Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 09, 1869, Image 3
- " TZTrthe APVF.mT Tot aale by wrLIGIorS NOTICES. mmr'H-ftiniff Atlantic and every Hu.K)ar ex ...j px VIS, Rector. rirrRCH- Cnrnor Fourth rd Atl nn tbird month. at u o c.oc - - tor. V. U. tODCE DinECTORY. - . n rt. F.-Brownyllir NS I. O (X 0jT!!eTr Hall thsBreyuneyer Brick, on S& Brother - 1 - A M -NVmahaVallej'Iv! A- F v n on the 1st and M taturdajra In M (Jfu. .Xviork p.m.. at their Hall In the I T&i lather, an-Inrtd. J JIB. a- Arrival Depart are f tfce Mall. rtr)TTi. Eastern and Southern depart at fa. Mail arrir'w. at p. m.: depart at 7 a ' .ii?MU arrives Monday. WMnrtays and ICS; "n m.: departs TuemUys, Thursdays sod t"in.!?AiHil irrra Friday at 4 p. m.; depart T""1ld.V u.uir. from 7 a. m.. to 7.' P. m. Pun- Table SU Je. and C. II. It. R. rtnaodaflT May 3d. 1. Train will leave Phelps GOINO NORTH.- OOINO SOrTH. TTe. 1 1 a. in. fllave.- 1:44 p.m. iv.ll train AaUy eeept Sunday. i27 p. m. IT p. m. ll:ii a. m. s-jnh K-xrern' Omnibus leaves Brownvllle for , m. and 12 m., daily. TCAL MATOEKS. J, h. ColLapp, Editor. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1809. b Rnt- Arp-y at thll office- -sr. Re--'1 ha &one below aftr a 8tock of Holiday gooJs. nd undoubtedly hrlrig fine stock. . ... Th a&iA of Stock. Farming rrrrr - . rwto of John MHe' four mlIe r-em,Post A c ImproTtnitnt Is the brick pavr- ing from the corner of Atlantic and MUkUW to the First Presbyterian Church C. C Btoriflit has removed his office in HeweU A Kewman, one door east of Uf-'r- . . Mlff a full stock: Matraasea, Com jorU. Allows, Sheet, etc, at UANNAFORD A McFALL'S. irafeSBmall last Monday bought outE. E, EbrkWi stock r Queensware and Tuesday oJd Rat to A. J. RUter, who takes It to St. parola. Patrat Laianges that open out at night tsl'rt-pon,andKhut upas snug asajack knife Is Uiedriy time, leaving a U-autiful sofa for use In the day time at llannaford St McFall's, ' improvement- Geo. P. Berkley has leas ed s portion of the lot In the rear of J. W. .jaadleton's SaAJleshop, where he Intends erecting a Taint Shop In the Spring. G4 Sl.ed Hoga F. A. Tisdel, JrM of thl city, has now ready to buU-her three hogs thevirited welglitof which Is 1.7G3 pounds; one weighing 600, one 5SS and one 575 pounds. Pretty good average hos for this season. Change. By our advertising columns it ' will he seen that II. C. Lett has again taken charge of the Ok Horn Drug Store in Mc rhereon Block. I. S. Cowles takes the Drug fitore and buine8 at Phelps City. - Chalce Holiday Preacnta. "t ooUced yetiU'rday that Hsnnaford & Mc Fallwere framing some beautiful Chromos for the Uoll days. No more beautiful pres- ' nt can .he bought They are splendid and 'riieap. bo and see them. D. 1l. WcLanghlln, from the fact of his Injinga Miller by trade undoubtedly the best la till section is gaining the bulk of the trade in Flour at his Feed Store, McFall & Oj's old stand. His recommend la guarran .lee sufficient for us. suarlalJohnSralth, one door west o BoUisons shoe shop, is not excelled in his wtjie of AhaVin g, sham poolng or h alr-cutti ng; "orbeeaa put you through a course of clean tcg uj so pleasantly, quietly and effectually that ills a great pleasure to be manipulated Sir hfe dexterous hand. Goto John Smith's. I3,lfuaiUls By reference to our new advertisranenU it will be seen that D. C Sander Is now sole proprietor of these mills. From a knowledge of these mills and their pesc ntwier, we feel assured that the pub lic will Asa wise thing by patronising these XlUi. Utk. tiicSawand Grist Mills are in A'o. 1 exMfttlxaocL, Read advertisement. TU BrwarMTlllc Steam Ferry is still making regular trips. In spite of mush ice and U assertion of our Nebraska City cSV temporartBs to tie contrary. In fact during the past and this work teams have crossed at this point which came down from opposite Plattsmouth from alwvc, and from as far be low as White Cloud, Indicating that no ferry on the river between Omaha and St Joseph are at this place la making regular trips. ' Tns Laiaber Trade of Brawnvllle is fcore extensive than most of our readers ksve any idea. It extends at least 200 miles st and south, yet we were a little surprised last Tuesday to see four teams drive down to J.K BolPs Lumber Yard in this city, which , came from the head of Salt Creek, Lancaster eounty,60 miles northwest of this city, and immediately west of Nebraska City. On ex pressing to them our surprise that they bsuld lose three or four days coming here In ttesd of going to Nebraska City, we were as sured that the difference on a load of Tine lumber to say nothlngjof the better quality . paid them more than wages for themselves and teams, and said one: "plenty of our . 4(hUrs have tried It, and If the roads are only passable this Is our place to buy Pins lumber." XsaswA couple of enterprising Individ uals have been nightly since last Saturday nitht Instructing numbers of our citizens in the mysteries of Keno, and those desirous learning seems on the Increase. They occu PT the room formerly occupied by us as an ditorlal sanctum, in which we enjoyed the :Png of Irapecuniosity to a considerable ex ;tpot,aud were firmly Impressed with the be--Ulef jthat coin and greenbacks were obsolete; T'et, pretto change, Keno comes and whirls lume fortune's wheel in that same room, and touadreds of dollars leap in sight, and the T'e used, to enlighten people is nsed too EcHen them f r tho lmnk, with its ten per nt i always ahead. As the dutchman de albe4 thlsjgame It 1 blaee where a lot of tellers sets rrnind dables mit cards und nam Person em; ven onevcllcr he dams a veel nd dskes out a number, calls it loud, und all but some buttons or Art card ; by-n-by, one veUersay Keno and all d rest say h 11!" Th F ami tare Establishment of ths W"etR. s. llannaford, of the firm of Han oaford A McFall, of this city, starts easy his morning to Cincinnati, Ohio, on a busiaiss islt to the leading Furniture Factory of the 'est, that of Mitchell, Ramrnelsberg A Co., 89 West 4th street, next to the Fot Offlct, Cincinnati, O. This is undoubtedly one of l& oldest and most reliable Furniture Fact orls In the west, and "" P4-11 score of Tears has supplied ths great wt with the , Jost reliable furniture in the market. Their Factory and Wholesale Ware Rooms con "itof an Immense five story block corner of Jhn and second streets, where they run up srd of one thousand hands with corres ponding machinery the year round. The 'yle and quality of their Furniture I known d Prreeiated In every palace and hamlet ' the northwest and especially In Souther d brMka, where llannaford A McFall are filling u dally in Immense quantities at hoSesale and retail. Backed, as they are, T u!h a Factory U sufficient to warrant us n ollcltlng for them the wholesale patron e of Southern Nebraska and Iowa and 'western Missouri. Iletael has, during the past week, old over half or iiu magnincent stock of coo : Overcoat ; and we saw several TIES fitting np there yesterday, who declared they had been nearly FROZEN under the shoddy they had boucht elsewher. They purchased, and went their way, nearly tlckeled TO DEATH at the splendid bargains they had made At declared their hopes of a comfortable exlst- ance through an inclement winter had been RESrSSITAT ED D J. S. IXETZEE. A CARD. Office af Play's Rc gala tor, I Brownvllle, lec. 7. . J To thr Citizen of Xcmaha, Xichardson and I take this method of informing you that I have this day withdrawn from the house of A. May A Co. ; allow me, therefore, to extend to you, through these columns, my sincere thanks for the unlimited confidence and ex tensive patronage you have been pleased to favor me with during my stay in Brownvllle the past two years. Hoping to see an exten sive continuation of your patronage for my successor during the coming year, -I am yours respectfully, SAMUEL STAR. Christmas Goodies! At McPherson A Tuttle'a will be found the choicest Seedless Raisins, Dried Currants, Citron, Cranberries, Malaga Raisins, Dried Apples, Green Apples, Dried Peaches, Prunes, etc. etc, laid In especially for Christmas and New Years, and sold very low so that poor folks may enjoy themselves. CORRECT I Tell me ye w'jsged winds That round my pathway roar. Can't you think of a pleasant drink T won't make a man's throat sore; A pleasant soothing drink. Mixed in the best of style; That warms within and warms without, And makes a mortal smile? The cold wind blowing round the corner, seemed to say. The best place to go is to Berger's Alhambra ! Weather Conjee lr-M'e have repeat edly been told by the "weather-wise" that the first three days of a season are indicative of what kind of weather will transpire during the three months of that season, we have once before watched this sign and found it correct in the main. We have again under taken to notice it and will "call our play" for fear that It may be by some counted a "scratch." December 1st: Sun rose clear, and remained so for a few moments, then was behind a cloud for about one-half hour, then came out clear till between 9 and 10 o'clock, after which the day was cloudy and mild, yet trying hard to snow all day. No wind of consequence. December 2d: Very clear and cool all day. with moderate wind. December 3d: Was very clear and awfnl windy. There, you- can draw your own con clusion ; you pays your money ana yoa takes your choice," and if the weather don't suit you can stay in doors 1 Cocswsll is an Institution hlmsolf great ly beneficial to any town in which he is loca ted; and he has Just established another in-, stitutlon which will undoubtedly be bene ficial to all who take advantage of it It is his Real Estate and Tax-Paying Agency. All who know Cogswell know him to lea shrewd trader, vet one against whom nothing unfair can be said, and one of whom all may be assured that he will do the best possible for the patrons of his Agency. Ilecombines the treat reaulsltes for the business which he has Just opened, as he Is reliable, trustworthy. shrewd and thoroughly acquainted with lands and towns In Southern Nebraska, and all present and prospective causes and im provements that may affect the value thereof If you wish to buy or sell, anything, or rent houses or lands, read Cogswell's advertise ment in another column then give him a call. Grand Annual Ball! The preparations for Berkley's Grand Annual Ball, to be held at McPherson's Hall Christmas Eve, contin ues on a grand scale, especially In the depart ment of Music Mr. Berkley has sent to Chicago for new Instruments, and will make better music than was ever heard in a Ball room In the west. As characteristic of the man, we are informed by disinterested par ties, Berkely has pledged all over net expen ses to charitable purposes. The fact is, he enjoys the fun of seeing young folks merry so well that money is not his object in get ting up a dance. Last year he gave a Grand Ball and paid every dollar of the receipts, save enough to pay his assistants for playing, for the Hall. We, like to see benevolence, yet think Mr. Berkley exhibits a little too much for his own good, but "so runs the world." A splendid time may be expected. Nntrltlou, Healthy, ths Best. Doo ley's Baking Powder is the most economical and convenient Baking Powder now in use. It saves milk and eggs, prevents the possibil ity of poor rolls, biscuits or cakes, and thus produces happiness in both kitchen and household. It is put up in tin cans, which are, to all intents and purposes, impervious to the action of the weather. One trial will convince the most skeptical of its superior qualities. For sale by grocers. For sale by Polock A Son and Rich A Glll more. W Joseph Ilnddard's Saloon is one of the most quiet and orderly In our city, and con ducted on principles that cannot fail to make It a pleasant place ofresort lor persons who de- si re a stimulant concocted of pure and whole some liquors. Joseph Is a gentleman, and permits no rowdyism in his place of busi ness. This way Gentlemen and Ladle, if you wish to see the gteatest wonder of the age, fair dealing merchants, accommodating clerks, choice Dry Goods und Groceries, and everything else given In full weight and measure for the lowest prices ever offered in this market! Right this way; F. E. John son A Co.'s, No. 70 McPherson Biock. -Whitman A, Co., (the company is Char ley Butcher,) have opened up a meat market in McFall A Co's old stand, and will keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh meat, dressed In the best of style ; and will pay the highest price for oil kinds of dressed geese, rhiebena. docks, auails. etc Give them a call and get your meat neatly dressed. Sausage Grinder. Best known to the market, at Shellenberger's. ' 0.E Of the best place to purchase Dry Goods Is undoubtedly at A. May A Co's Regulator, for among the ItXILLIO? merchants In the United States yon will not find a man more conscientiously Honest in doinir what he advertises, or who will give you more value received in good substantial goods for your' DOLLARS Their goods are up to the very latest styles and they buy onlo such goods as they can war rant to be Vt'ORTII all they ask for It. You cannot fail OP being both pleased and suited from the mag nificent stock of DRY GOODS AXD CLOTIII3G At ?Iay A, Co's Regulator 1 A Ton of Staple and Fancy Groceries just opened at Red Store and more on the way, all of which ws sell low down for cash or In ex change for Country Produce. Rich A Gillxork. Band Festival. Preparations for this Festival are in progress, and warrant us In saying that It will be a grand success. Concert The Dye Brothers and Mr. d Mrs. Bennett will give a concert in the First Baptist Ch5?h of this eity next Monday evening. Tiiey are the most popular troop in Nebraska. Dry pine Lumber in all weather at J. R. Bell's. ICllbourn, Jenkins A Co.' shed to shed off rain, snow, sl jet and slush from their Pine Lumber is progressing. Henry Crist, its enterprising architect, says the plan is alibis own; and Is he ready to impress the public with the idea that better and cheaper Lum ber was never under shed in the west. At Marsh's Dollar Store is the place where you enn have a chance to draw some of the finest Holiday Goods in the market. Home-BIads Pennsylvania Apple Batter for sale at Swan A Bro. Come along, come along, make bo delay, Come from every nation, come up anyway. Come along, get along, head no alarm. McPherson A Tuttle have Dry Goods enough to keep a million warm, and are selling them so low that they are within the reach of alL Dooley's and Preston A Merril's Baking Powder and Crocker's Concentrated Hop Yeast Powder at Red Store. Rich A Gillmoke. We had the pleasure yesterday of meeting the Hon. J. W. Walton, of Oscaloosa, Iowa, formerly residing near Wheeling, Vsw, and for years neighbor of our townsman, A. P. Cogswell. He is here with his wire on a visit to his old friend and neighbor, Mr. Cogswell, and speaks In the highest terms of our young city of Brownvllle; and the county gener ally. For Christmas J Fresh Raisins, " Currents, " Citron, " Oranges, " Lemons, " Nuts, etc At Swan A Bros. Everybody who buys them says that Baur sells the best and cheapest Harness in the city. Prleo Den's Stoves before purchasing. Poeket Cntlery at Shellenberger's. Best Doors in the West at J. R. Bell's. For a good Saddle, go to Souders 52 Main street. 7-tf Sausage Staffers. The best made, at Shellenberger's. The best Fanning Mills made can be seen and purchased at Tlsdel's . Carpenter's Tools and Blacksmith's Fur nishings at Shellenberger Bro's. Organ. Call at J. R. Dye's residence and examine his new stock of Organs. 7t CIGARS at wholesale or retail at A. F. Conn's Cigar Factory, 62 Main street. Potatoes, Cabbage, Green Apples, Dried Apples, etc, at McPherson A Tuttle's. Smoked Halibut, Codfish, Mockeral, ffnd all the finny tribes usually ' kept tor sale at McPherson A Tuttle's. 23,000 Dusbels of Corn Wanted in exchange for Dry Goods and Clothing at A. May A Co.'s Dry goods regu lator. . PAT UP I All accounts due D. IL Lewis A Co. must be paid up immediately, or they will be placed the hands of an officer for collection. -A. word to the wise:" save costs. Leaf Tobacco IV anted. Farmers hav ing on hand any leaf tobacco of their own raising-, will find a purchaser therefor at this offlee. If you have any, bring it in soon. Those desiring to rrlsc it as a crop will find it to their advantage to call on us. COLHAPP A BRO. Ammunition of all kinds, at Shellenber ger's. For a No. 1 set of Harness, go so Souder's, 52 Main st. 7-tf Arctic Overshoes From 5s to!2s,at Het- zel's wide-awake Clothing Emporium, No. 70 Main street. Cross Cut Sawa All sizes, at Shellenber ger's. o REAL ESTATE! If you wish to rent a house, or tuy city or county property, call on E. E. Ebrlght at his quet nsware store. No. 61 Main street. 75 DoxenShlrtsand Drawers Just receivod at J. S. HETZEL'S. Fence Wire. Large lot Just received, at Shellenberger's. PatentCornllnskersatShellenberger's PatcntCornlluakersatShellenberger's. PatentCornlluakers atShellenberger's. PatentCornlluskersatShellenbcrger's. Osage Orange Plants. The largest and finest lot ever offered in Nebraska, and for sale low for cash, by n. a LETT. STOVES t STOVES II STOVES III Twenty percent, cheaper at W. T. DE.VS than any house in Nebraska. Ralalas, Currants, Citron, Sugars. Spices, And everything wanted for flxiug up for ths Holidays at Hauk A Armltage's. Coll and See McCreery A Nickel's immence variety. DR. HOLI.ADAT Respectfully Informs his old friends and the public, that he Is prepared to attend all calls In the line of his profession. Office at D. H. Lewis A Co.'s Drug Store, Main street, Brownvllle, Neb. 51-tf TUdel can furnish you the genuine Con cord Buggies. SOMETHING NEW. Plaid Waterproofi. At THEO. HILL A CO'S. 400 PARLOR HEAT STOVES And 500 COOK STOVES Of every pattern known to theeastern mar ket for sale low for cash at Shellenberger Bro's. Selling Oil at Cost ! In order to get room to repair my store house, I will sell out my present stock of Cooking and Heating stoves at cost. For cheap and good stoves go tothe Pioneer Stove Store, opposite the Court Couse, by J.C. Deu ser. Fresh dried and canned fruits of n'-I kinds Just received at Red Store. Rich A Golxokc Dlarys for 1870 at A. D. Marsh's Dollar Store. Buckwheat Flour, Cranberries Honey, Ac, at Swan A Bro's. 20,000 bushels of Corn wanted at Hauk A Armltage's. Holiday Presents at Marsh's Dollar Store. Tin, Sueetlron and Japanned Ware at ShclieubeTger Bro's. Fins Cntlery-7ooathan Crook's celebra ted pocket Cutlery. Jos. Rogers? (evtler to her Majesty J pocket cutlery. . . ' Table Cntlery fnll stock at ' SHELLENBEROER BRO '3. Cora taken for goods at Den's. Gsni and Pistols, at Shellenberger's. nides, Pelts and Furs, wanted at Den's. Sash and Birnds. Foil stock at J. R. Bell's ' 4-Penny H atls in abundance, at Shellen berger's. - ' . Ladle' Fnrs selling at your own price, at Den's. For choice Groceries, Win terFlanHels,Fan cy Dry Goods, go to W. T. Den's. Pianos. J. R. Dye will sell and deliver first class Pianos at Eastern prices. 7-2t Winter Clothing. Gent's Shawls, La- die's Cloaks and Fur Capes, of latest styles. at Den's. ' . Drag Store for Sale. A complete and well selected stock of Drugs for sale, low for cash. Enquire at this office. 1st Premium. The Canton Clipper Plows manufactured by Parlin A Orndoff, took - the 1st Premium at our State Fair. For sale by Shellenberger Bros. ATTE.VTIOW, ALL! A. W. Morgan. Jr.. of Brownville. 63 Main Street, has just opened anew and complete stooJc or cloths, Casimers. vestlngs. and all kindsof Piece Goods.and is prepared to make lient's Clothing to order in the most la Dion able style. He also keeps a full line of Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur- msmng uoous. . . GOLD REWARD. . ' Bocks' Brilliant Cook Stove took the Gold Medal above the Charter Oak and other com' petmg Stoves, at the New Orleans and St. Louis Fairs,. in 18G9. For sale at the Pioneer Stove Store, by. 44-8m J. C. DEUSER. Good Building Stone. Wearenow pre pared to furnish good building stone, in any quantity. Also. Step Stones. Bases for won umentsorTomb Stones, Water Tables, etc, furnished on short notice and reasonable terms Lorakce A Vabney. Grape Vine. Concords, $1.50 per dozen, f 10. per hundred, and all other varieties in proportion. Satisfaction is guarranteed as to quality and genuineness of vines. 47-6m J. W. MIDDLETON, Eye, Ear and Catarrah, successfully treat ed, by Dr. Klmberlin. Office over the Post Office. $1300 Dollars and Expenses! See ad vertisement of AmericanShuttleSewing Ma, chine in our advertising columns. J. W. Bliss, Regular Licensed Auctioneer, Sales attended to in the country on reason able terms. Orders left at the Advertiser office will receive proper attention. 4S-6m Millers, buy your Rubber and Leather Belting of Shellenberger Bro's. A full stock always on hand. Ladies', Children's and Misses' FURS, Theo. Hill A Co.'s. Full stock at Private medical aid. read Dr. Whlttler's advertisement. 300 kejr Horse Shoes and Nails at Shel lenberger iiro'. A Good Wagoa-Do you want it? Go to Tisdel's. Pataonlxe Home Industry. All kinds of Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's Marble Works In this city, cheaper than It can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. . , S35.000.000 Is the capital of the Mutual Life Insurance Companyof New York: Jar- vis S. Church is their agent at Brownville. It is the safest company in the woild to insure In. tf rt trait. Knrflett'a from $140 to 9600: Ma- son & Hamlin's, 875 to SfiOO. James R. dye, urownviiie. 300 Traveling Baskets for the Ladles. . McCREERY A NICKEL. WASTED ! GAME I GAME I Wanted, by J. Huddart, at No. 47 Main St., Brownville, Neb., Prairie Chickens, Quails, Wild Turkeys, Ac, Ac, for which I will pay the highest market price in cash. KJlbourn. Jenkins & Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in ail kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets. Sash. Blinds. Doors. Hattens. etc Office and Lumlver Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City. Missouri. We manufacture our own material in me Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where wc have in oneratlon one of the lamest manufactures of everything made in Pine in the world.and obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree. as we do, we can sell at lower rates tnan any Lumber Yam in tho w est wnicn pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply ot everything In our line, so that those In want may always rely upon getting wnat tney ue- slre. We simplyask ail to examine our stock and prices before purchnsingelsewhere, as we can ensure satisfaction In both. 200 Kegs White Lead, Just received. McCREERY A NICKEL. FITS ! FITS ! ! FITS ! ! ! at Alt W. Morgan's Clothing Store. ; TIIAD TRIMMER'S Checkered Feed Stable is the best place In town to refresh and feed stock. Hay, oats, corn, bran and shorts for sale. Stock boarded by the day, week, month or year at reason able rates. Farmers, give him a call. Nos. tf and 8 Brownvllle, Nebraska. 43-tf ' Corn, Wheat and Oats. Ralney A Lewis have removed their office to Robt. Teare A Co.'s Store, where they will pay the highest cash price lor Grain and oth er Produce. 2.000 Bolts Wall Paper, direct from New York. , McCREERY A NICKEL. , OUR MOTTO. We sell pure goods only. McCREERY A NICKEL. ALL CUT- ting done to order at Morgan's Tailor Shop. I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY PINE LUMBER, of every style and description, size and thick ness. Also Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, etc Dry Pine Shingles. Lath and Pickets. In fact, anything In the building line, which I warrant A No. 1 In every respect, and on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by any man west of the Missouri river. I invite all who need anything in my line to give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at the fairest rates. J. R. BELL. Brownville, Neb. Cor. Water A First Streets, fXT T3 Lumber delivered with In the city 15J , JDslimits, FREE OF CHARGE. THE MARKETS. CLOTHIJta MARKET. Corrected weekly Ibr tbe Advertlfterby MA Y'S DRY GOODS A CLOTniJSG REGULATOR The Market this week shows a DECLINE! Business Coats from $3 10. t ' Business Suits, ?s. Casimere. from f K(? t- Vexta from 75 cts. to ?1 2S. Overshirts, from 75 cts. to $3. Vadershirts, from 7 cts. tofS. DRY GOODS MARKET. Corrected weekly for the Advertiser by MAY'S DKY GOODS & CLOTHING REGULATOR Calico, lnefo-llc Muslin. Vl'.cin l". Bleached. KKvoiJl. Otton Delaine, 22c A 1 1 Wool Delai ne, 37c. Balmoral Skirts, 1 4.'& f2 Ml suae an bbbb aaBaBnMsB9sa Peru Livery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, Dealer in Kinds or StocU. Horses Sought, Sold, or Exchanged. Stock Hoarded by the Day or Week. MY STABLES are stocked with Rood Horses and bustles. Persona wishing conveyance to any nor tion of the Nemaha Land District can be accommo dated. Tae Pern z Ero-vmville Coach. Leaves my Stables every mornln- at 10 o'clock A. Jt. Paensrer or packages safely conveyed. Or ders left wilh the ruslmasiers will be promptly at tended U. L2-31-J-1 r LfTi -3 No. 76 Haye the Largest Stock, and Make the Lowest Prices. COR1T SHBLLERSI LIST OF Four Hole Sheller and Power, either betted Four Hole Sheller and Power, either belted Four Hole Sheller and Power, either belted Six Hole Sheller and Power complete, either Two Hole Self Feed Sheller, with single sacker, two-horse power, Jack and drive rope.. Two Hole Self Feed Sheller, with single sacker, t wo-horse power, geared Two Hole Hand Feed Sheller (or "Farmer's A. L. RICH. A IJEW ADMINISTRATION AT THE 113 BT RICH & GILMORE, Successors to W. II. SMALL, DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN GROCERIES & PBOYISieiS Such as Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Molasses. Syrups, Flour, Bacon, "Fish, Dried Beef; Salt, Coal Oil, Tohacco, Cigars, Cheese. Dried and Green Fruits, Con fectionaries of all Kinds, Wooden Ware, &o. - In connection with the above they keep constantly on hand a large supply of feed, COM, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, &c. All Goods Sold at Prices that Defy Competition. Highest Market Price paid for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Reduced Prices to suit the Times, Small Profits and Fair Dealing is their invariable rule. Goods will be sold to Country Merchants in either large or small bills and at extremely low rates. , Y FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED AT THE RED A STORE, McPherson Brick, north side of Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by W. H. SmalL 3-tf ' WW B4L-9 ij saajw' CP oenebal Groceries S GO . "We bave on hand a large STAPLE AND To which we axe making co ws are selling at Prices as the LSississrppi. In the Quality of our Goods '' FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST MARKET 12-40 GO GO SHELLENBERGER BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in mil ITo, 74 Ilain Street, BroTtnivillc, Iteh. ITTiolesalo C A IR, awa n,,'M Main Street, McPherson Block, Brownville, PRICES, COMPLETE WITH POWER or geared with double Backer. or geared with "eight foot" elevator , or geared with "ten foot" elevator... belted or geared with eight or ten foot elevator Sheller") with one-horse power, Jack and rope D A. H. GlLLMUKli. TTS 53 . RICH & filLHORi;. ST-! IE-IT IE? Y -f 1 Mil TTThi-7" Tf DEALERS I r ovisious f and well assorted stock of FANCY GROCERIES nstant additions, and which low as anyHouse west of WE DEFY COMPETITION. APPROVED BRANDS PRICE PAID TOR ties, Tinware, Etc., n and Retail Dealers in IP IE T B a w in) a Ev b-JJ I J K-0 49 t-Jfc-J rOR F. A. Tisdel, DEALERS IN AGMGULTDRAL FIRST riVRIVALLED STOCK OF ELEGANT li'all 5 Winter Olethmg JUST NEW YORK One Price Clothing House! No. 70 Main Street. . S75,00D WORTH OF CU1BIDE ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GENT'S FUHNISHITGS. These goods were selected by Iiimself lti New Yoriv, foi tliis market, arid are un doubtedly the most reliable goods of the kind ever offered in ket. Mr. Hetzel's experience in this busi ness over 15 years his goods with more material and make, ity of dealers in Clothing, These goods have all been purchased for Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them xcryZowfor Cash. Pew persons once dealing with Hetzel but will always deal there, because his deal ings are fair and above board. He has but One Price. His stock comprises all the varieties of Fine and Fashionable Clotlung, equal in every respect to the VERY BEST CTJSTOU-IaADE T70RII 7 S em3 " Tf m rf nJ EJ ia uU v. Lw f Nebraska. 1 SALE BY Jr., & any, IfilPLBMENTS ! ! STREET, OPENED, AT this or any other mar enables him to select judgement, for good than the great maiori- jCT s-r-' 'if ( !! jj-o '"fl. . - J .. ...... a- t-MMmiM.l.. r' T"al Wtfc.- m p-!-"-