AGMCULTUKAL. VL W. FURNAS, Editor. JtSAll ConjmunicRtlons intended for this Depart niciit sbould be addressed to the Editor. We offer as an apology for lack of matter in our Department this week, the fact that for the past three weeks ve have been "on tb.3 go," with our County and State Fairs. This week we publish the premium list awarded by our County Fair, which occupies about the ppace allotted to us. We have much we intended to say in con nection with the Fairs and the results. Every friend of Agriculture in Ne braska may well be proud of the re sults of this season. FREMiralS AWARDED Br ie Nemaha Connlr Agricultural mid Mechanical Association, at It Fourth Annual Fair, Itcld at Mrown- UIe,Ibraak.a, September ii ana HZ, lfeG9. CLASS 1. Farm and Gardex. (Two Entries.) Committee has not yet reported. CLASS 2. Hedges and Groves. (Six Entries.) Committee has not yet reported. CLASS 3 Cattle. H8 Entries.) Best null. J vs. and over. J. R. Terrell Second bent, A. T. J). Huirbes Cow, 3 vs. an over, J. K. Terrell . " hiecond bet. J. R. fanipbell venrling Heifer, Jonathan II iggins. 'i veur old Heifer, Robert iilmore Bull, I vr.old. Jonatlmn Iliggins cilf, J. B. Campbell ITeiferC'hlf, J. B. Caiiipbell Pair Work Oxen, liobL Mi-Comu SWEEPSTAKES. - Native Bull of any age, A. T. D. Ilughes fio no S HI 10 0 6 ID) 4 00 8 t 4 no 2 on 2 i' 10 oo . CLASS 4. Mules axd Jacks. (54. Entries.) Best Blooded Stallion, I years old, with pedi gree, Jesse Cole, Hr .. Rtallion. vrs. and over. J. RLarkin Second besi.Tbos. Heady . "HtAUion. 4 yrs. and over, W. Linn . Second txt, Oeo. Ashley " Ftalllon, 2 yrs. and over, 8. P. Majors Pinlo sr oo Oil on 3 no S no no See ond bed, J. Rerry Diplo Horse anv sex for saddle, A. W. i uwa f Second best, T. Trimmer , - - " Brood Mure and sucking colt, J. ILArg abritrlit ...-. l oo t 00 4 00 t 00 a oo no ' t no oo FS-cond bwt, T. C Klmsey " 8 year oll J- usey, . r. lump Pecond lwst, John Artrabright ' Pair Mares. J. Q. A. Siuith. Second best. H. O. M! nick - tiolding for barney. W. M. Chase.. Second best, A. J. Richardson.. 3 OO Venning Vlt, P. f-U-aras Pnckine Colt. W". lAnn fex-nnd best. Robert I. ad per. I on oo ririo 00 ( 00 00 " Mares for harness, J. R. I-arkla " 2 vtar old (Jetdlnz. F. Pwarts...... pilr Draft Horses, J. II. Shook A ro SWEEPSTAKES. Ftalllon of anv ape, R. P. Mator . Mare of any aije. Mortimer McComas... . . . JACKS AND 2TCZF-K. pair Mules. W. II. Richardson.- lo f1) 3 00 00 4 on 2 00 Sconn wsi. name Mule Colt, Thou. B. Mwirdl.. Second best Jack, A. J. Richardson Second beet Jennett, W. 1L Richardson. CLAS8 5. Swine. (9 Entries.) Boat Boar, Rtevenson A Cross-Diploma and Sfloiinfl twt, K. M. McComas " sow. W. H. Hawley Diploma and ft on 1 00 3 no Second bet, E. M. Mo xmas. " l,uter of Pigs. W. J I. nawley. s oo 4 00 . . SKXid best, JU M. MaJomas.. 200 CLASS C Sheep and Goats. (5f0 Entries.) CLASS 7. Poultry. ' (4 Entries.) Awards were made and tickets placed on coops. The Committee failed to report. The tickets will be cashed on presentation to the Treasurer. CLASS S. AgriculturalFroducts Grain and Seed. (18 Entries.). Best balf bushel Oats. 8. TTow ! 00 ' " ; spring Wheat, same . 2 00 " f. " J'all - " " " , Com, B. F. Mclninch. 1 no " Swe Corn, John Anmbricht So Ve'.low Corn, liobcrt Uilmore 1 00 r- CDASS 9. Field Croi. . (3 Entries.) Committee has not yet reported. CLASSno. Farm and Aoricultu . " kal Products. fTA ErrtriPR.1 Tjnrest ftisplsv or Potntors R. W. Furnas - Jitit s-et Iumpkin, Wm. Buntz.. " PCk Tomniw!. tutme, - " h D Ird, eo. Crow " 2 LoHven of Bread baked by a girl 12 yrs. of aire. Susan O. Crow . - nample Jried Corn, 1L O. Minlck displnrof Cnbbaca. A. T. I). Hutrhes ' Iry Licht B'Tuit.Mrs. A. McComaa.. 21-oavesof Brend.Mrs. ROR.sel.. -C doen Parnnrw. 11 J. (iillUand " 6 Em Honey, S. Snyrler....: ' dor.en Beets, John Arenbritrht " C . Butter, Mrs. Kotrt Uilmore jeck Onions, teo. tYw " rtoren rnt. Mrs. iovele-ts - t - mXt bus. Irish Potatoes, W. II. llawley " aample Peppers, Mrs. loveless l no w ripio 1 00 DIplo SO Diplo t 00 l no l oo i oo i oo Diplo 1 oo l oo l oo 50 DIplo Diplo Sack Hour, j nompson uro t .V n luut, J 't " and larirwt dispiaj- of vegetables by one li . TLl .S .. ex Jlioiior, l t. .ua siiiii half bushels Tumi pa, M. McComas . 1 oo CLASS 11. Fruits and Flowers. (42 Entries.) Tiit and lnrtrent varietv of Annies. Mrs. Love- liss Diplo Becond lievt, J. Ci. A. Smith- - " and larpest display of Peaches, Mrs. Pecond best fi. W. Brat ton 1 00 " anH lart-ost 1isl)laV of 1'CaXS. IL W. Fur- nas . Diplo Second best. . W. Bratton 100 " nd lurcest disnlav ol Urapes. 1L . i ur nas - Diplo . 12 bunches of OraiHss (tjoncora), it. w. ( second best (Isabella). C W. Bratton. 1 00 orape kie (Diana. R. W. Furnas Diplo Second best Tlia urune). Jkirs. weo. k. Davis . - 1 00 uneclmcns of Annies (Summer Queens). Iliram Aldprman...... Diplo - specimen of Peaches (seedlings), RobU Gilmore - " " arraneed basket of Apples, Alfred Ras- . - sell, (colored boy) - Diplo " " Canned iVars in Olass.Mrs. 1LO. Mlnick 1 oo Jellies, Mrs. IL F. Barrett Diplo . " Canned Currants, Mrs. Ixiveless.... ' ' ' Pvramid Boufiujt, Mrs. L. Hoadly...'.. " Seo.nd best, Mrs. li rat ton.. display of Dahlias Secoud best, 11. Y. White.... ' Uisnlay Of Pb Iot, Mrs. Worthing..... " " ' Asters.Mrs. Marion . " Zinnias, Miss Hamilton. " Round Bouquet, Mrs. Robert 1'eare Lar,-e Bquet, Mrs. Iwis llill... " " Smail Bon 1 1 uet. Miss Conner " lianting Basket of Flowers, Mrs. Love less . .... M " Hardng A.irCastle(verj-larKoand Cjie) Miss Trowbridge and Mrs. De Forest In addition to the above awards the committee take pleasure in stating that in fruits there were fine and large displays made by A. T. D. Ilughes, J. P. Deuscr, J. C. Deuser, W. G. Glas gow, II. O. Minick, Dr. McComas, Dr. Graff of Omaha, Mr. Shellenberger, Mr. Laurance, E. Lyanna, and others -whose names we were unable to ob tain. Mr. Lyanna presented two fine t-eedling apples one was particularly eo large, well formed, fine colored, and highly flavored. In honor of the President of the Association it was named the Furnas apple. The committee were unable to ob tain names of all varieties. Mrs. Loveless exhibited over 40 varieties ; . Mr. Smith, 12 varieties ; Mr. . Alder man, 10 varieties ; Mr. J. C. Deuser, 4 varieties; Mr. Glasgow, 8 varieties; Mr. Russell, 6 varieties ; Mr. Minick, 8 varieties of apples. ' Mr. Furnas exhibited 8 varieties of pears, and 7 variety of grapes. The peaches were all seedlings, but were very fine in most instances. The association may well be proud of its fruit exhibition, and the county of the results of the labors of those who early had faith in fruit growing. "Can we raise fruit in Nebraska?" is no longer a doubt ful- question. The magnificent dis play of excellent fruit exhibited at the Fourth Annual Fair In Nemaha County, Fettles the matter. The committee desire to bear testi mor.y, too, to the excellencies in the leading and essential characteristics of all fruit on exhibition, and which Bccrn to be leading features in Ne- braska fruit. Fruits are perfect in shape, size and color, and free from disease of any kind. This may be at- ributed, to some extent, to the fact that trees are young and vigorous, yet we must express our faith in the soil and climate. The Floral di.?plar was most excel lent, and great credit is due to the la dies for their contributions and labors in arranging. All of the above named ladies, in addition to those for which awards were made, furnished large numbers of Bouquets, and any quan tity of flowers. CLASS 12. Agricultural Imple ments, Ac.; (37 Entries.) ' " Best Turnini? Tlovr, F. A. Tlsdel, Jr. Dlploma do do do do do do Fanning Mill, same Breaking Plow, same. .......... ...... Corn Sheller. same Horse llHv-Iljike, same- . heat- Drill, same.. Threshinir Machine, same and largest display of Agricultural Implements, same ....... do JTorse Corn Planter, W. T. Den do u Walking Cultivator, same do Reaper and Mower, Shellenberger Bros do WashinE Machine, J. C, Denser ' do Clothes Wrinser. Shellenberger Bros do Double Shovel Plow, J. R. Terrell do " 2 Horse Plow, W. T. len .. do Finishing Buniber, J. R. Bell ... do " 4 Doors, same..... - do " Hash, same. . do Double Door, same............ . do Floorftig. same do " . picket Fence, Kilbourn,Jenklns ACo do. Shingles, same do; Single Door, same. . do " siding, same. - ... do " Lain, same , : do CLASS 13. Vehicles, Stoves, Sad dler, &c. (31 Entries.) Best Man's Saddle, B. F. Souder Diploma " One Horse Cutter, A. J. Met all Six-cimen Painting, Br"ant t Lemon " Men's Dress Boots, W.T. Den .. " ladies' tiaiter, same . " and lanrest display of Boots & Shoes W. W. Hackney . " Cook Stove and Trimmings, Shelln her Bros.. Second best, J. C. leuser " Parlor stove, J. C. Deuser .. Second best, Shellenberger Bros . " displav of Stoves and Ware, same.. Open Buggy, Dr. Mathews Second best, J. Berry. do do do do do do do do do do do do CLASS 14. Fixe Arts and Tex tile Fabrics. (54 Entries.) Best display of Worsted work, Mrs. N. N. tireen - Diploma " specimen Ientistry. Dr. J. Blake do - - israaine, airs. . ii iavis- u' fntomsn Cover. Miw C Shirts....,, Fancy Ijimp Mat, same Sewing Machine, Wheeler & Wilson, JI. J. Bargis Oil Painting, animals, R. W. Furnas Crotchet work ( Afghanl.Mrs.Haodly Patch work Quilt. Mrs. Cumings., Worsted Scarf, Mrs. Geo. B. Moore Pin Cushion, same Siik Quilt, Mrs. I-ewis Hill dies' Collars. Mrs. II. B. Strong 10 yds. Rag Carpet, Mrs. Robt. Tears pair Woolen Blankets, W. T. Den .. Woolen Yarn, same - Dress Suit, Jacob Marohn . Worsted Guilt, Mrs. Conner..... Bed Quilt. Miss Morris i do " do do do do fC 00 Diploma do do do do do do do do do do do Worsted Skirt, same. Ladies Skirt, same. Flannel Skirt, same. do do do do do do do do do Braid Skirt. Mrs. lloadley. Card Basket, Mrs. Graham . Embroidered Iin Cushion, Miss Hamilton . Coverlet. Mrs. Thos. Heady display Millinery Goods, Mrs. Bear. Dress Coat, J. K. Iletr.el Wax work. Miss C Davidson Needle work, Mrs. J. Blake Note by Committee. There were two other fine eilk quilts exhibited one by Mrs. Hart, and the other by Grandma McComas. Mrs. Phila Ar nold also exhibited an excellent speci men of rag carpet. The committee regret that they were unable to obtain the names of many other exhibitors, whose articles were on exhibition and not provided for in this class. .It is supposed, however, that they, will all be provided for in the discretionary committco. CLASS 15. Fquestriansiiip. . (5 Entries.) First best. Miss Mary Haywood ... 15 00 Second best, Mrs. Sarah E. Stephens..... 10 00 Third best, Mrs. Lydia Beeson 6 00 CLASS 16. Discretionary. (55 Entries.) Best Floe Plum, Alfred Russell " FireExtincuisher.Hauk fc Armitate Diploma ao do do do ao ao do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do " -Straw Cutter, F. A. Tisdel, Jr .. .. " Sickel Grinder, same.. " Specimen Long Wools, 14. W. 8cott of Lexington, Ky " Specimen Short Wools, Beaundhal & Co., New York. " Ramie Fibre, J. Bruckner, New Or leans " Excelsior Garden Hoes, Ed. Warren, Ceresco, Mich . " Potato Diirger, J. Brinkerhoof, Au burn, N. Y .... " Dressed Cashmere Goat Skins, K. W. Furnas " Indian Curiosities, same M Geologicul Collection, same.... Fur Robe, same " Cshmere Furs, same........ M Seedling Teaches, same....... . ' Fig Tree, same . " Orange Tree, same. " California (Jrapes, Mrs. Tipton M Display of Small Fruits, la spirits, R, W. Furnas " Radislies, H. O. Minick " Jtve Hive. Don Arnold . Second best, It. W. Furnas Wax Work, Fruits, Cross and Au tumn Leaves, M iss C Davidson Ax Helves, J. C. Curtis " Display of Groceries, W. T. Den.. M Wreath of Roses, Mrs. Hoadly " Zephvr Rug, same .... " Parlor Organ. J. K. Dye Second bet, Mrs. Graham,. " Night Dress, Miss Morris........ " Chimisette, same " Hog Tamer, J. C. Deuser Pruning Shears, same.. Lot Piece Goods. J. Marohn " 3 pieces Beaver Cloth, Jacob Marhon 9 jiieces Fancy Casimere. same . " Display Furnishing Goods, J. S. IleW cel.. Mop Handle and Fastening, J. C Denser... " Pencil Work, Mrs. Hellen Rogers " Yellow Siberian Crab Appics, Simp Baker, . Trunks and Valises, J. S. Hetzel... " Cashmere Over Shirt, same.... We are not able just now to give the exact financial condition of the Soci ety. Enough is known, however, to say that there will be a balance in the Treasury after "all Premiums and expenses are paid. An effort was made to pay the pre miums on the ground. It was impos sible to do so to completion. A good many were paid there, however. The next day the Secretary and Treasurer remained in town all day, and paid all who applied. The balance of premi ums will be paid on application to the Secretary, II. O. Minick, for an order, and to the Treasurer, J. Q. A. Smith, for the cash. There is money to pay all premiums of this year, and those remaining unpaid from last year." All who wish their premiums will make application as above before January 1st, 1870. As it will then be necessary to know the financial condition of affairs for the coming Fair, it will be taken forgranted that all uncalled for premiums at that time are donated to the Society, and none will be paid af ter that date. Quite a number who are anxious to have the grounds further improved, have donated their premiums, both this year and the last, for that purpose. The Treasurer is keeping a list of such, and the "Ilonoray List" will be pub lished in due time. For Diplomas call on the Secretary, II. O. Minick: We congratulate the farmers and mechanics of Nemaha County, that their Fourth Annual Fair was in all respects, "more than a success." Let us endeavor to maintain our reputa tion in this respect. -R. W. FURNAS, Prest. n. M. Minick, Secy. Prof. Tiallot. Director of the Neth erland Metrorolop-ical Institute, at Utrecht, states that the draining of the Haarlem Lake, in Holland, a sur face of 19,000 hectares (about 41,5ai acres), has had the effect of increasing the average Summer temperature of that locality and the aldacent country by onehalf a degree Centigrade, and of increasing the average Winter temperature one-half a degree. NEW ADVERTISEMEJCTS. Ferre; Batcltclder z Co. IMfuHTKBS AITD XJuX28 IN DUTCH BULTJUS ROOTS, v c , 1 Flowering Shrubs and Greenhouse PLANTS, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds Agricultural and Horticultural Implements, Fertilizers, &c., &c. 31Mala Stroot, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OP FALL : BULBS SENT ON RECEIPT OF FIVE CENTS. 52-Sm OLM BROTHERS, ' , Successors to B, K. BLISS, - . SPRINGFIELD, MASS., OFFER Bulb andVinter Flowering Plants For Autumn of 1S69, In Quantity, Quality and Prices not to be exceeded by any other establishment In the country. Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocn Polyan thus Narcissus, Fritillarias, An . . monei, Oxalls, Ranunculus, Snoir Drop, Japan Lillies, Tubroses, Faeonias, etc ' Also s general assortment of Bedding and Ornamental FOLIAGE PLANTS In their season. 47Senl for a Catalogue. OOI BROTHERS, 350 Malm St., 52-2m fSPKIXG FIELD, JTASS. Apple Root Grafts ! (.- Apple Root Grafts!! WE solicit early orders for Apple Root Grafts of all leading kinds, to be on Four Inch Koota, put up the coming winter by experienced hands, in the most careful mannor, each kind properly labeled and packed In damp Bitwdust, ko as to rv&oh at any distance in khhX con dition, lux) to Sou) 4 perluuo; 1U.IM) tor 75 ; and 25,w for $150. More at cheaper rates. These prices Include packing and boxing A tine lot of one year old Apple Trees, from 2 to 3 feet, will sell cheap ; also Urtipe Vines, CurranU, Strawberries, lied ire Plants and Apple flocks. - Send for Price List, free to all applicants. Address JOHN KIOEDAN, 52-1 m Eox 11, HUxmiingt'tn, IU. Versailles Currant. THE BEST CURRANT GROWN. This Currant Is universally admitted to be the best in cultivation. It is a strong, vigorous grower, has (Treat thickness of leaf, which enables it suc cessfully to resist the attacks of the currant worm; is productive, and bears very large and handsome fruit. We have made a specialty of the "Versailles." and now offer an unequalled stock of 1 and 2 year old plants. Purchasers can rely on receiving flrst eiajia plants from us, at the following rates : 2 years old 410 per 100 per 1000 1 " " " 65 " Sample sent by mall on receipt of 50 cts. Versailles cuttings, $10 per 1000. EDWARD BURGESS, 50-5m PouRhkeepsie, N. Y. EARLY ROSE POTATOES AT SPECIAL RATES. Having a large stock of these choice Potatoes, and being short of storage room and money, I will for a ehort time sell at special rates to those wishing to purchase this fall. . A. BIEIU 50-4t Alton, 111. 100,000 Strong Grape Tines, Consisting of Concord, Ives, Norton's Vlririnla, Kofrers' Uybrids, etc., etc Price List sent to all ap plicants. Address E.A. IUEHL, 60-2m Alton, III. GRAPE VIIVES I A splendid stock of all valuable varieties, offered this (till mid coming spring, of superior quality and at very reasonable prices. , ' OUR NEW Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue containing valuable Information on Grape Culture, will be mailed to all applicants enclosing 2i cents. Price List gratis; orders solicited. Address ISIDORE BUSH 4t CO. SO-novl nichl apllS Bushburg, Mo. POTATO DIGGER. ' Farmers, read the following recommendation of this unrivalled invention, and then send for a Dig ger, and if it fails to work as recommended, send it back and your money will be refunded. A man with this Digger can dig twice as many potatoes in a day as he can with a hook, or with a hoe, and with less than half the fatigue, consequently you save the wasres and board of a man every day you use it, which In a short time will ry the cost or a Digeer, and tt will last a lifetime with ordinary care. You have no vines to pull, or weeds to clear away, but you take the bill just as yon find It. Thrust the ligsr under it. pry it up. and throw It upside down and the potatoes are all in sight ready to pick up, which operation Is performed generally in less time than it would take to pull the v'nesand get ready to dig with a hook or hoe; so In reality the Digger costs you notliiug, but on the contrary, you make money by buying and osing IC Price (7, on receipt of which they will be shipped as directed. Agents wanted in every town, to whom liberal Inducements are offered, irend for a sample, and sell them to your neighbors. The trade supplied at the usual discount. Addrea all orders and communications to J. BKINKERIIOFF, x 50-2m Aubnrn, N. T. Nursery Stock. We would call the attention of those who wish to purchase Nursery Stock, either to plant or to sell agiiin, to the fact that we have for sale, at wholesale and retail, such articles as are usually to be found in all first class Nurseries, and at low- prices. Our stock consists of Dwarf and Standard Apple. Cherry. Pear, IMam, and other Fruit Trees; Quince Uubea.CarrantN. Goose" berriet llckbrrric,Unpber ries irmwberriet tie. all selected with a view to their adaptability to the climate of the West. We have a large assortment of Fverrrera nnd Derldeoas Shade and On' mental Tree, shrubs ana Plants. Itoee growing we make a specialty, and are pre pared to furnish ROSEBUSHES, all grown on their own roots, at prices that are un equalled. We would ask thofe who wish to pur chase in either large or small quantities, to examine our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Catalogues aeut to applicants. .'..''' O LEWIS ELLSWORTH & CO., Sn-m ' GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, t - HETZEL'S. JOB "WORK, Neatly and Plainly 0 Kx ecu ted, ut tbe Advertiser Job Rooms. FOB SALE AT THH EX0021EYG GROTD ISURSERY BLOOJHXQTOX, ILL. Ct( (fC STROyo, tnmty.weu grown CUUjUUU one anJ two year old APPLE TREES, at Lovatt Prirts. Alto a General Nursery Stock, ; including about everything found In a first class Karsery. Will contract to put up APPLE OBAFTS In the best of order, the coming winter. ; Addreu. W.P.WILLS A SOX. f!-Sm Bloomington, 1U. Owen's Strawberry. Every Kan Should have a Patch. "71 it the most toothsome tpecit of this dclicinut ter ry." Chicago Republican. fifteen 1 oerry excuea txmxutrrvunr, wunmuvm the Fuir, both from Ut tize awXflavor." Grand Prairie Beview. . "Jilt a larpe, bright, tearlet berry, jietn wnue, vmn apleaimntacui." fraine farmer. 'It U the best table berry we ever tatted." Paxton Record. "It contain more tacrAartne maltsr and lest fiber than any otter variety we have ever tatted." Gillman Journal. ... "A t a table berry it It unemtauea oy any oerry grown in thit toeality." Iroquois Republican. S fW OrJtl UVIK Omf iwiiwttta. ... .... -.-' .. "They are very large and rich flavored." Kankake "It it worthy of the people! 't confidence. Resolution of Onargo Horticultural Society. . mit nMtm oHvlnor m. full AmurlTw tion and engraving of the berry, sent to any address VDVU . . ED. KVMLIT, 49-3m Oranga, TIL PEACHES! PEACHES! We again offer our usually hsavy stock of well grown and thrifty. First Class 4to6feet-f8perl00 f per 1000 Second Class 3 to 4 feet-f3 per 10B .f 10 per 1000 CHERRY TREES. LargeBlocks of Strong 2 & 3 years old First Class 5to7feet-18perl00 ..150 per 1000 Second Class to 5 feet f 12 per 100 lOOperlOOO Plums and Vpricot. i - One Tear Old, Nicely Branched and Perfectly Healthy. Concord & Clinton Grapes. One and Three Tears Old, at Very Lo w Rates. - EVERGREENS. All the Finest Sorts, in Quantity, Cheap. T?-kx3Aa V Incina V If nana? Choicest Varieties in Cultivation. Hybrid Perpetual . j ' ' f 12 per 1U0 ...180 par 1000 Pralrlc Cllmblug - i per 109.:. per M Tea, China, Xolsetta, r . , Bourbon, &.C. &c, '..-.. .. at very low rates. - ' - - TA fnll line of Stock. f In every Department. HOOPES, BRO. & THOMAS, s ' cilERRY HILL JTCTiSERIES, , r 7 West Chester, Pa. i T ' The Honk of Evergreen , a practical work XI J on we cone-iieanng iisnut, uy jnsin 1 loo pes, sent per mall, prepaid, on receipt of price, tyAddress as above. 49-2m HEDGE PLANTS , GROIYI MISSOURI. 0 ' " - 93 Lushcls Osage Seed Wanted in 1869. f will ship. Freight pre paid, V Pnclps, or any otner it&urcaa u.iion in orua ALissouri, i Good Ilctfge Plants AtS'ZO per 1000 next Fall, or 3 next Spring. MPT Printed directions furnished ' - -, CIIAS. PA TTER&ONy . KIEKSVILLE, MO.' fTT J C TlJTTPPCnil' rf VlrlrmviMo T Ti A YIEfi and I, a MA&AXTHT, of LaPlata. have formed a partnership to carry on a general Nursery Dusinw extensively, near Kirksviiie, who a Drancn at lal'iata, under the style or , . . Patterson, Davies & Macarthy, ' We have an assortment of Truits at LaPlata: also 20 acres APPLE SEEDLIXQS, and expect to piHIll . , . . . j. 400,000 Apple Grafts next season, with other things la proportion. 47-Uu Charleston Nurseries ! DUTCH BULBS. I Import my Bulb direct from the most reliable growers in HOLLAND which enables me to offer them at prices mnch be low me usnai rates, besides giving my customers seiecuons irom UNRIVALLED STOCK. My order this year embraces none bnt such as have been thoroughly tested and proved worthy. All warranted to give good satisfaction, if properly treated. Full instnvtion for the management of Bulbs, may oe round in my f- . CATALOGUE No. 4. ROSES. ' Reside bulbs, I "have on sale a very choice selec tion of ' ) ROSES, GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PLANTS, FLOWERING SHRUBS, VINES, TREES, NATIVE AND HARDY GRAPE VINES, and other small fruits, tc. Ac, any all of which I feel half inclined to sell it reasonable prices, fehould I chancre my mind, willgive due notice. I publish four catalogues, any or all of which are sent free upon application. No. 1 Describes Frets, Flowering Shrubs and Na. 2 Describes Green House and Bedding Plants and Roses Tim. 3 Wholesale or Trade List . No. 4-Dutch Bulbs. Address X. C Me. LA IX, 48-2m Charleston, Coles Co., IIU PEOPLE'S NURSERIES. We have a large sto?k of the following articles, with man v others, which weoffer VERY low to cash buyer.. Warranted trie to name, and CiOOD IN EVEKY RESPECT. , Apples. Pears, Orrrles. Peaches, Flams, Unlace, ; rupcw, Haspberrie. Strawberriea. It la(k berries. Evercreeas, Ornamrnta Trees. Ishrabs, Flowers, Hoverina- i!hrnbs, See;. We want a good relitole man, who can come well recommended, to acta agent for us, in every county in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, to sell on Commission or Salary. ; E. I BOBB St CO., . B loom i n et on ; in . ll-4m-tf H ATS AND CAPS. All Varieties aDfl Stylea, at UETZEli B. a' -FOR- 1 FALI '18G9 and SPRING 1STO. All Grafted or Budded,' And Every Tree "Warranted Trne to 1,500,000 Apple, Cherry, Plum, Stand ard ana JJwarj rear j. reev, f VERY LOW RATES. Farmers can grow this stock to Orchard Size at ft small expense. Nursenymen can make from 300 to 50O per cent, to grow It two years. For a man starting in ids piurwrjr uusuict.vuio Is the best kind ot Stock be can buy. PRICES: Pear and Cherry Trees, 4 to 12 Cents. Apple Trees, - ' to 6 Cents. We offer also ft full assortment of all kinds of ' NURSERY STOCK. (i " . - For all description of Stock and prices, enclose stamp. Established! T" MOODY 5os8, f NlAOABA NtTKSERIES, 1839. J 47-3m Loekport, IT. T. OSAGE OEAXOE SEED AND PLANTS AT WHOLESALE! We propose to supply any quantity of OSAQE OBAXGE PLANTS AND SEED, ' to say the least, AS GOOD AS THE MARKET AFFORDS! SEEDS WARRANTED NEW. Both Reed and Tlants warranted to give satisfac tion, as the price and quality. For particulars ad dress, LAMSON, DOBBIN & CO., 47-tw . State Centre, Iowa. St. Clair Nurseries. SUMMERFIT.T.T). ..... ILL. Established 1856. I offer to nlanters and dealers ft large and well grown stock of Fruit and Ornamental 1 rees. Hardy Native Grape Vines, Evergreens, Koees, Shrubs, ftc. The 8Uck offered for sale the coming Fall, owing to a favorable season, hiis made a nnegrowtft and will. I think, rive satisfaction to all. The attention of Dealers is especially invited to ay unusually line stock of Standard Appies, eon sisting of all the leading Western and Southwestern imrta. Wholesale nnd Retail Catalogues now out nnd for warded to all applicants. K. r . UAUOLK. Branch Otfices. la and 15 Monroe Street, Memphis, Tenn., and corner of Main and Osage Sts., Sedalia, Springfield Nurseries. Established In 1S5S. LAEGE AND FINE STOCK FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL Small Fruits in Great Variety. GRAPE VINES In large snpply, of pop ular oid ana ciioice new varieties. ClfEDPDMP of all fleslrable kinds CVCnunillll JO nnd different sizes, fre quently transplanted in Nursery. A com plete assortment of ARM A R ACUTA I . SHRUBS. VINES. UnUHIiir-HHAL ROSKS, GREEN- UOUSEAliEJJDINQ FJANTS, BULLS, &c SWEET POTATO and other Vegetable Plants, in their season. OSAGE ORANGE ASSOETED! HEDGE PLANTS No. 1, by the 100,000 or Million. APPLE SEEDLINGS) VERY FINE. MOT GRAFTS Youno Stocks and Seedlings. All the above grown with greet care, and especial reitrence to the wants of the Westorn planters. Send for Catalogues. Adarctt, SPA CEDING CO.. 4'-gm . Sprinpflirld, IU. 1869. 1869. SPECIALTIES. STANDARD PEACHES. GOLD. DF. PEACHES. CHERRIES, CURRANTS, AND GOOSBERRIES. Tit m num IreeSi 4 to sreet. one year, branched. per iw, f la ; per iouu, f lix. Plum SeedllDETS. Wto15oenono.owing to quality and quantity. Chmplrte asaortminl of lrer. T.amt, vine; Khrvb. heetutnj. fnortc. jiooi- vratt, etr., ere. 8end stamp for ITice; Ten cents for Catalogues. Adore, 47-3m W. F. IIEIKES, Dayton, O. QUIXCY KUHSERY. We have a large and complete stock of AFPLE, PEACII, CHERRY, AP RICOT, ORNAMENTAL AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, ORAPE VINES, SMALL FRUITS, ROSES, SHRUBS, Ac, Ao, &c. Protssratd and crown hv ns at mr Nnrsprr. whlrh we offer to planters at as low rates as equally good stock can be furnished at any other Nursery In the country. We do not bny, but raise our stock, and conse quently can and do guarantee every article healthy and true to name. We give small orders the same attention that we do large ones: Parties favoring ns with their orders will please give ns plain directions, how, where to, by what route, and to whom they wish their goods consigned. Correspondence solicited and Price .List sent on application. Address SINNOCK CO. 4B-9m Quincy. Ill Crape Tines. 1."tft (inn one and two year old grape vines,' of ' the leading varieties only all grown In the open ground. Ierlers. and those wishinc to Plant lanrelr. will do well to send for our Ot'lYicc Xrft before engaging elsewhere. Address JT. MICHEL BRO.. 49-Sm 411 Locust 8treet, St. Louis. Ma OSAGE HEDGE PL.AXTS. HAROIS & SOMiLER, Of the Ptaji Ncsjeriw. Quincv minds, offer to tbe trade a laree quantity of Osaee Plants, grown on rolling land and therefore very superior to thoee grown on fiat land this wet summer. Thev will be sold very cheap for cash. Those desiring plants bv the 10, 10u. or l,f)u.( will do well to correspond with them. New Trade List now ready. 47-4m JOB PRINTING, in one or more colors, promptly don at the Advertiser JobOQoe. . . . f IIIl! Premium Strawberries Took the flrst premium at the Great Strawberry ghow at Geneva, N. v., in June last, xvn wun IDO varieties, tan siiow ice dosi recommena 01 aay berries in the United States. Admitted by all persons at the Fatr In Bochester In June last, to be the Bnest berries ever seen. I win sena tree vy nxmu, iur .sjv 1 dot Keechs Favorite, . I " (Joliah, 1 " Trumpet, and . 1 copv Grape Growers' Guido. AndforfVK) 1 dos. Keecb's Favorite, i 1 - Golieh, . 1 " Trumpet, 1 M Mars, and 1 copy Manual on Orape Growing. ForflO.UOby Kjpresss ....... 60 Concord Grape Vines, 2 years. 20 Iona, ' ' ; 10 Pelawares, 5 Kogers No. 13, 5 Dianas, t 3 Creveiin?, ' ' 3 Ilartfords, 1 Kebecca, all two years, grown in open air, 1 Grape Grower's Guide. Address, J. KEECH, 50-3m - Waterloo, Senaca Co.. W. r. rnuiT iujlz, 50,000 PEACH TREES FOR SALE CHEAP ! of which 8,000 are the SALWAY PEACH. Also Apple, Pear, Pliun & Cherry Trees, with a large stock of Blackberry, Baspberry and Straw berry plants. ' SEND FOR PRICES. J. I?Iadison Pullen, 3 - HIGHTSTOWN, N. J." T. C. MAXWELL & BIlOM OLD CASTLE NURSERIES : GENETA, ON TAB IO CO., N. T. Invite the attention of Western Nurserymen, Dealers and rianters, . - ' 9 . to their extensive and reliable assortment of Choice Nursery Stock AT WHOLESALE, ,'. Including . Frnit Trees Standard and Dwarf; Ornamental Trees aad ShrubsDeciduous and Everjjree i Small Frult-Gr''eT:e All varieties; Roues, Green Iloaso and Beddlac Plants, Bulbs, &e. Parties wishing SELECT NiritSKRY STOCK, either for their own planting or to sell again, are re anested to give us a eall or write for particulars, enclosing stamps for catalogues as follows : Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits three red stamps. Descriptive Catalogue of Ornamentals three red stamps. Wholesale Trade List one red stamp. Address, . T. C. MAXWELL & BROS, . Geneva, Ontario, Co., 2T. Y. n-y Tit E IU PLANTERS, JjOOIl HERE! The undersigned have the largest stock af EVERGREENS AH D FOREST TREES in the market, and are selling them at a mnch less price than it is possiole to obtain them elsewhere. l29G 00,000 Nurserymen can buy of us more seedling trees of Detter quality, icr tne same money, man anvwnerw else in America. Several varieties, in lots of 100,000 or more sold lor $1,00 per THOUSAND. We offer American Yew, the most rare and most valuable Dwarf Evergreen in the world. fiTSend 10 cts. for liirse descriptive Catalogue, with several plates and full descriptions of ail vari eties offered : or send stamp lor advertising price lists. Address PINNEY A WEAD. 43-3m Sturgeon Bay, Wis. w w a c to 8 P at e o X 9 3 a s Pi a I to SB gg3 Ogc. Dutcb FIover Ilulbs. Onr Descriptive Catalojre of Tulips. Hyacinths, Narcissus. Crocus, Billies.Hardy Herbaceu8 Plants, 6h ni bs, c, Ac, is now reaay, ana wui oe mauea on application. . Address, II. MICHEL A BRO., 49-3m 411 Locust street, 8t. Louis, Mo. FRUIT! FRUIT! FRUIT! STAND AMD PEAR 2 and 3 years old. f-to 00 per 100 1) WA.XJT X iA. H 2 and 3 years old 20 00 per 100 1 year old 20 00 per 100 I year old 12 50 per 100 eSTA DAKU Viii.KUX 1 year old 12 50 per 100 1 rear from bud 10 00 per 100 1 year from graft- S 00 per 100 Davison! Tbornless Black Cay Raspberry. ?3 per 100; f20perl000; foo per 4a. Mammoth Cluster Blark Ca Baspbcrrr. 5 per 100; flOperlOOO; J120 per 4000. Seneca Black Caa Raspberry. 5 00 per 100; fk) 00 per 1000 ; Jl20per400a Wilson, T. de Gand, Aarricnltnrlst. Green Prolific, French Seedliojr, Early May,, and Boston Piae Strawberry, ft 00 per 1000. Concord Grapes 2 years.. f 40 per woo Delaware 3 TJ per io 131 per 1 1J) per IihiO SO per !' Diana " 2 Iona - 2 " Versailes Currant 1 year- Cherry " I 50 per imo 4ii per ho 20 per luuu v nite orape l Red Dutch " 1 Apple and Aagers Qalnce Stocks at LOW FIGURES. Any of the above articles will be securely packed and delivered at the railroad, free of cost, except the bare cost of boxes. . ' Orders should be accompanied with the cash, or gpoQ reierence. Address, . w. r. will: Fayette ville, Onondaga Co. 4S-Sm N. Y. CARDS, BILLHEADS, CIRCU LARS, at the Advertiser Job Office. . pOLLARS.-JUl kinds and -tv les, v t HETZEL'S. 1 BIS S 2 ss S-3 p4 o GIJALIi PIUJIT3. We oiler at prices named below, fine plants of H10O B1000 Elack Naples, Cherry and White Grape Currants, -3 years... - $3 OO Blftclt Naples, Cherry and White Grape Currauts, 1 year sele,:tea w w American ana liougnton uoaseoemw, 1 vear. slected .- 8 CO 70 00 Erinckle's Orange and Franconia Rasp- herrles . i ou ao- a w Apple Stocks, 1 year. Lit class 10,fJQ for . S-iU - - Apple Stocks, 2 years, 1st cluss, 10,000 nr7l) 00 8 00 Ked Fruited Barberry, 2 years &-12 inch 2 00 13 00 All carefully packed and delivered at Express. Office. Small plants of Currants, Gooseberry. Raspberry and Barberry, by MAIL, PREPAID, at same price. October Is the very best time to plant Currants and Gooseberries. STICK2TEY A BATJ3IBACH. Waupun, Wit., September, ISO. 47-2m THE BEST GRAPES! THE EIJ3IELA3J, (Black or Isabella Col- or.) Introduced by Dr. Grant The choicest of all 3& Black Grspes; ripens before the Hartford; J onequailed in vijeor hardiness; largely pro O ducuve; superior flavor. Makes the bet ot O . Ameriron Jn. Fully tested in all parts ot the United States. TIIE IO!YA, (ed or CaUwba Color.) Now recognized everywhere, as The Sfm W dnrd of ExreU'-nee." Ilipena with the earli- est Unequalled In every Rood quality of ap n pearance. iiavor, hardiness, visor and keep 3 ing, or for making White Wine of the very fin-stqnalitv. THE SALEJI, (Catawba Color.) The best of "BOG ICRS' HYBRIDS" (Xo. 53.) Karly, hardy, beautiful delightful 11a ? vor. THE MARTHA, - The best of all WHITE GRAPES. "ETery 2 body wants it" Fairly, delicious, hardy, beautiful Or the whole four by mail for. .-$5.00 Or an EVMELAN or WALTER, far . 5.00 Oursnpplvof vines was a consider- ble jart or Dr. Grant's unbroken stock of last year, (before he relinquished business), and is therefore genuine beyond qupstion. Our stock is large, and unsurpassed in quality. w orr vines of everv name, slnarl. -. en. hundred or mousunil, at low rates. . H have alo a large collection of all other leading varU-tiet, at the lowext prices consistent wilh good plants, (rood reputation and fuir dualing. Full Descriptive Circular and pricet tent free. DIDLET & MERUELL, 49-2m Nurserymen, Geneva, Jf. T. FOR THE FALL TRADE. We desire to call the attention of JTnrserymen, Dealers and Planters to the following block, which will be sold low for cash : 2HM Apple Trees. SO.nno Peach Trees. 6.0W St. Pear Trees. . lo,i) Dwarf Pear Trees. 20.0110 Currant Bushes. 20.( (Jooselxrry Bushes. 100.000 Grape Vines. 5.i)0 Cherry Trees. a),(M iSupar aiapies, rmau, iranspianieu. 10.000 J!ee:h. small, transplanted. 20,000 Black berries, mostly of the new varieties. 20,000 Raspberries, all the leading kinds. fl,mi.ii O-nsje Hedwe Plants. AHlWhltn Hirch. 4 to 7 feet And a larse stock of Kvertrreens, Roses, Shrul, Ornamentul Trees. Bulbs, Pienas, Phloxes. Ac 7f-Xew Wholosale Trice I.lst now ready. Send stamps for our Descriptive Cutalotfue of 4 paces. Address . 1IARG1.S A SOMMEK, 47lm- Star Nurseries, Quincy, 111. Plant Choice Fruits. VTOW IS THE TIME TO OKDEIi. i I will send fine SALEM GRAPES by mall for 1 each. Bofff rs 4, 1". 1!. at .Vc each. Kit tatinny and Wilson's Early Blackberries at $1 per dor.en. bv man. i:iarn jtaspoerry, ?..' per uoa. Philmle Ionia do. per dozen, all by mail. I will deliver the following at Express oilice, prop erly packed. at the following prices: Concord Grapes JOanaflUPer nunareu. iifiwre, ww -i"n-inir and Ive's Seedlinff. 15 per hnndid. Halera Grapes at $75. I'M) and 10 per hund red. Borers 4, 15, and 19 at ?J0 per hundred. Fine Hoses at !.. per dozen, jiiarsniuixuiiwwi" ihihh n. Address , JOHN CHARLTON, 23-iy Bochester, N. T. Tie Walter Grape. PRICE LIST. Per D"7. f 4.1 54 Per 25. ss 110 Per 50. li 170 4Si Per 75. Tls6 JW 310 ex Per mo. 3-J1 Each. No. 3 one year.....j. S No. 2 do 4 No. 1 do 5 Two years best 10 IN LARGE Q VANTITTEft A T MUCH RED I'CED ha i n..?. Saccharine Tests for lYIne. At the National Saccharine Test for Wine, at Hammondsport.X. Y.. Oct. 2sth. 1VW. the Cntmrha stood in saccharine matter 91 Walter 9) Iona 101 DeXaicare 103. This tet was made with 17 ounces of the Walter.somewhat frozen, to 24 ounces of each ol the other varieties. Next morniiiic the Superintendent. Clerk, nnd one of the Directors of the Pleasant Valley Wine Co. (the parties who conducted the test the day before,) to satisfy themselves of the merits of the "Walter by an equal trial, tested 17 ounces of Iona from the same lot that were u.-;ei tne nay neiore. ami tne saccharometer stood at til the Walter l ting it s. Had 17 ounces of the Delaware anrt ( Uiu oeen nressel eiuallv hard with the Hatter, their skins and centres bemir acid, the Delaware would have stood lower and the t utnwoa proportional! v txlow the lelaware. All tbe other Mint-ties ranged, mucn lower than those enumeraien aoove. ThrehaU been constant rains ano damp w earner n the section where Hie H ater crew IU competit ors erowtnsr at Hammonosport ana aionjr tne iuKes, where there had been but little rain during the sea son dry soil and weather being necessary for the perfect sweetening of trapes. A committee of the American Institute Farmer's Club, in a reeport of Sept. 'Zi, lnw, printed in the w York Semi-W eeklv innuneor vu Jitn. aner neakineoftheonaiities or tne w aiier. sa v : vn. conclude the WaU'-r will be a valuable grape in the icrape regions of the npper Mississippi, on the shores of Lake Krie, in western New 'iork, on tbe slate soils of western Pennsylvania, and wherever else native grapes are successfully grown." Letter from Charlet Woollev, one of the oldett vine- varum in cue ."Hare. Vinetard Point, Ulster Co., N. Y. ilay 13. IHA Mernrrn. Ferrit A Crivimott. Dear bias : Y ours of the 18th I am in receipt of. in which you ask it I have any objections to sending vou, lor publication, tne tacts i am acquainted with in relation to the character or the nailer linmr. have never indorsed the character or usefulness of vines, or other articles of any description, and would not at my present stage of life were it not for two reasons whlcn seem surticient. Urst, I know the Hwer ilrnjte will meet the prejudices widespread to roue 1 iou 1 1 he con u t ry , caused by t b e wort h 1 essness in mot localities o many or its predecessors, sec ond, because I can say from personal observation th.U the Walter Ls the best variety 1 have had any luinwieucK ui, iiu x villus x imve cuiitv aiea nearly all that hsve ben recommendi.-d. disrarlinir them all and fallln? back upon the Concord and Hartford Proline a vineyard varieties. I am interested in knowing that the fruit of the Walter grows larser each year as the vine grows older, being last year fully one-third larcer than it was two years ago.- It grows well : sets fruit well. I have seen it rlne wr. erai times ueiure Jiariioru. anu I nave never seen any mildew on its fruit or on its large and thick, but ih-i aware in a pea joiiuge. The flavor of the fruit thin superior to any other variety. You say in your circular It Is a seedlinz of the Delawa re a n rl Diana; I think the character of each of these varie ties is quite aistinguishabie In the H iiltrr, particu larly that of the Delaware.' I alsd think it would make a wine of hitch character. I have visited it nnually since It first bore, six years atro. three times in Ulster Co.. N. Y.. in a low vallev. where the Isa bella seldoan ripens, and each time it was Tully rie In Ausxist. I have seen it each of tbe three pust sea sons in rouKiiKeepsie, npenuikt at me same time. FAi-eptuiK ias year, wnen ine constant rains p vented all varieties from maturing st their usual time, but it perfected its fruit by the middle of tsep- leinwr. ine raiins i uie tam meniKMied crop nave seen and eaten, which were eimmI. From ilk sucvedins in the low valley and tenacious clay ot .Timit-Mii, mm bisj in me urv siaiev position In Pouehkeeiwie. I think it will lie well slanted tn h vaned sections of our countrv. You mav nmb. wnaieyer use oi tnese opinions yon deem proper. FEKRI5 & CAYWOOD. 21-y yuiihkeejwie. N. Y. SJLOOMISGTOA' ATRSCRY. 500 Acres.: 18th Year. 10 Green-honses. Fruit. Ornamental and Xurserv Srimt I and reliable assortment verv Iow'for cash. AVVU-. 1. - and e years. Varieties adimteH tn all localities, including hardy Northern sorts, such as.; mi uiunmura, uwiui). iranscenuent ana oth er Crab Apples. 1 tar rut. itTt. Cherrlst, rtumt. Quintet. Orape; Forrttarui Hrerrrrrrn Tree. Aurvry Stoekt. Otage Heiige Jiantx, Roe. own roots. Hrdy Bulbs and Lilliea for Fall planting. Koot (IrafLs nut nn trk ii- der In best style. Also sutienor colored plates of Fruits and Flow ers. Send 10 cents for Catalogue. Beware of boru agents. p. K. PHCKNIX. 4-tt Eloomincton. McLmn Ca. 111. Transcend ant Crabs. St Clair Nurseries SU30IER FIELD, ILL. I have a lare Stock nfTnnrutmi rm Tf.vt enow and Cherry Crnbs. Low Headed and well b To&i f' lou-?ls0 r 47-3m ET.BABC0X7K. ' 1 V s ;lV- j;v l vj "... . ;., r ' " fill W Eve hondr-l bnshela cf O,' fzJtT Beed, and shU hav for sale, tia fi "9 FIFTY MILLl02f splendid No. I plants. Ow fscr::trcs fr plants at a small cost, cuaout exceiicT not employ ti CHINESE laborers at ten cents per day; nt, by the si nr. pround, free from wetdi ani Krw tii .Jv,8 chinery an experience ot twenty-thres rr the work, and a careful system:. c Bisag.Il,. our immense force, we art- vmuv ttru wo rT1 ford to sell plants cheaper tOan anv oh-!J lishment in the country 'a have so COMING Into market, two mrrSnw ;endid Apple t all ases. sizes and kmiis. Ihene irm are r anything in the country mil raitd by est! J guarrantw every tree seat em sound, tiiriifr true to na."ue. ,,Mt TO everybody who vvants a fine Io f trnj. t Grails toset out nextsptinc. we w!l thiVT shall put up full five million next i,iuvHh ,Tf roots and cions are fro m tt own rr-Bw. ,rT sell them very cheap. Ve want ad 3u m4 JJi women in . . v . ILLINOIS! or anywhere else, who want to bn Plant.. Tymttv Grafts, and who want to eet a ti m-c'tat rt'r! at the LO WE.iT HATES, to write to us lad terms. FIRST CLASS AGENTS ANTED. . ' AFPLE SEEDLINGS CH?AP. 7. k . imam & Co J 17 1 T V A V yjsrfifl. jO-We will A'OTbe ondertold. ? 7m. .if . aiott'sT4rrW.lto. ... TIIC SALBII GEAPE! Should be In every Garden and evrr V!nTrft i. the land. We have good evidence that in th wt it Is to be eminently successful. It is ear'ir ,7.5 Infinitely superior to the Concord in quai'itr' 'J must supplant that variety so fast as lis mer.a come known. The Salem, as is well known k th best of the "Rogers Hybrids.- Mr. K.g.'r tij. describes it: "Like other well known kinds, Nos.4 nd K thk Is a Hybrid between a nativtand tbe Black Hm. burg, bunch larire and wimpwi, bwry Uu- m Hambunr, of a liht chstnut or fatwnacolnr"toi skinned, perfectly free from hard pulp, very and sprik-htly. with a must exquisite aroma.ic it vor; notetiuuliei by any other out-doer trap, ft wine or table: as early and hardy as l4wr n Hartford, having dvw ,u ripm it. fr-t i, the most unfivurahlt season, for the .-i .n jr Taking all its qualities into consideration, arUnw. hardiness, and Kreut vuror of vine, site anj of fruit, it is pronounced by the best juU4 mho have tried it, to hae no equal anions ail u. b merous varieties now before the pnhiir: and I ca with confidence recommeud It as the best of ail ny collection." The bulk of the Salem Stock pnssd from 5fr. Botrers into the hands Mr. T. L. Harris, si .,a on-Eria. That gentleman ba to atTes of U in Via, yard, and under date of Aui? nth, tfa, writes : Dkax Sib: I have much jileasur in enntioofnf to report most favorably of the ?lem. TVy kr perfectly hardy in every respect, ami s most vice ous grower. They have not suifered from lb wia ter or the trying summer, erapinc mililew matr. other varieties cave been afi'erted teriousiy. I am so well satisfied with their prumis. that si. though I have thirty acres of this on var.etT.I filled up most of the vacancies in my other tie.. varda with them. You rs tnily T. L. H A RPJS. Last spring we relieved Mr. Hams from ifcpesh station of the Malem. by purctiasinit his miir. stock of vines for transplanting, and io the w4 from his larsre vineyarit We are cumequeulT able to offer to the public the and best stock of Sale a Vines in the Country, . - at low rates, to large and small planters. " If we are to compete with oor Culifornia ftir In Grape crowinir, we niut plant th lars showy varieties lhe which must nearly yprfc the choi'-e for-itn kinds in appearam-e and qua:. We offer all leading varieties for sale at VERY LOW RATES. Our circulars contain a cut of the Salem, ani m timonials. Sent on application. Address I. II. BABCOCK & CO., Salem Gr.APE NuR-EEia Ix-kport.N. T. W-trn The Mahoning Nurseries. YOUNGSTOWX Xalionln? Coiintr, 0ht9. I have, and offer fnr saJe t my Xuireriea, a lan? and general stock of FRUIT ASD OUXA3IE!TAL TREES, SMALL FRUITS, Grnpo Vines, liowon, ' FLOWERING SIIRUDS-rlscCLl.fT Roots, In short, a verv general and complpte aortmt of such stock as it is customary to raise i"."" ries. This stock was raisel with ie-ial irf-r to sel'inir directly to planters Is designed to la elude the best varieties of well pmved ohI. or pr mr isinit new varieties, and is ftenerally of and substance a- to be ready for permanent f Ji inir without fwrther nursii!?." Orders, lnrxe or small, will be filled at f"a rates. ilviuK a larjje und exceileut stock of Apples, Peachps, CraprViatv i:.sculcnt Roots some kinds of Flowering Shrubs, Ac. I'r"VpT lnlneeinents la these, in large quantititJ, um Fall's sales. . Shipments direct bv the rival rout.-s of rm Fort Wavne t Chicago, or Erie (formerly Atianuc Ureat Western t K 14.; also by miner V. Union Express Co.'s. . When shipments are preferred by Wl"r deliver stock on board !t, D--OW or kt Steamboats at Pittsburg, wit nwit extra tv.. ....i.i T-tM i.r kinds trl ties, or for general des-: esi-ripti ve cawii-if". ; J. MASMM- 30-3t Young" l"n TICK'S Illustrated OatalcuLE! ov Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies, AND Other Hardy Bulbs for Fall Plastisj Is now published, and will besentrBtoa2i apply. Address JAMES VILA, 4T-2m GROVER & BAKER'S TIKST PREMIUM ELuVSTIC SXITCH FAMILY SEVVIHG MACHIfB 495 Bromdtmyy .Va lr. Points of Ljccollenco. Beauty and Elasticity of r Perfection and Simplicity f 3' chinery. the spools. 'j iNo fiistenlnjr or seams by caau no waste of thread. Wide ranire of application change of adjustment. 1 he scam retains its beauty au " ness after wahinc: and innin?. Ik'sides doinir all kinds of worn bv othpr Spwinc ALirhines. tbe , i permanent Embroidery and orcaa' tal work. 1 i The Highest rremiams at aa tt. and exhibitions of tho United r . t , . .v.-niVeT3r Europe, nave Deen uiucu ni- ker 8ewln Machines, and the work "' them, wherever exhibited, Incompc-'l D" ThtCr' 43- The very highest prize, th L,tfio f Haory was CoB"' representative of the Grove Baker! Machines, at the Extilk LD Paris, 1867, thos attesting tbelr gretU r ority over all other Sewing Jlaibin Urs. J. K. BSAB A Sly 1T rkTTTTXTl rT nTIIlXf 'Lfc-f' 1 Hrrf- v .. .-.L CUMMER SUIT O at m r .n ni TIES.-End:e68 in style St nd u i f