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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1869)
r ( ICoit are indebted to this office for subscription for the Advertiser, as follows: From Vol .JYo years, $ Can you pay it soon ? We are greatly pressed for this money to help pay for our winter stoclc. CHUEOH, COLHAPP & CO., fa omce-N.. yaicrr 'mck stair. ADVEUTISIXO BATES. r raoare. (8 Hn or Irw) first Insertion.. 7 Insertion BusTness Card of five lines or lea Kach additional line... c.nmiv.nch bead l 71 KiKith eoltimn, one year three month, ip ESTABLISHED 185G. BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKATHURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1869. VOL. U. NO. 8. (os:lumS:SotrhM .ftiWWBS WW6W T -t i i r r4 tn i sr ! U i n of tf r.l I s. v. fifcf .3 ) !':. rS I f ? - icntntl usmtss ATTORNEYS. " BWETT i- NEWMAN. - 1 1 K WETT A NEWMAN, ATTORNEYS r COUNSELORS AT UW, othce. No. 7, ycPnerson Block, up stairs. UPSET FEN"fc.-.,T . rrwaT.-TJ W. T. ROGER. ATTORNEY V COI NSKLOKS AT LAW. 1 Ollice In Court llouno liuildin. u rn rive dihirent attention to luiy legal business ......i.-! to their care. 3-tfJ ruu rnn a riir.TlV ,.., and Counselor tt Law, and CO 'General Land Agent, Teeumxeh, Johnson Coonty, Nebraska. J. N. REYNOLDS, Attorney sod Counselor at Law, (ichi-Vno. Q, Reynolds Hotel. TJl.Ar iiivuaui. Kt'riat Law Solicitors In Chancery, " ' otiiee in District Court Room. "THOMAS A BROAD Y, WM. H. McLENNAN, Attorner and Counselor at Law, A " ,Lu City, Nebraska. ,,.,, at Law and Land icentl, 4t,r!yyAgLW.Afa.nagrect. VptSair. sTm. RICH, Attorner at Law and Land Agent. nmce In Court House, 11 rut-door, vrest Bide. Tl V PF.Rk'IXS. A ' . - . Attorner and Counselor at Law, Tccumseli, Johnson Co., Neb. NYE IUii"ii:iti, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'nwiife City, Pawnee Co., Neb. N. K. GRIOGS ittomer at Law A- Heal Kstate Agent, liitrlc-p, tinge County, Nebraska. PHYSICIANS. S. COWLES, M. P.. Homeapie Physician, Surgeon and 11 Obstetrician. A crartuate of Cleveland Collet. Office at llauk EViap si'U.rerooni. special attention given t iZZZ of Women andlhiidren. W. H. KIMBKRI.IV, M. D. PHYSICIAN ASl)Sl KE03i TO A KB. K VB AM) K All IS KIM 31 Alt Y. Or no Over Pout Ollice. tirnca lioi hm-7 a.m. to 6 r.u. H. C. TlirRMAN, PHYSICIAN AMI M Ht.rON, n-lxu ,! Mhiu SUvet, one door went ofPeu ser no SUop. Odice hours from 7 to 11 a. ru. and lto 4 p g; . tJ" y- H. L, MATHEWS, PHYSICIAN ASU SIKGEOS. Uilice No.5I Main Street. C. E. STEWART, M. D., PHYSICIAN AM StRUEOX, vjtu-e No. a 1 Main Street, (vyw Hur,-7 to MA. M., and It 2 and 6 to . LAND AGENTS. R. V. HUGHES, , Keal Estate Agent and Justice of ' 0:tkj in Coui l House, liit door, vctside. " BARRET A LETT, Land A cent A La ud W arrant Brokers. No. HI Main Street. Will attend to pitying Taxvt jttr Xon-reident. " Pa-tonal atUtUion given to rnaktng xK-ofiwu. JxpuIa, improved and unimproved, Jor talc vn rtaionuhle tervu. WM. II. HOOVER, JUal Estate and Ti Paying Agent. (Jifii-e in District Court Room. Kill owe prompt attention to the tale of Real ;itM and Jtiyuutit of Tauei throughout tte .Aemdui hand IMtirict. JONAS HACKER, ,LAXX and tax payino agent. U lU Hend to the IXiyincnt of Taxet jor Xon ilcMviiul IauuI owner in Semaha Cbutity. MERCHANDISE. WM. T. DEN. IThvUuaie and lit tail Healer in firmer ml Mrrc handier, and Commission and .Kor war til ug Dlcrtlisut, JSu. J Mam Street. Com J'latv, J'lw, Slovvt Furniture, Ac, silwuyM on haivL Il.(ihtnt mark it price paid for Jhdra, 1'eUt, Fur uud Vutuvtry J'roduce. V. E. JOHNSON CO. Dealers ia (General Merchandise, No. ga Mcl'iirK?i Bloek, Main St. HOTELS. REVIOLDS IIOrsK. XATUA X '. ii&EKX, I'l'.OPRIETOR, t UL iluLu fLreet, Jirownville. Bt accuuimiidliiirs la the city. New House, wly lurswiiea is Ute heart ol' business part ol nr. Lu ery stahl cuni-menl. 4o-Wm PHELPS UOUSE. WT- TJiVtX.S. FaoruiETo. Opxjitt Uf Li' Ptit.PiiClps Oiy, Missouri. Jut juod ao.:oujiuiiluou iujd good siabling are otrruacan be bad in the West. l-'yJ AMJI.1CAJ" HOUSE. L. D. ROIUON- Proprietor. Front SU, betMeJi Maiu and Water. A good Feed aud Lioary Stable i connection DRUG STORES. D. IL LEWIS A CO., urn -jrutnun re holla day a CO. , ' W hfUttnie u.ud Jo-tail Oeatm t Ormga, Mcdtciasea, Paints, Oils, No. 41 AXaxn .Street. . etc. MoCREERY A XICKELL, JTttoletale afui lirlail JealT l Drug. Io" allpanes- , Stationery No 3-i MaiuStnvf. BOOTS AND SHOES. CHARLES H ELMER. - BOOT AM) allOK MAKER, Ha on hand m superior stock of Hoots and Vnttom Wrk kr sraA ncatnru and dttatch, " A. ROBINSON - BOOT AM) SHOE MAKER, Kr UainKtreeU Hai on hand a oovd amortment of Gent', lr. ir,.' - u.y nhiljiren' Boot ami Shoe VUMtom M'r dome u-Uh nratnes and difpatcfi. RrMiiriM(i don on thnrt notice. m HARDWARE. SH ELLEN BE RG ER BRO'S., Kaaafaeturera V IleaJera In Tinware. N J. 4 Main SU, McPherson s Block. Stne Hardware, Carpenter' TooU, lilack rnuh Furnuhina, Ac, constantly on hand. JOHN C DEUSER. Dealer In Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, ., " No. 7I Main Street. SADDLERY. JOHN W. MIDDLETON, &ARXESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc. No. 64 Mitin StrecU JTWps and Lathe of every detcrtption, and MUuterxng Hair, kept on hand. JUh paid for r J. 1L BAUER, ' rMau.ufuirrr nnd ftfalrr in UAttX Vss, BH1DLKS, COLLARS, Etc. No. P. Main street. Wrfino dnnt to wifT, K,tt:fi-1itn TimrnnteetX. SALOONS. JOSEPH HUDDARD A CO., SALOON, No. 47 Main Street. The bft Wines and Liquors kept on hand. ' ' R. C BERGER, . ALKAMBRA UlLLIAUO SALOON, Te b Wuv uti r.t.(noe- esiauUy on hand. GRAUT DEALHr. GEO. G. START A PRO., "EALEttS IS GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ac. ArfMMMJaiL, Jitltratka, Tlie btiihest market price )ai i for anything e armcr can raisa. We will buy audscll Trj thinR known U the market. WORTTIING A WIIXX1X, Btarage, Forwarding and Commission ..-t Dealer in all kind of ifrain, for which tte ITi'ihett J irir VtVv in ( iuih. STATIONERY. , A. D. MARSH. 'lOXEEtt liOObl AND NEWS DEALER, Vity Hook Store, Xo. so Main strc-L AUCTIONEERS. BLISS A HrOHI-S, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. H dl aiu-nd to ine talc of Jirul and J'ertonal y'tyrrty ,,t the Xetaaha Land DUtricL Trrmt BRIDGE BUILDING. C. W. WHEELER, Tl 12 1 ft i ni:ii.iT'T? agnt for R. W. Smith's Patent Tnss 1 lm T ... . ... . ..... i.-iV"'- Ae siroti. :est and befct wootlen BLACILSSIITIIS. J. W. & J. C. fJHWJN, , )!!,( KSMITHS, V:ii. In ln u :niij Atiantic. r'ifl "J""! ''''' t'j Urd-T, '!' ,'(;, tnttr. CONFECTIONERIES. CITY BAKERY AMI CONFECTIONERY. NACE A HANSEN. Pkoi'kiktohs. No. 31 Main street, opiKislte City Iirug Store. Pies, Cakes, Fresh Breiid, Conlectionery, Light and Fancy Groceries, constantly on hand. WILLIAM ROSSELL. Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store. No. 40 Main Street. Freth Bread, Cake. Oyster, Fruit, etc., on hand J. P. DEUSER, Dealer In Confectioneries, Toys, etc. No. 44 Main Street. NOTARIES. JAS. C. McNAUGIITON, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office In Carson's Bank, Brownvllle, Neb. E. E. EBRIGHT. Notary Public and Conveyancer, And agtnt for the Equitable and American Tontine Life Insuranee Companies. 5-tf JUSTICES A. W. MORGAN, Probate Judge and Justice of the Peace Office In Court House Bn 11 ding. MUSIC. MRS. J. M. GRAHAM, TEACHER OK MUSIC. Rooms, Main, Iet 1th A 5th Sts. Ltuon (riven on the Piano, Organ, Mtlodton, Guitar and Vocalization. Having nod tight year experience a teacher of Mutic in Neva York U confident af giving tatitfaciion. TAILORING. CHRIS. IIAUBOLDT. MERCHANT TAILOR, Ao. 6 a Main A?rert, Have on hand a splendid stock of Goods, and will make them up in the latest styles, on short notice and reasonable terms. BOUNTY CLAIM AGENTS. ED. D. SMITH, V. S. WAR CLAIM AGENT, Washington City, D. C Will attend to the prosecution of claims be fore the Department iu ierson, for Additional liountv. Ruck Vay and Pensions, and all claims accruing against the Government du ring the late war. 4-IT CHARLES O, IKIRKKr. Alt y at Law. OEOROK W. DOBSEY. C. G. & G. W. DORSEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS Dealers in Land Warrants. Uuy and Sell Ucnl Kslafeaud Land XTurrants. Select & Locate Government Lands. ATTEND TO CONTESTED CASES IN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE, AND A larsre quantity of First Class Lands for sale In Nemaha, Richardson, Pawnee, John son and Gage Counties, Nebra-ska, to which the attention of purchasers Is specially Invi ted. Omce--BROWlTVILLE, NEB. Branch. Office 13-6-tf .BEATRICE, NEB. NEW STEAM FERRY II Mi; '":" I , i ! 1 0 The Brownvillo ierry Company have now running between BROWNVILLE, 1VEJ3., AND Nortli Star and helps City, . Mo., the new and commodious Steam Ferry MARY J. AIUJOLD! TIII8 BOAT is entirely new, with power and capacity to cross everything that may come in nny weather. . t l Ut.i r r till. T Jt Tli I i H- trtel this b the le-t f.oint. This boat is especially . ......... HMW..n..lnn1r . nH luri'll nttefl tip w ensurv imi-i. on nB"iin......jv cattle pons are already erect el at the .St. Joe. l. K. lHit at l'helpa Citv. We can insure the travelma; public that all in our power shull he done to moke tills the most reiiauie ci-ussiukuu iuc.iiiii ... v. BROWN VILLE FERRY CO. la-y-tf . LOUIS W ALDTEER. ' T H K ' PIONKKB, ' Is fully prepared to do all klns of ; : t HOUSE.SIGN.CARRIAGE, Ornamental Painting:, Gutldtng, Glaxlng, PaperUanglng, Ac. LANNON A 1IENT0N, u rv. c it s 3i iwx ii s . ,. ... Foot of Main St., BROWN YILLE, NEBRASKA. TTTnTTT.Ti inform flip nnlilif thnt thev Wv - ' . - - - - v are prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work. For Shoeing Hones ana ironing oi xmif ciiH tliv have the lnK-it imnroved nincliiiiery ItRMS t'ASH. ;tve them a call when you want prompt ana auraDie won ounc. j--yj AJULt ABOAUD!" Stri'ZTXsrziriiritf jxf lat- The BroTrnville Transfer Line, under tlie mauagenieut of JACOB H0GZHS, I now Roanioi; Regular Omnibus es from Brownvllle to the Railroad Terminua iif the Cosncil BlvfTs snd St. Joseph Rsilroad, At Nortli Star, Ilo., Two Miles from Browurille and Xorlh Si r Kerry Gesd Omr.IT)Tisc'?. CIgsc Connection ClinrCes MoJeinle. ' .'-H VJ at ni-:rEis. a-w OX gg 2 it? 5 OS . O " PC t e- 1 e t: ? o j Wi k. - L. r M CO UESITED STATES HAILS. NEBRASKA. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Washisotox, October 30, 169. PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 p, m. of March 30, 1870, for conveying the inallH of me Lnneu Mates irom juiy l, 1870. to Jane :tu, 1874, in the Slate of IS ebracka, on the routes and by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein speci fied. leclsions announced by April 20, 1870. No. lioi. From Omaha, bv Gilmore, Chicago, Primrose, Valley, Fremont, Timbervllle, North Bend, Schuy ler, Eldorado. Columbus, Cherry Hill, Silver tJlcn. Clarksville, Lone Troe, Chapman, Grand Island Station, Wood River, Fort Kearney, Kearney City. Mct'herson, North Platte, Cottonwood Sprinm, bidnev, Pine Bluff, Cheyenne, Sherman, Laramie t'ity,.WyominK, lxkout, Medicine Bow, Carbon, Percy, Fort Fred. Steele, Rawlins's Spring, Bitter CreeK, Point of Rocks, Green River City, Brvan, Granger, Carter. Bridger Station, Piedmont Wah satch. Echo City, Morgan, Uintah. Ofden, Hot Srings, t'orinne, Promontory Point, (Utah.) 104 4-10 miles and back, twice dallv. No. 14402. From Omaha, by Rellevue, Laramie Mills, Platts mouth. Rock Bluff's, Lewistown, Three Groves, Union. "Wyoming. Nebraska City, Peru.Brown ville, Nemaha City, Aspin wall. Saint lieroin, Williams ville, Arago. HilLsdale, Falls City, Kulo, Nohart, White Cloud, Iowa Point, Highland, and Walnut Grove, to Troy, 134 miles and back, Bix times a week. Leave Omaha daily, except Sunday, at 8 a m : Arrive at Troy third day by 8 a. m. (48 hours); Leave Troy Iiaily, except Sunday, at 8 a. m.; Arrive at Omaha third day by 8 a. m. (48 hours). No. 14403. From Omaha, by Florence. Fort Calhonn, Yasoo, DeSoto, Blair. Cummings City. Modail. Tekamah, Silver Creek, Decatur, Omaha Agency, Winnebago, Dakota City, and Woodbury (Io.,) to Sioux City (Io.,) 87 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Omaha daily, except Sundav, at 5 a. m.; Arrive at Sioux City next davs by 10 p. m.; Ieave Sioux City daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m.; Arrive at Omaha next days by 10 p. m. No. 14404 ' From Bellevue, by Lisbon, Plattford, and Xenia, to Forest City, 28 miles and back, once a week. Leave Bellevue Friday at 7 a. m.; Arrive at Forest City by 4 p. m.: Leave Forest City Saturdayy at 7 a. m.; Arrive at Bellevue by 4 p.m. No. 1440a. From Platfc:mouth, by Glendale and South Bend, to Ashland, 'X', miles and back, once a week. Leave Plattsmouth Monday at 7 a. m.; Arrive at Ashland by 4 p. m.; Leave Ashland Tuesday at 7 a m.; Arrive at Plattsmouth by 4 p. m. No. 144oti. From Plattsmouth, by Eight Mile Grove, Weep ing Water, Elm wood, Stevens' Creek,. Lincoln, and Middle Creek, to Mill'ocd, so miles and back, three times a week to Lincoln, 45 miles, and once a week tbe residue, Iave Plattsmouth Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday at 0:30 p. ru.; Arrive at Lincoln by 12 night; Leave Lincoln Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a, in.; Arrive at Plattsmouth by 8 p. m Leave Lincoln Tuesday at 8 a. m.; Arrive at Milford by 7 p. m.; Leave Milford Thursday at 8 a. m.; Arrive at Lincoln by 7 p. m. No. 1107. From Three Groves, by Mount Pleasant and Cen tre Valiey. to Weeping Water, 16Ji miles and back, once a .Leave Three Groves Saturday at 6 a. m.; Arrive at Weeping Waler at"l2 m.; Leave Weeping Water Saturday at 2 p. m.; Arrive at Three Groves bv 8 p. m.; No. 1440s. From Union, by Factoryvllle. to Avoca. 12 miles and back, once a week. Leave Union Saturday at 7 a. m.; , Arrive at Avoca by 11 a. m.; Leave Avoca Saturday at 12 m.; Arrive at Union by 4 p. m. No. 14409. From Bartlett City, by Wyoming, to Lincoln City. 55 miles mid back, once a week. Leave Bartiett City Monday at 6 a m,; Arrive at Lincoln City next day by 12 m.; Leave Lincoln City Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Bartlett City next day by 12 m. No,l!l(t. From Nebraska City, by Wilson, Nursery Hill, Emerson, Palmyra, Paisley, and Rebecca.' to Lin coln, 67 miles and back, daily. Leave jNebraska City daily at 8 a m; Arrive at Lincoln by 8 p in; Leave Lincoln daily at a m; Arrive at Nebraska City by 8 p m. No. lHl. From Nebraska City by Rich's Ford, (local.) He lena, Bryson, und Hooker, to Beatrice, 70 miles and back, three times a week. Liv Nebraska Citv Monday. Wednesday and Friday altta m; Arrive at Beatrice next days by 6 pm; Leave Beatrice Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at jebraska City next days by 6 pm. Projxsal3 to extend service by Blue Springs and Otoe Agency, to Marysville. as miles, invited. JNO. 14 1 From Nebraska City by Bartlett's Mills, (local.) Snyder's, (IochI,) Met 'hire's, (local,) and Morton's torn, (local.) to l utile Hock. 40 miles and back. Leave Nebrask a City Monday at 8 a in; . Arrive at Table Hock by 7 p m; Leave Table Rock Tuesday at 8 a m. Arrive at Nebraska City by 7 pm. No. 14413. From Brownvllle by London, Glen Rock and Howard to Grant, 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Brownviile Friday at 12 in; ArriveatGrant next day by 0 a m; Leave Grant Saturday at ftWuni; Arrive at Brownviile by 8 p ni. Proposals to embrace Cliltou on route Invited; also, to extend from Grant to Spring Creek, increas ing distance in all 12 miles. No. 11114., From Brownviile by St. Frederick, Tecumseh, Vesta and Crab Orchard to Beatrice, 65 miles and back, three times a week. I.ave Brownviile Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 8 a in: Arrive at Beatrice next days by n m; Leave Beatrice Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Brownviile next days by 8 p m. 1'roiKxsaLs to extend service, by Blue Springs and Otoe Agency, to Marvrville, 3 miles, invited. So. 14415. From Nemaha City, by Sherman,' Monterey and Long Branch, to Humboldt, 31 miles and back, once a week. Leave Nemaha City Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Humboldt by 5 p m; Leave HumboldtSaturday at 8 a m; Arrive at Nemaha City b v 5 p m. No. 141U. From Falls City, by Salem, Wells's Mills. Middle burgh, Athens, Dawson's Mills.Monond.Huniboldt, Table Rock, Tip's Branch, and Liberty, to Otoe Agency, 90 miles and back; six times a week to Pawnee City, 43 miles, and three times a week the residue. Leave Falls City daily except Sunday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Pawnee City by 7 p m; Leave Pawnee City daily, except Sunday, at S a m; Arrive at Falls City by 7 p m; Leave Pawnee City Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday (team; Arrive at Otoe Agency by 7 p m; .Leave Otoe Agency Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at t a ni: Arrive at Pawnee City by 7 p m. No. 14417. From Falls City by Arago, to Craig Station, (Mo.) 15 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Falls City daily, except Sunday, at t a m; Arrive at Craig station by 12 m; leave Craig station daily, exceptSunday, at 1 p m; Arrive at Fails City by 7 p m. Proposals to commence servtceat Arago, omitting Falls City, Invited. No. 1418. From Pawnee City to Seneca, (Kan.,) 25 miles and back, once a week. Leave l'awnee city Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Seneca by 4 p m; Leave Seneca Tuesday at 8 a m; Arrive at Pawnee City by 4 p m. No. 14419. From Helena, by Hendricks, to Latrobe, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Helena Wednesday at 7 a m; Arrive nt Latrobe by 12 in; Leave Latrobe Wednesday at 2 p m; Arrive at Helena by 7 p m. Proposals to extend to Solon, 7 miles further, in-, vited. No. 14420. Trom Ashland by Headland, Cedar Bluffs, and Benton, to Lin wood, so miles and back, once a week. Leave Ashland Friday at 6 a ru; . Arrive at Linwood by W p m; Leave Linwood Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Ashland by 8 pm. Proposals to extend to Columbus, 25 mUes further, invited. No. 14421. From Ashland, by Headland, Cedar Bluff, Ben ton and Linwood, to Columbus, 75 miies and back, once a week. Leave Ashland Monday at 6 s m; Arrive at Columbus next day by 6 pm; 1t-ave Columbus Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Ashlund next day by 6 p m. No. lli2. From Ashland to Columbus, 60 miles and back, once a week. Leave Ashland Monday at 6 a m; arrive at Col umbus next day by j p m: leave Columbus Wednes day it 8 a m; arrive at Ashland next day by 6 p m. No. 14423. From Primrose, by Elk Horn City, Belle Creek, and Plait View, to Fontunelle, 27 tuiles aiid back, twice a week. Leave Primrose Monday and Wednesday at 8 a m; arrive at FonUinelle by 6 p m; leave Fontanel le Tuesday and TUwrrday at 6 a iu; arrive a Primrose bv t p in. Proposals for three-tlmes-a-week service Invited; No. 14424. From De Soto, by Bono, Homestead, Arisona, and Central City, to Decatur, 42 miles and back, once a week. Leave le Solo Friday at 7 a m; arrive at Decatur by 7 p m: leace Decatur Saturday ut 7 a m; arrive at LcSoto by 7 p m. No. 14425. From Dakota, by Jackson, Ponca, Ionia, New Castle, Saint James, Saint Helena, Frankfort, and Santee Apency, to Niobrara, lmiles and back : three times a week to Saint Helena, 83 miles, and twice a week tho residue. Leave Dakota Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8:4i a m; arrive at Saint Helena next davs by 7 p m; leave Saint Helena Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 a ni : arrive at Dakota nex t days by 7 p m ; leave Saint Helena Monday and Thursday at 7am; arrive at Niobrara next days by 12m; leave Niobrara Tuesday and Friday at 1 p-iu; arrive at Saint Helena nsxt days by 7 p m. Proposals for three-times-a-week service over whole route Invited. No. 14426. From Dakota City, by Sag Udahoo, (local,) Can ton, and Fork City, to Madison Court House, 73 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dakota City Monday at a ra; arrive at Mad!son Court Honse Wednesday by 6 p m; leave Madison Court House Thursday at 7 a tn; arrive at Dakota City Saturday by 6 p m. No. 14427. From le Witt to Bismarck, 10 miles and back, a week. . Leave J Witt Wcrlne'biy nt a m: srrive at Bismarck by 12 im: 1" ive Bisumrck Wednesday at lpm; arrive nt IV Witt by 4p in. No. 1442s. From Wert po'i.t, bv Lakevlcw, Elmnnt. Clinton, ! Clinton, and Pleasant Run. to Norfolk. 4'i miles and j b.ick, cuce a wveii. . Leave West Point Thursday at 8 a m; arrive at Norfolk next dav by 12 m; leave Norfolk. Friday at 2 p m; arrive at West Point by 6 p m. No. 14429. From West Point to Dakota City, 60 miles and back, once a week. Leave West Point Monday at 10 a m; arrive at Dakota City next day' by 7 p m: leave Dakota City Wednesday at 7 a m; arrive at West Point next day by 5 p m. No. 14430. From West Point by Tekamah and Arizona, to Little Sioux. (Io.,) 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave West Point Monday at 7 a m; arrive at Little Sioux by 6 p m; leave Little Sioux Tuesday at 7 am; arrive at West Point by 6 p m. No. 1131. From West Point, by Oakland, to Decatur, 30 miles and back, twice a week. Leave West Point Tuesday and Friday at 8 am; arrive at Decatur by 6 pm; leave Decatur Wednes day and Saturday at 8 a m; arrive at West Point by 6pm, No. 144S2. From Fontanelle, by Logan, Galena, and West Point, to De Witt, 38 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Fontanelle Tuesday and Friday at 7 a in; arrive at De Witt by 7p m; leave De Witt Thursday and Saturday at 7 a m; arrive at Fontanelle by7p m. No. 14433. From Fremont, bv Jalapa, Pebble Creek, Oak Springs, and Saint Charles, to West Point, 34 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Fremont Tuesday and Saturday at 8 am; arrive at West Point by S p m: leave West Point Monday and Friday at 8 a m; arrive at, Fremont by 6 pen. Proposals to extend to Bismarck, 10 miles invited. No. 14434. From Fremont, by Eldred, Walker, and Ceresco, to Lincoln, 45 miles and back, three times aweek. Leave Fremont Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m; arrive at Lincoln by 7 p m; leave Lincoln Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at Fremont by 7 p m. No. 14435. From Elkhorn Station, by Forest City Salt Creek, and Ashland, to Lincoln, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leave Elkhom Station Monday at 8 a m; arrive at Lincoln by 8 p m; leave Lincoln Tuesday at 6 a m: arrive at Elkhorn Station by 8 p m. Proposals for tri-weekly, also six-times-a-week service invited. No. 14436. From Lincoln, by Saltlllo.Centreviile, and Baden to Beatrice, 48 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lincoln Monday at U a m; arrive at Beat rice by 7 p m; leave Beatrice Tuesday at 6 am; ar rive at Lincoln by 7 p m. Proposals for three-times-a-week service Invited. No. 14437. From Lincoln to Columbus, 77 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lincoln Wednesday at 8 a m; arrive at Columbus next day by 6 pm; leave Columbus Fri day at 8 a m; arrive at Lincoln next day by 6 p m. No. 14438. From Lincoln, by South Pass, Laona, and Tecum seh, to Pawnee City, 75 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Lincoln Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 a m; arrive at Pawnee City next days bv 6 pm; leave Pawnee City Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 a m; arrive at Lincoln next days by 6p m. Proposals to extend service from Pawnee Cty, by Fries' Mill, to Albany, 25 miies further. Invited. No. 144.61. From Lincoln, by Tipton, Oak Groves, (local.) and -Seward, to Ulysses, 45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lincoln Friday at 6 m; arrive at Ulysses by 8 p m; leave Ulysses Saturday at 6 a m; arrive at Lincoln by 8 p m. - No. 14440. From ncoln, by Camden, West's Mills, and Beaver Crossing, to McFadden's 37 miles and back, once a week. Leave Lincoln. Monday at 7 a m: arrive at Mc Fadden's by 7 n m; leave McFadden's Tuesday at 7 a m; arrive at Lincoln by 7 pm. No. 1441. From Beatrice, by Dry Creek, Swan City, and Equality, to Big Sandy, 4tia miles and back, once a week. Leave Beatrice Wednesday at 6 am; arrive at Big Sandy by 8 pm; leave Big Sandy Thursday at 6 a m; arrive at Beatrice by 8 p m. No. 1442. From Beatrice, by Caroline and Cub Creek, to Fairbury, 35 miles and buck, once a week. I.eave Beatrice Wednesday at 6 a m; arrive at Fairbury by 6 p m; leave Fairbury Thursday at 6 a m; arrive at Beatrice by 6 p m. No. 14143. From Fairbury, by Antelope, to Rose Creek, 15 miles and back, once a week. Ieave Fairbury Thursday at 3:30 p m: arrive at Rone Creek by 7 p in; leave Rose Creek Thursday at 5 am; arrive at Fairbury by 12 in. No. 14441. From Swan City, by Pleasant Hill, Camden, and Blue Island, to Milford; 38 miles and back, once a week. Leave Swan City Monday at 6 a m; arrive at Mil ford by 7 p m; leave Miliord Tuesday at 6 am; ar rive at Swan City by 7 p m. No. 1445. From Columbus, by Monroe, to Genoa, 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Columbus Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 2 p ni; arrive ot Genoa by 7 p mj leaveGenoa Tuesday, Thursday; and Saturday atl p in; arrive at Columbus by 6 p m. No. 1444C From Columbus to Madison, (local.) 40 miles and back, once a week. Leave Columbus Tuesday at fi a m; arrive at Mad ison by 8 pm; leave:Madisou Wednesday at 6 a in; arrive at Columbus by 8 p in. No. 14447. From Columbus to Camden, 60 miles and back, once a week. Leave Columbus Monday at 8 a m; arrive at Cam den next day by fip ni; leave Camden Wednesday at 8 a ni; arrive at Columbus next day by G p ru. No. 1 4lx. From Platte Ford and South Bend, to E. Ball's, on fctevenson's Creek, ilocal,) 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Pappillon Wednesday at a m; arrive at E. Ball's by to p m; leave E. Ball's Thurday at 8 a m; arrive at Pappilon by p m. No. 1444!). From McFadden's to Fort Kearney, 79 miles and back, once a week. Leave McFadden's Monday at 6 am: arrive at Fort Kearney next day by 7 p m; leave Fort Kear ney Wednesday at 6a in; arrive at McFadden's next day by 7 pm. No. 1WV). From Susan City, by Well's Mills, miies and back, once a week. Bidders to state distance and propose schedule of departures and arrivals. IXSTRUCTIcfaS TO BIDDERS & POSTMASTERS; Containing also Conditions to lie In corporated In the Contracts tothe ex tent the Department may deem preper 1. Seven minutes are allowed to each intermediate office, when not otherwise specified, for assorting the mails; but on rnilnml and steamboat routes there is to be no more delay than is sullicient for an exchange of the mail pouches. 2. On railroad and steamboat lines, and other routes where the mode of conveyance admits of it, the special agents of the Post Oihce Department, also post ofilce blanks, mail bags, locks and keys, are to be conveyed without extra charge. a. On railroad and steamboat lines the routeagents of the Department, also the British and Canada mails, when otlered. and the agents accompanying them, are to be conveyed without charge; and for the use of the United States agentsa commodious car, or part of a car, properly litchted, warmed, and fur nished, and adapted to tbe convenient separation and due security of the mails, is to be provided by the contractor, under the direction of the Depart ment. Railroad and steamboat companies are required to take the mail from, and deliver it into, tbe post ollices at the beginning and end of their routes, and to and from all ollices not .more than eiehtv rii- from a station or landing. Proposals may be sub mitted by the companies for the performance of all other side service that is, for offices over eighty rods from a station or landing. There will he"way bilis" prepared by postmasters or other agents of the Department, to accompany the mails conveyed on railroads and steamers, spec ifying the number and destination of the several bags. On other principal routes, likewise, receipts will be required and way bills iorwarded ; the latter to be examined by the several postmasters, to in sure regularity in the delivery of mails. 4. No pay will be made for trips not performed; and for each of such omissions, not satisfactorily explained, three times tho pay of the trip will be deducted. For arrivals so lar behind time as to break connection with depending malls, and not sutticiently excused, one-fourth of the compensa tion for the trip is subject to forfeiture. For repeat ed delinquencies of the kind herein specified, en larged penalties, proportioned to tbe nntcre thereof, and the importance of the mail, may be made. 5. For leaving behind or throwing off the mails, or any portion of them, for the admission of passen gers, or for being concerned in setting up or running an express conveying intelligence in advance ot the mall, a quarter's iay may be deducted. 6. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency be promptly and satisfactorily explained by certifi cates of postmasters or th affidavits of othercredi ble persons, lor tailing to arrive tn contract time; lor neglecting to take the mail from, or deliver it Into, a post oilice: for suffering it to be wet, injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost; and for refusing, alter demand, to convey the mail as frequently as the contractor runs, or is concerned in running, a coach, car, or steamboat on a route. 7. The postmaster General may annul tbe con tract for reeated l:llure to run agreeably to con tract ; for violating the post office laws, or disobey ing the infractions of the Department; for refusing to discharge a carrier when required by the Depart ment to do so : tor running an express"as aforesaid ; or for transporting persons or packages conveying mailable matter out of the mail. 8. The Postmaster General may order an Increase of serviceona route by allowing therefor apro rata incre:se on the contract pay. He may change schedules of departures and arrivals in all cases, and particularly to make them conform to connec tions with railrouds, without increase of pav, provl ded the running time be not abridged. The Post master General may also discontinue or curtail the service, in w hole or in part, in order to place on the route superior serviqe, or whenever the public in terests, in his judgment, shall require such discon tinuance or curtailment forany other cause; he al lowing as full Indemnity to contractor one month's extra pay on the amount of service dispensed with, ' and a pro rata compensation for the amount of ser vice retained and continued. a. Payments will be made bv collect ion from or drafts on, postmasters, or otherwise, after the exp1 ration of each quarter say in November, Februarf May and August. 10" The distances are given according to the best Information; but no increased pav will be allowed should they be greater than advertised, if the points to be supplied are correctly stated. Bidders must inform themselves on this point, and also in refer ence to the weight of the mail, the condition of the roads, hills, streams, Ac, and all toll-bridges, fer ries, or obstructions of any kind by which expense may be Incurred. No claim for additional pay, based on such ground, can be considered; nor for alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to the de- freeof service; nor for bridges destroyed, ferries iscontinued, or other obstructions increasing dis tance or expense, occurring during the contract term. Offices established after this advertisement Is issued, and also during the contract term, are to be visited without extra pay, if the distance be not increlled. 1L Bidders are cautioned to mall their proposals In time to reach the Department by the day and hour named. (3 p. n., March 3i, 1870,) lor bids re ceived after that time loll mCfte CMrtiierd la com petition with a bid of amirfiut received in time. Nel:sr can bi ts lie cnpsidere which are without the gu.-trrantee rem: i red by law and a oertiricnte of ttesuiJIcioucy of such ini'iradtee, 12. Bidders shonid -first propose for service strict ly avoid:!:i,' to the i.dvirti-r:i:ent. and Cien. it'tht y desire, m.f.irn:e !v f.-r diff-r-r.t servut: and if the repula !d be the lowest 'tiorc i for the udvertised frer vice, tliv ott:erproposi:io:i.s Eisy b cvasidered. 13. There shonld be but one route bid for In a pro posal. Consolidated or combination bids ("propo sing one sum for twoor more routes") are forbidden by law, and cannot be considered. 14. The route, tha service, the yearly pav, the name and the residence of the bidder, (that fs, his usual post office address,) and the name of each member of a firm, where a company oilers, Bhould be distinctly stated. 15. Bidders are requested to use, as far as practic able, the printed proposals furnished by the lepart ment, to write out iu full the sum of their bids, and to return copies of them. Altered bids hali not be submlttedmor should bids orree submitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal of a bidder orguarantor will be allowed unless the with drawal is dated and received beiore the last day for receik ing proposals. Each bid must be guaranteed by two restonsible person The bid and guarantee should be signed plainly with the full name of each person. Ths Department reserves the right to reject any bid which may be deemed extravagant, and also to disregard the bids of failing contractors and bidders. (Act of July 2. 1836, section 24.) lit. The bid should be sealed, superscribed "Mall Proposals, State of Nebraska,'' addressed "Second Assistant Postmaster General, Contract Office, and sent by mail, not by or to an agent; and postmasters will not inclose proposals (or letters of any kind) in their quarterly returns. 17. 1 he contracts are to be executed and rehired to the Department by or before the l.f dViy of July, 1870; but the service must be begun on that day, or on the rttiil day next after, whether the contracts be executed or not. . v Trans 'era irf contracts, or of luterest in contracts, aie forbidden by law, and consequently cannot be aliowed. Bidders will therefore take notice that they will be expected to perform the service accept ed to them through the whole term of the contract, 18. Postmasters at offices on or near railroads, but more than eighty rods from a station, will, Immedi ately after the 3oth of March next, report their ex act distance from the nearest station, to enable the Postmaster General to direct a mail-messenger supply from the 1st of July next. ll. Section eighteen of an act of Congress approv ed March 3, 18 15. provides that contracts tor the transportation or the mail shall be let. "in every case, to the lowest bidder, tendering sullicient guar antees for faithful performance, without other ref erence to the mode of such transportation than may be necessary to provide for the due celerity, certain ty, and security of such transportation.'' Under this law bids that propose to transport malls with "celerity, certainty and tccurity," having been decided to be the onlylcyat b'dt, are ewutrued at providing for the entire mail, however large, and whatever wmi.v be. the mode of conveyance necettary to insure it "celeri ty, certainty, and security," and have the preference overall othert, and no others are considered. 20. A modification of a bid in any of its essential terms Is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be re ceived, so as to interfere with regular competition. Making a new bid, wit h guarantee and certificate, is the only way to modify a previous bid. 21. Postmasters are to be careful not to certify the sufficiency of guarantors, or su reties, without k now Ing that they are persons of sufficient responsibility; a disregard of this Instruction by postmasters U a vio lation of their oath of offlee, subjecting twm to imme diate removal. All bidders, guarantors, and sureties are (list incily notified that on a failure to enter into or perform the contracts for the service proposed for in the accepted bids, their legal liabilities w ill be enforced against them. 22. Present contractors, and persons known at the Department, must, equally with others, procure guarantors and certificates of their sufficiency sub stantially in the forms above prescribed. The cer tificate of sufficiency must be signed bv a postmast er, or by a J tidge of a court of record. No other will be admitted. JNO. A. J. CRESWELL, -6t I'ostiiwster General. From oar Extra of December 3d. JACOB K. BEAR. Second Letter to the Urown ville Papers The U.S.Exp-ess Money The Ileason why he Left GamMin? his Ruling Sin His Hitter Repentance Ills Determination to Pay Back thelloney Would take, his Life if arrested Explan ation of his lirst Letter Afo jectMisery and'J'erribEeLone liness An Outcast Criminal. California, 1S69. Editor Advertiser :I will now state what it was that compelled me to commit that crime I did on the 27th of last August. We all have our fail ings and weaknesses, and my great one was a passion for gambling. At the time I left Brownviile I was over $2,500 behind in my accounts with the Express and E. II. Co.' This may seem almost incredible, but is nevertheless true. At one time when I was down at St. Joe, not lonj before leaving Brownviile, during one night, I lost over $500 ; the remainder I lost at different times in Phelps and Brownviile. No one except those who have acouired a passion for it know the uncontrolable desire a man has for play, especially when he is asked by otners to tio so. But the blame rests on no one but mvself. and I am already fearfully Dunished for it. Well do I remember our morn in ir that a lady friend of mine came to my office aiid said she heard how I spent the previous nignt, (which was in gambling), and with tears in her eyes, entreated me never to do so again. I promised her I would not, and at the time I sincerely thought I could adherto my promise, but iu less than a week I was asked lo play again, and I done so. And right here I will say a word in reference to those I played with : they are not to be censured for asking me to do so, be cause I knew it was wrong, and if I had not control enough over my pas sion to keep from doing so, it was right that I should suffer the conse quences ; and great God how I have suffered. You who knew me intimately from the time I first came to Brownviile, are aware that I had, by my strict at tention to the business of the different companies I was employed by, gained the confidence and esteem of the en tire community; and I am aware that the Telegraph and Express companies were satisfied with me in all respects. And you who thought that I had ab sconded with what I did merely for the sake of the money without any other incentive, are indeed sadly mis taken. As I previously stated, I was $2,500 in arrears, with my accounts. This amount I could by no possible means raise "or borrow, and I had not the courage to go to my friends and ask them to raise it for me, because in or der to do so I must state what I wan ted it for and why, and I did not think that they would try to assist me if they knew what I had done. This was my situation, when one morning Mr. Carson brought in a facknge of $8,600 to ship to Omaha, then made up my mind that I would hold that a few days, and also what ever other packages that came into the office, and abscond with it, and after I had got beyond the reach of those who I'knew would try to arrest me, I would return that package of $8,600 with a letter stating why I com mitted this crime, and that I .was using my utmost endeavors to honest ly earn the. remainder I owed them and return it. I knew that nothing less than this would convince you that I really intended to repay all that I had lostgambling.IIadJI been arrested, I intended, to commit suicide by shooting myself, so my wife could get the insurance on my life,, which was $7,000; and I had a letter on my per sou telling her why I had done so, and that I wanted her to pay every dollar I had defrauded the company out of. But the best matured plans often fail ;. and now comes the most incredi ble part of my statement. The pack age of $8,600,00 was soldered up in a zinc box the exact size of the package, and I also had about one thousand dollars beside that. It is natural to suppose that I was very much excited when leaving, which was true, for as I was getting into n kifT;ny f'tot x-'ippM and I dropped the bnx ccKi'-iiniiiy the $3. COO in uic Missouri river. In conclusion I will say this: lam where I am making money fast, and before the expiration often years even1 dollar of that money will be ret urnc'l to the U. S. Express Co. If I die, my life is iusured in favor of the U. S. Express Co. for an amount greater than what they have lost. I ask the sympathy of no one ; but I am already fecrfiilly punished, not knowing what moment I will be ar rested for my crime. And what then? The State Prison, or suicide, if I pre fer it. I will also state why I wrote the note to Holladay & Calhoun in the braggadocio style that I did. I want ed to kill all the love and respect that my wife ever entertained for me, and thereby lessen the sorrow or anxiety that she might feel for me after she be came aware of what I had done. You who have up to this time thought or imagined what a luxurious and ex travagant life I am no doubt leading, are for once disappointed, as I am one of the most miserable criminals on the face of the earth ! You who have families that you love, do you think it would be no punishment for you to be an outcast from their society and that of your friends? Oh! it isalmost en ough to make a raving lunatic of me. And sometimes I feel as if my very brain was on fire, when I think of what I have lost friends, family, po sition, character, everything worth living for, and to think where I miyht be. "There is nothing a man knows In grief or In sin," Ilalf so bitter as to think what I might have been. This is all I believe that I have to say in extenuation for thecrime I have committed. Had I remained in Brownviile until the time came for the next "settlement0 with the company (on the 30th,) everything w6uld nave been exposed, as I had kept the Su perintendent in ignorance of it as long as possible. To sum it up in a few words, my sit uation was this: Arrest, trial State Prison, if I remained. If I absconded, I might escape, and perhaps before I was arrested return all that I had ta ken. Censure me for gambling, but blame me not for the rest. Of one thing you can rest assured there i3 not a more miserable man on the face of the earth than J. K. BEAR. The above letter, together with one to his wife, were dropped in the P. O. in Brownviile, on the evening of Dec. 2d, directed to the Advertiser office. They were both undoubtedly sent to some one in Brownviile, under cover of another envelope, who dropped them in the office on Thursday eve ning. There is no manner of doubt but that the-entire letter to the Ad vertiser is in the well known hand writing of J. K. Bear. Colonel Ma jors and Captain Carson recognized the hand writing on the back of the envelope, and they took the letter from the postoffice and brought it to us, knowing It to be from Bear. From the New York Tribune, Nov. 23. ALHEltT I. IIICIIAIIDSOJV. Particulars of the Attack upon Him. At about 5:30 yesterday afternoon, Mr. Albert D. ltichardson, and old and value i attache of the Tribune, well known to the country as one of the war correspondents of the paper during the rebellion, anuas trie au thor of "Bevond the Mississippi," and other works, was fired upon and shot in the publication ofheeot the irioune, bv Daniel McFarland. Mr. McFar- land, it appears, had been in the office about au hour before Mr. Richard son's arrival, and seemed to have kn wn that the latter would call at or about 5 o'clock. At the time of Mr. Richardson's enterance into the room, McFarland was standing behind the desk onnosite the right hand door onening on Nassau street, and was therefore concealed from view. Mr, Richardson, entirely unconscious of the danger impending over mm, ana ignorant of the presence of McFar land, advanced to the lower end of the counter, and asked lor nis letters. Between him and McFarland, and outside the counter, a gentleman was reading the paper, or searching the pages of the Directory. As Mr. Rich ardson leaned over toward the desk of the advertising clerk. McFarland rushed from his hiding place, raised his pistol, and aiming directly over the head of the stranger at Mr. Rich ardson, fired. The ball entered the body of the victim at a point midway between the breast and the abdomen, and lodged in the stomach. The wounded man turned, and for the first time saw his assailant. Without speaking a word he walked to the Snruce street door, thence into the street, and up four flights of stairs to the editorial rooms, where ne quiet'y lay down upon a sofa, called a gentle man to hint, remarked that he was badly wounded, and asked to have a surgeon sent for at once. In a few minutes a physician arrived, ana 3ir. Richardson was removed to the Astor House So apparently unmoved was he on leaving the publication room, that the fact of -his being Mounded wa.s not known to the clerks until the the arrival of the surgeon. In the meantime McLarland had escaped. Detectives were put upon his track, and at ten o'clock he was arrested at the corner of Irving pluce and Six teenth street, by Captain Allaire, of the Fourth Precinct, and .Detective Finn, who at once earned their pris oner to the room of the wounded man at the Astor House. On being asked whether the prisoner was the man who shot him, Mr. Richardson ans wered quietly in the affirmative, and McFarland was tnen tasen io tne Fourth Precinct Station House and locked up. . The trouble which led to this unfor tunate occurrence dates back to the spring of 1S37, when Mr. Richardson occupied rooms in the same house in which Mrs. .Rlc arland, wire or- .Dan iel McFarland, was a boarder. The lady was a member of a theatrical company, and was at this time living on bad terms with her husband. Mr. Richardson frequently escorted Mr3. McFarland home from the thea tre in which she was employed ; and this fact, coupled with the desire of his wife to be separated from him, in furiated McFarland. On the evening of the 13th of March. 1W7, as Mr. Richardson and Mrs. McFarland were returning to the boarding house, they were met by McParland, who, with out a word of warning, drew a pistol and fired, the shot faking effect in Mr. Richardson's ti.igh. The affair created some excitement at the time, but as ti;e wound ciiU not piove. iuMl. and a3 it was not seemed advis-able to give the matter more publicity, the assassin wits not molesttd. I . . Long alter Mr. Kichard.scn's recov- ery, Mr. MoFaiiaiid akel for an in-; eertion ot liu vtr-ioa ol the dillK uity ; in the Tribune. The request -was granted. Mr. Richardson, a few days later, published in reply the following card, which we reproduce, as con taining a succinct statement of his po sition in reference, to the assailant and to Mrs. McFarland: m'farland siiootixo affray of '67. card from ?.ir. ric1iardsox. A statement has just appeared from McFarland, who attempted to assas sinate me two years ago. lie alleges that he was "a temperate, kind-hearted, good man, and a kind, affection ate and generous husband; butthat I "reduced the affections of his wife" from him, and "enticed her fiom.his home." Both allegations against me are ut terly and preposterously false. These are the facts : 1. With the full sanc tion of her family and friends, Mrs. McFarland left her husband, charging him with gros cruelty during his froxysms of intemperance ; withneg ect to support her, and livin ; upon and sometimes squandering her own hard won earnings. The charge of ill-treatement did not rest solely upon her statements, but stood, and yet stands, explicitly admitted in his own hand-writing, and over his own sig nature, long before I knew either of them. That will appear in due time, before the proper tribunal. At their last interview, in presence of several witnesses, she distinctly announced that the separation was final and irre vocable, and he as distinctly acquies ced. 2. After this final and formal separation, and while she was begin ning life anew, with two little chil dren dependent upon her, it came to be understood between her and myself that whenever she should be legally free, she was to become my wife. Several of my friends and several of hers wereacquainted with the fact 3. About three weeks after the separation McFarlend intercepted a letter from me to her such a letter as one would naturally write to the woman he ex pected to marry.' McFarland claimed that it "frenzied him," but there was method, not to say deliberation about his "frenzy." Instead of meeting me face to face, he kept this letter in his pocket three days, and finally, at 11 o'clock, on a dark rainy night, crept up behind mo on the street, and with his revolver within fourteen inches of my back, began to shoot. Before he could fire the fourth shot, I succeeded in throwing him to the ground, where I held him until the police came up and secured him. One ball only took effect, keeping me in bed for a week. I refrained from prosecuting him partlv because I knew I had been rash, but chiefly to hold the Jady's name from from an additional and un avoidable publicity. 4. For weeks and months after tin's, he earnestly sought to Induce her to return to her "kind and affectionate husband." Finding this hopeless, he seems since to have devoted himself chieny to slan dering her, and reading an alleged copy of my letter, with many dramat ic accompan laments, to every acquain tance, Qr stranger who will listen to it. Sometimes 'he ends ms tale.:. "And now after all I don't believe the scoundrel will ever marrv her." But his common peroration is that if ever do, he will kill . me "on sight." Finally he has brought suit against me for civil damages, rating the mon ey value of his wounded affections at $45,000 ! That, at least, ought to prove some equivalent for being deprived of the "affectionate" pnvelege of stuk ing a helpless woman in the lace, or terrifying her with a brandished knife and baffled in the "temperate act of stealing up m the dark behind an un armed man and shooting him in the back Whatever tho intorcepted letter really contains, he would better print it, and save himself the trouble of many future readings and declaim ings. I wrote it but for one person ; yet I did write it, and I propose to stand by it. Whatever fault there is in holding such an attitude, toward a lady who had recently been separated from her husband was solely mine, and I shall not try to palliate it. Whateversum twelve unbiased men may determine that I owe this "good" and "temperate" antagonist, I will with elacrity pay it, if it comes with in myhonest means. And, finally, whatever violence he may threaten or attempt, should the lady ever be legally lree during my life-time, she will certainly become my wife, if she will accept so poor a man as I. ALRERT D. RICHARDSON, New York, March 12, 1S6U. Since that time McFarland has been heard to threaten that when the op portunity offered he would kill Mr. Richardson : but within the past year both before and since his trip to the the west, he has olten came In contact with Mr. McFarland, wjio has never once in his presence manifested the slightest desire to injure or molest him. Six weeks ago, Mr3. McFarland through her counsel, the Hon. A. G. Porter, of Indiana succeeded in get ting a divorce. Mrs. McFarland and several witnesses were present at the trial : but JMr. itichardson was at that time on the plains west of the Mississ ippi, with Cyrus W. Field's buffalo hunting party Nor has he, so fur as is known, seen Mrs. McFarland since. She has been living at the west ever since the affair in 1867; and ha3 refus ed to have any communication what ever with Mr. McFarland. At 2 o'clock this morning Mr. Rich ardson was still in a very critical con dition, but his physicians, Drs. Sayer and Swan, entertain strong hopes of nis recovery. M'FARLAND IN THE STATION -HOUSE. V representative of tha Tribune called on Mr. McFarland last night, at the Fourth Ward Station-house, where he saw him comfortably quar tered, in Capt. Allaire's private room. The only person present M as a police man ueiaiieu to watcti the prisoner. McFarhrnd was smoking and seemed calm and unconcerned. He was in disposed to converse about the shoot- ng or the circumstances attending it. and remarked that the -whole affair seemed like a drearn, and that he' was very much confused at.-the time. hen asked if there waj rtnv addition al provocation for" the deed beyond that which had been madevmhlic at. his shooting Mr. Richardson in March 1SC7, he answered that he had juit been informed that Mr. Richardson had procured lor his wife a fraudulent divorce somewhere in the State of Illinois, and that he (Richard-onl hnd been married to her. Not having the means legally to prosecute Richprd-n ne naa oeen compelled to accept the condition of affairs, and content him self with the po-sesion of one of his child-en, n'lowir?- the other to remain wi:h his wife. Jiei::g. informed that Richard.-on was making prcnaratpm to leave th.j eoii.iry, n,; f l.l.;id -old hi.-j property in New Jer-rey, aa.i te- l'leving that he cuiitennibrt d t;tkiu i;i i,;. .i-ti. .... i . i i j 5 trt nk-d, and conijuiited th e deed. which he claimed was bnt the law of nature. Mr. McFarland objected to being Interrogated with reference to the circumstances which caused him to visit the Tribune office last evening, lie said he did not notice which way Mr. Richardson went after the shoot ing. On leaving the office which ha did immediately after, he walked up Center Street, and .feeling weak and hungry, stepped into a restaurant ho did not know exactly the location' and partook of a 'stew and cup of cof fee. Proceeding uptown, he called on his brother, and, In company with him went to the Westmoreland Hotel where he registered his name and was given a room. He arrived at the hotel about 7 o'clock, and was arrested about 10 o'clock, by Capt. Allaire, Mr. McFarland received a nnmber of re porters last evening, to whom he gave many particulars of his trouble with Mr. Richardson. He inquired of the Tribune reporter the condition of Mr. Richardson, it being then midnight, and when told that he would probably recover, he received tbe news with apparent indifference, although he had previously expressed his sorrow for the crime he had committed. He seemed quite comfortable, and was smoking the entire time, and evident ly sought to assume a uonachalent air. The Midland Pacific. So many rumors have been afloat lately in regard tothe shipment and receipt of iron and rolling stock for the Midland Pacific, all of which have been quoted to a greater or les3 extent by the newspapers that the people have become confounded know not what to believe in regard to the road, and begin to blame the company for not fulfilling promises which they have never made. We called upon Mr. Wheeler thla morning for definate and reliable in formation and were informed by him that much delay has attended the shipment of the iron at Mound city, 111., and that it is not probable that it yet arrived at Hannibal. The locomo tive is probably in the round house at Hamburg now and will be brought to this city as track enough is laid to makeuso for it. The bridgingha3 progsessed so far 03 bridge No. 10, which is about seven miles "from the city, and it will be pushed through with vigor. The bridge builders will be able to keep out of the way of the track layers. The grading on the forty mile contract was completed to day, ami that of the sixteen mile con tract will be finished soon. Dr Con verse left for Hannibal yesterday, to buy some fiat cars, and they will be employed to bring the iron through from that place. The ties will at once be distributed along tho line for the first two miles, and track laying will commence as soon as thti iron arrives, which will be sometime this week, and progress at-tha-iate of about a mile a day after the construction train is put on. Nebraska CVy Press. ST. JOE. &. C. II. RAILROAD. The Freight and Passenger Business of the Last two months. .... From Mr. Ensign, General Passen ger, Agent, and Mr. Carter Freight Agent of the St. Joseph & Council Bluff railroad, we obtain approxi mate figures of freight and passnger business of this popular road for the last two mouths, viz : OCTOBER. ' Passenger Pect-lptA. nm no Freight RecSiipL ...i5,wo,W NOVEMIIER. Passenger Receipts 4 4.0W.AO Freight lteueipt f.),(V,t"J It will be seen that the freight bu siness of the road is constantly increas ing while the travel during November has fallen off, owing to the lateness of the season. Literary bachelor niay find com fort in the following quotation: "I cannot but admit that many men of genius have, from some cause, repu diated matrimony altogether. When Michael Angelo was asked why ho did not marry, he replied, "I have es poused my art;" and when a young lainier toiu sir josnua ueynolds, that e had just taken a wife, and was nre- aring to pursue his fctudies In Italv. le exclaimed, "Married ! then vouare ruined as an artist!" It was tn axiom with Fuscil that the marriage state U incompatible with the high cultivation of the fine arts, and such appears to have been the feeling of many distin guished painters and sculptor. The great metaphysicians, Hobbes, Locke, Bcntham, and Rutler, are as solitary as Spinosa ami Kant, and the celibate philosopher Hume conducts us to th other bachelor historians, Gibbon and Macauiay. l he account given by Gib bon of his first and last love is exceed- inglycharuteristic : " I hesitate from the apprehension of ridicule when I approach thedelicatesui jeetof my ear ly love. j. understand ny this passion the union of desire, friendship, and tenderness which is inspired by a sin gle female, which prefers her to the rest 01 her sex, and which seeks her Kossession as the tt upreme or the solo appiness of our being. I need not blush at recollecting the object of mv choice; and though my love was diip- iMjimeu 01 success, 1 am rather proud that I was once capable of fel in (ranch a pure and exalted sentiment." The lady was afterwards Madame Necker, and though Gibbon"might presume to jope that" h "had made so we Im pression on a virtuous heart," his fa ther would not hear of it. "Aftp- a gainful struggle I yielded to my fate. sighed as a lover: I obevedas a son." The application of such a style to such a subject points the man almost as well as the black figure snipped out by Mrs. Brown i-cissors, and exactly cor responds with the notion of him which 11s history suggect. Tho bachMor Bishop Butler brings u.-t to Barrow, Chillingworth, Hammond Leighton princes of.Engliidi divinity. Tho poets Ariosto, Akenside, Beranger, Collin, Cowncr, Goldsmith, Grav, Herrick, Lamb, Petrarch, Pope. Swift, Shenstone, Ta:-o, Thomson, Voltaire etcutn muitiH aius, were all celibates, not however from belief in the truth of the ancient scandal that TTarriao, yy old of note. hBth likened been l nto s pub.ic U-.nnl or mmfron rout . lu-ii those that ;:re rvi: iv.iit, fuin g.-t in And tho.c that are W.thiu. would fain jj.-t out. ' U. P. It. R. Ite.M.-S. Thero will 1 seven miles of snow shed completed v-. 1 . ii., uy the 1st tiny of F eb ruary; three and" one-half-miles are ' now finished. One hundred and twenty-five carpenters are employed in the construction of fences. These ara over all cuts exceeding four fctin depth. Fifteen miiVs ot frncirvr cm already constructed over the lf.a--k Hi. Is. One hundrtd i;.n nr.. cnnie.; in building itone av.ti.vr.r.-; in j I-iV-a of the. "woo len piers of s-3 . The culverts rife being coc.-rrj.-t.-.! of S-'-iidito:.:-. fti ; ' is ii.!i-:i t J y e j-.;w-1 that the through trains ivi!! pUalI winter ou ti iue.-ii rr'.. :7.' . .