AGMCU LXURAL. R.W. FURNAS, Editor. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1870. a NEBRASKA AITLES. ' Yesterday afternoon we met on the street, the veteran nurseryman and fruit grower of Rockford, 111., J. 8. Bheannaa,. rha has been traveling about Nebraska intending to Invest in some of our lands. In answer to our inquiry as to his opinion about fruit growing here, he remarks Nebraska can beat the world, and I can prove it. And opening his carpet sack, showed us Holland Pippin, Jfennocks Winter, Ben Davis and Talpahawken apples. Superb specimen, and as we surmised had been presented by Col. Furnas. Mr. 8. said they were taken from a large bin, and in the lot he had not seen one that was wormy. We consider this testimony from an old fruit grower of Illinois, worthy of note, and Just what we nave often said was true. Omaha Herald. Mr. Shearman spent a few days In this place, and was in perfect exsta cies over specimens of Nebraska fru its. The varieties above mentioned far exceeded anj'tbing he had before seen anywhere, and he took specimens to the Iowa State Horticultural Society. Amatcnr Cultivator's Guide to the Flower and Kitchen Garden, Wash burn & Co., Seed Merchants Horti cultural Building, Boston, Mass. To these gentlemanly and enterpri sing dealers and publishers we are indebted for a copy of this valuable little volume. It contains a vast amount of valuable information and presence of the trees planted, but the instruction relative to planting and productiveness of the soil is actually cumVating the Flower and Kitchen Increased, which can easily be shown Gar(len . a comuiete list of all seeds : by scientific demonstration. i3 extensively illustrated, giving de- One of the best things our fotate can j f hot-beds. dans for crardens. . . . ... ti.. - r ti. " w . do to-day, Is to expeuu iiuerauy oi iu anJ wiI1 5e an ornament to any centre landa to plant timber on remaining tal)Ie Every lady, especially who . a r s a a i portions. Four per cent, or me ciaie Iove flowera an(i desire to cultivate Lands about the Capital, especially them ghould have a cony, fiend expended in planting timber in otner cent3 to tue publishers. portions, would, in ten years, add flfty - AaOTJIER GOOD XOYE. A member of the Illinois Constitu finnl Convention has introduced provision in the Constitution requiring County Supervisors to cause trees to be planted along the highways, the cot to be paid by taxation. The plan ' is, that five per cent, of the highways in each county be planted each year. . The Editor of the Wcatcrn Farmer calculates this, "that in a. county 20 miles square there would be 800 .miles of highway. This would require 4D miles of trees to be planted each year. Trees at 33 feet apart would give 12,000 trees in eachcounty, each year." What would such a yearly effort accomplish for Nebraska in a very few years? The difference in . the production of the soil, by reason of this protection, would be ten fold the expense. Few people understand the real importance of tree planting . tn o tMfitriA rnnntrv like OUrs. It not iU nni ml .la w pal Mi bv reason of the ?few England Historic Geneological SocIety7TVe are Indebted to the au thor, for a copy of the arihuftl Vddress bf Hon. M: Vt WliDER PresIdeni of the New'Erigla'nd Historic Oeneolog lcal Society, held at Boston January 5th, I'STfjfo which vare appended the proceedings of that meeting, a list of Life Members, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society' Slammoth Russian Sun Flower " ' Seed: . The heads of this 'enormous variety grow to the also-of fifteen to eighteen laches la diameter, and produce seed 190 buxhcla to the bat. possesses usual fattening qualities. Seed white and Ttry large. 8eut postpaid 3 cts per pack n re. ' '-- , .i-k,i. -K. BATCIIELLER.' IVtt Box 2565, Boston, Massachusetts. As often heretofore tald, w now repeat, we will take pleasure tm receiving and forwarding Orders to anjr of oar advertising pat rOBI. i tri AGRICULTURAL ADVERTISEMENTS only, will be Inserted on this page. TERMS: IIS CST8 PER LINK VT SPACE. XACH INSKRTION Kpkciai, ffoncKB. 15 eta. per Dne, each lnaer- ium. . , Cards of five lines space, $15 per year. TO THE FARMERS o r THE XEMAHA LAND DISTRICT I We keep constantly on band everything In the way or line nullum? Material you may need, in quantities sulilcient to supply all demands that may be made; and, manufac turing our material from the tree, paying no Intermediate percent., we will sell as low, If not lower tnan any i am in tne west. Kilbourn, Jenkins 4l Co., 12-3m Cor. itu & Main, lirownvll'e. Osage Orange Plants. The largest and finest lot ever offered In .Nebraska, ana ior sale low lor casn, vj H. C. LETT. per cent, to the value of the lands planted. Will our Legislature give these matters the attention their im portance demands? Our State is pure Jy an agricultural region, and it wants agricultural effort and assistance A Good Sized Farm. Maj. B. F. Lusiibaugh, a gentle- 'm.n vol! known throughout the State, has recently purchased the old home farm of Hon. Geo. P. Tucker, one of the pioneers and permanent men in Johnson county. This gives the Major, with other lands he own ed, adjoining this, a snug little farm, v.rPA and a half miles loner. He now has five hundred and sixty acres un Apr cultivation, and where he has already planted two thousand peach trees, and other fruits in proportion. He has also just given his order for one thousand apple, pear, plum, cher ry, apricot and Nectarines, to be plan ted the coming spring. The Major has invested quite extensively in cat tie and swine, and is in a fair way t Bhow off a County. 'big" farm in Johnson beheld, was brought into this place on c Friday last, by Mr. Valextixe Liv . directly opposite our county. A vari ety known in Pomology as Danver's AVintpr Rwppf. is cortainlv one of the tnnaf. mnrrnlflfipnt annlps Wfi havp seen or tasted ; fruit rather large, roundish oblong, flesh yellow, fine, ' sweet and rich, well handled will keep till April. Can be seen at Cy. Pollocks. The trees upon which these ' apples grew were fifteen years old, and yielded the past season, an aver age of twenty bushels to the tree. He C.V. "i J""" 1 " , making $40 to the tree, one hundred and eight trees to an acre, twenty feet apart the proper distance for this country at $40 per tree makes the snug little sum of $4,320 per acre. Mr. Llvlncston informs us that he has been a resident of Atchison coun. ty. Mo., for thirty-six years. He has a fine orchard and Is successful in growing all kinds of fruits, partlclarly apples and pears. His orchard Is sit uated on the bluff lands, near Bock port, on a Northorn slope. . The Plattsmouth Daily Herald, of Jan. 4th says; "We received a private letter from Lincoln a fewdays since, in we find the following sentence. "1 saw a man breaking nrairie close to Lincoln on the 18th of December, and he was We have known instances of farm ers in Nemaha County, plowing on both Christmas and New Years day. We were pleased to make the ac . qualntance, the other day, of E. M. LirsEY, Esq., who has recently loca ted In this place. He has purchased Dr. Blackburn's place In this city, and is going extensively into stock ' and grain business. He brought with him some fine Magee hogs, and has purchased others since here. Mr. L. is deliehted with our country, and is taking hold in good earnest. Such men are not only welcome, but very desirable. L..A. Walker, Esq., Treasurer Btate Board of Agriculture, Is 'laylng on his oars" and enjoying a little leis ure in looking over the country. While &t Fort Boott, Kansas, he wrote us, from which we extract the following: To tell you the truth, the general appearance of fruit trees contrasted with ours at home would seem to Justify me in using the leisure time just now at my disposal, in further ex amining that section of country on or near the 37th degree north. One thing is 6ure, however, that deep, rich and mellow soil is very considerably scarcer on the elevated lands in the region of Fort Scott tlian there in Nebraska on our high lands but more of this when we nave seen more of it. For the exceedingly beautiful bo quet of Scarlet Geraneums which gra ces our editorial table, we are indebted Mm. L. Hoadley of this place. Mr. L. is a devoted and expert culti vator of both house and garden plants. Thanks for the kind remcmberance. " Quite a number of New York MI1 lionars have got "Arab Steeds" on the brain, and are spending large sums of money in importing fine, pure Arab Etock. That is not a bad way for Bennett, George -Wilkes, Jerome and others to get rid of their surplus cash. The country will derive some benefit from it In the end. The "Exeellsior Warren Improved noe." Our readers and citizens will remember this hoe as on exhibition at our, County and State Fairs. It ob tained premiums at both.- We have heretofore given our opinion of this valuable implement. We learn from the manufacturers, Warren & Heuitt, Ceresco, Michigan, that they are manufacturing extensively - for spring trade. We have no hesitancy in heartily recommending this hoe. Specimens can be seen on our premis es. We hope to see some of our Ag ricultural Implement Dealers bring on a supply of the Excellsior. For par ticulars address the firm at Ceresco. Mich., or 167 South Clark st., Chicago, Illinois. American Pomologbal Society. We have received the proceedings of the American Pomological . Society- Twelfth Session held at Philadelphia, Sept. 15th and 17th, 1869. It is a large volume of over two hundred pages, containing all the discussions, reports from various parts of the Uni ted States, reports of committees on fruits and complete list of all fruits worthy of cultivation, showing to what part of the country they are best adapted. This valuable volume is only distri buted to members of the American Pomological Society. Any one can become a member by paying the sum of $2. Address Thomas P. James, Treasurer, Philadelphia, Pa. Sherman, Jan. 25 1870. Mr. Editor : Last December I in vited a few of my neighbors to dress and weigh nine hogs, bred on my farm. Age when killed 17 months. The largest one cut up in three parts, weighed 562 pounds, net. The bal- lance fell a little short of that weight. I bad not thought of saying anything about it until I saw in last week's Advertiser a claim from Nemaha City for the premium hog of the County, weighing 534 pounds, age 19 months. The following gentlemen are my au thority, who done the weighing: Messrs. H. B. Shurt!eff, J. Gavitt, A. Loof bourrow and Thos. Kipling. R. A. STEWART. As "Winter is coming on there, ore many thing you will find at HUeUeuberler Bros, which are absolute neces saries, both In family and out door economy. Among the many things you will there find, and which one or the other of our readers will need and can buy nowhere cheaper, and get as ?:ood an article, are the following: Sausage .riders and Stuffere, Cook and Parlor Stoves for Wood or Uoal : a lull siock oi laDieana Pocket Cutlery, from the most celebrated manufaciurles ; Patent Corn Huskers ; Post's I'atent Club.Skatcs,forGent8, Ladles or Boys-; Guns, Pistols, and fixed and loose Ammu nition; Fence Wire; . .'ftllH. and Builder's Furnishings oX all kinds ; Iron and Tools for Black smiths.all kinds; Carp enter's Tools; Uome Washers and "Wringers; Fairbanks, and other Scales; Patent Hay Knives; Shovels; Pitch Forks ; Spades ; A xes Y agon and Carriage V ood work; Halms- Wagon Springs; Sleigh Runners; Sleigh Bells; and everything you may want in their line. SPECIAL NOTICES. Painesville Nurseries. 15th Year; 9 Green Honscs; 275 Acresdevoted to the business iieorly one half of it covered with Nursery Stock. Jf o better general assortment of Fruits and Orna mentals to be found In the west. Can fill dealers' orders completely. Have an over stock of tha fol lowing: Splendid t year old Delaware Grape Vines, 100 per 1000. , . .' One year old Concord, f33 per 1000. One year old Ives Seedling, feo per 1000. All other varieties at Catalogue prices. Descriptive Catalogues, No. 1 and:, 10c each. Chestnut Circular and Trade List free. Address, STORRS, HARRISON A CO. 10-Sm Painesville, Lake Co., Ohio. Fruit Trees, Tines, &c. Parties intending to purchase, Fruit Trees, Vines, tc., which shall be reliable In every respect, are requested to send to the subscribers, who offer a superior lot of Standard and Dwarf Pear Trees, together with Applk, Ciikrby, Pkach and Plcm Tbees, Gsirs Vines, Sububbeby, jctc. at low rates. SI'IX'IAL SATES to large planters and dealers. For further information please address A. CUuXXXT t Co., -4m Lot ell. Mass. Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit, Herb, Tree, Shrnb and Evergreen Seeds, with directions for culture, prepaid by mall. The most complete and Judicious as sortmeut In the country. Agents -want ed. Twenty-five sorts of either for l,00, prepaid by mail. Also Small Fruits, Plants, Bulbs, all the new Potatoes, 4c, prepaid by mail. Four pounds Early Rose Potato, prepeld, for $1,00. Conover's Colossal Asparagas, 3 per 100; f25 per 1000, prepaid. New hardy fragrant everbloomlng Japan Honeysuckle, 50 cts. each, prepaid. True Cape Cod Cranberry, for upland or lowland culture, fl per 100, with direc tions. Priced Catalogue to any address, gratis ; also trade list. Heeds on Commission. B. XI. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established in IM2. 10-8t Peach Trees! .A I o fnra c:tsstlr f tIi- rAef Atl Attnn oe. m our larmers ana otners for market or tUe Garden. hanaiwme,T lnieresiea in gOOU StOCK, are talking Of growa and healthy. Prices low. Address, Edwix Allkit, New Brunswick Nurseries, New Jersey. VFIId Goose Plum. Originated near Nashville, Tennessee, from aseed taken from the craw of a wild goose. The original tree is still living-now, near fifty years of age. The tree la a rapid grower, a sure bearer, and a long liver. The frntl is a bright red, very large. sweet. Juicy and delicious; keeps along time; bears transportation well; and better than all. It is not subject to the attacks of curcullo. It has proven success wherever tried. Prion, M cts. toft. Seeds and scions. Sets, each, at the Columbia Nurseries, Columbia, Tenn. - - W. 8. BAINKY, 10-3m 4,000,000 HEDGE PLANTS, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. APPJLE ROOT GRAFTS, r.i .T ,r '-.fpnj 0p especially f0r ' Farmers and Fruit Growers. 16-m CIIAS. FATTSRSOJT, KirksvlUe. Adair County, Missouri. APPJLE STOCKS AND ROOT GRAFTS. C. ANDREWS, MARENGO, If cHenry County, Illinois, Grower of Apple Seedllnps, Evergreens, Small Fruits. Ac. Root Grafts of best kind vat ud to or der. Orders solicited. Specimens of MureiiKO, (Si berian Winter Apples, sent ou application, with stamps for prepayment. A Circular on tli Siberian species, 16pages, sent for 10 cts..; Correspondence Solicited Letters answered promptly, with or without stamp. l-tf TI3IRER AXD SHELTER ! If you want Windbreaks for your Houses and Orchards, and Shelter for your stock and Crops, plant the cheapest and quickest of all Timber the jjoniDaray ropiar ana urey w maw. I olier at ti. 00 per M. lJutchess Oldenburg Apple to frrow, Cheap, Cuttings sure and other fruit trees 16-2m ..Correspondence Solicited.. II. W. DAVIS, Box 141, Itecatur, 111. MARIJfGO WINTER CRAB on SIBERIAN APPLE Address, C. ANDREWS, Harengo, McHenry County, Illinois, 19-tf for Circular and Information. GRAPE Yi:VCS AND R O O T G R A F T S. Concord Grape Vines, one year old. vervl&nre and fine, for sale cheap, in lurire or small Quantities, or mmiu cicnunce ior smaii evergreens, either from nursery or ioresi. APPLE ROOT GRAFTS, Put up In the best manner, of choice western va. rienes, on large roots. Aaaress 16-2m D. W. KAUFFMAM, Des Moines, Iowa. Grape Tines, Small Fruits, and Early Iklngr Potatoes. EUMELAN, WALTER, ASSAWAMFSETT, ; MARTHA. SALEM. IONA, DELAWARE, and many other kinds at low rates, for Cash. All urai quality plants, one and two years old. WESTCHESTER BLACK CAP RASP i BERRY PLANTS, 5,00 per dozen ; fS.00 per 100. The best Raspberry - m tne world. EARLY KINO POTATO. pounds for J,00. Price by IE $1,00 per pound; five bushel on application. This Potato stands Hhenri nf any other variety in the country for earliness and quality, i-ieuse oruer a tew to try them. Send for catalogues, Ac Address, OTIS TINKHAM, 15-tf Fall River. Bristol Co.. Muss. PURE I IV IT A. IV T A. X O E S IMPROVE YOUR STOCK! .US' - .'. . APPLE ROOT GRAFTS put np In small quanti ties, designed ; especially for Farmers and Fruit Grower, who wish to grow their Apple orchards from the grafts. ...... Every pnekafre will contain a general assortment of the anost approved varieties from Early Hum mer to Late Winter put up In the best possible order. and warranted true to name. Each pack aqe will be accompanied with printed Instructions for planting end prowinirNurnery Trees and the whole management of an Orchard: A LARGE GOOD ORCHARD MAY BE . GROWN FOR VERY LITTLE -MONEY. , PQNfT .PORGET .MARTHA. Grape Tles and Small Fruits. Ncbszbt Established in 1S37. . A splendid stock of Vines and Plants are offered the coming (Spring. Including nearly every variety known to be of value. The new and pepular White Grape, ' - MARTHA, OR WHITE CONCORD, In large or small quantities; price! slnrle, or $9 per dozen; for strong No. 1 plants, postpaid by mall ii desired. ; Less by the hundred or thousand. tfA General assortment of Nursery Stock, reasonable rates. Write for Circular. - Address, . D. E PECK A CO. at 10-3m , SAKK.NIIO, McHenry County, Illinois. Also. Arnold's new Hybrids, Euruelan, Walter, Weekawken. Christine. Hine, and all valuable numbers of Ropers' JiyDrias; aiso.ueiaware, ion a, Israella, Concord, Ives, Norton's Virginia, etc., etc., ! In all about one hundred distinct varieties. KlUatinny Biackberries and Clarke Raspberries In large quantities, Jucunda and Charles Downing Strawberries, Downing's Seedling Ooosertersie, Clierry. Versailles, White Grape, and Black Naples Send sumps lor mustraiea catalogue ana race justs, to 10-3m Delaware, Ohio. Establlsned In , ; t ' i i 1S5S. LARGE ASH FIXE STOCK FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL L3 A. RRYAAT, JR. nurseyman, Princeton, Illinois. Forest Trees for Grove Flantlng Grapes, Small Fruits, and small Evergreens, SPECIALTIES. . Elms and Maples of any desired size. Special attention given to packing. Shipping facilities unsurpassed. Stock shipped by either of three competing lines to umn, ana otner points in Nebraska, SEND FOR TRICE LIST. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICTTED. GEXIJOE Ramsdell Sforvray Oats. The best and most profltableOat grown, yielding more than twice as many bushels per acre as com mon Oats. The straw is very strong, and rarely lodges or falls down. Our seed is clean and free irom noxious weeus. Oae Bashel, 85. Ten Bashela, 840. One Uuadred Bashels, 8-100. E. Y. TEAS, 7-Sm Richmond, Ind. U-3m A. BRYANT, JR., Princeton, Illinois. SHELTER FOR OUR ORCHARDS & DUMB BRUTES. BEAUTY & ADORXJIEXT FOR OUR HOMES. T1TE BEST TREE FOR EVERGREEN HEDGES, SCREENS, AND TIMBER BELTS, IS THE RED CEDAR. Plants of Red Cedar, In large quantities, at very low prices, uur nrcuiar. containing enrht nmres. giving full directions for planting Evergreens, with noteson the value of Shelter JMts, Ac,; will be sent to any person, on tnereceipt or a three cent postage stamp to prepay postage. We especially request TO SEND FOR A COPY. 500,000 FOREST TEEES! SPREVG OF 1ST0. The undersigned can furnish an unlimited number of well grown FOREST TREES of the most desirable varieties for transplanting. O-For Particulars and Price List, address LTJITIiliV Sc CHAIN, Yllla Rldgc, 14-3m PULASKI COUNTY, ILLINOM. splendid GROWN lot Of one rear old Annie Trees IN WIDE NURSERY UrtVSr htt sorts, at flOper 1000. Long Concord Grape Cuttings, i r yes ivw. Also, a lanre auantltv of TrananlantMt miii nne ana American Arbor V ital, verv fine &t in-. est living prices. . xAriy orders and correspondence solicited. Address; JODTN M. HUNTER, Ashley, 12-5m Washington Co. Illinois. The success that has attended mv nfTnrf. In Khnnn Breeding, and the satisfaction given for the past 26 years, induces me tocontinutlicbuslncss,a!though ni reuueeu prices, owing lo tne centra! foninrtmrr- depression in wool and sheep. I now ofler lor sale about 100, embracing lambs, yenrlinim and older neep. DOin jsirks ana Kwes. These alieen pmhralv ineoesi mood and pedigree or Vt., and of pure In- muiauu oiwk, inir iiium promising inmiiy or jlerl noes ever Imported, and bred direct from ImnnrtPd i uuw duw uiiereu ior sail r irtim wnv siock Jtsms "Hasshixii" and "Youxg lUtt.n iraop.v "Mammond" lias heavy neck and tail. oung Gold Drop" Is a smooth shwnr tw.ih i wnicn are neavy and dense stiearers. I can accom modate the fancy of all wishing to purchase sheep. Full pedigrees and sufficient guarantees will ac company every sheep, nicely caged andent by or otherwise If desirable, with snllicient forage to' ii v tpuri hi lue l niteu duties tir vanana. ' All orders will be filled with the utmost care1 nnder my own personal supervision, and all reason- aoie saiisrnciion given in all cases. For further particulars and Illustrated Circulars apply with stamp to F. L. UPHAM, Perklnsville. Vt.. late of Snrinirflelil. Vt. 14-Km n i UUii 14-m To Obtain an Orchard or Hede-o Without Aleaey. Address, W. II. MANN fc CO. Gilman, 111. 500,000 GRAPE VIXES FOR WESTERN FRUIT GROWERS. 30,000 No. 1, one 3-ear Concord Vines, at $40 per 1000. No. 2, one year old, at $35 per 1000. No. 1, two years old, at $30 per 1000. No. 1, two year old Delaware, at $30 per 100. ' No. 1, two year old Hartford, at $15 per 100. 80,000 Concord Cuttings, at $3 per 1000. Doollttle s Improved Black Cap Raspberry, at $15 per 100. Mexican Everbearing Strawberry, at $3 per 100. Other leading Varieties, at $3 per 1000. Early Rose Potatoes the best known at $3 per Bushel, or $6 per Barrel. Trees, Plants and Grape Tines. WHOLESALE PRICES FOR 18G9-TO. Early May or Richmond Cher ry, or Black Morrillo Stock, handsome and thrifty, with well formed heads. to 4 feet, loO.Ou per looO; 4 to 8 feet, ,00 pr 1000; 6 toe feet, extra fine, fiVO.OU per loot). By the 100 at HI rates, far Cherry ! APPLE TREES, Two years, Leading List Varieties, 73,0O0 per M. Concord Grape Vines, No. 1, one year, $25 per luoo; No. 1, two years, strong. n per 100i: No. 2. two vears. irood plants, tii per 1000; Ives, two years, fjO per iouu. TERMS CASH, OR C. O. D. HENRY AVERY, 10-3m Burlington, Iowa. 7?J 73 ri i j mall Fruits in Great Variety. f!RAP UIHCC In larsre supply, of pop. nieies, ilar old and choice new irUCCnnCLUO of al1 desirable kinds l.tfCnUnZCMO and dliferent sizes, fre- ciuently transplanted in Nursery. A com plete assortment of ORNAMENTAL WJSZS: HOUSE Jk BEDDING PL.VNTS, BULBS, Jkc. SWEET POTATO and other Vegetable Plants, In their season. SAIST CXAI FOR YEAR OF Wro, nd popular sort: wia LLj Lof th to cash customers. M1 aDir th TRANSCENDANT CRAE3. i APPLE SCIONS. I can furnish Apple Scions of alt k , i i or further information, address 13-Sm Sr.BABooCK.', 10 OHEEXHOVSES - All First aassstoclc. In part, as follow, Aple-lono.iyr..2S;.vr ar, Jtaadard-Hif:.. m i OSAGE ORANGE ) HEDGE rLAKTsj" Pear. rear, owtrl-10 fg i,m Blactberry-A..y. MTt,?'- PL Itum. Goote tae Oraace riaats-W rJa, inn,. 3Iaple-.VyT or Yi.-7l,, &Lnn . t . . ?'fiant,,t 1 .., t?i 11":. ' ' 8 , r;r.- i0. 1, by thC 100,000 Or UlllllOn. jreeahoa.e. rieduTn, mni ? 12 : ...... .u , ivwer tr latea I ,V,77 APPLE SEEDLIIIGS ROOT 0RIFIS1 VERY FINE. Youxo Stocks and Seedlings. All the above grown with preat care, and especial reference to the wants of the Western planters. Send for Catalogues. Adres, SPAULDISG r- CO.. -m SprmffJtieU, JIL 100 Trees and Plants for $10. I will send by Express, to anv address, 20 Apple Trees, good sorts, different seasons, 5 Pear Trees. 3 Peach Trees, 10 Lawton Blackberries, x 20 Wilson Strawberries, O Concord Grapes, 10 Doolittle Raspberries, HI Red Dutch Currants, 3L00.- 1.M1. 2 to i T.VtU to li Z7 0. Snd 10 cenu for ftUte GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMirx EL.VSTIC SXITCII FAMILY SEV113 MACHIJ2S Point of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch chTneJy Q SiluPIidty Usincr both thrpnda ,v, the spools. UDa o iiisieninir or seams Lv hun,! on 1 wirt ,.. .,,.. - . . , W " iu Hougtiton uooserjerries, Wlrla , ,. .. allforjlO; or one half the above for 6, or double , " 1Ue "Pe OI application Witbout fotAi-K r feW81- change of adj ustmeut. Address 10-5m If. W. DAVIS, Box 111, Dacaeur, 111. O O w T3 C a xn XA u o V) o A o o u o n o. a XT d o fl o a a u "Jin Mo &i o 5 m O o a C3 E V) o a J3 Is o ci o 5- 3 s &s Ul "a bll'l s s s a o 00 5n W P o k 31 es x 2 o O J3 I OS II. A. TITUS, VKAOER CREEK NURSERY, Pes Moines, Iowa. IMPROVED STOCK. Premium Chester Vl liHe Swine getting up a Stock Importing Compa ny In this county. A move In the right direction. Let some one take hold of It, and It will go like wildfire. - Evan Worthing?, of this place has left with us a specimen of Barly Oats which weighs forty pounds to the bushel. F011EST TREES! SPRING OF 1S?0. The andersigaedi can furnish an unlimited num ber of well grown FOREST TREES of the most desirable varieties for transplanting. SI"or Particulars and Price List, address Yllla Ridge, PURE BRED POULTRY. To Ueautify Your Homes PLANT HOSES! TTvKrlfl 'PmAttitil Y . n r . 1 need no Drott-ction. are stntnir cmu-ora ami m.rnir. Icent bloomers. We oflTer our immense stock em bracing over one hundred of the very linest varie ties. Price, Including packing, $13 per 100 1 Also a full line of Nursery StocJt. 3"Catalognes gratis. Address, Dlnpree & Conard, WKST fJRflVE. Chester Coiintr. TVn qVIXCY XL'RSERY. We have a large and complete stock of APPLE, PEACH, CHERRY, AP RICOT, ORNAMENTAL AND KHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, ORAPE VINES, SMALL FRUITS! ROSES, SHRUBS, Ac, Ac, Ac. Propsgated and grown by us at our Nursery, which we oiler to planters at as low rates as eonnHv r,M stock can befurninhed at any other Nursery In the country. We ln not hiixv rmt raku nnp offwi- .ni w-aA quentlycan and guarantee every article healthy and true to name. Wegivesmall orders the same attention that we do Inrire ones: Parties favoring ns with their orders will please give us plain directions, bow. where to, bv what route, and to whom tliev wish their goods consigned. Correspondence solicited and Price List sent on application. Address SIXXOCKA CO. -m QuIiioK.m "Versailles Currant. THE BEST CURRANT GROWN. I This Currant Is universally admitted to be the Desi in cultivation, it is astrong. vigorous grower, has great thickness of leaf, which enables it suc cessfully to resist the attacks of the currant worm : is productive, and bears very large and handsome i n u. We have made a specialty of the "Versailles " ana now otTer an uneiiuailed.stock of 1 and 2 year .l..n, . .. V. . Jiam.. run-iiiiMen can reiv on receiving nrst class plants from us, at the following rates : 2 years old llOperKW J)perlt0 1 8 . Sample sent by mall on receipt of 50 cts. Versaillts cuttings, f 10 per luw. EDWARD BURGESS, SOSm Poughkeepsie, X. Y. The seam retains its teautv am? fit ness after washing and ironing , Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, tbese Ma chines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamea. tal work. i The Highest Premiums at all th fain and exhibition of the United Slate. .'n.i Europe, hare been awarded the Grover ft Ba ker Sewing Machines, and the work dona by them, wherever exhibited, In competition 3- The very highest prize. Tin Crwf lh Indian of Ilanvr, was conferred on th representative of the Grover A EukerSswini Machines, at the Expositiou Univsrsell, Paris, 1S67, thus attesting tlielr great mtpnl. ority over all other Sewing Machine. FLORENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED The Walter Grape., finest IN the country. Apples for (he North West. We will contract to nut un ?nft mn Rnni (-. rt in the lies4;manner. and on reusonuble torms. Half oi them Hyslnp and Trunscendaiit Crabs, and Duch l ess of Oldenburgh ; balance leading hardy varie ties. Also for sale a small stwfc nf Innvenr nlrf Apples, including the above kinds, with jrj) Uv. slop and 8,iim TraiMrendant Crabs, one renr old. AJO, f hrrrlr, Ornjtrt, Omrrmrntal Trre and Shruln. .Ei-n-trrrrttM. iltutri Vrnnin nnri riy,m it,..,.. CHAS. HAMILTON & SON., ,m Klpon, WIe. SEND STAMP FOB Beautifully Illustrated Irlce AND DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. lMy THOS. B. SMITH, 4b CO., PLANTS VI IXE, CONN. 14-3m PULASKI COUNTY, ILLINOIS. D. E. PECK & CO., BBEEDIRS a!ID SHIPPERS Capt. Jno. L. Carson and Dr. McPherson have purchased the fine herd of young short horn Durham cattle, brought into this county last fall by John Crow. There are forty head in all. Cass, Otoe and Richardson counties must look out at next State Fair, Nemaha is going to be on hand. mm Stamp to re. Film . ipiwrr. tou. lowu. lor val uable Information respecting iiives, xiauan lees, ana tin means of keeping them &ure where other bees a ound. 14-3m rim HunsERiES i Robert Douglas & Son IMPORTERS OF PEAR AND EVERGREEN TREE PRICE LIMT. Kach. No. 3 one year f J No. 2 do 4 ' No. 1 do S Two years best 11) Per la 4: 64 Per 55. ss 110 ZD Per 50. 12i 170 212 4JS Per 75. 1 !48 JIO Per I0U 3-JO J0 IU) O F We call attention to the advertise ment of IIakqis & Sommer, who ad vertises on an extensive stock of osage orange plant3. They are experienced cultivators, and reliable men, and guarantee their plants to be No. 1. The Prize Picture. We have. just received a copy of the large Steel Engraving that la presented to each subscribe to Dxm. OEEST1 ILLrSTRATID Mosthlt, and we mast confess we were taken by surprise. The whole engraving la done In line and tipple, and Is a charming picture in all its details. Independent of its pleasing subject It Is a work of art, and would be a Taloable ornament for any parlor. As an Illustration of American genius In the design and ezecu-! Hon of the engraving. It is unsurpassed. Each head Is a picture la Itself. The principal feature of the subject, however, Is the serio comic incident of the breaking down of a scup by acorpulent Individual, who had been Induced to try his skill in swinging. There are sixteen figures under thelarpeout spreadlng tree and near the scup forming the principle group, and seven others in the fore ground, making twenty-seven in all. Each face has Its own humorous, or startled ex pression, indicating the feeling that has been awakened by the accident. The figures in the foreground are Interesting themselves la various ways. Fourth of July Is Indicated by the display of American flags, packs of fire-crackers among the debris of the dinner, and the pistol tn the hands of a saucy urchin who, from behind a large log, on which a couple U lovers are sitting while the question Is being ponped, pops his pistol. - These with other admirable details make np a picture that has no superior fox Its faithful represen tation of human life and character. Our wonder Is how the publishers can affbrd to furnish so costly a picture to each euhcoriher at only 13,00. The Monthly alone being the acknowledged Parlor Magazine of the coun try, and worth all tHat Is asked for It, while the enrraving is worth three times the amount of the subscription. Address DEM OREST'S MOSTIILY. 85S,lirosllvsy, N. Y. Arnold's Hybrid Grapes A few strong two-year old plants of these valuabletj rapes for sale this Fall, at (2 each : one plant each of the five varieties for fft. Arnold's Hybrid Raspberries. Yellow Can ada and Arnold's Red, 5 per dozen. "The only valuable true hybrid Raspberries ever raised In America." On receipt of (13 for the five Grapes and twelve of the Raspberries, I wlU send one plant extra of my Dew hybrid, O ranee Klaar, "the highest flavored, perfectly hardy, and most productive Raspberry ever offered to the American public." Descriptive Catalogues sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address Chablks Abvold, 24m Paris, Ontario, Canada. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLOW DALE ZTURSERIES AND FRUIT FARM I WILLOW DALE, CHESTER CO., PENNSYLVANIA. 50,000 Peach Trees, ' One year old from bud, S,' to i feet high. 50,000 Apple Trees, From one to three years old, embracing the most profitable varieties for family use and Market Orchards, Including the Celebrated Grime Golden. Also a general uuc of arsery fciocK, vu : Pears Plmnas, Apricots, Nectarines, Q,u1acs, Cherry Trees, Deetduovs and Evergreen Trees, nedce Plants, Grape Vines, and Small Fruits. Address, RAKESTRAW & PYLE, lft-6m Willow Dale.Chester Co Pa. 2,000,000 Hedge Plants! Cheapest and Best yt Offered. 100,000 Extra fine Apple Trees, 3 sad 3 years old. 60,000 Nice, well branched Apple Trees, at (30 per M. 40,000 JPwcA, iVor, Cherry, Rum, Apricot and See- 4 tantte rcc. Currant srd Grape Cuttings ; En. if. Ash, 1 to 3 ft. Roses, bhrulw, KvergTeen. btocts and a larrealock of rtmail Fruit Plants. Ac. Ao Trade List for Bprlns now realy -..Our plants were du early. put awsy properu , ana rr in iUe at or onnniuon. H AUG IS A SOMMER, lt-lf War f nwerics, Qulucy, LUuvls. n E. C. NEWTON, Datavla, 111., Breeder and Dealer la all the most desirable and popular kinds of I rure Breed Fancy POULTRY I have taken seven premiums on mv stock at the North Western Poultry Shows, during me vear imku. trenti blood Is introduced into every variety each year. Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List ui jr-ouury auu rgs. Htl E. C. NEWTON, IIIGULAXD STOCK FARSI. BELMONT, Middlesex County, Mass. Office, 196 State St., Bostea. WINTHR0P W. CHENERY, PROPRIETOR. Importer and Breeder of Dutch (or Holsteln) Cattle. Ancora Goats. York- snire swine, -uhcoib, "taraman," and "Texel" orMouton Flandriu" Sheep, Thorouuh-Bred and iroiuuir iiurew, ore Thoroughbred Swine. Chester White, Dcrkfthlre, and a cross or Poland and 111? Boned Spotted China. . Catalogues sent by mail on application. 13-tf ! PEOPLE'S NURSERIES. We have a lanre stock of the following articles. wiin many oinen,wnicn weoiier vuil low to casn buyers, warrantee i rue to name, and GOOD IN jple Pears, CTterrles. Pearliea, Plama, uninrea, i.rapr, na.poerne, StrawDerriea.RlarkberTiem Kverareeas, Ornamental Trees. Sara bo, Flowera, lowerinc krnbs, &e. We want a rood reliable man. who can come well recommended, to act a airent for us. In every county In Nebraska, Kausas, Missouri and Iowa, to sell on Commission or Salary. R. L. ROBB A COl. ll-4m-tf BloomlugtoB, 111. Apple Root Grafts ! Apple Hoot Grafts!! I WE solicit early orders for Apple Root Grafts of all lending kinds, U be on i our loch Boots, pot np the com in winter by experienced nantis, in u most caretui rianner, each kind properly labeled and packed In damp sawdust, so as to reach at any distance in good con dition. 1W) to n 3 periao; lo.oco for 75; and S,0w for $150. More at cheaper races. These prices Include packing and boxing. A fine lot of one year old Apple Trews, trom 2 to 3 feet, will sell cheap; also Grape Vines, Currants. Strawberries, Hedge Plants and Apple Stocks, bend for Price List, free to au applicant, Adores JOHN BIORDAN. Wllf a. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In i Native Evergreen and Apple Seeds, WAUKEGAX, ILt. Everarreen and Ornamental Tree Meedlla vfji, i " " nnu lurrrr uiu, uiuiuie ior ornamen tal Planting and for Timber. We haye the Urgent stock ever grown In this country, ail raised from seeds In our own grounds. Consisting mostly of orway Spruce, Austrian. Scotch and White Pines, Balsam Fir, Arbor Vita?, European Larch, Europe an and American Mountain Ash, Ac. TransDlant- ea J!.venrreens, one to two feet high. Duchess of uiupuuurK Appie, i ranscen'tent and Hyslop Crabs. Sil 1 JV-nrreen 7 tseeds. a VJ-e above re "J1 perfectly hardy In Nebraska. 2-6m II. Douglas & Son, Waukegan. 111. Plant Choice Fruits. MOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. i' I will send tine nniPi'Mh. .in. iur si men. nosers , j.,, is, at soe each. Kit "miuj auu ii iisiiii n rir v n Hfsruirrios m r an 2.1 !r .mall. Clark Kaspberry, fi-W per doz. ...... .. ii-n i v, lie i uuEtn. nil nr mm I ted, at 0 per ng and Ive's IS LARGE WAXTITIEX AT MUCH REDUCED Saccharine Test Tor TTine. At the National Saccharine Teirt for TC"T Hammondsport.N.l Oct. th. isas. thA iL stood In sac;harlne matter 91 WaltrrmPu ioi Drhurnrf 10X This test was made wirh 1? nnnm. t the Walu-r, somewhat froren, to H ounces of e wh of the other varieties. ext morning the Superintendent. riopV .n n of the Directors of the Pleasant Vall.r vin r- (the parties who conducted the test th a day before ) to satisfy themaelve of the meiiu nf th 'u-.irJi by an equal trial, tented 17 ounces of lona from the same lot that were used the day bft,r nd h soixuRruuiriri at un? v alter Ofatlnif It a Had 17 ounces or the Delaware and ('nt pressed equally hard with the Waller. thii-.ii.. and centres being add. the Delaware wnuM stojxl lower and th Catawba proportionahlr below the Delaware. All the other varietit raided much lower thnn those enumerated above. There had been conxtant ruins and damn nMii,., n the section where the Walter vrew it ..., i.t if ors growing at Kaniinondsport and alon the lakpn where there had been but little rain durimr n .. son dry soil and weathes beiu n.'Msary for the perfect swtNttenlnK of grape. A commit tne of h Aniertnn Inst:rit rrt,.'. Club, In a re'!rt of sh,i. lyw, printed In the New York 'lui-Wpeklv Trihnnenf i..rt .ih spenkingof th f,ul!ti of the Walter, Hay '"We conclude the WtiUrr will be a vnli T I "i'iw -uMHismjipi.un me shores ui lune r. ill wiTn Aew org. On t soils of western Pennsylvania, ..Lw'i' deliver the following at Express offlwt. prop- I native grapes are successfully t-rown." fIyPcked,atthefollowingprices: tv.noord Grapes I " the KlaUt and wherever else -..v. T, jrr-i uuiwreu. xeiaware, uiana, trevel lng and Ives Heedlinir. h n.. h.i...iruH .i. Heedling, iw per hundred. Rogers 4, 15, ITtl. r ITISa 14 MAS at SLI 1 Marshal 'tU Hone (by mail TV? u-h. JUA CHARLTON, Kochester, K. Y. Urapes at f,S. SM and W per hundred. iiu ai rju Der nuiHiren. Kin. nu. Address 23-ly Letter from Chnrlrn oollii, on of the OUtert vine- varautM i the, Stale. Of as good blood as bred hr any n&Ftioa TTa.t n. n ess .nippen saieiy 10 any express office In the country. Write for circular contai on the breeding and management of horn. Address. D. E. Wx:k . en 10-'im Marengo. Mellenrv Co.' Illinoia- 500,000 Choice Grape Tines, FOR SALE. 2,000,000 Grape Tines &. Cur rant Gutting, Of all the leading varieties. CHEArEK THIN ANYWHERE EUSE. Also. Sta wherry. Currants, ftonseherrv. Blackber. ry. Pie Plant, Roses, and other Kursery Stock. I WILL TAKE GOOD WESTERN LANDS AT CASH VALUE, FOR NURSERY STOCK. To make short, arwltcants most .give a nlain dM. criptioa and price ox lands. . ft Address, Dk. II. SCHRODER, IMeeiuliigtcgB HI. ViJfETABi) Point, UWerCo.. X. Y, Vhv IQ I Mritrt. FerrU & Chyvt. ' ' ' Deab Sirs: Vours of the lh I am In receipt of In hich rou ask it I have inrnhlix-tu.n. m U. ' you, for publication, the facts I am acquainted with in relation to the character of the Hriltrr tsrripe i have never indorsed the character or usefulness of vines, or otherarticles of any descriptlon.and would not at my present stage of lire were it not for two reasons whan seem sunicient. I irt. I know the It alter lirmte. will meet the ni-flnr) 5 .1 -m . M ' w KICOUI TWO HUNDRED TIIOTTS AHTn f rnnv :, '.'".yiJVthewonblessoeas FOUR ISCHES fhfurnMw .X: ' V" "Lm"i "J" P-:sor. tOli SALE. that the Walter is the bwt variety I have had an I knowledge of. and I think I hav TL-A am m.t.f n l n 1 1 . . Rll Ihnf li.fahMn nw. . r. , . n . . , 1 1 , " .. ..cvumuj iu uuc uuuureu nna nixy OUShelS I T. r , . wmn.iru, uincaruifg them fresh seed. ' H nfl fulling back upon the Concord and Hartford rruimcan viueara varieties. I am interested In The American Chestnut. One of the most nmfltAhla Tlmim. in i ...r:. n a S vr a as Aiuriu., TERMS: fm.V. Awl.t. l. . . . . T f L I. "nier, nniisiariory reierence, or ") mx-ynosa wim um ior coiiocliua on delivery. PRICE of trees packed and delivered at Express 4 to Inches Mgh, f3 per ino. f 15 per inno. 8 to 12 Inches high, 4 per liu, .Wperluiu. 13 to 24 inches high, 8 per 100, SUperlOuo. Chestnut Trees by 31 all. When the money is sent with the order at the fol- uwing rates, we win send trees by mall, well packed In damp mans and oiled paper, pay thu postage, and inwi uieir saie arrival in gooa conuiuon : Price mt Treea fcr IaU. 4 to inches SO centa Per doseu ; 1 per : fl.75 per 50 ; (3 per 1X 8 to 12 mi Knowing that the Iruit of the Wnur .r.,.-. t 1 each yeir as the vine grown older, being last year j ...a,, won iwo jearsajro. It grown well : Kel fruit well. I hi- uT.., i. i.. winrc naniura, ana i nave never seen I any mildew on its fruit or on its large and thick but Delaware shaped foliage. The llavor of the fruit I ....... , mi " uri V unriV. 1 (ill SlSkV a your circular lt is a seedling of th DeIaw-. nrt Liiana; 1 tnniK thecliaructer of each of tliese varie- maae a wi, e of XohLnri V'Sf ! annually sIik it fir.u uor. six va rs ac-7 t h w times iV?!!:- ' Y- low vallevrbi?itte ""'"' riiii!, ami eacn lime it was fully rioe In August. I have seen It eh i,rii,. ,LJ. sons m Poughkeep.ue. ripening at the Mntetime Ji,r',Ui--it .rw.h"" thensunt rams pre! vented ad varieties from maturing at their usual lemoer. The raiNlna nf th. ic . haveseen and eaten; whl.-h wire Tood. Fmm iti succediug in the low valley and tenacious clav nt nouena, ana also in the dry ulatev r-xlti in o I .1. I . . " . " cbes,lperdos.; 1.75 per 23; S3 per 50 ; f5 per loo. varit i 'm"AU1. P11 I .r .V v".u"lry- iou may make ? lIese opinions yon deem prooer. ours truly. CHARIE WOOLEY. I LTIRLS & CAYWOOD, Poughkeepsle. N. Y. MV Send for Chestnut Circular, flrae tc all nA Trade List of ZVunery btock, free to Dealers and JSuraerymen. we refer to First zvauonal Bank of this place. Address. STORES, HARRISON fc CO. Painsvilie. ff9ra Iji-e CmrnV, Vh?4. ay JOB PRINTING, in one or more JOOfflUC. luoamnuw Sewing SXa chines AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREHITJII WHEREVER EXHIBITED. tiiii: only orvi;. Capable of Sewing In More than Ulrcctlou, AND 1 W. A f . . ' c- - IS .til ji.t oiin septus, i WITHOUT STOPPING Tilt: MACI1ISA OK Tl'JtXl.W THE CLOTH. f I It VSFH and WASTES LESS THREAD thar other, and willcommerw anun wiirjuul holding the erula of the tiirend. ' ! GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. MACHINEH SOLD SINCE 1SL r ' Xi"Send for Reports and Circular. 1TJI. E. PLAST, General Arei, flia north FornTii t, . ST. LOUTS, MO. 13-15-y Empire Shuttle. HacHne. Patentwl Feb. H, A Hept. L I RECEIVED THE FIRST PRIZK AT THE Great Fair of the American Institute in New York. Oct. 2f, And Highest Premium fur Best Manufacturing llaclib3 At Taris Exposition, July, No. 1 Family Maehla. This machine Is constructed on a new prlrwfplssf mechanlMm, pow-wing many rare and vluu)i Im provements, having been examined br mn profound experts, and pronounced to be upaf and erfection comhinetf- . The following are the principal objections orfl against sewing machines: 1. Kxcessl ve futigue to the operator. 2, IJatility to m t out . J rOnr. X Expense, trouUe, and Io- uf 16.ia M"? 4. Incapacity to sew every dua'riptinn "f 5. Disagretfahle uoLse whiie La oiwcuia The Empire Sewing Much ine is Eccw$t Ji Qli all tUse Objection. It has a straight Needle, rTpeIIni!r A''' makes the Lock orhhnttleNtitch. wtvirh wili ru''l lip nor ravel, and is alike on Nitli miles; 'f perfect Hewing on every di-scrption o' 11 with cotton, linen or sUk thread, froci Uie coar to the finest number. It Hem, FetIj.,Riml3UTaH TBok, Quilts, l'laits and Uathers- As a Family Hewing Machine ft tin no "CP2PK Special attention is called to our W toP Noa. 2 & 3-UaAacturijig li13. They have been IhoMMurhlr t-ted on at2 crtption of tloth and Lethr Work, runups f Meara Power at the rate of 1 ,2t JO Hitches per Ji7 uie. Producing nor than V;tle the wrk of "T.!i? er .Shuttle Machine now in uw: th.ltcli uniform and tatuitful : they are imole In c""1. tion, wisitv understood, and not iinbie to of order, riin liht and are comparatively ',i''K- For Tailoring or Leatlw Work wecUiui thatin are not only eoual, hut murh .nirior "n'hTT machine tliat Las ever b-Mi offered to the puD''- Empire Sewing Machine coM KY WELLS & niCHARBSO f St. Joseph, M General Agents N. States and Territory Peru Livery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, Dealer In AAl ICinclM or StocU. . A Horses Bos. SoW. or Excaw- Stock Boarded by the D'J or Tff r MY STABLKS are stocke.1 with 11" buggies. Persons wishing conveyaace v'" ''y . tiom.f the Nemaha Land Ubtrict OWW"1 daud. The . Peru Si Brownville CoscJ leaves my Stables every morning at 10 ' or, XT tuunt.cra r.r iMClilM aaelY COIIe ,.,J, ders left with the Pttmaswrs wUi r"'! tended to, . - - gUMMER SUITS, for Meand. . - "TCtT QENT'S FUBSISIIiyOjggV' !