absence, un excused Zii Numix r of pupils lardy ... as 54! Mimwroi caws or tardiness 51 I lm lost by tardiness 8 honrs, 0 rain. Mimiier cases or truancies Number eases of qunrrelln? and lighting .. Numlcr cases of falsehood Number cases of profanity ...". Number cases of corporal punishment RQLL OF HONOR. The followinir0 pupils have been nerfiw. in recitation and deportment during the whole week : Silas Kelly IiiiraKleh Katie Hewett Ruth Morey Mary Med ford Mollle Wall Florence Leech Silas Kelly Bell Shell enberger fharley Medford Harry Crane Jessie May D. D. Mair. Tommy Lorn nee Louisa Sfctiantz Lucia Arnold Davison Wall Carrie Huddard Emma Schantz Clara Mercer Hen rile ."Sanders WillloSanders "Fannie Arnold Emma May Emma Davis W. RICH. Principal. NEW AI)rmtTISEMEXTS SCHOOL NOTICE. me Annual Meeting f the Legal Voters of rcnooi jiisinct. as provided by law. will be held nt the Sr? hwil IT ?M"&ar,tb 4th day of April, A. D. 1X70, at the hour of two o'clock, P. M. - The following business will be in order at said 1. Reports of the present District officers. 2. Election of a Moderator for the ensuing te of three years. .1 otinK the necessary tax for the support of the NChOOl for th VMr Pli.tll ntr tnH frt. n. . bchool House .Bonds, and such other purposes as Any other business relative to tfce Interests of All resident tax-payers, twentv-one years of ase ' " iu uia xioii 11:1,, rc rimupd ill vole. .Jtt O. B. HKWETT. pi rector NEW STEAM FERRY i V y if if 5 Hi The BrownrlUe i erry Company have now running between BROWNVILLE, ISTEB., . AND North Star and Phelps Cityy Mo., the new and commodious Steam Ferry . MARY J. ARNOLD! HIS BOAT is entirely new, with power and capacity to cross everything that mav come in any weather. For crossing Cattle into or out of this Land Dis trict, this Ls the best point. This boat is especially fitted up to ensure safety In crowing stock, and larve cattle pens are already erected at the St. Joe. fct B. uepot at I'ueips nty. we can insure tne traveling public that all in our power shall be done to make iiiis ine most reliable crossing on tne Missouri river. BUOWNVILI.E FERRY CO. 13-25-tf LAFAYETTE LULLS. Situated on the Little Nemaha River, sixteen miles north of Brownville. and fourteen southwest of Nebraska City. Having purchased the entire interest in theaoove Mills, aud thoroughly repaired and improved the suie, aiso erectea a T n 1 F' 1 mii If lis" -. 3 1 r i thereto, I am now prepared to do all k!ndsof EXCHANGE or CUSTOM WOEK on short notice and reasonable terms. Lumber of all kinds. Flour. Meal aad Feed, con stantly on nana tor sale, or iu EXCUAKGG . - for Grain or Stock of any kind. All YTorli. Warranted, r.c. SANTERS. ' Prprielr. y J I .... V v To the Stockholders of Hie Crown vllle,Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company. Notice is hereby riven that ten per eentnm of the Cap'tal Stoelt of the Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pncillc Railroad ComwwT, having-been aubicrioed. a meetinu of the Stockholder of the atiid Cnupany will be held on the 4tn dy of April, 1S7'K at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the office of ;ue Mayor ot lne City Of Brownville, in McPheron' Block, in Brown ville. Nemaha County, Nebraska, for the pur;ose of chooaing seven Directors of sa d Company, to con tinue in cilice until the time (i zed for the annual election, and until their succesttors Bhall be chosen and qualified. - - . bUx-kbolders may attend either in person or by lawful proxy. J no. MePherson, E. W. Thomas, Wm. H. Hover, Theodore Hill, Henry G Lett, Kobe W. Furnas, Dated Marcii 1st, ItSO. O. B. Hewett, H. M. Atkinson, J. LColhapp, K. WorthtiiK. T. W. Bedlord. A. P. Cogswell. 20-U The St Louis Express. Tla Mlssour r Valley Kailroad. The train leavinsr Hambnrz Station at 10:00 a 01 maken immediate connection at St. Joseph with the M1SSOVKI lViZ.'l' train at l:l p m. Paenirers going by this route arrive in Leavenworth at 4:iM p m : in. Kansas City at 5.-0U p m ; and at 8t. Louis at tf a m. Fast Time 'o Xhrht Chaares Eleznat Sleeping lars ewtops t loseloaneetioas So Waiting around Depots. CM JT W these advantaRes secured by taklnir the popular Missouri Valley Railroad at St. Josepn. KetDrninK.tiiesameconnections are made, and paseitfrpn leaving St. itits at :) p m, arrive in 1st. j mepn at im a m, ana at iiamDurg ai i:oy p PASSES'GERS change cars at the Junction at St Joseph. BUY i'OUX TICKETS via MISSOURI VALLEY RAILROAD! 30-ft FAVORITE THEOIKJII PASSENGER ROUTE. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & O.HXCY RAILROAD. Shortest, Best, Quickest, and only DI reel liontc to tnicairo. Bet, and in every particular, the most desirable route 10 DETROIT, XI A OA RA FALLS. TVLKIKJ, ' VliJi V KliA .. Rl'FFA LO. ROCHKSTEK. SYRACUSE. ALU A Sr. ff)LUMRUS, 1'ITTSRVRfi, IIARRISOSRURiK nilLA DELPHI A BALTIMORE, WASHISH TOX, SEW YORK AXD UOSTO., and all principal Eastern cities. - The smooth and nerrect Trark. Maniflcent Pay Coaches. FULLMAXS PALACE SLEEPIXO CARS, and the regularity with which trains are run on this Favorite ltoute, are a sullicient guarantee to passenger, 01 SAFETY, COMFORT AXD SPEED. Direct aud Mire connections are made at Cfiicngo, with the celebrated XEIV YORK AXD CHICAGO LTGHTXIXO , EXPRESS 1RAIXS, Giving passengers choice of three routes from CHICAGO TO XElf YORK WITH n I T CHA XO'E OF CARS. rprAsi'.uj'.ii iHJixii ws i,na desirous of secuniiK all the comforts of modern Hallroad Travel. tthould be particular to otic fur and see that their Ticket rrr-ti Chicayr), Burlintitnn,anl wmnrv Hailrtmn. winch can he 'btaiiietl ai all prin cipal ortices of St. Joseph and Council HlulTs K. K. Ilanmbul St. Joseph Kailroad, and at the lorn- pauy's Depot in Quiucy. Fare aluvy nt low a by any other Route. JTOBEltr HARRIS. Oen'l supt., Chicago. SAH'L POWKI.L, . - . len'l Tht. Agt., Chicago. K. A. PAHlvKlt. tJen'l W.Pass.Agt.Chicago 9 0 3 9 M Q "3 s I 9 ft 8 5" 3 . P s o a. at a SB 5B e r c 9 ft "O 5 Hi u I 3 f? northwestern Department ' or THE ASBTJRY .LIFE INSURANCE CO. Offices So. 6, 7, Opera House, CIIICAGOT ILL. HOME OFFICE, 291 Broadway, X. Y. Lemael Baofs, .President. eo. IJlictt, .V'ice-l'res. & 8ec'y. Laiory Mrt'liatae k...... Actuary. A. E. . Pardy.31. D Med. Kx. DEPARTMENT OFFICERS. GEORGE C, CtXlK, President. LEHOV SWOHMSTKDT, Secretary. THOMAS BEVAN. M. D. W. Kx'r. GRANT GOODRICH, Counsel. DEPARTMENT DIUIECTORS. Geo. V. Cook. Grant Goodrich. Of (. C. Cook & Co. Jjiwver. John V. Farwell, Abner R. Seranron. Of J. . Farweil Co. Of Purlnzcon t bcranton J. II. Wood worth. , E. H. Gammon. Presrt Trea.surr Rank Of (ianimon & Prindl. I- Ilitcheoek, 1. D. T. V . IlarTey, Ar t W. Hook Con. Lumberman. J. M. Keid, D. D. W. K Carter, FA. N.W. Chr. Advocate. Lawyer. Milwaukee. II. F. Fames, Lv. Sworsiitrdt, Prs. Com. Nat'l Bank. Secretary. Orriastoa Lnnt, - . apitaiisr. I1EV. T. 11. GENERAL AGENT, Jfeferaska City, Nebraska. DR. W 31. ARNOLD, . MEDICAL "EXAMINER, BrawBTiWe, Nebraska. tf (Gil 3 Is 1 SB 53 is S' S B m -5 S e "'Si &.i;.:K!jJ O 1 "mi f m irEBRASHA Mill Furnlshl Estabiishment. linnr in O.F.HENDEIE&CO, FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS. Dealers In FRENCH BURRS, B0LTIJC CX0TR, Separating and Smut Machines, 1VATEU IVHEELS, .Portable Grinding aud Boltlag ilACIIIEIiY, ZIIGHTES & BOILERS, All Kinds of Portable, Stationary and Agricultural Suyar Mills, Corn and Cob Mill-, Saw Mill, Lata and SJi i iiflle JIa ch i n cs, In fact anything In the Machinery Line. Being connected with two of the largest Machine works in Iowa, and one of the most extensive Mill Fur nishing Houses East, our facilities are unsurpassed. Fractical Mill Wriehts furnished when desired. Call and see or address as. U. F. IIEN'DRIE A CO., Zl-Zm Nebraska City. X b. J. II. BEASON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Main-st Brownville, Xeb. Is prepared "to do -all kinds of work in iron, on short notice, and at prices in keeping with the times, 21-y TIIE GREAT Through Passenger Route FROM BROWNVILLE, NEB., is -via St. Joseph and TIIK OLD RELIABLE liillllll I SI. JGSEF'1 and Council Bluifs H. H. Line! 'it is the best Short Route from BROWKVILLE. and all point on the .ST. JOSEI'JI COUXCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD, to the EAST OU SOIJTII, IT IS THE SHORT LINE TO QtJIIVCY, ST. LOUIS, . and Southern Cities. And the most desirable route to CHICAGO, DETROIT, PITTSBURG, Toledo, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Albany 5ewIork,Botoa,and all or Sooth. Paasenpers taking other linen East or West, should by all means take this in returning, as it pauses through a splendid country: large and thriving cities and over a first-class and elegantly equipped road. This popular line runs THROUGH CARS and rUI.LMAXS SLEEPIXG PALACK from Mis souri river toQUlNCY aad ST. LOUIS, and gives choice or route either way. COKTlsTECXIOIsTS m Over the magnificent Xew AT QUlN0Yj'I.ron1BtJKe,lcrw3tl'e iIissi9- Chleaaro, Bnrllnsrton Qniney, and Toledo, VabaU &. Western 11. It's, to all Potnta Kait or South. AT MACON? BUY YOUR TH With North Missouri R. R. St. Ixiuis, aud Fast or South St. Louis. BUT YOUR THROUGH TICKETS Via St. Joseph,-3 FOR SALE AT ST. JOSEPH, AXD ALL STA TWXS OX THE ST. JO. C. B. ILJt. Fare as Low as 1y any Other Route. Baggage Checked to all lrincipil rinl. P. B. GROAT. GEO. II. NETTLETOX, len'l Ticket A t. t:en. Sunt. A LECTLItE TO YOUNG MEN. Jaat Published in a Sealed Envelope. VlilCR SIX CENT. A Iecture on the Nature. Treatment and Ralical Curn of Wiieruiatorrhiea. or Seminal Weukness, Tn- valimtary Emissions. Sexual lK-bility and Iuiut.!i mentn to Murriuge (Generally. Nervousness, t on- suniptioti. Kpiiepney and Fits. Mental and I' incapacity. r.ulting rrni seii-aouse, tc-. Hv Hob kht J. 1'l'LVKRWki.L. il. I)., aut lioor of the "Green BcKk," Ac. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture.clenrly proves from liisonw experience. that the awful citiisiiuence-; of self-abuse may be efTectiially reni(vel w iilcnit melicine. nnd without dungenms surg:caloMrations. bougies, Instruments, rings or coraiais. smiucmg out a moie ot cure at once certain ami eUectiiiil. by which every sulTerer, no matter wnat his conailioii nmv De. may cure hiniseir. rheaplv. privately and radically. Tills LECTURE MILL PROVE A BOOK TO THOU- SAXDS AXD T HOUS AX PS. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to anv ad dress, poxtixthl, on receipt of six cent, or two pout stamps. Also, Dr. 'ulvervveil's "M arriage (iuide," price i't cents. Al'ress the Publishers, CHAN. J. C. KLINE Ct).. 127 Bowery, New York. Post Ofllce Box 4,5S. Hy OF SCHOOL BOOKSI Parker and Watson's National Parker and Watson's rvatienal Spellers, Slontellh and McIYallj'g Geog- raplties. Davles Arithmetic, Davles' Uizher 31athematlcs, Clark's Grammars, Dlonlieth's School JInpH, In iVu umbers. Cheapest and Best ! These books are fast going Into our Schools. Teachers regard them as THE BEST PUBLISHED Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Circular. Address A. S. BARNES & CO., Ill State St., Chicago. GEO. B. MOORE, STATE AGENT, Brownville, Xeb. 50-.lm The subscriber wishes to exchange a small Plantation near Memphis. Tenn. lortiOOI) IMPROV EBUBUSIJ rROVEO LAND, ill KouUiern XMitheasteni ehraska. or or further particulars address, A. J. MARTIN. 1-Sm Mem pb is. Ten n IMPORTANT! Tbe attention of Ilard-.vare Dealers. Car and Hou.e Iluihlers and owners Is refpectiuily invited to the Patent Never-Fallln, fse If-Locking 'WINDOW FAST." This is decidedly the most Important Invention of modern times. Its simplicity and wonderful adaptation both fur HOUSEand CA K WIN AVS is perfectly astonishing : accomplishing everything mm can possioiy Deuesirea. ana yet oeing t iikai-kk tnan any other window last. For house windows it dispenses with weights and pulleys, operaliug elially well cu top and bottom sashes, allowing either to be raised or lowered as much or little as wished to secure ventilation, and yet be securely locked at even- point, from the intruder or burglar. and will never get out of order. It has the xs?unar eiemunt or locking itself n whatever position you leave it. For steam or hortd car wlhdws thev are finished in a variety of styles, inaeiug an elegant finish forthecar wiudowsand the only arrangement ever lntroouceo mat can never ia:i. The House Fasts for sale by all Hardware Dealers Liberal Inducements to aeents. Send for descrip- uve circulars anu prices, tc., c. B0ST0X & MERIDEX MANF'G CO. 181 Federal-st, Boston, 11 ( hnibers-t,t,(ewlrk t WESTERN BRANCH OFFICE, 163 Dearborn-et., Chicago, 111., P. W. I'LMFR, 17-H Gen'l Traveling Business Aeent. THE MAGNIFICENT CIIK0M0 ENTITLED ft -i Ji. JL. A .-rrrV . - V, 1 1 r-. n 11 ; n t .1 - - ii :n n 'f w I it - I r-. after the splendid painting by Rossiter of New York Siie, lnxJH inches, sent to anv address for T0, wlMcb m only half tbe usual price of picture of its clasa. Will be sent to any one who desires for in spection, wertn mr circulars. tliAHLW il. HEELKR, Pufituinrr, 'leyeiano uuio. lilt A i ; I : N T. V. A T K I. Mm? LEGAL JY Legal arotle.r,'v nilaeas Jones, Plalatiar. vt. L . ' Charles C. Klis, D-fendant. In tbe District Vnr.rt. X-mnha Crm, . Speciflc Perform.'7' ,5?"'.r- El" will take nntw ciflc pertormance of ty warrsntr dre. 0f mioiuta la Artuaha of the sooth west ,.- -JT .' e " I tow,hi nT. (,; -I'-,,"",' Winn tw,.,N earn; thence sonti, ,I9"T .. I wmih ihiny de teen M".. links, the. ..1. .Vfn. " rew east, eighteen, u lv. 1 " "S?"- lh" UT?:, Ml t links, thence '.TIL wwt- torty one mi . plnnin,. wntainteftVi acres inli'e in df.ult of in Ha K?s""Bfan;iPtrhav;, a 5-?-anee that a com miKsion t,i; 1 ami :t Lm ' f 'onr I . .:"""uu" FVfntl bvt f iitu.i laereinheestahlishetL 01 And thesRid (tinrto. j I before the nth' .lr a. t ."7-7. P: JT' reiuirei in ' tlltlMr.nJ - "'"'JU 'fill. S Dated February 2Z, l;o. IlgWETTykWMAX. Att'ys AGE2JTS JVTAirTKD I TomllWhWantEmp!oyiI1, u. prepared to furnish employments .11 ' iff ow to make mnej easily. jiua nna new. iio-rit .nd .. per day can certainly be made by an " man who possesses a particle of tn X Bia"1 or can also be conducted In the ?rS3"' r 3 ThitUnohm.UK.j.MA loniZ"1' to the undersigned, who will forV V'0 n""' parta-ulars and a valuable amIi0" tr"'- fcU eommeuce work on. I"mP, wiiiou wi , do GR.YCr)wT! Council fi;ttlv' ;;v , . OF. THE CONDITION' OF I THE HARTFORD FIRE OSrHlSCi ' COIP.4XV, ... , ' j Oa the Thlrtj-Ftrst e a v ! Ueoaforwit CAPITAL. The amount of Capital stK:k Is n m M . . .iuck paia up, is i,u)iUW A.SET. y Cash on hand and In Bank Cash in hands of Agenta, and in"eo'ure - in.tnn ui hi AimiiiisniDn Loans on Bond and Mortgage, 1st lien. Real Estate unencumbered Rents and Interest accrued. par'bij. lCW i,nt a Stocks and Bonds, as per Schedule filed 1;, jj LIABILITIES. luaouities o jianka, or others, due or not due . - a Losses adjusted and due..".."". ; "" Losses either unadjusted or adjusted and not due Losses in suspense.awaUing mrther proof AU other cims against the Cooipauy l.n.m MISCELLANEOUS. The greatest amount Insured in any one riik b Tha amount insured In anv Village, depends upon Its sUe and ho ny one Cltr, Towa 1 ne amount insured In any one block, depends above. Certified Copy of Tie Charter of the Company Bled heretofore. OKO. L CHASE. Prosidnt C. C. LYM AN, Asst. .VcrHarr State ffonaertlrtit. Hartford County, j 81 January i"th. 1870. personally SDtieared T Chase. President, and ('. C. I.yman, -,siiant retary of the Hartford Klre Inmimncot'nn-.ou and made oath that the foregoing tatemnt l them subscribed, is a true, Ml. and roms-t uir ment of the affairs of said ( omimnv. and nhm so far as can be aHcertHined at this date lu artii condition this thirty-lint day of leember, jjeiore me, GEORGE SVM5FR, iitarjr rVj:.V. J"0. L. CARS0, A?fnt, Bnwnyi!le. Ntirvsa IS-lt TO TIIE WORKINfJ V1JL SS.-VT r now preparetl to furnish all p1:lsps n nt.ini m ployment at home, the whole of thf nni ir frt'.l . spare moments. Business new, light wlrtu. Persona of either set eiwtily earn from ' : yn evening, a. id a proportional sum ny (lvntiuitM'.er whole time to the business. Biys and girls miii- neur'y us much as men. That all wlm see :h no tice may send Wteir address and te-l Hie bu.!!!"" we make this unparalleled otter: To fU'-ti as ar not well sntistied, we will nd one .Vir for t! noble of writing. Full particulars. vHil" sample, which will do to coiiniieri e wort on, r! a copy if the Pri;e Ulernry ( Mn on-" of the largest and bwi family newspapers puhlilid al" sent free hv mail. Header if you want pnr- nem. .vrontabie, enipinvment. atldress, t- (. al- LKN A CO, Augusta, Maine. rUAXG'8 C1IROM09' Are far-simile rep rodnrtlon of exuLsiie oil p.iir.l ini?s. so admirably executed as to render it Impowt ble for any one but e.Tperta todftei-t the diTrrnx- between them. Ask for them at the Art and Picture store. Our Chromos are sent free to any address wstlun the Ciiited Hti.fes, east of the Mississippi on nwpt of price. Pranif's ''ninimo Journal," tsnel itiMrtrly. rn ' tains a complete descriptive catalogue nfcmritinc nins, with speval infnrmaliiin alsdit tiie art. Sis imen copies of the Journal sent Iree to uny atiiir-a', on receipt ofslamp. Z y L PIlANt i . CO. Bitn, Ysm. t&r Any ONE HAVING CLAIMS AOAINST TIIE UNITED .STATKS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO SEND A STATEMENT OK Til EI H CASK TO J. T. DHEU, CoOsELOK AT Law,, Solicitor before the Court of Ua'.ms. 4f. 478 II St., Washington. I. I'. V!f, HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIA5 HAIR REfiEViEO. fls the only perfected ai scientifically ,prepari jpreparation of its lever offered to the public, 3nd baa no compear. in merit. By i'J RESTORES GMT HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL GRAY HAIR a woa , restored to its original youthful color and t"' liancy, which is so much ndmlrpd hv nil. FetlOTa I whose hair is thia or 'out will, by the use of ot? . COLOR, FMOTES Reneweroon see its ITS effects, as, by its tonic stimulating properties W9 hair glands will beiacitcl and the hair grovr thick MB IS A and strong ajrain. Incase oi Baldness W. wHlcrea a new crrowth unless t-a . UiiLmiaU, oiuuea are J TBI ONE EOTTLE AND ! v -4 all. ITS - it 13 COOllIJj o" - itchinz and irritation the scalp. Itdoesnotstrua the sldn a3 do dyes, V. makes the scalp white aou i AaaT)RESSIl, THICKEN, -t i, the best and coi DP THE THIN economical preparation l 13 the world, a3 its e- last so much longer. Sen ... tha 10CKS!,hair,freetaalI,by . i- Mdlei3- ill. UUA w loli by tU DrugjUU ana -- COOIC, ronunri & co- n.n . . r-,1. "nTorth-lTestera ueai-a5ii rr CITY DRUU bv,kl.iUI 13-aVy-efn A POLLARS. All kindi a ml 1IETZ:J J at constantly?0 "DLANKS of all Uc D han-t. atthe Advertiser J 1 r,i, orn- petition n the Disirtrt Court iVi .sT a contract forth!?' ihli r the fiuon: '