Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 17, 1870, Image 2
SIX THURSDAY, FKB1.UAKY17, 1870. ''COYERXOIVS PROCLAMATION. Extra Session of the Leglflatnrc. t i - . I ttl e Our present issue contains the Gov ernor' Proclamation convening the Legislature of 'Nebraska Jn special ession. We confess to surprise at the extent of the call. The Governor In the goodness of his heart has, douht less. yielded to the endlcssand ceaslcss Importunities that this, that, and the .'other subject -matters might be em braced in the call, and thus become 'actionable under the provisions of the constitution The Legislature will do better than ever heretofore, if it transacts all the business provided for, even in forty days, and do it well. . We very much doubt the propriety, or necessity for an extra session, farther than to ratify the Fifteenth amend ' ment. We do not think the people expect, or want It ; or that the exigen cies demand it. However, the Repre ecntatlves when convened, will re flect the will and wishes of their con stituents, and govern themselves ac cordingly. . If the Legislature concludes to pro- . oeed with the consideration of all the Items embraced In the call, we beg to call the attention of members to the Sixteenth count "To provide for the transfer of State University funds." 1 this looks to a change of ue, or di Tendon of funds accruing as provided In Ration Twentv-one of the "act to establish the University of Nebraska." then we for one, enter our protest. . The Regent's Fund especially, should be kept sacredly for the purpose de signed and expressed in the law, and under no consideration, used for any other purpose. THE TOTE OF OUR SENATORS. We publish to-day the speech of J Senator Thayer on the adml-sion of Virginia. We have before published lhat of Senator TirTox. Our Senators were divided on this question, as were xnany other good Republicans, and we see no cause of complaint as to either of them. They undoubtedly acted in accordance witlrtheir honest convic Hons. Republicans In Nebraska and elsewhere, also differ on the question e pamed, and it is not strange that in Nebraska, each of our Senators find members of their own party, agreeing with the one and differing with the other . c From a private letter received from - Senator Tiiton. on thla subject, we "fxiract the following : - -On the 10th of April, 1SG9, Congress paased an act for the submission of a Constitution of .Virginia to a vote of - the people, and provided that before the State could be admitted to the Union she would have to ratify the "VFlfUenth amendment to the constitu tion of the United States, viz : "The riaht of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridgedby the United States, or any State, on ac count of race, color, or prctioxis condi- won of servitude." c The President of the Uniied States gild in his message of Dec. Cth, 18G9: "In Virginia the election took place Cth of Julv; 1869: the Uovernor and I.leuL Governor elected have been In et&lled; the Legislature, met and did all required by this resolution, and by ail the reconstruction acts of Congress, and abbtained from all doubtful au thority. I recommend that her Sen ators and Representatives be prompt ly admitted to their seats, and that the State bo fuhy restored to its place In the family of States." The House of Representatives pass ed a Bill at once for the States' admis sion, she having previously, also, rati fied the Fourteenth amendmeut of the Constitution. . In the Senate, an effort was being rmade to impose other conditions upon her before her admission, when about twenty Republlcaa Senators decided trltn l'resident urant, mat, in as much as she had gone as far as the most radical States, she ought to "be promptly admitted." And among these were the lawyers of the Judi ciary Committee. W ith them I voted noTf against certain amendments, and Senator Thayer voted "yea." We are not disposed to either extol or condemn In this case, because we tlo not consider this issue, if any, of kufUcient Importance to demand such c a course. As before said, other Sena I tort an d Rep rese n tat i ves i n Con g ress o f the Republican party, whose radical 'Ism none doubt, thought and voted on both 6ldes of the Virginia question. 'It la said by those who differ with either of our Senators, that they do cot represent the Republican party in Nebraska. So far as we have observed, 1 there Is about the same difference with ether members of the party in Nebras ka, as with the Senators, and conse quently no great issue. Mr. Tipton voted for Morton's pre amble which certainly obviated the necessity of any further conditions bfclng Imposed, In as much as that caused Virginia, if admitted, to admit that she passed the Fifteenth amend ment "in good faith, as a precedent condition," and hence any faltering , en her part would be cause for such penalty as might be found constitu tional. At to Senator Tipton, with whom cotempor&ry has taken issue public Iji fe have only to say, as a journal ist representing his immediate home, that while a knowledge of his radical ism would have warranted the con clusion that he might vote against the Bill &s it came from the Ilouse, there . is no dissatisfaction with his vote un der the circumstances, which'he has fully and satisfactorily explained in his speech, and iu a former letter, and the one now published. Otoe, Sac, Fox and Ion a Indian Treat ies. The President has, we see. with-j drawn the Indian Treaties, spoken of In our columns a few weeks w'uee, un der the provisions of which the "St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk," ud the "Atchbion and Nebraska" Railroad Companies were to be allowed to pur chase the lands cf these Indians. We Lave not changed our opinions here tofore expressed, in regard to Indian Treaties. In this instance, however, re are confident that great delay, and consequent wrong will be the result to the moet populous portion of our KUte. We refer to the building of the "Trunk" road. We have no hesi tancy in asserting that the comple tion of this enterprise, is more needed to-day, and woald confer greater ben efits on a greater number of the peo ple in Nebraska, than any other now contemplated, and yet, it has encoun tered more direct and downright.' op position. It may be, and is delayed, but it cannot- be defeated. Every Railroad, leading West from the Mis souri river, except perhaps the U. P. is, and will be incomplete, and wil fail to meet the wants and demands of the people and our trade, without It Rut more, and in detail at anothc time. In the meantime, we say to the friends A the "Trunk," be in koou clieer: it is neituer ueaa, nor hlcepcth. A few weeks ago a scurrilous and cowardly article appeared in the Ne maha Valley Journal as Washington Correspondence, in which both the private and judicial character of Judge O. P. Mason was wantonly assailed We first thought to pass it by in si Ienee, and perhaps the less said iu re lation to it now, the less importance will attach to it. We feel it a duty however, as a journalist, and indepen dent of any personal or partizan friendships, to say that Judge Mason's official career has been especially marked by a degree of ability and pre cision hitherto not excelled, to say the least by any other occupant of the Bench in the State. lie has been par ticularly vigilant in seeing the laws faithfully and fearlessly executed has prosecuted the business of his of fice with such dispatch that thecoun ties in his District have been saved thousands of dollars. We are glad to see that a number of journals in the District have spoken out in vindica Mnn of the Judire. If we cuess the author of the article in question cor rectly, we have only to say, if hisju dip? nl ormine is kent as unspotted as Judge Masoxi's there will be no com plaint. i mm 1 To Correspondents. We have on hand communications "Legislation in regard to the Prac tice ofMedicine," by John Flaneoan "Select Schools." by Edux "Char acter," by Jannette IIakding, and an interesting letter from G. R. Reed er, Houston, Texas, for which we are unable to find room this week. They shall all have attention in due time. m m Life Association of America. The most of our business men are aware that recently efforts were made, and ore yet being made to establish a Branch Board of the Life Association of America In this place. The prin cipal feature recommending this over ordinary Life Insurance Companies, is that sixty-six per cent of monies paid In Is loaned out in our own com munity. It is thought that there Is to-dar. monev enouerh going out of our town, and out or our fctate, w meet a very large share of the bank ing wants of the community. This feature is therefore considered impor tant. It wa3 thought by some that we might not get the use of the mon ey. Both the President and Solicitor for the South Platte Department have given us their pledge that if we make up a Board of ten in Brownville, we 6hall have the use of the funds to loan. The Board at its last meeting, Thursday last, passed the following resolution : Resolved, That in case a Branch Board of the Life Association of Amer ica be established in the City of Brownville, under the efforts now be ing made, then the people of Nemaha county shall have back the per cent, for loan, on complying with the regu lations of the charter in such cases made and provided. That indefatigable and go-ahead Railroad man, II. Davis, of Canton, Mo., Is still giving his whole soul to the Misssissippi and Missouri River Air Line Railroad. We copy the fol lowing from the Canton Press.' We appreciate the anxiety of all parties interested in the success of the M. & M. R. A. L. Railroad to hear of the progress mado in the work and the prospect of its early completion, and we have hitherto enveavored to keep our readers and the public fully posted upon every movement. And we are now happy to announce that negotia tions for the Iron have been so far cotnpletod as to give aassurance that an abundant supply will be forthcom ing as soon as required for the com pleted grade. We have been permitted to see a let ter from responsible parties in New York announcing their readiness to furnish all needful supplies, and the good news has so stimulated the con tractors that they have at once re sumed active operations, though pre viously intending to await the advent of Spring. All ti:at is now needed is the hearty co-operatjon of the friends of the en terprise, aud especially the towns to be most benefitted by its completion, to give appropriate "aid and comfort" to those who have assumed the chief responsibility in the matter. As a matter of fact it is worthy of note that the energetic President of the compa ny, II. Davis, has himself from his own private means footed the bills in curred for engineering, and other con tingent expenses, because local and muuicipal subscriptions could not be made available until a considerable portion of the work was completed. Mr. Davis is deserving or ail praise for his unflagging zeal and euergy, and at this stage of the work it cer tainly would be but right aud just that Canton and Lairranxe should take hold with increased zeal and determi nation and thus haeten the completion' of this long delayed, yet really Impor tant and deserved worK. The Quincy Whig in publishing the proceedings of the late meeting of the Board of Directors of the Q.f M. & P. R. R,, of which Mr. Church gave au accouut . in our last issue, notices our aid as follows : We learn from Mr. Church, of Brownville, Xeb., that on the 20th of last month, that city voted to take $00,000 additional stock in this road, swelling the subscription of Nemaha county, Nebraska, to $278,000! Hur rah for Brownville and her enterpri sing citizens, who take such a lively interest in the building of our road. May their example be followed by all friaads of the road. AYe were favored the past week with a visit from Rev. J. E. Chcbcii, of Michigan. Mr. C. is the father of J. 8. Churcit, former editor of the Ad vertiser. He U v eil pleased with Ne braska, Brownville aad surroundings, and we hope he may c?ludo to lo cate among u. Number of School Districts In Ne maha County. Dr. McGrew, County Superinten dent of schools in this county has,' In compliance with the school law, num bered the districts In numerical order throughout the county, and kindly furnished ui with the new arrange ment for publication. They were for merly numbered only as sub-distriets in each precinct. We now give the new number and the old one. Thus it will be understood what is now the official number of each district, and by which It will hereafter be known. TERU PRECINCT. rHESENT AND OF FICIAL NO. 1 4 H 15 3 o FORMER KTB- D1STKICT NO 1 2 . . . Peru. ... 4 o 7 - GLEN ROCK PRECINCT. 5 6 12 13 1 o 3 4 LAFAYETTE PRECINCT. 7 9 10 11 8 1 O 3 4 5 6 WASHINGTON TRECINCT. 2G 24 23 27 21 J23 1 o 0 s 4 5 DOUGLAS PRECINCT. 19 30 20 28 29 1 o 3 4 5 BROWNVILLE rRECINCT. 17 18 31 33 35 32 1G 34 NEMAHA CITY 38 37 20 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 City. rRECINCT. o .3 Nemaha City. ST. DER.OIN PRECINCT. 50 57 1 ASFINWALL PRECINCT. 54 52 55 58 51 '53 39 49 43 40 50 41 47 46 44 45 42 43 1 o 3 4 5 6 1 2. 3 4 BEDFORD PRECINCT. 5 BENTON PRECINCT. 1 2 3 : '4 - 0 5 6 a W. McGrew, . Co. Suptv Xewspapori! Change. e notice by tbe last number of the Pawnee Tribune that T. R, Fisher has sold out the entire office of the Tribune to Judge Edwards who has for some time been associa ted with Mr. Fisher in its conduct From report and Mr. Fisher's recom mend in his validictory we judge that the paper is in safe hands. Mr. Ed wards is one of the ablest radicals of the "burnt district." Col. Furnas left last Tuesday for Lincoln to be on hand during theses eion of the Legislature. He will keep our readers posted in news from the Capital. Ave were pleased to meet on the train between Omaha and this place ast week, Alex Majors, Esq., the pioneer plainsman. He ia in good health and spirits. Wm. E. Hill, Esq., lumber mer jhant of xsebraska City, had his of fice robbed one evening last week o about four thousand dollars in notes and cash. He offers the thief may re tain the money if he will return the notes. P. S. Since tbe above wa3 in type we see mat me notes nave been re turned. GOOD FOR BKOWXYILLE. On the 29th ult. the city of Brown ille voted on a proposition for the city to subscribe $60,000 to the capi tal stock of the Brownville. Fort tearney & Pacific Railroad, which resulted iu a unanimous vote in favor of the proposition. We sometimes hear of a crooa thing, but seldom do we hear of every body being right ; out every body is certainly ngnt on he question of railroads, in Brown vine. It is true that where there is inharmony and discord, but little is accomplished, as Brownville hereto fore has realized in reference to rail road matters. We are sure that hence forth the people of that city will real- ze that "in union there is strength," and that harmony, wisdom and una nimity of action will mark all their enterprises. If this shall be so, they will not only get the road under con sideration, but other railroads, and Brownville will ultimately transcend the expectations of her most sanguine admirers. Tecuniseh Lmeftam. SCHOOL MATTERS. OTentlon of County Snpcrindents We are indebted to Dr. McGrew County School Superintendent for the following Circular letter issued by State Superintendent Beals: State or Nebraska. 1 Office 8cpt. of Public Inst, f To Onmty Superintendent and School Direct or: , None should be led to omit the regu lar enumeration in March in conse quence of that recently made. That was requested for the purpose of ob taining & basis-for an equitable distri bution of, the School Moneys then in the Treasury It cannot be used as a basis for future apportionments The annual enumeration of Youth must be made "within the ten days next previous to the annual district meeting," as fe required by Sec. 48, of the School Law. The Law requires the Director to deliver his annual report, including the census, to the County Suprintendent, "within three days after the last Monday in March," (See Sec. 53,) thus limiting the time. in which tbe census must be taken, to seven days. The enumeration then made, will form the basis of appor tionment for tbe next School Year. The apportionment of State School Monpv "fin uHtl k- ri-,,;p on tho i M -"'ir ,n !A,k1"?" of Grain aud Country Pre iunej ... ... -f . ... v maue un vuc J , Brewovllle, Nebraska. 5th day of June and on the ,7th day W ft I oi uecemoer. Directors are requested , to include !n their reports, a list of the -private echool.4 within their respective dis tricts, also to give th vhoreuajimber of pui us attending them.v They are also requested to send the-names of the directors for the ensuing year, as soon .as elected,1 to the County-Super- Uitent'ents, that they may. be trans mitted to this office. - - -v"; Directors should fill out the blanks In every narticular. as required hy Section 53, and by the "regulations of this office made m pursuance or bec tion 91, that there may be no delay caused bv sendlnur ' them back for amendment under the nrovision of Sec. 85. Directors will receive dupli cate blanks for their annual reports, which they are requested to fill out and send, one to the County Super intendent and one to this office. County Superintendents will re ceive no Directors report until it is complete as is required in Sec. 53, aud so definite in giving Sections, Town ships and Ranges, ns will enable them to determine whether any names are twice entered in the enumeration. nor until it is duly sworn to according to the forms and r -gulations,' made under the requiremeuta of the 5th subdivision of Sec. 9L . : . County Superintendents will make their annual reports to this otlice on or before the 30th day of April in each' year. They are- requested to report concerning their own Ialors, the results of their observations while visiting the schools, their experience in the administration of the School Law pointing out what to them ap pears defective -in the law and all matters of interest: connected with the public School!!" - : They are specially requested to :re- f)ort, any instances of refusal or-n eff ect to adopt in the schools, ' the text books designated under the law and the reasons for such refusal or neglect. They are also requested to report any known instances in which the text books have been Introduced Into the private schools. The County Superintendents are requested to meet at the Capitol, in Lincoln, on Wednesday the twenty third of February, at 10 o'clock A. M., to adopt some general plan for hold ing and conducting County Institutes; to consider the best means of securing the general attendance of teachers at the Institutes ; to devise some-plan for leading the people to a more just appreciation of the necessary qualifi cations of a good teacher, and to con sult upo.i the means best adapted to elevate the character and improve the efficiency of the schools. ' ; i Done at Lincoln this 31st day of January, 1870. S. D. DEALS, State Siijt. Pub. Instruction. Our County Superintendent is deep ly interested in School matters and is working with a will. He has recent ly numbered the Districts in the County, commenclug. at . the North East corner thereof and proceeding llnn umerical order. pG0VER'0R'S PROCLAMATION". State of Nebraska.. Executive Department. Wiieheas, The Constitution of the State of Nebraska, provides that "the Legislature may, on extraordinary occasions, be con vened by Proclamation of the Governor and when so conveued, shall transact no business except such as relates to the object for which they were so conveued, to Ixs stated In the Proclamation of the Governor"and Thereore, In accordance with the provi sion of the Constitution, and by virtue of tlS authority vested iu 1110, 1, David liutler. Governor of tho .State of Nebraska, do call upon the members of the Legislature of the said State, to meet at the Capitol, In Lincoln, on Thursday the 17th day of February, A. D. 1&70, at the hour of 2 o'clock, P. SI., for the purpose of taking action upon the following subjects of Legislation: 1st The ltatiflcatton of the proposed Fif teenth Amendmen- to the Constitution of the United States. 2nd To provide for the erection of the Penitentiary. 3rd To authorise the County Commission ers of Cuming County to issue Bonds amoun lng to $."1,000, for llridge puriioscs. 1th To extend the Jurisdiction of Probate Judges In civil cases. oth To provide for the care and custody of State prisoners. Cth The passage of a Militia Law. 7th The encouragement of Immigration. 8th The relinquishment of state Jurisdic tion over the lands whore the General Gov ernment have erected, or propose to erect, public buildings. atli The Amendment of Section '2, and Section o, of the act entitled "An act to enable counties, cities and precincts, to borrow mon ey on their bonds, or to issue lumas to aid In the construction of works of internal im provement In this State, and legalize Honds already issued." Approved February 15, lrtti!), so far as said Sections provide for the nnnu'al Cayment of any portion of the principle of onds so Issued, loth To provid for relief In cases where Counties have vted or levied taxes in pur suance of the act lant above mentioned for the annual payiw nt of a portion of the bonds issued in pursuance of said act. 11th To amend the act entitled "An act to amend Section 1, of an act entitled an act to provide for the publication of the decisions of the Supreme Court, ami for the payment of the Reporter." Approved February 15th, 1H()0. 12th To ratify nnd confirm a certain con tract made by the Governor for the convey ance of certain lands to Isaac Cahn and John M. Kvaus, to aid in the developemeut of the Saline interests of the State 13th To amend the act entitled "An act to Incorporate cities of the first class, in the State of Nebraska." Approved February 8th 1KKU. - 14th To amend Chapter 53 Revised Statutes entitled "Towns." - - 15th To make preparations for necessary. incidental expenses of State officers. 16th To provide ipr transter 01 .-iaio u ni versity funds. 17 To amend tho act fixing tho time of holding District Court. 18th To make appropriations for the mile age and per diem of che members of the Leg islature and the incidental expenses of the Sessions. 19th To divide the State into Congression al Districts. 3)th To correct clerical errors made In en rolling and reporting the acts of last Session. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be atnxeu tue ureat Seal of theState of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this seventh day of February, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sevents, of the Independence of the United States, the Ninety-fourth, and of this State the Third. By the Governor, DAVIUUCTLKB. T. P. Kexkakd, Sec, of State. yEW ADVERTISEMENTS '0TICE of the adoption lv the City f BrownTiile, Xpmi.ha Conntr. Xeliraska, of the 1'ropnsitiea t Usa Itends to cid ia the I oust ruction or a JUali UoAd. Notic Ih hereby given Unit at a session of the City Council of the City of Brownville. Nemaha County, Nebraska, held at the Mayor's office in said city, on the third day of February. 170, the follow ing proceedings were had and done, to-wit : ihesmid council examined the Election returns. and all the proceedings in the matter or tbe sub mission heretofore made to tbe vote of the legal voters of said city, of the question whetket said city shown issue its J.orids to the amount of Sl.xty Thousand Di-llars to aid in the construction of the Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Kail Rood. Twe Election and voting on said question having beckon the 2th duy of January, 1870. and the said Council having found the said elect! on. and all the proceeduigs therewith connected regular, and In accordance with law, caused said proposition and result of the vote to be entered upon the record of said City of Prownviile. The tVmncd found the result or said Election to be as follows, to-wit : Total number of votes cast ui No. of votes for Bonds and Tax Yes... 1R1 No. of votes 'for Bonds and Tax No Quo Majority of voles for Bonds and Tax Yea16l It Is therefore declared bv the said Council that the proposition was adopted, nd It was ordered that a notice of the said adoption be published for two successive weeks In the Krhraxnt Attverliner and Brmrnitue Dt morrnt newspapers. Given under mv hand at Brownville. Nemaha County. Nebrassa, oa this 15th day of February, ld.U- K. K. tBRlUHT. Mayor. J. C. McNACGrrTosr, Clerk. is-2t THE MAGXIFICEXT CIIROMO ENTITLKO nfter the splendid painting by Bossiterof New York Siie. lsx-it inches. Sent to any address for 1750, which is only half the usual price of pictures of its class. Will be sent to any one who desires for In spection. Send for circulars. CHARLES H. WHEELER. PiiWshrr. Cleveland Ohhv AGENTS WANTED. EVAN WOBTHING, rOSWABDIKO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ofiice and Wareroom i Maln-st.. BROWNVILLE t'NION SCHOOL. Report for the week ending v FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1S70. Number of pnpVs enrolled......... 22? Average dally KUendance. ........ 10 Number of pupils abxent.. 7S Number of half tiny absence, excised 173 Number of half days absence, nnexcused. lil Number of puplii tardy d Number of cases of tardiness IS Time lo8t by tardiness.- 10 hours, 47 mln Numler cases of truancies... Number cases of quarreling and lighting Number cases of falsehood Number cases of profanity Number cases of corporal punishment.. ; ; ROLL, OF IIOXOR.: The following pupils have been perfect In recitation and deportment during the whole week:. .- -. ' Bertha Church Minervle Iclie. . .Louisa Sehantz , Ada .Smith Willie JIarpster Martin Iowo . Eddie MeComas ' Fannie Lorance John Kelly . Daniel Pierce Annie Worthing Harry Crane Johnny Wall . Annie Berber Mary Med lord Mary Schauta Martha Odell Jcnnette Kelly Amanda Hays Hitiina Pierce Moll ie Wall Willie Roy : ! Lucy Baker ' Eddie Arnold Moore Hulberd Fannie Arnold Orinda Johnson Dalia Furlough Theresia Kaker Barbara Somers Ida May LoniMa Wall -Bennie Saunders Willie Saunders David Mercer Denlson Wall Henry Nepher Carrie Iach Eddie Itlch Cara Cogswell Hellen Cogswell Melissa Cogswell Alice Rorjzer Flora .Locke Lucia Arnold W. RICH, Principal. PERU PUBLIC. SCHOOL. , -.. Report of week ending FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1870. No of pupils enrolled.. Average dally attendence........, Greatest per day........ ;. Truancies..... , Quarreling..........'. Cases of corporeal punishment.. ,.90 .70 .75 . 0 . 0 . 0 , ROLL OF HONOR. Those. whose conduct la pralsworthy ; Scelia Vance . I-eena Vance - Martha Lyons Edgar W Lyons David Sti tea . Dora Wyno Melissa Williams Jester F Williams Ida Swan ' There appears to ne an increasing interest In nearly all the classes, snd a good feeling among the- children. School pleasant and agreeable and a decided , improvement In thef general conduct of many of the pupils. The people arc so well satisfied with the school that they have- left the whole control and management with jtho teacher, without fav oring him with a slnglo visit. ISAAC BLACK, Teacher LONDON SCHOOLS. ifd Reported for the week ending FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1870. Number of pupils enrolled.... 105 Average dally attendance... : 01 Number or pupils absent it Number of alisence of half days, . ,. 0 Number of cases of tardiness . 7 Time lost by tardiness 0 hours. 3tmin. Number of cases of tardfnes 0 NBinlrofcascsofquarellnp:andflKbtIiiK 1 umber of cases of falsehoods . . 2 Number of cases of profanity 4 D. W. Pkaksox, Associate S. W. McGitEW, Principals. T TTTT'TCrrpri'DCJ and others Interested In Pitt- X JjXI 1U1VU rnt BiuineMt should address nuitx mtfts., .Patent Law-years and Solicit ors. 4.r,9Nlnth-t., Washington. 1). C. for Advice and Circular. Iitrnts otitainnl or iu charye. Letter from llon.1). J Mollmcnir, formerly hm mixsionrr of Jntmt. dated WMShinirtnn. Murr-h 30, 1S8 : "I cheerfully commend to all Dcmmi whn may have business in the Patent Oillce the llrm of i-Aison jjros., as gentlemen of prompt business hab its, and in every respect worthy of confidence." I concur la the above. T. t. THKAKKR, IS-itai Lute Oj;;. J'alt. NOTICE Of the Adoption by Brownville Pre cinct, Nemaha County, Nebraska of the Proposition to lone Bonds to aid tn the Construction of a Kailroad. Notice Is hereby riven that at a session of th the board of the County Commissioners of Nemaha County in the State of Nebraska, held at Brownville in said County on the Sth day of February 1S70, the following anion other proceedings were had and done, to-wit: The said Board examined the elec tion returns and all of the proceedings in the matter of the submission heretofore made to the vote of the lenal voters of Brownville Precinct, in Nemaha County, State of Nebraska, of the mestion whether said Precinct should issue Its txnds to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to aid in the con struction of theBrownville, Fort Kearnev fc Pacific Rail Koud. The election and votinonsuld question having been held on the Itth day of January, 1S70, and tlie said Board hnviriK lirarnl the said election and all the proceedings therewith connected regular and In accordance with law, caused said proposition aiTtt result of the vote to be entered upon the record of the said County of N em a la. The Board found the result of the said election to he as follows to-wit: Total number of votes cast 3W Number of votes for Bonds and Tax Yes .. 31ft Number of votes for Bonds and Tux No .- HS Majority of votes for Bonds and Tax Yes 2(3 It was therefore declared by the said Board that the said proitosltlon was adopted, and it was ordered that a notice of the said adoption be published for two succenslve weeks in the Xehranka AiiivrtUrr and the JiroicnrUle Imvrrat newspapers. (tiven under my hand, at Brownville, In said County of Nemaha, on this 5th day of February, A. I). 1870. JAMES M. HACK PTTt. 17-3t County Clerk. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HOME IXSURAXCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Oo the first day of January, A.I). 1870, made to the Auditor of the State of braska, pursuant to the Statute of that State. NAME ANU LOCATION. The name of this Company is the HOME IXSU RA XVE COMPAXV. incorporated in 1&!S3, and loca ted in the City of New York. CAPITAL. The Canltal of FnM Comnanv actual) v pain up ill cash. Is fl.OOO.OOO d) The Surplus vu the 1st day of January, ' ' 1S70 . 2.3!,9S0 C3 Total amount of Capital and Surplus... 4,3!&,9o (JO ASSETS. Amount of Cash in Continental National Bank, N. Y .. 39,156 13 Cask in hands of Agents, andiu course of transmission . 40,769 SI V. S. ltegistered and coupon Stock ls-il. i market value $ Ani.i'A till- l,t9;.373 75 United States Bonds, 5-ai l,:Tv,3o3 75 ) Missouri Bonds. 6-cer cent.. market value 21,720 00 North Carolina Bonds, 6-pcr cent., market value . '5,462 50 Tennessee Bonds. 6-per cent, market value....- 13,000 00 Wisconsin Bonds, G-per cent, market value.......... 30,000 00 Illinois Bonds, -per cent., market value 10,33) 00 Rhode Island Bonds, 6-pr cent., market valne. . 50,000 00 California Bonds, 7-pcr cent., market value 59,000,00 Connecticut Bonds, market 528,333 00 value 101,000 00 New York City and County Bonds, market value... 73,500 00 Queens County Bonds, mar ket value 25,000 00 Kicbmond County Bonds, market value 2n,V) 00 Brooklyn City Bonds 83,373 00 Alabama Bonds . s.fioo o) South Carolina Bonds.-. 1C.70 50 Bank Stocks, market value 138,100 00 lans on nomis and Mortgages, being . the first leln of record on Unen cumbered Keal Estate, worti at leat f3,753,9uo, rate of Interest 7-per cent .. Loans on Stocks and Bonds, payable on demand, the market value of 1,460,915 00 securities pledged, at least fsll.Soo-1 5o. ) Steamer Magnet aud Wrecking apparatus Other Property, Miscellaneous Items Due for Premiums on Policies issud at Office (Fire and Indlandi. Bills Receivable for Premiums on Inland Navigation Risks, C-c . Interest due on 1st January. 1S70...... Government Stamps on hand.-.. . Real Estate 498,675 00 35,7) 27 41,54 56 6,936 85 1,91 A 83 &.SM2 35 15 44 1,500 00 f 1,516,368 46 LIABILITIES. Amount of Losses adjusted, due and un paid. Losses incurred, and in process of adjust ment 119,867 84 Dividends declared and due and unpaid. 530 00 liiviuenas either or casn or scrip, de clared but not j-et due....-....- All otherezisting cliiius against the Co. Total Losses, Claims and Liabilities 120,3a7- 83 The greatest amount insured on anr one risk Is 575.100, but will not as a general rule exceed f lu.OOO. The Com uanv has no ireru.ral rule as tn ihmmimni allowed to be insured in anv citv. town. villfuA if I block, being governed in this matter, in each case, I by the general chancier of buildings, width of streets, facilities for putting out flrus. tc. A certified copy of the Charter or Act of Incor poration, as amended. accomDanitd a nrevioua btatetnent. . Stat nf Tw Y.-trk 1 City and County of Sew York,)6 Charles J. Martin. President and John IT trash. burn, Secretary of the Home Insurance Company being severally and duly sworn, depose ana say. ana eacn ior nimseir says, lhat the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of the said Corporation, and that they axe- the above des- uriueu oiucers uereoi, Signed! CHAM. J M"AHTIN, Pres't. Signed . J. 1L WAUBVKN, Sec'y. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of January, A.JJ. 16a SignedJ . TKOri. V. OOODRIcn. oUry Public. JX0. L. CAE SOX, Areat, Brownville, Ntbraska. is-it I K. II. WIWOX. joiixq. a. smith. STORAGE, FOIU'lD AND coimissioxr kousk S3I1TII & "WILCOX, And 'dealers la all kinrfs ff Grain, for which they F etc the hiifhesl tuarKet price in vasn 0 I aaroaiee at Store of F. K. Johnson Co. 18-6m 1 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF . . THE HARTFORD TIRE INSURANCE - COMPANY", Oa the Thirty-First day of December, I8C9, made to the Aiuitor of the State of Nebraska, la conformity witk the lawi or Said Mate. The name of this Company is "The Hart Torn Fire Insurance Co. aud is located at Hartford, Conn. CAPITAL. The amount of Capital Stock Is f l.noo.WO 00 l iie aatounc or i apitui Mcctc paid up, is i,uuo,ou ou ASSET. Cash on hand and In Bank .. 161.613 IS Cash in hands ot Atrenta, and ia course of transmission JyOans on Bond and Mortifatje, 1st lien... Keal Ktitate unencumbered Keuts und Interest accrued, puyableJan uury lMt, 1870..... . Stocks aud Bonds, as per Schedule tiled 142.W9 83 5.T7.749 7 13O,0U0 00 13.515 10 l,5.rft40 W 12,544,210 LIABILITIES. liabilities to Banks, or others, due or noi uue ...... .... Losses adjusted and due......... Losses cither unadjusted or udjusted and not due 131,241 85 jUB3CTiii3u-m;iis.!iwaiiineiiir''..iiprnri!r All other claims against the Company... . . 1134,241 85 . MISCELLANEOUS. Tho jrreatest amount insured In anv one rink Is I f-a',1100, except in special cases. The amount insured tn any one City, Town or 1 unite, depends upon Us sue and how built. 'l ue amount insured in any cue Dlix-K, depends as above. Certified Copy of the Charter of tbe Coin Dan r. as meu uereioiure. CiKO. r CTTASE. President. C C. J.VitAs', Asst. Secretary. Kt4 n? fjiiArt ?rnt Hartford Uoun ty. s . January 25th. 1870, person all v appeared. Geo. L. Chase, President, and C. C. Lyman, Assistant Sec retary of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, and made oath that the 1'oreifoiuK stateraerr t-y them subscribed, is a true, full, and correct state ment'of the Htfairs of said Company, and exhibits so far as con be ascertained at this date its actual condition this thirty-first day of December, 1KS9. Before me. GEORGE, 'otary Public. J0. L. CARSON, Agent, lS-4t ! Brownville. Nebraska. FATORITE THROUGH PASSENGER ROUTE. : CHICAGO, BURLINGTON &. QUINCY RAILROAD. Shortest, Best, Quickest, and onlj Di rect Route to Chicago Best, and In every particular, the most desirable route to - DETROIT, XlAGAR.t FALLS. JOLKDO, CLEVELAND, BUFFALO. JiOCJES'TE7I, ai'JiAcusi:, ALMAxr, COLUMBUS, J'lTTSP.URG, HAKRTHOXH Utlft, Pill LA TtELPHIA BALTIMORE, WASHIXGTOX, SEW YOIIH ASD DOSTOX, and all principal Eastern cities. 1 The smooth and perfect Track, Magnificent Day Coaches, PULLMAXS PALACE FLEEPISU CARS, and the regularity with which trains are run on this Favorite ltoute, are a sulUcient guarantee to passenger, of SAFETY, COMFORT AXD SPEED. Direct and sure connections are made at Chicago, with tbe celebrated XKW YORK AXD CHICAGO LIGJITXIXO EXPRESS TRAIXS, Giving passengers choice of three routes from CHICAGO TO XEW YORK ' WITHOUT CHAXffE OF CARS. --Sr,PASSENfJEItS GOING EAST, and desirous kifE& of securing all the comforts of modern ltailroad Travel, should be particular to atk fur and see that their Tirkrta re.'-il Chicafin, Riirlinrjtnn, and iiuitic RaiirtMtl, which can be ubtained at'nll prin cipal oflices of St. Joseph and Council Bluffs K. R., Hannibal A St. Joseph Kailroad, und at the Com pany's .Depot in Quincy. Fare alirayt a low an by any other Route. ROBERT HARRIS, (?en"l Supt., Chicago. SAM'L POWELL, (ien'l Tkt.Agt., Chicago. Ji. A. l'AllKMI, Gen'l W.I'ass.Agt.Chicago IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS TOR KANSAS CITY, SAIXT LOUIS, AND BEYOND. THE MISSOURI VALLEY RAILROAD Is the only direct route from St. Joseph to Kansas L:uy. ana in connection with the rA ir lv RAIls- ROA l, (ot Mi). forms the best route tost. .Louis aud the East and South. By Utk'.MK the Morning train out of St. Joseph at 7:-v, pasfeiiRcrs reacn Jvansas city at 11:J"J a.m. without cuange of cars! uy leaving St. Josepn on the I p.m. train, passen gers reach Kansas City at 4:-J;p.tii., and St. Louis at li o clock next morning, making sure connection with all morning trains out of St. Louis going East nnurouin, anu maKing ine same time out of St. Louis as they would had they left St. Joseph on the b:w a.m. train on me liannioai St. Josepn Kail- rouu, inus saving SIX HO URS AXV THIRTY MIXUTES, and one night's hotel bill In St. Lonia. Passengers leaving st. Louis at :) p.m. arrive In St. Joseph at mtn.m. the following day, and make IMMEDIATE connexion with the Council Bluffs train for points ?.orth. KroSplend!d Sleeping Cars from Kansas City! uuyyour l iCKeis via -lo, Valley Kailroad. JOS. H. FORI), Oen I Tick et Apt. J. T. BANART). Orn'l SvH rintentlrnt. McPHERSON'S HALL!! TWO NIGIITT ONLY. FEIUt VARY ISth and 19th WeIcotS the return of THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY SKIFP & GAYLORD'S MINSTRELS. DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS, Knch member se lected from the front ranks of Minstrelsy. Prof. I SchafTneer's Beautiful Panitlieopticonlca has. at great expense, been engaged, and is with this com pany. ADSISSIOX, 50c. KFEKTED SEATS, 75c; LOW OAYLOBD, Sole IToprletor. JOE OAYIiOKI) A MACK. Agents. x IMPORTANT! The attention of Hardware DealersCar and nouse Builders and owners is respectful- invited to the Patent Never-Failing, 8eIf.Locking WINDOW FAST." This is decidedly the most Important invention of modern times. Its simplicity and wonderful adaptation both for HO USE and CAR WINDOWS is penectly astonishing: accomplishing everything mat can possioiy oenesireu, anu yet being c it kaikk than any other window fast. For house windows it dispenses with weights and pulleys, operating equally well on top and bottom sashes, allowing either to be raised or lowered as much or little as wished to secure ventilation, and yet be secnrely locked at every point, from the intruder or burular, ana win never set out or order, it has the peculiar element of locking itselfin whatever position you leave it. For steiim or horsd car wihdows they are finished in a variety of styles, maelng an elegant nnish fort lie ear windows and the only arrangement ever introuucea mat can never tan. The House Fasts for sale bj all Hardware Dealer Liberal inducements to agents. Send for descrip tive circulars ana prices, sc, !tc. BOSTON & MERIDEX JIANF'G CO. 134 Feural-st,BoHtoa, 77 rharubers-st.SewTork "WESTKRN BRANCH OFFICE, 163 Dearborn-st., Chicago, 111., P. W. I'UIKR, 17-4t Oen'I Traveling Business Agent. The subscriber wislies to exchaiiire a small Plantation near Memphis, Tenn. for GOOD IMPROV ED OR UNIMPROVED LAND, in Southern or Southeastern Nebraska. For further particulars address, A. J. MARTIN. 11-3TO Memphis, Tenn. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership between It. P. KutHiins. Thomas Ii. W'iswall. A. J. Bell and John H. Morrison, under the firm name or li. r. llutchens & Co., is this day dissolved. K. P. Hutchins is authorized to use the name of the nrm in liquidauon. k. jr. iiu iviii.-ss. 1HOMASL, WlsWALL ANDKFAV J. It EI. I., JOH.V If. MOKRIisON. Krownville, Xebrasky, January 26, lsTO. 16-3tpd HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION. For the Belief and Cure of the Krrlnc and Unfor tunate, on principles of Christian Philanthropy. .Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid for the afflicted, sent free. In scaled Kovelopes. Address, HOWARD A-SStJCTATION, Bog P. Philadelphia, Pa. 2-lr 110. i GRIST LULL FOIl SALE. For cash I offer for sale the half Interest of the fJrist Mill and Water Power, known as the Fairview Mills, Nemaha county, Nebraska. Possession given next Mav. 14-2m JOSEPH TIIOMrHON. Jr. JACOB MAROHX, UERCHAIIT TATXOIt, o S3 H I w Eh o 1-1 o w a w PS o B ' 9 m O M M a a a a "3 a i o 3 3 u j LOUIS WALDTEER. THE PIOEER, Is fully prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGN.CARRIAGE, Ornamental Painting, Guild ins;, Glazing, Paperhangtng, Ac. PHILLIPS & B ABNES' . , GREAT YESTEHN 5 . mTl Liery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Corner ilain and Levee St U II OWN VI LLC HAVING purchased this Stable of A . P. Cogswell. we nre prepre1 to famish thebei tTKAMs, BU;iIKS imd CARRIAGES in South rn Nebraska, at LOWEST CASH KATES. Room for Fifty Horses. Corral for Stock. Particu lar att ention paid to Feeding or lioar'lirig Horses. 45 1yJ rillLLirs & flAKXW. to i i i TO THE WOUKIXfJ C'LASS.-We are prepai ea to turnisn all classes with constant em ployment at home, the whole of the time or forth spare moments. Business new. light and profitable, i'erso-is ot either sex eusiiy earn from Mic to fl eveniirg, ana a proportional sum oy devoting thei whole time to the business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this no tice Hiny send their address and test the business we m:iice mis onparaiieitii oner: to such as are notwull satisln-d, we will send one dollar for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to cummcnce work on, and aenpj or toe jrop'r s l.trrrary iumpnnionon o the largest and best family newspapers publishe ail sei.i iree oy imui.. Header 11 you want perma nent, proruauie, employment, ouuress, v. al L.N .fe CO, Augusta, Maine. l-3m Ilroad Street, betweet 3d &. 4th. FREMONT, NEBRASKA. S. II. FOWLER, PUOPKIETOR. Thta House is within SO rods of the U. P. K. R. and S. C. A P. 11. R. lepots. Hacks leave lor West Point daily, and Lincoln tri-weekly. . " -tf 3ALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION OF GOTERXJIEXT PROPERTY IlEAIirARTEHS DM'ABTMKNT OF TI1K PLATTK,") OrriCK OF CHIKF Ql'ARTKKMASTKH, . V Omaha, Ntui., Jan. ta, 1870 ) Th( re will be sold at Public Auction, at the Gov ernment Corrai. In this cty. on Saturday, February ine u in, me ioiiowiug puouc property: SO Holies, 10 3Iul s, 6 Indian I'onien, l.",COO Gunny Sackg, 1,009 lbs. Ragx. Particulars can be obtained on application at this office. Terms: Cash in Government funds. By jrder of Bvt. ilaj. Ocn. '. C. Augur. WM. MYERS. Bvt. Brig. Gen. 15-4t Chief (Quartermaster. 9 Cf "I 3 o 3 0 1 ft "1 t 3 "5 n 3 si s 9 ft e rn O O S3 9 t 3 30 4 DR. Y7HITTIER, A REGULAR GRADUATE OF MF.DICINK. as diploma t OfHce will sr ow, nas oeen loncer engare! sn te treatment of Vkn er kaIj, Skxcai. and I'un a r. 1iseas K. than any other physician in St. Lo'iis. ypiillis, (ii'imrrliie; (iieet. Stricture, (nrhlttis. Heriiia. and Kuptnre: all urinary Disea---s and S-ptiilitic or Mercurial Alllictions or Throat, lS'cin or Bones, are treated with unparaiictled si ccess.- Spermatorrhea, irexual Ix-bbility and Impo t( ncy, as the re-suit of self in youth, sexu al, excess In mtiturer years, or other causes, nnd which produce some (if the following effects, as Nocturnal EniKsieiis, blotches, liebiKty. dizzi-n-?ss, dimness of siRiit. confusion of ideas, e vil ft reucding, aversion to nociety of females, Itss oi' memory- and .sexual pewef, nini ren iering u arriae improper, are p'ruiHiientiy cured The Doctor's opiKirtiinitics in hospitul and p -Ivate practice are unsurpii.sssl in sr. Louis or a iy other ciry. Bu-k ri of st. lynis papers prove that he inus ben located here loutcer than aiy other so advertising. The establishment, litirary, laboratory and appointments, are un rivalled In the west, un-surptutsed anywhere. Age, wilh experience, mn b relied rim, and t'.ie doctor can rer to many physiclaiiH .hnnigh- 0 it the counrr .-. In past suciss and present position liest' without a competitor. The W'Htlnasof a Prijufclan whnf rrp- tation is I'nlon-w lile nbult be worth reading. 1 octor TV iriTTfEa publishes HMrtlir'al I'rr.nj.h Ut relating t'i venereal liseass and the lisa-ti-ous and varied consifuience of sell'-ahuse that v ill be sent to any ndiir-s iu a seiiled envelope for two stamps. Many physicians introduce pa tients to the doctor after reading his medical pimphlet. Communications confidential. A friendly talk will cost vou nothing. Ofiice cen- tral, yet retired No. HIT SU Charles street. St. l oins. Mo. Hours 'js.ui. to 7 p.m. Sundays 12 l 2 p.m. 22-r LAFAYETTE MILLS. i Ituated on the I.lttle Nemf.ha Diver, sixteen miles north of HrownviiU'. and fourteen southwest of Nebraska Cltv. Having pnrchiis! the entire interest In theabove M us, and thoroughly repaired and impcoved the sa ne, also erected a TTFfn fry rsrn 5i;.l m h b 'l n thereto, I am now prepared to do all kinds of EXCHANGE or CUSTOM WOEK on short notice and reasonable terms. !Lumberof all kinds. Floury Meal and sttintly on hand for sale, or in Feed, con- EXCIIACK for Grain or Htock of any kind. ' All Work Warranted. D. C. SANDERS. Proprietor. -lT "lMES. Endless in style and quanti 1. ty. at HETZEL'? TOB WORK, Neatlj and IMainly fJ Eiecsjtea.attheAdvcrtisieTJobK'Jwms. E ft H Q PJ )N i H 2 a3 M V til V XEGAZ NOTICES Prebate Xotlee. k06 U """""r given that Neln R. w filed his application in th Probat ConrT P'J l ha County, iitate of Nebraak a to b nTf -N 9 citice ii mentoCT Adilir 'n' HSWEIT A Aw.0 -1Wb- ana tnat Saturtsv tyTr it BrownvVi. ..ik. , and m. ,.i ,, -V.r V.'" w hartn. - U3GAL- XOTICE. "" " J T J1 X. Reynolds, Xon-n,.M Uefendcnti '",-"esl4 3 You will tk notice that John T r. commenced an action W lounor .Nemaha dionty. Nebriwk .Wr to appear and answer as garn si ee i?Tn not!al put to hini touching j r 5,: ?uT- his possesion or under his control. Tot arVST ed to plead answer or demnr to n ii, ' re tWt ou erlefore the a,th da v o f m a rcl! a u P?hUo 17-lt "'""A3 Ui'.ODT Attorneys for Plainy' PROBATE SOTIcn. as the time and the ofiice of ti,e Proha-i t?lo(' he place, of hearing said pPlition I snd iuS m luaiu.iu. - -fiiuy- ..... - A. 'Jha Juj,"f LEGAL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that i .,;., t 3 filed in the District Court ol NnuT bM brvska. in acause wherein Jnmni H.'""Ur, N-: i.i. on.. Jim . jne uirK, v I'llac, s . " J""i- r. Ilallaud Henry J. hiiles h wp ui.jTn i, iiu iirjrr ii safa petition is t. k, "is ment against said Wi;;ia s! ?I?rk Z .'V'' with interestrom September :m yj .t 'th ' i fifteen per cent, per annum . .' " Ahe thirty-s'x t.3fi. townshin ;iT? ',"",r.!Twe enst. and lot one in block tbtrtv n'ne . -u v n ( 14) City. Nebrask.and to biv W nl4",' to have Priority and prefer Z-l 'TJlW?- of said Robert P. Hall and H 1U, li!Vr .i Hiuiyjom . nan and Henry J Km overall incumbrances whatsoever uim and to sell said iremises and arplyth. thereof in payment of said note .d land. nnt aiu Kouert i. Ueu and Henry J. R iia.. reouired to plead, answer or rtemur to a a &7tZ? on or before the nth dav of March wo K,li-oa. now 15-tt 1HU.MA.S4HKOADV, i:stiia Y y OTIC EH. per KSTHAY NOTICE. " Taken np by the nn1ers!gned. living mie-hs'f mM. west orNernaha City, Nemaha Countv. Nebraska 1 on ! ebr-.i iry 1st. l:i, one two reur old rd White on belly, bash of tail whi. nrt small wW GTx.r In rnruhb.,1 ........ . in " . uuuuu nii'M car. ana an iindvrku left ear. 17-6t-pd V.'. H. H. KNIGHT. JUSTICE'S SALE. . I wiU offer for sale at auction, on the !eth df ' February next, nt the of Andrew Sharr !a Lafayette precinct, Nemaha coiinty, braii.s yearling Muiw. taken up as nnrstray . ' A. H. BKOWN, Jvsticee' th( Fsaes. Lafayette, Jua. 7. 1ST.). 14-0t nsaBnaanDOMi DR. J. BLAKE, DEHTIST .?:-. t i Would respectftilir t-jnnTKHiiii-e'liHt lirhM s,- loc:itim Itrownvii: und is m.w prerartd mm manner, ALL $r- - L.iiiis N-riiiiinv v the science of inn- tintry. Offick Over City Drug Store ,.lnmt room. Wt FRANZ HELIIER, JAGO.'J & LACK SMITH JrIG? ONE DOOR WEST OF COFRT HOTSE. 7ACON MAKING, Reia!rinir. W . I'lov.-s. Rn 1 all work done In theU-st niannf r and on short notice, anieed. (.iive him acall. Satisfaction PHELPS HOUSE. Pprxisite the I)epot, IIIHrLl?s5 CITY, MO, W. 3L. SjTE VENS, rBoi-Birnn. 3 As irooil accnmmodatlnns and zol tsVlni sre ofTrreJ as can had in the West. l-f-'I . mm oo s ii MAKER. No. 15 Main Street, " ' 1 BROWNVILLE. NKB. Has constantly on hand a succrlor tick of Bocts and shoes. Custom work dcr.e with iieainen ml dispatWi. H. H. BRYANT, ; HOUSE, SIGH, AND UfllM P A I N T E R, , Gr alncr Paper Hanger, No." 60 MAIN STREET, Erown-irlllA. Xebrasta. 5 r.--tf ' J. K. FRETZ, - UBBI1GEV 0BIHD1IL AND SIGN PAINTKK. OVEH II KI.M Kit's) WAGON SI1P, llrownvllle, AcbrasUa. 01' 'FEUS lii.s Horvict-rt to the ut'Ii wltli ihe conflilrnt I)fl! f that uf11 will meet the i prybatixiiof hl tatruus. , L . w 1 1 j - Shellenljorger Ero3. BD17UE ii hi No. 74, "; 3IcPlicrsons IIlocU, BROWNVILLE, 3NKB. SOLE AGKNT9 FOR. a m CANTOH- CLIPPER PLOWS!. THE BEST l'LO V MADE ! ARCHITECTS & BDILDEU Are prepared to furnish DESIGNS & SPECIFICATION . for a!! kinds of " , BUILDINGS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, ; of the latest and most approved sty. ALSO TAKE CONTRA" Alt iiruls nf Job Work done to orirr ! Jf-Shop, corner Main and Second streets. 1 BROWXVILLE. XZB. NEW STOCK OF Dry-Good and Groceri- A. VT. ELLI. Tn immiminta the cnM!i in and tx' has received, and opened up In that pi stock of rlnl GRY-GOOPS, GROCKnlFS, R which he Is skiing at p7le u-. tlou from the riTer towns. - . PATRONIZE IIOM:E,nnd V , Inir ii n n. ixi'nt in tho i.itenor. nr" t :a can icet x,dt ust as cheap, whicu i u store of Mr. Ellis. - Clocks, Watches, Jewjgy No. 59 Main Street, cru.-- josepii in r-r lias Jtist ornI '..iiosw.rt Wl keen on hand a large atM f-Cst,x-k of genuine articles iu - Ttetalriae of Hocks, elry done on short notice. VTx-n. - ALL WORK - ,.777 vit VariVtj HATS and ;aw.- 'rrrn and ftj-lc, at meutaga.nst you for ths- following kmonVU,,, Interest from the time below va e-t tw"t VTiu with interest from July lt. lv, y o s K- est from September ith. .4 enron tlIXllr eral promissory notes. Th rl two - ing been tiled, au oTde r7t'c tn X ffi1 7" Lsaued and the following has bXh JM property, to-wit: Lou 15 ZV F'??" Jr Wvn s addition to Brownr'ae Nm?a ta Nebraska, and Nathn x uJll: -;tmn -oiiiiit Notice Is hereby riven to all persons wbnn concern, that Andrew Shaf-r l!as ma"je? " H m7 to be api-ehued guanlian of the , ph'; Msg'laleneshaferflecea.sed; and that ti l- f appointed the 1st day nfMareh i .. ,.fc,J"N daiei October loth. 17, niHd bT f. ' and William S. dark " r ,7, , r Vr Drain or order, of juiul i!!Llliw' v cent, per annum, one Vwi Jirter da e T I close mortsrair- of eve'n ! wif h .vfi Aiw u note, executed and d "ver'i bv ti e n,rlD? 3 note to the pyee thereof, mi fou fi AhViJL.-'fs the we4 half of Uie smith-II '',h' of UD I ! (I