Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 10, 1870, Image 3

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. LODGE.--' -.----.
u. a. jt.
oniT niub
irr lonon'
u. r.
Keren T.
Vf!t!rr Lodie . 4. A. t . ;
.htr4 Samrdny Bitias tn each n
inrtroctmn pvery umUy iiigliL
a M Job I'.lakk. tiecy.-
nicnin. jxxiife 01
k.-IM T.da-e No. 3, I. f). O. K,
IJc, H. C Lett. N. O. J-
. NTICV1CJ.SON, recy,
' ' t) , !'!.. T.-.i. No. 20. I. O. V.. V,
every Frlrtav pvenirir. H. K.SMirJUtK
rj mim
h si nun a. m..i 7:r. m. Prayer
Anw evening-. rtfiitbalB l-K.-i.ooi
i. T. Aif, Pstr.
m.ktl., p. rkarrl. Service earn
fJK..bMtti tl0:.. tn.. and 7;: p. m. run
iTTrtrhool tt I t. m. i'rmrT Aleellng Thursday
rT'inv. I. II. Mav, Pastor.
f1ir.t' laurel. corner
r&j Atlantic snu rwic.t.iG sirtt-iH. j"Tvice every
Morninr t 10'i o'clock 1. n. Mmrtny
mMmiI t 2', o'clock. EvuiinifiTVk-eHt ,', o curk.
luoolh. fr. K- HA VIS. Junior.
. u.Dilat "hrck. CoriK-r Fourth td At-
r- i-niiotreeu. bervlct-s every SiibNattj ex
T,.., fi.ird In ch nionlh, e.1 11 o'clock a.
v -wrk r. . fcunUay School nt Jil . m.
..'JuZiinK Wednesday evening. T. S. LOWE.
r.mirlL-.Meru wie t list i niirscav lit
t-SVK n,iiih. K K Mayor: J.
rj, viroHTu'.ncrk. Al(J-rmHn-lI.U Math-
ti (.rnt
B. - I"""" "
S!22 i2 Ir"v .t Kim.: l-,.rtH at IS p. m.
Irri;Mil arrive Mondyn. tnes:ny itnd
- i P n," Jnru TuemlAj n, Tlmruyt and
Mail arrtv r naays i wn'ww
" prt o'ince Hour from 7 a. m. to T', p. m. Bun-5Jio-1
W W IPS a. ci. A.I1UX K.P.M.
J. L. Colluipp, Editor!
j-Eitra copies of the AnvEBiimtR for Rale by
i " jIauhh, At City llook Store, and by C A. Pol
cktAttbe Pwtofflce. '
VarliAl Intef arrested a drnnkon man
lut Friday mornlnK...PettJt burned ft
kiln of lime last week: The weather the
tact of last week wm pretty raw The sea-
atrft of LrJit 1 pon us ; we borrowed a quar
J teriwtweek Mayor Ebrlgbt Is going in
to t4ie fancy lultry buslness..Davld
Caiaj'W lift Rraded down V. II; McCreery'a
property This city never had a more at-
best Inter ?ts, than Dr. Mathews..A big
reveaue offat Friday night, rnuklngjilght
LldtM)us with j-eUlag, swearing and carous
ing; no arrests or fines.... Ve had a town
full of folks and teams last Katorday ; not an
oancctipled hitching post to be found.
The Nemeha County Agricultural and Me
chanical Society met In our Counting Iloom
last Saturday afternoon A slight sleet
slanted slaunchwlse from the sou tn -east Into
the fiiees of our citizens last Knturday noon
sad ulRlit Ixranco &. Yarney are bulld-
hn a kiln and will burn lime now shortly.
' n , T!i muddy weather has caused ft con
sumable rise In 2ress goods ...Tim Mo
Laughlla ks the stone cut for the front of
bit building adjoining the postofflce Our
lty Raw MUl ts turning out Immense quan
tities of Ottoo wood Lumber. Coon.chnm
plon pusb-barred IJUliard player of the
north-west, did not reach here in time to er
Llblt fancy shots at the Valleau-SIoan match
last Saturday night Henry Harmon, one
of the oldestand steadiest friends of the Ad
vertiser, an old pioneer and goo;! fellow, call
ed on us Satur3nyTtio Faro bank. If re
ftlijr In town, doi-s a closed door business....
The Sfeerraan House has a goi)g..Jos.
IIamUtr.bas built a large o-I'Tltlon to his
residence and inclosed It during the past two
"wocks A new paper is soon to be started
in this olty by a young man who has already
gone for a KaUroad pass on the strength of
the prospect. The river Moodily was full
of drift lce.....The. HIM & Co. are about
finishing their new front. Mcdford & Howard
re getting 11 out. M. K. Iioyd isgoinx to
have a gang f Bricklayers employed this
jieaon..J,aylii(t I?rick has comedown fif
ty cents on Che IO(K)from last year's'prlciw......
Jacob Berger drew $75 go Id watch at Marsh's
Dollar Store last wo-k J. S. Iletzel and
Wm. Valleau started west last Tuesday.........
Capt. J. I Carson returned from an extend
ed trip Mast last 8aturday, looking well and
lappy..J. K. Church arrived home from
the Legislature last Monday.MrvJ. M.
Dally, uf Pern, ftate Senator, ws lu towo
Tuesday Wm. Allen lias btilit and en
closed a twotory Triune store room corner of
Sixth and Main-sfs. within the past two
weeks Oe V. Hratton has the stone cut
and brick on the ground for his building near
the corner of fMxth aud Maln..Tbe river
was so tail of drift lee on Tuesday as to Im
pede the fTry Ilacou has gone down two
cents In the last week; It Is now IS cents.-
Butter it up to 25 cents again at retail C
V. Wheeler Is at home A great rage pos
esses our people to learn the Deaf and Dumb
alphabet, you bet Master Sunday comes
on Sunday this year In this propinquity
The witness upon the optic nerve of the mr
was not called on the great mute trial. Why
not v Bennrt's visit to Ken
lucky will result In four families moving out
In she spring; lie has heard from them and
they are coming. Good for John.The
loos is on the ground for building a culvert
across Main street at the crossing of Fifth
A. C- Gates is having a stone wall built in
front of his place corner of Main and Fourth,
and will have, when finished, the nicest front
on the street.Aaron Coner, formerly of
this city. Is now In toWn buying up eggs for
aulpruent, and has already bought 5,800 dozen
District Court for this county will con
vene next Monday, the lUh -
Indnstrial Plow ! J. 0. Deuser.
Pwan & Bro. are making extensive arrange
ments to meet the Increased demand made
tipon them for groceries, and will this spring
kv , stock unequalled In Southern Ne
braska. They are at all times In receipt of
omethlng new and good, as they never keep
aa Inferior article. They will always be
fonnd equal to the demand, fair to deal witli,
and generous In the matter of selling Oro
wles and Provisions as low as possible to
niake a living profit.
Parded. Jos. V. Wright tried at the
Fall term of the District Court, and convlct
d of stabbing Jus. Casseuback and sentenced
o one year in the County Jail, received his
Jrdon lastBunday evening. It was granted
Pon a petition signed by agreat many people
'ho doubtless knew very little about the
ase. The pardoning business is about as
'a a humbug as the petition business is
Jast getting to be.
Industrial Plow ! J. C. Deuser.
atrsi tndmeensents for Ladles Udraw
at Marsh's Dollar Store.
Marsh has now a splendid stock of goods,
n3prlslng everything nice, and much
is very valuable. He has now many
Peclalties, for the ladles, such as
Jdles Gold Watches; Ladies' $20 bills,
Jules' Basket. Indies Work Boxes, Ladles'
Gloves, Ladles' Cabinet. Ladles' Musie Hold
and a host of other things, such as extra
Try, sliver plated, Pitchers, Spoons, Butter
Jves, Napkin Kings, Ladies' Wallets, (very
lc. and handy, we know, for our better
ha one of them, and thinks she could
B now do without.) Gold Chains, Gold
Breast Tina, Hings, Chroraos, and
7, till you can't rest, all of which
"being sold for the small um of $1 each !
ttmi U OFdrry conducted, and nil may
themselves at home to deal wita tini'
Yallsaw, f DrawBTlllty ins Winner.
The Grand Billiard M atch between A. A.
Sloan, of Omaha, and V lit Wleatfr of this
city, for the State ClianplotiBhlp and $100,
which cameolT at Mcpherson Ila'.l lust Sat
urday evenlngi was a very pleasant ofT.iir.
The Hall was well lighted and seats so rx-
ranged that all Tnght hare a chance lo see
the game. The players i-nvrel at 7J4 o'clock,
and were recr Ived with chef-rs. After seme
parley, D. A. Colvin, of Rockport, Mo., was
cljoscn referee, U. II. B:yant as umpire for
Valleau, and Mr. Crrascr, of Omaha, as um
pire for Bloan, And K. C. Bergcr as marker.
At 8 o'clock the game commenced. Rloan
won the lead and rolled his ball down the
cushion, Vrtlleau missed the first f hot,-fjiod.1
following with a run of four, Valleau with 1 4,
when ' Moan got the balls and made a hand
some run of 90, playing rather poor up to the
ltth Inning when ke got In another run ofC5.
In the 2nd inning after Valleau making a run
of 04, and on the 25th inning Sloan made a
run of R8. Here Sloan ueemed la have the
game all U himself, and matters looked blue
for Valleau, especially after making five mis
ses in succesfilon. ' Bets on Sloan were freely
offered at two to'qrte.and several of Valleau's
friends left the room, declaring that Valleau
had gone to pieces and never could win 1 one
remarking that Valleau was making two
shots for the audience iBvone for himself.
Matters, however, soon changed, Valleaa
seeming to have gotten over his scar, began
10 ao some gooa piaying;-mnKin iv ruu.oj
o!f, and, after Sloan made a small run, allcau
got the red and white together on the side
rail, rarfthem half the length of the table to
the- end rail, crossing and running them
along the end to the side rail again where
they spread making 91, then kept on until he
made the run 105, and missed on a simgle
shot. This run. was immensely cheered and
was harrdsomely'done. ' 8Ioan seems to have
gone to grass" after this, and two to one
were no longer offered on that side. , No big
playing wasdone until the SOth inning, when
Valleau ran 70. The game was now in Val
lcau's hands. ad no doubt could be had of
his winning; Sloan playing poorly and Valr
lear bvtferas the game' progressed, and clo
sing the game with a run of 50; maklng'Val
leau 1011. and Sloan's 8S8, The following is
the scoring:
BLOAN.-4, 4, 90, 0, S, 17, 35, 5, 12, 10, 0, 2, 0,
G5, 8, 7, 0, 0, 50, 28, 21, 5, 2, 0 80, li, 3 40, 5,
7, C. 14, 0. 0, C, 30, 24, 24, II, 13, 5, 2, 13, 0, 8,
15, , 0, 12. 0, 0, 13, 19; 18, 10, 0, 14, 4, 1. X 0,
4, S. 5, 0-8C.S. . " " . .
Valleac.-O, 14. 31, 4. 6, 17, 10, 7, 5, 0, 0, 6,
10, 2, 18, 94, 14, , J. 9, , r, 14, 6, IX, 22, 2, 0,
27. 2, 0, 0, 17, 20, 4, 5, 15, 41, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0. 0,. 1J.
13, 80,' SO, 0, 53, 105, 0, J4, 0, 0. 23, 40, 5, fi, t.
0, 10, 0, 5, 12, 501,01 L ;
Genuine John Deere Koline Tlow I
The Nebraska City Jfews,Jn referring to
the article in the Beatrice Clarion, reflecting
upon the character of our townsman J. 8.
Hetzel, gives the name and charge and says
"pass him around." It might be advisable
for the Arte to ascertain the facts before
passing him around" too promiscuously.
The facts are that Mr. Ketzel engaged a cer
tain fipacc in a certain place in the Clarion,
tating that if he could not have that partic
ular part of the columu he wanted no-ad-
ertlsemcnt In that paper. The person re
ceiving the advertisement took It upon that
condition, and remarked, that If that space
happened to be occupied when he got home,
he would let Mr. Iletzel know, and not Insert
the advertisement until he received further
orders. He did write that the space desired
by Mr. Iletzel was occupid. netzel thinking
this the end of the matter, as he M anted that
place In the paper or none, laid the leUer
aside and never answered It. The adver
tisement, however, was Inserted and a bill
brought in for the same and cash demanded,
when the bargain was for trade, even if the
advertisement had occupied the place ugreed
upon. Mr. Iletzel has not even refused to
pay for the same in trade; but did refuse to
pay cash for a thing he never contract for.
This Is the case, as we know it, and we have
no doubt the facts. "Tradesmen have some
Ights that printers are bound to respect'
one of which Is to abide by a'contract. The
practice of "passing round" good, responsi
ble and honorable business men in thepapers
upoii lmaglnry pretexts b more damaging to
the press than to the men. r
Industrial Plow! ' J. C. Deuser.
Hawk 4t Arinllage. Among the enter
prising firms of our young city, it is a pleas
ure to note tills as first class.' They will keep
always what Is good and plenty of it, and
hesitate not to sell as low ns the lowest. They
sire altogether men agreeable to deal with, as
their flourishing trade will testify. Those
disposed to trade to good advantage will read
their new advertisement In another column.
The ' Scientific ' Amerten comes to us
regularly, and a more valuable paper tot ei
ther the Mechanic, the Tradesman, the In
ventor, Is not to be found, containing valua
alle information for oil. $1 per annum;
Muun & Co., 57, Park Row, New York.
Extra Inducements for Men at Marsh's
Dollar Starv I A momentary peep Into
Marsh's Dollar Store will convince most any
one that "there is where you get your money
back ;" Hartal n. Sure! We noticed, on enter
ing, first, n fine Chromo, worth $15; then
$20 greenlack, worth Its face; then a large
Silver Pitcher; next a $10 greenback; next a
$75 Gold Watch; next a ?30 greenback; next
a gold locket, then a gold chain, then a $10
greenback, then about 50 fine Chromos, then
a $X) gree nback, and soon ; we might fill this
column with the gold.sllvcr, greenbacks, etc
we there saw, but must forbear, and say that
"seeing is believing, but feeling Is the naked
truth." Go down and draw yourself rich !
Industrial Plow J J. C. Deuser.
Catholic Service. There will be service
of the Roman Catholic Church at Tim 11
Lauehlin's hotisc in this city on the 21st of
inarch, and Mass on the 22d and 23J.
The' Catholics of BrcwnvIIle and vicinity
think they should have a church in this place.
and will call on all property holders to con
tribute. ' The question will present itself, will
the erection of a church of this denomina
tion In our midst add to the material growth
of Brownvllle? , We believe it will, and that
our citizens will so regard It', and act accord
ingly. If only the foundation can be secured,
the building will go on.
Chas. Ilelmer, Boot and Shoe maker. No.
15 Main street, keeps a full and No. I assort
ment of Boots Jt. Shoes, and is irtpaied to
make or mend in the best style for cash.
Adrle Gratis. Buy
your Groceries at
Swan Jt Bro's.
Mea.lts A little boy, th
ther day.
wanted lo know of his mother
not have the measles after sissy had got
through with 'em. Evidently not enough
In that family to go round,
Industrial Plow ! J. C Deuser.
New Firm. Wal iter & Lcmmon have
gone into partnership In the painting busi
ness, and have their shop In the old McFall
& Co. building on Main street. They are both
good workmen, and will do a fair job.
Atlantic Street David Campbell Is gr.
ding Atlantic street at the top of the hill be
tween 2d and 3d streets to fill up the deep cut
In the same street bet ween 3d and 4th. As a
gradist he has few equals and no superiors.
He Is making a permanent Job,
G.VMH." w lAVm, MMfl
Hannaford A, McFall are constantly re
ceiving advanced lots of their maaimoth
stock of Furniture now coinlne. Thev will
wholesale tp country merchants.
Beans, Hominy. Hams, Flour. Meal and
everything else in the Grocery and Provision
line can be found at ,
Swa Fro".
! WLIcfc came 2 in. our cU;-JastEU'.iirdLiy,
and Monday and TaeKlayr tm the noisiest
affair which has come under our observation
for many ft year. ' Th case, la trie?, was
this:- Last Saturday two persona crossed the
river at this point, omlug on the Ferry at
the same time and going off stthesme time.
These persons were Frank Palmer and Jo
seph Clinton. The. flst named started up
town, and entercxl several different places,
laying before different Individuals charts,
with cuts printed lieriof?, thowlng tha dif
ferent positions t f the hand when carrying
on the Deaf and Dumb language nud also
setting forth that rainier, the vender, thereof,
was a Deaf and Dumb mute, from the effect
of ft wouqd in the head received while In the
1st Texas reglmeat, and requesting persons to
buy the chart, to help him along In the world
Well many" tt cur eitlzens 'feeling's great in
terest In the Deaf and Dumb language, gave
him a quarter and received therefor ft chart.
In the meantime the suspicions of James
Steveson were arroused that all was not rlght
and upon seeing Palmer come down to
the corner of W6rth Inge's Warehouse on the
river, and meet Cllntorithey Walked off to
gether, he determined to satisfy his curiosity
by taking a fOiort cut to where be' could" see
J .1 . I 1 . f. A 1 1.
u ii u ueur mvui, nu uiq uui jtuuw lie win
near. This he ftceompllsbed, and upon the
strength of what he heard, and after consul
tatlon with a number of leading citizens, fil
ed an information that they were Impostors,
and they were arrested a-id tried Saturday
night, before Justice Ebright. Mr Hteveson'a
evidence at the trial was to the effect that
he 'had reached the corner before rialmer and
Clinton got there ; that he heard a conversa
tion while they were yet about 100 feet from
where ho stood ; that he believes It was car
ried on In dlCefett voices, one beingPalmcr's
and the other Clinton's, That he then wait
ed U 11 they jcome opposite and. were below
thebridge'on tbe levee 'and hear It', that he
heard Clinton ask a question as to how much
money Palmer hnd got; loathe then stepped
out where he could see Uiein, Palmer wm
standing sideways to Steveson, and about
eight feet off. below the bank; Palmer was
counting money and after eonntlng a few
mora till; eaUX "Jvist Jfyq-flYelollarB;'
that he saw Palmer's lips move and verily
believes that the words spoken Issued from
Xbe lips of. Palmer, who was peddling charts
and selling them on the strength of what WhU
thereon printed to the effect that he was a
deaf mute. The trial before Justice Mbrlght,
resulted In binding them over to appear at
the District Court, which convenes next
Monday, upon thi charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses ; and In default of ball.
were put In the lock-up. On Monday a writ
of hebeax corpus waslsued out before Probate
Judge. Morgan, and the trial commenced
The prisoner, Palmer produced several letters
stating that he was believed to be a deaf mute
by the writers; one of these letters was
from the Editor of the McmphU Sun... This
editor was telegraphed to and a dispatch re
ceived corobornting the letter ; and Talmer's
trunk was also examined, and nothing of a
suspicious nature was found, and an exam
lnatlon was made by Dr. KImberlln Occnlist
and Aurit, who ewore. that Palmer's ears
were In such a condition that It was Impossi
ble for him to hear. For these good and suf
ficient reasons to the examining court. Pal
mer, for whom alone the writ was Issued,
was released Tuesday morning. Clinton was
released on a writ of Ilabrat (Xtrjnu on Wed
nesday. The prosecution was conducted at
different stage by Messrs. Ilewett &. New
man, and S. II. Broady; the defence by
Messrs. French & Rogers. Our community
occupies the doubtful position of being satis
fied, perhaps, but- not convinced. On
the one hand we have the Jvositlve evidence
of one of our best citizens, whose Integrity Is
beyond question, that- he . heard Palmer
speak.heard a conversation going on between
Palmer and Clinton, etc. On the other hand
we have letters, a telegraphic dispatch, (nei
ther sworn to.) and the evidence of competent
physicians after examination, are to the
effect that his ears are so destroyed that It is
Impossible for him to hear, others that it is
almost Impossible to tell this by. any exam-
nation short of dissection of the head, and
then not always. However .If na .error has
been committed it has been on the side of
mercy. . ." . .
Genuine John Deere Moline Plow i
Pooler's Baking- Powder stands nn-
equaled for making light, healthy and nutrl-
trous rolls, biscuits, griddle; Cakes, Stc. The
ingredients usod in the manufacture of this
powder are not only chemically pure, but so
proportioned that the results produced are
the same each time. .In this. respect It pos
sesses superiority over all others in the mar
ket. Only two teaspoonfulls are required for
quart of fiout. For sale by all Grocers
generally. Use Dooley s Baking Powder on
ly. - - - 20-21
BanUters, Hand Rail and Newel Posts at
J. R, Bell & Son's Lumber Yard ; where any
thing in the building line can be had, at the
most reasonable rates. They are gathering
thd Luinlier Trade of Southern Nebraska un
der their wing, and for the simple reason that
it pays people better to buy there than any
where else.
,v: r :
Genuine John Deere Moline Plowl
Hannaford Si, McFall have a splendid
stocfe. of furniture now on the road, nn
hu passed lu the West far richness and excel
lence. .
The Lenten Services at the Episcopal
Church in this city will be held as follows: ;
March 2d, being Ash, Wednesday, the first
day of Lent, full mornlnglservlce, and sermon.
evening prayer at 4 p the 4 weeks follow
Ing, evening prayer At 4 p. in., Wednesdays
and Friday, "Holy Week," the, lost week of
Lent, Morning prayer at JO a. m., evening
prayer at 4 p. in. On "Good Friday." full
morning service and sermon.
206w Rector.
Timothy, Clover, Orchard and Kentucky
Blue tirsss Seel, fresh, at McCreery & Nick
ell's Drugstore. ' 19-3m
Genuine John Deere Moline Plowl
Baslttcrs, Ilsnd Bail and Newel Post kept
by J. R, Bell lt Son, at (heir Lumber Yard
corner of College and Flrst-sts.
Clerk, splendid assortment,
WATCHES, full stock. ' y ' '
JEWELRY, in- abundance at
Dunn & Hays' who also do all kinds of re
pairing of Clocks, Watches or'Jcwelry. No.
2S, Mdin street, - - - n.3m
GRAIN "1 '
By Evan Worthing, dealer In Grain and
Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No.
42, Main street, r.rownvllle. - 18-3m
A nnt-4-lass f sblaet Orrsn for sale. One of
the celebrated reloulet Organs, five octave.
double blowers, knee swell, four stops, solid
Walnut case, the price of which is 175. This
Organ Is nearly new. In good order, and will
be sold cheap for cash. Inquire of
mi; ',,:;.", gix. b.moqre.
Baatxters, Raid ttall and Newel Posts kept
by J. R. Bell A Son, at their Lumber Yard
corner of College and First-sts.
Xaia Street Property for Sale. House and
one lot and a half, G7 by 145 feet. Good well
and cistern. Grapes, Apples and other fruit.
Will be sold low, if sold within two weeks.
: - s; : ;; . , . at No. 14 Maln-st.,
Brownvllle, Neb.
Tfis Premium Corn Planter
Now Bead j fur Inspection or sale !
Tke Union Corn Planter, as improved for
1S70, has few equals and no superiors. First,
It is made of therrry best material, carefully
selected for the purpose; second, the drop
ping arrangement is perfect, and Is so ar
ranged that every hill can be seen by the
driver or dropjier ; third, the depth at which
It Js delrel to plant can be arranged to a
certainty; fourth, by. the ,new sod attach
ment, the toughest sod can be planted with
ease; fifth, with a marker the work can be
done more regular and quicker than by any
other planter.' Snellen bwyer Pro's A profs.
a iisthews.
raaa, j.(',ot.ii.v. a, . .
Application was ii. i 5i Small
for as Aoc:Iol pexl
' Account of K.C. fct rst ? f r . --j
the public welUffi, a.'lowed o-.:t ,-.
Acconrrt of same for two jnor.tlix .
ehsl, fsl, allowed out of General Kn....
Account of McCreery A Nickell foe u
neys and oil, as per bill, (175, allowed out o.
al Fund.
Aceouflt o I)avld Campbell) for work on At
tlc-at. Tunnel.5220, allowed out of lload Fund.
12. E. EbrigM preheated bis resignation as Asses
sor. Accepted. .
Oil motion, R. C. Bergerwas appointed City As
sessor for tbe coming year, for tbe sum of Sixty
Dollars In City Orders on General Fund. .
The following reflation was introduced :
Erxoivrtt, That the City of Brownvllle purchase
the irasollne, or Raid, for the street lamps, provided
tbe City Council have tbe privilege of locating said
Ayes Mathews, Ttedel and Rob too.
Nays Grant and Swan. '
- J. C McXACGHTON, Cleric
. II. C. Lett has received his spring stock of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Just Received a fine assortment of Horse
Blankets at Bauer's. . .
F. E. Jtfhnson St, Co, have just rocelved ft i
large invoice of Sugars, and Coffees of all
kinds, which they sail Very low for cash at
retail of at wholesale to the trade.
Good Templars meet in the Masonic
Hall, this. (Thursday) evening at Vt o'clock.
AH meiflbert and .those desiring to' unite
with the order are requested to be present.
By order of the committee . : :
- - F. E. JOHNSON k CO.
Hi ; - 1 PI5E U'SBEfi YARD. ) :
Kllbonrn, Jenkins A Co., corner of Fourth
and Main streets, in this city, have constant
ly on hand a full stock of the best Pine Lum
ber of all kinds; also, also'' h. Doors, Blind i.
Shingles, lath, Moulding' , .'rames, etc., etc.
which they ore selllnpnt'the lowest possible
figures for which the same can be got out of
the log and shipped to this point. They are
determined to continue as heretofore to sup
ply the bulk of Iilrdbcs, etc., used in this
Land District. Call and see them I '
Banisters, Hasd Bail and Newel Posts kept
by J. R. Bell & Son, at their Lumber lard i
corner or uoiiego ana r irsi-sis.
Ladles t Ladles! t
If you want good Shoes, go to G. M. Hen
derson's, ho has a splendid lot.-
Groceries at rednccd prices to corres
pond with the decline In Gold, at
Swax & Bro's.
"Weir PIovr.Seej tbe advertisement In i
another column of this Plow. This plow has
been greatly improved for 1870, placing It In
the'front ranks of the best Corn Cultivators
in the country. The card will explain itself.
I. Terrlll, of London, is the ngent, and has
a lot now on hand, and will be pleased to
show the plow to those wishing anything of
the kind. - . -
Th City Election, It will be remember
ed, takes place on tho first Monday In April.
Aspirants as well as their friends will soon
be "talking up" the matter. May-be City
Conventions will be held. What will be the
Issues? "Hog Law" "Herd Law" "City
Improvements" "Railroads" "Political,''
or "what?"
Wall Paper, New Stock, bought since the
decline In gold, and will be sold cheaper
than ever at
McCreert & Nickell.
Correction. In speaking of J. C Detiser's
mprovemcut In his ales room, opposite the
Court House, the type made It read J. JY Mr.
Deuser Id the Pioneer Tinner and Stove Mer
chant of this section, and no one would be
farther from placing his honors on another's
shoulders than us. . -
Thco. Hill, of the firm of Hill A Co.,
started last Friday for new goods, and
will bring such a stock as was never opened
n this section. You will see some splendid
Goods when he conies back.
Bcrfrcr7 Alhambra Is now the most
tKstiionaoie resort in the lower end of otir
city. R. C. Rerger and Dick Hnrpster are
men with whom It Is always agreeable tb
spend an hour or two; and they have a splen
did lot of refreshments. ,
$1300 Dollars and Expenses I See ad
vertisement of American SliuttleSnwinsr Ma
cnineiu our auvertiKing columns,
tlng done tt order nt Morgan's Tailor Shop,
Patronize ttome Industry All kinds
of Marble work can be had at Neldhardt's
Marble ones in this city, cheaper than it '
can ne nan cisewncre. none Duttne best ma
terial used. . ' "
Corn, Wheat tnd Oats.
Rainey A Lewis have removed their office
to iun. Teare Jt Co.'s Store, where tiiey will
pay tne Highest cash price lor Grain and oth
er iTodnce.
rrlvate medical aid,
read Dr NVhittler's
Sash and Blinds. Full
stock at J. R.
Best Doors In the West flt J, R. Bell's.
It. V. Mulr ngent for Lamb's
mscblnes, Brownvllle, Nebanska. '
n. i. jueti nns constantly in haml r pure
assortment 01 pure urugs anu ?i calcines.
A.W.Morgan, Jf flf Brownvllle. 63 Main 1
Street, has just opened tt new and complete
stock of Cloths, Casimers, Vestings. and all
klndsof Piece Goods, and is prepared to make
upni s i mining to oruer in inemost riif hton
able style. He also keeps a full lineof Ready
.iniR loiuing, uais, caps anu ueni s Kur-
nisningtioocis, 47-3m
J. Wm Bliss, Regular Licensed Auctioneer.
Sales attended to In the eonutry on reason- i
aMe terms. Orders left nt the Adcertiscr
omce win receive proper attention. 4"Jm
' Grape Vlnes-Concortls, $1.50 per dozen.
Si U. per hundred, and nil other varieties in
proportion. Satisfaction Is guarranteed
10 quality ana genninenesif or vines.
47-6m " J. VvT. MiiibMrrox
. For a good Saddle, go toSouder,s52 Main
sireeu 7-lf ,
iiijAKs at wholesale or retail at A. F.
KAiun cigar r aciory, bt lasn street.
Kespectnuiy Informs his old friends and
me puonc. inai ne is prepared to nttonrt !
calls in the line of his profession. Offlra i.t
IX. II. Iewls & Co.S DfD2 Store- Main Ktnvcr
Rmu-nvlllu Vl. -. . . '
I have now In mv runt nr i.oda nnn
feet of the choicest DRY PINE LU.MRKR of
c.cijr mjic nnu uescripiitn. Size ana tlllCK.
ness. Also Doors, Sash. Blinds. Moulding.
n. r. Tm TM V. I . . .. I
uij m. iuc juiHKies, ijtuu anu ric.Kpr.
In fact, anything in the bulldinsr lin. vhvh
I warrant A No. 1 In even resnert. nnA nn
which I do not to be undersold tt.r
rasu, uy any man west oi ine Missouri river.
I Invite all who need anything in my lrne to
give ineociui.Hnowiritf tnatlcanOHtntthem
wun good material, at trie fairest rates.
- Brownvllle, Neb.
cor. ater s urst streets.
TtT Lnraberdellverwlwllhin the city j
JLyi5slimits, FREE OF CHARGE.
For a No. 1 6ct of Harness, go to Souder's,
u.iisinsr. ..... r-lf -
To Oar Patron la Job Y.'erW
.Wfe would say, parent bfUeaiiy,- tbai' wo
have received a considerable adc'itlon to our
Job Office la the Way of New Type, Inks,
Cnrda, Tapers, etc, which wnrrant u in In
viting an of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed.'- We carr.iow tomoct as
fine Job Work as can 1 had anywhere, and
believe, as low. 1 - '
;H' . - rm r-
f Pine Lambfr in all weather at J. IL
"tola hit. Co unit ere ia I.
ens, dressed j I6....S
VS, ciO !0
."do."' -10
N 3',-lcts
v..7.00 T.-'O
Hprina: W 1
J-all W Jr lour..
Apples. ereen...
Potatoes.. '
B:on Hams
.;.( 7
h)le. .. i
" blion'.dfrs .r
Wool 1Tnwiathd2.V" :i"
" Tub Washed.4iXa 40
' . y t ' Dealer Irr
! All," XCinclB of Stock.
Horses X5oagb.t, Sold, or Hzclxaiiged.
Stock Rortrdcd by the Day or Week.
" MY STABLES are staked with coo1 Horses and
I rnoTies. PertoiiH wi.sliiii!; convpj-ance to any por
I tion of the Nemaha Land District iu be accomino
I dated. The
I Peru iz. BrotmvillG Coach
Leaves my Stables every morning at 10 o'clock A.
M. ' Pa'wenirers or packasres slW v conveved. Or-
j ders left with the Postmasters will be promptly at
tended to. j. .. i. . -12-91-yl
bit. T7H2TTIER,
1 MEDICINE, as diploma nt Office will
show, lius Seen longer enrarl in the trtument
of Vestkhkai,, isex t'al and 1'kivatk Diseas
es than any other physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhaj, Gleet, strictnre, Orcliittis.
nernia. and Rupture ; all nrinary- Diseases and
SypliUitic or Mercurial Alllictiuns of Tliroat,
8kln or Bones, are treated with unparallellea
success, i - .-..
hpermatorrhea, Sexnal Debbtlity and Impo
tency, as the result of eelf ahuse in youth, sexu
al excess in maturer years, or other causes, and
which produce some of the following eirectK, as
Xocturnal Kmissieiis, blotciies, debility, dizzl
ness, dimness of sight, confusion of idens, evil
forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss
f memory and se.xuul pewer, and renleriug
marriage Improper, are permanently cured.
The Doctor's opportunities In hospital and
private practice are unsurpassed in Ht. Louis or
any 'other city. -.Hack tiles of M. Lottis ptipers
prove that he has been looaled here loneer tlinn
any other so advertising. The estahlisiimeut,
library, laboratory aud appointments, arc nn
rivalled In the west, unsurpassed anywhere.
Age, wijh exjerience, can be relied uin, and
the doctor can refer lohlany physicians through
out the ?iiiitr-. In past success and present
position he stands' without a comiHftitor. -
Tse Wrlitnssof a PliyNlcina wiiiwrp
tatlon is I niou-wtiic slioiiia
- be worth reatlius.
Docto Wbittier publishes a JWrttirrtl Pmvph
Ift relating to venereal diseases and the disas
trous and varied consequence of oelf-abuse that
will be sent to any addresd in a sealed envelope
fortwa stamps. : Many physicians introduce j
tients to the doctor after reading his medical
pamphlet. . ComMtfiiteitions ' confidential. A
friendly talk will Cost yon Nothing. Ollice cen
tral, yet retired Xo. U17 i?t. Charles street, sit,
Louis, Mo. Hours9a,m. to 7 p.m. sniidayji ilZ
to 2 p.m. ; i - i, i ' ' -.'. ..- ; . 2J.y ;
3. A. 1'ISEH; ' ' T. R. HETK01DS.
PIW E R & K EXO L DS,Proprictor8
Eight street, two blocks from R. R. Depot,'
ST. JOSEPH, MO. . 4oly
2" 8
. Successors to W. H. SMALL,
groceries a mmwmm
Such, as Coffees, Snsrars, T?eas, Molasses. Syrnps, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Drie
Beef. Salt. Coal Oil, Tobacco, Cigars,
fectionaries of all Kinds, Vooden
In connection with the above they keep constantly on hand a large supply of Teed,
! All Goods Sold at Prices that Defy
f HighestMarket Price paid foraii miKts or COUM IUIL phoduce. .
TtAflnwt Prices to suit the Times. Small Ttofits And Fair Dealing, is thelf IhVaiiable rule.
Goods will be sold to Country Merchants lu
rates. -
Four Hole Sbpller and Powerj cither belted or
Four Hole Sheller and Power, either belted or
Four Hole Sheller and Potfer, either belted or
Six Hole Sheller ana rower complete, eimer ocitea or gearea wit ti eight or ten foot elevator....
Two Hole Self Feed Sheller, with single sacker, two-horse power, jtw-k and drive rcpe....
Two Hole Self Feed Sheller, with single sacker, two-horse power, geared... ..
Two Hole Hand Feed Sheller (or "Farmer's Sheller") with one-horse pdweY, Jack and rope ..
For the Belief ana Oire of the Krr'nc and Cnfor
ttmate.on pnnrh.h-x of ti,r Kiaa I'h'.ianthropv.
J-HKaysoiitlwfjTrtrsof Voutn. amt th Ki.Uiesof
Ace, in relation to Mr-rrtnce an-i ..t-iui Kviis with
(military ai.tfcrfne o;':!irtfMl vrlt jr.. jn
Knvel... Ai !rfsa, HOWARD ASSOCIATION-.
'He Terry Company
r:nnlng between
vz-r.rz, tved.,
Harth. St:.: :
the new ami
fTHIS BOAT is eiuu ' . :,
A power and capacity to . ( .
that may come, in any weather. -
j'or crossing Cattle into or rmt .f t' M t ..,.
trict, this is the bt-st point. This bout ; .
lilted up to ensure safety incrosiini;sr,i, k ,,
cuttle pen are already erectetl at the bt. Ji.. ,
IXIot at Phelps City. We can insure the tr:i
public that all in our power shail be dune t-.i
this tlie most reliable crossing on the Misjiour
Situated on the Little Nemaha' Elver, sixteen
milr?s north of Brownvilie. and fourteen southwest
of Nebraska City. .
Havinp purchased the entire interest In the above
Mills, and thoroughly repaired and improved fee
same, also erected a
u ; i m run.
thereto, I am now prepared to do all k inds of
. on short notice and reasonable terms. .
Lomberof all kinds. Floor. Meal and Feed, con
stantly on hand for sale or in ...
for Grain or Stock of any kind.
All lTorli. Warranted.
.'" D. C.
KlS?T Bit OS.,
and others interested in Pnt
rrtt Jintinr should address
Patent Lawyears and Solicit
ors, t )! !ntlist., ashinpton, 1. v ., for Advice
and Circular. I'ti'mt nhtninriiornoch'trpr.
J.etter from 7oit. IK iloHnnvi, former',' (rn
;i) i-.-.-toir of littrntx, dated Washington, March
30, fsfis r "I cheerfully commend to nil p-f sons wIm
may have business in the Patent Oltice the hrm o
lson Bros., as eentlemen of prompt business hab
ttsand in cverj- respect worthy of confidence,"
1 concur in the above. i.e. litAKi-it,
Lute tt. Jixt.
J. LARS, at the Advertiser Job Office.
Cheese. Dried aftd Green Fruit, Con-
Wore, &c.
either large or small bills and nt extremely low
1 TO ,
geared with double sackcr
geared with "eight foot" elevator
geared with "ten foot" elevator.
. , Wholesale and 11:11 Dc-:Vrs in
n r
VTnTTnn in
v f ! I I
Uv 0
1 1 f
vmte Ob,
S?5,00fi Ifiill
-;TiH o :ds rere selected by Iiiiiiself li
New Yorl;, tliis market, and are un
doubtedly tliu o'st reliable goods of tbe
kind ever ofibred I (his or any other mar
ket. " :'':-.; ' .
Mit. HetzelV expaionco in this
ness over 15 -years enable.; mm to
his goods with more judgement
material and make, than the r;r
uy 01 ueaiers m uiotiung.
f These goods have all been pure;
Cash, at a very low' margin, and e,;
him to sell them very Low for Cash.
Few persons once dealing with Hetzel
but will always deal there, because his deal
ings are fair and above board. He has but
One Price. :
His. stock comprises all the varieties of
Fine and Fashionable Clothing, equal in
every respect to the ; l:
-V f, .
roe eri es
We havo on hnnd n large
To hich wo are making co !
the Llississippi.
In the Quality of oar Good3
..u ?."
;.:.! ' -,
f 'Vv. if-
f" .s.
for sale by
F. A. '
fflWiilL I
TjWilin .
illi tf Lil U,
4 'J 2 '
Gtrcat.Bro-.vuvillc,' :,"e
j i.
. o.
70 Main Street.
elect good
and Well assorted stock of
nstant additions, and trhici
low as any. ZIotiso vrcst cf
; price paid roi:
-. S
O- ' -: '
GO !
A '"
JJX-.m c
Jr., & Coiiipany,