Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 20, 1870, Image 3
tsar: mmU Jdwrtist r. I '"Crscopleiofthe ABvmwn for sale by Txi u ii ftr Book btore, widbyGA. Pol- lodge Directory. MASONIC. " Knrrs T. IUlif ey. becy. i tt A V iLLEV LOIX5E No. 4. A. F. A A. 5 CXnmunlcaiioi An and tliird Hat. Vv rnl;t'W In each month. Lodge of Instruction Jvery Saturday nltfLt. R w FcwrAB W. M. I. O. O.'F. rOWKVILLK LODGK No. 5. 1. O. 0. F.-Keg-JfZStS TV evening, q j pnvt! Secy. I. O. G. T. .R0-VViaK LODGE 'o. 30. L O. O. T. meets .very Kriday ""' r w & T V'aws Blackbcbx, W. O. REMGIOrS -DIRECTORY. I puKSBYTKBIAN CJTVnCK. - Hervke each V. .i. t W a. in., and 7;' p. m. Prayer JJeet J fWestt eveiiiiuf. ibbth bclral at 2 ! clock p. oi. Kev. J. T. Baibd, Pastor. vFTHOlrsT K. ClTirnrH.-errk-eseach Kab- ' ... ui,i T :i i. ni. Kiiiiiiur School 1 .. ,h i iu-sia. ni.. and 7; p. ni. r"day I b"i . m ' 1'rajir Meeting Thursday evenln ) H-m- 1W ttev.LMLMAV.P lK. 'as tor. Hnlic Communion administered on the first Sunday or month. heats free. R DAVW RecU)r BiTTrsT ClirWIX. 0rrer Fourth and Atlan tJLitA serviceicvery Kabtiathexoept tlie third niontb. at U o'clock a. m. and 17 o clock p. m. nday ii4 at 10 a. m. Prayer ileetii. Wed nd7 tnl'- t. H. LOWE. Pastor. Arrival aa Irartnre of (be Mails. Northern. rVntern and Southern depart at Ik. m'-amvrm'lU 3 i. m. ituW Mull arrives at p. ra.: deiart at 7 a. ra. Hrru til arrive at lu m.: dcjmrt ut 12 p. iiu de-orre lil arrivrt Mondays, Wednesday and yrMi'a' p. e;jaro Tuesdays, Thursdays and KA:tirArt 6X 7 a. m. (irt'Mil arrive Friday at 4 p. n.; departs Thurliiv t a. m. i--,t o'llic Hour from 7a.m., to A 7. p. m 1X)CK, . m. -Pun- dy ,u,' lw - nu w 1 P.M. gt. Joseph & Council Cluflfr R.R. FOR Si a Franclaro and H Eiit and South. T trnlni 4a!ly each way, between St, Joseph ml Council Ululls, rontiertlnir as follows : AtM. Jiwepli with the Jlaunibal A tit. Joseph Railruwl fur yuincy and the Kast. At St. Joseph with the MisKmrl Valley Ha! i road for AlcliiHri. Ijeavenworth. Ransu City, c. At Council Hlufls with Vuion l'acitic liallroad furlxnver. Salt Iiike and Oalitornia. ' Atcouncll Hlufls with t'hiciiKO A North Western llsilnwd lT sm'ux Oity and " f 'p iiw." l-uilnihn'n l'alaoe C'ir ere run tli rough from Cwwil BlutTs to Pt. Louis and Qulucy. I TIME TABLE. . No. 1 Kinrew. bound North, leave Phel 1:15 p. ra. So! 1 Kiprnw. bouud North, leave Phelps (ii-i a. m. 'o. Z Kxpresi. bound South, leave PhelpslOi&i p. m. 'o. i ti;iresg,h jund South, leave Puelis ti:23 a. nu A. L. HOPKINS, tven'l Superinteudent. IjAcib Rogers' Omnibus loaves Bronnrille for I be lh-p at s a. m. and IZ ni., dully. Hnaslbal & Saint Joseph Time Table. ' ' Taking eflect January 5th, 1870. ABR1VX. "(. 1 7y Kxn. daily except Sunday 7:20 p. m. Nu. 3 l'liritic Kxp. daily escept Monday.. a. nu .Vi. S 'itlit Kip. daily except Monday ... 7:-"i0 a. m. No. 7 Throush Irt. dairy exci'jit Monday. S:4" a. m. No a im.uL-ti frt. dally exc'it Monday. :4o a. m. No. II Way irt. dally except Sunday. ... 6: V p. rru 'o. 13 Mucon Irt. daily ex(xt Sun jay U:itt a. m. HBFART. No. I PRy Fxp. dallyexrept Sunday fc-to a. m. Na 4 Niicht Ktp. daily except Sunday . &'J0 p. m. .No. Ia'itic hip. daily except Sunlyli.")a. nu rt 4 will nnt tnn a. xtD OsVorn, KWldf. ;nwr. Moorsvllle, Ctitsti. V ltUrr car Xeadviile. Nu. 6 will not atop at Ssxton, x-AJtUni . Oslioni, EreckinridKe, Moorsvllle, Whe'linK or Mialvilie. T. 11. BURNETT, lien--genu f I'nion Pacific Ilallirar Time . Table, trTntll furllirr notice tralve JrtUJeare aad.atrire at iiurlilaily lis lollow tKJVE. . TallyT-.....ll:15 a. m. llolfl ljp 4:15 p. in. l ixed A: 46 p. uu t'reurht 7:u0 u. m. MIK E. Pnlly txp 4:L p.JC Hotel Lxp 11:1-1 u. in. Mixed. ........ -4:mj p. nu Jl-Wfight... l:W.p. m. Tlie Hotel Express train leaves nt 4: lo .every . Tlnirsd'ay, not arrive at lLl-uouiryJc'uuikiy. lmilv roi roiiiieclioiis mad nt OnMLha m 1th (VWo .Vorihwe-ilern, t'lilcneo, lv-k IxUwd nnC i'a'ilM nd St. Joseph nixl IXhiik'II HlutTn L.ii'irmul, a ill? Missiniri River line of stecmer lor all jmumIs KmiU aid South. . leyenue with lVu - Pa4tW: R. R. for all ' point III t'olitradu and New Mcvni. At llrvxn twtu sUfw Uyt &utwa.trT Mines. Atoir.lru a uli t t.lirtial for Suit Lake (Ity aud other iM.inrs iu Utah. At Olsten withlVntrul Pacific Railrraul, for Cor rlne, irprinia fity, lleli-ria. and all points in Mon tana, A I wo, forSiicrainenla, Sun Francisco, and all points In Jdiiho. N'evndoand Ciililorniu. . - All freKht dellverad at the Omuha depot prior to 4:i p. in., will pi the sameday. N frelflit mi-lved for shipment after .VHO p. m. Tickejs lor sale loall points west, ul tlie Ticket ftlir f tli,rnion.Puc!tic Jtailroad. at which otlice terlhs on sleejin. AJriKinn hese-ured. C W.tUAMMOMJ.tien. Supt. T. CoLTiir, O. T. A. JJL Rkownson, ti. F. A. ' Pacific Balrtrar of 3IlxsonrI. fassenjw.r leaving St. Jowj'b rid. Vissouri Val ley Kailruitd at 1 o'clock p. in., make close and sure runiM-ctioii at Kanxas City with this popular road, arriving at St. Louis next morning at fi o'clock.. Tlii- is now a first-class rHkd in every fi-iMTl. New Iron has barn laid ; new teuuine and miiKiiiliccnt slec-ptni; and piisii'iitur cuwIii-k have teen addisl to Its equipments. Pass.niinrsrtin r'ly on its muklnir lti auvertised time. j:iii is the best route from tsu Joseph to S(. 1OUU!. Uu- Sjlllli and Southeast. Throiurh Tit kti u ruic at the olUces of the Mls ourl Valley Jiiviiriwrtl. ,ILU MOORF funeral Supt Tug. Dob wi.-,ii. W A. W. li. Halic, O. T. A, Missouri l alle' Railroad. inrETAnLE. T uVe efTect atl Vlock p. m. on Sunday, Janu ary HMh, 1S7U. tiiiiim torTn, Ni. 1 K.T press lejwwe at.. ...... m,..7:3-1 a. m. Nu. i Kxpress leaves at ..1:IW . u So. i Freight leaves at 4:W a. ni, wriKstxu. n. i Fxpresa arrives kt . 5:" p. ra. N. 4 Kxpress areives at .H:"0 a. ro, o. Freicht arrlviat fi:45 p. ni. N. 1 and 4 daily. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8, dully .except Sundav. J. F. BARNARD, Gen. Supt- Chicago & lorlh Western Rail Road Time Tabic. I.KAVK. Express Mall daJ1re,'Pt Sunday 3:06 a. m. Pacific Express dju&. '. :0 p. m. AJIBIVK. Jcl0e Express, dolly KMX) a. m. upres Mad, dauj xoej Monday 13:45 a. m. Chicago, Rtirllnton & Omaha Time Card. raiTASCT. roaba and Chicago Express, rimtiy , im p. rn.' . aU, daily, (.except Sunday). L -i"" p. m. ARRIVE. maha and Cblcaro Expres,!ally 9:45 a. ra. iL, daily, (exceiit "'"yf - a. m. Pllllm.n1. 1 Tllnln.fW.Dil llM.-lnir Pnm '-Its-pinK Car accompany Omaha and Chicago Ex ps. . TuiH Office" 13 Farnam, comer Ninth street. V. W. JTLwcHCOCK, Ticket Ajrent. " ALL VOiVIU3 iiijiiuiii Tte Brownville Transfer lie, CedrfJe nanagemsnt of JACOB ItOGERS, , I now Rnnninjc 4teyalr Omnibue from Brownville to the Railroad Terminus of th Council Bluff and St. Joseph Railroad, At Korth Ctar, Ho., TKltefrm Sre-iMHlead Korth Si ar Ferry Cfrod Omnlhusses. Close Conxvctxonr Charffes Urrat. 30-U PHELPS HOUSE. Opjiosite the Jv-jxaV, Whelps citv, 3x0, W. 3. STEVENS, PRormreTOE. food aceoinmodatloiis and good stnVnTvr are "nereu a ean Ve bud In tb WttL I-lJ"J lOXTlW CITY HOTEL. Cor. North Market and XSnwca-ay, KT. LOriS, MO. " C 1. SOID, PBOPniETOR. efi51,',t r Jforrh Market Street Depot f,J H. li. a. The atrset car pass this bouse v ' 1 f tbe euy, or Ul purposes It is the oU4 is Lb atj. . . Xt SUMMER SUITS, fur lien and Royg, tTRirs nirnni-KPiscoPAi-corncr At- ni,i t'l'i o'clock, fc-unday Hctiool at r, urn ii . .rvire Ri 7-, o'clock. lLlv .o. p . gjttum f-.x. amiy excej rMiirui w p. m. Way frt. daily except Sunday .... 7-.0a. m. 'n.i: Th r ouch fru daily except Sunday.. J:i". p. rn. oJl XhrouKh frt. daily except sjunrfiay 7:i' p m. LOCAL MATTERS. J. L Colliapp, Cditor. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1870. . To Oar Patrons in Job Work. We would Bay, parenthetically, that we bave ivcclYta a consiaerauie oddiiioQ to our JobOinee In the way of New Type, Inks, Cards, Papers, etc., which warrant us In In vitlngan Increase of the literal patronage hereto'ore lei-t'wed. We rnnnow turn out ns line Job Work as can be had anywhere, and believe, as low " 1 " A retroapsctlre glance at the progress made by lirownvllle during the yeirjust past, cannot fail of being encouraging, to its citizen. Kttcn a glance win snow many Ti uable business and residence houses erected. and building Improvements made. Among the forcmot business nouses wuicn lNi'J saw erected. In that now occupied by llannaford A McFall's wlioleale and retail Furniture establishment: and foremost among the res ldenceswe may mention in hopes hi neither case to glveonence by particularizing that of 11. C Iett, on the corner of Nebraska and Seeond-sts. Hetddes this, thousands of yards of dirt have been moved on the north of Maln-st., where undoubtedly many large business houses win lie erected during the present year. Our Railroad progress has also been encouraging. 15!I has maile of otir peo ple a unit on this question, mid laid forever, we hope, that bickering which ha burled so many seemingly prosperous towna, ana would ours had It not been put aside for uni ted action when It was. We have now a uni ted eltv determination to have railroad com munication North, South, Kat and West, and to these ends have, or will have by the 30th, 275,000 . donated lor that purpose, with euoueh private subi-crlpiions to make this sum Si'iO-WO. With thislnhand,ercis little doubt but work will be commenced from here In the spiliiR east, west and south. Work Is already, or will be so woon as the weather permits liegun on the Quincy, Mis souri River and racine Jtoad from the tiuin ey Bridge. Work will lie begun in the spring from oppxwdte this place to I'helps City. Work will be fiegun In the spring west from this place. Thus commencing work In three dif ferent place on the M. A. P. K. li-, which Is our ruuL The Trunk road is not dead lie cause It makes no particular noise, but Is at this time making negotiations which will eventuate in energetic work next season. We have also during 1S6'!, made some valuable street Improvements, and but one thing in this line Is left lor regret, and that U, that Malii-st, is not made out to the city limits. Our Council have done all they could to this end, save and except shonlder Infc the shovel and pick and going to work. We hope that next spring will see this much needed work done. Again we any. It must te a very faint heart that is not of good cheer for the future of lirownvllle, for it Is good; and the ahadow of a population of 50,000 in ten years lii cast liefore If we forecast her fu ture by her past growth. Dr. Traer has been for the past week Lec turing in this city upon Phrenology, Physi ology and their kindred sciences. That he has given immense satisfaction, no one can doubt who has been one of the large and well pleased audiences which have dally and nightly gathered to hear and consult him. lie has delivered three lectures to the Ladys of this city, each succeeding lecture being to a larger audience t han the previous one. lie has also delivered several lectures exclusive ly to gentlemen, to largo and Intelligent au diences. These exclusive lectures were of a purely Physiological character, teaching what every man, women and youth of the land should know, yet what Is by most a sealed book by reason of the criminal fastld eous customs of society. His advice, based upon physiological truths, If accepted and ac ted upon, would tend to make people, better and healthier mentally and physically, and Improve the race generally. U is Idea is re form from the Inception; in other words, to give at least as much attention to the devel opment of healthy, sound, human offspring, as Is given to Chester White pigs and other animals; and .not resign all the benefits of scientific physiological discoveries to the brute creation. As a judge of human nature from era plologlcal and physical development and temperament, he is incomparably the Iwst that has ever struck this section; and his delineations of character have convinced many of the most skeptic, of the truth of Phrenology. In this he but convinces the TubIIc of his ability, while his lectures upon Physiology cannot full to greatly benefit any community in which they are delivered, lie is a pleasant speaker, and conveys to all the Idea at once that It Is their benefit he seeks in giving them a knowledge of their physical construction, and advise how to de velops latent enenrie and husband waning strength. To Illustrate his lectures, he has a verv large collection of portraits of persoi.B exhibiting marked traits of character; also, cf the human form laid open in every con ceivable shajH', showing each organ und IU bearing upon and connecting with other. As we said before, his knowledge of his sul joct is thorough ; his style pleasant, convin cing and truthful, and his success here has been great, which we hope, and doubt not will continue so long as his shadow falls on "mother earth." At the conclusion of his lecture Wednesday rtvcnlng. Rev. Geo. II. Davis proposed a vote of thanks to Dr. lraer lor ins scries 01 aoie, iuent, and Instructlvelectures, which was -axried by a unanimous vote. XOTICE I We m determined to do a CASH BUSINESS or lose dtors. IIOLLADAY & CO. MianrJBravr depredation come tollglit. During the post week fiVJ more of lJear's depredation has come to light. It appears that kv express package containing tills amoimt La just Ixx-n traced to this otlice and record Jouud of Its arrival here the week lie fore Hear absconded. This will make the Kx press Company's loss by him about $1-5,500. The lo8 of the iiailroad Company's for whom he sold .tickou Is about $.5(10. RJxJa Jt GJJJotore keep constantly on hand a full aud choice stock of Groceries, I'rovfeltazs FteV and are very liberal to deal witli. 1 bey are coiwcientlotis buyers and will keen only good article Go and see them ut the lied tstore. TO SLFFEliI?SG HUMANITY. Overcoats are an nbsolut necessity 'when tim weather is lisccld us It has been for the pat '(!.-, to keep off those colds which often cost trebletletrieof nnovereoatlu loctor's bills, t-o sav iHitliiwt: of the sullering. J. S, JLel2el has n pleniiid rtockof these most de pirable articles, ff every desirable and fash ionable pattern; -and hi a dealer whose heart goes out to meet thenecessitiesoi me punuc, for he sells them so that every masculine lma ;e of bis maker oan allbrd to encase him self In one. Go and see them J Accident on t He !. We learn that last Monday, while Tlmmas Green, of Peru, was hauling a load of Flour across the river at that point, his wagoa came near going through the ice. A Donation party will meet at the Fair view Church, this Thursday evening to make a donation to Rev. U t iicitt. We hope a liberal turn out will go from this city. 1000 No. 1 oak or Mulberry posts want ed at Den's. Jaltn W. Henderson has his new milin ary and lady's Fancy Hazar now open and in running order, lie has, undoubtedly, the finest and most vni led stock ever opened In thlallne in this cily, and has his stock dis played with excellcut taste and to good ad vantage. He has line bonnets, fine riblxns fine dress govls, switches, corsets, velvets and all thoe little trimmings that go to make the female attire neat and attractive. His stock would vie in quality to many of thecltystock8of like good. John Is absolute ly a lady's man, knows what the ladles wants und can now supply their wants In the most complete and satisfactory manner. NO BOOKS KEPT. Holladay A Co will not keep books in the future. CASH or no trade. Connty Order taken at par for any kind of goods j-ou want at Den's. IVe are pleased to notice the business of our townsman, r.van w onuinic, cniiiiii!r.i;ii and produce merchant has bo Increased as to demand the opening of n Ware House. He has opened up his new building on Main street as a freight Depot. The ware house on the levee being en'.uely Mled with grain ready for shipment. Potatoes and Onions at Den's. As the nnmlKr of Canton Clipper plows prows greater, the number of Its enemies de crease and Its friends gain strength. No plow wu ver made that cave greater satl-stact Ion. Jt Is becoming the uulvorsal lavoritc, ns the soil in which it will not scour is nit yet dis covered. Shellenberger Bros, are exclusive agents. Ever ylody Is By ing their heating and Tarlor tove at Den s. Freseh ixcerles and Provisions are the only kind that should go into the human stomacheand the place to get I hem is at F. K. Johnson A Co. who have Just receive a splendid stork goods in tins line, iney have frequently sent back article tnat did not suit or were damaged, and will have nothlsg that is rxt No. l,nd they are deter mined to sell as low ttsa fair'livlng profit will admit. Remember No. 72, Main street. Rook IslanA Plows of Ca it Cast Steel at len'ii. Warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. Ehellenber-ger Bros, have the sale of the Union Corn Planter, which machine lias been frently improved for Is70. A more simple, igbter draft or more cneclcnt machine is not made. This machine lias stood a severe test and come out victorious in e-ery encounter, which is Inevitable when It construction is taken Into consideration. Drop in and get a catalogue descriptive of this machine. Now Is the time to tmy Blankets, Shawls Cheap at Den's. The Head rf Main Ftret must lie graded thlsfJprlng. We have heard several parties say they would do the work for Street Im provement Honds. say it to the' City Coun cilmen, gentlemen and you will get the job. C. W. "Vheler. and others, nrnnosr to ut a culvert r-cross Colletre street near 7th. A'e hope he will make his oronasltl n to the Council, aa It Is a needed Improvement, and will result in the settllnir unof the west por tion of our city, which la now almost cut off irom wagon communication. To Housekeepers. Bear In mind that Dooley's Baking Powd ers is not only the most reliable baking powd er in the market, but each can contains the full ueiget or quantity as represented. No ingredients enter into Its composition, but such as are strictlv Dure, -and as half the quontity will produce more satisfactory re sults than those or ordinary manufacture it is vastly the cheapest as well as the best. Dooley's Baking Powders can be had at any Grocers. , 14-15 C. M. Snoke, successor to Chas. Ilelmer, Is doing a good thing by his numerous custom ers in the Hoot A Shoe business. ' He makes a No. 1 article, and does it on the most reas onable terms. . Who would pay S5 a cord for green wood when you c ingetjslx loavesof Bread for a quarter at the City Lakery. A first clacs cabinet organ for sale. This organ is nearly new. In good order, and and Is a line instrument. Will be sold very cheap for cash. Enquire of Geo. B. Moore, li-2t Dr. 31 cG re r, superintendent of Public Instruction of Nemaha County, gives notice or Ms sitting for the examination of School Teachers, in the llfgh School building In this city. Those desiring a certificate must be in attendence. lee. Some of our citizens. In odditlon to the regular packers, are putting up ice, which was never better than now lieing from eigh teen to twenty inches thick and clear as crystal. 'I seen lier at t he window, she was my dear Luanda, she looked so sweet and was dress ed so neat I'd aliven my life to a been there", for she bought her dress goods of McPherson fc Tuttles, lit No. ft!, Main street, where the bight of faseion do their trading. SherlffPlters, we learn, is very sick with Pneumonia, DeForest Porter, F,sq., of this place has been invited and will deliver a lecture before the students of the London School at the Christian Church In that place on Wednesday evening next at 7 o clock. Tli Weather has been Indulging in some remarkable freaks the pnst week. Sunday morning last opened out unusually mild giving evidence ihat the snow would leave us in a hurry. In about twenty minutes the wind veered around to the NorLh-WestJand a reguler "Norwester" rain storm prevailed freezing everything up tight. By night the thermometor Indicated Indicated ten degrees lielow zero. Mondav nlcht the mercury went down to twenty degrees below zero : the cnMost snap we have had since the winter of'63-4 - Apples by the dozen, peck or bushel for sale at the postofflce. Economy Ext rlordluary. Sitting on the foot of the stair, as some fellow did last Thursday night to listen to the Jree lecture of Dr. 1 raer. DeForest Porter has removed his office of Assistant Assessor's office to the corner room over McPherson & Tuttles. l0 Main street, where he will lie happy to meet the public on either legal or nnanciai nusines. Tlie most fashionable comfortable nnd pleasant resort to obtain the most soasonble drinks Kggnogg, Tom and Jerry, etc., con cocted In the best style of pure U iuors, Is Berger's Alhambra, No. 10 Main street. R. V. 3Iulr agent for Lamb's Knitting machines, Brownville, Nebraska, 11-tf Valuable City Properly for Sale Having determined to go on my farm in he Spring, for this reason I desire to dispose if my old home property In this City. As he size of it seems to be a difficulty in sell nir it. I have concluded to divide it into smaller lots. Terms will bo made reasonable oa t.- nric. nml time, ninilc nt 1TIV otlice. .. , .... a----- .,,.,. . c A Fruit Farm For Sale. T will sell on reasonable terms my fruit farm, on which Clilton Post Ofllce is now lo cated, in Nemaha County, Nebraska, which Is 2) miles from Nebraska City, 11 miles from Peru, IS miles from Urownviue anu n mnes from Tecmnseh. Already producing paying crops of fruit! Seven kinds In bearing! low Iounds of Dried Raplierries produced Last season! 300 Apple trees, orchard size, 1,700 smaller ! 500 Evergreens 1 to 2 feet high, 2,0'J0 smaller! Peach Orchard, -111 trees, 2 years old! Many ornamental trees, shrubs ami plants. Eight acres of wind breaks, Cotton woon and Maple. 40 acres Kind. Buildings suitable for present necessities. A 100 barrel Cistern. A tip-top Stone Quarry. Call and see It or address the subscriber nt Clilton Nemaha County, Nebraska, 14-2t BENTON ALDRICII. MARSH'S DOLLAR STORE. This is an institution new and novel to our city; nnd one which'seems to take" well, and give immense satisfaction. The si ranger will find it most any day by the crowd that is al most constantly at the counter trying their fortune. On ciiU vlmi, you will llnd back of the counter on which stands the magic lx of envelopes a tier of shelves twenty feet long, filled with valuable liooks, such as stan dard works of poetry, history, science, etc., wortli from one to twelve dollars. On the counter aretwoshow cases, filled with watch es, rings, silver cups, cake baskets, knives, sjMHins, etc., etc., nothing worth less than one dollar, and many Articles worth from $20 to !0. . On the left, as you enter, you will find as fine a collection of Chromo, Lithographic, nnd other pictures, as were ever opened in this cllv. A Chromo Is the finest picture made, and Marsh has the finest collection we ever saw. The most natural scenery, the loveliest little faces, the most natural duck lings that ever were made pictures of, may there le seen. These pictures are all worth from $-'1,00 to S2.V. In the back part of the store are several beautiful pants patents, a pile of sacks of No. 1 flour, glass-ware, fur collars, mirrors,, clothing, etc, all worth from S1.50 to ?S,00. The above Is but an out line of the stock which is here kept for sale each article fur One Dollar. The manner of selling these nrtlcles-is this": You pay 23 cts. for an envelope, which you draw from a box; each e nvelope contains some article, wnicn voucan have bypaylngfl.00 for it. Ifyou Don't want the article, you need not take it, and are only out vour 25 cts., for which you tried vour luck. It Is fair as can be, daily illustra tions of which are transpiring by men draw ing watches, sets of furs, ant other articles, worth from l".iK) to ?,U0. Go and see him ! It will pay! The Doilai Store is a glorious institution! MURDER "WILL OUT. And so will the fact that A. May & Co., must, have paid In nil that Is due them, by the first of February. They have sold goods on a strict cash basis, and now mean It when they say thev miut hare their outstanding ac count stUicd'hy the first of February, 1870 ! So come right along l aas putt on -Suirnoin Jaiuj AV 'optsra 'v i -uojsqna 'pooa jo ji.kus 1I"J Vllv Jtmn oqi jo sooqs puu tsjooji jo 3.)Ois pajtA pun ejItJ pauado puw paAjeoaa jsnfsrBii aq joj !imuf pipnaAX. ?u aaois ux pun uqi puu jsodiwqa aqx 'siuuj jo Jjud jo 'jsaA 'jwof) Vloojj jo Jtvsd u t;si.v uoA" JI og j n oa i Suho.C ano.i ipiav si A'w.isaqdqi A"iajnn uaqi jj avoum ROA AJrfA pu V 'jitis Aoqi Jt!3s linon Wateli Repalrtnp; scientifically done, and good Jewelry and Clocks, at Dnnn A Co.'s. - ; . Good Bnildlng St one-We are now pre pared to furnish unod building stone, in any quantity. Also, Step '.'tones, Bases for Mon uments or Tomb stones. Water Tables, etc furnished on short notice and reasonable terms IjORAXCE Varxev. Best Doors in the West at J. R. Bell's. For a good Saddle, go to Bonder's 52 Main street. , '-'f CIGARS at wholesale or retail at A. F. Cohn's Cigar Factory, 61 Main street. 23,000 Ilusliels or Corn Wanted In exchange for Dry Goods and Clothing at A. May A Co. s Dry goods regu lator. . For a No. Lsct of Harness go to Siu Jer's, 52 Main st. ' ' Wf Blankets. A full line of I he very best Woolen Blankets in the market, can lie found at F. Johnson & Co.'s, and are being sold olTat the most reasonable rates,- '.,;.' , DR. HOLLADAY RoFpeetfully informs his old friends and the public, that he is prepared to attend all call-! in the lino of his profession. Ofllce at I). H. Lewis A Co.' Drug Store. Main street. Browa vilie, Nel. . 5i-ti Dry Pine Lumber in all weather at J. R. Bell's. J.i-'nti Marohn will close out his Beady Made Clothing below cost price. " , RevivaL Tlu. first Baptist Church of this city Is just now enjoying a period of refresh ing in the work of theLord.and are having a glorious revival Rev. T. S. IiOW, moving on the works of the f nemy of mankind with vigor and effect, for the pats week day and evening meetings have been held, and last sabbath one soul was made happy In the faith of Jesus by Baptism. Buckwheat and family Flour at Den's Merchants and Blacksmiths A des! rabie and remunerative location for a COUN TYR STORK and BLACKSMITH, at the LAFAYETTE MILLS. Will furnish shop for the latter frke. Address, D. C. Saxdexs, Proprietor, Howard, Nemaha county, Neb. , Wanted. One good man to do hard work. I will pay good wages and give steady em ploy m cut for one year. ll-2in - - J. W. BLISS. ' If yon want a good Saddle or set or Har ness, go to Bauer. Cord and Tassels in abundance, at llan naford fc McFall's. Picture Frames and Slonldlngs, ' all styles and sizes, at llannaford & McFall's; and they have workmen who can put them together the neatest in the world. . Johnson & Co., you know, sell so low that there's the best place to go to buy Gro ceries and Calico, and Woolen Blankets as white as snow, so low. "Jest so." IL C. Lett has constantly on hand a pure assortment of pure Drugs and Medicines. Bletalle Bnrlal Cases llannaford A McFali have a beautiful lot of Metalic Burial Cases. WAIYTED! GAME! GAME t Wanted, by J. Huddarf, at No. 47 Main St., Brownville, Neb., Prairie Chickens, Quails, Wild Turkeys, Ac, Ac, for which I will pay the highest market price in cash. ALL CUT- ting done to ol der at Morgan's Tailor Shop. WIXl, YOU TRADE? I will trade Heating Stoves, at cash prices, for Corn, Wood or Fence Posts. ATTExVTIOJV, ALL! A.W.Morgan, Jr., of BrownvHle, C3 Main Street, has just opened anew and complete stock of Cloths, Caslmers, Vestings, and all kinds of Piece Goods, aud is prepared to make Gent's Clothing to order in t he most fashion able style. He also keeps a full line of Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur nishing Goods. - 47-3m J. W. Bliss, Regular Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended to in the country on reason able terms. Orders left at the Advertiser office will receive proper attention. 43-6m Grape Vines. Concords, $1.50 per dozen, HO. per hundred, and nil other varieties In proportion. Satisfaction is guarranteed as to quality and genuineness of vines. 47-lirn J. W. Middletox. Eye, Ear nnd Catarrah, successfully treat ed, by Dr. Kimberlin. Office over the Post Oilice, $1200 Dollars antl Expenses! See ad vertisement of American shuttleSewlng Ma, chine in our advertising columns. Patronize Home Industry. All kinds of Marble work can be had nt Neidhardt'a Marble Works In this city, cheaper than it can be bad elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. - $35,000,000 is the capital of the Mutual Life Insurance Companyof New York. Jar vis S. Church is their agent at Brownville. It is the safest company in tho woild to Insure in. tf Corn, "Wheat and Oats. Rainey A Lewis have removed their office to Robt. Teare A Co.'s Store, where they will pay the highest cash price lor Grain and oth er Produce. I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY PINK LUMBER, of every style and description, size and thick ness. Also Doors, .sash. Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Dry Pine Shingles, Lath and Picket.. In fact, any tiling in the building line, which I warrant A No. 1 in every respect, and on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by any man west of the Missouri river. I invite nil who need anything in my line to give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates. J. It. BELL Brownville, Neb. Cor. Water & First Streets, NT Lumber delivered within the city , JLjslimits, FREE OF CHARGE. Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttier's advertisement. .Sash and Blinds Full Bell's stock at J. R. THE MARKETS: CLOTHING MARKET. Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by MAY'S DRY (HXJIXS A CLOTIUNU RKUULATOR The Market this week shows a DECLINE! Business Coats from $ft 10. " Btistrtp" Suits, h. 4'Rsimere, from S't-''i. Vests t'reni 7-" cts. to :l 2-1. Overshirts, from 7- cts. to $3. Undershirts, from 75 cts. to fZ. DRY GOODS MARKET. Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by MAY'S DRY HOODS A CLOTIUNU REGULATOR -Calico, incf.iiie. Muslin. VZ'-va lT. Blenched, lilcfr JI). Cotton Delaine, 2a. . All Wool Dclnme, :17c. Balmoral-skirts, l 7r,(n?l 50. DR. WHITI'IEIi, A REOUL AR.G RADUATE OF IX MEDICINE, ns diploma at Office will show, has been longer enaed In the treutment of Vkkkhkai,, SKXfAi. and I'kivatk Diseas es than any other physician in St. Louis. Syphilis, Uonorrhn, (ileet. stricture, Orcliittis, Hernia, and Rupture; all urinary Diseases and Syphilitic or Mercurial A Mictions of Throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with unpurallellcd success. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Dehbuitv and Impo tency, as the result of self abuse in" youth, sexu al excess in mattirer years, or other causes, and which produce some of the following effects, ns Nocturnal Kmissieiis, blotches, debility, dizzi ness, dininestt of sight, confusion of ideiis, evil forebod intra, aversion to society of females, loss of memory and se.rual pewef, and rendering miirriuif e improper, ure ienuanentl v cured. The Doctor's opjxirt unities in hospital and private practice are unsurpassed in St. Louis or liny other city. Back tiles of St. Louis papers prove that he has been located here longer than any other so advertising. The establishment, library, laboratoryvand appointments, are un rivalled in the west, unsurpassed anywhere. Age. wijh experience, can be relied upon, and the doctor can refer to many physicians through out the country. In past success and present position he stands without a competitor. The Writings of a Pbysielnn whose rep utation is I iiion-vri'lc should be worth rca!iii. Doctor Wil itti kr publ ishes a M;lical JVimpA Ut relating to venereal diseases and the disas trous and varied consequence of self-abuse that will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope for two stamps. Many physicians introduce pa tients to the doctor after reading his medical pamphlet. Communications confidential. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Ofl'ee cen tral, yet retired No. fill St. Charles street, St. Lonis, Mo. Hours 9a.m. to 7, Sundays 12 to 2 p.m. ;-y NEW STEAM FERRY - ,-- ' i in 1 1' i' The Brownville I'erry Coinpaay have now running between IS II O , NEB., AND.. . . .'--jr. i. S 'North Star and Phelps City, Mo., the new and com modi ons Steaia Ferry MARY J. ARIIOLD! THIS BOAT is entirely new, with power and capacity to cross everything Uiat nifty coma in any weather. For crossing Cattle Into or out of this Land res trict. t!ii. is the bet txiiiit. This boat is especially fitttsl up to ensure safety in cnsing stock, an.1 larve cattle jens are already erecred nt the St. Joe.t B. iK'iwit at Piiei ps City. We can insure the traveling public that all in oor power shall he done to maRe this tlie most reliable crossing on the Missouri river. ; BROWNVILLE I'EItKYCt). 13-tf wmm :: 'Jiiil i ii a Haye tlie Largest. Stock, and Make the Lowest Prices. Annual Statement OF THE LI UTU A L L! FE HI S U H A II C E COMPANY FOR 186S CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING NOTICEABLE FEATURES xew svszxes or THE YEAR: Number of Policies issued 17,334 Amount Issued thereon 833,442,233 ; CASH XECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR: Amount to -...-813,129,531 06 Of which the Interest on Invest ments was. 1,701,402 72 AMOUNT PAID FOR CLAIMS RY DEATH Was.. Sl,143,69 09 INTEREST RECE1 VED Was more than 8300,000 In excess of the Claims. CASH DIVIDENDS TO POLICIES Amounted to the large sum of... . 83,263,001 17 This is more than twice as much as was paid by any- othef Life Company in the World, as appears by the official returns. The advantages enjoyed'by the policy-holders In this Company over those In any other, could not be better exemplified. THE SECURITY . Offered to policy-holders is manifest from the riar actrr no less than from tlie amount of the Com pany's Assets. These include Investments on Bond and Mortgage open property worth in every case not less than double the amount loaned.. ., -821,458,337 43" Government Stocks 5,003,108 75 Real Estate - 951,807 OS Cash deposited with laiiks and Trustee's 1,882.689 63 THE ASSETS OF THE COMPANY Include no Premium Notes, as the business of the Company is conducted upon an exclusively cush basis. ASSETS, $35,000,000 C A S II ! FISK & MILLS, GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE WEST, ST. LOUIS, MO. JARVIS S. CHURCH, Local Agent, : : : Brownville. 43-tf EX E P H A K T Dealer In all kinds of stock. Horses bongrht. soin ana exenangea. mock uoaraea ny tne d.tvor week. Tlie Prcpritor has recently erected an entire nevr, larce and commodeous Stahke, near tlie old Brownville llon-se. His f-tock is all fresh and vehicles new. The public can be accom modated at nil hours. DAY Olt IVIGIIT. A stock corrall, with an abundant snpply of pure watcr attaelied to the stable. 4-ly Clocks, Watches. Jewelry : "; No, 59 Llain Street, Brownville. JOSEPH SIIUT2, Has jnst opened and will eonstantlv keep on fcaud a large and we'd assorted fi,-t,f strx-if oi genuine articles in hLs line. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and Jew elry done on short notice. "' ; ALL WORK WARRAXTEIk 3 ft H S as $ I m 1 lI m m a TTholcsalo WusSBWtsaBMSS anintns4 VmMsJ Isjh ! O I No. 76 Main Street, MePlierson Block, Brownville, FLORENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED rv Sewing Uacliiiics AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE OSlY ONE Capable of Sewing In More than one Direction, AST) Fastening all its own Scams, WITHOUT STOPPING THE MACHINE OR TURXIXG THE CLOTH. It USES and WASTES LESS THREAD than any other, and will commence aseam without holding the ends of the thread. GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL. OVEIfc CO, OOO. MACHINER SOLD SINCE 1SC1. XySend for Reports and Circulars. YFM. E.PL.ANT, General Agent, 61 NORTH FOURTH ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. J. IV. HENDERSON, Brownville, Neb. 13-15-y Empire Shuttle Machine. Patented Feb. 14, I860, & Sept. 1, 18C0. RECEIVED THE FIRST PRIZE AT THE Great Fair of the American Institute In New York, Oct. 20, 1867, And Highest Premium for Best Manufacturing Machine At Paris Exposition, July, 18C7. No. 1 Family Machine. Tliis machine Is constructed on a new principle of mechanism, possessinir many rare and valuohle im provements, linviiiK been examined hy the mot profound experts, nnd pronounced to be simplitity and perfection combined' The following are the principal objections urged against sewing machines: 1. Excessive fatigue to the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. 3. Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Serving Machine is Exempt from all these Objections. It has a straight Needle, Perpendicular Action, makes thel.ock or Shuttle stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides: performs perfect sewing on every description of material, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coursest to the finest number. It Hems, Fells, Binds, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Plaits and Gathers. As a Family Sewing Machine it has no superior. Special attention i.i called to our new Improved Ncs. 2 & 3 Manufacturing Machines They have been thoroughly tested on every des cription of Cloth and Leather Work, running by Steam Power at the rate of 1,200 Stitches per Minute. rroduch-ig more than double the work of any oth er Shuttle Machine now in use; the stitch Is tltrht, uniform and beautiful ; they are simple in construc tion, easily understood, and not be liable to get out of order, run light and are comparatively noiseless. For Tailoring or Ieather Work weclaim that they are notonlyemial.but much superior to any other machine that has ever been offered to the public. Empire Sewing Machine co., N.Y. WELLS & RICHARDSON", St. Joseph, Mo. General Agents N. w. States and Territories. GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY' SEVIHQ MACHINES 495 .Broffrfiray, Vic IVrfc. Points of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of. Ma chinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide ranjre of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firm ness after washing and ironing. ' Besides doing nil kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines-execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamen tal work. Ai The Highest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions of tlie United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover A Ba ker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited. In competition. 43" The very higlieat prize. The Cro f Ih Lrg-foa of Honor, was co a f erred on the representative of tlie Grover A BakerSewrng Machines, at the Exposition Ualverselle, rarls, ISoT, thus attesting their great stierl ority over ail oilier Sewing Machine. Peru Idrery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, Dealer in . Vll Kinds of Stoelc. Horses Bought, Sold, or Exchanged. Stock Boarded by the Day or Week. ' JIY STABLES areitoekedTrrth good Horses and bugKies. Person wcihing coiivevaoce ! anv por tion of the Netuaha Ijund iibtricl eta be accommo dated. Ibe , Peru iz Brownville Coach Leaves my Stables every morning at 10 o'clock A. M. ra.-en5rers or rmrkj-rres safrrrtoriveve!. Or- oer. lerx wuu me robtmasters wUl fee promptly at tended toi li-tl-yl G ENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. t HETZEL'S. HATS AND CAPS All Varieties and Rrt-V?s t. iiFTyvt i HETZEL'S. P3 jvad Retail Pcalcra in j A ll- liJ L-iLa Ll 1 itxrivaixx:d stoch of EECArrr all Winder ail'M JUST OPSDISD, AT NEW YORK One Price Clothing House ! No. 70 Main Street. 875,0 0 0 WORTH OF ClOIIiliiG! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND; GEHT'S FTJHNISHNGS. These goods were selected by himself in New York, for this market, and aro un doubtedly the most reliable goods of the kind ever offered in this or any other mar ket. Mr. Hetzel's experience in this busi ness over 15 years enables him to select his goods with more judgement, for good material and make, than tlie great majori ity of dealers in Clothing. These goods have all been purchased for Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them very Zowfor Cash. Few persons once dealing with Hetzel but will always deal there, because his deal ings are fair and above board. He has but On e Pr ice. His scock comprises all the varieties of Fine and Fashionable Clothing, equal in evtjry respect to the VERY BEST CUSTOM-MADE V70HH. ti r- rrv r-3 iv GENERAL P3 Groceries We have on hand a large STAPLE A If D O To xhicli we are mailing co we are selling at Prices as the Mississippi. In the Quality of cur Goods ' FLOUR OF Tin: MOST GO HIGHEST MARKET o OTTJxr?:Fs.3r 12-40 A. li. RICH. 1 m 1 2JBW ADMHTISTRATIOir AT THE RICH & GILM011E, Successors to W. IL SUA LI, DlwALERS AND JORBERS IN i r s n it 1 '-. i n 1 1 v-r f, d U V -W a-sa fci Si ai ii si A A r. . ?,U?; SSI Teai'. MoUsf es- Syvu n our! Eacoa. FUi. 15 ri. trcZ? n ; ;V. 3aCCO' -i-ars Cieese. Dried and Crea Fn". Ca feotloaarleg of all Kinds, Woodea Ware, See. A ;.! W - In connection with the above they keep constantly on han.a)a:5 wppiy of fe'cL ' '- , ' COR., OATS, ?1XAX, SJIOP.TS, All Good3 Sold at Prices thatDefj Companion.' " ' Highest Market rricopal-lfcrvilUiu of COUNTUY rr.ODUCF ' riii lLh'7,X? s.nlt th0 TI.nv" S,rvali Vrr' n' Fa'r IfaHnir. is their IrrTarlaH mle Goods will be sold to Country Morc-earn. In eitl-er lar or small hlh and at Tt" f. T?l?A 1 n )- I I ' , j EJ L-J U J w 1 Nebraska, 11 t-.JT. H. .-JUJ DE-LER.S IN Provisions and well assorted stock of yJ j low a3 r.ny;HQ3 T7Ct cf WE VWX COHPETITIO, i APPROVE!) R RANDS. PRICE PAID TOIi swan v xmo. A. II. GILLMORE; r 11 w ""'iiij a i it nsmm Oi ' 1