. L-tr.t-eopUof t ArVKRTiss.a forae ty St Uty JOOfc IMOT. r.iU jiELinira notices. v ; AtiMitic and tri7 ir. every other Sunday oru- PTrT CTrtr.CTT. ComT Fourth nd Atlsn- Lcrx;n Dmr.cTonr. a. f F-B-wnvllle Ixvlire No. 5, 1. O. O. T. nTut-Jverenlr.yo liwwK.ut o cock "), at tl.eir 111 in tne lrj lim brick, tu Brothe-" -Wl'M. -um t s; rxssKY, eery. . p. ;,.I..fn tn i-t 1 r--nirier In UUS AiruUir are u-.i - Arrivs! aae Jepartsre ef fce r.Ill n' rtema-. i Southern e;p is tt II a. . ZT; arrivv t ik m.: t J a. m . Ek ' .'riw- dcrr at 2 p. m. itMirKt " : -r ........... .,h ruilI p.m., V'ses.rridHys at 4 ta depart JjCtrvm wwK.fc.nv W . A. 1OLOCK, r. M. I Trnbl t. J. ad C B. It. IU 1 0 and f!r XarStt. W. Tra'r.i will lea ve rbelr . :5 p. m. . J,'? p. m. li-A A. Bi., Mtl train dH. 0ir- J. L. ClLrP Alitor. THCKSPAY, .OCTOBER ?, ISCX DrlU Go toTUderi. pttM k-Ketoc at lirrhoa'. ' A G4 VTnttoToo It? Go to Ttodel'. .... rr fttlrr r Good Cl;mr go to on reasonable twmi, at - ' MUS. BEAR'S. rui TU1 "n furnish you tfce genuine Con cert hntnrU. " - ' Twe Tltrcc Frosh Mil oh Cow. wanted ;;;;;! ;: ; r IV K XllO-fSOy.:. Te Vt Fannin j MlUa made can ba seen and pnrcnaed at TUdet'a- , .... , Hair, Liaaet Ccraent and riasW of rarU coBttaetlf on hani at Georre Holsman,- laaewar. Large stock, at the lowest lmc Inable figure, for cash, at llauk & Ax nltaf ft. v r ; - .- " " DrM Maklnjr done In the neateat man ser and moat reaaonable term, at " , . ...-r . HRS. BEAR'S. . ' 200 Sen MTif t Jiead. Juit rwlTed. MrCREERY A 2UCKEI Ta Rentr A cottage with six rooma, Good well on the premiaea. On Main street. Oood fence. Apply to "W. T. DEN. 'TlteXWet r cornea SXolaeaea It has ever been our-foek ttrjr, may be found at Swan 4Rrn'a. It U Tfo. 1. and no mistake. Go and try U. ; . - : ' S. Im Caaley , proprietor of the Orchard and published at Teru, waa lntown last ?aeday. -lie rrprrncntg matters lively In thattown!;, ' 300 tTrareltiig Baskets for the Indies. Mrcnr.nRY & kickei 2.CC0 - Bolts "Wall rape1", direct from New York. llcCHEILUY A NICKEL. ' ITJIora, JTcBklsis 4s. Co. are now re rrivlng an Immense atock of Iximber, Khln glea, Fraraca, etc. Tlelr yard Is the centre of attraction to the builders of this sectiorw . - DR. HOLLA DAT Rrt-pectfully Informs his eld friends and the public, that he Is prepared to attend all calls In the Una of his profesalon. OSSoe at Holladny A Co. Drug Store, Main atrect, . ItrownxilUt, yeb. : . 5Mf Hew Sewlsts Plaetilm . DepotMr. Thompson has opened up a new Sewing Ma chine Iwpot, for the aale of "heeler A Wil son's Machine,at E. E. Ebrlght'a Queens. ware 4 ore, V Lens be Is exhibiting a fine lot of machine. Maasrs Grower k Raker i I hare had a G rover & Baker Hewing Machine In almost constant ur c!nrl nil which tSne It has been la perfect "working order, and never required tae outlay of one cent rr repairs. V SARAH noK,GreenpoInt,L.jC, Tfca Latest Jfewsl The Latest Magaaimes I ' TaLttrit Illattratrd Paptrs Can always be found at rollock's rostofflce Xews I)epot; where subscriptions ?or ahy periodically paper published In the United fetaOrs or Canadas will also be received. ; Lamps, of the latest styles, at . ' ; ' McCUEERY & NICKEL'S. the haixhoad , Boot and Shoe Store of A. Roblson . -13- w undoubtedly the largest and best estab- RKhwrnt In wfcVch to buy Boots and Shoes In this Market, and 1- fast be- conn.o the Boot and Shoe Emporium of Southern Aebraika. Call nnd McCreery A Nickel's immence variety. - The largest lot oC ' fot Wood or Coal, Is at Ehellenberger Ero'a. WALK rPIX! Those Indebted to McFall d Co. will save expense and litigation by calling t mediate ly and attllng at the cid stand, Don't fl to eUle altlier by cash or note. We sell pure goods only. McCT.EERT A NICKEL. i I --M 1 --- Iwpre-ccmesita R Y. Hughe Is tiaklng additions to his residence. '. IL C Lett's new residence is enclosed, and ta now tha main feature In the building line In the northern portion of our city. Ongsweira does and store room on 1st treet. Is neerly up. Hands are excavating in the rear of Car bon's bank, and David Campbell is much Im proving the lower portion of Main street. f i Is essential to success, yet the general ac TUon of this U'rm Is so diverse that we propose to' give our deSnitlon of Its true ntsaaing. It Is one who gives full weight; keeps good articles: Is aetisf.ed with a rea onable profit; keeps a larjre stock; and Is eommodatIng In aH his dealings, whether lthagroWa person or a child. These qual ifications Sndleste an "eye to business." and possessed in an eminent digree by firm f Swan A Bro's, fur whom we wlU vouch In Ml their deal! nsn. Ta Alabama Claims are now op again adjustment, and the British government "prftused itself desirous of an erlilra- r0 Araone the claim, ixrtikdin'irr.rw.uvi . .m . . r . , . It.- n,i Lussisu Araeiica, de,i,roved on A v.; v tim :t err the coast of snath m', CTl1 the use of their ".l .at ipy are c thaton almost every t4n Ui !ir'a l freoueuUy caught be- fr.u-r..- , . -rr fcJ1I ne'-t-P" nailsiynes of ir rights, fillii to ff-t them ' Si l.lt: :ton, I). C. k v,L i ro s-vf r-p eui and m uve J. C. i -.. ,T7 ' 'r vam of shipments f . . mi, .jr.Kn;, Ar'ie trure anj A Firrt CI::: The citizens of Brow nvll'e taoy wtlJ aa w know they dof '1 arrive Sa t'.ic rir.Lt cnt slock and it ro roon tf Ttw. 11111 &. Ox With the lulded etory It ni,v.xs ta f.ne an t p. pear&nce as ar.y wo tvtreaf, r.r, 1 f.,r ttoe'e and style throughout itisiit.t eirIlc-l west Cf thMlsslsi,'yi 1. As It ! a J for.:.!: .or.t f .tr,r lu our city, a". 1 f s t-uch tto 'ts cf g;o! Indi cate to theb.t advantse the extent cf ll.e business done here, let us explore find rive a crude Idea of lis conteuts: On erUcrk s yoa End firbt to your rl,;ht a twenty f ot counter I lied iiigU alia 1'rints rrora &imoet every known fiictory, nnd of t!ie latent pftttt-rns. To the left of this Is a counter of like dimen sions groaning beneath a burden of about three hundred bolts cf Cassirners, Chinchilla., Ik-aver, Jean, etc., comprising doubtless the largest assortment of this kind ever opened west of the Missouri river. JJext your sisht Is greeted by numerous kttf J..'y arranged pyrsTiiils of Drc-s OockIs, Iff rlnrs, Alracwis, ller. Ditiones. Yater-rroof Cloths, and. In lact Dress Gotnis of every variety, sha le and tyl eppearcn t!;.Ir count iadC.il sone sixty ittt or sueivirg unj craters on ttie w-t ! ie of the room. Ti.n j o t come to a thirty fjot counter wIxth-u l.ut,reds of HaniK ii t l:rn and rial LUle rrc;.t you tne shelving lntiie rear; trien nnot:.,er counUr with long rieksof boiisoi unt leac tiej juusiin, Tlcklnpa, jorrn;?n cheeks ttrirs, etc., and on polr-j around which you will iial a Iot's? row of fcht-lve tilitl with every variety of bieach-e-1' Gxd known to the in.-i.rket. On your left, some forty feet from t iemain en tmne you ace a larpe lot Woolen l lankets, of all prades. and of Western make. The helving on the east contiiii s a choice lot of Notion, t'.ieonswnre Groceries. In the rear and of the oica a cplendld display of Chinchilla, Actracan, lUaver and Velvet Cloak preet the eve. "icln with this glimpse of the first floor, let u roup stairs, llere you will nnd Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattlnss In creat nrofusion and variety, emu boxeud c-es of unopened troops, awaiting their tarn to be displayed ar.u fold twlow. la the line of Carpet, we retrret that ppace for bids particularizintr, as their a.ssortment is mairnineent and lull, as is also their ftook of I.j,es Kurs. A pla nee at t'.e basement shows It full of l'lows and heavy Groceries. TIih above noteof their t oil sto:ii may con vey a faint Idea of the Immense business of this housff, and st the same time show to the merchants in our Land District thfit this house is prepared to do considerable of a wholesale Joubins traJe, of which such a stork is bet ter evidence tlian column of puCs that Brownviile is a wholesale point. - " PERSOXALS-Wms Swan, of the firm of Swan fc Brother, has returned. Ills gen tlemanly And obliging' inspection behind the counter of that first c!as Grocery House, are appreciated by hosts of frlcncta. ,. W. D. Scott, of Rulo, was in this city last Tuesday. From him we learn that "the next breere that blows from the south," shall bring to our ears the sound of picks, shovels and scrapers, maklnz a track for the St. Louis and Nebraska Iron Horue. Let kirn mort, it will never be too soon. . Charles G. Dorsey is flgaJn rusticating In this metropolis of Southern Nebraska. Ills numerous friends are glad to see his good na- Lared pioneer-countenance around. , Capt. J. L. Carson has returned from Beat atrlce.havlrji Hound t:p the business with the Government iu the Laud O.'llce .with en tire satisfaction. . i t '. A. J. McFall return! from Clnclnnattl to the bosom of his family In this city, Xaat Thursday. x L White, Attorney at Tbelps aty, Ho, called on us Tuesday. Mr. White is an old Pioneer In this section of tha west, And one whose prosperity ia well earned. . Rev. ilr. Lowe, Baptist Minister of this city, has gone back to Illinois after his fam- Jonas ni;ker. Delegate of the Grand Lode of I. O. of O. F. of Nebraska to th U. S. Grand Lodge, held In San Francisco, CaL, re turned to this city Tuesday morning, having had a very pleasant trip. Wholesale Clotlilng- Hons. Nothing r peaks so well for a city as the ex tent of the stocks cf goods kept for sale. By these Its trade must be Judged, for It Is nor custom nor judgement to lay in more than is demanded. Fullsome puffs on generalities dwindle to insignlflcent nothingness in the faoo of such a magnificent and truthful de tail as we glva below. We saw an Immense pile of goods beyond comprehension to our unbuslncss like mind, to we thought we would particularize, and here Is the result : 37) Overcoats, Sacks and Frocks, 815 DasineM) Coals, &J5 hrocic Coats, . 102 Black Dress Suits, . s0 Business t-rutx, I'M tn ru i Vests, 4 Silk Velvet Vest. lii Cases boot and Shoes. K dosen Fairs Ilubber ivcrshcK!, . 1 dozen Hats, Ovps, Ac, 2S doxen Denim Overalls 'JS doxen Denim Overt.hl.rts, 10 doaen Undershirts, . 100 doaen pairs Drawers. dozen Silk Shirts and Drawers. ' iWW dozen Overshirts, Krench cos. Bellknap, ir.ouw j'aperuuns aa uoiiars, 2U dosen Cardigan Overjaekets. . 85 dozen White and Fancy Shirts, W Trunks and Valises, . 0"0 Suits Boys Clothing throughout, i , . . : I ... A f . t 1 ... L' i . 4Lsvrwt0 Sumenders. llosierv. &.C.. In variety and uuaiitltv eoual to the above. These figures Indicate the amount of goods now on hend Rt J. S. lietzel's Clothlnr Store, and Is his Fall stock as opened within the post ten days, and no matter whether yon wish to buy or not It will make you feel good to Ktep in and look at these stacks of well made laslitonahle Clothing. To western merchants the above flirn which may be Implicitly relied on plainly tn.-lifji.te that Mr. Het7..l Is rrcrared to do a Wholesale trade, as a dozen ordinary stocks -ould be selected from the above and still leave a comfortable houseful!. His know! edffe of the business and pnrchaslns facilities are such as to warrant us In saying that th merchants of Southern Nebraska will find it to their advantage to make this their par chasiug market lor Clothing. - nKcvr goods: , Fer steamers Shrleve and Silver Bow, for consisting of all kinds f Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Oueensvrare, Stoneware, clcM 1 will arrive In a few days. Call aud see. iiy dear mmrrD ! I find It impossible to carry on my bust ness,and lay in my Fall Stock of Millinery Goods, without money ; and It Is also Impos sible to sell goods on as small profits ai have and shall, and wait Ion g for the pay ; so. you who know yourselves Indebted to me. will confer a favor by settling up immediate ly. By doing so, yon will oixlga ana enable me to carry oa a business to our mutual ad vantage. MRS. BEAR. . ?h wlih t) know that endless thirst, Which eveu by auencbing is awaked. And which become or blest or curst, A is Use fount wherent ! stacked Still un-ed me onward, with deslra Tnr.!hi;e. to ex r lore. inu'J ire : Why It i that Karh, at l .s old Tloneer Booksnd News lepot. can keep recelvimr nrt. ;.:ne such lairs slot ; of good, r and by inquiry amon the peof I b-arn that he la reneral'r rt L'fvrJtHl as one cf the most lit)- era men in the west t, TT Tjir nnd Catsrrth. icccssrallr trst e-1.br Lr. KUnbcri.n. Cll.ee over the Post Cilice. - Fersu Teors and Grxte Bars f r Sor ghm Manufacturers at bhel enbenrer Bro's. WallPsper, Win tow S ha 3 - and School Books very low, at MoCrcery k Nickcll's, Carptater's Toelsand F-laeksmlth's Fur nishings at ShellenUcrJjios- IItesi market price paid for wheat, oats, corn, d.c by Ledford A Hand ley. Drmrt, Paints, OP. and Glass at St. Joe prices, at MeCreery A Nlckeli's. Ilarew's Pleneer Cane days at Shellenhorger Bro'a. rills In a few Wooden, willow, Fione, glass and Queens ware st Hauk & Armitace 'a. Patent Hcg; Tamers r.nd Iledgo Trim mers at Deuser's I'ioneer T.n Store. Prr.frvln- gsrar aril low at Hauk s Armttaee's. all other kinds Fruit Cans Self-Seallrg at ger Brother's, ;ellcr;bcr- TIb, tbtettron and Shtlieiiberger Bro's, Japanned Y.'are at 400 Vet of Nails Just received atihcllen berger Bro's. Hunts far RtInqiire of Dr. Hl2i bcriin. Groceries variety and Main street. al Qitaiwi In crreat abundancs at Holsman's, 15 i fTtorm,d Tt-Klraiurs and Gr l van ned Sheet Iron for pans for use in t he Manu facture of Sorghum, at Shellenberger Bro's. CiTT) Slcw aiil Road Scraper, aw. C. Dc-uscr s. Haze you bee n i j i'.e Trice Zegtiaiort .. . " To tn ih st .r!enaid stock of , - J ' di;y cociSi az;d CLOTiii:ra J ust c;.t nxL Here yea will find at his&t AAA U,V)Uv. Dollars worth of the best Belected goods in the west; frora tlie Cnest Laces tnadjl'y'the Germans: to the heaviest Cloths manafactared aay where. THE LATEST NO VELTIES in the line of , . , LADIES DRESS GOODS known to the Ess tern Markets now on hand - smd constantly - , y, - . a.x'ay & co.t ,;:.::v::.., with their t.nexcellod facilities for purchas lng at the Iowa t rates, are determined not ..-.-r.rr- .. ..tt To VI 7' be undersold in their line In the west or in They Invite tfcc!r numerous old friends and And the Ttiblic Generally to give them a call and examine their MAGNIFICENT STOQJZ , Jnst opened at No. 27 Main Street! , Fall and "Winter CIcalis ! ASTRACANS, caiNcniLL.vs, . , . , t - , . ....... t r ..,,;EEAVEr-S., . .... I,, ' and VELVET3 t .7 . f theo. Uttx A Coa. ATTEnTI-IJI All ye who h.ve ordered "i. ' .." 1 -.- - r;uir.snii stccil " of ' ' V. 17. DXTCT & CO.. win do well to bear in mind that it will be de livered promptly ' ' ' Oa the 1st of IoTcmber. Promptness In being here to receive your stock, end paying for it. Is essential, both for the reception of your stock in good order, and because of the low rates at which this stock has been sold. Mr. Dust will be here with his stock, and will have considerable unen gaged stock new, hardy and reliaMe which it will pay all to call and examine when they arrive. T in Srawnvlll As Lnmbtr Slarket Is unexcelled on the wwt bank of the Missouri River. This is no Idle boast, but is substan tiated dally by the immense sal a of Pine Lumber and other building material which go west from here. This is not from undue competition, far we have bui two yards here. and both have all they can do, but from the fact that our Lnmber Merchants' facilities for buying ate EBexccUedVaad also from the fact that they are willing and able to sell at a fair margin. Larger stocks are kept nowhere. VtrttH the present prospects of an over stock of grain of all kinds in the country. there lr- naturally a lethergy in the market everywhere; and Nebraska being peculiarly favored In this respect, great activity cannot be expected, and will not be found In any point in the State, notwithstanding the puffs of local papers to the contrary. . Merchants are paying in this city about all they can risk. From quotations above, below, and east, we are satisfied our farmers will go farther and fare worse," if theyv haul their grain to a distant market. 'a 1 . .. - I A Hint to the Kevrljr MarHedUJames Russell, just "spitced," as win be seen in an other column, bought his entire Grocery and Queens ware outfit at Hank fc Arroitage's. Jim's "straw" shows which way the wind blows, indicating the best place to outfit when you get married.' ' . . CAII1 v. JfOTES. Some five years ago, Mr.'Shanbacher, of rrn..4k.l I J LI. 11. 1 ' A 3 Louis Mutual for f -1,000, ten years endow ment. Some time In May or Jane last he died, leaving four notes unpaid, amounting to Jl.OCl 66. The company paid, according to the terms of the policy. $3,993 44. The widow. it seems, is dissatisfied, expecting to have re ceived the full $5,XxV. But the Company have acted in good faith, paying every dollar that was named in tha bond. , Supposing Mr. H. had taken oit a policy in the "Mutual Life for $o,lsa), paying the same rates, all cash. We wl 11 supuose bis to bd 40. Ii would pay J.VU oUaunuaSiy. Ha Would have paid in the eve years, t,l.i 50, and at death would have received at least six tnousana collars in stead of glfM 44. Which is the better plan JarvlsS. Church Is A -rent for the Mutual Life of New York, which insures on the cash plan. Bee advertisement in another column. TElCHCnSI PAREJfTSJ SCHOOL OF- , v FICCItSt KcCreery and Nick ell ar prepared to fill orders for National Headers and Spellers, MoaUetb'sOeog rsphles, Davie Arlf hmettos, Clnrtu Orommsr. and otuer boukaollbe Nation I tsirifi. '. Tijere boors are now ued in moi of our best school, the ie mans Incnwwa. Teachers call for tbene books mora tbsa fur allot tie i.. Book furnished In any quantity at wlil-a.e, retail, si ii4 rat tor In troduction. Ikememljer, ttM i-luco. HcCrry A Kk-kell'sai City Uru Wore. While getting your book. tv pn thnt ynu o aot overlooa ln apien Ldt' ts :ii dr rift just reonivea, all aetefte-J by ,t. rlcseu. 2XOTIC I am owlrg some raony la Nemaha coon ty and wixh to pay it. Those that I am in denied to want their money. They shall have It. In order to pay I must collect, I have three dollars due me to one that I owe. and while I with to be kind and indulgent, (and have heon) this money must come. This not l. for all indebted to me. no exemtion. Should ltmn over thirty days longer, it will be with tvwu. Any note or cinlm same as cash. I desire to be out of debt once more. and don t propose to be long about It. Klna ly bat In earnest. A. P. Cogswxxl. TO ALL MIIO:,I IT MlYC05C2U5i Montieths Ooernphles sre now used In nearly all the Hcboei in the Sis'. M.rshhsa then forsJ Otusitrv (tiMvrs ai:rp:iea at low et wnoleile rate. Th fat1irul reo-r and tSsx-ncrs, sod I)a.vie Arithmetic , bc-t and most pepnlar book ptihlishM, nneKl in s'l ofo'i' bt--t schnoij, lor le by fiAlC'If. I a f ct Ju k . i ki Tprythintf in tbe bookl.no thU in werili ke4-uiK. can ana cu stocs srsil with a g(KKi f're Irs it, st MAKSJi's iMok Stere, where th; N i! i nal Series cf 5-cuool liooka are w4d luor taan s i .aer. Jut Xtecctredl at Son dor's, No. 52 Main street, an extra fine lot of whips, bone and ratan buirj-r whSns. ladieV and gents' ridrng whips, raw bides snd solid leather blaeksiialnsand variotM other kinds cheap forensh. (five ine a f iil next door eaei of where the EXPRlw OFFICE WAS. 4V"1 ot forget otsr Esrfoot,M but vn toriinj-:ei Helrner s Boot and Shoe shop. where we can select from his stock just what we want at the most reasonah.e rates, ito. 13 Main street. 5 00 Tarrt-U f Calt cheap at George Uolsman's, No. 15 Main street. nriLn::iL3i Tor j a '.'-Xf lor Locks, ... rorilut!, - Ter Latchet, , Tor Jrcici, etc. go to SIIEIXENEEItGETi BRO'S, Duty's M"asUIn2 machines and the Novel ty Y.TicccT, at . J. C DEl'SEIVii. Commg jBrownville! J. i:. nsr e' C. have sent cs advance slip's of Tirr; . i.a Trl-anrhs" an c-i i ttc:. 3 cf ILebu.-;- ur.i agent'..: l'3 of F. T, Earnura as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer, and successful showman on two continents. It shows him to us at the foot of the ladder, and gives, with many other nar mttvr. an crcnnt of his Etrrcles. f or a livelihood,' Lis 'Imprisonment and rcleasa, his earlier ventures as a showman, bis hair breadth escape-',- hl3 avlr.? tbo llfd of Jas. Gordon Bennett, his brave encounter with Capt. Judkins of the Cunard steamer, the trap lad for him luFhiladciphla, the Jerome Clock Company en tan Kieraent and his failure and the troups of friends to his rescue with otlers of unlimited capital. It relates Gen. Tom Thumb's courtshin and marriajre, show ing tiuvt it was a real a:".ilr of the heart; how Mr. Barnum came to be a lecturer, and his plans of public improvement in Bridgeport. Itshows liim to ns at the top of the ladder. revtahiifi ttie mcthCMi tA getting thexe, amus ing and delighting the reader at ever 6tep of his progress. It records his extensive travels In this country and Europe, wit 'a the results of his hvrpe acrunintance with men; bis rpmlniMuees cf Victoria, ioulj I'ht'ilippe, Iwing Ixopold of Beijrtum, Wm. M. ThacivO ray, Samuel Ilorers, and many other persons of note. New il -rht is thrown upon the char acter of Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightin gale. The war with Bennett is narrated, and how the Yankee showman was an overmatch for the shrewd Scotchman, the full history-of uennett s pnrcnse oi tne sinseum lease, Do ing now rnai.i public All this forms but a small part of the personal and historical rec rdiectlons of this autobiography, narrated in Mr. Bamum's unique nnd felicitous way. - - Agents wanted In every town and county. Will be sold by subscription only. Address the publishers, , - ..., J. B. Burr & Co., --'' 13 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. TIJK CIIARTFR OAXI. . ' , f . A friend of ours has now in use one of these handsome and valuable cooking stoves. We hazard nothing, we think, in saying that, all in alL it has no equal. Its size, its shape af fording the greatest convenience and its numerous and durable vessels entitle it to the preference over any stove of which we have any knowledge. Another great advan tage it uosijeses ia. owine to it cRDaeity and draft, you can bum almost any kind of wood, and, on account of Its substance and retention of heat, you can run it with green wootif ter it is heated, or by having a small amount of kindling material; and those having to prepare mei ior me ordinary email gioves will readily appreciate this advantage. They are far sals bv all prompt and reliable stove dealers. SIIELLENBKRGER BHDS- are agents in lirownvilla. Sold wholesale and retail by Excelsior Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. , List ox Letters remaining atrtherPost OtUce st BrownvUie. Nebraska on the 1st day of October, ISO, which If not called for in one month will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. . Bates Lyman M Monger Louisa tcCndlish , Murphv Dennis 2 Moil Philip Wore Jolin 8 Hears Herman Nelson 8MJ 0 Brlne John i Plecher Joseph ' Price Fanna ITuer C P Philips David Bay lr James 1 hals Fr nci , r ' Terry Wm O l' Turner O W Vnnlin'!hn Oliver ' Wolf Oliver -Wtwtfull Joel Weaver V H Hatcfielor Mr F Itlacknian tliaa J Ierry Kestus Colter Cbs Ckclirsn Sheldon Cairns P B Camp Henry R Carroll Abar-ait Clover Ltneiine Clary Ilobert S Cheeseman H 1 Curtis Warren P Purell W ;imi Farmer JjrJ -Freemsn I.izjus llairer B V 1 ltUlC .-; JonesThoijaas llo - Kichsrl ' t irt'entona cslllnc fnr any of tha above letters. wiU pieass say "a4verti.ea." - - ,v P '' ' ' - ' a J Worth of - . under one roof In Browaville t iiov's that rcr. KIGIir A. J. McFall has Just returned from Cine! n- nattl, where he has been laying In en Im mense stock of Furniture of all kinds end styles, which will be on in a few days, and will be opened in the Ilannaford building, opposite the block. Jack wont have nothing bat what is A No. 1, and all In need of Furniture of any kind will do well to patronize this house : r ' i rirr1- l f Ml) i I-.jjO-i t iZtil r-tAVa- I have now in my yard near 1,000,000 feet of the choicest DRY FINE LUMBER, of every style and description, size and thick ness. Also Loors, sash, ASlincis, Mouldings, etc. Dry Pine Shingles, Lub. and Pickets, In fact, anything in the building line, which I warrant A No. l in every respect, ana on which I do not propose to be undersold, for cash, by ny mnn west of the Missouri river. i invite 6,1 who need anything in ray line to give me a call, knowing that I can outfit them with good material, at tne lairest rates. - J. IU U.L.L, Brownvllle, Neb. Cor. Water & First Streets, r nTV LnraberdeHveredwHliInthecIty .i)HmitstFREE OK CHARGE.. Y Prof. IS. V. Wilson, the great Lecturer and Test Medium, will be In this city on the Wh, BHh, 11th and Blth, of November, when he will deliver a course of Lectures on Spirit ualism. Splendid Reildesct for Sal 1 Great Bargain 1 In the best residence portion of our city. Good well! Good Barn! Enquire Of. r . M. rAIH15itUTtlli.ll. XCilbonrn, Jenkins A- Co. Manufac turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shinglos, Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc. Office and lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branch Yardat Phelps City. Missouri. We manufacture our own material in tne Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where we have in operation one of the largest manufsicturies of everything made in Pine in the worm, ana obtain lug our Lam ber direct from the tree, ns we do. we can sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard in tha West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail pronts. We shall always keep on hand a. fall supply -o! everything in our line, so that those in want may always rely upon getting what they de sire. ' Wesiinplyask allteexaraineotfrstock and prices before purchasingelsewhere,as we can ensure sausiacuon in Doin. .. i i . .-. i " --2 i ; "Economist" Sorghnra Mill. A new two-roll mill, which can be offered at a very low price. The capacity of this mill Ia on5 one-sixth less than our No. 1 mills, and that difference Is more than saved to the farmer by having his mill right where he wishes to do his work, and to be ready at such times as ae can spare tor otner labor. Of this, though a comparatively new Mill, a large number nave been sou, giving satisfaction in every instance. It is very strongly made, and the risk of breakage very small ; Is easily set np and operated, and will, we think, perfectly supply the want that has so long existed a Sorghum Mill so cheap as to be within the reach of ail. r or sale at Shellenberger Bro'a. $1300 Dollars and Expenses t See ad vertlsement of AmerlcanShuttleSewlng Ma, chine in our advertising columns. Sans. S. lleCtbbons, has Just received irom tie i u tones, meiarzest anJ best s lection of 1 end Shoes ever brot";ht west of the Mi u.r., rr.d ho sells tuem the cneapest, - 1 "v - Tha Third Quarterly Meeting of the M. E. Church. London MUsIon. will be held at London, October nd and 21th, wrenching to commence, jaiurci;iy i q ciocit. 1 resi ding Elder and other Min isters expected to be present. .' . . . . L. k Bairr, i'ttator. Pine Lnm br. J. R. Bell Is constantly receiving additions to his superb stock of Fine Lumber, which comprises everything that can be wanted in that line. Is of the best quality, and sold as low as tha lowest. Also, Doors, ' ' . Sash, Llinds, Door and . .. Window Tramc, Shinjlc$, t Jackets, ZIouldlAgs, Lath. etc. Best stock In the market. ' ' 1 ' s r ' Of the Pioneer" Serchnm JII1S, greater numter have been made and sold than erany other pattern, and although they have been put to the severest test, vet from their great simplicity, strength, durabilltr andpeed, under a limited amount of power, have received' the most unequivocal stamp of puhUc approval ForsaleatSheUeabcrger 4i.O S .PAT UP! The knowing themselves Indebted to the ft rn of J. L. MeGee A Co will please call at F. E. Johnson A Co's and settle either by cash or note as me oqoks mast oe ciosea up. GOLD R WAR J. Bocks' Brilliant Cook Stove took the Gold Aie:ai aoove the Cnarter Oak and other com Feting Stoves, at the New Orleans and SU oulu Fairs, in ISO. For sale at the Pioneer stove JM ore, py. 4 i-3ra J. C DEUSER. Sh!;s- nsetilwest the best and save money, ihc Mnpr Sewing Machlnels, without dot ,vt. t5e best In the market. Call at No. At J'.ain street, and examine this un- rivslied machine. Instructions given at your rr?i 'fife, or at the sales-room. Notrouhleto exliit,.t tae machice. VheeHvrevr Stolen. The person who too frt'a Vhe Unarrow from the Brick Yanl of Shafler A Co., Just below this city, will save an unplensivnt exposure by returning It lnmie JIately, as he was seen and is kuowu. II ry o 13 , r i - 7i''j Mm. the largest Stoolir and Make tlie "Lowest Prices. Mrs. ITenry Wood's Jfevr Boot -"Roland Yorke," a t equel to "The Channln js," by Mrs. Henry Y'oop, author of "Hat Lynne," Is in press by T. B. Peterson A Brothers, Phil adelphia. It Is printed from the author's manuscript and advanced proof-sheets, pur chased by us from Mrs. Henry Wood, at an expense of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds Sterling, In gold, anil will be Issued I a Amer ica on Friday. September 2ith, simultaneous ly with its publication in Europe. It is the best boook that this distinguished authoress has vet written. The following new books are navlng- Immense sales, and should be read by all: Mrs. Southworth's "Bride's Fate" The Changed Brides," "How He Won Her.v and' "Fair 'Play." J Mrs. Stephen's "Curse of Gold," "Mabel's Mistake." and -i KuDir r aise." The Woman in Red," nnd "Hans Breitmann's Ballads." comolete and entire. In one cloth volume, with a glossary. J. C. Cowles has bought a half Interest In the Drug Store owned by II. C. LeU In Mc pherson Block. "Mr. Cowles comes from Norther Iowa, and Is to the manor born a keen, shrewd, business man.: If there Is any trade In the drus line, he will develoD It. They are bound to dauV.w their already ex tensive bnsineii SrltUn tha next year. We warmly welcome Mr. Cowles to the business circle n this eity, and know that further ac qaalntance wUI prove him' an ' acceptable companion In the lice of tha triv'e. Saddles and JIajraesiu So long as good Harness and Saddles are demanded. Just so long the best place to br.y th cm will be sought after, and so long we will recommend J. IL Eaur, . whose shop 1 near the foot of Main street, for be certainly keeps a No. 1 stock, and Is a No. 1 workman. Farmers and oth ers will find it to their advantagotoglvehlzn a'call, for he will do the fair thing, and sell yoa a good article. No. 9, opposite Trimmer's checkered stables. " - - ' " - Bryant's Chicago Dnstnese Training SehaoL Our advice to any young man, that can spare the time and money, is to go to jsryani vucaffo J Hitmen iraimntj School, where the best facilities In the country are to be found. It is Just as cheep to go to "Head quarters" as to go to a second-rate Institu tion. Send for paper describing this model institutionthe "Hizh School" to Commer cial Colleges. Address IL, H,UHXANT,CUICttgO?lU. . 3- ziqi oas. .i Having now thoro ughly fitted cp my sale aud sample roo ; ras, at No, 45 Main street, I invite the li public of SOUTH ERN NEBRASKA and NORTHERN MIS SOURI to give me a call, as I shall always keep on haud In Wiielesauj Qcastities, WINES, BRANDIES asd LIQUORS, of the, very best and 1 purest quality, & c of all brand-1 1 Forelgh and Do mestic, I shall li also ha veoa hand. during the season, Chicago Ale, Beer, Ac. The public may rely opon my stock being pure, is physicians of this city recommend It for Medical uses, tf Full stock of Bitters, In cases or single hot y tie. I am also agent for the best Billiard I Tables made. Wat. H. VALLEAU A CO. Canton Clipper Ilcics ! ' , THE BEST PLOW MADE. ' At SUELLENBEUGEn BItO'S. LADIE8 Go to Shellenberger Brother's and see their r's Usiveksal Wasiieb. Unrivaled In Twvfv' -rv a a 0 j a v su twin w a e v. a ii the world. It will pay every family to have one, ....... ATTEXTIorj, At-lit A. W.Morgan, Jr., of Brownvllle, 63 Main Street, has just opened anew and complete stock of Cloths, Casimers, Vesting, and all klndsof Piece Goods, and Is prepared to make Gent's Clothing to order in the most fashion able style. He also keepsafuil lineof Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Fur nishing Goods. 47-3m J t ' , .' ! . 1 Checkered Feed Stable is the best place Id town to refresh and feed stock. Hay, oats, corn, bran and shorts for sale. Stock boarded by the day, week, month or year at reason able rates. Farmers, give him a call. Nos. and 8 Brownvllle, Nebraska. 48-tf Corn, Wheat and Oats. -. Rfilaey A Lewis have removed their of3ce to Itobt. Ten re A Co.'s Store, where they will pay the highest cash price for Grain and oth er Produce. :. ' ' Grape Vines. Concord, f 1.50 per dozen, flO. per .hundred, nnd all other varieties in proportion, satisfaction Is guarranteed as to quality and genuineness of vines. 47 -6m - J. W. Middl ro!f. Canton Clipper ZIg THE BEST PLOW MADE. As RlIELLEarnEnGKIS. EIIO'S. J. W. Bliss, Regular Licensed Anctloneer. Sales attended tain the country on reason able terms 'Orders left at in Advertiser office will receive proper attention. 23-8ra Tlillsrs, buy your Rubber and Leather" Bolting of Shellenberger Bro'a. A full stock always on hand. Haehlne Oil of all kinds at MeCreery & Nlckeli's. - v. ... . . Good BntMln? Stone. We are now pre pared to furnish good bull ling stone. In any quantlty. Also, MepSton Bases for Mon uments or Tomb Stones, Water Tables, etc furnished on short notice and reasonable terms Lohaxcb A Vaejsi. Bnllders Attentlon-lam nowprcpared to do all klndsof Plastering in this city or Vicinity. Orders left at the American House will be promptly attended to. Prices reason able! Work first class!! no34-3in A. E. Bell. Patronise Home Indnatry -All kinds of Marble work can be had at Neidhardt's Marble Works in this city, cheaper than it can be had elsewhere. None but the best ma terial used. $33, 000000 Is the caplt.! of the Mntual Life Insurance Com panyof New York. Jar vls 8. Church Is their scent at Brownvllle. It Is the safest company ia the wot Id to immre In. - tf .. - i ' Organ. -Eurdtf, from f 140 to S300; Ma son A Hamlin's, 75 to S 1.1 'James It. Dte. Brownvllle. Ten Ton Ela"ofcsmith s Iron of all sizes at Shellehberger Bro s. Private medical aid, read Dr. Whlttier's advertisement. -" - 330 kers norse Shoes and NalLi at Shel lenberger Bro'a. .A. G)odl asaortmer.t .of Pari r and Box Stoves at Deuser's I'ioneer Stove Store. A fine assortment cf Parlor Coal Stoves at J. C. Deuser's, ' A ARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT m sV M, j f T"" "-jr""rtw - 1 ''- m-Lf. t'' W" sv-- . -J JUST RECEIVED AT Shellenb erf er Bros., EE0WNVI . NEB. ' r ' - --- ... 7) - i ! lJ To. 76 Main Street, McPherson Bloi-I:, Erovmyille, JUST . 0P3IT3D, - 'A-T - - ' J. S. HETZEIS One Prico Kev York CLOTHING wii!a JitS XlmJS tmm il ' B RO VNVIILE, NEB., ; One of the largest, best assorted and fi- neststoelksof Men and Boy3 ' al ui iinra itri Wtt BlDli GOODS, K s. 9 ' - .' - - TJOOTE), SHOES, TrunI:s,Valisc3, Sfcfyc. EVER OPENED IS THE "WEST!! These goods were selected by himself in New York, for this market; aild are' un doubtedly the most reliable goods of the Udnd ever offered in this or any other mar- kete.t '. ' '-vV ' Mr. Hetzel's ex perience in this busi nessover 15 years enables him to select his goods with more judgement,1 for good miiterial and ''malce, than the great major ity of dealers in Cloth ing. These go o ds have all been purchased for Cash, at a very low margin, and enables him to sell them very LoivfozCach. Few persons once dealing with Hetzel but will always deal there, beeausehis deal ings are fairand above board. He has but One Price. ' J.S.HETZEL'S IT -)-v Vr"V fhjri TTpit- W t it Ow lit 'n mr,r r ,.,,,. - "7 p t . . fV r V. Wa 4 S.. 4t , SB J t rn 'mi : lb . ... i 1 a li . 3 t.J AnnufAl Statement t-. . or. THE COTBMIfE I'lUliK COMPANY . 1 ; ron ices COXTAINS THE F0LL01NQ IIOTICEABLE FEATURES t xsw Bvsicmss or the yeas.- Nvtmber of Policies liued. - i . 17 ."-'! I A ount Issued theron .., 12,1 i:J, i . . . '; . - i : ' '- -.1 ::r, 3- I . i , 1 . CASH &2X'SITT3 T0S! TJ1Z. Tl3A.Hi l r Amount to Of wldch the Uit rest oa Invest- 1 msuts wes 1. ' 1 .1 ' A jfO UXT PAID FOX CLAIMS ' T ZSZA TIC ' Was . l,l3,CS3 3 - , JXTZJZZST XircSl VXD Was more thaa Z 3 3, C Z 3 la sxcess of the CUIoa . ' CASH MYJDXXm TO POLICIES Amoantedtothslarsaum et t'ZZtZX 17 This is more than twiee as much a was paid by ' any other L1A9 Company la the World, as sppea by tie olTlclul returns. The advantages enjoyed by the policy-holders In this Company over those la any other, could not be better exemplified. - . - TJIS SECVSTTT Offered !o policy-holders Is manifest from the rw '- ttrtrr bo leas than from the amount cf the Com : 'pany's Assets. These uiclude Investment on ' Bond and Mortgage upon property worth in -' : every case not less than double the smount - loaned.. $21,458,3-17 43 Government Stocks , 5,CU3,103 73 RealEitat.... . 031, IS 37 OS Cash deposited with Bank and Trust Co's 1,S.6S9 61 THR ASSSTX 0T THE COXPASY Include no Premium Notes, 'n the bmlneMi of Hie Company Is conducted upon an excluaively cash basis. . . . ASSETS, CC3,CCO,C0O c a s ii r GENERAL A (JESTS iXR THE WEST, ST. LOUIS, MO. JARVI3 8. CIIUECH, Local Agent, : : : BroimviUe vtr . ' 9 , . Si V to a c 9 . , s? M II o ill c. f V j L-J t-i 4. V o a er i "3 9 P P f ft s 1 3 - Li s t r i t it-1 w n LJ S ' ! 'A ' n j f 4 "1 J 9 fi t 3 f-! c. J f 1 tr C J tf n If i Yea Carpenter, Farmer, MERCHANT, and everybody else that want to boy L .i t-is-i i l t 1 B W1I. Vr. RANDOL, at Peru, will keep on bund a f-jtl snnpSy nf jjo. 1 er wi'.l tril f r t---"- tn r rraiu. All fthuifcie w ajrraniKi. ; t . ' jr j.lrtee. f5iTj i'eru. NebriMkak J. II. SHOOK & BEOS., Mannfhrttsrers and Dealers In Native Lnmber of all kinds, lengths, breadths and thickness, HILLSDALE ICLECAIIA C0U:m XZHRAZIZA. They own asid run oneof the beat Saw Mil's In the Slate, and will f jrni.sh 2iEcnir;iC3 Ar;: nriLDEns with a bill of LcnU-r cf Tt quality, on s'tort notiecjat the Lowest ? 'arkct Irlcc . . v j Always on hand f-r rula. . Thf. tUn c!I chesg st tin lr s'-re In II11L- ca.eaa Kt.T ie I ry tjxi. an 1 Groceries, and su'-h artic i s are In rener:.. use. P.etnem?r the business, tho men, and txe ?! My pLOTIIING! CLOTHING f Chenr, t iilHTil-IS V ut ' tu-i'i'.f;ls : n. il - r t P.I ti W , J r 3 . i - 12 t Nebraska. , s s,w , ,.vV?:!!?.v.A. , m fi T7crc Sold in tlio Vcr.r IS Z 3 IS ISKL AUSS NOT ONE HAS BY llll FAILED TO 0IVK f - C i I ''" ' - - ?s f 1 THE PHUi'UtT OVEItATl.yN C-i BYl-lltY C-T p fs r-- FULLY GUARAnTEED, ASDWllHKVJU THEY STAIID UilRiVAlLED . " pr.n t"fr.orY, . . '0!i I't." H A !'i I.ITY, AUJ CU. V J..li..NC:t. -', .; , PjrlnrrHe!ty of M.insmnt And fur t leimiaicrvj Iu Looti:!iif, ThoyareHomelnstilulion SIiiiui''nctiir-1 In tli N'nst. sn l aihiptea to tii a.a:j oi Y7c3terni S on thcrn ?c opb purely no good h.-iii'l"wr can ftffbrd to be wuuout on! roa pRita list, aiirss Excelsior ManufecliirinT Co, Q C12 & Cll N. 2IA1X STEET, ST. LOUIS, 310. ; SoLI BY (!C-8m r.KOWXVn.LK, N 27ic Great iZcncfaetor. r "1 1 f: T vrtc?; HOME VAHIS1HG MACHINE ! WARRANTED THE REST WASHER EXTANT! And the only M.nehln that n-i-h t5iorn;ll all klnNof ltiiru:i(, from t ha Uitent lcts to tlie conr-it bedding, witbout ijijury. WILE WAHII FIVE HUN I) R ED COLLARS AND FJFTY HHriCTS IN ONE HOUR. A dny'a WHMncr r'fti-Hl to or hmir. Rnw sndCoaiity Ihghu tur suU!.:m:ii-J for Circular. AtlJre IJome Jlanuractuvln-? Co. SAMI'IIT. CPI'I'LIIS, Pres. JOS. B. WILD!-'. oe'y. 818 N. FoMrtKStrvet ind ?11 Broadway, st, louis, :ro. ShcIIcnbcrpicr UroN, AGENTS, T-3tn jimwnvi;;o, yI)rnlci, Ayer's Cathartic PilLa Ter all Zl3dlctn9. tid js-rpesca cf a IaliT o Perhaps no oe ',v!S. cine i ?o univt-rvtAvre- a caia.trtic, nor w;w ever " 11 1 ' any bei'ons uiverjU - '1 1 il.i!,t.'J Lii. ue. in ,' evervrounrrv d ? I A - all cio.- - si. '.- uiii.t ' XtX'TZT ,,,,s eu:-i,i,e f rrauv V J 1 1'. l:-.Jjrco- - - ' ' son h, th'it it w a more re i.ahliao-i :j.Mrv. Jtt , - iw i:'-' t.n.1 xiy " o'.hi.T. I :rrv w.a h-a tried It. ksvr th.tt it enro l tUt-vf; h.v not. know l.'! at it cure tnew nr'u'h'v aad 1. "oii-ls tad ad iao jt tit at what it wsr it !: ftlsvay trtat it eever Lui tarou-Ttj wv f suit or neirtof hs corn'Mjs..; n. We have trtuTr-.i:-; Mr".ni t STwllof cert.--:isof taeixrwiu 'i.v -ij ei. . ..K Ib4win-? eo fi;:ots buf suet cures ar9 j m everyac .-iirrr!ol,n-l we-nr 1 nrt p U. t ..jut, Afttt-cl to a!! sr- arvt c s in 1 e..m.iu;j; ronLi.:nn7neiLrer CA!'nc4 ijcipt dictrioa j ':.', they may be t-ikm w.ih s&.vt Ly aayhoity. Itieir sirar reatin; resorve-i l'r c.i ever h e -h a. id ntukce them pleas-t trttwhlc besn-r purely verztxU r harm can a-o front ir.eir nsa n rtiy qin,..-..-. They or.era.io by tl.e;r pow?r:"ul in .1 i Ctq intnraal idcer tapmuy tli9 hloud and v.. uj.I.-"' it Into fce:tl Jiv f::,jn rcijitave tloU-ii m i..- of tha etc ach. eoweti, Hver, an-1 oilxc or-.-w t th body, rfut-wio; t. ir irrenlar action fci ic.-.li.i. and by correcslnr, w."!fM-ever t.'wy exist, r:a CcrMigz fcetj a ar i!kj Srst origin of tUseaie. ii,rnior: are "given H tha wnfw on Pe box, t-r tha fIowir j ccair.u, thea i'i'LM roh!ly trere: lor J yiei?l or Zadie.tlon. TJile , Ian-p r avl Lnu of A neti t, they shoald be taken m-kr-u.-iy to -inuto the stouK ci and restore iu hea:y t-me and actina. Par 1 Iter C tplainf an I it nriom imo.. trims, I .lies li r.i.l-ciae, !! !ir.l icee, J4x9ttlc er rr"is icinrM, Ji.iloti CoUe and Dilloa 1'ever, t.it'y s .. -,;, i hu ju ctlcicusly tacn for each case, to corr;t t ta.jci v.ne action or remove tha ob'Tati.-xu wr; n r.v: r lor Uyeiitry or l?iarrhta, L .t e-e cul Cose is c-nera;iy rer.ilre-.l. For i.'sennu?ir?j, t,onf, CJr-jTt TK ttloa of t"e I2e.rt, j.a t., :is l.'ACk and JLoln., t:.cy tlu i i :i'j.-tiv riii'.;(;u-llU ta&ca,U rcj'nrt, U r.ir ; t sy'tcm. Yi eu:1i ct t.-"! e:ir. t wr Urpy sr. .1 Irojv ical Swelliner t l-.ocl I he t. K.-a i lv:i u.i-i peat do.-ses t-i .X J C;"e ths e:vt of a u.-u-::-. vi-f. I'rr ft c-;irr.ion a l--3 .-'. M v.-i toica ts :t rr-. . ...m C;. ';! i elect ty s . , t.lkl CW.) oi- t'-k r'. i.KC c '::".' --. . .... : ' Hi tf:t, r" ; --. ' i. 1 im i c ' 5 . : - As Li nrr t.iki cw.) or t'.k i try mi s- 1 An ex. -co.-;., rial ' toz'i int he.". End iav:.-or.-s t-' var.h: " w.; cf; rn..-t.:.; t " ., .iS;:l' T rJii -U.J-w zo'.rzz Sold by e r i co.. . . i CTY Ml - j