Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 17, 1870, Image 3
SOCIAL jyiRECTOllY. LODGE. BKOTOTVTLLE CIIAPTKIt No.' 4. - A rtlrnlrfit in each month. Lecture Meeting every Monday jilicht. 11.W.1-LBKAS, jh. c n. .r, Ki rm X. JUixkv. Secy. rif uri vT!1rvjin(lKNn..A. "a. M- Regular Communications first third SatnrdaT r.iKMs In each month. Lodge Jonw HUKK, It. . IHA. . M irrvvi!.T.E rlI)fiK No. 5. 1. O. O. F.- Keirular meeUcga Tuesday eveni ni ol ' . 11. C. Lett, N. U. - J. fTivisxix, Secy. ' ,--BKOW"XVILLK LOIXJENo. J0,T. O. G. T. I-J jleeU every i-nuay cvenm. Win')!' Black amir, W. G. . ' CHUIICIIES. PHESBYTERIAN" fTU'RCn. Hervlcei LJ each Sabbath at in::) a. m.. ana :i p. m. Meetinc Wednesday evening. Kabbath befool at 2o'c!ocK p. m. J. T. Bairh. Pastor METHODIST E. CHUKCU. Serviced each JLL. rariuaiu ai itr.n a. ni., aim " . in. -un-d.r School at 9 a. m. Prayer H4tnK Thuraday eiam. p. n. may, pahtor. , TZLTf-nnTHTH cumcH-EPistYipAL r- T?i ,.r Atlantic and (second aireeta. Service .very Sunday alorninic at lo'i o'clock. Sunday L-hool at 2't o'clocic. Evening Service at " o'clock. tIii't Cmniunto:i administered on the tint Sunday if tiA month. SeaUfree. U.K. DAVIS. Hector. ZZTbPTIST CHrRCII.Corner Fourth and tGjT" AttnnliaKtreeuu Services every Sabbath Vcei't the third In ench month, at 11 o clock A. M., . -yv-inck p. M. Sunday School at 10 a. m. trarer Meetlns Wednesday evening. MAILS. ,.DTirFHV- Kax'ern and Southern, de- X parw at I ui.; arrived ut 3 p. m. uulo Vail arrives at k p. m.: departs at 7 a. m. wro llail arrives at It) in.; depart at 12 p. m. ' ijli-u Mail arrives Monday, Wednesdays and FnoTys at s p. depart Tufcbdays, Thursdays and raif'iaVwriv'w Fridays at 4 p. m.; depart ("jilicV 1 -urs from 7 a. m., to 7S' P- m. Sim iSftuw W W los a. m. W. A- lULOCK.P. M.-- LOCAL MATTERS. J. L Colliapp, Editor. fnURSDAY, FEKKUARY 17, 187 , -Extraorpiesof the A ivktiicb forwUeby A ll. M' wit, fit.v Bock store, and by C.'A. Pol- rt;attlie poRtonice. To Onr Patrona In Job Worlt. We vonU snv, pnronJhoticnlly, that wo have rfclvtl u coiifcUlerahl athlition to our JobOlfiee 1" t,,i0 vn' of "tw Typo, Inks, Card. Taper, etc.. which vRrrant uslnln Tlilngim lncreaw of the liU-ral patronage heretofore U-stwel. Wo canuow turn out um Joh Work as can be had anywhere, ami believe, as low. f pt. J. L. Camci Is on east. ' rxr re plenty and cheaper. Porl packing Is about played out In tills urteT. KoadK In this section are In good condition for travel. 0st-d'r work In building Is going briskly forward. . ' The delightful weather of the past ten days has tempted neveral Into garden making. Tfce renowed Faker of Ava and the sxreat humorist -Whtaton are now enlivening St. Joeph. ' . . - ""'Tfce Keo gentlemen arrived in town last .Juosday, their tools having been taken at White Cloud, Kanwv-. Hob: n. B. AtVlnsos, ltoglster of the V. S. Jnd offlce, at Beatrice, wus in town this wselt on a flying virflt, on business. . "It U reported ihat Pharo has arrived in our rlty. He had better look out for he is no bet ter than Keno ; in fact, not near o falr-oh ! TtiMi A Cloak cutting, fitting and making done with neatness and dlspatchon liberal rm1)y Mrs. Zook, South Hrownvllle. 18-tf Tfce alarm of fire aroused quite a number of our citizens lust Sunday abodt dusk, occa sioned by the burning out of a flue In the old Hrownvllle IJouk'. , Tbr dm who attempted to cut out Kasen ' . bach's bowels last fall, is serving ait'd turn liy cutting the county's wtwd. Uncle Joe ' Baker stands guard. Improvlne. J. C. Deuser !s having his store room greatly improved, by having an open front put in," and the floor let down to the level of the Street. This will give him a first class store room. - There is a chance for some enterprising dlg glst to get a good Job on Atluntlc-st. if this weather holds on, for that street must be filled tip, or the city wlil lue L5J0 yards cf dirt at least, and that much will make it passable. 6eo. W. Brattos Is preparing to erect a store room on the half lot west of the blacksmith shop corner of BlslU and Maln-sta. John Bausfleld will do the brick work- Timothy MeLangfelin will boglR the ton work this , week. ieo. r Brrklej ciuae la from his labors at Beatrice last Sunday, aud tartd back Tues day. lie Is decoratinp that city with paint And paper to the satisfaction of his numerous patrons; and has a dance .every night. We kBow George is happy! H. II. Bryant is doing a splendid Job of pn Jerlng in the rooms formerly octnipled by the Advertiser office, over IlctJtcl s. Br.vaut can and does do No. 1 work both in painting and papering. May be Mack's Jjelmonlco will come up this way, I don't know. Jarrls S. Cfcnrrh, George Shook, Henry ' tluetnan and II. O. Minick, Bieiubcrs of the ilouse of Rcprcsentativta, and W-xo. Daily, Senator, left this city and covnty this week to attend the extra sct.lon of the I!y!slature , t Lincoln which convenes to-tlay. , . , Cordoa l ife, convicted of rgery at tleltt term of Court and sentenced to one yeitr olitary confinement, was pardoned outlast Saturday. We learn that lie was so overjoy.M n reading his pardon that he fainted. We ope he has acquired 601110 experience, to "go aud sin no more." Shaffer 0M of the Brickyard in Ferguson' addition t Jirownvillc ace making prepara tions for making tirlclc ou a grand scale the rproachlng season. They will be prepared. If there la a duntand. to make one million fcrkk during the season-; and we zuajr say, of ir own experience, that better or more 11b ral men to deal wi'Jt cannot be found an" where. ' F. 1. Tisdel, Jr. A (1 haye Jest received twenty car loads of farm Implements, etc., -raotfg which we notice a li ely supply of Studeliakcrand White Water Wsgons. This 6rm ls preparing to supply the whole o Southern Nebraska In farm implements, 'agons, etc., this season, -uid will do it ou aach Tlberal "terms that farmers hud bette aU and see them before purchasing else where. Plae ipples an4 Banana Jirurlca of the Sunny South can now be had la this city, Hauk &. Armltage received a Ituz of choice frulta of these kinds last Tuesilay, aud or ltirena are now enjoying them, hugely. "They were shippeJ directly from New Or Jeans by Mr. Iluuk ul the stbove Ann, who licen below purchasing a stockof JSouth n fctaple Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses, This Urm Is full of enterprise and busin- aa Union Corn riant er, as improved for "TO, UJU few ig an,j no superiors. First, 1 ! tnade of the very best material, carefully Wtfed fur tii rnarpose; second, the drop arrangement is perfect, and Is so ar "K'Hl that every hill can be seen by the rUer or dropper; third, the depth at which. desired to plant can be arranged to a toty; fonrth, by the new sod attach- e tooghest sod can be planted with Cftli, with a marker the ork can be d ntto' regular aud quicker than by any pUcter. frbeUmlxrrT Bro'a AgnitH. A small confldence game was played on the Senate bar ' keeper last weclc .A stranger came in, got up a game of Billiards, played four or five games, got several drinks then stepped "out back" for a moment, and forgot to return. This reminds us of old Callaa's dodge on Evan Worthing, in the 5U's, a good deal sharper than the above, by the way. Callan's face had fabed entirely to get him any more drinks, so he set his wits to work. The result was that he went up to the bar. put on an lmportantlook, and asked,. "Mr, Worthing cau yon change me a JiO gold piece?" "Yes," was the reply. "Well, boys," says old Callan, "come and let's drink." Supposing that the old man had made a raise W01 thing set out the liquor; after drinking, old Callan straightened himself up and dcliv ered himself Urns: "Well, Mr. Worthing, I will now proceed down street and try to borrow a (10 gold piece." The drinks were considered paid for. Kee the statement of the Hartford and Home Fire Insurance Companies in to-day's patx-r, for which Jno. L. Carson is Agent. These companies are old and reliable, and backed by an Immense capital. Their record for paying losses is fair, and their business Is conducted on the safest principles. . Hheat has risen 20 cents on the bushel during the past week. There is a good tlm coming farmers, although 65 cents per bushel is a very fair price, comparatively. CANTO X CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLO W. SHELLFNBF.KGKlt BRO S, f HKLLKNBKKGEK BRO N, J SHKLLENBEUGER BltO'S. CAN ION CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. CANTON CLIPPER PLOW. T. A. Thdel has, of his own accord, and It Is alleged at his own expense, made a plank walk from the corner of First and Main-sts, to his Agricultural Implement Depot. This Is an immense accommodation to pedestrians on that street, and Mr. Tisdel is deserving of the public thanks. Clocks, splendid assortment. WATCH IIS, full stock. JEWELRY, In abundance at : ." ' . Dunn & Co's, who also do all kinds of re pairing of Clocks, Watches or Jewelry. No, . Main street. ll-3m i:kh Gilniore are certainly doing a good part by the public in selling choice groceries low for cash.and it is a pleasure to note the fact that their custom ia good, nnd constantly in creasing. Few persons but will, sooner or later, find out and deal with such "white" bu siness men ns Slessrs. Rich & Gllmore. One of the best Institutions In our city for the hungry denizens of this section, is Mack's Dclmonico. It is a tip-top place to get a tip top square meal cooked and served in tip-top style, run by tip-top men, and we are pleased to see It patronized in a tip-top manner. TIIK BAKES FAMILY. The world famed "Baker Family," favored our good people with one of their par excel lence musical entertainments in McPherson's Hull, on Friday evening last. The Hall, one of the largest In the State, was over flowing; jam-full and a more delighted set of people were never before gathered togeth er. , The only regrets were that they had not made arrangements for another night. They prorglsed, however, to "com 6 again." "So we all say." The Fence around the High School building Is now completed, and adds greatly to the appearance of the grounds. Now gentlemen the next thing should le to whitewash said fence, and then get blinds for the windows of the building. Lost. A gold breastpin, Bet with brilliants, between the iesidenco of Moses Conor and the Baptist Church. The finder will be liber ally rewarded! by returning the same to the undersigned, MOSES CONOR. The Ice across the river in front of this city broke last Friday, and the river was clear euough Saturday for the Ferry boat, Mary J. Arnold to make several trips. The proprie tors of our Ferry are determined to run whenever it is possible. CASH PAID FOR ALL KIXDS OF (JKAIX Ky Evan Worthing, dealer In Grain and Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No. 42, Main street, Brownville. 13-3m If you tiih to dress well. If you wish to live well. If you wish to prosper, If you wish to be happy Be virtuous and buy your Dry Goods nd GrrjcerloB of Y. E. Johnson & Co, No. 74, Mcl'herson's Block. A PISE LVXBEB TABD. Kllbourn, Jenkins fc Co., corner of Fourth and Main streets, iu this city, have constant ly 011 hand a full stock of the best Fine Lum ber of all kinds;lso, also Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, lath. Mouldings, Frames, etc., etc., which they are selling at the lowest possible figures for which the same can be got out of the log and shipped to this point. They are determined to continue ns heretofore to sup ply the bulk of lumbes, etc., used In this Land District. Call and see them ! The RcTlra! Xeetina; at the M. K. Church Is still in profs RESIDENCE FOB SALE. In Brownville, Nebraska. Two lots full of choice fruit trees connected with it Also for sale, lots No. 7, 8, P, 10, to block 1", original plat of the city. Apply to William J. Austin or Jonas Hacker cf Brownville, or to me at Tecuiasch. G. W. FAIRBROTIIER. Berber's Alhambra Is now very tastily fixed up; and Berger nuekles to no man infixing up good drinks from pure liquors, unless it is Dick Harpster, and he can't be Lieut. Go and see Dick! A first-clans Calilaet Or can fur sale. One of the celebrated Peloubet Organs, five octave, double blowers, knee swell, four stops, solid Walnut ense. the price of which is $175. This Organ is nearly new, in good order, and Will besold cheap for cash. Inquire of GEO. B. MOORE. A'CABD. A great many people owe me bills of vari ous if 1 iiuil tnis money 1 could use it In 1 aking my spring purchases, and could, IrUuiK, Again afford to trust. I guess I must hare my money. So nil who owe me will please take notice that they must call and settle up immediately, or I must take other means In fet It. So come right along nnd pay nod I will say nothing more about It; If not; look out! WENDTEL GRANT. Jacob Xaroha will receive in a few days a splendid lot of Geut's Dress Goods, which he will make up In the best style at the most r easo 11 ah 1 e rate. BOOTS A SHOES AT COST. Grant is selling out his splendid stock of Boots and Shoes low for cash ! Now Is the aeaepted time to get cheap Boots aud Shoes. ForCuod Saddles and Unxes go to J. Baurs foot of Main St root. A BABE CHASCE. Intcndlngtoretire from business I offer my entire ttork 0 Siote, Tinu-are, Htvdtcnre, Tin ner' t Material, Toolt atut Machine. My fstorc House and Stand for sale immediately. Apply to " J. a DEUSER, 16-tf . Brownville, Nebraska. CLOTHISO LOW FOB CASH? Wendtel Grant offers his large stock of sultantlal ready made Clothing at very low figures for cash. Ifyoa want a good salt of clothe, jo there! ITe vera told the other day -that "Brownvllle would not be known In the vest ern counties If were not for her. lae Lumber trade. This we thought a little ovet drawn, yet this trade la doing much to attract trade to our city, by the immense stocks kept on hand, and by JudleJou and extensive advertising; yet other our merchants are also aiding in the good work both by advertising and big stocks of goods, and are deserving of com mendation. ' We know of no 'city of this size in the west whose merchants understand and practice the art of advertising to a greater extent, or areVairer or more liberal In their dealings toward buyers, .-. Broke Jail The prlsouer Incarcerated for stealing Iiufus llaney's horses a couple of weeks since, who gsve his name as John Lnaum, broke Jail last Tuesday evening af ter supper. He; had become possessed of a piece of wire, with which heburned around the staple in the cell door enough to draw it, and then made his escape by a side window in the larger room between the cell and the Jailor's room.- Wright although In the same cell did not give the alarm until the prisoner hod time enough to get far enough away to barrel pursuit. The prisoner, while In Jail, gave his name to a fellow prisoner as, William Gun, and said his home was in Green county. Illinois. Sheriff Plasters went immediately in pursuit, but up to this writing had not re captured the prisoner. IVe hear of new dwellings, stores and shops projected on nearly every street in our city, several will bo fine first class residences, all on the ornamental style of- architecture. which is now In good demand. With these prospects and the natural building and other work wnich will follow on the opening of railroad work In the spring, will make this a good port for mechanics and laborers of all kinds, and wages will be good. Brownville to be Lighted with. Gaa 1 1 1 D. Randall, of Qulncy, 111., has been in our city for the past few days working at the matter of lighting onr clly with his patent Gasoline Lamps, and we learn, as we'go to press, that he has so far succeeded aa to put the project beyond a doubt. The citizens are subscribing Jiberally .to furnish the lamps and posts, and the Council agree that the city will keep them in oil, and have the lighting done. This will be a rreat benefit to nedes- trians, and will do much to give character to our city in the eyes of strangers. Mr. Randall also proposes to sell lamps for private use. It Is a good thjng, but takes care. In handel- Ing. - - 'ow'8 the Time to buy Clothing! Hetzel, in order to make room for his mammoth spring stock, is now selling Clo thing very low for cash I ' Now is the time to get serviceable, well made Clothing and Furnishing Goods almost at your own price, for room Is more of an Important object with Hetzel than Clothing. Now Is your time! Call soon ! ..... Two Accidents happened some week or ten days ago, M hich we missed chronlcleing. Mr. J. II. Graham had his leg broke by the horse he was riding failing on him. A similar accident happened Mr. Hoi man of the city meat market. Both are nearly able to be about again. The "Weather, mild for the pnst week, suddenly changed last evening, the wind veering to the north and blowing very cold and raw. REVOLVING IlarrWaw Franz Hel mer. Wagon Maker, of this city, has the right for manufacturing this Implement for this and Richardson county.' Jt is the most com plete Harrow ever invented, lie" has the castings for a number of machines now at Phelps, and those wanting a Harrow of this kind must leave their orders soon. - : Mamma's in Heaven. See the Advertisement for this beautiful Chromo. It is the most beautiful picture of the kind we ever Baw. If too Want a Pateat read Edison Bro.'s Ad vertisement In another column. Skin &Gaylord Minstrels, contrary to the first announcement, will give two con certs in this city, next Friday and Saturday evenings, at Mcl'herson's Hall. This troupe gets, as it deserves, crowded houses wherever it shows. We predict a perfect jam here. Everybody who likes fun and good music should attend. OPEX TO THE WORLD! FOR INSPECTION OR COMPETITION ! ! ! FRKE TRADE ASI FA EX KIT ,1 RIGHT!1. COMFORT AND ECONOMY!!!! Hannaford A 31c Fall ure making prepara tions to absorb the entire Furniture trade of Southern Nebraska, Northeast Missouri, and Southwest Iowa, and to that end are having shipjicd to this point more and bettter Furni ture than was ever opened elsewhere in Ne braska. They have already commenced fill ing up their extensive three story building on Main Street, and will fill It to its utmost capacity for the spring trade. As evidence of their style of trading, we need only say that they have since last fall nearly closed out ?J0,000 worth of Furniture, and their stock looks stripped to what it did then. They buy goods only upon cartful examination, this is a motto with them, and they have in consequence nothing to sell but what is good of its kind, and such as will induce more custom. They arc both practical men with a thorough knowledge of the business; buy and sell for cash ; ship their furnltureln bulk and put it together here, and are consequent ly better prepared to sell at reasonable rates, at wholesale or retail, than any other House in Nebraska. Thanks to Hon. T. W. Tipton for Public Documents of more than ordinary Interest. We are pleased to be remembered. The Aldine Pres, a new exchange, Is cer tainly the nonparU'l of neatness and taste In the literary line. It is too good to be noticed in host,' so we will defer for a more favorable time. Savings Ban V. The meeting of citizens held in McPherson's Hail last week to organ lze a Savings Bank In this city, resulted in the subscription of about SS0.000 to establish such an institution ; and the project Is siin ply held In abeyance to await something else which will be better if successful, than the Savings Bank. ' . . . . . - Jk Hob. 8. 9. Eirb, we notice, is back in town, resting from his labors at the Rich Brother's Roso Bottom Pottery, in Atchison county. Mo. Mr. Rich is, undoubtedly, the finest workman in this buslncas in this sec tion, and will, in a few weeks, astonish the natives of this vicinity with some of the fin est Tere CWu, and other earthen ware ever of fered in the West. . BanUtera, Hand Rail and Newel Posts kept by J. R. Bell Sou. at their Lumber Yard corner of College aud First-ftH. .. Xala Street Property fur Sale. House and one lot and a half. 67'4 by 14.5 feet. Good well aud cistern. Grapes, Apoles and other fruit Will be sold low, if sold within two weeks, D. M. SHELLENHERGER, at No. 71 Maln-st., Brownville, Neb. Aa Immense number of teams have been In daring the past week. hauling goods from Worthing's Warehouse to merchants in the interior who haveshlpped to this point; and the' warehouse is filling tip about as fust as goods are taken away. This is the natural port of entry for goods for Southern Nebras ka, which is becoming a better recognized fact every day. FARMERS, LOOK TO TOUR INTER EST And buy the ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, U-DOWN'S ILL. CORN PLANTER And the ' t BLACK HAWK WALKING CUL TIVATOR, For Sale by W. T. DEN, Agent. BellgioBi . A series of meetings Js now In progress at the First Presbyterian Cnurch In this city preparatory to thg service of com munlon. 1 W. A.' Jonew, Misaionary'and CioipoTteaT of the American Board of Publicalion haa been laboring In this vicinity with the books of the Board for the past ten 'days wltlj good effect. ' -; ;'- : ... -.. Rev. Britt, of the M. E. Church at London, has commenced a series of meetings at the Honey Creek Church, with excellent effect. We learn that ten came fortvard the first evening. The Revival Meetings at the M. E. Church In this city are still in progress, under the auspices of Rev. Dr. Colt. A good work Is being well done. Many accessions, to the church have thus far been made, and the de sire to find the "Path" Is yet Intense, : In our mention of the baptism by Rev. Lowe, of this city, last w,eek, we did not in tend our; remarks to be understood as the doctrln of the church when we said that "sins were washed away By baptism." We have since learned that this is a mooted point; so after enreful consideration, we think we were mistaken. . - , Banisters, Hand Ball and Newel Poet kept by J. R. Bell & Son. at their Lumber Yard corner of College and Flrst-sts. ' TBUTH WILL PREVAIL. Dooley's Baking Powder is chemically pure In all its combination, and possesses -no in gredients but such as are harmless' healthy and nutritous. In strength and weight it has no equals and but half the quantity Is need ed for use that is required by those of ordina ry manufacture. Used In all families, and is pronounced the best gs well as the cheapest. Prepared by DOOLEY A BRO., New York, and sold by grocers generally. 10-17 i Banisters,' Hand Bail and Newel Posts kept by J. R. Bell A Son, at their Lumber Yard corner of College and First-sts. For a good Saddle, go to Sonder 52 Main street. r . , 7-tf CIGARS at wholesale or retail at A. F. Conn's Cigar Factory, 61 Main street. For a No. 1 set of Harness, co to Souder's. 52 Main St.- ; . 7-tf DR. IIOLLADAY Respectfully informs his old friends and the public, that he is prepared to attend all calls in the line of his profession. Office at D. II. Lewis & Co.'s Drua Store. Main street. Brownville, Neb. 51-tf ; . V-, Dry Pine Lumber in all weather at J. Bell's. R. 81300 Dollars and Expenses! See ad vertisement of AmerieanShuttleSewing Ma, chine In our advertising columns, ALL CUT- ting done to, order at Morgan's Tailor Shop.". Patronize Home Industry. All kinds of Marble work tan be had at Neidhardt's Marble Works In this city, chesper than it can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. ... Corn, "Wheat and Oats. Ralney & Lewis have removed their offlce to Robt. Teare & Co.'s Store, where they will pay the highest cash price tor Grain and oth er Produce. I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of every style and description, size and thick ness. Also Doors, Hash, Blinds, Monldings, etc. Dry Pine Shingles. Lath and Pickets. In fact, anything in the building line, which I warrant A No. I in every respect, and on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by any man west of the Missouri river. I Invite all who. need anything in my line to give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates. J. It. BELL, Brownville, Neb. Cor. Water 4c First Streets, HTJ Lumber delivered within the city J3llniits, FREE OF CHARGE. Private medical aid, read Dr. W'bittier's advertisement. . : Sash Bell's and Blinds. Full stock at J. R. Beat Doors In the West at J. R. Bell's. . R. V. Mnlr aiiont for Lamb's Knitting machines, Brownville, Nebaoska. 14-tf :- II. C. Lett has constantly on hand a pure assortment of pure Drugs and Medicines. ATTEVriOtf, AIA! A. W. Morgan, Jr., of Brownville, C3 Main Street, has just opened anew and complete stock of Cloths. Casimers, VestiiiKS, and all klndsof Piece Goods, and Is prepared to make Gent's Clothing to order In the most roshion nble stvle. He also keepsafull llneof Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur nishing Goods. 47-3in J. W. miss, Kegula ular Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended to in the country on reason able terms. Orders left nt the Advertixer office will receive proper attention. 4$-im Grape Vines. Concords, $1.50 per dozen, 510. per hundred, nnd all other varieties in proportion. Satisfaction is trimmmteed as to quality and genuineness of vines. 47-Giu J. W. MinntETos. Eye, Ear and Catnrrah, successfully treat ed, by Dr. Kimberlin. Office over the Post Office. Financial and Coininerclal. BROWNVILLE. Corn, shelled 4oa,50 Corn, in the ear..3Vi 4' Spring Wheat Outs Mn:tr Apples, Kreen...l,6iK(d.20i; Potatoes :&!. 40 Fjtks 15ai5 Chickens, dressed V lb... .8 Turkeys, - lo .i0 (Jeese, lo .10 'Spring W FloiirC.25i'2,i ' Kail W Flour 4.0U Butter -t;i: Beef Cattle 3'.w.4 cU Hogs pnm 7.'J0 7 Ac. I ) Iirrtised V .'4 7i9ct8 " net.- ....8.7;' Hides, (ireett ...acts Cranberries, qt. l"'l " Ury Flint lalo Bark-y ioin Gt 1 i OMAHA. . . -v From the Jiepitblicon oMiHsdny Wquote Corn in the ear at 35fM0c; wheat, 40(a.G5c; oats, 3jM.10c; potatoes, SOio-lOc; butter, com mon to choice, :50C?38', fresh, 40c; eggs, 3Sc; hogs,7!4'$Sc; c hickens, 50c n piece, or 15c per pound dressed ; turkeys and geese; dressed, 20c per pound; apples per barrel, Stlv$S; flour, winter wheat, Sl.'liU, .spring 2,2i3,2,50; beef cattle,'4i45c per pound. ...... ST. JOSEPH. From the Daily Union of Tuesday we quote corn, 50t57c; spring wheat, 5f70c; oats, 3 potatoes, 30c; butter, fresh, 1S20; eggs, 15$ IS; hogs, live. 7fe7j, dressed dCi 10; beef cattle. 3(T$5c; chickens per dozen, $2,75fn 3,25 ; tur keys, dressed, 12(fl l:lc; apples, green, 5075e. C. M. KATJFFMA3T, ioraiKToa SHERMAN HOUSE, 4G JIalu-at., Drovnvlllc. This House lias been remodeled and refurnished throiiKliout-and aflbrdu the lxit accummoiationsin tae City l the ioral and travplintr public It 1 cen trally located, (Stapes fr the West, and Omnibiutes &r all train", from the Shenuaa House. Fair first elast, charfrea moderate. LVar MASIIOOD: How Lost, How Restored. P(lfZ?" J"st published, a new edjtion'of Dr. rnru niricornifit Khmut i-iM.ei nlrr i wi:hoiit uiedlcinei UJlATOIlItHI KE l.rrr,i..l Weaknesfi, Involuntary Heniitil 1 TKNC'V, Mental and 1'liv.sical IncnnaCitv, Impedi ments to niarriHtjo.elc: u!sot"0'tsCMPTTON VV I LEI'S Y and FITS. Induced br felf-icdulzence'or sexuril extravagance, e i Trice, In a sealed envelop. mly S cents' Tiiecelel)ra:el ontlior. in this admirable essar clearly demotist rates from a thirty years- itucreaslui practice, that the alarminc con-sequences ot ielf ahuse may bs? rudica'ly curvd without tlie il.nin... oustiseot Internal medicine or the application r the km. e; pointing out a mode ol curt oncesim- M.-.n rui:n, and e:;eciu:il. nv meunsnl n- i rh sufferer. no matter h his corxl tinn irm- iu cure himself cJieilr. t)rirat-lv. ar:d ruitir; -fhn lecture should be iu the liaudjj ol every youlu iu the land. . Sent, under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress,, on receipt of six cents, or two port amnios. Also, lr. fulverwell'a "Marriage Oulde " price ii cenU. Auilress the rublishers. ' L 11 AS. J. t KU.NK t CO.. ' Bowery, New York. rost Office Hox 4,5C : . . -iy Peru Livery Stable. CHARLKS GEADE, leJecli -. r. , .- -. Vll lindH ;otV Stock. Horses Bouglit,' Sold, Cr Xlxch&xiged. Stock Boarded by ihe Day or Week. MY STABLES are stocked with trood Iloiresaod huKKies. Persons wishing conveyance to an v-mK tlon if the NemaJia Land District can be accomino-' dated. The ....... . Peru &; Brownville Coach Leaves my Htahlca every morning at id o'clock A. M. Iss.senffprs or nsckaees sftVH- conveved. Or ders left wim the 1'oflnjM.steni will be promptly at tended to.. , lUSl-il XSPMifltW) IJJ3J '.at. 9taflW.S3S&SVttBUi . , j InAXG;S . CilROJIOS Atefae-timile reproductions of exquisite oil nalnt- 4 Ings, so admirably executed fjs to render it Impose l- di ior any one but experts to detect the difference between them. - ; -Aakor them at tbe.Ajrt and Pieture Stores. ., -, ' Our Chromos are sent free to toy address within the United States, east of the Mississippi oa receipt of price. '.: - . Prang's "Chromo Journal." lmed quarterly con tains a -Himplete descriptive eiCaiiwe of our Chro iikw, with special ItrforiMati riw.ut the art. Spec imen copies ofthe JouruiU swt free to any ad -trees, on receipt of stamp. - : . -y-.t ; . . L.P11AN Jt tX,Bo4on,Mass. - n, .V GENERAL! roceries Wo have on hand a large STAPLE AND To which we are making co we are selling af Price3 as the Mississippi. In the Quality of our Goods FLOUR OF. THE -MOST. HIGHEST MARKET 12-40 A. L. RICH. "4 NEW ADMINISTRATION - '-'I'Sd RICH & GILM011E, . ' Successors to W. II. SMALL, . DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN Such as Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Molasses. Sttttds. riour. Eacon. Flsli. T3H Beef, Salt, Coal Oil, Tooacco, Cigars, wcuonaries 01 au iwnas, Wooden In connection with the above they. keep ' cony, oats, mi ax, siiosits, &c. All Goods Sold at Prices that Defy Competition. IIIghestMarket Price paid for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODO'E. Reduced Prices to suit the Times, Small Profits and Fair Dealing, is their invariable rule. Goods will be sold to Country Merchants in either large or small bills and at extremely low rates. . , SHELLENBERGER BROS., Wholesale anil Retail Dealers in mm No. 74 Main Street, Brownville, Neb. rs : iv i . li ; '. r- r.i . : ':' 'i.. ll f r i 1 - No. 76 0 7 fffp Have the Largest Stock, aud Make the Lowest Prices TJTT mr VKr .era n 7l 3? T7. fl ooinsr shell: LIST OF PRICES, COMPLETE "WITH POWER: Four Hole Sheller nnd Power, either belted orrjeared with donMo packer-.... Four Hole Shellor nnd Tower, either belted or peurcd with "ei:ht foot" clevsttov Fonr Hole Sheller and Tower, either belted or (eared with "ton foot'' elevator Kix Hole Sheller and Tower complete, either bi lled or geitred with e.'frht or tr-u foot elevator......... ;.. Twolfole Hclf Feed frheller, with ulnple 6a-k r, twohorae. power, jack nnd krjve rope. . Two Hole Self Fcctl shellor, with single sucker, two-horse power, fj-ar Two Hole Hand Feed Shellor (or ''Farmer's Bheller") with one-horse rower, jack and rope EST.Any ONE IIAVLNO CLAIMS AGAINST THIi UNITED STATES WILL FIND IT TO TltRlE' ADVANTAGE 'TO ! .- : : . ' . ' . . .j: . f END tA, : KTATEitENX - OF , T LEI B CASE TO "; ' ' ; 1 V -J'- '-'' - ' ?r -m ;- i .-. Coujnkelor'at La-wv 1 - - Solici tor before the Court if Claim 4e. 478 n S., 1 - - ; "VTashlagfon.'lX C, . -tf v i-i ir r., 4t.qjmji DEALERS IN o GO and well assorted stock f FANCY GROCERIES nstant additions, and which low as any .House west of WE DEFT COMPETITION. APPROVED BRANDS. PRICE PAID TOR A. H. GILLMORE. AT THE J2b a Cieese. Dried and Green Fruits, Con- Ware, fic. constantly on hand a large supply of feed, Provisions . . . j t : - lies, film T ft rp !feaas YH 'Splis "p Vai Wholesale O -A. IE? f3 v - JA iU Main Street, McPherson Illock, Brownville, 1 i a K ISRIVALLED STCCII OF ELi:GA.T Pit e trtr-r-s 1 ess w asat ;JXTST : J"- S- HETZBL'S NE1V One Price No. 70 Main Street. ' ; $75,000 IVORTil OF CLOTinilGI HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GENT'S rTJRNISHHGS. These goods were selected by himself-in. New York, for this market, and are un do ubtedly the most reliable goods of the kind ever offered in this or any other mar ket. - ' -7. ., Mr. Hetzel s expenence in this busi ness over 15 years enables him to select his goods with more judgement, for good material and make, than the great inajori ity of dealers in Clothing. These goods have all been purchased for Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them very Zow for Caslu Few persons once dealing with HETziei but will always deal there, because his deal ings are fair and above board. He lias but One Price. His stock comprises all the varieties pf Fine and Fashionable Clothing, equal in every respect to the , VERY BEST CUSTOM-MADE WORIT. ' 11 1 and Retail Dealers in IE 1W Ei ay, ? mm vrj x n! nlj ..J lJI TOR SALE BY R A, Tisdel, Jr. & Company. DEALERS IN jRICULTUBAL IFLE11I! ! f rt t it 1 t n t ' t. OPSIISB, AT YORK House ! AND Nebraska. 'ST Glolliing CO'S r' . : Jnr X -VI. i - k - w 1 (I